Page 1 of 9 HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2021-22 CLASS – IV Dear Parents Summer Vacation is the best time to explore and create memories and acquire new skills. To create a well-rounded holiday experience and engage our little ones in some creative work, we have put together some interesting activities which the children will enjoy doing. We want our children to enjoy the Holiday Homework and not to take any undue stress. Happy Holidays! Stay home, Stay safe! With best wishes DPS Vasant Kunj


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Dear Parents

Summer Vacation is the best time to explore and create memories and acquire new skills. To create a well-rounded holiday experience and engage our little ones in some creative work, we have put together some interesting activities which the children will enjoy doing.

We want our children to enjoy the Holiday Homework and not to take any undue stress.

Happy Holidays!

Stay home, Stay safe!

With best wishes

DPS Vasant Kunj

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I. Dictionary Search!

1. Read your favourite story book. Find out any twenty new words. Use your dictionary to find out their meanings and write them down in your English notebook.

2. Make meaningful sentences with those words. You can draw pictures too.

II. Let’s enhance language!


1. Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. For example, the words “deer” and “dear” are similar in pronunciation but are different in spelling as well as in meaning. Now find out the homophones of the words given below in the box and using these words and their homophones, write a story in 10-12 sentences. Draw appropriate pictures too. (to be done in the notebook).

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III. It’s time to put on your thinking caps!

We all tell lies, and as per the research, tell them shockingly often. Write about the time you lied to someone. Describe your feelings then and your feelings now as you look back. Was there any reason to tell lie? Do you think you could have come out of the solution without telling lie? Write a paragraph in your English notebook in 10-15 sentences.


I. तेनालीरामन से संबंधित कोई कहानी पध़िए तथा उससे

धमलने वाली सीख धहंदी कॉपी में धलखखए |उनमें आये

धकसी एक पात्र के बारे में धलखखए |

II. धहंदी की धकसी भी धकताब से पााँच पृष्ो ंका सुलेख

धलखखए |

III. ‘गमी की छुधियााँ आपने धकस तरह धबतायी ‘ दस

वाक्ो ं (10 ) में अनुचे्छद धलखखए |

( सभी कायय धहंदी कॉपी में धकया जाएगा )


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Instructions: Both the questions to be done on A4


I. Tessellations are made by shapes of tiles

that fit together exactly without leaving any

gaps. Some examples are given below –

Get creative and make a colourful tessellation pattern

on an A4 size sheet.

II. 7 UP

Put the numbers 1 to 7 in the circles. In each

triangle, two of the numbers must add upto the third


Think about it

1. What number should go in the center?

2. What two numbers should be added to get the

third number?

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III. Write the given numbers in roman numerals.

Also, represent the given numbers in roman

numerals using used matchsticks, ice cream

sticks, used pen refills, straws etc.

a) 9 b) 45 c) 3 d) 14 e) 26

Example of Roman Numerals using Match sticks

6 = VI or



Plants are our best friends. Use empty plastic

bottles and waste material at home to create a

recycled thing used in the garden.

- Self watering plant - These self-watering plants

not only help to save water by minimizing water

wastage, but also help to provide the plant with

adequate moisture.

- Bottle planters for the herbs (you can use seeds

of coriander, basil etc.)

- Water cans using plastic bottles or cans.

- Flower pots

- Hanging planters

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Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into

new materials and objects.

Recycling paper preserves trees and forests. Recycled paper

serves as an environmentally friendly also saves costs and


Making handmade paper at home is a fantastic way to use up

your old receipts, scrap papers, old notebook paper, newspaper

that you were about to throw or discard. Instead let’s create a

beautiful handmade thing.

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Paste the handmade sheet in the EVS Lab file . Or

Using the same paper pulp prepared for making the

handmade paper make one item like a bowl, a mask ,

a pen holder etc .

And then colour it.


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Le devoir de Français

Make a Picture Collage on French Elements e.g.

Monuments, Food items, Currency, Perfume,

Fashion, etc.

Drawing or Pasting is allowed!

Size of collage: half chart paper.

Be creative and make a beautiful collage on your



GERMAN Make a collage / make a list of things (with pictures, if

possible) that you associate with Germany in your

CW copy. Click a picture of the same and mail it to

your German teacher at:

[email protected]

JAPANESE Note: Please do the Homework in Japanese

Notebook .

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I. Watch the movie “My neighbor TOTORO” and

draw your favorite character from the movie.

What did you like the most in the movie?


Visit the website- KIDS WEB JAPAN

“https://web-japan.org/kidsweb/folk/index.html” and

read the Folk Legend “MOMOTARO”. Draw your

favorite character. What did you like the most in the


II. Origami Fun – Cat Try and make origami and paste in your notebook.

Cat – neko

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III. Kokeshi Dolls –

Kokeshi are simple wooden Japanese dolls with

no arms or legs that have been crafted for more

than 150 years as a toy for children. Originally from

the northeastern region of Japan, they are

handmade from wood, having a simple trunk and

head with a few thin, painted lines to define the

face. The body often has floral and/or ring designs

painted in red, black, and sometimes green, purple,

blue, or yellow inks, and covered with a layer of

wax. One characteristic of kokeshi dolls is their

lack of arms or legs.

Let’s draw and write about KOKESHI Dolls in our notebook.