History Previous Paper 1999

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  • 8/14/2019 History Previous Paper 1999


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    1. Who among the following had written atreatise on fanciful technological devices?

    a. Bhojab. Govindarajac. Chandravarmand. Mahipala

    2. Which one of the following communitiesof peasants revolted against the Pala rulers

    of Bengal?

    a. Jatsb. Gurjarasc. Kavartasd. Doms

    3. A very important source for the politicalstructure and social conditions of Gujaratfrom the 9

    thto the 13

    thcenturies is the text

    known as

    a. Rajataranginib. Panchatantrac. Lekhapadhatid. Sukraniti

    4. The Chola inscriptions are found in thefollowing languages:

    1. Sanskrit2. Telugu3. Tamil4. KannadaTheir correct sequence in terms of the

    extent to which they were used (most

    frequent first, least frequent last) is

    a. 1, 3, 4, 2b. 3, 1, 4, 2c. 1, 3, 2, 4d. 3, 1, 2, 4

    5. Match the temples in List built by theChola monarchs with the places in List II

    and select the correct answer:


    A. The Koranganatha TempleB. The Rajarajeswara TempleC. The Airavatesvara TempleD. The Shival TempleList-II

    1. Tiruvaliswaram2. Dharasuram3. Srinivasanallur

    4. TanjoreA B C D

    a. 3 4 1 2b. 3 4 2 1c. 4 3 2 1d. 4 3 1 2

    6. The capital seat GangaikondaCholapuram was founded by

    a. Rajendra Ib. Rajaraja the Greatc. Kulottunga Id. Parantaka

    7. Which one of the following pairs iscorrectly matched?a. Krishnadevaraya : Manucharitab. Bukka I: Vaidikamanggapravartakac. Allasaniqeddanna: Amuktamalyadad. Gangadevi: Amarsataka

    8. Abdur Razzsaq who left is detaled accountof Vijayanagara Empire in Persian, came

    to the Vijayanagar court as the envoy of

    Mirza Shag Rukh during the reign of

    a. Harihara IIb. Bukka IIc.

    Deva Raya II

    d. Krishnadeva Raya9. What was the nature of the Nagaram

    settlements South India?

    a. Villages inhabited by peasant castesb. Villages settled and dominated by

    combinations of traders and merchants

    c. Villages granted to the Brahamanasd. Villages having the local

    administrative units

    10. The territorial revenue assignment in theDelhi Sultanate was known as

    a. Tuyulb. Milkc. Iqtad. Jagir

    11. Sultan Alaudding Khalji claimed landrevenue on

    a. One-fourth of he produceb. Two-thirds of the producec. One-half of the produced. Two-fifths of the produce

    C.S.E. Pre-1999


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    12. Which one of the following was the reasonfor the great rebellion in Doab against

    Muhammad Tughlaq?

    a. Transfer of capital from Delhib. Issue of token currencyc. Increase in rural taxationd. Enslavement of rural population

    13. Yahiya Sirhindi, the author of Tarikh-i-Mubarakshahi live during the period ofa. Lodisb. Soyiddsc. Tughulqsd. Khalijis

    14. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:


    A. Silver tankaB. Diwan-i-KohiC.


    D. Shahan-i-MandiList-II

    1. Alaudding Kahalji2. Feroze Tughluq3. Iltutmish4. Muhammad Tughluq

    A B C D

    a. 4 3 2 1b. 3 4 1 2c. 3 4 2 1d.

    4 3 1 2

    15. When he attained kingship, he was quiteindependent of the rules and orders of the


    Ziauddin Barani made the above statement


    a. Iltutamishb. Alauddin Khaljic. Mubarak Khaljid. Muhammad Tughluq

    16. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:

    List-I (Author)

    A. Minhaj SirajB. Amir KhusrauC. Hasan NizamiD. Shams-i-Siraj AfifList-II (Works)

    1. Tarikh-e-firuz Shahi2. Tajul Maasir3. Khazainul Futuh4. Tabaquat-i-Nasiri

    A B C D

    a. 3 4 2 1b. 3 4 1 2c. 4 3 1 2d. 4 3 2 1

    17. The tomb of Ghiyasuddin Tughluq ismarked by

    a. a bulbous domeb. sloping wallsc. the absence of marbled. high towers

    18. Who among the following were prominentmembers of the Nirguna cult of Bhakti


    1. Kabir2. Nanak3. Raidas4. MiraChoose the correct answer using the codesgiven below:

    a. 2 and 3b. 1, 3 and 3c. 1, 3 and 4d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

    19. Which of the following places werecaptured by Krishnadevaraya from


    1. Raichur2. Udayagiri3.

    Penukonda4. Kondapalli

    Choose the correct answer using the codes

    given below

    a. 1, 2 and 4b. 2 and 3c. 1 and 3d. 2 and 4

    20. Which one of he following Sufi saints sawthe rule of seven Sultans but visited the

    Court of none?

    a. Qutbudding Bakhtiyar Kakib. Baba Farid-ud-din Chishtic. Shaikh Nizamudding Chishtid. Nasirudding Chiragh Delhi

    21. the longest canal of its time which is stillused and is most beneficial to North India

    was built by

    a. Sher Shah Surib. Baburc. Firuz Shahd. Firuz Shah Shahajahan

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    22. Manucci says that the re-imposition ofJuziya was strongly opposed by a group

    of nobles headed by

    a. Jaswant Singhb. Jahanarac. Rana Raj Singhd. Shayista Khan

    23. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answerList-I (Events

    A. Conquest of MalwaB. Formation of SubasC. Annexation of KashmirD. Establishment of the Department of

    News Reporting

    List-II (Years)

    1. 15622. 1574-753.


    4. 1586A B C D

    a. 3 1 2 4b. 1 3 2 4c. 3 1 4 2d. 1 3 4 2

    24. Amongst his great nobles he (the king)was so predominant that none dared lift his

    head too high, but with the humbler

    classes he was benevolent and debonair,

    willingly giving them audience and

    hearing their petitions. He was pleased to

    accept their presents, taking them into his

    hands and holding them to his beast.

    Consider the quotation given above and

    indicate who it is attributed to and who

    was the king referred to in it.

    a. Monserrate : Aakabarb. Tavernier : Jahangirc. Fitch : Shahajahand. Hawkins: Aurangzeb

    25. Who among the following rulers was veryproficient in dancing and music?a. Adil Shah Surb. Baburc. Akbard. Jahangir

    26. In the Mughal Empire, the salaries of thenobles fixed.

    a. Arbitrarily in each case by theEmperor

    b. According to their mansab number

    c. One the basis of the size of theircontingent

    d. On the basis of their race andcompetence

    27. Which of the following were the mainfeatures of the imperial Mughal land

    revenue system?


    It varied according to the crop grown2. It varied from region to region3. It varied according to farming bids


    4. It varied according to individualcontracts with village headmen.

    Select the correct answer using the codes

    given below:

    a. 2,3 and 4b. 1 and 4c. 1 and 2d. 1 and 3

    28. Abul Fazal justifies the realization ofrevenues by Akbar as it was the

    a. Remuneration of sovereigntyb. Divine right of the kingc. Cost of maintaining the army for the

    protection borders

    d. Hereditary proprietary right of the king29. The Satnamis who rebelled in the time of

    Aurangzeb and occupied the town of

    Narnaul, were followers of

    a. Kabirb. Daduc. Guru Nanakd. Ravidas

    30. So complete was the ruin that not a cat ordog was left among the buildings of the

    city, in its place or its suburbs.,

    The above statement about the transfer of

    capital by Sultan Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

    was made by

    a. Amir khusraub. Isamic. Ibn Batutad. Ziaudding Barani

    31. Consider the following statements:In the 1560s Akbar began to patronize the

    formation of the Mughal School of

    painting with the illustration of Datan-i-

    Amir Hamza, because.

    1. Akbar inherited Humyuns taste forpainting.

    2. Akbar was especially interested inbook illustration .

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    3. Akbar was persuaded to take interest inpainting by Abul Fazl.

    Of these statements

    a. 1, 2 and 3 are correctb. 2 and 3 are correctc. 1 and 2 are correctd. 1 and 3 are correct

    32. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:List-I (Monuments)

    A. Taj MahalB. Fatehpur Sikri palace complexC. Gold GumbadD. Sher Shahs tombList-II (Features)

    1. Extensive use of trabeate forms2. Largest dome built in pre-modern India3. surrounded by water4. Bulbous domeA B C Da. 1 4 3 2b. 4 1 3 2c. 1 4 2 3d. 4 1 2 3

    33. The founding Charter of the English EastIndia Company was granted by

    a. Henry VIIIb. Elizabeth Ic. James Id. Charles I34. The first Danish settlement of trade atTranquebar was established in the year

    a. 1620b. 1630c. 1660d. 1616

    35. Marathi chronicles were known asa. Khyatb. Bakharc. Burunjid.


    36. During the second Mratha invasion ofBengal, at the following came to support

    the Bengal Nawab against Raghjuji

    Bhonsles forces?

    a. Peshwa Balaji Baji Raob. Nizamul Mulkc. Holkard. Jai Singh Sawai

    37. Match the places marked A,B, C and D onthe given map with the descriptions given:

    1. Capital of he Sharqi kingdom2. Important centre of production of


    3. Site of first true dome4. Capital of Adil Shahis5. The place to which Muhammad

    Tughluq transferred his capital

    A B C D

    a. 4 1 3 2b. 2 3 4 1c. 2 1 3 5d. 4 3 1 2

    38. The founder of the autonomous kingdomof Avadh was

    a. Ahmed Shah Abdalib. Safdarjungc. Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulkd. Zulfiqar Khan

    39. A modern arsenal was established in 1765with French assistance at

    a. Bidnurb. Serac. Sundad. Dindigul

    40. Who planted the Tree of Liberty atSrirangapatnam?

    a. Hyder Alib. Chikka Krishna Rajc. Tiput Sultand. Devraj

    41. Who among the following rulers of theTravancore kingdom extend his dominion,organized a standing army and a rational

    administration and encouraged foreign

    trade in the middle of 18th


    a. Rama Varmab. Zamorin of Calicutc. Martanda Vermad. Nanjaraj

    42. The jat State of Bharatpur was set up bya. Churamanb. Surajmal

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    c. Boi Singhd. Sawai Raja jai singh

    43. Which of the following are associated withRanjit Singh?

    1. Sukerchakia misl and the capture ofLahore

    2. Battle of Ambala and the defeat ofLord Lake

    3. Signing subsidiary alliance with EastIndia company

    4. Employing Faqir Azizuddin andDinanath

    a. 1 and 2b. 2 and 3c. 1 and 4d. 3 and 4

    44. Who was the woman leader of theMarathas who carried on struggle against

    the Mughal Empire from 1700 AD

    onwards following the death of Raja Ram?

    a. Ahalyabib. Miktabaic. Tarabaid. Rukminibai

    45. The Maratha who helped the Sayyadbrothers in over throwing Farukh Siyar in

    1719 was

    a. Shivaji IIb. Sahujic. Balaji Vishwanathd. Baji Rao I

    46. What is the correct chronological sequenceof the following rulers of Bengal?

    1. Suja-ud-din2. Murshid quili Khan3. Sarfaraz Khan4. Alivardi Khan

    47. Consider the following Britishers officers:1. James Grant2. John shore3. Arren hastings4. MaccaughtenThose well- known in connection with the

    revenue settlement include

    a. 1 and 2b. 1, 2 and 3c. 3 and 4d. 2 and 3

    48. consider the following statement: TheDiwani rights assured the East India

    company the power to

    1. levy tariffs

    2. collect land revenue3. administer civil justiceOf these statements

    a. 1 alone is correctb. 2 and 3 are correctc. 1, 2 anf 3 are correctd. 1 and 3 are correct

    49. The supreme Court at Calcutta wasestablished bya. Norths Regulating Act of 1773b. Pitts India Act of 1784c. Charter Act of 1793d. Charter Act of 1813

    50. Dayal Singh Majithia was associated with1. newspaper2. Education3. Banking4. British ArmySelect the correct answer using the codesgiven below:

    a. 1, 2 and 4b. 1, 2 and 3c. 2, 3 and 4d. 1, 3 and 4

    51. Identify the British territories as on 1765,in the given map

    a. 1 and 3b. 2 and 4c. 2 and 3d. 1 and 2

    52. Devan Vehu Thampi of Travancoreorganized the Revolt in

    a. 1800b. 1805c. 1809d. 1811

    53. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:


    A. Bhil uprisingB. Kittur uprising

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    C. Satara uprisingD. Gadkari uprisingList-II

    1. 18412. 18443. 1818-314. 1824

    A B C Da. 4 3 1 2b. 3 4 1 2c. 3 4 2 1d. 4 3 2 1

    54. Which one of the following rebellions isassociated with Sido and Panho?

    a. The Antha Rebillion, 1855b. The Kol uprising, 1820-37c. The Munda ebellion, 1899-1900d. Orissa Zamindars Rebellion, 1807-

    181755. Match List ( Personalities connected with

    the uprising of 1857) with List II ( Places)

    and select the correct answer:


    A. Kanwar singhB. Maulavi AhmadullahC. Mangal pandeyD. Zeenat MahalList-II

    1. Delhi2.


    3. Faizabad4. Barrakpore

    A B C D

    a. 3 2 1 4b. 2 3 1 4c. 2 3 4 1d. 3 2 4 1

    56. Nizam-ul-Mulk established theindependent State of

    a. Hasanpurb.

    Hyderabadc. Kandahar

    d. Burhanpur57. General Windham was defeated by the

    rebel force 1857 near

    a. Gwaliorb. Agrac. Bhopald. Kanpur

    58. The Asiatic Society of Bengal wasfounded by

    a. Ram Hohan Royb. Sir William Jonesc. W.W. Hunterd. William Bentinck

    59. Satyashodak Samaj founded bya. Jotiba Phuleb. Sri narayan Guruc. Gopal Babu Walongd. Bhaskarrao jadav

    60. the young Bengal Movement in the 19thCentury was inspired by

    a. rasik Kumar Mallickb. Ramtannu Laharic. Henry Vivian Deroziad. Peary Chande Mitra

    61. The Rajmundri Social Reform Associationto encourage window re-marriage was

    founded in 1871 by

    a. Virasalingamb. K.T. Telangc. Behramjid. Gopalachariar

    62. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:


    A. Dayanand SarswatiB. Lal Munshi RamC. Pandit Shiv Narayan AgnihotriD. Lala HansrajList-I1. Gurukul2. Dev Samaj3. Ango-Vedic Colleges4. Satyarth prakash

    A B C D

    a. 1 4 2 3b. 4 1 3 2c. 4 1 2 3d. 1 4 3 2

    63. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer.List-I

    A. DigdarshanB. Mirat-ul-AkhbarC. StatesmanD. Hindu patriotList-II

    1. Robert KInight2. Harischanda mukherjee3. J.C. Marshman4. Ramohon Roy

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    A B C D

    a. 3 4 2 1b. 4 3 1 2c. 3 4 1 2d. 4 3 2 1

    64. In which one of the following conspiracycases in India was an Englishman named

    Mr. Philip Spratta tried?a. Lahore Conspiracy caseb. Kanpur Conspiracy casec. Meerut Conspiracy cased. Chittagong Conspiracy case

    65. Ahmedabad Txtile Labour Association(ATLA) was founded by

    a. Mridula Sarabhaib. N.M. joshic. V.V. Girid. M.K. Gandhi

    66. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer.List-I

    A. Punnapara Vayalar movementB. Tebhaga movementC. Telengana moementD. Eka movementList-II

    1. UP2. Kerala3. Bengal4.


    A B C D

    a. 1 2 3 4b. 2 1 4 3c. 2 1 4 3d. 1 2 4 3

    67. Match the individuals given in List withthe movement given in List II and select

    the correct answer:


    A. Malati ChoudharyB.

    karuna Sindhu RoyC. Bhagwan singh Longowalia

    D. Yadunandan SharmaList-II

    1. Surma Valley no-rent struggle2. Utkal Provincial Kisan Sabha Patiala

    Muzara Movement

    3. Bihar Kisan SabhaA B C D

    a. 1 2 3 4b. 2 1 3 4

    c. 2 1 4 3d. 1 2 4 3

    68. What is the correct chronological order ofthe following movements of Gandhi?

    1. Rowlatt Act aviation2. Kheda movement3. Champaran movement4. Ahmedabad Mills strikeSelect the correct answer using the codesgiven below:

    a. 3, 2, 4., 1b. 3, 2, 1, 4c. 2, 3, 1, 4d. 2, 3, 4, 1

    69. Har Dayal, Baba Harnam Singh, Tundilat,Babhakna and Gurdit Singh were

    associated with

    a. india Independence Leagueb.

    Nowjawan Bharat Sabha

    c. Ghadar movementd. akali movement

    70. What is the correct chronological sequenceof the following events?

    1. Guru-ka-high agitation2. Vaikom Satyagraha3. Kakori case4. Nehru ReportSelect the correct answer using the codes

    given below:


    1, 2, 3, 4b. 1, 2, 4, 3c. 2, 1, 3, 4d. 2, 1, 4, 3

    71. We have now an open conspiracy to freethe country from foreign rule and you.

    comrades, and all our countrymen and

    countrywomen are invited to join it.

    Who among the following made this


    a. M.N. Royb. Jayaprakash narayanc. Subhash Bosed. Jawaharlal Nehru

    72. How many seats were given to thedepressed classes under the communal

    Award and Poona Pact?

    a. 74 and 79 respectivelyb. 71 and 147 respectivec. 78 and 80 respectivelyd. 78 and 69 respectively

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    73. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:


    A. Sardual Singh KaveesharB. Yusuf MeherallyC. T. PrakasamD. Chowdhary KhaliquzamanList-II1. Muslim League2. forward Block3. Indian National Congress4. Congress Socialist Party.

    A B C D

    a. 2 4 1 3b. 4 2 1 3c. 2 4 3 1d. 4 2 3 1

    74. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:List-I (Works)

    A. Cha man Athaguntha (Oriya, 1921)B. Jivwanara Batat (Assamese, 1945)C. Morali Mannige (Kannada, 1942)D. Ranangan (marthi, 1939)List-II (Authors)

    1. Birinchin Kumar Barua2. Fakir Mohan Senapati3. visram Bedkar4. Sivaram Karnth

    A B C Da. 1 2 3 4b. 2 1 3 4c. 2 1 4 3d. 1 2 4 3

    75. Match List I (personalities) with List II(Special interests) and select the correct



    A. Shambhu MitraB. Ram KinkarC.

    Ravi Varma

    D. Pramathesh BaruaList-II

    1. painting2. Theatre3. Films4. Sculpture

    A B C D

    a. 2 4 1 3b. 4 2 1 3c. 2 4 3 1

    d. 4 2 3 176. Match List (Events) with List II (Years )

    and select the correct answer:


    A. Founding of Federation of IndianCambers of Commerce and industry



    Lee-Modi PactC. Bombay PlanD. National Planning CommitteeList-II

    1. 19382. 19273. 19444. 1934

    A B C D

    a. 4 2 3 1b. 2 4 3 1c. 2 4 1 3d. 4 2 1 3

    77. Assertion (A): Malik Amber was the firstto employ successfully and on a large scale

    the Maratha light horse as guerillas.

    Reason (R): He wished to weld the

    Marathas in to a nation.

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of A

    b. Both A and R are true but R is NOTthe correct explanation of A

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true

    78. Assertion (A): Akbar claimed divinity forhimself.

    Reason (R): he though that in a country of

    many beliefs such as India, the sovereign

    should not be Associated with any one

    particular religion.

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of A

    b. Both A and R are true but R is NOTthe correct explanation of A

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true

    79. Assertion (A): the invasions ofKrishadevaraya into the territories of

    Prataparudra were inconclusive.

    Reason (R) Krishnadevaraya invaded the

    territories of the Gajepathi not for the

    latters extinction but only for the recovery

    of lost territories.

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of a.

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    b. Both A and R are true but R is Not thecorrect explanation of A.

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true.

    80. Assertion (A): Cottage industries andhandicrafts of India flourished due to the

    development of railways.

    Reason (R): Railways helped movement ofcommodities and goods.

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of a.

    b. Both A and R are true but R is Not thecorrect explanation of A.

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true.

    81. Assertion (A): The arthashastra ofKautilya provided for the office of the

    superintendent of trade.

    Reason (R) The State engaged in extensive


    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of a.

    b. Both A and R are true but R is Not thecorrect explanation of A.

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true.

    82. Assertion (A): the Kushnas issued a largenumber of gold coins.

    Reason (R): the period was marked by

    flourishing trade.

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of a.

    b. Both A and R are true but R is Not thecorrect explanation of A.

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true.

    83. Assertion (A): Urban centres in theGangetic plans declined during the Gupta


    Reason (R) Trade languished

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of a.

    b. Both A and R are true but R is Not thecorrect explanation of A.

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true.

    84. Assertion (A): Society becameincreasingly agrarian during the post-

    Gupta period.

    Reason(R): Small peasants could not claim

    any rights to land.

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of a.

    b. Both A and R are true but R is Not thecorrect explanation of A.

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true.

    85. Assertion (A) The post-Gupta periodwitnessed the expansion of the Kayasthacaste in North India.

    Reason (R): The Vaishyas gave up

    agriculture completely.

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation of a.

    b. Both A and R are true but R is Not thecorrect explanation of A.

    c. A is true but R is falsed. A is false but R is true.

    86. Assertion (A): The Shudras were largelypeasants during post-Gupta times.

    Reason (R): The Vaishyas gave up

    agriculture completely.

    87. Which one of the following HarappanSites is NOT located in Gujarat?

    a. Surkotadab. Rangpurc. Sutkagendord. Desalpur

    88. Math List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:


    A. MohenjodaroB. LothalC. BanawaliD. KalibanganList-II

    1. Twin-burials2. Corbelled drain3. Furrows4. Terracotta replica of a plough

    A B C D

    a. 1 2 3 4b. 2 1 4 3c. 1 2 4 3d. 2 1 3 4

    89. Who among the following has worked onthe Decipherment of the Indus Script?

    a. H.D. Sankaliab. B.B.Lalc. I. Mahadevand. Vincent Author Smith

    90. the Copper hoards are associated with the

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    a. lustrous red wareb. ochre-coloured ware black and red


    c. black and red wared. panted grey ware

    91. Which one of the following sites containsthe evidence of cemetery H culture?

    a. Chanhudarob. harappac. Hohenjodarod. Kalibangan

    92. Which one of the following statementsregarding Purushasukta is incorrect?

    a. it occurs in the seventh mandala of theRigveda

    b. It mentions the Brahmana asemanating from the mouth of the

    Primeval Being.

    c. It shows the rise of hierarchyd. It accords religious sanction to the then

    emerging social structure.

    93. the Vaishya is characterized as a tributaryto another (anyasya balikrita) and to be

    eaten or lived upon by another

    (anyyasyadya) in the

    a. Vajasaneyi Samhitab. Aitareya Brahmana Atharvavedac. Atharvavedad. Shatapatha Brahmana

    94. Which one of the following is NOT true ofwoman the Rigveda?

    a. They attended the proceedings of theSabha

    b. They performed the sacrificec. They took an active part in battlesd. They were married before puberty

    95. Along with the Late Harappan artefact,painted grey ware has been found at

    a. Roparb. Bhagwanpurac. Bhanawalid. Daulatpur

    96. Caste is NOT Characterized bya. endogamyb. division of labourc. equityd. heredity

    97. The concept of Varnasamkara occurs firstin the

    a. Brahamanasb. Upanishadsc. dharmasutras

    d. Smritis98. The nirvasita (excluded) and aniravasita

    (not excluded) shudras have been referred

    to by

    a. Yaska in the Niruktab. Panini in the Ashtadhyayioc. kautilya in the Arthashastrad. None of the above99. Math List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:


    A. KautilyaB. ManuC. YajnavalkyaD. NaradaList-II

    1. The householder should not quarrelwith a slave


    There are fifteen kinds of slave3. No Arya can be a slave4. Nobody can be enslaved without his


    A B C D

    a. 1 3 4 2b. 1 3 2 4c. 3 1 4 2d. 3 1 2 4

    100. Which one of the following combinationsis true of the Rigvedic culture?


    nature worship, varnasystem, imageworship

    b. Rural, pastoral, monarchicalc. Barter system, sati system sacredness

    of cow

    d. matriarchy, monogamy, defensiveweapons

    101. Which of the following characterized theTamill society of Sangam Age?

    1. Complex caste system2. Prohibition of intermarriage between

    the kings and velalas

    3. Vegetarianism among the Brahmanes4. Gradual AryanisationSelection the correct answer using the

    codes give below:

    a. 1 aloneb. 1 and 2c. 2 and 3d. 4 alone

    102. What is the correct chronological order inwhich the following appeared in Tamil


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    1. Damili Inscriptions2. Sangam Age3. Rock-cut TemplesSelect the correct answer using the codes

    given below:

    a. 1, 2, 3b. 2, 1, 3c. 3, 1, 2d. 3, 2, 1

    103. The first translator of Mahabharata intoTamil was

    a. Perundevanarb. Kambanc. Sundaramurthid. Bharavi

    104. Who among the following was the earliestknown Greek follower of Bhagwatism?

    a. Demetriusb. Antialkidesc. Heliodorusd. Menander

    105. Which one of the following pairs is NOTcorrectly matched?

    a. Udiyanjeral: chera kingb. Nedumjeliyan : pandya kingc. Senganan: chola kingd. Pari: Pallava king

    106. The jain tex which contains theBiographics of the Firthankaras is known

    asa. Bhagavati Sutrab. Adi Puranac. Kalpasutrad. Uvasagadasao

    107. Consider the following statements:In the second Buddhist Council held at

    Vaishali, Buddhism was divided into

    1. Sthaviravadins2. Mahasanghikas3. Vajrayana4. KalachakrayanaOf these statements

    a. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correctb. 1, 3 and 4 are correctc. 2, 3 and 4 are correctd. 1 and 2 are correct

    108. The earliest epigraphical evidenceregarding hagavatism in India comes from

    a. Ghosundi Stone inscription of kingSarvatata

    b. Besanagar inscription of Heliodorus

    c. Nanaghat cave inscription of theSatvahana queen Naganika.

    d. Mehrauli Pillar inscription of Chandra109. That Bhagavatism first grew up around the

    Yamuna in Mathura district is evident fro

    the account of

    a. Justinb.


    c. Megasthenesd. Strabo

    110. Which one of the following is NOT true ofthe punch marked coins?

    a. They are the earliest extant coins inIndia

    b. They bear stamps of more than onepunch

    c. Symbols of different types arerepresented on them

    d. They always bear inscriptions of theissuers

    111. Which one of the following objects ofRoman manufacture has been most

    abundantly found in India?

    a. Pot-sherdsb. Bronze iconsc. Lampsd. Coins

    112. Four sites have been labelled as A,B,C andD in the given map

    Inscription detailing Samudraguptas

    conquests in the South has been found on

    an Ashokan Pillar at the site labelled

    a. Ab. Bc. Cd. D

    113. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:

    List I (Type of spies)

    A. GudhapurushahB. SamsthahC. SancharahD. Rupajivah

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    List II (nature of their work)

    1. courtesans2. Wandering spies3. Secret emissaries4. Stationary spies

    A B C D

    a. 4 3 2 1b. 3 4 1 2c. 3 4 2 1d. 4 3 1 2

    114. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:

    List I (Names of the territories)

    A. UttarapathaB. AvantiratthaC. SancharahD. RupajivahList II (Their capitals)

    1. Tosali2. Pataliputra3. Takshashila4. Ujjayaini

    A B C D

    a. 4 3 1 2b. 3 4 2 1c. 4 3 2 1d. 3 4 1 2

    115. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer:

    List I (King who presented gifts to theircontemporaries)

    A. SandrocottusB. SeleucusC. AmbhiD. Antiochus (I. Soter)List II (Gifts)

    1. 80 talents of stamped silver2. A large portion of Ariana3. Sweet wine and dried figs.4. 500 elephants

    A B C Da. 2 4 1 3

    b. 2 4 3 1c. 4 2 1 3d. 4 2 3 1

    116. The medium of exchange prevalent duringthe Mauryan periods was

    a. Kapaddaka-puranab. Churnic. Panad. Dinara

    117. What is the correct chronological sequenceof the following?

    1. Geography of Ptolency2. Ctesias account of India3. Christian Topography of Cosmas


    4. Plinys natural Historya. 4, 2, 3, 1b. 2, 4, 1, 3c. 2, 4, 3, 1d. 4, 2, 1, 3

    118. In his account, Fa-hien does NOT refer toa. Peasce and order in the Middle


    b. Severity of criminal justicec. Chandalas as social outcastesd. Vegetarianism of the common people

    119. Which one of the following is NOT true ofthe Rajputs?

    a. Their rise was an important socialphenomenon of the early medievalperiod.

    b. They comprised the ruling and warriorchiefs

    c. They were a landed aristocracyd. The Medas were denied entry to their


    120. Which one of the following rulers grantedland to high official for their maintenance?

    a. Bimbisarab. Chandragupta Mauryac. Ashokad. Harshavardhana