High Content 2019 6 th Annual Conference September 17 th -19 th , Boston, MA Joseph B. Martin Conference Center Educational Program: Intro to HCS/HCA Image and Data Analysis Mark-Anthony Bray, Ph.D Novartis Institutes of BioMedical Research Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA [email protected]

High Content 2019 Annual Conference September 17 , Boston, MA … · 2019-09-18 · High Content 2019 6th Annual Conference September 17th-19th, Boston, MA Joseph B. Martin Conference

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Page 1: High Content 2019 Annual Conference September 17 , Boston, MA … · 2019-09-18 · High Content 2019 6th Annual Conference September 17th-19th, Boston, MA Joseph B. Martin Conference

High Content 2019

6th Annual Conference

September 17th-19th, Boston, MA

Joseph B. Martin Conference Center

Educational Program: Intro to HCS/HCA

Image and Data AnalysisMark-Anthony Bray, Ph.D

Novartis Institutes of BioMedical Research

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

[email protected]

Page 2: High Content 2019 Annual Conference September 17 , Boston, MA … · 2019-09-18 · High Content 2019 6th Annual Conference September 17th-19th, Boston, MA Joseph B. Martin Conference

The Basic Skill Sets for an HCS Laboratory

9/11/2019 SBI2 High Content 2019 2|○○○○ | DDMMYY2MEAN.VarInten.CMFDAMEAN.Dif f IntenDensity .CMFDAMEAN.Av gInten.CMFDAMEAN.FiberLength.CMFDAMEAN.NeighborMinDist.CMFDAMEAN.IntenCoocContrast.ActinMEAN.SpotFiberAv gArea.ActinMEAN.SpotFiberTotalArea.ActinMEAN.TotalInten.CMFDAMEAN.VarInten.TubulinMEAN.Dif f IntenDensity .TubulinMEAN.Av gInten.TubulinMEAN.TotalInten.TubulinMEAN.FiberAlign1.TubulinMEAN.NeighborAv gDist.Actin.TubulinMEAN.NeighborVarDist.Actin.TubulinMEAN.Entropy Inten.TubulinMEAN.IntenCoocEntropy .ActinMEAN.Entropy Inten.ActinMEAN.IntenCoocEntropy .TubulinMEAN.MemberObjectAreaDif f .DAPIMEAN.VarRadialInten.ActinMEAN.MemberAv gTotalInten.DAPIMEAN.TotalInten.DAPIMEAN.MemberAv gAv gInten.DAPIMEAN.NeighborVarDist.TubulinMEAN.Av gInten.DAPIMEAN.MemberCount.DAPIMEAN.MemberAv gConv exHullPerimRatio.DAPIMEAN.Av gRadialInten.TubulinMEAN.EqSphereArea.CMFDAMEAN.Area.CMFDAMEAN.EqEllipseProlateVol.CMFDAMEAN.EqSphereVol.CMFDAMEAN.NeighborMinDist.ActinMEAN.EqCircDiam.CMFDAMEAN.Length.CMFDAMEAN.Width.CMFDAMEAN.EqEllipseOblateVol.CMFDAMEAN.SpotFiberCount.TubulinMEAN.NeighborMinDist.TubulinMEAN.Entropy Inten.CMFDAMEAN.Perim.CMFDAMEAN.NeighborMinDist.Actin.TubulinMEAN.EqEllipseLWR.CMFDAMEAN.SpotFiberTotalArea.TubulinMEAN.ShapeLWR.CMFDAMEAN.NeighborVarDist.CMFDAMEAN.SkewInten.CMFDAMEAN.SkewRadialInten.TubulinMEAN.FiberWidth.CMFDAMEAN.SpotFiberAv gArea.TubulinMEAN.KurtRadialInten.TubulinMEAN.KurtInten.CMFDAMEAN.NeighborAv gDist.TubulinMEAN.ShapeP2A.CMFDAMEAN.Conv exHullAreaRatio.CMFDAMEAN.Av gRadialInten.ActinMEAN.SpotFiberCount.ActinMEAN.FiberAlign1.ActinMEAN.TotalInten.ActinMEAN.VarInten.ActinMEAN.IntenCoocContrast.TubulinMEAN.Angle.CMFDAMEAN.Av gInten.ActinMEAN.Dif f IntenDensity .ActinMEAN.MemberAv gConv exHullAreaRatio.DAPIMEAN.MemberAv gArea.DAPIMEAN.MemberAv gCircleDiam.DAPIMEAN.KurtRadialInten.ActinMEAN.NeighborAv gDist.ActinMEAN.FiberAlign2.TubulinMEAN.Conv exHullPerimRatio.CMFDAMEAN.MemberAv gShapeBFR.DAPIMEAN.ShapeBFR.CMFDAMEAN.NeighborAv gDist.CMFDAMEAN.NeighborVarDist.ActinMEAN.MemberAv gShapeP2A.DAPIMEAN.MemberAv gShapeLWR.DAPIMEAN.MemberAv gEllipseLWR.DAPIMEAN.VarRadialInten.TubulinMEAN.FiberAlign2.ActinMEAN.MemberObjectAreaRatio.DAPIMEAN.KurtInten.TubulinMEAN.SkewInten.TubulinMEAN.IntenCoocASM.TubulinMEAN.IntenCoocMax.TubulinMEAN.SkewInten.ActinMEAN.KurtInten.ActinValidObjectCountMEAN.IntenCoocMax.ActinMEAN.IntenCoocASM.Actin

* An Introduction To High Content Screening: Imaging Technology, Assay

Development and Data Analysis in Biology and Drug Discovery (2015), Haney,

S.A, Bowman, D. Chakravarty, A. Davies, A. and Shamu, C.E. John Wiley

Press, NY, NY (in production)

Page 3: High Content 2019 Annual Conference September 17 , Boston, MA … · 2019-09-18 · High Content 2019 6th Annual Conference September 17th-19th, Boston, MA Joseph B. Martin Conference

The HCS Laboratory

9/11/2019 SBI2 High Content 2019 3

Plate Handler Robot HCS Imager

Plate Visualization / Image Analysis


Image Analysis

Computer Cluster

Data Management


Network File Server


Instrument Control


The Wet Lab

Reagents, protocols,

assay optimization

Hardware and

Image Acquisition

Assay Types and Assay Development

Image and Data Analysis

* An Introduction To High Content Screening And Analysis Techniques:

Practical Advice and Examples, Haney, S.A, Bowman, D. Chakravarty, A.

Davies, A. and Shamu, C.E. John Wiley Press, NY, NY (in production)

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• The image as quantitative data

• Identifying the image foreground

• Splitting object clusters

• Identifying cellular compartments

• Measurement extraction

• Statistical analysis

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• The image as quantitative data

• Identifying the image foreground

• Splitting object clusters

• Identifying cellular compartments

• Measurement extraction

• Statistical analysis

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Images Contain A Wealth Of Information

9/11/2019 SBI2 High Content 2019 6http://www.microscopyu.com Image: Javier Irazoqui

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Fundamental Steps

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Making measurements,

feature extractionLENGTH, WIDTH,



Object detection, segmentation

(including 3D and tracking over time)


Image acquisition





Page 8: High Content 2019 Annual Conference September 17 , Boston, MA … · 2019-09-18 · High Content 2019 6th Annual Conference September 17th-19th, Boston, MA Joseph B. Martin Conference

Image Analysis Software Solutions

• Application modules

• Good for someone new to HCS, or just needs turn-key solution

• Polished user interfaces, fast

• Often integrated with microscope hardware

• Validated, standard assays

• Canned approach: No detailed knowledge re: image analysis needed

• Development environment

• Good for new assay development, more flexible approach

• Customizable assay design instead of pre-built solution

• Typically, combine modules into a workflow

• Higher “cost-of-entry”: Time involved to understand image analysis

details, language, scripting…

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Page 9: High Content 2019 Annual Conference September 17 , Boston, MA … · 2019-09-18 · High Content 2019 6th Annual Conference September 17th-19th, Boston, MA Joseph B. Martin Conference

Image Analysis Software Solutions

• Commercial• PerkinElmer Acapella• Definiens Tissue Studio• Molecular Devices Metamorph• GE InCell Analyzer• Media Cybernetics ImagePro+• Mathworks MATLAB• Adobe Photoshop• Etc

• Open-source• ImageJ/FIJI• CellProfiler• BioImageXD• Icy• Vaa3D• ITK/VTK• KNIME• Etc

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Not comprehensive!

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• The image as quantitative data

• Identifying the image foreground

• Splitting object clusters

• Identifying cellular compartments

• Measurement extraction

• Statistical analysis

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Object Identification

• Also known as segmentation: Partitioning an image into regions of interest

• Step 1: Distinguish the foreground from the background by picking a good threshold

• Foreground: Regions where I(x,y) > threshold T

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Illumination Correction

• Nonuniformities introduced in the optical path of the sample, microscope, and/or camera

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• Example: Uneven illumination from left to right – Can lead to inaccurate segmentation and measurements

– Cell at (a) is brighter than (b) even if cells have same amount of fluorescent material

(a) (b)

Carpenter et al, Genome Biology 2006, 7:R100

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Illumination Correction

• Recommendations

• Create new illumination correction if switching microscopes

• Perform per-plate correction

• Perform per-channel correction, as absolute illumination intensities may differ between channels9/11/2019 SBI2 High Content 2019 13

Images from Carolina Wahlby

Input image Output image

Approximation of

backgroundAverage many images

Fit continuous function to result

or smooth heavily

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Background Subtraction

• Top-hat (“rolling ball”) filtering

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Image Thresholding

What is the best threshold value for

dividing the intensity histogram into

foreground and background pixels?

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Raw input



binary image

0: Background

1: Objects

Labeled objects

Colored ROI:




Or here?

Pixel values





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Pixel-Based Image Classification

• For images where a threshold cannot be found…

• Machine-learning tools can be helpful, e.g., ilastik• User manually labels regions of image• Suite of features are used to distinguish regions and create a classifier

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Sommer and Gerlich, JCS 2013, 126:1

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• The image as quantitative data

• Identifying the image foreground

• Splitting object clusters

• Identifying cellular compartments

• Measurement extraction

• Statistical analysis

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Separating Touching Objects

• Once the foreground blobs have been identified, what next?• Thresholding is not sufficient to separate clustered or touching objects

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• Step 2: Distinguish multiple objects contained in the same foreground blob

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Watershed Segmentation

• Consider the image as a surfacewith basins….

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Images from Carolina Wahlby

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Separating Touching Objects

• Identifying objects: Some options

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1 2



• Intensity-based: Works best if objects are brighter at center, dimmer at edges

• Shape-based: Works best if objects have indentations where objects touch (esp. if objects are round)




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• The image as quantitative data

• Identifying the image foreground

• Splitting object clusters

• Identifying cellular compartments

• Measurement extraction

• Statistical analysis

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Identifying Cell Objects

• Nuclei more easily separated than cells

• DNA markers are specific

• Yield good foreground/background contrast

• Uniform shape

• Identifying cells is more difficult• Available markers often lower contrast

• Unclear boundaries between cells, depending on the cell type and culture conditions

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Secondary Object Identification

• “Growing” the primary objects to identify cell boundaries

• Use segmented nuclei as “seeds” by using a cell stain channel

• Some assays do not require precise cell ID

• E.g, is a protein located in nucleus or cytoplasm?

• Produce proxy cells by growing nuclei by Npixels if no cell stain available

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Identifying Subcellular Structures

• With appropriate markers, other

subcellular compartments can be labeled

• These can be identified using the same

methods already mentioned

• Consider using enclosing object as mask

for better pre-processing, thresholding

• Make sure to assign subfeatures to

enclosing objects

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Sub-object ID

Sub-object relation

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• The image as quantitative data

• Identifying the image foreground

• Splitting object clusters

• Identifying cellular compartments

• Measurement extraction

• Statistical analysis

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Page 26: High Content 2019 Annual Conference September 17 , Boston, MA … · 2019-09-18 · High Content 2019 6th Annual Conference September 17th-19th, Boston, MA Joseph B. Martin Conference

Measuring Object Counts

• Most common readout• # of cells per image/well

• # of organelles per image/well

• # of organelles per cell

• Number of objects per image/well is often a useful readout for QC purposes

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Measuring Object Morphology

• Reduce an aspect of object shape to a single value

• Example features

• Area: Pixel coverage of object

• Perimeter: Length of object boundary

• Eccentricity: Object “oblongness”

• Major, minor axis length: Object elongation

• Form factor: Measure of compactness

• Zernike features

• Objects touching the image border should be excluded if shape is important

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Measuring Object Intensity

• Example features• Integrated (total) intensity: Sum of the object

pixel ∝ amount of substance labeled

• Mean, median, standard deviation intensities

• Lower/upper intensity quartiles

• Correlation coefficients between channels: Colocalization

• Make sure to illumination correct beforehand

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• Related to the amount of marker at a pixel location

Images courtesy of Ilya Ravkin

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Measuring Object Texture

• Determine whether the staining pattern is smooth or coarse at a particular scale

• Selecting the appropriate texture scale

• Higher scale: Larger patterns of texture

• Smaller scale: More localized (finer) patterns of texture

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Virus Texture Dataset, http://www.cb.uu.se/~gustaf/virustexture/

Moffat et al., Cell, 2006, 124:1283

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Measuring Location

• Cell or organelle location within image may be meaningful

• Example features• Distance from organelle to nucleus, cell


• Change in position often important in time-lapse imaging

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Miller et al., PNAS 2003

Battich et al., Nat Meth 2013

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Time-Lapse Analysis

• Very sensitive to problems in object identification

• GIGO: Assay development, image acquisition must be optimized for tracking success

• Take note of mis-segmentations especially for cell cycle, lineage studies

• Software• Bitplane Imaris, Perkin-Elmer Volocity,

Molecular Devices Metamorph

• CellProfiler, FIJI, etc

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Schmitz et al. Nat Cell Biol 2010, 12:886

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Measuring Clustering

• Characterization of spatial relationships between objects

• Example features• Number of neighboring objects

• Percent of the perimeter touching neighbor objects

• Distance to the nearest neighbor

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Combinations of Measurements

• Phenotype identification may be difficult if hand-

selecting from a limited measurement set

• Machine learning (ML) approaches can identify

phenotypes from a combination of measurements

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• Some measurements (e.g., texture) are hard to interpret as readouts but are

excellent fodder for ML approaches to downstream analysis

Sommer and Gerlich, JCS 2013, 126:1

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• The image as quantitative data

• Identifying the image foreground

• Splitting object clusters

• Identifying cellular compartments

• Measurement extraction

• Statistical analysis

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Quality Control

• Ideally, QC should be performed at beginning of workflow

• Use automated measures, with option of manual vetting• Machine learning approaches can be useful here

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• Focus imperfections, incorrect exposures, background problems, artifacts

• Identify, eliminate systematic aberrations

Focal blur Saturation artifact

Sommer and Gerlich, JCS 2013, 126:1

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Data Analysis

• What does this data set look like?

• Cytological profile, or Cytoprofile

• Shows all the measurements acquired• For each individual cell • In every image • In the entire experiment.

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Cell #6111617

-.2 .7 -.1 0 .2 -.9

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Data Normalization

• Used to remove systematic errors from the data

• Allows comparison of screening runs from different plates, acquisition times, etc.

• Ideally, results in:• Similar measurement ranges observed across different wells with the same treatment• Similar measurement distributions of the controls (positive or negative)• Keep in mind the recommendations from Assay Development section!

• Common approaches• % of control: Divide by mean of corresponding measurement from control• % of samples: Divide by mean of corresponding measurement from all samples• Z-score, robust Z-score: Transform to zero mean/median, unit variance/MAD

• Alternative approach: Normalized value = percentile within rank-ordered data

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Statistical Analysis Software

• Spreadsheets (e.g., Microsoft Excel)• Widely used because of familiarity,

• Unable to handle large screening datasets

• Lack sophisticated analysis methods

• HCS/HTS microscope vendors often bundle data-analysis functionality with hardware, image-analysis software

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Statistical Analysis Software

• Specialized commercial tools• Wide variety of products• Often bundled with hardware• Talk to vendors for more details

• Open-source tools• KNIME• CellProfiler Analyst• Weka• Bioconductor

• Custom scripts• MATLAB• R• Python

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Not comprehensive!

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Summary: Fundamental Steps

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Knowledge about

the application!

Making measurements,

feature extractionLENGTH, WIDTH,



Object detection, segmentation

(including 3D and tracking over time)


Image acquisition





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Additional Resources

• Introduction to the Quantitative Analysis of Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Microscopy Images for Cell-Based Screening

• Ljosa and Carpenter, PLoS Computational Biology, 5(12), 2009

• DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000603

• Biological imaging software tools• Eliceiri et al, Nat Meth, 9(7), 2012

• DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.2084

• Assay Guidance Manual• Introduction: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK100913

• Advanced methods: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK126174

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Summary: The HCS Laboratory

9/11/2019 SBI2 High Content 2019 42

Plate Handler Robot HCS Imager

Plate Visualization / Image Analysis


Image Analysis

Computer Cluster

Data Management


Network File Server


Instrument Control


The Wet Lab

Reagents, protocols,

assay optimization

Hardware and

Image Acquisition

Assay Types and Assay Development

Image and Data Analysis

* An Introduction To High Content Screening And Analysis Techniques:

Practical Advice and Examples, Haney, S.A, Bowman, D. Chakravarty, A.

Davies, A. and Shamu, C.E. John Wiley Press, NY, NY (in production)