Visualizing lowly-populated regions of the free energy landscape of macromolecular complexes by paramagnetic relaxation enhancementw G. Marius Clore DOI: 10.1039/b810232e Many biological macromolecular interactions proceed via lowly-populated, highly transient species that arise from rare excursions between the minimum free energy configuration and other local minima of the free energy landscape. Little is known about the structural properties of such lowly-occupied states since they are difficult to trap and hence inaccessible to conventional structural and biophysical techniques. Yet these states play a crucial role in a variety of dynamical processes including molecular recognition and binding, allostery, induced-fit and self-assembly. Here we highlight recent progress in paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance to detect, visualize and characterize lowly-populated transient species at equilibrium. The underlying principle involves the application of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) in the fast exchange regime. Under these conditions the footprint of the minor species can be observed in the PRE profiles measured for the major species, providing distances between the paramagnetic label and protons of interest are shorter in the minor species than the major one. Ensemble simulated annealing refinement directly against the PRE data permits one to obtain structural data on the minor species. We have used the PRE (a) to detect and characterize the stochastic target search process whereby a sequence-specific transcription factor (the Hox-D9 homeodomain) binds to non- cognate DNA sites as a means of enhancing the rate of specific association via intramolecular sliding and intermolecular translocation; (b) to directly visualize the distribution of non-specific transient encounter complexes involved in the formation of stereospecific protein--protein complexes; (c) to detect and visualize ultra-weak self- association of a protein, a process that is relevant to early nucleation events involved in the formation of higher order structures; and (d) to determine the structure of a minor species for a multidomain protein (maltose binding protein) where large interdomain motions are associated with ligand binding, thereby shedding direct light on the fundamental question of allostery versus induced fit in this system. The PRE offers unique opportunities to directly probe and explore in structural terms lowly-populated regions of the free energy landscape and promises to yield fundamental new insights into biophysical processes. Introduction Conventional crystallography and NMR spectroscopy have yielded a wealth of information on the structures of highly populated static states of biological macromolecules and their complexes. However, little is known about the nat- ure of transient lowly-populated species that cannot be trapped and are therefore effectively invisible to conventional Marius Clore is chief of the Protein NMR Section at the NIH (1988–present). He received his MD and PhD at University College Hospital Medical School and the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London, respectively, and was joint head of the Biological NMR Group at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Germany (1984–1988). His major research interests lie in the application of NMR spectroscopy to study the structure and dynamics of macromolecular complexes. Marius Clore Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Building 5, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520, USA. E-mail: [email protected] w This article is part of a Molecular BioSys- tems special issue dedicated to Professor Bruce Alberts on the occasion of his 70th birthday and in recognition of his important contribu- tions to science and education. 1058 | Mol. BioSyst., 2008, 4, 1058–1069 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 HIGHLIGHT www.rsc.org/molecularbiosystems | Molecular BioSystems

HIGHLI GHT w w w .rsc.o rg /m o le cu larb io syste m s ... · HIGHLI GHT w w w .rsc.o rg /m o le cu larb io syste m s | M o le cu lar B io Syste m s. structural and biophysical methods

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Visualizing lowly-populated regions of thefree energy landscape of macromolecularcomplexes by paramagnetic relaxationenhancementwG. Marius CloreDOI: 10.1039/b810232e

Many biological macromolecular interactions proceed via lowly-populated, highly transientspecies that arise from rare excursions between the minimum free energy configurationand other local minima of the free energy landscape. Little is known about the structuralproperties of such lowly-occupied states since they are difficult to trap and henceinaccessible to conventional structural and biophysical techniques. Yet these states play acrucial role in a variety of dynamical processes including molecular recognition and binding,allostery, induced-fit and self-assembly. Here we highlight recent progress in paramagneticnuclear magnetic resonance to detect, visualize and characterize lowly-populated transientspecies at equilibrium. The underlying principle involves the application of paramagneticrelaxation enhancement (PRE) in the fast exchange regime. Under these conditions thefootprint of the minor species can be observed in the PRE profiles measured for the majorspecies, providing distances between the paramagnetic label and protons of interest areshorter in the minor species than the major one. Ensemble simulated annealing refinementdirectly against the PRE data permits one to obtain structural data on the minor species.We have used the PRE (a) to detect and characterize the stochastic target search processwhereby a sequence-specific transcription factor (the Hox-D9 homeodomain) binds to non-cognate DNA sites as a means of enhancing the rate of specific association viaintramolecular sliding and intermolecular translocation; (b) to directly visualize thedistribution of non-specific transient encounter complexes involved in the formation ofstereospecific protein--protein complexes; (c) to detect and visualize ultra-weak self-association of a protein, a process that is relevant to early nucleation events involved in theformation of higher order structures; and (d) to determine the structure of a minor speciesfor a multidomain protein (maltose binding protein) where large interdomain motions areassociated with ligand binding, thereby shedding direct light on the fundamental questionof allostery versus induced fit in this system. The PRE offers unique opportunities to directlyprobe and explore in structural terms lowly-populated regions of the free energy landscapeand promises to yield fundamental new insights into biophysical processes.


Conventional crystallography and NMRspectroscopy have yielded a wealth ofinformation on the structures of highlypopulated static states of biologicalmacromolecules and their complexes.

However, little is known about the nat-ure of transient lowly-populated species

that cannot be trapped and are thereforeeffectively invisible to conventional

Marius Clore is chief of the Protein NMR Section atthe NIH (1988–present). He received his MD andPhD at University College Hospital Medical Schooland the MRC National Institute for MedicalResearch in London, respectively, and was joint headof the Biological NMR Group at the Max PlanckInstitute for Biochemistry in Germany (1984–1988).His major research interests lie in the application ofNMR spectroscopy to study the structure anddynamics of macromolecular complexes.

Marius Clore

Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Building 5,National Institute of Diabetes and Digestiveand Kidney Diseases, National Institutes ofHealth, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520, USA.E-mail: [email protected] This article is part of a Molecular BioSys-tems special issue dedicated to Professor BruceAlberts on the occasion of his 70th birthdayand in recognition of his important contribu-tions to science and education.

1058 | Mol. BioSyst., 2008, 4, 1058–1069 This journal is !c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008

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structural and biophysical methods. Yetmany biological interactions proceed viathe intermediary of such transient statesand are also dependent on infrequent butrapid transitions between the globalminimum (major configuration) andhigher energy local minima within thefree energy landscape sampled by macro-molecular systems.1 Indeed, biologicalinteractions are constrained by twoopposing requirements of speed andspecificity.2,3 Both kinetic4–7 and theore-tical8–11 work have suggested, for exam-ple, that the rate of formation ofstereospecific interactions betweenmacromolecules can be considerably en-hanced by a reduction in dimensionalityor equivalently the presence of a non-specific attractive potential. For exam-ple, the target search process whereby atranscription factor locates its specifictarget sequence on the DNA among asea of non-specific sites is thought to beenhanced by processes such as sliding orone-dimensional diffusion along theDNA coupled with hopping from onesegment of DNA to another or onemolecule of DNA to another.1 Similarly,the rate of protein–protein complex for-mation can potentially be enhancedby the formation of non-specific com-plexes that then relax to the stereospecificcomplex.6

Recent advances in NMR spectro-scopy have resulted in the developmentof two approaches for studying lowly-populated transient species of macro-molecules, namely relaxation dispersionspectroscopy12–15 and paramagnetic re-laxation enhancement (PRE).16–21 Thelatter is the subject of this highlightarticle. It is important to stress that theselowly-populated states or conformationsrepresent species located in local minimawithin the free energy landscape and arenot to be confused with electronicallyexcited states probed by optical andvibrational spectroscopies (see ref. 22 fora review of many different spectroscopies).Relaxation dispersion spectroscopy

provides quantitative kinetic data charac-terizing exchange dynamics betweenmajor and minor conformational stateson the millisecond time scale. In addition,relaxation dispersion experiments yieldchemical shift information on the minorspecies which can be used to obtain low-level, qualitative structural insights intothe nature of the minor species. Very

recently, experiments that combine re-laxation dispersion with weak alignment(through the introduction of liquid crys-talline media) have permitted residualdipolar couplings (RDC) and anisotropicchemical shifts to be obtained for minorspecies, thereby providing highly sensitivebond vector orientation information.23–25

Relaxation dispersion spectroscopy hasseen considerable success in probinglowly-populated species and analyzingtheir exchange dynamics in diverse sys-tems including protein folding,14,26,27 en-zyme catalysis,28 protein conformationalheterogeneity,29 and protein–peptideinteractions.30

The PRE arises from magnetic dipolarinteractions between a nucleus such as aproton and the unpaired electrons of aparamagnetic center.31,32 This effectresults in an increase in the relaxationrate of the nuclear magnetization, pro-portional to the hr"6i average distancebetween the electron and the nucleus ofinterest. This relationship is analogous tothat between interproton distance andthe magnitude of the nuclear Overhausereffect (NOE), a phenomenon that lies atthe heart of NMR-based macromole-cular structure determination.33,34 Incontrast to the NOE, however, wherethe effect is very small, the PRE effect isvery large owing to the large magneticmoment of the unpaired electron and cantherefore yield long-range distance infor-mation extending up to 35 A, dependingon the paramagnetic group. In the ab-sence of an intrinsic paramagnetic center(such as metalloproteins35–37), PRE mea-surements require the introduction of aparamagnetic group through appropri-ate conjugation to a specific site.38 Thepotential of the PRE for protein struc-ture determination was first demon-strated in the mid 1980s on spin-labeledlysozyme39 and bovine pancreatic trypsininhibitor,40 but was largely neglecteduntil relatively recently with the adventof relatively straightforward biochemicalmethodology for reliably introducingparamagnetic labels at specific sites.41–55

In addition, the use of the PRE inrigorous structure determination wasthwarted by the fact that extrinsic para-magnetic groups are invariably attachedto the macromolecule via linkers withmultiple rotatable bonds. As a conse-quence the paramagnetic group is flexibleand can sample a wide-range of confor-

mational space, thereby rendering thestructural information difficult to inter-pret. Consequently, any calculationmaking use of the PRE necessitates treat-ing the paramagnetic center by a multipleconformer representation.56 To this endthe relevant theory and computationaltools for direct refinement against PREdata was recently developed and its im-pact on increasing coordinate accuracywas demonstrated.56 This work providesthe underlying basis for the quantitativeinterpretation of PRE data arising fromminor species.The PRE is not the only solution

spectroscopic method that can providelong-range distance information. Fluores-cence resonance energy transfer (FRET)through non-radiative dipole–dipolecoupling from the fluorophore, the en-ergy donor, to a second chromophore,the energy acceptor, scales as r"6 of thedistance r between the two chromo-phores and can probe separations ran-ging from 10 to 100 A.57 Likewise doublenitroxide spin-labeling coupled withpulsed EPR methods such as doubleelectron–electron resonance (DEER),based on the magnitude of the magneticdipolar coupling of the unpaired nitroxideelectrons which scales as r"3 of the se-paration between the nitroxide label, canyield remarkably accurate distances inthe 20–60 A range.58–61 FRET andEPR methods are not limited by themolecular weight of the system beingstudied, but suffer from a major draw-back in so far that only a single pairwisedistance can be measured per sample (i.e.each distance requires a new double spin-labeled or double chromophore labeledsample, with the labels in different posi-tions). Thus, although FRET and EPRcan yield very specific information theydo not afford a practical approach forsolving three-dimensional structures ofproteins or their complexes. In contrast,while the PRE is limited to the molecularweight range amenable to NMR (cur-rently up to about 150 kDa in veryfavorable cases), the PRE affords simulta-neous probing of a multitude of inter-actions between a given label and potentiallyall the observable protons of the system.It is the availability of a very large num-ber of PREs that permits one not only toderive detailed three-dimensional struc-tural information, but also to detect andvisualize low population species.

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In this highlight article we first brieflydescribe how the PRE is measured andthe underlying phenomenon behind theuse of the PRE to detect the presence ofminor species. We then go on to illustratethe application of the PRE to investigate(a) the dynamic processes involved in thelocation of a specific cognate DNA bind-ing site by a transcription factor;16 (b) theformation of non-specific encounter com-plexes on the pathway to stereospecificprotein–protein complex formation;17 (c)the visualization of ultra-weak proteinself-association;18 and (d) the samplingof lowly populated states involving largescale domain motions in a multidomainprotein.19

Measuring the PRE

The most useful spin labels for PREmeasurements are ones that have anunpaired electron with an isotropicg-tensor. Examples include nitroxidespin-labels and EDTA–Mn2+. Theisotropic g-tensor ensures that the para-magnetic center does not give rise topseudo-contact shifts and thatCurie-spin relaxation is insignificant.21

The PRE rate, G, is given by the differ-ence in relaxation rates measured on aparamagnetic sample and a correspond-ing diamagnetic control. In general, themost reliable way to make use of thePRE is to measure transverse G2

rates.21,62 The reason is two-fold. First,the large magnitude of 1H-G2 ratesmakes the transverse PRE a highly sen-sitive probe. This is due to the largegyromagnetic ratio of the proton andthe fact that the 1H-G2 rate is largelydependent on the spectral density func-tion at zero-frequency. Secondly, thetransverse rate is much less susceptibleto internal motions and cross-relaxationthan the longitudinal PRE rate, 1H-G1.For proper analysis of PRE data, accu-

rate and reliable 1H-G2 rates are re-quired.21 Most examples in the literaturesimply measure peak intensities in theparamagnetic and diamagnetic statesbut this severely underestimates the truevalues of the 1H-G2 This is due to the factthat short repetition delays result inrecovery levels that are always higherfor the paramagnetic sample than thecorresponding diamagnetic one owingto the PRE on longitudinal relaxationrates (G1).

62 Accurate 1H-G2 rates,

however, can readily be obtained withina reasonable measurement time using atwo-time point measurement withoutrequiring any fitting procedures or com-plicated error estimations.63

Underlying phenomenon forthe detection of minor speciesby PRE

The observation of PRE effects for spec-troscopically invisible states relies onrapid interconversion between the majorand minor species.16,21 In this type ofexchanging system, the observed PREsmeasured on the resonances of the majorspecies will be modulated by the rate ofexchange, kex, between the major andminor species, and the paramagneticcenter–proton distances in the two spe-cies. Consider a two-site exchange system

comprising a major species (denoted asA), populated at 99%, and a minorspecies (denoted as B) with an occupancyof only 1%, in which the paramagneticcenter–proton distance is 30 A for themajor species and 8 A for the minor one(Fig. 1). For a 30 kDa system usingMn2+ as the paramagnetic label, the1H-G2 rate will be B2 s"1 for the majorspecies andB5600 s"1 for the minor one.When kex is slow (o50 s"1), the presenceof the minor species has no impact on theG2 rate (G2

obs) observed on the resonanceof the major species; i.e. G2

obs is equal tothe G2 rate for the major species, G2

A. Askex increases, G2

obs increases, and in thefast exchange limit, defined as kex c(G2

A " G2B), is given by the weighted

population average of the two species:G2

obs = pG2A " (1 " p)G2

B, where p isthe fractional population of the majorspecies. In this example, G2

obs in the fast

Fig. 1 Intermolecular PRE in an exchanging system. (a) Diagrammatic depiction of a two site-

exchange process involving major (99%) and minor (1%) species with paramagnetic–1H

distances of 30 and 8 A, respectively. (b) Effect of increasing exchange rate on NMR line-shape

with (red) and without (black) PRE. In the slow exchange regime the PRE is insensitive to the

presence of the minor state; in the fast exchange regime, however, the PRE is sensitive to the

presence of a minor species and can be used to reveal its footprint. Adapted from ref. 16.

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exchange regime isB30 times faster thanG2

A. Thus, in the fast exchange regime,providing the corresponding paramag-netic center–proton distance is shorterin the minor species than the majorone, G2

obs will include a contributionfrom the minor species, allowing one toboth infer the presence of the minorspecies and derive structural informationon it.16–19 The latter is obtained not froma single PRE observed on a single pro-ton, but from multiple PREs observed onthe large number protons in the system.This is crucial since the footprint of theminor species can only be ascertained bydiscrepancies between the PREs thatare not consistent with a singleconfiguration.

Target location in specificprotein–DNA interactions

A long-standing question in protein–DNA recognition pertains to the searchprocess whereby a transcription factorlocates its specific cognate site among asea of non-specific sites.2 Kinetic andtheoretical considerations have providedstrong evidence that non-specific bindingcan significantly enhance the rate of spe-cific recognition by two complementarymechanisms:2–5 (a) intramolecular trans-location or sliding along the DNA thateffectively reduces the dimensionality ofthe search procedure from three dimen-sions to one dimension; and (b) inter-molecular translocation or hopping fromone DNA molecule to another or fromone DNA segment to another vialooping. We investigated these phenomena using the HoxD9 homeodomain–DNA complex as a model system.16

Homeodomains are found in manyeukaryotic transcription factors, possesswell-characterized sequence-specificDNA-binding activity,63 and have beenextensively studied by both crystallo-graphy64 and NMR spectroscopy.65

At 100 mM NaCl the equilibrium dis-sociation constant for the specificHoxD9–DNA complex, determined byfluorescence anisotropy, is 1.5 nM16 andthe dissociation rate constant determinedby gel shift assays at very low (nM) con-centrations of the DNA is {0.01 s"1.66,67

However, 15Nz-exchange spectroscopy in-dicates that the overall exchange rate fordirect intermolecular transfer between

DNA specific sites located on two DNAduplexes differing by only a single basepair mutation just outside the central spe-cific binding site is substantial, rangingfrom B7 s"1 at 20 mM NaCl (slow ex-change regime) to 600 s"1 at 160 mMNaCl (fast exchange regime).16,68 Theexchange process monitored by 15Nz

exchange spectroscopy is directly propor-tional to the concentration of free DNA,and hence does not involve dissociation ofDNA-bound protein into free solutionfollowed by reassociation, but rather pro-ceeds via direct transfer following collisionof free DNA with DNA-bound proteinwithout ever going through the inter-mediary of free protein.68 This processdramatically accelerates the rate of targetrecognition resulting in translocation ratesthat are over 3–4 orders of magnitudefaster than the dissociation rate constant,and reconciles the highly dynamic beha-vior of protein DNA complexes observedin vivo using microscopy combined withfluorescence recovery after photobleaching(FRAP)69 with the long half-lives of spe-cific protein–DNA complexes measuredby traditional biochemical analysisin vitro.66,67

For PRE experiments, we examined acomplex of U-[15N/2H]-labeled HoxD9with a 24-bp DNA duplex at naturalisotopic abundance in which the specifictarget site was located in the middle ofthe DNA, and four different dT sites,labeled one at a time, were conjugated toan EDTA–Mn2+ paramagnetic probe(Fig. 2a and b).16 The latter is locatedin the major groove of the DNA. At lowsalt (20 mM NaCl), in the slow exchangeregime, the intermolecular PRE data arefully consistent with the known structureof the complexes with a PRE Q-factor of0.26 (Fig. 2c). Large magnitude inter-molecular PREs are only observed forthose regions in relatively close proxi-mity to the dT–EDTA–Mn2+ group(Fig. 2e). As the salt concentration israised (to 100 and 160 mM NaCl), how-ever, the intermolecular PRE data arecompletely inconsistent with the struc-ture (Fig. 2f); the correlation betweenobserved and calculated G2 rates is verypoor with a PRE Q-factor of 0.66(Fig. 2d). Thus, residues located on theopposite face of HoxD9 relative to thelocation of the dT–EDTA–Mn2+ groupsexhibit large intermolecular PREs(Fig. 2f). These PRE profiles cannot be

accounted for by any single location ofHoxD9 on the DNA. Further, thechange in PRE profile with increasingsalt concentration is not due to anychanges in structure since the 1H–15Ncorrelation spectrum of the HoxD9–DNA complex remains unaltered andRDCs at low and high salt are highlycorrelated (r = 0.99). Thus, the inter-molecular PRE data at high salt reflectthe footprint of minor species thatexchange rapidly with the specific com-plex. The HoxD9 homeodomain in theseminor states is bound stochastically tovarious sites along the DNA and cantherefore come into close proximity tothe paramagnetic labels (Fig. 2b). Thepopulation of the minor species is esti-mated to be less than 1%, based on theobserved equilibrium dissociation con-stants at 100 mM NaCl of 1.5 and270 nM for specific and non-specificDNA binding, respectively.16

The PRE profile also provides quali-tative structural information on theminor species since the regions thatexhibit large PREs exclusively involveresidues close to or at the DNA bindinginterface and can therefore readily comeinto close proximity with the paramag-netic labels (Fig. 2f).16 Regions withsmall PREs, such as the C-terminal halfof helix 1, on the other hand, are locateddistant from the DNA interface. One cantherefore conclude that the DNA bind-ing mode adopted during the targetsearch process is similar to that in thespecific complex, and that the populationof any alternate configurations, shouldtheseexist, are below the limits of detection.That the non-specific binding mode ofHoxD9 is virtually identical to that ofthe specific complex was later confirmedin a combined PRE and RDC study of adynamic ensemble of non-specificHoxD9–DNA interactions.70

Two processes can potentially contri-bute to the PRE profiles observed on thespecific HoxD9–DNA complex at highsalt, namely intramolecular sliding andintermolecular translocation. To ascertainthe relative contributions of these twoprocesses, we performed two experimentswith HoxD9 in the presence of equalconcentrations of two DNA duplexes,one with and the other without thespecific DNA recognition site (Fig. 3).16

In the first sample only the non-specific

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DNA duplex bears the paramagneticlabel, while in the second sample theconverse scheme is employed with onlythe specific DNA duplex bearing theparamagnetic label (Fig. 3a). Thus, in

the case of sample 1 intermolecular PREscan only be observed if rapid intermole-cular translocation between the specificand non-specific DNA duplexes occurs.For sample 2, however, intermolecular

PREs can arise from both intramolecularsliding and intermolecular translocation.The overall PRE profiles for the twosamples are very similar, indicating thatintermolecular translocation is a major

Fig. 2 Intermolecular PREs observed for the HoxD9–DNA complex in the slow (20 mM NaCl) and fast (160 mM NaCl) exchange regimes. (a)

DNA duplex containing the HoxD9 specific binding site (boxed) and showing the location of the 4 sites used to introduce dT–EDTA–Mn2+ (one

at a time). (b) Schematic illustration of the ground state specific complex and the target search process. (c) and (d) Correlation between observed

and calculated PREs for all 4 sites at low (20 mMNaCl) and high (160 mMNaCl) salt, respectively. (e) and (f) PRE profiles at low (20 mMNaCl)

and high (100 and 160 mM NaCl) salt, respectively. On either side of the PRE profiles, the PRE data are mapped on the structural model of the

HoxD9–DNA complex, with the color scale depicting G2 rates. Adapted from ref. 16.

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contributor (Fig. 3b). However, the PREvalues for residues 2–44 and 41–42 are30–100% larger for the second samplethan the first, whereas the PREs for theN-terminal arm are identical in the twosamples (Fig. 3b). The larger PRE valuesfor specific regions of HoxD9 in sample 2are directly attributable to intramolecularsliding which gives rise to bias owing tothe fact that the orientation of HoxD9bound to the specific site is favored as theprotein slides along the DNA (Fig. 3c).Thus, as the protein slides away from thespecific site, residues 23–33 and 41–42 canreadily come into close contact with theparamagnetic label, whereas the N-term-inal tail, however, can only approach theparamagnetic center following an inter-molecular translocation event resulting ina 1801 change in binding orientation ofthe protein on the DNA duplex.

Transient encountercomplexes in protein–proteinrecognition

Kinetic data on a number of protein–protein associations have providedevidence for the initial formation of apre-equilibrium encounter complex thatsubsequently relaxes to the final stereospe-cific complex. Further, site-directed muta-genesis6–8 and Brownian dynamics9–11

simulations have suggested that the rateof association can be modulated by per-turbations in charge distribution outsidethe direct interaction surfaces. This sug-gests that non-specific encounter com-plexes may also play a role in protein–protein recognition by facilitating the for-mation of the stereospecific complex.We set out to detect encounter com-

plexes in protein–protein associationusing intermolecular PRE measure-ments.17 The system we chose to studywas the relatively weak (Kdiss B 1 mM)complex between the N-terminal domainof enzyme I (EIN) and the histidinephosphocarrier protein (HPr) of the bac-terial phosphotransferase system.71 Ex-change between free and bound states ofthe proteins is fast on the chemical shifttime scale.72 The structures of EIN andHPr have been solved by both crystallo-graphy73,74 and NMR spectroscopy,75–77

and the structure of the EIN–HPr com-plex has been solved by NMR spectro-scopy on the basis of extensive NOE andRDC data.71 This complex catalyzes thereversible transfer of a phosphoryl groupfrom the Ne2 atom of His189 of EIN tothe Nd1 atom of His15 of HPr. TheNMR structure of the complex is fullyconsistent with the formation of apentacoordinate phosphoryl transitionstate intermediate without requiring

any significant structural perturbation.71

Paramagnetic labels in the form ofEDTA–Mn2+ were conjugated (one ata time) to three engineered surface cys-teine residues on HPr (E5C, E25C andE32C) located outside the binding sur-face with EIN (Fig. 4).17

The intramolecular 1HN-G2 rates forHPr within the EIN–HPr complex arefully consistent with the structure ofHPr, with a PRE Q-factor for all threesites combined of only 0.18 (Fig. 4a). Acomparison of the intermolecular PREprofile measured on EIN, however,shows that while features attributableto the stereospecific complex are clearlypresent, other features cannot be ac-counted for by either the stereospecificcomplex or any single alternative config-uration, and reflect the presence of anensemble of alternative binding modesinvolving non-specific encounter com-plexes (Fig. 4b).17 As a result the overallPRE Q-factor calculated using thestereospecific complex is high with avalue of 0.61 and the correlation betweenobserved and calculated G2 rates is poor(Fig. 4c).To derive a semi-quantitative structural

description of the encounter complex en-semble from the intermolecular PRE datawe made use of direct rigid body simu-lated annealing refinement17,78 against the

Fig. 3 Intramolecular sliding and direct intermolecular translocation in the HoxD9–DNA system. (a) PRE data were collected on HoxD9 in the

presence of an equal mixture of two DNA duplexes, one with and the other without the specific site (indicated in blue). In sample 1, the non-specific

DNA bears the paramagnetic center and PREs only arise from intermolecular translocation; in sample 2, the specific DNA has the paramagnetic

center and PREs can arise from both intramolecular sliding and intermolecular translocation. (b) Observed PRE profiles. (c) Schematic

representation of sliding along the DNA with HoxD9 color coded according to the G2(sample 2)/G2(sample 1) ratio. Adapted from ref. 16.

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PRE data. The representation employedcomprised the stereospecific complex(whose structure is fixed) with populationp in rapid exchange with an ensemble ofencounter complexes comprising N stateswith population (1" p) (Fig. 5a). Completecross-validation indicated that the optimalensemble size was 10–20 (Fig. 5b) at apopulation of B10% (Fig. 5c). The result-ing overall Q-factor is 0.21 (Fig. 5d).17

The distribution of non-specific en-counter complexes is best visualized asan atomic probability map79 (Fig. 5e).Two features stand out. First, there is aqualitative correlation between the en-counter complex distribution and theelectrostatic surface potential, with thepositively charged face of HPr populat-ing regions of EIN with high negativeelectrostatic potentials. Second, theregion occupied by the stereospecificcomplex is minimally populated bynon-specific encounter complexes, sug-gesting that once HPr reaches this regionformation of the stereospecific complexoccurs with high probability.The relevance of weak non-specific

electrostatic interactions in the forma-tion of non-specific encounter complexescan be probed by examining the salt

dependence of the intermolecularPREs.80 The magnitude of the inter-molecular PREs that can be directlyattributed to the stereospecific complexshows only a small dependence on saltconcentration and can be accounted forby the dependence of the overall equili-brium dissociation constant on salt con-centration. The magnitude of the PREsoriginating from the ensemble of non-specific encounter complexes, however,shows a much larger salt dependence.Thus, the population of non-specific en-counter complexes is modulated to a sig-nificantly greater degree by ionic strengththan the stereospecific complex. This find-ing is fully consistent with Debye–Huckeltheory. Interfacial packing is on averageless compact in the non-specific encountercomplexes than in the stereospecific com-plex.17 Hence the average intermoleculardistance between oppositely charged resi-dues is significantly longer in the non-specific complexes than the stereospecificone, thereby permitting more effectivescreening of intermolecular electrostaticinteractions by ions in solution.80

The picture that emerges from thisstudy is one in which weak, highly tran-sient non-specific encounter complexes

are initially formed by weak long-rangeelectrostatic interactions, supplementedby short range van der Waals inter-actions. The life-times of the non-specificencounter complexes are sufficiently longto permit a two-dimensional search on thesurface of the proteins until the region ofthe specific interaction surfaces is reachedand the complex falls down a narrowenergy funnel.81–83 The stereospecificcomplex is located at the minimum of thisfree energy funnel and is characterized byan array of complementary van der Waalsand electrostatic interactions.The findings on the EIN–HPr complex

are quite general and direct detection ofnon-specific encounter complexes byPRE has been observed for several otherweak protein–protein complexes, includ-ing two other complexes involvingHPr and the proteins IIAmannitol andIIAmannose,17 and redox complexes ofcytochrome c with cytochrome c per-oxidase and adrenodoxin.20,84

Ultra-weak protein selfassociation

Ultra-weak macromolecular self-associa-tion (Kdiss 4 10 mM) is exceptionally

Fig. 4 Intermolecular PREs for the EIN–HPr complex. EDTA–Mn2+ was conjugated to an engineered surface cysteine at 3 sites (E5C, E25C and

E32C). (a) Correlation between observed and calculated intramolecular G2 rates for HPr. (b) Intermolecular PRE profiles observed for the 3 sites,

with experimental G2 rates denoted by the red circles, and the theoretical G2 rates calculated from the structure of the stereospecific complex by the

black line. (c) Correlation between observed and calculated intermolecular G2 rates measured on EIN and arising from paramagnetically labeled

HPr. Adapted from ref. 17.

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difficult to detect by conventional bio-physical techniques owing to the verylow population of the self-associatedspecies, yet such weak intermolecularinteractions coupled with nucleation

events play a critical role in drivingspontaneous self-assembly to form higher-order architectures.85–87

We chose to investigate ultra-weak self-association of HPr using the PRE.19

Sedimentation velocity experiments yieldexcellent fits to a single species with amolecular mass fully consistent with mono-meric HPr (B9 kDa) and provide an upperlimit of only 1–2% for any higher ordersoluble species. Intermolecular PRE mea-surements were carried out using a 1 : 1mixture of U-[15N]-labeled HPr with HPrparamagnetically labeled with EDTA–Mn2+ at three different sites individually(E5C, E25C and E32C). Large intermole-cular PRE effects, above the backgroundobserved with hydroxylamine–EDTA–Mn2+ as a control, were observed fortwo of the three paramagnetically labeledsites, E5C and E32C, indicative of veryweak self-association (Fig. 6a). Severalclusters of self-associated species are pre-sent, exhibiting different salt dependenciesand variable modulation by a surfacecharge mutation (Ser46 to Asp within apositively charged surface patch). Further,self-association can be completely elimi-nated upon addition of EIN to form thespecific EIN–HPr complex. The distri-bution of the self-associated species wasobtained using a similar approach to thatemployed to visualize the non-specificEIN–HPr encounter complexes.17 The in-termolecular PRE profiles originatingfrom E5C and E32C were fit simulta-neously by rigid body simulated annealingrefinement using an ensemble of statesto represent the distribution of one HPrmolecule relative to another.19 The analysisindicates that an optimal ensemble sizeof 4 with a population ofB1% is requiredto represent the self-associated state(Fig. 6b and c). Under the experimentalconditions employed, this corresponds to aKdiss Z 15 mM.19

While ultra-weak self-association ofHPr is unlikely to be of any biologicalsignificance, it does demonstrate thatPRE measurements can be used to detectand visualize transient, ultra-weak self-associated states of a protein in solutionthat are invisible to other biophysical tech-niques. The weak intermolecular interac-tions observed for HPr self-associationencompass an ensemble of states and aredriven by both electrostatic and hydropho-bic interactions (Fig. 6c). This demonstra-tion of principle paves the way to usingintermolecular PRE measurements tocharacterize early stages of biologicallysignificant oligomerization events, includ-ing the assembly of viral capsids86 and theformation of amyloid fibrils.87

Fig. 5 Ensemble refinement of intermolecular PRE data for the EIN–HPr complex. (a) The

observed G2 rates in the fast exchange regime are a weighted average of the G2 rates for the specific

complex and an encounter complex ensemble comprising N species. (b) Dependence of working

(Qe and Qee) and complete cross-validated (Qfree) Q-factors on ensemble size N. (Qe is the average

Q-factor oQ4 for all 100 calculated ensembles, and Qee is the ensemble of ensembles average

Q-factor). (c) Dependence of workingQ factors on population of the encounter complex ensemble.

(d) Correlation between observed and calculated G2 rates obtained with a population of 10% for

the encounter complex species represented by an ensemble of size N = 20. (e) Two views of a

reweighted atomic probability density map79 illustrating the distribution of HPr molecules on the

surface of EIN that make up the ensemble of encounter complexes. The encounter complex

probability map (green mesh plotted at a threshold of 20% maximum) is calculated from 100

independent calculations of ensemble sizeN=20 at a population of 10%; the molecular surface of

EIN is color coded by electrostatic potential (#8kT); and the location of HPr in the stereospecific

complex is shown as a blue ribbon. Adapted from ref. 17.

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Transient, lowly-populatedstates sampled by large-scaledomain motions

Large-scale domain rearrangements inproteins often play a critical function inligand binding, recognition, catalysis andregulation.88–94 Crystal and NMR struc-tures have provided a static picture of theapo (usually open) and holo (usuallyclosed) states, but the general question

remains as to whether the apo state exists

as a single species in which the holo

conformation (in the absence of ligand)

is energetically inaccessible and inter-

domain rearrangement is induced by

ligand binding, or whether the predomi-

nantly apo conformation coexists in ra-

pid equilibrium with an alternative,

lowly-populated, excited species which

may correspond to a greater or lesser

degree to the holo conformation. The

PRE provides a powerful method toexamine such phenomena.18

Maltose binding protein (MBP) is aclassic example of a protein undergoinglarge interdomain rearrangement whichhas been extensively studied by crystallo-graphy,93,94 NMR spectroscopy95–97 andother biophysical techniques.97–99 Uponsugar binding a B351 rigid body domainreorientation between the N- (NTD) andC- (CTD) terminal domains occurs,involving hinge-bending within the linkerregion connecting the two domains.93,94

RDCs measured on the apo and holostates are fully consistent with the res-pective crystal structures.96 This ishardly surprising because the RDC ob-servable is a linear weighted average ofthe species present in solution and istherefore insensitive to lowly-populatedstates.18,100

MBP was paramagnetically labeledwith a nitroxide spin-label conjugatedto surface engineered cysteine residues,D41C and S211C (one at a time), locatedin the NTD and CTD, respectively.18

The PRE data for the sugar-bound holoform are entirely consistent with thecrystal structure of holo MBP (PREQ-factor of 0.18). In the case of apoMBP, however, the intradomain PREdata are in agreement with the structure,but the interdomain PRE data arisingfrom the nitroxide at D41C exhibit re-gions with large discrepancies betweenobserved and calculated PRE values(with an interdomain PRE Q-factor of0.49) (Fig. 7a and b, left panel). Thesediscrepancies cannot be accounted for bythe presence of a small amount of holoconformation in rapid equilibrium withthe apo conformation since a linear com-bination of these two states results in aminimal decrease in the PRE Q-factorfor the D41C data and an increase in thePRE Q-factor for the S211C data. Thisfinding is fully consistent with an extra-polated population of B0.002% for theholo conformation derived from thermo-dynamic data.97 Although the PRE datafor apo MBP can be accounted for by asingle alternative domain orientation ofthe NTD and CTD that is different fromthat in both the apo and holo structures,this alternative structure is inconsistentwith the RDC data.18 Thus, apo MBPmust exist as a rapidly exchanging mix-ture comprising the predominant apo(open) state and a minor species. The

Fig. 6 Ultra-weak self-association of HPr. (a) Intermolecular PRE profiles and (b) correlation

between observed and calculated (using an Ne = 4 ensemble representation) G2 rates observed

between 15N-labeled wild type HPr and HPr conjugated to EDTA–Mn2+ at positions E5C and

E32C. (c) Reweighted atomic probability density maps (green mesh), plotted at 20% threshold,

showing the distribution of 15N-labeled HPr relative to paramagnetically-labeled HPr (left panel,

grey transparent surface and ribbon with the location of E5C and E32C indicated in magenta) and

paramagnetically-labeled HPr relative to 15N-labeled HPr (right panel, grey transparent surface

and ribbon with the four groups of residues that experience large intermolecular PREs colored in

red, green, blue and yellow using the same color scheme as in (a). Adapted from ref. 19.

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time scale for interconversion betweenthe two states has an upper limit ofB20 ms from relaxation dispersionexperiments and a lower limit ofB20 ns (corresponding to the rotationalcorrelation time of MBP) from {15N}–1Hheteronuclear NOE data.18

The hr"6i average structure of the minorspecies of apo MBP can be determinedby conjoined rigid-body/torsion angle

simulated annealing refinement101,102 inwhich the PRE data originating from theD41C and S211C nitroxide labels are fittedsimultaneously to a two-member ensembleof major open and minor species. Themajor species is held fixed in the apocrystal structure conformation whereasthe domains of the minor species areallowed to move as rigid bodies by givingthe linker residues torsional degrees of

freedom. These calculations fully accountfor all the apo MBP PRE data with PREQ-factors of 0.21 and 0.24 for the PREsoriginating from the D41C and S211Cnitroxide labels (Fig. 7b, right panel), re-spectively, and, combined with RDC data,indicate that the population of the minorspecies is 5–7%.18

The minor species of apo MBP repre-sents a partially closed state (Fig. 7c).18

The transition between major (open) andminor (partially closed) forms of apoMBP involves a hinge rotation of B331,comparable to the 351 rotation betweenopen apo and closed holoMBP. However,the apo minor and closed holo states arenot the same and are related by a domainreorientation of B181 accompanied by aB6 A translation (Fig. 7d). The interfacebetween the NTD and CTD domains islined by negatively charged residues thatare responsible for an array of hydrogenbonds with the sugar substrate in holoMBP.83,84 When the substrate is removed,the energy landscape is altered and accessto the holo structure is energetically highlyunfavorable as a result of electrostaticrepulsion and lack of interdomain surfacecomplementarity within the ligand-bind-ing pocket that cannot be offset by brid-ging water molecules. These unfavorableinterdomain interactions are circum-vented in the partially closed apo stateby translation of the CTD out of thesugar-binding pocket, thereby exposingseveral negatively charged residues, and,in addition, leaving the sugar bindingsurface on the CTD exposed.18

The PRE results for apo MBP provethe existence of dynamic equilibriumbetween a predominant (B95%) openstate and a minor (B5%) partially-closed state. The presence of the minorspecies in apo MBP may facilitate thetransition to the holo conformation thatis only rendered energetically accessibleby intermolecular interactions betweenthe two domains and the sugar ligand.Thus the predominant fluctuations inapoMBP do not involve the energeticallydisfavored holo conformation and there-fore the conformational change uponligand binding can be viewed as anexample of induced fit.18

Concluding remarks

The PRE provides a powerful tool forstudying both structure and large-scale

Fig. 7 Open-to-partially closed transition in apo MBP. (a) Comparison of observed PRE

profiles (red circles) with back-calculated values obtained by ensemble paramagnetic probe

refinement against the intermolecular PRE data for the nitroxide spin-label at D41C. (b)

Comparison of observed versus calculated G2 rates for the D41C data obtained with the

X-ray apo MBP structure alone (left panel) and upon inclusion of a minor species at an

occupancy of 5% (right panel). (c) Equilibrium mixture of the major open (blue cylinder) and

minor partially-closed (green smoothed backbone trace with reweighted backbone atomic

probability map shown as a green mesh) forms of the CTD of apo MBP with the NTDs of

the two species superimposed and colored in grey. (d) Structural comparison of the CTD of the

minor partially-closed state of apoMBP (green cylinders) and holo MBP (red cylinders) with the

open form of apo MBP shown as a molecular surface color-coded according to electrostatic

potential. Adapted from ref. 18.

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dynamic phenomena involving macro-molecules and their complexes in solution.The application of the PRE for struc-

ture determination of complexes or multi-domain proteins is restricted to systemsin slow exchange. In fast exchangingsystems, the PRE provides a directmeans of detecting, characterizing andvisualizing low population transient spe-cies. Thus the PRE provides a means toexplore regions of the free energy land-scape of biological macromolecularsystems that are inaccessible to con-ventional structural and biophysicaltechniques, thereby opening a wholenew field of study for structural biology.


This work was supported by the Intra-mural Program of the National Instituteof Diabetes and Digestive and KidneyDiseases, National Institutes of Health.I thank Attila Szabo for useful discussions.

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