2012 IAS Q3 ExecBoard Meeting Meeting Minutes October 8, 2012 Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas NV USA 07-08 October 2012 Action Agenda # Time Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents Sunday October 7 Board Discussions 1 07:30 Info Bernstein Breakfast, Sunday 7 October 2012 Location: Reno I 2 08:00 Discussion Oertli Social Media Discussion on various social media platforms and how each can assist in a more modern approach to timely and swift communication with society members. May be especially useful for spreading conference information. Action Item: Board members encouraged to be visible and participate in IAS social medias IAS Social Media.pptx 3 09:00 Discussion Nondahl P&P Manual: There are two general classes of changes: 1) incorporation of past motions and 2) creation of two new sections to contain the parts of Section 1 - Officers which did not specifically relate to duties of society officers. IAS Policy & Procedures_2012_09_ Updates to IAS P7P Manual_2012_Sept.do 4 10:00 Info Lloyd 2012 Annual Meeting Update 5 11:00 Discussion Durocher Society Survey Discussion about preparing a society survey – Dave will formulate questions and distribute survey to the Board before next meeting to finalize questions. VP PPT_October 2012 (1).ppt 6 12:00 Info Bernstein Lunch - 7 1:00 Info Rubaai/Lequesn e Publications: Electrification Magazine and JICEMS Publication Discussions (1).ppt

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2012 IAS Q3 ExecBoard Meeting

Meeting Minutes October 8, 2012 Flamingo Hotel

Las Vegas NV USA 07-08 October 2012

Action Agenda

# Time Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents

Sunday October 7 Board Discussions

1 07:30 Info Bernstein Breakfast, Sunday 7 October 2012 Location: Reno I

2 08:00 Discussion Oertli Social Media Discussion on various social media platforms and how each can assist in a more modern approach to timely and swift communication with society members. May be especially useful for spreading conference information. Action Item: Board members encouraged to be visible and participate in IAS social medias

IAS Social Media.pptx

3 09:00 Discussion Nondahl P&P Manual: There are two general classes of changes: 1) incorporation of past motions and 2) creation of two new sections to contain the parts of Section 1 - Officers which did not specifically relate to duties of society officers.

IAS Policy & Procedures_2012_09_

Updates to IAS P7P Manual_2012_Sept.do

4 10:00 Info Lloyd 2012 Annual Meeting Update

5 11:00 Discussion Durocher Society Survey Discussion about preparing a society survey – Dave will formulate questions and distribute survey to the Board before next meeting to finalize questions.

VP PPT_October 2012 (1).ppt

6 12:00 Info Bernstein Lunch -

7 1:00 Info Rubaai/Lequesne

Publications: Electrification Magazine and JICEMS

Publication Discussions (1).ppt

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8 2:00 Discussion Ojo IPCSD Department Practices Want to increase prize amounts for papers – discussion: if awards are increased for one department they should be raised among all departments. Does IEEE have a cap on the amount a society can give for a prize paper? Department would like advance notice of Fellow members that will be eligible to review Fellow applications. Names are distributed as soon as they become available – a solution is to run a report earlier in the year to find out who all of the Fellows are in the Society and those Fellows that are part of IPCSD could be identified as potential reviewers. Discussion of IAS involvement in Asia (ICEMS) and Europe (ICEM). A. Omekanda, IPCSD vice-chair provided report from trip to ICEM. Action Item: Lequesne, Ojo, Omekanda, and Cardoso to prepare a proposal to ICEM steering committee to have IAS as a financial partner in 2014.



9 3:00 Discussion Sottile/Zinger Zucker Fund Discussion Next step to set up a meeting with IAS Executive Committee and IEEE Foundation and the Foundation Accounting team in December and thereafter to have regular meetings during the IEEE Treasurers’ Workshop.

Action Item: Don Zinger and Joe Sottile to clarify the situation: Zucker numbers, rationale for using Zucker 1 or 2, etc. Objective is to first clear any misunderstanding between IAS and Foundation, then discuss any remaining point in December

Foundation to IAS (Hudgins).pdf

Memorandum from Dorsey and Whitney.p

Zucker Funds Summary.pptx

10 3:30 Discussion Zinger Financial Discussion (CPESJ, budget updates)

IAS Financial Discussions (3).pptx

11 4:00 Discussion Lequesne Preparation of Consent Agenda

12 5:00 Info Lequesne Adjourn for evening

13 6:30 Info Bernstein Social Event

14 10:30 Procedural Lequesne No Caucus

Monday October 8 Board Meeting

18 2:00 PM

Procedural Lequesne Welcome and Opening Remarks - Monday, 8 October 2012 ROOM: Virginia City III

19 2:45 Procedural Bernstein Attendance - using roster D. Zinger, A. Cardoso, J. Ahn, T. Sebastian, T. Nondahl, M. Halpin, M, Nelms, J. Dai, A.Rubaai, T. Ruzsanyi, P. Magyar, B. Lloyd, G. Zissis, C. Oertli,

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D. Mills, B. Lequesne, A. Bagley, J. Sottile Guests: L. Powell, C. Speck, L. Floyd, P. Sutherland, H. Louie (PES liaison) IAS Administrator: L. Bernstein

20 2:05 Motion Halpin Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Seconded: Rubaai Approved unanimously

21 2:10 Motion Sebastian Motion to approve 2012 Q2 Meeting Minutes Seconded: Nelms Approved unanimously IAS 2012 Q2

ExecBoard Meeting M

22 Nondahl/Past President

Motion to approve changes to the Policy and Procedures Manual Passed unanimously

23 2:55 Procedural various Reports

24 4:55 Procedural TBD Old Business

25 5:15 Procedural to be determined

New Business

26 5:25 Procedural Lequesne Closing Remarks

Nelms Motion to adjourn Seconded: Bagley Meeting adjourned 5:24 PM local time

201 Motion Magyar Motion to change IAS Student Master Thesis Contest Bylaws, paragraph Eligibility. The text “IEEE IAS student member” will be changed to “IEEE IAS student or higher grade member”. The new paragraph is as follows: “To be considered for the recipient of the Student Master Thesis Contest Award, the candidate´s thesis must have successfully defended within two calendar years prior to the submission date and be relevant to the scope of the IA-Society. The candidate should have been IEEE IAS student or higher grade member for at least one year before the contest submission” Explanation: The current regular membership is at least as value as the student membership. This allows candidates to participate who defended the thesis two years prior to the submission date and became regular member one year prior to the submission. Having finished the university, it is not possible to be a student member

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202 09:45 Motion Nelms/Meeting Department

Motion to approve a conference loan of $15,000 for the 2013 IEEE Pulp & Paper Conference to be held June 23-27, 2013 in Charlotte, NC USA. Background: The budget has been reviewed and approved as it meets the IEEE 20% surplus requirement.

203 09:55 Motion Nelms/Meetings Department

Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the 2013 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference to be held Feb. 24-27, 2013 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC USA.

Background: PES is the only financial sponsor. Technical co-sponsors for the meeting are COMSOC, DEIS, IEEE-USA, IAS, IES, PELS, SPS, and the Systems Council.

204 10:05 Motion Nelms/Meetings Department

Motion to approve financial co-sponsorship of the 2013 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium will be held April 22-25, 2013 in Arlington, Virginia, USA. Background: The financial sponsors for this meeting are: PES (40%), IAS (20%), PELS (20%), and IES (20%). The budget has been reviewed and approved as it meets the IEEE 20% surplus requirement. The conference organizers are not requesting a conference loan.

205 Nelms/Meetings Department

Motion to approve Courtesy Associates as the conference management firm for the 2013 IAS Annual Meeting to be held October 6-10, 2013 in Orlando, FL USA.

Background: Courtesy has been the conference management firm for the IAS Annual Meeting since 2001 and is very familiar with the operation of the meeting.

206 Nelms/Meetings Dept

Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the 4th Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC 2013) to be held Feb. 13-14, 2013 in Tehran, Iran. Background: The IAS was approached about technical co-sponsorship this meeting in 2009. However, the IEEE did not approve sponsorship. The IEEE has approved sponsorship this time as the conference has been assigned No. 30156. The Iran Section is also a technical co-sponsor. IES has been approached for technical co-sponsorship as well. The MOU contains the standard IAS 20% limit on the number of papers eligible for review.

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207 Nondahl/Past President

Motion to approve guidelines for electioneering for IAS offices, as written below:

Guidelines for Electioneering for IEEE IAS Elected and Appointed Offices

1. All electioneering information shall include a statement that the material does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the IEEE or IAS.

2. All electioneering information, including endorsements/information from third parties, shall be sent by the candidates for the position.

3. All electioneering information shall be distributed using a list created by the candidate. The list shall include only the names of people who are eligible to vote for the candidate.

4. A copy of all electioneering information shall be sent to the Society President and the Society Administrative Office.

5. Any direct or indirect costs associated with the distribution of electioneering information shall be the responsibility of the candidate distributing the information.

6. Candidates are encouraged to limit their electioneering activities. The suggested limit is no more than two e-mails per candidate per election.

Background: See Sections 13 and 14 of IEEE Policies, November 2011 available at http://www.ieee.org/documents/constitution_bylaws_policies.pdf

208 Nelms/Meetings Dept

Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the 2013 4th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE) to be held June 6-8, 2013 in Siófok, Hungary. Background: The IAS was a technical co-sponsor of this meeting in both 2009 and 2011. An MOU has been prepared and approved by all parties, and it contains the standard IAS 20% limit on the number of paper eligible for transactions/magazine review.

110 Nelms/Meetings Dept.

Motion to approve a conference loan of $7,000 for the 2013 IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference to be held April 28 – May 1, 2013 in Stone Mountain, GA USA. Background: The budget has been reviewed and approved at it meets the IEEE 20% surplus

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111 Rubaai/Publications Department

Motion to modify the wording of IAS Conference “Presentation First” Policy to address presentation in a poster session that provides an opportunity for the author or a surrogate to discuss the paper with conference attendees. We propose the following modification:

1. Modify the wording of the policy 2. Suggested expanded wording

“IAS Conference Presentation First Policy” IAS policy requires all papers published in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and IEEE Industry Applications Magazine to have first been presented at a Conference sponsored or cosponsored by the IAS, or by an entity of IAS. In this context, 'presentation' shall be understood to include either formal presentation in a technical session in which the author, or a surrogate, presents the paper and responds to questions from the audience, or presentation in a poster session that provides an opportunity for the author or a surrogate to discuss the paper with conference attendees. Presentation by title only, wherein the title of the paper is read but there is no discussion of the content of the contents of the paper and no opportunity for questions from the audience, shall not be considered to meet the requirements of this policy. Responsibility for interpreting and implementing this policy is assigned to the EiCs of IAS Transactions and IAS Magazine. The Papers Review Chair of the IAS Technical Committee responsible for peer review of a paper shall determine if the presentation requirement has been met, in consultation with the EiCs if appropriate. Papers that are judged to have not been presented as required by this policy shall be returned to the author(s) without review. Author(s) are normally expected to attend the Conference to present their paper(s). Authors who are unable to present their paper in person may, with the approval of the Conference organizers, appoint a surrogate presenter, or arrange for real-time presentation using electronic technology. The presentation requirement may be satisfied at any of the technical Conferences organized by IAS. Presentation at a Conference that is granted formal co-sponsorship status by the IAS Executive Board also meets the intent of this policy as limited by the specific terms of the co-sponsorship agreement. Conferences organized by a unit reporting to the IEEE Membership and Geographic Activities Board

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generally are not considered to be 'sponsored' by IAS, and presentation at such conferences shall not be interpreted as meeting the 'presentation-first' requirement. The presentation-first requirement shall not apply to publications that are produced jointly by IAS and other operating units reporting to the IEEE Technical Activities Board." Publish the policy where it can be found and cited. The "Information for Authors" material on the web page is a good place, but the ExecBoard may also want to consider including this in the formal P&P Manual. Background: IAS has had very limited experience with poster sessions - we had a fairly large poster session in Rome in 2000, and a much smaller session in Chicago in 2001 - but that may change in the future. Our annual meeting planning committee has talked about doing poster sessions in the future (mainly for students), but no decision has been made about that. There may be a 'trial run' student paper poster session in conjunction with the opening reception in Las Vegas. The present policy is buried in web document titled "On-Line Aids for Authors and Reviewers" (which is seriously out of date): "IAS Conference Presentation First Policy IAS policy normally requires all TRANSACTIONS papers to have first been presented at a Conference sponsored or cosponsored by the IAS, or by an entity of IAS. Where the author(s) are unable to be present personally to present their paper at such a Conference, alternative arrangements for such presentation must be made between the author and the Session Organizer." The question here is whether presentation in a 'poster session' meets the intent of the 'presentation first' rule, but the publications Department thinks that an executive decision needs to be made for the future to establish the principle of whether standing next to a poster truly qualifies as 'presentation'.

112 Rubaai/ Publications Dept.

Motion to approve IAS' financial co-sponsorship of the new IEEE Electrification Magazine to be launched in 2013. IAS financial share (both cost and revenue) would be 10%. Background:

Publication Discussions.ppt

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The anticipated cost for years 1 and 2 is $180K (with 10% being IAS share). IEEE Electrification Magazine is a quarterly magazine dedicated to disseminating information on all matters related to micro-grids onboard electric vehicles, ships, trains, planes, and off-grid applications. Micro-grids refer to an electric network in a car, a ship, a plane or an electric train, which has a limited number of sources and multiple loads. Off-grid applications include small scale electricity supply in areas away from high voltage power networks. Feature articles focus on advanced concepts, technologies, and practices associated with all aspects of electrification in the transportation and off-grid sectors from a technical perspective in synergy with nontechnical areas such as business, environmental, and social concerns.

113 Oertli/ECC Motion:

The Electronics Communications Committee moves to approve the implementation and use of multiple social media platforms to promote IEEE IAS. In all cases, the email address [email protected] shall be the registered email on the account. In addition, all social media sites shall be registered with IEEE and contributors to IEEE IAS social media content shall conform to the IEEE Social Media Policy (http://www.ieee.org/about/social_media/index.html).


Social media marketing and outreach is increasing at a staggering rate among companies and professional societies. There are already a few hundred IEEE social media websites active. A full list can be found at http://www.ieee.org/about/social_media/index.html. Social media will help IEEE IAS reach out to both female and younger members.

# Time Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents

301 --- Report Nelson Division II Director's Report No report

302 --- Report Lequesne President's Report

President 2012 Q3 report.pdf

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303 --- Report Lloyd President Elect's Report

IAS 2012 Q3 President Elect Repor

304 --- Report Durocher Vice-President's Report

VP PPT_October 2012 (1).ppt

305 --- Report Zinger Treasurer's Report

Treasurer’s Report.pptx


# Time Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents

401 --- Report Simmons Process Industries Department Report No report

402 --- Report Zissis MSDAD Department Report


403 --- Report Mills I&CPS Department Report

ICPS Board Report 121007.ppt

404 --- Report Ojo IPCS Department Report

IPCSD Report Q3_2012.ppt

Reference: Supplemental Reports

# Time


Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents

501 --- SD Report Bagley Awards Department Report

2012 Q3 Awards Dpt Rp.doc

502 --- SD Report Magyar CMD Department Report

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2012 Q3 IAS EB _ CMD Report _ PMagya

503 --- SD Report Sottile Education Department Report

Education Department Report O

504 --- SD Report Nelms Meetings Department Report

Meetings Dept Report October 2012

505 --- SD Report Rubaai Publications Department Report

2012 Publications Q3 Report.doc

506 --- SD Report Halpin Standards Department Report

Standards Department Report Q

507 --- NC Report Nondahl Nominating Committee Report

Council_2012_Election Rpt (1).ppt

508 --- FF Report Zinger Financial Planning Report No report – see Treasurer Report

509 --- LRP Report Durocher Long Range Planning No report – see VP Report

510 --- C&B Report Nondahl Constitution & Bylaws Report No report

511 --- IC Report Sebastian Inter-Society Cooperation Report

Inter Society - Q3-2012.ppt

512 --- EC Report Oertli Electronic Communication Report

2012-09-28 IAS Electronic Communica

Agenda Sections

199 Action Agenda

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299 Consent Agenda

399 Reference:Committee / Forum Reports

499 Reference:Reports from Representatives

599 Reference:Supplemental Reports

Submitter (column 3 of agenda)

C & B IAS Constitution and By-laws

EC IAS Electronic Communications

FF IAS Financial Planning

IC International Ad Hoc Committee

IC IAS Intersociety Cooperation

IEEE TA IEEE Technical Activities

IEEE TA IEEE Technical Activities

LRP IAS Long Range Planning

NC IAS Nomination Committee

OD IAS Operational Departments

Pres IAS President

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Pres ComSoc President

Pres Elect IAS President Elect

SD IAS Staff Departments

Treas IAS Treasurer

Treas ComSoc Treasurer

VP IAS Vice President

Supporting Documents (column 7 of agenda)

### Number Assigned to supporting document file

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IAS Social Media Investigating the use of

Social Media resources to broaden IAS exposure and participation

[email protected]

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IEEE IAS Demographics

• Gender – 90% male – 4% female

• Age – Average - 53

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Social Media Age Demographics

Average Age of Social Media Users

• LinkedIn – 44.2 • Facebook – 40.5 • Twitter – 37.3

• 43% of people

aged 20-29 spend more than 10 hours a week on social media sites

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Social Media Age Demographics

Percentage of Users 34 and Younger

• Twitter – 45% • Facebook – 35% • LinkedIn – 21%

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Social Media Gender Demographics

Dominant Female Presence

• Facebook – 60% • Twitter – 60% • LinkedIn – 53%

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What Social Media Will Do For Us

• Appeal to a younger crowd

• Stay connected with our members

• Stimulate discussion • Conference updates

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Common Contentions with Social Media

• Constantly changing environment

• How do I measure ROI? • Who are these people? • What do I post? • Is it worth the effort?

4/24/2014 IEEE IAS Social Media 10 http://www.technograte.com/assets/uploads/2012/06/social_media_networks.jpg

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Notable IEEE Societies Using Social Media

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• Professional network • 175 million users • Older demographic • Existing IAS page

– Jack Lin

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• 955 million users • “Pages” vs. “Profiles” • “Like” button • Insights

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https://twitter.com/ieeeIAS • 140 characters “tweet” • 500 million users “twits?” • 340 million tweets daily • Younger demographic • URL shortening • Re-tweets • Direct Messages

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• Launched June 2011 • 100 million active users • “Circles” • “Pages” vs. “Profiles” • Google+ Hangouts • Google+ Events • Custom URL’s coming soon

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• Monitor and trend interest

• Real-time conference updates

• Recommend #hashtags: – #IEEE – #IAS – #ias2012 – #ias2013, etc. – #ieeeIAS

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Relevant Content

• Include links, photos, videos whenever possible

• Conferences – Call for papers – Real time updates

• Industry – New technology – Papers and Research

• Administrative – Changes to the website – New officers

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Brand development requires consistency of voice, not cacophony of “participation.”


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• Me, myself, and I • Jack Lin (LinkedIn) • Possibly:

– Members at large – Young IAS members

wanting to participate

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IEEE Social Media Policy


• Contributors must be members • Sites must be registered with IEEE • Contributors must adhere to “Best Practices”

– Opinions do not represent the IEEE – Respect confidentiality and privacy – Properly cite sources for material – Be polite, courteous, and truthful – Stick to what you know

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• Centralized Platform – All Social Media Sites – Schedule Posts

• Used by: – Facebook – Obama Administration – The Gap – Zappos – …many more

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• Free Service – Single User – 5 Social Profiles – Message Scheduling – Quick Reports

• Pro Service ($9.99/mo) – Multiple Users

• 2 free ($10/mo above 2) – Unlimited Social Profiles – Google Analytics – Facebook Insights

• Analytic services – #hashtags – ow.ly

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HootSuite Sample Post

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What’s Next?

• Social media site registration with IEEE • Place links on IAS websites • Recruit interested contributors

– Members at large – Student/new members

• IAS Officers Like, +1, Follow our pages – Not a requirement, but lends credibility – I will send out an email with links

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 1 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012




The purpose of this manual is to provide a repository for information and policies not contained in the Industry Applications Society Constitution and Bylaws, as published on the Society’s web site, www.ieee.org/ias. These policies and procedures shall prevail unless superseded by subsequent actions by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (hereinafter referred to as the IEEE), Industry Applications Society Council, or the Industry Applications Society Executive Board. Other documents that govern the operation of the Industry Applications Society (hereinafter referred to as the IAS), are:

The IEEE Constitution and Bylaws The IEEE Policy and Procedures Manual The IAS Constitution and Bylaws The IEEE Conference Organization Manual

The policies and procedures were reaffirmed by ballot of the Executive Board of the IAS on September 26, 1988, April 30, 1990, October 13, 1998, October 11, 2006 and subsequently on May 21, 2012. September 1988, Robert B. Voller, 1987 Society President Revised April 1990, Lloyd A. Morley, 1988 Society President Revised October 1998, Barry C. Brusso, 1995 Society President Revised October 2006, Kevin L. Peterson, 2004 Society President Revised October 2012, Thomas A. Nondahl, 2009-2010 Society President

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 2 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012



1.1.0 Society President Responsibilities 6

1.2.0 Society President-Elect Responsibilities 7

1.3.0 Society Vice President Responsibilities 8

1.4.0 Society Treasurer Responsibilities 8


2.1.0 Technical Department Officers 10

2.1.1 Technical Department Chair — Responsibilities 10

2.1.2 Vice Chair - Technical — Responsibilities 11

2.1.3 Vice Chair - Papers — Responsibilities 12

2.1.4 Other Departmental Officers 12

2.1.5 Duties of Technical Departments and Committees 12 Technical Information Dissemination 13 Sub-committee Organization 13

2.2.0 Technical Departments — Technical and Operating Committees 14

2.2.1 Process Industries Department Committees 14

2.2.2 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department Committees 14

2.2.3 Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department Committees 14

2.2.4 Manufacturing Systems Development & Applications Department Committees 14

2.3.0 Scopes of Technical Committees 15

2.3.1 Process Industries Department 15

2.3.2 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department 15

2.3.3 Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department 16

2.3.4 The Manufacturing Systems Development & Applications Department 17

2.4.0 Guidelines for Technical Committee Operations 17


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3.1.0 Operating Departments Committees 20

3.1.1 Awards Department 20

3.1.2 Chapters and Membership Department 20

3.1.3 Education Department 20

3.1.4 Meetings Department 20

3.1.5 Publications Department 20

3.1.6 Standards Department 20

3.2.0 Duties of Operating Departments and Committees 21

3.3.0 Awards Department 21

3.3.1 Awards Department Committees 22 Society Outstanding Achievement Award Committee 22 Society Distinguished Service Award Committee 24 Society Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award Committee 25 Fellows Review Committee 25 Awards Nominations Committee 26

3.4.0 Chapters and Membership Department 26

3.4.1 Chapters and Membership Department Chair’s Responsibilities 26

3.4.2 Budgeting for Chapters and Membership Department Committee 28

3.4.3 Chapters and Membership Department Committees Chair Responsibilities 28 Chapters Development Committee Chair 28 Student Branch Development Committee Chair 29 Membership Development Committee Chair 29 Technical and Professional Outreach Program Committee Chair 30 Workshop Committee Chair 30 Awards Committee Chair 30 Chapters Electronic Publications Committee Chair 31 Student Branch Chapters Electronic Publications Committee Chair 31 Distinguished Lecturer & Prominent Lecturer (DL & PL) Program Committee 31

3.5.0 Education Department 32

3.5.1 Education Department Responsibilities 32

3.5.2 Education Department Committee Responsibilities 32 Asynchronous Education Committee 32 Conference Education Committee 32 Student Competition Committee 33 Workshops Committee 33 Zucker Planning Committee 33

3.5.3 Tutorial Policy 33

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3.6.0 Meetings Department 35

3.6.1 Scope 35

3.6.2 Meeting Loan Advance Policy 35

3.6.3 Organizational Structure of Meetings Department 36 Chair, Meetings Department 36 Technical Program Coordinator 36 Conference Policies 37 Conference Etiquette Rules for Vendor Entertainment at IAS Sponsored Conferences 37 Guidelines for Technical Conferences Held in Conjunction with Other Entities 38

3.7.0 Publications Department 39

3.7.1 Publications Department Chair’s Responsibilities 39

3.7.2 Publications Department Committees 40

3.7.3 Procedures for Processing Technical Papers 40

3.7.4 Other Publications Department Procedures 41

3.8.0 Standards Department 41

3.8.1 Standards Department Responsibilities: 41

3.8.2 Standards Department Chair’s Responsibilities: 42

3.8.3 Standards Department Committees 42 Standards Management Committee 42 Awards Committee 43

3.8.4 Standards Department Committee Chair’s Responsibilities: 43

3.8.5 Consultation with Other Affected IAS and IEEE Components 43

3.8.6 Operating Policies and Procedures for IEEE IAS Standards Sponsors 44


4.1.0 Constitution and Bylaws Committee 45

4.2.0 Financial Planning Committee 45

4.3.0 Inter-Society Cooperation Committee 45

4.4.0 Long-Range Planning Committee 45

4.5.0 Nominations and Appointments Committee 46

4.6.0 Electronic Communication Committee 46

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5.1.0 Past President Responsibilities 47

5.2.0 Member-at-Large Responsibilities 47

5.3.0 IEEE Division Director 47

5.4.0 PES Liaison Member 47


6.1.0 Funding of Committee Expense 48

6.2.0 Guide for Department Expenditures 48

6.3.0 Funding of Special Programs for Sustainability and Growth 50

6.4.0 Financing of Awards 51

6.5.0 Travel Reimbursement 52

6.6.0 Policy for TAB Meeting Expenses 53

6.7.0 Cost Sharing at the IAS Annual Meeting 53


7.1.0 Society Administrative Office Responsibilities 54

7.2.0 Policy on Officers and Committee Correspondence Stationery 55

7.3.0 Board and Council Meetings 55

7.4.0 Minutes Distribution 56

7.5.0 Arrangements for Executive Board, Council and Annual Meeting Special Functions 56

7.6.0 Procedure for Managing Electronic Balloting of Motions 58

7.7.0 Annual Elections 58

7.8.0 Guidelines for Electioneering for IAS Elected and Appointed Offices 59

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1.1.0 Society President Responsibilities

The IAS Bylaws, Article 10.1, describe the President’s duties. Additional responsibilities are: 1. Plan the agenda for and conduct all meetings of the Executive Board (ExecBoard)

and of the Council. (As noted in the Bylaws, in the absence of the President, the responsibility to conduct these meetings is assumed by the Society President Elect or Vice President.)

2. Represent the IAS on, and serve as a member of, the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB). It is anticipated that the President attends all meetings of TAB (which are usually held three times per year).

3. Promote the nomination of qualified Society members for election or appointment to offices, standing committees and boards of the IEEE.

4. Provide an effective channel of communications between the ExecBoard and the TAB officers, Division II Director, and the Technical Activities Department at IEEE Headquarters.

5. Make recommendations to the ExecBoard concerning the appointment of the ExecBoard standing committee chairs.

6. Review the recommendations of the Nominations and Appointments Committee concerning those who might serve as members of the ExecBoard, and make final recommendations to the ExecBoard.

7. Prepare the President’s Message article for each issue of the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.

8. Provide counsel for the planning and activities associated with the Society Annual Meeting.

9. Support and encourage a continuing Society membership growth program.

10. Endorse the Society Strategies and Five Year Plan through encouragement of the ExecBoard.

11. Stimulate the services and growth of Society Chapters.

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12. Endorse and assist the Society publications program in particular through the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

13. Promote and encourage Inter-Society cooperation with the IAS among IEEE and non-IEEE entities.

1.2.0 Society President-Elect Responsibilities

The Society Bylaws, Article 10.2, describe the President-Elect’s duties. Additional responsibilities are: 1. A principal responsibility of the President-Elect is to serve as General Chair for the

IAS Annual Meeting.

2. The President-Elect is responsible for the overall planning and operations of the IAS Annual Meeting.

3. The President-Elect is the primary interface between the IAS and the local organizing committee for the IAS Annual Meeting.

4. The President-Elect is the primary interface between the IAS and any professional conference management firm hired to support the IAS Annual Meeting.

5. The President-Elect works with the Annual Meeting Finance Chair/Treasurer and the professional conference management firm to develop and submit in a timely fashion a conference budget that meets IEEE requirements.

6. The President-Elect will make regular reports on the planning and organization of the IAS Annual Meeting to the IAS Executive Board.

7. The President-Elect will prepare information on the IAS Annual Meeting for publication in the IAS Magazine.

8. The IAS Annual Meeting may be organized in conjunction with a committee from a local Section or Chapter. The President-Elect will determine, and propose to the ExecBoard, in agreement with the Society President, the percentage of conference surplus to be given to the local Section or Chapter in accordance with current IAS policy.

9. The President-Elect will typically be asked by the President to be the IAS liaison to the Power and Energy Society.

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1.3.0 Society Vice President Responsibilities

The Society Bylaws, Article 10.3, describe the Vice President’s duties. Additional responsibilities are:

1. The principal responsibility of the Vice President is to serve as Chair of the Long

Range Planning Committee.

1.4.0 Society Treasurer Responsibilities

The IAS Bylaws, Article 10.4, describe the Treasurer’s duties. Additional responsibilities are: 1. Arrange and chair the Financial Planning Committee meetings, providing advice and

counsel to IAS officers on financial matters.

2. Provide budget assistance to departments and committees, and account for their respective budget charges.

3. Maintain a cash flow and budget accounting of IAS disbursements for the reporting period.

4. Maintain an accurate report of the yearly financial status based on IEEE monthly financial reports.

5. Draft a preliminary budget for the next fiscal year and present it to the ExecBoard at their first or second meeting of the year (usually by May).

6. Arrange for the setting of the page budget for the following year at the first or second ExecBoard meeting of the year (usually by May) and produce a forecast for remaining year payouts.

7. Report the financial status of the IAS to the ExecBoard and the IAS Council at the appropriate meetings.

8. Act as liaison to the TAB Finance Committee.

9. Concerning the funds administered by the IAS on behalf of the IEEE Foundation (Myron T. Zucker endowment funds, IEEE IAS IPCSD Gerald Kliman Innovator Award Fund, and James A. Rooks Memorial Student Intern Program), the treasurer will:

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a. Prepare, in collaboration with the relevant Department, written annual reports for the IAS President to send to the Executive Committee of the IEEE Foundation. The reports will detail the expenditures that IAS authorized during the previous year (including commitments of funds announced in the past year that are to be awarded in the following year) and include a status report on the IAS’s grant-funded activities. The reports should be prepared by March 31 of each year.

b. Maintain a record of and make available to the ExecBoard: the status of each of

these funds, such as the annual amounts of Zucker funds available for expenditure and/or commitment, as provided by the IEEE Foundation.

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The technical departments shall be responsible for establishing policies which will stimulate among Society members the acquisition of new knowledge and technology.

2.1.0 Technical Department Officers

Each technical department shall be administered by the Department Chair, assisted by the Vice Chair and department committees. The Department Operating Committee shall consist of the Chair, (and, where approved, Department Vice Chair - Papers, Secretary, Department Vice Chair - Technical), the Chair of each committee that is defined by Bylaws Section 6.3 for that department, and the immediate past Chair of the department.

2.1.1 Technical Department Chair — Responsibilities

1. Provide general policy and guidance to enhance the professional effectiveness and quality of overall departmental operations.

2. Serve on the IAS Long-Range Planning Committee, encourage and promote adherence to the strategies of the Society and its current five-year plan.

3. Establish and maintain the mechanics of all liaison functions with other Society departments and committees (Chapters and Membership, Education, Meetings, Publications, Standards, Electronic Communications and Inter-Society Cooperation) and with the operations of other IEEE entities as they interface with the Technical Department. Encourage adequate cross-communications between technical committees and other IEEE entities on matters of shared concern.

4. Conceive new ideas and contribute advanced experience in departmental operations to the benefit of ExecBoard and Society Officers in improving the administration of the Society.

5. Represent the Department on the ExecBoard; report on Technical Committee operations, accomplishments, needs, recommendations, expansion, revision and problems. Include information in report on status of paper reviews.

6. Work with the Technical Committees (and also consider the needs of the Department) to submit, in a timely manner, requests for funds for proposed budgets to ExecBoard.

7. Handle and disseminate incoming information on behalf of the Society President concerning Department-related activities.

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8. Encourage and guide weak committees, support the establishment of appropriate new technical committees and assist in house-cleaning of obsolete ones.

9. Guide and assist in developing the participation of all Technical Committees.

10. Help guide the development of the operations of each Technical Committee into a more active and efficient pattern, particularly at the point where new officers need help and guidance.

11. Maintain a list of all future technical conferences planned by the Technical Committees of the Department and share this information with the Meetings, Publications and Chapters and Membership Departments, so they can help publicize and encourage participation.

12. Provide recommendations to the Society Nominations and Appointments Committee upon request.

13. Promote and encourage nominations for Society and IEEE awards.

2.1.2 Vice Chair - Technical — Responsibilities

1. The principal responsibility of this position is to coordinate the technical activities of all Technical Committees in the Department.

2. Serve as a member of the Technical Advisory Subcommittee of the Inter-Society

Cooperation Committee. 3. Succeed to the office of Chair of the Department in the event that office becomes

vacant, while continuing to exercise the duties of Vice Chair - Technical, until such time as the vacancy in the office of Vice Chair - Technical is filled.

4. Assist the Department Chair as requested. 5. Provide guidance to the Department committees on pertinent technical matters

affecting them and the Department. 6. Counsel and encourage committees and Department officers on technical operations

of the Department. 7. Conceive new ideas and contribute advanced experience in technical operation of

the Department.

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2.1.3 Vice Chair - Papers — Responsibilities

1. The principal responsibility of this position is to organize, administer and stimulate the review process for technical papers (falling within the scope of this department) so that they can be recommended for publication in IAS-sponsored publications such as the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.

2. Represent the Department on the IAS Transactions Advisory Board and attend the Annual Board Meeting held during the IAS Annual Meeting.

3. Information is available on the IAS website (at ias.ieee.org/publications.html) for all parties involved in handling technical papers for any IAS or Technical Committee meeting or conference.

4. Provide guidance to the Department, its Technical Committees, and the Publications Department, to foster efficiency in processing papers.

5. May appoint Papers Reviewers to assist in this departmental review work. However, the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and suitability of content for use in the transactions rests with the Technical Committees.

6. Serve as a member of the Society Prize Papers Awards Committee of the Publications Department. Submit one nomination for consideration in selecting the Society Prize Paper, no later than July 31st.

7. Help the Technical Committees establish and maintain a Papers Review Chair, preferably with a term of office selected to survive or overlap the continual change of Committee officers.

8. Stimulate the output of good papers by the Technical Committees.

9. Counsel and encourage authors in a manner to promote a continuing flow of quality papers into IAS-sponsored publications such as the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.

2.1.4 Other Departmental Officers

The Technical Departments may establish other positions as dictated by Department needs. The responsibilities and duties of these positions are to be determined by that Department.

2.1.5 Duties of Technical Departments and Committees

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Each Technical Committee of a Technical Department shall be responsible for the evaluation and dissemination of technical information in its field of interest as defined in its scope. It shall be responsible for the solicitation and selection of papers for presentation at IEEE meetings, and for the grading and recommendation regarding publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine or other IEEE publications of all papers submitted for presentation or publication. Review, grading and recommendation of all papers shall be completed as promptly as possible after papers are submitted by the author, preferably within one month after papers are presented. It shall be responsible for the initiation, preparation and formulation of Standards, Specifications, Operating and Application Guides, Test Procedures and Recommended Practices for issue in accordance with IEEE regulations. It shall provide technical assistance to chapters formed within its respective scope. It shall be responsible for the organization and supervision of the work of such sub-committees as may be found necessary for the effective handling of the technology encompassed within its field of interest. Sub-committee Organization

It is recommended that each Technical Committee of a Technical Department organize the following sub-committees in addition to those sub-committees that are organized for technical purposes: 1. Executive Sub-Committee, consisting of officers of the Committee and Chair of

the sub-committees, to handle the affairs of the committee between meetings of the full committee.

2. Nominating Sub-Committee, consisting generally of past Chair or senior members of the committee, to nominate a slate of officers for the Committee Chair.

3. Papers Review Sub-Committee, consisting generally of the Committee Vice Chair as Chair and other competent members of the Committee, to review, grade and give recommendations to the Department Vice Chair - Papers for publication of all technical papers sponsored or in the field of the Committee.

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2.2.0 Technical Departments — Technical and Operating Committees

2.2.1 Process Industries Department Committees 1. Cement Industry 2. Electrical Safety Committee 3. Metal Industry 4. Mining Industry 5. Petroleum and Chemical Industry 6. Pulp and Paper Industry

2.2.2 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department Committees 1. Codes and Standards 2. Energy Systems 3. Power Systems Engineering 4. Power Systems Protection 5. Rural Electric Power 6. Awards and Recognition 7. Bylaws 8. Fellows and Senior Members 9. Meetings 10. Nominating 11. Publicity/Magazine 12. Technical Books Coordinating 13. Technical Review and Prize Papers

2.2.3 Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department Committees 1. Electric Machines 2. Industrial Drives 3. Industrial Power Converter 4. Power Electronics Devices and Components 5. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems 6. Transportation Systems 7. Awards and Recognition 8. Nominations and Appointments

2.2.4 Manufacturing Systems Development & Applications Department Committees 1. Electrostatic Processes 2. Industrial Automation and Control 3. Industrial Lighting and Display

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2.3.0 Scopes of Technical Committees

2.3.1 Process Industries Department The scope of the Cement Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the manufacture of cement. The scope of the IAS Electrical Safety Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the hazards of electricity and the prevention of injury to individuals from electrical equipment and electrical energy. The scope of the Metal Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the making, shaping or treating of metals. The scope of the Mining Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to all mining operations. The scope of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee is the treatment of all

matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to production, manufacturing and transportation of petroleum and chemical products. The scope also includes the technology of cathodic corrosion, its prevention and control. The scope of the Pulp and Paper Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the manufacture and fabrication of pulp and paper products.

2.3.2 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department The scope of the Power Systems Engineering Committee is the treatment of all matters

within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to equipment selection for, and to the design, analysis, installation, grounding, operation and maintenance of, safe and reliable power systems, including emergency and standby systems for industrial, commercial and institutional facilities. The scope of the Power Systems Protection Committee is the treatment of all matters

within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to power system protection.

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 16 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 The scope of the Energy Systems Committee is the treatment of all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to control, monitoring and management of electrical energy systems, including power generation systems, for use in industrial, commercial and institutional facilities. The scope of the Codes and Standards Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the conduct of liaison with standard-making and code-making bodies which affect electrical supply, distribution and utilization in industrial plants and commercial buildings, and also to provide the focal point and authority for the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department pertaining to codes and standards activities. (All such work is to be done in cooperation with the Society Standards Department.) The scope of the Rural Electric Power Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to rural requirements, especially for agriculture, including rural electric power distribution.

2.3.3 Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department The scope of the Electrical Machines Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the design, analysis, manufacture and application of electric machines in industry. The scope of the Industrial Drives Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the suitability or application of electric motor drive systems equipment to industrial machinery and vice versa. The scope of the Power Electronics Devices and Components Committee is the treatment

of all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to power electronics devices and components and their applications. The scope of the Industrial Power Converter Committee is the treatment of all matters

within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to equipment and circuits for the static conversion of electric power in industry. The scope of the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee is

the treatment of all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the design, analysis, manufacture and use of electric devices and systems for renewable and sustainable energy conversion industrial applications. Topics include, but are not limited to, electric generators and drives for wind turbines, ocean/marine and other renewable and sustainable energy harvesting systems, photo-

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voltaic, energy storage and micro-grid devices and associated electrical energy conversion systems. The scope of the Transportation Systems Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the electrification of the transportation industry, including components, systems, and infrastructure, and encompassing all modes of transportation for people and goods.

2.3.4 The Manufacturing Systems Development & Applications Department The scope of the Electrostatic Processes Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the utilization and/or control of electrostatic phenomena. The scope of the Industrial Automation and Control Committee is the treatment of all

matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to manufacturing and factory automation, including the application of industrial electrical and electronic devices, systems and methods to the conversion, regulation and utilization of electricity for the control of industrial processes, machinery and heating.

Included are applications of transducers, sensors, power electronics, motor control, drive

systems, programmable logic controllers, distributed control systems, computers, robotics, vision systems and control system software to machines and manufacturing processes. The scope of Industrial Lighting and Display Committee is the treatment of all matters

within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to light and lighting.

2.4.0 Guidelines for Technical Committee Operations 2.4.1 Appointments of Technical Committee (TC) and TC Sub-Committee officers are made

by the appropriate Technical Department Chair consistent with IAS Bylaw 14.2. 2.4.2 Removal of personnel is covered in IAS Bylaw 14.6. 2.4.3 Each TC normally creates and maintains its own Bylaws, which should describe what the

TC actually does and list TC officers, as well as sub-committees and working groups and their functions.

2.4.4 An individual’s acceptance of an office in IAS indicates that he/she has taken on

administrative responsibilities in the IAS. It means that this person has accepted a position of leadership and that others will rely on that individual for guidance, direction,

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initiative, planning, organization and, most of all, action. It means that the person’s employer supports participation as an officer in IAS. It means that the person recognizes the importance of rapid and accurate communications with IAS. It means that the person has a strong desire to improve the effectiveness of the IAS and the IEEE.

An organization is only as good as its people. This is particularly true of a volunteer organization. Therefore, it is incumbent upon officers in the IAS to seek out people who will contribute to the success of the IAS and the IEEE. Officers should review each of the elements of their area of responsibility to determine whether or not they are operating in line with their scopes or assigned responsibilities. They may be operating outside their intended areas and overlapping or duplicating the work of others. On the other hand, they may be devoting their attention to only a limited area of their responsibility and thereby depriving some people of the opportunities that IAS should make available to them.

2.4.5 The Technical Committee officers should establish a personnel review procedure with

their Executive Sub-Committee. Many TC’s use a Membership Sub-Committee for this function of personnel review. The review procedure should establish criteria for judging whether or not the members of the Committee and its sub-committees and working groups are actually making a contribution to the organization. Such things as attendance at meetings, preparation and/or presentation of technical papers, organization or chairing of a conference or technical session, and reviewing technical papers should be considered in determining active participation and contribution.

2.4.6 People tend to limit the number of persons within the organizational structure lest it

become too unwieldy. As a result, many people who would be very interested in serving actively on the Technical Committees and Sub-Committees are not given the opportunity to serve. It is not fair to these people, to the Technical Committee or to the IEEE if they are not given the opportunity to serve because the membership of the organizational element is filled and includes people who do not make any worthwhile contribution to IAS. The IAS and the IEEE are only as good as their members, and it is up to the officers to staff their organizations with the people who will do the work that must be done.

2.4.7 Many committees have found their effectiveness increased by having officers serve two

successive years. However, all appointments are annual, even when a second successive year is planned initially.

2.4.8 Appointment of Technical Committee Members Technical Committee appointments should be established for the same period as IEEE

annual membership. Membership in IEEE and IAS is a requirement for full committee membership and to

hold office. In addition, if the sub-committee or working group is engaged in IEEE Standards writing activities, the chair is required to be a member of the IEEE Standards

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Association. Sub-committee and working group membership may be extended to non-IAS persons who have expertise in the technical field of the Committee. In order to facilitate the publication of the IAS Organization Manual and Membership

Directory, the Chair of the Technical Committees shall submit their lists of appointments for the coming year to the IAS Administrative Office prior to December 1st of each year. Whether these appointments are made by the incumbent Chair, the incoming Chair or the

Executive Sub-Committee is a matter to be determined within the TC. Individual appointments to membership on specific TC’s should be made by procedures determined within each TC. IAS Bylaws require all TC’s to make appointments for each member for periods of one year renewable annually. One purpose (of several) is to provide graceful methods for TC officers and/or the Membership Sub-Committee to terminate memberships of those who no longer contribute to the operation of the TC. However, wisdom, patience, tact and frequently a personal discussion with the member being considered for non-renewal of this TC membership is desirable for smooth operation of the TC.

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3.1.0 Operating Departments Committees

3.1.1 Awards Department 1. Outstanding Achievement Award 2. Distinguished Service Award 3. Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award 4. Fellows Review 5. Awards Nominations

3.1.2 Chapters and Membership Department 1. Chapters Development 2. Student Branch Chapter Development 3. Membership Development 4. Technical and Professional Outreach Program 5. Regional Workshop 6. Awards 7. Chapters Electronic Communication 8. Student Branch Chapters Electronic Communication 9. Distinguished Lecturer & Prominent Lecturer (DL & PL) Program

3.1.3 Education Department 1. Asynchronous Education 2. Conference Education 3. Student Competition 4. Workshops 5. Zucker Planning

3.1.4 Meetings Department 1. Technical Program Coordinator

3.1.5 Publications Department 1. Transactions Advisory Board 2. Magazine Advisory Board

3.1.6 Standards Department 1. Standards Management Committee 2. Awards

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3.2.0 Duties of Operating Departments and Committees

3.3.0 Awards Department

1. Works with the ExecBoard, Technical Departments, Chapters Department and the Publications Department to identify potential recipients of IAS awards and IAS members who are to be nominated for IEEE awards.

2. The Awards Department acts to procure the statuette, plaques, certificates and monetary awards through outside suppliers and IEEE Headquarters.

3. The Chair coordinates with the IAS President and the Annual Meeting General Chair to arrange for the award presentations to the recipients at the Annual Meeting.

4. The specific Society awards and recognition that are currently bestowed are as follows: a. IAS Outstanding Achievement Award (since 1969) in recognition of outstanding

contributions to the applications of electricity to industry (statuette and $5,000 honorarium)

b. IAS Distinguished Service Award (since 1988) in recognition of dedication and distinguished service to the IEEE Industry Applications Society (plaque and $3,000 honorarium)

c. Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award (since 1996) (plaque, $1,000 honorarium and travel expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting)

d. IAS Transactions Prize Paper Awards (for latest year) (monetary awards are divided equally among multiple authors of a prize paper)

i. 1st Prize Certificate and $1000 ii. 2nd Prize Certificate and $750 iii. 3rd Prize Certificate and $500 iv. Honorable Mention Up to 5 Certificates

e. IAS Magazine Prize Article Awards (for latest year) (monetary awards are divided equally among multiple authors of a prize article)

i. 1st Prize Certificate and $750 ii. 2nd Prize Certificate and $500

f. IAS Chapter Awards

i. Outstanding Large Chapter Certificate ii. Outstanding Large Joint Chapter Certificate

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iii. Outstanding Small Chapter Certificate iv. Outstanding Small Joint Chapter Certificate

g. Graduate Student Thesis Contest

i. First Prize Plaque, certificate, $500 honorarium and up to $1500

travel expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting ii. Second Prize Plaque, certificate, $500 honorarium and up to $1000

travel expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting iii. Third Prize Plaque, certificate, $500 honorarium and up to $500

travel expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting

5. General Procedures for the IAS Outstanding Achievement Award (OA), IAS Distinguished Service (DS) Award and Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member (OYM) Award. a. Award nominations must be received by the Awards Department chair by March


b. Award committee recommendations must be received by the Awards Department chair no later than April 15.

c. IAS Executive Board motions regarding the OA, DS, or OYM awards may not be

balloted electronically.

d. Award nomination packages, including updated nomination forms and re-affirmed nomination letters, must be re-submitted each year.

e. Each Awards Committee must recommend a recipient and a first alternate, or

clearly indicate that no recipient and/or alternate is acceptable. In the event that the recommended recipient is not approved by the Executive Board, the first alternate will be considered by the Executive Board.

f. No sitting member of the IAS Executive Board or Awards Department is eligible

to receive the OA, DS, or OYM award.

3.3.1 Awards Department Committees Society Outstanding Achievement Award Committee

1. This Committee is responsible for recommending the annual recipient of the Society Outstanding Achievement Award.

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2. The Committee will be made up of three previous recipients of the award. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department after approval by the ExecBoard. The Committee Chair shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years. Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair after approval by the Awards Department Chair. New members shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years.

3. The purpose of this award is to honor an individual who has made an outstanding contribution in the application of electricity to industry in accordance with the scope of the IAS. This contribution may have been made through invention or technical development or through executive or managerial direction.

4. In selecting the recipient, the Committee may apply any of the following criteria: a. Invention in the field as exemplified by issued patents.

b. Contribution to the general engineering or scientific basis of the

technologies found within the scope of the IAS.

c. Executive or managerial contribution in the organization or operation of enterprises as associated with the scope of the IAS.

5. Posthumous awards will be made only when knowledge of the awardee’s death

is received after announcement of the recipient. Nominations of known deceased persons will not receive consideration.

6. The Committee will recommend the recipient for ExecBoard approval by April

15. The Chair, with concurrence of the IAS President, may then (or jointly) so advise the recipient. This timing is necessary so adequate time is made available for announcement prior to the award presentation at the IAS Annual Meeting.

7. As soon as the recipient has been selected and notified, the Awards Chair should request a current photograph and biography from the recipient to facilitate proper publicity in cooperation with the Publications Department Chair.

8. Procurement of the Award, statuette and $5,000 check will be arranged by the IAS Awards Department Chair.

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 24 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 Society Distinguished Service Award Committee

1. This Committee is responsible for recommending the annual recipient of the Society Distinguished Service Award.

2. The Committee will be made up of three previous recipients of the Award. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department after approval by the ExecBoard. The Committee Chair shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years. Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair after approval by the Awards Department Chair. New members shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years.

3. The purpose of this award is to honor an individual who has, through dedication and service, distinguished himself/herself to IAS.

4. In selecting the recipient, the Committee shall consider contributions of the nominee to IAS through ExecBoard, Technical Committee, section or chapter activities, which may be manifested in the following manner:

a. Exceptional administrative, managerial and leadership achievement.

b. Proposal and/or implementation for innovative new Society programs.

c. Dedication to the growth and advancement of the Society and/or its geographic and technical entities.

5. A person who has been the recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award in which he/she was recognized primarily for service to the Society shall not be eligible for the Distinguished Service Award.

6. Posthumous awards will be made only when knowledge of awardee’s death is received after announcement of the recipient. Nominations of known deceased persons will not receive consideration.

7. The Committee will recommend the recipient for ExecBoard approval by April 15. The Chair, with concurrence of the IAS President, may then (or jointly) so advise the recipient. This timing is necessary so that adequate time is made available for announcement prior to the award presentation at the IAS Annual Meeting.

8. As soon as the recipient has been selected and notified, the Awards Department and Publications Department Chair shall be so informed so that a current photograph and biography can be obtained to facilitate proper publicity.

9. Procurement of the Award, plaque and $3,000 check will be arranged by the

IAS Awards Department.

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 25 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 Society Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award Committee

1. This Committee is responsible for selecting the annual recipient of the Society Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award.

2. The Committee will be made up of two previous recipients of the Award. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department after approval by the ExecBoard. The Committee Chair shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years. Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair after approval by the Awards Department Chair. New members shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years.

3. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding achievement and contribution to the profession through involvement in IEEE-IAS activities by an IAS member less than 35 years of age.

4. In selecting the recipient, the Committee shall consider contributions of the nominee to IAS through authorship of technical papers, IAS chapter leadership, IAS committee work, conference leadership and standards working groups.

5. Eligible nominees must be less than age 35 at the specified award nomination due date.

6. To be considered as a nominee, a one-page form must be completed describing IAS activities and associated contributions made by the nominee. The form must be submitted and received by the Awards Department Chair before the specified due date of March 15.

7. The Awards Department Chair and/or Society President shall notify the selected recipient by June 1 and make arrangements for the recipient to receive the award. Presentation of the award is at the IAS Annual Meeting, usually held in October. Fellows Review Committee

1. The activity of this Committee is the processing of the Fellows nominations that are referred to the IAS for evaluation and ranking, in accordance with the requirements and instructions of the Fellow Committee of the IEEE.

2. The process includes:

a. Receiving the nominations,

b. having each evaluated and the Evaluation Form completed by a qualified person or persons, and

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c. at the completion of all evaluations, preparing a Ranking Summary.

3. A member of this Committee, preferably the Chair, will be registered with the IEEE Fellow Committee and designated to receive nominations referred to IAS for evaluation.

4. It will be the objective of this Committee to have each Fellow nomination evaluated by one or more IAS members most familiar with the field of work of the candidate.

5. The committee will be made of up to seven IEEE Fellows who are members of the IAS.

6. Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair after approval by the Award Department Chair. New members shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years.

7. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department after approval by the ExecBoard. The Committee Chair shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years. Awards Nominations Committee

1. The activity of this Committee, is the solicitation of the membership at large for Society and Institute level award nominations.

2. The Committee shall assist by appropriate means technical committees, chapters and other interested persons about the procedures and forms required when submitting candidates for award nominations. This may include, for instance, a workshop session at the Society Annual Meeting or other gathering of IAS members.

3.4.0 Chapters and Membership Department The Chapters and Membership Department shall be responsible for liaison with chapters on administrative matters and shall promote the organization and effective performance of Society Chapters and Society Student Branch Chapters in the Sections and Student Branches of IEEE. The Chair of the Chapters and Membership Department shall be Chair of the Department’s Executive Committee, which shall consist of the Department officers who are the Chairs of the Commitees listed in Section 3.1.3 and all Chapter Area Chairs as well as Student Branch Chapter Area Chairs. The Department Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year with the Chapter Chairs at a workshop to be held in conjunction with the IAS Annual Meeting.

3.4.1 Chapters and Membership Department Chair’s Responsibilities Refer to IAS Bylaws 2.0.

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1. Provide policy and guidance to assure the success of the local chapters and membership development.

2. Establish and maintain effective two-way communication between the IAS and IAS chapters and other members of the Chapters & Membership Department.

3. Monitor chapter operation through a review of committee chair reports, area chair reports and chapter meeting reports.

4. Implement the Outstanding Chapter recognition as well as Chapter and Student Contest program as follows:

a. Work with the Awards Committee Chair to analyze Chapters activities rating forms for selection of the awards recipients.

b. Work with the Contest Co-Chairs to select the Contest Recipient chapters and individuals.

c. Once recipients are chosen, inform the Chair of the IAS Awards Department, the Annual Meeting General Chair, the Chapter Chair of the selected Outstanding Chapters, and the recipients.

d. Present the awards during the awards luncheon at the Annual Meeting. Organize appropriate events to appreciate the Contest Recipients’s work.

5. Maintain the Chapter Chair Database as follows:

a. Work with the Chapter Development Committee and the Student Branch Development Committee to update the Chapter Chair Database according to the MGA Geographic and TAB Rosters continuously.

b. Update the Chapter Chair Database and forward listing to the IAS Administrative Office by February 1st.

6. Organize and host the IAS Chapters Annual Workshop during the Annual Meeting. Establish a meeting room location and time with the Annual Meeting General Chair early in the year; typically in February, so the information can be included in the Annual Meeting program and the invitation letter. Invitations to chapter and area Chair shall be issued by June 1st.

7. Maintain and update the Chapter Orientation Package for Chapter Officers on the IAS Chapters and Membership website.

8. Prepare the Chapters & Membership Department operating budget by May 1st.

9. As a member of the Executive Board, the Chair shall submit Chapters & Membership Department status reports at the Executive Board Meetings and attend as a member, the Financial Planning and Long Range Planning Committee meetings.

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10. Appoint Chapters & Membership Department officers. These include the Chairs of the committees listed in Section 3.1.3 and their program and contest co-chairs.

These selections and appointments shall be made after the new Chapters & Membership Department Chair has been approved by the Society Council and before the start of the new year, in order that the Department membership list referred to in Paragraph 5(b) can be completed.

11. Within the Regions, the Chair of the Chapters & Membership Department shall appoint a Chapters Area Chair and a Student Branch Chapters Area Chair.

12. Approve chapter subsidies for technical activities. Having checked and signed the necessary documents, forward them for processing to the IAS Administrative Office.

13. Supervise the Technical and Professional Outreach Program Committee’s programs and contests.

14. Provide content for the Chapter News column in the IA Magazine. Prepare articles and in co-operation with the Printed Publication Co-Chair, encourage Chapters and Area Chairs to prepare write-ups for the Magazine.

3.4.2 Budgeting for Chapters and Membership Department Committee

Each Committee Chair shall prepare the Committee’s operating budget by November 15th annually. Each Chair shall provide quarterly activity reports to the Department Chair for inclusion with the Department’s quarterly report to the Society Executive Board.

3.4.3 Chapters and Membership Department Committees Chair Responsibilities Chapters Development Committee Chair 1. Assist and stimulate IEEE Sections to establish and maintain Chapters of the


2. Explore opportunities and initiatives to encourage and facilitate the establishment of new Chapters worldwide by acting as a single point of contact for those interested in starting IAS Chapters and by providing active support to those who wish to start the petition process.

3. Develop tools and initiatives for successful Chapter operation

4. Monitor the health of the Chapters and assist in rejuvenation of the Chapters

5. Keep contacts with Chapters Area Chairs.

6. Liaison to the IAS Inter Society Committee

7. Participate in Section Congress

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 29 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 Student Branch Development Committee Chair 1. Assist and stimulate IEEE Sections and local Student Branches to establish and

maintain Student Branch Chapters of the Society.

2. Explore opportunities and initiatives to encourage and facilitate the establishment of new Student Branch Chapters worldwide by acting as a single point of contract for those interested in starting IAS Student Branch Chapters and by providing active support to those who wish to start the petition process.

3. Develop tools and initiatives for successful Student Branch Chapter operation.

4. Monitor the health of the Student Branch Chapters and assist in rejuvenation of the Student Branch Chapters.

5. Keep contacts with Student Branch Chapters Area Chairs.

6. Liaison to the IAS Inter-Society Committee.

7. Participate in Section Congress. Membership Development Committee Chair 1. Pursue, plan and implement effective programs aimed toward achieving growth

in IAS membership.

2. Update and distribute the Society Membership Information Form and promotional brochure.

3. Update and distribute the Society promotional marketing video.

4. Make membership enrollment appeals at IAS conferences and meetings and in publications appropriate to reach potential members.

5. Stimulate IAS Chapter and IEEE Section membership campaigns with information about the IAS and the benefits of belonging.

6. Enlist the active participation of specific individuals in Chapters and Sections for the promotion of IAS membership.

7. Maintain contact with IEEE headquarters to obtain ideas, statistics, philosophies and other inputs pertinent to the means of attracting new members and exploit such assistance for the IAS.

8. Monitor Society growth and provide statistics to the Department Chair.

9. Maintain, update and keep track of the Society Membership Display Booth.

10. Assist the Department Chair on special assignments such as promoting the Society.

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 30 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 Technical and Professional Outreach Program Committee Chair 1. Frequently contact chapters of the Society to learn of their activities and needs

and relate these findings to the Department Chair and other Committee Chairs.

2. Periodically provide the Editor of the Society Magazine appropriate information about the activities of the chapters to share with the Society membership.

3. In co-operation with Department Chair, conduct the Chapter and Student Contests.

4. Encourage Chapter Officers and Members to become pro-active in IAS committees, meetings, working groups and other IAS activities.

5. Conduct the Chapter’s Survey every three years.

6. Assist the Department Chair on special assignments such as promoting the Society. Workshop Committee Chair 1. Promote and coordinate regional technical and leadership workshops for IAS

Chapters worldwide.

2. Encourage and assist Chapters Area Chairs and Chapter Officers in planning and execution of the workshops.

3. Prepare estimates and funding requests for the workshops.

4. Organize the IAS Chapters Annual Workshop’s program planning, registration and reimbursement process.

5. Provide the Editor of the Society Magazine information about the regional chapter workshops and the Annual Workshop to share with the Society membership. Awards Committee Chair 1. Implement Outstanding Chapter Awards Recognition Program as follows:

a. Send the blank rating sheets to the Area Chairs no later than January 15th.

b. Work with the Department Chair on the Outstanding Chapter Awards Recognition Program by correlating the results of the forms submitted by the Area Chairs and determining the recipients of the awards listed in Item 4.f. of Section 3.3.0.

2. Evaluate need for changes in the awards program and provide recommendations.

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 31 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 Chapters Electronic Publications Committee Chair 1. Implement electronic dissemination of information within the Chapters &

Membership Department for worldwide use by Chapters.

2. Work with the Department Chair and the IAS Administrative Office to update and maintain the Chapters & Membership Department web site.

3. Work with the Department Chair and Committee Chairs allowing Chapters to download electronic copies of Chapters & Membership Department forms from the Chapters & Membership Department website.

4. Work with the Department Chair to update and produce electronic storage media with Chapter & Membership Department publications for distribution to Chapters worldwide.

5. Assist Chapters to set up their own websites. Student Branch Chapters Electronic Publications Committee Chair 1. Implement electronic dissemination of information within the Chapters &

Membership Department for worldwide use by Student Branch Chapters.

2. Work with the Department Chair and the IAS Administrative Office to update and maintain the Chapters & Membership Department web site.

3. Work with the Department Chair and Committee Chairs allowing Chapters to download electronic copies of Chapters & Membership Department forms from the Chapters & Membership Department website.

4. Work with the Department Chair to update and produce electronic media with Chapter & Membership Department publications for distribution to Student Branch Chapters worldwide.

5. Assist Student Branch Chapters to se up their own websites. Distinguished Lecturer & Prominent Lecturer (DL & PL) Program Committee 1. Implement and supervise the Society’s Distinguished Lecturer & Prominent

Lecturer Program.

2. Coordinate the Distinguished Lecturer nomination and selection process every 2 years.

3. Publish and update the DL & PL Program website immediately after the Distinguished Lecturers are appointed.

4. Authorize expenditures for Distinguished Lecturer & Prominent Lecturer presentations.

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5. Work with the Department Chair to maintain and update the guidelines for requesting and hosting a DL or PL.

6. Coordinate with Awards Department on preparation of recognition certificates to honor DL’s and/or PL’s who have completed their term of service.

7. Publicize the portion of the reciprocity agreement between IAS, IES, PELS, and PES which states that the Distinguished Lecturers of all four societies will be made available to the chapters of any of the four societies under the same terms that apply to chapters of the society which selected the lecturers.

3.5.0 Education Department

3.5.1 Education Department Responsibilities The Education Department provides guidance and direction to those responsible for organizing the educational activities of the Society. These activities include:

1. Asynchronous learning programs such as on-line classes

2. Tutorials presented at IAS-sponsored conferences and workshops

3. The Zucker student travel and competition programs

3.5.2 Education Department Committee Responsibilities Asynchronous Education Committee 1. The Committee is responsible for developing strategies and pursuing

opportunities related to asynchronous learning.

2. The Asynchronous Education Committee is responsible for pursuing opportunities related to IEEE eLearning tutorials. The committee considers topics that are timely and deemed to be of interest to a large portion of IEEE members. These topics may be identified through conference technical sessions, conference tutorials, or similar sources. Once a topic is selected, experts are identified by contacting technical committees having members with expertise in that topic. Next, potential subject matter experts (SMEs) are identified and contacted. If they express an interest in developing an eLearning tutorial, they are referred to the Product Manager at IEEE. The potential SME provides sample slides for the eLearning tutorial and the IEEE eLearning Editorial Board will decide whether or not to pursue the identified tutorial. Conference Education Committee The Committee considers matters related to all educational activities conducted at IAS conferences, e.g., the tutorials conducted at the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting.

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 33 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 Student Competition Committee The Committee represents the Education Department in all competitions related to students, for example the IEEE IAS Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest. These activities should be coordinated with any student programs conducted using funds from the Zucker grants. Workshops Committee The Committee considers matters related to targeted workshops and other non-conference synchronous education opportunities. Zucker Planning Committee 1. The Committee is responsible for the financial oversight of the Zucker

endowment funds. The Committee should coordinate its activities with the Student Competition Committee and work with the IEEE IAS Treasurer in monitoring the expenditures of the Zucker distributions.

2. The Committee shall prepare, in collaboration with the treasurer, a written annual report for the IAS President to send to the Executive Committee of the IEEE Foundation. The report will detail the expenditures that IAS authorized during the previous year and include a status report on the IAS’s grant-funded activities. It should be prepared by January 1 of each year.

3.5.3 Tutorial Policy The policies listed here apply to tutorials presented at the IAS Annual Meeting. These policies are not intended to prevent Technical Committees from sponsoring tutorials independently of the Education Department at other conferences. However, for information purposes, the Education Department should be informed of these independently sponsored tutorials.

1. Selection of Tutorials. The Conference Education Committee is responsible for

soliciting and selecting the tutorials that will be offered. Potential tutorial organizers may be contacted directly by the Conference Education Committee and/or a general Call for Tutorials may be posted on the IEEE IAS website.

A Tutorial Review Committee of will rank the tutorial proposals. The proposals with the highest aggregate rank will be selected for presentation. If a tutorial is sponsored by a technical committee, the technical committee is encouraged to provide input regarding the tutorial to help the Tutorial Review Committee make its decision. Generally, the committee has a target of six to eight tutorials for presentation at the Annual Meeting.

2. Time Schedule and Fees. Tutorials will generally be scheduled for Sunday and Thursday, although Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday can also be used, depending on technical session schedule, room availability, and the total number of tutorials. The schedule shall be established by mutual consent of the tutorial organizer, the

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conference planning committee, and the Chair of the Education Department. The fee schedule for tutorials has the following options: a fee for a single tutorial (permits attendance at a single tutorial); a tutorials-only fee (no limit on the number of tutorials that can be attended); and full conference registration (no limit on the number of either technical sessions or tutorials attended). The fee is determined by the Conference Planning Committee.

3. Tutorial Notes. Tutorial notes must be sent electronically to the ED Chair and the IAS Administrator approximately one month before the IAS Annual Meeting. The IAS Administrator will arrange to have paper copies of the notes available to individuals attending a specific tutorial. The number of copies of the tutorial notes shall be determined by mutual consent of the tutorial organizer, the Chair of the Conference Education Committee, and IAS Administrator. All attendees with full-conference or tutorials-only registration will receive electronic copies (on CD, DVD or other suitable media) of the notes for all of the tutorials.

4. Tutorial Presentation. The following policies for presentations are strongly encouraged:

a. No handwritten view graphs should be used except in response to questions.

b. Whiteboard presentations should be limited to response to questions.

5. Author/Presenter Compensation.

a. The author/presenter compensation shall be determined by mutual consent of the Chair of the Conference Education Committee and the designated representative of the conference planning committee. Currently, a fixed honorarium of $500 for a four-hour tutorial and $1000 for an eight-hour tutorial is used. If the tutorial has more than one author/presenter, the tutorial organizer determines how the honorarium should be divided. There is no reimbursement for travel or lodging expenses and no discount for conference registration. A tutorial author/presenter is not required to register for the conference. In this case, the author/presenter is permitted to present his/her tutorial, but not permitted to attend any other conference function.

b. The cost of printing and shipping tutorial notes and the honoraria shall be paid by the conference treasurer.

c. The Chair of the Conference Education Committee and the IAS Administrator shall have the responsibility of coordinating the author/presenter compensation and of reporting on the tutorial program.

6. Refund Policy. The following policies for cancellations shall be followed:

a. Tutorial registrants shall receive a full refund of the tutorial fee in the event that a tutorial is cancelled.

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b. A tutorial registrant who fails to attend a tutorial shall not receive a refund.

c. Currently, a refund for cancellation is available before September 1st. A $35 cancellation fee is charged. No refunds will be given on or after September 1st, except as noted above (in 6.a).

7. CEUs. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) shall be made available to tutorial attendees requesting them.

3.6.0 Meetings Department

3.6.1 Scope The Meetings Department provides guidance and direction to those responsible for organizing the technical meetings of the Society. It does this by:

1. Approving dates, locations, memoranda of understanding and budgets of technical meetings.

2. Providing a master schedule of all conferences and meetings for the use of the Executive Board and for publication in the IAS Magazine.

3. Providing timely information to IEEE Headquarters and IEEE Technical Activities Conference Services for updating the IEEE Technical Activities Guide, which is published twice yearly, and the meeting schedule published monthly in Spectrum.

4. Obtaining timely financial reports of all IAS technical meetings and ensuring that loan advances and meeting surpluses are returned promptly to IEEE Headquarters for credit to the IAS account.

5. Submitting meeting status reports at the Executive Board meeting.

6. Coordinating the activities of the Meetings Department with the treasurer and with other department chairs.

With regard to the IAS Annual Meeting, the Meetings Department is responsible for:

1. Approving the selection of the hotel facilities and terms.

2. Assisting the Annual Meeting General Chair in the preparation of meeting plans and budgets.

3.6.2 Meeting Loan Advance Policy If a Technical Meeting requests a loan (seed money) from the IAS, the Meetings Department Chair after reviewing and approving the conference budget, including the loan request, will seek approval from the Executive Board as follows.

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Meeting loans in amounts above $2000 need to be first approved by the Executive Board. If approved, the treasurer directs IEEE Headquarters to forward the loan advance to the appropriate Technical Meeting and sends a copy of the loan request to the Meetings Department Chair. However, due to the interval between Executive Board meetings, the Meetings Department Chair is authorized to approve meeting loan advances in amounts not to exceed $2,000 per meeting. The Chair directs IEEE Headquarters to forward the loan advance to the appropriate Technical Meeting and sends a copy of the loan request to the Society Treasurer. In that case, the loan advance must be formally approved at the next scheduled Executive Board meeting.

3.6.3 Organizational Structure of Meetings Department Chair, Meetings Department The Chair of the Meetings Department is a member of the IAS Executive Board and has the authority and responsibility for overseeing and coordinating all functions and operations of the Meetings Department. The purpose of the Meetings Department is to provide assistance in the organization and operation of IAS-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences and meetings. The Chair recommends to the Executive Board the site location for the IAS Annual Meeting. The Chair submits a quarterly report and conference budget requests at each IAS Executive Board Meeting, thus keeping the Board informed of all relevant Meetings Department activities, as well as the status of IAS-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences. All outside support-service contracts related to the Annual Meeting are negotiated through the Chair. Technical Program Coordinator The Technical Program Coordinator directs and coordinates the activities of the technical support services, on an ongoing basis, and provides assistance to the Technical Committees that hold sessions at the Annual Meeting. The Technical Program Coordinator ensures continuity and consistency in the operation of the Technical Program from year to year. Typical duties include:

1. Maintaining conference records, statistics, and a technical paper data base.

2. Providing editorial support and arranging for the printing and mailing of conference records and programs.

3. Providing a clearing house for authors and technical committees participating in the Technical Program (calls for papers, paper proposals, paper reviews, supply of author’s guides, receipt of author’s papers and copyright forms).

4. Assisting in meeting publicity.

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 37 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 Conference Policies Share in Surplus or Deficit from IAS Conference: Financially and operationally participating local IEEE entities may provide 33% or less of the total advance funding for a specific conference. Any surplus after return of the advances will be prorated to the joint sponsors in accordance with the percentage contribution made to the total advance. Should losses occur, making full recovery of the advances by the sponsors impossible, partial recovery will be afforded by prorating the loss against the advances in terms of the percent contribution respective to the total advance. In no case will a local entity be liable for any operational losses exceeding the amount of the advance.

The co-sponsorship agreement between the IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference Chair and the Chair of the IEEE local entity shall follow the IEEE Memorandum of Understanding Form, except that the maximum advance allowed from the local entity is 33%.

Operationally, but not financially, participating local IEEE entities may receive up to 20% of the surplus for a specific conference. The recommendation for the percentage of the surplus must be made by a representative of the IAS entity sponsoring the specific conference and may not be made by a representative of the local IEEE entity. The IAS Meetings Department Chair and the Society Treasurer must approve the recommendation. Conference Etiquette Rules for Vendor Entertainment at IAS Sponsored Conferences 1. Scope

The intent of these rules is to maintain the meeting as a technical conference at a professional level. Vendor participation is encouraged and welcomed, but vendors must emphasize their technical and professional aspects. These entertainment rules are to prevent any conflicts with the conference program, and conduct shall be in accordance with this intent.

2. Hospitality Rooms

a. Vendor hospitality rooms shall be allowed as a means of entertaining customers, making and renewing acquaintances, and for commercial discussions on an individually oriented basis.

b. The IAS encourages all vendor personnel participating in the vendors’ hospitality rooms to be registered attendants at the conference.

c. Hospitality rooms shall not be open to guests during official conference program hours, as listed in the conference program.

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d. An attempt should be made to close all hospitality rooms by a reasonable hour so as not to interfere with the following day’s program.

e. Hospitality rooms identification will be posted on a bulletin board adjacent to the registration desk. Signs, posters, banners or other material used for promotional purposes shall be approved by the Conference Committee. An identifying sign may be used at the room location if desired.

f. Literature and products for demonstration and discussion on a personal and individually oriented basis in hospitality rooms shall be permitted as being consistent with the technical communication objectives of the conference.

g. All vendors that are to have hospitality rooms open to general attendance shall give prior notification to the Conference Hotel Arrangements Chair.

3. Off-Site Events

Events scheduled off-site shall be limited in the number of attendees so as not to adversely impact attendance at other conference events or hospitality rooms. Guidelines for Technical Conferences Held in Conjunction with Other Entities The IEEE Meetings Organization Manual contains the definitions of conference involvement levels — Sponsorship, Co-Sponsorship, and Technical Co-Sponsorship.

In the case of Technical Co-Sponsorship, the IAS has adopted the following guidelines:

An IAS Committee wishing to conduct a technical conference in conjunction with a non-IEEE entity and desiring IEEE IAS technical co-sponsorship status shall meet the following additional requirements:

1. Submit a request to the ExecBoard at least one year in advance, giving the full particulars of the conference (date, location, Chair, etc.).

2. Obtain approval for the conference from the ExecBoard or the Meetings Department Chair, if so designated by the ExecBoard.

3. The technical content of the conference shall be in keeping with the high standards established by the IAS. The technical program shall be established by a committee chaired preferably by an active IAS member. Further, the Chair should be a member of the participating committee.

4. Upon completion of the conference, submit a report on the outcome of the conference to the ExecBoard, with a copy to the Meetings Department Chair. The report shall include a copy of the Conference Record, if such were published.

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3.7.0 Publications Department The Publications Department shall be responsible for establishing and carrying out publication policies by which the needs of IAS members will be satisfied. It shall monitor and evaluate the Society publications and take action to achieve their optimum effectiveness. It shall prepare and recommend, for adoption by the ExecBoard and the IEEE Publications Board, procedures for the evaluation and acceptance of material for publication. It shall collect and publish such information about Society activities as is considered of significant value.

3.7.1 Publications Department Chair’s Responsibilities The Publications Department Chair is responsible for implementing the publication policies and procedures approved by the ExecBoard, as given in IAS Bylaw 6.4. Other responsibilities are:

1. Represent the Department at ExecBoard meetings, submitting reports relative to Department operations.

2. Recommend staffing, contract content and honorariums for editors in this Department for ExecBoard approval.

3. Be responsible for the continuity of operations in the Department. This requires an ongoing program of development of individuals trained as backup for key functions.

4. Manage the Transactions and Magazine prize paper selection process.

5. Prepare a draft annual Department budget, and submit it to the IAS Treasurer (usually by May of the preceding year). This budget should include expected page counts for the IAS Transactions and Magazine.

6. Be responsible for efficient liaison with each Technical Department Vice Chair – Papers and Associate Editors.

7. Serve as a member of the IAS Financial Planning Committee.

8. Be responsible for, in coordination with the IAS Transactions editor, updating the Author’s Guide and Guide to Procedures for Processing Technical Papers as needed.

9. Represent the society at the annual IEEE Panel of Editors meeting.

10. Manage the online peer review process.

11. Manage selection of magazine advertising representation.

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3.7.2 Publications Department Committees The Publications Department shall include the following committees, plus such others as may be established from time to time by the ExecBoard, in accordance with IAS Bylaw 8.2:

1. Transactions Advisory Board

2. Magazine Advisory Board The Transactions Advisory Board shall consist of the Chair of the Publications

Department as Chair, a Vice Chair, other officers and Members-at-Large as required in the treatment of material for publication. The Magazine Advisory Board shall consist of a Chair, a Vice Chair, other officers

and Members-at-Large as necessary. Its responsibility shall be to provide a liaison between the Society at large and the Publications Department and to assist the Editor as required in the treatment of material for publication. The Magazine and Transactions Prize Papers selection process be managed to:

1. Complete selection of prize papers from the pool of papers published in the magazine and transactions for the previous year by June 30 of the following year.

2. This process also selects which IAS papers are to be recommended for appropriate IEEE awards.

3. The timing of the annual Prize Papers Awards selection must allow for the complete selection and preparation of awards process to be finished in time for the awards to be presented at the Society Annual Meeting Awards Banquet, usually held in October of each year. August 15 is the usual deadline for the notification of the Awards and Recognition Committee of winners.

4. When decisions are reached as to who are the actual winners of the Society Prize Paper Awards, the Department Chair notifies the Awards Department Chair of the names, addresses, phone numbers and titles of the authors of Society Prize Papers. The actual preparation of the awards, the notification of authors and the presentation of the awards is done under the direction of the Society Awards Department.

3.7.3 Procedures for Processing Technical Papers Procedures for processing technical papers submitted to the IAS are described in the Society’s Author’s Guide and Guide to Procedures for Processing Technical Papers for Use in IAS Conferences and Transactions and for the IEEE Industry Applications

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Magazine. This Guide, which includes a description of the IAS Conference Presentation First Policy, is hereby incorporated into the Policies and Procedures Manual by reference.

Online Peer Review System: The procedure for submittal of papers for presentation, review and publication shall be managed by online peer review software. Selection and specification of functionality of this software system shall be by the Executive Board based upon recommendation by the Publication Department Chairman. Management and administration of this system will be the responsibility of the Publications Department Chairman.

3.7.4 Other Publications Department Procedures The Editor-in-Chief of the Society Transactions shall be appointed by the

ExecBoard on recommendation of the Chair of the Publications Department. Within the approved publication policies, the Editor shall have the administrative authority for the acceptance of material to be published in the Transactions. The length of term of appointment, eligibility for reappointment, and the amount of the honorarium for services, if any, shall be determined by the ExecBoard. The length of term of appointment as of the last revision of this manual is four years; an individual may serve a maximum consecutive term of eight years. The Editor-in-Chief of the Society Magazine shall be appointed by the ExecBoard

on recommendation of the Chair of the Publications Department. The length of term of appointment, eligibility for reappointment, and the amount of the honorarium for services, if any, shall be determined by the ExecBoard. The length of term of appointment as of the last revision of this manual is four years; an individual may serve a maximum consecutive term of eight years. With the concurrence and approval of the Society President, the Editor-in-Chief of the Society Transactions and the Editor-in-Chief of the Society Magazine may be invited to the Society ExecBoard meetings. The Manuscript Administrator shall be appointed by the ExecBoard on

recommendation of the Chair of the Publications Department. The length of term of appointment, and the amount of the honorarium for services, if any, shall be determined by the ExecBoard on recommendation of the Chair of the Publications Department. The length of term of appointment as of the last revision of this manual is four years; an individual may serve a maximum consecutive term of eight years.

3.8.0 Standards Department

3.8.1 Standards Department Responsibilities:

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 42 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 The Standards Department shall be aware of and assess the adequacy of current, developing and future needs for standards, and influence or implement IAS actions to meet these needs. The Standards Department shall coordinate liaison with standard making and code-

making bodies that affect all aspects of the IAS. The Standards Department shall represent IAS in its relationships with the IEEE

Standards Board.

3.8.2 Standards Department Chair’s Responsibilities: The Chair shall appoint and maintain a list of Department’s Committee Chairs. The Chair shall maintain effective communication with Committee Chairs. The Chair shall maintain a list of liaisons nominated by Technical committees for

membership on Standards Management Committee and communicate that list to the Standards Board. The Chair shall provide policy interpretation and guidance for the operation of the

Standards Department Committees. The Chair shall monitor Operations within the Committees. The Chair shall attend IAS Executive Board Meetings. The Chair shall report on Department Activities in written report to IAS Executive

Board Secretary for each of the IAS Executive Board Meetings. The Chair shall write and submit a piece for “Standards Department Column” for

each IAS Magazine publication (6 per year). This column can contain ANY commentary relating to standards development that the Chair deems appropriate. The column must be submitted three months prior to publication. The Chair shall maintain and update the “Department Orientation Package” for

Committee Chairs. The Chair shall prepare and submit department budget by May 1st for the upcoming


3.8.3 Standards Department Committees Standards Management Committee

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IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 43 of 59 Approved October ?, 2012 The Standards Management Committee (SMC) consists of a delegate (usually referred to as a “Standards Liaison”) identified from EVERY Technical Committee (TC) under the IAS that develops, maintains, or revises standards. (At the time of this writing, it included the Cement Industry TC, Electric Machines TC, Energy Systems TC, Electrostatic Processes TC, Industrial Automation and Control TC, Industrial Drives TC, Industrial Power Converters TC, Mining Industry TC, Petroleum and Chemical Industry TC, Power Electronics Devices and Components TC, Power System Engineering TC, Pulp and Paper Industry TC, Rural Electric Power TC.). (NOTE: Previously, this was called the Standards Coordinating Committee and was changed to make a clear distinction between the SCC organized under the Standards Association). This committee may serve as Liaisons to the Standards Board. The SMC shall prepare an annual written report to the Standards Department Chair

regarding all IAS Standards activities to include: project status, coordination issues, conflicts, discrepancies, and plans to address outstanding issues. The SMC shall provide coordination and timely response for IAS review of draft

standards submitted by other groups or societies. The SMC shall appoint an “SMC Delegate” to represent the IAS at the IEEE

Standards Board Meetings who shall prepare and submit a written report on Standards Board Meeting Activities and submit it to the SMC Chair and Standards Department Chair. Awards Committee The Standards Awards Committee shall identify and recommend those individuals worthy of awards and recognition for IAS standards activities and recommend IAS recognition and publicity for those who make significant contributions not covered by other awards.

3.8.4 Standards Department Committee Chair’s Responsibilities:

The Committee Chair shall prepare an annual written report to the Standards Department Chair to outline Major Activities and Initiatives within each of the respective committees.

3.8.5 Consultation with Other Affected IAS and IEEE Components For maximum effectiveness in obtaining useful results from standards activities, it is most important that: Technical Committees and Technical Departments involved in standards activities,

such as in making appointments to National Boards (such as NFPA, ANSI and so forth) and on other matters involving mutual interests with the IAS Standards Department, should consult first with the SMC Committee Chair and Standards Department Chair to assure best coordination of thoughts and efforts.

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Committees and Technical Departments before they make unilateral appointments or actions where such actions will be of shared concern with other IEEE or IAS components.

3.8.6 Operating Policies and Procedures for IEEE IAS Standards Sponsors

Procedures for developing standards sponsored by IAS entities are described in the Society’s Operating Policies and Procedures for IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) Standards Sponsors. All society standard sponsors shall follow these policies and procedures. This document is hereby incorporated into the Policies and Procedures Manual by reference.

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4.1.0 Constitution and Bylaws Committee The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall consist of a Chair and two other members. It shall investigate all matters related to the recorded laws and regulations of the IA Society. It shall be responsible for editing and coordinating the Constitution, Bylaws and Manuals, and calling to the attention of the ExecBoard any inconsistency between current practice and recorded legal requirements. It shall examine proposals for the amendment of the Society governing documents and recommend final drafts of amendments for adoption by the Council or the ExecBoard. It shall review and approve all policies and Bylaws of the Technical Departments and their Technical Committees to ensure consistency with those Bylaws.

4.2.0 Financial Planning Committee The Financial Planning Committee shall consist of nine members, including the four Society officers, the Chairs of the Publications Department, the Long-Range Planning Committee, the Chapters and Membership Department and the Education Department, and the immediate Society Past President. The Committee Chair preferably shall be the Society Treasurer. The Committee will recommend to the ExecBoard fiscal policies and procedures that will serve to have the Society maintain a good balance of member and publication services, dues schedule and financial reserve. It will collaborate with the Treasurer in preparing the annual budget and maintain a continuing audit of the Society’s fiscal affairs.

4.3.0 Inter-Society Cooperation Committee The Inter-Society Cooperation Committee shall coordinate all IEEE society or entity cooperative initiatives and all non-IEEE society or entity cooperative initiatives. The Chair may form subcommittees to assist in these activities, if needed. Each sub-committee shall have their own Chair and respective committee members and mutually supportive liaison representatives and advisory committees to handle the affairs of the sub-committee between meetings of the full Committee. The Committee Chair shall be a member of the ExecBoard and will normally serve as IAS liaison to the PELS and IES Executive Adcoms. Committee members shall be appointed by the Chair with recommendations from the Society President and/or the Nominations and Appointments Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for implementing cooperative initiatives between the IAS and all other IEEE and non-IEEE societies or entities and serve as an advisory group to the ExecBoard on all matters co-related. In addition the Committee shall accept specific projects and/or requests for study made by the Society President. The immediate Past President shall be a member-at-large of this Committee serving in an advisory role.

4.4.0 Long-Range Planning Committee The Long-Range Planning Committee shall consist of the Committee Chair, the current Technical Department Chairs, the Operating Department Chairs, the Standing Committee

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Chairs and up to three other members. The Committee Chair shall be the Society Vice President. The Committee shall be responsible for development of the long-range plans and goals of the Society. It shall continuously analyze the Society organization and operations to ensure that they are currently positioned to serve the needs of the membership and developing technology. The Committee shall accept specific projects and/or requests for study made by the Society President. The Committee shall serve as an advisory group to the ExecBoard and shall present its findings and recommendations to the group on a regular basis.

4.5.0 Nominations and Appointments Committee The Nominations and Appointments Committee shall consist of a Chair and four other members. The committee shall study the requirements of offices to be filled and the qualifications of available personnel and recommend suitable candidates for election by the Council or the ExecBoard as required by the IA Society Constitution and Bylaws. In accordance with IEEE Bylaws, the Nominations and Appointments Committee will recommend to the ExecBoard candidates for the office of Divisional Director to be submitted to the Divisional Nominating Committee when requested. It will also recommend candidates to be considered by the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee for service on Institute Committees and Boards.

4.5.1 Policy Regarding Nominations for Division II Director The policy of the Society is to submit a single Division II Director candidate for the IEEE Ballot as specified in Section 13.8 of the IAS Bylaws.

4.6.0 Electronic Communication Committee The Electronic Communication Committee shall consist of a Chair and two other members – a technical web editor responsible for making changes and additions to the society web site and other electronic media, and a content manager responsible for soliciting, editing, and maintaining the unformatted content of the society web site and other electronic media. The committee is responsible for all matters related to the electronic communication and dissemination of information related to the IA Society. The Committee is also responsible for developing and proposing to the board whatever new communication, tools, and new media could be utilized by the society, its committees, and conferences, for sharing and distributing information to members and other interested individuals, and to advertise the society and its activities (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

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5.1.0 Past President Responsibilities 1. The immediate Society Past President will be responsible for updating this Policy and

Procedures Manual.

2. The immediate Society Past President is a member of the IAS Financial Planning Committee.

3. The immediate Society Past President is a member-at-large of the Inter-Society Cooperation Committee.

4. The immediate Society Past President shall chair the Nominations and Appointments Committee and the Constitution & Bylaws Committee as prescribed in Bylaws Section 13.2.

5.2.0 Member-at-Large Responsibilities 1. One Member-at-Large will be appointed as the responsible person for regular updates

to the History section of the IAS website.

2. One Member-at-Large will be appointed as the responsible person for regular updates to the News section of the IAS website.

5.3.0 IEEE Division Director 1. The Director of the IEEE Division to which IAS belongs shall be a non-voting

member of the Executive Board.

2. The Division Director shall be invited to report on IEEE and Division activities at regularly scheduled meetings of the Executive Board.

5.4.0 PES Liaison Member 1. The Power and Energy Society shall be asked to appoint a non-voting member to the

IAS Executive Board to encourage cooperation between IAS and PES.

2. The PES Liaison member will typically be the PES President-Elect.

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6.1.0 Funding of Committee Expense 1. The IAS must practice restraint in the expenses allowed Technical and Standing

Committees. A policy that would have the IAS reimburse committees for postage, telephone, secretarial, duplication, and possibly even travel expense, would indeed be expensive and difficult to control. It is the practice and tradition that these types of expenses, whether of small or moderate proportions, normally be the responsibility of the committee members or their employers.

2. Expenses of these types incurred in connection with a conference, tutorial, or any other IAS educational activity where a registration fee is to be collected, may be charged to that activity and if so, shall be included in its budget.

3. Unusual and non-recurring expenses and certain once-a-year expenditures will be considered and may be funded by the Society by appropriate and timely provision in the budget. Such expense would be the type usually connected with a project undertaken by the Committee, a sub-committee, working group or task force. The need for funds of this nature should be anticipated, the amount determined well in advance of the project implementation, and a request submitted to the ExecBoard through the Chair of the Department. The written request should include information and details adequate to describe the need and justify the amount. The ExecBoard will consider the request and act consistently with the objectives of the IAS.

Where the action is favorable to the request, provision for the funding will be made in the IAS budget. The funds will be disbursed upon requests sent to the IAS Treasurer. Where the ExecBoard’s action is unfavorable to the request, the ExecBoard may propose and recommend alternate solutions.

4. Expense that is incurred without prior approval of the ExecBoard will not be paid or reimbursed by the IAS.

5. It is not the intent of the IAS, by this policy, to limit the quantity, quality or caliber of the work of its committees. Rather, it is in the endeavor to achieve better planning and control of the operating budget, with the prime objective being to maximize the total IAS activity within a balanced budget.

6.2.0 Guide for Department Expenditures 1. The general philosophy governing allocation and disbursement of IAS funds for the

activities of the Technical Departments, Technical Committees and Operating Departments will be as presented in the Funding of Committee Expense — Section 5.1.0, IEEE IAS Policy and Procedures Manual.

2. Each Technical Department shall prepare a budget consisting of:

a. Specific project items

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b. Discretionary account (miscellaneous, general items)

Part (a) requires documentation in detail for each project; Part (b) does not. The budgets will be submitted annually for ExecBoard approval by May of each year. Discretionary account expenditures must be for items consistent with guidelines set forth in this document.

At year’s end the IAS Treasurer’s records will show the extent of usage of Parts (a) and (b) of the budget by each department. Authorized expenditures under the Discretionary Account will not run from year to year, but will expire at the year’s end.

3. IAS support of department and committee operating expenses will always favor projects which are of the most value to the IAS, IEEE, the engineering profession and the public. Studies which enhance the development and dissemination of engineering knowledge are encouraged. Disbursement of IAS funds for the routine activity of a department or committee may at times be necessary, but requests for such disbursements will be considered only for unusual circumstances. A request for funds by a committee should be made in advance and always through the departmental officers.

4. Certain committee expenses relating to technical editing of publications are budgeted to the IAS by the IEEE under existing IAS and IEEE budgetary provisions.

5. When disbursements are made, the Department Chair will approve the voucher or invoice. If the expenses are budgeted and less than $5000 the voucher or invoice can be sent directly to the IAS Administrator with the request to reimburse the individual or pay the invoice. For other expenses the voucher or invoice is to be sent to the Society Treasurer for approval before being sent to the IAS Admistrator. The voucher or invoice shall contain sufficient detail to ascertain the appropriateness of the expenditure.

6. Prior to incurring an expense above $5,000, the expenditure should be evaluated by the Society Treasurer to verify the source of funding in the budget. This review will assist in the timely processing and reimbursement of the expense. This review applies to a single event or one time expense items and is not required for budgeted honorariums or expenses covered by society agreements.

7. Other kinds of expenses that may be authorized by the ExecBoard are described in the

following paragraphs. Provisions for such expenditures should be anticipated and included in the department’s annual budget submitted to the ExecBoard.

a. The cost of technical project surveys, standards preparation and similar items.

Here, the approval consideration will be on the usefulness of the work to the members of the IAS or to the IEEE and only to the extent that such costs cannot reasonably be assumed by employers or committee members.

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b. The cost of a meeting room for a yearly meeting of the committee where such meeting is not part of a conference.

c. Financial assistance to permit performance of committee activities by the Chair or member who performs some essential committee task and who is in one of the following categories: retired, self-employed without any supporting organization and/or working in a firm where such support is not permissible or feasible.

Here the consideration is that the member is not in a position to bear such expenses or that it would be unreasonable to do so. Such assistance will be limited to: stationery, postage, telephone, duplicating services, limited typing services (only for standards, recommended practices, etc.).

An example of such reimbursement might be to a consultant operating in a one- or two-person organization who was by reason of past performance the obvious choice for sub-committee Chair.

d. The ExecBoard will not authorize funds for travel expenses or meals in conjunction with any of the above activities.

6.3.0 Funding of Special Programs for Sustainability and Growth 1. The IAS maintains a key interest in supporting activities of Technical Committees in

establishing new initiatives to expand the core of existing membership via new outreach programs focused on sustainability and growth. As long-term members retire from the IAS, new members are imperative to assure long term sustainability of the Society.

2. Initiatives focused on improving electrical engineering student participation in the Technical Committees can be considered for financial support by the IAS via the Myron T Zucker Endowment. The Zucker endowment will continue as the primary funding source for the annual Undergraduate Student Design Award, however other student based initiatives may also be supported with this resource. Application for financial support from this endowment is to be submitted through the Operating Department Chair for review and submittal to the Zucker Planning Committee.

3. Outreach programs for newly created endowments to expand the core of existing membership within the IAS are also encouraged. A new endowment is defined as any proposed program that will require ongoing operating funds to succeed. Application to the IAS Board for any proposed new endowment must originate from the Technical Committee. Naming and structure of any new proposed endowment is at the sole discretion of the Technical Committee. Unanimous approval of the proposed new endowment by the Executive Committee of the IAS Technical Committee is required before the initiative can be brought before the IAS Board. The Board will carefully consider the impact of the proposed initiative as it relates to expanding the core of the Committee and the Society. The board will also require that any new endowment have a long-range plan to assure the endowment is able to sustain itself over time.

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a. In an effort to accelerate funding of the new endowment, the IAS will upon approval of the IAS Board, support special outreach initiatives via approval of matching grants in support of the primary revenue source. This contribution will be capped as approved by the Board and will be considered when financial conditions exist that would allow application of excess operating account resources. The purpose for IAS matching grants is to encourage the primary source of endowment revenue to give generously, while supporting Technical Committee growth initiatives, and assure the endowment reaches a level where it can ultimately be self sustaining.

b. In the event that a new endowment is established, the IEEE Foundation will serve as the primary entity to receive and record contributions. The Foundation is able to accept any type of donation (cash, credit card via web portal, stock certificates, etc.) and the group is set-up to efficiently track contributions from individual donors. The IEEE Foundation also maintains 501(c)(3) not for profit status which is a significant factor for tax considerations for both individuals as well as corporations.

6.4.0 Financing of Awards 1. Society Awards

It is the policy of the IAS that costs of Society awards shall be paid by the Society. The following awards are included in this category:

Outstanding Achievement Award Distinguished Service Award Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award Society Prize-Paper Awards (1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes and Honorable Mention) Outstanding Chapter Awards

Funds for these awards shall be included in the Society budget as part of the Awards Department budget.

The normal procedure will be for the Chair of the Awards Department to arrange for these awards and send any invoices to the Society Treasurer, who will authorize payment. If, in an emergency, the Chair and the Awards Committee request the Annual Meeting Committee to pay any of these costs, the Annual Meeting Finance Chair should request the reimbursement of these items from the Society Treasurer.

2. Technical Department and Technical Committee Awards

It is the policy of the IAS that costs of awards, including prize-paper awards, sponsored by Technical Departments and Technical Committees of the Society, shall be covered by one of the following sources.

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a. If the Technical Department or Technical Committee sponsors its own Technical Conference, the costs of awards presented at that conference may be paid from the funds of that conference.

b. If the Technical Department or Technical Committee has no conference of its own or chooses not to fund its awards from conference funds, the cost shall be covered by the Department’s or Committee’s operating budget and funds should be requested when the annual budget submittal is made.

The sum of the monetary awards is currently limited to $1,000 per year per committee. In no case will Technical Department or Technical Committee awards be funded by the IAS Annual Meeting.

3. Definition of Costs

For purposes of the policy, “costs of awards” will include the following items:

a. Any monetary awards made to the recipient.

b. Cost of any statue, plaque, certificate or any other physical sign of recognition presented to the recipient. This includes any cost for framing or otherwise mounting certificates. It also includes any cost of shipping these items from their point of origin to their point of presentation.

c. Cost of forwarding any of the above items to a recipient who is not present at the presentation to receive the award.

d. Costs of such items as correspondence or telephone calls required in the process of selecting the recipient of an award, if reimbursement is required from IAS for these items.

6.5.0 Travel Reimbursement 1. Travel reimbursement, when authorized, shall be in accordance with IEEE Policies

11.6 – Business Expense Reporting. Expense reports can be accepted and approved electronically when submitted with all receipts attached.

a. Implementation for those who wish to submit hard copy

i. Prepare expense report and attach receipts.

ii. Mail package to IAS Administrator in Piscataway.

iii. Administrator will review and initial and highlight any problems.

iv. Administrator will email to IAS Treasurer for approval.

v. Treasurer will add appropriate account number and approve by return email to Administrator with a copy to originator.

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vi. Administrator will submit expense report to IEEE Accountin for payment.

b. Implementation for those who will file electronically

i. Prepare expense report and attach receipts.

ii. Make a pdf of the file and email to IAS Administrator in Piscataway.

iii. Administrator will review and highlight any problems.

iv. Administrator will email to IAS Treasurer for approval.

v. Treasurer will add appropriate account number, approve and submit to IEEE Accounting electronically with a copy to originator.

2. Travel Assistance for Members of the Executive Board

It shall be the policy of the IA Society to financially supplement the costs for members of the executive board traveling to ExecBoard meetings. This supplement shall cover reasonable travel and hotel expenses excluding meals. Where appropriate, travel expenses will only be eligible for reimbursement in cases where an individual does not otherwise participate in the activity which is serving as a “host” to the Board meeting. Travel must be in accordance with IEEE travel policies. Each board member has a travel allowance up to a maximum of $4,000 per year for members from IEEE Regions 1-7 and $8,000 per year for members from IEEE Regions 8-10.

6.6.0 Policy for TAB Meeting Expenses

Unless funded by IEEE, the Society will pay expenses for the IAS Society President or his/her delegate to attend required TAB meetings/functions or other TAB activities undertaken in response to requests from the TAB Vice President. Additionally, the Society will pay the expenses of the President-Elect as appropriate to attend TAB meetings.

6.7.0 Cost Sharing at the IAS Annual Meeting IAS will reimburse the IAS Annual Meeting for up to 50% of the cost of events, such as the Awards Luncheon and President’s Banquet, where Society Awards are presented.

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7.1.0 Society Administrative Office Responsibilities

The following describes the IAS Administrative Office responsibilities:

1. Send all notices for Society Executive Board and Council meetings.

2. Arrange the place for the Society Executive Board and Council meetings at the direction of the President.

3. Prepare the agenda for the Society Executive Board and Council meetings at the direction of the President.

4. Distribute meeting notices to the Society Executive Board and Council.

5. Take and process the minutes for all Society Executive Board and Council meetings.

6. At one time at the beginning of the year, notify the IEEE TAB of the time and location for all of the year’s Society Executive Board and Council meetings.

7. Distribute motions for electronic balloting.

8. Prepare the ballot for the election of the Society Executive Board Officers and coordinate distribution and counting of the returned ballots.

9. Notify the Society President of the election results.

10. Notify the Society Magazine editor about announcements or ExecBoard information. 11. Keep the official electronic IAS logo(s) and distribute to ExecBoard members as

needed for their correspondence. 12. Handle other correspondence as directed by the Society President.

13. Order President's and Past President's pins for distribution at the December Executive

Board meeting. 14. Maintain the IAS website, seeking necessary updates and modifying as needed.

15. Develop the IAS electronic newsletter, under the direction of the President and the

magazine editor. 16. Prepare, every year, a welcome letter to new IAS Board members after election

results are final.

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17. Prepare at the appropriate time letters of congratulations for IAS members elevated to Senior member status, to IEEE Fellow, or receiving an award or distinction.

18. Coordinate new IAS member welcome letter distribution.

7.2.0 Policy on Officers and Committee Correspondence Stationery

1. IEEE Industry Applications Society stationery is available for official society or committee correspondence, including specifically the official IAS logo(s).

2. IEEE-IAS personalized stationery, with the volunteer’s name, address, phone, fax and

email, is approved for use by the IAS Executive Board.

Titles will be written in as part of the correspondence after the originator’s name at the end of the correspondence.

3. IEEE-IAS Committee stationery used by departments, technical committees, local

conference committees, etc., will include committee members’ names, titles, affiliations and phone numbers in a column along the left-hand margin of the IEEE-IAS stationery. The stationery will be distributed to committee members in as-required quantities by the IAS Administrative Office.

4. Requests for IEEE-IAS stationery should be submitted to the IAS Administrative

Office by November 1 of the year preceding the assignment or committee activity. The IAS Administrative Office will forward appropriate requests to IEEE Technical Activities for printing and distribution.

5. Stationary shall prominently display the address of the IAS web page.

7.3.0 Board and Council Meetings The IAS Administrative Office shall be responsible for distributing the following items

prior to board and/or council meetings:

1. Minutes from previous meeting. 2. Any reports of the Executive Board Members sent to the IAS Administrative Office

in advance. 3. Meeting Agenda. 4. Information on hotel accomodations where the meeting is being held.

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7.4.0 Minutes Distribution It is the IAS Administrative Office responsibility to:

Send meeting minutes to the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer and Immediate Past President for review within 30 days after meeting. Draft minutes will be distributed to the Executive Board after the President’s review.

7.5.0 Arrangements for Executive Board, Council and Annual Meeting Special Functions

One of the duties of the IAS Administrative Office is to arrange for the meeting rooms and other facilities for the Executive Board and the Council. The following are some considerations:

1. Arrangements should be made approximately 2 months in advance. 2. Executive Board meetings:

a. Room size should be for 30, plus about 6 extra chairs.

b. The table arrangement should be u-shaped or "board"-shaped, allowing two

people per six-foot table. This should provide members with ample room for all of their materials.

c. The place and date of the meetings are determined by the Society President and are usually known by the December ExecBoard meeting of the previous year.

d. The February/March (Winter) meeting is typically (but not necessarily) held in conjunction with APEC. The President often chooses to have the Spring meeting held in conjunction with one of the Department or Technical Committee conferences. The October meeting is always held at the IAS Annual Meeting. In these cases the IAS Administrative Office needs to coordinate the Executive Board arrangements with the Conference General Chair.

e. When negotiating with a hotel for an Executive Board meeting, the IAS Administrative Office should request a block of 25 rooms to be held and arrange for a room rate. (Usually there will be about 25 at a regular meeting, so the hotel should offer a special room rate.)

f. Prior to the Board meetings, several committees typically hold preparatory meetings. At the Annual Meeting and at other conferences, these are coordinated through the Conference General Chair. All others are held the day before, normally a Sunday. A conference room for 30 should be reserved from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. The IAS Administrative Office establishes the schedule for the use of the rooms by contacting the various committees and ascertaining their needs.

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Additionally all food service and hotel rooms arranged for the ExecBoard are coordinated through the Conference General Chair.

g. At all meetings except the one held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting, a room needs to be arranged for a dinner followed by a caucus meeting. The dinner is preceded by a cocktail hour, which typically starts at 6:00 pm. The room should hold the number of members, plus their guests, who had indicated that they would be attending.

h. It will be necessary to arrange for food for Executive Board meetings. Food is typically provided for a continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon break and the caucus dinner on Sunday, and a continental breakfast at 7:30 am prior to the Board meeting, a mid-morning coffee break, and a lunch at 12:00 noon following the Board's meeting on Monday. The IAS Administrative Office works with the hotel's meeting service staff two weeks to a month before the meeting to establish the menu.

3. Council Meetings:

a. The Council meeting and lunch are always held at the Society Annual Meeting.

Thus, arrangements for this function must be coordinated with the General Chair for the Annual Meeting.

b. Correspondence announcing the Council Meeting and containing an agenda needs to be distributed to the council members a month before the meeting. This correspondence should contain a return form indicating whether the member is going to attend so that an estimate of the number of lunches required can be given to the hotel.

c. Room size should be for approximately 75 people.

d. Past room arrangements have been luncheon rounds plus a screen and video projector.

4. Annual Meeting Special Functions:

a. The Board traditionally holds a reception, usually in the form of a cocktail hour

immediately before the Awards/President’s Banquet. Work with the General Chair to arrange a room with appropriate food and drinks. The participants include all awards recipients, Executive Board members, members of the local committee, and their guests. The IAS Administrative Office needs to ensure that all are invited by working with the General Chair and the Awards Department Chair.

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7.6.0 Procedure for Managing Electronic Balloting of Motions

1. Mover sends the motion to IAS President for approval with simultaneous submission to Admin Office.

2. President authorizes Admin Office to send out motion and collect & tabulate votes. 3. A 1-2 week period, to be specified by the President, is allowed for votes to be cast. 4. Results are sent from Admin Office to President. 5. Vote must be unanimous, with a minimum of 75% response of the voting members of

the Executive Board. Any electronic motion not unanimously approved will automatically be placed on the agenda of the next formal Executive Board meeting unless withdrawn by the mover.

6. President announces results to Executive Board electronically. 7. For successful motions, Admin Office logs the motion & vote total in the minutes of

the next formal Executive Board meeting.

7.7.0 Annual Elections

The IAS Administrative Office has the responsibility to process the annual election of Society Officers, Technical Department Chairs, and the Executive Board Members at Large.

The following is a typical list of events:

1. The slate of officers is normally approved at the Spring Executive Board Meeting. 2. The approved slate must be publicized to IAS members by July 1. Afterwards, any

candidate brought forward by petition must be added to the slate. 3. The Society Administrator prepares a ballot by 15 August for distribution to the IAS

Council for voting. The date for the distribution must ensures that the members have at least 30 days to complete the ballots and to return them no later than September 15.

4. The IAS Administrative Office notifies the Society President and Nominations and

Appointments Committee Chair of the results so that they can be presented at the Council meeting.

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7.8.0 Guidelines for Electioneering for IAS Elected and Appointed Offices

1. All electioneering information shall include a statement that the material does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the IEEE or IAS.

2. All electioneering information, including endorsements/information from third parties, shall be sent by the candidates for the position.

3. All electioneering information shall be distributed using a list created by the candidate. The list shall include only the names of people who are eligible to vote for the candidate.

4. A copy of all electioneering information shall be sent to the Society President and the Society Administrative Office.

5. Any direct or indirect costs associated with the distribution of electioneering information shall be the responsibility of the candidate distributing the information.

6. Candidates are encouraged to limit their electioneering activities. The suggested limit is no more than two e-mails per candidate per election.

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Section 1 - OFFICERS

Moved TAB meeting expense reimbursement information to section 6 - FINANCE

Moved duties of IAS Administrator to new Section 7 – ADMINISTRATION (Historic note: many of these duties were previously done by the IAS Secretary, who was a society officer)

Moved duties of Past President to new Section 5 – OTHER MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD

Section 5 - FINANCE renumbered to Section 6 - FINANCE


Added Point 5 to Section 3.3.0 – Awards Department (see Motions 2.6, Feb. 2003 & 2.2.7 - 2.2.11, Oct. 2007)

5. General Procedures for the IAS Outstanding Achievement Award (OA), IAS Distinguished Service (DS) Award and Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member (OYM) Award.

a. Award nominations must be received by the Awards Department chair by March 15.

b. Award committee recommendations must be received by the Awards Department chair no later than April 15.

c. IAS Executive Board motions regarding the OA, DS, or OYM awards may not be balloted electronically.

d. Award nomination packages, including updated nomination forms and re-affirmed nomination letters, must be re-submitted each year.

e. Each Awards Committee must recommend a recipient and a first alternate, or clearly indicate that no recipient and/or alternate is acceptable. In the event that the recommended recipient is not approved by the Executive Board, the first alternate will be considered by the Executive Board.

f. No sitting member of the IAS Executive Board or Awards Department is eligible to receive the OA, DS, or OYM award.

Added Point 7 to Distinguished Lecturer & Prominent Lecturer (DL & PL) Program Committee (see Motion 2.17, Oct. 1999)

7. Publicize the portion of the reciprocity agreement between IAS, IES, PELS, and PES which states that the Distinguished Lecturers of all four societies will be made available to the chapters of any of the four societies under the same terms that apply to chapters of the society which selected the lecturers.

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5.1.0 Past President Responsibilities (moved from Section 1 - OFFICERS)

1. The immediate Society Past President will be responsible for updating this Policy and Procedures Manual.

2. The immediate Society Past President is a member of the IAS Financial Planning Committee.

3. The immediate Society Past President is a member-at-large of the Inter-Society Cooperation Committee.

4. The immediate Society Past President shall chair the Nominations and Appointments Committee and the Constitution & Bylaws Committee as prescribed in Bylaws Section 13.2.

5.2.0 Member-at-Large Responsibilities (see Motions 2.2.13 & 2.2.14, Oct. 2007)

1. One Member-at-Large will be appointed as the responsible person for regular updates to the History section of the IAS website.

2. One Member-at-Large will be appointed as the responsible person for regular updates to the News section of the IAS website.

5.3.0 IEEE Division Director (new)

1. The Director of the IEEE Division to which IAS belongs shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.

2. The Division Director shall be invited to report on IEEE and Division activities at regularly scheduled meetings of the Executive Board.

5.4.0 PES Liaison Member (See motion 2.1.2, Feb. 2006)

1. The Power and Energy Society shall be asked to appoint a non-voting member to the IAS Executive Board to encourage cooperation between IAS and PES.

2. The PES Liaison member will typically be the PES President-Elect.

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Summary of Changes to IAS Policy & Procedures Manual September 2012

Page 3

Added Section 6.5.0

6.5.0 Travel Reimbursement (See Motion 2.2.12, Oct. 2007)

1. Travel reimbursement, when authorized, shall be in accordance with IEEE Policies 11.6 – Business Expense Reporting. Expense reports can be accepted and approved electronically when submitted with all receipts attached.

a. Implementation for those who wish to submit hard copy

i. Prepare expense report and attach receipts.

ii. Mail package to IAS Administrator in Piscataway.

iii. Administrator will review and initial and highlight any problems.

iv. Administrator will email to IAS Treasurer for approval.

v. Treasurer will add appropriate account number and approve by return email to Administrator with a copy to originator.

vi. Administrator will submit expense report to IEEE Accounting for payment.

b. Implementation for those who will file electronically

i. Prepare expense report and attach receipts.

ii. Make a pdf of the file and email to IAS Administrator in Piscataway.

iii. Administrator will review and highlight any problems.

iv. Administrator will email to IAS Treasurer for approval.

v. Treasurer will add appropriate account number, approve and submit to IEEE Accounting electronically with a copy to originator.

Added 6.7.0

6.7.0 Cost Sharing at the IAS Annual Meeting (see Motion 2.2.7,March 2008)

IAS will reimburse the IAS Annual Meeting for up to 50% of the cost of events, such as the Awards Luncheon and President’s Banquet, where Society Awards are presented.

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Summary of Changes to IAS Policy & Procedures Manual September 2012

Page 4

Added (see Motion 2.19, Oct. 1998)

5. Stationary shall prominently display the address of the IAS web page

Added 7.7.0 (see Motion 2.2.9, April 2007)

7.7.0 Procedure for Managing Electronic Balloting of Motions

1. Mover sends the motion to IAS President for approval with simultaneous submission to Admin Office.

2. President authorizes Admin Office to send out motion and collect & tabulate votes.

3. A 1-2 week period, to be specified by the President, is allowed for votes to be cast.

4. Results are sent from Admin Office to President.

5. Vote must be unanimous, with a minimum of 75% response of the voting members of the Executive Board. Any electronic motion not unanimously approved will automatically be placed on the agenda of the next formal Executive Board meeting unless withdrawn by the mover.

6. President announces results to Executive Board electronically.

7. For successful motions, Admin Office logs the motion & vote total in the minutes of the next formal Executive Board meeting.

Section 7.6.0


2. The approved slate must be delivered to the IAS Magazine Editor in time for inclusion in the July/August issue (typically an April 24th submission deadline). Afterwards, any candidate brought forward by petition must be added to the slate.


2. The approved slate must be publicized to IAS members by July 1. Afterwards, any candidate brought forward by petition must be added to the slate.

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IAS Board Meeting Las Vegas, NV

October 7-8, 2012 David B. Durocher, Senior Member IEEE

Vice President IEEE Industry Applications Society

Eaton Corporation 26850 SW Kinsman Road

Wilsonville, OR 97070 Phone: 503-582-2714, Fax: 503-582-2814

Cell: 503-780-6062, Email: [email protected]

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IAS Member Survey

Blake Lloyd Survey Oct 2009 (total 12 questions)

• Demographics (4) – Member status, Region

• Involvement (3) – Conferences, Committees, Chapters

• Benefits/Value (2 - multiple) – Knowledge, Standards, Professional

relationships – Level of satisfaction: Cost, information access,

• Additional Technical Needs (3) – Seminars, tutorials

Proposed Survey Oct 2012 (total 26 questions)

• Part A Personal Demographics (7) – Age range, Gender, Country, Education, Years in

industry, Type of employer

• Part B Professional Demographics (3) – Organizational focus, Professional interests, Function

• Part C Professional Memberships (13) – IAS (Y/N), How long, Other Societies, Free Society,

Reasons/Motivation/Satisfaction and other affiliations – Participation last 36 months, Publications, Methods of

communication, – Other comments – Ten $50 Amazon Gift Certificates

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IAS Publications

Ahmed Rubaai Bruno Lequesne

October 2012

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine History

• Proposed by PES (Saifur Rahman) in early 2012

• First discussed with IAS at TAB meeting, Feb. 2012

• At TAB meeting, June 2012, there seemed to be an agreement that inter-society discussions were needed. – IAS Pres asked Tom Nondahl to represent IAS – No discussion happened

• In August 2012, IAS Pres conveyed to PES (after consultation with IAS

leadership) IAS willingness to be a financial co-sponsor

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine History (cont’d)

• TAB approval (phase II) scheduled for November 2012

• Proposed launch date: 2013

• Need for approval (or non-approval) for IAS participation at this Board meeting

• Currently planned sponsors: – FINAL PERIODICAL FINANCIAL CO-SPONSORS:

• Power & Energy Society (PES), Industry Applications Society (IAS), Power Electronics Society


• Industrial Electronics Society (IES), Vehicular Technology Society (VTS), Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS)

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine Proposed scope

• IEEE Electrification Magazine is a quarterly magazine dedicated to disseminating information on all matters related to microgrids onboard electric vehicles, ships, trains, planes, and off-grid applications. Microgrids refer to an electric network in a car, a ship, a plane or an electric train, which has a limited number of sources and multiple loads. Off-grid applications include small scale electricity supply in areas away from high voltage power networks. Feature articles focus on advanced concepts, technologies, and practices associated with all aspects of electrification in the transportation and off-grid sectors from a technical perspective in synergy with nontechnical areas such as business, environmental, and social concerns.

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine Proposal

• PES is offering a 10% financial stake in the Magazine

• Anticipated cost: 10% of $180K for years 1 and 2 of the magazine

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine Possibilities

• Accept 10% financial co-sponsorship

• Ask for a larger share of a financial co-sponsorship

• Dial down to technical co-sponsorship (no financial involvement)

• Withdraw altogether

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IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012


Journal of Int. Conf. on Electric Machines and Systems Joint IAS-CES-IEEJ-KIEE

• Journal first issue: March 2012 – 3 issues so far – IAS not involved so far, only CES, IEEJ and KIEE – Jin-Woo Ahn editor in chief

• Discussions to have IAS become 4th financial co-sponsor

– KIEE, CES, IEEJ agree in principle – Phase I approval being prepared for TAB, Nov. 2012 – MOU discussions initiated

• IEEJ may withdraw from agreement

– Will be clarified during ICEMS conference, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 22, 2012

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012


• IAS participation was to be presented at TAB in Nov 2012 for approval – Longya Xu spearheading the effort

• What to do? Suggestions:

– Participate in discussions at ICEMS later this month (Bruno Lequesne, Bob Lorenz will be there)

– Encourage solutions to develop a workable MOU – Postpone TAB presentation and approval (to Feb. 2013) – Should we think of alternatives if no MOU can be agreed upon? (Plan B)

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Trip Report to International Conference on

Electrical Machines (ICEM’2012), Marseille, France,

Sep. 2-5, 2012 as IEEE-IAS Representative

Avoki Omekanda

IPCSD Vice-Chair Electric Machines Committee Past-Chair

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Avoki @ ICEM’2012 Palais de Congres & des Expositions

Marseille, France September 2-5, 2012

Visit @ the IEEE-IAS Information Desk (From left to right Avoki, Mrs. Zahra Daneshifar and Ms. Priya S. Pai)

Front of Palais de Congres & des Expositions

IAS Representative @ ICEM’2012

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


ICEM’2012 Data: Conference Org. (1/2) • 5 Tutorials

• 7 Tracks for Regular Papers • 11 Special Sessions on “Hot” topics • A Student Forum • A Technical Exhibition with 10 Booths

IAS Representative @ ICEM’2012

672 Papers were submitted 469 Papers were accepted in Final Program (30% Rejection Rate)

1,800 Authors from 44 Countries, and 1,600 Reviewers involved 30 Oral Sessions of 6 Papers each, and 3 Poster Sessions with around 100

Papers each Number of Participants was not yet known during Conference!

IAS & IES have Technical Co-Sponsorships with ICEM: Papers submission for IAS-Transactions’ Review has started (EMC)!

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


ICEM’2012 Data: ICEM Steering Committee

According to Prof. Capolino, every major decision at ICEM (such as an approval of a Financial Co-Sponsorship) is made by the Steering Committee, through a vote

• Gerard-Andre Capolino (France), Chair • Carlos Lemos Antunes (Portugal), Secretary • Andreas Binder (Germany) • Manuel Perez Donsion (Spain) • Hulusi Bulent Ertan (Turkey) • Tom Jahns (U.S.A) • Basile Kawkabani (Switzerland) • Antonios Kladas (Greece) • Jorma Luomi (Finland) • Jan Melkebeek (Belgium), Awards Chair • Bertrand Nogarede (France) • Francesco Parasiliti (Italy) • Mircea Radulescu (Romania) • Chandur Sadarangani (Sweden) • Peter Tavner (UK) • Slawomir Wiak (Poland)

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Discussion with ICEM-Chair (Prof. Capolino) on possible IAS-ICEM Financial Co-Sponsorship

Any decision on this matter will have to be approved (Vote) by the ICEM Steering Committee, in which each member has 1 vote. Older members of this Committee are usually very conservative and tend to vote “No” on any change(s)! But, this shouldn’t stop IAS from pursuing a negotiation, according to Prof. Capolino. He proposed two steps:

1) IAS President would work, in 2013, on a Financial Co-Sponsorship proposal, and discuss it with ICEM-Chair (Contact by emails). IAS should keep in mind that ICEM wants to remain an “independent” institution and wants also to keep its name “ICEM”. Prof. Capolino wanted IAS to know that ICEM appreciates IEEE!

2) If a good proposal is reached, ICEM-Chair (Prof. Capolino, up-to 2016) will invite the IAS-President for a presentation/discussion of this proposal at an ICEM Steering Committee meeting, which occurs every two years during a Conference

According to Prof. Capolino, EPE association applied for a financial co-sponsorship with

ICEM in 90s, but failed! He also noted to me that there always has been a lot of mistrust between these two organization! IAS is in a better situation for a negotiation

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

How to Expand IAS Membership in Europe?

Annette Muetze (IDC Chair), Aldo Boglietti (EMC Chair) and I (IPCSD Vice-Chair) started a discussion on this subject during the ICEM’2012 Conference in Marseille. Joe Ojo, IPCSD Chair, allowed a broader discussion during the IPCSD meeting at ECCE’2012, Raleigh

IPCSD will report on any idea(s)/progress in future!

Page 119: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

Committee Prize Paper Awards Increase Committee Paper Prize Award Money: First Prize $750.00 Second Prize $450.00 Third Prize $300.00 Give plaques rather than paper certificates. Investigate options for awardees to donate prize money to charities.

Improvement of Websites Add a feature to IEEE Standard website that allows automatic upload/download of the list of

members. Linking database stored at the new Technical Committees with other IEEE websites.

IAS Board to Show More interest in Activities Outside the USA: Need more champions from the Board to facilitate more involvement of members in Europe

and to attract more members. The IAS Magazine to feature activities and members from Europe and other parts of the

World. The need to team with European organizations to conduct training courses and activities for

industries in Europe IAS to give more due recognition to members outside the US to enhance motivation and sense

of belonging.

Page 120: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

Transparency about IAS Fellow Committee Activities Concerns are expressed about the lack of information about the activities of the IAS Fellow

Committee. Our members are seeking for reform of the nomination process along the following lines to

enhance transparency, promote a sense of belong and to give credibility to the process: Each department to nominate two persons to the IEEE IAS Awards Committee, who under the

Chair appointed by the Board makes the decisions. These members can only serve for only two concurrent years.

The Board should rotate the Chair of the IAS Fellow Committee among departments. By December every year, Departments should be requested to nominate 2 reviewers for Fellow

applications. By doing this early, we ensure that we have Fellows to do the review rather that doing this later when some have already nominated or acted as references and become disqualified.

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Supporting the technical and educational programs of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

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TO: Michael S. Adler, President, IEEE Jerry L. Hudgins, President, IEEE Industrial Applications Society FROM: Emerson Pugh, President, IEEE Foundation SUBJECT: Myron Zucker Memorial Fund DATE: 24 January, 2003 This is to request your assistance in resolving a situation involving the proper use of the charitable gifts from deceased IEEE member, Myron F. Zucker and the appropriate administration of the IEEE Foundation’s Myron Zucker Memorial Fund. The IEEE Foundation Board of Directors received a request from the IEEE Industrial Applications Society in November 2001 for approval to use funds from the Myron Zucker Memorial Fund for purposes that the Foundation believed could be inconsistent with the donor’s stipulations for the use of the gifts. This concern resulted in a request to IEEE General Counsel to review the relevant facts and advise the IEEE Foundation Board of Directors whether or not approval of the request would be consistent with the Foundation Board’s administrative responsibilities for the Fund.

The attached memorandum from Dorsey & Whitney describes the problem in detail. In summary, the memorandum notes that there are two parts to the Myron Zucker Memorial Fund, of which the use of the first part (Zucker 1) is restricted to the IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Program. The use of the second part (Zucker 2) is at the discretion of the IEEE Foundation Board of Directors. The IAS Student-Faculty Grant program, which was administered by IAS, was dissolved in 1995 and replaced with a new program consisting of two Myron Zucker Student Design Awards. Counsel has concluded that Zucker 1 funds can only be used for the Student-Faculty Grant Program and that the Zucker 2 funds, which have no restrictions in writing, would require new arrangements between IAS and the IEEE Foundation. As a first step in addressing the problem, counsel observes that the IEEE Foundation must determine all expenditures made to date for the benefit of the IAS Student-Faculty Grant Program. Since IAS administered the Program and IEEE kept the records, the IEEE Foundation must look to IEEE and IAS to make this determination. Counsel recommends that, if a portion of Zucker 1 has not been expended for the Student-Faculty Grant Program, then that Program should be re-established until Zucker 1 has been exhausted. If that proves to be the case, it would be the responsibility of IEEE and IAS to re-establish the Program. Once these steps have been taken, the Foundation is prepared to meet with IAS to work out arrangements for the use and administration of the Zucker 2 funds.

I look forward to your response and stand ready to help in whatever way I can to expedite the resolution of this problem.

ghg attach.

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TO: Board of Directors IEEE Foundation

CC: Kristina Collmann Robert Dwyer, Jr. Claire Topp

FROM: Nancy L. Evert Dorsey & Whitney LLP

DATE: October 15, 2002

RE: Administration of the Myron Zucker Memorial Fund

Myron Zucker identified the IEEE Foundation, Inc. (the “Foundation”) as the recipient of

two gifts. The first gift was transmitted by Mr. Zucker during his lifetime (“Zucker 1”) and the second gift was transmitted by his trustee after Mr. Zucker’s death (“Zucker 2”). For various reasons, IEEE Industry Applications Society (“IEEE-IAS”) asserts that it is empowered to determine the appropriate uses for the Zucker gifts. At the time each of these gifts was delivered, only the Foundation (and not IEEE) was qualified to receive a tax-deductible donation. Below, we set forth the legal posture of each gift based on the language of the gift instrument, identify certain developments and actions that occurred subsequent to the Foundation’s receipt of the gifts (which create perceptions and real or apparent obligations that complicate the Foundation’s decisions regarding the future treatment of these gifts), and provide an analysis of the options for administering the Zucker gifts going forward.1

1. Significant Background Information. 1.1. Zucker 1.

By letter of December 25, 1987, Mr. Zucker transmitted a gift of $250,000 to the Foundation, indicating that it was the “first installment” for the IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Grant Fund. In this letter, which for purposes of Zucker 1 is the “gift instrument,” Zucker did not elaborate on the specific purposes of the referenced “Fund,” confer any particular authority on the IEEE with respect to expenditure of the donation or provide any restrictions on what would constitute acceptable expenditures under the “Fund.”

1 In a separate memorandum we set forth the duties of the IEEE Foundation’s Board of Directors with respect to

substantial gifts.

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However, it seems likely that Mr. Zucker did not address these issues in the gift instrument because the issues had already been addressed by the IEEE-IAS in its formation of the Student-Faculty Grant Program. In 1986, well in advance of Zucker 1, the IEEE-IAS established an ad hoc committee to explore the possibility of establishing a student-faculty grant fund. The committee worked closely with Mr. Zucker. At its December 1986 meeting, the IAS Executive Board approved, in concept, the Society’s establishment of a student-faculty grant program. The ad hoc committee developed detailed guidelines for the grant program and these guidelines were approved by the IAS Executive Board on October 12, 1987. On October 20, 1987 (two months before Zucker 1), at the IAS’ President’s luncheon, the IAS announced the establishment of the Myron Zucker Student-Faculty Grant Program. The announcement and a summary of the guidelines was reported in the November/December 1987 issue of the IAS Newsletter.

As set forth in the guidelines, the principle objectives of the Student-Faculty Grant Program were: (1) to interest students and faculty in industry applications of electrical engineering; (2) to involve students and faculty in engineering problems related to the scope of the IEEE Industry Applications Society; (3) to provide financial assistance to students for their education; and (4) to provide seed money to allow faculty members to commence or expand teaching, research, or academic concentrations in industry applications. The guidelines state that Mr. Zucker “contributed a considerable sum of money to the IEEE Foundation for an endowment.”2 The guidelines state that the funding is such that “approximately two grants, not exceeding $25,000 each, can be awarded during each annual proposal cycle.” According to the guidelines, IAS was to form a committee with members, including a Grant Administrator, appointed by the President of IAS subject to the approval of the IAS Executive Board and the Foundation Board. The committee and Grant Administrator were charged with operating the program, including recommending award recipients and recommending payment of expenses to the Foundation, with the Foundation retaining final authority. 1.2. Zucker 2.

In February 1990, after Mr. Zucker’s death, Mr. Zucker’s attorney sent a check to the Foundation from the Myron Zucker Trust in the amount of $250,000. The attorney enclosed a letter from Zucker’s trustee in which the trustee indicates that the distribution under the trust is stated to be $500,000, but is reduced by the distribution of $250,000 made to the Foundation by Mr. Zucker in 1987. There is no mention in the trust instrument (or in the attorney’s or trustee’s letters) of the Student-Faculty Grant Program or any other restriction upon the Foundation’s use of Zucker 2.

In November 1994, the Foundation’s treasurer wrote to the Foundation’s Board of Directors questioning whether Zucker 2 was intended for the Foundation’s General Fund or as a contribution to the “IAS Scholarship Fund” (presumably, this was meant to reference the Student-Faculty Grant Program). The treasurer relates that various people have distinct recollections about Zucker’s intent and that there is inconsistency among some of these impressions. The treasurer proposes that the Board establish a committee of disinterested

2 See footnote 5, below.

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persons to evaluate data to determine the appropriate disposition of Zucker 2. Based on the materials provided to us for review, we are unable to determine whether this committee of disinterested persons was formed and, if so, whether it published a conclusion. However, in large part because Mr. Zucker characterized Zucker 1 as the “first installment” for the Student-Faculty Grant Program, the Foundation received substantial pressure to recognize Zucker 2 as the second or final installment, including a very forceful letter from Mr. Zucker’s daughter in January 1995. At some point, Zucker 2 was transferred to the IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Grant Program fund.

1.3. “Dissolution” of the Student-Faculty Grant Program.

The Student-Faculty Grant Program apparently operated for seven years. In November 1995, the manager of IEEE Society General Activities wrote a letter stating that “final approval” was obtained from the Technical Activities Board for the “dissolution of the current Myron Zucker Student-Faculty Grant program, funded by the Myron Zucker Endowment, managed by the IEEE Foundation, to be replaced by a new program consisting of two Myron Zucker Student Design Awards.” The basis for this decision is not documented in the materials we were provided. Perhaps it was related to the notion that the Zucker money should be treated as an endowment despite the fact that the letter conveying the gift did not limit the gift as such (see footnote 5) and a conclusion that the “principle” could not be preserved if distributions in an amount approaching $50,000 were made annually;3 or, perhaps, there were not many applicants or the burdens of administering the program had become onerous. It does not appear from the materials that we were provided that IAS or the Foundation documented any discussion and conclusion as to whether this “dissolution” of the Student-Faculty Grant Program and establishment of the Student Design Awards was consistent with the purposes of Zucker 1.

Six years later, in November 2001, Mark Halpin, the Education Department Chair of IEEE-IAS wrote an open letter characterized as an “official request” to recognize the intentions of Mr. Zucker regarding the disbursement of funds from the “Zucker Endowment” (which at this time would have included whatever was left of Zucker 1 and 2 and any interest income). Halpin contends that the Zucker Planning Committee of the IAS Executive Board (which we assume is different from the Zucker Grant Committee established under the Student-Faculty Grant Program guidelines and apparently has some delegated authority from IEEE’s Board) will make recommendations for expenditure of any Zucker funds to the IAS Executive Board. Upon the IAS Executive Board’s approval, the IAS will request that IEEE process a reimbursement request. Further, he states that the IAS Executive Board intends to alter the “present rules governing funds disbursements” in order to provide broader support for student activities (e.g. the student luncheon at the IAS annual meeting, the annual student design contest, the annual student travel program, and the U.S. Department of Energy Future Energy Challenge).4 He also 3 Approximately five years prior to this “dissolution” of the Student-Faculty Grant Program, the Accounting

Manager of the IEEE Service Center notified the Grant Administrator of the Myron Zucker Grant Program of a problem with cash flow. In a letter dated September 19, 1990, the Accounting Manager stated that investment returns will not support two annual awards in the amount of $25,000 and that continuing with awards in that amount will “invade the principal therefore limiting the life of the grant program.”

4 We are not certain whether the “present rules governing funds disbursement” is meant to reference an official

guideline for the expenditure of the Zucker funds. As established above, the Student-Faculty Grant Program

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

IAS Publications

Ahmed Rubaai Bruno Lequesne

October 2012

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine History

• Proposed by PES (Saifur Rahman) in early 2012

• First discussed with IAS at TAB meeting, Feb. 2012

• At TAB meeting, June 2012, there seemed to be an agreement that inter-society discussions were needed. – IAS Pres asked Tom Nondahl to represent IAS – No discussion happened

• In August 2012, IAS Pres conveyed to PES (after consultation with IAS

leadership) IAS willingness to be a financial co-sponsor

Page 127: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine History (cont’d)

• TAB approval (phase II) scheduled for November 2012

• Proposed launch date: 2013

• Need for approval (or non-approval) for IAS participation at this Board meeting

• Currently planned sponsors: – FINAL PERIODICAL FINANCIAL CO-SPONSORS:

• Power & Energy Society (PES), Industry Applications Society (IAS), Power Electronics Society


• Industrial Electronics Society (IES), Vehicular Technology Society (VTS), Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS)

Page 128: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine Proposed scope

• IEEE Electrification Magazine is a quarterly magazine dedicated to disseminating information on all matters related to microgrids onboard electric vehicles, ships, trains, planes, and off-grid applications. Microgrids refer to an electric network in a car, a ship, a plane or an electric train, which has a limited number of sources and multiple loads. Off-grid applications include small scale electricity supply in areas away from high voltage power networks. Feature articles focus on advanced concepts, technologies, and practices associated with all aspects of electrification in the transportation and off-grid sectors from a technical perspective in synergy with nontechnical areas such as business, environmental, and social concerns.

Page 129: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine Proposal

• PES is offering a 10% financial stake in the Magazine

• Anticipated cost: 10% of $180K for years 1 and 2 of the magazine

Page 130: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012

Electrification Magazine Possibilities

• Accept 10% financial co-sponsorship

• Ask for a larger share of a financial co-sponsorship

• Dial down to technical co-sponsorship (no financial involvement)

• Withdraw altogether

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2012


Journal of Int. Conf. on Electric Machines and Systems Joint IAS-CES-IEEJ-KIEE

• Journal first issue: March 2012 – 3 issues so far – IAS not involved, only CES, IEEJ and KIEE – Jin-Woo Ahn editor in chief

• Discussions to have IAS become 4th financial co-sponsor

– KIEE, CES, IEEJ agree in principle – Phase I approval being prepared for TAB, Nov. 2012 – MOU discussions initiated.

• IEEJ may withdraw from agreement

– Will be clarified during ICEMS conference, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 22, 2012

Page 132: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society


states that the IAS Executive Board requests that expenses associated with programs approved by the IAS Executive Board in previous years be retroactively approved for payment by the Foundation.

We understand that the Foundation has not processed requests for retroactive payment of these “student activities costs” and awaits our analysis and recommendations. 2. Analysis and Next Steps.

2.1. Zucker 1.

At the time a charitable gift is given, the donor has the right to place specific restrictions on the recipient’s use of the gift. In order to be binding, these restrictions must be included in the gift instrument.5 If the recipient accepts the gift, knowing of the restrictions, the recipient is obligated to honor the donor’s restrictions in the recipient’s use of the gift. If the recipient fails to honor the donor’s restrictions, such recipient has violated its duty to the donor, commonly referred to as a fiduciary duty of trust.

Based on the facts set forth above, only Zucker 1 is a legally restricted gift. The use of Zucker 1 is restricted for the IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Grant Fund. Zucker 2 was transmitted under Zucker’s Trust and the Trust document did not place any restrictions on the purposes for which the Foundation could expend the money. Further, neither Zucker 1 or 2 was established as an endowment in Zucker’s gift instruments; but, there are frequent references to the Zucker “endowment” throughout the documents provided to us.6

In order to assure that all of Zucker 1 was (or will be) spent in accordance with its restricted purpose, the Foundation must determine all expenditures to date for the benefit of the IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Grant Program. Qualifying expenditures would include any grants awarded by the Program from its inception to its “dissolution” along with reasonable administrative expenses. Administrative expenses might include, for example: all costs associated with reviewing the applications; the costs of travel and accommodation for recipients

was operated according to specific guidelines adopted by IEEE-IAS. But, when the Program was “dissolved” we assume the guidelines were set-aside, as well. Are there official “rules” governing the Zucker funds or “Zucker endowment”? If so, we have not reviewed them. We note that Mike Lowenstein, in his letter of November 15, 2001, also argues the need to change the “existing structure of endowment specifications” in order that the purposes for which the Zucker funds may be expended is more broadly defined as the “advancement of students in the IAS.”

5 N.Y. Not for Profit Corporation Law, § 513(b). 6 Although the Zucker monies are referred to by the Foundation and IEEE-IAS as an “endowment”, Mr. Zucker

did not establish his gifts as endowments in the gift instruments. An endowment fund is an institutional fund, or any part thereof, not wholly expendable by the institution on a current basis under the terms of the applicable gift instrument. Neither Zucker’s letter transmitting his restricted gift (Zucker 1) nor the trust instrument (Zucker 2) prohibits IEEE from spending the entire amount of the gifts at any time. Please alert us if there is any other basis upon which to conclude that the Zucker funds are “endowments” with the result that the Foundation is legally precluded from expending the entirety of the Zucker funds.

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to attend the award ceremony; the cost of designing and producing plaques and/or certificates presented to recipients. If the IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Grant Program distributed two grant awards in each of the seven years that it operated, it seems possible that the entirety of the gift has been expended in accordance with Mr. Zucker’s stated purpose.

If it is determined that some portion of Zucker 1 has not been expended for the IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Grant Program, the Foundation will need to determine whether the IAS Student Design Awards could be considered to be consistent with the restricted purpose of Zucker 1. From our review of the guidelines and various descriptions of the ad hoc committee’s work, it appears that the essence of the Student-Faculty Grant Program was to combine support to students and faculty.7 Because Mr. Zucker was apparently closely involved in establishing the Student-Faculty Grant Program and its rather specific guidelines prior to giving his Zucker 1 gift, expenditures of Zucker 1 funds to support a program that is not the same, in all material aspects, as the Student-Faculty Grant Program could not reasonably be considered to be consistent with the restriction set forth in the Zucker 1 gift instrument.8 And, the proposed expenditure of Zucker 1 funds on an array of student activities – luncheons, travel, etc. – would be even more difficult to fit within the Student-Faculty Grant Program as described in the guidelines established by IAS prior to Mr. Zucker’s gift.

Recommended Action. If the Foundation determines that a portion of the Zucker 1 gift has not been expended for, or in a manner materially consistent with, the Student-Faculty Grant Program, the Foundation should re-establish the Program until Zucker 1 has been fully expended.9

7 For example, a summary of the Program titled “IEEE Industry Applications Society, Industry Applications

Faculty Grant Program,” describes the committee’s work and presents an outline of the Program. (The reference to the Program as the “Faculty Grant Program” seems to be a typographical error because the history and guidelines summarized are entirely consistent with what it otherwise referenced as the “Student-Faculty Grant Program.”) In the “background” section of this document, it states that the ad hoc committee explored three possible means of providing support – directly to undergraduates, directly to graduate students, and through faculty funding. The document states that the committee chose the concept of a faculty grant program because “if student support or faculty support were selected instead of a combination, there would be no guarantee of achieving the support objective, including a meaningful benefit to an industrially-oriented student.”

8 Until we became aware that the Student-Faculty Grant Program and specific guidelines had been established in

consultation with Mr. Zucker and adopted by IAS prior to Mr. Zucker giving his Zucker 1 gift, we thought it might be possible to conclude otherwise. If Mr. Zucker had given money for a fund that had no particular form or rules at the time of his gift, it might have been reasonable to conclude that IAS had established the Student-Faculty Grant Program as but one means among many of expending the money consistent with Mr. Zucker’s stated purpose. But because, in this instance, Mr. Zucker referenced a Program that was established prior to his gift, it seems we must conclude that Mr. Zucker had this particular Program, or at least its basic provisions in mind.

9 If this were truly inappropriate, impossible or impracticable to do, it would be possible, under the legal doctrine

of cy pres, to seek judicial authorization to use the remaining Zucker 1 funds for a different purpose. Only a court may exercise this power. The governing board of an organization that receives a restricted gift cannot itself decide that it is appropriate to remove restrictions imposed by the donor in the gift instrument or that such use would be consistent with the donor’s expressed intent. Based on our understanding of the facts, we do not

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2.2. Zucker 2.

The Zucker 2 gift instrument did not contain any restriction on the Foundation’s use of the gift. As the recipient of an unrestricted gift, the Foundation’s only obligation is to assure that the gift is expended in furtherance of the Foundation’s charitable purpose. The Foundation’s charitable purpose is to “further the scientific and educational purposes of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.”10

Thus, in theory, the Foundation is not required to expend Zucker 2 to support the IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Grant Program. Instead, for example, the Foundation could use Zucker 2 to support scientific or educational programs of the IEEE that are unrelated to IAS; or, the Foundation could use Zucker 2 funds to support the Foundation’s overhead and administrative costs. Additionally, the Foundation is not required to delegate to IEEE any authority over the expenditure of Zucker 2. However, the Foundation could choose to delegate some amount of expenditure authority for Zucker 2 to IEEE, with the result that IEEE could determine how Zucker 2 funds are spent, within the Foundation’s established limits and subject to the Foundation’s oversight.

The Foundation’s potential flexibility with respect to Zucker 2 may, however, have been limited by the Foundation’s past actions, resulting in self-imposed constraints on the expenditure of Zucker 2 funds. Through its past official actions (or acquiescence to the actions of others, e.g. IEEE-IAS), the Foundation may have established its own “law” or “rules” for the expenditure of Zucker 2. Consequently, before determining its future course with respect to Zucker 2, the Foundation should carefully review its minute book to identify any official actions relating to Zucker 2 or the Zucker funds conjointly. (For example, did the Foundation officially delegate authority to IEEE-IAS for expenditure of Zucker 2 funds? If so, what is the scope of that delegation?)

If the Foundation determines that its previous official actions have constrained or limited its flexibility in spending Zucker 2, the Foundation’s Board may reconsider and, as desired, amend or otherwise revoke its previous self-imposed constraints. Of course, the Foundation will also be aware of and concerned about the way its actions are, or will be, perceived by the many persons who knew Mr. Zucker and believe that they know the purposes for which he made a gift to the Foundation in his Trust.

Actions to Consider.

If the Foundation’s Board, through some past action, resolved that Zucker 2 funds would be expended for the IEEE-IAS Student Faculty Grant Program, the Foundation’s Board could take new action directing any amounts that had not yet been appropriately expended under that Program to another purpose (which could include, for example, student-related expenditures by IEEE-IAS, past or future, as long as such expenditures are determined by the Foundation to be consistent with the Foundation’s purpose).

believe that a court would grant such relief to the Foundation with respect to any unspent amounts under Zucker 1. See Phelan, Nonprofit Enterprises: Corporations, Trusts and Associations at § 18.14.

10 IEEE Foundation, Inc., Articles of Incorporation, Article 2.

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The Foundation could choose to re-characterize any of its past authorized expenditures of Zucker funds that are now found to be inconsistent with the restriction on Zucker 1 as expenses attributed to Zucker 2. Such a re-characterization of expenditures could encompass, for example, any past Foundation approvals of expenditures for the Zucker Student Design Awards.

If the Foundation has delegated expenditure authority for Zucker 2 to IEEE-IAS, it could choose to appropriately expand, limit, or revoke that authority. (In any event, we strongly recommend that the Foundation’s Board officially establish clear delegations whenever it confers upon another body the ability to act on its behalf in exercising expenditure authority.)

If the Foundation’s Board identifies other potential actions that it would like to consider with respect to Zucker 2, we would be happy to assist in evaluating the legal and practical implications.

3. Conclusion.

For Zucker 1, the Foundation must either assure that all of the Zucker 1 funds were spent for the Student-Faculty Grant Program or re-establish the Program until all of the Zucker 1 funds have been spent for that purpose. Then, if the Foundation decides that it is appropriate to use Zucker 2 to further the broader participation of students in IEEE-IAS activities, the Foundation could make a delegation of appropriate expenditure authority to IEEE for this purpose. In formulating this delegation, the Foundation should consider and make a decision with respect to the following issues, among others: whether it authorizes the IAS to use Zucker 2 funds for expenses occurred in years past or whether IAS has authority only to approve future expenditures; whether Zucker 2 funds may be used to supplement programs for which other grant funding was obtained (e.g. the Department of Energy program); whether there is a limit on how much can be expended for food or travel on a per person basis or in the aggregate.

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Zucker Funds Summary

Report to IEEE IAS Board Oct. 7 2012

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Current Zucker Funds

• Two funds – Zucker 1 - Student-Faculty Grant (fund 1316) – Zucker 2 – Unrestricted (fund 1317)

• Controlled by foundation • IAS cannot spend

• Current balances – Zucker 1 - $ 561,975 – Zucker 2 - $ 310,745

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History Zucker 1








2009 2010 2,011 Current

Ending Fund Balance Fund 1316








2009 2010 2,011 Current

Awards, Medals / Certificates/ Mtg

Fund 1316

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History Zucker 2

• Variations due to market fluctuations








2009 2010 2011

Ending Fund Balance Fund 1317

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Limits on Usage

• Zucker 1 Funds are both Quasi-Endowments, of which, the spending rule permits 5% of the prior 3 year average fund balance. Please note that the terms of the DOEA agreement overrides the spending rule.

• Zucker 2 • Discretion of the foundation

• 5% rule → $27,743

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IAS Financial Discussions

Presentations to IAS Board Oct. 7 , 2012

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• 2012 Budget Status • 2013 Budget Update • Combined Power Electronics and Systems

Journals (CPESJ) Information

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2012 Summary • Net surplus : $281K • Leading revenue sectors

– Periodicals $462K – Conferences $441K








Total Income Total Expense

IAS Financial Summary 05 Sep 2012

Thousand Dollars

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2013 Budget Update

• Pass 1 budget surplus – $432K

• Pass 2 budget surplus – $478K

• Main source of increase – Electronic subscriptions

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Significant Changes

• Transactions revenues increase – ⇑ $71.5K

• Magazine revenues increase – ⇑ $9.7K

• JESTPE startup costs – ⇑ $33.8K

• Added a new charge center – Separates membership fees from magazine


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Combined Power Electronics and Systems Journals (CPESJ) Background

• Subscription to sister society journals • Prices not increased in several years • This year societies increased fees $5 • Are further increases appropriate

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• Increase fee $5 in 2013

The prices in 2011 and 2012 were as follows: Member/Affiliate: $70.00 Student: $35.00 Other/Retired: $35.00 Member/Affiliate GI: $120.00 Student GI: $60.00 Other/Retired: $60.00

The prices for the 2013 budget are as follows: Member/Affiliate: $75.00 Student: $38.00 Other/Retired: $38.00 Member/Affiliate GI: $125.00 Student GI: $63.00 Other/Retired: $63.00

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CPESJ Performance

• Distributions to Sponsors – From PES to other societies

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CPESJ Net Perfomance









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

CPESJ Net Revenues (thousand dollars)

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CPESJ Distributions • Change in distributions

2012 2013

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IAS CPESJ Distribution







2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

CPESJ IAS Distrbution (Thousand Dollars)

Includes prior years

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Discussion Topic

• Are CPESJ fees appropriate?

The prices for the 2013 budget are as follows: Member/Affiliate: $75.00 Student: $38.00 Other/Retired: $38.00 Member/Affiliate GI: $125.00 Student GI: $63.00 Other/Retired: $63.00

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Date: October 8th, 2012 To: IAS Board Members Subject: President Report to the IAS Executive Board Meeting to be held on October 8th, 2012 1. Official signatures, appointments and nominations

• Signed the MOU for the Transactions on Sustainable Energy, with PES, PELS, and IES (6/28/2012). This signature was a formality and was made necessary by a clerical error. No substantive change was made to the original intent between the 4 co-sponsoring societies.

• Signed the MOU for the Transactions on SmartGrid, confirming IAS as a technical co-sponsor (8/27/2012). Appointed Prof. Wei-Jen Lee as IAS delegate on the board of the Transactions on SmartGrid.

• Approved the CMD appointment of Tamás Ruzsányi to fill the position of DL committee Chair, to fill the vacancy left open by Dr. Kaushik Rajashekara’s resignation (6/14/2012).

2. Approvals: Approved the formation of the following chapters or chapter branches:

- Honduras Univ Nacional Autonoma Student Branch Power & Energy, Industry Applications Joint Societies Chapter in the Honduras Section (6/11/2012).

- Universidad Nacional del Callao Student Branch Industry Applications Society Chapter in the Peru Section (6/12/2012).

- IEEE Central Tennessee Section Industry Applications and Power & Energy Joint Societies (6/13/2012).

- University of Zagreb Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the Croatia Section (6/14/2012).

- University of Nebraska-Lincoln Power & Energy Society, Power Electronics Society and Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the Nebraska Section (6/14/2012).

- University of Pretoria Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the South Africa Section (6/14/2012).

- Southeast University Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the Nanjing Section (6/14/2012).

- University of Sarajevo Industry Applications Student Branch Chapter in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Section (6/14/2012).

- Mentouri University Constantine Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in Algeria Section (6/15/2012).

- An-Najah National University Student Branch IAS Chapter in the Palestine Sub-Section (7/2/2012).

- Democritus University of Thrace Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the Greece Section (7/9/2012).

Eaton Innovation Center

Milwaukee, WI


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- Instituto Superior Tecnico Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the Portugal Section (7/9/2012).

- University of Cape Town Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the South Africa Section (7/9/2012).

- K. U. Leuven Student Branch Industry Applications and Industrial Electronics Society Joint Chapter in the Benelux Section of Belgium (9/20/2012).

3. Feedback from Board of Directors Series meeting in Boston, MA, 6/2012:

• Society review: The society review took place on 6/28/2012. The PRAC committee comments were generally positive. One particular comment of importance was that societies are free to pay for specific items at its conferences (breakfast, student travel, keynote speaker, etc), which can be an effective tool in either offsetting large surpluses, or in negotiations over becoming financial co-sponsors.

• Publications: - TAB approved the joint IAS-PELS JESTPE Transactions (unanimous). - TAB received IAS’ report on IAS Transactions and Magazine. - The Transactions on Sustainable Energy was reviewed by PRAC.

• TAB meeting: - The most notable items on TAB’s agenda was the discussion around Open Access in general, and about a specific proposal, “IEEE AccessTM”. IEEE Access would have the following features: IEEE wide (any topic within the scope of IEEE); Run by IEEE (not by societies); Rapid review (the review would be an up or down acceptance, with very limited edits possible); and, open access (the authors would pay a given amount, probably on the order of $1,750, and the paper would be accessible free by anyone on the internet). There was general consensus that open access is coming, in fact already here and expected to stay. This could be a significant threat to IEEE publishing activities. There was also general agreement that the current “hybrid system”, whereby any author can buy open access for his/her paper, in any Transactions, is good. The current fee, $3,000, is likely not competitive and may be reduced in the future. There is also strong support for societies to create new, open access journals. The IEEE Access proposal, however, was seen as very controversial. The question was not open access, but rather threefold: The need for a pan-IEEE journal, rapid reviews (seen as encouraging lower quality), and the lack of society involvement in the management of this new journal. In the end, TAB approved the proposal by 28 to 23. - There are discussions around a change in infrastructure algorithms (how IEEE expenses are distributed among societies), moving some charges from direct to indirect (IT, for instance). More details by November.

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4. Discussions with sister societies (at ITEC conference with PELS, and at TAB with PELS, PES, and IES):

• Transportation and ITEC conference: - The first ITEC conference, in Dearborn, MI, was a success. There are plans underway to develop a 3-year MOU with PELS, IAS, and PES along this model. - PELS and the ITEC steering committee expressed support for IAS to take the lead and have a majority stake in organizing an ITEC-Asia. Longya Xu to prepare a more detailed proposal by ECCE’12.

• Transportation and NIC Transportation Electrification (NIC is an IEEE “New Initiative Committee”): - There is agreement around the positive role of this NIC, particularly on developing the portal ieee.electricvehicle.org. - There is uneasiness on the part of IAS, PES, and PELS concerning the future of this NIC’s IEVC conference. The Society Presidents met during TAB with the NIC committee leaders (Lee Stogner and Russ Lefebvre). It was agreed that the next IEVC will focus on policy, “big picture” issues, with executives as target audience. IEVC will not have technical tracks like those at IEVC’12, which were a duplication of ITEC.

• Electrification Magazine: - PES is proposing a magazine called “Electrification Magazine”, which may be focusing on microgrids, new electrification, transportation, or a mixture of those. Discussions at ITEC and during TAB concluded in the need for inter-society discussions, to ascertain the focus, need and society share in this magazine. I asked Tom Nondahl to lead these discussions for IAS. - As of October 2nd, no discussion has taken place between IAS and PES on this issue. - On September 24th, I received the following email form Pat Ryan, PES Executive Director:

“I am following up on your conversation with Dr. Saifur Rahman regarding IAS' financial cosponsorship of the IEEE Electrification Magazine. As discussed, we would like to offer you 10% financial cosponsorship of the magazine. Please note, we have a budget of $180K for years 1 and 2 of the magazine. If you would like to be our financial partner in the IEEE Electrification Magazine, please let me know by close of business, Friday 28 of September 2012, if I do not receive a response from you by that date, we will list you as a technical cosponsor.”

I informed PES that IAS will provide its response after its October 8th board meeting.

• Sister society dinner discussions: - ESTS: Agreement around PES proposal (PES 40%, IAS 20%, IES 20%, PELS 20%). IAS strength in Marine standards was noted. - Standards: There is quite a bit of standard activity around DC power within PES, PELS, and IAS. There is a need for better coordination. - Joint publications: Agreement to review the pricing of our joint publication package before the 2014 budget cycle.

4. Miscellaneous:

PCIC and PCIC-Europe: I took part in a meeting between the leadership of PCIC-IAS and PCIC-Europe on Sept. 25 during PCIC. There was a consensus that whatever “issues” may have surfaced earlier in the year between the two groups was due to a misunderstanding. The two groups agreed to1) meet every year, most

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likely during PCIC-IAS, and 2) work on joint projects in the future, not only in Europe, but also on developing conferences elsewhere such as the Middle East. 5. Travel for 2012 (to date and expected):

Date Conference or meeting

Location Other events

30-Jan-12 IAS Board + PCIC winter meeting

New Orleans, LA

16-Feb-12 TAB Phoenix, AZ Society Publication review Sister society dinner

15-Apr-12 REPC Milwaukee, WI Seethapathy Award

20-May-12 IAS Board + I&CPS Louisville, KY Fellow award

18-Jun-12 ITEC Detroit, MI

28-Jun-12 TAB Boston, MA Society review JESTPE Phase II approval Sister society dinner

28-Jun-12 SLED Milwaukee, WI

16-Sep-12 ECCE Raleigh, NC Fellow award Cancelled Represented by Tom Nondahl

24-Sep-12 PCIC New Orleans, LA Kaufmann award presentation

10-Oct-12 IAS Board + IAM Las Vegas, NV Fellow award

21-Oct 12 ICEMS Sapporo, Japan

10-Nov-12 TAB New Brunswick, NJ Sister society dinner

3-Dec-12 IAS Board New Brunswick, NJ

Respectfully submitted,

Bruno Lequesne 2011-2012 IAS President

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President Elect

Blake Lloyd Iris Power

3110 American Drive Mississauga, On

Canada [email protected]

Oct 3, 2012

Attention: IAS Executive Board Members Subject: Report to Executive Board Location: Annual Meeting – Las Vegas NV

2012 Annual Meeting

• Solid technical program - have approximately 170 papers, and 7 tutorials. Trying out having some student posters at reception, as well as a Student paper session on Wednesday – will shorten Zucker lunch and give students an opportunity to present.

• Shorter breaks, shorter lunches, more intimate rooms this year • Made room block (a bit slower to fill this year) so we are good there (below)

2012 HOUSING Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas










S 2


WEEK 2012


2-Aug 9-Aug 16-Aug 23-Aug 30-Aug 6-Sep 13-Sep 20-Sep 27-Sep 4-Oct 11-Oct

Thursday, October 4, 2012 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2

Friday, October 5, 2012 0 0 0 4 7 10 14 14 15 15

Saturday, October 6, 2012 92 58 62 69 76 83 122 122 121 123

Sunday, October 7, 2012 167 89 95 114 124 141 195 196 198 196

Monday, October 8, 2012 217 86 92 110 119 133 190 191 193 195

Tuesday, October 9, 2012 217 79 85 103 113 128 177 178 178 175

Wednesday, October 10, 2012 127 68 72 90 95 104 135 136 137 135

Thursday, October 11, 2012 52 26 28 38 41 40 53 53 53 50

Friday, October 12, 2012 17 3 3 3 4 5 10 10 10 9

Saturday, October 13, 2012 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 4 4 3

TOTAL 889 409 437 531 579 647 882 886 890 883 0 0

% of block 46% 49% 60% 65% 73% 99% 100% 100% 99% 0% 0%

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President Elect

On the papers side we did well – a few less than last year. Had 2 papers that traditionally would have gone to ECCE but authors wanted to attend Annual meeting – committees got reviews done for me so that is great. No plenary session and substituted keynote speaker following space theme of the last 2 meeting that I hope is interesting to attendees and well attended.

Webinars • Attended a series of 4 webinars on Open Access. For anyone interested, the full

powerpoint and presentation is available by clicking here. Basically all journals are hybrid type, author can chose if they want to pay, or presentation first and not pay.

• Attending a series of Webinars on Member Segmentation to try and understand who are members are and what they need. Presentation available at http://www.ieee.org/go/volunteertraining

• Attended a series of familiarization Webinars for Incoming presidents. Will accompany Bruno to the final TAB meeting where there will be more. Also will participate in the Sister Society meeting that takes place at TAB.

PES Liaison

• Attended PES GovBoard meeting in July. Our PES Liaison Henry Louie (VP of Membership and Image) will be at this meeting.

• The meet over 2 days, with the first ½ day being a long range planning session. This was the first LRP run by the new President Elect (Merislav Begovic) so it was a bit drawn out. Some facts that came up:

• they lost 50% of student members in Regions 9,10 - may have graduated and left, or not renewed – no way to track

• Currently at 30,000 members - 15 staff. • In their demographics (they did a survey) there is a big hole in middle ages, over 50% of

members are less than 6 year members or greater than 20 year members. Rate of membership growth still good but growth slowing.













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President Elect

• They sign up several hundred new members to get cheaper registration at big T&D conference – but only 10% stick around the following year. The have a one click link to web registration - one click to join and all data comes across - no re-enter to join IEEE (Clifton)

• T&D show this year made $6M in profit! • The will continue to do one board meeting per year associated with a conference outside

of N/A. At that board meeting in Region 8,9 or 10, they make time to meet with all local chapters/sections as well as local industry leaders to try and tune them into IEEE and PES. Last year they met in Perth. May be good idea for us – Peter?

• They send a welcome letter for orientation of new members who join that again re-iterates the benefits as well as highlights upcoming conferences.

• They have a Women in Power group that interfaces with the WIE group (Peter will likely suggest we have a WII group – women in industry).

• Lots of talk on how do we connect with industry - they used to have big investor owned utilities management types at PES, but like for PPL - no one member at meetings anymore – want ot reach out. In China got 60 people at a utility a bulk membership driven by utility management and also made a chapter at same time – good idea.

• Michael Deering from foundation – explained the process of applying for student money. Will be coming to our sister society meeting this next TAB. I will work this into my Zucker/Rooks/Student proposal.

• They are still working around on the electric vehicle front – want to distinguish their funded conferences and become a leader there. This really should be IAS space!

• Lots of talk about papers coming out of conferences run by company’s, chapters, and sections – they don’t want competition with themselves. Other than T&D, the rest of their conferences are revenue neutral!

• Apparently there are 97,000 papers in Xplorer that have been deemed not fitting (technically correct) - how did they get there - don't want to water brand down (ieee or Pes)

• They see a big jump in registration when paper list for conference published - gives people ammunition to attend with boss – I did this in email blast for our annual meeting.

• For each conference and in the program, they try and show a clear branch at the conference for researches, industry, students, new members, etc (basically all the 5 segments that were in that IEEE segmentation slide I sent from the Webinar the other day). They are also adding a leadership track -for industry management, stuff on careers, etc

• They recognize they need regional and global Technical Committee for ISGT conference as a whole (has north america, asia, middle east, europe, etc). This idea would be a good plan for PCIC who has not good oversight at other PCIC's. – they should have a “real” global conferences group that interfaces with the out of north America conferences and shares papers, authors, best practices, etc.

• Don't have meetings at conferences where people are busy - meet to inspire chapters and/or industry collaboration - split board members up and do strategic visits etc. So don't put exec board at conference, rather find other forums that do other things.....

• Discussion on open access - need to set up a society committee to see how we apply the strategy of IEEE on open access - articles that fair well on IEL revenue tend not to do well on OA so better to take OA on some of those well.

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President Elect

• OA $1750 comes to society, but high usage journals get more IEL than that. The $3K was enough to keep steady state - the new amount for paper submission of $1750 won't cut it.....

• The hired a communications company – that does focus groups, interviews - analyze communications within PES board/staff and to members. They will have a report next board meeting – we may want to get a copy.

• •Training - old guy should come to first board meeting of new guy and specifically sit down and do a "hand off". Board should pay for this travel. Continuity is totally important - and operational manuals etc are very important - try and provide resources to create these (they have a lot of staff to support such things)

• They have a big surplus especially in T&D years - need to be reasonable - but nothing ventured, nothing gained - take some risks - fail fast, and run with winners. New volunteers have to "find their way" in their jobs - do we need Standard work defined and documented? Lessons learned gets re-learned. Metrics need to be defined and continually tracked and compared against goals on all new initiatives.

• QR codes on signage at meetings - plus GPS mapping – we certainly could do the QR codes – will discuss with annual meeting group

• Website - i hear the same. In our case, no one unified point of contact, no content providers provide, no technical resource- all those chapters and committees need help to make "compatible" web sites - entities do their best with no help.

• New magazine on transportation - papers not expected to come from conferences, more from vendors in that space. The magazine will be outside of PES base dues so need to sell it hard to make it profitable – will take years.

• Membership survey: o retirement is major reason why not renew - use these retired people - time on

hands - become life members – get them into the Chapters level since they can’t travel as much.

o 30% members have no involvement in PES activities o Chapter activities generally rated low - need better support for o Fastest growing age group is young people. o 2 big demographics at ends - baby boomers (65 years old) and their kids (25

years old) are making a bar bell out of membership - and both ends have different requirements. Retire - can't travel - buy get them into Chapters which are local to mentor.

• Plan driven work - sometimes think we are more reactive than proactive - and having a solid long range plan good.

• Sister societies working well - recognize at IEEE level - best practice. DEIS wants in – they think that is good.

• Their meetings can get pretty heated and confrontational. A strong debate over going from full papers submitted for inclusion in their Annual meeting to 4 page digests (the opposite way as us).

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President Elect

President Stuff • Wrote my first article for the magazine for January edition – scary! • Attended PCIC Brazil (partly for IAS but also to give paper for my company). The

conference is supported by local companies like Petrobras and attracts about 75 attendees and is held every 2 years. We need an MOU with them (Mark Nelms) and they should also be represented on the new IAS PCIC international committee that meets at IAS PCIC with PCIC Europe (Bruno).

• Trying to spin up on organization and structure – leaning on Bruno a lot! • Looking at past years meetings collocated with committees:

APEC 98,05,09,11 ESW 06, 07, 08, 11 IEMDC 99, 11 P&P 01, 05, 08 I&CPS 98, 02, 01, 06, 12 Cement 03, 07, 10 REP 04, 09, 10

and considering factors such as: • Easy access from USA and Europe – ie a major international airport • South – so no worry about winter snow storms • Co-located with an IAS committee meeting or event • Active Chapter • Far enough from December meeting (for Q1 meeting)

The following dates were chosen for the 2013 IAS Board Meetings (mark your calendars please):

o March Dallas ESW – March 15 (90 days from Dec 2012 board) o June Pulp and Paper – Charlotte NC – June 23-24 o October Annual Meeting , Orlando FL – October 6-13 o December (If necessary) Atlanta – Airport Hotel – Local Chapter

Respectfully submitted, Blake Lloyd IEEE/IAS President Elect

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IAS Board Meeting Las Vegas, NV

October 7-8, 2012 David B. Durocher, Senior Member IEEE

Vice President IEEE Industry Applications Society

Eaton Corporation 26850 SW Kinsman Road

Wilsonville, OR 97070 Phone: 503-582-2714, Fax: 503-582-2814

Cell: 503-780-6062, Email: [email protected]

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IAS Member Survey

Blake Lloyd Survey Oct 2009 (total 12 questions)

• Demographics (4) – Member status, Region

• Involvement (3) – Conferences, Committees, Chapters

• Benefits/Value (2 - multiple) – Knowledge, Standards, Professional

relationships – Level of satisfaction: Cost, information access,

• Additional Technical Needs (3) – Seminars, tutorials

Proposed Survey Oct 2012 (total 26 questions)

• Part A Personal Demographics (7) – Age range, Gender, Country, Education, Years in

industry, Type of employer

• Part B Professional Demographics (3) – Organizational focus, Professional interests, Function

• Part C Professional Memberships (13) – IAS (Y/N), How long, Other Societies, Free Society,

Reasons/Motivation/Satisfaction and other affiliations – Participation last 36 months, Publications, Methods of

communication, – Other comments – Ten $50 Amazon Gift Certificates

Page 164: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

Oct 8, 2012

Treasurer's Report to the IAS Executive Board – Oct 2012 The final pass of the 2013 budget has been submitted and is summarized in this report. Final values for 2011 are also summarized. Updates in the financial summary, balance sheet, detailed financial report, and executive committee expenses are presented in this report. Information about the financial status of the Zucker accounts is given. 2013 Budget Since the society budget was due in IEEE before this meeting, it has already been submitted. Overall submitted budget has net revenues of $4916 K and expenses of $4437K giving a surplus of $479K. 2011 Summary At the end of 2011 the society had net revenues of $4123 K and net expenses of $3462 K. This made the net revenues before considering investment income as $661 K. Since the last report, losses of in the investment fund were adjusted to $546K. This makes the overall net $115 K. Financial Summary and Balance Sheet The society had surplus of $281 K as of the end of August. It had pooled assets of $4.88 Million and net worth of $5.8 Million. More information can be found on the following pages. Financial Detail Report Currently 2012 net income is slightly above budgeted values. This is mostly because conference and committee expenses are lagging behind what was projected. Details can be found on the following pages. Executive Committee Expenses The executive committee expenses are lower than budgeted for this time of year. Many of the executive committee expenses, however, are incurred in the third quarter so this is not considered unusual. Accounting for committee expenses currently separate out travel from other expenses. The combined expenses are given in the following pages. It should be noted that because of the changes in accounts the chapters and membership were mostly combined making it appear as if chapters is over budget. Foundation Accounts In spite of the market losses last year, the Zucker account investments have made a good comeback. Only a few awards have been made from the Zucker account this year, but considerably more are expected after the annual meeting.

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Oct 8, 2012

Respectfully submitted,

Donald S. Zinger Treasurer, Industry Applications Society

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8-Oct-12Treasurer's Report to the IAS Executive Board - Oct. 2012


From TAB Summary Report Dated 04-SEP-12

Year-to-Date (YTD) Inflows 2,579,700$ YTD Budget 2,605,900$

Year-toDate (YTD) Outflows 2,298,800$ YTD Budget 2,695,500$

Rounding Error

Net Surplus (Deficit) 280,900$

IAS Balance Sheet as of June 2012From TAB Balance Sheet Report dated 17-JUL-12

Assets 5,778,000$ Accounts Receivable 700,000$ Loans Receivable 198,000$ Prepaid Expenses -$ Fixed Assets -$ Pooled Assets 4,880,000$ Rounding Error -$

Liabilities -$ Accounts Payable -$ Deferred Income -$

Net Worth 5,778,000$


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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL 998.0 704.3 (1464.4) 1536.3 626.8 114.8 76.6 (89.6) 280.9 370.5

00100 INTEREST INCOME 315.9 175.2 (2320.1) 1203.7 314.0 (545.8) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 391.8 458.5 307.7 272.2 240.3 295.1 334.8 291.5 310.2 18.600871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 25.3 50.9 115.8 66.1 79.6 135.3 24.1 71.7 160.5 88.800872 CD-ROM (3.6) (4.2) (2.0) 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY (5.7) 0.1 (0.2) (6.7) (7.3) (7.7) (9.4) (6.2) (5.4) 0.800874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER 9.8 1.0 (1.4) (6.0) (10.8) (14.3) (19.9) (4.1) (3.6) 0.5

NET 01600 NON PERIODICAL (18.6) (24.3) (19.3) (26.4) (27.2) (8.6) (6.7) (4.5) (7.7) (3.2)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 984.6 850.7 1215.9 744.5 911.4 1210.5 855.0 295.8 444.0 148.201701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 1.0 (20.5) (4.2) (10.7) (15.1) (16.4) (15.5) (10.3) (2.8) 7.501800 ADMINISTRATION (484.4) (595.7) (387.7) (440.0) (485.4) (527.5) (577.2) (384.8) (384.5) 0.301900 COMMITTEE & OTHER (218.2) (187.5) (368.8) (276.6) (277.2) (305.8) (398.2) (265.4) (163.8) 101.701910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.8 (95.4) (100.1) (110.5) (73.3) (66.1) 7.2

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL REVENUE 3975.7 3615.5 4288.1 4101.4 3,951.0 4122.9 4133.2 2605.9 2579.7 (26.2)00100 INTEREST INCOME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 614.3 696.8 587.5 576.1 563.8 607.3 648.6 501.2 489.1 (12.1)00871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 372.8 388.5 376.7 388.8 390.5 380.2 371.7 303.5 343.9 40.400872 CD-ROM 5.4 5.6 5.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY 3.0 5.2 6.2 1.1 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.81 0.800874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER 1.7 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.6

REVENUE 01600 NON PERIODICAL 0.0 0.0 8.8 3.2 2.9 2.5 4.2 2.8 0.2 (2.6)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 2961.9 2534.3 3301.5 3132.0 2,992.5 3132.1 3108.2 1797.9 1744.5 (53.4)01701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 16.6 (15.3) 1.6 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.201800 ADMINISTRATION 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001900 COMMITTEE & OTHER 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL EXPENSE/RMBSVC 2977.757 2911.264 5752.526 2565.2 3,324.2 4008.1 4056.6 2695.4 2298.7 (396.7)00100 RMBSVC INTEREST INCOME (315.9) (175.2) 2320.1 (1203.7) (314.0) 545.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 222.5 238.3 279.8 303.8 323.5 312.1 313.7 209.7 178.9 (30.8)00871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 347.5 337.6 260.9 322.7 311.0 244.9 347.6 231.8 183.4 (48.4)00872 CD-ROM 9.0 9.8 7.3 (7.3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY 8.7 5.0 6.5 7.8 7.7 8.2 9.4 6.2 6.2 0.000874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.0 0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER (8.1) (0.7) 1.7 6.0 11.0 14.6 20.1 4.3 4.3 0.0

EXPENSE 01600 NON PERIODICAL 18.6 24.3 28.1 29.6 30.0 11.1 10.9 7.3 7.9 0.601700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 1977.3 1683.6 2085.6 2387.5 2,081.1 1921.6 2253.1 1502.1 1300.5 (201.6)01701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 15.5 5.3 5.8 10.7 15.5 16.4 15.9 10.6 3.2 (7.4)01800 ADMINISTRATION 484.4 595.7 387.7 440.0 485.4 527.5 577.2 384.8 384.5 (0.3)01900 COMMITTEE & OTHER 218.2 187.5 369.0 276.7 277.5 305.8 398.2 265.4 163.8 (101.7)01910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 0.0 0.0 0.0 (8.8) 95.4 100.1 110.5 73.3 66.1 (7.2)

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IEEE Account No Budget Category Budgeted Spent Remaining

Total of All Listed Accounts 443,460$ 187,461$ 255,999$

00870 40060 Honorarium: Transactions Editor; 1/2 Scholar One 18,100$ 15,769$ 2,331$ 00870 45150 Reimbursed Expenses, Transactions Editor 8,000$ 3,509$ 4,491$

00871 40060 Honorarium: Magazine Editor, 1/2 Scholar 1 18,100$ 11,154$ 6,946$ 00871 45150 Reimbursed Expenses, Magazine Editor 8,000$ 1,600$ 6,400$

01900 40755 Staff Travel 5,190.00$ 1,194$ 3,996$ 01900 40815 Reimbursed Expenses, IAS President 15,000$ 3,626$ 11,374$ 01900 40817 Meetings 5,170$ -$ 5,170$ 01900 40821 Adcom Committee -$ -$ 01900 40831 Chapters 64,000$ 70,119$ (6,119)$ 01900 40832 Chapters HQ Expense -$ -$ 01900 40833 Distinguished Lecturer Program 20,000$ 450$ 19,550$ 01900 40841 Technical Departments/Technical Committees 18,000$ 1,221$ 16,779$ 01900 40851 Membership 26,000$ 31$ 25,970$ 01900 40861 Executive Board 164,400$ 52,670$ 111,730$ 01900 40871 Awards 25,000$ 13,119$ 11,881$ 01900 40872 Awards HQ Expenses 43,500$ 13,000$ 30,500$ 01900 40878 Standards -$ -$ 01900 40891 Education 5,000$ -$ 5,000$


Treasurer's Report to the IAS Executive Board - October 2012Year 2012 Executive Board Budget/Expense Summary

As of 04 SEP 2012

Notes:New accounting separates travel from other expenses. Combined here to better match budget.Chapters and membership not well distinguished, accounting for chapters over budget.

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$ fund 1316 $ fund 1317

IEEE Foundation Fund: 1316 & 1317(Myron Zucker Student Fund & Student Faculty Grant Program Fund)

For the Year Ended 31-Aug-12.

Beg Fund Balance 518,024 288,562

Contributions - -

Dividends and Interest 6,509 3,143

Net Unreal/Real Gain/(Loss) 42,376 19,529 Net Unreal/Real Gain/(Loss) 42,376 19,529

Total Income 48,885 22,672

Awards, Medals / Certificates/ Mtg 3,876 -

Admin and Other 1,058 489

Special Projects and Grants - -

Total Expenses 4,934 489

Ending Fund Balance 561,975 310,745

Fund 1316 available to spend in 2012: $27,742.93

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Treasurer’s Report

IAS Board Meeting Mon. Oct. 8, 2012

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2013 Budget Update

• Final pass of 2013 – Net surplus - $479 K








Revenues vs Expenses

2013 Budget - Overview (Thousand Dollars)



Revenues 4915.587Expenses 4436.775Net 478.8126

(Thousand Dollars)

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2011 Final

• Net surplus - $114.8 K Revenues 4122.88004Investment -545.78891Expenses 3462.26733Net 114.8238

(Thousand Dollars)








Revenues Expenses

2011 Summary (Thousands of Dollars)



Page 173: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

2012 Current Status

• Current surplus: $281 K From TAB Summary Report Dated 04-SEP-12

Year-to-Date (YTD) Inflows 2,579,700$ YTD Budget 2,605,900$

Year-toDate (YTD) Outflows 2,298,800$ YTD Budget 2,695,500$

Rounding Error

Net Surplus (Deficit) 280,900$

Page 174: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

2012 Second Quarter Balance Sheet

• Net assets: $ 5,778 K IAS Balance Sheet as of June 2012

From TAB Balance Sheet Report dated 17-JUL-12Assets 5,778,000$

Accounts Receivable 700,000$ Loans Receivable 198,000$ Prepaid Expenses -$ Fixed Assets -$ Pooled Assets 4,880,000$ Rounding Error -$

Liabilities -$ Accounts Payable -$ Deferred Income -$

Net Worth 5,778,000$

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Year to Date Revenues • Slightly less than projected • Mostly due to conferences



YTD VarianceTOTAL REVENUE 4133.2 2605.9 2579.7 (26.2)00100 INTEREST INCOME 0.0 0.0 0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 648.6 501.2 489.1 (12.1)00871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 371.7 303.5 343.9 40.400872 CD-ROM 0.0 0.0 0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY 0.0 0.0 0.81 0.800874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.01 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.6

REVENUE01600 NON PERIODICAL 4.2 2.8 0.2 (2.6)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 3108.2 1797.9 1744.5 (53.4)01701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.201800 ADMINISTRATION 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001900 COMMITTEE & OTHER 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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Year to Date Expenses • Below budget • Committee and conferences below budget



YTD VarianceTOTAL EXPENSE/RMBSVC 4056.6 2695.4 2298.7 (396.7)00100 RMBSVC INTEREST INCOME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 313.7 209.7 178.9 (30.8)00871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 347.6 231.8 183.4 (48.4)00872 CD-ROM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY 9.4 6.2 6.2 0.000874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER 20.1 4.3 4.3 0.0

EXPENSE 01600 NON PERIODICAL 10.9 7.3 7.9 0.601700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 2253.1 1502.1 1300.5 (201.6)01701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 15.9 10.6 3.2 (7.4)01800 ADMINISTRATION 577.2 384.8 384.5 (0.3)01900 COMMITTEE & OTHER 398.2 265.4 163.8 (101.7)01910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 110.5 73.3 66.1 (7.2)

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Year to Date Net

• Net surplus above expected



YTD VarianceTOTAL 76.6 (89.6) 280.9 370.5

00100 INTEREST INCOME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 334.8 291.5 310.2 18.600871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 24.1 71.7 160.5 88.800872 CD-ROM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY (9.4) (6.2) (5.4) 0.800874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER (19.9) (4.1) (3.6) 0.5

NET 01600 NON PERIODICAL (6.7) (4.5) (7.7) (3.2)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 855.0 295.8 444.0 148.201701 CONFERENCE - RELATED (15.5) (10.3) (2.8) 7.501800 ADMINISTRATION (577.2) (384.8) (384.5) 0.301900 COMMITTEE & OTHER (398.2) (265.4) (163.8) 101.701910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE (110.5) (73.3) (66.1) 7.2

Page 178: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

2012 Revenue Relationships

• Conferences and publications biggest revenue sources

Conferences, 1744.5

Transactions, 489.1

Magazine (Membership),

343.9 Other, 1.7 Revenues

(Thosand Dollars)

Page 179: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

2012 Expense Relationships

• Board expenses under committees

Conferences 1300.5

Transactions 178.9

Magazine 183.4

Administration 384.5

Executive Office 66.1

Committees 163.8

Other 21.6

Expenses (Thousand Dollars)

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Executive Board Expenses • Chapters and membership not well separated

– Shows chapters above budget IEEE Account No Budget Category Budgeted Spent Remaining

Total of All Listed Accounts 443,460$ 187,461$ 255,999$

00870 40060 Honorarium: Transactions Editor; 1/2 Scholar One 18,100$ 15,769$ 2,331$ 00870 45150 Reimbursed Expenses, Transactions Editor 8,000$ 3,509$ 4,491$

00871 40060 Honorarium: Magazine Editor, 1/2 Scholar 1 18,100$ 11,154$ 6,946$ 00871 45150 Reimbursed Expenses, Magazine Editor 8,000$ 1,600$ 6,400$

01900 40755 Staff Travel 5,190.00$ 1,194$ 3,996$ 01900 40815 Reimbursed Expenses, IAS President 15,000$ 3,626$ 11,374$ 01900 40817 Meetings 5,170$ -$ 5,170$ 01900 40821 Adcom Committee -$ -$ 01900 40831 Chapters 64,000$ 70,119$ (6,119)$ 01900 40832 Chapters HQ Expense -$ -$ 01900 40833 Distinguished Lecturer Program 20,000$ 450$ 19,550$ 01900 40841 Technical Departments/Technical Committees 18,000$ 1,221$ 16,779$ 01900 40851 Membership 26,000$ 31$ 25,970$ 01900 40861 Executive Board 164,400$ 52,670$ 111,730$ 01900 40871 Awards 25,000$ 13,119$ 11,881$ 01900 40872 Awards HQ Expenses 43,500$ 13,000$ 30,500$ 01900 40878 Standards -$ -$ 01900 40891 Education 5,000$ -$ 5,000$

Notes:New accounting separates travel from other expenses. Combined here to better match budget.Chapters and membership not well distinguished, accounting for chapters over budget.

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Zucker Funds Year to Date

$ fund 1316 $ fund 1317

Beg Fund Balance 518,024 288,562

Contributions - -

Dividends and Interest 6,509 3,143

Net Unreal/Real Gain/(Loss) 42,376 19,529

Total Income 48,885 22,672

Awards, Medals / Certificates/ Mtg 3,876 -

Admin and Other 1,058 489

Special Projects and Grants - -

Total Expenses 4,934 489

Ending Fund Balance 561,975 310,745

Fund 1316 available to spend in 2012: $27,742.93

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R E P O RT I N G R E F E R E N C E P E R I O D : Q 2 & Q 3 - 2 0 1 2 ( A p r i l – S e p t e m b e r )

P R E S E N T E D AT: Q 3 - 1 2 e x e c u t i v e b o a r d m e e t i n g ( L a s Ve g a s N V, O c t o b e r 7 - 8 , 2 0 1 2 )

P R E S E N T E D B Y: P r o f G e o r g e s Z i s s i s , M S D A D C h a i r m a n

g e o r g e s . z i s s i s @ l a p l a c e . u n i v - t l s e . f r



D o c u m e n t f o r A p p r o v a l , D i f f u s i o n l i m i t e d t o I A S E x e c u t i v e B o a r d

Page 183: Home - IEEE Industry Applications Society

MSDAD Roster

Department officers Chairman: Prof Georges Zissis (U. Toulouse 3 – France) Vice-Chair: Prof Ahmad Rubaai (Howart University - USA)

Technical Committees & Officers Electrostatic Process Committee (EPC)

Chair– Akira Mizuno, VC– Rajesh Sharma, S– Angela Antoniu Industrial Automation and Control Committee (IACC)

Chair –M. Nasir Uddin, VC–Abdul Ofoli, S– vacant Industrial Lighting and Display Committee (ILDC)

Chair – Sounil Bhosle, VC – Ray-Lee Lin, S– Kayo Suzuki

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Publication Activity (1)

EPC Assoc. Editor: Kazimierz Adamiak

Pending Manuscripts More than 90 days : 0 papers Total since May 2008: 113 papers Rejection rate: 9.73% (10.3%)

Treated papers (Q2&3-12): 16

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12-month Publication activity (2)

IACC Assoc. Editors: A. Rubaai, J. Mazumda, B. Nahidmobarakeh,W. Qiao

Pending Manuscripts More than 90 days : 13 papers Total since May 2008: 70 papers Rejection rate: 40% (39%)

Treated papers (Q2&3-12): 11

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12-month Publication Activity (3)

ILDC Assoc. Editor : Pr. FP. Dawson

Pending Manuscripts More than 90 days : 0 papers Total since May 2008: 35 papers Rejection rate: 17,1% (22.2%)

Trated papers (Q2&3-12): 8

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Performance indicators

Unique submissions since the inception of S1M in IAS in June 2008. Does NOT include resubmission of revised manuscripts.

Time from initial submission to the initial decision by the Committee. This time is totally under Committee control. The target in IAS is 90 days for post-presentation submissions, or two weeks following presentation for pre-presentation submissions

Time from initial submission to the point when the final decision to either accept or reject the paper is recorded. This time is not totally under Committee control. The IEEE target is 365 days. Unique submissions within the last 12

months. Indicates current level of activity of the Committee.

Time from initial submission to the initial decision by the Committee. Green shading indicates that the recent performance of the Committee is an improvement over its historical performance. A + indicates that the recent performance of the Committee is contributing to improvement in the overall IAS metric.

Time from initial submission to the point when the final decision to either accept or reject the paper is recorded. This time is not totally under Committee control. The IEEE target is 365 days.

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Meeting activity (1)


# Duration 2 days

# Papers Submitted 400

# Papers Accepted 236

INDUSCON’12 – Fortaleza, Brazil, October 29-30, 2012


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Meeting activity (2)


# Technical sessions 9 (1 CTO session)

# Papers Submitted 155

# Papers Accepted 149 (33 Inv. + 27 Landmark)

# Attendees 220

13th International Symposium on Science & Technology of Lighting Systems, Troy NY, June 24-29, 2012


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Meeting October 7, 2012

Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Department 3rd Quarter 2012 Report

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Conferences – I&CPS Technical and Rural Electric Power

The I&CPS Department Chair met with 2013 REPC Chair, Chris Brooks and REPC personnel at their meeting at the conference venue to continue 2013 conference planning

4/24/2014 2

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Future Conferences

Conference Date Location Co-Sponsor

Local Conference Chair

I&CPS Technical Conference

April 30 – May 3, 2013

Stone Mountain (ATL), GA

IAS Dave Mills

April / May 2014 Fort Worth, TX IAS Wei-Jen Lee

April 2015 Asheville, NC IAS

Rural Electric Power Conference

April 28 – April 30, 2013

Stone Mountain (ATL), GA

IAS Chris Brooks

April / May 2014 Fort Worth, TX IAS Doug Turk

April 2015 Asheville, NC IAS

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Summary of Paper Review Performance

4/24/2014 4

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Final Disposition of Submitted Papers

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Final Disposition of Submitted Papers

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Final Disposition of Submitted Papers

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Final Disposition of Submitted Papers

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Final Disposition of Submitted Papers

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Country of Origin of Submitted Papers

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Country of Origin of Submitted Papers

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Country of Origin of Submitted Papers

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Country of Origin of Submitted Papers

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Country of Origin of Submitted Papers

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Color Book Standards Conversion Status

Standards Series

Working Group Name and Number

Comments (Chair & email address)

Total Standards / Total Balloted / Total Published

Series 3001

Power Systems Design Peter Sutherland; [email protected] 11/1/0

Series 3002

Power Systems Analysis Farrokh Shokooh; [email protected] 12/0/0

Series 3003

Power Systems Grounding

Doug Dorr [email protected] 5/1/0

Series 3004

Protection and Coordination

Rasheek Rifaat [email protected] 13/2/0

Series 3005

Emergency and Stand-By Power

Joe Weber [email protected] 8/0/0

Series 3006

Power Systems Reliability

Robert Arno [email protected] 9/2/0

Series 3007

Power Systems maintenance, Operations and Safety

Dennis Neitzel [email protected] 3/3/3

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2012 Department Officers

• Chair T. David Mills • VC-Tech Peter Sutherland • VC-Papers Wei-Jen Lee • Secretary Andy Hernandez • PSEC Masimo Mitolo • PSPC Rob Hoerauf • ESC Joe Weber • CSC Steve Townsend • REPC Chris Brooks

• TBCC Carey Cook • A&R Dan Neeser • Bylaws Louie Powell • F&S Louie Powell • Meetings Daleep Mohla • Nomination Tom Baldwin

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department (IPCSD)

2012 Third Quarter Report

IAS Board Meeting October 7-8, 2012

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Outline • Officers 2012-2013

• Committee Report

• Joint Transactions with PE

• Requests I, II, III, and IV

• Conclusions


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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

IPCSD Organization 2012-2013 • Chair: Joseph Ojo • Vice-Chair : Avoki Omekanda • IPCC Chair: Lixiang Wei • IDC Chair: Annette Muetze • EMC Chair: Aldo Boglietti • PEDCC Chair: Craig Winterhalter • Awards: Peter Wung • Websites and Communications: Rob Cuzner • Nominating: Giovanna Oriti


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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Organization 2012-2013 Electric Machine Committee (EMC) Chair : Aldo Boglietti Italy Vice Chair : Mircea Popescu UK Secretary : Andy Knight Canada Past Chair : Avoki Omekanda USA Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) Chair : Annette Muetze Austria Vice Chair, Paper Review : Yen-Shin Lai Taiwan Vice Chair, Programs : Michael Harke USA Secretary : Fernando de Briz Spain Past Chair : Uday Despande USA

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Organization 2012-2013

Chair : Po-Tai Cheung Taiwan Vice Chair : William Peterson USA Secretary : Pericle Zanchetta UK Transactions Review Chair : Hirofumi Akagi Japan Past Chair : Lixiang Wei USA

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee (RSECSC) Chair : Dan Ionel USA Vice Chair , Paper Review : David Dorrell Australia Vice-Chair, Committee Development : Pedro Rodriguez Spain Secretary : Yilmaz Sozer USA Past Chair : None Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Organization 2012-2013

• Chair : Iqbal Hussain USA • Vice Chair (Papers): Ayman El-Refaie USA • Vice Chair (Conferences): Burak Ozpineci USA • Secretary : Mohammad Islam USA

Transportation Systems Committee (TSC)

• Chair : Craig Winterhalter USA • Vice Chair: Filippo Chimento • Secretary: Shashank Krishnamurthy

Power Electronics Devices and Components Committee (PEDCC)

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC )

• Actively organizing and participating in Conferences • Paper review for conferences and IEEE Transactions • First TSC general meeting at ITEC 2012 in June 2012 at Dearborn,

MI jointly with PELs Transportation Committee • Second general meeting held at ECCE 2012 Conference in 17 Sept

2012 at Raleigh, NC. More than 50 members participated in the meeting

• Actively participating in IEEE Smartgrid vision development project for transportation

• Continue organizing ECCE and ITEC conferences

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Transaction Paper Review

Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

• Started reviewing of paper from 2012 • Trans. Papers managed by Vice-Chair Dr. Ayman El-refaie • Associate Editors:

– Dr. Chris Mi, University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI – Dr. Khwaja Rahman, General Motors, Pontiac, MI – Dr. Srdjan Lukic, NC State University, Raleigh, NC – Prof. Fabio Capponi, University of Rome Rome, Italy

• Reviewers/members database is evolving • Decision based on at least 3 reviews

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– 3 papers submitted so far

– 1 invitation to submit a paper sent out

– All 3 papers are from the USA

– All papers cover topics related to batteries

– 2 papers already accepted for publications

Transaction Paper Review

Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

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New committee but so far the fastest in terms of review time within IAS Need to make sure that this continues

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TSC Conference Activities • International Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), Greenville, SC, Mar. 2012

– Co-sponsored by IAS – Provided conference organization support

• International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Detroit, MI, June 2012

– Co-sponsored by IAS – Provided conference organization support

• Energy Conversion Congress and Expo (ECCE), Raleigh, NC, Sept. 2012 – Co-sponsored by IAS and PELs – Organized and managed Transportation track

• ITEC - Asia – IAS leading the efforts for the conference in 2014 in Asia – Modeled after ITEC in North America – Expected to be co-sponsored by IAS and PELs

Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details International Electric Vehicle Conference

• Sponsors: 10 IEEE Societies including the Industry Applications Society. Other sponsors: Future Directions Cmte, IEEE Standards Association, IEEE-USA

• March 4-8, 2012 in Greenville, SC • Plenary Sessions, technical

sessions, and 140 technical papers

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference 2012

• Sponsors: IAS, PELS, and PES

• 10 plenary talks, 6 oral (27 papers), 2 poster (82 papers) sessions, EV/HEV Bootcamp, 3 short courses

• June 18-22, 2012, Dearborn, MI, 15 Panel Discussion

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details

• 46 papers (8 oral and 3 poster technical sessions) – S10 Contactless Power Transfer for EV Applications (4 papers) – S23 Higher Power and Aerospace Applications (5) – S30 Electrical Machines in Transportation (3) – PS04 Transportation Applications – I (4) – PS22 Transportation Applications – II (5) – PS25 Machines for Aerospace and Transportation (5) – S47 Contactless Power Transfer I (4) – S67 Charging of EV I (4) – S79 Charging of EV II (4) – S94 Contactless Power Transfer II (4) – S106 Power Converters in Transportation II (4)

ECCE 2012

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details 2013 Conferences and Deadlines

• APEC in Long Beach, CA – Dates: Mar 17-21, 2013

• ITEC 2013 in Detroit, MI – Dates: June 16-19, 2012 – Digest submission deadline: November 9, 2012

• ECCE 2013 in Denver CO, – Dates: Sept. 16-20, 2013 – Digest submission deadline: Jan 15, 2013 ?

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details

• Prof. L. Xu is charged to bring updated information from local IEEE and other

organizations in China, and present an ITEC Asia proposal to ITEC Steering Committee Meeting.

• ITEC Steering Committee Meeting was held on Tuesday, June 19th at ITEC2012 and

ITEC Asia was discussed in the meeting. The consensus is that a) it is needed to formulate a more complete proposal by ECCE 2012, b) ITEC Asia should involve major air, railway, auto industry companies in Asia, such as GM China and others, as much as possible, c) ITEC should also make an effort to include not only China, Japan, and Korea but also India where the second largest population of PELS members comes from, and d) ITEC Asia needs to think about the logistics of holding a meeting in a city in China that can be reached with a direct flight from Detroit.

IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference - Asia

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details

Initial Planning for ITEC-Asia Conference • Proposed conference organization: ITEC Asia duplicates the

organization structure of ITEC North America 2012 with minor variations.

• It is estimated that the attendees to ITEC Asia could be as big as 1,000 and expo area 15,000 sq. meters if we work our way correctly and hard. Also clear is that the best location for the first ITEC Asia is Beijing.

IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference - Asia

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Initial Planning for ITEC-Asia Conference • The proposed time is: a) A formal ITEC Asia proposal is submitted and approved by the end of 2012. b) By the middle of 2013, all committees of ITEC Asia are in operation. Call for papers,

tutorial proposals, short courses are issued by technical committee c) By the end of 2013, paper digests, tutorial and short course proposals are received and

review of all these materials are started. Expo site is negotiated and floor is planned. d) In April 2014, reviewing of paper digests and proposals is accomplished and all

authors are notified for submission of final papers, posters, tutorial/short course notes. The submission is finished by the middle of 2014.

e) ITEC Asia to be held in the second half of 2014. • IAS support expected for establishing the conference.

Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference - Asia

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Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

Activities : As in the previous report nothing is changed: Improved technical collaboration and support to International Conference on

Electrical Machine ICEM 2012. The papers presented at ICEM 2012 will be acceptable for IAS Transaction review process.

Decision # Manuscript Accepted for publication in Magazine 9 Accepted for publication in Transactions 217 Reject 167 Total 393

Final disposition (Since 2008)

Final disposition (Since 2008)

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Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

Awards and Recognition Prize papers

-First Prize Paper:

Paper Title: “Detection and Classification of Rotor Demagnetization and Eccentricity

Faults for PM Synchronous Motors”

Authors: Jongman Hong, Doosoo Hyun, Tae-june Kang, Sang Bin Lee, Christian

Kral, and Anton Haumer

Korea University, Seoul, Korea and Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna Austria

Contact author : Sang Bin Lee [email protected]

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Awards and Recognition Prize papers

-Second Prize Paper:

Paper Title: “Design Study for Exterior Rotor Bearingless Permanent

Magnet Motors”

Authors: Thomas Reichert, Johann W. Kolar, Thomas Nussbaumer

ETH Zurich &Levitronix GmbH Zurich, Switzerland

Contact author : Thomas Reichert [email protected]

Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

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Awards and Recognition Prize papers

-Third Prize Paper:

Paper Title: “Experimental Evaluation of a Motor Integrated Permanent

Magnet Gear”

Authors: P.O. Rasmussen, T. V. Frandsen, K. K. Jensen, K. Jessen

Aalborg University Denmark and Danfoss Power Electronics A/S Denmark

Contact author : P.O. Rasmussen [email protected]

Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

Paper Review Report

Average processing time (Days):

60 for First Decision and 106 for Average Final Decision

Country of origin (based on corresponding author,

only papers with decisions):

Disposition of papers

(accept/Total): 51/93=51.125%

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Average processing time (Days)

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

Paper Review Report

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Paper Review Report Country of origin

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

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Paper Review Report Country of origin (Previous 12 Months, Sep. 8)

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

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Paper Review Report Disposition of papers

(Accept/Total) 51/93= 51.125% (Aug. 28)

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

Awards and Recognition

Prize papers: How to review? Step 1: VC/papers provides paper list published in 2011 to ALL AEs and AC members Step 2: AEs in 2011 make recommendation from the paper list. AEs cannot recommend a paper where she or he is a co-author. Number of recommendation from each AE: 1 and up to 3. Step 3: AC members can also add more nominated papers and remove the recommended paper Step 4: Review and decision from AC

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

Awards and Recognition

Prize papers -First Prize Paper: Lixiang Wei, Zhijun Liu, Russel Kerkman, Gary Skibinski, “Identifying Ground Fault Location in High Resistance Grounded Systems using Adjustable Speed Drive”

-Second Prize Paper: Lei Hao, Chandra Namuduri, “Electromechanical Regenerative Actuator with Fault Tolerance Capability for Automotive Chassis Applications”

-Third Prize Paper: Ranga Tallam, David Leggate, David Kirschnik, Richard Lukaszewski, “PWM scheme to reduce the common-mode current generated by an AC drive at low modulation index”

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

Awards and Recognition Awards Subcommittee

Jul-Ki Seok (Chair), Korea Alfio Consoli (Vice-Chair), Italy Ashwin Khambadkone, Singapore Mahesh M. Swamy, USA Vladimir Blasko, USA Stefan Schroeder, Germany, Luca Zari, Italy, Fernando Briz, Spain

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

Awards and Recognition Associate Editors (Jan. -Dec. 2012)

Tallam, Ranga Rockwell Automation USA

Harke, Michael Danfoss USA

Matsuse, Kouiki Meiji University Japan

Su, Gui-Jia Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA

Rajagopalan, Satish Power Delivery & Utilization Sector at


Geyer, Tobias ABB Switzerland

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

New Business Associate Editors Nomination

Tallam, Ranga Rockwell Automation USA

Harke,Michael Danfoss USA

Matsuse, Kouiki Meiji University Japan

Su, Gui-Jia Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA

Rajagopalan, Satish Power Delivery & Utilization Sector at


Geyer, Tobias ABB Switzerland

Scarcella, Giuseppe University of Catania Italy*

Seok, Jul-Ki YeungNam University Korea*

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New Business

Invitation of Volunteers

Volunteers of paper reviewers: please contact committee officers and

Aes, and inform them of your interest to review papers

Volunteers of AE: brief CV/field by Oct. 31

E-mail: [email protected]

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

New Business

Call for Transactions Paper Submission

E-mail the follows to [email protected]

Title of paper


Author List: name, e-mail address and affiliation

Conference/year paper presented

PDF file of original/revised (if it is revised)

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

From Oct. 1, 2011 to Present • Among 78 original submissions and 43 revised manuscripts received

36 Accepted.

37 Rejected.

48 Under review.

IPCC Transaction Review

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

Industrial Power Conversion Committee Prize Paper Awards 2011 IPCC Transaction Review

• First Pirze: Makoto Hagiwara, Ryo Maeda, and Hirofumi Akagi, "Negative-Sequence Reactive-Power Control by a PWM STATCOM Based on a Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter (MMCC-SDBC)" • Second Prize: Chia-Tse Lee, Rui-Pei Jiang, and Po-Tai Cheng, "A Grid Synchronization Method for Droop Controlled Distributed Energy Resources Converters" • Third Prize: Ke Ma, Frede Blaabjerg, and Marco Liserre "Thermal Analysis of Multilevel Grid Side Converters for 10 MW Wind Turbines under Low Voltage Ride Through"

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

IPCC Transaction Review

• IPCC Transaction Chair: – Hirofumi Akagi, Tokyo Institute of Tech ( 2011 ~ )

• Associate Editors: – Hideaki Fujita, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan – Pericle Zanchetta, University of Nottingham – Vladimir Blasko, UTRC – Ashwin Khambadkone, National University of Singapore – Po-Tai Cheng, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan – Jin Wang, Ohio State University – Brendan McGrath, Monash University – Sewan Choi, Seoul National University

IAS Transactions Review Chair and Associated Editors

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ECCE 2012 Stats

• The ECCE 2012 Technical Program Committee – Technical Program Chairs:

• Rolando Burgos, ABB, USA • Po-Tai Cheng, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan • Subhashish Bhattacharya, North Carolina State University, USA • Avoki M. Omekanda, General Motors, USA • Jian Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

– 30 Vice chairs (50% from IAS, 50% from PELS) – 80+ topic chairs (many volunteers from IPCC!)

IPCC in ECCE 2012

Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

• Abstract submissions: 1190 (total of 56, withdrawn) • Accepted papers: 675 (oral:517; poster:158) • Acceptance percentage: 56.7%

– ECCE 2011: 59.7% (=609/1085) • A Technical Program Committee meeting was held in April 14-15,

2012 to finalize the paper selection. – Oral and poster assignment is based on authors’ preference and

the nature of the paper.

IPCC in ECCE 2012

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

IPCC Officers Chair: Po-tai Cheng, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Vice Chair: William Peterson, E&M Power, USA Secretary: Pericle Zanchetta, University of Nottingham, UK Transaction Review Chair: Hirofumi Akagi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Liaisons: Toshihisa Shimizu, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan Yongsug Suh, Chungbuk National University, Korea Pierlugui Tenca, ABB, Sweden

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

IPCC Work • Participations in the technical programs in IAS sponsored conferences:

ECCE 2013, APEC 2013, PEDS 2013, and etc.

• Encourage higher level of participations from industries in ECCE 2013:

Industrial sessions

• Collaboration with international partners

– Collaboration with Semiconductor Power Converter Committee (SPC) of IEEJ-

IAS, co-sponsoring special sessions or other exchange activities in IPEC 2014

– Will explore collaborations with organizers ECCE-Asia 2013 (Australia) and

ICPE 2015 (KIPE, Korea).

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Joint Transactions with PE 69 papers accepted out of 146 submissions for publication.

2 papers already published in error in IAS Transactions May/June 2012 edition.

67 papers will appear in the Nov./Dec. 2012 edition of the IAS Transactions.

Committee Vice Chairs who selected the papers:

Avoki Omekanda

Hirofumi Akagi

Annette Muetze

Enrico Santi

Special thanks to Louie Powell for tremendous assistance to authors, reviewers – to all of us involved with producing the special edition.

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Status of the status of the Joint IAS/PEL Nov/Dec 2012 Publication Joint Transactions with PE

Invited for submission 166 Actually submitted 146 Reviewed and rejected 69 Rejected without review (outside intended scope) 1 Withdrawn by author 3 Not submitted 18 Unresponsive author 2 Accepted for publication 69 Already published 2

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Committee Prize Paper Awards

Increase Committee Paper Prize Award Money:

First Prize $750.00

Second Prize $450.00

Third Prize $300.00

Give plaques rather than paper certificates.

Investigate options for awardees to donate prize

money to charities.

Request I

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Request II

Improvement of Websites

Add a feature to IEEE Standard website that

allows automatic upload/download of the list

of members.

Linking database stored at the new

Technical Committees with other IEEE


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Request III IAS Board to Show More interest in Activities Outside the USA:

Need more champions from the Board to facilitate more

involvement of members in Europe and to attract more members.

The IAS Magazine to feature activities and members from Europe

and other parts of the World.

The need to team with European organizations to conduct training

courses and activities for industries in Europe

IAS to give more due recognition to members outside the US to

enhance motivation and sense of belonging.

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Request IV Transparency about IAS Fellow Committee Activities

Concerns are expressed about the lack of information about the activities of the IAS Fellow Committee.

Our members are seeking for reform of the nomination process along the following lines to enhance transparency, promote a sense of belong and to give credibility to the process: Each department to nominate two persons to the IEEE IAS Awards

Committee, who under the Chair appointed by the Board makes the decisions. These members can only serve for only two concurrent years.

The Board should rotate the Chair of the IAS Fellow Committee among departments.

By December every year, Departments should be requested to nominate 2 reviewers for Fellow applications. By doing this early, we ensure that we have Fellows to do the review rather that doing this later when some have already nominated or acted as references and become disqualified.

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AWARDS PRESENTED AT THE 2012 ANNUAL MEETTING SOCIETY AWARDS 2012 IAS Outstanding Achievement Award Not presented this year

2012 IAS Distinguished Service Award William Greason recommended by IAS Distinguished Service Award Committee Chair Robert Lorenz 2012 IAS Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award

Dr. Zhi Gao recommended by IAS Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award Committee Chair Dan Neeser

CHAPTER AWARDS Outstanding Large Chapter

Panama Section IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department Outstanding Large Joint Chapter

Argentina Section Joint IES/CSS/RAS/IAS/PELS/VTS Chapter - Nominated by CMD Germany Section Joint IAS/IES/PELS Chapter - Nominated by CMD

Outstanding Small Chapter

Morelos Section IAS Section - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

IAS Outstanding Small Joint Chapter: Nanjing Section Joint PES/IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Outstanding New Chapter

Colombia Section Universidad de San Buenaventura Sede Bogotá D.C. Student Branch IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Outstanding Student Branch Chapter

Colombia Section Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Student Branch IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Continued Outstanding Performance Small Chapter

Calcutta Section IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Continued Outstanding Performance Large Chapter New York Section Joint PES/IAS Chapter Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Continued Outstanding Performance Student Branch Chapter Hungary Section Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics SB Joint PES / IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

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UNIT SUBSTATION DESIGN FOR OPTIMIZINGN RELIABILITY AND ELECTRICAL WORKPLACE SAFETY (May-June 2011) by David Durocher (presented as “Considerations in Unit Substation Design to Optimize Reliability and Electrical Workplace Safety” at the IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference)

Second Place

FUEL CELL HYBRID ELECTRIC SCOOTER-DEVELOPMENT OF ZERO-EMISSION VEHICLES (March-April 2011) by Taehyung Kim, Oleg Vodyakho, Jefferson Yang (presented as “Control of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Scooter” at the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo)

Third Place

ARC-FLASH STUDY-GETTING STARTED AT AN INDUSTRIAL SITE (July-August 2011) by Brian Tureski and S. Douglas Crome (presented as “Arc Flash—Getting Started” at the 2009 IAS Annual Meeting)


Analysis of Shaped Pulse Transitions in Power Electronic Switching Waveforms for Reduced EMI Generation Niall Oswald, Bernard H. Stark, Derrick Holliday, Colin Hargis, and Bill Drury

Second Place

Discomfort Glare Comparison for Various LED Cap Lamps John J. Sammarco, Alan G. Mayton, Timothy Lutz, and Sean Gallagher Third Place

Testing PPE for Arc-Hazard Protection IEC 61482-1 Test Rig Evaluation Including Proposed Changes David Sweeting Honorable Mention Optimal Design of Motor and Gear for Drives with High Acceleration by Consideration of Torque-Speed and Torque-Acceleration Product Horst Grotstollen

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2012 MYRON ZUCKER STUDENT DESIGN CONTEST First Place “FPGA Implementation of a Frequency AdaptiveThree-Phase Sequence Detector Synchronization System for Real Time Power Systems Applications” Student Team: Essam El Sahwi Neno Kovacevic, University of Toronto, Canada. Faculty Sponsor: Professor Francis P. Dawson Adrian Amanci Second Place “Automatic Inspection of Outdoor Insulators Using Digital Image Processing and Intelligent Techniques” Student Team: Loai Khalayli, Hamid Al-Saqban, Hossam Shoman, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah UAE. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Khaled Assaleh, Dr. Ayman El-Hag Third Place “Synchronized Sequence of Event Recorder – An Automation Controller Approach” Student Team: David E. Roop, Gregory L. Pfister, Sean C. Conroy, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University, Virginia, USA. Faculty Sponsor: David C. Mazur, Virgilio A. Centeno Future Deliverables

• Update Website • Secure Award Selection Committee Chairs for 2013 • Support IAS and IEEE Award Selection Committees • Transition and Support to new Dept. Chair

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All members who contribute to the IEEE IAS Awards Department with the special recognition mention to

Mrs. Lynda Bernstein for her extraordinary help and support. Andrew Bagley Chair IAS Awards Dept

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Industry Applications Society 2012 Q3 EB Meeting, Las Vegas NV

Oct 7-8, 2012

2012 Q3 ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE IAS EXECUTIVE BOARD IAS Chapters and Membership Development Department Peter Magyar, Chairman [email protected]

1. Chapter Overview


2012 January

2012 May

2012 September

2012 September

Number and distribution of existing chapters

Petitions submitted

Petitions on

progress Regular 132 (88%) 133 (86%) 135 (79%) - 1 Student 18 (12%) 22 (14%) 35 (21%) 2 ~10 Total 150 (100%) 155 (100%) 170 (100%) 2 ~11

New chapters Jan-Oct 2012

Region Section Chapter Comment R-2 Dayton OH, USA PES/IAS/PELS

Technical Society (regular) Chapters

R-5 Central Texas TX, USA


R-8 Algeria Sub-Section IES/IAS

R-4 Nebraska (NE, USA Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln SB PES/PELS (joined IAS)

Student Branch Chapters


Algeria Sub-Section Mentouri University Constantine SB IAS Bosnia and

Herzegovina University of Sarajevo SB IAS (submitted to the Section)

Croatia University of Zagreb SB IAS Greece Democritos University of Thrace SB IAS

Hungary Òbuda University SB IAS Palestine Sub-Section Al-Najah National University SB IAS

Portugal Instituto Técnico Superior SB IAS South-Africa University of Cape-Town SB IAS South-Africa University of Pretoria SB IAS

R-9 Honduras Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras SB IAS

Peru Universidad Nacional de Callao SB IAS


Gujarat (India)

Dhirubhani Ambani Inst. of Inf. & Comm. Technology SB IAS Marwadi Education Foundations Group of Institutions SB IAS

Kerala (India)

Saint Gits College of Engineering SB IAS

Nanjing (China)

Southeast University SB IAS

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CMD Report for 2012 Q3 EB Meeting

Page 2 of 6

2. Membership Overview

IAS membership by Region IAS higher grade membership

global distribution trend

Change: R1-7: -76 / year

R8-10: +117 / year Difference: -193 / year

Membership Statistics July 31,

2012 Society Membership Student

total GSM Student grade members

IAS Div II IEEE min IEEE max


Count 9714 661 334 327 740 16.077 Y-o-Y change

1.3% 0.3% -11.9 % 5.7% n.a. n.a. 28.2% Highest value in Div II and 2nd highest at IEEE

1.2% -1.1%

Student Membership by Regions

a) Undergraduate b) Graduate c) Total

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CMD Report for 2012 Q3 EB Meeting

Page 3 of 6

Development history of IAS chapters

Development history of IAS Student Branch chapters

Asymetrical distribution of members and chapters by global regions

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Page 4 of 6

3. Committee Activity

3.1. Chapter Development and SB Chapter Development Committee IAS Outstanding Chapter Chair 2012

Megha Tak Region-10, Dhirumbani Ambani Institute of Information and

Communication Technology Student Branch IAS Chapter Chair IAS Outstanding Chapters Area Chair 2012

D. David Eng Region-6 Chapters Area Chair

IAS Outstanding Student Branch Chapters Area Chair 2012

Srikanth Vasudevan Pillai Region-10 Student Branch Chapters Area Chair

3.2. Chapter Award Committee IAS Outstanding Chapters 2012 Outstanding Large Joint Chapter:

Argentina Section Joint IES/CSS/RAS/IAS/PELS/VTS Chapter Germany Section Joint IAS/IES/PELS Chapter

Outstanding Large Chapter: Panama Section IAS Chapter

Outstanding Small Chapter: Morelos Section IAS Chapter

Outstanding Small Joint Chapter: Nanjing Section Joint PES/IAS Chapter

Outstanding Student Branch Chapter: Colombia Section Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Student Branch IAS Chapter

Outstanding New Chapter: Colombia Section Universidad de San Buenaventura Student Branch IAS Chapter

Continued Outstanding Performance Large Chapter: New York Section Joint PES/IAS Chapter

Continued Outstanding Performance Small Chapter: Calcutta Section IAS Chapter

Continued Outstanding Performance Student Branch Chapter: Hungary Section Budapest University of Technology and Economics Student Branch Joint PES/IAS Chapter

IAS Outstanding Chapter 2012 Statistics

R1: 1 Regular chapters: 7 R8: 2 Student chapters: 3 R9: 5 R10: 2

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CMD Report for 2012 Q3 EB Meeting

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3.3. Chapter Web Contest Sub-Committee IAS Chapter Web Contest Winners 1st Prize: Hungary Section Budapest University of Technology and Economics Student Branch Joint PES/IAS Chapter (http://eszk.org/en ) 2nd Prize: Panama Section IAS Chapter (www.ieee.org/go/iaspanama ) 3rd Prize: Kerala Section Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Govt. Eng. College

Kottayam Student Branch IAS Chapter (http://www.rit.ac.in/IEEEIAS/index.html )

IAS Web Contest 2012 Statistics

R8: 1 Regular chapters: 1 R9: 1 Student chapters: 2 R10: 1

3.4. Student Master Thesis Contest Sub-Committee SMTC 2012 Winners 1st Prize recipient

Andrés Mauricio Lopez Cañon, M.Sc. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia

2nd Prize recipients Johanna Stella Castellanos Arias, M.Sc

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. Andrés Alberto Ladino López, M.Sc.

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. 3rd Prize Recipients:

Aathira K V, M.Tech.: . Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, Kerala, India

Gábor Göcsei, M.Sc. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

SMTC 2012 Statistics R8: 1 Female: 2 R9: 3 Male: 3

R10: 1

3.5. Conference Publication and Travel Support Sub-Committee

Supported travellers on basis of accepted paper, á $500 R-8 Hungary: 1

R-9 Colombia: 3 R-10 Australia: 1

India: 5 Supported travelers to regional Student Branch Conferences R-5: SBC chair: 1

R-8: SBC chairs (8) and SBC Area Chair (1): 9 R-9: SBC chair 1 R-10: SBC chair: 1

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CMD Report for 2012 Q3 EB Meeting

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3.6. Membership Development

Conference Support Program / IAS Information Desk Service 2012

- Safety Workshop, Daytona Beach, FL - APEC, Orlando, FL - IEVC, Greenville, SC - OPTIM, Romania - ITEC, Dearborn, MI - ICEM, Marseille, France - ECCE, Raleigh, NC - PCIC, New Orleans, LA - Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV - PEDES, Bengaluru, India

3.7. Workshops / Meetings, June-Sep 2012

IAS CMD Presentation Meeting, July 13, 2012 University Pécs, Pollack Mihaly College of Engineering, Pécs, Hungary

Attendee: Peter Magyar, CMD chair

R8 SB and GOLD Conference, Madrid, July 25-29, 2012 Attendees: Peter Magyar, CMD Chair

Luigi Parise, IAS SB Chapters Area Chair R-8 IAS SB Chapter Chairs: R-5 TAMU PES/IAS/PELS SBC Chair R-10 India Saint-Gits IAS SBC Chair R-8 Bosnia and Herzegovina IAS SBC Chair Croatia IAS SBC Chair Greece IAS SBC Chair, VC (2) Palestine IAS SBC Chair Portugal IAS SBC Chair

South-Africa Pretoria SBC Chair South-Africa Cape Town SBC Chair

2012 IAS Peruvian Workshop, Lima, Aug 3-5, 2012

Attendee: Peter Magyar, CMD chair R9 Student Branch Conference, Argentina, Aug 18-20, 2012 Attendee: Lizeth Vega Medina, Colombia UMNG SBC Chair IEEE ECCE, Raleigh NC, USA, Sept 16-20, 2012 EMC and IPCC meetings, CMD presentation, membership dríve

Attendee: Peter Magyar, CMD chair

*.* Respectfully submitted

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04 October 2012 To: Lynda Bernstein, IEEE IAS Administrator Subject: Education Department 2012, 3rd Quarter Report Committee Reports: Asynchronous Education Committee No major activities at this time. Conference Education Committee Seven tutorials were selected for presentation at the IAS Annual Meeting, described in the second quarter report. To improve tutorial attendance, and accommodate the presenters’ schedules, they were scheduled as listed below.

Tutorial Length Time and day High Resistance Grounding (HRG) System 4 hours Sunday (am) Overvoltage Protection Design of Industrial and Commercial ac Power System and Rail Transit dc Traction Power System 4 hours Thursday (am)

Understanding IGBT Modules used in Industrial Motor Drives 4 hours Sunday (pm) Distribution Volt/VAR Management 4 hours Tuesday (pm) Application Concerns for Medium Voltage Drives 4 hours Wednesday (pm) Maintenance Considerations and Planning for Electric Power Equipment 8 hours Thursday Power System Studies for Wind Power Plants 4 hours Thursday (am)


PLEASE REPLY TO: 234A MMRB University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506-0107 (859) 257-4616 [email protected]

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Student Competition Committee

IEEE IAS Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest

As reported in the 2nd Quarter report, the Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest was expanded this year to include two separate categories: individual project/thesis and team project/thesis. Unfortunately, only one individual project was received. Consequently, the individual project/thesis contest was canceled for this year and the submission for it was included with the team projects. There is a plan to include two categories again next year.

A poster session for the winners is scheduled for 6:30-9:30pm at the Welcome Reception. A special student session is scheduled for Wednesday from 8:00am-noon for the Zucker Design Contest winners and the Master Thesis Contest winners.

The 2012 IEEE IAS Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest winners are listed below.

The First Place Award went to Essam El Sahwi and Neno Kovacevic from the University of Toronto for their project FPGA Implementation of a Frequency Adaptive Three Phase Sequence Detector Synchronization System for Real Time Power Systems Applications. Their project advisors were Professor Francis P. Dawson and Adrian Amanci.

Abstract – This thesis presents a Sequence Detector Synchronization System (SD-SS) capable of extracting the positive, negative and zero sequence components of a three phase signal. The system is frequency adaptive and provides real time half-cycle by half-cycle estimates of the frequency, amplitude and phase of the extracted positive sequence component. The SD-SS can be utilized in different applications such as controlling DC/AC voltage source inverters connected to a utility line, or to generate time stamped GPS phasor estimates that can be sent to a central controller for power protection and control. It can also be employed in the aerospace industry where a higher frequency tracking capability is required. The SD-SS is able to operate over a wide range of frequencies and in the presence of significant input signal distortion. It dynamically compensates for DC offsets and is capable of achieving parameter estimations in compliance with the IEEE Std C37.118.1-2011 for synchrophasors.

The SD-SS is implemented as a proof of concept on an Acromag PMC-AX3065 board which is powered by a Xilinx XC2V3065 FPGA device and is synthesizable into an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) for volume production. The performance of the SD-SS was tested and verified under steady-state and transient conditions.

The Second Place Award went to Loai Khalayli, Hamid Al-Saqban, and Hossam Shoman from the American University of Sharjah for their project Automatic Inspection of Outdoor Insulators using Digital Image Processing and Intelligent Techniques. Their project advisors were Dr. Khaled Assaleh and Dr. Ayman El-Hag.

Abstract – Composite polymer insulators are extensively used in high voltage transmission and distribution lines. The hydrophobicity of the outdoor polymer insulator surfaces is subject to environmental effects, and accordingly they lose their ability to resist the flow of electric charge over time. One of the methods of inspecting the insulator surfaces is the Swedish Scale. It is currently employed manually in the field in close proximity to high-voltage lines at high elevations, posing risks to the inspection crew.

In this project, an approach for the automation of the Swedish Scale procedure has been developed, which is divided into two main parts: data acquisition and classification. Data acquisition is performed by the physical system that consists of the camera, sprayer, and a microcontroller placed near the insulators. These components work according to the standard procedure of the Swedish Scale. Photographs of the sprayed insulators are used to classify the insulator surfaces by pre-processing the images and then

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passing it to an intelligent system to provide a final classification of the insulator surface. These two parts are connected by a communication link, where the photograph is sent from the camera to the service station in order to be analyzed. A graphical user interface (GUI) has been designed to ease the process for the operator and make controlling the process seamless. Results of the study show that it is possible to classify the insulator hydrophobicity condition to two classes (Hydrophobicity Class 1 - Hydrophobic and Hydrophobicity Class 6 - Hydrophilic) with a classification rate of about 94.3%.

The Third Place Award went to David E. Roop, Gregory L. Pfister, and Sean C. Conroy from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University for their project Synchronized Sequence of Event Recorder – An Automation Controller Approach. Their project advisors were David C. Mazur and Virgilio A. Centeno.

Abstract – Sequence of Event Recorders (SERs) are devices used to gather and time tag operational data from industrial or utility applications. The power industry has used SERs for over 30 years, but these SERs have lacked a universal time source and accurate timing protocols. This paper describes the construction and implementation of a time-synchronized SER system. This system uses GPS as the absolute time reference. The GPS time-synchronized SER will be vital for post-mortem analysis of blackouts and other system-wide events.

Zucker Travel Program

Fourteen students were selected for the travel program. This group includes students from Colombia, Greece, Hungary, India, Mexico, Panama, and Peru. One student was unable to obtain a travel visa.

Zucker Planning Committee The Zucker Planning Committee is preparing to meet with Michael Deering of the IEEE Foundation during December Executive Board meeting regarding the use of the Zucker Funds. Respectfully submitted, Joe Sottile Chair, Education Department

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R. Mark Nelms ECE Department Chair 200 Broun Hall Meetings Department Auburn University, AL 36849-5201 USA Phone: 334-844-1830 FAX: 334-844-1809 Email: [email protected] October 8, 2012


Subj.: Agenda item 5.4 - Meetings Department Report 3rd Quarter Report 2012 to the IAS Executive Board Conference status report I received a conference status report from the IEEE on July 23, 2012. Using this report and email correspondence, I have updated the status of IAS conferences.

Conference Missing Surplus 2010 ESTMP FINAL RCV DATE – 1/2012, Surplus $68,155 (66%) 2011 ESW FINAL REC DATE – 3/2012, Audit in

Progress $26,967 (67%)

2011 ESTS FINAL RCV DATE – 12/2011 Technical MOU, All Sponsoring Entity Approval, Certificate of accuracy

$33,984 (13%)

2011 REPC FINAL RCV DATE – 7/2012,Surplus, 1099 and 1042 Schedules

$10,628 (100%)

2011 IEMDC POBC/COI Chair, Technical MOU, All Sponsoring Entity Approval, Final, Surplus, Certificate of Accuracy, 1099 and 1042 Schedule, Audit, Proof of Bank Closure

2011 CIC FINAL RCV DATE – 1/2012 Audit in Progress

$301,645 (50%)

2011 PPIC Close date – 6/2012 $52,862 (100%) 2011 ECCE Audit in Progress $57,333 (50%) 2011 PCIC Final, Surplus, Certificate of Accuracy,

Audit, CB Destroy Check Form, Proof of Bank Closure


2011 IAM All documents submitted in September 2012

$51,204 (100%)

Thanks to Teresa Sacks and Lynda Bernstein for their efforts in closing conferences. Penalty Fees The IAS paid the penalty fees shown below in June 2012. The list represents conferences with end dates up to June 30, 2011 that are still open and missing one or more of the documents required to close.

2011 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting All documents were submitted during September 2012. As shown in the table above, the surplus will be $51,204.

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Change to Conference Proceedings Acquisition Payments In 2009, TAB approved the elimination of these payments for technically co-sponsored conferences, effective for conferences held on or after 1 January 2011. At the June 2012 Technical Activities Board (TAB) meeting, a motion was approved to eliminate conference publication acquisition payments for all conferences, effective for conferences held on or after 1 January 2014. As IEEE has moved into digital formats for conference proceedings, acquisition payments are no longer relevant. Conference budgets for 2014 and beyond need to account for this change. IEVC 2012 The 2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference was held 4-8 March 2012 in Greenville, SC USA and was the inaugural conference in this series. Preliminary budget estimates indicate a loss of $150,000. The IAS has a 15% financial stake in this meeting ESTS 2013 The 2013 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium will be held April 22-25, 2013 in Arlington, Virginia, USA. The financial sponsors for this meeting are: PES (40%), IAS (20%), PELS (20%), and IES (20%). The budget has been reviewed and approved as it meets the IEEE 20% surplus requirement. The conference organizers are not requesting a conference loan. The IAS has signed the MOU. ITEC The IAS has signed an MOU for the 2013-2015 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC’13, ITEC’14, and ITEC’15) to be held June 16-19, 2013 (2013 ITEC), June 15-18, 2014 (2014 ITEC), and June 14-17, 2015 (2015 ITEC), in Metro Detroit, Michigan, USA. PELS is a 60% financial sponsor, while the IAS has a 20% financial share of the conference. For the 2013 conference, PES is a 20% financial sponsor. Annually, at the close of each conference, PES has the first right of refusal for a 20% financial sponsorship in 2014 and 2015. ITEC Asia Discussions have been held with Longya Xu regarding the organization of an ITEC conference in Beijing in 2014. The financial and technical co-sponsors have not been finalized yet. ISGT 2013 The IAS has signed an MOU for technical co-sponsorship of the 2013 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference to be held Feb. 24-27, 2013 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC USA. PES is the only financial sponsor. Technical co-sponsors for the meeting are COMSOC, DEIS, IEEE-USA, IAS, IES, PELS, SPS, and the Systems Council. ECCE At the last ECCE Steering Committee meeting in Raleigh, NC, discussions were held about shifting the dates of ECCE North America into early October for meetings beginning in 2015. ECCE Europe and ECCE North America occur very close each September. The option of moving ECCE North America into the first week in October to add time between the conferences will be explored. It may be necessary to move the IAS Annual Meeting later in October. Respectfully submitted,

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IAS PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT Date: October 01, 2012 To: IAS Board Members Subject: Publications Department Report to the IAS ExecBoard, October 7-10, 2012

Update on Technical Activities Open Access (OA) Issues

IEEE Publications is now offering three models for IEEE OA strategy, namely: 1) hybrid model, 2) mega-journal, and 3) topical open access.

All IEEE transactions, journals, and letters should now have an open-access option, as this feature was mandated by the IEEE Board of Directors for roll-out mid-2011. We are being told that Transactions must be a ‘hybrid’ publication.

Authors will be required to pay an upfront publication fee of US$1,750 per paper, plus an optional charge for use of color in the hard-copy version and an over-length charge if applicable. And if the author declines the fee, the paper will still be published traditionally (i.e., it will be archived in the portion of Xplore where one must have a subscription to see the full manuscript or do downloads).

Open Access will be offered for papers published in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Open Access is not available for papers published in IEEE Industry Applications Magazine or IAS conference records. Authors must choose between traditional and Open-Access publication at the time the manuscript is submitted to S1M.

1. Traditional subscription-based content. That is, the paper will be archived in

the portion of Xplore where one must have a subscription to see the full manuscript or do downloads.

2. Open access author-pays content. Under this option, authors will be able to specify that their papers should be archived in a special ‘open access’ area of Xplore that will not require a subscription for access, and where papers may be downloaded without charge.

IAS is expected to have a link directly from Xplore to IAS S1M such as to

provide a mechanism for the author to designate the choice between traditional and OA publication. The Publications Department envisions that the link may provide the following1:

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“IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications is a hybrid journal, allowing either traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission. By selecting "yes" to the below Open Access question, you commit to pay the discounted $1,750 OA fee, if your manuscript is accepted for publication in the Transactions, in order to enable unrestricted public access.”

“Yes, please make my article Open Access if accepted in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, I will pay the $1,750 fee, as well as any other applicable charges.”

The IAS Publications is currently working on a proposed revision to the

Information for Authors material on the IAS Web Site that addresses Open Access.

1. IAS ScholarOne Manuscripts Administrator, [email protected]

Transactions Publications Report Update on Special Joint Transactions: We had 145 papers that were invited and submitted for consideration for the special issue. One paper was administratively rejected on the basis that it was not consistent with the intended scope of the issue. There were a few papers that were voluntarily withdrawn by the authors, and a few more that were returned for revision, but the authors never submitted a revision – that had the same effect as withdrawal. The overall acceptance rate was 46% which is consistent with the Society’s overall track record.

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Magazine Publications Report This section provides an update on status and activities of IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.

1. All 2012 issues to date, including Sept/Oct were mailed on schedule. The Nov/Dec issue production is on target, with mailing scheduled for mid-October.

2. We increased the page budget for 2012 by ~5%, which is 24 pages, with a cost of $5,552. The increase was caused by several factors: Unanticipated extra pages for July/August special theme issue on large motor drives, additional content on Chapters & Membership news through the year, one paper for Nov/Dec issue that had a large number of figures, but was what made the paper exceptionally valuable, and an extra page in Nov/Dec issue on Papers Review and Impact factor.

3. The EiC has been working with the Managing Editor, Geri Krolin-Tayor, to implement a recommendation from the PRAC review to include the Magazine scope statement on the title page. This has been the standard practice for Transactions on Industry Applications, but had not been the practice the Magazine. The scope appeared for the first time in the July/August 2012 issue.

4. In order to help the magazine be more representative of our global membership, the EiC will be looking at how to look beyond North America regarding the History and Memoirs articles.

5. There are no other outstanding issues or concerns with Magazine planning at this time.

Respectfully submitted, Ahmed Rubaai Publications Chair

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY S.M. Halpin, Chairman PLEASE REPLY TO: Standards Department ECE Department Auburn University 200 Broun Hall Auburn University, AL 36849 (334) 844-1824 (334) 844-1809 FAX [email protected] (email)

October 8, 2012 To: Bruno Lequesne, IAS President Subject: Standards Department 3rd Quarter Report Two items of interest for the Executive Board are ongoing regarding standards:

1. The activity related to DC power equipment and system standards is ongoing. There appears to be significant interest in the subject both within IAS (particularly in the I&CPS Department) and from other Societies (notably PES) and associations and organizations. The work is progressing very slowly and appears driven largely by “at conference” activities where I&CPS members are active. There is concern that this work schedule is much too slow of other industry and trade groups.

2. The IAS policies and procedures for standards will expire at the end of 2012. By IEEE Standards Association rule, all standards developing organizations must have approved (by IEEE SA AudCom) P&P in place throughout the development process of any standard(s). IAS has historically all of our technical committees by Society-level adoption of the IEEE SA “model” policies and procedures. The up-to-date model P&P from IEEE SA must be adopted by IAS for our standards development activities to continue—I will present the model P&P at the 4th quarter Executive Board meeting with a motion to adopt.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark Halpin

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2013 IAS Executive Board Election Results


• President-Elect Dave Durocher • Vice-President Tomy Sebastian • Chair of Process Industries

Department Andrew Bagley • Chair of Industrial &

Commercial Power Systems Department Peter Sutherland

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2013 IAS Executive Board Election Results


• Member-at-Large: Yingbei Yao

• Member-at-Large: J. Marcos Alonso

• Member-at-Large: Tamas Ruszsanyi

• Member-at-Large: M. David Kankam

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2013 IAS Executive Board Election Results


2013 President Blake Lloyd plans to make the following appointments for 2013:

• Chair Education Department: Joe Sottile • Chair Meetings Department: Mark Nelms • Chair Awards Department: Mohammad Islam • Chair Chapters and Membership Development: Peter Magyar • Chair Standards Department: Mark Halpin

• Chair Publications Department: Ahmed Rubaai • Chair Electronic Communications Committee: Clifton Oertli • Chair Intersociety Cooperation Committee: Uday Deshpande

Planned Appointments

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T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 1

Report on the Activities of Inter Society Cooperation

Committee IAS Board Meeting

Las Vegas, NV October 6-7, 2012

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Joint New Journal Approval • The approved title of the new journal:

– IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (IEEE JESTPE)

• The TAB Periodicals Review Committee approved the phase

2 proposal, Thursday afternoon, June 7, 2012, with unanimous vote

• The TAB approved by consent agenda Friday morning, June 8, 2012

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PELS / IAS Joint Special Issues

• First publication of the first special issue is in Nov., 2012, TPEL – 41 papers appeared together with an editorial – Total of 245 manuscripts reviewed

• The second special issue will appear in Dec., 2012, TIA

– 63 papers with an editorial – 134 manuscripts (Conference papers)

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EIC: Editor in Chief Deputy EICs: (1 or 2) each society

Editors (Guest Editors/Issue) Associate Editors

Reviewers Search Committee: Self Nomination Terms limitations as per MOU Dong will be EIC (JESTPE Launch) Bruno to appoint Deputy EIC by Oct 31

Editorial Board Review Structure

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®Editorial Board Review Structure

• EIC: Editor in Chief – First – Dong Tan

• Deputy EIC: Bruno to nominate before Oct

31 – This person will take over as EIC later

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T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 6

Sister Society Activities • Representative to PELS and IES

– Attend PELS AdCom meeting at ECCE – IES at IECON in Montreal

• Blake Lloyd attended PES Board meeting

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From PES Board • Lost 50% of student members in Regions 9,10 - may have

graduated and left, or not renewed – no way to track • In their demographpics (they did a survey) there is a big

hole in middle ages, over 50% of members are less than 6 year members or greater than 20 year members. Rate of membership growth still good but growth slowing.

• They sign up several hundred new members to get cheaper registration at big T&D conference – but only 10% stick around the following year. The have a one click link to web registration - one click to join and all data comes across - no re-enter to join IEEE etc. T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 7

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From PES Board (Cont) • They send a welcome letter for orientation of new

members who join that again re-iterates the benefits as well as highlights upcoming conferences.

• They have a Women in Power group that interfaces with the WIE group

T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 8

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From PES Board (Cont) • Don't have meetings at conferences where people are busy - meet to

inspire chapters and/or industry collaboration - split board members up and do strategic visits etc. So don't put exec board at conference, rather find other forums that do other things.....

• Discussion on open access - need to set up a society committee to see how we apply the strategy of IEEE on open access - articles that fair well on IEL revenue tend not to do well on OA so better to take OA on some of those well.

• ·OA $1750 comes to society, but high usage journals get more IEL than that. The $3K was enough to keep steady state - the new amount for paper submission of $1750 won't cut it.....

• The hired a communications company – that does focus groups, interviews - analyze communications within PES board/staff and to members. They will have a report next board meeting – we may want to get a copy. T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 9

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From PES Board (Cont) • Training - old guy should come to first board meeting of new guy and

specifically sit down and do a "hand off". Board should pay for this travel. Continuity is totally important - and operational manuals etc are very important - try and provide resources to create these (they have a lot of staff to support such things)

• QR codes on signage at meetings - plus GPS mapping – we certainly could do the QR codes – will discuss with annual meeting group

• Website - I hear the same. In our case, no one unified point of contact, no content providers provide, no technical resource- all those chapters and committees need help to make "compatible" web sites - entities do their best with no help.

T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 10

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From PELS AdCom • News Letter

– Plans to improve the news letter – Accelerate publishing time – Thoughts of starting magazine (May be by 2013)

• Transactions – 2005- 1500 pages – 2012- 5000 pages – 2013 – 5500 pages (Projected) – Acceptance rate (33%) – 56 days from submission to first decision – Jan 2013 issue is on line – Up to May 2013 is full

24-Apr-14 11

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From PELS AdCom (Cont) • Electronic / Digital Media

– Monthly webinar – Up to Feb 2013 is all booked, mostly industry speakers – Mobile web site developed – First time ECCE papers were on the mobile at the conference – Plan to market seminars tutorials short courses etc. through Itune – Provide CEU

• Mobilizing people to update Wikipedia

24-Apr-14 12

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From PELS AdCom (Cont) • Membership

– Approach in welcoming new members – Promote senior membership (Especially abroad) – Retention sub committee – GOLD promotion

• Student Grant at ECCE – Need for formalizing the selection process – Make it really an award – Need criteria – IPCSD to work with PELS to develop this

24-Apr-14 13

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• “IEEE Access” BoD approved in July. • Characteristics:

• All embracing (anything in the IEEE fields of interest) and electronic only access

• Reviewed, but on a pass-fail basis for rapid publication

• Novelty not required for publication • Seen as a vehicle for:

» Practitioner material » Cross disciplinary work

• Front end fee ($1750) in the upper half of the OA spectrum – break even in 3 years

• Editor appointed. Launch in 2013

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Membership Yearly Trends









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


2012.02.10 db-15

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• New Award – Energy Storage Innovation

• 7 Technical Committees

• Special emphasis on India and China • 500 PELS members in India • 200 in China • PELS is sending 4 people to the PEDES conference

24-Apr-14 16

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T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 17

ECCE 2012 • More than 1250 attendees • EXPO

– Student Job Fair with the Industry Student Dinner – Exposition is expanded to include the academic entities at reduced

rate – more than 40 exhibitors – ABB- Platinum Sponsor, Two Gold sponsors and two Industry Student

dinner sponsors

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T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 18

PEDES India Update • Dec. 16-19 2012 • Preparations going well • Participating Organizations

– IEEE Industry Applications Society – IEEE Power Electronics Society – IEEE Industrial Electronics Society – IEEE Power & Energy Society

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Electronic Communications Committee Report

Clifton Oertli NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc.

303-431-7895 [email protected]

October 6, 2012

Attention: IAS Executive Board Members Subject: Report to Executive Board Location: Las Vegas, NV

• Vision: o “To use social media to not only inform existing IAS members of ongoing

activity, but also to reach out to a new generation of IAS contributors.” • New IAS Social Media email ([email protected]) • IEEE IAS has an aging demographic of primarily men, whereas social media

platforms attract younger demographics and have a majority of women o 43% of people aged 20-29 spend more than 10 hours a week on social

media sites • Breakdown of social media avenues:

o LinkedIn Site exists now and is owned by Jack Lin http://www.linkedin.com/groups/IEEE-Industry-Applications-Society-

1936013 o Facebook

https://www.facebook.com/ieeeIAS 955 million users Less Professional

o Twitter https://twitter.com/ieeeIAS 140 characters “tweet” 500 million users “twits?” 340 million tweets daily Younger demographic

o Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/102818584806750457600/ Launched June 2011 100 million active users Pages, Hangouts, and Events

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Electronic Communications Committee Report

• Many IEEE societies and chapters are already using social media to attract and inform members

o PES o PELS o Electric Safety Workshop o Communications Society

• Contributors and the Content they post o Must adhere to the IEEE Social Media Policy

http://www.ieee.org/about/social_media/index.html Contributors must be members Sites must be registered with IEEE Contributors must adhere to “Best Practices” Opinions do not represent the IEEE Respect confidentiality and privacy Properly cite sources for material Be polite, courteous, and truthful Stick to what you know

o Possibly recruit members at large and/or young IAS members • Recommend HootSuite for managing multiple IAS Social Media sites

o It is a centralized platform that can aggregate multiple sites and schedule posts into the future

o It is used by many top social media groups Facebook Obama Administration The Gap Zappos

o Free Service Single User 5 Social Profiles Message Scheduling Quick Reports

o Pro Service ($9.99/mo) Multiple Users

• 2 free ($10/mo above 2) Unlimited Social Profiles Google Analytics Facebook Insights

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Electronic Communications Committee Report

• What’s Next? o Social media site registration with IEEE o Place links on IAS websites o Recruit interested contributors

Members at large Student/new members

o IAS Officers Like, +1, Follow our pages This is not a requirement if you don’t have accounts with

all/any of these sites, but the more interest we have the more credibility

I will send out an email with links to make it easy Respectfully submitted,

Clifton Oertli IAS Electronic Communications Chair