Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News Vol. 72, Issue 36, September 3, 2017 Shepherds Darrell Hinson 931-209-5146 Rick Jones 796-4377 Ronnie Riley 796-4251 Deacons Chad Brewer Charlie Brewer Rick Brewer John Eglinton John Ellis Tom Gosser Billy Don Jackson Jon Jones Jeff Peery Steve Selby Honored to Serve in September: Announcements: Scotty Duncan Song Leader: Rick Brewer Preside at Lord’s Table: Bill Lynch Lord’s Table: Main: Gavin Potts/Lucas Clayton/ Chad Brewer/Terry Thompson/ Hunter Bastin/Daniel Graves Wing: Aaron Brewer/ Kael Feichtinger Prepare Communion: Michelle Jones Deliver Communion: Charlie Brewer & Cade Brewer Sunday, September 3: Opening Prayer: John Eglinton Closing Prayer: Chad Brewer Minister: Greg Smith 931-306-7089 Check out our website: hohenwaldchurchofchrist.com Sun AM Bible Study: 9:30 a.m./Worship: 10:30 Sun PM: 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Just Like Jesus or Just Like Me? When you think about the personal qualities or character of Jesus, what attributes come to mind? Is he honest, dependable, compassionate, and trustworthy? In 2001 I was asked to come to work for a company in a sales capacity. The manager of the location wanted to hire me, but his superiors insisted I take a personality profile and I.Q. test. I did alright on the test, it was the profile the company had a problem with. The personality profile required me to circle the attributes of the ideal person and then circle attributes that I thought fit myself. Unlike the case study you will read about in a moment, I cannot remember how similar the two were, but I recall thinking, For the ideal person, I need to just imagine Jesus.This led me to circle words such as caring, kind, and compassionate. These were not the attributes the company was looking for in a salesperson. They wanted someone who was aggressive, like a shark that could sense the presense of blood in the water. In his book With, Skye Jethani tells about a test that Scot McKnight gives every year to his incoming group of college students: The test begins with a series of quesons about what the students think Jesus is like. Is he moody? Does he get nervous? Is he the life of the party or an introvert? The twenty-four quesons are then followed by a second set—with slightly altered language—in which the students answer quesons about their own personalies. McKnight is not the only one who has administered this exam; it has been field tested by other professionals as well. But the results are remarkably consistent— everyone thinks Jesus is just like them. McKnight added, "The test results also sug- gest that, even though we like to think we are becoming more like Jesus, the reverse is probably more the case: we try to make Jesus like ourselves." McKnight's personality quesonnaire confirms what the French philosopher Voltaire said three centuries ago: "If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor." Skye Jethani, With (Thomas Nelson, 2011), pp. 61-62 The results of the exam mentioned above are interesting, and at the same time, disturbing. We should be trying to mold ourselves to be like Jesus rather than merely imagining that he is like us. The concept of Christianity is simple: this world was changed forever when mankind exercised its free will and brought sin into the world. In order for us to be made right and have a relationship with the Heavenly Father, Jesus shed his blood on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. A little wordy, perhaps, but I hope that concept makes sense. The other part of Christianity is what s hard: working every day to be more like Christ Jesus, loving our enemies and considering the needs of others above our own needs and desires. Yeah, that s the hard part. I would much rather have us admit the difficulty of the challenge than to imagine that Jesus is just like us. A friend to us? Absolutely! Just like us? Nowhere close. After all, one comes after us whose shoelaces we are not even good enough to tie. Keep the faith, Greg

Hohenwald Church of Christ Family NewsSep 03, 2017  · Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News Vol. 72, Issue 36, September 3, 2017 Shepherds Darrell Hinson 931-209-5146 ... person

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Page 1: Hohenwald Church of Christ Family NewsSep 03, 2017  · Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News Vol. 72, Issue 36, September 3, 2017 Shepherds Darrell Hinson 931-209-5146 ... person

Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News Vol. 72, Issue 36, September 3, 2017


Darrell Hinson 931-209-5146

Rick Jones 796-4377

Ronnie Riley 796-4251

Deacons Chad Brewer Charlie Brewer

Rick Brewer John Eglinton

John Ellis Tom Gosser

Billy Don Jackson Jon Jones

Jeff Peery Steve Selby

Honored to Serve in September: Announcements:

Scotty Duncan

Song Leader: Rick Brewer

Preside at Lord’s Table:

Bill Lynch

Lord’s Table:

Main: Gavin Potts/Lucas Clayton/Chad Brewer/Terry Thompson/

Hunter Bastin/Daniel Graves

Wing: Aaron Brewer/ Kael Feichtinger

Prepare Communion:

Michelle Jones

Deliver Communion:

Charlie Brewer & Cade Brewer

Sunday, September 3:

Opening Prayer: John Eglinton

Closing Prayer: Chad Brewer

Minister: Greg Smith


Check out our website:


Sun AM Bible Study: 9:30 a.m./Worship: 10:30 Sun PM: 6 p.m.

Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.

Just Like Jesus or Just Like Me?

When you think about the personal qualities or character of Jesus, what attributes come to mind? Is he honest, dependable, compassionate, and trustworthy? In 2001 I was asked to come to work for a company in a sales capacity. The manager of the location wanted to hire me, but his superiors insisted I take a personality profile and I.Q. test. I did alright on the test, it was the profile the company had a problem with. The personality profile required me to circle the attributes of the ideal person and then circle attributes that I thought fit myself. Unlike the case study you will read about in a moment, I cannot remember how similar the two were, but I recall thinking, “For the ideal person, I need to just imagine Jesus.” This led me to circle words such as caring, kind, and compassionate. These were not the attributes the company was looking for in a salesperson. They wanted someone who was aggressive, like a shark that could sense the presense of blood in the water. In his book With, Skye Jethani tells about a test that Scot McKnight gives every year to his incoming group of college students: The test begins with a series of questions about what the students think Jesus is like. Is he moody? Does he get nervous? Is he the life of the party or an introvert? The twenty-four questions are then followed by a second set—with slightly altered language—in which the students answer questions about their own personalities. McKnight is not the only one who has administered this exam; it has been field tested by other professionals as well. But the results are remarkably consistent—everyone thinks Jesus is just like them. McKnight added, "The test results also sug-gest that, even though we like to think we are becoming more like Jesus, the reverse is probably more the case: we try to make Jesus like ourselves." McKnight's personality questionnaire confirms what the French philosopher Voltaire said three centuries ago: "If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor." Skye Jethani, With (Thomas Nelson, 2011), pp. 61-62 The results of the exam mentioned above are interesting, and at the same time, disturbing. We should be trying to mold ourselves to be like Jesus rather than merely imagining that he is like us. The concept of Christianity is simple: this world was changed forever when mankind exercised its free will and brought sin into the world. In order for us to be made right and have a relationship with the Heavenly Father, Jesus shed his blood on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. A little wordy, perhaps, but I hope that concept makes sense. The other part of Christianity is what’s hard: working every day to be more like Christ Jesus, loving our enemies and considering the needs of others above our own needs and desires. Yeah, that’s the hard part. I would much rather have us admit the difficulty of the challenge than to imagine that Jesus is just like us. A friend to us? Absolutely! Just like us? Nowhere close. After all, one comes after us whose shoelaces we are not even good enough to tie. Keep the faith, Greg

Page 2: Hohenwald Church of Christ Family NewsSep 03, 2017  · Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News Vol. 72, Issue 36, September 3, 2017 Shepherds Darrell Hinson 931-209-5146 ... person

Continue to remember in prayer:

Paul Webb, Emily James, Bettye Ammons, Barbara Eglinton, Connie Diehl, Dawn Darden, John Beard, Lovada Burklow, Debbie Spears,

Raylan Carroll, Terri Baker, Bobby Galya, Emerie Mitchell, Ronnie Belew, Dana Shanes Lynch,

Susan Campbell, Kay Starling, Matthew Jones, Austin Duncan, Beverly Malone, Iva DePriest,

Steve Hopper, Debbie Durham, Glen Garrison, Jim Webb, Darrell Potts, Connye Karpel, Louise

Tatum, Rabon Pipkins, Janie Ellis, Waylin Spears, Jane West, Mary Lou Morton, Doris Gildersleeve,

Jimmy Griner, Barbara Nixon, Carolyn Armstrong, Stephanie Fielder, Simon McBride

Upcoming Events: Today: Devo @ Lewis County Nursing

& Rehab @ 2:00 p.m. Tomorrow, September 4:

Blood Drive 1:30-5:30 September 7: Spaghetti Supper for

the LCHS Football team September 13: Simple Supper for

our youth @ 6:00 p.m. September 17: Church Picnic

There will be no worship service tonight.

Revised Sunday Evening Format

Beginning Sunday, September 10, we will be changing our Sunday evening worship to something that resembles the Peak of the Week we have done in the past on Wednesday nights. Most of our Sunday evening will be spent in praise to God. We will have a devotional time led by different people each week and from time to time will include testimonies from our members that will allow us to hear more of each other’s personal walk with God.

The shepherds and I hope you will make plans to attend,


Alfred Beyan, minister of the G.S.A. Road Church of Christ in Monrovia, Liberia, will be with us on Wednesday evening, September 13. Alfred will deliver a slide presentation of

his work in Monrovia and in the outlying villages in West Africa.

Simple Supper We need volunteers to host

Simple Suppers for the months of November and December.

There is a sign up sheet on the table in the lobby. If you have

any questions, please see Rhonda Bass.

Spaghetti Supper &

Devotional On Thursday,

September 7, we will be feeding the LCHS Football team a

spaghetti supper and conducting a devotional. Those that would

like to help, please meet at the front of the auditorium

following morning worship to make firm plans.