j.ilt Iwmntg Sentinel OREGON. - MISSOURI, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1876 CfMicil Plufff K. & TDK CUD M. 3L &&K Mtf. W d, 18 IH Fares! City i Mall and Expmm, Xo. t;4aUj-- . .ex cept 3UOUJ sas r, t, a la- - pi.a. Va.S. dalle. . . taw f- - 1 - r i cept Sunday, : A. a. freight. So. , except 8undey. :S8 A. a. Freltht No. 11, xcpt Saturday. 5 r. a. ars svtk. tiwf Faral CUt : HaHaad Express, No. dallyex- - event 8bb5T. lttOS A. M. SK. Lool. Kigbt Express, K. (, ttaHy, atct.fwiJ. Freight, No. M, 4UUy, exact tot r. a. Bunaa y. FretgM "No bandar. felSr. a. Gea. Snp't. AU't Sup't. A. C. DAWES, Gen. Pass. Agt. Malar Term, 3d Monday la Aprfi, August adPe ibrr ctf everyyear. Tnaas if T Cotat. irilrr Mondays ia reuntary, ttirT Aart a4 Scvsmbcr of every year. BatafwTCTne, td Mondays la January, jipri; Jaiy aad October of avcry year. EsanlyBtw cares fever and ague For wrte, st KING & OREN. 9tf Oregon, Mo. 5.000 ftecraks Hraated to ware Boots and Sboe, Jaat received At Castle's for fal trade. I have Jwst recelred itne Urgent stock of Boots and Shoes ever etfered te, the. people of Holt county. wVlcni.will sell at the lowest price, for cash. A. J CASTLE, 9tt Oregon, Mo. Kotioeof DiMolution. -- JL J.Deeley Bro., have dissolved parteersWp by hUhi1 ooweat. From 4fcto en, A. J. Daoky wlH inn the bu,l-sm- s akwe sad ceHeet all aecoaau, and JI vfce know tfccmaelres iadebted to the Sm. will call atoace and settle by .cm era-ate- . A. J. DOOLEY 4 BRO. Okegov. OctrlS, 187. 17 litttt-Wanted- - The Bed Itoat Sons" will ear the feUfceit mrket price for choice roll tx. it. wn.mwav9.i 1541 Ferest Cky. Mo. J00tlctiiT or the 9MM1L N CALENDAR. Finttem wiMbegia SepL 4th. 1876. Md ekate Sbr. Kh. 8ees4 terat will begla Nov. ISth, flWsc7aa.3th. 1877. jTkdil'temwill hgR Jaa. 29th, and cteae April Kb. 1877. Fsttrtkl rm will becht April 9tfa and fes'JelMh. 1877 Daily lUssMeet- - 9. i rnnr. .IMC aW SMSWSW MO Meas1 aaks of the latest style ad saps riar aaaHty. frou the cetebra tedCletMaHeaieetC. P. Kellogg 4 60 MeaV aad boya1 Overooatsat $4 jwd apwards. 200 pair Mefis1 aad Boys1 wiater Beats, ef the Jasdytasaeas Beadersoa .4Ce.. .C1aisago aaafce, at prices that wJH astoaioh yoa. 9W pair Ladies' Saees.'ia side aad fiwat lata. aN crades aad prices. m 'diiit.T-- '' all eeiors aad jaaHty, atSfe aad Bpwards. - ptoaas Jeaas. at SOc to eCtar W Ladtet Shawls, at prices within raaaheiaN. .M glssst Bepcltaats, all colors, 70c ptoeat Bfaek Alaaeea, at S5c to (1. . t aaaes IJress Gads.efthe latest drla. LadW Laather aad Silk Beks, at - ' lee'a'apwards. m UHm? Silk Ties c to l, " A aaieadisf assertseat of Ladies' sriMd Bate. ltl Owgon, - - Missouri, CFyEES TjwetannweialMqP broaght totaV aarkat. We JuajBft store asp naear AmHmeH, Tweeds. IT iBflMads, lves, Haaterjr MeU,., tut. jtesaeiBber, that Cbaddaek tc Co., iHraoa, Me., clean them 11 on low " ' " prices. Mm3 Hen. T. W. Colli as ot. Joseph,and Keary States. gsq.,jtki aky. have nasoolatsd ' " is the waeUee At the law. They will practice their profesaiea ia all the courts of Holt county, and make probate business a epeclality. t8wl. HOME NEWS. .21 Kinds of Personal and JTelghborhoed Items JTottc Jfotvn my Our "Mtocaiitts1 has been sown la this county sib late as Oct. 30th. -- Tbe Oregou City Council meets CI o'clock, Tuesday evening. Nov. 7th. 18w2. jyThc many acquaintances ot Judge Solomon Lchmer and Bayard Lcbmcr, will be gratified to learn that they have safely returned from their visit to the Centennial. t7-E!de- r P. K. Dibble will preach in the Presbyterian church in this place next Sunday, Nov. 5th, at 11 o'clock, Subject: "Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, that when ye tall, they may receive yon into everlasting habitation." Luke 16, 9. Also at Union School House at night. Geo. Miller of Pleasant mil. Mo., will preach at the Presbyterian church in this city, next Sabbath night, Nov. 5th. UB. Q. King, Esq., of Springfield, Ohio, was in the county several days this week, 'looking after some landed interest of his. He started for his home on the first Instant, where be ex- pects to be on the 7th, to vote for Hayes and Wheeler. Ef Mr. Jacob Waggoner, an old-tim- e resident of Holt county, passed through here Thursday of last week, with his family ot wife and six chil- dren and household goods, loaded on three wagons, bound for the Marrleta settlement In Northwestern Holt. They hall from Wise county, Texas, where they have been since early last spring, Intending to raakeJtlhelr home. But on closer Investigation Mr. and Mrs. Waggoner find that Texas is not as good a country as it Is cracked up to to be, and that Holt Is their "best bolt" after all, where they again intend to build np a permanent home. Right. t7Messrs. Amos Wise, Coraellns Kunkel. Ed. WeKy, well known citi- zens cf this, county, have returned to their homes after an extensive trip to the East, including the Centennial. 17-Dr- . N. W. Hayes of Corning. Ho., started for Ohio Medical College. Cincinnati, on Monday, to attend the medical lectures to be delivered at this institution this fall and winter. He will be gone antil the middle of March. pyMeisrs. Sol. Catron and Wm. Hlakle, who some seven months ago weBtto the gold fields of the Black Hills country, returned to their homes in Bigelow township last week. They atadedthe .vigilance of Sluing Ball and Crazy Horse, and are still the hap- py possessors of their own scalps. SyMessrs. Thaddlask and Cad M. Slaughter, of Union township, have gone to the Black Hills. They intend to follow mining now since the "noble Bed Man" seems to manifest a spirit qf submission to the government. - gSTThe following well-know- n gen tlemen left this week : For Little Rock. Arkansas: Clarke Irvine. Eugeue Irvlue. For Philadel phia: Wm. Springer. John France. gyMr. Allen Daniels, of Princeton, Illinois, was in town several days hut week looking after some landed inter- est of his. ' Whilst at Craig the other day we saw some of the finest ears oi corn we have'seea this year. It was of the mammoth kind; .the ears all well filled and averaging 12 inches la length. It was raised on the (arm of Mr. John M Hosglasd. of Uaioa township. gyMr. J.O. ZacHBian, of Indiana, brother of Daniel and Henry Zacbsan of this cosBty. gave us a call at our oAce one day hist week. He had been inthecoenty about tea days lookinc alter some landed interest of his. TrjtkSMRatStNcFvstQtT. The Good Templars lodge of Craig bekl aa election Oct. 28th. when the following oficera were chosen : Dr. S.S. Bacon, W. C. T. Mrs. Rachel Redmon, W. Y. T. Eageae Doughty, R. S. J. W. Ixsntz. F. 8. Mrs. lizzie Welch, Trcas. Jacob Sweet wood, Chaplain. JrVarnea, W.M. Miss Laura David, I. G. Robert Lyon. O. G. Miss A. M. Hoblltzell. R. H. S. ' Miss Foanle Stokes, L. IL S. Mrs. Yarness, D. M. These oScers will be Installed by Deputy Cornelius Hoblltzell ou Sat urday evening, Nov. 4th- - PUBLIC I will sell at Public Auction, at my farm six miles North of Oregon, on Moand City Road, on 5aHa day, JTageswier, II, ST, 160 Acres ot Cora, 60 bead of Stock Hogs, 6 Steers one aad oae-ha- lf year old, one three year old and 1 one year nelfers. 1 Steer Calf, 1 spaa of fire year old Horses, 1 Bine year old Horse, 1 spaa of Mules, 1 sacking Male, 2 Stubble Plows, 2 Cultivators. Tensu mt Met A credit of twelve months will be given. The purchaser giving note with approved security. Sale at 10, a. m. I.D. BEELER. Chadduck &"Co.f Oregon, - lEssoiiri, have a M Aff MarTM SNUbI of Overcoat, Mens' Youths' &id Boys Slit, Boots, Shoes HsJj,Ctpt,ft& All of which they are selling L6WER than anybody, tor cash. 16m3 Tfj tkMftSl(ire;FsratCitj.!Mo. Normal Sohool. I tony inquiries have been made by the citizens of Holt and adjoining counties as to the success of the North West Missouri Normal School, in order to answer these various inquiries, we would say that the first term will close the 10th of November. Sixty students have been enrolled in the Normal de partment during this term. Entire satisfaction has been given by Prof. Hill and his assistants, and the patrons of the school are highly gratl fled with the present success and the tuttire prospects. Quite a number of new students are making preparations to euter the school at the beginning of the second term, which will be No vember 13th. All who want a good education, or who want to quality themselves for teaching, cannot do better th&n place themselves under the Instructions of Prof. Hill and Miss Heath. Boarding can be bad at 2 50 to (3 per week. Tuition $7 50 per term. This oppor tunity should be improved by all who want an education. Attention I T the JkOses mtthe MUecHns mf the Sererml Tmwenuhime ausaT Precincts mf JaU CeacMfs. We recommend that yoa take with you the statute of 1875, which points our your duty on pages 51, 52 nnd 53. Tit IkM MStn,?tttCitT. T9 TME LmABIES. Ladies wishing to buy Hats and all kinds of millinery Goods, will do well to give as a call. We have got all new goods and will sell vary cheap. Phase come and give us a call. All kinds of sewing done at reason able prices. Wc take trade or cash. ia exchange for goods. Miss RUTH LOFFER. Mrs. DEFFENBAUGH. Forbs, Mo. 19w4. bri Fnrtlta till iki grtii QmtffCi. These Mills have been Improved by the addition of more complete machin- ery, for cleaning and elevating grain ; Their capacity bow is equal to 250 bash- - els per hour. The company are prepared to pay the highest cash price for all kinds of gram, or win snip on commission, they are also prepared to shell corn for those who desire to ship. Flour and feed kept constantly on hand at whole sale or retail. JEPHTHAH MARTIN, Pres. . P. Adams. Sec. Notice to Herchanti. I will call on all merchants as soon as possible after the 1st of November, for their merchant's tax. Please be ready to make payment. Respectfully, WM. G. McINTYRE, Collector. N. B. Merchants tailing to send In statement will be proceeded against as the law directs. Then make haste and send in statement. W. G. M. Jfrndgee mf MtecHmm, The lollowlug named persons were appointed Judces of the general elec tion, to be faekl November 7th, 1876 : East Lewis, at Oregon. A. J. Castle, T. I. Kreex ami David osier. West Lewis, at Forest City:, W. Orr. Tobias 8. Lease and 8. M Glass. Forbes, at Forbes: W. H. Poynter, Geo. fllclntyre and W. K. Adams. Nodaway, at Richvllle school house: John .Meyer, Bam uaray and fczra s. McDonald. Hickory, at New Point: Wm. Ruhl, Noah Hunts man aad James IL Barnes. u Clay, Port Oafee Whig Valley: J. D. Gobdpaster, R. G, Mcdsker aud T. M. U&YJ. Benton, at Mound City: N. B Browning, James Blair and E. J. Steele. Bigelow. at Bigelow: J. L. Chanlng, II. a Long and Socrates Moore. Union, at Craig: J. V. Wright, D. L. Huastetter and T. . Slaughter. Llbertv. at Ross Grove School house W. II. Burnes. Peter Dcarmont and Otb Hoieabeck. . Llacola, at' Corning: James Gaff- - and iienry Koseuus. TirlkMMStBjitfl City, JKKyftfaWaV ta64Br Therejrill be preaching at the Court House this city on Sunday next. Novemb5tb, at 10) a. m. and 7 p. m, by aa eW et the Reorganized Church of Jecaa wist of Latter Day Saints. All are respectfully iuvltedJo altead Two rrtix aaap a Dollaks Reward. For a fallm reajjto care any case of "Habitual com hbj Hon" of the bowels with Di. Sherman1 compound prickly ash bitters, provi IMBYI ts use ;s persisted in as directed. No amtter whether the disease is tbe result ol torpid liver or a relaxed condition otbe muscular coating of the bowels, fhey never fail to cure it; also, all the various diversi- fied, sympathetic, nervous disorders usually accompanying indigestion, and occasional or habitual constipation ot the bowels. It also cures dizziness sick headache, leuoorrbca and all lo weakness usually accompanying the same. No spirit is used ia them, ex- cept a pure article of Holland Gin. Ladles in particular will find them pe- culiarly adapted to their wants in all ages and conditions of life. For sale at Drug Stores. 7yleow. $2 20 per Barrel for Michigan Salt, at the Red FrootjForesfcCity, Ifi i Cbaio, Oct. 18, 1876. Resolutions upon the death ot Miss Josie Hufkstettek, member of Craig Lodge, No. 835, 1. O. G. T. Wiif.kf.a9. Itha8 pleased Almighty God, the great Ruler of the Universe, to remove from among us a bcloyed sister, therelorc be it Resolved. That wniie we now in humble submission to the divine will, yet wo deplore the loss ot one so young nnd fair, one whose hand was ever up lifted to assist tbe sick, tnc ageu anu Infirm. One whose, talents were bo promising for the luturc. Itanlred. That the memory ol the many pleasant associations with her while here,, will ever be a pleasant thought, nnd will be cherished 'til we ore laid beneath the "clods of the vole." Besoloed. That in sister HufTstctter this lodge has lost an ardent In the Temperance cause, the family a dutiful daughter and loving sister, so- ciety an ornament and her friends n treasure. Euolved. That we extend our heart felt sympathies to the bereaved family, in this their lime of "great affliction." Retolced, That sister HufTstettcr's death should remind us that life is short, that man is liko the summer clouds, which lasteth for a short sea- son and then vnnlsheth away, that it should teach ns to lire nearer to the grand principles of our much beloved order Raolved. That wc will wear the usu al badge of mourning for the tcrmcf twenty days. . Raolved, That a copy ot these reso- lutions be sent to the Holt County Sentinel for publication. EUGENE DOUGHTY,) N. C. HOBLITZELL. Com. J". T. DOUGHTY. S Try tie Eei Frftit Store, Forest City. The SenttmeU Negotiations are on loot by which the Holt County Sentinel is to change bands on the 9th, full partic ulars of which will be laid before our readers next week. Messrs. W. W. Davenport, of St. Joseph, and D. P. Dobyns of Macon City, Mo., are to be the prospective proprietors of the Sentinkl. ADAM KLIPPEL. Vote for Memhem Ming for Cor- - oner. Serimus Accident Mr. Nyinrod Ramsy, who resides on the MeadowB farm, seven miles north of Oregon, met with a serious, and it is feared fatal accident last Sunday, Oct. 29th. He was on horseback endeavoring to head off some cattle when his horse stumbled throwing blm head foremost to the ground. Mr. Ramsey has been unconscious ever since the accldeut, and serious fears are entertained ot bis recovery. We hope our fears may prove Vote for met. MmtekUu, for Public Administrator; he has made a faithful officer, und should be re-ele-ct cd by a rousing majority. I have a cood farm of 120 acres in" Livingston county to trade for proper- ty In Oregon, or a farm in the vicinity of Oregon. A. J. DOOLEY. 19tf TwoBattiKiis, 75caM$l. Sails, ie iollamp to ai Ws.W(HM Cashmeres nnd other dress goods in fashionable colors. Cardinal Red aad JSmvy Blue rrtata. CleakJng IH ts ITS yd Cardaaard, Zejakf r aad Ger aaaalawa Yara, Chlldreas' Heads Elaaaraleljr BraidedeRly Tc aad I.a3. 18 GEO. W. KIES. far Collector Of Holt county we present the name of Mmmtiet If. JUorrUmu. He is accommodating, competent and honest. His past experience as Deputy Col lector will greatly nld him in the dis charge of bis duties. Let cs give him an' Immense majority. Vote for Mcumcn Mownem for Assessor; be is a worthy citizen, and will make a good officer if elected. Take Notice. All persons knowing themselves in dsbtcd to the undersigned, will please come up and settle immediately, and oblige. Yours, &c., 19w3 F. 8. ROSTOCK & SON. f WmteH found, Which tbe owner can get by apply Ing at this office describing the same, and paying tbe advertising fees, &c. JUSTICES OP TME PEACE, An Time ot Expirution f Term mf Omce. NAME. TOWNSHIPS. WHEN EXP'S Geo Weber Lewis 1878 Jesse L Brown " 1878 Henry Sbutts ex-of- fi Oregon 1877 n M uiass Forest City 1877 G W Lucas Forbes 1878 J U Atkins 1878 Richard Acton Nodaway 1876 Geo Ruhl 1876 Thos Wright Hickory 1877 Vacancy " 1876 Wlngate King Benton 1878 CERarnes " 1878 H C Long Bigelow 1878 Robt Adklnson npp' by Court 1878 One to be elected " vacancy T C Simpson Liberty vacancy J as E Wilson 1878 Levi Durham Union 1876 H S Hogue 1876 C F Storm Clay 1878 E R Uozell 1878 WE Hurst Lincoln 1876 E Hodsdon 1878 A. J. Dooley, East Sldo Public Square, Oregon, Is going to keep the Fort Scott coal for sale In the Lumber Yard. From this on any one wanting to burn con), will know where to find Jt. 18w:t SPECIAL NOTICES. AMOMCEMENTS. EWrtntcr's fee for announcements forofflec S3.0U each, payable In advance. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Editok Sextixkli 1'li-as- announce to the readers orthe StsTixKL, that I am a candidate for the omce of COUNTY JUDGE or Holt coun- ty, at the November election. SAM. H.Y0U3U. Hentox TowNSHir, Sept. S3, 1870. FOR SURVEYOR. To the Citlxtn of Holt Count), ito. : Ilavlnj bad experience In the btuineM of Surveying, and not eouaideriug the oBlce of county survey or a political ofilce, I offer myself as a candidate for the office or COUNTY 8UKVKYOU, subject to the decision or the i otera of Holt county, at the November election. P. K. OlIJBLE. Onicaox, Mo. , Sept. 20. 1S70. Utf FOR ASSEHHOR. Editor 8kti.nl: Please announce m as a eand tdat for the office or ASSESSOR, subject to the decision of the legal voters or Holt coun- ty at the November election. U.U UU1IUI., Sept. 18, WTO. li,f For Constable Lewla Towaahlst. We are authorized to announce the name of JAMES a. BttOWN as a candidate for the office of ContUbU ot Lewis Township, subject to the decision of the voters. JVEfV ADVERTISEMENTS To all who arc BUtTerlnff from the errors and indiscretions of Youth, nervous weakness. early decay, loss ot manhood, ftu.. I will send a receipt that will cure you.FUEE OP CHARGE. This treat remedy Was discovered by a mis sionary in 8outh America. Send a envelope to the. Bcv. Josira T. Ixxax, SMion D. Bible Home, Xe York. ISmfl. If yoa feel dull drowsy, debilitated have fre quent headache, mouth tuts badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering .from torpid liver, or 'biliousness,' and nothing will cure you so speedllly and permanently as ASK tbe recovered dyspepUcs. BUHous sur fers, victims or Fever and Ague, the mercarial diseased patient, bow they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite they will teU yoa by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator. BAD BREATH I Nothlnc Is so unpleasant, nothing so com mon aa bad breath, and in nearly every case it eontes from the stomach, and can be so easily corrected If yoa will take 8immons' Liver Beg-ulat- Do not neglect so sure a remedy for this repulsive disorder It will also Improve your AppetltCtCunipIexton and General Health. SICE HEADACHE I This affliction occurs most fre-- qaently. This disturbance of the stomach, arising from the tropeifectly digested contents. causes a severe pain miuc unu, .wip-- .. with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes wnai is popularly auuwn m oig iicwwc. Kxtract of a letter from Hon. Alex. 11. Steph ens, dated March 8, l7i: "I occasional use, woen myconaiiion requires n. m.oiui Regulator, with good eftVct. It U mild, and suitsraabetter than more active remedies." iaw),M tTilr T can recommend as aa eOcaclous remedy for all diseases of the i ii..r,inrn ami 1lr.nm.la. Simmons' n.irulator. Lewis U. Wnnder, No. 183 Liter - . - . . . n .... IM. . I ..1 r.1 . AiaSleroK., iiasuiaui jru&uuaurr, LHwtf- i- J. H. XvEILm Sole Proprietors SUnmon: Liver Kegulator, 17yl PHILABELFHIA. The Centaur Liniments have created L- - revolution In remedies Tor Itheuma-U- Strains, Swellings, Pains, Durns, Scalds, Stlnn. tc. The White Liniment Is for tne nu- - man family, and the, Yellow uninienus lor horses. They are eertaln, handy and cheap SwIS Castoria is Certain to operate. It does not nauseate or grip like Castor Oil, but is pleasant to take, digests tbe rood, regu- lates' the bowels, cures wind colic, expels worms and causes natural sleep. His equally adapted to adults and Infants. It contains neither Mineral. Morphine nor Alcohol. Child ren Teethlag may have health, and toothers find rest. It they use Castoria. own NEW ADVERTISEMENTS laiM: Hoy Lost, How Be-- T..tl..1.1tA aa stawullllAM nf Da J lilt & UUllSUVUa SB IV vuiMua ua svs rIwerwelPa Colebnttcal Eaany on the radical cure (without mcdi-eln- el of Soermatorrhasa or Seminal weaaneas, invoiuniarv oemiuai ,u.- - es. impoh-ncy- , aicniai auu iu) ica lM.ajttv f mtiMltmpntii tn uarrlaire. etc. : al so. Consumption. Epilepsy and Pits, induced by or sexual extravagance, om. In a sealed envclodsi onlrslx cts. Tiue celebrated author, iu this admirable Es-s- ar. clear lv demonstrates, from a thirty rears' successful practice, that tbe alarming consc-on.nr- M nf .rtr.aliuie mav ba radicallv. cured or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at one simple, certain aad effect- ual tie mean's of which everr sufferer, no mat ter what bis condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately aua rauicaiiy. rT-Tb- ls Lecture should be In the hands ol ,it vnuLh and everr man in the land. Sent under seal, la a plain envelope, to any address, post-pai- d, on receipt oi si crm. oi two postage siainpa. A TsSt'CUIVHlWnX atTOICAL CO., 41 Abo Str., Mew York; ., 23yl Post Office nox.-4Saa- . Striay Notice. XAKEN UP by Calvin Gullltams, Jr., Hvlug in Uuivo township, Holt county, Missouri, on hM IQ,h .l.vnrflrtober. 1K76. One Light Biy Horee, three and ons-ha- lf rears old, fourteen aud one-ha- ir bands high and marked, with hlndfcet white, and a dark stripe along the bacE. Appraised at forty Dollars by Daniel Gull Hams and 11. A. ityan, dnly qualified, a rti (.niie- fniiu mv Vtrav ilook. lswsp for Union Township. Administrator's Notice. NdTlCE la hereby riven that letters or ad ministration noon the estate or James II.Gelvln. deceased , ha ve ueen granted to me by tbe Probate Court of Holt county, Missouri, bearing date tbe 3h day or October. A . D. ISTB. . All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to roe for allowance, within one year from tbe data of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate t and if said claims be not exhibited within two years from tbe date of said letters, they will be forever uarreti, MATTHEW GELVLV, 19wl Administrator. TRUSTEE'S SALE. WiHKttEAS. William E. Hill, br his certain led of trust, dated the ISth day of May, 1873, and recorded In the ltecorder's Office or Holt county, Missouri, in I took 'zt," at page !6S, conveyed 'to tbe undersigned trustee certain isrcels of real estate, situate, lying and belni io lion countr. and State of Misseurl, and described as follows, ltt The South West Fourth of the South West Quarter of Section Twenty-seve- n, Townsblu Sixty. Itance Thlrtv-elaii- ti And the South East fourth or the South Ea.t Quarter of Section Twenty-si- x In Township sixty-on- e, Kan ire Thlrtr-uin- Which said conveyance was made to secure me payment ot a certain promissory note in said deed or trust described and setouti and. whereas, said note Is uour due aud unpaid lo- - gcuicr wiui tne interest tnereon: Now. therefore, notice is hereby given that I. the under. lirawl Im.tev. will, in accordance with the terms and provisions of said dretlof iruat, ana at, ui request ol tue legal nomer oi IU UUiC, ua Monday, the 4lh day of December, 187C, at the nerth door of the Court House, In Oregon In a.M Unit wiimli. In (liu Ctlu if tlldninri between Ute hours of tvu o'clock ia tha forenoon aad five.o'tlock la tho afternoon of that day, sell the above described Real Kstate.or so much thereof as may be necessary, at public vendue, to the highest bidder fur easli. for tbe payment nrt the costs and expenses uf this trust, next me payment vi tne uoiu ii saui ueeu tiescnueu .VMir, tiuat.i, lQwS Tnutee NEW ADVERTISEMENT: Order of Publication. STATE OP MISSOUUt, Cocsrr or Holt. I" ' In the Circuit Court or Holt county, Missouri, i August Terra, 1SX. Henry IHckcy, plaintiff, S .Bf2lD,t, Samuel C.King, defendant, J Now AT THIS DAY comes the plaintiff herein by his attorney, and It appearing to the satisfaction of tbe Court that the defendant Is a nt of the State of Missouri, and the ordinary proceas of law cannot be served on blm In this action ; Whereupen It Is ordered by the court that ssld defendant be notified by publication, that plaintiff has commenced a snlt againu him In this court, the object an J general nature of which Is to recover by attach- ment of said defendant tbe sum ofPivcIIandred and t'iny-fo- dollars and forty cents, and that the property of said defendant is now about to be attached, and that unless the said de- fendants am Qel G. King, be and appear at this court at tbe next term (bereor, to be begun and holden at the Court House, in the city or Ore- gon, ort Monday, the 18lhdatqfDecember,l87G, next, and, on or before the sixth day of said term, answer or plead to tbe petition in said cause, the ssnie will be taken as confessed, and Judgment will be rendered accordingly. AD,t. Jf further ordered that a copy her eot be published, according-to-la- in the. Holt Coi-ST- r SOTi.vrj.. ; - - STATE OF MISSOURI, f County of Holt, jss. J, William A. Gardner, clerk of the Circuit CoCrtor Holt county, aforeuld, hereby eertirV that tlx Stwri.ls a traa copy oT the original order of publication, In tbe cause therein nam- ed, aathe same appears la my office. WITNESS my hand a clerk, and the ( SEAL seal ot said court. Done at offlce in 7yrzJ Ojn, h,fc day'"br October, IsTB. WM. A. GAUUNEK, ,18wl - 'tlerk, Order of Publication. STATE Or MISSOURI. ) county or Holr. jM In tbe Circuit Court- - of said county, August Terra. ItJIB. William Jt. Welchrrfalntlff, Divorce. Phoebe S. Welch, Defendant A AT THIS DA Y comes the Plaintiff herein by bis attorney, and It appearing to tbe satisfaction orthe tocrt that the defendaat -- cannot be sum- moned Infills action, whereupon It Is ordered by tbe Coart that said defendant be notlfledby publication, that plaintiff has commenced a suit against her in this Court, the object and general nature of which is to have dissolved the of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and that unleas the said Phoebe 8. Welch.bc and appear at this court at the next term tbereof.to be begun and holden at the Court IIous in the city or Oregon, in said county, on Monday, the 18iA day of December, 1876, next, and, on or before the sixth day or sal.1 term, answer or l.Iead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, aud Jrdsment will be rrnd.ml uvoniimrir And It la further ordered that a copy hevof yuu.ti, accuruiug io law in me itoT Cocsrr Si.xnxrt. STATE OF MISSOURI, L'onntv of Unit. Y I. W. A. Gardner ,Clerk Circuit Court of Holteounty, aforesaid, hereby certify that tbe above is a trne copy of the original order of uuuiicsiiuu, in ine cause uierem nameu, as tne same appears In my office. WITNESS mr hand as Clerk, and the I MIL I orsalrf court. Done at offlce l?rrN J ta Oregon, this 16th day or October 0 1578. Wat. A. GAUUNEK. 17w Cleit. Order of Publication. STATE OFMI3SOCBI, CouxTr or Holt. Intho Circuit Court of said county. August Term, 1876. William W. Caldwell, Admln-- 1 Istrator of tbe estate of Samuel I Warner, deceased, PlamUff, I aga'jist y Attachments- - wajMc. jjujuui, ueurge i,ar-ne- r, James 11. Warner, D. C. Warner, Thomas n. Warner, Jackson Warner, et al, De- fendants, A- - THIS UAY cornea tha Plaintiff h.rln hv his attorney, and It amiearing to the satisfac- tion Cf the Court that defendant. 11 f. IVarnrr Thomas 11. Warner, Jankson Warner and George Vi arner, cannot be summoned in this action, wnereupon it is ordered by the Court that said defendants be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against them In this Court, the. object and general na-- imvuiHuiuiuuiDmi ntuirrr annninieti.. to take charge of the milt and property, some- times known-a- s tbe Plllmor mills. Tint mora uiiwuuuijr tsuwu aa we iiouisxer mills, anu lunucriy owned oy Samuel Warner, (now de- ceased.) and James Luman to niu-r- nt che inn, for the benefit of all concerned or lease the wnoie or said property for the ne of uartles la teresteil. anil until a sale of said proiwrty can be effected. That on aceounl or tne conultion or said Urni of Warner and Luman betaken under the supervision of the Court. that the property so held in partnership aad by said Arm be sold, and the proceeds applied to the payment of partnership ucdis, ami tne re-- n maluder. If any, lie divided . the riMif, mar appeal between said Ijiman, his representatives and tbe plaintiff herein, and that unless the said II. C. Warner, Thomas 11. Warner, Jackson this court at the next term thereof, to be Immi and holden at the Court Oonse luthc city-o- r irirguu, imbsiu county, on Monday, the 18A day of December, 18 1&, next, and, on or before tbe sixth day of said term, answer or plead to tbesetitlen In 'said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and Judement will be rendered aeeordlnelv. , Ann . . .. . is iiinner oniervti . mat , . a copy . Herrot 1 1. v. n.l i r C - w puuiuuni Kcumiug iu law iu luq nut. I STATE OF MISSOURI, 1 County of Holt. " r TTr f t L. . r il l l . r . ,w m., A. uariucr, Cl.ra Ul llir blicuil viull of Holt couatr aforesaid, berebv certify that tb above is a true copy of the original order or puoucaiion, in tne canse tnerein nameu, as tae same appars in my efflce. iC. TV niibsa my nana as ciera, ana me seal or said court. Done at oftlce in rirl Oregon, this 14th day of October 0 v 1878. WM. A. GABDNEK, 17wl Clerk TRUSTEE'S SALE. tit W i i. . a niiii.. . ni u r ii,. V t niikcuiiij ii iiiijuu aiu.uiiui iv county or Holt and State or Missouri, by his certain deed of trust, dated the 27th' dav or Marh 1S7S, and recorded In the ltecorder's Offire or Holteounty. Missouri, in Hook "39," at page 119, conveyed to tbe undersigned trustee certain arcets or real estate, lying ana oeiag situate n tbe county or Holt, and State or Missouri. .1 . 1 1 ..11 ..!.. aim ucKnuruM luiiiin. lu-.- i. undivided Bart of the Fouth East Section Four M), and the East Half South East Section Ten (10). and South East South East .Section Three (3), Township Fifty-ni- ne f.'ifll Kanire Tbirtv-aeve- n (371 : Which said conveyance was made to secure tue payment ot a ernain promissory note, in said deed trust described; and. whereas, the said note is now past due and remains unpaid; Now. therefore, notice I. berebv riven tl'at I. m, uuiicii ix:ue 1.4 , .vunWav. with the terms and provl- - Ions or said deed of trust, and at the request f the legal bolder of Bam noie, on Tuesday, the 28th day of November, 1878. at tbe Court House door, In the city of Oregon, in ins county or lion ana state oi Atiasuuri. Iketween the hour of ten o'clock in tbe fore noon and five o'clock, in the aHernoou of that day. proceed tt sell the pr.perty herein de-- scrinea at puuuc venaue to tne nigneat auuier for cash, to satisfy the debt secured by said ueeu ot trust, ana an necessary costs anu ei tienses incurred inereuuxar. a. . lu..ia, 18w5 Trustee, (Delayeil publication.) Notice of Dissolution. TaTOTICK IS HEItEBY GIVEN THAT THE IN partnership heretofore exlstlnz between John St. llurger and Frederick Melster, at New mint, lion county, ato., nas ueen aissoieu "j mutual consent on ine ioiu oi weceiuuer, John M. Uurger retiring and Fred. Melster continuing In tue business. ... SUllA ill. UUItUCIb law! FUEU. MEISTER. Down to Bed Rock &. m. mums, Is offering his fine stock of furniture at BOTTOM PRICES, the flasst bedsteads ever offered In the town of Oregon, In fact, all kinds or nirnuure in my line Is of the best quality. Moss Mattresses made to order; nciuresanu ruiurtitwuuui an sixes. UNDERTAKING Have on band Codns of all sizes of the best "vi.'ure Invited to call and examine bis stock before purchasing elsewhere. Place of business three doors North of Post OlUcr. a. Ji. E8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lit AU&Wh ) ' y; K- - Wm. Baskins, AVisbes to say to tbe public that be has' Jastgot on aM . Kreah Stock ofDry Goods; Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots . Shoes, .Gloves, and JJlts. anI other goods too numer- ous to mention. In connection with this welt knuwn i- - large stock of Hardware. Queensware. Glassware x Groceries. Y eu can come nearer getting" anything vou want than any other store in rheeoantr.. H'- - propoefs tauku any prodnce that will bear&hipbiug. ri'n.g ana forhousd constunption m exchange for roods. . . . .7l V uu ill uiuii vim imi it at a bareain for nlnatr dare. ;' i ; ; CALL AND II "'"'t.t THE BCATTERINGi OF fiOCa8:-AT-.;'i- HEKL Gate was simply Immense; , but the scattering of DRY GOODS, CLOIDffi, ETS, (HIS. BOOTS, GIM..;Iim'a!,iI Spin ( Mound City, certainly is astonishing. We cordially invite every man, "woman, examine our gooas. - ' 15 " - :.: S?TH30A Miniuoi sum AND NEW GOODS. The undersigned has opened a full line of en tirely new and , r Wel Assortsi Ml of Wmi- U and will sell them ar price to- - snlrtheltejes. Ladles' call and examine my stock. "At 1. I sell for cash or its equivalent. Produce takes in exchange for Goods. , Mrs. JESSIE BEFFESBACGH, lOwfl Forbes, Holt counfr, Mo Notice of Administration.' NoTIcETs hereby given thst ihc estateof John E. MeKnhrht, deceased, late of Holt c ,i at, waj, onierMi iniA mr nantis ut tne ProlwJ. Court of Holt county. Missouri, on tbe mh .r .ini a n nr. All persona navms ciu3 iBu-- i Mat .-- a. rMnlmt In exhibit them to me for allowance,, within 'one-yea- r from 4he " aaieoi aaiu onirrj or way sui u rrctuu from any benefit of such estates and' If saM claims be not exbibited within two years from tbe date of said letters, they will be fal ever l,.i-- wl . - - - IPtlTtlMllltt't'lTB ,1 I lililil " n..4. Pnlillr. Administrator Xsr Holt eouatr. His- - souri. In charge or estate or jonn . -- uti Knight, deceased. 3w4 HOUSE aM IH 'PAimliilNIS of WOOD aM I&RBLB. PLAIX Jt DECORATIVE PAPER HAKCEK. Wall- - PainM & Ifccoratifii a Specially. OREGON, MISSOURI, Sm3- - uDaq,uttlonaDly Ute best tatuined' work cf tto Jclnd in tae wono-- " HARPER'S MAGAZINE .VoiVe. of the Prtu. InpTva.lnir elreulatlon of this excel lent monthly proves its continued ad.pttalon to iiopular desires and needs. Indeed, wbnu we think into how many It penetrates eveir. month, we must consider It aa one or the edu- cators as well as entertainers nf tbe public mind. Bo.ea Cfofte. The character which this Magazine possesses for variety, enterprise, artistic, wealth, and llturary culture that has kept pace with. Hit has not led the times, should cause its condus-to- rs to regard It with Justifiable complacency. The Magazine has done good and not evil all the davsortts lire. unoui iMgic. Some of the most popular of modern novels have drat appeared as serials In this1 Atsjarfss.-I- n all respects,, It Is an, excellent perU-Uc- al, and fully deserves Its great success. Pkitodtt- - pkU Ledger. . -- .Jw TERMS: Poatriarei free to all Hnbaerlbera la tae Halted State. IUnrxn's Magaxuce, onerear 81 00 I 00 Includes prepayment of V. S postage by the publishers. Subscriitluns to Harper' I Magazine, ITVrte and Bazar, tooue. address for eneyear, 810 DO or, two or Harper's periodicals, to one address for one year. 7 00. postage free. An Extra copy .f either the. Magazine, WetUt or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club or live subscribers at 00 each, in onereinit-tauc- et or. six copies for two 00. without extra copy: postage iree A complete set or Harper's Mairazlne. now comprising 31 Volumes, in ueat cloth bthtrlng, will be sent by express, rreight at expense of purchaser, for i ii per volume. Single vol- umes, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth cases, for binding. 38 cents, bym.ll, postpaid, A rnmnleia analytical Index to the-- first fifty volumes of Harper's Magazine has. just beeu renuaring avaiiauie lur reierenee Bubllsheil, varied wealth of Information which constitutes this. periodical a perfect Illustrated literary cyclopedia, trrn. ctotn, W ra; nan -- .1 r a. a. sent postage pain aeries oi papers unuer tur iii.r First Centunror the Republic, "eontrlbutd by the mcst eminent American publicists. Is g published In Harper's .Magazine. This series of over twenty papers give a comprehen- sive review of Progress diirlns the century now closing, In every department or our national "Newspapers are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express ordir or Harper A " Add'.' H AltPEIl B ItOTIl KIIS. .j New York n day at heme. Agents wanWd, Outfit $12 and urmsiree. iHua vi..,ksui, Maine. t)l if: ' - - r.H" . ttHVfraii: Mti. ' ..... H ..w. u n .u swva. Wilt pui t.u.v,-- - ; - SEE MY GOODS .fit WKlS""' J. - v iifi'rflH r4ii; t (! - ri r ....4 -- t ttti 'if'-'- . ' i and 'child, within 5ff miI,HdvralI.aI'. . .us.wMTi .r.;uvlJoaWi9i';4i6) jt r A'1C n-eig- ht pet EuiheJ mf Grain, Seeds,- - He. - W?i Wheat ..60ttjs 2&ai Beans .'.60 lbs? Corn Meal SO lbs. l'eas.. X W Rh. Sal t. iV. .r.-- . ,f lbs . Corn, shelled... M lbs. Ifemp 3eedV;.L,41 Corn, ear .Itfba Timothy. Seed,..ii Itw. Barley., .fSOlta. Blge OtJTSeed It tb. ou Titled rples.',.St !t. nucswneat M rbs. Orjed Peaebes..S3 Km. Potatoes GO lbs. Turnips; KJt.. Sweet Po tatoes.. 55 lix. njeat...v:.. JT 1M. Castor Beans. .. . lbs. Clover SeVd.'"rjeoital Stone Coal.. 80 lbs. Flax Seed 58 ttxi; Uoslackrd Lime SO lbs. Hungarian Seeu.S6!ba. Mastering Ha(r..8ttM. J;Ulet Seed.ii.. .SStti: MaIK..T. .:. . JS1 lb. 500,000'' HEDGE-PLANT- S FOR MLS,, Apply o l.t CIUPiN. '.." CrIo. James Ccims, jc.,-- . 14m3 Oregon,. XTo. rt- - BJCoiiiiifl Oity; Mp.1 I take pleasure to announce to the ladles or Mound City and surrounding country;, that I have just opened out a larje stock of tbe, .T; Latest StyleV of v. Iimei' xsnisning- - wooos-r-- ? of all kinds Hair Switches from U to tia. liailirs,', come atHUetrme. ' ."-- ? ' 1.W4 LIME; Hi "rxme Into the Lime Rnrntn: bail ness, we desire to notify the publlcthat we-a- rt" prepared to supply a tlrst-rat- e article ef Lime, to all.parties In .need -- of the sine.. Our.IJjne Kilas an ' wldowv.GlllInwafer' farm, two miles south of Oregon. .We aim to sell as cheap as anybody. Give us a call. SOwQ WM. EUMAX, v '. . " " 'Sit V - . August B5iTes; v Takers k West Side Public Sqnnrc;Orcgon,-'Sto- . have made arrangvmenta In. the Undertaker . ine as to be able. prOBato'lly to air orders. I keep all sizes of , IXlTATieN BOHIWBBB, Also, SUCAiLIC BCKIAL CAJaEikt, , constantly on hand. . "" HOSPITAL COFFINS turnlaheU at 7. 1 also keen a Ont-cla- ss Ileame): Tt. hicli ! w Ul fUrnlsh at moderali cBargest ' Z ' a 7 AugHsi , Kvrrei. Lnmber, Inimber ; For Sale. The Keese saw mill la located six miles, south west or Bigelow, eight miles south or Craig and three miles north east or Rulo, on what .la known as the Charles tlaua limber, where you wilt find a large ; SM of Laiier of alt Kiaas of which over thrie hundred thousand feet lumber, earerullr stacked and roofed-over- . blch yoa will Und dry and well season- ed, and equally as light as pine lumber, whiclv 1 am offering for sale low down and on vjjF reasonable terras on time. Vnme-an- nca'for. yourself aud you wUlacknowletlgyourMtlflnab it is the. "'- - A ; Cheapest and Best Lot or .Limiticr. yeukaawoforhavoseeatojralongtlroc. - , 1W3 WAS BEESE.. ,i . I. Wanted rreet. nir the. best Selling frsa)ir-- ine wurld. It csmlauis .shll-4'v'y',- s nvel-ol'dtr, UM4. mikbin Peucll, Patent Yard lMUUry anil a piece of Jewelry. Single nack- - lin pair or elegant w Slone Sleev 1111,19ns, pustpalil tweiiiy-av- e cents. 3 .with ' t JJ.rtil i.vi'l rv fur ai.OO. Ini ltaekago haa h.Mi .vamlnnl tir the 1inbllherof the Holt. T mi'ii! r.ininl as rerirrsentnl-- i worth the money Watches alv.n away, to aU, ugriits. firculars free. BKIDE-J- t CO.. vl Tim Broad av. New "Xorkv

Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1876-11 ...€¦ · j.ilt Iwmntg Sentinel OREGON.-MISSOURI,FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1876 CfMicil Plufff K. & TDK CUD M. 3L &&K Mtf. W d,

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Page 1: Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1876-11 ...€¦ · j.ilt Iwmntg Sentinel OREGON.-MISSOURI,FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1876 CfMicil Plufff K. & TDK CUD M. 3L &&K Mtf. W d,

j.ilt Iwmntg Sentinel


CfMicil Plufff K. &TDK CUD M. 3L

&&K Mtf. W d, 18

IH Fares! City i

Mall and Expmm, Xo. t;4aUj-- . .except 3UOUJ sas r, t,

a la- - pi.a. Va.S. dalle.. .taw f-- 1 - r icept Sunday, : A. a.

freight. So. , except 8undey. :S8 A. a.Freltht No. 11, xcpt Saturday. 5 r. a.

ars svtk.tiwf Faral CUt :HaHaad Express, No. dallyex- -

event 8bb5T. lttOS A. M.

SK. Lool. Kigbt Express, K. (,ttaHy, atct.fwiJ.

Freight, No. M, 4UUy, exact tot r. a.Bunaa y.FretgM "No

bandar. felSr. a.

Gea. Snp't.AU't Sup't.

A. C. DAWES,Gen. Pass. Agt.

Malar Term, 3d Monday la Aprfi, AugustadPe ibrr ctf everyyear.

Tnaas if T Cotat.irilrr Mondays ia reuntary,

ttirTAart a4 Scvsmbcr of every year.

BatafwTCTne, td Mondays la January,jipri; Jaiy aad October of avcry year.

EsanlyBtw cares fever and agueFor wrte, st KING & OREN.

9tf Oregon, Mo.

5.000ftecraks Hraated to ware Boots and

Sboe, Jaat received At Castle's for faltrade. I have Jwst recelred

itne Urgent stock of Boots and Shoesever etfered te, the. people of Holtcounty. wVlcni.will sell at the lowest

price, for cash. A. J CASTLE,

9tt Oregon, Mo.

Kotioeof DiMolution.

--JL J.Deeley Bro., have dissolvedparteersWp by hUhi1 ooweat. From4fcto en, A. J. Daoky wlH inn the bu,l-sm- s

akwe sad ceHeet all aecoaau, andJI vfce know tfccmaelres iadebted to

the Sm. will call atoace and settle by.cm era-ate-.


Okegov. OctrlS, 187. 17

litttt-Wanted- -

The Bed Itoat Sons" will ear thefeUfceit mrket price for choice roll

tx. it. wn.mwav9.i1541 Ferest Cky. Mo.

J00tlctiiTor the9MM1L


Finttem wiMbegia SepL 4th. 1876.

Md ekate Sbr. Kh.8ees4 terat will begla Nov. ISth,

flWsc7aa.3th. 1877.jTkdil'temwill hgR Jaa. 29th, and

cteae April Kb. 1877.Fsttrtkl rm will becht April 9tfa and

fes'JelMh. 1877

Daily lUssMeet--9. i rnnr.


MO Meas1 aaks of the latest style

ad sapsriar aaaHty. frou the cetebratedCletMaHeaieetC. P. Kellogg 4

60 MeaV aad boya1 Overooatsat $4jwd apwards.

200 pair Mefis1 aad Boys1 wiaterBeats, ef the Jasdytasaeas Beadersoa.4Ce.. .C1aisago aaafce, at prices thatwJH astoaioh yoa.

9W pair Ladies' Saees.'ia side aadfiwat lata. aN crades aad prices.

m 'diiit.T-- '' all eeiors aadjaaHty, atSfe aad Bpwards.- ptoaas Jeaas. at SOc to eCtar

W Ladtet Shawls, at prices withinraaaheiaN.

.M glssst Bepcltaats, all colors, 70c

ptoeat Bfaek Alaaeea, at S5c to (1.. t aaaes IJress Gads.efthe latestdrla.

LadW Laather aad Silk Beks, at- 'lee'a'apwards.

m UHm? Silk Ties c to l," A aaieadisf assertseat of Ladies'

sriMd Bate. ltl

Owgon, - - Missouri,

CFyEESTjwetannweialMqP broaght totaVaarkat. We JuajBft store aspnaear

AmHmeH, Tweeds.IT

iBflMads, lves, HaaterjrMeU,., tut.

jtesaeiBber, that Cbaddaek tc Co.,iHraoa, Me., clean them 11 on low

" ' "

prices. Mm3

Hen. T. W. Colli as ot. Joseph,andKeary States. gsq.,jtki aky. havenasoolatsd ' " is the waeUeeAt the law. They will practice theirprofesaiea ia all the courts ofHoltcounty, and make probate business aepeclality. t8wl.


.21 Kinds of Personal andJTelghborhoed Items JTottcJfotvn my Our "Mtocaiitts1

has been sown la thiscounty sib late as Oct. 30th.

--Tbe Oregou City Council meets

CI o'clock, Tuesday evening. Nov.7th. 18w2.

jyThc many acquaintances ot JudgeSolomon Lchmer and Bayard Lcbmcr,will be gratified to learn that they havesafely returned from their visit to theCentennial.

t7-E!de-r P. K. Dibble will preach in

the Presbyterian church in this placenext Sunday, Nov. 5th, at 11 o'clock,Subject: "Make to yourselves friendsof the mammon of unrighteousness,that when ye tall, they may receive yoninto everlasting habitation." Luke 16,9. Also at Union School House atnight.

Geo. Miller of Pleasant mil.Mo., will preach at the Presbyterianchurch in this city, next Sabbath night,Nov. 5th.

UB. Q. King, Esq., of Springfield,Ohio, was in the county several daysthis week, 'looking after some landedinterest of his. He started for hishome on the first Instant, where be ex-

pects to be on the 7th, to vote for Hayesand Wheeler.

EfMr. Jacob Waggoner, an old-tim- e

resident of Holt county, passedthrough here Thursday of last week,with his family ot wife and six chil-

dren and household goods, loaded onthree wagons, bound for the Marrletasettlement In Northwestern Holt. Theyhall from Wise county, Texas, wherethey have been since early last spring,Intending to raakeJtlhelr home. Buton closer Investigation Mr. and Mrs.Waggoner find that Texas is not asgood a country as it Is cracked up toto be, and that Holt Is their "best bolt"after all, where they again intend tobuild np a permanent home. Right.

t7Messrs. Amos Wise, CoraellnsKunkel. Ed. WeKy, well known citi-

zens cf this, county, have returned totheir homes after an extensive trip tothe East, including the Centennial.

17-Dr-. N. W. Hayes of Corning.

Ho., started for Ohio Medical College.Cincinnati, on Monday, to attend themedical lectures to be delivered atthis institution this fall and winter.He will be gone antil the middle ofMarch.

pyMeisrs. Sol. Catron and Wm.Hlakle, who some seven months agoweBtto the gold fields of the BlackHills country, returned to their homesin Bigelow township last week. Theyatadedthe .vigilance of Sluing Balland Crazy Horse, and are still the hap-

py possessors of their own scalps.SyMessrs. Thaddlask and Cad M.

Slaughter, of Union township, havegone to the Black Hills. They intendto follow mining now since the "nobleBed Man" seems to manifest a spirit qfsubmission to the government. -

gSTThe following well-know- n gentlemen left this week :

For Little Rock. Arkansas: ClarkeIrvine. Eugeue Irvlue. For Philadelphia: Wm. Springer. John France.

gyMr. Allen Daniels, of Princeton,Illinois, was in town several days hutweek looking after some landed inter-est of his. '

Whilst at Craig the other daywe saw some of the finest ears oi cornwe have'seea this year. It was of themammoth kind; .the ears all well filledand averaging 12 inches la length. Itwas raised on the (arm of Mr. John M

Hosglasd. of Uaioa township.gyMr. J.O. ZacHBian, of Indiana,

brother of Daniel and Henry Zacbsanof this cosBty. gave us a call at ouroAce one day hist week. He had beeninthecoenty about tea days lookincalter some landed interest of his.


The Good Templars lodge of Craigbekl aa election Oct. 28th. when thefollowing oficera were chosen :

Dr. S.S. Bacon, W. C. T.Mrs. Rachel Redmon, W. Y. T.Eageae Doughty, R. S.J. W. Ixsntz. F. 8.Mrs. lizzie Welch, Trcas.Jacob Sweet wood, Chaplain.JrVarnea, W.M.Miss Laura David, I. G.Robert Lyon. O. G.Miss A. M. Hoblltzell. R. H. S.' Miss Foanle Stokes, L. IL S.Mrs. Yarness, D. M.These oScers will be Installed by

Deputy Cornelius Hoblltzell ou Saturday evening, Nov. 4th- -

PUBLICI will sell at Public Auction, at my

farm six miles North of Oregon, onMoand City Road, on 5aHa day,JTageswier, II, ST, 160 Acres otCora, 60 bead of Stock Hogs, 6 Steersone aad oae-ha- lf year old, one threeyear old and 1 one year nelfers. 1 SteerCalf, 1 spaa of fire year old Horses, 1

Bine year old Horse, 1 spaa of Mules,1 sacking Male, 2 Stubble Plows, 2Cultivators.

Tensu mt Met A credit oftwelve months will be given. Thepurchaser giving note with approvedsecurity. Sale at 10, a. m.


Chadduck &"Co.f

Oregon, - lEssoiiri,

have a MAff MarTM SNUbI of

Overcoat, Mens' Youths'&id Boys Slit, Boots, ShoesHsJj,Ctpt,ft&All of which they are selling L6WERthan anybody, tor cash. 16m3

Tfj tkMftSl(ire;FsratCitj.!Mo.

Normal Sohool.

I tony inquiries have been made bythe citizens of Holt and adjoiningcounties as to the success of the NorthWest Missouri Normal School, in orderto answer these various inquiries, wewould say that the first term will closethe 10th of November. Sixty studentshave been enrolled in the Normal department during this term.

Entire satisfaction has been given byProf. Hill and his assistants, and thepatrons of the school are highly gratlfled with the present success and thetuttire prospects. Quite a number ofnew students are making preparationsto euter the school at the beginning ofthe second term, which will be November 13th.

All who want a good education, orwho want to quality themselves forteaching, cannot do better th&n placethemselves under the Instructions ofProf. Hill and Miss Heath. Boardingcan be bad at 2 50 to (3 per week.Tuition $7 50 per term. This opportunity should be improved by all whowant an education.

Attention I

T the JkOses mtthe MUecHnsmf the Sererml TmwenuhimeausaT Precincts mf JaUCeacMfs.

We recommend that yoa takewith you the statute of 1875, whichpoints our your duty on pages 51, 52

nnd 53.

Tit IkM MStn,?tttCitT.T9 TME LmABIES.

Ladies wishing to buy Hats and allkinds of millinery Goods, will do wellto give as a call. We have got all newgoods and will sell vary cheap. Phasecome and give us a call.

All kinds of sewing done at reasonable prices. Wc take trade or cash.ia exchange for goods.


Forbs, Mo. 19w4.

bri Fnrtlta tilliki grtii QmtffCi.

These Mills have been Improved bythe addition of more complete machin-ery, for cleaning and elevating grain ;

Their capacity bow is equal to 250 bash--els per hour.

The company are prepared to paythe highest cash price for all kinds ofgram, or win snip on commission,they are also prepared to shell corn forthose who desire to ship. Flour andfeed kept constantly on hand at wholesale or retail.

JEPHTHAH MARTIN, Pres.. P. Adams. Sec.

Notice to Herchanti.

I will call on all merchants as soonas possible after the 1st of November,for their merchant's tax. Please beready to make payment.

Respectfully,WM. G. McINTYRE, Collector.

N. B. Merchants tailing to send Instatement will be proceeded against asthe law directs. Then make haste andsend in statement. W. G. M.

Jfrndgee mf MtecHmm,

The lollowlug named persons wereappointed Judces of the general election, to be faekl November 7th, 1876 :

East Lewis, at Oregon. A. J. Castle,T. I. Kreex ami David osier.

West Lewis, at Forest City:, W.Orr. Tobias 8. Lease and 8. M Glass.

Forbes, at Forbes: W. H. Poynter,Geo. fllclntyre and W. K. Adams.

Nodaway, at Richvllle school house:John .Meyer, Bam uaray and fczra s.McDonald.

Hickory, at New Point: Wm. Ruhl,Noah Hunts man aad James ILBarnes. u

Clay, Port Oafee Whig Valley: J. D.Gobdpaster, R. G, Mcdsker aud T. M.U&YJ.

Benton, at Mound City: N. BBrowning, James Blair and E. J.Steele.

Bigelow. at Bigelow: J. L. Chanlng,II. a Long and Socrates Moore.

Union, at Craig: J. V. Wright, D.L. Huastetter and T. . Slaughter.

Llbertv. at Ross Grove School houseW. II. Burnes. Peter Dcarmont andOtb Hoieabeck. .

Llacola, at' Corning: James Gaff--and iienry Koseuus.

TirlkMMStBjitfl City,

JKKyftfaWaV ta64Br

Therejrill be preaching at the CourtHouse this city on Sunday next.Novemb5tb, at 10) a. m. and 7 p. m,

by aa eW et the Reorganized Churchof Jecaa wist of Latter Day Saints.All are respectfully iuvltedJo altead

Two rrtix aaapa Dollaks Reward.For a fallm reajjto care any case of"Habitual comhbjHon" of the bowelswith Di. Sherman1 compound pricklyash bitters, provi IMBYI ts use ;s persistedin as directed. No amtter whether thedisease is tbe result ol torpid liver ora relaxed condition otbe muscularcoating of the bowels, fhey never failto cure it; also, all the various diversi-fied, sympathetic, nervous disordersusually accompanying indigestion, andoccasional or habitual constipation otthe bowels. It also cures dizzinesssick headache, leuoorrbca and all lo

weakness usually accompanyingthe same. No spirit is used ia them, ex-cept a pure article of Holland Gin.Ladles in particular will find them pe-culiarly adapted to their wants in allages and conditions of life. For saleat Drug Stores. 7yleow.

$2 20 per Barrel forMichigan Salt, at theRed FrootjForesfcCity,



Cbaio, Oct. 18, 1876.

Resolutions upon the death ot Miss

Josie Hufkstettek, member of CraigLodge, No. 835, 1. O. G. T.

Wiif.kf.a9. Itha8 pleased AlmightyGod, the great Ruler of the Universe,to remove from among us a bcloyedsister, therelorc be it

Resolved. That wniie we now inhumble submission to the divine will,yet wo deplore the loss ot one so youngnnd fair, one whose hand was ever uplifted to assist tbe sick, tnc ageu anuInfirm. One whose, talents were bopromising for the luturc.

Itanlred. That the memory ol themany pleasant associations with herwhile here,, will ever be a pleasantthought, nnd will be cherished 'til weore laid beneath the "clods of the vole."

Besoloed. That in sister HufTstctterthis lodge has lost an ardentIn the Temperance cause, the family adutiful daughter and loving sister, so-

ciety an ornament and her friends ntreasure.

Euolved. That we extend our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family,in this their lime of "great affliction."

Retolced, That sister HufTstettcr'sdeath should remind us that life isshort, that man is liko the summerclouds, which lasteth for a short sea-son and then vnnlsheth away, that itshould teach ns to lire nearer to thegrand principles of our much belovedorder

Raolved. That wc will wear the usual badge of mourning for the tcrmcftwenty days. .

Raolved, That a copy ot these reso-lutions be sent to the Holt CountySentinel for publication.


Try tie Eei Frftit Store, Forest City.

The SenttmeUNegotiations are on loot by which

the Holt County Sentinel is to

change bands on the 9th, full partic

ulars of which will be laid before our

readers next week. Messrs. W. W.

Davenport, of St. Joseph, and D. P.

Dobyns of Macon City, Mo., are to

be the prospective proprietors of the


Vote for Memhem Ming for Cor--oner.

Serimus Accident

Mr. Nyinrod Ramsy, who resides onthe MeadowB farm, seven miles northof Oregon, met with a serious, and it isfeared fatal accident last Sunday, Oct.29th. He was on horseback endeavoringto head off some cattle when his horsestumbled throwing blm head foremostto the ground.

Mr. Ramsey has been unconsciousever since the accldeut, and seriousfears are entertained ot bis recovery.We hope our fears may prove

Vote for met. MmtekUu, forPublic Administrator; he has made afaithful officer, und should be re-ele-ct cdby a rousing majority.

I have a cood farm of 120 acres in"

Livingston county to trade for proper-

ty In Oregon, or a farm in the vicinityof Oregon. A. J. DOOLEY.


TwoBattiKiis, 75caM$l.

Sails, ie iollamp to aiWs.W(HMCashmeres nnd other dress goods in

fashionable colors.Cardinal Red aad JSmvy Blue

rrtata. CleakJng IH ts ITS ydCardaaard, Zejakf r aad Ger

aaaalawa Yara, Chlldreas'Heads Elaaaraleljr BraidedeRlyTc aad I.a3.

18 GEO. W. KIES.

far CollectorOf Holt county we present the name ofMmmtiet If. JUorrUmu. He isaccommodating, competent and honest.His past experience as Deputy Col

lector will greatly nld him in the discharge of bis duties. Let cs give himan' Immense majority.

Vote for Mcumcn Mownem forAssessor; be is a worthy citizen, andwill make a good officer if elected.

Take Notice.

All persons knowing themselves indsbtcd to the undersigned, will pleasecome up and settle immediately, andoblige. Yours, &c.,

19w3 F. 8. ROSTOCK & SON.

f WmteH found,Which tbe owner can get by apply

Ing at this office describing the same,and paying tbe advertising fees, &c.


An Time ot Expirution fTerm mf Omce.


Geo Weber Lewis 1878Jesse L Brown " 1878Henry Sbutts ex-of- fi Oregon 1877n M uiass Forest City 1877

G W Lucas Forbes 1878J U Atkins 1878

Richard Acton Nodaway 1876Geo Ruhl 1876

Thos Wright Hickory 1877Vacancy " 1876

Wlngate King Benton 1878CERarnes " 1878

H C Long Bigelow 1878Robt Adklnson npp' by Court 1878One to be elected " vacancy

T C Simpson Liberty vacancyJas E Wilson 1878

Levi Durham Union 1876H S Hogue 1876

C F Storm Clay 1878

E R Uozell 1878

W E Hurst Lincoln 1876E Hodsdon 1878

A. J. Dooley, East Sldo PublicSquare, Oregon, Is going to keep theFort Scott coal for sale In the LumberYard. From this on any one wantingto burn con), will know where to find

Jt. 18w:t


AMOMCEMENTS.EWrtntcr's fee for announcements forofflec

S3.0U each, payable In advance.

FOR COUNTY JUDGE.Editok Sextixkli 1'li-as- announce to the

readers orthe StsTixKL, that I am a candidatefor the omce of COUNTY JUDGE or Holt coun-

ty, at the November election.SAM. H.Y0U3U.

Hentox TowNSHir, Sept. S3, 1870.

FOR SURVEYOR.To the Citlxtn of Holt Count), ito. : Ilavlnj

bad experience In the btuineM of Surveying,and not eouaideriug the oBlce of county surveyor a political ofilce, I offer myself as a candidatefor the office or COUNTY 8UKVKYOU, subjectto the decision or the i otera of Holt county, atthe November election. P. K. OlIJBLE.

Onicaox, Mo. , Sept. 20. 1S70. Utf

FOR ASSEHHOR.Editor 8kti.nl: Please announce m as a

eand tdat for the office or ASSESSOR, subjectto the decision of the legal voters or Holt coun-

ty at the November election.U.U UU1IUI.,

Sept. 18, WTO. li,f

For Constable Lewla Towaahlst.We are authorized to announce the name of

JAMES a. BttOWN as a candidate for theoffice of ContUbU ot Lewis Township, subjectto the decision of the voters.


To all who arc BUtTerlnff from the errors andindiscretions of Youth, nervous weakness.early decay, loss ot manhood, ftu.. I will senda receipt that will cure you.FUEE OP CHARGE.This treat remedy Was discovered by a missionary in 8outh America. Send a

envelope to the. Bcv. Josira T. Ixxax,SMion D. Bible Home, Xe York. ISmfl.

If yoa feel dull drowsy, debilitated have frequent headache, mouth tuts badly, poor appe

tite and tongue coated, you are suffering .fromtorpid liver, or 'biliousness,' and nothingwill cure you so speedllly and permanently as

ASK tbe recovered dyspepUcs. BUHous surfers, victims or Fever and Ague, the mercarialdiseased patient, bow they recovered health,cheerful spirits and good appetite they willteU yoa by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator.


Nothlnc Is so unpleasant, nothing so common aa bad breath, and in nearly every case iteontes from the stomach, and can be so easilycorrected If yoa will take 8immons' Liver Beg-ulat-

Do not neglect so sure a remedy forthis repulsive disorder It will also Improveyour AppetltCtCunipIexton and General Health.

SICE HEADACHE IThis affliction occurs most fre--

qaently. This disturbance of the stomach,arising from the tropeifectly digested contents.causes a severe pain miuc unu, .wip-- ..with disagreeable nausea, and this constituteswnai is popularly auuwn m oig iicwwc.

Kxtract of a letter from Hon. Alex. 11. Stephens, dated March 8, l7i: "I occasional use,woen myconaiiion requires n. m.oiuiRegulator, with good eftVct. It U mild, andsuitsraabetter than more active remedies."iaw),M tTilr T can recommend

as aa eOcaclous remedy for all diseases of thei ii..r,inrn ami 1lr.nm.la. Simmons'

n.irulator. Lewis U. Wnnder, No. 183Liter- . - . . . n .... IM. . I ..1 r.1 .AiaSleroK., iiasuiaui jru&uuaurr, LHwtf- i-

J. H. XvEILmSole Proprietors SUnmon: Liver Kegulator,


The Centaur Liniments havecreated L-- revolution In remedies Tor Itheuma-U-

Strains, Swellings, Pains, Durns, Scalds,Stlnn. tc. The White Liniment Is for tne nu- -

man family, and the, Yellow uninienus lorhorses. They are eertaln, handy and cheap


Castoria is Certain to operate.It does not nauseate or grip like Castor Oil,but is pleasant to take, digests tbe rood, regu-

lates' the bowels, cures wind colic, expels

worms and causes natural sleep. His equallyadapted to adults and Infants. It containsneither Mineral. Morphine nor Alcohol. Children Teethlag may have health, and toothers find

rest. It they use Castoria. own


laiM: Hoy Lost, How Be--

T..tl..1.1tA aa stawullllAM nf DaJ lilt & UUllSUVUa SB IV vuiMua ua svsrIwerwelPa Colebnttcal Eaanyon the radical cure (without mcdi-eln- el

of Soermatorrhasa or Seminalweaaneas, invoiuniarv oemiuai ,u.- -es. impoh-ncy- , aicniai auu iu) ica

lM.ajttv fmtiMltmpntii tn uarrlaire. etc. : also. Consumption. Epilepsy and Pits, inducedby or sexual extravagance, om.

In a sealed envclodsi onlrslx cts.Tiue celebrated author, iu this admirable Es-s- ar.

clear lv demonstrates, from a thirty rears'successful practice, that tbe alarming consc-on.nr- M

nf .rtr.aliuie mav ba radicallv. cured

or the application of the knife; pointing out amode of cure at one simple, certain aad effect-ual tie mean's of which everr sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be. may cure himselfcheaply, privately aua rauicaiiy.

rT-Tb- ls Lecture should be In the hands ol,it vnuLh and everr man in the land.Sent under seal, la a plain envelope, to any

address, post-pai- d, on receipt oi si crm. oitwo postage siainpa.

A TsSt'CUIVHlWnX atTOICAL CO.,41 Abo Str., Mew York;

., 23yl Post Office nox.-4Saa- .

Striay Notice.XAKEN UP by Calvin Gullltams, Jr., Hvlugin Uuivo township, Holt county, Missouri, on

hM IQ,h .l.vnrflrtober. 1K76.

One Light Biy Horee, three and ons-ha- lf

rears old, fourteen aud one-ha- ir bands highand marked, with hlndfcet white, and a darkstripe along the bacE.

Appraised at forty Dollars by Daniel GullHams and 11. A. ityan, dnly qualified,

a rti (.niie- fniiu mv Vtrav ilook.

lswsp for Union Township.

Administrator's Notice.NdTlCE la hereby riven that letters or administration noon the estate or James II.Gelvln.deceased , ha ve ueen granted to me by tbe ProbateCourt of Holt county, Missouri, bearing datetbe 3h day or October. A . D. ISTB. .

All persons having claims against saidestate are required to exhibit them toroe for allowance, within one year from tbedata of said letters, or they may be precludedfrom any benefit of such estate t and if saidclaims be not exhibited within two years fromtbe date of said letters, they will be foreveruarreti,

MATTHEW GELVLV,19wl Administrator.

TRUSTEE'S SALE.WiHKttEAS. William E. Hill, br his certainled of trust, dated the ISth day of May, 1873,and recorded In the ltecorder's Office or Holtcounty, Missouri, in I took 'zt," at page !6S,conveyed 'to tbe undersigned trustee certainisrcels of real estate, situate, lying and belni

io lion countr. and State of Misseurl, anddescribed as follows, ltt

The South West Fourth of the South WestQuarter of Section Twenty-seve- n, TownsbluSixty. Itance Thlrtv-elaii- ti And the SouthEast fourth or the South Ea.t Quarter ofSection Twenty-si- x In Township sixty-on- e,

Kan ire Thlrtr-uin-

Which said conveyance was made to secureme payment ot a certain promissory note insaid deed or trust described and setouti and.whereas, said note Is uour due aud unpaid lo--gcuicr wiui tne interest tnereon:

Now. therefore, notice is hereby given that I.the under. lirawl Im.tev. will, in accordancewith the terms and provisions of said dretlofiruat, ana at, ui request ol tue legal nomer oi

IU UUiC, uaMonday, the 4lh day ofDecember, 187C,at the nerth door of the Court House, In OregonIn a.M Unit wiimli. In (liu Ctlu if tlldninribetween Ute hours of tvu o'clock ia tha forenoonaad five.o'tlock la tho afternoon of that day,sell the above described Real Kstate.or so muchthereof as may be necessary, at public vendue,to the highest bidder fur easli. for tbe paymentnrt the costs and expenses uf this trust, nextme payment vi tne uoiu ii saui ueeu tiescnueu

.VMir, tiuat.i,lQwS Tnutee


Order of Publication.STATE OP MISSOUUt,

Cocsrr or Holt. I" '

In the Circuit Court or Holt county, Missouri, iAugust Terra, 1SX.Henry IHckcy, plaintiff, S

.Bf2lD,t,Samuel C.King, defendant, JNow AT THIS DAY comes the plaintiffherein by his attorney, and It appearing to thesatisfaction of tbe Court that the defendantIs a nt of the State of Missouri, andthe ordinary proceas of law cannot be servedon blm In this action ; Whereupen It Is orderedby the court that ssld defendant be notified bypublication, that plaintiff has commenced asnlt againu him In this court, the object an Jgeneral nature of which Is to recover by attach-ment of said defendant tbe sum ofPivcIIandredand t'iny-fo- dollars and forty cents, and thatthe property of said defendant is now about tobe attached, and that unless the said de-fendantsam Qel G. King, be and appear at thiscourt at tbe next term (bereor, to be begun andholden at the Court House, in the city or Ore-gon, ortMonday, the 18lhdatqfDecember,l87G,next, and, on or before the sixth day of saidterm, answer or plead to tbe petition in saidcause, the ssnie will be taken as confessed, andJudgment will be rendered accordingly.

AD,t. Jf further ordered that a copy her eotbe published, according-to-la- in the. HoltCoi-ST- r SOTi.vrj.. ; - -

STATE OF MISSOURI, fCounty of Holt, jss.

J, William A. Gardner, clerk of the CircuitCoCrtor Holt county, aforeuld, hereby eertirVthat tlx Stwri.ls a traa copy oT the originalorder of publication, In tbe cause therein nam-ed, aathe same appears la my office.

WITNESS my hand a clerk, and the( SEAL seal ot said court. Done at offlce in7yrzJ Ojn, h,fc day'"br October,

IsTB. WM. A. GAUUNEK,,18wl - 'tlerk,

Order of Publication.STATE Or MISSOURI. )

county or Holr. jMIn tbe Circuit Court- - of said county, August

Terra. ItJIB.William Jt. Welchrrfalntlff,

Divorce.Phoebe S. Welch, Defendant


AT THIS DA Y comes the Plaintiff herein bybis attorney, and It appearing to tbe satisfactionorthe tocrt that the defendaat -- cannot be sum-moned Infills action, whereupon It Is orderedby tbe Coart that said defendant be notlfledbypublication, that plaintiff has commenceda suit against her in this Court, the object andgeneral nature of which is to have dissolved the

of matrimony now existing betweenplaintiff and defendant, and that unleas the saidPhoebe 8. Welch.bc and appear at this court atthe next term tbereof.to be begun and holden atthe Court IIous in the city or Oregon, in saidcounty, onMonday, the 18iA day ofDecember, 1876,next, and, on or before the sixth day or sal.1term, answer or l.Iead to the petition in saidcause, the same will be taken as confessed, audJrdsment will be rrnd.ml uvoniimrir

And It la further ordered that a copy hevofyuu.ti, accuruiug io law in me itoTCocsrr Si.xnxrt.STATE OF MISSOURI,

L'onntv of Unit. YI. W. A. Gardner ,Clerk Circuit Court ofHolteounty, aforesaid, hereby certify that tbe

above is a trne copy of the original order ofuuuiicsiiuu, in ine cause uierem nameu, as tnesame appears In my office.

WITNESS mr hand as Clerk, and theIMIL I orsalrf court. Done at offlcel?rrN J ta Oregon, this 16th day or October

0 1578. Wat. A. GAUUNEK.17w Cleit.

Order of Publication.STATE OFMI3SOCBI,

CouxTr or Holt.Intho Circuit Court of said county. August

Term, 1876.William W. Caldwell, Admln-- 1Istrator of tbe estate of Samuel I

Warner, deceased, PlamUff, I

aga'jist yAttachments- -

wajMc. jjujuui, ueurge i,ar-ne- r,

James 11. Warner, D. C.Warner, Thomas n. Warner,Jackson Warner, et al, De-fendants,

A-- THIS UAY cornea tha Plaintiff h.rln hvhis attorney, and It amiearing to the satisfac-tion Cf the Court that defendant. 11 f. IVarnrrThomas 11. Warner, Jankson Warner andGeorge Vi arner, cannot be summoned in thisaction, wnereupon it is ordered by the Courtthat said defendants be notified by publicationthat plaintiff has commenced a suit againstthem In this Court, the. object and general na--imvuiHuiuiuuiDmi ntuirrr annninieti..to take charge of the milt and property, some-times known-a- s tbe Plllmor mills. Tint morauiiwuuuijr tsuwu aa we iiouisxer mills, anulunucriy owned oy Samuel Warner, (now de-ceased.) and James Luman to niu-r-nt che inn,for the benefit of all concerned or lease thewnoie or said property for the ne of uartles lateresteil. anil until a sale of saidproiwrty can be effected. That on aceounl ortne conultion or said Urni of Warner and Lumanbetaken under the supervision of the Court.that the property so held in partnership aad bysaid Arm be sold, and the proceeds applied tothe payment of partnership ucdis, ami tne re--nmaluder. If any, lie divided . the riMif, marappeal between said Ijiman, his representativesand tbe plaintiff herein, and that unless the saidII. C. Warner, Thomas 11. Warner, Jackson

this court at the next term thereof, to be Immiand holden at the Court Oonse luthc city-o- r

irirguu, imbsiu county, onMonday, the 18A day ofDecember, 18 1&,

next, and, on or before tbe sixth day of saidterm, answer or plead to tbesetitlen In 'saidcause, the same will be taken as confessed, andJudement will be rendered aeeordlnelv.

, Ann. . .. .is iiinner oniervti. mat, .a copy. Herrot1 1. v. n.l i r C -w puuiuuni Kcumiug iu law iu luq nut. I


County of Holt. "r TTr f t L. . r il l l . r .,w m., A. uariucr, Cl.ra Ul llir blicuil viullof Holt couatr aforesaid, berebv certify that tb

above is a true copy of the original order orpuoucaiion, in tne canse tnerein nameu, as taesame appars in my efflce.

iC. TV niibsa my nana as ciera, ana meseal or said court. Done at oftlce inrirl Oregon, this 14th day of October

0 v 1878. WM. A. GABDNEK,17wl Clerk

TRUSTEE'S SALE.titW i i. . a niiii.. . ni u r ii,.V t niikcuiiij ii iiiijuu aiu.uiiui ivcounty or Holt and State or Missouri, by hiscertain deed of trust, dated the 27th' dav or Marh1S7S, and recorded In the ltecorder's Offire orHolteounty. Missouri, in Hook "39," at page119, conveyed to tbe undersigned trustee certain

arcets or real estate, lying ana oeiag situaten tbe county or Holt, and State or Missouri.

.1 . 1 1 ..11 ..!..aim ucKnuruM luiiiin. lu-.- i.

undivided Bart of the FouthEast Section Four M), and the East Half SouthEast Section Ten (10). and South East SouthEast .Section Three (3), Township Fifty-ni- ne

f.'ifll Kanire Tbirtv-aeve-n (371 :Which said conveyance was made to secure

tue payment ot a ernain promissory note, insaid deed trust described; and. whereas, thesaid note is now past due and remains unpaid;

Now. therefore, notice I. berebv riven tl'at I.m, uuiicii ix:ue 1.4 , .vunWav.with the terms and provl-- Ions or said deed oftrust, and at the request f the legal bolder ofBam noie, onTuesday, the 28th day of November,

1878.at tbe Court House door, In the city of Oregon,in ins county or lion ana state oi Atiasuuri.Iketween the hour of ten o'clock in tbe forenoon and five o'clock, in the aHernoou of thatday. proceed tt sell the pr.perty herein de--scrinea at puuuc venaue to tne nigneat auuierfor cash, to satisfy the debt secured by saidueeu ot trust, ana an necessary costs anu eitienses incurred inereuuxar.

a. . lu..ia,18w5 Trustee,

(Delayeil publication.)

Notice of Dissolution.TaTOTICK IS HEItEBY GIVEN THAT THEIN partnership heretofore exlstlnz betweenJohn St. llurger and Frederick Melster, at Newmint, lion county, ato., nas ueen aissoieu "jmutual consent on ine ioiu oi weceiuuer,John M. Uurger retiring and Fred. Melstercontinuing In tue business. ...


Down to Bed Rock

&. m. mums,Is offering his fine stock of furniture at

BOTTOM PRICES,the flasst bedsteads ever offered In the town ofOregon, In fact, all kinds or nirnuure in myline Is of the best quality. Moss Mattressesmade to order; nciuresanu ruiurtitwuuuian sixes.


Have on band Codns of all sizes of the best

"vi.'ure Invited to call and examine bis stockbefore purchasing elsewhere.

Place of business three doors North of PostOlUcr. a. Ji.



lit AU&Wh ) 'y; K- -

Wm. Baskins,AVisbes to say to tbe public that be has' Jastgot on aM .Kreah Stock ofDry Goods; Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots .Shoes, .Gloves, and JJlts. anI other goods too numer-ous to mention. In connection with this welt knuwn i--large stock of Hardware. Queensware. Glassware xGroceries. Y eu can come nearer getting" anythingvou want than any other store in rheeoantr.. H'--

propoefs tauku any prodnce that will bear&hipbiug. ri'n.gana forhousd constunption m exchange for roods. . . . .7l Vuu ill uiuii vim imiit at a bareain for nlnatr dare.

; ' i ; ; CALL AND




HEKLGate was simply Immense; , but the scattering of


Spin (Mound City, certainly is astonishing.

We cordially invite every man, "woman,

examine our gooas. - '15

" -:.:


Miniuoi sumAND

NEW GOODS.The undersigned has opened a full line of en

tirely new and , rWel Assortsi Ml of Wmi- Uand will sell them ar price to- - snlrtheltejes.Ladles' call and examine my stock. "At 1.

I sell for cash or its equivalent. Produce takesin exchange for Goods. ,

Mrs. JESSIE BEFFESBACGH,lOwfl Forbes, Holt counfr, Mo

Notice of Administration.'NoTIcETs hereby given thst ihc estateofJohn E. MeKnhrht, deceased, late of Holtc ,i at, waj, onierMi iniA mr nantis ut tneProlwJ. Court of Holt county. Missouri, on tbemh .r .ini a n nr.

All persona navms ciu3 iBu--iMat .-- a. rMnlmt In exhibit them tome for allowance,, within 'one-yea- r from 4he "

aaieoi aaiu onirrj or way sui u rrctuufrom any benefit of such estates and' If saMclaims be not exbibited within two years fromtbe date of said letters, they will be fal everl,.i-- wl . - - -

IPtlTtlMllltt't'lTB,1 I lililil " n..4.Pnlillr. Administrator Xsr Holt eouatr. His--souri. In charge or estate or jonn . --utiKnight, deceased. 3w4



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SOwQ WM. EUMAX, v '. ." " 'Sit V -

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have made arrangvmenta In. the Undertaker .

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a7 AugHsi , Kvrrei.

Lnmber, Inimber ; For Sale.

The Keese saw mill la located six miles, southwest or Bigelow, eight miles south or Craigand three miles north east or Rulo, on what .laknown as the Charles tlaua limber, where youwilt find a large ;

SM of Laiier of alt Kiaas

of which over thrie hundred thousand feetlumber, earerullr stacked and roofed-over- .

blch yoa will Und dry and well season-ed, and equally as light as pine lumber, whiclv1 am offering for sale low down and on vjjFreasonable terras on time. Vnme-an- nca'for.yourself aud you wUlacknowletlgyourMtlflnabit is the. "'-- A ;Cheapest and Best Lot or .Limiticr.yeukaawoforhavoseeatojralongtlroc. - ,

1W3 WAS BEESE..,i . I.

Wanted rreet. nir the. best Sellingfrsa)ir-- ine

wurld. It csmlauis .shll-4'v'y',- s nvel-ol'dtr,

UM4. mikbin Peucll, Patent YardlMUUry anil a piece of Jewelry. Single nack- -

lin pair or elegant w Slone Sleev1111,19ns, pustpalil tweiiiy-av- e cents. 3 .with

'tJJ.rtil i.vi'l rv fur ai.OO. Ini ltaekagohaa h.Mi .vamlnnl tir the 1inbllherof the Holt.

T mi'ii! r.ininl as rerirrsentnl-- iworth the money Watches alv.n away, to aU,ugriits. firculars free. BKIDE-J- t CO..

vl Tim Broad av. New "Xorkv