Hill 8e Basic Ch03

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    Theory of Strategic Managementwith Cases, 8eHills, Jones

    Chapter ThreeCompetencies and Profitability-

    Analyzing Internal Resources

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    In preparing for battle I havealways found that plans are

    useless , bu t plann ing isindispensable.

    - Dwight D.


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    The firms resourcesand capabilitiesDistinctive competencies

    Internal Analysis

    The purpose of internal analysis is to pinpoint thestrengthsand weaknessesof the organization.

    It includes assessments of:

    Building and sustaining a competitive advantagerequires a company to achieve superior:




    Responsiveness to customers

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    Internal Analysis:Strengths and Weaknesses

    Internal analysis, along with the external analysis ofthe companys environment, gives managers the

    information to choose the strategies and businessmodel to attain a sustained competitive advantage.

    StrengthsAssetsthat boost


    WeaknessesLiabilities that

    depress profitability

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    Competitive Advantage

    Competitive Advantage

    A firms profitability is greater than theaverage profitability for all firms in its

    industry.SustainedCompetitive Advantage

    A firm maintains above average andsuperior profitability and profit growth for anumber of years.

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    Strategy, Resources,Capabilities, and Competencies

    Figure 3.1

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    Competitive Advantage,Value Creation, and Profitability

    1. Valueor utilitythe customer gets fromowning the product

    2. Pricethat a company charges for itsproducts

    3. Costsof creating that product

    Consumer surp lusis the excess utility aconsumer captures beyond the price paid

    Basic Principle: the more utility that consumersget from a companys products or services, the

    more pricing options the company has.

    How profitable a company becomesdepends on three basic factors:

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    Value Creation per Unit

    Figure 3.2

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    Value Creationand Pricing Options

    There is a dynamicrelationship among ut i l i ty,pr ic ing, demand, and costs .

    Figure 3.3

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    Comparing Toyotaand General Motors

    Superior value creation requires that the gap betweenperceived utility (U)and costs of production (C)be greater than that obtained by competitors.

    Figure 3.4

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    The Value Chain

    A company is a chain of activities for transforminginputs into outputs that customers valueincluding the primary and support activities.

    Figure 3.5

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    Building Blocksof Competitive Advantage

    Figure 3.6

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    Measured by the quantity of inputs ittakes to produce a given output:

    Efficiency = Outputs / Inputs

    Productivity leads to greater efficiencyand lower costs:

    Employee productivity

    Capital productivitySuperior efficiency helps a company

    attain a competitive advantagethrough a lower cost structure.

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    Superior quality = customer perceptionof greater value in a products attributesForm, features, performance, durability, reliability, style, design

    Quality productsare goods and services that are: Reliable and

    Differentiated by attributes that customersperceive to have higher value

    A perception of quality allows a firm todifferentiate its products in the eyes of itscustomers.

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    A Quality Map for Automobiles

    When customersevaluate the quality of aproduct, they commonlymeasure it against two

    kinds of attributes:

    1. Quality as Excellence

    2. Quality as Reliability

    Figure 3.7

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    Innovationisthe act of creatingnew products or new processes

    Product innovation Creates products that customers

    perceive as more valuable and Increases the companys pricing options

    Process innovation Creates value by lowering production costs

    Successful innovation can be a majorsource of competitive advantage

    by giving a company something unique.

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    Customer Responsiveness

    Enhanced customer responsiveness:Customer response time, design,service, after-sales service and support

    Superior responsiveness tocustomers differentiates a companysproducts and services and leads tobrand loyalty and premium pricing.

    Identifying and satisfying customersneedsbetter than the competitors do.

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    Analyzing CompetitiveAdvantage and Profitability

    Competitive Advantage When a companys profitability is greater than the average of all

    other companies in the same industry that compete for the samecustomers


    Comparing company performance against that of competitors andthe companys historic performance

    Measures of Profitability

    ReturnOnInvestedCapital (ROIC) Net profit Net income after tax

    Capital invested Equity + Debt to creditors

    Net Profit= Total revenuesTotal costs

    =ROIC =

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    Definitions ofBasic Accounting Terms

    Table 3.1

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    Drivers of Profitability (ROIC)

    Figure 3.9

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    The Durability of CompetitiveAdvantage

    1.Barriers to ImitationMaking it difficult to copy a companys distinctivecompetencies

    2.Capability of Competitors Strategic comm itment Absorpt ive capaci ty

    3.Industry DynamismAb i l ity of an industry to change rapidly

    The durabilityof a companys competitive advantage over itscompetitors depends on:

    Compet i tors are also seeking to develop dis t inct ivecompetenc ies that wi l l give them a compet i t ive edge.

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    Why Companies Fail

    Inertia Companies find it difficult to change their strategies andstructures

    Prior Strategic Commitments Limit a companys ability to imitate and cause competitive

    disadvantageThe Icarus Paradox

    A company can become so specialized and inner-directedbased on past success that it loses sight of market realities

    Categories of rising and falling companies:

    Craftsmen Bui lders Pioneers SalespeopleWhen a company loses its competitive advantage,

    its profitability falls below that of the industry.It los es the abi l i ty to attract and generate resources.

    Prof i t margin s and invested capita l sh rink rapidly.

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    Avoiding Failure:Sustaining Competitive Advantage

    1.Focus on the Building Blocks of CompetitiveAdvantageDevelop dist in ct ive competenc ies and super ior performance in:

    Efficiency Quality Innovation Responsiveness to Customers

    2. Institute Continuous Improvement andLearning

    3.Track Best Practice and Use Benchmarking4.Overcome Inertia

    Luck may play a role in success,so always exploit a lucky break - but remember:

    The harder I work, the luckier I seem to get.J P Morgan