APRIL 2014 Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazine Price 40p St. Mary the Virgin Honley St. George Brockholes

Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazinebtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site887/Mag 2014/Apr 14 final.pdf · Please pray for your elected members, get to know them, share your ideas

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APRIL 2014

Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazine

Price 40p

St. Mary the Virgin Honley

St. George Brockholes

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At the end of the Bible, in the book of Revelation, the apostle John is given a vision of God’s holy city, New Jerusalem. John hears the risen Jesus say, ‘See, I am making all things new.’ (Revelation 21.5)

Lots of things are being made new in April. From Easter Day onwards, we shall be part of the new Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales. We shall have a new (interim) Area Bishop of Huddersfield, Tony Robinson. New people will be taking on rôles in the parish. Most importantly, God offers each of us new life in Jesus Christ, whom he raised from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus is the best news in the world, but it is news to which each of us must respond for ourselves. When we respond in faith to the claims of the risen Jesus, everything looks different. Old assumptions are challenged. Old ways of life are left behind. God fills us with his holy and life-giving Spirit as a promise that one day we shall be in his new creation. That is a promise for everyone, whoever we are and whatever we have done, whether we have been coming to church for many years or have never been to church at all. But God’s promise must first be received. Have you done that? There are so many opportunities in Honley and Brockholes to think things through and I know how helpful Alpha will have been for those who have been part of that. As I write, I have been to one of those Thursday evenings already and found it a great blessing. For your diaries, one opportunity coming up is a weekend of events organised under the auspices of New Wine: at 7.00 pm on Friday 9th May there will be a Celebration at Wakefield Cathedral, with worship and Bible teaching. Then on Saturday 10th April there will be a day of worship and teaching for all ages at All Saints’ Normanton, from 10.00 am till 4.00 pm. On Sunday 11th May there will be a special Evening Service at 6.30 pm at All Saints’ Halifax. Please do put those times in your diaries. The risen Jesus is making all things new.

Liam Beadle

A note from the Vicar April 2014

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Share Prayer


Making Christ’s Church

We love our church, with all her limitations and all her riches too, she is our Mother. For this reason we respect her and while we do so, we dream that she will never lose her beauty. May she be: A Church where it’s good to live, Where you can breathe and say what you think. A Church of freedom. A Church which listens before speaking, which welcomes instead of judging, which forgives without wishing to condemn, which announces rather than denounces. A Church of mercy. A Church where the simplest of our brothers and sisters will understand what the others are saying, and where the wisest of leaders will know what he doesn’t know, where the people of God will be revealed in its entirety. A Church of wisdom. A Church where the Holy Spirit will be able to feel at home because everything hasn’t been foreseen, settled and decided in advance. An open Church. A Church where the audacity to do something new will be stronger than the habit of doing things as they’ve always been done. A Church where everyone can pray in their own language, express themselves according to their culture, and live with their own history. A Church of which people say, not “See how well organised they are” but “see how they love one another”. Church of suburbs and streets and housing estates, you may still be small but you are making progress. you are fragile, but you are full of hope. Lift up your head and look; The Lord is with you,

Bishop Guy Deroubaix

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In April we remember in our Year’s Mind


Nellie Nickerson d. 11 April 1983

Elsie Amy Cockhill d. 12 April 1994

George Henry O’Brien d. 15 April 1969

John Isaac Fearns d. 20 April 1991

James Thomas Jackson d. 23 April 1994

Gordon Stanley Hampshire d. 30 April 1997

Catherine Reakes Williams d. April 2010

Margaret Thornton d. April 2010

John Perkins d. April 2010

From the Parish Registers


St George’s March 4th Martin Sherwood Noble

Lord of Life

We pray for all who bring your word of life to those in darkness. For those who bring your word of peace to those enslaved by fear. For all those who bring your word of love to those in need of comfort. Lord of love and Lord of peace Lord of resurrection life be known through our lives ad through your power. Christ the Lord is risen.

Charles Wesley

These prayers have come to me via Mothers’ Union. Your contributions to this page will be very welcome. Please give them to me, or to the magazine editor, Alison Dean.

Pat Green


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Annual Meetings This is the time of year when the Church of England holds it its annual elections. Just what are the newly-elected taking on and just what are we expecting from them? Moira Wickens wrote the following for her own churches in Fishbourne and Apuldram giving her views on the collective responsibilities of the Council’s members – both elected and ex-officio. She has kindly given her permission to reproduce the article here. (References to P.C.C. also apply to our D.C.Cs.)

Clive Waind What is the P.C.C. and just what is expected of its members? The Parochial Church Council, which is what PCC stands for, is a body of people who represent all the other church members of a parish. It is a complicated body, even before you take into account the personalities of its members, for it is unlike any other committee in that it has to carry out a mixture of spiritual, legal, financial, pastoral and missionary functions. The PCC shares the privileges and responsibility of making certain decisions with the parish priest, and in return co-operates with the priest in the whole mission of the church. This is not a clever arrangement worked out by the church lawyers, but is in fact an attempt to channel the teaching of the bible into the life of the parish. Members are elected by the people of a church and much indeed is expected of them. Being a member of the PCC is a very important role within the life of the church and much is expected of those who accept the privilege. They are to attend all meetings, making sure that these have first claim on their time before any other secular or social function. The PCC has a duty to discuss all matters that affect the life of the church and parish, they do this by looking at the whole picture rather than individual little bits. Sometimes these discussions lead to a vote, after which some sort of action is usually required. Every member is expected to do their share of the action and if they have voted against a particular decision they still need to join with the others for the sake of unity and corporate loyalty.

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The function of the PCC includes complete co-operation with the incumbent, this does not mean that they always have to agree with everything, but they are expected to work together for the good of the whole church, in many ways they are the eyes and the ears of the church family. Therefore, Love is required of every member, both for God and for his or her neighbours in the widest sense, and this sometimes includes learning to love those who may have been difficult at a meeting. A healthy spiritual life needs to be developed, for no one can act or speak as a member of the Christian body unless they take time to pray and read the bible every day. PCC members are expected to receive communion at least once a week. They are responsible for the repair and upkeep of the church, and for how the money is to be spent, ensuring that the church has an adequate income each year. Ultimately, the PCC is made up of ordinary men and women who willingly give their time and energy. They are to be an example to others, but are also there to listen to the people of the church so that with the priest they can make the right decisions for the future. Please pray for your elected members, get to know them, share your ideas with them, thank them and please do respond to their requests for help. For they are not here to ‘do’ it all, but rather to inspire, encourage, even cajole us all to play our part in the life of our church. And so, thank you to our PCC members.

Revd Moira Wickens

Holme Valley Food Bank Volunteers Food Bags are now being distributed in Honley on Wednesday afternoons 2.00 – 4.00 pm from the library, in exchange for a voucher which is issued from Honley Surgery, Elmwood or Oaklands Health Centres in Holmfirth. If anybody is available to help contact: 07534 855 332 or email [email protected] Any donations of food or money would be gratefully received. Food to the Book Room in St. Mary’s Parish Room, (Thurs, Fri, Sat 10 – 12). Cheques should be sent to: Mel Armstrong, Pi Partners Ltd, Suites 3 and 5, Victoria Court, 91 Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth, HD9 3JA.

Liz Cummings

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ST. MARY'S CALENDAR MARCH Sunday 30 Mothering Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion + Holy Baptism, Music Group + Infants School Choir, Flowers and Simnel Cake 6.30 pm Taizé Service APRIL Tuesday 1 7.00 pm St Mary’s Annual Meeting for 7.30 pm preceded by wine and nibbles Wednesday 2 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group 7.30 pm Mothers’ Union - speaker Mr K Sharp ‘West Yorkshire Lieutenancy’, all welcome Thursday 3 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group 11.30 - 12.45 pm Lent Lunch in Parish Room 1.30 pm Parent and Toddler Group 7.00 pm Alpha Friday 4 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Sunday 6 5th Sunday of Lent 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am All Age Morning Prayer with Choir 6.30 pm Holy Communion (sung) Wednesday 9 9.30 am Holy Communion 2.00 pm Infant School Easter Service Thursday 10 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group 11.30 - 12.45 pm Lent Lunch in Parish Room 1.30 pm Parent and Toddler Group 7.00 pm Alpha Sunday 13 Palm Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion (distribution of palms) 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Monday 14 7.00 pm Meditation + Music ‘Journey to Jerusalem’

8.00 pm Holy Communion Tuesday 15 7.00 pm Meditation + Music ‘Witnesses Along the Way’

8.00 pm Holy Communion Wednesday 16 9.30 am Holy Communion

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7.00 pm Meditation + Music ‘Servant Woman’s Story’

8.00 pm Holy Communion Thursday 17 Maundy Thursday 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group (TBC) 11.30 - 12.45 pm Lent Lunch in Parish Room 1.30 pm Parent and Toddler Group 8.00 pm Holy Communion followed by Watch of Prayer Friday 18 Good Friday 10.30 am All Age Morning Prayer 12.00 noon Service on the Green - opposite Bakery (Honley Churches Together) 2.00 pm Hour of Meditation Sunday 20 Easter Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion for Easter Day * No Evening Prayer * Wednesday 23 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 24 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group 1.30 pm Parent and Toddler Group 7.00 pm Alpha Friday 25 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal at Trinity Sunday 27 2nd Sunday of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 30 9.30 am Holy Communion MAY Thursday 1 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group 11.30 - 12.45 pm Lent Lunch in Parish Room 1.30 pm Parent and Toddler Group 7.00 pm Alpha Friday 2 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Sunday 4 3rd Sunday of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am All Age Morning Prayer 6.30 pm Holy Communion (sung)


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Brass Cleaning A gentle reminder that brass cleaning is due before the Easter celebrations. Thanks to those who undertake this task.

Clive Waind

St Mary’s Helpers Rota for 9.30 am services

Service Sidespeople Reader Intercessors Serving Coffee

Apr 6

All Age Service

Gillian Greaves Craig Noble

Jenny Lockwood

Graham and Jane Wardman

Alison and Simon Dean

Apr 13

Palm Sunday

Diana and Charles Kaye

Dennis Thewlis

Clive Waind

Linda Froggatt Gillian Greaves

Apr 20

Easter Day

Sandra Dean

Andrew Dean

Bev and John Playle

Andrea Green Christine Woolley

Apr 27

Holy Commun-


Pauline and John Adams

Charles Kaye

Carol Hirst

Graham and Jane Wardman

May 4

All Age Service

Kate, Adam Ian Walter

John Adams

Diana and Huw Griffiths

Diana and Huw Griffiths


Christian Aid Week 11th

to 18th


We will be carrying out a street collection for Christian Aid on Saturday 17th May, as part of this week, with a coffee morning on Friday 16th May (more details in next magazine). A cake sale will be held in church on Sunday 18th May. Please consider baking and participating in the rota for the street collection. Sign-up sheets will be in church from the middle of April.

Bev Playle

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Contact Details Margaret and David Wainwright now have their new phone installed in Shropshire. The number is: 01743 792787.

Margaret and David Wainwright, via Jean Cheeseman

Choir News Numbers are still growing, although we were very sad to say our goodbyes to Margaret and David Wainwright (former Church Warden and Deputy Warden). Margaret having been a “long standing” member of our Choir helping us to carry on when others came and went. She will be sorely missed. If anyone saw BBC Songs of Praise on Sunday 2nd March from Bradford Cathedral they may have seen some familiar faces amongst the large choir assembled for the celebration of 1st Sunday in Lent. We had two very enjoyable visits to rehearse and film this - conducted by our friend Gordon Stewart. “Very hard on the legs but an occasion not to be missed”. If you watch on Palm Sunday you may glimpse three of our members, hardy enough to survive a second time around. On Wednesday 9th July at 7.30 pm St Mary’s Choir will host an evening workshop with Andrew Robinson of the RSCM and hope to welcome all our neighbouring choirs and anyone else who is interested to this. Any queries to me.

Shirley Turner, Choir Secretary

Thank you The Christingle Services held at St Mary’s Church and the Infant and Junior Schools raised a sum of £729.96 for the Children's Society with a possible £90.00+ from the Gift Aid envelopes. Many thanks to everyone for their generous contributions.

Heather Ambler

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Meditations and Music

St Mary’s Church, Honley, 7.00- 7.45pm

14th, 15th & 16th April 2014

Readings - Drama – Music – Silence

Enabling us to reflect on and find meaning in the events of the last days of Jesus’ life

Monday “Journey to Jerusalem” Tuesday “Witnesses along the Way” Wednesday “Servant Woman’s Story”

The joyful entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem on that long-ago day, that we now know as Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week. How amazing it is that the events of one week surrounding one man have had such a colossal impact on history and on our lives to this very day.

The magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice is enormous, yet somehow in the midst of busy lives and work, it can become taken for granted. Holy Week is a time when we can ponder afresh on what Christ achieved for us. These few evening meditations aim to provide an opportunity for much needed earnest reflection. In a quiet church, using readings and pieces of beautiful music interspersed with times of silence, there is space to think on his sacrifice and consider its personal meaning.

We begin on Monday with the journey Jesus made – the confusion of his disciples – the controversy he caused amongst the religious leaders. Then on Tuesday we hear from two people who witnessed parts of his life and we listen to them try to make sense of what they were part of. We ponder on the participation of others along the way. Finally, on Wednesday, we are invited to enter into the world of the Servant Woman who challenged Peter on his knowledge of Jesus.

Please do come along – to one or to all. Bev Playle

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European Interest On Saturday 1st March, St Mary’s was pleased to welcome seven German visitors, five men and two ladies. Three of the party are organists in Roman Catholic churches in southwest Germany close to the boundary of Luxemburg.

Last year they obtained an organ from a disused Welsh chapel. It was a Conacher organ, the same make as ours. Conacher's were a Huddersfield firm, founded in 1854. Our long time organ builder, repairer and tuner, Mr Philip Wood, of Woods Organ Builders, served his apprenticeship with Conacher. His son, David, followed in his father's footsteps as regarding the building etc. of organs and Woods took over the old firm.

The German party were here to play another Conacher, they arrived at 4.00 pm and had already been to four other churches before us. This after a long journey to catch the overnight ferry from Rotterdam to Hull! After us they were on their way to Lichfield Cathedral.

They were so enthusiastic that some of the music played drew in a complete stranger from the street! He joined us in a cup of tea and refreshments, which included Hot Cross buns, which were a novelty to our visitors.

It was such a pleasure to meet this group of very enthusiastic, polite and grateful young people. There is a slight chance that they may be back again next year.

Just to give you a smile, if you heard the church bell clanging that afternoon, no you hadn't missed a service, but Liam was pulling the bell-rope for one of the party to record the sound of our bell. I cannot imagine why he wanted to record that, at all!

So you see, we do have a valuable piece of history in our church, many Conacher organs have fallen into disuse through total neglect. I trust that this will not happen here because it is a prime example of some superb workmanship in the past. It is also in its correct home in a building such as ours.

Jean Cheeseman.

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Report on the DCC Meeting - 18th February

Seventeen members were present. Treasurer Clive Green circulated the General Fund figures for 2013 and the Budget figures for 2014. The General Fund showed a surplus of £4,966 over the year 2013. Clive proposed an increase in fees for the organists/pianists from £18 to £20 per service. This was formally proposed, seconded and passed unanimously. In his Vicar’s Report, Liam presented a draft of a letter to be sent to all members of the Electoral Roll on the subject of giving. This was amended slightly for circulation. Details of the Alpha Course for Lent were explained. In his report from the Finance and Property Committee the Secretary informed the meeting that the Quinquennial Report, due this year, had been booked with Stuart Beaumont, church architect, for Wednesday, March 19th and will cost £800 plus VAT. For Worship Planning Jane Wardman reported that £750 plus tax refunds from gift aided donations had been sent to the Children’s Society from the Christingle Services, including those involving the Infant and Junior Schools. A discussion in the group had led to the conclusion that service cards gave a more flexible alternative than service books. Bev Playle spoke on the arrangements for Christian Aid Week (May 11th to 18th). Only street collections will be held this year since door-to-door collections are proving difficult to staff and giving decreasing returns. Diana Kaye referred to problems in obtaining help to organise the Christmas Street Market and was given permission to address the congregation in church on this matter. A letter had been received from Slimming World informing us of their move to another (larger) venue from the Parish Room. Diana Kaye reported that she was now transporting our donations of tins etc to the Welcome Centre in Huddersfield.

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Discussion concerning the need for local food donations resulted in temporary permission being given for a box for donations to be placed in the Bookshop. This matter will be considered again at the next meeting of the DCC. A request from the group, Cantorelli, to use the church again for a concert in December (7th) was willingly approved. Charles Kaye reported that the church clock had had its annual service (paid for by Holme Valley Parish Council) in February.

Cliff Green, DCC Secretary

Streams in the Desert This was the theme of this year’s Women’s World Day of Prayer Service prepared by the Christian women of Egypt held at St Mary’s on 7th March. It is eighteen years since Jenny Philo, wife of the minister of Trinity Church, suggested that we joined with them in holding a WWDofP service in Honley for the first time. We have taken it in turns to host the service ever since. The services are always special, focussing on the needs of the country involved but with an important message for us all. This year was no exception. We are all aware of ‘dry places’ in the lives of people and situations around us which are in need of the gift of ‘living water’. Thanks to Bev Playle for her address and for helping to organise the event with Carol Hirst and Jane Wardman, to Elizabeth Jones for accompanying the singing and also to the many ladies who helped with readings, refreshments etc and all who attended and made it such a worthwhile occasion. Hopefully we can all meet again next year to share in a service produced by the Christian women of The Bahamas at Trinity Church on the first Friday in March.

Pat Green

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Celtic Evening What a splendid occasion! Our grateful thanks to all the organisers and helpers, especially to Bill and Hazel, for a very special Celtic Evening on 14th March. The food was delicious, drink flowing, and the atmosphere warm. All present were happy, and everyone enjoyed the entertainment as well, one or two notable new faces to be seen too. An excellent evening all round. Thank you Bill and Hazel.

Mary Stapleton

Reading visitors Following on from the item in December’s magazine about starting a Reading Visitor scheme, we have a number of people who are interested in reading to others in their own homes. This is a lovely thing for both reader and the person being read to. We are now able to take referrals of people who would like to be read to. The idea is that I will visit initially and pair the person up with a reader, and they will talk together about what sorts of reading that would be suitable and enjoyable. Frequency of visits is worked out between the two of them. All reading visitors will be DBS checked. The scheme is for anyone who is unable to read or finds it difficult to read, due to ill health/disability etc and who thinks they might enjoy being read to. Visits would be around 1 hour. Please see me with details of anyone you know who might benefit from this service, or pass on details via the Vicar or Pat Green (Lay Pastoral Visitor) or other member of church fellowship.

Bev Playle – Reader Minister

Are you Community-minded? The Community Group would like to thank Margaret Wainwright for her unfailing support, and to wish her every good fortune for the future. We would welcome new members so, if any of you are interested, please contact Bill Kemp or any member of the group. We usually meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm.

Bill Kemp

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News from Honley Junior School As always we have been very busy. On World Book Day everyone got involved by dressing up as their favourite pantomime character. We all looked fantastic and all the teachers got involved, they came dressed as characters from Peter Pan. Year 6 pupils went on a school trip to the National Coal Mining Museum. They thoroughly enjoyed it and they experienced what it would be like to work in the coal mine in the Victorian Era. In March a ‘Mad Scientist’ came in to do an assembly. We all really enjoyed this! He helped us to become inspired by science and lots of us are hoping to join an after school science club starting soon. On February 21st Ethos Group presented a radio broadcast. We talked about collective worships, our prayer book and lots more. You can listen to it by going on the Two Valleys Radio website, click ‘listen again’ and then click on ‘Education Express’. On March 17th a team of year 5s and 6s went to a swimming gala. We came 2nd overall as a consequence of the huge team effort. Some children also went to Leeds University to take part in cross country. They all had a great time and represented school well. The School Sports Organisation Crew have recently done an assembly about Sports Relief. They showed a video clip about children that are not as fortunate as us and led several events to help school raise money for the charity. This month we have been really into sport because we had teams of netballers, footballers and gymnasts who entering competitions and everyone did their best. The footballers played three matches and won them all. As for the netballers, our team A came second in the semi-finals. The gymnasts are still awaiting their results. In our celebration assembly Miss Goodall said she was really proud of us all. So as you can see we are all very busy learning and having fun inside and outside school. Written by Bethany Balaam and Eve Thompson (Members of Ethos group)

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Spring Cleaning

If you are spring cleaning at any time, and you have useful things to turn out, I do know that many asylum seekers/refugees are in need of many basic items. I will be happy to collect them (tel 662209). Thank you.

Liz Cummings

Material for Publication

All contributions to future editions of the Magazine welcome.

e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01484 323832

Address: 26 Croft Court, Honley, Holmfirth HD9 6HB Deadline for the May issue: Wednesday 16th April


Members were pleased to hear from our own Liz Cummings at the March meeting talk about Fairtrade and ethical trading in particular, Examples were given of the impact fair prices had on standards of living in different countries. Liz also brought along samples of the ethical goods that can be bought locally and we enjoyed Fairtrade biscuits with tea and coffee. Our next two branch meetings also promise to be interesting - on 2nd April, Kevin Sharp, who works for the West Yorkshire Lord lieutenant’s office, will be joining us. On 7th May, Rev Anita Raggett (from St John’s Lepton) will visit to talk about Huddersfield University Chaplaincy. Both start at 7.30 pm in the Parish Room and everyone is welcome. Please continue to collect items for the emergency toiletry bags (small soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, flannels, combs) or pass money donations to Pauline Adams. We are hoping to send another batch off of bags to Huddersfield Infirmary very soon and have had very positive feedback from patients that they are well received.

Alison Dean, Branch Treasurer

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APRIL Sunday 6 5th Sunday of Lent 11.00 am Holy Communion 6.00 pm Compline Tuesday 8 7.00 pm St George’s Annual Meeting in Church Followed by D C C Meeting Thursday 10 6.30 pm A D Meeting Sunday 13 Palm Sunday 11.00 am Holy Communion 6.00 pm Sung Evensong Monday 14 9.00 am Morning Prayer and Litany 5.00 pm Evening Prayer Tuesday 15 9.00 am Morning Prayer and Litany 5.00 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 16 9.00 am Morning Prayer and Litany 5.00 pm Evening Prayer Thursday 17 9.00 am Morning Prayer and Litany 5.00 pm Evening Prayer Friday 18 Good Friday 12 noon Stations of the Cross Saturday 19 Holy Saturday 8.00 pm Service of Readings and Vigil Sunday 20 Easter Day 11.00 am Holy Communion for Easter 6.00 pm Compline Sunday 27 Celebration of St George 11.00 am Short Service of Holy Communion 12 noon St George Procession (see page 19) 6.00 pm Compline Tuesday 29 7.30 pm Parish Annual Meeting at Honley 7.30 pm Brockholes Village Trust, Village Hall ‘An Evening with Joe Maiden’ MAY Sunday 4 3rd Sunday of Easter 11.00 am All Age Holy Communion 6.00 pm Compline



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News from Brockholes School Year 4 Residential Trip to Cliffe House, March 2014

On Wednesday the 12th of March the whole of our class went on a tiring 5 mile walk to Cliffe House. We all took turns at leading the way, reading a map. A lady from Cliffe House, called Rosy, walked with us and her energetic dog called Oscar. When we got there we were very tired but had a tour of the grounds so that we knew what we could and couldn’t do. We did team-building games after lunch which helped to teach us about working together. It was exciting going to explore the house, and to see our own bedrooms. On the first night we had a talent show which was amazing. We all laughed a lot and had fun. The staff were the judges. The other activities that we did during our stay included bush craft, orienteering and a land survey of different habitats. Our last night was great because we had a camp fire and toasted creamy marshmallows. On the final day we had a big photo together, with Oscar the friendly dog, on the adventure playground. Here are some quotes from the class :-

“It was funny seeing my friend, Amy, sleepwalking in the middle of the night.” (Eva). “We had to do a lot of things for ourselves but still got spoilt!” (Keira). “Our room was the best in the house!” (Boys bedroom) “It was the best three days of my life!” (Amber ) “When Ella, Seren and I got into our rooms we unpacked quickly. The food was the best ever.” (Ella) “I conquered my fear on the high barrels!” (Koby) Snip Snap Snout – Our Story is out! Thanks Cliffe House.

Written by the children of class 4


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A D The March Meeting took place just before St Patrick’s Day and had an Irish theme running through the evening’s activities. A number of games focussed on ‘Green’ or ‘Irish’ and a lovely display of carefully designed shamrocks is now on display at the back of church. Numbers were small due to a school field trip but enthusiasm was high. Next meeting Thursday 10th April. AD Coffee Morning - Saturday 10th May 10.00 am to 12 noon in Church. Proceeds to be divided between World Red Cross Day and St George’s Church funds. Please come along and support the young people in this effort. Tickets £2 from Kate Drake. (663678

AD Leaders

St George’s Day - Sunday 27th April

11.00am Service 12 noon Dragon Procession; Barbecue and Games; Celebration of St George

Do come and enjoy this community event

All welcome Lots of fun

St George’s Day Planning Committee


The World Marmalade Festival 1-2 March 2014 Very well done to all our marmalade-makers, especially to Noel Dransfield who achieved a Silver Certificate this year, and to Ann Shires (and myself!) who were awarded Bronze certificates. Also to Carol Ramsden of Lindley two Silver Certificates and our thanks to her for transporting all our pots to Cumbria. Quite a clutch of certificates in the Holme Valley when one knows that there were 13 others presented to local people in the Holmfirth area. Well done!

Mary Stapleton

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Trekking for Oxfam

I’m Trailtrekking for 100 km for OXFAM on June 1st !!!! Help me raise £2,000

In a moment of madness, (I think I may have had a glass of wine or two!!) – I agreed to undertake this challenge once again. I did it two years ago and had to retire with only 8km to go, due to a whopping great blister and heat exhaustion. My team this year is “The Significant Others” and includes my sister and two great friends – three of us are in our fifties and the fourth is 42 and is still breastfeeding her 10 month old baby daughter! In case you’re like me and don’t do metric, 100km is 62.2 miles. It scares me to write it! And we have to do it in 30 hours, walking through the night across the Yorkshire Dales – including Malham Tarn, Fountains Fell and Pen-Y-Ghent. It’s the equivalent of two and half marathons back to back, or walking from Leeds to Scarborough non-stop. The route covers an overall ascent of 2,300m – the same climb as Ben Nevis and Snowdon combined.!!! Gulp!! But Oxfam do fantastic work with the most disadvantaged people in the world and they need money desperately. Compared to the lives of some of the people they support, my life is cushy so walking 62 miles is the very least I can do. We’ll be well supported and cheered on. What I need from you is your sponsorship (I know, I am always after your money!). My sponsor form will be at the back of church for a while, or you can ask me. I also have a Just Giving page: www.justgiving.com/Signficantothersforoxfam if you prefer to give online. I will also be doing a range of fundraising things in the next few months. Thanks for thinking about it! And do pray for us – I think we’re going to need it.

Bev Playle


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VICAR Revd Liam Beadle 661178 The Vicarage, 2 St Mary’s Road, Honley HONORARY ASSISTANT The Very Revd Henry Stapleton MBE 666629 PRIEST 20 Marsh Gardens, Honley READER Bev Playle, Green Cliff House, Honley 320918 PCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277 PCC TREASURER Clive Green, 7 Peregrine Court, Netherton 662607

SUNDAY SERVICE 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am All Age Morning Prayer (1st Sunday) Holy Communion and Children's Sunday Club (2nd 3rd 4th 5th Sundays) 6.30 pm Holy Communion (1st Sun) Evening Prayer (other weeks) WEEKDAY SERVICES 9.30 am Wednesdays, Holy Communion CHURCHWARDENS Clive Waind, 1 Derwent Road, Honley 661320 John Dean, 23 Woodroyd Avenue, Honley 664347 DCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277 DCC TREASURER Pauline Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510 VERGER John Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510 CHOIR LEADER Jen Waind, 1 Derwent Road, Honley 661320 PARISH ROOM HIRE Diana Griffiths 666318 WEB SITE http://honleystmary.btck.co.uk POSTCODE HD9 6AH

SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 am Holy Communion (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) All Age Service with Communion (1st Sunday) 6.00 pm Compline (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Sung Evensong (2nd Sunday) CHURCHWARDENS Margaret Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, THongsbridge 687169 Rosalind Watt, 7 Smithy Place, Brockholes 663783 DCC SECRETARY Julie Booth, 44 Riverholme Park, Brockholes 662060 DCC TREASURER Roger Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169 PLEASE NOTE CHANGES WILL TAKE EFFECT FOLLOWING ANNUAL MEETINGS (IN APRIL)