Hiwc Service Evaluation Template

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  • S/No.

    ACTIVITY Minister/Group Excellent (10) Acceptable (5) Not Acceptable (0)

    1. Attendance at the Beginning of Service 2.5

    2. WISE Opening Prayer Ayodele-Josh I.O 10

    3. WISE Word (Presentation Quality) Pastor Niyi 7.5

    4. WISE Word (Time) Pastor Niyi 10

    5. WISE Other Activities (Time and Quality) Pastor Sunday Adebamiro 5

    6. Attendance at the Beginning of Service 7.5

    7. Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Chinma Umeh 5

    8. Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) 5

    9. Praise (Time & Quality) Chinma Umeh 7.5

    10. Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality) Pastor Deolu 5

    11. Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family 7.5

    12. WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye 10

    13. Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Pastor Isaiah 5

    14. Announcements & Closing Pastor Isaiah 5

    15. Attendance at the Beginning of Service 7.5

    16. Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Pastor John Gee 5

    17. Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) Pastor Richard 5

    18. Praise (Time & Quality) Pastor John Gee 10

    19. Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality) Pastor Tanno 5

    20. Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family 10


    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations WISE

    The servce was great, though the sound was not up at the beginning of the service for about 3 minutes, and lots of workers were still trying to clock-in as at the start of the

    service. It was inspiring and encouraging though attendance was was not good.

    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations 1st Service

    The overhead projector was just too blurry, and the fact that the projector had to be placed on the speaker was not a good idea for a church as HIWC. The Ushers are not

    uniform in their dressing at all, its an eyesore for now. Obviously, the choir was not well prepared for the song they did, the instrumentalist and singers were not in sync.

    We lost some times in the first service and it affected the timing of the 2nd service. The family song should be re-added to service schedule.

  • 21. WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye 10

    22. Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Pastor Isaiah 5

    23. Announcements & Closing 8



    Just Above Average

    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations 2nd Service

    Pastors handling welcoming should be given a re-orientation on the purpose of the welcoming and how best to do it. The welcoming at the first service was not too strong

    and it affected the choir in some ways when they were about to start their ministration. The Choir song title should be given to the person handling the welcoming to

    speak towards that purpose and lay a better foundation at all times.

    General Observation:

    Strongest Point:

    Weakest Link:

    The service was worth it with the word, and every order thing in order.

    The Word/Choir

    The media (projectors), The Ushers/ Event Planning

    Ayodele-Josh I.O; Mrs. Dafe; Min. Ruth Dunmade; and Min. Idiagbonya.

    Pastor Niyi Dunmade




    Reviewed by:

    Submitted to:

  • Comments

    Emphasis should be laid on punctuality for workers and leaders.

    The attenance was quite impressive

    Started on a mild mood

    Was incohesive, predominant grammatical errorsEnergetic and on-point, covered both traditional and contemporary

    audience. People were ministered to.

    On-point and people were ministered to; The choir spent more time

    than alotted.

    The servce was great, though the sound was not up at the beginning of the service for about 3 minutes, and lots of workers were still trying to clock-in as at the start of the

    service. It was inspiring and encouraging though attendance was was not good.

    The overhead projector was just too blurry, and the fact that the projector had to be placed on the speaker was not a good idea for a church as HIWC. The Ushers are not

    uniform in their dressing at all, its an eyesore for now. Obviously, the choir was not well prepared for the song they did, the instrumentalist and singers were not in sync.

    We lost some times in the first service and it affected the timing of the 2nd service. The family song should be re-added to service schedule.

  • The message ended at about 11:25am

    Pastors handling welcoming should be given a re-orientation on the purpose of the welcoming and how best to do it. The welcoming at the first service was not too strong

    and it affected the choir in some ways when they were about to start their ministration. The Choir song title should be given to the person handling the welcoming to

    speak towards that purpose and lay a better foundation at all times.

    The service was worth it with the word, and every order thing in order.

    The Word/Choir

    The media (projectors), The Ushers/ Event Planning

    Ayodele-Josh I.O; Mrs. Dafe; Min. Ruth Dunmade; and Min. Idiagbonya.

    Pastor Niyi Dunmade

  • S/No.

    ACTIVITY Minister/Group

    1. Attendance at the Beginning of Service

    2. WISE Opening Prayer Ugo Echeazu

    3. WISE Word (Presentation Quality) Pastor Niyi

    4. WISE Word (Time) Pastor Niyi

    5. WISE Other Activities (Time and Quality) Pastor Sunday Adebamiro

    6. Attendance at the Beginning of Service

    7. Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Chinma Umeh

    8. Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) Pastor Segun John

    9. Praise (Time & Quality) Chinma Umeh

    10. Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality) Pastor Alonge

    11. Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family

    12. WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    13. Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Pastor Isaiah

    14. Announcements & Closing Pastor Isaiah

    15. Attendance at the Beginning of Service

    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations WISE

    The servce was great, It was inspiring and encouraging though attendance was was not good.

    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations 1st Service

    Ministers should stick to time allotted to them, Sound was better today, the image on the projector was better today only that the projector is still on a speaker and this is

    not good for our image as a church.




  • 16. Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Kelvin Ogidi

    17. Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) Pastor Nelson

    18. Praise (Time & Quality) Kalu Ukoh

    19. Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality) Pastor Jacob

    20. Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family

    21. WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    22. Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Pastor John Ibebunjo

    23. Announcements & Closing



    The Ushers

    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations 2nd Service

    The service was worth it with the word, and every order thing in order.

    INFERENCE Just Above Average, an increase over last

    week's 158

    Reviewed by: Ayodele-Josh I.O; Minister Ugo (for Events); Min. Niyi Ranti (for Ministers); Pastor Tanno (for Pastors) and Mrs. Ranti Fajana (for workers)

    Submitted to: Pastor Niyi Dunmade



    General Observation: The backdrop is presently dirty. The stage is still too busy, work should be done to increase the stage.

    The pulpit should also be considered, we can consider the using the House on the Rock type of pulpit, very light and easy to move. Its just like a rod that has a top.

    The sound generally is not yet distinct, some instrument loud, some voices will be loud and others low, there is still hums around the speakers. The stage is feeding back seriously, this started again yesterday.

    More attention should be given to the Ushers, the colour combination is not good and the materials were not properly sewn, the hairdo of an Usher yesterday was way out of place.

    Ministers should be given some help on stage ethics, especially with respect how to continue from the person leading worship and microphone exchange. A practical example was how a Pastor basically

    snatched microphone from a praise Leader before he finished leading. It is distraction and could turn some people in service off.

    Ministers should make sure that their time piece is same with that of events, so that we wont have time lapse, some ministers go up stage before their time, cutting the time allotted to praise and worship.

    Security check at the entrance of church: if possible we can have more than 2 people presently there to avoid queue.

    Umbrellas should be purchased for the security, ushers and greeters, for the coming rainy season. We also need to either open up the back door or lay the floor with rug so that people coming into the church

    wont stain the tile with murky water.

    The Greeters were well-dressed yesterday as always, and with warm smiles all-through, it would have been best if they can get more people to make up for their number and if possible, have a bowl of candies

    at the back of the church.

    Service Level Agreement should be drafted for all ministers with respect to all church activities, opening Prayer, Welcoming and testimonies.

    Strongest Point: The Word

    Weakest Link:

  • Excellent (10) Acceptable (5) Not Acceptable (0)

















    The servce was great, It was inspiring and encouraging though attendance was was not good.

    Ministers should stick to time allotted to them, Sound was better today, the image on the projector was better today only that the projector is still on a speaker and this is

    not good for our image as a church.




  • 6.5








    The Ushers

    The service was worth it with the word, and every order thing in order.

    Just Above Average, an increase over last

    week's 158

    Ayodele-Josh I.O; Minister Ugo (for Events); Min. Niyi Ranti (for Ministers); Pastor Tanno (for Pastors) and Mrs. Ranti Fajana (for workers)

    Pastor Niyi Dunmade

    The backdrop is presently dirty.

    The stage is still too busy, work should be done to increase the stage.

    The pulpit should also be considered, we can consider the using the House on the Rock type of pulpit, very light and easy to move. Its just like a rod that has a top.

    The sound generally is not yet distinct, some instrument loud, some voices will be loud and others low, there is still hums around the speakers. The stage is feeding back seriously, this started again yesterday.

    More attention should be given to the Ushers, the colour combination is not good and the materials were not properly sewn, the hairdo of an Usher yesterday was way out of place.

    Ministers should be given some help on stage ethics, especially with respect how to continue from the person leading worship and microphone exchange. A practical example was how a Pastor basically

    snatched microphone from a praise Leader before he finished leading. It is distraction and could turn some people in service off.

    Ministers should make sure that their time piece is same with that of events, so that we wont have time lapse, some ministers go up stage before their time, cutting the time allotted to praise and worship.

    Security check at the entrance of church: if possible we can have more than 2 people presently there to avoid queue.

    Umbrellas should be purchased for the security, ushers and greeters, for the coming rainy season. We also need to either open up the back door or lay the floor with rug so that people coming into the church

    wont stain the tile with murky water.

    The Greeters were well-dressed yesterday as always, and with warm smiles all-through, it would have been best if they can get more people to make up for their number and if possible, have a bowl of candies

    at the back of the church.

    Service Level Agreement should be drafted for all ministers with respect to all church activities, opening Prayer, Welcoming and testimonies.

    The Word

  • Comments

    Attendance was low today, actions should be taken to correct this,

    proper follow-up should be done with all leaders to ensure all

    workers attend the WISE. He spoke too much than praying. He is more of a speaker than

    someone who can lead public prayer, especially with respect to

    when the prayer should fire up people for revival. The message was on point and very practical, the topic was well

    treated, only that some people might want to take it wrongly. More

    emphasis should be directed at the leaders who lead the workers


    He also assisted in bringing home the point. He took some minutes

    into the first service.

    A little draggy at first, the choir should learn to start with good

    momentum, especially the call to worship. The prayer session was great and on point, could be better if all

    activities in the service has a unitary focus. Especially in line with the

    main message of the day. Very participatory

    Still a little stiff and less participatory, involve the people while

    talking, not talking at them. The song was well-done, though the song & Papa's message didnt

    tally fully. Maybe a mechanism could be put in place that will give

    the choir a way of getting a glimpse of what the preacher want to

    talk about.Excellent delivery, well articulated and practical.

    Some announcements are recurrent, so it should come with a little

    flavour. Announcements should constantly be scrolled by the media

    department. Some choir members were leaning against the wall during the family

    song, this should be corrected as soon as possible.

    The servce was great, It was inspiring and encouraging though attendance was was not good.

    Ministers should stick to time allotted to them, Sound was better today, the image on the projector was better today only that the projector is still on a speaker and this is

    not good for our image as a church.




  • Started on a mild mood, because of general incordination at the

    beginning of the 2nd service. The 2 keyboardist were not on seat as

    at the time of service, make-shift effort had to be made.

    Inspirational and on point, people were able to really pray.

    Energetic and people were ministered to.

    Great starting, but energy dropped at the mid-point and also less

    participatory. Welcoming and testimony time should involve the

    people, not just talikng at them. Pastor Jacob is really good at this

    but he needs to be used more often. Great singing, very inspirational

    The fact that the message is just too applicable, and touching people

    at the point of need. A lot of people I spoke to after service felt

    relief because the timeliness of the message. Great, if we can add some innovation to this aspect of the service.

    The Ushers

    The service was worth it with the word, and every order thing in order.

    Ayodele-Josh I.O; Minister Ugo (for Events); Min. Niyi Ranti (for Ministers); Pastor Tanno (for Pastors) and Mrs. Ranti Fajana (for workers)

    Pastor Niyi Dunmade

    The backdrop is presently dirty.

    The stage is still too busy, work should be done to increase the stage.

    The pulpit should also be considered, we can consider the using the House on the Rock type of pulpit, very light and easy to move. Its just like a rod that has a top.

    The sound generally is not yet distinct, some instrument loud, some voices will be loud and others low, there is still hums around the speakers. The stage is feeding back seriously, this started again yesterday.

    More attention should be given to the Ushers, the colour combination is not good and the materials were not properly sewn, the hairdo of an Usher yesterday was way out of place.

    Ministers should be given some help on stage ethics, especially with respect how to continue from the person leading worship and microphone exchange. A practical example was how a Pastor basically

    snatched microphone from a praise Leader before he finished leading. It is distraction and could turn some people in service off.

    Ministers should make sure that their time piece is same with that of events, so that we wont have time lapse, some ministers go up stage before their time, cutting the time allotted to praise and worship.

    Security check at the entrance of church: if possible we can have more than 2 people presently there to avoid queue.

    Umbrellas should be purchased for the security, ushers and greeters, for the coming rainy season. We also need to either open up the back door or lay the floor with rug so that people coming into the church

    wont stain the tile with murky water.

    The Greeters were well-dressed yesterday as always, and with warm smiles all-through, it would have been best if they can get more people to make up for their number and if possible, have a bowl of candies

    at the back of the church.

    Service Level Agreement should be drafted for all ministers with respect to all church activities, opening Prayer, Welcoming and testimonies.

    The Word

  • S/No.

    ACTIVITY Minister/Group

    1. Attendance at the Beginning of Service

    2. Opening Prayer Minister Philip Olubakin

    3. Word (Presentation Quality) Pastor Segun John

    5. Other Activities (Time and Quality) Pastor Sunday Adebamiro

    6. Attendance at the Beginning of Service

    7. Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Chinma Umeh

    8. Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) Pastor Deolu

    9. Praise (Time & Quality) Chinma Umeh

    10. Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality)

    Announcement of Papa's Birthday and

    Anniversary celebration

    Pastor Nelson & Pastor John


    11. Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family

    12. WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    13. Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    14. Announcements & Closing Rev. Sam Oye

    15. Attendance at the Beginning of Service


    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations WISE




    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations 1st Service

    The announcement of Papa's birthday and anniversary took extra 5 minutes, but was well articulated by Pastor John Ibebunjo.

    Papa exceeded his time.

    The Harvesthouse Family song was very great and was one of the strongest point of the service.

    We also lost time after the service due to the HLDP announcement and general lag.

    TOTAL 55

  • 16. Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Kalu Ukoh

    17. Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) Pastor Kayode Alonge

    18. Praise (Time & Quality) Kelvin Ogidi

    19. Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality) Pastor Victor Tanno

    Congregational Prayer Pastor John Ibebunjo

    HLDP HLDP Singers

    Rev. Sam Oye

    Pastor Sunday Adebamiro

    HLDP Class Governor &

    Media Department

    20. Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family

    21. WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    22. Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    23. Announcements & Closing Rev. Sam Oye, Apostle Frank

    and Towdah Family

    70TOTAL Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations 2nd Service


    146 (58%)


    The service was great, but for the issue of timing and other standards that are yet to be defined by the church administration. Adequate actions needs to

    taken on issues raised in the general observations.

    Weakest Link: USHERS - 3 Weeks in a row (urgent attention needed to be given to this department)

    Evaluators: Ayodele-Josh I.O; Minister Bola Jafojo (for Ministers); Pastor John Oseni (for Pastors) and Pastor Mrs. Ijeoma Emmanuel (for workers)

    Submitted to: Minister Ruth Dunmade (HOD Events Planning); Pastor Niyi Dunmade (Church Administrator). Reviewed By Ayodele-Josh I.O



    General Observations: The service was generally great and the activities were all well-aligned. The lights inside the church is covered in dust and cobwebs.

    The Projectors are yet to be at that level expected.

    The stage is not well lighted.

    The church is also way above the backup keyboard piano we are still using next week programme will be bringing in a singer of great repute and they will be expecting that we have good pianos that can be


    The microphone stands are not even, there are still some that are different from others.

    Children' Teachers should endeavour to specifically tell children that the altar or pulpit is not a place to play at, its a place to be revered. Parents should also be encouraged to do same.

    The Ushers and Greeters should be dressed uniformly, the discrepancy is beginning to have a down effect on the service.

    The Usher were not uniformly dressed.

    Reading of the testimonies was not smooth, the testimonies should have been read and internalized before mounting the pulpit, so it can be summarized and said in a seamless fashion.

    Strongest Point: WORD

  • Excellent (10) Acceptable (5) Not Acceptable (0)




















    The announcement of Papa's birthday and anniversary took extra 5 minutes, but was well articulated by Pastor John Ibebunjo.

    Papa exceeded his time.

    The Harvesthouse Family song was very great and was one of the strongest point of the service.

    We also lost time after the service due to the HLDP announcement and general lag.


  • 10











  • 146 (58%)


    The service was great, but for the issue of timing and other standards that are yet to be defined by the church administration. Adequate actions needs to

    taken on issues raised in the general observations.

    USHERS - 3 Weeks in a row (urgent attention needed to be given to this department)

    Ayodele-Josh I.O; Minister Bola Jafojo (for Ministers); Pastor John Oseni (for Pastors) and Pastor Mrs. Ijeoma Emmanuel (for workers)

    Minister Ruth Dunmade (HOD Events Planning); Pastor Niyi Dunmade (Church Administrator).

    Ayodele-Josh I.O

    The service was generally great and the activities were all well-aligned.

    The lights inside the church is covered in dust and cobwebs.

    The Projectors are yet to be at that level expected.

    The stage is not well lighted.

    The church is also way above the backup keyboard piano we are still using next week programme will be bringing in a singer of great repute and they will be expecting that we have good pianos that can be


    The microphone stands are not even, there are still some that are different from others.

    Children' Teachers should endeavour to specifically tell children that the altar or pulpit is not a place to play at, its a place to be revered. Parents should also be encouraged to do same.

    The Ushers and Greeters should be dressed uniformly, the discrepancy is beginning to have a down effect on the service.

    The Usher were not uniformly dressed.

    Reading of the testimonies was not smooth, the testimonies should have been read and internalized before mounting the pulpit, so it can be summarized and said in a seamless fashion.


  • Comments

    Attendance is still an issue that must be addressed as a matter of

    serious implication among workers.


    The call to worship was too wordy, Chinma talked too much. (7:30 -

    7:35AM - 5minutes)Great opening prayer, we still need some cohesiveness, he needs to

    work on his diction. (7:35 - 7:39AM - 4minutes)A session of intense worship that continued from the Call to

    Worship session, became a little boring because of the prolong

    worship, There was a break in the worship session that also affected

    the flow (7:39 - 7:56AM - 17minutes). Pastor Nelson was on point today (7:56-8:00AM).

    Announcement of Papa's birthday took 5 extra minutes (8:00-

    8:05AM - 9 Minutes) The ministration was quite rowdy.

    The choir voices was unbalanced (sound).

    The 2nd lead singer's voice was gone before the song was ended.

    Towdah Family should be more deliberate.

    The ending of the songs seems not well rehearsed. (8:05 - 8:10 -

    5minutes). The message as usual was on point and very timely. He has to be

    more time conscious (8:11 - 9:04 - 53minutes). Though runing against time, he was still able to run through most of

    the announcement and laid emphasis on those that were pertinent

    to the service (9:04 - 9:10 - 6minutes). The family song was just great today (9:10 - 9:13 - 3minutes)





    The announcement of Papa's birthday and anniversary took extra 5 minutes, but was well articulated by Pastor John Ibebunjo.

    Papa exceeded his time.

    The Harvesthouse Family song was very great and was one of the strongest point of the service.

    We also lost time after the service due to the HLDP announcement and general lag.

  • The spirit with which he ended the service was quite impressive and

    in that he was able to sustain the energy (9:15 - 9:20AM -5


    Pastor Kayode was great today, but after the prayer the import of it

    was still not so clear; basically asked some people ablut what the

    prayer was about and no one could tell. He though helped so save

    some time too (9:20 - 9:22 - 2 minutes).

    Great session of praise, Pastor Victor Tanno came up a little earlier.

    Everyone handling activities should use uniform time. (09:22 -

    9:35AM - 13minutes).

    The welcoming was good, still needed some more cohesiveness and

    become more in-line with the message of the Senior Pastor (9:35 -

    42AM - 7minutes). Great session of prayer, very on point and about real events

    happening now (9:42 - 50 - 8 minutes).The Leader of the singers spoke for too long, the song was though good, but the

    instrumentation was supposed to be perfected before the ministration to make

    sure it complies fully with the Harvesthouse standard and model. There are some

    things that are good but it MUST be checked that it meets our standards,

    everything that happens on the stage tells people "This is who we are" with the

    fact that now we have a huge online platform (9:50 - 9:56AM - 6minutes).

    Papa's Remark (9:56 - 10:01AM).

    HLDP Pledge, Award Presentation and Media Presentation (10:01 - 10:10).

    HLDP Graduants Presentation (10:01 - 10:14). Because of the inclarity in activities,

    the choir could not come up on time and we had some lag in crossing over to the

    choir ministration. The gap could have been avoided. - 9:50 - 10:14 -


    The choice of songs was quite better and more inspiring. The choir

    got up stage a little late. The ministration was an anti-climax. 10:15 -

    10:27AM - 12minutes

    The message was timely, the ending part of the service was so

    practical and connected with a lot of people in the service today.

    Though he exceeded the time alotted to him. (10:27 - 11:29AM -

    1hour 2minutes) . - 11:29 - 11:35 - 6minutes

    - 11:35 - 11:52 - 17minutes


  • 146 (58%)


    The service was great, but for the issue of timing and other standards that are yet to be defined by the church administration. Adequate actions needs to

    taken on issues raised in the general observations.

    USHERS - 3 Weeks in a row (urgent attention needed to be given to this department)

    Ayodele-Josh I.O; Minister Bola Jafojo (for Ministers); Pastor John Oseni (for Pastors) and Pastor Mrs. Ijeoma Emmanuel (for workers)

    Minister Ruth Dunmade (HOD Events Planning); Pastor Niyi Dunmade (Church Administrator).

    Ayodele-Josh I.O

    The service was generally great and the activities were all well-aligned.

    The lights inside the church is covered in dust and cobwebs.

    The Projectors are yet to be at that level expected.

    The stage is not well lighted.

    The church is also way above the backup keyboard piano we are still using next week programme will be bringing in a singer of great repute and they will be expecting that we have good pianos that can be


    The microphone stands are not even, there are still some that are different from others.

    Children' Teachers should endeavour to specifically tell children that the altar or pulpit is not a place to play at, its a place to be revered. Parents should also be encouraged to do same.

    The Ushers and Greeters should be dressed uniformly, the discrepancy is beginning to have a down effect on the service.

    The Usher were not uniformly dressed.

    Reading of the testimonies was not smooth, the testimonies should have been read and internalized before mounting the pulpit, so it can be summarized and said in a seamless fashion.


  • S/No.

    ACTIVITY Minister/Group

    1. Attendance at the Beginning of Service

    2. Opening Prayer Min. Peter Praise

    3. Word (Presentation Quality) Pastor Victor Tanno

    5. Other Activities (Time and Quality) Pastor Sunday Adebamiro

    6. Attendance at the Beginning of Service

    7. Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Kelvin Ogidi

    8. Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) Pastor Richard Usman

    9. Praise (Time & Quality) Kelvin Ogidi

    10. Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality) Pastor Adeolu

    11. Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family

    12. WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    13. Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    14. Announcements & Closing Rev. Sam Oye & Towdah


    15. Attendance at the Beginning of Service

    16. Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Kalu Ukoh

    17. Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) Pastor Ishaku Laviyap

    18. Praise (Time & Quality) Minister Esther Makwin

    19. Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality) Pastor John Oseni

    Regeant news Regeants

    Congregational Prayer Pastor Seun Bolarinwa

    20. Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family

    21. WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye

    22. Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Pastor Sunday Adebamiro



    TOTAL Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations WISE

    Service ended right on time. Workers should be encouraged to come eaelier to WISE. Precise and concise.


    TOTAL 64Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

    Recommendations 1st Service

    Motivating, Interesting, inspiring, awesome service, sound was distruptive, shaky screens-projector, stage setting at wrong time was distracting, frankly speaking, no one

    kept to the time, umpires/time keepers should be more vigilante in remindind everyone to keep to time.

  • 23. Announcements, Thanksgiving,

    Dedication/Testimony, Media Presentation &


    Rev. Sam Oye and Towdah


    TOTAL 88Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments & Interesting, Life Transforming and great, Keep to timing. The auditorium was a too hot and it made people uncomfortable.

    General Observations: Nice, encouraging and motivating service. The 2nd Service tends to be rowdy towards the end of the service, some people loiter around in the service and

    this causes a lot of distractions.

    Strongest Point: WORD/Choir Ministration.

    Weakest Link:

    Evaluators: Vicky Upah, John-Oseni Tosin, Bayode Chioma, Mrs. Dafe, Gbenga Oyedotun, Kayode Alonge and Blessing David.


    INFERENCE The service was great and gained about 26 points more (14%).

    Reviewed By

    Submitted to: Minister Ruth Dunmade (HOD Events Planning); Pastor Niyi Dunmade (Church Administrator).

    TOTAL SCORE 172 (72%)

  • Excellent (10) Acceptable (5) Not Acceptable (0)





    4 10

    7 10

    6 10

    9 10

    6 10

    9 10

    9 10

    8 10

    6 10














    20Service ended right on time. Workers should be encouraged to come eaelier to WISE. Precise and concise.


    64Motivating, Interesting, inspiring, awesome service, sound was distruptive, shaky screens-projector, stage setting at wrong time was distracting, frankly speaking, no one

    kept to the time, umpires/time keepers should be more vigilante in remindind everyone to keep to time.

  • 888Interesting, Life Transforming and great, Keep to timing. The auditorium was a too hot and it made people uncomfortable.

    Nice, encouraging and motivating service. The 2nd Service tends to be rowdy towards the end of the service, some people loiter around in the service and

    this causes a lot of distractions.

    WORD/Choir Ministration.

    Vicky Upah, John-Oseni Tosin, Bayode Chioma, Mrs. Dafe, Gbenga Oyedotun, Kayode Alonge and Blessing David.


    The service was great and gained about 26 points more (14%).

    Minister Ruth Dunmade (HOD Events Planning); Pastor Niyi Dunmade (Church Administrator).

    172 (72%)

  • Comments

    Only a handful present.

    Good, sharp and excellent. Needs to carry people along.

    Impressive inspiring and timely.


    (7:30 - 7:34AM - 2minutes)

    Too hasty (7:34 - 7:36AM - 2minutes)

    He exceeded alotted time by 6 minutes. (7:36 - 7:52AM -

    16minutes). Choice of words used to defined "Open Doors" was quite... (7:52-

    7:55AM - 3Minutes) (7:55 - 8:03 - 8minutes).

    Exceeded time alotted. (8:03 - 8:56 - 53minutes).

    (8:56 - 9:00 - 4minutes).

    (9:00 - 9:11 - 11minutes)


    (9:17 - 9:21AM - 4minutes).

    (9:21 - 9:24 - 2 minutes).

    The introduction was too long. The Keyboardist missed the song

    intro. Good praise session with traditional flavour. (09:24 - 9:37AM -


    Delivery was exceptional. Electrifying, preaching-like, too loud.

    (9:37 - 9:41AM - 4minutes). The newscaters would have done better with a table and chairs.

    (9:41 - 46 - 5minutes).(9:46 - 9:57 - 11minutes). 20

    (10:03 - 10:12AM - 9minutes 64

    Excellent quality. Exceeded alotted time. . (10:12 - 11:12AM -

    60minutes .


    11:12 - 11:18 - 6minutes 172



    Service ended right on time. Workers should be encouraged to come eaelier to WISE. Precise and concise.


    Motivating, Interesting, inspiring, awesome service, sound was distruptive, shaky screens-projector, stage setting at wrong time was distracting, frankly speaking, no one

    kept to the time, umpires/time keepers should be more vigilante in remindind everyone to keep to time.

  • 11:18 - 12:05 - 47minutes 71.66667

    88/110Interesting, Life Transforming and great, Keep to timing. The auditorium was a too hot and it made people uncomfortable.

    Nice, encouraging and motivating service. The 2nd Service tends to be rowdy towards the end of the service, some people loiter around in the service and

    this causes a lot of distractions.

    WORD/Choir Ministration.

    Vicky Upah, John-Oseni Tosin, Bayode Chioma, Mrs. Dafe, Gbenga Oyedotun, Kayode Alonge and Blessing David.


    The service was great and gained about 26 points more (14%).

    Minister Ruth Dunmade (HOD Events Planning); Pastor Niyi Dunmade (Church Administrator).

    172 (72%)

  • 40




  • S/No.

    ACTIVITY Minister/Group Score

    1. Attendance at the Beginning of Service 5

    2. Opening Prayer Minister Sam Adeyemi 5

    3. Word (Presentation Quality) 10

    5. Other Activities (Time and Quality)

    1 ACTIVITY Minister/Group Score

    2 Attendance at the Beginning of Service 8

    3 Call to Worship (Time & Quality) Minister Manus Akpanke 9

    4 Opening Prayer (Time & Quality) Pastor Segun John 7

    5 Praise (Time & Quality) Kelvin Ogidi 9

    6 Welcoming & Testimony (Time & Quality) Pastor Victor Tanno 8

    7 Congregational Prayer Pastor Seun Bolarinwa 9

    8 Choir Ministration (Time & Quality) Towdah Family (Smile,

    Medley & Beyond the Open



    9 WORD (Time & Quality) Rev. Sam Oye 10

    10 Tithe & Offering (Time & Quality) Pastor Isaiah Emmanuel 7

    11 Welcoming of Guest Artist Pastor John Ibebunjo ~

    12 Special Session Asu Ekiye ~

    13 Testimonies Reading/Bio-Recitation,

    Introduction and Welcome of Celebrant

    Pastor John Ibebunjo /

    Adeyinka Adewale




    TOTAL 20

    Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &


  • 14 Video Documentary / Jingle Media ~

    15 Thanksgiving Pastor Isaiah Emmanuel /

    Asu Ekiye


    17 Announcement/welcome of Guests/Benediction

    and Vote of Thanks/Family Song

    Pastor Isaiah Emmanuel /

    Rev. Sam Oye



    INFERENCE The service gained extra points today


    Reviewed By Ayodele-Josh I.O

    Submitted to: Minister Ruth Dunmade, Pastor Niyi Dunmade


    Strongest Point: WORD

    Weakest Link: VENTILATION, Sound

    Evaluators: Gloria Oyedotun, Minister Bayode, Jude Anyanwu, Pastor Nelson Ogohi

    General Observations: The online streaming was great today. Tweets from the Communications Dept were real-time and also timely, good to follow.

    Hashtag for the theme of the month should be added to all tweets.

    Pastor Niyi was carrying fans and putting them on during the service, this should be the responsibility of the facility management department or the Protocol officers (if

    need-be that a Pastor brought the idea).

    The sound was really distorted during the choir ministrations, this had an adverse effect on the quality of the choir ministration.

    The Speakers is not sufficient for the size of the hall, especially with the fact that the population of today's service will be constant or more for the TLC. The sound is not

    conveniently feeding the back of the auditorium. Something urgent should be done with the sound, given the TLC is just in a weeks time.

    The light on the stage doesn't get to the face of the preacher/minister whenever they move a little to the back.

    The choir at some point in the service went to the back and it became very rowdy and noisy, including some Pastors and Ministers, Pastor Jimlas, Minister Wale fajana,

    Minister Sam Eghieye, etc.

    It would be good if the auditorium is more lighted, at a point the spot light was put on the roof of the church, the church auditorium came alive.

    TOTAL 98Overall Evaluation of Service, Comments &

  • Grade Time


    08:00 - 08:05

    08:05 - 08:25

    08:25 - 08:30

    Grade Time


    08:30 - 08:35 - 5mins.

    08:35 - 08:40 - 5mins.

    08:40 - 08:55 - 5 mins.

    08:55 - 09:00 - 5mins.

    09:00 - 09:09 - 9mins.

    09:09 - 09:25 (16Mins.).

    09:25 - 10:15 - (50mins.).

    10:15 - 10:18 - (3mins.).

    10:18 - 10:21 - (3mins.).

    10:21 - 10:54 - (33mins.).

    10:54 - 11:05 (9mins.).





  • 11:37 - 11:56 (19mins.).

    11:06 - 11:37 (30mins.).

    11:56 - 12:15 (19mins.).


    The service gained extra points today


    Ayodele-Josh I.O

    Minister Ruth Dunmade, Pastor Niyi Dunmade



    Gloria Oyedotun, Minister Bayode, Jude Anyanwu, Pastor Nelson Ogohi

    The online streaming was great today.

    Tweets from the Communications Dept were real-time and also timely, good to follow.

    Hashtag for the theme of the month should be added to all tweets.

    Pastor Niyi was carrying fans and putting them on during the service, this should be the responsibility of the facility management department or the Protocol officers (if

    need-be that a Pastor brought the idea).

    The sound was really distorted during the choir ministrations, this had an adverse effect on the quality of the choir ministration.

    The Speakers is not sufficient for the size of the hall, especially with the fact that the population of today's service will be constant or more for the TLC. The sound is not

    conveniently feeding the back of the auditorium. Something urgent should be done with the sound, given the TLC is just in a weeks time.

    The light on the stage doesn't get to the face of the preacher/minister whenever they move a little to the back.

    The choir at some point in the service went to the back and it became very rowdy and noisy, including some Pastors and Ministers, Pastor Jimlas, Minister Wale fajana,

    Minister Sam Eghieye, etc.

    It would be good if the auditorium is more lighted, at a point the spot light was put on the roof of the church, the church auditorium came alive.


  • Comments


    The strength with he called Workers to service was remarkable.

    CommentsExpected people to come early because of the occasion but it

    wasnt so.

    Great session of praise, very interactive and inspirational, "Chosen

    Generation" by Sinach is not a praise song. The welcoming was on-point.

    Great singing and ministration, only that the quality of the song was

    distorted by the Sound.

    The Song introduction is usually a message on its own, the choir

    should learn to minimise their speaking and concentrate on singing.

    The introduction of the 2nd song did not tally with the song.

    For rehearsing 3 days a week, the song ought to be better than it was


    Great Word, excellent delivery, everyone was carried along. On-

    Point. Prophetic preaching. Exceeded time by 10 minutes.

    Great delivery, needs to communicate more with the

    congregation and look less to the ground. It is becoming a routine


    The sound went off during the ministration, this is common

    because what we have can't power the volume of sound that is

    needed. This left people at the back excited but not participating.

    Good presentations and great transitions between the 3 activities.



  • Excellent picture quality, The TLC advert is just fantastic. The

    documentary didnt come as scheduled because of absence of the

    audio. Media should watchout for little errors in their

    presentations. Great session by Asu Ekiye: The sound didnt come up for the

    documentary, so Pastor Isaiah came up to start the thanksgiving.

    He was able to kill the anticlimax form this transition.

    Pastor Isaiah was too fast in getting up-stage, hence he was stranded

    on the stage for as long as the media was on.

    There is need for a little more innovation and style to avoid



    The service gained extra points today

    Ayodele-Josh I.O

    Minister Ruth Dunmade, Pastor Niyi Dunmade



    Gloria Oyedotun, Minister Bayode, Jude Anyanwu, Pastor Nelson Ogohi

    The online streaming was great today.

    Tweets from the Communications Dept were real-time and also timely, good to follow.

    Hashtag for the theme of the month should be added to all tweets.

    Pastor Niyi was carrying fans and putting them on during the service, this should be the responsibility of the facility management department or the Protocol officers (if

    need-be that a Pastor brought the idea).

    The sound was really distorted during the choir ministrations, this had an adverse effect on the quality of the choir ministration.

    The Speakers is not sufficient for the size of the hall, especially with the fact that the population of today's service will be constant or more for the TLC. The sound is not

    conveniently feeding the back of the auditorium. Something urgent should be done with the sound, given the TLC is just in a weeks time.

    The light on the stage doesn't get to the face of the preacher/minister whenever they move a little to the back.

    The choir at some point in the service went to the back and it became very rowdy and noisy, including some Pastors and Ministers, Pastor Jimlas, Minister Wale fajana,

    Minister Sam Eghieye, etc.

    It would be good if the auditorium is more lighted, at a point the spot light was put on the roof of the church, the church auditorium came alive.