Questions I hand my ad to Tlie Highland Recorder feeling more confidence in my ability to serve my patrons ? his fall than ever before. My connection with The Merchants Grocery Co. of Greensboro, C., which is strictly wholesale enables me to secure many lines of goods from first hands, and to sell same' to you without the additional mid¬ dleman's profits. CLOTHING Ts bongil* for cosn from the best tnannf ictur r-. I handle only sty¬ lish substantial «ools, and can fit you as well as anyone. I have had 18 tears ol experieme asa buyer, and buy in large quantities, this I think will enable me to make you a very close price. [ have boys suits and over coats from 5 to 18 years, men's suits and overcoats in sizes from 35 to 44. In this advertisement under each heading I shall quote depart-J went specialties whicn I consider bargains. Boys suits, 2 pieces fl, 3 pieces fl.75, men's genuine Irish Frieze storm overcoats $13. heavy chinchillas $8, best grade chinchil¬ las $14, men's nice black clay diag¬ onal suits |7, best all wool black clay suits $11, boys corduroy pants u to 15 yrs 50c per pair. _i i,.i.mi I .¦es.isswi Highland Reckodek LOCAL NEWS. \ PERSONAL. Brief Items of Interest to Home Folks About Their Friends And Acquaintances. Mr and Mrs P Mcnulty visited j Monterey friends Wednesday. Fleisher Bros. of Strait Creek marketed their turkeys Wednes¬ day. See W. C Grinstead's ad in this issue in regard to furniture. Mrs John Wade returned Satur¬ day from Kansas where she spent several weeks visiting her (laugh- ter who resides there. Her mother, Mrs Eliza Wade accompanied her on the trip. /"One (»f Mr David Campbell's j*S sons of the West is vis^hg High* ' land relatives. g Dr K ll Trimble liasMniiTl>a-^J the fixtures in Mr S || Canon's] drug store. Mr Jesse B Slaven haSnot gone to Marl in ton as was repAed to us,! but is with his dauglitelHVlrs. O.J C'ampbell. When you want prompt acting' little pills that never gripe use' DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Mr Paris Johnston is now one of the forre of clerks at V B Bish-; op's store, he haying commenced work this week. Oysters at Mrs L. S. D:ckenson's every Saturday evening from 7 to ll. For Sale:.A first-class 1600 pound Victor Safe. As good as new.can be purchased at reasona¬ ble prices. For further informa¬ tion inquire at this office. On Wednesday of last week H. <"!ark Hevener of Hightonn and Mi.'s Bertie L Philips and Henry 11 W Mullenax and Miss Mamie K,J Collins were united in matrimony, Kev. J. H. Tillery officiating in both. Mrs Tl M Slaven received recent¬ ly from her brother Charles Bus- sard in the Philippines, a box of] sea shells, coral formations and other beautiful things, all com¬ mon to that far off land, but rare indeed to us. The case of S C Beverage's com¬ mittee against D C Ralston &c. which was taken to the court of j appeals bas recently been decided,! < j the decision confirming that of the [lower court, which was favorable the defendants. tThe party who borrowed, or Jierwise came into possession of j' buggy tongue yoke will please" i'm it. Tom H. Slaven, attorney, E. H. McClmtic of iterey,"spent.several days in -neighborhood last week. He mig water from the matriruo- spring, which has recently in popularity. Bath" Co. )rise. Miss Hattie Cleek, Superintend¬ ent of th*' ii ;utal for the insane sick, at Louisville, Ky , returned to her home at Cleeks Mill, last week. She is here for recuperation and will remuin about two weeks. Lyman Bickford, one of inven¬ tors of the famous Bickford an! Huffman drill died on Hth, aged 80 years. People here'bout have quit tank¬ ing about the election and gone to talking, about small-pox. lt is said to be pretty well scattered through Pocahontas county. In Mr. Hull Kramer's camp near Marlinion, several cases are reported, one of j them being Mr Paul Dever of lOreen Hill, who is very sick. Two >r three more Highland boys who fere in that camp have returned ^d are quarantined at their homes j ir Stalnaker's mill. \ of V. B. DRY GOODS. Tn this department I have all the latest shades in broad cloths, flan¬ nels, serges, henriettas &c. Broad cloths and flannels are yery much used this season for suits and waists. Raw cotton has advanced from 5| to Ile per lb. you will therefore rind a very large assortment of cali¬ cos, outiug gingham &c. as I have anticipated my wants in cotton fabrics for some time to come. Bed comforts good quality, $1, best $2.50, double cotton blankets $1.00, single wool blankets 12.26, double wool blankets 13.50 to 6.50 per pair, good heavy outing at 10c per yd, good gingham 5c, a nice line of single dress patterns from 50 to $1.25 per yd, new lot of all wookcarpets at 65c yer yd, stair carpet 50c, 8-4 oil carpet for halls at 35c per square yd, a nice line of moquette rugs from 1.35 to $2.50 each. notion s. In regards to notions I do not hesitate to Ray I have the best goods for the money I haye ever offered for sale. I have bought lar^e and complete lines especially in underwear, hosiery, and gloyes, the celebrated lt & G corsets from 50c to $1.25, 12 doz. pairs Fosters' Mrs Lemuel Waybright, of Crab- bottom, whose illness we mention¬ ed in last issue, died on last Satur dav, and was buried on Sundav at (Vabbottom cemetery. She was a daughter of Mr Henry Mullenax. Mes rs W H Williams and Orin Bradshad of McDowell went out to Pocahontas Wednesday. Mr Wil¬ liams is running a team at the railroad. We are informed that the 15 or 16 fever casfii at McDowell are all doing well, except Mr Wm Quidore and Mrs Curry who are not im¬ proving. Two trained nurses from the Icing's Daughter's Hospital at Staunton. Misses B L Wade and Nena McCleland, are employed im the families of Mr John J Hiner aud Mrs Hansel. Mr Walter Grinstead who has been one of the men behind the counter at V B Bishop's place for .bout a year, has changed his oc¬ cupation to that of finisher in W X Bussard's factory. Mr. Grin- stead is a very fine finisher, we karn, he having worked with a force of painters and varnishers on some of the fine ships that have been launched at Newport News. Messers James and Andy Ryderi are building an addition to Mr. Jacob Varner's house. Mr Chas Gibbs of Bolar called Thanksgiving day and renewed his subscription, and made us thankful that we have such subscribers. Mr and Mrs John W Simmons were in town Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Joseph Hull were iver Tuesdav, Mr. Hugh Jordon's barn, near Vanderpool, was burned to the ground with contents, hay grain md farm machinery on last Tues- lay morning at 4 o'clock. There s no doubt but that it was the tvork of an evil person, and from ill such we should at this Thanks- jiying time pray to be delivered. MrsSiscelia Hite is visiting her laughter, Mrs A T Carpenter. Mrs J C Mathenv is visitingjher lit ce, Miss Annie Matheny of Val- ey Center, who is ill. Hiss Quidore Dead. S:id news comes to us this morn- ng (Thursday.) from McDowell vhere an epidemic of typhoid ever is well under way. Miss rina Quidore, one of the victims, i blight and attractive young lady lied about 8 o'clock this morning, md it is thought her brother, Mr. vVm Quidore can live but a short ivhile. The latter case has serious joni plications that render recovery ilmostan impossibility. Thanks Giving Day, If every body started out rhanksgiving morning with the letermination to make an honest tffort to make some one happy by some little act of kindness, then we ire assured that Thanksgiving day las been a success, and that one lay at least, in all the year has )een one of brightness and sun¬ ville. -. ..- News Notes. Dr. J. B. Winston, associate prin- >ipal of the Valley Seminary at Waynesboro, died on last Sunday norning. Gov. Tyler has summoned the Virginia legislature to meet in ex- ;ra session on Jan. 23rd, 1901. Virginia College whose buildings *t Roanoke were burned last week, reopened this week at Buena Vista. A fire at Philippi, W. Va. caused a loss of $75,000. 500 cases of small-pox are re¬ ported along the C. and 0. between Russell, VV. Va. and Clifton Forge, Va. 4WA This signature ia on every box of tho genuine Laxative Bromo*Quinine ***** the remedy that cuxe» a cola In one day Bishop. 1st quality kid gloves in all sizes and colors at 90c per pair, I have never sold these for less than §1 before. You will also find a full line of gent's light and heaey gloves, ladies' and gent's collars in up-to-date styles only, cravats in new shapes and colors, butterfly, batwings, 4 in hartd &c. Table linens, napkins, towels, fancy doil- lies, bureau and table scarfs, stamp¬ ed linens for embroidery, fine ham¬ burgs, insertings, dress braids &c. A special bargain in the following: men's undershirts and drawers to match at 60c each, childrens vests and drawers from 12^ io 45c ac cording to size, ladies' vests and pants at 30 and 50c each, men's overshirts.a good one at 60c each. 50 doz. pairs childrens heavy ribbed hose at 20c per pair, 60 doz. pairs ladies hose 1st class, 3 pr for 50c. 1st class roller blinds 35c each. 25 doz, embroidered handkerchiefs 5c each, fine Dresden handled um¬ brellas $1.00. Men's silk plush caps 50c. A full line of children's caps at 35c all sizes. De«irir.g to make my Xmas dis¬ play desirable, attractive and use¬ ful, I have in stock or will have u full assortment of ladies and gen¬ tlemen's suild gold nngs with gen¬ uine stone settings, watches forf County Court Proceedings, Court, convened on 22nd inst. Judge Lyman Chalkley presiding. W VV Stephenson's appointment as school trustee for Monterey dis trict, was confirmed, H H Slaven's appointment as school trustee for Blue Grass dist, was confirmed. N H Cobb against R N Rodgers. Removed from a J. P. Continued. J F Rexrode against Howard Folks. Appeal. Dismissed satisfied. James F. Bird's Adm'r against J B Bradshaw. Continued. H H Terrv, J H Mackey and J no G Hamilton were appointed ap¬ praisers of the personalty of Lucin¬ da Marks. A N Col aw was appointed guar¬ dian of Eugie and Edward New¬ man. The Grand Jury made the follow¬ ing indictments: Commonwealth against Babe Chestnut and Ashby Shultz, for hitting Bob Doyle in the eye with a bur causing him to lose use of it. Commonwealth against Dr H H Jones as Road Coni'r for Stonewall district for failure to pei form bis duty as such. . SM-. Real Estate Deal. Mr SW Crummett bought this week of Mr S B Sieg a tract of 15£ acres of land, it being a part of the land sold by Dr Henry Fleisher to Charles P. Jones Esq. A year ago this land sold at $40 per acre but in this sale it bi ought over $60. Its convenience to town for pasture, and that being quite an item now since the town cows have to be kept up, is one reason why the property has increased in value. Then, thia little town seems to be on a boom, one of the healthy sort, that keeps every thing on a good, even move. A town lot sold this week for $1,000, the old, Winier hotel prop¬ erty, and it's likely that a couple if business houses will go up on it. lt has looked for sometime as though the town would be over crowded, but it seems that busi¬ ness increases proportionately and ill move along in a flourishing way. What we need now is a graded school. Everybodv says that. -._.#-,- A Woman Shot. Mrs Movers of Pendleton counb, who was making her home wita :itr daughter, Mrs Hezekiah Mal- jomh near McDowell, while sweep- ng the house, on last Friday, hit i shot gun that was lying on the table with her broom, knocking th« hammer against a stone jar. causing the gun to be discharged, the entire load in a solid mass' passing through her hip, inflicting i would that would have proved fatal in a few hours. Dr Siron was called and at once saw that the rm ly chance for her recovery was in amputating the leg at the hip joint. This he was convinced was but a bare chance, owing to the age of the patient, she being 74 years old, but he felt it his duty to make the effort. Dr Fox was call¬ ed to assist in the operation which was successfully accomplished on Saturday, and the patient came from under the chloroform, and was thought to be regaining hei strength in a lemarkable manner, but a few hours later a turn came in the case and she grew rapidly weaker un ti ll death came some¬ time on Saturday night. Virginia Huckleberries Going West. A few weeks ago we made men Hon of an old Virginia, who now resides at Tuscarora, Nevada, re¬ questing the postmaster at this place to send him some huckleber ries, so that he could grow them there. instead of sending th< berries Mr Slaven forwarded to him this week by mall. 100 bushes that he may try his luck on getting them to grow. The gentleman's name is Albert Townsend, and in his letter to Mr Slaven he states that it might be that there are some yet living in the neighbor¬ hood of his old home, which was on Back Creek, 8 or 9 miles west of Monterey, who would remember him. He is a son of Wm. Town¬ send and left Virginia in 1853, at the age or 16 years. ladies and gentlemen from $1.25 to $50. Of course you will under¬ stand that these watches from $40 to $50 are solid gold, a full assort¬ ment of silver tattle ware and nov¬ elties fills one of my upright show cases ready for inspection., A large lot of popular novels 35c for full cloth binding, also a good assort¬ ment of new copyrighted novels by popular authors at publishers Ywt priee which is as low as they are sold, I hope to haye the pat¬ ronage of the people on these b:>oks. that I may be enabled to keen a full supolv at my store for the benefit of progressive High¬ landers. Garwoods, Eastman's, Dabrooks and Bnlzairres finest ex¬ tracts, Garwood's smelling salts, above extracts are usually sold by drug stores only. Testaments and Psalms 30 to 80c, a fine thumb in¬ dex bible with seal binding at $1.75. Clocks in new and attractive de¬ signs from a 90c nikle to a hand¬ some cathedral gong at $6.40, be sure to look at these clocks. SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY. If you have neyer used the Mil¬ ler's Daughter tablet in both plain and ruled come in and get one. I have pencil and finest linen tablets from the same manufacturer from one to 20 cents. Full size envelope first quality 6 cts. per package or 25 or 50 cts per box of 10 packages. Good note paper 5 cts per quire or 18 cts f:>r 5 quires. All school books adopted by state board for sale at publisher's list price. GLASS AND QfftENSWARE. Decorated tumblers 15 cts for 6 plain tumblers 20 cts for 6 and gob¬ lets 30 cts for 6. Large stand lamps 30 cts complete. One-half gallon glans pitcher 20 cts. Glass berry sets 7 pieces 35 cts. An especially full and attractive stock of queens- ware and china and will be even more so on the arrival of the Xmas addition. A good assortment of tea and dinner sets. Ten and twelve piece chamber sets very handsome also a large lot of decorated goods that will be sold in any quantity or in tea or dinner sets as best suits the purchaser. IN BOOTS AND SHOES You will find the largest assort nient in Highland County, as I buy- direct from the manufacturers in original cases thereby saving jobbers profits, you can expect to get your size in the very latest styles and at the lowest possible prices. I will guarantee a great, many of the boots and shoes, I now sell as the manufacturer guar¬ antees the same to me. My line is especially strong in childrens' women's and men's every day shoes ind boots. 'SSfr'SS***^ !5&5SS£K3 rXT^m We © © Sell our Shoes Squarely on their Merit B^jTThey fit well, they wear well you will do well to buy them, because I will help you to save your money, in foot apparel. A- LEE KNOWLES, THE SHOE HVEJL^T 21 \V. Mainstreet - Staunton, Va They Say We're Proud! and we have a right to be. We have the most up-to-date stock in the Valley, and then we know how to please the ladies. They say they de* f with us, because we cater only to the wants of those who like the proper things to wear. This Fall We Are Showing all the newest things in Fine Dress Goods, Trimmings, Tailored Suits, Ladies' Wraps, House furnishings, ftc If you want your fall and winter outfit to be one that you will feel easy to wear no matter where you go, then come to us. HOOVER, BEAR & GO. Phone No. 36 - - Staunton, Va. We Trust You^ V "Turkish -J'ATH : H0^ :.. fa Restore ad Mm Your Health.' Inyestigate our co-operative plan of noni lily payments before purchasing a 3alU Cabinet. Members wanted who ire honest. Wealth unnecessary. Hot Air Electric. Baths will benefit or ure every ailment. By using one of our i'hermal Bath Cabinets you can acoomp- iah quietly in the retirement of your mn home."belter resulis than at Natur.il Milphur Springs or Turkish Hath Houses, i Ki.joy Turkish, Sulphur, Vapor, or i Medicated st ea" Batta at Home,:', cents j .adi. They open up the 5,000,000 pores >f tiie skin From cadi flows a tiny tlnam of poisoii laden liquid, which, if etaiued, poisons the system, canting Rheumatism, Malaria, Nerveousness, and General Debility. The most complete line of Balli Cab- nets in Hie world. Prices; 'J he ;-tawlnrd $5.00; Century t8£t>,New Krmita.00. (Jood Representatives wanted every¬ where. W rite for oar book, Health and Beauty. i LT ANiMRirBATri CABINET CO. 5117-519 MadtflOti St. i Toledo, Ohio. If von have »-ver s;en a child in the agony of croup \ou can renliz^* how grateful mothers are for One Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is adiuinistere¦'. lt quickly cures cougs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. S. J. Gurson. Brave Explorers. Like Stanley and I. ivingstone, found it harder to overcome Malara, Feyer and Ague, and Typhoid disease germs than savage cannibals; but tnousaads have found that Electric Bitters is a wonder¬ ful cure for all material diseases. If you have chills with fever, aches in back of neck and head, and tired, worn-out feel¬ ing, a trial will convince you of their merit. W A Null of Webb, 111., wrhes: "My children suffered for more than a year with chills and feyer; then two bot¬ tles of Electric Bitters cured them" Only 50 cents. Try them. Guaranteed. Sold by H .1 Carson druggist. MEDICINE-DENTISTRY-PHARMACT. University Collepe i f Medicine, Richmond, Ta. RUITEK S'.firIRE, 1. D., LL.*., Present. &6 IN FACULTY. RECORD of Graduate* laat year before 7 Slate Boards, !<>«> Tor Ont- For 98-page Catalog, addreas Dr. J. ALLISON HODGE*, Dean. UMBtMMM Preaching Appointments. Dec 2nd Rehoboth at ll a. m. " ^ireen Hill at 3 p. m. " Monterey 7.30 p m. Rev J R Tillerv. Preaching in Monterey every 1st Sabbath at ll a.m., and ut Pisgah nt3.30 p.m;Pisgah every 3rd Sunday at ll a.m.,Monterey 7.30 p,m ;Crab- bottom every 2nd Sabbath at Ila. m.. High town 3.30 p.m.; llightown 4th Sabbath, ll a. m., Crabbottoui 7 p.m. .Ino. Huff. view 3 p. m. Nov. 18, Union Chapel ll a, m. ar.d Brick eli ireh 3 p, m Nov. 25, Mesley Chapel ll a. m. II. 1\ Barnes. Stops the Cough find wo ks oflfthe Cold Laxative Rromo-Qutnitte Tablets cure a Bold in omi day, No Cure, no 1'ny. I'rice iS cen is. Lost I Los:! Twent s!ipc|) (lo lamb* awl ."> cwsi w leen are not blundell ai Nil. tatt have and umier keelia kft rw nud I emt 9 ~iils in rig) ear ha vt- strayed from my plajM on .lack Mountain A ii'fviuit of SOC on thc head will Uv. (riven lo any one that will lind them ami l-l Mr kuoW. 3l (icu W Armstrong. Editor W V [{airy of J.e\in-: on, Tenn., in exploring Mammoth i>v ,contr««*ted a revere" cane of I'iles. His quick <u.re through utting i'uckleo'fi Arnica Sake convincing him it is another world's wonder. < mes 1'iles, injuries Inflam¬ mation, and i.ll bodily emptions. Only 2~> at S J (.'arson's. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will euro a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping-Cough and Measle- Cough without tail. Mothers praise it. Doctors prescribe it for Bronchi¬ tis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption, lt fives quick, sure results. Price, 25 cts. liefusethe dealer's substitute; it is not as {rood. Always cures when others fail. Dr. Bull's Pills cure Constipation and Liver Troubles. 50 pills, 10 cts. Trial box, 5 cts. HARDWARE, GUNS, BUGGIES &C. Iii all these lines von will find that I haye a good assortment. Sin¬ gle barrel, armory steel, choke bored guns for $0 00. I nguiu call vonr attention to the line of dou¬ ble barrel American made guns. I guarantee these guns ti shoot well if any part should break li can be replaced.left barrel full chofte, | right a cylinder, 1st grade $13 00. 2nd grade 14.00, 3rd grade 2000.! In addition to these I have a full stock of single and double guns. j shells loaded with black powder I 45c per box of 25, nitro powder 05c j pr box of 25. A full assortment of j cook and heating stoves, Hu ge vs King heater a specialty. 1 set of knives and forks 0 each 50c. Jute rope and fodder twine 10c per lb. Sisal rope ll cents per pound 1st class surrey full leather trim¬ mings $100, top buggy with dust proof collar, long distance axel, full leather quarters, rubber roof, spring cushion and back full leath¬ er, nickle hub bands, quick shift¬ ing shaft coupler at $00. A nice open buggv for 32 00, a good set single barnes for 8 50, double bug¬ gy and team harness of both city and hand made from 8.50 to 35 00. a full line of buggy robes and whips. IN GROCERIES [ am especially strong having bet¬ ter facilities for buying now than formerly. Good green coffee at 12£c, Arbuckels roated 13c, rice at 0 and 8Jc, pickels in bottles and by the ; barrel, canned meats of all kinis New York state full cream cheese will be kept throughout the winter, crackers and cakes fresh from the bakery, lie sure to look at the new I soups especially Andrew Jergen's 5 and 10c assortments, glycerine bars at 10, 15 and 23c, all delicate- Iv perfumed. Frank Siddall's 0c, very best pure cider vinegar 25c pr gal., .Liva and Mocha blend roast¬ ed coffee 25c per lb., soda 9 lbs for 25c, trimmed sole leather by the side 28c, macearoni 8c. I have added to my stock a full line of solid oak furniture. Will sell in suits or single piecesv Iron, beds, springs, chairs, etc. In chewing smoking tobacco Ci¬ gars and snuff you will always find a full line of the most popular brand*. 1 have recently added to my LA¬ DIES' READY MADE DEPARTMENT tai¬ lor made suits in newstvlish cloths in New York stvles with silk lined jackets from $10 to $12.50 each. Ladies' capes in all styles and colors from 75 cts to $10. Ladies1 coats in all colors, si'kcs and styled from $5 to $11. Ladies' waists in mer- cerated cottons and flannels.readv made over and underskirts from 50 cts to $5.50. New lot of ladies' ha'a from 50 cts to $3 00. I hope the ladies will ask to see these go ids when thev come to the store. I am anxious to improve this department but can not do so unless the ladies assist me. PUTNAM ORGANS. Why not try one of these VIRGINIA MADE ORGAHS NO need to write off for one as we deliver them ill Monterey, thus saving freight, hauling from Staun¬ ton, and give you a chance to see what you are get¬ ting before you pay, beside our prices are most rea¬ sonable. We will sell on easy payments to reliable ' parties. r^Wc agree to keep these organs in order Free of Charge if you buy from us. Write for catalogue and prices. Brereton and Heydenreich, Factory Agents for VV. W. Putnam & Co. Staunton, Va. S- M- WILKES & GO Staunton, Va. + High Grade Furniture ? j UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMING. fl Licensed Embalmer in charge. 'What Constitutes :he Best Paint. )} The life and durability of any paint is Pure Lead, Pure Linseed Oil and pure colors properly blended and finely ground together. "Wilson Bros. Gloss White Lead" inan- ufai'lured for us by J no. VV. Masury & Son is the purest Lead on the market today. It will cover one-third more surface than any other brand, stand longer, gloss up prettier and will not (rack or chalk off. Willson Bros., Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Staunton, Va. NO MONEY REQUIRED WITH YOUR ORDER. Jut this ad. out and lend to us. State whether you wish drop hesd or up¬ right, and we will send you our high-grade Akron Sewing Kachina >y freight, C. O. D., subject to examination. Examine it st your nearest leight or express office, and if found exactly ss represented here, equal to ither machines costing from {40 to $60, pay the sgent our SPECIAL FACTORY PRICE $TM5fitt»«R* iveragc 75 cts. for each soo miles, less or greater distances in proportion. Jive it 4 months' talki In your own home, and if it is not satisfactory, eturn it at our expense, and we will refund your money. This machine ls qua! to sny standard high-gr-.de sewing machine made, and any machine told for less' money mustl>e made of inferior material. We manufacture in arge quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost, which enables tts o offer you a strictly high-grade machine at a ridiculously low price. [jriil»Qr f\t lUITATflQC Unknown concerns are continually offer- [JEJl/lni. (Jj lilli Ift I UM OllnKmf«'°r machines under various names rith various inducements. Write to the Akron Bnvingt Bank or the Ssoond National Bank of Akron, Ohio, and they will tell you of out reliability. MODERN IMPROVED ^S^^^P^Si -. ilne, with the defects of none. Made right in our factory, by tie most skilled workmen and from the best material that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ money can buy. UflUr ULOrt UADIRCI ter-sawed oak, piano polished. One illustration shows Box Top machine open ready for use, the other our Drop Hesd machine with the head dropped from sight, to be used as a center-table or desk. The upright or Box Top machine has six fancy drawers snd one drawer for tools, needles, etc. Drawers are latest 1900 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, embossed and decorated cabinet finish, fine nickeled drawer pulls, rests on four casters. adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. The Drop Head has four fancy drawers and one drawer fcr tools. Each machine has the finest high-arm head, positive four-motion feed, self-threading vibrating shuttle, automatic bob¬ bin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator, implored loose wheel. Improved adjustable pressure-foot. Improved shuttle carrier, patent dress guard, patent needle bar, head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed. We guarantee this machine to be the lightest running, most durable and nearest noiseless machine made. Every attachment ls furnished tree, together with a complete Instruc¬ tion book, telling you now to do any kind of plain or fancy work. We Issue a written, binding guarantee with every machine. It will cost von nothing to see and exam¬ ine this machine, compare it with others selling for from $40 to foo, and if satisfactory, ray the agent $16.95 and charges. Send for circulars and full descriptions of sewing _ machines and bicycles, manufactured by us. Order today. Address all orders to ., THE AKRON SEWING MACHINE & BICYCLE CO., Akron, OhJOl (Thc Akron Sewing Machine and Bicycle Co. are reliable.).HaUm,

Highland Recorder.(Monterey, VA) 1900-11-30.lay morning at 4 o'clock. There s no doubt but that it was the tvork of an evil person, and from ill such weshould at this Thanks-jiying

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Page 1: Highland Recorder.(Monterey, VA) 1900-11-30.lay morning at 4 o'clock. There s no doubt but that it was the tvork of an evil person, and from ill such weshould at this Thanks-jiying

QuestionsI hand my ad to Tlie Highland

Recorder feeling more confidencein my ability to serve my patrons? his fall than ever before. Myconnection with The MerchantsGrocery Co. of Greensboro, N» C.,which is strictly wholesale enablesme to secure many lines of goodsfrom first hands, and to sell same'to you without the additional mid¬dleman's profits.

CLOTHINGTs bongil* for cosn from the besttnannf ictur r-. I handle only sty¬lish substantial «ools, and can fityou as well as anyone. I have had18 tears ol experieme asa buyer,and buy in large quantities, this Ithink will enable me to make youa very close price.

[ have boys suits and over coatsfrom 5 to 18 years, men's suitsand overcoats in sizes from 35 to44. In this advertisement undereach heading I shall quote depart-Jwent specialties whicn I considerbargains. Boys suits, 2 pieces fl, 3pieces fl.75, men's genuine IrishFrieze storm overcoats $13. heavychinchillas $8, best grade chinchil¬las $14, men's nice black clay diag¬onal suits |7, best all wool blackclay suits $11, boys corduroy pantsu to 15 yrs 50c per pair.

_i i,.i.mi i« I .¦es.isswi

Highland Reckodek



PERSONAL.Brief Items of Interest to Home

Folks About Their FriendsAnd Acquaintances.

Mr and Mrs P Mcnulty visited jMonterey friends Wednesday.Fleisher Bros. of Strait Creek

marketed their turkeys Wednes¬day.

See W. C Grinstead's ad in thisissue in regard to furniture.Mrs John Wade returned Satur¬

day from Kansas where she spentseveral weeks visiting her (laugh-ter who resides there. Her mother,Mrs Eliza Wade accompanied heron the trip./"One (»f Mr David Campbell's

j*S sons of the West is vis^hg High*' land relatives. g

Dr K ll Trimble liasMniiTl>a-^Jthe fixtures in Mr S || Canon's]drug store.

Mr Jesse B Slaven haSnot goneto Marl inton as was repAed to us,!but is with his dauglitelHVlrs. O.JC'ampbell.When you want prompt acting'

little pills that never gripe use'DeWitt's Little Early Risers.Mr Paris Johnston is now one

of the forre of clerks at V B Bish-;op's store, he haying commencedwork this week.Oysters at Mrs L. S. D:ckenson's

every Saturday evening from 7 toll.

For Sale:.A first-class 1600pound Victor Safe. As good asnew.can be purchased at reasona¬ble prices. For further informa¬tion inquire at this office.On Wednesday of last week H.

<"!ark Hevener of Hightonn andMi.'s Bertie L Philips and Henry 11W Mullenax and Miss Mamie K,JCollins were united in matrimony,Kev. J. H. Tillery officiating inboth.Mrs Tl M Slaven received recent¬

ly from her brother Charles Bus-sard in the Philippines, a box of]sea shells, coral formations andother beautiful things, all com¬

mon to that far off land, but rare

indeed to us.

The case of S C Beverage's com¬mittee against D C Ralston &c.which was taken to the court of j

appeals bas recently been decided,! <

j the decision confirming that of the[lower court, which was favorable

the defendants.

tThe party who borrowed, or

Jierwise came into possession of j'buggy tongue yoke will please"i'm it. Tom H. Slaven,attorney, E. H. McClmtic ofiterey,"spent.several days in-neighborhood last week. Hemig water from the matriruo-spring, which has recently

in popularity. Bath" Co.)rise.

Miss Hattie Cleek, Superintend¬ent of th*' ii ;utal for the insanesick, at Louisville, Ky , returned toher home at Cleeks Mill, last week.She is here for recuperation andwill remuin about two weeks.

Lyman Bickford, one of inven¬tors of the famous Bickford an!Huffman drill died on Hth, aged80 years.People here'bout have quit tank¬

ing about the election and gone totalking, about small-pox. lt is saidto be pretty well scattered throughPocahontas county. In Mr. HullKramer's camp near Marlinion,several cases are reported, one of jthem being Mr Paul Dever oflOreen Hill, who is very sick. Two

>r three more Highland boys whofere in that camp have returned^d are quarantined at their homes jir Stalnaker's mill. \


Tn this department I have all thelatest shades in broad cloths, flan¬nels, serges, henriettas &c. Broadcloths and flannels are yery muchused this season for suits and waists.Raw cotton has advanced from 5|to Ile per lb. you will thereforerind a very large assortment of cali¬cos, outiug gingham &c. as I haveanticipated my wants in cottonfabrics for some time to come.Bed comforts good quality, $1,best $2.50, double cotton blankets$1.00, single wool blankets 12.26,double wool blankets 13.50 to 6.50per pair, good heavy outing at 10cper yd, good gingham 5c, a niceline of single dress patterns from50 to $1.25 per yd, new lot of allwookcarpets at 65c yer yd, staircarpet 50c, 8-4 oil carpet for hallsat 35c per square yd, a nice line ofmoquette rugs from 1.35 to $2.50each.

notion s.In regards to notions I do not

hesitate to Ray I have the bestgoods for the money I haye everoffered for sale. I have boughtlar^e and complete lines especiallyin underwear, hosiery, and gloyes,the celebrated lt & G corsets from50c to $1.25, 12 doz. pairs Fosters'

Mrs Lemuel Waybright, of Crab-bottom, whose illness we mention¬ed in last issue, died on last Saturdav, and was buried on Sundav at(Vabbottom cemetery. She was a

daughter of Mr Henry Mullenax.

Mes rs W H Williams and OrinBradshad of McDowell went out toPocahontas Wednesday. Mr Wil¬liams is running a team at therailroad.We are informed that the 15 or

16 fever casfii at McDowell are alldoing well, except Mr Wm Quidoreand Mrs Curry who are not im¬proving. Two trained nurses fromthe Icing's Daughter's Hospital atStaunton. Misses B L Wade andNena McCleland, are employed imthe families of Mr John J Hineraud Mrs Hansel.Mr Walter Grinstead who has

been one of the men behind thecounter at V B Bishop's place for.bout a year, has changed his oc¬

cupation to that of finisher in WX Bussard's factory. Mr. Grin-stead is a very fine finisher, we

karn, he having worked with a

force of painters and varnishers on

some of the fine ships that havebeen launched at Newport News.

Messers James and Andy Ryderiare building an addition to Mr.Jacob Varner's house.

Mr Chas Gibbs of Bolar calledThanksgiving day and renewed hissubscription, and made us thankfulthat we have such subscribers.Mr and Mrs John W Simmons

were in town Tuesday.Mr and Mrs Joseph Hull were

iver Tuesdav,Mr. Hugh Jordon's barn, near

Vanderpool, was burned to theground with contents, hay grainmd farm machinery on last Tues-lay morning at 4 o'clock. Theres no doubt but that it was thetvork of an evil person, and fromill such we should at this Thanks-jiying time pray to be delivered.

MrsSiscelia Hite is visiting herlaughter, Mrs A T Carpenter.Mrs J C Mathenv is visitingjher

lit ce, Miss Annie Matheny of Val-ey Center, who is ill.

Hiss Quidore Dead.S:id news comes to us this morn-

ng (Thursday.) from McDowellvhere an epidemic of typhoidever is well under way. Missrina Quidore, one of the victims,

i blight and attractive young ladylied about 8 o'clock this morning,md it is thought her brother, Mr.vVm Quidore can live but a shortivhile. The latter case has seriousjoni plications that render recoveryilmostan impossibility.

Thanks Giving Day,If every body started out

rhanksgiving morning with theletermination to make an honesttffort to make some one happy bysome little act of kindness, then we

ire assured that Thanksgiving daylas been a success, and that one

lay at least, in all the year has)een one of brightness and sun¬

ville.-. ..-

News Notes.Dr. J. B. Winston, associate prin-

>ipal of the Valley Seminary at

Waynesboro, died on last Sundaynorning.Gov. Tyler has summoned the

Virginia legislature to meet in ex-

;ra session on Jan. 23rd, 1901.

Virginia College whose buildings*t Roanoke were burned last week,reopened this week at Buena Vista.

A fire at Philippi, W. Va. causeda loss of $75,000.500 cases of small-pox are re¬

ported along the C. and 0. betweenRussell, VV. Va. and Clifton Forge,Va.

4WAThis signature ia on every box of tho genuineLaxative Bromo*Quinine *****

the remedy that cuxe» a cola In one day

Bishop.1st quality kid gloves in all sizesand colors at 90c per pair, I havenever sold these for less than §1before. You will also find a fullline of gent's light and heaeygloves, ladies' and gent's collars inup-to-date styles only, cravats innew shapes and colors, butterfly,batwings, 4 in hartd &c. Tablelinens, napkins, towels, fancy doil-lies, bureau and table scarfs, stamp¬ed linens for embroidery, fine ham¬

burgs, insertings, dress braids &c.A special bargain in the following:men's undershirts and drawers tomatch at 60c each, childrens vestsand drawers from 12^ io 45c ac

cording to size, ladies' vests andpants at 30 and 50c each, men'sovershirts.a good one at 60c each.50 doz. pairs childrens heavy ribbedhose at 20c per pair, 60 doz. pairsladies hose 1st class, 3 pr for 50c.1st class roller blinds 35c each. 25doz, embroidered handkerchiefs 5ceach, fine Dresden handled um¬

brellas $1.00. Men's silk plushcaps 50c. A full line of children'scaps at 35c all sizes.

De«irir.g to make my Xmas dis¬play desirable, attractive and use¬

ful, I have in stock or will have u

full assortment of ladies and gen¬tlemen's suild gold nngs with gen¬uine stone settings, watches forf

County Court Proceedings,Court, convened on 22nd inst.

Judge Lyman Chalkley presiding.W VV Stephenson's appointment

as school trustee for Monterey district, was confirmed,H H Slaven's appointment as

school trustee for Blue Grass dist,was confirmed.N H Cobb against R N Rodgers.

Removed from a J. P. Continued.J F Rexrode against Howard

Folks. Appeal. Dismissed satisfied.James F. Bird's Adm'r against J

B Bradshaw. Continued.H H Terrv, J H Mackey and Jno

G Hamilton were appointed ap¬praisers of the personalty of Lucin¬da Marks.A N Colaw was appointed guar¬

dian of Eugie and Edward New¬man.The Grand Jury made the follow¬

ing indictments:Commonwealth against Babe

Chestnut and Ashby Shultz, forhitting Bob Doyle in the eye witha bur causing him to lose use of it.Commonwealth against Dr H H

Jones as Road Coni'r for Stonewalldistrict for failure to pei form bisduty as such.


Real Estate Deal.Mr SW Crummett bought this

week of Mr S B Sieg a tract of 15£acres of land, it being a part of theland sold by Dr Henry Fleisher toCharles P. Jones Esq. A year agothis land sold at $40 per acre butin this sale it bi ought over $60.Its convenience to town for pasture,and that being quite an item now

since the town cows have to bekept up, is one reason why theproperty has increased in value.Then, thia little town seems to beon a boom, one of the healthy sort,that keeps every thing on a good,even move.A town lot sold this week for

$1,000, the old, Winier hotel prop¬erty, and it's likely that a coupleif business houses will go up on it.lt has looked for sometime as

though the town would be over

crowded, but it seems that busi¬ness increases proportionately andill move along in a flourishing way.What we need now is a gradedschool. Everybodv says that.


A Woman Shot.Mrs Movers of Pendleton counb,

who was making her home wita:itr daughter, Mrs Hezekiah Mal-jomh near McDowell, while sweep-ng the house, on last Friday, hiti shot gun that was lying on thetable with her broom, knockingth« hammer against a stone jar.causing the gun to be discharged,the entire load in a solid mass'passing through her hip, inflictingi would that would have provedfatal in a few hours. Dr Sironwas called and at once saw that therm ly chance for her recovery was

in amputating the leg at the hipjoint. This he was convinced was

but a bare chance, owing to theage of the patient, she being 74years old, but he felt it his duty tomake the effort. Dr Fox was call¬ed to assist in the operation whichwas successfully accomplished on

Saturday, and the patient came

from under the chloroform, andwas thought to be regaining heistrength in a lemarkable manner,but a few hours later a turn came

in the case and she grew rapidlyweaker un ti ll death came some¬

time on Saturday night.Virginia Huckleberries Going

West.A few weeks ago we made men

Hon of an old Virginia, who now

resides at Tuscarora, Nevada, re¬

questing the postmaster at thisplace to send him some huckleberries, so that he could grow themthere. instead of sending th<berries Mr Slaven forwarded tohim this week by mall. 100 bushesthat he may try his luck on gettingthem to grow. The gentleman'sname is Albert Townsend, and inhis letter to Mr Slaven he statesthat it might be that there are

some yet living in the neighbor¬hood of his old home, which was

on Back Creek, 8 or 9 miles westof Monterey, who would rememberhim. He is a son of Wm. Town¬send and left Virginia in 1853, at

the age or 16 years.

ladies and gentlemen from $1.25 to$50. Of course you will under¬stand that these watches from $40to $50 are solid gold, a full assort¬ment of silver tattle ware and nov¬elties fills one of my upright showcases ready for inspection.,A largelot of popular novels 35c for fullcloth binding, also a good assort¬ment of new copyrighted novelsby popular authors at publishersYwt priee which is as low as theyare sold, I hope to haye the pat¬ronage of the people on theseb:>oks. that I may be enabled tokeen a full supolv at my store forthe benefit of progressive High¬landers. Garwoods, Eastman's,Dabrooks and Bnlzairres finest ex¬

tracts, Garwood's smelling salts,above extracts are usually sold bydrug stores only. Testaments andPsalms 30 to 80c, a fine thumb in¬dex bible with seal binding at $1.75.Clocks in new and attractive de¬signs from a 90c nikle to a hand¬some cathedral gong at $6.40, besure to look at these clocks.


If you have neyer used the Mil¬ler's Daughter tablet in both plainand ruled come in and get one. Ihave pencil and finest linen tabletsfrom the same manufacturerfrom one to 20 cents. Fullsize 6£ envelope first quality 6 cts.per package or 25 or 50 cts per box

of 10 packages. Good note paper5 cts per quire or 18 cts f:>r 5 quires.All school books adopted by stateboard for sale at publisher's listprice.

GLASS AND QfftENSWARE.Decorated tumblers 15 cts for 6

plain tumblers 20 cts for 6 and gob¬lets 30 cts for 6. Large stand lamps30 cts complete. One-half gallonglans pitcher 20 cts. Glass berrysets 7 pieces 35 cts. An especiallyfull and attractive stock of queens-ware and china and will be even

more so on the arrival of the Xmasaddition. A good assortment of teaand dinner sets. Ten and twelvepiece chamber sets very handsomealso a large lot of decorated goodsthat will be sold in any quantity or

in tea or dinner sets as best suitsthe purchaser.


You will find the largest assortnient in Highland County, as I buy-direct from the manufacturersin original cases thereby savingjobbers profits, you can expect toget your size in the very lateststyles and at the lowest possibleprices. I will guarantee a great,many of the boots and shoes, Inow sell as the manufacturer guar¬antees the same to me. My line isespecially strong in childrens'women's and men's every day shoesind boots.

'SSfr'SS***^ !5&5SS£K3

rXT^m We © ©

Sell our ShoesSquarely on

their MeritB^jTThey fit well, they wear well

you will do well to buy them,because I will help you

to save your money,

in foot apparel.


21 \V. Mainstreet - Staunton, Va

They Say We're Proud!and we have a right to be.

We have the most up-to-datestock in the Valley, and then we know how to please theladies. They say they de* f with us, because we cater onlyto the wants of those who like the proper things to wear.

This Fall We Are Showingall the newest things in Fine Dress Goods, Trimmings,Tailored Suits, Ladies' Wraps, House furnishings, ftc Ifyou want your fall and winter outfit to be one that youwill feel easy to wear no matter where you go, then cometo us.

HOOVER, BEAR & GO.Phone No. 36 - - Staunton, Va.




"Turkish-J'ATH :

H0^ :..

fa Restore ad Mm Your Health.'Inyestigate our co-operative plan of

noni lily payments before purchasing a

3alU Cabinet. Members wanted whoire honest. Wealth unnecessary.Hot Air Electric. Baths will benefit or

ure every ailment. By using one of ouri'hermal Bath Cabinets you can acoomp-iah quietly in the retirement of yourmn home."belter resulis than at Natur.ilMilphur Springs or Turkish Hath Houses, i

Ki.joy Turkish, Sulphur, Vapor, or i

Medicated stea" Batta at Home,:', cents j.adi. They open up the 5,000,000 pores>f tiie skin From cadi flows a tinytlnam of poisoii laden liquid, which, ifetaiued, poisons the system, cantingRheumatism, Malaria, Nerveousness, andGeneral Debility.The most complete line of Balli Cab-

nets in Hie world.Prices; 'J he ;-tawlnrd $5.00; Century

t8£t>,New Krmita.00.(Jood Representatives wanted every¬

where. W rite for oar book, Health andBeauty. iLT ANiMRirBATri CABINET CO.

5117-519 MadtflOti St.i Toledo, Ohio.

If von have »-ver s;en a child inthe agony of croup \ou can renliz^*how grateful mothers are for OneMinute Cough Cure which givesrelief as soon as it is adiuinistere¦'.lt quickly cures cougs, colds andall throat and lung troubles. S. J.Gurson.

Brave Explorers.Like Stanley and I. ivingstone, found

it harder to overcome Malara, Feyer andAgue, and Typhoid disease germs thansavage cannibals; but tnousaads havefound that Electric Bitters is a wonder¬ful cure for all material diseases. If youhave chills with fever, aches in back ofneck and head, and tired, worn-out feel¬ing, a trial will convince you of theirmerit. W A Null of Webb, 111., wrhes:"My children suffered for more than a

year with chills and feyer; then two bot¬tles of Electric Bitters cured them"Only 50 cents. Try them. Guaranteed.Sold by H .1 Carson druggist.

MEDICINE-DENTISTRY-PHARMACT.University Collepe i f Medicine, Richmond, Ta.

RUITEK S'.firIRE, 1. D., LL.*., Present.&6 IN FACULTY.

RECORD of Graduate* laat year before 7 Slate Boards,!<>«> Tor Ont-

For 98-page Catalog, addreasDr. J. ALLISON HODGE*, Dean.


Preaching Appointments.Dec 2nd Rehoboth at ll a. m.

" ^ireen Hill at 3 p. m." Monterey 7.30 p m.

Rev J R Tillerv.

Preaching in Monterey every 1stSabbath at ll a.m., and ut Pisgahnt3.30 p.m;Pisgah every 3rd Sundayat ll a.m.,Monterey 7.30 p,m ;Crab-bottom every 2nd Sabbath at Ila.m.. Hightown 3.30 p.m.; llightown4th Sabbath, ll a. m., Crabbottoui7 p.m. .Ino. Huff.

view 3 p. m.Nov. 18, Union Chapel ll a, m. ar.d

Brick eli ireh 3 p, mNov. 25, Mesley Chapel ll a. m.

II. 1\ Barnes.

Stops the Cough find wo ks oflftheCold

Laxative Rromo-Qutnitte Tablets cure aBold in omi day, No Cure, no 1'ny.I'rice iS cen is.

Lost I Los:!Twent s!ipc|) (lo lamb* awl ."> cwsi

w leen are not blundell ai Nil. tatt haveand umier keelia kft rw nud I emt 9~iils in rig) ear ha vt- strayed from myplajM on .lack Mountain A ii'fviuit ofSOC on thc head will Uv. (riven lo any onethat will lind them ami l-l Mr kuoW.

3l (icu W Armstrong.

Editor W V [{airy of J.e\in-: on, Tenn.,in exploring Mammoth i>v ,contr««*teda revere" cane of I'iles. His quick <u.re

through utting i'uckleo'fi Arnica Sakeconvincing him it is another world'swonder. < mes 1'iles, injuries Inflam¬mation, and i.ll bodily emptions. Only2~> at S J (.'arson's.

Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will euro a

Cough or Cold at once. ConquersCroup,Whooping-Cough and Measle-Cough without tail. Mothers praiseit. Doctors prescribe it for Bronchi¬tis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumoniaand Consumption, lt fives quick,sure results. Price, 25 cts. liefusethedealer's substitute; it is not as {rood.

Always cures when others fail.Dr. Bull's Pills cure Constipation and LiverTroubles. 50 pills, 10 cts. Trial box, 5 cts.

HARDWARE, GUNS, BUGGIES &C.Iii all these lines von will find

that I haye a good assortment. Sin¬gle barrel, armory steel, chokebored guns for $0 00. I nguiu callvonr attention to the line of dou¬ble barrel American made guns.I guarantee these guns ti shootwell if any part should break li canbe replaced.left barrel full chofte, |right a cylinder, 1st grade $13 00.2nd grade 14.00, 3rd grade 2000.!In addition to these I have a fullstock of single and double guns. jshells loaded with black powder I45c per box of 25, nitro powder 05c jpr box of 25. A full assortment of jcook and heating stoves, Hu ge vs

King heater a specialty. 1 set ofknives and forks 0 each 50c. Juterope and fodder twine 10c per lb.Sisal rope ll cents per pound1st class surrey full leather trim¬mings $100, top buggy with dustproof collar, long distance axel,full leather quarters, rubber roof,spring cushion and back full leath¬er, nickle hub bands, quick shift¬ing shaft coupler at $00. A niceopen buggv for 32 00, a good setsingle barnes for 8 50, double bug¬gy and team harness of both cityand hand made from 8.50 to 35 00.a full line of buggy robes andwhips.

IN GROCERIES[ am especially strong having bet¬ter facilities for buying now thanformerly. Good green coffee at 12£c,Arbuckels roated 13c, rice at 0 and8Jc, pickels in bottles and by the

; barrel, canned meats of all kinisNew York state full cream cheesewill be kept throughout the winter,crackers and cakes fresh from thebakery, lie sure to look at the new

I soups especially Andrew Jergen's5 and 10c assortments, glycerinebars at 10, 15 and 23c, all delicate-Iv perfumed. Frank Siddall's 0c,very best pure cider vinegar 25c prgal., .Liva and Mocha blend roast¬ed coffee 25c per lb., soda 9 lbs for25c, trimmed sole leather by theside 28c, macearoni 8c.

I have added to my stock a fullline of solid oak furniture. Willsell in suits or single piecesv Iron,beds, springs, chairs, etc.

In chewing smoking tobacco Ci¬

gars and snuff you will always finda full line of the most popularbrand*.

1 have recently added to my LA¬DIES' READY MADE DEPARTMENT tai¬lor made suits in newstvlish clothsin New York stvles with silk linedjackets from $10 to $12.50 each.Ladies' capes in all styles and colorsfrom 75 cts to $10. Ladies1 coatsin all colors, si'kcs and styled from$5 to $11. Ladies' waists in mer-

cerated cottons and flannels.readvmade over and underskirts from 50cts to $5.50. New lot of ladies' ha'afrom 50 cts to $3 00. I hope theladies will ask to see these go idswhen thev come to the store. I amanxious to improve this departmentbut can not do so unless the ladiesassist me.

PUTNAM ORGANS.Why not try one of these

VIRGINIA MADE ORGAHSNO need to write off for one as we deliver them

ill Monterey, thus saving freight, hauling from Staun¬ton, and give you a chance to see what you are get¬ting before you pay, beside our prices are most rea¬

sonable. We will sell on easy payments to reliable '


r^Wc agree to keep these organs in order

Free of Chargeif you buy from us. Write for catalogue and prices.

Brereton and Heydenreich,Factory Agents for VV. W. Putnam & Co.

Staunton, Va.

S- M- WILKES & GOStaunton, Va.

+ High Grade Furniture ?

j UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMING.fl Licensed Embalmer in charge.

'What Constitutes:he Best Paint. )}

The life and durability of any paint is Pure Lead, PureLinseed Oil and pure colors properly blended and finelyground together. "Wilson Bros. Gloss White Lead" inan-

ufai'lured for us by J no. VV. Masury & Son is the purestLead on the market today.It will cover one-third more surface than any other brand,stand longer, gloss up prettier and will not (rack or chalkoff.

Willson Bros.,Wholesale and Retail Druggist,

Staunton, Va.


Jut this ad. out and lend to us. State whether you wish drop hesd orup¬right, and we will send you our high-grade Akron Sewing Kachina>y freight, C. O. D., subject to examination. Examine it st your nearestleight or express office, and if found exactly ss represented here, equal toither machines costing from {40 to $60, pay the sgent our

SPECIAL FACTORY PRICE $TM5fitt»«R*iveragc 75 cts. for each soo miles, less or greater distances in proportion.Jive it 4 months' talki In your own home, and if it is not satisfactory,eturn it at our expense, and we will refund your money. This machine lsqua! to sny standard high-gr-.de sewing machine made, and any machinetold for less' money mustl>e made of inferior material. We manufacture inarge quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost, which enables ttso offer you a strictly high-grade machine at a ridiculously low price.[jriil»Qr f\t lUITATflQC Unknown concerns are continually offer-[JEJl/lni. (Jj lilli Ift I UM OllnKmf«'°r machines under various namesrith various inducements. Write to the Akron Bnvingt Bank or the SsoondNational Bank of Akron, Ohio, and they will tell you of out reliability.MODERN IMPROVED^S^^^P^Si-.ilne, with thedefects of none. Made right in our factory, by tie most skilled workmen and from the best material that

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ money can buy.UflUr ULOrt UADIRCI ter-sawed oak, piano polished. One illustrationshows Box Top machine open ready for use, the other our Drop Hesd machinewith the head dropped from sight, to be used as a center-table or desk. Theupright or Box Top machine has six fancy drawers snd one drawer for tools,needles, etc. Drawers are latest 1900 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, embossedand decorated cabinet finish, fine nickeled drawer pulls, rests on four casters.adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. The Drop Head has four fancydrawers and one drawer fcr tools. Each machine has the finest high-armhead, positive four-motion feed, self-threading vibrating shuttle, automatic bob¬

bin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator, implored loose wheel. Improvedadjustable pressure-foot. Improved shuttle carrier, patent dress guard, patent needle bar,head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed. Weguarantee this machine to be the lightest running, most durable and nearest noiselessmachine made. Every attachment ls furnished tree, together with a complete Instruc¬tion book, telling you now to do any kind of plain or fancy work. We Issue a written,binding guarantee with every machine. It will cost von nothing to see and exam¬

ine this machine, compare it with others selling for from $40 to foo, and if satisfactory,ray the agent $16.95 and charges. Send for circulars and full descriptions of sewing

_ machines and bicycles, manufactured by us. Order today. Address all orders to .,

THE AKRON SEWING MACHINE & BICYCLE CO., Akron, OhJOl(Thc Akron Sewing Machine and Bicycle Co. are reliable.).HaUm,