Honeywell Automation India Limited CIN: L29299PN1984PLC017951 Regd. Office: 56 & 57, Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Pune - 411 013, Maharashtra Tel: +91 20 6603 9400 Fax: +91 20 6603 9800 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.honeywell.com/en-us/global/en-in/hail July 17, 2019 To To BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza, 5 th Floor, Plot No. C/1, Dalal Street G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 001 Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 Attn: Mr. K. Gopalkrishnan Kind Attn: Mr. Hari Dear Sirs, Sub: Newspaper Advisement for AGM, Remote E-voting and Record Date Ref: Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Stock Code- BSE: 517174, NSE: HONAUT; ISIN: INE671A01010 Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015 and the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, please find enclosed a copy of the newspaper advertisement, inter-alia, informing about the Notice of the 35 th Annual General Meeting of the Company along with the details of the remote e-voting facility and Record Date published in The Economic Times (English) and Maharashtra Times (Marathi) on July 17, 2019. Request you to kindly take the above on record. Yours faithfully, For Honeywell Automation India Limited Farah Irani Company Secretary Cc: Central Depository Services (India) Limited National Securities Depository Limited TSR Darashaw Limited

Honeywell Automation India Limited CIN ......Mumbai 400 001 Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 Attn: Mr. K. Gopalkrishnan Kind Attn: Mr. Hari Dear Sirs, Sub: Newspaper Advisement for AGM,

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Page 1: Honeywell Automation India Limited CIN ......Mumbai 400 001 Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 Attn: Mr. K. Gopalkrishnan Kind Attn: Mr. Hari Dear Sirs, Sub: Newspaper Advisement for AGM,

Honeywell Automation India Limited CIN: L29299PN1984PLC017951 Regd. Office: 56 & 57, Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Pune - 411 013, Maharashtra Tel: +91 20 6603 9400 Fax: +91 20 6603 9800 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.honeywell.com/en-us/global/en-in/hail

July 17, 2019

To To BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, Dalal Street G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex,

Mumbai 400 001 Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 Attn: Mr. K. Gopalkrishnan Kind Attn: Mr. Hari Dear Sirs, Sub: Newspaper Advisement for AGM, Remote E-voting and Record Date Ref: Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)

Regulations, 2015 Stock Code- BSE: 517174, NSE: HONAUT; ISIN: INE671A01010

Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015 and the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, please find enclosed a copy of the newspaper advertisement, inter-alia, informing about the Notice of the 35th Annual General Meeting of the Company along with the details of the remote e-voting facility and Record Date published in The Economic Times (English) and Maharashtra Times (Marathi) on July 17, 2019. Request you to kindly take the above on record.

Yours faithfully, For Honeywell Automation India Limited

Farah Irani Company Secretary Cc: Central Depository Services (India) Limited National Securities Depository Limited TSR Darashaw Limited

Page 2: Honeywell Automation India Limited CIN ......Mumbai 400 001 Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 Attn: Mr. K. Gopalkrishnan Kind Attn: Mr. Hari Dear Sirs, Sub: Newspaper Advisement for AGM,



Honeywtl!Automltlon lndla Umlted · ..J919'JPIU91H:>i.C017951

pt,, 112066039400 F11t •9 I 20. 6603 9800


Notice Is hereby given that

• The 35 .. Annual General Meatlng rAGt.1') of the Company will be heldFriday. August 9, 2019 at 4 00 p.m. at the Registered Office of theCompany at 56 & 57, Hadapsar lndu$trlal Estate, Pune 411 013 totransact the O rdinary and Special Business as set out in the Notice ofAGM.

• ElectronlccopiesoftheNotlceofAGMandAnnualReportfor2O18-19have been sent to all the members whose email lll$ a11 registered withthe Company/ Registrar & Trall$fer Agent I Depository Participant{s).Physical copies of the Notice of AGM and Annual Report for 2018-19have been sent to all other membels at their registered address In thepermlttedmode.Thesameare atsoavallableontheCompany'swebsitehttps;//www.honeywellCOffl/en-us/globaVen-ln/hail and on NSOl,.'swebsite https://www.evoting.nsdlcom. The dispatch of above-referreddocumentshasbeencompletedonJuly 15. 2019.

• Membefs holding shares either 1n physical form or In dematerlalizationform, may cast their vote on the O rdinary and Special Business as setout in the Notice of AGM through electronic vobng syst!m of NalionalSecurib• Depository limited {NSOLI from a place other than thevenueofAGMrrernotea-votlng"l.Allthemembersarelnformedthat

- The remote e-voting shall commence on Tuesday,August 6. 2019 at9:00 am (1ST) and ends on Thursday August 8. 2019 al 5:00 pm.(1ST)

- The cut-off date for determining the eligibility to vote by electronicmeans orattheAGMisFridey,August2.2O19

- Any person. who acquires shares of the Company and becomesmember of the Company after dispatch of the Notice of AGM and holding shares as of the cut-off date i.e. of August 2. 2019 mayobtaln the login 10 and password by sending a request at1NOtlng •nsdl.co.ln. However. if you are already registered with NSDLfor remote e-voling then the exiSting user ID and paSS'NOrd can beused for casting vote.

- Members may note that a) the remote e-voting module shaU bedisabled by NSDL after the aforesaid date and time for voting andonce the vote on a resolution is cast by the member, the membershall not be allowed to change JI subsequently; b) the faciUty forvoting through ballot paper shall be made .vailable at Ilia AGM,c) the me.mbers who !\ave cast their vote by remote a-voting prior tothe AGM may also attend the AGM but shall not be entitled to casttheirvoteagaln.

- In case of queries. members may relt!r to the Frequently AslcadQuestions (FAQs) to, members and e-vobng user manual for�at the Downloadssec:lion of https://VN!W�or caU on lllll fraeiwmber 1800-222-990. GiYen below are the detailsof the pe,son responsible to addres.1 the gneval'ICIIS connected with thefaciljtyfo, remote e-votlng:

Name and Designation: Ms.Sarita Mote.Asst Manager .

Address: NatiOnal Securities Depository Limited, 4• floor. A Wing. Trade Wor1d, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapaty Bapat Marg, Lower Pffll,Murnbal4OOO1J

Email address: evoting �nsdlco.ln: Contact detail 1800-222-990

The shareholders are also requested to update the ell\al11Ds with the Company in the Form sent to them aloog with the Notice of the AGM.

• The record date for determining thenamesof members eligible for finaldividend for 2018-19, if approved by the members at the AGM, IsAugust2,2O19

HI! Honeywell Automation India Umlted

Pi.et · Puoe Farah Irani Datt July 17, 2019 Company Secretary

Regd. Office: 56 & 57, Hadapsar hldustrial Estate. Pune 1111013 £....a:HMJ��-, aur1-..«��'"•1nthlll

Page 3: Honeywell Automation India Limited CIN ......Mumbai 400 001 Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 Attn: Mr. K. Gopalkrishnan Kind Attn: Mr. Hari Dear Sirs, Sub: Newspaper Advisement for AGM,