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Permutations and Combinationsby Kings Education - Friday, 4 September 2009, 12:48 PM

P E R M U T A T I O N S & C O M B I N A T I O N S

Permutations and combinations is a very important chapter for many entrance examinations. Understanding of his topic requiresstudent’s aptitude and through knowledge. In this chapter we will study different techniques of counting. Permutation and combination isnothing but “counting without counting” or counting by using different models. For example if we have to count total number of stars inthe following grid:

We do not need to count all the stars, as there are 3 rows and 4 columns, hence total number of star points are 4x3 = 12. Though this isa very simple example to explain fundamental principles of counting, it gives the basic introduction to counting. Now consider the secondexample, we have to find all three letter words which can be formed by using A, B, C with out repetition,

The diagram indicates that the first place can be filled in 3 different ways, when first place is filled second can be filled in 2 different waysand then third place in 1 way. Hence total number of words is 3x2x1 =6 , the six words so formed are: ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB and CBA


As discussed in the above example, we can conclude that if event A can be done in ‘m’ ways and a second event B can be doneindependently in ‘n’ ways, then both the events A and B can be done in mxn ways. If events A and B are mutually exclusive then both the events can be done in m+n ways. Exclusive events are thoses which can nothappen simultaneously. For example if a thief can enter the room through 4 doors or 5 windows, then total number of ways in which hecan enter the room is not 4 x 5 but 4+5 as both cases are mutually exclusive.


Factorial is represented by the symbol ‘! ’, n! =….(n-1). It is always useful to have a simple notation for big products like 1x2x3x4x…..x99x100 = 100!. For example 4! = =24, 5! = =120, 0! =1

PERMUTATIONS: permutations are different no of arrangements. Making words of 4 letters without repetition or with repetition is anexample of permutation. Now suppose we have to make a word of 4 letters by taking any 4 letters from 10 letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I __ __ __ __ 10 9 8 7

Four places can be filled in 10x9x8x7 ways, which can be written as , which means and that is written as 10P4.

So nPr = = n.(n-1).(n-2)….(n-r+1)

For example permutations of 4 distinct objects out of 20 distinct objects can be written as 20P4

Example: How many integers between 100 and 999 consist of distinct odd digits? Solution: We have to form all three digit numbers having distinct and odd digits. There are 5 odd digits 1,3,5,7 and 9. Total number of ways = 5x4x3 =60 ways.

COMBINATIONS: A combination is a grouping or selection of all or part not a number of things without reference to arrangement of thethings selected. Selection of three members from a family of ten, number of cricket matches in a group having 10 teams, number of

triangles formed by joining any three points out of 20 points in plane etc. all are example of combination. The symbol nCr represents total

number of selections taking r different objects out of n different objects. nCr =

Suppose there are 5 students and a company wants to select any 3 of them. So the total number of ways = selection of 3 out of 5 =rejection of 2 out of 5.

Number of ways = 5C3 =5C2. or in general,nCr = nCn-r

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: Suppose there are n+1 students and we have to select r students out of these students. Now there are two cases:

Case 1: a particular student X is always selected, total number of ways of selecting remaining r-1 students from the remaining n students

= nCr-1

Case 2: a particular student X is never selected, total number of ways of selecting r students from the remaining n students = nCr

Hence total number of ways = nCr-1 + nCr n+1Cr = nCr + nCr-1

Example 2. In how many ways we can make two group of 10 and 3 students out of a total 13 students .

Solution. We can select either 10 or 3 out of 13. Hence answer is 13C3 or 13C10 =286

Example 3. There are 20 points in a plane. How many distinct triangles can be formed by joining any three points.

Solution. We know that by joining any three points we get a triangle, hence total number of triangles is 20C3 .

Example 4. There are 5 men and 4 women in a group. In how many ways any four members can be selected from this group suchthat there is at least one man in the selected group? Solution: Method I: There are three possible cases:

Case 1: 1 man and 3 women are selected: 5C1 x 4C3 = 20

Case 2: 2 men and 2 women are selected: 5C2 x 4C2 = 60

Case 3: 3 men and 1 woman are selected: 5C3 x 4C1 = 40

Case 4: 4 men are selected: 5C4 = 5

Total number of cases: 20+60+40+5 =125 ways Method II:

Total number of cases = 9C4 =126 and there is only one unfavorable case when all 4 women are selected. Hence required number of

cases : =126 – 1 =125

WORD FORMATION: Word formation is based on fundamental principle of multiplication. For example by using the letters A1, A2, ……An, without repetition n!

words can be formed and if A1, A2,……. Ar are identical then total number of words without repetition will be n! /r! . For example total

number of words which can be formed by using the letters of the word “ACHILLES“ will be 8! /2! , as the letter L appeared twice.

Example 1: By using A, B, C, D, E how many words can be formed without repetition such that : a. All the words start with A. b. All the words starts with A and end with E c. A and B are always together. d. A and B are never together. Solution: a. First placed is fixed as A, then there are only 4 letters which can be placed on four places. __ __ __ __ __ A 4 3 2 1 Total number of words = = 24. b. Now first and last both places are fixed. __ __ __ __ __ A 3 2 1 E Total number of words = 3.2.1 = 6 c. If we fix A & B together, so that none of A & B can be separated. So pair A&B will behave like a single letter.

Now total number of letters are 4 letters X,C,D,E where X can be AB or BA So total number of words = (4!). (2!) =48 d. Required number of words = Total number of words - those when A&B are together. Hence the answer is 5! – (4!) (2!) =72

GAP METHOD: Gap method is used if we have to arrange ‘n’ different things in such a way such that no two of the ‘r’ things are together. In this methodwe first place (n-r) things in a line so that there are (n-r+1) gaps in between and at extreme ends. Now place ‘r’ things on these gaps sothat no two of these things are together provided that r n-r+1. Suppose T1, T2, T3, ……….T10 are 10 distinct objects and we want that

no two of T1, T2, T3 and T4 are together in the arrangement. First place remaining things T5, T6……T10

--T5 --T6—T7—T8—T9—T10--

So there are 7 gaps Total number of ways = (! Here are some examples where we can use gap method. § There are 10 boys and 4 girls are standing in a line such that no two girls are together. § By using A, B, C, D, E, F how many words can be formed without repetition such that no 2 of A, B, C are together. § A coin is tossed 5 times, find the number of ways so that no two consecutive outcomes result in a head.

Example: By using letters of the word JAIPUR how many words can be formed in which no two vowels are together. Solution: There are three vowels A, I, U So let us first place J, P and R , so that there are 4 gaps as shown below. On these 4 gaps three vowels can be placed in 4x3x2 ways. --J—P—R-- J, P and R can be permuted in 3! ways. Hence required number of words = (4.3.2).3! =144.

Example: By using letters of the word “ALLAHABAD” how many words can be formed in which no two As are together. Solution: First place L, L, H, B, D at five places so that there are six gaps in between and at extremes. On these six gaps 4 identical Asare to be placed. --L—L—H—B—D— Since all 4 As are identical and two Ls are same, hence

Total number of words = = 900.

Example: Find the numbers of ways in which 4 boys and 4 girls can be seated in a row of 8 seats if they sit alternately and ifthere is a boy named Akshay and a girl named Katrina amongst this group who cannot be put in adjacent seats. Solutions: It isbest to find the number of ways with Akshay and karrina sitting together and subtract this from the total without the restriction. Let us

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bracket A and K and consider it to be a single entity. So a possible arrangement is (B=boy, G=girl) (AK) B G B G B G number of arrangements is 7 x 3! x 3! = 252 (KA) G B G B G B number of arrangements is 7 x 3! x 3! = 252 So total with AK together is 504Now unrestricted arrangements are B G B G B G B G = 4! x 4! = 576Or G B G B G B G B = 4! x 4! = 576 and this total is 1152.To satisfy condition that A and K are NOT together we must subtract 504 Required number of ways = 1152 - 504 = 648

RANK OF A WORD IN DICTIONARY: If all the words which can be made by using n different letters are arranged in dictionary in alphabetical order then position at which aparticular word appears, is known as its rank. For example 24 words can be made by using letters of the word “RANK” without repetition.Now to calculate position of the word “RANK” we arrange the words in alphabetical order. A -- -- -- 3! words K -- -- -- 3! words N -- -- -- 3! words R A K N 1 word R A N K

Hence position of the word RANK is 3! + 3! +3! +1+1 =20.

Example: Find rank of the word GOOGLE if all the words which can be formed by permuting letters of this word without repetition arearranged in dictionary in alphabetical order. Solution: E - - - - - 5! /(2!X2!) =60 G E - - - - 4! /2! =12 G G - - - - 4! /2! =12 G O E - - - 3! =6 G O G - - - 3! /2! =3 G O O E - - 2! =2 G O O G E L =1 G O O G L E

Rank of the word GOOGLE = 60+12+12+6+3+2+1+1 =67

SUM OF ALL THE NUMBERS WHICH CAN BE FORMED BY USING THE DIGITS WITHOUT REPETITION: Suppose the digits are1,2,3,4. We know that total number of numbers which can be formed without repetition is 4! =24. Now Numbers with unit digit 1 will be 3! = 6 Numbers with unit digit 2 will be 3! = 6 Numbers with unit digit 3 will be 3! = 6 Numbers with unit digit 4 will be 3! = 6 Hence sum of the unit digits = 6(1+2+3+4) =60, Similarly sum of the digits at tens, hundred’s and thousand’s place = 60 Sum of all the numbers =60x1 + 60x10 + 60x100 + 60x1000 = 66660 Sum of all the numbers which can be formed by using the ‘n’ digits without repetition is (n-1)! (sum of the digits) (111…..ntimes)

Sum of all the numbers which can be formed by using the ‘n’ digits (repetition being allowed) is nn-1 (sum of the digits) (111…..ntimes)

Example: Find the sum of all the four digit numbers which can be formed by using the digits 1,3,7,9 without repetition. Solution: Number of digits =4, sum of the digits = 1+3+7+9 =20 Sum =(4-1)! (20) (1111) =6x20x1111 = 133320

CIRCULAR PERMUTATIONS: By fundamental principle of multiplication we have seen that ‘n’ person can sit on ‘n’ chairs, which are in aline, in n! ways. Now suppose there are 4 chairs around a circle and are equally spaced and there are 4 persons to sit on these chairs.Now the first person does not have 4 ways to select his chair, has only one way to select his chair as all the positions around a circle areidentical. All the four positions in the diagram are identical.

When the first person occupies any position, remaining three positions become distinct and remaining three persons can occupy thesepositions in 3! ways. Hence number of circular permutations of n distinct objects = (n-1)! Suppose 5 persons A, B, C, D and E sit around a table having 5 equally spaced chairs. Then the total number of seating arrangements=4! =24. In these arrangements clockwise and anticlockwise permutations are taken distinct. If we consider a different case of making anecklace by using 5 different flowers A, B, C, D2? Then a clockwise arrangement ( say ABCDE) and a anticlockwise arrangement ( sayEDCBA) will be identical.

Hence number of circular permutations of n distinct objects = ,

if there is no difference between clock wise and anticlockwise permutations Number of circular permutations taking r distinct objects out of n distinct objects

= nCr (n-1)!

Example: 7 persons out of a group of 10 are selected and made to sit around a round table having 7 chairs. Find the total number ofseating arrangement.

Solution: 7 persons out of 10 can be selected in 10C7 ways.

Number of seating arrangement = (10C7). 6! = 86400 ways

Example: In how many ways 5 men and 5 women can sit at a round table if

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a. No two women sit together b. Not more than 4 women sit together Solution: a. 5 men can sit first in 4! Ways. Now the remaining 5 distinct seats will be occupied by 5 women in 5! ways. Required number of ways=4!x5! b. In this case 5 women can not sit together. Hence required number of ways = total number of ways – number of seating arrangementwhen all 5 women are sitting together = 9! –(5!)x(5!)

8.3 APPLICATION IN GEOMETRY: There are multiple applications in geometry like no of straight lines, number of triangles, number of squares or number of rectangles. Weknow that by joining any two points we get one line, similarly by using two intersecting lines we get one point or by joining any three noncollinear points we get one triangle. For example

Number of lines by joining any two points out of ‘n’ points is nC2

Number of triangle by joining any three points out of ‘n’ points is nC3

Example: There are 20 points in a plane out of which 10 are collinear, find the number of straight lines which can be formed byjoining any 2 points. Solution: Since 10 points are collinear hence

Total number of straight lines = 20C2- 10C2+1

Example: Find the total number of triangle in the given diagram

Solution: In this triangle the points P, Q and R are not connected to all other points. The points A, B, C, D, E, F and G are connected to

each other. Hence total number of triangles because of these 7 points = 7C3- 6(3C3 ) =29

Now because of only point P there are 6 new triangles. So the total number of triangles because of Q and R is 12. Required number of triangle = 29 +18 =47

Number of squares and rectangles in a grid: Consider the following grid having 4 squares horizontally and 6 squares vertically.

Number of squares of side 1 = 4x6 Number of squares of side 2 = 3x5 Number of squares of side 3 = 2x4 Number of squares of side 4 = 1x3 Total number of squares = 24 +15 +8 + 3 = 50 In a grid of dimension mxn (m>n) total number of squares of all possible dimensions =mn + (m-1)(n-1) + (m-2)(n-2) +……(m-n+1)(1)

if n < m

if m=n

Number of rectangles in the same grid = (m+1C2)(n+1C2). Because there are m+1 horizontal lines and n+1 vertical lines and by selecting

any two vertical and any two horizontal lines we get a rectangle.

Example: Find the number of squares of all possible dimensions in a chess board. Solutions: Chess board is a grid of dimension 8x8.

Hence total number of squares = =204.

Example: Find the number of squares of all possible dimensions in the given grid.

Solution: Total number of squares in the outer grid =32 + 22 + 12 =14 Number of squares in the inner grid = 14 But one square is common. Required number of squares = 14 +14 -1 =27

Maximum number of regions formed by n straight lines in a plane: Consider n lines in a plane such that no two lines are parallel and no three are concurrent. By this diagram we can tabulate the numberof lines and corresponding number of regions.

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Number of lines Number of regions 1 2 2 4 3 7 4 11 ………………………………………… General term of the series 2,4,7,11….

Can be easily derived as =

Example: Find the maximum number of regions in which a plane can be divided by using 10 straight lines which are coplanar.

Solution: Max number of regions =

Example: Find the maximum number of pieces in which a circular cake piece can be divided by using 7 vertical cuts.

Solution: This question is similar to the above example. The diagram shows only two cuts 4 parts of the cake piece.

Max number of parts =

NUMBER OF DIAGONALS IN A POLYGON: We know that total number of vertices in a polygon having n sides, is n. Hence total number of lines which can be formed by joining any

two points = nC2, and of these nC2 lines n are sides of polygons, hence

Number of diagonals = nC2 – n =

Example: Number of diagonals in a convex polygon is four times the number of sides. Find the number of sides in the polygon.

Solution: Since number of diagonal =

According to the question = 4n

or n = 11


Consider a simple equation x + y = 5, then total number of non negative integral solution can be obtained by simple counting.

But if the equation has more than 2 variables, it is difficult to count all the solution. By using Binomial expansion we get a simplified resultto find non negative number of solutions. if x1 + x2 + x3 + …..xr = N, then

Total number of non negative integral solutions is n+r-1Cr-1 .

This formula can be applied for solving various types of questions directly or indirectly based on it. To calculate number of positive integral solutions of the equation x1 + x2 + x3 + …..xr = N, let us assume that x1 = y1 +1 , x2 = y2 +1, …..xr = yr+1. Hence the transformed equation is

y1 + y2 +……. yr + r =N or

y1 + y2 +……. yr =N –r

So the required number of solutions is n-1Cr-1.

Note that in these solutions y1, y2 ,….yr all are non negative integers and because of the transformation x1 , x2 , x3… all become positive.

Example 4. If a + b + c =100 find the number of solutions if a. a, b, c are non negative integers. b. a, b, c are positive integers.

Solution. a. In this question r =3, N =100, hence number of solutions = 100+3-1C3-1 = 102C2

b. If a, b, c are positive suppose a = x + 1, b = y + 1, c = z + 1, such that even if x, y, and z are zero, a, b, c will be positive. So equationbecomes

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x + 1 + y + 1 + z + 1=100 or x + y + z =97

Total number of solutions = 99C2

Example 5. If

=98 and x1, x2,x3 and x4 are odd numbers. Calculate total number of solutions of the equation?

Solution. x1 + x2 +x3 + x4 = 98

Now put x1 = 2a+1, x2 = 2b+1, x3 = 2c+1 and x4 = 2d+1

So the equation becomes 2 ( a + b + c + d) + 4 =100

Or a + b + c + d =48, hence total number of solutions = 51C3

Example 6. Find total number of solutions of the equation x + y + z =30, where x, y and z are distinct non negative integers.

Solution. Total number of non negative integral solutions = 30+3-1C3-1 =32C2 =496.

Now suppose number of triplets (a, b, c) when all three are different = M Number of triplets (a, a, a) when all three are same =P Number of triplets (a, a, b) when exactly two are same =N Now the total number of non negative integral solutions is (3!)M + (3! /2!)N +P By simple counting N =15 and P=1 Hence 6M + 3.15 +1 =496 6M =450 Required number of solutions = (3!)M =450.


Suppose there are 3 identical apples which are to be distributed among three students. In this case since apples are similar hence itdoes not matter which apple is given to which student, what matters it that how may apples are given to any student. Suppose studentsare A, B and C

A B C 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 total 10 ways. So this distribution is similar to the non negative integral solution of the equation A +B +C =3

Total number of solutions = 3+3-1C3-1 = 10 ways.

From the above example we see that distribution of similar objects is similar to no of non negative integral solution of a linear equation.Some times equation needs to be modified or transformed such as odd integral solution or even integral solutions etc. The number of ways in which n identical things can be distributed into r different groups if the groups have any number of things from 0to n, is same as number of non negative integral solutions of the equation x1 + x2 + x3 + …..xr = n.

Required number of ways = n+r-1Cr-1

Example. 20 identical coins are distributed among 4 beggars. Find the total number of ways of distribution if each beggar getsat least 2 coins. Solution. Suppose four beggars are a, b, c and d. The question is similar to find solution of the equation a + b + c+ d =20, where each a,

b,c,d is more than or equal to 2. Giving 2 coins to each beggars remaining 12 coins can be distributed according to the formula N+r-1Cr-1

So required number of ways = 15C3

Example: There is unlimited number of red, green, yellow and blue balls. In how many ways 10 balls can be selected so thatthere is at least one ball of each colour. Solution: In this case since ball are identical, hence it does not matter which ball is selected, what matters is that how many balls areselected. Hence the problem is similar to : Red + Green + yellow +Blue = 10 a + b + c + d =10 , where a, b, c, d 1

so the number of solutions is 9C3.

DISTRIBUTION OF DISTINCT OBJECTS: Suppose 3 distinct books are to be divided between two students S1 and S2. Now in this case

since books are distinct, we have to see which book and how many books are given to a student. If the books are b1, b2 and b3

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Each book can be given to either student S1 or S2. So each book has two ways of distribution. Total number of ways = 32 =9 ways. In

general we can conclude that ‘r’ distinct objects can be distributed among ‘n’ recipients in nr ways. This formula include thecases one or more recipients are not given any of the objects.

Example. In how many ways 52 playing cards can be distributed between two players?

Solution. Since playing cards are different, hence total number of ways of distribution = 252 but these ways include the two cases when

all the cards are given to first player or second player. Required number of ways = 252 -2.

Example: In how many ways 7 distinct books can be distributed among three students such that each student gets at least onebook.

Solution: Total number of ways of distribution = 37, but this includes the number of cases when all the books are given to exactly twostudents of exactly one student.

Required number of ways =37 – 3C1( 27 – 2) - 3C2 (1) =2187 -3x126 -3 =1806 ways.

Number of ways of selecting zero or more things from n different things is nC0 + nC1 + nC2 +………nCn =2n

DIVISION INTO GROUPS: Total number of ways in which a+b+c different things can be divided into three groups which contain a, b and

c things respectively, is I if the order of the group is not considered.

and if the order of the group is considered.

Number of ways in which ‘3n’ different things can be divided into three groups such that each group contains ‘n’ objects is

if the order of the group is not considered.


Re: Group DiscussionTechniques- 1: Learning the Skillsby Kings Education - Tuesday, 10 March 2009, 11:21 AM

is nice

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