Bob Fosbury ST- ECF High redshift radio galaxies Massive galaxy formation during the “Epoch of the Quasars” Bob Fosbury (ST-ECF) Marshall Cohen (Caltech), Bob Goodrich (Keck) Joël Vernet, Ilse van Bemmel (ESO) Montse Villar-Martín (U Hertfordshire) Sperello di Serego Alighieri, Andrea Cimatti (Arcetri) Pat McCarthy (OCIW)

High redshift radio galaxies

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High redshift radio galaxies. Massive galaxy formation during the “Epoch of the Quasars” Bob Fosbury (ST-ECF) Marshall Cohen (Caltech), Bob Goodrich (Keck) Joël Vernet, Ilse van Bemmel (ESO) Montse Villar-Martín (U Hertfordshire) Sperello di Serego Alighieri, Andrea Cimatti (Arcetri) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

High redshift radio galaxies

Massive galaxy formation during the “Epoch of the Quasars”

Bob Fosbury (ST-ECF)Marshall Cohen (Caltech), Bob Goodrich (Keck)

Joël Vernet, Ilse van Bemmel (ESO)Montse Villar-Martín (U Hertfordshire)

Sperello di Serego Alighieri, Andrea Cimatti (Arcetri)Pat McCarthy (OCIW)

Page 2: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Why radio sources?The distant

extragalactic radio sources

signpost the mass concentrations where clusters

and massive galaxies are


Courtesy:[email protected]

Page 3: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Why radio galaxies?Radio quasars

and radio galaxies

have different


The galaxies exhibit a ‘natural


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Page 4: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Why redshift ~ 2.5?High star formation ratePeak of quasar activityEpoch of elliptical assembly?Groundbased access to UV and optical restframe spectrum Courtesy Blain, Cambridge)

Page 5: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Main resultThe interstellar medium of the galaxy,

ionized by the quasar, tells the story of early chemical evolution in massive galaxies

One of the few ways to study detailed properties of the gas phase at high redshift:cf. quasar absorption linesamplified (lensed) background sources

Page 6: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

StrategyHi-res images in optical and NIR with HST (WFPC2 & NICMOS)Optical spectropolarimetry of the restframe UV from Ly to ~2500Å

-> resonance emission and absorption lines, dust signatures, continua from young stars and from the scattered (hidden) AGN-> separate the stellar from the AGN-related processes

IR spectroscopy of the restframe optical: [OII] -> J [OIII] -> H H -> K (constrains z-range)

-> forbidden lines and evolved stellar ctm.Understand the K Hubble diagram (K–z)

Page 7: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

What is unique to this study?3 to 8 hrs of Keck LRISp integration for

each of 12 objects => P(continuum) to ±1 or 2 % and high s/n spectrophotometry

Use of the first publicly available 8m IR spectrograph (ISAAC) to see the restframe optical continuum

The Keck and VLT samples partially overlap which gives us ~continuous spectral coverage from Ly to H

Page 8: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

The complete spectral range

Page 9: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

H-band spectrum of source with weak continuum

Page 10: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

A note on sample selectionOptical sample:

Radio galaxies from the ultra-steep spectrum selected sample (Röttgering et al. 1995) with z>2 accessible to Keck

IR sample:Overlapping sample but with 2.2 < z < 2.6 to ensure the major emission lines fall in the J, H and K windows.

Object z4C+03.24 3.570MRC0943-242 2.922MRC2025-218 2.63MRC0529-549 2.575USS0828+193 2.5724C-00.62 2.5274C+23.56 2.479MRC0406-244 2.44B30731+4382.4294C-00.54 2.3604C+48.48 2.343TXS0211-1222.340MRC0349-211 2.3294C+40.36 2.265MRC1138-262 2.156

Page 11: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Example of 2D spectra


<- M star

Page 12: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Page 13: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Results: the continuumDominated in the UV by scattered light from the hidden quasar. The evidence is:

The polarizationThe continuum shape and intensityThe presence of (polarized) broad lines with ~the expected EW

The nebular continuum (computed from the recombination lines) is a minor contributorIn low P objects there is some evidence for starburst light, constrained by the continuum colourIn the optical, the continuum can comprise 3 components: evolved stars, scattered quasar, direct (reddened) quasar

Page 14: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

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Page 15: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Page 16: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Results: the emission linesTwo main contributors to the emission linesScattered light from the quasar — characterised by polarization; both broad and (weak) narrow components Fluorescent emission from the ISM which is ionized predominantly by the AGN — seen directly and thus unpolarizedBOTH of these components are spatially extendedIn some objects, we do see direct (reddened) quasar light at longer wavelengths (H) as well

Page 17: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Ly/CIV & NV/CIV vs P correlations

Red: sources with similar data from literature

Page 18: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

What does NV/CIV vs. P imply?Using the modelling, we can rule out

ionization, density or depletion explanations

The simplest explanation is a variation of metallicity with nitrogen changing quadratically wrt C/H or O/H => secondary nitrogen production

As the enrichment proceeds, dust is produced and dispersed — leading to increasing obscuration and scattering. AGN-powered ULIRG are the end-point of this process

Page 19: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Comparison of the kpc-scale ISM data from the RG with the BLR data discussed by Hamann & Ferland

Quasar BLR

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Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Illustrative enrichment model from Hamann & Ferland (1999). The gE exhausts its gas after ~ 1Gyr followed by passive evolution. O/H

Page 21: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Spectral sequenceTop: transparent/metal poorBottom: obscured/metal rich

Page 22: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

Comparison with Ly-break galaxyPettini et al. 2000Note dramatic difference in interstellar

absorption line spectra

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Bob Fosbury ST-ECF



Page 24: High redshift radio galaxies

Bob Fosbury ST-ECF

SummaryRadio sources mark the sites of massive galaxy and cluster formationRadio galaxies have a built-in coronographUV spectra are dominated by AGN-related processes: dust scattering and line fluorescenceEmission lines measure the physical and chemical and kinematic properties of the ISMEvidence for chemical evolution in the host galaxies during the “epoch of the quasars”Optical spectra -> stellar population and more detailed picture of chemical composition