" *-• '"-"'-f-^gas^^--^^^ W^&$®i£¥%^^^^'^'y-* T ~- : ~' '^''T*f7ff•? r S^'*'-'*'-" -• "-f^^OM «a up fh^MtTlfeas^= ;* -- worufeyatftwrftrfiSfc!?^. 1 * * tegate o* the Saratos* allS^ about ine and saV t&'i™,,,*» i gbn^se^tbe CatSkiB^apJ" •eofUkeeeorga.xrh^Sl equipped, "Tblfe £0*3*^ w that ever livedo JM^ jfj^, cSrr odncetf. ^^ere^a^Sn^^ .earty because Pve^gfci? 0 **- i the fees,i A a a w n i J S ^ S f t f t . same resgJtsL. Wh^ ;tW3?Slj. effect upon h i r n ^ j ^ £ g r e * £ * used, I igld h mjfS ^^± ' iree day's trme-rhe- rnsa-antttni planed. It seemed^o cleansed! i.dny. I have recommeuaerrri; c MES CAVSED BT THE JtS.tBl.-_ CP say*.there is prqbably"no life more trying or;, when" a nly laden with the sense'-of "* ian the first l i m e she is" left ith her first <baby —-OMcago iistnre, stinging, itchiagfeworaeat , pin-worms were crawling aboni ivate parts are often ausefei. 4&a '" cal and positive cure, SWATSE'8 jor to any article in tfifenJarKefc'• or send 50 cts. in 3-ct. Stamps 3; ;ss. DR. Sw«TKJc•iSo^r.*ha^e^»• ' :—s— ~ •-—r— other Age* Jed by a Better. Arj&iele, Certain lings are done Away. * reception room of th6"Western >uildmg on Broadway, HsvrTor]^ oarse, crude, and clumsy instra- :y of the telegraph, 5They'are-only perfect machinery ha& superseded I- now styled the oldifashloned some good service. There""w& r of the kind. Now all that Js and study have gone deeper into lieine and prodneetr BESHSffS-'S Plaster, which embodies all the ar possible hr an external remedy, ere slow—the Capcme i&-rapid; n—the Capcine is surei' Cheaper ir names. Be carefnl, 1 therefor, . Iruggist does not deceive yon. In enuine is cut the word CASGINJE -leabnry & Johnson, Chemists, : e the Purest and Best Bit* !' rs E-Eer Made. i pounded from Bops* Majt, ke and Dandelion^ - ffie old- Bost valuable nredieinies- ih on tain all the besttand most r: ies of all other remedies, .•st Blood Purifier,.'Erfer Life and Health"Ignoring . No disease o r & {health rig exist where these ;giii|e|S fried and perfect are fSeir w life and vigor te£h» aged "•'i> all whose employments : y of the bowels or' Tir-naty require an Apetfeer^ouie uant, Hop Bitters aretoval-- lighly curative, tonic and thout yi tori eating. lat your feelings or symp- , the disease or aliment-* is, s. <•DoVt wait until y o n a r e i only feeT bad or miserable, i 5 at onee It may;safe^lbul have been saved' by S^-do- be paid for a case-they-»?B ..-e t h e y w i l l not cure Qjtthelp. r or let your frien'ds'stififer, •a;e t h e m to use B o p "Bitters, Hop Bitters is. nO^vife, ken nostrum, b u t t h e Eure^t - cine ever made, the "'Inva id Hope," andno' , persofler be without thenw TXT the Bast Dyes EYef.Waiter IK. WOOX, OH COTTOrT.^S IOATS, SCARFS, HQOOS,' CKINCS, CARPET RAtlS, •EATHERS, or an?? feTfeio or tsily aaid^erfectay cd^aed..tO'«Qy r Brown, -6reen, Blue, S««Tlet» SBTT Bine, Seal Brown,"Oilv« kjotta nm* so other best colors, band Durable. Each package will rlba. of goods. If youfcavoriieve* bese once, "yon wxll'bedelaehAefi*. IstB, or send'-na 10 cents and any bnt post-paid. 24 colored-Bam^la* 1 sy cards sent for a Se.Btaanp.-^ . . IAKBSON & CO., B«rlfcigtm,Vt. [TsiLYiR PAW?. faint. Artists' Black- . Fancy Baskets, Prameo, iarop*. Id for an viT>^a of ornamental worlc. !• the high priced kinds and only' 3,otthe dTOggista,orpost-5aidfi?OXn; 1ABDSON <fc CO., BurltnB*on»V*> 4EY-VVOR1 . SURE CURE eases of the Kidney* and. go action on this most hn'itmrfff"* tag it to throw off torpidity ana* [mlating Vha healthy Becxetiono£ I by keeping the bowels'in. fire* ectrng its regular dijcharge,. vSn irj'oTj'areiroSisringtron* tlda m4liiria;havattie-chl31»;- relyrelleTOiaaa.nirjMyoare? ', tn& tooleKUt^tbQS^stesnVstferar (ke*tnorougli<i6na«-cifltr "^ t»DHUCCaST«iSj»rl^«. W y- liar Sir t" ^or ^n'yea»L o;J>ypptp«i*i'X^»>»tjp»tiW mg your puUijwereiecoiuMW Htttbirtwitk,aittIe<f«iUi}S J "**,. \,jbw* good appetite, jftJ«IW| ndMPlidja»a. r mey«tf*S«^ r 61a. ,' '• •''.*'-* t. arMTSON, Ixmi«riUj,KT- > ~ " ~ ' * % % > ^ ??ST -•*-•- exertton- m eambea with floweJ%. OTIS,— The day may wa] a •iWhraMpsrwwnnssTai y e storm-winds far ajvay,— £j& sunilght with its raaiaht showers May All the earth and skies; Aca all the while from the watch-towers The danger-signals fly. The ere may fade In dusky light Where tranquil waters lie, And darkness In its silent flight Veil every watching eye ; _ When "wearied ocean's sleeping tide The cool night breezes lave, The log-hell sendeth tar and wide A warning o'er the wave. Though gale and zephyr be entwined In crests of pearly now, With golden sunbeams, and enshrined On ocean's changing brow, Th'-lr glories fade when night comes downl But one uhsettlng star Hangs o'er the billow's wildest Crown,— Thellght^shlp on the bar. Even so around a morning life May opening roses cling, And in the heart in JOyot'S strife fmpjclsoned warblers sing, , And not a cloud may upward roll To dim the crystal sky,— Tet o'er some watch-tower of the soul J May danger-signals fly. f —Annie B. Cole, In Youth's Companion, DANGER OF KISSING. Physician SBOV?B That It Is a Cooiinoa Source of Infection. ' " The impression that p>-ei^ils th»t She) neglected state of onr sewers and streets is a prolific cause of the diseases spoken of generally as zymotic, is perfectly correct, but so many -cases of diphtheria have come! Onder my notioe lately where the patients! Cere surrounded by the most perfect sain- Itary conditions that I found it necessary 1 to look beyond those causes for the drigin of the infeotion. A little research showed ma fhat the prime cause in all those cases was; the same. All the patients were children on quite young girls, and I found that they had! contracted the disease by kissing some ip-i fected schoolmate or playmate. I will give *n instance to illustrate my remarks, and| Vhich will serve at the same time to illus-i ftrate the extreme danger children are sub- jected to by kissing their young companions., A. little girl, daughter of wealthy parents,, who almost worshipped her, for she was/ their only child, complained to her attendant t few mornings ago that she did not fee? Well and did not wish t o g o t o school. Thef burse, a well-meaning but ignorant person,,' failed to. see anything serious the matter! fcfth the child, laughed at her complaint,; ftnd, not desiring to trouble the mother, took) the child to school as usual. The child) grew worse rapidly. The small red diph-i theria spot In her tbroat, which any doctor; would havefhoticed, had one been, called in,| but which carried no significance to the; nurse, grew and enlarged rapidly, and be- fore recess covered half Of the back portion) of the throat. The little one's teacher! noticed that the child was really sick andj Bent her home. Before she left the school,, which, I may add, is an extremely well con-l ducted private seminary, the child said good-i by to her desk mate and kissed her. The! little girl who was kissed'caught the disease.: In the case of the first child the disease had! B'pread so far when medical assistance wasj called in that she died, though hadja ddctoij been called in earlier her life would probably have baen saved. The second child was; promptly treated and her life was savedj Another case tliat caine to my noticei bothered me for some time as to how thei child caught the complaint, but at last If found out that her mother had allowed her 1 to kiss the lips of a little companion who 1 laid dead in a coffin, a victim of diphtheria. Understand rue, 1 do not fntend to convey< fhe idea fhat I have discovered anything! Hew. Every doctor couM tell you the same' thing, but I don't belfeve the general public' know the danger of the promiscuous kissing: indulged in by children. If they did, par- ents would stop their children from the habit, for in children it is nothing but a habit, and conveys no sense of affection or' gratification. The teachers in the public! schools would do well to caution their 1 scholars against the habit. Take a common! sense view of the case and one is instantly || convinced of the danger of infection from a| kiss. Diphtheria is a foreign gro'wth in the throat. Infection i8 caused by particles of this growth coming in contact wt,th a healthy surface. The saliva flows over the diseased spots and absorbs a portion of the minute, spores. The habit of most people, especi-. ally children, is to moisten their lips with the tongue. The infected saliva is thas carried to the lips, and the contact of lips in kissing carries the disease from the sick to th^rhealthy person.— S a n JF-iuucesco Exam- \ iner. WHERE HE HAD HIM. A colored man who was driving a horse land cutter Monday carme d o w n Woodward I avenue just ahead of a vvbite man with a [similar rig, and although the latter ^aade, every effort to get past, his horse hadn'i I quite enough speed to accomplish the feat. When the colored man pulled up a police- man approached him and said : , "Youngman what do you mean by driv- ing in that manner ?" "Tze dun sorry if IZP broke de law, gah." *' Well, you have broken it, and I'm a good mind to make complaint." " Sorry, sah, worry serry, but I couldn't; help it Tou see, I had dis h®ss at de shop de odder day an' dat white man. picked a; fuss wid me an' called me a nigger." " Suppose he did ?" t "Nuffin', sah. I didn't keer two cents fur all he said, but-dis yere hoss heard it au dat's de trouble. I was joggm' 'long, uj yere a few blocks when dat , wfilt& m a n OuH 'long. De hoBs^ooked bade an' seed 'twafe «K- came man who eaUed as names, a? 1 ' p P went hi* head an' tail an' away he sleppeol All J could do was to spt still an* hold hinji level." , ' ' " Well, don't you do it again. 1 ' * ""• ' - "No, sao. 1 reckon dat arter ,a,njggor, wid an oie hoss like dis has led a white man wid a trotter liks dat fur a clean mile right down d" :iv.'im* dat boaf de hoss aa' denfgf gerk.u a., t „| ur?" u Sir, you I-IJ-.H. i >v ;..• n'i opeh-fac6 watch, if you desire to be ac.-.n-ate in your time," said a watchmaker on Chestnut street to the stout man; you are too mag. netic." *' Why, what the Jeure has the case goi to do with it?" was the intrrrogative' reply. " Everythiu-'., Y nir wa.ch has a hunting case, necessit". ;teel springs for opening and shutting Hy eon.jtijnt association with your body those springs become mag- netized, and they generate their condition to other i eees-wrily steel portions of the watch- workq, and thus render their movements imperfect." "Then, if I were not so fat my watch would not lose two minutes, more or less, a day," said the puzzled stout man. "Exaytly," returned the watchmaker. "I have worn your watch for over a week, and it has neither gain-1 nor lost a dozen sec- onds ; but then I r..n, frjin a corporeal point of viow, your antithesis, I am exception* ay thin and slender." The stout man mused. "Accordingly," said he, " open-faced tickers for fat men, eloBed oases for thin, e h ?" "Not at all," replied tbs othev. "Thin men have at tini-s nore luagQ'tUm in their systems than fat men. Eve*yoody is more .or le .3 magnetic: you happen t o b e particu- larly so ; I happen to be quite the reverse , henco my remarks and advice. For the rest open-faced watches are always more ac- curate than hunters. They aru more air- tight for one thing. As for the steel springs in hunting eases, mechanical science has not yet discovered anything else to replace them; the public like double cases, and there the matter remains for the present. There are, however, many illcontrived portions in watches, and while the demand continues for watches of a certain price it is impossi- ble, from a commercial point of view, to think of improvements. Long-used meth- ods stad ingenious engines! have been specially provided fo fashion'and cut out every one 0*tde minute parts which go to compose tfeft existing instrument. Evejry w a t o h eon37fM«i of ov;er 200 pieces, employ- ing over 200 persons, distributed among forty trades, to say nothing of the tool mak- ers for the artisans. If the construction of the watch were materially altered all the ,trades would have to be relearned, new tools and wheel-cutting engines would have to be devised and the majorif^ of working watch- makers become useless. The consequence would be that the watch would become enormously enhanced in value and its pos- session a token of wealth. You see in our complicated state of society even machines in the process ®f time come to surround themselves with a circle of 'vested intarests' which embarrass attempts . at improve- ments." "You are interesting me," remarked the stout sastomer, as he plajed his watch in his pocket. " You have been many years^ I suppose, in. the business. Of courrie there must have been some imjiroveisieub in your time ?" " Of course. "Watches during the last ten years have grown much in thickness. Old- fashioned watches are thin and flat. I have had a watch in my charge as Hat as a trade dollar. I t i s impossible to properly adjust the works for heat, cold, and position under such circumstances. I should iiave to give yon a long explanation of the packing of mechanism to explaJn t o y o u why." •' Well, has the increased thickness raised the value ?" " No. On the contrary, watches are now worta twenty-five per cent, less to what they were ten yearn .igo. That fact you will Bay bear - , against my previous remarks. I a m refei ring tr> the cheaper grade of watches worn by the majority of people. There are watcVrt whkh bring $1,500, and watches which can lie purchased for .i?18 a dozen. If you ure v.ii!i.i-; to pay for costly work, almost auyslii:^ can to accomplished. I madia watch for a physioian which fitted into a signet ring not much larger than a pea. It only had second hands. It was perf-ctly avci'.r&te, and was used b y t h e doctor to L..J-- the pulse beats of his patients. That cobt .vii'O. patches are made from t h e si*;."' of a t-n-cent piece to half a dollanf and worn as trinkets by ladies. They are also fixed iu bracelets, brooches, tops of pen- cils, eye-gla-ises, aud even in umbrella handles ; but they are very luxurious toys." The stout mau paid his bill and went home. Tlie wearing of a watch was till late times considered in some degree a mark and proof of gentility, though the actual invention o<j- eurred in the fourteenth century. Watches used to be worn ostensibly round the necfe, attached to a chain. In Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," Malvolio hints at the costliness of a watch in those days, when he says: I frown the while and perchance Wind up my watch, or play . With some rich jewel. Ye f in lliaa watches had become so com- mon that in a comedy of the day a character says: " Every puay clerk ean carry; the time of day in his pocket." In contradiction to the latter i s a letter in the Bodliran Li- brary relating t o a story told of a man named Allan, a reputed sorcerer, who died, aged ninety-six, in lu'30. It appeared that short, ly before) his death the old gentleman went for a walk, leaving his wafem, under hK pil- low. The maids came i s t o make the bed, and hearing a thing i n a case erying " tick, 'tick, tick," concluded that it was AUen'i' devil or familiar. Thoy took i t b y th< strings with the fire t o n g s and threw it ou of the window in the moat, thsir. objee Joeing to drown the devil, t i s o happened mat the atring»caught » n t h e sprig ol an alder tree, which grew out of the moat, which fully confirmed the suspicions of the maids. However, the old gg»tjema.n got his watch agaihV—Philadelphia TitiUS Why a Carolina Bride Objected to the tftheSel^ericking^Kevoiver.' - By <the way, Batfowl Smith £eils a! story of a North Cajrol^ah"Redding. B runs -this Way: It wasjm'the Garoljna iBhc^wtoods, r '6 country couple afld a- country paison. Though a Bap'ti% the minister wore an old surplice. When he had finished thVcer& mony he said: •* An' them'uns who Gcoii hath joined—" "Stop, thar, parsoni" said the grbb'mv "don't say them'uns, say these'uns I' "John," said the parson, "I teched you a ridhool, a n d I say them'uns," "These'uns!" shouted the groom, draw^ ing his pistoL The parson seeing the movement fired through his surplice and the groom dropped dead—winging the parson a s h e went down. $here was a 1'vely fusilade of pevhaps thirty shots. When the ninoU'i cleared away a half dozen men were on th« floor. t The bride, peeping over fhe pulpit to whieh she had fled for refuge, guzed mournfully o n t h e scene and saiil: " Them a-self-co«kiir' pistols Is a playin' mischief with my proayeckb I" Of course the story is an impossible one, and yet, said Mr. Smiths "That is the staple story of the South that is circulated and believed throughout the North. While such a thing could hardly have happened in North Carolina any more than in New York, the average Northern man smiles incredu- tously when you lell him that this perform- ance-is improbable at a, Carolina •wedding." —-A-tkinta (Jo7t»tiButk>n. PARADOXES AND PROPAGANDA, Kosmos aays : "The beliefs of one de- 3ade are the superstitions of the nest; ihe paradoxes of to-day are the propagand^of to-morrow." This is important if true, and anypevfton that feels the symptoms of a paradox coming on him to-day, should not neglect it, but take something at once, oi to-morrow he may be cut down with a pro- paganda, and be beyond the reach of medi- cine. People are liable to be careless. A paradox may not seem t o b e a serious thing, and a man will think it will wear off, and he will ,go about his business giving it no thought, and he will laugh at it if a friend tells him he ought to i-ee a doctor about that paradox, but when, tiirf next day, the propa- ganda breaks out, and Uo is confined to his bed, and can't get his night shirt off, and has to be rollfd over to the back side of the bed to have the sheets jhauged, he begins to realize, wneti it in too late, fhat h e i s a condemned fool for not heading off the par- adox when it first began to show itself, and thus save himself from a run of pro- paganda, with its attendant evils. Kosmos ought to advertise in the papers.—PecUa Sun. A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by remark- able discover es. '1 he fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat-and Lung diseases is daily onring patients that they have given up 10 die, is startling them tortalize their sense of duty, and examine into 'he merits of this won- derful discovery; resulting in hundreds of our best physicians usi g it in their prac- tice. Trial botth-s free at Sweets drug st<ire. Regular size $1. ig m *m —Messrs. Root Bros., Hamilton, N. Y., say: " Biown's Iron Bitters gives such good satisfaction we feel safe in recommending it." _ CIRCUS HUSTLERS. minion are both getting so thick" that it is possible, '-03 in England, to be unable to ride. or drive, yet never lack society, there wiD BSU be temperate Australia, which, though practically only a broad belt 'surrounding what should bf> a sea and is a desert, i s a belt Which will support forty millions ; "and the immense expanses which, throughoui South America, are not only hot occupied, 'but are not in reality explored. There is room in Brazil for all Europe; while i n a State so little regarded as Peru, a kingdom full ot men could be established on lands which no white man intelligent enough tc report on them has ever traversed. Th< new nations now forming will be mainly Teutonic, will be in some form or another Christian, and will speak English. Why our race should oonquer, we hardly know, but it does conquer. Only the Jew resists the absorbing force' of the Englishman. It is to an increased rate of emigration that we look for the natural check Upon perpetual outflow. Twenty millions of people—and we shall be reduced to that—will notr throw- off the swarms w h o n o w hive out from among thirty-five., millions.—London Spec- tator. Gen. B. F. Butler! Still lives; so do hundreds of others who have been cured of Rheumatism and Neu- ralgia by the great blood purifier Sulphur Bitters. Send for testimonials. —There is great anxiety now about HH pie sugar and peach buds. A Sufferer from Bbeumatistil. I limped about for years with a cane, ai d could not bend down without excruciating pain. Parker's Ginger Tonic effected an astonishing cure and ke- p me well. I t i< infallible. M. Oilfoyle, Uinghamton, N" 1 —A dressing to beautify gray hair eyery family needs. Parkei* s Hair Balsam never fails to satisfy. —Isn't it about time for poets to let up on "'Gentle Spring?'- •©• In the Diamond D) es more coloring is given for 10 cents than in any l o o r 2 5 cent dyes, and they give faster and more brilliant colors. —Now is the time to-begin putting the streets in decent order. Doctors Of all the different schools in the country, have thousands die every»year of Bright's disease of the Kidneys, who could be living to day if they had used '-ulphur Bitters. They are unt qua lied bi the world for all diseases of the kidneys. — [ Vfir Haven Union —Ge: eva poller men are paid U-n dollars per week. ANSWER !ms.—Is there a person living wno ever saw a case of, ague.'bi.lioti.-ness, nervousness, or neuralgia, or any disease of the stomach, liver, or kidneys, that Hop Bitters will not c>'re? WHAT Jbnt THE JURT JiNviooh.—In « Cincinnati court room the other day a wit- ness swore that he never saw his mother in- law and did not know her name. It made the jury sofwild with envy that they forgoj all about the .-ase and conl 1 not agree on s yerdict.—Philadelphia Nnr.t. TEACHER 05 MUSIC,- 18f Mjaih'Street, i one door North of the Medical College,'QENEVA, N. I . - MISS CTJMMljkG^ PROFESSOR OP MUSIC, (certificated frojii the Society of Arts, London), iives lessons in piano and Harmony, at 11 High Street. . Address; Box 692, Geneva. , J. W, SMITH &' CO.j '• DEALERS la DBT GOODSJCABPETINGS, On. CLOTHS, &c, No. 28 Seneca Street, Geneva, N. Y. J. W. SMITH. •-.. 8. E.SMITH. 8. N. ANTHONY, GENERAL INSUBAHOE AJJD REAL BSTATE AOENCY Office* Wheat & Prouty Block, Iiinden Street- D. B. BACK.ENSTOSB, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT rjAW, No. 2 Smith Block (up-staira), Geneva, N. Y. CHARLES N. HEM1UP, i ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office No. 1, Smith Block (up-stairs), Geneva, N. Y. MASON & ROSE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office over First National Bank, Geneva, N. Y. FBANOI8 0. MASON. ABTHUB JS. ROSE. GEORGE L. BACHMASF, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prac- tices in all Courts. Special attention given to Collections. Conyeyancing^iuid the foreclosure of Mortgages in connection With general practice, Office first door west of Geneva National Bank. Seneca Street, Geneva, N. Y. MITCHELL H. PICOT, M. J)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 194 Main street Geneva, N. Y. Two doors north of Trin.ty Church. NELLIE L. KEITH, M. D ., PHYSICIAN. Office No. 11 William Street, Ge- nu. HERBEKT M. EDDY, Office Mo. 14, Residence No. 20, W°illiam Street, Geneva, N. Y. DE. ,N. B. COVERT, [Successor to Eddy & Covert,] Oftlce and residence 139 Main Street. Special atten- tion paid to Diseases of the Eye andEar. Geneva, N. y. S. R. REYNOLDS, DENTIST—No. 6 Smith Block (up-stairs), Seneca Street, Geneva, N. Y. E. Mw MAYNARD, Triuses, Supporters, Elastic Hosiery, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Surgical Instruments, &c, i&c Cah at Drag Store, 18 Seneca street, or Ad- dress, E. M. MATHARD, Geneva, N. Y. DOCTOR WEYBURN, Consulting Physician and Electrician, 48 Seneca Street, third bnilning west of Post Office. Chron- ic, Nervous and Eemale Diseases a specialty Kidney Diseases, Diabetis and Hemorrhoids cured Nfialit calls at same place. Charges reasonable. F. A. GREENE, DENTIST—Office over Zobrist & Paltridge's Drug Store, Geneva, N. Y. Ofttoe hours, 8 to 12 A. H. 1 to 6 P. M. TRAVELERS* GUIDE. It* K » K i EARLY MARRIAGES. j Nine-tenths of the unhappy marriagM M* toa«siut of greea human carves being «U« ^ed to ran at large in the society pasture*! without any yokes on them. Tbey inarSr and have chudreii before they do mustacW 87 a . re fath8 rB of twins before they a^ propnetOTsoftwopairsof pantg, a n d % * * P* they marry are old women fo* •ne of th** goaiillg ^ ^ fl J, •ndnvarrySemrnr 8^ t e ***'** teeth, «• JL ey ha ** ont ^ *&* asentimeatSV . here " ,Ughtt0 b6 for these b^Tl I [ " Ume """^ "aataag ta think of finding a '»S to pallet when thev h*™ _ - • house. ButTkoL„!! ktha to build a h e n Bm t\.~. w Dtul d a dlvl 8 !^.^^ looks cun- Oiug, and they ^ a Z.r* wa ' to be girls enough ^ ^ a r e a ot g oi *g theybegiafc^l; *o«od, and then and before they are awaj6 * « * «"»' spry; ZZT^?^'y»> hitchea: m, stove M*i afte, the da^*^;^«»M»»- nfe, and before thev G«^1 ,_ b-dstead, they \^lj£S**°*. <>* and afw.k. ..... 8 * l,1 P «a..' they ten themselves out of ' .CST" 1 *** the doctor b ^ ^ a j r * •«* »bh« When the doctor a a ^Tl ^ ^ tad 'M?rp BpnO JPiUbttco." j, ' It is a remar&ftWe/act, that while thou\ sands of people refuse to read paid puflsof worth&gs nostrums, oono sjw) over Br fbe people well towwfla^ ft» m^bed fot¥efr benefit; to^^.V^fft,* 1 *^ be" perfjetpated to the end tf. time. "fegfteny r»!tey» fe Wmtsm *?*&*?»i owned» HmtfaMf «!9:lrtWff. was^^ often eaiM -id tp Mf>mw&Qte turn, ft^earing $* 'ifo.m i»8».-«8' fW»» ^Blaihingi'' wWcb w«»fiot P^J^ffX next the dopryaftf *aA &um ^ » ^ f inty id keep &ero on* M1fc» gsrS#»> *»»• hem most mbmy, »*« m^w am wUfa great sooiLji&me- $«* « «• W freetocome tojjfe very ••tflgt Of m 6H * M ' den gronnd, anS were never wapl&ffiwm it was tteeessftry to i^ptbem en* of m » bhiefi Tfieexception8totbta ntfo were to r«f<njndatmeajtfene. : *to &"&.*>. the house for diixmt aiSimppet V»W notprop<)9e'toi»i»n^*^l#W !a W*-. l f*' past, and wfeefy beliewajf faj^W** rather than care, WaJway* Mt -«»« every cow wae in tito fnrtJj«(t^oW»W otm pastnre before be «etOei4ownM *** *<*f* If tb«, were not *Jn*3y ««»» XflP**. W ! boWwsrcb wlten* itaeo^t » »»; to have themj mnd then Jwttri^'tor:fl» ^^J* just in timetoU Iti, %•» *• mmm ^ old feiipw u*»dto aaSofWra!**•'<* .*•*«** | and after'* liUie atrpll ef0«tt4 -Ik* J^«4 < •»• .turned to hi. port »d )? V^ *»*• " ' Mm*:' " Yes, it has been a booming season for bomi- of the shows : b u t some of them, on the other hand, have gone to pieces," said a well known advance agent, in Union Square, the other May. " You see," he con- tinued. " the big fish have swallowed up the little fish, aud there has been a good dtal of bqmrming." " But can you tell me what a ' hustler' is, and what he has to do with the services o f a eircus ?" queried the Star reporter. " What do you know about a ' hustler,' young man ?" ' " Only this," said the reporter, displaying the following advertisement from a sportive paper: "WANTED.—Forty more first-class Bill- posters for United Shows. We have already secured seventy good men, but, as we an- ticipate sixty days' opposition this spring right on the start, we want forty more re- liable bill-posters. They must be good war workers, true to-their employers, hustlers, and ready, day or night, flor any emergency. Not afraid to fight for their side if jt should become necessary to protect their rights. Only those who are well known bill-posters need apply. We want nor lithographers pr programmera. To the right kind o l m e n long engagements and liberal wages will be paid. Want none bnt »*£*, liberal men. Conside* two weeks' silence respectful negative. Apply immediately to '. "Well, that is a pretty bold advertise- ment," said the man of sawdust, "but ' hustlers' must be had, and I don't know of any betteF way of getting them. People who g o to cireus showB in the city havej no idea of the trials we have to encounter in out-of-the-way country places. Not only is there the competition of rival companies, but the countrymen, although they will come any distance to see the show, seam to lobtupcm the show people m their natural 'enemies outside of the canvas. It is neces- sary, therefore, for every company to carry with i t a numKer of strong fellows, who, as this advertisement 4.ays, are" ' not afraid to fight for their side if It should become necessary to protect ihehf rights.'" "You mean to say, then, that the circus companies, carry fighters with tliem ?" "Of course. Why, when a circus man goes off to some of the ottt df'tte-a^fplaSes in the -Southwest he talces nil: life i n b i s hands, 'EodyPamiltqn losed to-tell a.Story of Ms ad^eiitareo in a,' town, gpnlevwherlf in. Texas. The show had a large: "crowd at htftb. the day aud evening performancasj bnt many negroes of the vicineiy had tried force their-way in wifhput paying- being .ejected^ .they yowed vengeance.^ ^ was 1 evident when fhe tinjo o'aine for strfttiug the tents that there would ae trouble. The" mght was. pitchy dark, ;»»4 torches. we» iighterlqutside-%a ; li6e«ii? the tepk. '^hm it was seen that'littlefcnlotBOf ; n#i"6es had gathered <W$ *- sts washing the nroceed, 'ingf with isrfljan flKprft-winav The '.:eii?«ns jQthfa*f .'Atentwas pern m&- mmk Indnifteediihih© WAgPB^, wb«*-ft**tM *! uioy^ement mvwli* aiHEWW* •» eiretf* -men i&sw $®tm mmm'ign Mtim m conje. Ai»o«t tht iwhUim -«f-«-«* thitorefes»era MRpfeheOi RaS'te m test )fa-»^stimi^.vm M «egps#jt(8ft3», $MhMhMmty&9m&M •l3toa&ife«mis dim^AiSSaMf "W& 'MbMtii fam:M-;M•;*«•* impo^lbie to Hm fcftrtBW *• 1tw M ##ri«f»^»««» of WW*.«*«*••. t*l» any~3hwMS W * W» d» ft m JUrt&togop«#iHif#d, tommjvm EMAN REM CURES,. ' . ,. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Li.mbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore THroa^SwietlingSjSprnlus, Bruises, Barns, ScaldK, Frost Bites. i \ D ALL OTHER SOBILY PAIRS AND ACHES. Soldb\ Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a bottle Directions in 11 Languages. -TirE CHARLES A. VOCELER CO. <Snoccssor. to A. VOQELER * CO.) BalUjnoro, Md., C.S. A. ONE PBIOE'ONI.T.—A merchant m a S e n . tacky town recently .bought from a Louis, ville traveling man a bill of goods, and when the order went to the house they refused to fill i t at the price. The merchant was madj and went to see about it. He spoke hie VUind freely, and among his remarks he said: '' There's ohly'ohe tning sold in yum? old! town as cheap a s I can get it in Cincin- nati." "What's that?" asked the seller, expiating to get an order anyhow. " Post- age stumps," replied tbe.cofthtry merchant, as he slammed the door and went ont to Boothehis feehags with a damp bourbon poultice.-—BrwiiCmir^" New York Central, & H. AUBURN BRANCH. GOINO EAST. STATIONS. GOINS WEST. A IL A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. 5 00 T 35 2 40 8 35 Rochester i 9 55 215 1 40 1 30 6 10 8 60 S 50'10 00 Can'daigoa 8 50 110 6 30 1217 6 33 6 42 6 55 T02 TOT TIT 7 2S 9 00 8 5T 1010 9 07*4 02,10 20 9 20 414 10 32 9 28419:10 40 9 33,4 22110 45 9 40 4 30 10 55 9 50'4 40lll 02 ChapinvUle 8 23 12 4S'6 20 -hortsville 815 12 37 612 Clift'nSpa 803 122T COO S.P.&S.RR T 67 12 22 5 53 Phelps T 53 12 IT 6 50 OakB Cor. T 43 12 10 5 40 WestX T S3 12 03 5 33 58, Keliraska, Jaa. 12th, 1883. At a recent meeting of the Stockholders of the Hill it was unanimously voted t@ increase the Capital Stock of t h e Company to $250,000, and pay the same up'in full by the first •i*ay ol' May, 1883. It has ever been the desire of this Company to a'ive its patrons the best iacilities in the west for securing safe and pi-olila blfj.i- vestments; jt is therefore-with pleasure that nuiku the ,an- nouncement that the additional stock is all sub-cab^d and will be paid in as above stated. This action places the Company among the first financial institutions in the west, and makes any real estate loan which it 1 negotiates as desirable an investment as cau be obtained. , Farther particulars in regard to such investments can be ob- 'aiu--;d upon application to . «. ' S. SOTJTHWmtTH, BA^KEB & BROKER, S14: Exchange Street, Geneva, KT. Y. Respectfully Yours, WEBSTER, E. 3M- Treas. JA8. B. HEARTWELL, Prest. W K manufacture our Upholstery Goods and all kinds of Furniture, the JOBBERS PROFIT. By dealing with ns yon can save MANUFACTURERS 'OF FINE FUEOTTUEE Are how selling as Specialties, A Solid Black Walnut mm n Marble, \!$\3 V X With the Einest Italian ] Drop Handles, Etc., complete. 1 We are also making a Specialty of Parlor worktastockParlor Sets Consisting of SEVEN PIECES which we arg selling M O . S30,. $35, 84.0, £45, S50, & up rilHE CtENEVA COAX. "Z&X3Z (formerly ran A by Robinson, having passed inte my hands, I am prepared td fnrnish Coal and Woodj Hard and Soft, at the LowestPrices. Orders left at S. N. Anthony's Insurance Office, Smith Block, Linden street, or poBtal card, or at the YaTd, will receive prompt attention. GIVE TJS° A''ALL. J. O. SEYMOUR. COAL. E. DAIIN Keeps Constantly on Hand and For Sale _- Haru und Soft. Coal, Cairnel Coal, Cayuga Fluster, -Water Lime, &c A p. 12 OS 12 00 1148 1143 1138 1128 1121 T30 9 55 4 451115 GENEVA T30 1200 527 1115 745 TB3 8 05 8 3(1 9 20 P.M 220 7 00 10 12 10 20 1(1 SI 11 02 P. M. 12 10 5 10 9 00 5 08,11 33i Waterloo > 15 11 40 Seneca E"ls 5 25,11 53 Ouyuga > 55 12 15 A.M. 7 00' 115 A.M. 1 20 6 10 6 45,10 30 Auburn Syracuse Albany New York 114 11 45 5 08 T 0T 11 37 6 65 11 % 6 2711 M. IA.0I 6 30 10 0(1 P.M., 10 25 6 30 10 35 i 5T10 25 4 45 10 k 4 15 9 41) IP. JL 3 00' S 16 i.M J 10 1 00 A. M. , 8 00 Geneva, Ithaca & Sayre R. R. BODTHWABD. STATIONS AM. P.M. A.M. 7 41 6 55ll000iGenava 805 8«B R 4fi 8 57 910 flfSS 940 7 12 10 20 West Fayette 7 24 10 iJ3J Romulus 7 36110 421 ayt's Corners 7 44 10 50 Ovid Centre 7fi0 t7 57 8 05 9 50 811 10 fin U07 11 Ifi U21 U2( 8 33!U45 1 fiO 2(X 9 55 10 (K A ,,M 135 8 4S 4 55 fififi 8 05 1 25 130 P. M 530 730 840 10 45 U15 Farmer Covert Trnmansburg Taghanic Falls Ithaca East Waverly Sayre Wilksbarre Manch Chunk Bethlehem Philadelphia > New York s - NOKTHWAB1-. A.M. P.M. PM. 7 41! 8 141 *K 7 24' 7 58 41- 7 12' 7 47; Sal- 7 02f-7 86i Sa- te 56 6 4M t6 42 B34 t6 28 610 450 44b A.M 108 P.M 1105 9 50 8 00 630 7 29 7 22 «15 327 816 ao5 7 06! 250 700 0 40 520 bio P. M aoa A.M 1115 10 4b 900 7 40 240 200 U10 UOO 1 t Stops only on signal. Time Six minutes slower than New Vork Central. WM.STEVENSON,S lpt The Largest and Best Variety of Couches, in all styles, ever shown in Geneva Our stock of CILIKDEB BOOK CASES,' DWAKF OASES. iJBNBW. PAT RACKS, S1DEBOAKDS, 0AN.B ROCKERS, MNE 1DPHOLSTEKBD ROOKERS CAMP CHAIRS & ROOKED, (. ill and *ee our Large Stock of Goods at 40, 42,-& 44 Castle St. Dunn & Hill Geneva, N . Y . Agency of The Geneva, New York. Syracuse, Geneva & Corning R. R.- GOING NORTH. STATIONS. 6 0 D I 0 SOUTH. P.M. V.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. &7t. KIDNEY-WORT I to Op. : if? T y. MflHrfftiifL As.ltis.aBrj. a ^ , t o e i i a i n M digeaaeB* o f Jlie fcfbliEV^lViWJVHDjfaWKlrS. It cleaaBes the ^ystent drratr acrid Ji^on. that causes th& dresdful wfu&ifig^which onlv the vietima of EhaumattEmican. realize. T H O W S A N ^ O T C A S E S ' of the -worst forma of thiovtemiblS^ disease Save. beeg.guita^-r^UB^A^d1tl,B^pTt,flnie rmcK, »j.ouQcm oa MtYi soEhBr/nEDQaisTS; ..«. ' Dry can,he seutfby jnaH. •w^aa^^aaHWKP^^Ai0q>iafewMW<iw3rfe KIDNEY-WORT TB-JCBJO 3»JDis<3sioE •H»*,'R-^4inoN8,- •' !How did you?e*0E 'corner tihonn; Sot tftei 840 7/50 im BSO 818 RR 1 ; 5 44 57W 4 55 403 12 00 P, M ii in 10 85 10 in 10 03 150 9 41 930 904 880 ,3"15 9130 155 13fl 1 15 10A 1«50 12 '42 1219 1145 10 55 9 50 »8 57 RS0 811 7 55 7 42 7 80 654 600 Lyons Geneva Dresden Himrodfi Dundee RockStr Reading Watlqns BeaverD 630 730 808 880 84b Bb3 905 ,91b 9S8 Corning 1010 555 650 732 805 8 22 835 850 8 57 9«7 1010 IU35 P.M 105 lob : JJJSi 240 2M 810 322 .3 55 906 1015 uoa 11 ba 11 b8 Wlb 1228 12 42 120 145 215 Sodus Bay soma SOUTH. ' P.M. A.M. & Southern K RVo STATIONS. , aoniG NOBTB. p. m. P.M. 100 115 120 136 200 210 228 233 251 259 317 725 7 40 7 45 801 8U 825 880 848 853 907 915 925 933 Sodns Point 1225 615 WalMngton 1209 600 Sodns Centre 12 04 5 55 Zurich 1148 5 37 SSFairville 5 27 Newark N. Y. O. 1125 513 Newark U18 5 03 .*» - Outlet UOO 445 Phelps Junction 10 55 4 40 Orleans 104 426 Seneca Castle 1033 418 Flint 408 8tanley 1015 400 '• A. HiP-M. , S. B. STUARTj Snpetlntendent. Northern Central Railway. On and after Monday, October 2,1882, trains will leave and arrive as follows: soma BOOTH. ' Stations. Canandaiena. Hopewell. _ A.m 9'88 If m p. :•&: •am p.M. ?rm.. 400 4:15 +19 428 435 444 459 557 700 722 7.47- ,835- •$P QOrNO NOBTH. A.M. P. M. P.M. """" 835 Lewis Stanley, --. Halls, - " Bellona. ^ PennYan. Watkihs. Rfifl 880 825 .818 tVIK 804 7-51 6ib 2S0 234 2J» 222 '216 208 153 1205 812 758 747 Etalra.- . 611) 1205 553 1 SprooES MEAD, Gen'h Supt. oi the MlBsDimiJLegislatufe; :&$. wh(M8 w afagrace-on my nnole,:, He traaM metbacllj when I was *-lim?^$^&W#^%$&. '«' 'What hn^e^ii^Ous&nole^'Shgag^M^ <*&e is Hiatog: shpss imfifr Ohia A?eniten- Steamer fijc&riyler leaves Geneva daily e»sept SihidayfiffeSQii ¥ M.'iaaS;ing naual landinw sn*ar- rives at Watfera atllil* A. M,, making direct-.con* necadnwith'N.' C. train Sooth!. .Leaves WBtkms^at 1'Sr'x.arrishiff-at Qeheva. 4:30 t. M., connecting WiUJtraihs.Easfcand'West'bn.iM'irY.'Centeal. South dif Eehigh Valley ana-Nofth on liyonfl R Kv • - * . Vf: B. livstasa: Sup_erintendent, ' ' ' - * - v / " " - - - ^ ^ ^ - This Company calls attention to the fact that it has increased ra capital to 1600,000. all of which is fully paid up, a largf -.mount being owned by several of the best savingsTsanks in New Hampshire- and by officers and directors of the Chemical Nation- al Baiik in'New York city. The Company has done a success- ful business for eleven" years," under the same management and, with its. increased capital (which places it at the head ot the financial institutions of Iowa) offers with confidence, its Six Per cent. Debentures, Fnllv secured by pledge of real estate mortgages, the interest being payable semi-annually, at the Chemical National Bank These debentures have been before the public tor two and a halt years, and are constantly growing in favor. fhe last report-of the Bank Commissioners of New Hampshire shows considerable amounts of them he|d by the savings banks of Concord, Keene, Bristol, &c, and their holdings have been largely increased since the report was issued. . The Debentures are as convenient as G-overauient Bonds, and, upon investigation, will'be found to be secure beyond question. Kull particulars will be furnisheji upon inquiry at the oftrce of S. SOUTHWORTH, Banker & Broker, 214 Exchange Street, Geaeva, N. Y. The Best in the World GIIBM \m Krsnieh .& Bacu, PlailOS •& Qrg&BS* Of Central New York For the Unrlvalle I ESTir 0R6AN8, V 1. m hh&ymW, 1.1 Efflft'-'furteS and Others. II, will pay you to comihnnicate with as before ^nrehasing ' Catalogues sent free on apiplieatiptl. Bridgeport, ^ and otW elsewhere. SZ^rn ZSAm***** ?Z*%^ i^gp" 5 ' i .... :-./. A. MEBBELL & CO., DEALERS IN GRAIN, PHOSPHATES, COM, ETC. tB-OASB PAID P0S aSAINS.^st Yard and Elevator on TSast Jackson street. OFFICE:—Smith Block, Linden Street Geneva. N. Y. v COAL k>R GRATES, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY E. D A K I N , Geneva, October 5,1881. ImgiS. Hardware Merchants, NO. 21 SEXECA STREET. GESKVA, # ^ THE IDEAL, TEE ONLY NEW PARLOR STOVE IN THE MARKET. FULL LIKE OT Parlor & Cook Stores, AT ALL PBIOES. ->:(- HAVILAND AND HEMIUP RespectfuUy announce to the citizens of Geneva , and vicinity that they have leased and en- tirely refttttd the eleaant store. NO. 24 SBNICA STREET are now prepared to furnish the public with a large and carefully selected stock of NEW AND FKESH Drugs 1 Medicines Fancy Goods, Toilet Articles, Perfwmes, Soaps, Pomades, Powders, Combs, Brushes, Cut Glass Bottles, &c, Paints and Oils, Lubins\ At- kinson's and Goeting's Perfumes in Bulk. OLD COIN, SPCESfDID and ELECTRIC LI0HT Full Lines of Shelf and Beam JBardware. \r\ HOT AIR FURNACE WORKS a Specialty. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. CUTLERY, NAILS, PUMPS, TINWARE, and everything pertaining to the trade. Particular attention is called to onr stock of '2. HOUSE - KEEPING GOODS AND CARPSNTESS TOOLS. m FULL LINE or~Hoi<iDAY Goons, Foxi LINE OP MINEBAL WATEBS, OHOIOEOI BBANDS OF CIGABI, PTJBE WINES AND LXQTTOBS, PATENT MEDICINES. Our Medicines are all .carefully prepared* accoia- ing to the formulas prescribed by tho Cnit»<i atat*.« Phaiinacopoeia, an'd not from Fluid Extracts of .uncertain strength. " Our Prescription Department, is in the hands of Mil. GEO. C. SCHELL, an ex- perienced and. reliable Druggist, and Physician? and others can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully prepared on the most reasonable terms, and in the most satisfactory manner. Feeling confident that with our superior facilities for purchasing goods we can hy starlet and polite attention to the wants of our customers, please al tastes and purses, we greet our friends and BOlicit }ur share of public patronage. W. W. HAVTLAND, W. G. HEMIUP. New Department. TO MY USUAL STOCK We mean to keep a lar^e and desirable stock of erery fe^MfflBDCBD PRICES ftrK! vantage of purchasers to call on us. DORCHESTER & ROSE, No. IS Seneca Street, GenevaJ* Y. Read and Consider ! -ANNOUNCEMENT. .Votild respectfully announce to the citizens of Geneva and Vicinity that they; aj$ aio»'_ —-^ prepared to Tarz&Sfi —- ij#3 Stores & Banges AND House Fimiishing Goods )f ah descriptions, and have also added to their stock NAILS AND B 1LDER8' HARDWARE. TIN ROOFING A Specir 'ty, as usual. PIPES, PUMPS. GUTTERS, &C. We are now prepared to furnish Boilders with any- thing ur then line, from one ponnd of Nails to 100 squares of Hoofing^ Also Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IKON WARS, Of which A toll stock will be constantly on hand Don't forget the-place,—168 Exchange Street One door South of S. Warth's Grocery Store. N. ELrjOTT, IBmary ^ 3. V. PROtJDPIT. ' -.«-.! Which will always be found to be Fresh and Com- plete, I have added a full line of BffiRICKE &, TAFEL'S Homobopathie Medicines including Mother Tinctures and Dilutions, Tritura- tions, Pellets, Sugar of Mhk thrice crystallzed. Al- cohol, Extract of Hamamelia, etc, etc., also a large Dispensing Case of Tinctures and Medicated Pel- lets; all goods being in original packages, and designed, for the use of Physicians and Families. The high reputation that Messrs. Bcenicks & Taf- e!'s «oods.have attained, and .Prof. Maynard's past experience in this branch of Pharmacy, are a guar- antee that everything sold or dispensed will be of clit? ihghest order add trne to labeL IfROE. MAYNARD is giving special attention ag 'myearepaiittotheihannfaetnre ofjttedical Wines and Elixirs, and to the. preparation of Physicians' ife-t-icrlptions.and Private Formulas. •.fatefulfornnrlncreasing patronage, we respect- l -illy ^oUcit Its continuance. UOM m 0, H. 3MXEE3, mayiOjr 18 SESiECA STEBET-. ft "I.,- _ HATS FOR THE MH)DLE-AQED, HAlS FOR THE YOUNG MAN, HATS FOR THE YOUTH, \ HATS SOB THE BOTS, HATS FOR THE GHpiDRlN, HATS FOR THE* BABY HATSFORIBE POOR, * HATS FOR THE RICH HATS FOR THE MERCHANT, HATS FOR THE MECHANIC, HATS FOR THE FARMER, Hats for all denominations and conditions of Men, .,\it^.'wilJKiirs. f ./.- 1M Eiehittfe Wrw, WSIHYA 1 We have just received a cMtce lot of large and medium Clover Seed. Also about 160 bushels Choice Timothy Seed, Bpth Western and State Seed. Also Orchard Grass, Red Top, and many otherJiinds of Grass Seed. We have also received from the best Seedsmen in this country a choice assortment of ' Field and Garden Seeds, *. Pnre and Fresh. We have a full stock of, all kinds of PrnnereJ "it-,%s~- Hedge Shears, Spades, ShovelSj Rakas, WoolTwftie'- "' "' ' Tree Cord, LABEL WIRE, both Iron and Coppep. We make a Specialty of Hardware for the Nursery Trade. Straw Gutters,Corn Shelters, And a Full Line of . . AfiBiHBi IMPiMBl!: We are daily receiving from the maimfacjfarer* Invoices of (-•.» Shelf & Heavy Hardware, Ail of which we offer at reduced prices. -h:r'o J>~- Call and examine oar goods, and gSt prices befors you make yonr- Spring purchases. '- -i-IS-i i 11, i 11.•-«.-» Large Afeor&nent of Flower Seedis, P. Elastic B|p (Corsets-! 1 'It is a aCorset »f ertr" flrp^tty of 8atteen,hai^. * £5pg ft DOTJBtfi 33>S JNCHSPodK STEEb l l6i ; Frpht, SideSte«l|^f-' 'Side. Adjusfjers, SILK " Elastic 'Hips, ifoSajteS'' Backs, and CUnbiwjk-' ahle^et Durable Ooi-l,', aline Strips instead X>-f Horn, -Supporfiilg, I'TiIrt ; Yiddlngl' to «U Movements Without a Break. -',- -:'- -'*.."' WehcmsoMmiseorhtfyrjmtim.; and it has invariahlv Jiwm^wactww&y (hepurchaser. , r ; ^ '..';'* We have a fine of P. H* Mo^J^*«on¥ specialties. Perfect Fitting porsete•••*£: superior material and make; "^ j. w. m&mm «o s> '-:*«

Hillnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031163/1883-04-04/ed...e the Purest and Best Bit* !' rs E-Eer Made. i pounded from Bops* Majt, ke and Dandelion^ - ffie old-Bost valuabl e nredieinies-

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Page 1: Hillnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031163/1883-04-04/ed...e the Purest and Best Bit* !' rs E-Eer Made. i pounded from Bops* Majt, ke and Dandelion^ - ffie old-Bost valuabl e nredieinies-

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:—s— — ~ •-—r—

other Age* Jed by a Better. Arj&iele, Certain lings are done Away. * reception room of th6"Western >uildmg on Broadway, HsvrTor]^ oarse, crude, and clumsy instra-:y of the telegraph, 5They'are-only perfect machinery ha& superseded

I- now styled the oldifashloned some good service. There""w& r of the kind. N o w al l that Js and study have gone deeper into

lieine and prodneetr BESHSffS-'S Plaster, which embodies all the

ar possible hr an external remedy, ere slow—the Capcme i&-rapid; n—the Capcine is surei' Cheaper ir names. B e carefnl,1 therefor, . Iruggist does not deceive yon. In enuine i s cut the word CASGINJE -leabnry & Johnson, Chemists, :

e t h e P u r e s t a n d B e s t Bit* ! ' rs E-Eer M a d e . i p o u n d e d f r o m B o p s * Majt , k e a n d D a n d e l i o n ^ - ffie o l d -B o s t v a l u a b l e nredieinies- i h on t a i n a l l t h e b e s t t a n d m o s t r: i e s o f a l l o t h e r r e m e d i e s ,

.•st B l o o d P u r i f i e r , . ' E r f e r Li fe a n d H e a l t h " I g n o r i n g

. N o d i s e a s e o r & { h e a l t h rig e x i s t w h e r e t h e s e ;g i i i |e |S fried a n d p e r f e c t are f S e i r

w l i fe a n d v i g o r te£h» a g e d "•'i> a l l w h o s e e m p l o y m e n t s : y of t h e b o w e l s o r ' Tir-naty requ ire a n A p e t f e e r ^ o u i e •

u a n t , H o p B i t t e r s a r e t o v a l - -l i g h l y c u r a t i v e , t o n i c and t h o u t yi t o r i e a t i n g . l a t y o u r f e e l i n g s o r s y m p - ,

t h e d i s e a s e o r a l iment-* i s , s. <•DoVt w a i t u n t i l y o n a r e i o n l y feeT b a d o r m i s e r a b l e , i 5 a t o n e e I t m a y ; s a f e ^ l b u l

h a v e b e e n s a v e d ' b y S^-do-

be p a i d f o r a c a s e - t h e y - » ? B ..-e t h e y w i l l n o t c u r e Qjtthelp. r o r let y o u r fr ien'ds'st i f i fer , •a;e t h e m t o u s e B o p "Bitters ,

H o p B i t t e r s i s . n O ^ v i f e , k e n n o s t r u m , b u t t h e E u r e ^ t -c i n e e v e r m a d e , t h e " ' I n v a id H o p e , " a n d n o ' , p e r s o f l e r

be w i t h o u t t h e n w TXT t h e

Bast Dyes EYef.Waiter IK. WOOX, OH COTTOrT.^S I O A T S , S C A R F S , H Q O O S , ' C K I N C S , C A R P E T R A t l S , • E A T H E R S , or an?? feTfeio or tsily aaid^erfectay cd^aed..tO'«Qy

r Brown, -6reen, B l u e , S««Tlet» S B T T Bine, Seal Brown,"Oilv« kjotta nm* so other best colors, band Durable. Each package w i l l rlba. of goods. I f youfcavoriieve* bese once, "yon wxll'bedelaehAefi*. IstB, or send'-na 10 cents and a n y bnt post-paid. 24 colored-Bam^la*1

sy cards sent for a Se.Btaanp.-^ . . IAKBSON & CO., B«rlfc igtm,Vt.

[TsiLYiR PAW?. faint . Ar t i s t s ' Black- . Fancy Baskets, Prameo, i a r o p * . Id for an viT> a of ornamental worlc. !• the high priced kinds and only' 3,otthe dTOggista,orpost-5aidfi?OXn; 1ABDSON <fc CO., BurltnB*on»V*>

4EY-VVOR1 . SURE CURE e a s e s o f t h e K i d n e y * a n d .

go action on this most hn'itmrfff"* tag it to throw off torpidity ana* [mlating Vha healthy Becxetiono£ I by keeping the bowels'in. fire* ectrng its regular dijcharge,. v S n irj'oTj'areiroSisringtron*

t l d a m4liiria;havattie-chl31»;-relyrelleTOiaaa.nirjMyoare? ', tn& tooleKUt^tbQS^stesnVstferar (ke*tnorougli<i6na«-cifltr " ^ t » D H U C C a S T « i S j » r l ^ « .



liar Sir t" o r ^ n ' y e a » L o;J>ypptp«i*i'X^»>»tjp»tiW • mg your puUijwereiecoiuMW Htttbirtwitk,aittIe<f«iUi}SJ"**,. \,jbw* good appetite, j f t J « I W |

ndMPl idja»a . r m e y « t f * S « ^ r

61a. ,' '• •'"» ' . * ' - * t . a rMTSON, Ixmi«riUj ,KT- >

~ " ~ ' * % • % > ^

??ST - • * - • -exertton-


eambea with floweJ%. OTIS,—

The day may wa] a

•iWhraMpsrwwnnssTai y e storm-winds far ajvay,—

£j& sunilght with its raaiaht showers May All the earth and skies;

A c a all the while from the watch-towers The danger-signals fly.

The ere may fade In dusky light Where tranquil waters lie,

And darkness In its silent flight Veil every watching e y e ; _

When "wearied ocean's sleeping tide The cool night breezes lave,

The log-hell sendeth tar and wide A warning o'er the wave.

Though gale and zephyr be entwined In crests of pearly now,

With golden sunbeams, and enshrined On ocean's changing brow,

Th'-lr glories fade when night comes downl But one uhsettlng star

Hangs o'er the billow's wildest Crown,— Thellght^shlp on the bar.

Even so around a morning life May opening roses cling,

And in the heart in JOyot'S strife fmpjclsoned warblers sing, ,

And not a cloud may upward roll To dim the crystal sky,—

T e t o'er some watch-tower of the soul

JMay danger-signals fly. f —Annie B. Cole, In Youth's Companion,

D A N G E R O F K I S S I N G .

Phys ic ian SBOV?B T h a t It Is a Cooi inoa S o u r c e o f I n f e c t i o n . '

" T h e impress ion that p>-ei^ils th»t She)

neg lec ted state of onr sewers a n d s tree t s

is a prolific cause of the diseases spoken of general ly as zymot i c , is perfec t ly correct ,

but so m a n y -cases o f diphtheria h a v e come!

Onder m y notioe late ly w h e r e the patients!

Cere surrounded b y the m o s t per fec t sain-

Itary condi t ions that I f o u n d it necessary1

t o look b e y o n d those causes for t h e dr ig in o f

the infeotion. A little research s h o w e d m a

fhat the pr ime cause in all those cases was;

the same. All the pat ients were chi ldren on

qui te y o u n g girls, a n d I found that t h e y had!

contracted the disease b y k i s s ing s o m e ip-i

fected schoo lmate or p laymate . I wil l g i v e

*n instance to i l lustrate m y remarks, and|

Vhich will serve at the s a m e t i m e to illus-i

ftrate the e x t r e m e d a n g e r chi ldren are s u b ­

jected to by kiss ing their y o u n g companions . ,

A. little girl, daughter of w e a l t h y parents,,

w h o a lmost w o r s h i p p e d her , for s h e w a s /

their on ly child, compla ined to her at tendant

t f e w m o r n i n g s a g o that s h e did n o t fee?

Well and did no t wi sh to g o t o school . Thef

burse, a wel l -meaning but ignorant person,,'

failed t o . s ee anyth ing serious the matter!

fcfth the child, laughed at h e r complaint,;

ftnd, no t desiring to trouble the mother , took)

the child to school as usual . T h e child)

g r e w worse rapidly. T h e smal l red diph-i

theria spot In her tbroat, w h i c h any doctor;

w o u l d havefhoticed, had one been, cal led in, |

but which carried no significance to the; nurse, grew and enlarged rapidly, and b e ­

fore recess covered half Of the back portion)

o f the throat. T h e little one ' s teacher!

not iced that the child w a s really s ick andj

Bent her h o m e . Before she left the school, ,

which, I may add, is an ex treme ly we l l con-l

ducted private seminary, the chi ld said good-i

b y to her desk mate a n d k i s sed her . The!

little girl w h o was k i s s e d ' c a u g h t the disease.:

I n the case of the first chi ld t h e d isease had!

B'pread so far w h e n medica l ass i s tance wasj

cal led in that s h e died, t h o u g h hadja ddctoij

been called in earlier h e r l i fe w o u l d probably

have baen saved. T h e s e c o n d ch i ld was;

promptly treated and her life w a s savedj

Another case tl iat caine to m y noticei

bothered m e for s o m e t ime as t o h o w thei

ch i ld caught the complaint, but at last If

found out that her mother had al lowed her1

t o kiss the lips of a little companion who 1

laid dead in a coffin, a victim of diphtheria .

Understand rue, 1 do not fntend to convey<

f h e idea fhat I have discovered anything!

Hew. Every doctor couM tell y o u t h e same'

thing, but I don't belfeve the general public'

k n o w the danger of the promiscuous kissing:

indulged in by children. If they did, p a r ­

e n t s would stop their children from the

habit, for in children it is noth ing but a

habit, and conveys no sense of affection or'

gratification. T h e teachers in the public!

schools would do well to caution their1

scholars against the habit. Take a c o m m o n !

sense view of the case and o n e i s instant ly

| | conv inced of the danger of infect ion from a|

kiss . Diphtheria is a foreign gro'wth in the

throat. Infection i8 caused b y particles of

this growth coming in contact wt,th a heal thy

surface. T h e saliva flows over the diseased

spots and absorbs a port ion of the minute,

spores. T h e habit of mos t people , especi-.

ally children, is to mois ten their l ips with

the tongue. T h e infected saliva is thas

carried to the lips, and the contact of l ips in

kiss ing carries the disease from the sick to

th^rhealthy p e r s o n . — S a n JF-iuucesco Exam-

\ iner.


A colored m a n w h o w a s driving a horse

l and cutter Monday carme d o w n Woodward

I avenue just ahead of a vvbite m a n w i t h a

[similar rig, and a l though the latter ^aade,

every effort to ge t past , h i s horse hadn'i

I quite enough speed to accompl i sh the feat.

When the colored m a n pul led u p a pol ice­

man approached h i m and said : ,

" Y o u n g m a n what do y o u m e a n b y driv­

ing in that m a n n e r ?"

" T z e dun sorry if I Z P broke de law, gah."

*' Well, y o u have broken it, and I 'm a

good mind to make complaint ."

" Sorry, sah, worry serry, but I couldn't;

help i t T o u see, I had dis h®ss at de s h o p

de odder day an' dat white man. p icked a;

fuss wid m e an' called m e a n igger ."

" Suppose he did ?" t

"Nuffin', sah. I didn't keer t w o cent s

fur all he said, but-dis yere hos s heard i t a u

dat's de trouble. I w a s j o g g m ' 'long, u j

yere a few blocks when dat ,wfilt& m a n OuH

'long. De hoBs ooked bade an' seed 'twafe «K- came man who eaUed a s n a m e s , a?1' p P

went hi* head an' tail an' a w a y h e s l e p p e o l

All J could do was to spt still an* hold hinji level." , ' '

" Well, don't you do it again. 1 ' * ""• '

- "No, sao. 1 reckon dat arter ,a,njggor, wid an oie hoss like dis has l ed a w h i t e m a n

wid a trotter liks dat fur a c lean m i l e right

down d" :iv.'im* dat boaf de hoss aa' denfgf gerk.u a . , t „| u r ? "

u S i r , y o u I-IJ-.H. i >v ;..• n'i opeh-fac6 watch, if y o u desire to b e ac.-.n-ate i n your t ime ," said a w a t c h m a k e r o n Chestnut street to the stout m a n ; y o u are t o o mag. net ic ."

*' Why , what the Jeure has the case g o i to do w i t h i t ? " was the intrrrogative' reply .

" Everythiu-' . , Y nir wa.ch has a h u n t i n g

case, n e c e s s i t " . • ;teel spr ings for o p e n i n g

and shut t ing Hy eon.jtijnt associat ion wi th

y o u r b o d y those spr ings b e c o m e mag­

net ized , and t h e y generate their condi t ion to

other i eees-wrily s tee l port ions o f t h e watch-

workq, and thus render their m o v e m e n t s

imperfect ."

" T h e n , if I were no t so fat m y watch

would no t lose t w o minutes , more or less , a

day," said the puzz led s tout m a n .

" E x a y t l y , " returned the watchmaker . " I

have worn your watch for over a week , and

it has neither g a i n - 1 nor lost a dozen s e c ­

onds ; b u t t h e n I r..n, fr j in a corporeal p o i n t

of viow, your anti thesis , I am exception* a y

thin and slender."

T h e s tout m a n mused . " A c c o r d i n g l y , "

said he, " open-faced tickers for fat m e n ,

eloBed oases for thin, eh ?"

" N o t at all," repl ied tbs othev. " T h i n men have at t in i - s n o r e luagQ'tUm in their systems than fat m e n . E v e * y o o d y is m o r e

.or le .3 m a g n e t i c : y o u h a p p e n t o b e part icu­larly so ; I h a p p e n to b e quite the reverse ,

henco my remarks and advice. For the rest open- faced watches are a lways m o r e ac­

curate than hunters . T h e y aru more air­

t ight for o n e th ing . A s for the s tee l spr ings

in h u n t i n g eases , mechanica l sc i ence has no t

yet d i scovered a n y t h i n g else to replace t h e m ;

the publ i c l ike double cases , a n d there the

matter r e m a i n s for the present . T h e r e are,

however , m a n y i l l c o n t r i v e d port ions in

watches, and whi le the d e m a n d cont inues

for watches of a certain price it i s i m p o s s i ­

ble, from a commerc ia l p o i n t of v iew, to

think o f i m p r o v e m e n t s . L o n g - u s e d m e t h ­

ods stad i n g e n i o u s eng ines ! have b e e n

special ly prov ided fo f a s h i o n ' a n d c u t ou t

every o n e 0 * t d e m i n u t e parts w h i c h g o to

c o m p o s e tfeft ex i s t ing instrument . Evejry

watoh eon37fM«i of ov;er 200 p ieces , e m p l o y ­

ing over 2 0 0 persons , dis tr ibuted a m o n g

forty trades, to say n o t h i n g of the too l mak­

ers for the artisans. I f t h e cons truct ion of

the w a t c h w e r e mater ia l ly a l tered al l the

,trades w o u l d have t o be relearned, n e w too ls

and whee l -cut t ing e n g i n e s would have to b e

devised a n d the majorif^ of work ing w a t c h ­

makers b e c o m e use less . T h e c o n s e q u e n c e

would b e that the w a t c h w o u l d become

enormous ly e n h a n c e d in value and i ts pos ­

sess ion a token o f wea l th . Y o u see i n our

compl icated state of soc ie ty e v e n m a c h i n e s

i n t h e process ®f t i m e c o m e to surround

themse lves wi th a circle of ' v e s t e d intarests '

w h i c h embarrass a t t empts . at improve ­

m e n t s . "

" Y o u are interest ing m e , " remarked the

stout sas tomer , as h e p l a j e d h is w a t c h in

h i s pocket . " Y o u h a v e been m a n y years^

I s u p p o s e , in. the bus iness . Of courrie there

m u s t h a v e b e e n s o m e imj irove i s ieub in y o u r

time ?" " Of course. "Watches during the last t en

years h a v e g r o w n m u c h in thickness . Old-

fashioned watches are thin and flat. I h a v e

had a watch in my charge as Hat as a trade dollar. I t is imposs ib le to properly adjust

the works for heat , cold, a n d pos i t ion under

such c ircumstances . I shou ld iiave to g ive

y o n a l o n g explanat ion o f the p a c k i n g of

m e c h a n i s m to explaJn to y o u w h y . "

•' Wel l , has the increased th ickness raised t h e va lue ?"

" N o . On the contrary, w a t c h e s are n o w

worta twenty-f ive per cent, l e ss to what t h e y

were t e n yearn .igo. T h a t fact y o u wi l l Bay

bear -, against m y previous remarks . I a m

refei ring tr> the cheaper grade of w a t c h e s

worn b y the majority of people . There are

watcVrt w h k h bring $ 1 , 5 0 0 , and w a t c h e s

which can lie purchased for .i?18 a dozen .

If y o u ure v.ii!i.i-; to p a y for costly work,

almost auys l i i :^ can to accompl i shed . I

m a d i a watch for a phys io ian w h i c h fitted

into a s ignet r ing not m u c h larger than a

pea. I t only had second hands . I t was

perf-ct ly avci'.r&te, and w a s used b y t h e

doctor to L..J-- the pulse beats of his pat ients .

That cobt .vii'O. p a t c h e s are m a d e f rom

the si*;."' of a t -n-cent p iece to half a dollanf

and worn as tr inkets b y ladies. T h e y are

also fixed iu bracelets, brooches , tops of p e n ­

cils, eye-gla-ises, aud even in umbre l la

handles ; but t h e y are very luxurious t o y s . "

T h e stout m a u paid h is bill a n d w e n t

h o m e .

Tl ie wearing of a watch was till l a t e t i m e s

considered in s o m e degree a mark a n d proof

of genti l i ty, t h o u g h the actual invent ion o<j-

eurred in the fourteenth century . W a t c h e s

used to b e worn ostens ibly round the necfe,

attached to a chain . I n Shakespeare ' s

" T w e l f t h N i g h t , " Malvolio h i n t s at the

cost l iness of a w a t c h in those days , w h e n h e

s a y s :

I frown the while and perchance Wind up my watch, or play . With some rich jewel.

Y e f in lliaa watches h a d b e c o m e s o com-

m o n that in a c o m e d y of the d a y a character

s a y s : " Every p u a y clerk e a n carry; the

t ime of day in his pocke t ." I n contradict ion

to the latter i s a letter i n t h e Bodl i ran Li­

brary relating t o a s tory to ld o f a m a n n a m e d

Allan, a reputed sorcerer, w h o died , a g e d

ninety-s ix , i n lu'30. I t appeared that short ,

l y before) h i s d e a t h t h e o l d g e n t l e m a n went

for a walk, l e a v i n g h i s wafem, under hK pil­

low. T h e m a i d s c a m e i s t o m a k e t h e bed ,

a n d hear ing a t h i n g i n a case e r y i n g " tick,

' t i c k , t i ck ," c o n c l u d e d that i t w a s AUen'i'

d e v i l o r familiar. T h o y t o o k i t b y th<

s tr ings w i t h the fire t o n g s a n d t h r e w it o u

o f t h e w i n d o w i n t h e moat , thsir. o b j e e

J o e i n g to d r o w n t h e devi l , t i s o h a p p e n e d

m a t t h e atring»caught » n t h e s p r i g ol a n

alder tree, which grew out of the moat, which fully confirmed the suspicions of the maids. H o w e v e r , the o ld gg»tjema.n g o t h i s w a t c h

agaihV—Philadelphia TitiUS

W h y a C a r o l i n a B r i d e Objected t o t h e t f t h e S e l ^ e r i c k i n g ^ K e v o i v e r . '

- By <the way, Batfowl Smith £eils a! story of a N o r t h Cajrol^ah"Redding. B r u n s - th is

W a y : I t w a s j m ' t h e Garoljna iBhc^wtoods,r'6

country c o u p l e a f ld a- c o u n t r y p a i s o n .

T h o u g h a Bap't i% t h e m i n i s t e r w o r e a n old

surpl ice . W h e n h e h a d finished t h V c e r &

m o n y h e s a i d :

•* A n ' them'uns w h o Gcoii h a t h j o i n e d — "

" S t o p , thar, parson i" sa id the grbb'mv

" d o n ' t say them'uns , s a y these 'uns I'

" J o h n , " said the parson , " I t eched y o u a

ridhool, and I say t h e m ' u n s , "

" T h e s e ' u n s ! " s h o u t e d the groom, draw^

ing his pistoL

T h e parson see ing the m o v e m e n t fired

t h r o u g h his surpl ice a n d the g r o o m d r o p p e d

d e a d — w i n g i n g the p a r s o n a s h e w e n t d o w n .

$ h e r e w a s a 1'vely fusi lade of pevhaps thirty

shots . W h e n the ninoU'i cleared a w a y a half

dozen m e n were o n th« floor. t The bride,

p e e p i n g over fhe pulp i t t o w h i e h she had

fled for refuge, guzed mournfu l ly o n t h e

s c e n e and s a i i l :

" T h e m a-self-co«kiir' p is to ls Is a playin'

mischief w i t h m y proayeckb I"

Of course the s tory i s a n imposs ib l e o n e ,

a n d yet , sa id Mr. S m i t h s " T h a t i s the

staple story of the S o u t h that is circulated

and be l ieved throughout the Nor th . While

s u c h a th ing could hardly h a v e h a p p e n e d in

N o r t h Carol ina a n y m o r e t h a n i n N e w York,

the average Northern m a n s m i l e s incredu-

tously when you lell him that this perform­ance-is improbable at a, Carolina •wedding." —-A-tkinta (Jo7t»tiButk>n.

P A R A D O X E S A N D P R O P A G A N D A ,

K o s m o s aays : " T h e bel iefs o f o n e de-

3ade are the superst i t ions of the n e s t ; i h e

paradoxes o f to -day are t h e p r o p a g a n d ^ o f

to-morrow." T h i s i s important if true, and

anypevfton that feels the symptoms of a paradox coming on him to-day, should not neglect it, but take s o m e t h i n g at once , o i

to-morrow h e m a y b e cut d o w n w i t h a pro­

paganda, and be b e y o n d the reach of medi ­

c ine . P e o p l e are l iable to be careless. A

paradox m a y not s e e m t o b e a serious th ing ,

and a m a n will think it wi l l wear off, a n d

h e wil l ,go about his business g iv ing i t n o

thought , and he will laugh at it if a friend

tells h i m h e ought to i-ee a doctor about that

paradox, but w h e n , tiirf next day, the propa­

ganda breaks out, and Uo is confined to his

bed, a n d can't g e t his n ight shirt off, and

has to be rol l fd over to t h e back side of the

bed to have the shee t s j h a u g e d , he beg ins

t o realize, wnet i i t in too late, fhat h e i s a

c o n d e m n e d fool for not heading off the par­

adox w h e n it first began to s h o w itself,

and thus save himsel f from a run of pro­

paganda, with its a t tendant evils . K o s m o s

o u g h t to advertise in the papers .—PecUa


A S t a r t l i n g D i s c o v e r y .

P h y s i c i a n s are o f t en s tar t l ed b y remark­a b l e d i s c o v e r es . '1 he fact t h a t D r . K i n g ' s New Discovery for Consumption and all T h r o a t - a n d L u n g d i s e a s e s is d a i l y o n r i n g patients that they have given up 10 die, is startling them tortalize their sense of duty, and examine into 'he merits of this won­derful discovery; resulting in hundreds of our best physicians usi g it in their prac­tice. Trial botth-s free at Sweets drug st<ire. Regular size $1.

i g m *m

—Messrs. Root Bros., Hamilton, N. Y., s a y : " B i o w n ' s Iron B i t t e r s g i v e s s u c h g o o d satisfaction we feel safe in recommending i t . " _

C I R C U S H U S T L E R S .

minion are both getting so thick" that it is possible, '-03 in England, to be unable to ride. o r drive, y e t n e v e r l a c k soc ie ty , there wiD

BSU be temperate Australia, which, though pract ical ly o n l y a b r o a d b e l t ' surrounding

what shou ld bf> a sea a n d i s a desert , i s a

belt Which wil l s u p p o r t forty mi l l ions ; "and

the i m m e n s e e x p a n s e s w h i c h , throughou i

S o u t h America, are n o t o n l y h o t occupied,

'but are n o t i n real i ty explored. T h e r e is

room i n Brazi l for all E u r o p e ; w h i l e i n a

Sta te so litt le regarded a s Peru , a k i n g d o m

full o t m e n c o u l d b e establ i shed o n lands

w h i c h n o w h i t e m a n inte l l igent e n o u g h tc

report o n t h e m has ever traversed. Th<

n e w nat ions n o w forming will b e m a i n l y

Teuton ic , wi l l b e in s o m e form or another

Christian, and will speak E n g l i s h . W h y

our race shou ld oonquer, w e h a r d l y k n o w ,

but i t does conquer . Only the J e w res i s t s

the absorbing force' of the E n g l i s h m a n . I t

is t o an increased rate of emigrat ion that w e

look for the natural c h e c k Upon p e r p e t u a l

outf low. T w e n t y mi l l ions o f p e o p l e — a n d

w e shal l b e reduced to that—wil l n o t r throw-

off t h e s w a r m s w h o n o w h i v e ou t f r o m

a m o n g thirty-five., m i l l i o n s . — L o n d o n Spec­


G e n . B . F . B u t l e r !

Still lives; so do hundreds of others who have been cured of Rheumatism and Neu­ralgia by the great blood purifier Sulphur B i t t e r s . S e n d for t e s t i m o n i a l s .

— T h e r e i s g r e a t a n x i e t y n o w a b o u t H H pie

sugar and peach buds. A Sufferer f r o m B b e u m a t i s t i l .

I l i m p e d a b o u t for years w i t h a cane , ai d c o u l d n o t b e n d d o w n w i t h o u t e x c r u c i a t i n g p a i n . P a r k e r ' s G i n g e r T o n i c ef fected a n a s t o n i s h i n g cure and ke- p m e wel l . I t i< infa l l ib le . M. Oi l foy le , U i n g h a m t o n , N" 1

— A d r e s s i n g to b e a u t i f y g r a y h a i r eyery family needs. Parkei* s Hair Balsam never f a i l s to s a t i s f y .

— I s n ' t i t a b o u t t i m e for p o e t s to let u p

on " 'Gent le S p r i n g ? ' -

•©• I n t h e D i a m o n d D) e s m o r e c o l o r i n g i s g i v e n for 10 c e n t s t h a n i n a n y l o or 25 c e n t d y e s , a n d t h e y g i v e fas ter a n d m o r e b r i l l i a n t c o l o r s .

— N o w is t h e t i m e t o - b e g i n p u t t i n g the

s tree t s in d e c e n t order.

D o c t o r s

Of a l l t h e d i f ferent s c h o o l s i n t h e c o u n t r y , h a v e t h o u s a n d s d i e e v e r y » y e a r of B r i g h t ' s d i s ease of t h e K i d n e y s , w h o c o u l d be l i v i n g to d a y if they h a d used ' -u lphur B i t t e r s . T h e y are unt qua lied bi the wor ld for al l d i s e a s e s of the k i d n e y s . — [ Vfir Haven Union

— G e : e v a pol ler m e n are paid U-n do l lar s

per w e e k .

A N S W E R ! m s . — I s there a person l i v i n g w n o ever s a w a case of, ague . 'b i . l io t i . -ness , n e r v o u s n e s s , or neura lg ia , or any d i sease of the stomach, liver, or kidneys, that Hop B i t t e r s wil l n o t c>'re?

W H A T J b n t T H E J U R T JiNviooh.—In «

Cincinnati court room the other day a wit­

n e s s swore that h e never saw his mother in­

law and did not k n o w her n a m e . I t made

the jury sofwild with e n v y that t h e y forgoj

all about the .-ase and conl 1 not agree on s

yerdict .—Phi lade lphia Nnr.t. •

TEACHER 0 5 MUSIC,- 18f Mjaih'Street, i one door North of the Medical College,'QENEVA, N. I . -


PROFESSOR OP MUSIC, (certificated frojii the Society of Arts, London), i ives lessons in piano and Harmony, at 11 High Street. . Address; Box 692, Geneva. ,

J . W , SMITH &' CO.j '•

DEALERS la D B T GOODSJCABPETINGS, On. CLOTHS, & c , No. 28 Seneca Street, Geneva, N. Y.

J. W. SMITH. •-.. 8 . E.SMITH.

8. N . A N T H O N Y ,

G E N E R A L INSUBAHOE AJJD R E A L B S T A T E AOENCY Office* Wheat & Prouty Block, Iiinden Street-


Smith Block (up-staira), Geneva, N. Y.

CHARLES N . H E M 1 U P , i

ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office No. 1, Smith Block (up-stairs), Geneva, N. Y.


ATTORNEYS A N D COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office over First National Bank, Geneva, N. Y.



ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prac­tices in all Courts. Special attention given to Collections. Conyeyancing^iuid the foreclosure of Mortgages in connection With general practice, Office first door west of Geneva National Bank. Seneca Street, Geneva, N. Y.


PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 194 Main street Geneva, N. Y. Two doors north of Trin.ty Church.

N E L L I E L. KEITH, M. D . ,

PHYSICIAN. Office No. 11 William Street, Ge­

n u . HERBEKT M. E D D Y ,

Office Mo. 14, Residence No. 20, W°illiam Street, Geneva, N. Y.

D E . , N . B . C O V E R T ,

[Successor to Eddy & Covert,] Oftlce and residence 139 Main Street. Special atten­

tion paid to Diseases of the Eye andEar. Geneva, N. y .

S . R. R E Y N O L D S ,

DENTIST—No. 6 Smith Block (up-stairs), Seneca Street, Geneva, N. Y.

E . Mw M A Y N A R D ,

Triuses, Supporters, Elastic Hosiery, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Surgical Instruments, & c , i&c Cah at Drag Store, 18 Seneca street, or Ad­dress, E. M. M A T H A R D , Geneva, N. Y.


Consulting Physician and Electrician, 48 Seneca Street, third bnilning west of Post Office. Chron­ic, Nervous and Eemale Diseases a specialty Kidney Diseases, Diabetis and Hemorrhoids cured Nfialit calls at same place. Charges reasonable.

F . A. G R E E N E , „ DENTIST—Office over Zobrist & Paltridge's Drug

Store, Geneva, N. Y. Ofttoe hours, 8 to 12 A. H. 1 to 6 P . M.

T R A V E L E R S * G U I D E .

I t* K» K i


Nine-tenths of the unhappy marriagM M* toa«siut of greea human carves being «U« ^ e d to ran at large in the society pasture*! without any yokes on them. T b e y inarSr

and have chudreii before they d o m u s t a c W 8 7 a.re f a t h 8rB of twins before t h e y a ^

propnetOTsoftwopairsof pantg, a n d % * * P * they marry are old w o m e n fo*

•ne of th** goaiillg ^ ^ flJ,

• n d n v a r r y S e m r n r 8 ^ t e ***'** teeth, «• JL ey ha** o n t ^ *&*

a s e n t i m e a t S V . h e r e " , U g h t t 0 b 6

for these b ^ T l I [ " U m e " " " ^ "aataag ta think of finding a '»S to

pallet when thev h*™ _ • „ - •

house . ButTkoL„!! k t h a to build a hen Bm t\.~. w D t u l d a

d l v l 8 ! ^ . ^ ^ looks cun-Oiug, and they ^ a Z . r * w a '

to be girls enough ^ ^ a r e a o t g o i * g t h e y b e g i a f c ^ l ; * o « o d , and then

and before they are a w a j 6 * « * «"»' s p r y ;

ZZT^?^'y»> hitchea: m, stove

M*i 8» afte, the d a ^ * ^ ; ^ « » M » » -

nfe, and before thev G « ^ 1 ,_ b-dstead, they \ ^ l j £ S * * ° * . <>* and o» a f w . k . ..... 8 * l , 1 P «a..'

they ten themselves out of ' . C S T " 1 *** the doctor b ^ ^ a j r * • « * » b h « When the doctor • a a ^ T l ^ ^ tad

'M?rp BpnO JPiUbttco." j ,

' It is a remar&ftWe/act, that while thou\ s a n d s o f p e o p l e r e f u s e t o read pa id p u f l s o f

worth&gs nostrums, oono sjw) over Br

fbe people well towwfla^ f t» m^bed

fot¥efr benefit; to^^.V^fft,*1*^

be" perfjetpated to the end tf. time.

"fegfteny r»!tey» fe Wmtsm *?*&*?»i owned» HmtfaMf « ! 9 : l r t W f f .

was^ often eaiM -id tp Mf>mw&Qte turn, ft^earing $* 'ifo.m i»8».-«8' f W » »

^Blaihingi'' wWcb w«»fiot P^J^ffX next the dopryaftf *aA &um ^ » ^ f

inty id keep &ero on*M1fc» gsrS#»> *»»•

hem most mbmy, »*«m^w am wUfa great sooiLji&me- $«* « « • W free to come tojjfe very••tflgt Of m 6 H * M ' den gronnd, anS were never wapl&ffiwm it was tteeessftry to i^p tbem en* of m » bhiefi Tfieexception8 to tbta ntfo were to r«f<njndatmeajtfene. :*to &"&.*>. the house for diixmt aiSimppet V»W P » notprop<)9e'toi»i»n^*^l#W ! a W*-.lf*' past, and wfeefy beliewajf faj^W** rather than care, WaJway* Mt - « » « every cow wae in tito fnrtJj«(t oW»W otm pastnre before be «etOei4ownM *** *<*f* If tb«, were not *Jn*3y ««»»XflP**. W ! boWwsrcb wlten* b« itaeo^t » » » ; to have themj mnd then Jwttri^'tor:fl» ^ ^ J * just in time to U Iti, % • » * • mmm


old feiipw u*»dto aaSofWra!** •'<* .*•*«** | and after'* liUie atrpll ef0«tt4 -Ik* J^«4 < •»• .turned to hi. port » d )? V^ * » * •

" ' Mm*:'

" Yes , i t has been a b o o m i n g season for

bomi- of the s h o w s : b u t s o m e of them, on

the other hand, have g o n e to pieces ," said a

wel l k n o w n advance agent , i n U n i o n

Square, the o ther May. " Y o u see ," h e con­

t inued. " the b ig fish h a v e swa l lowed up the

little fish, aud there has b e e n a g o o d d t a l of

bqmrming ."

" B u t can y o u tell m e what a ' h u s t l e r ' i s ,

and w h a t h e has to do with the services of a

eircus ?" queried the Star reporter.

" W h a t do y o u k n o w about a ' h u s t l e r , '

y o u n g m a n ?"

' " Only th i s ," said the reporter, d i sp lay ing

the fo l l owing a d v e r t i s e m e n t from a sport ive

p a p e r : " W A N T E D . — F o r t y m o r e first-class Bill­

pos ters for U n i t e d S h o w s . W e h a v e already secured s e v e n t y g o o d m e n , but, a s w e an­tic ipate s ix ty days' oppos i t i on th i s s p r i n g r ight on the start, w e w a n t forty m o r e re ­l iable bi l l -posters . T h e y m u s t b e g o o d w a r workers , true t o - t h e i r employers , hust lers , a n d ready, day o r n ight , flor any e m e r g e n c y . N o t afraid t o fight for their s ide if j t should b e c o m e necessary to protect their rights. O n l y t h o s e w h o are w e l l k n o w n bi l l -posters n e e d app ly . W e w a n t nor l i thographers p r programmera . T o t h e right k i n d o l m e n l o n g e n g a g e m e n t s a n d liberal w a g e s wi l l b e paid. W a n t n o n e b n t » * £ * , l iberal m e n . Cons ide* t w o w e e k s ' s i l ence respect fu l nega t ive . A p p l y i m m e d i a t e l y t o '.

" W e l l , t h a t i s a pret ty bo ld advert ise-

m e n t , " sa id t h e m a n of sawdust , " b u t

' h u s t l e r s ' m u s t b e h a d , a n d I don't k n o w of

a n y betteF w a y of g e t t i n g t h e m . P e o p l e

w h o g o to cireus showB i n t h e c i ty h a v e j n o

idea of t h e trials w e h a v e t o e n c o u n t e r i n

out -o f - the-way c o u n t r y p laces . N o t o n l y i s

there t h e c o m p e t i t i o n o f rival c o m p a n i e s ,

b u t t h e c o u n t r y m e n , a l t h o u g h t h e y wi l l

c o m e a n y dis tance t o s e e the s h o w , s e a m to

l o b t u p c m t h e s h o w p e o p l e m their natural

' e n e m i e s outs ide of t h e canvas . I t i s neces-

sary, therefore , for e v e r y c o m p a n y t o carry

w i t h i t a numKer of s t r o n g fe l lows , w h o , a s

this a d v e r t i s e m e n t 4.ays, are" ' n o t afraid t o

fight f o r the ir s i d e i f It s h o u l d b e c o m e

necessary t o pro tec t ihehf r i g h t s . ' "

" Y o u m e a n to s a y , t h e n , that t h e circus

companies , carry fighters w i t h t l i em ?"

" O f course . W h y , w h e n a c ircus m a n

g o e s off to s o m e of t h e ottt d f ' t t e - a ^ f p l a S e s

i n t h e -Southwest h e talces nil: l i f e i n b i s

hands, ' E o d y P a m i l t q n losed to-tell a . S t o r y

of M s ad^ei i tareo in a,' town, gpnlevwherlf in.

T e x a s . T h e s h o w h a d a large: "crowd a t

htftb. t h e d a y a u d e v e n i n g performancasj b n t

m a n y n e g r o e s o f t h e vicineiy h a d tried

force their-way in wifhput paying-being .ejected^ .they yowed vengeance.^ was1 e v i d e n t w h e n f h e tinjo o'aine for strfttiug

the tents that there would ae trouble. The" mght was. pitchy dark, ;»»4 torches. we» iighterlqutside-%a;li6e«ii? the tepk. '^hm it was seen that'little fcnlotB Of ;n#i"6es had gathered <W$ *-sts washing the nroceed,

'ingf with isrfljan flKprft-winav The '.:eii?«ns

jQthfa*f .'A tent was pern m&- mmk

Indnifteediihih© WAgPB , wb«*-ft**tM * ! uioy ement mvwli* aiHEWW* • » eiretf* -men i&sw $®tm mmm'ign Mtim m conje. Ai»o«t l» tht iwhUim -«f-«-«* thitorefes»era MRpfeheOi RaS'te m

test)fa-»^stimi^.vm M «egps#jt(8ft3», $MhMhMmty&9m&M •l3toa&i fe« m i s dim^AiSSaMf "W& ' M b M t i i fam:M-;M•;*«•*

impo^lbie to Hm fcftrtBW * • 1twM##ri«f»^»««» of WW*.«*«*••.

t*l» any~3hwMS W * W» d» ft m

JUrt&togop«#iHif#d, tommjvm

EMAN REM C U R E S , . ' . ,.

Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Li.mbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache,

S o r e T H r o a ^ S w i e t l i n g S j S p r n l u s , B r u i s e s , B a r n s , ScaldK, F r o s t B i t e s .

i \ D ALL OTHER SOBILY PAIRS AND ACHES. Soldb\ Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a bottle

Directions in 11 Languages. -T irE C H A R L E S A . V O C E L E R CO.

<Snoccssor. to A. VOQELER * CO.) BalUjnoro, Md., C.S. A.

O N E P B I O E ' O N I . T . — A m e r c h a n t m a S e n .

tacky t o w n recent ly . b o u g h t f rom a Lou i s ,

vi l le travel ing m a n a bi l l o f goods , and w h e n

the order w e n t to t h e h o u s e t h e y re fused to

fill i t a t the price. T h e m e r c h a n t w a s madj

and went to see about it. He spoke hie VUind free ly , and a m o n g h i s remarks h e

s a i d : ' ' There 's o h l y ' o h e t n i n g so ld i n yum?

old! t o w n as c h e a p a s I can g e t i t i n Cincin­

nat i ." " W h a t ' s t h a t ? " a s k e d the seller,

e x p i a t i n g to g e t a n order anyhow. " Post -

a g e s tumps ," repl ied tbe .cofthtry m e r c h a n t ,

a s h e s l a m m e d t h e d o o r a n d w e n t o n t to

B o o t h e h i s f e e h a g s w i t h a d a m p bourbon


New York Central, & H. AUBURN BRANCH.

GOINO EAST. S T A T I O N S . GOINS WEST. A IL A.M. P.M. P.M. „ A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. 5 00 T 35 2 40 8 35 R o c h e s t e r i 9 55 2 1 5 1 40 1 30 6 10 8 60 S 50'10 00 Can'daigoa 8 50 110 6 30 1217 6 33 6 42 6 55 T 0 2 TOT TIT 7 2S

9 00 8 5T 1010 9 07*4 02,10 20 9 20 414 10 32 9 28419:10 40 9 33,4 22110 45 9 40 4 30 10 55 9 50'4 40lll 02

ChapinvUle 8 23 12 4S'6 20 -hortsville 815 12 37 612 Clift'nSpa 803 122T COO S.P.&S.RR T 67 12 22 5 53 Phelps T 53 12 IT 6 50 OakB Cor. T 43 12 10 5 40 WestX T S3 12 03 5 33

58, Kel i raska, J a a . 12th, 1883.

At a recent meeting of the Stockholders of the

Hill it was unanimously voted t@ increase the Capital Stock of the Company to $250,000, and pay the same u p ' i n full by the first •i*ay ol' May, 1883.

It has ever been the desire of this Company to a'ive its patrons the best iacilities in the west for securing safe and pi-olila blfj.i-vestments; j t is therefore-with pleasure that u« nuiku the ,an­nouncement that the addi t ional stock is all sub -cab^d and will be paid in as above stated. This action places the Company among the first financial institutions in the west, and makes any real estate loan which it1 negotiates as desirable an investment a s cau be obtained. ,

Fa r the r par t iculars in regard to such investments can be ob-'aiu--;d upon application to . «. '

S. SOTJTHWmtTH, B A ^ K E B & B R O K E R , S 1 4 : E x c h a n g e S t r e e t , G e n e v a , KT. Y .

Respectfully Yours,

WEBSTER, E. 3M- Treas.


WK manufacture our Upholstery Goods and all kinds of Furniture, the JOBBERS PROFIT.

By dealing with ns yon can save


FINE FUEOTTUEE Are how selling as Specialties,

A Solid Black Walnut

mm n Marble, \!$\3 V

X With the Einest Italian ]

Drop Handles, Etc., complete.

1 We are also making a Specialty of

Parlor worktastockParlor Sets Consisting of SEVEN PIECES which we arg selling


. S 3 0 , . $ 3 5 , 84.0, £ 4 5 , S 5 0 , & u p

r i l H E CtENEVA COAX. "Z&X3Z (formerly ran A by Robinson, having passed inte my hands, I am prepared td fnrnish

Coal and Woodj Hard and Soft, at the LowestPrices.

Orders left at S. N. Anthony's Insurance Office, Smith Block, Linden street, or poBtal card, or at the YaTd, will receive prompt attention.

GIVE TJS° A ' ' A L L .

J . O. S E Y M O U R .


Keeps Constantly on Hand and For Sale _ -H a r u u n d Soft. Coal ,

Cairnel Coal , C a y u g a F l u s t e r ,

-Water L i m e , &c

A p.

12 OS 12 00 1 1 4 8 1143 1138 1128 1121

T30 9 55 4 4 5 1 1 1 5 G E N E V A T30 1 2 0 0 5 2 7 1115

745 TB3 8 05 8 3(1

9 20 P.M 220

7 00

10 12 10 20 1(1 SI 11 02 P. M. 12 10

5 10

9 00

5 08,11 33i Waterloo > 15 11 40 Seneca E"ls 5 25,11 53 Ouyuga > 55 12 15

A.M. 7 00' 115 A.M. 1 20 6 10

6 45,10 30




New York

114 11 45 5 08 T 0T 11 37 6 65 11 % 6 2711 M.

IA.0I 6 30 10 0(1

P.M., 10 25

6 30

10 35 i 5T10 25 4 45 10 k 4 15 9 41)

IP. JL 3 00' S 16 i.M J 10 1 00

A. M. , 8 00

Geneva, Ithaca & Sayre R. R. BODTHWABD. STATIONS

AM. P.M. A.M. 7 41 6 55ll000iGenava 805 8«B R 4fi 8 57 910 flfSS 940

7 12 10 20 West Fayette 7 24 10 iJ3J Romulus 7 36110 421 ayt's Corners 7 44 10 50 Ovid Centre 7fi0

t7 57 8 05

9 50 811

10 fin U 0 7 11 Ifi U 2 1

U 2 ( 8 33!U45 1 fiO 2(X

9 55 10 (K A ,,M 135

8 4S 4 55 fififi 8 05

1 25 130

P. M 530

730 840

10 45 U 1 5

Farmer Covert Trnmansburg Taghanic Falls Ithaca East Waverly Sayre


Manch Chunk Bethlehem Philadelphia > New York s-


7 41! 8 141 *K 7 24' 7 58 41-7 12' 7 47; Sal-7 02f-7 86i Sa­

te 56 6 4M

t6 42 B34

t6 28 610 450 44b

A.M 108

P.M 1105 9 50 8 00 630

7 29 7 22

« 1 5

327 816 ao5 7 06! 250

700 0 40 520 b i o

P. M aoa

A.M 1115 10 4b 900 7 40

240 200



• t S t o p s o n l y o n s ignal . T i m e S i x m i n u t e s s lower t h a n N e w V o r k Central. W M . S T E V E N S O N , S lpt

The Largest and Best Variety of Couches, in all styles, ever shown in Geneva Our stock of

C I L I K D E B B O O K C A S E S , ' D W A K F O A S E S . iJBNBW. P A T R A C K S , S 1 D E B O A K D S ,

0 A N . B R O C K E R S , M N E 1 D P H O L S T E K B D R O O K E R S

C A M P C H A I R S & R O O K E D ,

(. ill and *ee our Large Stock of Goods at 4 0 , 42,-& 4 4 Castle St.

D u n n & Hil l Geneva , N . Y .

Agency of The

Geneva, New York.

Syracuse, Geneva & Corning R. R.-GOING NORTH. S T A T I O N S . 6 0 D I 0 SOUTH.

P.M. V.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. &7t.



Op. : if?

T y. MflHrfftiifL As.ltis.aBrj. a ^ , t o e i i a i n M digeaaeB* o f Jlie

fcfbliEV^lViWJVHDjfaWKlrS. It cleaaBes the ^ystent drratr acrid J i^on.

that causes th& dresdful wfu&ifig^which onlv the vietima of EhaumattEmican. realize.

T H O W S A N ^ O T C A S E S ' of the -worst forma of thiovtemiblS^ disease Save. beeg.guita^-r^UB^A^d1tl,B^pTt,flnie

rmcK, »j.ouQcm oa MtYi soEhBr/nEDQaisTS; . .«. ' Dry can,he seutfby jnaH.

•w aa aaHWKP ^Ai0q>iafewMW<iw3rfe KIDNEY-WORT

TB-JCBJO 3»JDis<3sioE •H»*,'R- 4inoN8,-•' !How did you?e*0E 'corner tihonn; Sot tftei


7/50 im BSO 818 RR1; 5 44 57W 4 55 403

12 00 P, M i i in 10 85 10 in 10 03 150 9 41 930 904 880


9130 155 13fl 1 15 10A

1«50 12 '42 1219 1145

10 55

9 50 »8 57 RS0 811 7 55 7 42 7 80 654 600


Geneva Dresden Himrodfi Dundee RockStr Reading Watlqns BeaverD


730 808 880 84b Bb3 905 ,91b 9S8

Corning 1010


650 732 805 8 22 835 850 8 57 9«7


IU35 P .M

105 l o b

: JJJSi 240 2 M 810 3 2 2

.3 55


1015 uoa 11 ba 11 b8 W l b 1228 12 42 120

1 4 5 215

Sodus B a y s o m a SOUTH.

' P.M. A.M.

& S o u t h e r n K RVo STATIONS. , aoniG NOBTB.

p. m. P.M. 100 115 1 2 0 1 3 6

2 0 0 2 1 0 2 2 8 2 3 3 2 5 1 2 5 9

3 1 7

7 2 5 7 40 7 45 8 0 1 8U 825 880 848 853 907 915 925 933

Sodns Point 1225 615 WalMngton 1209 600

Sodns Centre 12 04 5 55 Zurich 1148 5 37

SSFairville 5 27 Newark N. Y. O. 1125 513

Newark U 1 8 5 03 .*» - Outlet UOO 445

Phelps Junction 10 55 4 40 Orleans 104 426

Seneca Castle 1033 418 Flint 408

8tanley 1015 400 '• A. H i P - M .

, S. B. STUARTj Snpetlntendent. Northern Central Railway. On and after Monday, October 2,1882, trains will

leave and arrive as follows: s o m a BOOTH. '

Stations. Canandaiena.

Hopewell. _

A.m 9'88

If m

p . :•&: •am

p.M. ?rm.. 400 4:15 +19 428 4 3 5 4 4 4 459 557

7 0 0

7 2 2




"""" 8 3 5

Lewis Stanley, --. • Halls, - " Bellona. ^

PennYan. Watkihs.

Rfifl 880 825 .818 tVIK 804 7-51

6 i b

2S0 234 2J» 222

'216 208 153





Etalra.- . 611) 1205 5531

SprooES M E A D , Gen'h Supt.

oi the MlBsDimiJLegislatufe;:&$. wh(M8 w

afagrace-on my nnole,:, He traaM metbacllj when I was *-lim?^$^&W#^%$&.

'«' 'What hn^e^ii^Ous&nole^'Shgag^M^ <*&e is Hiatog: shpss imfifr Ohia A?eniten-

S t e a m e r fijc&riyler l e a v e s G e n e v a da i ly e » s e p t Sihiday fiffeSQ ii¥M.'iaaS;ing naual landinw sn*ar­rives at Watfera atllil* A. M,, making direct-.con* necadnwith'N.' C. train Sooth!. .Leaves WBtkms^at 1'Sr'x.arrishiff-at Qeheva. 4:30 t. M. , connecting WiUJtraihs.Easfcand'West'bn.iM'irY.'Centeal. South dif Eehigh Valley ana-Nofth on liyonfl R Kv • -

* . Vf: B. livstasa: Sup_erintendent,

' ' • ' - * • • - v / " " - - - ^ ^ ^ -

This Company calls attention to the fact that it has increased r a capital to 1600,000. all of which is fully paid up, a largf -.mount being owned by several of the best savingsTsanks in New Hampshire- and b y officers and directors of the Chemical Nation­al Baiik in 'New York city. The Company has done a success­ful business for eleven" years," under the same management and, with its. increased capital (which places it at the head ot the financial institutions of Iowa) offers with confidence, i ts

Six Per cent. Debentures, Fnl lv secured by pledge of real estate mortgages, the interest being payab le semi-annually, a t the Chemical Nat ional Bank These d e b e n t u r e s have been before the public tor two and a halt years, and are constantly growing in favor. fhe last report-of the Bank Commissioners of New Hampshire shows considerable amounts of them he |d by the savings banks of Concord, Keene, Bristol, & c , and their holdings have been largely increased since

the report was issued. . The Debentures are as convenient as G-overauient Bonds, and,

upon investigation, will 'be found to be secure beyond question. Kull part iculars will be furnisheji upon inquiry at the oftrce of

S. SOUTHWORTH, B a n k e r & Broker ,

2 1 4 E x c h a n g e S t r ee t , G e a e v a , N . Y .

The Best in the World


Krsnieh .& Bacu, P l a i l O S •& Qrg&BS*

Of Central New York

For the Unrlvalle I

ESTir 0R6AN8,V

1. m


1.1 Efflft'-'furteS and Others.

II, will pay you to comihnnicate with as before ^nrehasing ' C a t a l o g u e s s e n t f r e e o n apiplieatiptl.

Bridgeport, ^

and otW

e l s e w h e r e .

SZ^rn ZSAm***** ?Z*%^

i^gp"5' i . . . . : - . / .



Yard and Elevator on TSast Jackson street. O F F I C E : — S m i t h B l o c k , L i n d e n Street

Geneva. N. Y.v


E . D A K I N , Geneva, October 5,1881.


Hardware Merchants,


^ T H E I D E A L ,



Parlor & Cook Stores , AT ALL PBIOES.

->: ( -


H E M I U P RespectfuUy announce to the citizens of Geneva

, and vicinity that they have leased and en­tirely refttttd the eleaant store.

NO. 24 SBNICA STREET are now prepared to furnish the public with a large

and carefully selected stock of


Drugs 1 Medicines Fancy Goods, Toilet Articles, Perfwmes,

Soaps, Pomades, Powders, Combs, Brushes, Cut Glass Bottles, &c,

Paints and Oils, Lubins\ At­kinson's and Goeting's

Perfumes in Bulk.


Full Lines of Shelf and Beam JBardware.

\r\ HOT AIR FURNACE WORKS a Specialty.



and everything pertaining to the trade.

Particular attention is called to onr stock of '2.



F U L L L I N E or~Hoi<iDAY G o o n s ,

F o x i L I N E OP M I N E B A L W A T E B S ,

O H O I O E O I B B A N D S O F C I G A B I ,


P A T E N T M E D I C I N E S .

Our Medicines are all .carefully prepared* accoia-ing to the formulas prescribed by tho Cnit»<i atat*.« Phaiinacopoeia, an'd not from Fluid Extracts of

.uncertain strength.

" O u r P r e s c r i p t i o n D e p a r t m e n t ,

is in the hands of Mil. GEO. C. SCHELL, an ex­perienced and. reliable Druggist, and Physician? and others can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully prepared on the most reasonable terms, and in the most satisfactory manner.

Feeling confident that with our superior facilities for purchasing goods we can hy starlet and polite attention to the wants of our customers, please al tastes and purses, we greet our friends and BOlicit }ur share of public patronage.


New Department.


We mean to keep a lar^e and desirable stock of erery

fe^MfflBDCBD PRICES ftrK! vantage of purchasers to call on us.

DORCHESTER & ROSE, No. IS Seneca Street, GenevaJ* Y.

Read a n d Consider !


.Votild respectfully announce to the citizens of Geneva and Vicinity that they; aj$ aio»'_ — - ^

prepared to Tarz&Sfi —-i j # 3

Stores & Banges A N D —

House Fimiishing Goods )f ah descriptions, and have also added to their


TIN ROOFING A Specir 'ty, as usual.

P I P E S , P U M P S . G U T T E R S , &C.

We are now prepared to furnish Boilders with any­thing ur then line, from one ponnd of Nails

to 100 squares of Hoofing^ Also Manufacturers of

T I N , C O P P E R A N D S H E E T - I K O N W A R S ,

Of which A toll stock will be constantly on hand

Don't forget the-place,—168 E x c h a n g e S t r e e t

One door South of S. Warth's Grocery Store. N . ELrjOTT,

IBmary ^ 3. V. PROtJDPIT. '


Which will always be found to be Fresh and Com­

plete, I have added a full line of


Homobopathie Medicines

including Mother Tinctures and Dilutions, Tritura­tions, Pellets, Sugar of Mhk thrice crystallzed. Al­cohol, Extract of Hamamelia, e t c , etc., also a large Dispensing Case of Tinctures and Medicated Pel-lets; all goods being in original packages, and designed, for the use of Physicians and Families.

The high reputation that Messrs. Bcenicks & Taf-e!'s «oods.have attained, and .Prof. Maynard's past experience in this branch of Pharmacy, are a guar­antee that everything sold or dispensed will be of clit? ihghest order add trne to labeL

IfROE. MAYNARD is giving special attention ag 'myearepaiittotheihannfaetnre ofjttedical Wines and Elixirs, and to the. preparation of Physicians' i fe-t-icrlptions. and Private Formulas.

•.fatefulfornnrlncreasing patronage, we respect-l -illy ^oUcit Its c o n t i n u a n c e .



0 , H. 3MXEE3, mayiOjr 18 SESiECA STEBET-.


" I . , - _











Hats for all denominations and conditions of Men,

.,\it^.'wilJKiirs.f./.-1M Eiehittfe Wrw, • WSIHYA

1 We have just received a cMtce lot of large and medium

Clover Seed. Also about 160 bushels Choice

Timothy Seed, Bpth Western and State Seed. Also Orchard Grass,

Red Top, and many other Jiinds of Grass Seed. We have also received from the best Seedsmen in

this country a choice assortment of

' Field and Garden Seeds, *. Pnre and Fresh.

We have a full stock of, all kinds of PrnnereJ "it-,%s~-Hedge Shears, Spades, ShovelSj Rakas, WoolTwftie'-"' "' ' Tree Cord, LABEL WIRE, both Iron and Coppep.

We make a Specialty of Hardware for the Nursery Trade.

Straw Gutters,—Corn Shelters,

And a Full Line of . .

AfiBiHBi IMPiMBl!: We are daily receiving from the maimfacjfarer*

Invoices of (-•.»

Shelf & Heavy Hardware, Ail of which we offer at reduced prices.

- h : r ' o


Call and examine oar goods, and gSt prices befors you make yonr- Spring purchases.

'- -i-IS-i


11, i 11.•-«.-» Large Afeor&nent of

Flower Seedis,

P. Elas t ic B | p (Corsets-!

1'It i s a aCorset » f ertr" flrp^tty of 8atteen,hai^. *

£5pg ft DOTJBtfi 33>S J N C H S P o d K S T E E b ll6i;Frpht, SideSte«l|^f-' 'Side. Adjusfjers, SILK " Elastic 'Hips, ifoSajteS'' • Backs, and CUnbiwjk-' a h l e ^ e t Durable Ooi-l,', aline Strips i n s t e a d X>-f Horn, -Supporfiilg,

I'TiIrt ; Yiddlngl' to «U Movements Without a Break. -',- -:'- -'*.."'

WehcmsoMmiseorhtfyrjmtim.; and it has invariahlv Jiwm^wactww&y (hepurchaser. ,r ; ^ '..';'*

We have a fine of P. H* M o ^ J ^ * « o n ¥ specialties. Perfect Fitting porsete•••*£: superior material and make; "

j . w. m&mm «os>
