Holiday Homework IGCSE Year II English Your Task Choices (Please choose one option from the Poster Task and one option from the Written Task) Poster / Presentation: 1. PowerPoint presentation detailing research into the author of your novel. 2. Create a poster detailing a new character to be introduced into your novel. And Written 3. Write an interview of two important characters of your novel. Later, frame this as a Magazine article. 4. Rewrite the opening of your novel; changing the tone/genre. e.g. serious to silly/ romance to sci-fi. Title of the book: Choose one The Giver by Lois Lorry Adventures of Huckleberry Fin by Mark Twain Deadline: 1st July 2019 Read the above mentioned book during your holidays and Choose one of the tasks. Your Success Criteria: (Once you’ve chosen the format for your work, follow the guideline below to make your work as good as possible) 1. Author PowerPoint: -6 slides -Use images (sound and video optional) -Find facts/information about them; their life, their interests, their work, their inspiration, interesting, strange facts etc. 2. New Character: -A3 poster -Image of new character -Information boxes on their character and personality. -Brief explanation of how they fit in the story and effect they have on it. 3. Interview: -Find two main characters(Protagonists) - 800 words. -Use relevant content and questions to be asked. - Analyse plot / language / characters / structure etc. -Magazine article should have audience appeal. 4. New Opening: -Review original opening to the novel. -Max 700 words. - Decide on language / details you are going to alter to change the genre. -Use language suited to that genre.

Holiday Homework - SANSKAR SCHOOL Homework/IGCSE Year II Holiday H… · Holiday Homework IGCSE Year II English Your Task Choices (Please choose one option from the Poster Task and

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  • Holiday Homework IGCSE Year II


    Your Task Choices (Please choose one option from the Poster Task and one option from the Written Task)

    Poster / Presentation: 1. PowerPoint presentation detailing research into the author of your novel.

    2. Create a poster detailing a new character to be introduced into your novel.


    Written 3. Write an interview of two important characters of your novel. Later, frame this as a

    Magazine article.

    4. Rewrite the opening of your novel; changing the tone/genre. e.g. serious to silly/ romance

    to sci-fi.

    Title of the book: Choose one

    The Giver by Lois Lorry

    Adventures of Huckleberry Fin by Mark Twain

    Deadline: 1st July 2019

    Read the above mentioned book during your holidays and

    Choose one of the tasks.

    Your Success Criteria: (Once you’ve chosen the format for your work,

    follow the guideline below to make your work as

    good as possible)

    1. Author PowerPoint: -6 slides

    -Use images (sound and video optional)

    -Find facts/information about them; their life, their

    interests, their work, their inspiration, interesting,

    strange facts etc.

    2. New Character: -A3 poster

    -Image of new character

    -Information boxes on their character and


    -Brief explanation of how they fit in the story

    and effect they have on it.

    3. Interview: -Find two main characters(Protagonists)

    - 800 words.

    -Use relevant content and questions to be asked.

    - Analyse plot / language / characters / structure


    -Magazine article should have audience appeal.

    4. New Opening: -Review original opening to the novel.

    -Max 700 words.

    - Decide on language / details you are going to

    alter to change the genre.

    -Use language suited to that genre.

  • Global Perspectives

    1. ‘Buses are the most preferred mode of transport in India’. For this claim find out the

    evidences using the internet.

    2. Read the newspaper every day. Get the cuttings of articles providing you information

    related to the following topics. Paste the newspaper cuttings in a scrap book. Highlight the

    important information in the articles. (At least 30 articles)

    • Demographic change

    • Education for all

    • Employment

    • Fuel and energy

    • Globalisation

    • Law and criminality

    • Migration

    • Transport systems

    3. Individual report- Students will make an individual report on the topic of their choice.

    Topics are as following.

    • Belief systems

    • Biodiversity and ecosystem loss

    • Changing communities

    • Digital world

    • Family

    • Humans and other species

    • Sustainable living

    • Trade and aid

    Note: - The individual report to be done according to the instructions of IGCSE. Any delay in

    the submission of work will not be entertained.

    Art and Design



  • SCIENCE (Bio/Chem)


    1. Draw the modern periodic table in notebook and explain the following trends in

    periodic table by giving one example of each:

    (a)Atomic size

    (b) Valency

    (c) Metallic character

    (d) Electro positivity

    2. Worksheet of chapter B3: Biological Molecules


    प्रश्न – म ुंशी पे्रमचुंद द्वारा लिखी गई तीन कहाननयााँ पढ़कर उनकी समीक्षा लिखखए |

    (शब्द सीमा – प्रत्येक 200 शब्द )

    यह कायय हहिंदी उत्तर पसु्तिका में ही करें |

    Business Studies

    Q1) When is financial leverage considered favorable?

    Q2) why does financial risk arise?

    Q3) How does production cycle effect working capital?

    Q4) Enumerate two objectives of financial management?

    Q5) What is the primary objectives of financial management?

    Q6) The board of Directors has asked you to design the capital structure of the company. Explain

    any sin factors that you would consider while doing so.

    Q7) Every manager has to take three major decisions while performing the finance function.

    Explain them.

    Q8) What do you call the capital needed for day to day operations? Explain any 5 factors affecting

    such capital needs.

    Q9) The directors of a company have decided to expand their business activities by increasing

    the stock of raw materials and finished goods at an estimated cost of Rs. 50 lakhs, Describe the

    various ways open to the company to raise necessary finance for the purpose.

    Q10) A capital budgeting decisions is capable of changing the financial fortune of a business. Do

    you agree? Why or why not?

    Q11) Are the share holders of a company likely to gain with a debt component in the capital

    employed? Explain with the help of an example?

  • Q12) state whether the working capital requirements of business manufacturing the following

    items are big or small. Justify your statement.

    (a) Coolers

    (b) Sugar

    (c) bread

    (d) Locomotives

    (e) Furniture manufacturing against orders.

    Q13) What do you mean by floatation cost?

    Q14) Name any 2 sources of long term fund?

    Q15) What is Business Finance?

    Q16) “A decision to acquire a new and modern plant to upgrade an old one”. Identify the aspect

    of financial decision.

  • 1 | P a g e


    To be done in the respective notebook.

    1 There are many types of input device. Complete the following sentences, using the most

    appropriate item from the list below.

    barcode reader chip reader graphics tablet keyboard microphone

    mouse numeric keypad scanner sensor touch pad

    (a) A device used to input sound is called a

    (b) A device used to enter a four-digit code when paying by debit card in a shop is called a

    (c) A pointing device commonly built into a laptop is called a

    (d) A device, used by designers and artists, which has a stylus for drawing applications is called a

    2 Tick whether the following activities relate to the use of email, electronic fax or both.

    email electronic fax both

    () () () Can be used as a legal document

    Allows video attachments to be added to the message

    Requires a telephone number

    Messages can be sent to a computer

    3 Tick whether the following is a method of validation, verification or proof-reading.

    validation verification proof-reading

    () () ()

    Identifying spelling errors

    Using a range check

    Typing in data twice

    Visually comparing data on screen with the original source document

    4 (a) Identify the paragraph formatting shown below

    This is a compulsory paper consisting of

    multiple choice, short answer and structured questions. The questions are set on all sections of the syllabus content.

  • 2 | P a g e

    (b) Identify the paragraph formatting used for the second paragraph

    This is a compulsory paper consisting of multiple choice, short answer and structured questions.

    The questions are set on all sections of the syllabus content.

    Each individual question is set within separate contexts of ICT applications in everyday life.

    (c) Identify the alignment used in this paragraph

    This is a compulsory paper consisting of multiple choice, short answer and structured questions. The questions are set on all sections of the syllabus content. Each individual question is set within separate contexts of ICT applications in everyday life.

    (d) Identify the alignment shown below

    This is a compulsory paper consisting of

    multiple choice, short answer and structured questions. The

    questions are set on all sections of the syllabus content.

    5 A music festival is attended by very large crowds each year. Large amounts of data are collected

    by the organisers, who are planning to store it in the cloud.

    (a) Give four advantages of storing the data in the cloud rather than using other storage methods.

    (b) The organisers are worried that there are drawbacks in storing data in the cloud.

    Describe three disadvantages of using the cloud to store data rather than other storage


    6 A soccer club uses ICT to help analyse its players’ performance in a soccer game. The players use

    wearable technology with GPS tracking systems. The data collected from the GPS is analysed by

    a computer which then displays the results on the monitor at pitch side.

    (a) Describe, in detail, how this system could work.

    (b) The wearable technology includes a number of sensors that continuously monitor the

    players. Name two physical variables that could be monitored during the game.

    (c) After the soccer game the data is printed.

    Name a suitable type of printer the soccer club could use and give a reason for your choice

  • 3 | P a g e

    7 You have created a spreadsheet to display the Ultra Violet (UV) radiation level in Brazil,

    Argentina and France for 2016.








    3 Brazil Argentina France

    4 Jan 12 9 1

    5 Feb 11 9 1

    6 Mar 9 7 3

    7 Apr 7 4 4

    8 May 5 3 6

    9 Jun 5 2 7

    10 July 5 2 7

    11 Aug 7 4 6

    12 Sept 9 5 4

    13 Oct 10 7 2

    14 Nov 12 9 1

    15 Dec 12 10 0

    16 Average 8.67


    The following graph was produced from some of the data.








    0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

    (a) Describe how this graph was created.

    (b) You are going to show the graph to a group of students in a Geography lesson.

    Explain three improvements you could make to the graph to help it match the needs of the


    (c) Write down the formula that should be entered into cell B16 to calculate the average UV

    level for Brazil.

    (d) The spreadsheet has been updated to show the danger levels of UV radiation in Brazil.

  • 4 | P a g e

    1 A B C D E F

    2 Danger


    Brazil Levels in

    Argentina France

    Jan Brazil


    4 12 Extreme 9

    5 Feb 11 9 1

    6 Mar 9 7 3

    7 Apr 7 4 4

    8 May 5 3 6

    9 Jun 5 2 7

    10 July 5 2 7

    11 Aug 7 4 6

    12 Sept 9 5 4

    13 Oct 10 7 2

    14 Nov 12 9 1

    15 Dec 12 10 0

    16 Average 8.67


    18 UV Index 19 1 Low 20 3 Moderate 21 6 High 22 8 Very High 23 11 Extreme

    Using the table in cells A19 to B23, write down the formula entered in cell C4 to display the

    corresponding danger levels in Brazil. This formula will be replicated down to cell C15.

    (e) The formula that has been written in part (d) needs to be replicated down to cell C15.

    Describe how you could display the corresponding data for all the months for Brazil.

    8 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social networking rather than email as a

    means of communication.

    9 A health authority is planning to centralise its medical booking system. This will allow all medical

    bookings such as doctors’ appointments and hospital appointments to be made online.

    The health authority is considering whether to implement the system using Pilot Running or

    Direct Changeover.

    (a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of implementing this system using these methods.

    Include in your answer the method you think the health authority should use, giving a reason

    for your choice.

    (b) The health authority has implemented the system and it is now in full use. Evaluation now

    needs to take place.

    For each of the following, identify two questions that could be asked in order to evaluate the

    new systems efficiency, ease of use and appropriateness.

  • 5 | P a g e

    The ambulances used by the health authority are fitted with RFID chips. These are

    scanned when the ambulance approaches traffic signals. If the ambulance is on an

    emergency call the lights automatically change to green.

    (c) Describe, in detail, what happens when the ambulance approaches the traffic signals prior to

    the computer instructing the traffic lights to change to green.

    (d) The traffic controller is considering changing to a number plate recognition system on all

    traffic lights.

    State the advantages and disadvantages of using RFID technology rather than number plate

    recognition in this scenario.

    10 A company is setting up an online shopping website. Transactions using the website need to be


    (a) Explain what is meant by Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

    (b) Describe the features that you would look for in a browser to indicate it has a secure

    connection to a website. 11 Tick whether the following activities relate to an intranet, the internet or both.

    intranet internet both

    () () () This is a restricted access system.

    This system can use email for communication.

    This is a public system.

    12 Robotic systems are now widely used in the production of cars.

    Describe the effects this has had on job roles and working conditions in a car production factory.

    13 Modern supermarkets have automated stock control systems, which use data from the checkouts.

    Describe how food items can be ordered by an automated stock control system so they are

    delivered before the stock in the supermarket runs out.

    14 An author is writing a new textbook about ICT. He has used a large number of images in the

    document and wishes to send the document as an email attachment to his publisher, but the file is

    currently too large.

    Describe how he could reduce the size of the document without reducing the number of images.

  • 1

    Holiday Homework 2019-20

    Physics IGCSE Year 2

    Q.1. The top graph shows the distance/time graph for a girl’s bicycle ride and the bottom graph gives the axes for the corresponding speed/time graph.

  • 2

    a) Look at the distance/time graph that has been drawn for you. (i) Answer the following questions for the time interval AB.

    1 What is happening to the distance from the starting point?

    2 What can you say about the speed of the bicycle?

    (ii) On a copy of the speed/time axes on the bottom graph, draw a thick line that could show the speed during AB.

    b) On your copy of the speed/time axes (i) draw a thick line that could show the speed during BC, (ii) draw a thick line that could show the speed during CD.

    c) How far from her starting point is the girl when she has finished her ride?

    Q.2. A car of mass 900 kg is travelling at a steady speed of 30 m/s against a resistive force of 2000 N, as illustrated in the diagram.

    a) Calculate the kinetic energy of the car. b) Calculate the energy used in 1.0 s against the resistive force. c) What is the minimum power that the car engine has to deliver to the wheels? d) What form of energy is in the fuel, used by the engine to drive the car? e) State why the energy in the fuel is converted at a greater rate than you have calculated in


    Q.3. Complete the sentences. Choose from the words in the box.

    The words may be used once, more than once or not at all.

    a) The atoms are usually arranged in regular patterns in a ...................... b) The state of matter with the lowest density is a ..................... . c) Evaporation takes place when the most energetic molecules leave the surface of a

    ..................... .

    d) A small force can change the volume of a ..................... .

    Q.4. In a training session, a racing cyclist’s journey is in three stages. Stage 1 He accelerates uniformly from rest to 12 m/s in 20 s.

    Stage 2 He cycles at 12 m/s for a distance of 4800 m.

    Stage 3 He decelerates uniformly to rest.

    The whole journey takes 500 s.

    a) Calculate the time taken for stage 2.

  • 3

    b) On a copy of the grid below, draw a speed/time graph of the cyclist’s ride.

    c) Show that the total distance travelled by the cyclist is 5400 m. d) Calculate the average speed of the cyclist.

    Q.5. A 250 cm3 beaker containing some liquid is shown in Figure given below.

    a) (i) A student has a measuring cylinder and a balance. Describe an experiment to

    determine the density of the liquid.

    (ii) Suggest the unit of density used by the student.

    b) Figure below shows a block of polythene.

    (i) Polythene floats in water. Explain why polythene floats.

    (ii) The weight of the polythene block is 0.84 N. Calculate the mass of the block.

  • 4

    Q.6. Multiple choice questions.

    I. Which of the following physical quantities is not a base quantity? A. Weight B. Temperature C. Time D. Electric current2.

    II. Which physical quantity has the correct SI unit?

    III. Which of the following frequencies is same as 106.8 MHz?

    IV. Density can be calculated from the expression A mass/volume

    B mass × volume

    C volume/mass

    D weight/area

    E area × weight

    V. Which are the basic SI units of mass, length and time? A kilogram, kilometre, second

    B gram, centimetre, minute

    C kilogram, centimetre, second

    D gram, centimetre, second

    E kilogram, metre, second

    VI. Which of the following properties are the same for an object on Earth and on the Moon? 1 weight 2 mass 3 density

    Use the answer code:

    A 1, 2, 3 B 1, 2 C 2, 3 D 1 E 3

  • 5

    Q.7. An engineering machine has a piston which is going up and down approximately 75 times per minute. Describe carefully how a stopwatch may be used to find accurately the time for one

    up-and-down cycle of the piston.

    Q.8. a (i) The two diagrams show the dimensions of a rectangular block being measured using a ruler. They are not shown full size. Use the scales shown to find the length and the width of

    the block, giving your answers in cm.

  • 6

    (ii) When the block was made, it was cut from a piece of metal 2.0 cm thick. Calculate the

    volume of the block.

    b Another block has a volume of 20 𝑐𝑚3. The diagram shows the reading when the block is placed on a balance.

    Q.9. A student clamps a metre rule to the end of a bench, as shown in Fig. 1.1. He attaches a mass to the end of the rule.

    The student displaces the end of the rule by a small distance. The rule oscillates up and


    The student measures the time for ten complete oscillations.

    a) State the name of a measuring device for timing the oscillations. b) State a reason why the student measures the time for ten oscillations, rather than for one. c) The student repeats the procedure. His results are shown in the table.

  • 7

    (i) One of the results is incorrect. On the table, draw a ring around the incorrect result.

    (ii) Calculate the average value for the time for ten complete oscillations.

    (iii) Determine the time for one complete oscillation.

    Q.10. a) Write these fractions as powers of ten:

    (A) 1/1000 (B) 7/100 000 (C) 1/10 000 000 (D) 3/60 000 b) Express the following decimals as powers of ten with one figure before the decimal point:

    (A) 0.5 (B) 0.084 (C) 0.000 36 (D) 0.001 04

  • French


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez texte attentivement :

    Tiens ! La photo de mariage de mes grands-parents ! Au premier rang, à droite de

    grand-père et de grand-mère, tu vois mes arrière-grands-parents. Derrière mon

    grand-père, c’est sa sœur Geeta et son mari. Ils ont une fille : elle est au premier

    rang, à cote d mon arrière-grand-père. Le garçon tout à gauche, c’est mon cousin :

    le fils de Raj et de Kirti, l’autre sœur de grand-père. Au premier rang, la jeune fille,

    tout a droit, c’est Aarti, la petite sœur de grand-mère et au deuxième rang, à droite,

    derrière mon arrière-grand-mère, c’est pooja, sa deuxime sœur, avec son fiance, un

    militaire. A l’arrière, à droite, c’est peut-être le copain du fiance et sa petit amie

    …. ?

    A. Cochez la bonne réponse :

    1. La petit sœur de grand-mère s’appelé.

    a) Aarti □

    b) Geeta □

    c) Kirti □

    2. Le fiance de pooja est

    a) un ingénieur □

    b) un militaire □

    c) un avocat □

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. Le mari de Geeta est derrière les grands-parents. ………….

    2. Aarti est la cousine. ……….....

    3. Kirti est la femme de Raj. …………

    4. On voit le cousin dans la photo. ………....

    5. La sœur de Raj s’appelle Pooja. …………

    C. Identifiez le contraire de ces mots :

    1. dernier ≠ ………………….. (arrière/derrière/premier)

    2. devant ≠ ………………….. (arrière/derrière/premier)

    3. sans ≠ …………………. (à cote/avec/peut-être)

    4. vieille ≠ …………………. (jeune/lendemain/ancien)

    5. grande ≠ …………………. (petite/autre/rang)

    D. Choisissez les bonnes réponses et complétez ces phrases :

    1. Aujourd’hui, il va à l’école avec son ………… (mari/copain/fiancée)

    2. La petite fille joue …………… sa poupée. (sans/à cote/avec)

    3. Regarde cette belle …………. de mon chien. (sœur/mariage/photo)

    4. Je …………. Un oiseau sur l’arbre. (tiens/vois/est)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez cette lettre attentivement :

    Paris, le 1er mars, 20 …

    Mon cher Vincent,

    Salut ! Ça va ? J’espère que ta famille et toi, vous êtes en bonne santé. Tu sais, ma femme

    et mes enfants veulent passer les vacances d’été à la campagne.

    Alors, je cherche à louer une petite maison près de chez toi. Avec trois enfants, nous avons

    besoin de deux ou trois chambres à coucher, d’un séjour, d’une salle manger, d’une cuisine bien

    équipée et de deux salles de bains au moins,

    Peux-tu trouver ça pour nous ? Laisse-moi savoir dès que possible, s’il te plait. Mes bons

    souvenirs à ta famille.

    Toutes mes amitiés,


    A. Cochez la bonne réponse :

    1. Yves veut passer les vacances d’été

    a) dans la salle de bains □

    b) à la campagne □

    c) dans la cuisine □

    2. Il cherche à louer

    a) une petite maison □

    b) un appartement □

    c) un studio □

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. Vincent est le frère d’Yves. ……………

    2. Vincent habite à la campagne. ……………

    3. La maison des Vincent est petite. ……………

    4. Yves a trois enfants. ……………

    5. Yves veut une bonne cuisine. ……………

    C. Identifiez l’infinitif de ces verbes :

    1. êtes : ………………………….. (avoir/être/savoir)

    2. cherche : ………………………….. (chercher/cherches/cherchez)

    3. laisse : ………………………….. (lasser/laisser/laiser)

    4. peux : ………………………….. (pleuvoir/puis/pouvoir)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez ce dialogue attentivement :

    Vous travaillez bien à l’école ?

    Oui, papa.

    Vous apprenez à lire. ?

    Non, papa.

    A compter ?

    Non, papa.

    Alors, qu’est-ce que vous apprenez ?

    Les langues étrangères.

    Quel mot savez-vous déjà ?


    A. Cochez la bonne réponse.

    1. Le petit chien va

    a) à l’école □

    b) au marché □

    c) à la boulangerie □

    2. Il apprend

    a) le français □

    b) l’anglais □

    c) les langues étrangères □

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. Le petit chien sait compter. …………….

    2. Papa chien saie lire. …………….

    3. Miaou est le langage des chats. …………….

    4. Le petit chien travaille bien à l’école. ……………

    5. Le petit chien n’apprend pas beaucoup de choses à l’école. …………….

    C. Identifiez l’infinitif de ces verbes :

    1. travaillez : ………………….. (travailer/travailler/travaillre)

    2. apprenez : ………………….. (apprener/apprendre/aprendre)

    3. savez : ………………….. (savons/sachons/savoir)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez ce texte attentivement :

    Paul va à l’école. Il apprend à lire, a écrire et a compter.il a des livres et des cahiers.il a aussi un

    stylo bleu, un crayon, un gomme blanche, une règle, des crayons de toutes les couleurs dans sa


    Mais il ne travaille pas. Il n’écoute pas le professeur. Il ne regarde pas le tableau et ne copie pas le

    devoir. Il ne fait pas les exercices ….

    Il ne fait pas attention en classe. Ses yeux sont seulement sur la grande horloge. Il attend la cloche

    sonner pour jouer avec ses amis.

    C’est un élève inattentif.

    A. Cochez les bonnes réponses :

    1. Dans la trousse de Paul il y a

    a) Un stylo bleu, un crayon rouge, une gomme blanche, une règle

    et des crayons de toutes les couleurs.

    b) Un stylo bleu, un crayon vert, une gomme blanche, une règle

    et des crayons de toutes les couleurs.

    c) Un stylo bleu, un crayon, une gomme Blache, une règle et

    des crayons de toutes les couleurs.

    2. Paul attend

    a) ses parents.

    b) son professeur.

    c) la cloche sonner pour jouer avec ses amis.

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. Le professeur apprend à lire. ……………….

    2. Paul a un crayon. ……………….

    3. Le professeur donne une gomme à Paul. ……………….

    4. Paul est un bon élevé. ……………….

    5. Paul ne fait pas attention en classe. ……………….

    C. Identifiez l’infinitif de ces verbes :

    1. apprend : ……………………………… (aprendre/apprendre/apprender)

    2. travaille : ………………………………. (travail/travailler/travailer)

    3. écoute : ………………………………. (ecoutre/ecoutire/écouter)

    4. copie : ………………………………. (copire/copier/copiere)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez ce dialogue attentivement :

    Madame : Ou veux-tu aller dimanche prochain ?

    Monsieur : Eh bien ! ….. A la campagne.

    Madame : Toute la journée ?

    Monsieur : Oui. Il fait beau sous les arbres à la campagne. Ilya le silence,

    L’air frais … comme dans la foret.

    Madame : Nous allons déjeuner dans un restaurant ?

    Monsieur : Non, sous les arbres. On dépense trop au restaurant. On va

    Emporter le déjeuner.

    Madame : Dans quoi ?

    Monsieur : Dans le sac à dos : du pain, trois ou quatre fruits, un peu de bière et de l’eau.

    Madame : Bien ….. Et après ? Nous allons au cinéma ?

    Monsieur : Eh bien ! … Moi, je vais aller au cinéma, au ou au Royal.

    Je vais te raconter le film après !

    Monsieur : D’accord !

    A. Choisissez les bonnes réponses :

    1. Le monsieur aime la campagne car

    a) il fait beau sous les arbres.

    b) il fait toujours chaud.

    c) il pleut.

    2. Le monsieur et la dame déjeuner a la campagne

    a) au restaurant.

    b) à la cantine.

    c) sous les arbres.

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. Il y a du vin dans le sac à dos. …………….

    2. Le monsieur et la dame déjeunent dans un restaurant. ……………

    3. Le monsieur acheté des croissants. ……………

  • 4. La dame porte le sac à dos. ……………

    5. Le monsieur ne va pas au cinéma avec sa femme. ……………

    C. Identifiez le contraire de ces mots :

    1. bruit ≠ ……………….... (silencieux/silence/bruyant)

    2. sur ≠ …………………. (dessous/dessus/sous)

    3. beaucoup ≠ ………………… (assez/peu/trop)

    4. avant ≠ ………………… (arrière/derrière/après)

    5. venir ≠ ………………… (devenir/revenir/aller)

    D. Choisissez les bonnes réponses pour complétez ces phrases :

    1. Nous mangeons du …………… avec du beurre. (baguette/pain/tartine)

    2. Le Petit Chaperon rouge va dans un …………. . (bois/campagne/foret)

    3. Il fête son anniversaire dans un ………………. . (restaurant/maison/toit)

    4. Son manteau est ……………… . (beau/délicieux/appétissant)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez ce texte attentivement :

    Pitou dine dans un restaurant avec ses amis, Joseph, Paul et Raymond. C’est l’anniversaire de

    joseph. Ils mangent beaucoup, boivent de l’alcool et fument ……

    Le lendemain, ça ne va pas : Pitou a mal à la tête !

    Il téléphone à son directeur :

    Allo ! Monsieur le Directeur ?

    Allo ! Qui est à l’appareil ?

    C’est moi, Pitou. Je suis malade ce matin. Je ne peux pas venir travailler aujourd’hui.

    Excusez-moi, monsieur le directeur.

    Oui, mon vieux, reposez-vous toute la journee.et demain lundi, venez définitivement au


    A. Cochez les bonnes réponses :

    1. Pitou téléphone à son directeur

    a) car il est malade.

    b) car il est avec ses amis.

    c) car il est à l’aéroport.

    2. Le directeur dit à Pitou

    a) de venir travailler immédiatement.

    b) de se reposer toute la journée.

    c) de se reposer toute la journée et de venir

    au bureau le lendemain lundi.

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. C’est l’anniversaire de Pitou. ……………..

    2. Joseph est malade. . …………....

    3. Joseph va travailler lundi. …………….

    4. Pitou, joseph, Paul et Raymond sont des amis. …………….

    5. C’est lundi aujourd’hui. ……………

  • C. Identifiez le contraire de ces mots :

    1. Ennemis ≠ ……………….. (amies/amis/amical)

    2. Peu ≠ ……………….. (beaucoup/trop/assez)

    3. Donne ≠ ……………….. (attrappe/vend/prend)

    4. Soir ≠ ………………... (matin/après-midi/soirée)

    5. Venir ≠ ………………… (arriver/aller/demander)

    D. Choisissez les bonnes réponses pour compléter ces phrases :

    1. Elle ………………. A son ami. (demande/téléphone/va)

    2. Ils ……………… beaucoup de chocolats. (mangent/écrivent/fument)

    3. Son …………….. est le 25 janvier. (fête/anniversaire/école)

    4. Ces garçons ne ……………… pas de cigarettes. (achètent/fument/mangent)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez ce texte attentivement :

    Ma ville est une petite ville de province. Elle est belle. Il y a un drapeau bleu, blanc et

    Rouge sur la mairie. A cote de la mairie, il y a un petit parc ou les enfants vont jouer.

    La poste est en face de la mairie, au coin de la rue Centrale et de la rue des Fleurs.

    Le marché, la banque, la librairie et un très bon restaurant sont aussi dans la même rue Centrale.

    Pour garer la voiture ? C’est facile. Il y a un parking au bout de cette rue.

    Pour aller au supermarché, prenez la rue Centrale. C’est la rue commerçante. Près du supermarché,

    il y a un petit hôtel et beaucoup de magasins …..

    Les gens de la ville vont au café et au cinéma dans la rue des fleurs. Ils achètent leur pain à la

    Boulangerie des Fleurs, près du cinéma. La cabine téléphonique et l’arrêt de l’autobus sont au

    carrefour sur le trottoir a cote de la maire.

    A. Cochez les bonnes réponses :

    1. Comment est la ville ?

    a) Belle.

    b) Grande.

    c) Belle et petit.

    2. Qu’y a-t-il près du supermarché ?

    a) Un hôtel.

    b) Des magasins.

    c) Un hôtel et des magasins.

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. Le drapeau est bleu, blanc et rouge. …………………….

    2. L’hôtel n’est pas petit. ……………………

    3. Le supermarché est dans la rue des Fleurs. ……………………

    4. Le cinéma est dans la rue des Fleurs. ……………………

    5. L’arrêt de l’autobus est près de la mairie. ……………………

  • C. Identifiez le contraire de ces mots :

    1. grande ≠ ……………….. (petit/petite/minuscule)

    2. laide ≠ ………………. (beau/joli/belle)

    3. difficile ≠ ………………. (facile/faire/facille)

    4. loin ≠ ……………….. (pres/près/après)

    5. viennent ≠ ……………….. (va/vont/vas)

    D. Choisissez les bonnes réponses et complétez ces phrases :

    1. Sa robe du soir est très ………………. (laid/petit/belle)

    2. Allons acheter du pain a la ……………. . (crèmerie/boulangerie/pâtisserie)

    3. Garez votre voiture dans le …………….. (parking/cour/varangue)

    4. Il fait marcher sur le …………… . (trottoir/rue/étage)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez ce texte attentivement :

    Le matin, au petit déjeuner, je prends du thé ou du café au lait avec du sucre et des

    croissants. Je ne prend pas de confiture. Je ne veux pas grossir.

    A midi, au déjeuner, je mange seulement une tranche de pain, de la viande ou du poisson,

    de la salade verte et des légumes. Je prends souvent du fromage et un fruit. Je bois de l’eau. Je

    n’aime pas le vin.

    Pour le gouter, je prends des biscuits ou un sandwich et une tasse de thé.

    Le soir, au diner, je ne mange pas de viande. Je prends des œufs du poisson avec des légumes

    et de la salade. Je ne mange pas beaucoup de pain. Quelques fois, je prends un dessert. Et je bois

    beaucoup d’eau ………..

    A. Cochez les bonnes réponses :

    1. Qu’est-ce que je mange au petit déjeuner ?

    a) Du pain.

    b) Des baguettes.

    c) Des croissants.

    2. Qu’est-ce que je prends quelques fois au diner ?

    a) De la salade.

    b) Des légumes.

    c) Un dessert.

    B. Dites ou faux :

    1. Je mange de la viande à midi. ……………….

    2. Je mange des biscuits le matin. ……………….

    3. J’aime la salade verte. ……………….

    4. Je n’achète pas de pain pour le diner. ……………….

    5. Je prends un dessert tous les jours. ……………….

    C. Choisissez l’infinitif de ces verbes :

    1. Prend : ………………….. (prends/prennons/prendre)

  • 2. Veux : …………………. (vouloir/vendre/valoir)

    3. Mange : …………………. (manger/maigrir/mourir)

    4. Bois : …………………. (boisson/boire/boive)

    5. Aime : ………………….. (aimer/amour/aimes)

    D. Complétez ces phrases avec les mots du texte :

    1. Aujourd’hui, le …………... c’est la glace ! (désert/desert/dessert)

    2. Tu ……………. du lait. (mange/bois/gouter)

    3. Elle …………………. le chocolat. (bois/amie/prends)

    4. Ma mère prend une ……………. de the. (tasse/œufs/beaucoup)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez ce texte attentivement :

    Mon repas préféré, c’est le diner. Nous prenons notre diner toujours à huit heures et demie après

    le bulletin de l’information.

    C’est, tous les soirs, un grand repas avec des hors-d’œuvre, du riz de la viande ou du poisson,

    des légumes, du fromage et un dessert. La cuisine de ma mère est toujours excellente.

    Toute la famille est autour de la table et nous parlons de notre journée. Nous discutons des

    nouvelles du jour. Nous faisons des projets. Nous restons longtemps à table. Ce repas du soir est

    très important pour nous tous et nous sommes toujours à l’heure.

    A. Cochez les bonnes réponses :

    1. Quand prenons-nous notre diner ?

    a) A huit heures.

    b) A huit heures et demie.

    c) A neuf heures et demie.

    2. Le diner est

    a) intéressant.

    b) important.

    c) facile.

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. J’aime la cuisine de ma mère. ……………….

    2. Le repas du soir est très important pour la famille. ……………….

    3. Nous ne parlons pas pendant le diner. …………….....

    4. Il y a un dessert tous les jours pour le diner. ……………….

    5. Nous arrivons à l’heure pour le diner. ……………….

    C. Choisissez l’infinitif de ces verbes :

    1. prenons : ……………………… (prendre/prenne/prennent)

    2. parlons : ………………………. (parle/perdre/parler)

    3. discutons : ……………………….. (distraire/discuter/demander)

  • 4. faisons : ………………………... (faire/falloir/faudra)

    5. sommes : ………………………… (avoir/être/aller)

    D. Complétez ces phrases avec les bonnes réponses :

    1. Il porte son manteau …………….. . (excellente/préféré/important)

    2. La vache qui rit est un …………….. français. (dessert/fromage/hors d’œuvre)

    3. Il y a des fleurs ……………… de ma maison. (après/avec/autour)

    4. Cette ………………….. est ronde. (projects/repas/table)


    Note:-Tobe done in notebook.

    Lisez ce dialogue attentivement :

    La mère : Magali, ou est le gâteau ?

    Magali : Dans la cuisine, dans une boite …

    La mère : Pourquoi est-il dans la cuisine ?

    Magali : C’est une surprise pour Tom.

    Une voix : Waou ! Ce gâteau est géant !

    Les amis : Bon Anniversaire, Tom ! Joyeux Anniversaire, Tom !

    de tom Joyeux Anniversaire, Tom ! Bon Anniversaire Tom !

    Tom : Merci pour les cadeaux. Je coupe le gâteau et puis on mange.

    Manuel, quelle heure est-il ?

    Manuel : six heure vingt. Pourquoi ?

    Tom : Caroline n’est pas venir.

    Manuel : Attends, elle peut-être en retard ………

    Tom : Elle ne va pas venir.

    Manuel : Mais, si !

    La mère : Tom, voilà une amie.

    Caroline : Bon Anniversaire, Tom. Excuse-moi … Je suis en retard. Impossible de trouver la rue


    Tom : Oh ! Pas de problème. Tu es là, C’est super ! Je vais te présenter quelqu’un ….

    Caroline : Ah !

    Tom : Magali, je te présente Caroline. Caroline, voici ma sœur, Magali.

    Caroline : Salut, Magali ! Tu es belle !

    Magali : Salut, Caroline. Merci ! Toi aussi, tu es belle !

    Tom : Maintenant, on danse !

    A. Cochez les bonnes réponses :

    1. Où est le gâteau ?

    a) Dans la cuisine.

    b) Sur la table.

    c) Dans le réfrigérateur.

    2. Pourquoi Caroline est-elle en retard ?

    a) Car c’est difficile de trouver la rue Rabelais.

    b) Car elle n’a pas pu trouver de taxi.

  • c) Car il y a un embouteillage.

    B. Dites vrai ou faux :

    1. Le gâteau est une surprise pour tom. ……………..

    2. C’est l’anniversaire de tom. ……………..

    3. Magali est une amie de tom. …………….

    4. Les amis donnent des cadeaux à tom. ……………..

    5. Tom présente Caroline a Magali. …………….

    C. Identifiez le contraire de ces mots :

    1. ici ≠ ………………… (la/là-bas/la haut)

    2. en avance ≠ ………………… (à l’heure/en retard/tôt)

    3. voici ≠ ………………… (envoyer/voila/la)

    4. possible ≠ ………………… (possiblement/impossible/immpossible)

    5. laide ≠ ………………… (laid/beau/belle)

    D. Complétez les tirets avec les mots du texte :

    1. Mets cette boule dans la ……………… . (cuisine/boite/rue)

    2. …………….. est-il absent ? (Pourquoi/Attends/Maintenant)

    3. Margaret est une ………………. . (amie/cuisine/rue)

    4. Ma mère ……………… les légumes. (coupe/coupe/coupes)

  • 1





    1a. The histogram shows the lengths of 25 metal rods, each measured correct to the nearest cm.

    Write down the modal length of the rods.

    1b. Find the median length of the rods.

    1c. The upper quartile is 4 cm. Calculate the lower quartile.

    1d. Calculate the interquartile range.

    2(a) The final examination results obtained by a group of 3200 Biology students are summarized on the

    cumulative frequency graph (given on next page). Find the median of the examination results.

    2b. Find the interquartile range.

    2c. 350 of the group obtained the highest possible grade in the examination.

    Find the final examination result required to obtain the highest possible grade.

    2d. The grouped frequency table summarizes the examination results of this group of students.

    Write down the modal class.

    2e. Write down the mid-interval value of the modal class.

    2f. Calculate an estimate of the mean examination result.

  • 2

    3a. The histogram shows the time, t, in minutes, that it takes the customers of a restaurant to eat their

    lunch on one particular day. Each customer took less than 25 minutes. The histogram is incomplete, and

    only shows data for 0 ≤ t < 20. Write down the mid-interval value for 10 ≤ t < 15.

  • 3

    3b. The mean time it took all customers to eat their lunch was estimated to be 12 minutes.

    It was found that k customers took between 20 and 25 minutes to eat their lunch.

    Write down the total number of customers in terms of k.

    3c. Calculate the value of k.

    3d. Hence, complete the histogram.

    4a. A group of 20 students travelled to a gymnastics tournament together. Their ages, in years, are

    given in the following table. For the students in this group find the mean age;

    4b. For the students in this group write down the median age.

    4c. The lower quartile of the ages is 16 and the upper quartile is 18.5.

    Draw a box-and-whisker diagram, for these students’ ages, on the following grid.

  • 4

    5a. In the month before their IB Diploma examinations, eight male students recorded the number of hours

    they spent on social media.For each student, the number of hours spent on social media ( ) and the

    number of IB Diploma points obtained ( ) are shown in the following table.

    On graph paper, draw a scatter diagram for these data. Use a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 hours on the

    -axis and 2 cm to represent 10 points on the -axis.

    5b. Find

    (i) , the mean number of hours spent on social media;

    (ii) , the mean number of IB Diploma points.

    5c. Plot the point on your scatter diagram and label this point M.

    5d. Draw line of best fit and state the nature and strength of correlation

    6a. Two groups of 40 students were asked how many books they have read in the last two months. The

    results for the first group are shown in the following table.

    The quartiles for these results are 3 and 5.

    Write down the value of the median, IQR and range for these results.

  • 5


    Draw a box-and-whisker diagram for these results on the following grid.


    The results for the second group of 40 students are shown in the following box-and-whisker diagram.

    (i) Estimate the number of students in the second group who have read at least 6 books.

    (ii) Find median, lower and upper quartiles.

    (iii) Find Range and IQR

    6d. Which group is consistent and why?

  • 6

    7a. The cumulative frequency graph represents the speed, s, in , of 80 cars passing a speed camera.

    Write down the number of cars passing the camera with speed of less than or equal to 50 .

    7b. Complete the following grouped frequency table for , the speed of the cars passing the camera.

    7c. Write down the mid-interval value of the interval.

    7d. Find an estimate of

    (i) the mean speed of the cars passing the camera;

  • 7

    (ii) the median of the speed of the cars passing the camera.

    8a. The distribution of rainfall in a town over 80 days is displayed on the following box-and-whisker


    Write down the median rainfall.

    8b. Write down the minimum and maximum rainfall.

    8c. Find the interquartile range.

    8d. Write down the number of days the rainfall will be

    (i) between 43 mm and 48 mm;

    (ii) between 20 mm and 59 mm.

    9a. As part of his IB Biology field work, Barry was asked to measure the circumference of trees, in

    centimetres, that were growing at different distances, in metres, from a river bank. His results are

    summarized in the following table.

    State whether distance from the river bank is a continuous or discrete variable.


    On graph paper, draw a scatter diagram to show Barry’s results. Use a scale of 1 cm to represent 5 m

    on the x-axis and 1 cm to represent 10 cm on the y-axis.

    9c. Write down

    (i) the mean distance, , of the trees from the river bank;

    (ii) the mean circumference, , of the trees.

    9d. Plot and label the point on your graph.

    9e. Draw line of best fit

    9f. Write down nature and strength of correlation.

  • 8

    10a. A survey was conducted to determine the length of time, , in minutes, people took to drink their

    coffee in a café. The information is shown in the following grouped frequency table.

    Write down the total number of people who were surveyed.

    10b. Write down the mid-interval value for the group.

    10c. Find an estimate of the mean time people took to drink their coffee.

    10d. The information above has been rewritten as a cumulative frequency table.

    Write down the value of and the value of .

    10e. This information is shown in the following cumulative frequency graph.

  • 9

    For the people who were surveyed, use the graph to estimate

    (i) the time taken for the first people to drink their coffee;

    (ii) the number of people who take less than minutes to drink their coffee;

    (iii) the number of people who take more than minutes to drink their coffee.

    11a. A survey was carried out on a road to determine the number of passengers in each car (excluding the

    driver). The table shows the results of the survey.

    State whether the data is discrete or continuous.

    11b. Write down the mode.

  • 10

    11c. Find

    (i) the mean number of passengers per car;

    (ii) the median number of passengers per car;

    (iii) the IQR

    12a. cars were tested to see how far they travelled on litres of fuel. The graph shows the

    cumulative frequency distribution of the results.

    Find the median distance travelled by the cars.

    12b. Calculate the interquartile range of the distance travelled by the cars.

    12c. Find the number of cars that travelled more than km.

    13a. The table shows the distance, in km, of eight regional railway stations from a city centre terminus and

    the price, in , of a return ticket from each regional station to the terminus.

  • 11

    Draw a scatter diagram for the above data. Use a scale of cm to represent km on the -axis and

    cm to represent on the -axis.

    13b. Find

    (i) , the mean of the distances;

    (ii) , the mean of the prices.

    13c. Plot and label the point on your scatter diagram.

    13d. Find

    (i) the nature correlation.

    (ii) IQR

    13e. Draw the line of best fit on your scatter diagram.

    14a. The cumulative frequency graph shows the heights, in cm, of 80 young trees.

    Write down the median height of the trees.

  • 12

    14b. Write down the 75th percentile.

    14c. ‘Find the interquartile range.

    14d. Estimate the number of trees that are more than 40 cm in height.

    15a. [The weights, in kg, of 60 adolescent females were collected and are summarized in the box and

    whisker diagram shown below.

    Write down the median weight of the females.

    15b. Calculate the range.

    15c. Estimate the probability that the weight of a randomly chosen female is more than 50 kg.

    15d. Use the box and whisker diagram to determine if the mean weight of the females is less than the

    median weight. Give a reason for your answer.

    16a. The number of passengers in the first ten carriages of a train is listed below.

    6 , 8 , 6 , 3 , 8 , 4 , 8 , 5 , p , p

    The mean number of passengers per carriage is 5.6.

    Calculate the value of p.

    16b. Find the median number of passengers per carriage.

    16c. If the passengers in the eleventh carriage are also included, the mean number of passengers per

    carriage increases to 6.0. Determine the number of passengers in the eleventh carriage of the train.

    17a. Francesca is a chef in a restaurant. She cooks eight chickens and records their masses and cooking

    times. The mass m of each chicken, in kg, and its cooking time t, in minutes, are shown in the following


  • 13

    Draw a scatter diagram to show the relationship between the mass of a chicken and its cooking time.

    Use 2 cm to represent 0.5 kg on the horizontal axis and 1 cm to represent 10 minutes on the vertical


    17b. [Write down for this set of data

    (i) the mean mass, ;

    (ii) the mean cooking time, .

    17c. [Label the point on the scatter diagram.

    17d. Draw the line of best fit on the scatter diagram.

    17e. Using your line of best fit, estimate the cooking time, in minutes, for a 1.7 kg chicken.

    17f. Comment on the correlation.

    17g. The cooking time of an additional 2.0 kg chicken is recorded. If the mass and cooking time of this

    chicken is included in the data, the correlation is weak.

    (i) Explain how the cooking time of this additional chicken might differ from that of the other eight


    (ii) Explain how a new line of best fit might differ from that drawn in part (d).

    18a. The daily rainfall for the town of St. Anna is collected over a 20-day period of time. The collected data

    are represented in the box and whisker plot below.

    Write down

  • 14

    (i) the lowest daily rainfall;

    (ii) the highest daily rainfall.

    18b. State what the value of 12 mm represents on the given diagram.

    18c. Find the interquartile range.

    18d. Write down the percentage of the data which is less than the upper quartile.

    19a. Each day a supermarket records the midday temperature and how many cold drinks are sold on that

    day. The following table shows the supermarket’s data for the last 6 days. This data is also shown on a

    scatter diagram.

    Write down

    i) the mean temperature, ;

    ii) the mean number of cold drinks sold, .

    19b. Draw the line of best fit on the scatter diagram.

    19c. Use the line of best fit to estimate the number of cold drinks that are sold on a day when the midday

    temperature is .

  • 15


    20a. The volume of a hemisphere, V, is given by the formula

    V = ,

    where S is the total surface area.

    The total surface area of a given hemisphere is 350 cm2.

    Calculate the volume of this hemisphere in cm3.

    Give your answer correct to one decimal place.

    20b. Write down your answer to part (a) correct to the nearest integer.

    20c. Write down your answer to part (b) in the form a × 10k , where 1 ≤ a < 10 and k ∈  .

    21a. Consider the numbers and .

    Calculate . Give your full calculator display.

    21b. Write down your answer to part (a) correct to two decimal places;

    21c. Write down your answer to part (a) correct to three significant figures.

    21d. [Write your answer to part (b)(ii) in the form , where .

    22. Consider the numbers and .

    Complete the following table by placing a tick ( ) to indicate if the number is an element of the

    number set. The first row has been completed as an example.

  • 16

    Straight Line Graph 23.


    (a) Calculate the gradient of the line l.

    (b) Write down the equation of the line l.

    24. A straight line passes through two points with co-ordinates (6, 8) and (0, 5).

    Work out the equation of the line.

    25. (a) The equation of a straight line is y = mx + c. Which letter in this equation represents the


    (b) Write down the equation of the line shown on the grid below.

    (c) Complete the table of values for y = 12 – x


    x –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4

    y –4 3 11 11 8 –4

    (d) Draw and paste in your copies the graph of y = 12 – x2

    Take suitable scale as per given in above grid of question 3(b)

    (e) Write down the coordinates of the points of intersection of the straight line with your


    26. Find the co-ordinates of the mid-point of the line joining the points A(2, –5) and B(6, 9).















    4321–1–2–3–4 0



  • 17

    27. Find the co-ordinates of the mid-point of the line joining the points A(4, –7) and B(8, 13).

    28. Write down the equation of the straight line through (0, –3) which is parallel to y = 2x + 3.

    29. The line with equation y = 2x – k passes through the point (4, 0).

    Work out the value of k.



    The distance AB is 11 units.

    (a) Write down the equation of the line through B which is parallel to y = 2x + 5.

    (b) Find the co-ordinates of the point C where this line crosses the x axis.

    31. The equation of a straight line can be written in the form 3x + 2y – 8 = 0.

    (a) Rearrange this equation to make y the subject.

    (b) Write down the gradient of the line.

    (c) Write down the co-ordinates of the point where the line crosses the y axis.




    x =

    2 +



