1 Hollie May O’Neil Hollie was born in November 1988, and was singing before she could talk - unl at 11 years of age her mum took her to her first ever singing compeon. She almost wasn’t going to sing because she was so scared and nervous. Her mother bribed her with an early Christmas present… So she did it. ‘I remember the song I sang. It was “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion. I was so nervous but managed to win a 1st place, which was really excing.’ Hollie went on to enter various compeons including Fellini’s “Search for a Star”. Her first ever Country Music Fesval was at Tailem Bend where she won several trophies. At age 13 Hollie began learning to play guitar, piano, bass and clarinet. ‘Music had become a big part of my life, and I put together a band called “Short Noce”. We gigged al- most every weekend and even some week days performing at such venues as “The Gov” as a support act for the band “The Borderers”. As a prize from one of my comps, I won a recording package with Quinten Eyre and then went on to record my first EP “Rockstar”; which I wrote with my Mum. It was the number 1 selling single at my local music store for 5 weeks.’ Hollie went on to perform, busk, and enter talent quests in Tamworth and other fesvals all around the state where she made new friends and met arsts such as Beccy Cole, Johnny Young, Normie Rowe and many more. ‘One of my highlights was winning Entertainer Of The Year” at Pt. Augusta and meeng Phil from Human Nature – who absolutely loved my original song “Sunday Morning”’. Connuing to gig and compete in talent quests, Hollie ended up with a number of awards and trophies. She then decided to have a break which ended up being a long break because she had her first baby girl Ree- gan. ‘While Reegan was growing, up I gigged with my long-me friend and amazing singer Melody Feder in our duo “Prey Radio”. I also ran my own karaoke shows sll singing just not as much as I use to. Six years later I welcomed another baby girl - Mackenzie. AAer that I really started to miss country music and per- forming so I decided to enter the Laura Country Music Fesval and began teaching my eldest daughter Ree- gan a song. I qualified for the SA Champion of Champions 2014 where I was placed 3 rd . It is really excing to be back doing what I love and sharing this love with my girls.’ Contact Hollie for any enquiries or bookings: Email - [email protected] Ph - 0457 792 077 Check out her Facebook page - www.facebook.com/holliemayoneil for Photos, videos, and updates on when and where Hollie will be performing. Gawler Country Music Club South Australia’s central locaon for live Country Music proudly presents your monthly newsleIer. January 2015 - No: 260 “I went on to record my first EP “Rockstar”; which I wrote with my Mum. It was the number 1 selling single at my local music store .” www.gawlercountrymusicclub.com.au www.facebook.com/pages/Gawler-Country-Music-Club/267502980093560 Inside this issue This Months Birthdays ..................... 2 Winners And Grinners...................... 2 This Months Events .......................... 3 Did You Know? ................................. 4 A Crashing End ................................. 5 Ty Herndon Comes Out ................... 5 Club Badges ..................................... 6 Adam Harvey Talks........................... 7 Gig Guide ......................................... 8 Music Workshop & Open Mic .......... 9 Dad, Dave, And Mabel ..................... 10 Dedicaon to our mate Les .............. 10 Coming Events ................................. 11 Membership Form ........................... 12 CommiIee Informaon ................... 12 Must see GCMC December Show Highlights What a show… What a year… What a laugh !!! Kenny Rogers is back in town The legend himself playing all of his classics for1 night only... Laughs and much , much more !!!!

Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club

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Page 1: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club



Hollie was born in November 1988, and was singing before she could

talk - un�l at 11 years of age her mum took her to her first ever singing

compe��on. She almost wasn’t going to sing because she was so scared

and nervous. Her mother bribed her with an early Christmas present… So

she did it.

‘I remember the song I sang. It was “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine

Dion. I was so nervous but managed to win a 1st place, which was really

exci�ng.’ Hollie went on to enter various compe��ons including Fellini’s “Search for a Star”. Her first ever

Country Music Fes�val was at Tailem Bend where she won several trophies. At age 13 Hollie began learning

to play guitar, piano, bass and clarinet.

‘Music had become a big part of my life, and I put together a band called “Short No�ce”. We gigged al-

most every weekend and even some week days performing at such venues as “The Gov” as a support act for

the band “The Borderers”. As a prize from one of my comps, I won a recording package with Quinten Eyre

and then went on to record my first EP “Rockstar”; which I wrote with my Mum. It was the number 1 selling

single at my local music

store for 5 weeks.’

Hollie went on to perform,

busk, and enter talent

quests in Tamworth and other fes�vals all around the state where she made new friends and met ar�sts

such as Beccy Cole, Johnny Young, Normie Rowe and many more. ‘One of my highlights was winning

“Entertainer Of The Year” at Pt. Augusta and mee�ng Phil from Human Nature – who absolutely loved my

original song “Sunday Morning”’.

Con�nuing to gig and compete in talent quests, Hollie ended up with a number of awards and trophies.

She then decided to have a break which ended up being a long break because she had her first baby girl Ree-

gan. ‘While Reegan was growing, up I gigged with my long-�me friend and amazing singer Melody Feder in

our duo “Pre�y Radio”. I also ran my own karaoke shows s�ll singing just not as much as I use to. Six years

later I welcomed another baby girl - Mackenzie. AAer that I really started to miss country music and per-

forming so I decided to enter the Laura Country Music Fes�val and began teaching my eldest daughter Ree-

gan a song. I qualified for the SA Champion of Champions 2014 where I was placed 3rd

. It is really exci�ng to

be back doing what I love and sharing this love with my girls.’

Contact Hollie for any enquiries or bookings: Email - [email protected] Ph - 0457 792 077

Check out her Facebook page - www.facebook.com/holliemayoneil for Photos, videos, and updates on

when and where Hollie will be performing.

Gawler Country Music Club

South Australia’s central loca�on for live Country

Music proudly presents your monthly newsleIer.

January 2015 - No: 260

“I went on to record my first EP “Rockstar”; which I wrote with my

Mum. It was the number 1 selling single at my local music store .”

www.gawlercountrymusicclub.com.au www.facebook.com/pages/Gawler-Country-Music-Club/267502980093560

Inside this issue

This Months Birthdays ..................... 2

Winners And Grinners ...................... 2

This Months Events .......................... 3

Did You Know? ................................. 4

A Crashing End ................................. 5

Ty Herndon Comes Out ................... 5

Club Badges ..................................... 6

Adam Harvey Talks........................... 7

Gig Guide ......................................... 8

Music Workshop & Open Mic .......... 9

Dad, Dave, And Mabel ..................... 10

Dedica�on to our mate Les .............. 10

Coming Events ................................. 11

Membership Form ........................... 12

CommiIee Informa�on ................... 12

Must see

• GCMC December Show Highlights

What a show… What a year… What

a laugh !!!

• Kenny Rogers is back in town

The legend himself playing all of his

classics for1 night only...

• Laughs and much , much more !!!!

Page 2: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Brian Moore - 3rd Ross Daly - 9th Joan Snowball - 15th Maxine Fenton - 17th Helen Warren - 19th Chris O'Malley - 20th Myrtle Perry - 20th Bob Bubner - 21st John Waldegrave - 23rd Bob McFayden - 24th Lisa Godbee - 25th Dianne Marshall - 30th Tammie Ray - 31St

Presidents Report Birthdays

G’Day Members & Friends.

Well, I will start this month off with a big

thank you. Firstly to Les Parris who has

stepped down as Newsle+er Editor due to

ill health. We will s,ll see him at the club.

He will be remaining on the commi+ee,

but taking a back seat for a while. Once

again Les, thanks for your help in making

our club what it is today. The second

thank you is to Roz and Ron Land for their

Kind dona,on of the very large food ham-

per. Thanks guys it was great. Well onto

our show. What a great day we had with

Bernie and The Bandit. A couple of the

regulars were missing, so Bernie got some

help and s,ll put on a great show. Derani

and Cassie Sanders were great; Cassie

helping her Mum with some Christmas

Carols. Well done Ladies. George Dobie

also did a bracket of Christmas Carols. All

in all we had a great Christmas show.

January we will start off with Eddie and

Friends - another show not to be missed.

So un,l then…

Keep It Country

Regards ,

Keith Warren President/Entertainment Officer

A Word From The Editor...

Hi folks. This is my first newsleIer as the edi-

tor taking over from Les Parris. I’d just like to

thank him for the great job he has done, and for

all of his �me helping me get acquainted with

the ins and outs of the GCMC media. Hopefully

he won’t mind assis�ng here and there as we

get into the swing of things.

What an amazing year 2014 has been. It’s so

great to see some of the young talent gePng

out there and trying to make music instead of

following what seems to be the norm these days

of ‘It’s too hard.’, ‘I have to prac,ce. What’s

that?’, or ‘PlaySta,on Guitar Hero. Isn’t that an

instrument?’. It really is hard work, and they

need all of the help that they can get. We have

a lot of great musical talent in Australia and we

have to encourage them in all genres as much as

possible otherwise music as we know it

(especially Country Music) will become a thing

of the past.

There have been some challenges along the

way over the last year, and we have all adapted

and risen to the challenge. Our move to the

Grenville Centre has worked out nicely. Don’t

forget to keep passing on the word to your

friends when and where our shows will be held

and invite them to be part of the fun.

I sincerely wish nothing but Peace, Love, and

Joy to you and your loved ones for the year



Stewart Ray

Disclaimer The club newsle+er is a monthly pub-

lica,on designed to keep members

informed on the ac,vi,es of the club

and other func,ons. Opinions and

views expressed in the newsle+er are

not necessarily those of the publishers

Monte Carlo Winners

Dean and Shirley Beviss

Raffle Winners Rosemary Schutz Denise Snow Margaret Snow Margaret Kinnery Roz Lang x 2 Margaret Lukat Keith Warren x2 Kathy Trankalis Les Parris Denise Charington Kim Gavin

A Total of 36 Raffle Prizes. Many thanks to those people who

donated prizes. Door Prize Mary Ormerod

Lucky Envelopes Betty D David Tina Chapman Christmas Hamper Betty Robinson Monte Carlo Dean and Shirley Beviss

Members Draw A Prow


Page 3: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Thanks to KFC for your Sponsorship ‘We like it like that!’

January Events

Sunday January 18th

12 - 4 pm Gawler Country Music Club

The Grenville Centre.

10 Playford Boulevard


(Across from the Civic Centre)

Start the year with great friends, great music, and have a great �me.

Everyone is welcome.

Entry Fee: Members - $6.00, Non Members - $8.00

Tea and coffee - $1.00 Food and drinks available Contact Keith Warren for enquiries: 8255 8920

The 2015 Tamworth Country Music Festival will be staged

from Friday 16th to Sunday 25th January 2015. It is known as one of

the biggest and best country music festivals in the world. Every January, 50,000 visitors come to celebrate in Tamworth and their

enthusiasm and goodwill help make the festival what it is today.

If you love Country Music this is THE place for you. This year will be

the 43rd anniversary of the festival. Tamworth delivers the best of Country Music - from the classics to alternative and new artists.

The Tamworth Festival's atmosphere is like a fun, friendly street party and there are so many different kinds of music

played in over 80 venues with plenty of fringe events and local visitor attractions to entertain all comers.

Check out this website... we've got Tamworth covered for you, all year round. www.tamworthcountrymusic.com.au

For informa�on on Tamworth, please visit Des�na�on Tamworth at www.tamworthregion.com.au

Page 4: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Patsy Clines winning appearance on "Talent Scouts" in

1957 froze the applause meter used to judge contestants.

Since Dick Dale (legendary Surf Guitar Hero) is leA-handed, he was ini�ally forced to

play a right-handed guitars upside down. Even aAer eventually switching to a leA

handed guitar he leA the strings fiIed upside down, oAen playing by reaching over the fretboard rather than

wrapping his fingers up from underneath.

On their way to an audi,on at Riscky's Bar-B-Q, the

Dixie Chicks came up with their name from the

song ‘Dixie Chicken’.

Linda Ronstadt recorded three albums with her band the Stone

Poneys, 1, 2, and Evergreen; their only hit was "Different Drum". Lin-

da then formed a band with Glen Frey and Don Henley, who went on

to form ‘The Eagles’.

The original name for the band ‘Alabama’ was called ‘Young Coun-

try’. Jeff Cook plays the lead guitar and the

fiddle for the group. Other instruments he

plays include the keyboard, bass, mandolin,

and banjo.

John Farnham holds the record for the number of shows and the

number of patrons in all the Entertainment Centres across Australia

and has a room named in his honour in them all.

The Fender Telecaster is renowned as the main guitar of choice for country pickers

like Brad Paisley and Vince Gill. It is also a favourite for Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin),

Bruce Springsteen, Andy Summers (The Police), Keith Richards (Rolling Stones), Da-

vid Gilmour (Pink Floyd) and many more.

Odd-ball fact: The song with

the longest ,tle is 'I'm a

Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky

Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin'

Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues' wri+en by

Hoagy Carmichael in 1943. He later claimed the song ,tle ended with

"Yank" and the rest was a joke.

Page 5: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Ty Herndon Comes Out

Today I get to tell the world that I’m

an out, proud, and happy gay man,”

says Ty Herndon.

Lately the media seems to be keen to

promote news on the private life of

celebri�es... Well here’s some news

on Country Performer Ty Herndon.

Ty has kicked down the closet door

and announced he is “an out, proud,

and happy gay man”.

The singer’s career includes 17 Bill-

board hits over a span of nearly two

decades. He stayed closeted because

he feared public knowledge of his

sexuality would have a nega�ve im-

pact on his career. He says he

thought he “couldn’t be gay and be in

country music,” but now he knows

“Nashville is ready for this.”

The 52-year-old also opened up

about his rela�onships with his two

ex-wives, saying they “absolutely”

knew he was gay and that his mar-

riages were used to hide his true


He revealed he has been in “an awe-

some rela�onship” with a man “for a

good number of years,” saying, “I love

him very much and he loves me.”

“Country music is changing its tune

on equality,” said GLAAD President &

CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. It’s personal

stories like his that help people un-

derstand that gay people can also be

Chris�ans, cowboys, and even coun-

try music stars.”

Credit: Jase Peeples

So many famous ar�sts and celebri�es have been involved in fatal

accidents over the years. Don McLean’s ‘The Day That Music Died’

tribute from "American Pie" is one song that springs to mind, remind-

ing fans of the tragic death of musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens,

and J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, in a plane crash in Iowa on

February 3, 1959. Add to the tragic list Glenn Miller, O�s Redding,

Eddie Cochran, Marc Bolan, Stevie Ray Vaughan and many more.

Sadly Country Music has also lost more than its share of superstars.

Patsy Cline, age 30

Patsy Cline died tragically in a plane crash at

the age of 30. Before her death, she placed

nine songs on the Billboard country charts

but the singer went on to sell millions of rec-

ords aAer her passing. Cline was known for

her rich tone and has been called one of the

greatest female singers of the 20th century.

Jim Reeves, age 40

Jim Reeves placed an impressive 46 songs on

the Billboard charts before he died in a crash

of a plane he was pilo�ng. AAer his death at

age 40, Reeves' widow worked with his rec-

ord label to keep the singer's music alive. He

went on to score 33 more hits aAer his pass-

ing including "Blue Side of Lonesome".

DoCe West, age 58

DoPe West died in a car crash aAer she

urged her neighbor and driver to pick up the

speed because she was late for a perfor-

mance at the Grand Ole Opry. The "Country

Sunshine" singer was honored by many of

her friends including Johnny Cash, Larry Gat-

lin and long�me fan President George H.W. Bush.

John Denver, age 53

The country-folk singer and humanitarian

died at age 53 when his plane crashed off the

California coast. Denver is best known for his

hits "Rocky Mountain High" and "Take Me

Home, Country Roads".

A Crashing End

Page 6: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Gawler Country Music Club Badges Say It All…

High quality badges to give maximum impact to your

Message or Slogan for Any Occasion.

You’re trying to create awareness of your community event or business, but the word is not

gePng out there?

Some �me ago Gawler Country Music Club invested in a good quality Badge Making Ma-

chine to be used to promote Country Music, Country Ar�sts and South Australian Talent.

Along with several other ini�a�ves our badges have helped our club membership to tre-

ble in size over recent years.

If you wish to fundraise for Country Music or for any other community ini�a�ve in your lo-

cality, please contact our Club President or a member of our commiIee for further advice and

informa�on. Or contact us at Gawler Country Music Club via our website.


Allow us to design, print and make your badges.

Badges are ideal for Marke�ng, Adver�sing and Promo�ons, Fundraising,

Social Clubs, Community Ac�vi�es, Fan Clubs and Fun Events.

For Your Band, New Record Release, Social Club!

57mm BuGon Badge Machine Available now! Give us a call: 8255 8920

We offer a full design and artwork service

Your Favourite Women’s Group


Badge Price List

D.I.Y. Badges Made To Order

• Design your own

• Print and assemble your own

Machine Hire Fee …… $40.00 per day

(Condi,ons apply)

Components …… 80c per badge

Designed by us …… $20.

• Custom designed and made to order

Min. Order of 20 …… $1.40 each

50+ …… $1.20 each

100+ …… $1.10 each

200+ …… $1.00 each

More than 200 …… TBA

For ‘Live’

Country Music

Tel: 8255 8920

If you are an ar�st, a band, or an organiser who requires promo�on - give us a call. Promo�on is also available via our NewsleIer

and Website in addi�on to Your Own Badges…. Don’t hang about…….Give us a shout!

We look forward to assis�ng you with your marke�ng and personal development.

Page 7: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Adam recently remarked that in Macarthur, Sydney there's a wealth of country mu-

sic talent to be found.

‘One such talent is local singer Chris�e Lamb, who has been nominated for a Golden

Guitar for Best New Talent. It would be good if she won, I'm not too sure who she's up

against, but I've wriIen some songs with Chris�e in the

past, and know she's a great girl, and preIy young too,

she's going on to big things.’

You're nominated for five Golden Guitars yourself.

Yeah, I got lucky. I always get preIy nervous when it comes to these things. It's really

nice to get the nod. You've got to accept that it's all about the people who buy your al-

bums, and keeping them happy, because they're the ones who you want to please. I've

got some preIy good compe��on, with [Kasey] Chambers and [John] Williamson. It's like

the Melbourne Cup, you never know who's gonna be the winner, and maybe they'll let an

old greyhound like me get away with one.

‘Family Life’ seems to be a very personal album - do you think it's your most personal album yet?

It probably is. You tend to write songs about where you are at the �me, what's going on in your life. Beccy Cole and

Kasey Chambers say when their siPng down to write an album they hope for heartbreak and devasta�on, as is the

way with country music. When I was thinking about what to write this album, thinking about the songs I would have to

write I kept asking myself , ‘What can I write about?' And I'd see my son gePng ready for his first day at school, and I

thought, instead of making stuff up, why don't I write about what's important to me: my family? It came real easy aAer

that, and it was fun to write songs that I'm really passionate about.

You recorded a duet with your daughter Leylah on this album, what was that like?

Just wonderful. It was so nice. She's been taking piano lessons and singing lessons. She doesn't want to do it again

though, she says I'm holding her back. So, no more duets, it's the solo trail for her now. I've recorded songs with every-

one from Guy Sebas�an to Troy Cassar-Daley, but this one will always be my favourite.

What can your fans expect from the ‘Family Life’ tour?

We do song aAer song from over the years. I did the Great Country Songbook with Troy Cassar-Daley which is all the

classic country songs, so we'll be playing some of them. We'll play videos and film clips, and songs from the new album.

There'll be stories as well. They don't want to see my ugly booZead all night. The feedback from the new album has

been going really well, people can sing along.

Of your songs, do you have a favourite?

Oh, that's a tougher one isn't it? There's a song I wrote with Kevin Bloody Wilson called Genie in the BoGom of a Jim

Beam BoGle, and me and the crowd get right into that one. I have to change the words to all his parts though, other-

wise it would be an R-Rated song!

Next year you'll be touring with Kenny Rogers on his final Australian tour...

How cool is that? Have you seen him lately, he's looking good - I think he's had a bit of work done: He's nearly 80 and

he looks 18! I met him in Western Australia once and he was a lovely fella. About six months ago I read his autobiog-

raphy. I love all those old Kenny Rogers songs.

Credits: Jess Layt hGp://www.macarthuradver�ser.com.au/story/2709740/q-and-a-with-country-star-adam-harvey/

Q and A with country star Adam Harvey

“I've recorded songs with everyone from Guy Sebas�an to Troy Cassar-Daley,

but this one will always be my favourite.”

Page 8: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Please note this copy of the Gig Guide was created 30th

December 2014

January 2015 Gig Guide

Saturday 3rd

12 - 4.30 pm

Gawler CM Club Workshop

Play and learn, or just come to enjoy the music.

We look forward to seeing you on the 1st

Saturday of each month.

Entry: $4.00 per person for all aIending. Tea and coffee are provided. BYO Nibbles to share.

Anglican Parish Hall. 26 Cowan Street, Gawler NOTE: The Gawler Country Music Workshop and Open Mike will automa�cally be cancelled

when the forecast temperature is 32 degrees and over.

Sunday 4th

12.30 - 4.30 pm Murray Mac & True Grit - Adelaide CM Club Inc. - Slovenian Club, 11 LaSalle St. Dudley Park

Sunday 4th

12 - 5 pm Tracey Rains and Claypan plus Nathaniel O'Brien - Willaston CM Club - Willaston Clubrooms, Gawler River Rd.

Monday 5th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

Friday 9th

Saltwater Taffy plus Jodie and Emlyn O'Regan - Fernies - 175 Main Rd, Willunga

Saturday 10th

11 am - 4.30 pm

Gawler CM Club Open Mike

We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd

and 4th

Saturday of each month.

Entry: $4.00 per person for all aIending. Tea and coffee are provided. BYO Nibbles to share.

Anglican Parish Hall. 26 Cowan Street, Gawler NOTE: The Gawler Country Music Workshop and Open Mike will automa�cally be cancelled

when the forecast temperature is 32 degrees and over.

Sunday 11th

1 - 5 pm The Charlie McCracken Band plus Malcolm Doyle

Southern CM Club - Lockleys Bowling Club. 46 Rutland Ave, Lockleys

Monday 12th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

Sunday 18th

1 - 5 pm Heartland - Railroad CM Club - S.A. Sea Rescue Squadron. Barcoo Road, West Beach

Sunday 18th

12 - 4 pm

Eddie And Friends - Happy 2015 Show Gawler Country Music Club

The Grenville Centre. 10 Playford Boulevard, Elizabeth (Across from the Civic Centre)

Mon 19th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

Saturday 24th

11 am - 4.30 pm

Gawler CM Club Open Mike

We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd

and 4th

Saturday of each month.

Entry: $4.00 per person for all aIending. Tea and coffee are provided. BYO Nibbles to share.

Anglican Parish Hall. 26 Cowan Street, Gawler NOTE: The Gawler Country Music Workshop and Open Mike will automa�cally be cancelled

when the forecast temperature is 32 degrees and over.

Saturday 31st

6.30 - 11pm Heartland / Steppin’ Back - Mount McKenzie Hall Fundraiser

Sunday 25th

11 - 4 pm

Eddy Edwards and Friends plus Billy Dee

Murray Bridge CM Club - Imperial Football Club. Johnstone Pk, Murray Bridge

Sunday 11th

1 - 4 pm Rus�c Relics - Barrossa CM Club - Nuriootpa Bowling Club. Buna Terrace, Nuriootpa

Thursday 1tst

From 11 am Annual Bluegrass Picnic - Botanic Park, Adelaide

Sunday 18th

1:30 pm Billy Dee and Friends plus guest walk ups - Plympton & Glenelg RSL - 464 Marion Rd, Plympton Park

Sunday 25th

1 - 5pm Winchester with Trevor Philbey - Kilburn R.S.L. CM Func�ons - Way Street, Kilburn

Thursday 1tst

From 12 pm Heartland / Steppin’ Back—Port Parham Social Club, Port Parham

Friday 9th

1.30 - 3 pm Big Jim the Irishman - HalleI Cove Lutheran Church. Ragamuffin Drive, HalleI Cove

Sunday 11th

4 pm Old South Bluegrass - Wheatsheaf Hotel, George St Thebarton

Monday 26th

8 - 9pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

A special thank you to Ian Fisk for keeping us up to date with what’s happening around the traps.

Phone: (08) 8296 3350 or visit here

hGp://countrymusicsa.com.au/gigguide/gigguide.htm for updates.

Page 9: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


GCMC Show - December 21st

Bernie and the Bandits

put on a good show alt-

hough Bernie was two

band members down. His drummer Bobby

was in hospital and key-

board player Dave had a

family bereavement.

Best wishes guys. From ‘It’s Now Or Never’ to ‘It Doesn’t Matter Anymore’ ... the

dance floor was kept very busy.

Derani and Cassie Sanders per-

formed Christmas happiness with

ballads and honky-tonk while George Dobie sang a host of Christmas carols. Of course our very special guest Santa... He became over-

whelmed with young children,

older children and very

mature aged children. Glad to hear you suffered

no injuries Santa! Anoth-

er great show at the

Gawler Country Music


Well done everyone. Have a happy new year.

Les Parris Photo Credits: Rob Chapman

Gawler Country MusicGawler Country MusicGawler Country MusicGawler Country Music

WorkshopWorkshopWorkshopWorkshop Bring your instruments along and learn from the experience of

others. Have fun playing along with new friends.

Come along if you want to sing or play...

� Guitar/Bass � Keyboards

� Mandolin

� Whatever you fancy...

� Drums/Percussion � Banjo � Ukulele

Only $4.00 entry

Tea and Coffee available

BYO Nibbles

First Saturday of each month

12 noon to 4.30 pm

Next Workshop: Saturdays 1st


Anglican Parish Hall 26 Cowan Street Gawler

For further informa�on contact Fred: 0417 851 609

Everyone is welcome to come along.

Entertain or be entertained.

It doesn’t get beIer than that !!

Only $4.00 entry

Tea and Coffee available

BYO Nibbles

2nd and 4th Saturday of each month

11 am to 4.30 pm

Anglican Parish Hall 26 Cowan Street Gawler

For further informa�on contact Fred: 0417 851 609

Heat Policy The GCMC Workshop and Open Mike will

automa�cally be cancelled

when the forecast temperature is 32

degrees and over.

Page 10: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Dad and Dave were on a

tractor working out on the

farm. They drove it across

the paddock, and without

looking for traffic, contin-

ued straight out onto the

road. A young man in a fast road-

ster car came flying around

bend, saw the tractor,

swerved left to miss it,

crashed through the pad-

dock fence, did a huge cir-

cle in the paddock, smashed

back through the fence up

the other end, back out onto

the road and kept tearing

off down the road. Dave turned to Dad and

said ‘Jeez, Dad. We only

just got out of the paddock

in time!’

Dedication to Les

Back in 2005 our club was in want of a

newsleIer editor to take over from my

daughter Fiona Parish. George Dobie

said he would approach a friend of his

who was wan�ng a challenge. He then

asked Les Parris if he would be interest-

ed in coming on board and become our

newsleIer editor. Les produced a cou-

ple at the old size an A4 folded in half

and then came up with a totally new

edi�on - an A3 folded in half which we

s�ll get today. Les is a Scotsman who

over the years has picked up on country

music from all over the world. He

would finish one newsleIer and start

working on the next one. The stories

on the various ar�sts made for very

good reading. Les over the year has

made a lot of friends in country music.

At the moment Les has a preIy big

fight on his hands. He has been diag-

nosed with stomach cancer and is hav-

ing treatment for it. But due to the

pressure he is under he has decided to

re�re. We as a commiIee will be loos-

ing a big part of our team. Les, we all

consider you as a friend and we hope

you win the baIle you are faced with.

So on behalf of the CommiIee and its

members we would like to present you

with small token of our apprecia�on.

Once again

thank you

for playing a

big part in

making our

club what it

is today.

‘If your toes aren’t tappin’, and your hands aren’t clappin’,

you be+er have an instrument in your hands.’

Thanks Dave Williams for your gener-

ous cash contribu,on.

It has been forwarded to The Animal

Welfare League to be used to support

animal welfare in our local community.


Shirley Mitchell

Long �me club member

Shirley passed away on


November 2014.

Shirley never missed a

show at the Gawler

Country Music Club. She

was caring, kind, loving,

and loved by many. Our sincere thoughts are

with Shirley’s family and friends.

Page 11: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club


Coming Events

Sunday February


12 - 4 pm Gawler Country Music Club

The Grenville Centre.

10 Playford Boulevard


(Across from the Civic Centre)

‘Lena & The Mix Lena & The Mix Lena & The Mix Lena & The Mix are a talented group of musicians

performing an exciting blend of Country, Rock, and more…’

One of the Top Ten Best Selling Male

Ar�sts of All Time, Kenny’s dis�nc�ve

voice and universal appeal have consist-

ently sold out venues where he performs

from a chart topping catalogue spanning

the genres.

The Gambler, Coward of the County, Reu-

ben James, Lucille, Ruby Don't Take Your

Love to Town, Lady, She Believes in Me,

Islands in the Stream, We've Got Tonight,

Day�me Lovers, Sweet Music Man, You

Decorated My Life, Buy Me A Rose,

Through The Years, You Can’t Make Old

Friends and more.

Honoured with a Country Music Hall of

Fame induc�on and Willie Nelson Life-

�me Achievement Award in 2013, Kenny’s accolades also include 3 Grammy Awards, 18 American Music Awards and 8

Academy of Country Music Awards.

As an actor, Kenny starred as Brady Hawkes in The Gambler, 5 movies which became the longest-running mini-series

franchise on American television and another inspired by his hit, Coward of the County.

Don’t miss Kenny Rogers through the Years world tour with special guest Amber Joy Poulton, for one night only.

Fes�val Theatre, Adelaide - Wednesday, February 11th 2015 hIp://www.adelaidefes�valcentre.com.au/shows/kenny-rogers/

Page 12: Hollie May O’Neil - Playford Country Music Club