Inside Soviet» decry 'blood bath*, pago 3; tanker» trovo! to moot filini, peg# é. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY r i r è :/ .’ • * * £ *7“ T> "M Linking, Michigan FV/S - ' 3 f«m . * «»V ' ' >*. *«1 I - nf ix"*W'rfy* W^flncsdftv, Fehn»« rv Weather Possible snow flurries today, with winds at 25 miles per hour from the north and north« west; temperatures of 23-28. iNCTTW yt told I 0 to pul port Ru« jÿ 1 7 *,nr HdTuosdn |rtn flS syryW1J" wdiy *r r ’ ¿tic mos! [Oepottmc or l,fri • its Sen gg.), one 1 ¡,1‘I-T h e K r e m - »sident Kennedy several thous- clan troops out h 15. U.S. aour- iovtet assurance rawal fromCuba 1 Monday tn n age handed to the it by the Soviet potent was con- John S t e n n 1 s of a group of -nder* of both ■e summoned to ed meeting with the White House cío 9 Notc*Mo"doyn,ght President Kennedy colled a ,p.. Ino 1^*1 7 ; n9r,*’ i0n0,,#0d#r*- «•»“” »* »he meet- ng labeled it as routine and o political move. This story i. the reo reason behind the secret gathering, end the false re- DOffft 0lv*n nrtis a * . J li * r. ding to at« Preparedness Committee, did not mention any figure. He said Tuls is an encourait ine devei- ana port, given press and public after the meeting, a, Washington diplomatic and newt sources.) Monday night The Continued pi ■ cn< , of an estimated 1 ''’fOOO f troops and technicians h, of major concern to the K administration and a prlmt of congressional and other of Kennedy foreign policy, Main U.S. focus has I the 5,000 heavily armed, ground combat troops il lets have kern on rh, r . . 1 Yugoslav Ambassador keynotes 3-I)ay Meeting idents from 21 ■ene tnls week- annual Campus a Kreke, vice-president jgp Campus U.N. said jSC students are expected other schools, ference will begin with assembly at 7 p.m. |;va Friday. Adrian Jaffee, f English, will de- wing speech on prob- .|.p I 1 M afternoon general sion will complet Sunday. Resolutions inc American conflict Indian border war rica, the Berlin a lecture, rcp- :h country will rs to dlsbuss ons for Sat- sernbly. ■meetings and ily from 1 to , Yugoslavian ae U.N., will ate speech at \ of the Union, ss fall U.N. nber ,.«►. * is, particularly the o rg a n !- r. MSU ighlights rnabout of Mr. MSU for lusic of the Les a will highlight about dance, the o be held F ri- ,m. to midnight (*ronp ìtrvìrirs Frat Probations to review the social probations placed on Alpha Tau Omega and Zeta Beta Tau fraternities by the Inter-Fraternity Council, Louis F. Hekhuis, assistant dead of students, said the IFC Judiciary will submit its action to the committee for final re- view of the disciplinary matters. The committee usually approves the action specified fry student groups, he said. -^Sàìtn’ Alpha Jg Ttitnan and P] I In ps' sex m ¡Robert f " andDe. Wear at fe 1963 bst !_ins V**PPs G. usic be chosen from andidates selec- al smoker held Ige, Port Huron a Upsilon, ma- ey, Kensington, •Delta Chi, m a- nanagement; rger, Evanston, nd Lambda Chi ng in e l e c t r i c a l Flint Junior and iu, majoring in New York City Gamma Delta, rhology. MSU will suc- nrmga, Way land a Tau Delta, who e Spin with M iss ynthia Cuthbert- sophomore and 'itnma. ' /he the , ' are Expected to make >e provided by the Orchestra. ! must ask their dates, tickets, and make all arrangements for the u -‘ - g tt .nsporta- a are also ex- 1 ®a 'ecorsages-for their ** sh°uid represent •nterests a nd-person - s ' taken at the !A»h. ^1Ven 10 the couples “to / corsaSes. 1 0r the Spin a r e now Ifo.Jj the Union Ticket les elgart * * * Applications For Draft Test Applicati011 blanks tor the lective Service Qualification test on April 18 may be obtained in; 339 Student Services from Dor J sey R. Rodney, deferment con- sultant. Applications to take the teat must be mailed by midnight •Other ( rynvT* ilifrs* f y . res sod varied reactions. "What’s a few thousand?” asked Sen. Barry Goldwater, (R- Arl/,) "T h ere should not be one Soviet soldier or technician left in Cuba.” Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said the administration is adopting a wait- and-see attitude toward the promised troop removal. inent specialists Russian troops r been large enoi nber of we anon a in bombers. Slome see t suring So' and offensive threat to the United anti-aircro ft missili States or to oilter hemisphere part of thla! setup. nations, especialily since no a s - ¡!r:Y»r4\L>? K .)» ARet" the October imposed m itt Iran sport atrion for thern" is The ' pro VL "CAvfr '¿p T'h'Otit' w^'rr , in evidence. Yet been regarded h for any norma poses. the numf 1 peacefu sor has 0 largre il pur- several th therefore r whether tin dismantle ousand i aaised rln the 24 r tiore tro ? questloi nodern s face-to-air rn is s i ! £ sites A widely heir1 theory among perhaps oth1 er modei U.S. authorities lets sent in co as part of their t complex in Cuba mhat pet ie Sov- U.S. intt dlcated the buildup bej diligence ’ massive tan last s Soviet at ummer, \ Under this thi Iftr arrtv#i m issiles and bombefcrs that n Water Study Center Legislation Would Aid Research At Land Grant' Universities PEDE5 1 AN.J -tSt*ARE! Th.v on the Farm Line bridge a hazard known to many— mud-stained clothes. It’ s something re to put up with, but keep a wotcWhrv' Ay*, when woH >y , oil the bleach in the world stains from your socks. the urQQflirt$t t lovi the Members Cite Efficiency AU SG Change Favored ss a much more eff ization,” she said, 'he committee will study the tonight's "These so called 'pressui groups’ could be a great pa of the effectiveness of AUSG WASHINGTON, Q.C. - University administrators i Congress today to pass a which would enable land-: universities to accompli si water resources as muc they have for agriculture. Testifying before tin Ser Select Committee on Nat Water Resources were Milt Muelder, vice president fo search development, and 1 . enco L. Quill, director o institute of Water Research Tire committee has pro a bill giving each state $10 per year to establish and <’*; a Wstar'Re.vucru*« Re ■ Center. It would also provide addii sums for specific projects nutted by partic ipating tin sities. The c e n t e r s would res< water problems and earn extension programs of educ and information for persons ing with the problems. The bill, sponsored by the rriittee chairman, SenatorCi P. Anderson of New Me has been compared to the i Act of 1887 which establ agricultural experiment sts Lpu Restricted By Union riember of the Organizations that more in- di! be induced 01 in Appointments- A 50-50 Possibility 4 . proposal would make appointme ing to the center Health Center, ice of adoption m Rasmusson, . c. pr Ljsicicni« . criticized the facility for de- doption of the low students to ts before com- session, she indicated. "I would like to see the num- ber of representatives kept at the present number, if efficiency could be ensured," RichHandlon, Ionia freshman and East Sha-w representative said. The "don’t care” attitude of too many people may necessi- tate the change, he added. Dave Miller, Kalamazoo fresh- man and West Shaw representa- tive, said that members should not object to losing their seats, if they realize the great increase of efficiency this may produce. Reservations about the inclu- sion of a member from- IFC ,. IVK , MHA, Pah-Hef and SOC were expressed by Marv Beren- son, Hollis Hills junior and East Wilson representatives. "T h is would result In double representation. A member would have representation in both con- gress and one of the other gov- erning groups.” Gerald Gutowski, Jackson sen- ior and a fraternity representa- tive, said the inclusion of such groups could be important. (Continued on Pog< •A' at. •TzowrAr Jr. alliance for progress program. Betancourt welcoming ceremony at the White House he ts a Kennedy Welcomes Venezbeion President '' . \ .HIM I \ President Kennedy has welcomed President Betancourt of Venezuela to the United States as the "number one enemy” of Communism in Latin American and the best U.S. argument for told Kennedy in a cam e... not to seek aid ... but ts a "friend and an ally" of the United States . . Geneva Conference Goe* On, And On* _•»' . GENEVA - Conditions remain unchanged at the Geneva Dis - armament Conference despite a surprise meeting among the Russia. The outcome of the so-called "friendly" hat Russia still insisted it will discuss a nuclear under its own term s. Senator Hubert Humphrey who attended the meeting, termed it "fruitful** by addingr—'* there was no sign of any sig- HOLD THAT LINE—Mrs. Doris Hodgkins, Cherry Lone housewife, gs>jsts second . ra«t«sss> HhsrEse* Rd». .1. . ,-.i V » •- - - four times a day. She i rospMvc v- 'Living Costs Lim it M any rita in test ban only of Minnesota, but tempered nificant shift.*’ By GEORGE MOSES Of The State News The most difficult problem in financing higlEer education is meeting subsistence costs of the thousands of academically eligible students, said Charles Killings worth, professor of ec- onomics, speaking at the MSU Men’s Club luncheon Tuesday. "Of those in the. top half of their high school class in the upper income group, 75 per cent go to c o l 1 e g e ,” said KiHings- worth. "O f the lower half, 45per cent of the white collar group goes to college.” "O f the blue collar group only 42 per cent of the upper half and 14 per cent of the lower port ioa of t he high school class goes to col- lege. This is an ability to pay screening, limiting thepotcnu.il- ity of our ablest students.” he of 53,000 if parents put up $5.000, Killinsworth said. "W here does sub s idy c >me fn »ng* * T? e bulk gf state taxes come from lower income groups. Higher ed- ucation, because of ability to pay screening is confined to upper and middle-upper income groups, while the bulk of the subsidy (Continued on Page 5) Ruling Keeps City Leasing Land! or Lots * . v . jp .... force them to continue leasing. that East Lar.sing passed tpark- ing revenue bond ordinance in 955 whicl .s ceipg. vio 3 red by the ordinance passed last Sep- Ehe city.wanted to purchase the lots on MAC Avenue, Bailey Street and Evergreen Street. At present it has a iease-purchase contract that allows it to pur- chase the lots whenever tr wishes.

Home | MSU Libraries - STATE i r F V/Sarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1963/state_news...Inside Soviet» decry 'blood bath*, pago 3; tanker» trovo! to moot filini, peg# é. MICHIGAN

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  • InsideSoviet» decry 'blood bath*, pago 3; tanker» trovo! to moot filini, peg# é.




    è : / . ’ • * * £ * 7 “T> " M L in k in g , M ich ig a n

    F V/SW® - ' 3f «m. * «»V ' ' >*. *«1 I- n f i x " * W ' r f y *W ^ f l n c s d f t v , F e h n » « r v

    WeatherP o s s ib le snow f lu r r ie s today,

    w ith w inds a t 25 m ile s per hour from the north and north« w e s t; tem peratures o f 23-28.

    iNCTTWyt told I0 to pul port Ru«jÿ 17 *,nrHdTuosdn

    |rtnflSsyryW1J" wdiy *rr’ ¿tic mos![Oepottmc

    or l,fri •

    i t s Sen gg.), one1

    ¡,1‘I-The K rem - »sident Kennedy

    several thous- clan troops out h 15. U .S. aour-

    iovtet assu ran ce rawal from Cuba

    1 Monday tn n age handed to the it by the Soviet

    potent was co n - John S t e n n 1 s of a group of

    -nder* of both ■e summoned to ed meeting with the White House

    c ío 9 N o tc *M o "d o y n ,g h t P res ident Kennedy c o lle d a , p. .

    Ino 1 ^ *1 7 ; n 9 r ,* ’ i0 n 0 ,,# 0 d # r*- «•»“” »* »he m eet-ng lab e led i t as rou tine and o p o l it ic a l move. T h is s to ry i .the reo reason behind the secre t ga thering , end the fa ls e re-DOffft 0 lv *n nrtis a * . J l i * r.

    ding to

    at« Preparedness Com m ittee, did not mention any figure. He said

    T uls is an encourait ine devei-ana

    p o rt, g iven press and p ub lic a fte r the m eeting, a, W ashington d ip lo m a tic and new t sources.)Monday night

    The Continued pi ■ cn< , of an estim ated 1 ''’fOOO f troops and technicians h, of m ajor concern to the K adm inistration and a prlmt of congressional and other of Kennedy foreign policy,

    Main U.S. focus has I the 5,000 heavily armed, ground combat troops il le ts have kern on rh, r . .


    Yugoslav A m bassador keynotes 3 -I)ay Meeting

    idents from 21 ■ene tnls week- annual Campus

    a Kreke, v ice-p resid ent jgp Campus U.N. said

    jSC students are expected other schools,

    ference will begin with assembly at 7 p.m .

    |;va Friday. Adrian Ja ffe e , f English, will dewing speech on p ro b-.|.p I 1 M

    afternoon general sion will complet Sunday.

    Resolutions inc Am erican conflict Indian border war r ica , the B erlin a

    lecture, rcp - :h country will rs to dlsbuss ons for Sat- sernbly.

    ■ m eetings and ily from 1 to

    , Yugoslavian ae U .N ., will ate speech at \ of the Union, s s fall U.N.

    nber ,.«► . *

    is, particularly the organ !-

    r. MSUi g h l i g h t sr n a b o u t

    of Mr. MSU for lusic of the L e s a will highlight

    about dance, the o be held F r i - ,m. to midnight

    (*ronp ìtrvìrirs Frat Probations

    to review the social probations placed on Alpha Tau Omega and Zeta Beta Tau fratern ities by the In ter-Fratern ity Council,

    Louis F . Hekhuis, assistant dead of students, said the IFC Judiciary will submit its action to the com mittee for final re view of the disciplinary m atters. The com m ittee usually approves the action specified fry student groups, he said.

    -̂ Sàìtn’Alpha

    JgTtitnan and P]I In ps' sex m

    ¡Robert f " and De. Wear at fe 1963 bst !_insV**PPs G.


    be chosen from andidates s e le c - al sm oker held

    Ige, Port Huron a Upsilon, m a-

    ey, Kensington,• Delta C hi, m a- nanagement; rger, Evanston, nd Lambda Chi ng in e le c tr ic a l

    Flint Junior and iu, m ajoring in

    New York C ity Gamma D elta,

    rhology.MSU will s u c -

    nrmga, Way land a Tau D elta, who e Spin with M iss ynthia C uthbert-

    sophomore and'itnma.

    • ' /he the

    , ' are Expected to m ake >e provided by the

    Orchestra.! must ask their dates,

    tickets, and make all arrangements for the u - ‘ - g tt .nsp orta-

    a are a lso e x - 1 ®a 'ecorsages-for their

    ** sh°uid represent •nterests a nd-person

    s ' taken at the !A»h. 1̂Ven 10 the couples “to / corsaSes.1 0r the Spin are now Ifo.Jj the Union T icket

    l e s e l g a r t * * *

    A pplications

    F or D raft TestApplicati011 blanks to r the

    lective Serv ice Qualification test on April 18 may be obtained in ; 339 Student Services from Dor J sey R. Rodney, deferment consultant.

    Applications to take the teat must be mailed by m id n ig h t

    •Other ( rynvT* ilifrs* f y .res sod varied reactions.

    "W hat’s a fe w th o u s a n d ? ” asked Sen. B arry Goldwater, (R - Arl/,) "T h e r e should not be one Soviet sold ier or technician left in Cuba.”

    Senate D em ocratic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said the adm inistration is adopting a w ait- and-see a t t i t u d e toward the prom ised troop rem oval.

    inent sp ecia lists Russian troops r been large enoi

    nber of we anon a in

    bom bers. Slome see t

    suring So'and

    offensive threat to the United an ti-a ircro ft m issiliS tates or to oilte r hemi sphere part of thla! setup.nations, especialily since no a s -

    ¡!r:Y»r4\L>?K.)» A Ret" the O ctober imposed

    m i t t Iran sport atrion for thern" is ■ The ' pro VL "CAvfr '¿p T'h'Otit' w^'rr ,in evidence. Yet been regarded h for any norma poses.

    the numf

    1 peacefu

    sor has 0 largre il p u r-

    sev eral th th erefore r whether tin dism antle

    ousand i aaised rln

    the 24 r

    tiore tro ? questloi

    nodern sfa c e -to -a ir rn i s s i ! £ s ites

    A widely heir1 theory among perhaps oth1e r modeiU .S. authorities le ts sent in co as part of their t com plex in Cuba

    mhat petie Sov- U .S. intt

    dlcated the buildup bej

    diligence ’ m assive tan last s

    Soviet at um m er, \

    Under this thiIftr arrtv#im issiles and bombefcrs that n

    Water Study CenterLegislation Would Aid R esearch At L an d Grant' Universities

    P ED E 5 1 AN.J - tS t*A R E ! T h .v onthe Farm L in e bridge a hazard known to many—m ud-sta ined c lo th e s . I t ’ s som ething

    re to pu t up w ith , but keep a

    wotcWhrv' Ay*, when woH>y , o il the b leach in the w orld s ta in s from you r s o c k s .

    the urQQflirt$t t lo v i the

    M e m b e rs C ite E ffic ie n c y

    A U S G C h a n g e F a v o r e dss a much m ore eff ization,” she said, 'he com m ittee will study the

    ton ight's

    "T h e s e so called 'pressui groups’ could be a great pa of the effectiveness of AUSG

    WASHINGTON, Q.C. - University adm inistrators i C ongress today to pass a which would enable land-: u n iversities to accom pli si w ater reso u rces as muc they have for agriculture.

    Testifying before tin Ser Se lect Com m ittee on Nat W ater R esources w ere Milt M uelder, vice president fo search development, and 1. enco L . Quill, d irecto r o institute of W ater R esearch

    Tire com m ittee has pro a b ill giving each state $10 p er year to establish and me fn »ng* * T? e bulk gf s ta te taxes com e from lower incom e groups. Higher education, because of ability to pay screening is confined to upper and middle-upper income groups, while the bulk of the subsidy

    (Continued on Page 5)

    Ruling K eeps City Leasing L a n d ! or Lots* . v . jp ....

    fo rce them to continue leasing.

    that East Lar.sing passed tp ark ing revenue bond ordinance in

    955 whicl .s ceipg. vio 3red by the ordinance passed last Sep-

    Ehe city .w anted to purchase the lots on MAC Avenue, Bailey S tree t and E vergreen S tre e t. At present it has a iease-p u rch ase contract that allows it to purch ase the lots whenever tr w ishes.

  • Mm M ic h ig a n S late M ews, Kast t .a n a in g , M ic h ig an—»■ we«M*i>i*»a*iiiMiir mum'»»hi«*»in«=■ n «• n»« wi«immiir r■»!«■»■ n«"■■ mrnt/mmmmtmthmmm\a im *«flMaaaa*.

    T h e O n l y S a l v a t i o n

    F o r S t u d e n t G o v ’ t, , . . . * , \ n i i «* I* iSZ JHlf «tnaena.

    ’Ttii* fjfpurt lariiKftîî vm ftiuci»wïi u~ tu Îif^v Z& 'itíBgtX S û ■

    r; ; i * * . ' / :' à£'M fa -huí : ¿iüi&K : ; «TIP H. ÍBÚIMtir ti'gnrr itaiiy- tstTrtitiTTUR'-" a*? faft-sur?':tlm rtiM: thè»* t-^v rn-tapf-i T- k* * ì-i. ' a :-3 Otfasrt &t*Gt ix “ÄÄT 89AC TTlXXTf rfTTTlyirflMP -tiBBERT SS "Stkt k W&h t«Ì54 TrtftáT iÄfcCTfr tìt! fttlldETGf ÄI5T fTTnV* T.? PT*i r w i s

    €w tììrvc lJfc?«KrBin ìieu ri mr ttu ezaserrt

    ìmsw m ree», ?tf neir -wrt^

    ¿.HfVfj sç.fTTbpn* rr¿K prz>çr*2T. w m r


    S tA ffm m v m v T f

    * .T c &

    P A C E M A R E 1 N f W S^ A P E Tw a t a r fiiSBttcémei P r e » . ih.;ree P t« s ì

    I -Of K j o s a itàBjtd D w Jv P r e s s NseocUtMÄ A s s o c i s i Ci-iAegi*» P re s s A ssad atisa M •ct.jgsr P resa À sso c itó sìi.

    -*ur.:.«(twc m m e sruaenrr o fJ4 ic ta u *c .S M *e .h .:v e rs rv . issuec m e ia * * a*y * **-onùr* abeaagir F neu ■ ■ m a Brig, w êhuêt ame

    '•,eçg“ îsr ; -eœ®.rwrr yjterv.'cg.s»* e t* v -■ 'rfiO' ' ’ 1 «»nau»4s«p ■3iâÂn''.5$r54Bÿrô3îTT-‘■'tekr '. 'r a m r ............................ B sq Benaa%âvengsds^ hfl « n a g e r ..................... Fred

    âperts Editar . . . . . . .Ptoce> i t e . . -------* .................: • â d p Wteyt

    . Ecreee Fate^caaa

    SetxKC -class p o s te e paid si E ast Lansing. H ic t ig m .

    Ed&sarub cad bosiness offices te M i Snsdfeta S erv fces BaUdmg, Mrct.}g«r, State Um v«rairy , £ * * : L aaattg . MaL » ibscn p ao ei*pat/afeí* ir. a h a v t . resnss S3; ; term *. Vt;3 tezada $S; taD y e a r . $6 .W ire E d t ta r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p a v e Jaefesif

    Airgiiatrr . .*. . ^ L u Hymac• %irr*Te&a

  • /

    Stato New», Ka*t Michigan

    fco e Girlpolled In Mckaging

    , |J|H «burgh, ( . . l id MNtn«?

    . f«, « a>. ' ■«ljS* .•i IV few » ft» th« fit ti I h f packaging

    Wednesday. February 2 0 , 1963

    Stir O p in io n A g a in s t Ira q Second InaugurationFor Romney In U.P.

    The Soviet bloc new president. A W ei Sfl I roundup»•Tiptrigtted t~u*«»oJ btc rhe ' e ji r tvo h t ««».."

    ltd ju s tice M ichael 0 * M in . o itow tns the Inauguration w ill a reception, an o ff ic ia l d in-

    i i rtrî n it in n t if i y r

    t .JL

    «he has not uty to get into o sea, ao she the a ll-m a te

    g irl In a curriculumSight, how *

    nember oi the and at a recentp t o C l e v e l a n d

    ». essa i y toiftipn w* V #*■

    «Uify of hav** room * wb*m

    lookfHÎ \!p At u'fi (*ân h ftv t

    ’ i mvm ''• ,

    l . vi yaf - dtatrtbnte,! a (! .tr Abdel fro m home and abro

    r* t r t - TT gM V1 t »V. O firg# ^«fbrn'vnrtMiM 8' * K + i* p * .— . r . ' r - ' %'

    « » i »

    mmlitiH* At

    y-**a1 $' i ï ï l i I l f


    t f g t i ft

    J o u rn a lis m G ra dProminent Red G ets P ro m o tio iCellist Dies

    N u c l e a r f t a r N i g h

    Savs I f a y ne l*rof


    EVELYN EMPRICK,roti In thè n ackaaiha


    Rockefeller Vs JFK In 1964 Says Pearson

    Swiss c© m m lttt#xl§M *, it was not *. Ipat whM ould be tsken, t ho com * iAS had no i #presontA~ r*q i lu c t the parly days ©m si 4 1/2 year «licit which in hiseh. 9 at the hgods of, ' ? ? tptht a* tu Baghdad «atri iuesday'the 700

    com m ittee,

    attidefit group** And comttnmist p i t ty or^ n ltA tio n i.

    Tar Her, both the Soviet Com* rnunisl Party newspaper Piavda and the party 's ruling tetu r«) com m ittee had expressed con* cot o aboti 0 '■tee/asg & s fa . ?*■>

    ment Office or write College Relations OfTice, Ling Terhco-Vought Inc P

    n C ^ J= jy \ y ^ r m * , e o - v o u m * r . cD a lla s A re a D iv is io n s :'C H A N C E V O U G H T C O R P ./ T E M C O E L F C T R O N IC S / T E M C O A E R O S Y S T E M S / C O N T IN E N T A L E L E C T R O N IC S

    re at your Placement Office Then ce and liberal company benefit .gravrt

    MÄSii Rilâtiôns bout Dallas — a degrees j.n Aero-

    5 * ît5 lb fb 4 e 't ç f issrSf^T* * s m ¡ ñ * í s - ' i t - Box 5907 ‘Opilas 72 'Tenar An eqnat opportc’nrtr employer

    ftAfti r. ¿radiates

    I I

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    y x i •tàp* Hi* Wy» in HT* Monday night performanci» In th* Audi Mwtlc ii *metlonol««not m*ant to b* onoly t*d»toolt th* Bo* homtan piani*», and th* p*r> formane* h* gov* wo» ho»*d on »motional appeal,

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    at SPARTAN B o o k sto re . W e ' r e having a F A N T A S T I C S A L E to make room for next t e r m s text books. W oolen

    p lea ted I s t r a ig h t ft p la id m s o l id

    DRESSESL . w r „ a

    +Gift BooksitC ook Books *•izPaper


    *$iceatshi rts ★Second hand hooksItThou&oruLs nutre item*~ » '*» -_!.*■ ’ ** t / J v t o «for srliOof

    B A R G A I N R A C K

    ■ C O A T S I^ ^ vva iu es up to $39.95 *

    Storm Coats ■»

    »BERMUDASf values up to $6.98 t d V Cotton NOW »1 ,

    Solids & Prints

    iSLEEPW EARft | vafues up to $6.98

    flannel NOWW i cotton t A A A

    If y o u w a n t sav ings


  • R A F T

    higan 8tate Neww, Eaat tannine. Michigan Wednesday, F e b r u a r y 20, 1983 5W K i i

    tfrTTrrr—' m * - - :

    laf'Fmrni Hu roan? In stru cto rs C ard i r

    tel 11 des 3,000A ir HoursHupp Corporitlcm In m #rh*nle«l, #î#ctriçnl nüd u iftftltirg ic« ! #tigl

    M o t o r o l a h r tn #l#ctrlca1 #ftjgifi##fg.

    Nairn ( hrm lcal . ing ch rttilca l «ini mori a ll #ugln##rlng d#gr#i

    wing at th# p|•mica

    Card Playingttonai informât m#nf Bur#au werk of P#b. t l i#g#a.

    Lamph#r# Public tor viewing #lrm#nfrtr aii#cia| pduc^tloti«

    (Contlnu«■ « M o ^ r’ .»«««# m m

    Infants - Garden Level >omest lcs-Socond Level

  • W l O n c i d i j f , K e b

    'S' Tankers Travel (rY m n n sts E n te rta in To Meet Fighting lllin i ;™ ~ §



    C O T !

    e r t c e r s o n a p i n c n t o C o n t e n d e r s

    V t AMwiH R4. P **f I *«*!.-*

  • tSÈ&iù


    N «m *d for Dad DUNEDIN. PI«, i U P !' 01

    to rt! Ann Creed 23 >e«t t women * am nteur go lf s ta r w rwcntl.v turned professionwflfl imiUfHi a fte r her fa th er


    GULLIVER’S State Drug StF O R Y O U ! ! !SPORT COATS. 51999 ,nd $24"

    SUITS ______ $ M "




    a s a \/£


    J \ a m $ e t j $n’iv c r $ t iy Sh o p

    SAVE $2.00B R IE F Í ASFS"

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    SAVE 40<Ladles Colored

    S W E A T P A N T S


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    H ere a re im p o r ta n t s a v in g s fo r th e

    e n tire f a m i ly . .. F u rth e r re d u c t io n s on

    fa ll a n d w in te r fa s h io n s . W o n d e r fu l

    o D D o rtu n itv to sh o p a n d s a v e on

    AtL e s sThan



    PARKASP e rfe c t fo r re a d i

    in b e d o r a n yw h < C h o l i c : è

    SAVE 50< é lNow Only ^ I



    BOOK STOREA c r o s s F r o m B erk ey Hall F r e e Parking In R e a r

  • Tner,.1031 N, vtime.


    Peanuts P erso n al


    w m PRICE wmtLORRE Mtn KARLOF^

    S ta r ts SATURDAY!

    M I C H I GAT H ( A t R


    K W \MWW* • ! «


    starts Fridai

    STUDENTS, FACL'LTY î Incorna u x serv ice W alrcr Hfthn3- Co. 32S V. Ottawa. ooDoaitt»

    j a c k L e m m o n ie e R e im e nmmmmsmm

    W ' 'W

    4 -̂ Real E s t a t e

    ■W F o r S a i e pcrti

    , m £ - > * a

    r n r g KTTÄ jg f . '

    w £RutherioW^Serv ice

    ,PCWT1f'r,.« . r Æ- *i p it ‘ ,i t /' 44-'--Ç ¿ î

    f 'f- ¿■•¡■t!'-' *k •• ' «-‘V ?*.9" i t i4, ■ z, x

    C34RFTTT ÎWT7EXJSraie355-8255

    SpeeSÿejgperr typing dor,■ypu’g i w * at reasonable

    -e li ÊD 2-8379. ia

    a*T-c«7i JUSSSt̂ m ► m ■»«C A M P U S HurrJ; Las,4D<

    T H E A ; 0 3 E Featur<

    mmmmmThe hilarious Broadway stage

    L ,''otai£isz.-N6Kh t̂'. ̂ trS«our Giant S creen jJ ^ K M, o u r G i a n t S c r e e n ^ ^ ^ ^ ,


    R P B E r T W l i R M W • S W R I E T ^ wTWOfoRTOESFESAW

    S ta r t in g S u n d a y “ G r e a t ! S i z z l i n g F a r c e ! D e l i c i o u s y jf amw 2 ■ a i f f _i«Aa fhef N. Y . T1 IT; f- I

    V i « via; U ÌA .41 v wi w . —

    , . . l i j g o n i o g t k v . . . - - C i t h e r . N.Y,

    * *&>&* t u v m l % J B

    IV fe »

  • S t a t e N e w sW ednesday, F e b r u a r y 20, 1963

    ■ W 'M 'U niI* « 5 f \n1 1

    W o m a n GuoVd's School C r n « in r

    Stops (d is Far k ¡,L

    V l W w M i i y , T1 .

    State Chairman W ill Discuss Con-Con With Young Dems


    Flu B ug Dl'

    May Fly IItruisíron g Fotos f o Drop Far nival

    p.tlguinp far MMy fir Ht

    art #fft»€tiv#a d m o n it io n tt> (AP) — Sign»9 in truffle urteryplugging ovxntng up * n r m » In u m i

    i-Hop P i c t u r e s Ready

    Foreign Cuisine, Talent Show To Highlight Annual Dinner

    O ld s To D iscuss

    B ra in B e h a v io rDoor Busier (*nMany Surprises . 0

    except textbooks g HHose 39( p<limited quantity

    Sweat ent - Skirts - Drosses

    $9 each or 2 fo r $15values to $22 .98 each

    Cocktail Dresses $13.00in two groups $f7.0Cf

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    T ick ets for the din for students and $3 fi


    C r e s t Tooth P a s t e .........Gillette Super B lad es . , Gillette L a th e r C r e a mDr i s ta n .....................Bufferin...............................Vick's Cough S y ru p . . . .Pepto B i s m o l ...................L a v o r i s .................................

    M.A.C. at Albert 3 3 2 -3 5 0 5

    Fountain Special

    Fresh Peach Sundae a i Topped With Whipped / J Cream And A Cherry

    B a t hT o w e l s





    all stock priced at or above

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    Luncheon Or DinnerChilled Tom ato J u i c e • R o ast Young Turkey With Dressing

    And C ra n b e r r y Sauce •Whipped Po ta to es With Giblet Gravy

    •Green June P e a s or •*'. -' •*» - * •>--

    •Hot Rolls & Butter •Tea o r Coffee wrnm'sr>. omy r n r n


    Qose O u t

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    V a lu e29 each Values To 3 .59

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    1 / 2 P r ic e2 . 0 0

    ValueÍC R O S S F R O M T H E

    U N IO N B U I L D IN GOpposite Your Union BldgE. Lansin<¿££nd River

  • G r e e k H o u s e m o t h e r s H a v e R e w a r d i n g J o b $3 ilMiMi, t 'W ii k iv i.,\jt • * .v p .m ., **« - u v « » n * « M . , Ml

    ,*#m Swviv»# I mm##- *• M.jMT • y\ y iv ^M st'h *« *1 M t>*A V «ek W «*r*M * n#— FfSO *< • «*.

    6» p.m ., t mhw tli*»**! *m1 Stvhkml An*»! ntgiu (, „IA - R^s^iv Ntox w $n,< *,.£* ip**?4 *■ jr-KÆ*W ^ v * - • *•>*>*•*'v* ** v . ^ * - fa * *" *'* * *■' ' vv • * - * ' - ' "*• r1lS2

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    «#%¥• %f ivMo ( %| h * $1 U*IÍ*¥ wHMU'ln#* v-êr^NH'i ên»* p' ’ - t - fc at tag Vy.t.< 11. .. t * . «■ , , r̂*i w j rithWt î si la \ t v m u a l l ) HPHhhhii

    ,-.. wi-*\ mM M r» U» '; ->ur.-'i\v irpiUtOMu. t ».h hwrmvitH'i , \O Nauu *1 IfiH 'ft ip i)


    Map D m ter I> %

    S it a re F l ig h t P r o fe s s o r C H U C K SALE





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    49 ibA R M CUT

    59 lbG R O U N D BEEI

    4 9 e itm o n e - o r e

    SPARERIBSSUP FRIGHT2 to 3 lb. boo 39:. AIL GOOD BACON 1 lb. pkg s l iced

    S e m i B o n e l e s s H a m s SUPER IGHT F U L L Y COOKED

    Head Lettuce 25RED RADISHES POTATOES Mieh. US *1A&P 4-1 qt. 14 oi. cara

    Tomato Juke 89


    GREEN GIANT SALEMexl C o rn 12 ox. C . Style C o r n 1 lb. Nlbtets 12 ox .

    A&P APRICOTSW ^ o ' e P e e i e a

    1 '