History The Ku Klux Klan was started as an underground terrorist group against the civil rights movement that freed the slaves after the American Civil War. Its name was derived form the English work clan and the Greek word kyklos, meaning "circle." Although in the late 19th Century it lost support, during the 20th Century, it has been revived with a few alterations. This group has been noted for its prosecutions against, Jews (as it later co-joined with neo-Nazis), foreigners, Roman Catholics, Communists, Homosexuals, Blacks, communists and organized labor.(1) How do they view themselves? The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) define themselves as a political party, one that they also call the White Rights Movement. Their foundation is that by trying to integrate and mixing ethnicities and race, whites are facing discrimination. Whites, according to them are giving up their lives in a sacrificial manner for those non-white. They infer that older generations were oppressed by liberal thinkers (also referred to as communists) limiting our ability and our right to indulge and enjoy white pride. They also believe that this country was founded as a white, Christian nation and should be brought back to it. If they were to gain power they have a plan to induce peace and restore America's original goodness. The main

History on KKKgsda

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Page 1: History on KKKgsda

HistoryThe Ku Klux Klan was started as an underground terrorist group against the civil rights movement that freed the slaves after the American Civil War. Its name was derived form the English work clan and the Greek word kyklos, meaning "circle." Although in the late 19th Century it lost support, during the 20th Century, it has been revived with a few alterations. This group has been noted for its prosecutions against, Jews (as it later co-joined with neo-Nazis), foreigners, Roman Catholics, Communists, Homosexuals, Blacks, communists and organized labor.(1)


How do they view themselves?The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) define themselves as a political party, one that they also call the White Rights Movement. Their foundation is that by trying to integrate and mixing ethnicities and race, whites are facing discrimination. Whites, according to them are giving up their lives in a sacrificial manner for those non-white. They infer that older generations were oppressed by liberal thinkers (also referred to as communists) limiting our ability and our right to indulge and enjoy white pride. They also believe that this country was founded as a white, Christian nation and should be brought back to it. If they were to gain power they have a plan to induce peace and restore America's original goodness. The main foundation would be based form the bible. Homosexuals, other races, and other religions would not be wiped t, but segregated and inferred transporting out of a purified country. They would abolish Martin Luther King day, because "Martin Luther King was affiliated with 60 Communist Fronts. He openly incited violence under the banner of "nonviolence."" (http://www.kukluxklan.org/lady4.htm). They would also purify the media, be stricter with law punishment and will stop international funding and finance. This is their goal, to take back America. (back to top)(2)

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How are they viewed in society?Now on the other side of the spectrum we have the idea of the non - KKK supporters. In general society, when the KKK is mentioned ideas of hateful acts and ignorant people are immediately conjured. The majority will associate the Klan as a model for extremism combined with bigotry and violence.(3) People describe the group as hateful mixture of anti-Semitism, racism, and homophobia. It is common for society members to describe the Klan identity holding Jews as the offspring of Satan; that Blacks and other racial minorities are inferior; and that white Anglo-Saxons are the "true Israelites." "They are usually cowardice murderers who hide themselves in white sheets as seen below."(http://www.swagga.com/klan.htm) Although this group has some support that has allowed it to survive, the general public has not supplied much with approval or support to allow it to be as public as the Klan would like.(back to top)(


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What affects do they have on society?The effects that this group has had on society, however is grossly non debatable. There are all aspects on how this group tries to impact the society. The most heard of is the media. Crimes are the first thing that people will associate with the KKK. They justify that the people who do these crimes are people of hate, who joined for vengeful purposes, and who are not true members. But the fact remains that these people are wearing the hood and robe and are a part of the KKK whether or not acknowledged or taken responsibility for. Some common crimes associated with the KKK are burning of black churches, beatings, hanging a nooses above peoples doors, or burning crosses on non white's lawns. Commonly, the news will speak of white supremacists dragging people to their deaths. These are commonly associated with the KKK b/c they are committed by people in the KKK. Another thing that this group stands for and vocalizes is its disapproval and anger towards the validity of Martin Luther King Day and the Holocaust. Not only does this group deny it within the group, but also they hold marching protests on days that honor or are significant remembrance days for either historical idea.

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Protests such as these are not an uncommon practice of the group. Often, the groups will make a point to march through neighborhoods that would classically disagree, neighborhoods of people that the KKK are outright against. And yet another way that this group affects the general non - KKK associating community is through the media and other public movements. One large way that they have power to affect especially the youths of the American public is through the Internet. Whether or not their views are justifiable, correct, or proper for children, their Internet website directly links to a childhood page. On this page, there is a specific link for those students who have been given the project of researching the KKK. On this site the group makes a point to say that the teachers have been misinformed and wrongly educated about this subject. "Teachers aren't perfect. They are bound to make mistakes" (http://www.kukluxklan.org/kidsdata4.htm)**Something about how they are trying to have a positive impact** (back to top)(4)


What is the likely future for this political group?This group will probably not be a great factor in major history in the near future. Currently, it does not have the support or the financial capabilities to be a great political movement. Especially with the current approval of racial mixing and general acceptance and the idea of the "melting pot," it will be hard for such a conservative radical group to get much power or encouragement. (back to top)