SALUOaS! from CENTRAL MEXICO & BAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSION Bl LL HOFF and FAMILY TOM and TONI SCHNELLER APARTADO POSTAL NO. 57 APARTADO POSTAL NO. 853 QUERETARO, QRO. 76000 MEXICO QUERETARO, ORO. 76000 MEXICO Published Quarterly Vol. 17 No. 1 Spring 1986 NEW DEVELOPMENTS In our last newsletter, you read about the Bibie-by- correspondence ministry that we have at the Bajio Christian Mission. Since that time many develop ments have come about with this ministry. We have had very pleasing results with the newspaper adver tisements that were placed in the seven area news papers around the beginning of the new year. Ninety new students enrolled in the course during that time. The location of these responses ranged from the city of Queretaro to other cities some 225 miles away. It appears to us that these new students are very in terested in what these courses have to say. Just this past week, fifty-nine courses were graded and sent back, and many of these courses belonged to the new group of students! We have been placing tracts (which include free coupons for enrollment in the correspondence program) in the envelopes that con tain the graded courses. The new students have been passing these tracts out to their friends, and we have recieved several students as a result of these new students. We praise God for the interest that is developing among all of the students. In working with the correspondence ministry, weare constantly thinking of ways in which we can in crease the enrollment of students (not for an im pressive number, but rather to reach as many as possible and share with them the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ). "Promotion" for the Bible-by-corres- pondence course has taken place primarily through tracts and advertisements. Tracts are distributed; in evangelistic campaigns, after Christian movies, by Mexican evangelists, along with correspondence courses, to those we come in contact with each day, etc. Likewise, advertisements are placed in news papers throughout the Bajio area. Recently we have been developing such advertisements and tracts using the computer. It is our expectation that the computer graphics and lettering will catch the atten tion of many people. (It may not sound like anything exciting to those in the U.S.A., however, the era of computers and electronics is relatively new to most of the people in Mexico.) Contacting the multitudes with the Gospel is our hope, and we pray that this new "twist" will be beneficial to the correspondence ministry. There were additional developments to the corres pondence ministry after we took ashort excursion to Mexico City. There, we visited a correspondence ministry that is organized by another Christian mis sionary. We were shown beneficial forms, letters, and courses which we have already incorporated into the ministry here in Queretaro. We would like you to pray for the effectiveness of this ministry! TOM

Hoff William Margy 1986 Mexico

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SALUOaS! fromCENTRAL MEXICO &BAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSIONBl LL HOFF andFAMILY TOM and TONI SCHNELLERAPARTADO POSTALNO. 57 APARTADO POSTAL NO. 853QUERETARO, QRO. 76000 MEXICO QUERETARO, ORO. 76000 MEXICOPublished Quarterly Vol. 17 No. 1 Spring 1986NEW DEVELOPMENTSIn ourlast newsletter, you read about the Bibie-by-correspondence ministrythat we haveattheBajioChristianMission. Sincethat timemanydevelopments have come about with this ministry. We havehad very pleasing results with the newspaper advertisements thatwereplacedinthe sevenarea newspapers around the beginning of the new year. Ninetynew students enrolled in the course during that time.The location of theseresponses rangedfrom the cityof Queretaro to other cities some 225miles away. Itappearstousthatthesenewstudentsare very interested in what these courses have to say. Just thispast week, fifty-ninecoursesweregradedandsentback, and many of these courses belonged to the newgroup of students! We have been placing tracts(which includefree couponsfor enrollment in thecorrespondence program) in the envelopes that contain the graded courses. The new students have beenpassing these tracts out to their friends, and we haverecievedseveral studentsas a result of thesenewstudents. We praise God for the interest that isdeveloping among all of the students.In working with the correspondence ministry, we areconstantlythinkingof ways inwhichwe canincreasetheenrollment of students(not for animpressive number, but rather to reach as manyaspossible and share with themthe GOOD NEWS ofJesusChrist). "Promotion"for theBible-by-corres-pondence course has taken place primarily throughtracts and advertisements. Tracts are distributed; inevangelisticcampaigns, after Christianmovies, byMexican evangelists, along with correspondencecourses, to those we come in contact with each day,etc. Likewise, advertisements are placedin newspapers throughout theBajioarea. Recently we havebeen developing such advertisements and tractsusing the computer. It is our expectation thatthecomputer graphics and lettering will catch the attention of many people. (It may not sound like anythingexciting to those in the U.S.A., however, the era ofcomputers andelectronics is relatively new to mostof the people in Mexico.) Contacting the multitudeswiththeGospel is ourhope, andwe pray that thisnew "twist" will be beneficial to the correspondenceministry.Therewereadditionaldevelopmentstothecorrespondence ministry after we took ashort excursion toMexicoCity. There, we visitedacorrespondenceministry that is organized by another Christian missionary. Wewereshown beneficial forms, letters,and courses which we have already incorporated intothe ministry here in Queretaro.Wewouldlikeyoutoprayfor theeffectiveness ofthisministry!TOMTHE SPIRIT'S MOVINGThe pathway which leads to knowledge of andobediencetotheLord's commands is walkedbymany, but thepathdiffers dependingonwhereonebegins. The stories behind two baptisms willhelp illustrate.Oneexampleisthat ofAna MariaGutierrez.She and her husband are "well-to-do." They havetwo sons and live in a beautiful house. Because ofthe efforts of the youth in the Queretaro church,their sons were baptized in September of last year.They have been active in witnessing of their newfoundfaith. They have visited thejail, spokentoschoolmates, and taught athome. The result hasbeen that they convinced their mother of her needtoaccept Jesus asLord. So inFebruaryshewasimmersed in the Name.While the first example demonstrates thepower of personal witness, the second, the case ofGemma Hernandez, isthe story of the Spirit'swork apart fromthe personal influence. Gemmateaches primary school in Jacala, Hidalgo, a townCOMING TOGETHERWithinthe greaterQueretaroarea, thereareatleast seven men who are serving the Lord (excludingothers fromdifferent "denominations") that areeither missionaries or Mexican evangelists. There isamedical evangelist, abible institutepresident, achildren'shomeadministrator,two Mexican evan-gehst's, and the two of us working with BajioChristian Mission. Although all of us do not have the sameministry, we are all serving thesamepurpose. Sincethebeginning of February, the menhavegottentogether anddecidedto form a men's meeting thatwould meet onSaturday mornings. The meeting iscomposed of these missionaries and Mexican evangelists. Thepurposeofthismeetingisfor mentomeet together to pray, to study fromGod's word, tofellowship and to share with the others about what istaking place ineach of the specific ministries thateach of us areinvolvediiL TOMabout 150 miles from Queretaro. Six years ago shefounda discarded portion of a tract which advertized a Bible correspondence course. She wrote forit andbegan tostudy. Then aftertwoyearsthecoursesmysteriouslystopped. It wasfour yearslater, as she cleaned her father-in-law's house, thatshe found the mislaid course and began studyingagain. The course, "El Comienzo de la VidaEspiritual" (TheBegginingof the Spritual Life)was foundjust as she was ina crisis andshe discoveredinit theanswer toher personalneed: anewlife inChrist. Gemmaanswered thecourseand addeda postscript askingto be baptized. Billsought her out and restudied thenewbirth withher and her family. Then, convinced that she wasfully aware of the step she hadasked to take, hebaptized her into the Lord.Gemma's caseprovesthat theSpirit movesininfathomable ways to prepare hearts to accept theGospel, and that a personal contact is not alwaysthe deciding factor.CAMP NEWSDuring the Easter week, the youug people in Mexicopack up their toothbrushes towels, soccer balls, andBiblesand head for the city of Saltillo for a four-dayEaster camp. All of the schools are closed during thisspecial holidayand it isagoodopportunityfor acamping retreat to take place. There were well overseventy-five "jovenes"(young people)fromseveralstates that attend this camp. It turned out to be a veryrewarding week for alLTomworked as sports/-activities director while Toni worked in thekitchen. She worked with four other Mexicans andlearned how to cook Mexican style....beans, chilies, andtortillas! TOMPERSONAL GLIMPSESAs I sit here to write a fewlines to all of you, it is7:15p.m. and veryhot inQueretaro. Our ceilingfan makes it bearable, but it will be several hoursbefore the inside of our house cools down. Bill andI prefer theheatto the coldso wehave arewishduring themonths of Apriland May.(We're gladthe Lord didn't call us to be missionaries toAlaska)!It isonly two months beforeweleaveforouryear'sfurloughandwe feel somewhat pressuredwith the work that must still be done. We have setwork and personal goals and each item seems to becrossed off very slowly. We look forward to seeingmanyof youat the conventionor duringourtravels throughout the year.Our familyis happyandthankful to feel wellright now. We were all sick for a couple of weekswhichmadeit hardtoaccomplishmuch. Markvisits the dentist everythird weektoget newapparatus put inhismouth or tohavehisbandstightened. Often he comes home in pain, but he isquit brave about havingtohave braces onhisteeth.Rebecca continues toamaze us. She is either as"quiet as a mouse" or as "talkative as 100 hens puttogether." Her brother constantly tease% herwhich keeps her yelhng--a normal siblingrelationship.Let us remember the words of James from chapter 1, verse 22, "But be ye doers of the word and nothearers only."FURLOUGHIt has been nine years since the Hoff family hashad a furlough.At that time we spent the schoolyear in Cincinnati where Bill took the neccessar^^studies for his M.A. degree. The latter part of Junewe will be leaving for our second furloughin14years. After attending the North American ChristianConventionwewill bevisitingsupportingchurches from Illinois to Pennsylvania. The middle part of August we will go toJohnstonBibleCollege whereBill will be teachingmissionsfortheschool year. BajioChristian Mission will continue supporting uswhile weare in the States.AN INSIDE VIEWLast newsletter, I began to share with you "what it is Uketolive inMexico". I want toshareanother aspect oftheMexican lifestylethathasquicklybecomeenjoyabletoTom andI.Most everyone, no matter where they live, enjoys "eatingout". When we first came to Mexico, one of thethings wemissed most about the U.S. was the opportunity to devour aMcDonald'sQuarter Pounderwithcheese; however, wesoon found Mexico had much to offer that the States didnot. Onalmost every corner we could find"snack food", atype of "fastfood" restaurant, or a somewhat nicereatingestablishment offering all the courses. Snack foods sold onthestreet included: freshpineapple, melon, orcoconut,candy-coated nuts similar to peanut brittle, roast pump kinand sunflower seeds, popsicles of every imaginableflavor,and the traditional candybar. Fast foodrestaurantssellevery thing fromtacos, to tortas, to an American favoritepizza. The more traditional restaurant offers a"comida corrida" whichconsists of Icttuce or fruit salad, soup,andamain dish often accompanied by refried beans, potatoes, orrice. The best part of "eating out"in Mexico is the price. Afamily can eat out on just a fraction of the cost they wouldhaveintheU.S. Whether I live inMcxico or theU.S., I'llalwaysloveto hear Tom say, "Toni, don't worry about fixinganything toeat. Let'seat out."!REUNION OF MISSIONARIESThe third week in March, the staff of B.C.M. packed upandheaded forOaxtepec, Mexicoand theannual missionary reunion. All went with high expectations and werenot disappointed. Thereunion held an edifying combination of fellowship, relaxation and teaching.Missionaries and their families came from as farnorth as El Paso, TX, andas far south as Honduras. Theycomparedideaswith others involvedin simular ministries,renewed old friendships, and shared future goals anddreams. The fellowship was like that found at a family reunion (God'sfamily).Each dayheldtwoor threehoursof"free-time"tobespent as desired. In Oaxetpec, there are Olympicsized pools,a rainbow assortment of flowers and birds, and deep bluesulfur springs. Many missionaries here sharetheopinionthat thereis no prettier spotin God's creation to relax.The most beneficial aspect of the reunion was the teaching. DonRichardson, authorof the bookand later filmentitled Peace Child, sharedmany enlightning thoughts. Hiscentral thought touched the heart of everyperson present;God has prepared a message(the Gospel) for every"peoplegroup", and He has prepared every "people group" for thatmessage. It is the task of everyChristian to watch, pray, andseek the Lord's guidance in order to discover the "key" orpreparation, that God has given to thosewhomtheyseekto minister.PRAYERN' PRAISEPraythat the church in Queretaro might soon get the property that they paid for.about the Hoffs upcoming furlough.for the Schnellers as they will be operating Bajio Christian Mission.that a Mexican workermight be foundtohelpinthe Bible correspondence,school and visitation.for two churches in theBajio that ai^e working on constructing a building.Praisefor the recent new births into Christ.for the increased growth in the church in Celaya.for the10 students that are graduating from the BibleInstitute in June.for the enthusiasm of the new students in the correspondence school.for the progressionof Tom arid Toni in language study. They have completedthree-fifths of their studies.for two healthy babies born to Christian workers serving in the Bajio.for the increased attendence in the ladies' weekly prayer meetings inQueretaro.FROM:BAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSION, INC.c/o DON& PATKING5886 SouthU.S. 27ALEXANDRIA, KY41001ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED3^A--5770/SALUUaS!CENTRAL MEXICO3 yromBAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSIONBILLHOFF^.rf FAMILYAPARTADOPOSTAL 57QUERETARO, QRO. 76000MEXICOTOMSCHNELLER.rf FAMILYAPARTADOPOSTAL 853QUERETARO, QRO. 76000MEXICOPublished Quarterly Volume 17,Number 2 Fain 986TWO NEW BIRTHSOver this past summer, there have been two newbirths inQueretaro. Oneof thetwonewbabesbelong to Toni and I. On June 7, Toni left the Mexico CityAirport onan airplane headedtotheGreater Cincinnati Airport. There she wasgreetedby our families who had been anxiouslyawaitingher arrival. Tonihad flown to the Statesto await theday when our newlittlebaby wouldcome into the world. Later in the summer (beginning of July), I drove Up from Queretaro planningIN QUERETARO!She wasinIndianapolis andhad just visited thedoctor who would deliver our baby. She told me,"Tom, you havetoget up here as soon as you can!I have just been to the doctror and she told me thebably would come within the next 24 hours. If thebaby doesn't comebytomorrowmorning, we'rescheduled to have a cesarean. I'm to be admittedat 11:00. The babyis breech." As quicklyas Icould, I ate the mealmymother prepared.I practically said "hi" and "goodbye" to my familyin thesame breath. Iarrived in Indianapolis that night tofindTonidoingwell. Thenextafternoon, July2,1986 at 2:21 our new son Thomas DavidSchneller entered theworld. We are thankfultotheLordfor the magnificent gift of this baby.The secondnewbabeinQueretarobelongstoourLord. In f\/larchof thisyear,a weddingtookplacein Queretaro. The youngman's name wasLupe(loo-pay), hiswife's namewas Luz (luce).Lupe had accepted Christ several years ago;however, Luzwas RomanCatholic. Inorder toavoidstrongconflicts with her family, thetwowere married in the Catholic Church. Luz' motherhadtoldher if shewasmarriedin theCatholicChurch, shewouldhaveherblessing. After thetwowere married, theyaskedToni and I if wewould begin aBible study with them. Luz was veryinterested in what God had to say and wanted tolearn more about His word. As time progressed inourstudies, weexaminedthethingstaught inGod's Word in connectionwith salvation. Luzknewthat shehadto make a decisionastoTHOMASDAVID SCHNELLERtomeetToni two weeksbefore thedue dateinIndianapolis. Inosooner steppedthroughthedoor of my parents house in northernKentucky,when 5 minutes later the phone rang. It was Toni.whether or not she should accept Jesus asher"Salvador"(Savior).Shestated that she wantedtobe buried with Christ in a watery grave in order toliveanewlife. However, nothingmore was said.Weeks passed by and still no decision was made.Toni and I did not want to pressure her as this wasadecision that she had to make herself. We justcontinued topray and study withher. Later, webegan to see the reason why she had not alreadygiven her life over to Christ. In Mexico, if one turnsfrom the faithoftheir ancestors (RomanCatholicism) they aremany timeslooked upon as turning away from their family. This was the case withLuz. Her family told herthat ifshe accepted Christshe wouldnolonger be acceptedby them. Aftermuch time, thought, study, and prayer Luzfinallymadethedecision and gave her life over to Christ,inspiteof howherfamilymight react. We werethrilled and full of joy as this new babe came intoANEW BIRTHChrist. Even though she is now going through persecution with some family members, she says, "Iwill never give up the faith that I haveinChrist!"WegivethankstotheLordforthesetwonew-births. TOMJOHNSON BIBLE COLLEGE RECEIVESABLESSINGThis fall, our co-workers Bill and Margy Hoffbegan their year's furloughin theU.S. Bill beganteaching at JohnsonBible CollegeinKnoxville,TN, while Margybeganlearningnew computerskills that would help her in the work of theBajioChristianMission.Arecentletterreceivedfromthem shared with us "news" of their new environment and activities. Bill is teaching four coursesatJ.B.C. andheadingupthestudent mission'sgroup. Included in the courses he is teachingis acourseinadvancedSpanish, a coursein EarlyHebrew History, and a mission's course. Margy isenrolled in a word processing course and activelyInvolvedinthefacultywives' fellowshipgroup.Mark and Rebecca are enjoying their newschools and adjustingwell to theU.S.culture. Aroomyhome wasprovided for theHoff family. Ithasa finished basement servingas a secondstory. They are all pleased with the accommodations provided to them by the college. Fromthe moment our two families began workingtogether here in Mexico, the Hoffs became a trueblessing to us. Now, we are thrilled that JohnsonBible College (the finest college that we, her prejudiced alumni,know)hasreceived the blessingof their presence and sen/ice. We are praying thatthey will have apleasant, fruitful year a J.B.C.!A "Timothy" Preparing?There was a newface at Johnson BibleCollege this fall. Aface alittle different fromthe rest of the eager newstudents enrolling.It was the dark-skinned, smiling face of JoseLuis Gutierrez. Joseleft hisfamilyandhischurchfamilyinQueretaro andheadedforKnoxville, TN to seriously study God's Word.He tookwithhimeveryone'sblessingandhigh hopes that the Lord would prepare himto be usedin aspecial way.Already we have witnessed the Lord at workin this young man's life. Jose and his brotherAlejandro werebaptized only a year ago, buttheir growthandinfluenceare alreadyevident in the lives of their family. Three monthsafter Jose and Alejandro were baptized,their mother, AnaMaria, decided to acceptChrist as her Savior. Shesharedwiththewomenin the church one Wednesday that Itwas the change she saw in Jose and Alejandro that made her see the need she hadInher life. Jose's motherthen began to witness; toother membersof thefamily. Her sister,: Marta, has begun attending church and has^ already admitted that she needs to becomea Christian. (Weareprayingfor MartaandJose's father, Jose Luis Sr., to have thecouragetomakepersonal decisionsforChrist.) Just recently, Jose andhis decisionto attend aBible college has influenced theyouthin thelocal congregation. Evennow,there are two more young people hoping toattendBible colleges next fall.We feel certain that we will see the Lord useJose in the days to come as well. Jose admittedthat he had nodefinite plans for thefuture. He plans to study diligently and awaittheLord's guidance.He has confided, however, that he has ruled out no possibilities.He said he may return to work with thechurchherein Queretaro, or maybe he willserve theLordin another part of Mexico, orfor that matter, he may be led to carry to Gospel to another country. The future is exciting!We don't know what it will hold for Jose, if theLord tarries. We do know that he has chosento walk the way ofFaith. We alsoknow thatChrist, living through him, will makea differenceinthe lives aroundhim.Youth in Action!Aswehave statedInthepast, oneofthegoals we have had at Bajlo Christian MissionIstohelptheyoungpeopl:ein Queretarodevelop their fullestpotential, especiallyinthe area of Christian service. During our stayIn the United States this summer (attendingtheNACC/NMC andawaitingthearrival ofour son), we were able topurchase necessary supplies for two ministries for the youthtoundertake. Oneof theseministriesis apuppet ministry. Tompurchased kits andmade several puppets, whileI recuperatedfrom David's delivery. Then, at the first youthgathering this Fall, each of the young peopleset toworkmakingclothesandpropsfortheir newpuppet friends. They had beenwaiting for us to bringthe"muppet-type"puppets for several months and were eagerto begin preparations to use them. Now,most of theclothes andhair necessary forthefirst four skitsweplantopresentarecompleted. (Next comes themakingof thestage and scenery.) Each of the four skits tobe acted out presents a biblical message in ahumorousway. Thefinal skit presents themost beautiful messageof all-theGospelmessage. Thegoalofthe youth groupIs tobegin ministering in this waythe first ofDecember. Already, they have invitationsfromtwocongregations intheBajio. Theyalso plan to take the gospel, via the puppets,outside thelocal churches. The wholeprogram lendsitself toapresentationIn parksand town squares where people congregatein the evenings. We are praying the Lord willdo a mightyworkthroughtheyouth andtheir puppets.A sfecondministry for which the youthhavebegunpreparationisa musicministry. Theybungpeoplein the congregationareverytalentedinthis area, andwewant tohelpthemdevelopandusethis talent toGod'sglory. Before, theyhada problemwithaccompaniment music. Pianos and organs arevery scarce in church buildings here inMexico. Andalthougha fewof theyoungmenplay guitar, there was alimited type ofmusicthat couldbesungwiththistypeofaccompaniment. We purchased accompaniment tapesinthe U.S. that seemtobeananswer to this complication. These tapes aremusicfrompopular, Christian songsintheU.S., but withthe helpof a fewbl-lingualyoungladies, weareabletotranslatethelyricsinto Spanish and use themusic. LastSunday, thenew youth "choir" presented asongusing thesebackgroundmusic tapes.And a very appropriate message it contained. "Mas que maravilloso" theysang."More that marvelous" {or wonderful, as youmay have heard inEnglish.) And that is whatJesus Christ is to His children, whether theyare serving Him herein Mexico, in the States,or in other countries throughout theworld. TONIYouthBusy Making Costumes and Writing SkitsABROADER VIEWFrom time to time you may have noticed thevarious churches we have mentioned in theBajioof IVIexico. Wewouldlil