1 Hi! I’m Lisa, the writer, cook and photographer behind the Low Carb Yum food blog. I believe you can make great delicious low carb food even if you don’t have a lot of time and money. I’m a busy working mother of three and I’ve discovered how to improve my health and increase my energy through a low carb way of eating. I’ve also been able to maintain a healthy weight into my 40s. The recipes on my blog are designed to be simple enough for anyone to cook even if they only have basic cooking skills. I know that it’s often difficult to change your habits so I try to make low carb living as easy as possible. I hope you enjoy this free book to get you started! - Lisa MarcAurele For more easy low carb recipes, visit Low Carb Yum at www.LowCarbYum.com Introduction 2 Tips for Getting Started 3 Keeping it Simple 8 List of Low Carb Staples 9 Easy to Prepare Recipes 10 Tips from the Experts 31 Index 34 CONTENTS

Hi! I’m Lisa, the writer, cook and the Low Carb Yum … · 1 Hi! I’m Lisa, the writer, cook and photographer behind the Low Carb Yum food blog. I believe you can make great delicious

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Hi! I’m Lisa, the writer, cook and photographer behind the Low Carb Yum food blog.

I believe you can make great delicious low carb food even if you don’t have a lot of time and money.

I’m a busy working mother of three and I’ve discovered how to improve my health and increase my energy through a low carb way of eating. I’ve also been able to maintain a healthy weight into my 40s.

The recipes on my blog are designed to be simple enough for anyone to cook even if they only have basic cooking skills.

I know that it’s often difficult to change your habits so I try to make low carb living as easy as possible.

I hope you enjoy this free book to get you started!

- Lisa MarcAurele

For more easy low carb recipes, visit Low Carb Yum at



Tips for Getting Started3

Keeping it Simple8

List of Low Carb Staples9

Easy to Prepare Recipes10

Tips from the Experts31




We’ve all been there. You’ve been going along in life like you’ve always done and suddenly you realize what you’re doing just isn’t working for you.

Our bodies usually can tell us when something is wrong. It may be subtle at first. You may seem tired all the time or you notice your pants just don’t fit well any more. You may even be diagnosed with a medical condition like I was. It’s these little hints that clue you in that it’s time to make a change in your life.

If you are reading this, you have already made a conscious decision to improve your overall health with the low carb way of eating. I want to let you know that you aren’t alone in this journey. There is a huge community of folks just like you. And, I have been at the beginning of the low carb path more than once.

For me, life got busy with growing kids, a full-time job, and just spending time with my friends and family. Food has always been a big part of my life. After reaching my goal weight on low carb the first time, I eventually let a few bites of this and that lead to completely returning to the standard American diet. Big mistake! I regained all the weight and then some.

When I transitioned to low carb last time, I knew it was going to be for the rest of my life. I even started to blog about the low carb foods I was eating as a way to motivate me to stick with it in the beginning. That little blog eventually evolved into Low Carb Yum, a leading low carb recipe site! I’ve been following the low carb way of eating for over five years now and I’ve never felt better.

Are you ready to move on to a healthier way of life? Numerous studies now show that following a low carb high fat diet will lead to improved health. The low fat diet we have all been told to follow is not sustainable long term and typically leads to hunger and overeating. Following a low carb diet will keep your hunger at bay and help you burn fat more efficiently.

IntroductionMoving to a Low Carb Diet



Tips for Getting Started

What you can eat

The most important step to starting any new diet is understanding what you can eat. Below is a list of appropriate foods for a low carb diet.

Meat – all types of beef, pork, chicken, and fish

Vegetables – those grown above the ground are typically safe such as leafy greens, spinach, silver beet, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, avocados, zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms.

Cheese – preferably those high in fats

Cream – full fat, double, whipping.

Nuts and seeds – avoid cashews which are high in carbs

Eggs – any type, your choice

Fats – use butter, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil (high in oleic acid), lard

Berries – Most fruit should be avoided, but low carb, nutrient dense berries such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries can be eaten in moderation. Serve with high fat cream to ensure you are satisfy hunger longer.

What you cannot eat

Knowing the foods you can eat is important. But just as important are foods that you should not eat. Below is a list of foods to steer clear of. These include just about every processed food in the grocery store.

All processed sugar drinks – Avoid fruit juices as well as sodas and other sweetened soft drinks.

Full fat milk – Although full fat dairy is recommended, you’ll want to avoid regular milk since it contains a high level of milk sugars.

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Tips for Getting Started


Seed Oils stop using any seed oils such as sunflower, canola, corn, grapes or margarines. They are all high in inflammatory Omega 6

Bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar etc. These are highly refined carbohydrates with no nutritional value!

Grains – All grains, both whole and processed, should be eliminated. This includes rice and all cereals. Rice has little nutritional value and most cereals high in sugar.

Fruit - Fruit is nature’s candy because the majority contain high levels of sugar. Although fruits do contain vitamins and antioxidants, they should only be eaten on occasion in small quantities. Stick to low carb berries.

Starchy vegetables if you can tolerate some carbs, choose highly colored starchy vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, beetroot or sweet potato for their wonderful phytonutrients and vitamins.

Diet or low fat products When fat reduced, it’s often replaced with high carb ingredients. Check the labels and you will see how much higher in carbs they are compared to their regular version!

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Tips for Getting Started

Restricting your carb intake

Generally speaking, you’ll need to restrict carbs less than 50 grams of carbs a day, which will usually lead to the production of ketones.

Therefore, when one’s body is producing ketones, it is no longer relying on glucose (sugar from carbs) for its fuel source, which is a state that provides significant metabolic benefits and easier fat loss.

For best results, your daily carb intake should come from vegetables and select fruits, such as berries, or other low-carb fruit.


Moving to a Low Carb Diet Tips for Getting Started

When moving to a diet that is low in carbohydrates, you need to eat an adequate amount of healthy fat. This is because your body must adapt to burning fat instead of glucose on a low carb diet. If you don’t adequately increase the fat you eat, energy production will be sluggish and you won’t be able to sustain your new way of eating. So, be sure to include healthy fats in every meal!

Look for hidden carbs in the foods you eat by reading food labels carefully for added sugars. It’s been found that it typically takes 10 grams of carbohydrates or more to spike insulin so it’s best to keep your meals and snacks to less than 10 grams of carbs for maximum weight loss.

You also need to realize that everyone is different and some may need to restrict carbs to 20 grams a day to induce weight loss. What works for one person may not work for you. It may help to count total carbs rather than net carbs. Generally speaking, some fiber and sugar alcohols can have an impact so you may want to count at least half of them.

Eating More Fat

Many people make the mistake that a low carb diet needs to be high in protein. To get yourself properly adapted to low carb, you need to increase fat, not protein. If your protein intake gets too high, the liver can convert it into glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis. When glucose is present, it makes burning fat more difficult and can hinder weight loss. So don’t fall into the trap that you need to eat more protein after moving to a low carb diet.


Adequate Water

On a low carb diet, water is needed to flush out excess ketones and burn fat more effectively. It’s believed that water will help break down the fat more efficiently. Consuming adequate water on a low carb diet also helps relieve constipation and any “keto flu” symptoms you may have when you first start out on low carb.

You should strive for 8 glasses or 64 ounces of water each day. Avoid this common low carb diet mistake and remember to drink your water!


Many people become deficient in electrolytes when starting out on a low carb diet. Headaches are a common issue for those just getting started on low carb. Since most people get their sodium from processed foods, a whole food low carb diet can be deficient in sodium. In addition, a high water intake equates to more urination. Excreting a lot of urine tends to reduce sodium levels. So, if you have headaches after moving to a low carb diet, increase sodium. A great way to get your sodium is to drink bone broth.

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Tips for Getting Started


Similar to sodium, potassium often gets flushed out when high amounts of water are consumed. Maintaining potassium levels is important to protect lean muscle mass when you lose weight on a low carb diet. Also like sodium, low potassium levels can result in cramping and fatigue. If you are eating too much protein and not enough salt, this can cause low potassium levels. Foods rich in potassium that are also low carb include avocados, paprika, cocoa powder, unsweetened baking chocolate, salmon, and tuna. Dried herbs that have potassium include parsley, basil, dill, tarragon, turmeric, and oregano.

Another side effect of low carb dieting involves muscle cramps. The electrolyte magnesium is a great way to fix these problems. Most people who have metabolic diseases such as diabetes are deficient in magnesium. It should be no surprise since the body requires about 54 milligrams of magnesium to process a gram of sugar. And, when the body becomes insulin resistant from years of eating a high carb diet, the cells are no longer able to store magnesium so it passes out in the urine. Since magnesium relaxes muscles, a lack of it causes muscle cramps. Low magnesium levels also raise blood pressure and decrease your energy levels. It’s a good idea to take a magnesium supplement.

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Tips for Getting Started


Any healthy lifestyle should include exercise. It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise. Simply cleaning up the yard or tidying up the house will help. So get moving!


Keeping it Simple

You may be thinking that it’s difficult to follow a low carb lifestyle. However, many are surprised at how easy it can be after the initial break in period.

When food shopping, stay away from processed foods. Whole foods are typically found in the perimeter of the grocery store. Unless there is a specific product you need, don’t browse the aisles.

serving. I’ve been very pleased with the service and always find a great selection.

You can also find convenient snacks to fill your pantry at LC Foods. They have the most incredible low carb bagels which are baked fresh then shipped to your door! You can stock them in the freezer and defrost one at a time in the microwave. I buy a lot of low carb foods on Amazon as well.

For an easy weight loss boost, try intermittent fasting. It’s a simple way to maintain a state of ketosis longer. I like to simply wait until about 9 am to have breakfast and don’t eat past 5 pm. This keeps daily eating within an 8 hour window. I sometimes stop eating at 3pm for an even longer fasting time. There are other variations too. Learn more about intermittent fasting here.

It’s helpful to keep track of the foods you eat to see. That way, you can look back and see if any foods are negatively affecting you. You may want to invest in a glucose meter to see if your blood sugar is affected by certain foods so you can eliminate those that cause spikes. You can find more tips on All Natural Ideas.

To stay on track, you’ll want to keep a variety of low carb snacks readily available. I subscribe to the Keto Krate monthly service. It’s a convenient way to discover new low carb products. All of the items included in the monthly shipment are less than 5g net carbs per

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Keeping it Simple


DairyEggsAlmond MilkCoconut MilkCoconut CreamHeavy CreamFull Fat CheeseFull Fat Plain Yogurt


VegetablesCauliflowerSpinachSee full list here

List of Low Carb Staples


OtherGlucomannan PowderPsyllium HusksWhey ProteinChia SeedsCoconut AminosShiratake Noodles

Kitchen ToolsStick BlenderCream WhipperSpiralizerEgg CookerFood ProcessorInstant Pot

A list of low carb ingredients, snacks, and kitchen gadgets. Most are available HERE.

Moving to a Low Carb Diet List of Low Carb Staples

FatsButterOlive OilAvocado OilCoconut OilLardHomemade Mayonnaise

Nuts & SeedsAlmondsMacadamiaPistachiosPecansSunflower SeedsPumpkin SeedsPeanuts

Nut & Seed ButtersAlmond ButterPeanut ButterSunflower Butter

SnacksPork RindsBiltongMeat SticksFlax Seed CrackersParmesan CrispsRawxies Crunch

BakingMonk Fruit LiquidMonk Fruit PowderStevia LiquidStevia PowderErythritolSwerve or SukrinCoconut FlourAlmond FlourSunflower Seed FlourUnsweetened ChocolateUnsweetened CocoaSugar Free Baking Chips


No time for cooking? Try this ridiculously easy low carb crock pot Mexican chicken soup recipe. It’s made with

only 4 ingredients!

• 1 1/2 pounds boneless/skinless chicken pieces (I used thigh meat)

• 15.5 ounces chunky salsa

• 15 ounces chicken broth• 8 ounces shredded

cheese (Monterey, Pepper Jack, cream cheese work

1. Place chicken pieces at the bottom of a 6 quart crock pot.

2. Add remaining ingredients.3. Cook on high 3-4 hours or low 6-8 hours.4. Remove chicken pieces and shred chicken. Return to

crock.5. Serve hot.




Makes 6 servings

Nutrition per serving: 400 calories, 22.8g fat, 1226mg sodium, 7.4g carb, 2.3g fiber, 38.0g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare RecipesEasy to Prepare Recipes


A low carb gluten free minute microwave muffin in a mug that takes less than two minutes to prepare and

cook. A tasty way to start the day!

• 1 pound boneless chicken, cut into pieces

• 2 Tablespoons olive oil• 3 Tablespoons apple cider


• 2 Tablespoons soy sauce or coconut aminos

• 1 1/2 Tablespoon minced garlic

1. Mix oil, vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic in pan.2. Add chicken and coat with oil mixture.3. Cover, simmer on medium for 10-15 minutes.4. Uncover and cook on medium high until browned,

stirring occasionally.5. Serve over cauliflower rice and top with sliced green




Makes 4 servings

Nutrition per serving: 284 calories, 15.4g fat, 549mg sodium, 1.1g carb, 33.4g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


This low carb Korean beef recipe cooks inexpensive ground beef with sweet and spicy seasonings. It’s a dish

that can be cooked and served within 15 minutes.

• 1 tablespoon sesame oil or olive oil

• 1 1/4 pound lean ground beef

• 3 cloves garlic, minced• 1/2 teaspoon SweetLeaf

Stevia liquid drops• 1/2 teaspoon Blackstrap


• 1/4 cup soy sauce or coconut aminos for paleo

• 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced or a couple dashes ground ginger

• 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper (I like it spicy, use less if desired)

• 1 bunch green onions, sliced

1. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and brown ground beef with garlic in the oil. Drain off fat.

2. Add stevia, molasses, soy sauce, ginger, and red pepper.

3. Simmer and stir for a few minutes to blend seasonings.




Makes 5 servings

Nutrition per serving: 261 calories, 11.3g fat, 833mg sodium, 2.1g carb, 0.4g fiber, 35g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


• 1 pound bacon, chopped• 1 pound ground beef• 1 small onion, chopped• 3 cloves garlic, minced

• 1 small head of cabbage, chopped into small strips (about 2 pounds)

• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (add additional to taste if desired)

1. In large skillet or wok, brown bacon and beef together until cooked.

2. Remove cooked meat and keep warm in a bowl.3. Fry the onion and garlic in the hot grease from the

meat (add additional oil if needed) until onion has become translucent.

4. Add chopped cabbage and stir fry until wilted. Add a cover to speed this up if desired.

5. Add meat to cooked cabbage and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

6. Serve over cauliflower rice and top with sliced green onions.



Makes 10 servings

Nutrition per serving: 357 calories, 21.9g fat, 1188mg sodium, 6.9g carb, 2.4g fiber, 31.9g protein

It only takes about 20 minutes to whip up a delicious low carb bacon burger cabbage stir fry skillet dish that

the whole family will love.

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


A simple slow cooker crock pot Buffalo chicken drumsticks recipe that takes only a minute to prepare.

Just dump the ingredients into the crock pot!

• 12 chicken drumsticks• 7.5 ounces Wing sauce

(half a 13 ounce bottle)• 1/4 cup apple cider


• 1/4 cup avocado oil or olive oil

• 3 garlic cloves, minced• 3 tablespoons dried


1. Dump all ingredients into a slow cooker crock 6 quart size or larger.

2. Toss ingredients to combine. Set in refrigerator for at least 3 hours to marinate.

3. Allow crock to sit at room temperature for 15-30 minutes before heating.

4. Cover crock and cook on low setting for 4-6 hours or high setting 3-4 hours.

5. Remove chicken to a platter and drizzle sauce over.




Makes 12 servings

Nutrition per serving: 200 calories, 7.1g fat, 150mg sodium, 0.6g carbs, 0.3g fiber, 31.3g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes

A simple low carb spinach strawberry salad with vinaigrette dressing. It’s a light salad to enjoy on the side made with fresh greens, berries, and almonds.

• 5 ounces baby spinach• 1 cup sliced strawberries• 1/4 cup sliced almonds

• 1/4 cup avocado oil or olive oil

• 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

1. In medium bowl combine baby spinach, strawberries and almonds.

2. In small bowl or cup, blend remaining ingredients to make dressing.

3. Divide salad into four servings. Drizzle dressing over salad just before serving.




Optional Ingredients: cheese, bacon, onions, tomatoes

Makes 1 servings

Nutrition per serving: 75 calories, 5.0g fat, 408mg sodium, 6.3g carbs, 2.3g sugar, 2.3g fiber, 2.7g protein


• 3/4 cup frozen (or fresh with a bit of water) cauliflower florets

• 1 ounce cheddar cheese, shredded

• 1 tablespoon heavy cream

1. In small microwavable dish with lid, microwave cauliflower covered for about a minute.

2. Remove from microwave and chop cauliflower into small pieces.

3. Microwave for another 50 seconds or so, then add shredded cheese.

4. Microwave for another 10 seconds or so.5. Stir melted cheese in, then stir in heavy cream until

sauce forms.6. Enjoy!




Makes 1 servings

Nutrition per serving: 191 calories, 14.9g fat, 202mg sodium, 4.8g carb, 2.0g fiber, 9.4g protein

An instant low carb cauliflower mac and cheese recipe that is ready in less than 5 minutes. This quick cauli

mac and cheese only requires 3 ingredients!

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


It’s not always easy to find time to cook. Bake an egg fast cheese quiche on the weekend to have easy egg

fast friendly meals during the week.

• 8 ounces cheddar cheese, grated and divided

• 12 large eggs• 4 ounces cream cheese,


• 12 tablespoons butter, melted (I used unsalted)

• salt and pepper to taste (optional)

1. Dump all but about a half cup of the cheese into a 9.5-inch pie pan.

2. Add eggs and cream cheese to a food processor or blender.

3. Process eggs and cream while slowly pouring in melted butter.

4. Pour egg mixture over cheese in pie pan.5. Sprinkle reserved grated cheese over top.6. Bake at 325°F for about 45 minutes or until outside is

set and middle is only a little jiggly.7. Remove from oven and cool on rack for a few

minutes before slicing.




Makes 8 servings

Nutrition per serving: 424 calories, 39.1g fat, 446mg sodium, 1.3g carbs, 0.8g sugar, 17.8g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


An easy recipe for fluffy gluten free coconut flour pancakes. Such a tasty breakfast treat! Enjoy them with

your favorite low carb syrup or just butter.

• 1/4 cup butter• 1/4 cup heavy cream• 1 packet stevia• 1/2 teaspoon salt• 4 eggs

• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

• 1/4 cup coconut flour• 1/2 teaspoon baking


1. Whisk together butter, cream, stevia, salt, eggs and vanilla extract.

2. In another bowl, combine coconut flour and baking powder. Mix dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.

3. Lightly oil skillet and heat over medium heat. Spoon heaping tablespoons of batter onto skillet to make pancakes about 2-3 inches in diameter.



Makes 12 small pancakes

Nutrition per serving: 74 calories, 6.5g fat, 151mg sodium, 1.6g carbs, 0.2g sugar, 0.8g fiber, 2.2g protein


Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


Looking to change up your breakfast to an old favorite? Try these low carb radish hash browns if you

miss your morning potatoes!

• 1 pound radishes, shredded

• 4 eggs

• 1/3 cup shredded parmesan cheese

• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1. Combine all ingredients.2. Spread out into preheated skillet coated with oil.3. Cook until browned on both sides.




Makes 4 servings

Nutrition per serving: 83 calories, 4.5g fat, 397mg sodium, 4.7g carb, 1.7g fiber, 6.4g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


A basic quick bread that can be enjoyed as toast for breakfast to complement eggs, to make a sandwich for

lunch, or as a dinner appetizer.

• 6 eggs• 1/2 cup butter, melted• 3 tablespoons coconut oil,

liquified• 2/3 cup almond flour or

sunflower/sesame seed flour

• 1/3 cup coconut flour

• 2 teaspoons baking powder

• 1 teaspoon whole psyllium husks

• 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum (optional)

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

1. In large mixing bowl or food processor, whip eggs until yolks are well combined

2. Add remaining ingredients and process until a dough is formed.

3. Spread dough into a greased 9×5 inch loaf pan (use an 8x4 pan for taller loaf).

4. Bake at 350F about 40 minutes or until top is browned and bread is set.




Makes 1 servings

Nutrition per serving: 191 calories, 14.9g fat, 202mg sodium, 4.8g carb, 2.0g fiber, 9.4g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


• 3 tablespoons almond flour

• 1 tablespoon coconut flour• 1/4 teaspoon baking


• 1/8 teaspoon salt• 1 large egg• 1 teaspoon avocado oil

1. Combine almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder, and salt in a microwavable coffee mug.

2. Add egg and avocado oil. Stir well with a fork.3. Microwave on high for 1 minute.4. Remove the muffin from the cup using a butter knife

and slice in half.

A low carb gluten free minute microwave muffin in a mug that takes less than two minutes to prepare and

cook. A tasty way to start the day!




Makes 2 servings

Nutrition per serving: 120 calories, 8.4g fat, 194mg sodium, 5.1g carb, 2.7g fiber, 1.7g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


Want a crunchy low carb snack that takes only a few minutes to make? You can bake up a batch of easy

Parmesan crisps in less than ten minutes!

• 12 tablespoons shredded Parmesan cheese

1. Preheat oven to 400°F2. Place each tablespoon of cheese on parchment paper

or silicone lined baking sheet about 1 to 2 inches apart.

3. Bake about 3-5 minutes. Edges should be browned, but not burned.

4. Remove from oven and allow to cool on rack. Store in airtight container.




Chips can also be baked at 300°F for about 8 minutes or 350°F for about 6 minutes.

Makes 12 chips

Nutrition per chip: 64 calories, 4.3g fat, 186mg sodium, 0.7g carbs, 6.4g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


Make a healthier pizza with fresh zucchini and tomatoes. No need to make a special low carb and gluten free crust with these zucchini pizza boats!

• 1 tablespoon olive oil• 2 garlic cloves, minced• sea salt• pepper• 2 medium zucchini

• 1 cup diced tomatoes• 4 slices mozzarella

cheese (about 20.6 grams)

1. In small bowl, mix olive oil, garlic, salt & pepper. Set aside

2. Cut off zucchini ends, then cut zucchini lengthwise and remove seeds.

3. Brush olive oil mixture onto cut side of zucchini.4. Fill zucchini halves with diced tomatoes. Sprinkle with

additional salt and pepper if desired.5. Top each zucchini half with mozzarella slice.6. Bake at 350°F for 25-30 minutes or until cheese has





Makes 2 servings

Nutrition per serving: 120 calories, 8.4g fat, 194mg sodium, 5.1g carb, 2.7g fiber, 1.7g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


Need a quick low carb dessert? This sugar free mascarpone cheese mousse is made in under a minute using only three

ingredients! Perfect served with berries!

• 8 ounces mascarpone cheese

• 1 cup whipping cream

• 3/4 teaspoon vanilla creme SweetLeaf stevia drops

• Berries (optional)

1. Whip together mascarpone, cream, and sweetener in large mixing bowl with electric mixer until stiff peaks form.

2. Pipe into individual cups and layer with berries, if desired.




Makes 12 servings

Nutrition per serving without berries: 153 calories, 15.8g fat, 38mg sodium, 0.9g carb, 1.7g protein

Nutrition per serving with berries: 165 calories, 15.9g fat, 38mg sodium, 3.8g carb, 0.6g fiber, 3.2g net carb, 1.9g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


Enjoy the taste of delicious pumpkin pie without all the work. It takes less than five minutes to prepare

gluten free low carb pumpkin pie chia pudding!

• 1 1/2 cup coconut milk or almond milk (I prefer coconut)

• 3/4 cup pumpkin puree• 3 tablespoons sweetener• 1 teaspoon sugar free

vanilla extract

• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon• 1/4 teaspoon ginger

(allspice also works)• 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg• 1/8 teaspoon cloves• 1/4 cup chia seeds

1. Whisk together milk, pumpkin, vanilla, and spices.2. Stir in chia seeds.3. Allow to chill in refrigerator for a couple hours or




Makes 12 servings

Nutrition per serving without berries: 153 calories, 15.8g fat, 38mg sodium, 0.9g carb, 1.7g protein

Nutrition per serving with berries: 165 calories, 15.9g fat, 38mg sodium, 3.8g carb, 0.6g fiber, 3.2g net carb, 1.9g protein

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes



INGREDIENTS• 3/4 cup heavy cream• 1/4 cup bulk sweetener• 3/4 cup coconut flour• 1/2 cup salted butter,

melted• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla


• 1/4 teaspoon salt• 1 teaspoon Sukrin Gold

Syrup or blackstrap molasses(optional)

• 1/4 cup sugar free chocolate chips

1. In large bowl, combine cream, sweetener, coconut flour, butter, vanilla, salt and syrup sweetener until well blended.

2. Stir in chocolate chips.3. Scoop into bite size pieces or spoon to eat. Store in



Makes about 9 servings or 27 scoops of dough, 3 scoops per serving

Nutrition per scoop: 60 calories, 5.2g fat, 57mg sodium, 2.7g carbs, 1.5g fiber, 0.8g protein

Gluten free low carb coconut flour chocolate chip cookie dough bites meant to be eaten raw. No baking required!

Eat by spoonfuls or make bite size scoops.

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


• 1 cup strawberries, frozen• 1 cup unsweetened

coconut milk

• 2 tablespoons smooth almond butter

• 2 packets sweetener of choice

1. Add all ingredients to blender.2. Blend until smooth.3. Pour into glass and enjoy!




Makes 2 servings

Nutrition per serving: 52 calories, 2.3g fat, 22mg sodium, 7.2g carbs, 1.6g fiber, 5.6g net carbs, 0.3g protein

A low carb coconut milk strawberry smoothie that’s so quick to make. It’s made with only four low carb

ingredients and takes less than 2 minutes to prepare.

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes



INGREDIENTS• 8 ounces cream cheese• 1 cup butter• 1 cup unsweetened

peanut butter (add 1/4 tsp salt if unsalted)

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract;.

• 1 cup Sukrin Melis or Swerve Confectioners

• 1 teaspoon Better Stevia powder

• 1/2 cup (80 g) Isopure unflavored whey protein

1. Line a 9x9 square pan with parchment paper or grease lightly.

2. In saucepan over medium heat, melt cream cheese and butter together.

3. Add peanut butter and stir until smooth.4. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredient.

Blend with electric mixer until well combined.5. Pour fudge into prepared pan and spread out evenly.


Makes 36 squares

Nutrition per square: 120 calories, 10.9g fat, 56mg sodium, 1.5g carbs, 4.6g protein, 6.7g erythritol

Have your sweets without guilt with this low carb cream cheese peanut butter fudge. No sugar added and just 1.5g

carbs a square!

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes


Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes

A lot of recipes call for apple pie filling, which isn’t low carb. You can use a jicama apple filling instead which is

much lower in carbohydrates.

• 4 cups chopped jicama• 1/2 cup Swerve

sweetener• 1/2 cup butter

• 1 tablespoon cinnamon• 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg• 1/8 teaspoon cloves• 2 teaspoon apple extract

1. Combine chopped jicama with butter, sweetener, and spices in a pan.

2. Cook and stir over medium heat until jicama has softened.

3. At end of cooking, stir in apple and vanilla extracts.4. Serve warm.5. Can be refrigerated for up to a week or frozen for

several months.



Makes 8 servings

Nutrition per serving: 129 calories, 11.6g fat, 84mg sodium, 6.1g carbs, 3.4g fiber, 0.6g protein


1. Place all ingredients in blender.2. Blend until well combined and frothy.3. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving

Nutrition per serving: 79 calories, 5.7g fat, 235mg sodium, 6.4g carbs, 3.3.g fiber, 3.6g protein


INGREDIENTS• 1 cup unsweetened

coconut milk• 1 tablespoon

unsweetened cocoa powder

• 1 tablespoon peanut butter powder (or peanut butter), unsweetened

• sweetener to taste (I used 5 drops SweetLeaf stevia)

• dash sea salt

Moving to a Low Carb Diet Easy to Prepare Recipes

A healthy low carb peanut butter chocolate milkshake that is quick and easy to prepare. Just blend the

ingredients in your blender for less than a minute.


Tips from Low Carb Experts

“Plan Plan Plan = Success!

I know it sounds goofy but summer is the only time I use the slow cooker now. In the winter months I adore cooking in the kitchen but in the summer I would much rather be on my bike or kayak.

One trick we do, is that Craig helps clean up for dinner, while I prepare dinner for the next night. So even if I plan a ‘taco bar’ night for the next day, I fill up the crockpot with the chicken, spices, jar of salsa (or whatever recipe I am doing). I often fill my slow cookers with a main dish, side dish and dessert (yes, I have 3 beloved slow cookers). Then in the morning, all I have to do is take the slow cooker shell out of the fridge and turn them on. That takes so much stress and anxiety out of my day! My mom is an amazing woman but I often remember her being extra stressed after work about what we were going to have for dinner. I think that helped me be such a planner. I don’t like having any extra stress so I always have dinner planned.”

- Maria Emmerich, Keto Adapted

Tips from the Experts


“Go slowly - I cannot emphasize this enough. Your home will not be a happy one if you clear out the cupboards overnight and suddenly change everything. Simply start one meal at a time. There will be set backs along the way, but this will be a long journey and it is best to have everyone on board. Leftovers are King! - You will quickly learn to make double or triple everything. It really doesn’t take much more time and effort but suddenly you will be organized for the days ahead.

Love your slow cooker - Your slow cooker will become your friendly little helper in the kitchen. There is nothing better than coming home to a meal simmering away at then end of a long day.”

- Libby Jenkinson, Ditch The Carbs

"For me, I find the key to staying on a Low Carb Diet is advance planning. This can be as simple as making sure that that I have food available for quick and easy low carb snacks or more complex like advance menu planning or batch cooking. For eating out, it's always nice to look at a menu on-line to plan what I'm going to order. If an on-line menu is unavailable, I plan on having a lettuce wrapped burger, a piece of protein and veggies or a big salad with the dressing on the side. To avoid ‘the dessert trap’ I plan on making a decadent tasting protein smoothie at home that the whole family shares."

- Kimberly Hardesty, Low Carb Maven

Tips from the Experts


“Here are my top tips for a successful low-carb diet:

1. Eat real food, not just any food low in carbs. The less packaged and processed, the better. If you can afford it, opt for organic vegetables and eggs, grass-fed meat and butter. Fuel your body with whole foods high in healthy fats, moderate in protein and low in carbs. Avoid low-carb junk food.

2. Always plan your meals ahead to avoid accidents. Even if you don't have time to cook, make sure you have some healthy low-carb foods at hand. Trust me, cheat meals are not worth it and will only set you back. I always keep some slow-cooked meat ready for quick meals like lettuce wraps and salads. If I need an energy boost, I go for avocados or hard-boiled eggs with a pinch of salt.

3. Eat only when you're hungry, even if it means skipping a meal. One of the many benefits of low-carb eating is that you won't feel hungry and will stop over-eating. Just listen to your body and don't worry about out-dated advice that tells you to eat several small meals a day.

4. Avoid snacking on dairy and nuts, or if you don't need to, don't snack at all. Although dairy and nuts are low in carbs, they are easy to overeat and you may end up having more than you planned without even knowing. I have a weakness for macadamia nuts, so when I crave them, I only have a handful.”

Martina Slajerova, KetoDiet App

Introduction 2

Tips for Getting Started 3

What you can eat 3

What you cannot eat 3

Restricting Your Carb Intake 4

Eating More Fat 5

Adequate Water 6

Electrolytes 6

Exercise 7

Keeping it Simple 8

List of Low Carb Staples 9

Quick & Easy Recipes 10

Crock Pot Mexican Chicken Soup 10

Filipino Chicken Adobo 11

Korean Beef 12

Bacon Burger Cabbage Stir Fry 13

Crock Pot Buffalo Chicken Legs 14

Spinach Strawberry Salad 15

Instant Cauli Mac & Cheese 16


Recipe Index

Egg Fast Quiche 17

Coconut Flour Pancakes 18

Radish Hash Browns 19

Basic Quick Bread 20

Minute Muffin in a Mug 21

Easy Parmesan Crisps 22

Zucchini Pizza Boats 23

Mascarpone Mousse 24

Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding 25

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites 26

Strawberry Smoothie 27

Cream Cheese Peanut Butter Fudge 28

Mock Apple Pie Filling 29

Peanut Butter Chocolate Milkshake 30

Tips from Low Carb Experts 31

Maria Emmerich, Keto Adapted 31

Libby Jenkinson, Ditch The Carbs 32

Kimberly Hardesty, Low Carb Maven 32

Martina Slajerova, KetoDiet App 33

IndexMoving to a Low Carb Diet



Recipe Index


This is just a small sample of the low carb recipes I have shared on my blog.

Please visit me at Low Carb Yum for more recipes for your low carb lifestyle! www.lowcarbyum.com

- Lisa