HHS 4M1 - Spousal Abuse

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Page 2: HHS 4M1 - Spousal Abuse

Changing Attitudes• Defined as a problem in the 1970s

• Matters of the home were private

•“Not my business”

• Until then, considered necessary discipline.

• Social and family values pressured women to stay with abusive partners

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Victim – has experienced mistreatment by their partners in the last 5 years. (physical, emotional, sexual)

Violence – is an actionthat is intended to physically hurt someone. Intention changes according to context.

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Women’s Rights

Pre 1970s Men were allowed to punish their

children/wives using physical violence

If you left your husband you were guilty of desertion

Lost custody of kids No support offered Social rejection

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Spousal abuse was recognized as assault.

Public opinions drastically changed.

Prompted research to determine the causes and possible prevention measures

Until this time, women had no choice but to stay.

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Intergenerational Cycle of Violence

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Those who ...

Experienced violence Observed violence Child abuse/partner abuse

More likely, statistically, to become victims of violence or inflict it on others.

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Violence as Learned

If patterns of violence are learned by both victim and perpetrator, they can be unlearned.

Learn more effective methods of conflict resolution.

Proactive approaches for prevention.

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Early Research Focus:

Why do women stay in abusive relationships? Both believe the violence will not

happen again.

The Cycle of Violence Repeating pattern of spousal violence

experienced by both victim and perpetrator.

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The Cycle

Tension Building Try to maintain calm, and fulfill partner’s needs. Builds wit stress or conflict. “tip toeing”

Abusive Incident Assaults occur, one or more (disbelief builds) Unpredictable May require medical help, but usually hidden

Calm and Penance Feels remorse, apologizes, affectionate acts

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Factors Contributing

Unemployment Financial hardship/bankruptcy Job stress, multiple jobs Demotions, career set backs Downgrading accommodations Child support payments

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Until the 1970s a “culture of silence” surrounded matters of partner abuse. Today, partner abuse is equally unacceptable, yet still goes under reported. What other cultural factors might contribute to this under-reporting?