hLlcort:W N.B: 1" 2. Q.l a) b) Q3 a) b) Q.4 a) b) Q.s a) 0) a\1 a) b) c) d) e) A;rtomodl e- | L8# I twd Surr e a@13 Paper / Subiect Code: 52201/ Autotronics (3 flours) -l 10 10 l0 l0 l0 t0 t0 t0 10 10 Q.2 a) b) st 5l ry [Total'illarks: 80 Question No. I is comPulsorY att**pt any three questions fiom remaining' Draw neat sketches wherever necessary Describe the components of Lead - Acid battery with neat.sketch"Also write about its rvorking with rilated chemical reactions inside'the battery. Explain Disributorless Ignitron systern with schernatic diagram. why it is called Waste spark method of rgnition? State its advantages' What are fuel cells? Dcsci'ibe construction lnd working of PEM fucl cell' Siate tts applications and limitations. Describc with neat sketch about the construction of sealed beam head lamps' Also write about its setting and controi. What rs "Telematrcs" technoiogy? Discuss about rts advantages. disadvantages and applicattorrs. firiw do you classify Starter motor dnves? DescriLre the working of any two types of Starter motor drives rvith neat sketch. Describe the working of any three types of Sensors$rtth suitable diagrams' What is ECM? tlesciibe ab,;ut operating modes of ECM' Also discuss about inputs required and output signaLs from ECM. l)escgbe the working of any three t)?es of Actuators with suitable diagrams' Describe the tlpes oJ Crt 1"*, their sizes, colour-codes and wiring harness systems used in automotive vehicles' Write shorl-notes on any'-four the following: Air inanagement svstent Proposed Architecture of 42 V Technoiogy ABS and TCS Electric fue1 gauge Battery R.atrngs 5?119 Page 1 of 1 52D6658,{6 I 02 I 0D6637C18C2F49444 I I I

hLlcort:W I twd SurrPaper / Subiect Code: 52201/ Autotronics (3 flours)-l 10 10 l0 l0 l0 t0 t0 t0 10 10 Q.2 a) b) st 5l ry [Total'illarks: 80 Question No. I is comPulsorY att**pt any

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N.B: 1"


Q.l a)


Q3 a)


Q.4 a)


Q.s a)





A;rtomodl e- | L8# I twd Surr e a@13

Paper / Subiect Code: 52201/ Autotronics

(3 flours)











Q.2 a)


st 5l ry

[Total'illarks: 80

Question No. I is comPulsorYatt**pt any three questions fiom remaining'

Draw neat sketches wherever necessary

Describe the components of Lead - Acid battery with neat.sketch"Also write about

its rvorking with rilated chemical reactions inside'the battery.

Explain Disributorless Ignitron systern with schernatic diagram. why it is called

Waste spark method of rgnition? State its advantages'

What are fuel cells? Dcsci'ibe construction lnd working of PEM fucl cell' Siate tts

applications and limitations.Describc with neat sketch about the construction of sealed beam head lamps' Also

write about its setting and controi.

What rs "Telematrcs" technoiogy? Discuss about rts advantages. disadvantages and

applicattorrs.firiw do you classify Starter motor dnves? DescriLre the working of any two types of

Starter motor drives rvith neat sketch.

Describe the working of any three types of Sensors$rtth suitable diagrams'

What is ECM? tlesciibe ab,;ut operating modes of ECM' Also discuss about inputs

required and output signaLs from ECM.

l)escgbe the working of any three t)?es of Actuators with suitable diagrams'

Describe the tlpes oJ Crt 1"*, their sizes, colour-codes and wiring harness systems

used in automotive vehicles'

Write shorl-notes on any'-four the following:

Air inanagement svstent

Proposed Architecture of 42 V Technoiogy

ABS and TCSElectric fue1 gauge

Battery R.atrngs


Page 1 of 1

52D6658,{6 I 02 I 0D6637C18C2F49444 I I I





b1l srzr61 @ | c;arr<l fu&n / l"*U T!.ne e4?19

Paper / Subject Code: 32202 / Vehiele Dynamics

[Timei 3 Hours]

Please check whether you have got the right question paper'

N.B: 1. Draw neat sketches whenever necessary'

2. Q. No. 1is comPulsory.3. Solve any three questions from the remaining four questions.

4. Assume suitabls data wherever necessary'

Answer any four of the following:

Derive an equation for basic stability derivatives..

Explain special properties of double conjugate points'

Eiplain Maurice Oiley's criteria for suspension frequency'

expfuin the terrrs : Jounce, rebound, body ro11, roll steer and power squat

What do you mean by Anti pitch or anti squat geometry ] Explin'What is iornering stiffoess andhgw it is related to vehicle performance?

eA a) Explain the effect of wheel alignment angle on stability and comfort of vehicle.

b) Explain passive, semi active and active suspension'

Q.3 a)


Q.4 a)


Explain wheei wobble and wheel shimmy.

Find the position of double conjugate polnis and pitch and bounce frequencies of a

passenger car from following data:

1) Sprung mass * tr450 kg2) Radius of gyration - 1.22m3) Wheel base - 3,05 m4) Front suspension spring rate - 33 KN/m5) Rear suspension spring rat€ - 35'75 KN/m6) Position of CG from front axle - 1.37 m.

Prove that, C12 : CZl for equalizing type suspension'

What is roll center? I-ocate roll centers for any four qrpes of suspension systems'

Page I of2

s B3DE2 5E6A2 TB8E7 7 648A7E605 80As 8D

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I Marks:80]










e.s a) write a note "I:l,Yj;,li:i:;:.;ffiHJ,:licle Dvnamics

b) Find the curvaturg response per degree of steering angle at 60 kpH. The data given as :Mass of the vehicle - 1200 KgWheel base - 2.4 mPosition of CG from front axle _ 1.25 mCornering stiffoess of front tyres _ 60 KNlradComering stiffrress of rear tyres _ 65 KN/rad



Q.6 Write short rote on ( Any four ) :

i) Variable Rate coil springii) Interconnected suspensioniii) Jack knifing of articulated vehiclesiv) camber thrust and its rerevanee to vehicle performancev) Influence of front wheel drive on sreering

,t rF * rt! * *!t rF* rl. * * *:f * * *{r


Page 2 of269871

5E3DE25E6A2 7B,8E'7 I 64EA7E605 8 0A5 8D

Gfl- Furol_* * ll __.<

S*rnm €q-s fl,"t fur.lPaper / Subject Code: 52203 / Vehicle l\flaintenance






Time: 3 Hours

Page L of2

t] 29? E757DF5 2OA,D89 I CFFB 50B 6F 1 AD94

the left.iine willrepair a

says thefluid is



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(2) Attempt any 3 questions out of 5 questions.(3) Figures to the right indicates fu1lmarks.(4) Illustrate your ans\4rers with sketches

Soive any four from remaining in six questto

\!-hat are probable sausesA front wheel driveTechnicia:r A says an

result in this

who is correct?

servicingrelays in eiectrical systems

engine and transaxles cradle may cause drive axleengine and transaxles cradle may cause

who is correct?

N"B.: (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.



b) Technician Bd) Neither A nor B

Paper I Subject Code: 522031Vehicle Maintenance

Q.sa) Write a short note on security and anti-theft devices

b) Write a note on camshaft inspection

"i Explain in detaii starting system diagnosis and its serv *i;,;i. :,;Q6if;t.i*,#. *if it l';4t,',-*'.* ;:'l:',:1,:.;

u*:+%$.*iii#r;t<"::*{ifl-#;*t':,$s ;":,.,;:g''*:;:,t*i;,ft,; . -,. 0$.j,_.;Q.6 Solve any four from remaining in six questions

a) Write a note on Power door

b) Servicing of oil pump , . ..; ' ,,,, : ,1!.'r"-

c) Write a note on Heated rear window defogger : '

d) Power windowse) Diagnosis of catalytic converter

0 Write a note on ABS

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Page 2 af2

8.297 E7 67DF52OADB9 1 CFF85OB6F IAD94


'," .}' :*i

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Paper / Subject Code: 5220512) Vehicle Safety

v? *..-+c: I *r* .ffi lu* I ar D,a\1

(3 Hours)

N.B: (l) Question no.1 is compulsory.(2) Attempt any three out of remaining five questions.(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.(4) Illustrate your answers with sketches wherever necessary.




Q.1 Answer any four of the following:a Explain the term "Hazard risk danger""b Explain active and passive safety.c Explain the significance of crash testing.:'

d Explain the injuries observed in accidents.e Explain fail safe and fault tolerance systems.f Explain the roie of seat in rear crash.safety.

Q.2 a Write short notes on the following:'i-05

052. Hydge sled test

b Explain accident reconstruction analysis

Q.3 a According to you,whatare the key issues of vehicle safety in trndia. Explain indetail.

" ' I ,.

b Explain any.twb autornotive safety. sys'tems.


Q.4 a Exp.lain diffelJnt priorities taken into consideration while preparing safetv plan.I .,: .. :: . .. ., :::. : --

b lixpt4inriil4otait otoglamrnetry in.aeeident reconstruction

,, -,,''t 'tt:-t'.. - . ' ,',

.: : .:.. '

Q.5' a Draw the fishbonb diagram for root ctuseiAentrfication of accidents

b According to you what measures governmeul can undertake to mirtimizeaccidents?





I 1.'







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