LITERARY_NOTES. Ricbaid ?. Proctor says that ívervtblng he ha* yet nblished has increlv indicated tbo course hie studies ?e taken ; and these studies be, hopes to embody in a treatise on astronomy now nearly a ipuurter of· a cen- tory iu prcjuii.itimi. The «ret number ol ¦ The Writer." a new monthly .Bag*.no lor literary worker«, is practical in tone and Beat in moke up. It ought to be ol value to beginners, and even «·#-!»«. ricucetl workers may lind usctiil hints fa it« page». . Mr. Ilasgurdit graphic story. ".less," finds ? un¬ locked-tor critic in " Tbe Christian Intelligencer.'' the organ ol tbe Kctonued Dutch Cbureb. It declares that Mr. Haggard bss in that story -¡»lepM'sciited tbe Hoot« and dcleuds them «it- many assertions but lew proof«. Oue ol tb pr ncipiil members ol tbe firm ot HnchotU A- Co.-llie moti impili tant publishers in Franco -ftftjfl that the must popular all their translations ol torcigli novels is ·· UB.Ml Tom's Cabin." Some ol Dick¬ ons'« books come next. A correspondent of "Tbo Epoch £ flKJft concerning the "realisti·." and "romantic" metbods *?_ an author is wise be will udo.it the method to which be is ii.ifnirally ¡tulim-d by training or teniprramcnt ) it he is wiser ho will adopt ajadletotu ftftft*__ajfttog of bfltt methods as tnr hi» usi ninl ponera will permit and it be is wisest, l,e will succeed in whatever be writes. H-.it wine, wiser ur wisest, if H if boned that be will Hot, a* a rule, arsitine Inward bis literary brother the liosition aeeanaed BJ IB* oli «Junker to »? arti bis wife. it ia an old story." and we all renicmber the ?/??????'» prave eiumideratiou tor ins better ball in saying : ¦ All tbe world is aaeer, excepting thee and me, and titee is u little ana.rv " It is «aid that Mr. ?. B, Sullivan has added to his tlraui itia>tion ot ^ The Strange Case ol Dr. Jekvil and Airs. Hyde" a new thread ot mte rent in the «nape ol u love episode. Wirboct thie tbo Mory could naidly h ave beeil adapted to the »tage. The Annual American Catalogue lor lKHtiisnow ready lor deliver.. ?? gfftaflBI part of the edition ha» been t »ken up aud to giv.« a tin pi.?to ?o.inuaeration lui the work the entire edition must. bo. sold. Alexandre Duma», fll». in hi« recent Academy epeech on Victor 11??;? ? id that be thought posterity would associato the poet with " La Legendo dee Kiecles " and observed tlint l^e ,-ery characteristic ol hi* genius was letB.«_MT. Whatever be wrote.poem, novel, or drama.all he »lid bad a legendary character " His '«Iran-ali» flsBBBBUft ' were ttover true to lite, nor true to naturo; they never bad human proportion«,being always more or always lo·« than man. Nay. at home they were tho reverse ot human. Nature bore to him an aspect »be has never preseli.si to any other eye. Hie vision mngnitied everything, and ? __·., ot grass looked to him a tree, and the smallest insect swelled to the limit ntdoiis nl an eagle. He gave senses and or¬ gans oi ?,.??? b to the man,m it··, and afgane ·)? night to the invisible. In his symphony the instrument he d.igbto la lft the trump ol the 1 »ay al Judgment, and be has left ua a collection ol Tituinc phantom», mon¬ itor·, and sbadow», whose giant effigie» move in a world of tbelr own »umewbore between Peirauli'e Fairy Tales _nd the Vision ol Bftflfltft_" " Hofk-Chal " oilers a nut unjust characterization ot Hubert Huchmp.n as ctitic. ·' He ciies aloud tor freedom of thought," it say», " and tbeu attack» every one who thuiks dill, rentlv irom bim. He ie the sort ot man who would walk down tbe balls oi tbe ages, stand before Shakespeare, bend down to him as .would be necessitated by hi» own superior height, pat him m a tr endly way on the head and say, ' Fear not, William, 1 will take care ot you.' " The editor of tbe Sheridan luve letters, lately printed in an Kuglisb magazine, icplies to the statement that they are iorgcries/witb a demand that the critic shall bring prooi ot the truth ot bis accasatimi. She declares that she and tbe owner of the letters ·· have evjry reason to be and are pe-tectly ft__ft_ftd] to their authenticity." An article in ·· Tbe Contemporary Review " jeaÜJ niid cleverly point» nut the artistic detect ol W. S. Oilbett'e dr_matic work. His a hint« ot beauty and meaning," the writer says. * are frequently destruyo·! aud rend red unintelligible bv tho author's apparent desire to burlesque his own idea.to elio·» yoa a beau- tini thing, only to explain the Impossibility oi its ex¬ istence, or tho weakness ot its clmrai-tcr." TV - sntirfl uot reserved to nuy definite place ; it eprca.le every where, and occur» when it is not wanted, as well as adieu it is consistent and necessary. We leel inclined to move all our intellectual furniture out ot tbe author's way. much us we should fio with our actual chair» and table«, it wo were talking to a man who might withopt warning thtow ft back somersault iu the middle ot hie conversatiflej," 01 Mr. Gilbert's ir:nte this critic «aye many hind ¦words. " A breadth ol symnatby," be declares M stands revealed in bis ironice euch lew modern writers can tu·;«»! j ot hie hatred ot »bam and artitlcc 1 have already spoken : bis wit speak» tor it»ell ; but ? word should be said un the point which BreflJIMBtlj escapee notice.namely, the tender way in winch this quarter ot sarcasm touches genuine emotion arid sut- loriiig. There is ia the Engluh langnage no more per¬ fectly tender, bcnutitiil play than the little two act dialogue-tor »uch it piad ¡cal', y ?«.which is called ' S.vi cthcarts'.a pluv ? tiii-li no one without a genu¬ ine respect lor true tofth.g could possibly Lave vi rit¬ ten." ??eGe??e? of the week. Practical Cuirir.osoriiv. By Kdward Heron Allen. IGmo, pp. 1_5. (li. I*. l'utuaiii's Sons.) Tur. EBB.I AiK'N O* Ht.i.Ks. Bf Henry ?. «Thflatly, F. ?. ?. lomo, pp. a.7. (A. C. Armstroiig A Bea ? TiieNkw revenu" tlVBft.h Tîy Franklin Jolnuoii, I). 1>. l_uio, pp. 91. tFunk Wugiialis.t I'iiiitg_fl-ft_B& H«..tarte ViamwowowttL By the l'.cv. Thomas Kelly. 1-Uio, pp. _ltt>. (Funk A W ag¬ nails.) ?????'.e P-UflffCBIOI â-O-OCA; THF". CaTM ami t ?11: laiviiiY. Bj (iwritfi b Vose. ICum, pp. Ig, ?:«·- .u: Lec _.-hcpaird.) Bkat, Tur. OtRMAN Q*Bft or ("ahi·«. By Ernst K. Lcmckl. lJuio, pp. 00. (H. »Vesteriuanii A io.) Till G?et?? ai. Work« or OnOBOa I'., Sims. lCmo, pp. 311. (Excelsior l'ubllshllig House.) Echoes of Bible ? iato it r. Hy OT. G. Walsh. I). D. 12mo, pp.330. (Thomas Wblttaker.) Foin Him; o«, A PnOBIBi OlTBft ABB a Piui-jiseKi.it. Byoipsy. lOtno, pp, 26. U.natone Brea.) As Easteiî Vacstion in (iKi.n-F. By JJehft Bdwto ft.n- daye. l'_mo, pp. 17Ô. (Macmillan A Co.) Ten Years of 6om;. Poem». Uy Horatio Nelson Power* lomo, up. lft·. (ganflaa U Lethrop A Co.) Daws. Kv II. Rider Haggard. 2 vols, ltimo, pp. LOG, 407. Faptr. iD. Appltton A Co.) ¦flNIftfl Writf-ia ity Henry Motley. VoL 1. l_mo, pp. Mg (( assell A Co.) gfl.T-BATB-BI AM»I'iii.i/iTiiiN or Sew age. »By W. II. Corllelil, If. A. evo, pp. .'ill. (Macmillan A Co.) The Bible Work; tp? Old Ti>tsmi;nt. By J. (I. Butler. VoL 1. 8vo, pp «47. (Funk A WegBafl* Nf- Pnblirntiono. U NLIMITED FUN ! MAltK TWAIN SAY8: "It is adsrling literary curiosity." ENGLISH AS SHE IS TAUGHT. Genuin.·-nstvrrs to Kxamination gurstiuns In our Tubile Bt hools Collectetl by one who has listi maDy yrsrs' < iiicrience. For glsrlnc absurdities, for humorous errors, tor the great josstbiiities of the i.hkI.sIi tsngaage, see this hook. llosrds flexible, new style. SO cent* Cloth, gilt top inctijur), ftl 00. Your bookseller will show it to you. ENGLISH WKITËR8, AS ATTEMPT TOWARD A HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. BY HENRY MORLEY, LL. 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The author doe» not, an outsider, satirize the da»« he de»iribea lie merely langh» at »uch follies or abstinlitle» of Individual member» of it as/in lile, their friend» would see and smile over.".¿The Nation. Herr Stimi·'» fini l«of the quiet, pleasant kind, and never coaiso, and he is the be»l representative of true Oeinitn humor wc have yet seen.-'.[BJ, Y. 'lltnee. New and Cheaper Edition. CHRONICLE OF THE COACH. fllABIXO CROSS TO ILFRACUMBE. By.TOUN DENISON CHAMPLIN, Jr. Illu«trated by Edward L. Clilchcster. G.????, i*l '.'5. The fascinating story of the tide through suburban Eng¬ land, enjoyed by Andrew Carnegie, Matthew Arnold, William PìMl, Edwin Abbey, and other«, here delightfully Mid by Mr. t'hamiilln, who ? .is himself one of the party. ·'Even Englishmen, win» fan· y that they know their own country tt ell, may timi bue how inexhaustible are iho beau¬ ties and association» of to« Be tin oligli which »o many travel¬ lers rush by train in order to seek tbo more fashionable cities of the-comment as uuickly possible. Whether as a guide¬ book to travel let» along the same nule, or a.« an amusing ac¬ count of home travel, tbi» Chronicle cannot hut please,". [London Academy. *.* These books for »ale by all booksellers, or sent, post¬ paid, on receipt al prie««, by CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS, 743-71Ö liro'lway, NewYotk. AM-UUCAJN Ll'l??????? AND OTHER PAPER«. By EDAVIN PBBCT WHiri'I.E. 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".iNuw-York 1 nbuu.·. ANCIENT LEGENDS. MYSTIC CHARM» AND BIJ9BBBIITIOBB 09 IRE. LASH. By LADY WII i-iE. 2 vol»., crown 9f__ wuh gilt top, «6. " Faaclnating folk-talos ileliglitf.iily r-corde<L".^Whitehall Review. Eor »ale hy all booksellers. Sent postpaid upon reccii t of j r '(·. Catalogs·· tree. TK'KNOK & CO.. Bouton. EJOUGUTON, MIITLIN & CO.'S new BOOBB -_c. THE POETICAL AND DBAHAT-G WOBEI Of ROBERT browning. At» entirely Wow Edit.on. from new elcctrotvt"» pistes, after the lattai revi«ed l-'iigiiHli L.'ition. In tir volnm··», »r.ncn octavo. Now ready, Vois. I and li. Cloth, il 75 per volume half c_!f, 9B GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY. Vol. VII. ROMANO BRITISH REMAINS, l'arti. Svo, 9999) Ki.iburgh. pni.le.l mi band-made paper, J/3 G»0 Large· I'aper Eilillou, Roxbuigh .öd copien, pin.led on hand made paper, .»·;. CHRISTIANITY AND ??G??????. By ?. 9TABB BIXO. V, in % Memou by __ F. WHll*. I'LE and a Parerait. Bow EdlUoa. l'.'mo. PrtMrataeMte 91 .*.(». Thl» is nti(|ne«tionat.ly one of the noblest voltnncl of ter ?.»?» iter publi»bt·: In ibi» country. *,· For sale by al! bookscllris. Scut by mall, postpaid, or, receipt o! pnce by the publisher·, HOUGHTON. MIFPLIN & CO., Boston. _11 LAST 17T1IST. NEW-YORK._ " ??VEÄYBODY eajoyi St. Nic-telae." Tho MAY ST. NICHOLAS is ready to-dav and to be boni;iit at all iienestan'l». It filled with choice stories and atti elf.s and is finely am! thoroughly illustrateli. Among tbe conti tits lie : Ocn. Ailaui liaileau's vigorous account of Sher¬ man'» Orent March to tlie Bea; Catarina of Venice, "the Daughtci"Of the Republic," hy E. H. Urook»; (Met Life at West Point the Urst of sevi ral child iketchos from (ic-orge Eliot; Dog Stories by ?. G. Loe and Olla TBOTtOTí numer- ou» stori et aud poem», wit!» other entertainment Ptsprntt cent». THE CENTC RY OCL, N. Y. J^EW VOL. " BOOK-LOVERS' LIBILUiY.' G!r__Ue__BO THIS DAY. THE DEDICATION OK BOOKS. To I'atron tnd Eilend. Ry II. R. Wheitlley, author ..f "How to Eorui a L'braty." Cloth, uncut edges, |1 L'S. " Many of our great author« art lnrlu led in the lut of dedi¬ cator», anil »i>ei linens o! their style ot BBB_M are given troia Shakespeare downward."- ¿l'relace. Thll hook will be fonnd one of the inosl Inierexting volume· In the series to which il belouii«», br reason of the out of the way aud little known information it contain», well by the readable form Into which it is thrown, ami the many curl, ou» «lorie» and iiuaiul llluslratiou» that at·: scali· ml through Its pages. 011IER VOLUMES CF " BOOK-LOVERS' LI¬ BRARY." HOW TO FORM A I.II1RARY. Ry H. I!. Wheatley. Cloth, uni ut edge», tlilnl edition, *1 .5. MODERN METHODS OF ILLUSTRATING BOOKS». By ?. T. Woods. Cloth, uncut edge». $1 ... Copie« »eiil pottpaxl, on receipt of price, by A. C ARMSTRONG & SON, 714 Broadway, N. Y. oncBura NORWOOD; OR. VILLAGE LIFE IN NEW-ENGLAND. HI» only novel. New popular cheap edition, |1 "Hi (prit·· formerly »'.'). This one of the rcfrctlilng >>ook». It ha» the geuulue N«wKngl»_d flavor ot characterization, Incident, di y b'ltm.r end open couuctllty, Intense feeling, ·!._ .·.,.· thought, a poetical «ens« of natural beauty, and all th· nativo element· of Yankee life. tar ALI. BOOKHELLERfi, __J FORD«. HOWARD *. HILBERT, New-York. .».Send for our Hit of Mr. Beecher'a book ?, and tpeelal ternit for hack ntimbersj>t Plvmouth Pulpit. NEW "NOVELS, lOpularilook-TMaga-incs Loantd at Ml cent» munthlv It yearly. LORRAINE LIBRARY, 41 We»t -1st »1. near Rreadwiy. 1887 ttOWD EDITION. 1887 THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC and POLITICAL REGISTER FOR 1887, JVBT lBBCKD, ÍBICE 90 C-_NT9L Initrnrticn. _ i_B .-. Boy· and Youri«* Mea Oitr. UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 3.473 Br-w.y. rest 42-.it.. IfMh vest. >21_S_Ì_rn_B___! .»d cUMlcsIAïVsrtinriiU J*»«"«*x iiBlTlîSu W_____î BY. W. L. A1K1.N. l'rin. N. C 1?_>-?1-*?-?.?.oclsl*. For Both Sexee.Citr. A -CIRCULAT« OF SCHOOL* wit!« rc . laihtojajtoaiet-a. ttoe. »afledlftaeiaBga 1»__ AVKKY.Am'n _ci;OOl Bureen. I W toi 14lh-St ***._, Art Schoole.City. MRS. LOUISA B. CULVER will rraiim« her ilassrs from Novnmner 2, In DBAWiBtToiL AM> watkii i'f l.oii I'AI.NTINO. .still life, flowers »ml larnlsrape, China painting »ml rt< t**"""· studio......?? PAM" taTH4r_ PrtrrrM-sa Mr. G>. Huntington. Preslilent Nstlonsl Arn.lrmr nfPeelgn; Jlr. '.. illiam Ilari. N. / .: Mr. Jsrne» M. Hart. N. A.¡ Br. DbT_ John»on. N. A. Brookly. .-.TUE CRITTENDKN" 1 ll.JMAHV M'IMii.I.ANTiKIN-DF.raABTE^ FOIt BOTH SKXKR et ?7 Illik-vst·. ror. l'ini i-nlr st Miss II. M. WHKBLBB, G????·?|..??, ih· ps»t right vesr» has-WB inil.»rg*ofonri.f the Pr.MI Department« in the Packer Collecta- lostlioi* ÍJirt«* Bw«b *¡f[ajAedi 12. i'i.LNCil WITHOUT BXTBA Cli A KOB. For Younr Laiie».Country. HOME COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, lf«v ?. hui. .N.J. Huant, tuition (Including innslc) foil per tjiiarter; for girl«. _ 'G?.???? 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M FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, Freehold, N.J. A l'HKI'AHKS 1-1)1! lUl.li.oK OH UCMIXI ss. luv. ?. <:. CU AlM H K lis. ?. M., Trini Ipil. I IK.ULAN!) MILITARY ACADEMY. II Wur.ísVrr, Mass. ,!lst vssr liegliis Sept. 22, iBSOk _ C. II. MI/HALL, A. M.. Miprlirtrnilrnt PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, g CHEHTKB. 1 wrntV-tift!· vr.ir. AMlLLIAlfi COU BO K, t IV 11 king liii-riiD«, Chemistry, Clsss.e BagBah. COL. TUBO, UYATT.Ptestoaei >OCKLAND ???.?.?.?-:. ? vai ? «m-th.~ llnilson, will !)e ess. during »tiiiiniri· fin· IkmiI ami half stiiil.r. send lor circular with full part.aBara Kmer »ny time. _ Of. II. G. AN ? ISTI·) It, ?. ?., Gp???|,?1. .aJMÔRTLÎlitîE'S Media Academy.-ft125 k-» nu^rtnlvf.ir »»ri staisela »tnittel«aI ti»«-:fi»d »t sr.y tin»«. Bestiiistrnetloi, bell c»rs. mi t»'·!«. fingi« or ilonijirreins heetedby».» ? fteaoollags · reperstorv, Kng- ¡Mi, tiionrss .in,! rniílnerriiig tinrsrs. BWlThIBû Uli'I.i 1 il 1 1, A. J .1 A. M.. (Ilsrvklil ?p????,?????. YoNKKi.s ON ????? HUDSOrï..A family I nl i't.1 li r I'rslial'le toy« .litllrl » »ml tlm»r putng from l.i.irr ft 1 11 e I l»( I ,n r rspri lallv n.lli'itti!, int ? heap, l.iit liri-iiiir 111! 11 in 11 ph; 1 n » SI ·! or s »ml tninli tini, ill »til- it Ms te*, lin: M IB. p loi wlnirr. 'ILI ?», ?, I.lll.ll luN For Poth Sexes.Country*. H (»MF. BOARDING SCHOOL for miflfltto «ml chllilren. »: bUiufnril. Conn a ·'¦·-lisMfnl »iimnior huiuelorchil.lr.il. MI.-sS \ nil l:«lo.\', ?·;???· i|...l. Hiscellaneoua. SCHOOL POR SALE.-I.aiTi'liaiii'o; at ron- -oiulilu tri ms wrl! known long ratal)!?·??»?. ??«??1t!? Miss ?? ?. ?'?.?'?VA?'? Teaclit-r»' Huirán, ¦' .ist ?·, ,? ? (_caíl)cro. A .BEST TEACHERS, Tutor« ami Ootctb- _»· rsLrs eapplM no Chat** l! \< Bl RN ir/i»lrrrt1 Ire* I'jiiu. mantel, beat school fm boy·, citr. OXtioo oesh, K.K.AVI.HV, AmiiM. lloro,a .' W -t l «ti. «t ? V. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NEW- .».'Kk ????G?? \\ II I. KKCBIY-DA1 111 ? I'I'IOW'.N <? I I.-. So. Ì.'ISH I'.io.'war. mrnrr Ihirly- tirs! st.. until ? p. "? '.'· ·' l'i"J'lw»y. rtw.rn 1 wenty arroti·! «ml! wriilv thin! st» iini.l ·? ? ir, MM) \». »I I wrntythlril _Only thin] st» unni n p m, hub »» · ·? ? wrniytiurii St., rntlirr T.lslilli a»··.. l.'.'J s.xtli tir. I". I ..iitth »rr or· irtrrntii I., 7U0 "I l.lnl ¦·»¦ !T »rrrnlli-at.. '! Inr .?'·· ·.. L'.^r Milirtti »I »t!·! t r IIAII|>M II, J'.T l_sl «ii r Lim,liril ami t'.nlv nfth at. V .!· O vr, ormi lir l.lli.ilie 1 al¡,:l»»tl,l» l;!lh «t. up toft .rfKUlsi olili·' lair». MKH1CAN AND FORKK.N Tl AMI I KS A AI.IM Y »iifpl.rs rrofrasors. Ttsavrhrra, Tiitnr«. «lo» irnraaae.rlr^ trVrirrrr* *"-! «? PsmiU·* Aiiiri·· M lis. M. J. ? ni Ni;.I t'l G??.?. : n oa - ,?.»?·\ PRIVATE I'UI'ILS.-A (-T.'.iltiiiti ot llarviinl mnl Doctoro! fhilosoulijr. lalprlg will «,t· .tractiOB In Nisw York fs_111«· In '·?"? Latin, listbub an«! ..iinilis ?!»;·? .... ir·. Li.'.nt Collyrt. Jt.rpti II. lotti». J. II. Muff. l'I li...ma» Hill, ? ? plral'lrbl nl lt«l\ .ilCoItrgc. ???»-·it JAMI.H T. I'.IXHY. Th. |?. ?«*-«?* fñSÍTÍNO ENGAGEMENT diaJred, now ór T m s.-i-t ·?·,?.»G. m ».'.? i.r toaill», bj Masi DB Bl ? I'HAI, liai.·.»p.an gnriuS. »ti·! laceessflll a. !.. r f.,? mi ? ir:, pel .ni.·:·- «' »· I.lai ? r ·» l'.lll Moli. ? I. Ueruisa sud Krenrli; KBgllsb b-sarb··, « ? _ - ? -t. WOMANS EXCHANGE IKACIIKl.'S BU- ni-: si loi ippttee ptofsssers, TaaoBera. .DorrrBissse· _fn«trMa«, Ileo»ck·)» osa.na.a<*, u folli·.« « !,,! fumili··», »'so boOkksOBSM*. HI· BBftl* Ubi is Baal < ii|'Vis s lo basino·· film·. Mi«. . H. ? fi.» I 11, ¡nOfttrl ITf X.w.Yuri City. }3ropooa!e. DWAT, / ò, lssT.J A',1 II il Cn__l»»H '>¦ BOOB90(». siiiwAiii III il.iiis·.. ?«) ."'>?:?:·'»? BBW.YOBK, A prtlO, ??)CONTRACTORa Bide m proposal· !·.? toUrn the «rora: aa i hirelsb.g th« m*tei ai»· al ··! for Ib ibe »pprovsd loi n "f onli ni im* aft ;.. ib t'.1.f Ibi Ian« liii-t Co »tinrll ni of ?.! I.I: nul -liafl .'»'n I « Si. Situated OB -«r« timi 7 et tue flaw Cretott Aftasdncl et sboal «istlon "?'.???. will ?,?? recelveti si this offtos natii lb« ÎKM ¦!:»»¦ ».f Aprii, is-,,- j ... »ck P m »I Which ? ß?? ho.ni llirr will Im. piilillily opeuod by the Aqusslacl ominlssl _? ? ·. sn Ih sw«nl ,.? the initiai tor .lolllg sal I WOTfl all I f ·» llislllng sani ???»?.·?.??» will be matte by sai·! Osto.Im seen ·»» aaaa I.waeRai .»s í'.'uiíit tonal of »ai,l epproTOd eeetrs t»n»l tti» »rMvitirations Ihrrro'. anil tlir Imls m |.??|·,·..?'. ·IB PfopOl r.i»slo-,»s fur Ihelrenrlosnr* and forms ol bon<U and also l.i i>u_sf_ M. uoik. am! all nth-r Infoi inali iti ·, r·· ?·? I«» ..lit. ???,-| at tin· »?».»!· ..inta ol MBftstqu.nci Ct.imlaaoacra, on ß?^??- cstiun to tin· Seen '.«?·'· Ur o.ilvr of the Ai|Ui»ln< f Commie mirra. '" JaMI-.-i". HPfcBCKB, I'rrsi'lrnf. .lull ? C. SII ? Ml AN, Srtretary Till·: sia'H.N ISLAND RAPID ÎRANSlf BAILBOAU ? umi'an v. ABI H 'I! KILL BBIDOR Ba a'< ? IIUII«·« Il fol .«: 'i. t... ?. ..? 11," pl.-i s un f-ii-'· is of ilir Aiilnr Kill BrtdsTB will b< - -. \ -i ·' Mie ·**·¦. ofllos of Ihe bUUi? islaol Baptsl Trsesll n*ili..a!, in. ? mis «ala nulli 23d In·. Inclusive. I'Lhis an G »;· Bestión« osa IM srrii at Ih» lülrml nwapaaf'S »Ilir.». tent of Whilst).U-St ITnpnaah sho.ilil bo marin*! u:\ tfi·' BBtohto ami .».lints ? ? , ttftto-eteagaeft. <·,,???.?:.> amc. m.l.l. ciint «"Bftlaosr. New·Vor'». April'), 11-7. fJri'tcseionat. 1.1 ANAGER8..Mereflotile or hotel, aflcreterji (nii»s .iiii'lrnl, English, Kiriirli; long liu«:nr»s »in»· _jei 1.aaaa. travcii,.·.! mino Beree* i>.. Ifl Tilaaae UlUcr. VV ANTED..Able lawyer, who college und rv ),iw »i-lionl etaln.ili·. am! ha« baft Bl nattimr yeer'fl fiprrlrnce III Cx»iiiiiilliB lille» »alary HfeBIBl, ?????G?-ss H., 'iribiine uftirr. _ |"»7ANTED..Position by ¦ fonr*»r eolleM t I arala«aet aber« «oeed llterarr Indgmsai unit riiitorml Sblllty o«B bo-brosgbt into «orvle* In Publishing htsass or else win ?··, at» in in»; salary in hofla »viti· Adereaa D KUH hi ». lnlniiir ()flli«r. Diiuòrnù sVomct oiiKK ir.A!)Vii.i.r. c<.«s.,i:iiui·!· minis., c... ? Jtil. 1 LiniAi.iiAi, BBW-YOB« Anni I.'.. 1«87. I DIVIDEND N<>. 14..The Boerd of Truste,·.., of thr Ii .nlrlllr Cniisoliilstrtt Mining G? liavr llnsitar ürtlau I a i.ivi.l. nl nt twrnly llioils.ini! ilollais. or Ilr» ? -lila nri »haul on ih« eaftiUI »ti« k «f inr o-nneay, yeyablola »tnrkliitlil·!» «f rrt or·! on anil afl»r Apnl 20, Is»,', at aft», r of ooliissey, So. 1 IIIoailwar. Kuo'ii SIS, New York Cilr. Trsuafer Uot»k»«:l··»« April äo, at 1 f m.? roopM Anni 26. 1MS7. C. A. C'AMLl'.U.N, Sc.rïUlf. -Financial. METROPOLITAN TRIST rOflPANf OB TIIKI IT%' OK MiW-iOltlt. Capimi. SI,M'UMIDII. No. if \V»ll-«t. De»lgn»tt>1 byoritrrof th · Snorems i'oiiri .is» le«_l drpns- tory. WUI r»itilvr ·!G??»??» nf ui-nirr uu tnt-sruit, art fl .,»i ortransfrr sgont, or BBBBta¦ f')·" cir^ S.B.fl ·, »u I aoc.ipt »a I ex«-cntr«ny lcg»l lrn«t« tr BB BBH us or ·.·.· >.- ?;? 111 u ti favorable lenii« flftefthftf si -Hageeflaflfl_B. TKOMASHII.I.IlOOIR. rilBflfllBBl. J-HKDKHKK I). TAI'fk.N. VlM.lTi»lil.in\ CHAIS. M. J ta L'!·, aecrt'tsrj·, v'uTii'i·; uf stock noiaDÈKiV MüETiNö. Xl -Notice lietihy· giren lo the slorkholilrrs ni llie Cirsiid l'entrai Minili« Compinr (s eefaeral.a of Ohi*) .imi lotti! otlirr» wl.nin It insv ? onri-ru. Mista »p'fiat turi-tin« ()f the »tnrkhiil'lr-» of said rnrrniraiion will he in |.| »t ilo· prlnr,. pai ..iti. » ut »»ni neuste»eu in tne City "f Yoangstowa, Uh., on G? MBB the J Milt ilay of Mur, l-s7, Usglninoi; «t il nel.» k « in. of «alii day. The objects of such inn-ting are to conaldrr nr.rt vntr upon the iiuretlou of the «alo »ini transfer hy »alii tin- Oread On trai Milling Compatì}'nf »II Its |.Mprrlr tn « · ·>?|.·? tli.m ut the ssuie uanit. to lieorganir.t.si umier Hie U»rt uf titu Tant· tory nf ? ri/un» sud tu tornitici mil voir ????? all qiio.tions which ?-ay pi t lam to the u.atu ? ¡un! niaunrr uf rfleciing sinli sui·: »n·! transfer. CHAI'.I.J'.M I). AHMS, l'lrsnlrlit, Y.I v..»TOWS. Ohio. April 8. 1WK7. Illll.DKK·« OF INCOME ANO la.?- (¿BANT MORT. I. AI.L BON DM AND tsCUll* I»' TfI TEXAS AND PACIFIC BAIIAVAY CO. who Lar.· not ragiatersd tlirir »·I tress with the Central Trust Company will recrue ths »Ir. ma, Issued by Ih« Committee ilat·.! April 11, lu-7, by »pulltalloii lu sslit Central iiusl Coiupanj ef Bee-York. SIMEON J. IIKABUK, l'l__n.»_. .financia!. _ WE HIVE ALWAYS OSHANÜ AND OFFER FOB SALE A FI,'M. LINE OF _ CHOICE SECURITIES FOB INVESTORS. GRISWOLD & GILLETT, _ 3 WAIX-ST., NF.9F-V-_-____ TO ?__-G-?-t?-?_-? <>F l'ÑÍON PACIFIC B'Y. CO. hOl'TIIKBN ???????? 1ST ????G?'?,'? MUB NhwYork, April 14, 18S7. The nnderslgned will rnce've proposals for Ul .tatst for the sale of Klftv Thousand Hollars IBdO.000) of Enlon Taclflc Rail¬ way Company Soiiihciu Uraniill Eint Mortgage Homi«, or anv part thereof. Proi»o»»l· may be »ent to In care of ?. ? Ilenaon, -ecre- tarv. 11'. Ilroadway, New Voik citv. ,MrJ' RI'HSELL 9AOK. UEO. J. MOULD, Trnitcet. "To the Stockholders of the ST. LOUS & SAN RAMCI800 RAILWAY CO. The iini1«r»igno.l Director» of tlie St, I.oul» and » in Fran- Cltco Railway Company reipcctfnlly rci|iie«t the stock holders to »em! their proxies, in tho name of DAVID J. IIUOM AN, toT. W. LII.LIE. Treasurer. Mills Ilinbllng. Now-York, orto either of tbe nudi r«i_m .1. The»,» proxies will bo voted to ( on- tlnue the present careful, economical am! Independent man¬ agement ot the property. JESSE SEMI.MAN, ot .1. «. W. Sellgnitn «I Co. s'KOIH.K lOIM'K.LI.. of Muntami, l'In -In« »V Co. J. ??ton, of John G ton A Co. New-York, April 11. 1887._ TO THE HOLDER* OF Till>T ??G????? FOU THE NEW YORK, ( III« AI'O AM) ST. LOI IS nAlLWAY COMPANY'·» EQI I IMI ENT BONDS. Yonr committee beg» to advise, in view of the contemplated reorganization »f the Note-York. Chicago and St. lami.» Rail¬ way Company, that »n _»*??_-_?0?? In respect to us eqntp· ment bon·I« haa I e.-n effected ¡is fnl'owt : Total »mount of equipment bon.!» out¬ standing .e3.-too.ooo 00 To be pani In rash by tin« Re. reiver within mi» jear from rea 19, um . ei,900,000 And in new nr«t mortgage 4 ?μ·? .',-nL. bond» by the pur¬ chaser«. 1.???.?0? 3,100,000 OO Mil« will give to their holder» for each erottili In c:i»h i«uti|oot toa possible lnsnltlrlnnev In the provision »heady inaile t.. meet l.»,;ul ai-.'l otheri'xp.'ii«!·»). 531 S'i In Ihe new rii-t mortgage 4 per rent bornia ofOke conipany when ? .Organized. 447 IS 81.000 öo Your committee li.i» now in hand In cash from pat ment» n'a. e bv the receiver a »uni «nfllcient to pay M per cent on each Trmt Hccelpt ..iilstainltiig, wlit'di mnmint wilt t»o p»ld »t the PittA National Hank ea am! after April 19, »n presenta¬ tion of ? rust Receipt-, »ml sin h payment will bo lm!orse«l tbcieoii. H. A. V. 1-osT. chairman. ) OROROB 1. li.MCER, 'committee. w. ti. mali;. y New-York. Atirll ·?. 1?7. I'm ??« .. nvcnleme of holder« who m.iv wl«h toreall7eon their Trust Receipt! Without further delav your roiiniiitleo h»» al«o iiltanir-'l In ash »in Ii receipt· at tlie pibe of »-.»¦III for each ll.lMhlnf aainc. Holder« desìi tng In avail themselves of tin« ·?.|μ?:?????t .will. Ii nm.l·« Mildert lo recall without noti.-e c m. latOecl lo thl« rroTlsnm, i.iet« pavment for their te. tlpt« at the ? rice iil.<ivi. ??·?.·?1 ??» tlielr nresoiilation ami stiftender to tlie I irsf National Hank on and utter April 1'2 \fo\K'i to Idilli un ladini and mortffaee at -l ivi «er cent. >!A( ???, DAV IBM ? WALKER. 991 Hroadtay. '.ill v. ali. -[.. M-.w-Yiiuk. AprllU, 1837. TO THE SEC ????? IIOI.DEHH OF THE Pittsburgh aud Wetten Railroad Co. Ili.l.'srs "f ab.-ut M per ? · lit nf Ibi-»fa. fc and !·.Unftlie I'ltKbiirrh sii'l Western Knilnad Cmnanv bat tur ile|»«.«lte<l Ihetr ···< nrlll·*· in »····.irtance with tbe plan and agreement ..f reM_aa___-ea, eetit» lo -arilyairea l_M the TIMB for DBPoairtKa the bbmaibikg stimi, am» hiimim ih extended Til.I. AI'IMt. 10, IM-ff, .»I H.IECT TO l't, Y MENT Off ? ????,?? OF ·_ I'KIt I ENT en H.epsr valu· of si.iiriccs -l|»Btt·-. ¦Oeal i.,u«t ai«.> i'.y su ABBBMMIBBT OF 4 G?? 01 NT. e. A·, I'KIt »II «HE, _?_-0???_?· B-tfe tl..· plan of reeraaa_-___a HetMwi of Heathaai -taaM ta mad« attt _9_MB_ta. URI VII. A- t'O., I'h'.'.y'.elpMa. or w.-.h MBiBHl. Illt! \l I..HOIH.AN «V (O. Net» ? ? l», lio will iMue re re||.i . f _M Be « "Milli.« - Il le recited AFTEIl ?????. l!l. I*»*»?, ..ii will· fidata· the ? -lit ot Is., .mlng pir· tlrlpanta in the plan - 111 al>«m'itelr 11?«·. JM), i.owlint »YKLMI, ? .IMI. T. Till it V,--.--- I ll.rils.rt-». I oiim.lllrr. AMIIos\ J. rnoMAB, ! Philadelphia and Reading Reorganizalion. ·.( in·... A . BBOTO8M I CO., ? ?/? ? Ni.w roi ???G???? ON BTOCK LtBT, NEW'.*, ??ß I I"' I _»< BAXOl .-,» rr,,,p?.?, nit that ita «ear»vedeertllaalee repre-ceuei 11.·· ,·?··?-? »? »a natoti II k of il.·· ?·?.?1»·?··? Initie '.· (be lenii- u Hateo ??? ? li. ?·_*7, an I thai th· comino· tail pr-ftrre<1 »lock (Old ? ill.es!..«? ol the sal.t t..a»l tie «luck· ? fumi Ita lisi ?»?? *lar I I. ! «T. ".,- ., .ret ? lip Commi It. e. A orli ?!. 1 17. m, I. I.l ssti.i., ,.., ima·!. ?.? ??'.?.?·: V. EI.V. e lefarr. Relerr.iu ! ti.·. íIk.v.·. -e inifeliv aivs notice that are mu» a.'y lo Issu.· I,· te .? in l'bilanelpbia »ugrav, ? ,;, ,, iati .1· -»il«.1 un.1er 11.e |,lau ul i."i(ii.<.li.ii, In e: ..· l'I, MI sto k ..Itili. .1 -s ? ·|, ti.e ass.-l ti,er,..ti. 11.11. of as«-niel stock, when leposlllog Ihe I «hate« with us. will It-Clll·· ?.? M all«.I i.e». o( a pre·, ? lied form iwlfalaf the oil iteck le the retonetrnctlon 1 ? ?,·. -.. ..n I will !u .In.· ...ui».· n civ.» !.e io.f . er11 tu atea II la nk is,« er« may I.e o .taluni ai-iìii« ·,' Porli li, 1007. HltOttN ??·(!·. ? IO. li. I 11 I-. II ni ¡?.?' - ul· l'EOHlA, l»F.( ??? ? ANO EVIN-HL!.': INI »IHK ll«»NHS THEiiNTKAi. TBOeTOOt OP Ni'·.»' ? p:;«-. > Ngw-YoHK. Manli 1, Iv!. I BOTICB 19 BBBJIBT (¡IVKN tint an Isne.if .'.»nr yovr. G. j,.-r «ut. se* ,. ?,l moi t rag» boni», .late Voi MB e-r 1. Isti, »..iir.'llir iiiorti¡agn iiii.i.i tin» IV iri.t. Umili ai l Kvii« Villo Railway, ???;·..?·? to 111 ? un br«i¿ ?-I -mi Wil'.l.tn v. BÌSAL until «s l'iuslee. in.ing n .ni ? tri M 1 ml prviair. 1. Ih» iind'-rtigiied will, on an I »fier Mar.-h 7. 1 « 17. ·¥0_.|e the ¦Meo, I ..nl f..r leal, at par, for tho ealel ni UBI incoiti·« 1<???.?» of »aid company, rt· I'lnm the l'<«»r..t L>1VisionIH.ai,000, au 1 n-.ii the BraaerlBe -?«*__?ß9_,???,09? aeteeaUaa m au tj »:.. -,??ta lìti- CINTRAL TRL'b'f CU. Of BBW'TOBB, BV F. G. OI.I flTT. Tre»,.len». r^ilAS. II. 1'????? St. CO., V-y '..'.? Ml i'l.RKill si.. ? I.HVUI.AX n. ·». (r«t.»bll«h»-d in IST!»- PIONBKB DEAL ? Bri .? am. -L'PERIOR I BON MINIM. bTOCKO. Ruy anil «ell tbo Iteck· ot lb·, following minci on about a in per rat latereei oasi». Inns ..re Company. No. of 1'ar. Capital. Appr. a_U__J (·> |atarae.| r-uipiu».? dati». Ilepiiblii·.HKi.iilO *:.'» ?,???,???: 1.40O0P0'.,58'.',ra96 lake Mipciior..l OO.OUOi JS ?,???.???, 1.500.000 1,892,10.1 riiaiupion .J '.O.ianil, lOU.OflU U0O,OO0|l,70l,A04 , |, «,l.ml . lnii.iHM'l III SsMw.UüO l.'.'lau.lHW -.407 21 Jackson .I11.000 'Jû ?????,????? ?.·.?.-,??,????? ·_·.?,???,.?,',1 ci.apiii . ?μ?,(???); '.:.". 2,000.0U0i 1,'iM.OIiOi ?,.·;·.'!·,??»«?? Mliii.i-sou ,????,???? Km li'...? ?.."i." .-un...ij ,.??.·..|.?? l^T. WORTH AND DENY EH I'll V ????¬ ? WAV ( ". A «pei ill meeting of the stnekh.iMcM of fids Co.npiny li_v- ln. l·.'dl called lor Jinn«'.'-.'. 1997, the transter beota Ot the ?-..!>:|,,ii.j «vili lee· .«li.l Met I ..Vl...-?» p. in., ¡ind «» dl nope mi J .in.- 99 at K> "? 1" k a. lit. Ily order of the Roaid of H.t" .1. I'. (¡II «NUllK, ? rcastirej- ani Tiaiisf» r Agi nt. CBBTBAl BAILBOAB OOVFABT RBW JlItHRY. 1 11!» Ll' in» -I., J M tt Yi.i.,.. April fi, 1H>«7. ) VOTICI·; IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual il meet lug o' the «loi kin.1.1.is nf the ? enlral ItaUroad (,???- pany of New Jriicy, lo elect ulm- iMreeten to«er\efoi the vi»r next eniiilng. will be hehl al tho olli.e nf thn ininpaiiy, in Jersey Citv, between the been of 19 o'cloik in. and ·.' o. loab m. ·'! I'li'tny. Mar <>, ut-tt. 'Il»li»f»l t-V.k Will i.e cinse·! fu.in Kridav, III« â G. 11 llislsht, to Mini.'.ay, tbe '.Mb piotlma Il.r onler. _hA.M! 1. ?»\??. S. ... tn in ? oi Titr M is- .·, in. ? UBAI ami Tkxas) I- tl. ? -? ??.?G??». 1(15 I'.UilAI.U ?? Mae Vdiik, April l.i. Its; s rTtflB ANNEAL MEETINQ o. the -??-k- R holder» et tlie Misai'.»! III. KAN-sA* ANN TEXAS RAILWAY ("MI'ANV for thn lei-ii.ui of n. lector« for the eosiiliie year, imi transaction of au> other busluei« that may be brought befurethe m.suting. w.ll ta beM -t the ofllce of the ( i.iupapv. In l'nr»ons. Kama», ??» ?G·_?___~, the 1 -i·. , day ot May. ? -s .'. »I 1 u i»'« m. bto-k I ransfer Hoot« will Ii« cfose.l from Ita ß?μ???? of Apiil Id until tb« i..oiuin_ of Mav In ueit. _II. 0. II ?-..NisiiN. »Secretary. THE l_VKE ????? AMI HUIIIKAN ?? ????? RAILWAY (O.lll'ANV. t 11 ai iKttu's ori'ira, finnxn crmtAi. t???·?t, ) BBW.Yobk. Min h vk, 1ISM7. ! Tl.« transffri.ook»(.f Ihla COM peat arultai iosesi»t ? ,,·,-,. k m in. ..u ^a??,l?l»v, Urn J.i.lay nl April ne.ti ii.rci,»r»tory tn the siuiiini eb eu.m for Iiliccli is lo be !.. 1.1 on Ihe 4th day of May uest). aud will bo ii¡i_'|.«.i!U<l on |__ monili./ pi In.lay the i»l_ day oi Hay MXt E. I». WOHCI-iìTER. TTeaturar. ¦¦HI THE S'lULKHOEDKKS Off THE bT. LOLLS AND SAN ilUNCISLiy RAILWAY CO. At one of Uie Itrgeat «toekholiler» we propose to nl ten·! tlie aim .al im.tlugu! theM. I.oilisaud San Iran, isco Hallway company te ta held in Ht. Unis next monili aud urge that tho surplus revenue be applied lo Ihe payment of dividen.I» on tho preferred alo· k. sml that dividends on tho m»t pre ferrod be BM uuarterly luatrad of balfyeaily. We beiievo lb« lime ha «e,,i, ¡«,,,, im i>)r.. (he policy of devot tug the surplus to uew construction ln»te»l ol paying It in ilivldonda lo Ber· firred »tin khnlder». We rc»pi ctlnlly reúne«! »((skhoblcrs de»iring tn ee-toerato to »end tt» then- proxlet In the name of Edward L. Uppeuhclm or Walter Lei Mar. ? « . . . . - K ·'· ori'LNHKI'J A CO., hew-Yotk, April It, 1S07. H and ii NewtL .final-cud. NOTICE. Holden of the Rond* ot th· DETROIT DIVISION mortgage of the Wab.»»h. Ht. Loultanrt racit.e Railway Com· paar Blareo netted to ? all at Hie otlloe of tlie Pnrchatinf Con.niltte, No. 105 Hroadway, Room '.'2. ______ ?. ?. ASHLEY, Secretary. Now York. April 6, 1837._ THE BOOKS of the Columbus and Hocking X Coal and iron Company will close April -Oat,3 p. n». and open April .6 at 10 a. m. for the purpose ? annual election. ?. ?. ?????. . Transfer Agent, ^^ÏIÏTIlOLDÊRS OF SURSClOptìON CERTIFICATES FOR PREFERRED AND COMMON STOCK OF THE LAKE ERIE AND WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Notice hereby given that the CENT« A I. TRI'rtT COM- l'ANV of New-York now prepared to receive the remain¬ ing payment of FIFTY (.'.<i> 1'Elt (VINt on subscriptions due Ma» ,'.. lx«7, «ml deliver »«guiar cet tiiicates of common and preferred stock to subscribers electing to anticipala such pavmant, L. M. «CIIWAN, Ngit-VOHK. April 11, 18H7. (Secretary. üan.tcre ano ßroktrs. rj WYNNE & DAY. EstebliBbod 1854. \X No. 45 Wall Btreef. New.York. TRANSACT A (IEMCRAI. RAMflNtJ and UROKERAOH RI'st.NKHSIn RAILWAY dllAK-b, RoNDB. Ac. FOR _tAHIl OR ON M A ltd IN._ BANKING HOUSE OF . HENRY CLEW« & CO., 13 AND 15BROADST.. NEW YORK. Investment and Marginal Orders executed. Members of tho N. Y. Stock and Produco Exchanges, alio Chicago Roani of Trade. Interest allowed on Deposit Accounts. H.X_M_Q_ÑB & CO., HANKERS IS ?«. till-»l. and 3 N_BBB_-__, TRANSACT A GENERAL RANKINU BUSINESS. IM f.OVERNMENT. MCNICIPAL AND RAILIliaAD SkXL IUTIES. DEMAND DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS RECEIVED. INTEiV _EST ALLOWED ON DA I LYRA LANCES. Kidder, Peabody & Co., No. I NASSA I. ST., Ne-*-Y orU, 113 »KVONSHIRE ST, Boeton. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. nil.I.S Off EXCHANGE ON bltKlT IIKITAIN ANII THE CONTINENT. ( -.'turner. In p ml Tru » elici « I.pllert ol Credit. AllENT--» AND ????????ß FOR MESSRS. BARING BROTHERS & CO., Kissam, Whitney & Co., Bankers and Brokers, II lllsOW) --THKET. Mil...»* BITI.IHN«. INTEIILST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT ACCOCNT. Sl'R- JKCT Ha DRAFT AT BIOHT (¡oVKUNMENT, »TATE, MI NU II-AL AND RAILIliaAD »ECURITTB8 HOCOHT AND s-.il.la ON COMB Is-KlN, 10R CASH OR L'l'ON MARO IN. P. 1. MLUNET ft W.« IMMtllt«, COMMERCIAL ? A KR, BTOOU lit) ilHDJ, UNITED RANK .L'lLIHNO. WALL-HT.. CORNER URO AL» WAY. TT. FITCH, a», itEW-YORK. McmlcrN. V. Htock l-'irhinr» POOR & GEEEN0U6H, HANKER«* AND IIHOKEIt·*, l'r..|.tinlor« of I'ooKh miniai, m·· railroad«, it, ite ardere at tBeetoel Bxefeaaee m New-York and I.on.li.ii. Ball«.* ?..n.l« it »pivultr. li ?, si allow·, on lefeeila Correspondence Invite»- 19 WAI I. >!.. BBW 1 OBB. ßlfrtmbortte ap? BaHroa-rj». ALBANY BOATS ?????.??1 LINE..Pel· -"-m·!· DBBW m»·! HI AN RICHMOND ·¦ ·- ·¦. at at p. in. fiom Pier 41 N. R, foot of .' T. ? receire. until ihehearetAef.rtara \ Ik· »Y ÖÖAT8, CI 11 ZEN'S1 LlNE.- .. rReaiAer· CITY ?? p?? ? ftnal BAUATOOA leave foot of hrtttopb-r it_ North River, dell/, aieept ~_t_r_-jr, ''.? in. lor Trot ami the North "»ii'idiv steamer touilie· at I 11... Hi, urn .ii !.. k ·, * (JAl'L. ¿HAULER BOOTE TO NORFOLK. WCllilu.Mi, OLD ffOIMT CO-fftMtl A.sD IHK BOOTH. Ontntaft.r Lm.iiry Ila«, 19-7, E.or.Hi trtli for Ca;ai ( ___M old ?',.???? cimf.irt ait N'nrloU. ????? NtW.*,oitK. PHILADELPHIA AND NORFOLK RAILROAD. »till lei·.,· Pennsylvania Itmlr.iad fst.tion. Now-York. T.'J'i ,i m «.«? dart ami « p. m. iiaiv, arnriagOM Point 9 p. m. ..i"l ? ? m., -N..rIolk ¦¦ ?, __, m, u-, steamer for Rlclimon I «»ili ie.it?. ape rii-iit·« at Ha. m. on Mondar·. >* «'«lues lay» and i-'ii.iu«-«. arriving there et 9 p. tn. Balli rari«, ».'ai oa the Da) Ktpreta, and ileeplng etra on ? if hI Bxpree· te Cap· citarice 'i.iU.is an tie-ntag berth· raa .eaeenradataar ¦? ket Olllee of tb« fenntrivauta Kailru Company. ?. \\. DUNN ?, Mint. It. ». COOBB, U, P. an 1 _».__ I [ARLEM RIVEE BRANCH I I NEW-YORK, NEW-HAVEN .iu.) lt*ARTIORD R. ft, lams li ato Itarii'iii River station, corner 1.?.?? It. an.I Lin· ''illusi'·-, m'ai Third Avenu.. Brida;· arroti Harlem River le.i. i.r.t br Second Avena· »nd Suburban RUratod rail- roada), dallr, eaoept Hundart. at .;-i:>, ; ,??, ·.# ?,» ?? 11:5¿ ?», m., -.· »»?, :? .:>.·,. 4 W. "' IO, »Vio, «. io .ut ... m., tor Port Mor· ria, Catanora(Oak Point), Huul'i point. Weet l'arni», Vea N'est, UejK Nestor, G? ni i>.« iti't. Hay cii.'sti'r il'ellia'ii Bar) Hail.nv nu« taUnd), rolliaiu .Manor and New »?????-Ui· eon' ne« liucat .New lîo.'licllo »vitti train« ror alt p.ihiH ,,?'? tils niain in.· ..f the ?.·*. York, ?·_-·?·?·? and Hartford Rail- I..I.I,-ii'ii'· i.iiiiiiii.i Air One Divisions, New canana Mid illetowu. Ne«» lliitain .ml BuflMd brandi·«, an I ll.isio'uaul nil I'.e.nM I. i«l. .Mnliiiirlit train for ?.·\« ?:...??.·??? :ind »II Inter tu-llat» ·'t linn« at 12:10 p. iu. daily, aze*pl Maodajra, ..siiinlav Hani» for .Nriv Ito. lulle ami all intermedi ili» sfa liona at Ba. in.. 1-:(>I and '.'-ltd p. in., Ihe latter tiaiu «uiine.l lag al .ttw 1»..cholle, »siili way Ir.«m lo .^taiiiiord. VKW-Yoit-lv CENTRAL ANI) Í1UDSOX 11 IUVl.il HAILR(iAl>.-C. .111,1 n. _u Jaiiuarr _. 1_«7 UHv-gh irania win leer« iirand C-ncnU Dopo. is... ni., Roclivslt-i Express, tiiioiitfli drawuiK-rooiu cars » Allea/, .rojr, M. Alban,, Lous.·'» I't, u n.l sr,-acuee. .ti. »oa. 111.. " lb« Lumi.·,I." »tuli i|iniii«c_r«. stopplnir M Albany, t uea,H/raeaae, Koeheaier. inuiiio. NUaaran-Ia l.ri.-. ('livil.iiid aud'lol«jilo, uiriviu» ai L'Incapo lai.U a. _. " ln..,i._ i«;. ^'''"f ¿xpca.s. «iiatvu^-iooui »ar»toCuuau- ilaia.ia all1' 1-0«,eilet. lll.li» a. m., Weatcrn Ncw-YuM _a.l .N'urtliern Etpres» tt un .ira»tiii.i"oui cus. .? ..»? p. u... Aio-t-y, Hoy .iul utlci i:i;iress, trilli Uratriu ·· 1001.? «.«?« ?·· ?»".·'· ,, ... ,. - 4 11. 111., Aiioniuiotlaiio.i to Allatti BBsl troy. .li p. 111., (.li.tiiBoaUd -U l.ouiI Lxj»,cod> ? ,,. a|,.eiu,w a_n loi -\...i;iii.i 1 .1Í1«. l-ui'.'lo. ».liiclliuali, loiouo, taelruiL Cln- iato an- >t. L.iul*. I'li'iua-car Nott-iora to All.iuiy ' ? nii>. m.. Uuntreel kaareat »ini»i<cpin..i_isiUÄi.ut,.lsti Huns l,> Llic.i, slo| ???? al piiiicipal stalioiia. » 1«. in., Mpei »al ole« p<;» .ui.v·» rluchtettf 4(1 it. 111., Rullalo !·..?». in. »nil Ciotclaliil rJ.ll">|«. III. tioiliUy. f Bulla in., l'ut .lit Express, «sitl.slieultiii.cai» Im Roc-lin». lei, l.ullul.·. Ml|lfl I alis, ¦ invelali,?, ? ?1«·.'.?, Lieliuil aud Llm-ttO. Mt-rpius-cai» Ul tt ideilo««, u t M I lieu, ilaily tx- ctpi iMtaruar, -iso io AuiMum, ueaeraaad cauauuai^iu, ??¬ ?, u| -al..may .iiiii -t.iu.Uy. 11:16 ? m., M_l»l Exptcss. Willi -lei-plri|{._ara to Albauy »lidlroy. loiiiircl« ailli tlio u.oiuiuj; ICaUU toi ilio Wo»; i-»i<l loi Ilio Notili Xccpl nalui'Uy lilgut». Ticket· en tale at uraad ceaual ia.-i.ot. No. 7 Rattery Place. 41.1 RruaU-M.v, liui.cin !-.|-.n. IJàUi-iL and 111, avo., ami ai ttisuoit's rvaertM iiii.ii«, S Park Place (.near Bread· «v.yi, 7&j aud Pf.' I.ii.i.nt.iy aud t». West l-otli-sl., .Sew- ·. .»- Washington an.? ? JO t niton ......, Rruoklyu, and ,j ..-.?. -? WillutiiisOuia. Ai conni.o«'.alioiiS in «lr.t« ???,··?'.????? .in.I lleeping-cnr« call be piis'iiie.? al any ol lUo ??«.??? 0lU«lV4 in MeW·! Oils Clly. aud Ul Wasliiualoii-sL. liivoklyii. Uanxnat calieii lor and check·! ftom resilience. 'Tb«ss train, inn ilativ. All ulliert ilaily fxcopieundaj |1 l.i »e li uns »lop al italici tl..lii'»t. ami liu-ave.) J. ?. ? L I. V, I IN 11 Y MOB BT G. Ueaeral ßßßßpß?ßß-?.k i<cui'i_ ?μßßßßßt a^uu. poRUUDeON AND C0X8ACKIB. 11. Hosts l._ve al (i p. io Tuisilav«, I lini «.ut« s and Matur- nays frinii Pici ,IJ ?. K.. loi of ?_/-·_ Beader·, WedaeaeaT·end ItMii- nom pier ?? foot «t I'luiiUiiu st., inu mx ?. n-c nitli lli.al.iU and Albany R. R. slisffpiiijf cara), l.iki.p. iu. Express foi Nctvport, anivlnjt al 7.40 p. nu BORTÓN, NEWPORT. NORTH inni BART vu I ALL RIVER LIN E. Mt«amrrs l'lt.i.KIM .ni BlttHTOla Leute l'icr ita ?. lt., tout of ???p«)- eL, et IHM a m. .tuli-, siiitifi mei 11 . ajOBBecUoa liy Ani.ci Host fi.un Breokl~al li i -ini ítttmu Cuy al 4 p. m. Au er·Beetra ou e_un aiuauier. uc-iiaccoui.ui>«tat.ja_ Lots ist I....e». REDUCTION oh' PARER VIA NORWICH LINK, lim Popolar lustdo Beet« Te Beee_v99 Worcester, 5U. ( ..? ?,·,,··.n li.'-: rrdiicliou to all i.oiiit«. Mlcanici« -illy of Worcester" and "City ol New-York" Irave l'iaf 40 (old liutiilier). Notili River, fool of Wallsst. (in il pu r above Disino»-». , leu« ila.ly except r^iiiilay ?\. 6-.??. m._(1. tl. HRaDY. AaeuL ßAY LINK lo OU> I'OIXT COMFORT. NOIII OLE, VA., limi hOUT». ' Leave via l'inn. R. R. 4..IÜ p. ni. l'iirlor Mf| to llaltliuorit, ll.nice palace steamer«, iiri»viu. ai old l'oiut atei li .. NoitolkJ_.i_, ? , ?. V. TOB PBlila ' _Beaiffaea aeeei, atl Bra uwuy. ?. y. ^[K\V-IIAVKN.-.Stf.í?!!!('n lo.ivc IVck-shu I iPiei '-., E. B.)Bl » p.m. sud 11 p.nu (»uudny» eicei>ta_'i. bhmmoii -ini t in timo Ivi early luiut noi ih and eati BteambotAB ml· ßoilroab». A-RONDOÜT and KINGSTON, laodioflfl. . Cranston'· (West Potnl). Core well, N.wuure. Mert. bom. Milton. PooghhecrsI· and Bse-p··. ronneitlng with G Ister ami Delaware, -tony Clove «nd Cat«kill Moon tale railroad* Steamers Citr of Kingston and James W. Bald· win leave every week dar at 4 n. m pier fool of Harris·* «L, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. O-»ml »tier JA .NU A It Y 31. 1887. OBBAT TRUNK MX ? AND UNITED ß????ß MAIL 110T7TE. Train» leave New-York, via D estiro«*. «nd Cortlandt fttrestft Ferrlee, ss follows Han lí'.urg. Pitt«bnrg end the West, with Pullman Palace fur· «Oached. fl ». m, 7 snd 8 p. m. dstlv New-York anil Chicago l.imiud of Parlor, Dluing, Smoking and MB«Pia* Car« at 9 a. ni. every day. Wiülamsoort. Lock Haven, 9 *m S p. m Corry and Erie «? ? μ iu.,.-onnwtlng at Corry fot Tltusriila, Potroleum Centre, snd the Oil Regione, poi I.el.annn, 0:00 * m.. 8:20 I», m., snd 12:13 night Baltimore. W««hlngton and the south. " Limite 1 Wselling« ton Rxpress " ot Pullman Pslsoe C»r« daily. eioeptanndsy, 10 * nt.: arrive Washington 400 p. m. »nd dally, 3:40 p. ro.t strive w.««hi?«inn H.65 p. st.: regular at «.:"). s 00 »nd h no * m LOO, v ilO. A.3D «ml Op. in., and I'M» nlchl ß?a· dsr. ?: '. .·> snd *.) on * m.. 480 and 0 p. m And 1-1.5 night. For Atlantic City, except Sunday (through parlor ear), 1 p. m. For Cape May, weekdsye, 11.-10 * _, On Saturday· only, 1 v. m. Long Branch. Bar Head Junction snd Intermedia. »t*. tlons. vl» It.iliwav and A mlniy, '.I a. in.. 12 noon, 3:41*. ß ?. ?? Similar, 0:45 * m. and S p. m. idn not atop at A«bury Park). For Old Point «nd Norfolk, vis New York. Philadelphia .nd Norroik Railroad, 720 a. m week-dav«. aud 8p.m. i-r.-rr dur vu Baltimore aun Bay Line, 4:30 p. as. weak« days. Coat» of " Brooklyn Annex " connect with »11 throngh traine st Jener City, »ffornlng a speedy snd direct tranafer tor Brooklyn travel Tratnt arrive From Pltubnrg, 7:10, 7SO, 11:30 m. 7:00 *nd035p. m. dillr. Fruto Washington snd lUltlmor», ß:20. 650 A m., 1 20, 820, 830. 6.80, ß 20. 0 20 snd 1035 p.m. s ti ndsr. H 20. ß 60* m. 8:20. ß 20 9 00 »ed 10 35 p: m. F·.· Philadelphia 8:iV>, 620, ß BO, 7 10, 7:80. ß:*), 0:30. 10:40. 11 30, UDO a. m.. 1-20. 2 00. 32U. 3:30. 5?3? 6:20.· 7 00. 7:20, 8:80. 9:4*0, 1035. 11:50 p. ni., and 12 20 night Bnnd»v, 350, ß:20, 8:50. 7 10. 7:30, lliSB, lliM * m., 3:20, U 2o. 7:00, 0:20, 0:35, 10:35 p. iu. FOR ?????.?G,??.???? Eipress Trains lear· New Tork, vis Desbrossss sad Cert* Isnil M re.·! t Ferrie«, »· follow«: 6.211. 7:20, H, n (9 thlcsgn Limited and 10 Washington Lint. ited). and 11 m. 1. 2, 8|20, 4. 4:30. S. 0, 7. 8 and 9 p. m.. and 12:15 night. Arcomraoilation .fltt anil 11:10 * m., _4<J) p.m. Umiliava. Cipress 0 18, Ü (9 Limited) and 10* m.. 4. 430. 6. 7. H «mt 9 p. m.a*nd 12 1? ulalit. Trains leaving New-York dally exrenl Sunday at 7 20, 9 and 11:10 a. m 1. 2, 4, ß. 8 p. m and 10 a. m. and 3 p. in. on Bnnilay* connect at Trenton for Csmdsn. Returning, traina leave Broad Street But ion, Philadelphia 1'aOl. 3:120. 4:05. 440. 6:10. 6 50, 7:30, 8:20, 8:30, 9:40.11 , and 11 16«. m. Limited Bxpre»» 1 14 and 450 p. m.i, 12 40-, 8. 4. 6. ß. 63«. 712. 8:12 and 9 50 p. tn. On Snnday. l_fll, 1.20. 4:05.4:40,5:10.8.30,9:40* in 12:49.4 (4 50 Limited), 6:35. 7:12 aud 8 12 p. m. Leave Phllsdslphla via t ainrten.O 00 a. in. daily, except Sua. day. Ticket Offices. 349, 435 and 014 Broadw»v, 1 Astor Honap, 8 Bsttery-plare, and footot Desbrossos and Cortland it* i Conrt-st. and Brooklvn Anoex Biatlon, foot of Fnlcos.»t., Hrnosim Bullón. Jersey Citr ; Emigrant ? kit 0.ce. Ces¬ ti» Usrilen. The New-Vor«!Trsn«fer Company will call for aad Cheek ba««»-n from hotels »nd résidences. C'UAItLKB B. PUOll, J. R. WOOD. _fleneral Manager._General I'ass'r Agent. N" ORTHERÑ RAILROADOK NEW-JERSEY. .Train« leave from Chamber« «L Manon for Englewood, Tenafly, Ctoater. Spark BUI and Nyack 5:3·), 7 111, fl 20. fliSO «nd 11:8ft * ra.. 1:1«. 8|20. 4. 450. «VO, 5:40. 6 30, "i, 10 30 p. in.. 12 midnight. Bundaya. 7.10. 0:30 a. m.. 4 and 8 p. in, Nit Naonet, Spring Valley, Monter sud Tallnu.a, ? 3'·, 10, 930 a. m., 4:50, 6:30 p. m. amida} s, 9:30 * m., 8 p. m. _ 17RIE RAILWAY, bow known ae tho NEW- _" YORK, T.AKK RRIK ANI) WKBTKRN RAILROAD. Through train« leave 23d «t, end Chimher«·«- «totion« si sain« hour. Loral train« leave 23d.»t sut,on fifteen min« ules earlier then from Chat-here »t 9 a. m .Iisy Kxpr·«* week dir«, Bnffet nrswlngrooro, Cosche« to Rlngt.Diton, Eìintrs, Hornellflvill·, RuiTalo. Pullman «leeplug Coaches from Hornellsville to Chit*go. ß n m -Bell* (6 45 from 28tl st) "Chicago and Ht, Conia t.tmite.1," · solid Pnllmsa train of Day end ? tfTst Bleeping Cnarhe«, to Mestlvllle, Cleveland. Cincinniti, Chicago ami flt. Lonis. Pullmsn Bleeping Cosche» to Hnffslo. Magar» Fall». Hamilton and Toronto. No extra charge for fast time. 8 p. m .Dally. Chicago Fxprea». Pnllmsn Day and «leonina; Coseno» to lilnghamten, hlnv.ra, Bochesier, Btiffslo, Niag¬ ara Kails, cincinnati and Chicago. Rmherford and Passato, week rtavs. l«f(L 5:45, 7:20, 7:50, !i .in, 10 20». m. 1200 noon, 1:45. 3, On, 3.Ô0 4 40, 5:10. 630, 6:50. IMO. ß 30, 7:15, 7:45, 9 80, 10..!0 p. m. 12 00 midnight, .snnday». d.IS. S 30, 10.20», m 12:00 noon. 1:45,4:15, 6 30. 7:45. 0,00. 10:30 u. m.'; 12:00 mldiilsht. Peterson, week dars 4:45. 6.45. 7.20. 7:60, 9:30, 10 20 a. «., 12 00 neon. 1:45. 2 30. 3:00. 3 50. 4 40. 5.00, ft: 10, 6:30. I 50, C 10. 6:80, 715, 7 45. 8 00. )S:30. 10-30 p. ML, 12 00 midnight". Sundays. 5 45. 8 30. 1020, 12 noon. 1:45, 4 15, 0:30, 7*45. 8 00. if 00 1(1,30, p. va.. 12:00 midnight. . Newark and Paterstin, vta Newark, week dsvs. 6:50,8 OO, H.0; in (HI. 11 30 a. a*, 2 00. 320, :l.50. 420, 4"0 3:20, 6:50. r, 2f), 7 30, HOO.iOOOp. m.. and 12.00 m'dulght. Sundays. 15 a. ni.. S.JO. 6:30. 8 00 p. m. BiifTern. week days.4.45. 6 48. 7:60, ft.a 1020 a. n_, 1 45. 8 30, 3 50. 5 00. 5.30. 6:10. 7:15. 7:15. 8:30, 10 SO _m. and 11 mldnleh". Sunday». 5 46. 8.30 10:20 a. n_, 1:45, 4:15. 6 30. 8 Oil. 10 30 p. m. »nd 12 midnight Warwick. 4 45. 0 00, 1020 a. m. 4:30 p. ra. Sunday«, 546* ra. Mon'nellu, 9 00 * m., ft 30 n. m. Newlmrs snd Cornwall. 750. (? M ». si., 2 30 30, |:3û, 530 and ?? on p. id. Sunday«. » SO s. in. ami COO p. m. Montgomery. Homtoat and Kingston, 0:00 * tu., 3:30 p. m, Beeasjr* s :?? a. m. ft.eeten. Puntimi·, week days, 0.00 a, m. ft 10 p. m. (loslien. 4 45. 1 45. 7 60 0:00. 10.20 m. 2 30 ft 30, B-BflL 4 SO. h (rl, 8 30 p. m. «Sunday«, 543, 8:30, 5.0.20 a. n>. 6 30. I -? p. m. Mn'dietnwn. week days. 445. 6.45, 7 50, ft 00, lo 20 a. m. I »ft, 8:80, 4:30. 6:00. H.tX), 8 30 p. m. Sundays. 6-46. 8-30, l()20a. m. 6 30, 8 00 p. ra. I In·'.HO a. 11:. train «top« Main st. oulv. Port Jei t Is, 4 4'.. 7 .'.0. 0 00. 10:20 * m., I JO. I 30. 4 30. rt 00. H-.rO. s3np. m. Mm.lays, ?«.30. 10 20 a. m «:00, 6:30, 8:00 Î. m. iikrr. or pas«»go snd spsrtraent« In Drawing.Room «ndj Sleeping roarlirs ran he nhtilned. anal or.ters for the check. In« and transfer of Imerage may l«s left at the Companr « on es. ?,»». 401, 711. US7 Broklttav. 1S7 W.iisi, ?. ?. No. ftftl Knit.m «t., Knwklyn. or st the Company"» depots. Express train« from the West arrive tn New-York at 7:17. 7;47 to:,·, s ri. «nd 10 00 p. m. OLC ¡? HA IN. A. U. P. Agt. L P. FAllMKIl, ?. P. Ag* C BMTBAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. FOOT OF LIIIKRTY STIlKKT. ???G? HIVER. For PIIII.AIiKI.PIIlA and TIIKX???. "" »nun.! Hrook Ilouî.·. at ? ?»), 7 45. !':(iü. 11 on. a. B_i 1 BO 4 00, 4 :JO, 5 30. 7 :."0. 12 UO p, ui. SCN DA Va at 4.00, 4 lft, a. m.: 5.J0, 12 p. III. Tra.¦ leaving at 4 00. 7 15. 1100, a m.. 1.6, 4 00.5 3«, 12:OJ p. in., havo I'oiinrction lor Itesding. Dai r:«n:irg. Poti«· Vili* id·. ? ?») .1. m. tur Kaston. Uclhleliiin AllentoWB, Ilet'l- ine, Harr.silmrg. etf. On Sunday* for "*»«ton. 7 On a. in. foil· iiston. Ilrtlilt-neni, Allentowu. B.B-h Ihtink, Wilkr»hairr and si rantoli. 1 .na. ni. (m gesto?. liellilehem. Allrntown Maurh t'hurk, Wiikeetorta, >«tr.iiiti)u. Reedtat, Harrleber*, Putts»·.1 <·>, I atnaqua. Miamuktn, sunlmrv, I.ewistniri/. w iiliamsport, 1 no and 1.3(I p. m. for Easton. Ili-Ilililiriu, Allentowu, Mainili lunik, KradiuR. lain«!.11: μ. rti'. »' I.. ?«, in lor Bastón, llrthlrhem. Allenlown. Manch Chunk, V. li.rslurir. s, rantoli, I aiuanua, slisinokin. ftaetouy, .Wlsl hing Will·insapori, rie. 4 no »ml 4 30 μ. p? for Kaston. Bethlehem, A'lentown, etc, fi 4ft p. in. 1. r Kaston. llethlohein. Alleutow n. Manch Chunk, B'llkeaMRC, BeedlBft*, Hanisburg, etc. uu biiinl.iv» at 5.10 p. III. .:iMi and -to p. m. fnr Faston. PotlilrUem. Allcntotvn. 4 .M. H.W 11 OU a. m.. 1 IK). 4 IMI, 4 ;!n. 1; 1 :. ft, in. Sunday« I on. «.' 00 a. in. for Red Hank, ItBBfl Itrain h. Oeftftfl (Jrovc, iii'.'i'i Bandera), I'mni I.etoat 4 g ]j a. m.. 1 00, ft.0 p. ui., for i.skcivool, Tom» P.lvcr and I'...: in·.·»! 4 :in a. m l-oo p. m.. fnr Ailtnttc City. Vlnelend. Krnlgetou ami I unii..·: land and ??????*· Hivoi It. It. 4 30, H 1 "·. 11 4". a. m.. 1 HO. 4 JO. 5.30 p. in. for Freehold. i:!«·. Unii. HI.'.. 11.00. 1145 «. m, 1 DO, 4.00. isftft, fcftO. l! 15 V. m. Mimlsv» 4:00, 9 IK) a. 111. for Perth Imboy. NKWJKIISKY SOI"TIIKBN DIV. Frnin Pier1», N. lt.. via sandy Hook. For Atlanti.· Highland«, scaurtitht, Long BBBBBBj _c, 3:4ft p. in. l'or time of traini to local point* see time tabica at Ticket onif. ». c- ATSKIÍ.T. EVENING LINK. ii'CATsKILL and way iamling». ttoats leave Pier 33i North Hiver, fooltif JaV'Street, dally at (I r. ill. For BT-YVB-AXT «ml ATllKts from Picr 35, N'ort» Iti» er. I.»it of l'luiikliustreet, I uovl.ij s. Tliuisdays mil B«ilurdays at samo hour. F EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Pflflflfl.(1ER ? RAINS leave loot of Oftfft.ftj«U or Dei breas·· at«, follows: 7* 111. for Catasaiuiu» and totBI.eO.ftfl '»out«. Sa. 111. for Uciiova, Lynns, Kluilri. Hoe_fltW. ILiffsIe aul the West and principal lot.I points, l.'luir car to Vl'ilkes* Inirro. I ?. 111. fur I'liukliaiinock sn ! Interme.liate ? nuts. Chair 1 ir to l'u-ikli inu.i. ». (. onnvctlmi to BBS.laCBM 'tiir.tiinr'. 3:40p. in, fui Pittstiui and principal lutcr u-tlati) pomt* 11.Ir ear to Plttetea, 5:40p> m. for Copley and lnfermediata polnf». Conuectiot tn Itcadinirand II »rrisbarg. Chair ear te Ceplay. 7 p. m. loriieiiev* Lyous. Kliiuia, Roc'icster, Ruffalo aul the Wist. Pullman sleeper to Lrons. a 7 "? p. in. tin I.amavs and lutei mediate point* Tratos leerlee afte a a_, l p. m. and io m. connect tor «U point» lu Mahanoy an I Hazlnttui Cos! Boft_B_ ftUNDAi TRAINS, ß * m. for Mam u Chunk. Ha/.'.utou au t luienusdlstl points. 5 10 p. 111. fur Coplay und Intermediato iinlnt*. Ta m. for (?»-evs, Lyons, Kloitr.t, Hoc'? 1MBB Bfl..I sad ilio West. Pullulali s rt-pi-i tu Lyon*. VV1 ,_18T SUORE RAILROAD. ' » N, Y. C. aud IL R. K. Co.. lessst». Trains leave We«t42d.sL station. follow«, an 111 :i:n:ji tarlirr fruui nmt of I ly.st.. Norti Ittvor. Detroit and Ch.ß** ^(:j5^ uu, ·??:?? «Silip. in¬ st Leal\*'i:')5. *a.Tla ?, m.'l rnnstiiii's, Cornwall. Nrwnurir. For Moutreal and Canada Ka»t, ft.SP, m. . lUmltton, Londiin. «0:55 w m. «tí:0J. fl»l»»Bi flto Toronttx, l9-_eft*»|-«'e»w^ieeñ*.^ ¡S»"· *»»* t^^*. ? hicaL-o aud s_ Louis on aU throuKU ""·}"'»· ,, * I)«"ly. ? Dally eicopt ftaturdioii «JUici irain» u-iy exesp· ^F^/rkket«. lüne.table«. psrlor or .le'iy'l'*,".^i0«l_f<>d·· tlon» ci luforinstlon. spplyst aft-B* Bruttkl> a-ddS W*»h. i_.toi.-st.. 7ao l;.ltlr.n*f.. Aunei Ufto* .fttotet lN->Bft>sB. Nekr Volk ( ity-:uÌ3. 7«6. '-'42 »iro*dway, IM\>m liowery and W«i shore .**^.*W.íP¿tT&r¿¿irL· ·?· ¦* ?VflaaaBB.sft·. _eeea_i i_».seinor'Afen_ OELAWAKK. LACKAWANNA tsA WEST- KRN HAll.HOAD, .-111 ? G !-._. i LINK BE- VVKKB SAW VollK AND PLFKALO. LHIHTN1NU KM'HKft-s I HAIN». Xo Dl'ST. ALWAYS ON TIMK. l'l'LLM IN l'AI.ACK DAY AN II si. ? ? COACIIK-J. lirp.ii s in Not-York, foot ot Uarciay and Christoph.* st* n a. m. Daily except Miiuiay«, unrtaio »in! ue*«eje Kxprsse 1er Matei u»p, strnudsburg, ¡scrsnlon, Uinghauitou, Kliulra, llalh, Unitalo, r.ii usi.·, (iswogo, ureoue, iisford, Norwich, Ctica; tornirei al -craiitoii fur Piltstun. Wilkiabarr«, Dan- ville end Northumberland, alUtvcgufoi tUtoee xud BM__B> diale »tatuili«. I p. in. itiugliA.iiton ami Kiinir» Kxprcss for Water uap, KcraetOO, lliiigniliutou, Oweguaud Kliulra, connects st Scrau· tou tur l'ili».m. Kiugslou, Vsllkrsbsiro. .te. 7 Ji. III. l'.iin II u Italo Lluiile.1 Kxpre»s lur ftUVB.«Baftflj ftetaetoa. ??ß?ßß-?ßß. ttassra, Kimim. cor.img, nato, Wi\y« land, Uulfulo, .kc, airivmg in ilufttio .' ."o .». ni. 0 p. iu. Daily Unitalo sud )«»n-Jo Kxpru»s toc Stroudsbur*, BcraetoO, Rtunliamtou, cui Uaudt, «vrocuse, OstMS, llrosne, (iilurrt, Norwich, Ultra ani Klehlisld Springs, eunnoçts u»»».go Ior Itl.aia an»l liitrrmrdl«. stations oxcopt a»tur« day». Ontiei al HulMo wllh ttslii» tor all punii« Waa Tickets tur salo sud iMggage chocko.1 al JM. Breed?*?ß"BBa at Weati'iitt Kt.iressoillfi» in New Voi k aud uriaoklya._? CTO»SINUTO-l ?.???. Km Po«ton. Provldftnco and all Ks«terti po")t* 1. sniti» will iiave Pier new No. 3d, Borih lüver. one bloc* kbove c_u_.»L, kt Ö 1«. iu. daily, except öuutlay. ' u. 11. URUJiib. uwa'i r_-oueer Aieal»

HOME H.X M Q ÑB · LITERARY_NOTES. Ricbaid?. Proctor says thatívervtblngheha*yet nblished has increlv indicated tbo coursehie studies?etaken; andthesestudies be, hopesto embodyin

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Page 1: HOME H.X M Q ÑB · LITERARY_NOTES. Ricbaid?. Proctor says thatívervtblngheha*yet nblished has increlv indicated tbo coursehie studies?etaken; andthesestudies be, hopesto embodyin

LITERARY_NOTES.Ricbaid ?. Proctor says that ívervtblng he ha* yet

nblished has increlv indicated tbo course hie studies

?e taken ; and these studies be, hopes to embody in a

treatise on astronomy now nearly a ipuurter of· a cen-

tory iu prcjuii.itimi.The «ret number ol ¦ The Writer." a new monthly

.Bag*.no lor literary worker«, is practical in tone and

Beat in moke up. It ought to be ol value to beginners,and even «·#-!»«. ricucetl workers may lind usctiil hints

fa it« page».. Mr. Ilasgurdit graphic story. ".less," finds ? un¬

locked-tor critic in " Tbe Christian Intelligencer.'' the

organ ol tbe Kctonued Dutch Cbureb. It declares

that Mr. Haggard bss in that story -¡»lepM'sciited tbeHoot« and dcleuds them «it- many assertions but lew

proof«.Oue ol tb pr ncipiil members ol tbe firm ot HnchotU

A- Co.-llie moti impili tant publishers in Franco -ftftjflthat the must popular oí all their translations ol

torcigli novels is ·· UB.Ml Tom's Cabin." Some ol Dick¬ons'« books come next.

A correspondent of "Tbo Epoch £ flKJft concerningthe "realisti·." and "romantic" metbods *?_ an

author is wise be will udo.it the method to which be is

ii.ifnirally ¡tulim-d by training or teniprramcnt ) it he

is wiser ho will adopt ajadletotu ftftft*__ajfttog of bflttmethods as tnr a« hi» usi ninl ponera will permit andit be is wisest, l,e will succeed in whatever be writes.

H-.it wine, wiser ur wisest, if ?» H if boned that be will

Hot, a* a rule, arsitine Inward bis literary brother the

liosition aeeanaed BJ IB* oli «Junker to »? arti bis wife.

it ia an old story." and we all renicmber the ?/??????'»prave eiumideratiou tor ins better ball in saying : ¦ Alltbe world is aaeer, excepting thee and me, and titee isu little ana.rv "

It is «aid that Mr. ?. B, Sullivan has added to histlraui itia>tion ot ^ The Strange Case ol Dr. Jekvil andAirs. Hyde" a new thread ot mte rent in the «nape ol u

love episode. Wirboct thie tbo Mory could naidlyh ave beeil adapted to the »tage.The Annual American Catalogue lor lKHtiisnow

ready lor deliver.. ?? gfftaflBI part of the edition ha»

been t »ken up aud to giv.« a tin pi.?to ?o.inuaeration lui

the work the entire edition must. bo. sold.

Alexandre Duma», fll». in hi« recent Academyepeech on Victor 11??;? ? id that be thought posteritywould associato the poet with " La Legendo deeKiecles " and observed tlint l^e ,-ery characteristic olhi* genius was letB.«_MT. Whatever be wrote.poem,novel, or drama.all he »lid bad a legendary character" His '«Iran-ali» flsBBBBUft ' were ttover true to lite, nor

true to naturo; they never bad human proportion«,beingalways more or always lo·« than man. Nay. at home

they were tho reverse ot human. Nature bore to himan aspect »be has never preseli.si to any other eye.Hie vision mngnitied everything, and ? __·., ot grasslooked to him a tree, and the smallest insect swelled to

the limit ntdoiis nl an eagle. He gave senses and or¬

gans oi ?,.??? b to the man,m it··, and afgane ·)? night tothe invisible. In his symphony the instrument he

d.igbto la lft the trump ol the 1 »ay al Judgment, andbe has left ua a collection ol Tituinc phantom», mon¬

itor·, and sbadow», whose giant effigie» move in a

world of tbelr own »umewbore between Peirauli'eFairy Tales _nd the Vision ol Bftflfltft_"

" Hofk-Chal " oilers a nut unjust characterizationot Hubert Huchmp.n as ctitic. ·' He ciies aloud torfreedom of thought," it say», " and tbeu attack»

every one who thuiks dill, rentlv irom bim. He ie thesort ot man who would walk down tbe balls oi tbe

ages, stand before Shakespeare, bend down to him as

.would be necessitated by hi» own superior height, pathim m a tr endly way on the head and say, ' Fearnot, William, 1 will take care ot you.' "

The editor of tbe Sheridan luve letters, lately printedin an Kuglisb magazine, icplies to the statement that

they are iorgcries/witb a demand that the critic shall

bring prooi ot the truth ot bis accasatimi. Shedeclares that she and tbe owner of the letters ·· haveevjry reason to be and are pe-tectly ft__ft_ftd] a« totheir authenticity."An article in ·· Tbe Contemporary Review " jeaÜJ

niid cleverly point» nut the artistic detect ol W. S.Oilbett'e dr_matic work. His a hint« ot beauty andmeaning," the writer says. * are frequently destruyo·!aud rend red unintelligible bv tho author's apparentdesire to burlesque his own idea.to elio·» yoa a beau-tini thing, only to explain the Impossibility oi its ex¬

istence, or tho weakness ot its clmrai-tcr." TV - sntirfl>« uot reserved to nuy definite place ; it eprca.le everywhere, and occur» when it is not wanted, as well as

adieu it is consistent and necessary. We leel inclinedto move all our intellectual furniture out ot tbeauthor's way. much us we should fio with our actualchair» and table«, it wo were talking to a man whomight withopt warning thtow ft back somersault iuthe middle ot hie conversatiflej,"01 Mr. Gilbert's ir:nte this critic «aye many hind

¦words. " A breadth ol symnatby," be declaresM stands revealed in bis ironice euch a» lew modernwriters can tu·;«»! j ot hie hatred ot »bam and artitlcc1 have already spoken : bis wit speak» tor it»ell ; but? word should be said un the point which BreflJIMBtljescapee notice.namely, the tender way in winch this

quarter ot sarcasm touches genuine emotion arid sut-loriiig. There is ia the Engluh langnage no more per¬fectly tender, bcnutitiil play than the little two act

dialogue-tor »uch it piad ¡cal',y ?«.which is called' S.vi cthcarts'.a pluv ? tiii-li no one without a genu¬ine respect lor true tofth.g could possibly Lave vi rit¬ten."

??eGe??e? of the week.

Practical Cuirir.osoriiv. By Kdward Heron Allen.IGmo, pp. 1_5. (li. I*. l'utuaiii's Sons.)

Tur. EBB.I AiK'N O* Ht.i.Ks. Bf Henry ?. «Thflatly,F. ?. ?. lomo, pp. a.7. (A. C. Armstroiig A Bea ?

TiieNkw revenu" tlVBft.h Tîy Franklin Jolnuoii,I). 1>. l_uio, pp. 91. tFunk Wugiialis.t

I'iiiitg_fl-ft_B& H«..tarte ViamwowowttL By thel'.cv. Thomas Kelly. 1-Uio, pp. _ltt>. (Funk A W ag¬nails.)

?????'.e P-UflffCBIOI â-O-OCA; THF". CaTM ami t ? 11 :

laiviiiY. Bj (iwritfi b Vose. ICum, pp. Ig, ?:«·-

.u: Lec _.-hcpaird.)Bkat, Tur. OtRMAN Q*Bft or ("ahi·«. By Ernst K. Lcmckl.

lJuio, pp. 00. (H. »Vesteriuanii A io.)Till G?et?? ai. Work« or OnOBOa I'., Sims. lCmo, pp.

311. (Excelsior l'ubllshllig House.)Echoes of Bible ? iato it r. Hy OT. G. Walsh. I). D. 12mo,

pp.330. (Thomas Wblttaker.)Foin Him; o«, A PnOBIBi OlTBft ABB a Piui-jiseKi.it.

Byoipsy. lOtno, pp, 26. U.natone Brea.)As Easteiî Vacstion in (iKi.n-F. By JJehft Bdwto ft.n-

daye. l'_mo, pp. 17Ô. (Macmillan A Co.)Ten Years of 6om;. Poem». Uy Horatio Nelson

Power* lomo, up. lft·. (ganflaa U Lethrop A Co.)

Daws. Kv II. Rider Haggard. 2 vols, ltimo, pp. LOG,407. Faptr. iD. Appltton A Co.)

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lers rush by train in order to seek tbo more fashionable cities

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Tho MAY ST. NICHOLAS is ready to-dav and to be boni;iit

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formerly »'.'). This I« one of the rcfrctlilng >>ook». It ha» thegeuulue N«wKngl»_d flavor ot characterization, Incident,di y b'ltm.r end open couuctllty, Intense feeling, ·!._ .·.,.·

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1887 ttOWD EDITION. 1887




Initrnrticn._i_B .-.

Boy· and Youri«* Mea Oitr.

UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 3.473Br-w.y. rest 42-.it.. IfMh vest. >21_S_Ì_rn_B___!.»d cUMlcsIAïVsrtinriiU J*»«"«*x iiBlTlîSuW_____îBY. W. L. A1K1.N. l'rin. N. C 1?_>-?1-*?-?.?.oclsl*.

For Both Sexee.Citr.

A -CIRCULAT« OF SCHOOL* wit!« rc. laihtojajtoaiet-a. ttoe. »afledlftaeiaBga

1»__ AVKKY.Am'n _ci;OOl Bureen. I W toi 14lh-St ***._,

Art Schoole.City.

MRS. LOUISA B. CULVERwill rraiim« her ilassrs from Novnmner 2, InDBAWiBtToiL AM> watkii i'f l.oii I'AI.NTINO.

.still life, flowers »ml larnlsrape,China painting »ml rt< t**"""·

studio......?? lì PAM" taTH4r_PrtrrrM-sa

Mr. G>. Huntington. Preslilent Nstlonsl Arn.lrmr nfPeelgn;Jlr. '.. illiam Ilari. N. / .: Mr. Jsrne» M. Hart. N. A.¡

Br. DbT_ John»on. N. A.


FOIt BOTH SKXKRet ?7 Illik-vst·. ror. l'ini i-nlr st

Miss II. M. WHKBLBB, G????·?|..??, ih· ps»t right vesr»has-WB inil.»rg*ofonri.f the Pr.MI Department« in thePacker Collecta- lostlioi* ÍJirt«* Bw«b *¡f[ajAedi 12.


For Younr Laiie».Country.

HOME COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, lf«v?. hui. .N.J. Huant, tuition (Including innslc) foil per

tjiiarter; for girl«. _'G?.???? HALL,

BSV.?IT, N'EWJF.nSKY.A thorongli lioinr¦ »elioni fin twrntr yonng la.llrs. Vsrletl

»rtv»nta»;rs ut thr highest nr.trr. l'arrful training in niaunrr,

mind ami heart. "Soliti tuli .ire m l.iiglmh, Musi'·, Artamll.Q.

gnagr». ? wciitiilli yesr levins l-cpttuiticr 15. l'or cut alar

«iliIltSJ 11.BB.iclpal._Misa !· M HI I I.F f.Ti'.r.OVS 11G??.

HOME AM) DAY SCHOOL POH (ilKI.8.-l'i in »iy. liiUinirilìatr,C!sSSli»l, Krgllah, MiiKlr. Prrp«.

isl't ?· It r YvSSar ».?,.. . ·t I .· »?'? ·? 1.1'..n ?¬

?» tilín Mr »???,??????.??.?? ai it». "T III: 1- !.il b, pj.i ?, ci.rioUnii, Minte lui.li-li A CllAMlK-Y. 1 l_.i....l_

For Boys ar.fl Youn? Men.Country.

A.CII.lTI.Ai.S of Hi'hool.-t, hot!) oOJSAm, city. «mi ctiniitry. wild csretul »ilvlrr lo paient*

t. ¡?. ??? HI Kill·.. »I Lu«l lTlh-st. >«ilSyi«hir's,TLKXANDKI. INS'ITiTTK. Military Hoard·-? lug school, White l'laitis, X. Y. Principal, 0. IV WIL¬LIS, p?. ?. _


_ACilir»» hrv. "I. II. LAN DON, ?. M

FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, Freehold, N.J.A l'HKI'AHKS 1-1)1! lUl.li.oK OH UCMIXI ss.

luv. ?. <:. CU AlM H K lis. ?. M., Trini Ipil.

I IK.ULAN!) MILITARY ACADEMY.II Wur.ísVrr, Mass. ,!lst vssr liegliis Sept. 22, iBSOk

_C. II. MI/HALL, A. M.. Miprlirtrnilrnt


AMlLLIAlfi COU BO K, t IV 11 king liii-riiD«, Chemistry,Clsss.e BagBah. COL. TUBO, UYATT.Ptestoaei>OCKLAND ???.?.?.?-:. ? vai ? «m-th.~V· llnilson, will !)e ess. during »tiiiiniri· fin· IkmiI ami

half stiiil.r. send lor circular with full part.aBara Kmer»ny time.

_Of. II. G. AN ? ISTI·) It, ?. ?., Gp???|,?1.

.aJMÔRTLÎlitîE'S Media Academy.-ft125k-» nu^rtnlvf.ir »»ri staisela »tnittel«aI ti»«-:fi»d »tsr.y tin»«. Bestiiistrnetloi, bell c»rs. mi t»'·!«. fingi« orilonijirreins heetedby».» ? fteaoollags · reperstorv, Kng-¡Mi, tiionrss .in,! rniílnerriiig tinrsrs. BWlThIBûUli'I.i 1 il 1 1, A. J .1 A. M.. (Ilsrvklil ?p????,?????.

YoNKKi.s ON ????? HUDSOrï..A familyI nl i't.1 li r I'rslial'le toy« .litllrl t» » »ml tlm»r putng froml.i.irr ft 1 11 e I l»( I ,n r rspri lallv n.lli'itti!, int ? heap, l.iit

liri-iiiir 111! 11 in 11ph; 1n I· » SI ·! or s »ml tninli tini, ill »til-it Ms te*, lin: MIB.p loi wlnirr. 'ILI ?», ?, I.lll.ll luN

For Poth Sexes.Country*.

H (»MF. BOARDING SCHOOL for miflfltto «mlchllilren. »: bUiufnril. Conn a ·'¦·-lisMfnl »iimnior

huiuelorchil.lr.il. MI.-sS \ nil l:«lo.\', ?·;???· i|...l.


SCHOOL POR SALE.-I.aiTi'liaiii'o; at ron--oiulilu tri ms wrl! known long ratal)!?·??»?. ??«??1t!?

Miss ?? ?. ?'?.?'?VA?'? Teaclit-r»' Huirán, ¦' .ist ?·, ,?


(_caíl)cro.A .BEST TEACHERS, Tutor« ami Ootctb-_»· rsLrs eapplM no Chat** l! \< Bl RN ir/i»lrrrt1Ire* I'jiiu. mantel, beat school fm boy·, citr. OXtioo oesh,K.K.AVI.HV, AmiiM. lloro,a .' W -t l «ti. «t ? V.


I'I'IOW'.N <? I !· I.-. So. Ì.'ISH I'.io.'war. mrnrr Ihirly-tirs! st.. until ? p. "? '.'· ·' l'i"J'lw»y. rtw.rn 1 wenty arroti·!«ml! wriilv thin! st» iini.l ·? ? ir, MM) \». »I I wrntythlril_Only thin] st» unni n p m, hub »» · ·? ? wrniytiuriiSt., rntlirr T.lslilli a»··.. l.'.'J s.xtli tir. I". I ..iitth »rr or·

irtrrntii I., 7U0 "I l.lnl ¦·»¦ !T »rrrnlli-at..'! Inr .?'·· ·.. L'.^r Milirtti »I »t!·! t r IIAII|>MII, J'.T l_sl «ii r Lim,liril ami t'.nlv nfth at. V .!· O

vr, ormi lir l.lli.ilie 1 al¡,:l»»tl,l» l;!lh «t. up toft.rfKUlsi olili·' lair».

MKH1CAN AND FORKK.N Tl AMI I KSA AI.IM Y »iifpl.rs rrofrasors. Ttsavrhrra, Tiitnr«. «lo»irnraaae.rlr^ trVrirrrr* *"-! «? PsmiU·* Aiiiri··

M lis. M. J. ? ni Ni;.I t'l G??.?. : n oa - ,?.»?·\

PRIVATE I'UI'ILS.-A (-T.'.iltiiiti ot llarviinlmnl Doctoro! fhilosoulijr. lalprlg will «,t·

.tractiOB In Nisw York fs_111«· In '·?"? Latin, listbub an«!..iinilis ?!»;·? .... ir·. Li.'.nt Collyrt. Jt.rpti

II. lotti». J. II. Muff. l'I li...ma» Hill, ? ? plral'lrbl nllt«l\ .ilCoItrgc. ???»-·it

JAMI.H T. I'.IXHY. Th. |?. ?«*-«?*fñSÍTÍNO ENGAGEMENT diaJred, now órT m s.-i-t ·?·,?.»G. m ».'.? i.r toaill», bj Masi DB Bl ?I'HAI, liai.·.»p.an gnriuS. »ti·! laceessflll t· a. !.. r f.,?mi ? ir:, pel '¦ .ni.·:·- «' »· I.lai ? r ·» l'.lll Moli. ? I.Ueruisa sud Krenrli; KBgllsb b-sarb··, « _· ? _

- ? _· -t.

WOMANS EXCHANGE IKACIIKl.'S BU-ni-: si loi ippttee ptofsssers, TaaoBera.

.DorrrBissse· _fn«trMa«, Ileo»ck·)» osa.na.a<*, ufolli·.« « !,,! fumili··», »'so boOkksOBSM*. HI·BBftl*Ubi is Baal < ii|'Vis s lo basino·· film·.

Mi«. . H. ? fi.» I 11, ¡nOfttrl ITf X.w.Yuri City.

}3ropooa!e.DWAT, /

ò, lssT.JA',1 II il Cn__l»»H '>¦

BOOB90(». siiiwAiii III il.iiis·.. ?«) ."'>?:?:·'»?BBW.YOBK, A prtlO,

??)CONTRACTORaBide m proposal· !·.? toUrn the «rora: aa i hirelsb.g th«m*tei ai»· al ··! for Ib ibe »pprovsd loi n "f onli ni im* aft

;.. ib t'.1.f Ibi Ian« liii-t Co»tinrll ni of ?.! I.I: nul -liafl .'»'n I « Si. Situated OB -«r« timi 7et tue flaw Cretott Aftasdncl et sboal «istlon "?'.???. will?,?? recelveti si this offtos natii lb« ÎKM ¦!:»»¦ ».f Aprii, is-,,- ,· j... »ck P m »I Which ? ß?? ho.ni llirr will Im. piilillilyopeuod by the Aqusslacl ominlssl _? ? ·. sn Ih sw«nl ,.? theinitiai tor .lolllg sal I WOTfl all I f ·» llislllng sani ???»?.·?.??»

will be matte by sai·! Osto.Im seen ·»» aaaa I.waeRai .»s

í'.'uiíit tonal of »ai,l epproTOd eeetrs t»n»l tti» »rMvitirationsIhrrro'. anil tlir Imls m |.??|·,·..?'. ·IB PfopOl r.i»slo-,»s furIhelrenrlosnr* and forms ol bon<U and also l.i i>u_sf_M. uoik. am! all nth-r Infoi inali iti ·, r·· ?·? I«» ..lit. ???,-|at tin· »?».»!· ..inta ol MBftstqu.nci Ct.imlaaoacra, on ß?^??-cstiun to tin· Seen '.«?·'·Ur o.ilvr of the Ai|Ui»ln< f Commie mirra.

'" JaMI-.-i". HPfcBCKB, I'rrsi'lrnf..lull ? C. SII ? Ml AN, Srtretary

Till·: sia'H.N ISLAND RAPID ÎRANSlfBAILBOAU ? umi'an v.

ABI H 'I! KILL BBIDORBa a'< ? IIUII«·« Il fol .«: 'i. t... ?. ..? 11," pl.-i s un f-ii-'· is of

ilir Aiilnr Kill BrtdsTB will b< - -. \ -i ·' Mie ·**·¦. ofllosof Ihe bUUi? islaol Baptsl Trsesll n*ili..a!, in. ? mis «alanulli 23d In·. Inclusive. I'Lhis an G »;· Bestión« osa IMsrrii at Ih» lülrml nwapaaf'S »Ilir.». tent of Whilst).U-StITnpnaah sho.ilil bo marin*! u:\ tfi·' BBtohto ami .».lints ? ? ,

ttftto-eteagaeft. <·,,???.?:.> amc. m.l.l.ciint «"Bftlaosr.

New·Vor'». April'), 11-7.

fJri'tcseionat.1.1 ANAGER8..Mereflotile or hotel, aflcreterji

(nii»s .iiii'lrnl, English, Kiriirli; long liu«:nr»s »in»·

_jei 1.aaaa. travcii,.·.! mino Beree* i>.. Ifl TilaaaeUlUcr.

VV ANTED..Able lawyer, who i» college undrv ),iw »i-lionl etaln.ili·. am! ha« baft Bl nattimr yeer'fl

fiprrlrnce III Cx»iiiiiilliB lille» »alary HfeBIBl, ?????G?-ss H.,'iribiine uftirr. _|"»7ANTED..Position by ¦ fonr*»r eolleMt I arala«aet aber« «oeed llterarr Indgmsai unit riiitorml

Sblllty o«B bo-brosgbt into «orvle* In Publishing htsass orelse win ?··, at» in in»; salary in hofla »viti· Adereaa

DKUHhi ». lnlniiir ()flli«r.

Diiuòrnù sVomctoiiKK ir.A!)Vii.i.r. c<.«s.,i:iiui·!· minis., c...?Jtil. 1 LiniAi.iiAi, BBW-YOB« Anni I.'.. 1«87. I

DIVIDEND N<>. 14..The Boerd of Truste,·..,of thr Ii .nlrlllr Cniisoliilstrtt Mining G? liavr llnsitar

ürtlau I a i.ivi.l. nl nt twrnly llioils.ini! ilollais. or Ilr» ? -lilanri »haul on ih« eaftiUI »ti« k «f inr o-nneay, yeyablola»tnrkliitlil·!» «f rrt or·! on anil afl»r Apnl 20, Is»,', at aft», r ofooliissey, So. 1 IIIoailwar. Kuo'ii SIS, New York Cilr.Trsuafer Uot»k»«:l··»« April äo, at 1 f m.? roopM Anni 26.

1MS7. C. A. C'AMLl'.U.N, Sc.rïUlf.



Capimi. SI,M'UMIDII. No. if \V»ll-«t.De»lgn»tt>1 byoritrrof th · Snorems i'oiiri .is» le«_l drpns-

tory. WUI r»itilvr ·!G??»??» nf ui-nirr uu tnt-sruit, art a» fl .,»i

ortransfrr sgont, or BBBBta¦ f')·" cir^ S.B.fl ·, »u I aoc.ipt »a Iex«-cntr«ny lcg»l lrn«t« tr BB BBH us or ·.·.· >.- ?;? 111 u ti

favorable lenii« flftefthftf si -Hageeflaflfl_B.TKOMASHII.I.IlOOIR. rilBflfllBBl.J-HKDKHKK I). TAI'fk.N. VlM.lTi»lil.in\CHAIS. M. J ta L'!·, aecrt'tsrj·,

v'uTii'i·; uf stock noiaDÈKiV MüETiNö.Xl -Notice I» lietihy· giren lo the slorkholilrrs ni llieCirsiid l'entrai Minili« Compinr (s eefaeral.a of Ohi*) .imilotti! otlirr» wl.nin It insv ? onri-ru. Mista »p'fiat turi-tin« ()fthe »tnrkhiil'lr-» of said rnrrniraiion will he in |.| »t ilo· prlnr,.pai ..iti. » ut »»ni neuste»eu in tne City "f Yoangstowa, Uh.,on G? MBB the J Milt ilay of Mur, l-s7, Usglninoi; «t il nel.» k« in. of «alii day.The objects of such inn-ting are to conaldrr nr.rt vntr upon

the iiuretlou of the «alo »ini transfer hy »alii tin- Oread Ontrai Milling Compatì}'nf »II Its |.Mprrlr tn « · ·>?|.·? tli.m utthe ssuie uanit. to lieorganir.t.si umier Hie U»rt uf titu Tant·tory nf ? ri/un» sud tu tornitici mil voir ????? all qiio.tionswhich ?-ay pi t lam to the u.atu ? ¡un! niaunrr uf rfleciing sinlisui·: »n·! transfer.

CHAI'.I.J'.M I). AHMS, l'lrsnlrlit,Y.I v..»TOWS. Ohio. April 8. 1WK7.



who Lar.· not ragiatersd tlirir »·I tress with the Central TrustCompany will recrue ths »Ir. ma, Issued by Ih« Committeeilat·.! April 11, lu-7, by »pulltalloii lu sslit Central iiuslCoiupanj ef Bee-York.

SIMEON J. IIKABUK, l'l__n.»_.






3 WAIX-ST., NF.9F-V-_-____TO ?__-G-?-t?-?_-? <>F l'ÑÍON PACIFIC B'Y. CO.

hOl'TIIKBN ???????? 1ST ????G?'?,'? MUBNhwYork, April 14, 18S7.

The nnderslgned will rnce've proposals for Ul .tatst for the

sale of Klftv Thousand Hollars IBdO.000) of Enlon Taclflc Rail¬

way Company Soiiihciu Urani ill Eint Mortgage Homi«, or

anv part thereof.Proi»o»»l· may be »ent to n» In care of ?. ? Ilenaon, -ecre-

tarv. 11'. Ilroadway, New Voik citv.,MrJ' RI'HSELL 9AOK.

UEO. J. MOULD,Trnitcet.

"To the Stockholders of theST. LOUS & SAN RAMCI800 RAILWAY CO.The iini1«r»igno.l Director» of tlie St, I.oul» and » in Fran-

Cltco Railway Company reipcctfnlly rci|iie«t the stock holders

to »em! their proxies, in tho name of DAVID J. IIUOM AN,toT. W. LII.LIE. Treasurer. Mills Ilinbllng. Now-York, orto

either of tbe nudi r«i_m .1. The»,» proxies will bo voted to ( on-

tlnue the present careful, economical am! Independent man¬

agement ot the property. JESSE SEMI.MAN,ot .1. «. W. Sellgnitn «I Co.

s'KOIH.K lOIM'K.LI..of Muntami, l'In -In« »V Co.

J. ??ton,of John G ton A Co.

New-York, April 11. 1887._TO THE HOLDER* OF Till>T ??G????? FOU



Yonr committee beg» to advise, in view of the contemplatedreorganization »f the Note-York. Chicago and St. lami.» Rail¬

way Company, that »n _»*??_-_?0?? In respect to us eqntp·ment bon·I« haa I e.-n effected ¡is fnl'owt :

Total »mount of equipment bon.!» out¬standing .e3.-too.ooo 00

To be pani In rash by tin« Re.reiver within mi» jear fromrea 19, um . ei,900,000

And in new nr«t mortgage 4?µ·? .',-nL. bond» by the pur¬chaser«. 1.???.?0? 3,100,000 OOMil« will give to their holder» for eacherottili

In c:i»h i«uti|oot toa possible lnsnltlrlnnevIn the provision »heady inaile t.. meet l.»,;ulai-.'l otheri'xp.'ii«!·»). 531 S'i

In Ihe new rii-t mortgage 4 per rent borniaofOke conipany when ? .Organized. 447 IS

81.000 öoYour committee li.i» now in hand In cash from pat ment»

n'a. e bv the receiver a »uni «nfllcient to pay M per cent on

each Trmt Hccelpt ..iilstainltiig, wlit'di mnmint wilt t»o p»ld»t the PittA National Hank ea am! after April 19, »n presenta¬tion of ? rust Receipt-, »ml sin h payment will bo lm!orse«ltbcieoii.

H. A. V. 1-osT. chairman. )OROROB 1. li.MCER, 'committee.w. ti. mali;. y

New-York. Atirll ·?. 1?7.I'm ??« .. nvcnleme of holder« who m.iv wl«h toreall7eon

their Trust Receipt! Without further delav your roiiniiitleoh»» al«o iiltanir-'l In ash »in Ii receipt· at tlie pibe of »-.»¦III foreach ll.lMhlnf aainc. Holder« desìi tng In avail themselves oftin« ·?.|µ?:?????t .will. Ii I« nm.l·« Mildert lo recall withoutnoti.-e c m. latOecl lo thl« rroTlsnm, i.iet« pavment fortheir te. tlpt« at the ? rice iil.<ivi. ??·?.·?1 ??» tlielr nresoiilationami stiftender to tlie I irsf National Hank on and utter April 1'2

\fo\K'i to Idilli un ladini and mortffaee at -livi «er cent. >!A( ???, DAVIBM ? WALKER. 991Hroadtay.

'.ill v. ali. -[.. M-.w-Yiiuk. AprllU, 1837.


Pittsburgh aud Wetten Railroad Co.Ili.l.'srs "f ab.-ut M per ? · lit nf Ibi-»fa. fc and !·.Unftlie

I'ltKbiirrh sii'l Western Knilnad Cmnanv bat tur ile|»«.«lte<lIhetr ···< nrlll·*· in »····.irtance with tbe plan and agreement..f reM_aa___-ea, eetit» lo -arilyairea l_M the TIMBfor DBPoairtKa the bbmaibikg stimi, am»hiimim ih extended Til.I. AI'IMt. 10, IM-ff,.»I H.IECT TO l't, Y MENT Off ? ????,?? OF ·_

I'KIt I ENT en H.epsr valu· of si.iiriccs -l|»Btt·-.¦Oeal i.,u«t ai«.> i'.y su ABBBMMIBBT OF 4 G??

01 NT. e. A·, I'KIt »II «HE, _?_-0???_?· B-tfe tl..· planof reeraaa_-___aHetMwi ?« of Heathaai -taaM ta mad« attt _9_MB_ta.

URI VII. A- t'O., I'h'.'.y'.elpMa. or w.-.h MBiBHl.Illt! \l I..HOIH.AN «V (O. Net» ? ? l», t» lio will iMue re

re||.i . f _M Be « "Milli.« - Il le recited AFTEIl?????. l!l. I*»*»?, ..ii will· fidata· the ? -lit ot Is., .mlng pir·

tlrlpanta in the plan - 111 al>«m'itelr 11?«·.

JM), i.owlint »YKLMI, ?.IMI. T. Till it V,--.---I ll.rils.rt-».

I oiim.lllrr.AMIIos\ J. rnoMAB, !

Philadelphia and ReadingReorganizalion.

·.( in·... A . BBOTO8M I CO., ? ?/? ?

Ni.w roi

???G???? ON BTOCK LtBT,NEW'.*, ??ß I I"' I _»< BAXOl

.-,» rr,,,p?.?, nit that ita «ear»vedeertllaaleerepre-ceuei 11.·· ,·?··?-? »? »a natoti II k of il.·· ?·?.?1»·?··?

Initie '.· (be lenii-

u Hateo ??? ? li. ?·_*7, an I thai th· comino· tail pr-ftrre<1»lock (Old ? ill.es!..«? ol the sal.t t..a»l tie «luck· ? fumi Italisi ?»?? *lar I I. ! «T.

".,- ., .ret ? lip Commi It. e. A orli ?!. 1 17.m, I. I.l ssti.i., ,.., ima·!.

?.? ??'.?.?·: V. EI.V. e lefarr.

Relerr.iu ! ti.·. íIk.v.·. -e inifeliv aivs notice that w» are

mu» ?· a.'y lo Issu.· I,· te .? in l'bilanelpbia »ugrav, ? ,;, ,, iati.1· -»il«.1 un.1er 11.e |,lau ul i."i(ii.<.li.ii, In e:

..· l'I, MI sto k ..Itili. .1 -s ? ·|, ti.e ass.-l

ti,er,..ti. 11.11. ?« of as«-niel stock, when leposlllogIhe I «hate« with us. will It-Clll·· ?.? M all«.I i.e». o( a

pre·, ? lied form iwlfalaf the oil iteck le the retonetrnctlon1 ? ?,·. -.. ..n I will !u .In.· ...ui».· n civ.» !.e io.f . er 11 tu atea

II la nk is,« er« may I.e o .taluni ai-iìii« ·,'

Porli li, 1007. HltOttN ??·(!·. ? IO.li. I 11 I-. II ni ¡?.?' - ul·

l'EOHlA, l»F.( ??? ? ANO EVIN-HL!.': INI »IHK


THEiiNTKAi. TBOeTOOt OP Ni'·.»'? p:;«-. >Ngw-YoHK. Manli 1, Iv!. I

BOTICB 19 BBBJIBT (¡IVKN tint an Isne.if .'.»nr yovr.G. j,.-r «ut. se* ,. ?,l moi t rag» boni», .late Voi MB e-r 1. Isti,»..iir.'llir iiiorti¡agn iiii.i.i tin» IV iri.t. Umili ai l Kvii«

Villo Railway, ???;·..?·? to 111 ? un br«i¿ ?-I -mi Wil'.l.tn v. BÌSALuntil «s l'iuslee. in.ing .· n .ni ? triM 1 ml prviair. 1. Ih»

iind'-rtigiied will, on an I »fier Mar.-h 7. 1 « 17. ·¥0_.|e the

¦Meo, I ..nl f..r leal, at par, for tho ealel ni UBI incoiti·« 1<???.?»of »aid company, rt· I'lnm the l'<«»r..t L>1VisionIH.ai,000, au 1n-.ii the BraaerlBe -?«*__?ß9_,???,09? aeteeaUaa m au tj

»:.. -,??talìti- CINTRAL TRL'b'f CU. Of BBW'TOBB,

BVF. G. OI.I flTT.


r^ilAS. II. 1'????? St. CO.,V-y '..'.? Ml i'l.RKill si..

? I.HVUI.AX n. ·».(r«t.»bll«h»-d in IST!»-


Ruy anil «ell tbo Iteck· ot lb·, following minci on about a

in per rat latereei oasi».

Inns ..re

Company. No. of 1'ar. Capital. Appr. a_U__J (·>|atarae.| r-uipiu».? dati».

Ilepiiblii·.HKi.iilO *:.'» ?,???,???: 1.40O0P0'.,58'.',ra96lake Mipciior..l OO.OUOi JS ?,???.???, 1.500.000 1,892,10.1riiaiupion .J '.O.ianil, lOU.OflU U0O,OO0|l,70l,A04, |, «,l.ml. lnii.iHM'l III SsMw.UüO l.'.'lau.lHW -.407 21

Jackson.I11.000 'Jû ?????,????? ?.·.?.-,??,????? ·_·.?,???,.?,',1ci.apiii . ?µ?,(???); '.:.". 2,000.0U0i 1,'iM.OIiOi ?,.·;·.'!·,??»«??Mliii.i-sou ,????,???? Km li'...? ?.."i." .-un...ij ,.??.·..|.??

l^T. WORTH AND DENYEH I'll V ????¬? WAV ( ".

A «pei ill meeting of the stnekh.iMcM of fids Co.npiny li_v-

ln. l·.'dl called lor Jinn«'.'-.'. 1997, the transter beota Ot the?-..!>:|,,ii.j «vili lee· .«li.l Met I ..Vl...-?» p. in., ¡ind «» dl nopemi J .in.- 99 at K> "? 1" k a. lit.

Ily order of the Roaid of H.t".1. I'. (¡II «NUllK,

? rcastirej- ani Tiaiisf» r Agi nt.


M tt Yi.i.,.. April fi, 1H>«7. )VOTICI·; IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annualil meet lug o' the «loi kin.1.1.is nf the ? enlral ItaUroad (,???-pany of New Jriicy, lo elect ulm- iMreeten to«er\efoi thevi»r next eniiilng. will be hehl al tho olli.e nf thn ininpaiiy,in Jersey Citv, between the been of 19 o'cloik in. and ·.'o. loab ?« m. ·'! I'li'tny. Mar <>, ut-tt.'Il»li»f»l t-V.k Will i.e cinse·! fu.in Kridav, III« â G. 11 llislsht,

to Mini.'.ay, tbe '.Mb piotlma Il.r onler._hA.M! 1. ?»\??. S. ...

tn in ? oi Titr M is- .·, in. ? UBAI ami Tkxas)I- tl. ? -? ??.?G??». 1(15 I'.UilAI.U ??

Mae Vdiik, April l.i. Its; srTtflB ANNEAL MEETINQ o. the -??-k-R holder» et tlie Misai'.»! III. KAN-sA* ANN TEXASRAILWAY ("MI'ANV for thn lei-ii.ui of n. lector« for the

eosiiliie year, imi transaction of au> other busluei« that maybe brought befurethe m.suting. w.ll ta beM -t the ofllce of the( i.iupapv. In l'nr»ons. Kama», ??» ?G·_?___~, the 1 -i·. , day otMay. ? -s .'. »I 1 u i»'« m.bto-k I ransfer Hoot« will Ii« cfose.l from Ita ß?µ???? of

Apiil Id until tb« i..oiuin_ of Mav In ueit.

_II. 0. II ?-..NisiiN. »Secretary.

THE l_VKE ????? AMI HUIIIKAN ?? ?????RAILWAY (O.lll'ANV.

t 11 ai iKttu's ori'ira, finnxn crmtAi. t???·?t, )BBW.Yobk. Min h vk, 1ISM7. !

Tl.« transffri.ook»(.f IhlaCOMpeat arultai iosesi»t ? ,,·,-,. km in. ..u ^a??,l?l»v, Urn J.i.lay nl April ne.ti ii.rci,»r»tory tn thesiuiiini eb eu.m for Iiliccli is lo be !.. 1.1 on Ihe 4th day of Mayuest). aud will bo ii¡i_'|.«.i!U<l on |__ monili./ pi In.lay the i»l_day oi Hay MXt E. I». WOHCI-iìTER. TTeaturar.



At one of Uie Itrgeat «toekholiler» we propose to nl ten·! tlieaim .al im.tlugu! theM. I.oilisaud San Iran, isco Hallwaycompany te ta held in Ht. Unis next monili aud urge thattho surplus revenue be applied lo Ihe payment of dividen.I»on tho preferred alo· k. sml that dividends on tho m»t preferrod be BM uuarterly luatrad of balfyeaily. We beiievolb« lime ha «e,,i, ¡«,,,, im i>)r.. (he policy of devot tug the surplusto uew construction ln»te»l ol paying It in ilivldonda lo Ber·firred »tin khnlder». We rc»pi ctlnlly reúne«! »((skhoblcrsde»iring tn ee-toerato to »end tt» then- proxlet In the name ofEdward L. Uppeuhclm or Walter Lei Mar.? « . . . . -

K ·'· ori'LNHKI'J A CO.,hew-Yotk, April It, 1S07. H and ii NewtL


NOTICE.Holden of the Rond* ot th·

DETROIT DIVISIONmortgage of the Wab.»»h. Ht. Loultanrt racit.e Railway Com·

paar Blareo netted to ? all at Hie otlloe of tlie PnrchatinfCon.niltte, No. 105 Hroadway, Room '.'2. ______?. ?. ASHLEY, Secretary.Now York. April 6, 1837._THE BOOKS of the Columbus and HockingX Coal and iron Company will close April -Oat,3 p. n».

and open April .6 at 10 a. m. for the purpose ? annualelection. ?. ?. ?????.

. Transfer Agent,




Notice I» hereby given that the CENT« A I. TRI'rtT COM-l'ANV of New-York I» now prepared to receive the remain¬ing payment of FIFTY (.'.<i> 1'Elt (VINt on subscriptions dueMa» ,'.. lx«7, «ml deliver »«guiar cet tiiicates of common andpreferred stock to subscribers electing to anticipala suchpavmant, L. M. «CIIWAN,Ngit-VOHK. April 11, 18H7. (Secretary.

üan.tcre ano ßroktrs.

rj WYNNE & DAY. EstebliBbod 1854.\X No. 45 Wall Btreef. New.York.TRANSACT A (IEMCRAI. RAMflNtJ and UROKERAOH




Investment and Marginal Orders executed.Members of tho N. Y. Stock and Produco Exchanges, alio

Chicago Roani of Trade.Interest allowed on Deposit Accounts.





Kidder, Peabody & Co.,No. I NASSA I. ST., Ne-*-YorU,

113 »KVONSHIRE ST, Boeton.


THE CONTINENT.( -.'turner. In p ml Tru » elici « I.pllert ol Credit.

AllENT--» AND ????????ß FOR


Kissam, Whitney & Co.,Bankers and Brokers,



P. 1. MLUNET ft W.«IMMtllt«,



McmlcrN. V. Htock l-'irhinr»


l'r..|.tinlor« ofI'ooKh miniai, m·· railroad«,

it, ite ardere at tBeetoel Bxefeaaee m New-York andI.on.li.ii. Ball«.* ?..n.l« it »pivultr.

li ?, r· si allow·, on lefeeila Correspondence Invite»-19 WAI I. >!.. BBW 1 OBB.

ßlfrtmbortte ap? BaHroa-rj».

ALBANY BOATS ?????.??1 LINE..Pel·-"-m·!· DBBW m»·! HI AN RICHMOND

·¦ ·- ·¦. at at ?» p. in. fiom Pier 41 N. R, foot of.' T.

? receire. until ihehearetAef.rtara\ Ik· »Y ÖÖAT8, CI 11ZEN'S1 LlNE.-

.. -· rReaiAer· CITY ?? p?? ? ftnal BAUATOOA leavefoot of hrtttopb-r it_ North River, dell/, aieept ~_t_r_-jr,''.? in. lor Trot ami the North "»ii'idiv steamer touilie· at

I 11... Hi, urn .ii !.. k ·, *



Ontntaft.r Lm.iiry Ila«, 19-7, E.or.Hi trtli for Ca;ai( ___M old ?',.???? cimf.irt ait N'nrloU. ?????NtW.*,oitK. PHILADELPHIA AND NORFOLK

RAILROAD.»till lei·.,· Pennsylvania Itmlr.iad fst.tion. Now-York. T.'J'i,i m «.«? dart ami « p. m. iiaiv, arnriagOM Point 9 p. m...i"l ? ? m., -N..rIolk <· ¦¦ ?, __, ?» m, u-, steamer for Rlclimon I«»ili ie.it?. ape rii-iit·« at Ha. m. on Mondar·. >* «'«lues lay»and i-'ii.iu«-«. arriving there et 9 p. tn. Balli rari«, ».'ai oathe Da) Ktpreta, and ileeplng etra on ? ifh I Bxpree· te Cap·citarice 'i.iU.is an tie-ntag berth· raa .eaeenradataar¦? ket Olllee of tb« fenntrivauta Kailru Company.?. \\. DUNN ?, Mint. It. ». COOBB, U, P. an 1 _».__


lams li ato Itarii'iii River station, corner 1.?.?? It. an.I Lin·''illusi'·-, m'ai Third Avenu.. Brida;· arroti Harlem Riverle.i. i.r.t br Second Avena· »nd Suburban RUratod rail-roada), dallr, eaoept Hundart. at .;-i:>, ; ,??, ·.# ?,» ?? 11:5¿?», m., -.· »»?, :? .:>.·,. 4 W. "' IO, »Vio, «. io .ut ... m., tor Port Mor·ria, Catanora(Oak Point), Huul'i point. Weet l'arni», VeaN'est, UejK Nestor, G? ni i>.« iti't. Hay cii.'sti'r il'ellia'ii Bar)Hail.nv nu« taUnd), rolliaiu .Manor and New »?????-Ui· eon'ne« liucat .New lîo.'licllo »vitti train« ror alt p.ihiH ,,?'? tilsniain in.· ..f the ?.·*. York, ?·_-·?·?·? and Hartford Rail-I..I.I,-ii'ii'· i.iiiiiiii.i Air One Divisions, New canana Midilletowu. Ne«» lliitain .ml BuflMd brandi·«, an I ll.isio'uaulnil I'.e.nM I. i«l.

.Mnliiiirlit train for ?.·\« ?:...??.·??? :ind »II Inter tu-llat» ·'tlinn« at 12:10 p. iu. daily, aze*pl Maodajra,

..siiinlav Hani» for .Nriv Ito. lulle ami all intermedi ili» sfaliona at Ba. in.. 1-:(>I and '.'-ltd p. in., Ihe latter tiaiu «uiine.llag al .ttw 1»..cholle, »siili way Ir.«m lo .^taiiiiord.

VKW-Yoit-lv CENTRAL ANI) Í1UDSOX11 IUVl.il HAILR(iAl>.-C. .111,1 n. _u Jaiiuarr _. 1_«7UHv-gh irania win leer« iirand C-ncnU Dopo.

is... ni., Roclivslt-i Express, tiiioiitfli drawuiK-rooiu cars »

Allea/, .rojr, M. Alban,, Lous.·'» I't, u n.l sr,-acuee..ti. »oa. 111..

" lb« Lumi.·,I." »tuli i|iniii«c_r«. stopplnir MAlbany, t uea,H/raeaae, Koeheaier. inuiiio. NUaaran-Ial.ri.-. ('livil.iiid aud'lol«jilo, uiriviu» ai L'Incapo lai.U a. _.

"ln..,i._ i«;. ^'''"f ¿xpca.s. «iiatvu^-iooui »ar»toCuuau-

ilaia.ia all1' 1-0«,eilet.lll.li» a. m., Weatcrn Ncw-YuM _a.l .N'urtliern Etpres»

tt un .ira»tiii.i"oui cus..? ..»? p. u... Aio-t-y, Hoy .iul utlci i:i;iress, trilli Uratriu ··

1001.? «.«?« ?·· ?»".·'·,, ... ,.

- 4 11. 111., Aiioniuiotlaiio.i to Allatti BBsl troy..li p. 111., (.li.tiiBoaUd -U l.ouiI Lxj»,cod> ? ,,. a|,.eiu,w a_n

loi -\...i;iii.i 1 .1Í1«. l-ui'.'lo. ».liiclliuali, loiouo, taelruiL Cln-iato an- >t. L.iul*. I'li'iua-car Nott-iora to All.iuiy '

? nii>. m.. Uuntreel kaareat »ini»i<cpin..i_isiUÄi.ut,.lstiHuns l,> Llic.i, slo| ???? al piiiicipal stalioiia.» 1«. in., Mpei »al ole« p<;» .ui.v·» rluchtettf 7Ì 4(1 it. 111., Rullalo

!·..?». in. »nil Ciotclaliil rJ.ll">|«. III. tioiliUy.f Bulla in., l'ut .lit Express, «sitl.slieultiii.cai» Im Roc-lin».

lei, l.ullul.·. Ml|lfl I alis,¦ invelali,?, ? ?1«·.'.?, Lieliuil audLlm-ttO. Mt-rpius-cai» Ul tt ideilo««, u t M I lieu, ilaily tx-

ctpi iMtaruar, -iso io AuiMum, ueaeraaad cauauuai^iu, ??¬?, u| -al..may .iiiii -t.iu.Uy.11:16 ? m., M_l»l Exptcss. Willi -lei-plri|{._ara to Albauy

»lidlroy. loiiiircl« ailli tlio u.oiuiuj; ICaUU toi ilio Wo»;i-»i<l loi Ilio Notili ?» Xccpl nalui'Uy lilgut».Ticket· en tale at uraad ceaual ia.-i.ot. No. 7 Rattery

Place. 41.1 RruaU-M.v, liui.cin !-.|-.n. IJàUi-iL and 111, avo.,ami ai ttisuoit's rvaertM iiii.ii«, S Park Place (.near Bread·«v.yi, 7&j aud Pf.' I.ii.i.nt.iy aud t». West l-otli-sl., .Sew-·. ?» .»- Washington an.? ? JO t niton ......, Rruoklyu, and ,j..-.?. -? WillutiiisOuia.Ai conni.o«'.alioiiS in «lr.t« ???,··?'.????? .in.I lleeping-cnr« call be

piis'iiie.? al any ol lUo ??«.??? 0lU«lV4 in MeW·! Oils Clly. audUl Wasliiualoii-sL. liivoklyii.Uanxnat calieii lor and check·! ftom resilience.'Tb«ss train, inn ilativ. All ulliert ilaily fxcopieundaj|1 l.i »e li uns »lop al italici tl..lii'»t. ami liu-ave.)J. ?. ? L I. V, I IN 11 Y MOB BT G.Ueaeral ßßßßpß?ßß-?.k i<cui'i_ ?µßßßßßt a^uu.

poRUUDeON AND C0X8ACKIB.11. Hosts l._ve al (i p. io Tuisilav«, I lini «.ut« s and Matur-nays frinii Pici ,IJ ?. K.. loi of ?_/-·_Beader·, WedaeaeaT·end ItMii- nom pier ?? foot «t

I'luiiUiiu st., inumx ?. n-c nitli lli.al.iU and Albany R. R.

slisffpiiijf cara),l.iki.p. iu. Express foi Nctvport, anivlnjt al 7.40 p. nu


.ni BlttHTOla Leute l'icr ita ?. lt., tout of ???p«)-eL, et IHM a m. .tuli-, siiitifi mei 11 . ajOBBecUoaliy Ani.ci Host fi.un Breokl~al li i -ini ítttmu Cuy al 4 p.m. Au er·Beetra ou e_un aiuauier. uc-iiaccoui.ui>«tat.ja_Lots ist I....e».

REDUCTION oh' PARER VIA NORWICHLINK, lim Popolar lustdo Beet« Te Beee_v99

Worcester, *» 5U. ( ..? ?,·,,··.n li.'-: rrdiicliou to all i.oiiit«.Mlcanici« -illy of Worcester" and "City ol New-York"Irave l'iaf 40 (old liutiilier). Notili River, fool of Wallsst.(in il pu r above Disino»-». , leu« ila.ly except r^iiiilay ?\.6-.??.m._(1. tl. HRaDY. AaeuL


Leave via l'inn. R. R. 4..IÜ p. ni. l'iirlor Mf| to llaltliuorit,ll.nice palace steamer«, iiri»viu. ai old l'oiut atei li ..NoitolkJ_.i_, ? ,

?. V. TOBPBlila '

_Beaiffaea aeeei, atl Bra uwuy. ?. y.

^[K\V-IIAVKN.-.Stf.í?!!!('n lo.ivc IVck-shuI iPiei '-., E. B.)Bl » p.m. sud 11 p.nu (»uudny» eicei>ta_'i.bhmmoii -ini t in timo Ivi early luiut noi ih and eati

BteambotAB ml· ßoilroab».

A-RONDOÜT and KINGSTON, laodioflfl.. Cranston'· (West Potnl). Core well, N.wuure. Mert.

bom. Milton. PooghhecrsI· and Bse-p··. ronneitlng withG Ister ami Delaware, -tony Clove «nd Cat«kill Moon talerailroad* Steamers Citr of Kingston and James W. Bald·win leave every week dar at 4 n. m pier fool of Harris·* «L,

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.O-»ml »tier JA .NU A ItY 31. 1887.


Train» leave New-York, via D estiro«*. «nd Cortlandt fttrestftFerrlee, ss follows

Han lí'.urg. Pitt«bnrg end the West, with Pullman Palacefur· «Oached. fl ». m, 7 snd 8 p. m. dstlv New-York anilChicago l.imiud of Parlor, Dluing, Smoking and MB«Pia*Car« at 9 a. ni. every day.

Wiülamsoort. Lock Haven, 9 * m S p. m Corry and Erie«? ? µ iu.,.-onnwtlng at Corry fot Tltusriila, PotroleumCentre, snd the Oil Regione,

poi I.el.annn, 0:00 * m.. 8:20 I», m., snd 12:13 nightBaltimore. W««hlngton and the south. " Limite 1 Wselling«ton Rxpress " ot Pullman Pslsoe C»r« daily. eioeptanndsy,10 * nt.: arrive Washington 400 p. m. »nd dally, 3:40 p. ro.tstrive w.««hi?«inn H.65 p. st.: regular at «.:"). s 00 »nd h no* m LOO, v ilO. A.3D «ml Op. in., and I'M» nlchl ß?a·dsr. ?: '. .·> snd *.) on * m.. 480 and 0 p. m And 1-1.5 night.

For Atlantic City, except Sunday (through parlor ear),1 p. m.

For Cape May, weekdsye, 11.-10 * _, On Saturday· only,1 v. m.

Long Branch. Bar Head Junction snd Intermedia. »t*.tlons. vl» It.iliwav and A mlniy, '.I a. in.. 12 noon, 3:41*. ß ?. ?¬?? Similar, 0:45 * m. and S p. m. idn not atop at A«buryPark).

For Old Point «nd Norfolk, vis New York. Philadelphia.nd Norroik Railroad, 720 a. m week-dav«. aud 8p.m.i-r.-rr dur vu Baltimore aun Bay Line, 4:30 p. as. weak«days.Coat» of " Brooklyn Annex " connect with »11 throngh trainest Jener City, »ffornlng a speedy snd direct tranafer torBrooklyn travel

Tratnt arrive .· From Pltubnrg, 7:10, 7SO, 11:30 m. 7:00*nd035p. m. dillr. Fruto Washington snd lUltlmor»,ß:20. 650 A m., 1 20, 820, 830. 6.80, ß 20. 0 20 snd 1035p.m. s ti ndsr. H 20. ß 60* m. 8:20. ß 20 9 00 »ed 10 35p: m. F·.· Philadelphia 8:iV>, 620, ß BO, 7 10, 7:80. ß:*),0:30. 10:40. 11 30, UDO a. m.. 1-20. 2 00. 32U. 3:30. 5?3?6:20.· 7 00. 7:20, 8:80. 9:4*0, 1035. 11:50 p. ni., and 12 20night Bnnd»v, 350, ß:20, 8:50. 7 10. 7:30, lliSB, lliM* m., 3:20, U 2o. 7:00, 0:20, 0:35, 10:35 p. iu.

FOR ?????.?G,??.????Eipress Trains lear· New Tork, vis Desbrossss sad Cert*

Isnil M re.·! t Ferrie«, »· follow«:6.211. 7:20, H, n (9 thlcsgn Limited and 10 Washington Lint.ited). and 11 m. 1. 2, 8|20, 4. 4:30. S. 0, 7. 8 and 9 p. m..and 12:15 night. Arcomraoilation .fltt anil 11:10 * m., _4<J)p.m. Umiliava. Cipress 0 18, Ü (9 Limited) and 10* m..4. 430. 6. 7. H «mt 9 p. m.a*nd 12 1? ulalit.

Trains leaving New-York dally exrenl Sunday at 7 20, 9and 11:10 a. m 1. 2, 4, ß. 8 p. m and 10 a. m. and 3 p. in.on Bnnilay* connect at Trenton for Csmdsn.

Returning, traina leave Broad Street But ion, Philadelphia1'aOl. 3:120. 4:05. 440. 6:10. 6 50, 7:30, 8:20, 8:30, 9:40.11

, and 11 16«. m. Limited Bxpre»» 1 14 and 450 p. m.i, 12 40-,8. 4. 6. ß. 63«. 712. 8:12 and 9 50 p. tn. On Snnday. l_fll,1.20. 4:05.4:40,5:10.8.30,9:40* in 12:49.4 (4 50 Limited),6:35. 7:12 aud 8 12 p. m.Leave Phllsdslphla via t ainrten.O 00 a. in. daily, except Sua.

day.Ticket Offices. 349, 435 and 014 Broadw»v, 1 Astor Honap,

8 Bsttery-plare, and footot Desbrossos and Cortland it* iConrt-st. and Brooklvn Anoex Biatlon, foot of Fnlcos.»t.,Hrnosim Bullón. Jersey Citr ; Emigrant ? kit 0.ce. Ces¬ti» Usrilen.The New-Vor«!Trsn«fer Company will call for aad Cheek

ba««»-n from hotels »nd résidences.C'UAItLKB B. PUOll, J. R. WOOD.

_fleneral Manager._General I'ass'r Agent.

N"ORTHERÑ RAILROADOK NEW-JERSEY..Train« leave from Chamber« «L Manon for Englewood,

Tenafly, Ctoater. Spark BUI and Nyack 5:3·), 7 111, fl 20.fliSO «nd 11:8ft * ra.. 1:1«. 8|20. 4. 450. «VO, 5:40. 6 30, "i,10 30 p. in.. 12 midnight. Bundaya. 7.10. 0:30 a. m.. 4 and 8p. in, Nit Naonet, Spring Valley, Monter sud Tallnu.a,? 3'·, 7· 10, 930 a. m., 4:50, 6:30 p. m. amida} s, 9:30 * m.,8 p. m.



Through train« leave 23d «t, end Chimher«·«- «totion« sisain« hour. Loral train« leave 23d.»t sut,on fifteen min«ules earlier then from Chat-here »t

9 a. m .Iisy Kxpr·«* week dir«, Bnffet nrswlngrooro,Cosche« to Rlngt.Diton, Eìintrs, Hornellflvill·, RuiTalo.Pullman «leeplug Coaches from Hornellsville to Chit*go.

ß n m -Bell* (6 45 from 28tl st) "Chicago and Ht, Coniat.tmite.1," · solid Pnllmsa train of Day end ? tfTst BleepingCnarhe«, to Mestlvllle, Cleveland. Cincinniti, Chicago amiflt. Lonis. Pullmsn Bleeping Cosche» to Hnffslo. Magar»Fall». Hamilton and Toronto. No extra charge for fasttime.

8 p. m .Dally. Chicago Fxprea». Pnllmsn Day and «leonina;Coseno» to lilnghamten, hlnv.ra, Bochesier, Btiffslo, Niag¬ara Kails, cincinnati and Chicago.

Rmherford and Passato, week rtavs. l«f(L 5:45, 7:20, 7:50,!i .in, 10 20». m. 1200 noon, 1:45. 3, On, 3.Ô0 4 40, 5:10. 630,6:50. IMO. ß 30, 7:15, 7:45, 9 80, 10..!0 p. m. 12 00 midnight,.snnday». d.IS. S 30, 10.20», m 12:00 noon. 1:45,4:15, 6 30.7:45. 0,00. 10:30 u. m.'; 12:00 mldiilsht.

Peterson, week dars 4:45. 6.45. 7.20. 7:60, 9:30, 10 20 a. «.,12 00 neon. 1:45. 2 30. 3:00. 3 50. 4 40. 5.00, ft: 10, 6:30. I 50,C 10. 6:80, 715, 7 45. 8 00. )S:30. 10-30 p. ML, 12 00 midnight".Sundays. 5 45. 8 30. 1020, 12 noon. 1:45, 4 15, 0:30, 7*45.8 00. if 00 1(1,30, p. va.. 12:00 midnight. .

Newark and Paterstin, vta Newark, week dsvs. 6:50,8 OO,H.0; in (HI. 11 30 a. a*, 2 00. 320, :l.50. 420, 4"0 3:20, 6:50.r, 2f), 7 30, HOO.iOOOp. m.. and 12.00 m'dulght. Sundays.!· 15 a. ni.. S.JO. 6:30. 8 00 p. m.

BiifTern. week days.4.45. 6 48. 7:60, ft.a 1020 a. n_, 1 45.8 30, 3 50. 5 00. 5.30. 6:10. 7:15. 7:15. 8:30, 10 SO _m. and 11mldnleh". Sunday». 5 46. 8.30 10:20 a. n_, 1:45, 4:15. 6 30.8 Oil. 10 30 p. m. »nd 12 midnight

Warwick. 4 45. 0 00, 1020 a. m. 4:30 p. ra. Sunday«, 546* ra.Mon'nellu, 9 00 * m., ft 30 n. m.Newlmrs snd Cornwall. 750. (? M ». si., 2 30 30, |:3û, 530and ?? on p. id. Sunday«. » SO s. in. ami COO p. m.

Montgomery. Homtoat and Kingston, 0:00 * tu., 3:30 p. m,Beeasjr* s :?? a. m.ft.eeten. Puntimi·, week days, 0.00 a, m. ft 10 p. m.(loslien. 4 45. 1 45. 7 60 0:00. 10.20 m. 2 30 ft 30, B-BflL

4 SO. h (rl, 8 30 p. m. «Sunday«, 543, 8:30, 5.0.20 a. n>. 6 30.I -? p. m.Mn'dietnwn. week days. 445. 6.45, 7 50, ft 00, lo 20 a. m.I »ft, 8:80, 4:30. 6:00. H.tX), 8 30 p. m. Sundays. 6-46. 8-30,l()20a. m. 6 30, 8 00 p. ra. I In·'.HO a. 11:. train «top« a·Main st. oulv.

Port Jei t Is, 4 4'.. 7 .'.0. 0 00. 10:20 * m., I JO. I 30. 4 30. rt 00.H-.rO. s3np. m. Mm.lays, ?«.30. 10 20 a. m «:00, 6:30, 8:00Î. m.iikrr. or pas«»go snd spsrtraent« In Drawing.Room «ndjSleeping roarlirs ran he nhtilned. anal or.ters for the check.

In« and transfer of Imerage may l«s left at the Companr «on es. ?,»». 401, 711. US7 Broklttav. 1S7 W.iisi, ?. ?. No.ftftl Knit.m «t., Knwklyn. or st the Company"» depots.Express train« from the West arrive tn New-York at 7:17.7;47 to:,·, s ri. «nd 10 00 p. m.OLC ¡? HA IN. A. U. P. Agt. L P. FAllMKIl, ?. P. Ag*


For PIIII.AIiKI.PIIlA and TIIKX???. "" »nun.! HrookIlouî.·. at ? ?»), 7 45. !':(iü. 11 on. a. B_i 1 BO 4 00, 4 :JO, 5 30.7 :."0. 12 UO p, ui. SCN DA Va at 4.00, 4 lft, a. m.: 5.J0, 12 0«p. III.Tra.¦ leaving at 4 00. 7 15. 1100, a m.. 1.6, 4 00.5 3«,

12:OJ p. in., havo I'oiinrction lor Itesding. Dai r:«n:irg. Poti«·Vili* id·. ? ?») .1. m. tur Kaston. Uclhleliiin AllentoWB, Ilet'l-ine, Harr.silmrg. etf. On Sunday* for "*»«ton.

7 On a. in. foil· iiston. Ilrtlilt-neni, Allentowu. B.B-h Ihtink,Wilkr»hairr and si rantoli.

1 .na. ni. (m gesto?. liellilehem. Allrntown Maurh t'hurk,Wiikeetorta, >«tr.iiiti)u. Reedtat, Harrleber*, Putts»·.1 <·>,I atnaqua. Miamuktn, sunlmrv, I.ewistniri/. w iiliamsport,

1 no and 1.3(I p. m. for Easton. Ili-Ilililiriu, Allentowu,Mainili lunik, KradiuR. lain«!.11: µ. rti'.

»' I.. ?«, in lor Bastón, llrthlrhem. Allenlown. Manch Chunk,V. li.rslurir. s, rantoli, I aiuanua, slisinokin. ftaetouy, .Wlslhing Will·insapori, rie.4 no »ml 4 30 µ. p? for Kaston. Bethlehem, A'lentown, etc,fi 4ft p. in. 1. r Kaston. llethlohein. Alleutow n. Manch Chunk,

B'llkeaMRC, BeedlBft*, Hanisburg, etc. uu biiinl.iv» at 5.10p. III.

.:iMi and -to p. m. fnr Faston. PotlilrUem. Allcntotvn.4 .M. H.W 11 OU a. m.. 1 IK). 4 IMI, 4 ;!n. 1; 1 :. ft, in. Sunday«

I on. «.' 00 a. in. for Red Hank, ItBBfl Itrain h. Oeftftfl (Jrovc,iii'.'i'i Bandera), I'mni I.etoat4 g ]j a. m.. 1 00, ft.0 p. ui., for i.skcivool, Tom» P.lvcr

and I'...: in·.·»!4 :in a. m l-oo p. m.. fnr Ailtnttc City. Vlnelend. Krnlgetou

ami I unii..·: land and ??????*· Hivoi It. It.4 30, H 1 "·. 11 4". a. m.. 1 HO. 4 JO. 5.30 p. in. for Freehold.i:!«·. Unii. HI.'.. 11.00. 1145 «. m, 1 DO, 4.00. isftft, fcftO.l! 15 V. m. Mimlsv» 4:00, 9 IK) a. 111. for Perth Imboy.

NKWJKIISKY SOI"TIIKBN DIV.Frnin Pier1», N. lt.. via sandy Hook.For Atlanti.· Highland«, scaurtitht, Long BBBBBBj _c, 3:4ft

p. in.l'or time of traini to local point* see time tabica at Ticket

onif. ».

c-ATSKIÍ.T. EVENING LINK.ii'CATsKILL and way iamling». ttoats leave Pier 33i

North Hiver, fooltif JaV'Street, dally at (I r. ill.For BT-YVB-AXT «ml ATllKts from Picr 35, N'ort»

Iti» er. I.»it of l'luiikliustreet, I uovl.ij s. Tliuisdays milB«ilurdays at samo hour.

F EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.Pflflflfl.(1ER ? RAINS leave loot of Oftfft.ftj«U or Dei

breas·· at«, a» follows:7* 111. for Catasaiuiu» and totBI.eO.ftfl '»out«.Sa. 111. for Uciiova, Lynns, Kluilri. Hoe_fltW. ILiffsIe aul

the West and principal lot.I points, l.'luir car to Vl'ilkes*Inirro.

I ?. 111. fur I'liukliaiinock sn ! Interme.liate ? nuts. Chair 1 irto l'u-ikli inu.i. ». (. onnvctlmi to BBS.laCBM 'tiir.tiinr'.3:40p. in, fui Pittstiui and principal lutcr u-tlati) pomt*

11.Ir ear to Plttetea,5:40p> m. for Copley and lnfermediata polnf». Conuectiot

tn Itcadinirand II »rrisbarg. Chair ear te Ceplay.7 p. m. loriieiiev* Lyous. Kliiuia, Roc'icster, Ruffalo aul

the Wist. Pullman sleeper to Lrons.a 7 "? p. in. tin I.amavs and lutei mediate point*Tratos leerlee aftea a_, l p. m. and m¡ io 1» m. connect tor

«U point» lu Mahanoy an I Hazlnttui Cos! Boft_B_ftUNDAi TRAINS,ß * m. for Mam u Chunk. Ha/.'.utou au t luienusdlstl

points.5 10 p. 111. fur Coplay und Intermediato iinlnt*.Ta m. for (?»-evs, Lyons, Kloitr.t, Hoc'?1MBB Bfl..I sad

ilio West. Pullulali s rt-pi-i tu Lyon*.

VV1,_18T SUORE RAILROAD.' » N, Y. C. aud IL R. K. Co.. lessst».

Trains leave We«t42d.sL station. follow«, an 111 :i:n:jitarlirr fruui nmt of I ly.st.. Norti Ittvor.Detroit and Ch.ß** ^(:j5^ uu, ·??:?? «Silip. in¬st Leal\*'i:')5. *a.Tla

?, m.'l rnnstiiii's, Cornwall. Nrwnurir.For Moutreal and Canada Ka»t, ft.SP, m. .

lUmltton, Londiin. «0:55 w m. «tí:0J. fl»l»»Bi flto Toronttx,

l9-_eft*»|-«'e»w^ieeñ*.^ ¡S»"· *»»* t^^*.? hicaL-o aud s_ Louis on aU throuKU ""·}"'»· ,,* I)«"ly. ? Dally eicopt ftaturdioii «JUici irain» u-iy exesp·

^F^/rkket«. lüne.table«. psrlor or .le'iy'l'*,".^i0«l_f<>d··tlon» ci luforinstlon. spplyst aft-B* Bruttkl> a-ddS W*»h.i_.toi.-st.. 7ao l;.ltlr.n*f.. Aunei Ufto* .fttotet lN->Bft>sB.Nekr Volk ( ity-:uÌ3. 7«6. '-'42 »iro*dway, IM\>m liowery andW«i shore .**^.*W.íP¿tT&r¿¿irL· ·?· ¦*

?VflaaaBB.sft·. _eeea_i i_».seinor'Afen_



lirp.ii s in Not-York, foot ot Uarciay and Christoph.* st*n a. m. Daily except Miiuiay«, unrtaio »in! ue*«eje Kxprsse

1er Matei u»p, strnudsburg, ¡scrsnlon, Uinghauitou, Kliulra,llalh, Unitalo, h» r.ii usi.·, (iswogo, ureoue, iisford, Norwich,Ctica; tornirei al -craiitoii fur Piltstun. Wilkiabarr«, Dan-ville end Northumberland, alUtvcgufoi tUtoee xud BM__B>diale »tatuili«.

I p. in. itiugliA.iiton ami Kiinir» Kxprcss for Water uap,KcraetOO, lliiigniliutou, Oweguaud Kliulra, connects st Scrau·tou tur l'ili».m. Kiugslou, Vsllkrsbsiro. .te.7 Ji. III. l'.iin II u Italo Lluiile.1 Kxpre»s lur ftUVB.«Baftflj

ftetaetoa. ??ß?ßß-?ßß. ttassra, Kimim. cor.img, nato, Wi\y«land, Uulfulo, .kc, airivmg in ilufttio .' ."o .». ni.0 p. iu. Daily Unitalo sud )«»n-Jo Kxpru»s toc Stroudsbur*,

BcraetoO, Rtunliamtou, cui Uaudt, «vrocuse, OstMS, llrosne,(iilurrt, Norwich, Ultra ani Klehlisld Springs, eunnoçts a»

u»»».go Ior Itl.aia an»l liitrrmrdl«. stations oxcopt a»tur«

day». Ontiei t« al HulMo wllh ttslii» tor all punii« WaaTickets tur salo sud iMggage chocko.1 al JM. Breed?*?ß"BBa

at Weati'iitt Kt.iressoillfi» in New Voi k aud uriaoklya._?CTO»SINUTO-l ?.???.Km Po«ton. Provldftnco and all Ks«terti po")t*

1. sniti» will iiave Pier new No. 3d, Borih lüver. one bloc*kbove c_u_.»L, kt Ö 1«. iu. daily, except öuutlay.


u. 11. URUJiib. uwa'i r_-oueer Aieal»