American Thoracic Society International Conference May 17 to May 22, 2013 Philadelphia 2013 Innovation in Fellowship Education Highlights Book The ATS greatly values the importance of a strong fellowship training program designed to ensure academic and clinical success and lifelong learning in the fields of pulmonary, allergy, critical care and sleep medicine. This booklet showcases 14 innovative and novel best education practices.

Highlights Book - American Thoracic Society

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American Thoracic Society International ConferenceMay 17 to May 22, 2013


2013 Innovation in Fellowship Education

Highlights BookThe ATS greatly values the importance of a strong fellowship training

program designed to ensure academic and clinical success and

lifelong learning in the fields of pulmonary, allergy, critical care and

sleep medicine. This booklet showcases 14 innovative and novel

best education practices.

Printed on partially recycled paper, 100% recyclable.

American Thoracic Society International ConferenceMay 17 to May 22, 2013

AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY25 Broadway, 18th Floor | New York, NY 10004

P. (212) 315 - 8600 | F. (212) 315 - 6498www.thoracic.org

2013 Innovation in Fellowship Education

Highlights Book

ThE ATS congrATulATES ThE FollowIng Four ouTSTAndIng FEllowShIp progrAmS

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