H HO OU US SE E O OF F R RE EP PR RE ES SE EN NT TA AT TI IV VE ES S EIGHTEENTH NORTHERN MARIANAS COMMONWEALTH LEGISLATURE THIRD REGULAR SESSION, 2014 SESSION DAY CALENDAR DAY TIME 2nd Day, Third Regular Session Friday, January 31, 2014 9:30 a.m. ORDER OF BUSINESS A Moment of Silence 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. ADOPTION OF JOURNALS - NONE 4. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS A. House Bills: H. B. NO. 18-166 To provide an amnesty period to expire on April 30, 2014 for the filing of delinquent returns under Title 4, Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, Division 1 of the Revenue and Taxation Act of 1982, as amended, and the payment of delinquent taxes without imposition of penalty and interest, with certain exceptions and for the waiver of penalty for failure to obtain a business license; and for other purposes. REP. ANTONIO P. SABLAN of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself) H. B. NO. 18-167 To re-appropriate up to One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) of the remaining $140,000,000.00 bond interest within the Commonwealth Development Authority (CDA) for the construction of an Isla Cultural Centre within the Carolinian Affairs grounds in Garapan, Saipan and for the development of various roads within the area between the Carolinian Affairs grounds and the Fishing Base area; and for other purposes. REP. RAMON A. TEBUTEB of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself, Representatives Anthony T. Benavente, Francisco S. Dela Cruz, John Paul P. Sablan, Edmund S. Villagomez, and Ralph N. Yumul) H. B. NO. 18-168 To repeal and reenact Article 3 of the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation Act of 2008 relating to Corporate Directors, Officers, and Employees. REP. LORENZO I. DELEON GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 5 (for himself)

HHOOUUSSEE OOFF RREEPPRREESSEENNTTAATTIIVVEESS · 2014-04-08 · hhoouussee ooff rreepprreesseennttaattiivveess eighteenth northern marianas commonwealth legislature third regular

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2nd Day, Third Regular Session Friday, January 31, 2014 9:30 a.m.


A Moment of Silence





A. House Bills:

H. B. NO. 18-166 To provide an amnesty period to expire on April 30, 2014 for the filing of delinquent

returns under Title 4, Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, Division 1 of the Revenue and Taxation

Act of 1982, as amended, and the payment of delinquent taxes without imposition of

penalty and interest, with certain exceptions and for the waiver of penalty for failure to

obtain a business license; and for other purposes.

REP. ANTONIO P. SABLAN of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself)

H. B. NO. 18-167 To re-appropriate up to One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) of the remaining

$140,000,000.00 bond interest within the Commonwealth Development Authority (CDA)

for the construction of an Isla Cultural Centre within the Carolinian Affairs grounds in

Garapan, Saipan and for the development of various roads within the area between the

Carolinian Affairs grounds and the Fishing Base area; and for other purposes.

REP. RAMON A. TEBUTEB of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself, Representatives

Anthony T. Benavente, Francisco S. Dela Cruz, John Paul P. Sablan, Edmund S.

Villagomez, and Ralph N. Yumul)

H. B. NO. 18-168 To repeal and reenact Article 3 of the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation Act of 2008

relating to Corporate Directors, Officers, and Employees.

REP. LORENZO I. DELEON GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 5 (for himself)

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18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

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H. B. NO. 18-169 To assess a Special Environmental Management Impact Tax on all tour packages and to

reserve the funds collected from the tax for the Marianas Visitors Authority.

REP. RALPH N. YUMUL of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself)

H. B. NO. 18-170 To amend the Commonwealth Development Authority Act of 1984 to provide for the

issuance of bonds other than general obligation bonds.

REP. MARIANO TAITANO of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself, Representatives

Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero, and Antonio P. Sablan)

H. B. NO. 18-171 To amend Public Law 18-12 to provide for the issuance of bonds other than general

obligation bonds and acknowledge the existence of an actuarial determination of the

unfunded liability of the Commonwealth Government to the Retirement Fund.

REP. MARIANO TAITANO of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself, Representatives

Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero, and Antonio P. Sablan)

H. B. NO. 18-172 To provide for a scholarship program for persons of Northern Marianas Descent funded

by the interest from the investments of the Marianas Public Land Trust.

REP. ROMAN C. BENAVENTE of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself, and

Representative Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero)

H. B. NO. 18-173 To increase the Commonwealth Minimum Wage to match the Federal Minimum Wage

applicable in the Commonwealth within 180 days.

REP. RAMON A. TEBUTEB of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself)

H. B. NO. 18-174 To provide a Supplemental Retirement Benefit for retirees who return to government


REP. MARIANO TAITANO of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself)

H. B. NO. 18-175 To appropriate up to Three Hundred and Eighty Thousand US Dollars ($380,000.00) of

the remaining $140,000,000.00 bond interest within the Commonwealth Development

Authority (CDA) for infrastructure development projects in Precinct No. 2; and for other


REP. JOHN PAUL P. SABLAN of Saipan, Precinct 2 (for himself, Representative

Rafael S. Demapan)

H. B. NO. 18-176 To require mandatory drug testing of persons appointed to executive positions or as

special assistants by the Governor.

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18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

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REP. CHRISTOPHER D. LEON GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 4 (for himself,

Representatives Antonio R. Agulto, Trenton B. Conner, Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero,

Antonio P. Sablan, John Paul P. Sablan, and Ralph N. Yumul)

H. B. NO. 18-177 To exempt the Public School System (PSS) from late fee charges imposed by the

Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) for utilities, water, waste water and other

related fees; and for other purposes.

REP. ANTONIO P. SABLAN of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself, Representatives

Anthony T. Benavente, Trenton B. Conner, Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero, Rafael S.

Demapan, Christopher D. Leon Guerrero, John Paul P. Sablan, and Mariano Taitano)

B. House Local Bills:

H. L. B. NO. 18-44 To appropriate $4,500.00 from Local License Fees collected for Poker and Pachinko Slot

Machines in the First Senatorial District and for other purposes.

REP. TERESITA A. SANTOS of Rota, Precinct 7 (for herself)

H. L. B. NO. 18-45 To appropriate One Million US Dollars $1,000,000.00 from the Managaha Landing Fees

for the Commonwealth Museum and for the payment of land compensation within the

Third Senatorial District; and for other purposes.

REP. ANTHONY T. BENAVENTE of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself,

Representatives Roman C. Benavente, John Paul P. Sablan, Richard B. Seman, and Ralph

N. Yumul)

H. L. B. NO. 18-46 To appropriate Fifty Thousand Dollars to support the functions and operations of the

Northern Marianas Descent Corporation, a Non-Profit Chartered Corporation which was

established on Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to protect,

preserve, promote and enhance the Culture and Tradition, Economic and Social interest

and advancement of the people of the Northern Mariana Islands who are persons of

Northern Marianas Descent; and for other purposes.

REP. FELICIDAD T. OGUMORO of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for herself)

C. House Legislative Initiatives:

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18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

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A. House Resolutions:

H. RES. NO.18-53

To amend the Official Rules of Procedure of the House of the Eighteenth Northern

Marianas Commonwealth Legislature.

REP. CHRISTOPHER D. LEON GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 4 (for himself,

Representatives Anthony T. Benavente, Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero, John Paul P.

Sablan, and Teresita A. Santos)

B. House Joint Resolutions:

H. J. R. NO. 18-14 Requesting that the Honorable Governor Eloy S. Inos oppose any and all proposed

military use of Pagan and oppose any increase military activities in the Northern Islands.

REP. JOSEPH P. DELEON GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself,

Representatives Antonio R. Agulto, Anthony T. Benavente, Roman C. Benavente,

George N. Camacho, Trenton B. Conner, Francisco S. Dela Cruz, Lorenzo I. Deleon

Guerrero, Christopher D. Leon Guerrero, Felicidad T. Ogumoro, Antonio P. Sablan, John

Paul P. Sablan, Richard B. Seman, Mariano Taitano, and Ramon A. Tebuteb)

C. House Commemorative Resolutions:

C. RES. NO. 18-7 To welcome home the Guam Army National Guard’s 1-294th Infantry Regiment and to

honor the sixteen (16) Guam Army National Guard soldiers who hail from the

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands that were deployed to different parts of

Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

REP. LORENZO I. DELEON GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 5 (for himself)

D. House Concurrent Resolutions:


GOV. COMM. 18-125: (1/9/14) Submitting a copy of Ms. Adelina C. Roberto’s résumé,

statement of financial interest, and drug test receipt to serve as a member of the

Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) Board of Directors. [Deadline: 3/26/14]

GOV. COMM. 18-126: (1/10/14) Informing the House that he signed into law H. B. NO.

18-82, HD1, (re: CNMI Anti-Violence Leave Act.). Became Public Law 18-31. [For


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18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

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GOV. COMM. 18-127: (1/10/14) Informing the House that he signed into law H. B. NO.

18-106, HD1, (re: Rota Net-Fishing amendment.). Became Public Law 18-32. [For info]

GOV. COMM. 18-128: (12/20/13 received 1/13/14) Informed the Commonwealth

Development Authority (CDA) Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Diego M.

Songao shall serve as a member of the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC)

Board of Directors pursuant to 4 CMC Section 8131 (a) (1) as amended by Public Law

16-17. [For info]

GOV. COMM. 18-129: (1/16/14) Executive Order 2014-01 – Declaration of a State of

significant Emergency: CUC’s imminent threat to provide critical power generation,

water, and wastewater services to the CNMI and considering such condition would pose

to the community, environment, and critical infrastructure of the CNMI.

GOV. COMM. 18-130: (1/17/14) Submitting a copy of Mr. Christopher A. Concepcion’s

résumé, statement of financial interest, and drug test receipt to serve as a member of the

Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) Board of Directors. [Deadline: 3/26/14]

GOV. COMM. 18-131: (1/10/14) Informing the House that he signed into law H. L. B. NO.

18-20 (re: Renaming the Kagman Fire Station #5 to the “Ernie T. Dela Cruz Fire Station

#5”.). Became Saipan Local Law 18-8. [For info]

GOV. COMM. 18-132: (1/17/14) Informing the House that he signed into law H. L. B. NO.

18-39, (re: Re-appropriating fund balance from BU 33950 for the construction of a bus

shelter in San Vicente Village.). Became Saipan Local Law 18-9. [For info]

GOV. COMM. 18-133: (1/21/14) Informing the House that he signed into law H. L. B. NO.

18-29, (re: Renaming Hagoi Road to “Knight Street” in honor of Mt. Carmel School’s

Sixty-First Anniversary.). Became Saipan Local Law 18-10. [For info]

GOV. COMM. 18-134: (1/23/14) Informing the House that he signed into law H. B. NO.

18-160, (re: To establish the exit of the United States Post Office as an official Customs

Point of Entry.). Became Public Law 18-33. [For info]

GOV. COMM. 18-135: (1/24/14) Submitting the drug test results for Mr. David J. Sablan,

CUC Board of Directors appointee.

GOV. COMM. 18-136: (1/24/14) Informing the House of his nomination of Ms. Miranda

Lynn Villagomez Manglona to serve as a member of the Commonwealth Utilities

Corporation (CUC) Board of Directors representing the First Senatorial District.

[Deadline: 4/24/14]

GOV. COMM. 18-137: (1/24/14) Submitting the drug test results for Ms. Adelina C.

Roberto, CUC Board of Directors appointee.

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18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

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SEN. COMM. 18-103: (1/15/14) Transmitting for House action S. B. NO. 18-32, SS1,

entitled, “To amend 1 CMC §8364, as amended by Public Law 15-70, to allow annuitants

to enroll in the Commonwealth Government Health Insurance Program; and for other

purposes.,” which was passed by the Senate on January 14, 2014. [For action]

SEN. COMM. 18-104: (1/15/14) Returning H. B. 18-4, HS1, entitled, “To allow SNILD to

appropriate the Managaha Landing Fee by amending Title 4 Sections 1621 to 1624 of the

CNMI Code and repealing Public Laws 13-16 and 11-64.”, which was passed by the

Senate without amendments on January 14, 2014. [For info-Will go to Governor]

SEN. COMM. 18-105: (1/15/14) Returning H. B. 18-132, HD1, entitled, “To revise the

penalties relating to the Sales Receipts Act relating to failing to issue a cash receipt for

business transaction and for operating a business without a valid license; and for other

purposes.”, which was passed by the Senate without amendments on January 14, 2014.

[For info-Will go to Governor]

SEN. COMM. 18-106: (1/15/14) Returning H. B. 18-160, entitled, “To amend

6 CMC § 2304 to Establish the Exit of the United States Post Office as an Official

Customs Point of Entry; and for other purposes.”, which was passed by the Senate

without amendments on January 14, 2014. [For info-see Public Law 18-33]

SEN. COMM. 18-107: (1/15/14) Returning H. B. NO. 18-159, “To amend the

Commonwealth Insurance Act of 1983 as codified by 4 CMC § 7101 et. seq., to add a

new Chapter 6 to 4 CMC, Div. 7, to provide for a premium rate review process; and for

other purposes., which was passed by the Senate with amendments on January 14, 2014,

in the form of H. B. 18-159, SD1. [For action on Senate amendments]

SEN. COMM. 18-108: (1/16/14) Transmitting a certified copy of Senate Resolution No.

18-21, entitled, “Requesting the Commonwealth Government Employees Credit Union to

pay out the approximately 300 members’ request to withdraw their funds at the credit

union,” which was adopted by the Senate on January 14, 2014. [For info]

SEN. COMM. 18-109: (1/16/14) Transmitting a certified copy of Senate Resolution No.

18-22, entitled, “Requesting Governor Eloy S. Inos to allocate funds from the Federal

Transit Authority Grant to the CNMI Office of Transit Authority for the purchase of two

66 passenger buses for the Public School System,” which was adopted by the Senate on

January 14, 2014. [For info]

SEN. COMM. 18-110: (1/16/14) Transmitting a certified copy of Senate Resolution No.

18-23, entitled, “To respectfully urge President Barack Obama to delay the proclamation

of submerged lands and to include the CNMI Government and the CNMI Delegate to the

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18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

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United States in the discussion pertaining to submerged lands through the Section 902 of

the Covenant agreement,” which was adopted by the Senate on January 14, 2014. [For



HSE. COMM. 18-68: (1/3/14 received 1/13/14) From Representative Conner informing the

Speaker that he will be off-island from January 6, 2014 and January 7, 2014 and request

to be excused from any sessions or meetings during his absence.

HSE. COMM. 18-69: (1/10/14) From Representative Agulto informing the Speaker that he

will be off-island on personal business from January 15, 2014 and January 17, 2014 and

request to be excused from any sessions or meetings during his absence.

HSE. COMM. 18-70: (1/22/14) From Representative Maratita informing the Speaker that

she will be out of the Commonwealth beginning Wednesday, January 22, 2014 with an

indefinite date of return due to family medical circumstances and request to be excused

from any scheduled House Sessions and other legislative meetings.

HSE. COMM. 18-71: (1/29/14) From Representative Seman informing the Speaker that he

will be off-island from February 9 to February 15, 2014 to attend the 3rd


PATA Micronesia Chapter meeting in Palau (February 9 – February 13); and processing

training in Guam (February 13 – February 14) and request to be excused from any

sessions or meetings during his absence.



DEPT.&AGCY. 18-6: (1/21/14) From BOE Chair Herman T. Guerrero informing the

House of its recent election of Officers of the Board of Education.


MISC. COMM. 18-11: From Christine F. Castro, Youth Congress Clerk, transmitting a

certified copy of Youth Congress Resolution No. 14-2, entitled, “Expressing support and

recognizing the month of February as National Teen Dating Violence Awareness

Month,” which was adopted by the 14th Youth Congress on January 18, 2014. [For info]

MISC. COMM. 18-12: From the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation submitting 2013

annual report. [For info]

MISC. COMM. 18-13: From the Office of Transit Authority submitting its final report on

Saipan Fixed-Flex Route and Paratransit Feasibility Study, December 2013. [For info]

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18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

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S. C. R. NO. 18-87: Reporting on H. B. NO. 18-113, entitled: “To increase the penalties

for sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree.” Your Committee on Judiciary and

Governmental Operations recommends that the House pass H. B. NO. 18-113 in its

present form.

S. C. R. NO. 18-88: Reporting on H. B. NO. 18-129, entitled: “To amend 9 CMC Section

2201 Operator’s License: Fees subsection (d) as amended by Public Law 16-1 to change

the penalty for driving without a license from a crime to an infraction; and for other

purposes.” Your Committee on Judiciary and Governmental Operations recommends

that the House pass the bill in the form of H. B. NO. 18-129, HD1.

S. C. R. NO. 18-89: Reporting on H. B. NO. 18-134, entitled: “To amend 6 CMC §2208

to include that the Sergeant of Arms of the House of Representatives and the Sergeant of

Arms of the Senate in the exception to the Weapons Control Act. Your Committee on

Judiciary and Governmental Operations recommends that the House pass H. B. NO. 18-

134 in its present form.

S. C. R. NO. 18-90: Reporting on S. B. NO. 18-30, SS1, entitled: “To amend 4 CMC §§

8144 to include commercial customers pertaining to reconnection of utility services and

to amend 8145(a) to reduce the utilities reconnection fee from $60 to $25 for residential

consumers and $75 for commercial consumers; and for other purposes.” Your Committee

on Public Utilities, Transportation, and Communications recommends that the House

pass S. B. NO. 18-30, SS1 in its current form.

S. C. R. NO. 18-91: Reporting on H. B. NO. 18-123, entitled: “To amend Public Law 18-

18 “To make appropriations for the operations and activities of the Government of the

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, its agencies, instrumentalities, and

independent programs, and to provide budget authority for government corporations for

Fiscal Year 2014”; and for other purposes.” Your Committee on Ways and Means

recommends that the House pass the bill in the form of H. B. NO. 18-123, HD1.

S. C. R. NO. 18-92: Reporting on H. B. NO. 18-125, entitled: “To increase the salary

level for the Secretary of the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs and the

Secretary of Commerce.” Your Committee on Ways and Means recommends that the

House pass the bill in the form of H. B. NO. 18-125, HD1.

S. C. R. NO. 18-93: Reporting on H. B. NO. 18-131, entitled: “To amend Section 2 of

Public Law 17-91 to reprogram the appropriation for the construction of a fence around

the Rota water cave to fund the construction of a concrete wall, concrete road, and

retaining wall at the Rota water cave site; and for other purposes.” Your Committee on

Ways and Means recommends that the House pass H. B. NO. 18-131 in its current form.

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S. C. R. NO. 18-94: Reporting on S. B. No. 18-38, entitled, “To establish by law the

preservation, protection, and maintenance of public access of Managaha pursuant to

Article XIV, section 3 of the CNMI Constitution by amending 1 CMC §2653 (c) and also

establish by law the disposition and management of submerged lands by amending §2653

(k); and for other purposes.” Your Committee on Natural Resources recommends that the

House pass S. B. No. 18-38 in its current form.

S. C. R. NO. 18-95: Reporting on H. B. No. 18-65, entitled, “To preserve and designate

two hectares of public land on the island of Rota for the future site of the Rota Public

Cemetery; and for other purposes.” Your Committee on Natural Resources recommends

that he House pass H. B. NO. 18-65 in its current form.

S. C. R. NO. 18-96: Reporting on H. J. R. No. 18-1, entitled, “Respectfully requesting

and urging the United States Congress to recognize the longstanding ancestral rights of

persons of Northern Marianas descent with respect to their ownership of the submerged

lands of the Northern Mariana Islands and its adjacent waters; and for other purposes.”

Your Committee on Natural Resources recommends that he House adopts H. J. R. No.

18-1 in its current form.

S. C. R. NO. 18-50, S1: Reporting on H. B. NO. 18-71, HD1, entitled: “To require all

property owner(s), property manager(s), and lending institutions that hold abandoned

vacant properties with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to be held

accountable to secure and maintain abandoned, vacant, and foreclosed properties; and for

other purposes.” Your Committee on Natural Resources recommends that the House pass

the bill in the form of H. B. NO. 18-71, HD1, HS1.

S. C. R. NO. 18-97: Reporting on H. B. No. 18-89, entitled: “To establish the offense of

Obstruction or Interference with a Court Order or Subpoena and dispose of all fees within

Article 1 by amending Offenses Against Public Administration, Article I, Chapter 3 of

Title 6 of the CNMI Code.” Your Committee on Judiciary and Governmental Operations

recommends that the House pass the bill in the form of H. B. NO. 18-89, HD1.

S. C. R. NO. 18-98: Reporting on H. B. No. 18-126, entitled: “To establish a Loss

Recovery Division within the Department of Public Works.” Your Committee on

Judiciary and Governmental Operations recommends that the House pass the bill in the

form of H. B. NO. 18-126, HD1.



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Resolution Subject Action


Bill/Initiative Subject Action

H. L. I. No. 18-5 A House Legislative Initiative to amend Article XI, Section 5

c) to increase the maximum term of a lease of public lands

ninety-nine years. See [S. C. R. NO. 18-68]

S. B. NO. 18-17, HD1 A Bill for an Act to amend 3 CMC §§ 1311 and 1312 to add

one student representative to the Board of Regents of the

Northern Marianas College; and for other purposes. See

[S. C. R. NO. 18-70]

H. B. NO. 18-69,


A Bill for an Act to reduce the rebate from the Northern

Marianas Territorial Income Tax. [S. C. R. NO. 18-78]

H. B. NO. 18-72,


A Bill for an Act to require all scuba dive shop operators and

marine sport concessionaires to impose a $25.00 surcharge

per customer who avails of the scuba dive services provided

by the operators and concessionaires; and for other purposes.

[S. C. R. NO. 18-79]

H. B. NO. 18-87 A Bill for an Act to establish the offense of Abuse of

Authority/Issuance of Unlawful Orders. [S. C. R. NO. 18-81]

H. B. NO. 18-140 A Bill for an Act to amend Public Law No. 17-43 to give the

Commonwealth Office of Transit Authority (COTA) the

power to adopt rules and regulations in furtherance of its

duties; and for other purposes. [S. C. R. NO. 18-83]

H. B. NO. 18-144 A Bill for an Act to amend 1 CMC Section 20161 (a), (b), (c)

and Section 20162 as enacted by Public Law No. 17-43 by

reducing the Commonwealth Public Transportation Advisory

Board members from ten (10) members down to five (5)

members; and for other purposes. [S. C. R. NO. 18-84]

S. B. NO. 18-4 A Bill for an Act to require all commercial wireless service

providers [sic] produce wireless service coverage maps,

readily available for consumers; and for other purposes.

[S. C. R. NO. 18-85]

H. B. NO. 18-143 A Bill for an Act to allow the government to satisfy

judgments without an appropriation and to allow judgments

against the government to be enforced as any other judgment.

S. B. NO. 18-31, SS1,


A Bill for an Act to repeal Executive Order No. 94-3, Section

211: Scholarships; To establish a new CNMI Scholarship

Office as an autonomous agency; and for other purposes. [See

SEN. COMM. 18-86]

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18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

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Bill/Initiative Subject Action






Legislative appearance of a local bill is on the day it is introduced.


H. L. B. NO. 18-43

To amend the Saipan Zoning Law of 2013, 10 CMC §3511. Introduced by REP. RAMON A. TEBUTEB of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for

himself) on January 9, 2014.


H. L. B. NO. 18-40

To impose a toll fee to be paid by passengers who enter the Marpi area; and for other purposes. Introduced by REP. ROMAN C.

BENAVENTE of Saipan, Precinct 1 (for himself, Representative Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero) on December 19, 2013.

H. L. B. NO. 18-42

To establish a Tinian medical assistance review board for screening and verification of medically assisted patients; and for other

purposes. Introduced by REP. TRENTON B. CONNER of Tinian, Precinct 6 (for himself) on December 19, 2013.


Appearance of Measures introduced on the House Floor during the House Session on


H. B. NO. 18-159

To amend the Commonwealth Insurance Act of 1983 as codified by 4 CMC § 7101 et. seq., to add a new Chapter 6 to 4

CMC, Div. 7, to provide for a premium rate review process; and for other purposes. Introduced by REP. EDMUND S.

VILLAGOMEZ of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself) on January 9, 2014 and Calendared.

Page 12: HHOOUUSSEE OOFF RREEPPRREESSEENNTTAATTIIVVEESS · 2014-04-08 · hhoouussee ooff rreepprreesseennttaattiivveess eighteenth northern marianas commonwealth legislature third regular

House of Representatives Agenda Second Day, Third Regular Session, 2014

18th Legislature Friday, January 31, 2014

Page 12

H. B. NO. 18-160

To amend 6 CMC §2304 to Establish the Exit of the United States Post Office as an Official Customs Point of Entry;

and for other purposes. Introduced by REP. JOHN PAUL P. SABLAN of Saipan, Precinct 2 (for himself, Representatives

George N. Camacho, Francisco S. Dela Cruz, Joseph P. Deleon Guerrero, Rafael S. Demapan, Christopher D. Leon

Guerrero, Antonio P. Sablan, Ramon A. Tebuteb, and Edmund S. Villagomez) on January 9, 2014 and Calendared.

H. B. NO. 18-161

To amend Public Law 17-76 to allow for the advance of future interest income distributions by the Marianas Public

Land Trust for the paving and development of unpaved roads in Kagman. Introduced by REP. LORENZO I. DELEON

GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 5 (for himself) on January 9, 2014 and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.

H. B. NO. 18-162

To repeal and re-enact Title 6 of the Commonwealth Code Section 3102 to define the crime of “riot” in a constitutional

manner. Introduced by REP. CHRISTOPHER D. LEON GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 4 (for himself, Representatives

George N. Camacho, Rafael S. Demapan, and Antonio P. Sablan) on January 9, 2014 and referred to the Committee on

Judiciary and Governmental Operations.

H. B. NO. 18-163

To increase the Commonwealth Minimum Wage to match the Federal Minimum Wage applicable in the

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Introduced by REP. RAFAEL S. DEMAPAN of Saipan, Precinct 2 (for

himself) on January 9, 2014 and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.

H. B. NO. 18-164

To authorize the Bureau of Motor Vehicle under the Department of Public Safety to implement in the Commonwealth

the Real ID program pursuant to the Federal REAL ID Act of 2005 and amend certain statutes to be consistent with the

REAL ID Act; and for other purposes. Introduced by REP. CHRISTOPHER D. LEON GUERRERO of Saipan, Precinct 4 (for

himself, Representatives Anthony T. Benavente, Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero, Mariano Taitano, and Ralph N. Yumul)

on January 9, 2014 and referred to the Committee on Judiciary and Governmental Operations.

H. B. NO. 18-165

To amend the standards for the renewable energy portfolio for electrical power producers. Introduced by REP.

FRANCISCO S. DELA CRUZ of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself) on January 9, 2014 and referred to the Committee on

Public Utilities, Transportation, and Communications.

H. L. B. NO. 18-43

To amend the Saipan Zoning Law of 2013, 10 CMC §3511. Introduced by REP. RAMON A. TEBUTEB of Saipan,

Precinct 3 (for himself) on January 9, 2014.

H. RES. NO. 18-52

To support the location of the proposed U.S. Air Force divert facility on Saipan. Introduced by REP. RAMON A.

TEBUTEB of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself, Representative Anthony T. Benavente) on January 9, 2014 and referred to

the Committee on Federal and Foreign Affairs.
