T tL l J t rt j r J J J J HOPKIKSVILLE KENTUCKIAK JULY 10rl90 1NA r J = i 1 t t raen as Well as Men Are Made- N N Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble r minddiscourages vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis easedKidneytrottblehas Prevalentthnt mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys If the WIDl uriulltes too oftel1 if the urine scalds tl Mesh or if when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the x it is yet afflicted with bedwet ¬ ting deptmd uport it the cause of the diff- iculty ¬ g is kidney trouble and the first ITatop should be towards treatment of these important organs This unpleasant trouble is ue to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to u habit as most people suppose Women as well as men are made miser ¬ able with kidney and bladder trouble and both same great remedy The mild and the immediate effect of SwampRoot la soon realized It is sold druggists in fifty e cent and o11e1011ar X11Lave by mail free also a Home of BwunpRoot pamphlet telling all about SwampRoot including many of the thousands of testi- monial ¬ letters received from sufferers cured In writing Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton NY be sure and mention this paper Dont make any mistake 1 SwampRootDr ¬ everybottle ELECTRIC FRANCHISE Reported to Be On the Eve of Chahgiing Hands offir sell their franchise and plant The parties are said to be from the West and negotiations have probably been in progress by mail or otherwise for some time Anyway the wouldbe purchasers or their agents were in city Saturday and the public need not be surprised to hear of the transfer of the property at any time = Slur information does not go far k t 8jjEh for us to state whether or not there will be an increase of the lighting power but it is reasonable h to say it will as the increasing de- f moad for light will probably demand y iflutd the probable future use of etactric motors will necessarily re qjqire an increase of voltage As the gas plant is owned by the same com- pany ¬ it is presumed that if a new party acquires the electric plant they Will take the gas plant in with it r A- Happy k Home To have a happy home you should have children They are great happyhome makers If a weakwoman you can be made strong enough to bear healthy chil ¬ dren with little pain or dis ¬ comfort to yourselfby taking J 1ECARDUI 1 A Tonic for Women X It will ease all your pain reduce Inflamnatlon cure leucorrhea p whites falling womb ovarian trouble disordered menses back ¬ e ache headache etc and make childbirth natural and easy Try It fey At all dealers In medicines In rix100 bottres DUE TO CARDUI t is my baby girl now two weeks old writes Mrs J Priest of Web- ster City Iowa ho Is a fine doingL and would not be without it In the house < i AI i ir > B1rm er I Use lime on your lands and grow clover tad alfalfa Special prices onJ lime tq farmers of 25o t < 45c perbbl accord to amount used Palmer Graves 0 I h le WIT- HUNCIJ DJI- A Song highThat Crest There is never a life so drear bleatTrudge To the top and deserve your rest With a song Is the wxy made glad To the work with a blithesome heart For a man to enjoy his life Must begin whore the toilers start ITo must win at the sunsets glow The applause for a well played part Hot a song and the way Is short In the sun or the driving rain I Ho a song and the bed Is soft Where at night ho asleep hath lain IIo a song and the end Is wont And the man hath not lived Irt valnl The RagTime Eddy A robber held up an Omaha physi ¬ cian and got away without losing his appendixThe boy who cannot sleep on a full stomach usually manages pretty well on his back We may not have many old masters In America but wo certainly have enough slave drivers At Andover academy a student was expelled for kissing a pretty waitress No wonder It is hard to keep a hired girl A Kansas man had four wivesnot- all at once but in succession All died and the man suicided Of course he was crazy No sane man would kill himself after escaping such an ordeal ns that If a man goes to Heaven and his wife goes to Heaven and his former sweethearts go to Heaven will his wife want to pull the hair all out of their heads or will she congratulate them on their good judgment and ask them all in to a pink tea A Missouri farmer whose hog was lolled by a train wrote the companys claim agent for a settlement He opened his communication thus My razor back strolled down your track a week ago today Your 29 came down the line and snuffed his life away You cant blame methe hog you see slipped through the cattle gate BO kindly pen a check for 10 the debt to liquidate He received the following reply Old 29 came down the line and killed your hog we know but razor backs on railway tracks quite often meet with woe Therefore my friend we cannot send the check for which you pine just plant your dead placo oer his head Here lies a foolish swine I used to drlvo by country road Oer hill and dale and cross ravine But now the ozone of the air Is filled with nauseous gasoline t The birds have flown away In fright H < At chauffeurhorn rosaOf My nag Is on a farm out home daylDogon The monarch of the right of wayl At a recent convention where a number of trust magnates were In at ¬ tendance one of the speakers saJdI We are a great band of brothers here on earth doing what we canr eachI other The fool compositor set it We are a great band of robbers on earth doing what we can to eachI other and the proofreader who was a socialist let It go through in the yerJ sion of the compositor At The Point In the river at The Point Forty boys are splashing Sun upon their reddened backs In the daylight flashing Round the bend the boarders come To the boathouse flocking Maidens gasp I The modest faint Oh how awful shocking Then from out a boyish throatj In a voice of thunder Comes one stern affrighted cry Hullyehee duck under Versatile That now French actress is a great crobat Isnt she Did you got onto her triple split last night pplitshort Well she did a split on the tage split a bottle of beer In the wings and used split infinitives throughout the eveningIt at this very point that some- body yelled Police alW O n- TI ± pu DOCTOR CUREDI OF ECZEMA Maryland Physician Cures Himself of Eczema with Cutlcura Remedies Prescribes Them and Has Cured Many Cases Where Other Formulas H veJailedDr Fisher Says CUTICURA REMEDIES POSSESS TRUE MERIT U My face was afflicted with eczema In the year 1897 I used the Cuticura Remedies and was entirely cured I am a practicing physician and very often Resolvent and Cuticura Soap in cases of eczema and they have cured where other formulas have failed I am not in tho habit of endorsing patent medicines but when I find remedies possessing true merit such as the Cuticura Remedies do I am broadminded enough to proclaim their practicing must say your A No 1 You are at liberty to publish this letter trolryourstG May CDTICORATHESET1 Complete Treatment for Every Humor from Pimples to Scrofula Batha the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften tho thickened cuticle dry allayitching and soothe and and lastly tale Cuticura Resolvent Pills to cool and costingbut disfiguringitching and blood humors with loss 6f hair from infancy to age when all else fails Cutlenn Soap ZJc Ointment MX Iteiolrtnt Me In soldthroughout Sole Prop Bottoa DlIlIlUllng1UJ1or Hay Ride Last Friday night a lot of young people enjoyed a hay ride and lunch ¬ ed at Mrs James Moores near the tits Two wagons were used Fol- lowing is a list of the ladies and gen- tlemen ¬ Misses Alise DabneyV Jeanie Gra ¬ ham Sallie George Blakey Katie and Annie Hoge Maggie Ellis her visitor Miss Carrie Atkinson o Earlington Mary Jones Bettie Lee Smith Bessie Williamson Joy Bern don and Mrs Thos W Long Messrs Will Cowan Will Winfree John Stites James Young Jame- Winfree Dan Young Dennis Shaw Ben Moore Guy Starling John Thomas and Mr Thos W Long After driving out to Mrs Moores and taking lunch on the lawn some time was spent in conversation when some of the singers entertain- ed ¬ the crowd May Live 100 Years The chances for living a full cen- tury ¬ are excellent in the case of Mrs Jennie Duncanof Haynesville Me now 70 years old She writes Electric Bitters cured me of chron- ic dyspepsia of 20 years standing and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl Electric Bitters cure stomach and liver diseases blood disorders general debility and bodily weakness Sold on a guaran ¬ storePrice Educational Notes The largest body of students thati assembled in any one place in South last year was at Bowling Green Ky attending the Bowling Green Business University The graduates of the Bowling Green Business University are recog- nized ¬ by the business and commerc ial world as being thoroughly train- ed ¬ earnest energetic and reliable Many of the largest firms through- out ¬ I the South and West get all their bookkeepers stenographers and clerks from the Bowling Green Business University Bowling Green Ky The graduates of this school are in great demand Write for patalog julyS8tJ 1 IT liAS A MESSAGE FOR YOU W P AA DIMS A POUND I WONT YOU CALL Nit IT- e L LOCAL LEAFLETS The foundation of the Episcopal parish house will soon be ready for the brick layingbrick Kentucky College Saturday The frame work for the veneered brick walls hasabout all been put up Early homegrown peaches are on the market and are quit plentifu- and of good quality The firh laddies havent had a run since Wheelers warehouse and the ice factory burned They are al ¬ ways ready but can stand the mono ¬ tony The crowd in town Saturday was quite small The farmers are very busy now and as many of them suspendedoperations on the Fourth they could not afford two holidays in one week As many wheat threshers as ther are in the country it will yet tak some time yet to get through with the crop We have heard of several crops that have been threshed and averaged twenty bushels to the acre It seems like the secret societies of the city are waking up and are all going to do something to make themselves and their families enjoy at least one day during the heated period Picnics and excursions have been indulged in by nearly all the lodges in the city It is now up to Knights of Pythias and Elks to start something if they want to keep in the push Both lodges are there with the goods both in point of membership and material and if they make an effort there will be something doing The Coming of the Circus Buster Brown tells us that he loves the circus and although wise men say there is nothing new he resolves that the circus is always new Bus ¬ ter must have attended the Robinson show when he made this resolution For twentyfour years the writer has missed no opportunity to uttend it In 1880 when a boy twelve years of age we arose at three oclock in the morning to see them pass through the village where we then resided Robinsonf s s w overland We were so impressed with the elephants the camels and the gilded wagons that three of us persuaded our parents to performs ¬ ance was to at county seat It meant a tramp of seven miles each way but what was fourteen miles in comparison to seeing the Wonders of the circus After a hasty breakfast we were too much excited to eat we started- on our long tramp each having bu half a dollar We arrived at the center of attraction dusty and hun- gry ¬ but full of interest The dust could remain on our clothing and our stomachs could go empty for a time but we felt that the show would not wait and we immediately repair- ed ¬ to the grounds where the great tent was erected and watched the preparation for the street parade When it was formed we joined the throng of urchins that followed it from its formation to its disbanding We were all akin We might fight after the show was over aswas then the custom of boys from different towns but then we had a common interest We were as near paradise- as it is possible for a mortal boy to get In the afternoon we returned- to the show grounds and were among the first in The awe and the won ¬ del of that afternoons performance- are still fresh in memory I have since seen a white walled city of 60000 men I have participated in parades and reviews of 50000 men have seen parades of our soldiery when it required hours for them to pass a given point I have seen one nation turn over the government but these could not compare to that one performance of the circus Like Buster Brown it is ever new to me when I see the enthusiasm of boys of today for the circus I appreciate the interest they feel The man who grows too old to en ¬ joy an American circus has passed beyond the point of usefulness and must be a misery to himself If when the day arrives your son tells you of his needs for the circus think of the great enthusiasm you felt to ¬ ward it when a boy and which I hope you still retain and give to him liberally that his cup of happiness may be filled The Robinson shows will be here nexfeMojnday July 16 v J i I F lL Blackberries r Wantedl- l 0 Hopkinsville Can ning Co will buy all i your berries if deliv erect to their factory on Tuesday Thursday or Saturday of each E ° week in good condi tion Highest market prices paid For particaa ulars phone Cumber land 233 W R Brumfield Mgr4rrM Kentucky and Tennessee Fair AssociationINCORPORATED Guthrie Ky eft Will Hold Its Secood Annual Fair August 23 24251906 Our mile track is in fine condition for training 3500 will be offered in stakes purses and premiumsBring pacers trotters show horses and show stock of every kind Also poultry pantry needle work and farm products OFFICERS FRANK WALTON Presiden- ts R DeBerryTreas Geo Snadon VPres B Lester Secy DirectorsWatkins Northington Tom Mooret r TwIt ID Wnnn0 a DEDICATED TO ASSOCIATION MEMBERS BY A LOCAL CONTRIBUTOR To win by indirection To win by honest efforts Is to win Is to win No matter by what methods No matter whom you deal with Tis no sin Tis no sin t First try moral persuasion Treat your neighbors ever kindly Use means to suit occasion Recognizing all their right j Till he joins Association If they follow others blindly Get him in Bid them God speed with delight Paint the picture black as tar Help them when they are in troublea Cuss trusts like the unknown czar Burdened with work and care Raise the devil near and farThen your blessings will be double Bound to winYou will love all everywhere Scrape plantbeds of your neighborTo fight the devil with his fire Call at night on his laborIs the language of a fool Threaten all that will forChristians will never let their ire Tainted tinLead them from the Golden Rule Burn his house use all your might If he says he has no right a Blow him up with dynamite Full of gin The Czar by Indirection May yet head a collection And have time for reflection In the Pinx x The Evansville Chautauqua a The Newest and Best on Earth JULY 4 TI106a 14 Days of Solid Pleasure Write W G Archer General Superinten- dent ¬ EaB A Building Evansville Ind for free booklet telling you all about it TtrVt ff Jf u 7

Hopkinsville Kentuckian. (Hopkinsville, KY) 1906-07-10 [p 5].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s5r5s/data/0603.pdf · T HOPKIKSVILLE KENTUCKIAKtL l JULY J10rl90 t rt j r J J J 1NA r J = i 1

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Page 1: Hopkinsville Kentuckian. (Hopkinsville, KY) 1906-07-10 [p 5].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s5r5s/data/0603.pdf · T HOPKIKSVILLE KENTUCKIAKtL l JULY J10rl90 t rt j r J J J 1NA r J = i 1

TtL l J t rt j r J J J J


= i 1

t t raen as Well as Men Are Made-

NN Miserable by Kidney and

Bladder Trouble

r minddiscouragesvigor and cheerfulness soon disappearwhen the kidneys areout of order or diseasedKidneytrottblehas

Prevalentthntmon for a child to beborn afflicted withweak kidneys If the

WIDl uriulltes too oftel1 if the urine scaldstl Mesh or if when the child reaches anage when it should be able to control the

x it is yet afflicted with bedwet ¬

ting deptmd uport it the cause of the diff-iculty


g is kidney trouble and the firstITatop should be towards treatment ofthese important organs This unpleasanttrouble is ue to a diseased condition ofthe kidneys and bladder and not to uhabit as most people suppose

Women as well as men are made miser¬

able with kidney and bladder troubleand both same great remedyThe mild and the immediate effect ofSwampRoot la soon realized It is sold

druggists in fiftye cent and o11e1011ar

X11Laveby mail free also a Home of BwunpRootpamphlet telling all about SwampRootincluding many of the thousands of testi-monial


letters received from suffererscured In writing Dr Kilmer CoBinghamton NY be sure and mentionthis paper Dont make any mistake

1 SwampRootDr ¬everybottleELECTRIC FRANCHISE

Reported to Be On the Eveof Chahgiing Handsoffirsell their franchise and plant The

parties are said to be from the Westand negotiations have probably beenin progress by mail or otherwise forsome time Anyway the wouldbepurchasers or their agents were incity Saturday and the publicneed not be surprised to hear of thetransfer of the property at any time=Slur information does not go far

k t 8jjEh for us to state whether ornot there will be an increase of thelighting power but it is reasonable


to say it will as the increasing de-f moad for light will probably demandy iflutd the probable future use of

etactric motors will necessarily reqjqire an increase of voltage As thegas plant is owned by the same com-


it is presumed that if a newparty acquires the electric plant theyWill take the gas plant in with it

r A-

Happyk Home

To have a happy homeyou should have childrenThey are great happyhomemakers If a weakwomanyou can be made strongenough to bear healthy chil¬

dren with little pain or dis ¬

comfort to yourselfby taking


1ECARDUI1 A Tonic for Women


It will ease all your pain reduceInflamnatlon cure leucorrheap

whites falling womb ovariantrouble disordered menses back ¬

eache headache etc and makechildbirth natural and easy Try It

fey At all dealers In medicines Inrix100 bottres


is my baby girl now two weeksold writes Mrs J Priest of Web-ster City Iowa ho Is a finedoingLand would not be without it Inthe house <

i AI

i ir>B1rm er I

Use lime on yourlands and grow clovertad alfalfa

Special prices onJlime tq farmers of 25ot< 45c perbbl accordto amount used

Palmer Graves0





A SonghighThat CrestThere is never a life so drearbleatTrudge

To the top and deserve your restWith a song Is the wxy made glad

To the work with a blithesome heartFor a man to enjoy his life

Must begin whore the toilers startITo must win at the sunsets glow

The applause for a well played partHot a song and the way Is short

In the sun or the driving rain I

Ho a song and the bed Is softWhere at night ho asleep hath lain

IIo a song and the end Is wontAnd the man hath not lived Irt valnl

The RagTime EddyA robber held up an Omaha physi¬

cian and got away without losing his


boy who cannot sleep ona full stomach usually manages prettywell on his back

We may not have many old mastersIn America but wo certainly haveenough slave drivers

At Andover academy a student wasexpelled for kissing a pretty waitressNo wonder It is hard to keep a hiredgirl

A Kansas man had four wivesnot-all at once but in succession All diedand the man suicided Of course hewas crazy No sane man would killhimself after escaping such an ordealns that

If a man goes to Heaven and hiswife goes to Heaven and his formersweethearts go to Heaven will hiswife want to pull the hair all out oftheir heads or will she congratulatethem on their good judgment and askthem all in to a pink tea

A Missouri farmer whose hog waslolled by a train wrote the companysclaim agent for a settlement Heopened his communication thus Myrazor back strolled down your tracka week ago today Your 29 came downthe line and snuffed his life away Youcant blame methe hog you seeslipped through the cattle gate BOkindly pen a check for 10 the debt toliquidate He received the followingreply Old 29 came down the line andkilled your hog we know but razorbacks on railway tracks quite oftenmeet with woe Therefore my friendwe cannot send the check for whichyou pine just plant your dead placooer his head Here lies a foolishswine

I used to drlvo by country roadOer hill and dale and cross ravine

But now the ozone of the airIs filled with nauseous gasoline t

The birds have flown away In frightH <

At chauffeurhornrosaOfMy nag Is on a farm out homedaylDogonThe monarch of the right of wayl

At a recent convention where anumber of trust magnates were In at ¬

tendance one of the speakers saJdIWe are a great band of brothers here

on earth doing what we canr eachIother The fool compositor set itWe are a great band of robbers on

earth doing what we can to eachIother and the proofreader who wasa socialist let It go through in the yerJsion of the compositor

At The PointIn the river at The Point

Forty boys are splashingSun upon their reddened backs

In the daylight flashing

Round the bend the boarders comeTo the boathouse flocking

Maidens gasp I The modest faintOh how awful shocking

Then from out a boyish throatjIn a voice of thunderComes one stern affrighted cry

Hullyehee duck under

VersatileThat now French actress is a great

crobat Isnt she Did you got ontoher triple split last nightpplitshort

Well she did a split on the tagesplit a bottle of beer In the wings andused split infinitives throughout theeveningIt

at this very point that some-body yelled Police

alW O


TI ± pu



Maryland Physician Cures Himself ofEczema with Cutlcura Remedies

Prescribes Them and Has Cured

Many Cases Where Other Formulas

H veJailedDr Fisher Says



My face was afflicted with eczemaIn the year 1897 I used the CuticuraRemedies and was entirely cured Iam a practicing physician and veryoften Resolvent andCuticura Soap in cases of eczema andthey have cured where other formulashave failed I am not in tho habit ofendorsing patent medicines but whenI find remedies possessing true meritsuch as the Cuticura Remedies do I ambroadminded enough to proclaim theirpracticingmust say your A No 1You are at liberty to publish this letter


CDTICORATHESET1Complete Treatment for Every

Humor from Pimplesto Scrofula

Batha the affected parts with hotwater and Cuticura Soap to cleansethe surface of crusts and scales andsoften tho thickened cuticle dry

allayitchingand soothe and and lastly taleCuticura Resolvent Pills to cool andcostingbutdisfiguringitchingand blood humors with loss 6f hairfrom infancy to age when all else fails

Cutlenn Soap ZJc Ointment MX Iteiolrtnt Me InsoldthroughoutSole Prop BottoaDlIlIlUllng1UJ1or

Hay RideLast Friday night a lot of young

people enjoyed a hay ride and lunch ¬

ed at Mrs James Moores near thetits Two wagons were used Fol-

lowing is a list of the ladies and gen-tlemen


Misses Alise DabneyV Jeanie Gra¬

ham Sallie George Blakey Katieand Annie Hoge Maggie Ellisher visitor Miss Carrie Atkinson o

Earlington Mary Jones Bettie LeeSmith Bessie Williamson Joy Berndon and Mrs Thos W LongMessrs Will Cowan Will WinfreeJohn Stites James Young Jame-Winfree Dan Young Dennis ShawBen Moore Guy Starling JohnThomas and Mr Thos W Long

After driving out to Mrs Mooresand taking lunch on the lawn sometime was spent in conversationwhen some of the singers entertain-ed


the crowd

May Live 100 YearsThe chances for living a full cen-


are excellent in the case of MrsJennie Duncanof Haynesville Menow 70 years old She writes

Electric Bitters cured me of chron-ic dyspepsia of 20 years standingand made me feel as well and strongas a young girl Electric Bitterscure stomach and liver diseasesblood disorders general debility andbodily weakness Sold on a guaran ¬

storePriceEducational Notes

The largest body of students thatiassembled in any one place inSouth last year was at BowlingGreen Ky attending the BowlingGreen Business University

The graduates of the BowlingGreen Business University are recog-


by the business and commercial world as being thoroughly train-ed


earnest energetic and reliable

Many of the largest firms through-out

¬ I

the South and West get all theirbookkeepers stenographers andclerks from the Bowling GreenBusiness University Bowling GreenKy The graduates of this schoolare in great demand Write forpatalog julyS8tJ








The foundation of the Episcopalparish house will soon be ready forthe brick

layingbrickKentucky College Saturday Theframe work for the veneered brickwalls hasabout all been put up

Early homegrown peaches are onthe market and are quit plentifu-and of good quality

The firh laddies havent had a runsince Wheelers warehouse and theice factory burned They are al ¬

ways ready but can stand the mono ¬


The crowd in town Saturday wasquite small The farmers are verybusy now and as many of themsuspendedoperations on the Fourththey could not afford two holidaysin one week

As many wheat threshers as therare in the country it will yet taksome time yet to get through withthe crop We have heard of severalcrops that have been threshed andaveraged twenty bushels to the acre

It seems like the secret societiesof the city are waking up and areall going to do something to makethemselves and their families enjoyat least one day during the heatedperiod Picnics and excursions havebeen indulged in by nearly all thelodges in the city It is now up toKnights of Pythias and Elks to

start something if they want tokeep in the push Both lodgesare there with the goods both in

point of membership and materialand if they make an effort there willbe something doing

The Coming of the CircusBuster Brown tells us that he loves

the circus and although wise mensay there is nothing new he resolvesthat the circus is always new Bus ¬

ter must have attended the Robinsonshow when he made this resolutionFor twentyfour years the writer hasmissed no opportunity to uttend itIn 1880 when a boy twelve years ofage we arose at three oclock in themorning to see them pass throughthe village where we then resided

Robinsonf ss w overland We wereso impressed with the elephants thecamels and the gilded wagons thatthree of us persuaded our parents toperforms ¬

ance was to atcounty seat It meant a tramp ofseven miles each way but what wasfourteen miles in comparison toseeing the Wonders of the circusAfter a hasty breakfast we weretoo much excited to eat we started-on our long tramp each having buhalf a dollar We arrived at thecenter of attraction dusty and hun-


but full of interest The dustcould remain on our clothing andour stomachs could go empty for atime but we felt that the show wouldnot wait and we immediately repair-ed


to the grounds where the greattent was erected and watched thepreparation for the street paradeWhen it was formed we joined thethrong of urchins that followed itfrom its formation to its disbandingWe were all akin We might fightafter the show was over aswas thenthe custom of boys from differenttowns but then we had a commoninterest We were as near paradise-as it is possible for a mortal boy toget In the afternoon we returned-to the show grounds and were amongthe first in The awe and the won ¬

del of that afternoons performance-are still fresh in memory I havesince seen a white walled city of60000 men I have participated inparades and reviews of 50000 men

have seen parades of our soldierywhen it required hours for them topass a given point I have seen onenation turn over the governmentbut these could not compare to thatone performance of the circus LikeBuster Brown it is ever new to me

when I see the enthusiasm ofboys of today for the circus I

appreciate the interest they feelThe man who grows too old to en¬

joy an American circus has passedbeyond the point of usefulness andmust be a misery to himself Ifwhen the day arrives your son tellsyou of his needs for the circus thinkof the great enthusiasm you felt to¬

ward it when a boy and which Ihope you still retain and give to himliberally that his cup of happinessmay be filled

The Robinson shows will be herenexfeMojnday July 16 v



I F lL

Blackberries r



Hopkinsville Canning Co will buy all i

your berries if deliverect to their factoryon Tuesday Thursdayor Saturday of each E


week in good condition Highest marketprices paid For particaaulars phone Cumberland 233

W R Brumfield Mgr4rrM

Kentucky and TennesseeFair AssociationINCORPORATED

Guthrie Ky eft

Will Hold ItsSecood Annual Fair August 23 24251906

Our mile track is in fine condition fortraining

3500 will be offered in stakes pursesandpremiumsBring pacers trotters show horsesand show stock of every kind Also poultrypantry needle work and farm products


ts R DeBerryTreas Geo Snadon VPresB Lester Secy

DirectorsWatkins Northington TomMooretr

TwIt ID Wnnn0a


To win by indirection To win by honest effortsIs to win Is to win

No matter by what methods No matter whom you deal withTis no sin Tis no sin t

First try moral persuasion Treat your neighbors ever kindlyUse means to suit occasion Recognizing all their right j

Till he joins Association If they follow others blindlyGet him in Bid them God speed with delight

Paint the picture black as tar Help them when they are in troubleaCuss trusts like the unknown czar Burdened with work and careRaise the devil near and farThen your blessings will be double

Bound to winYou will love all everywhere

Scrape plantbeds ofyour neighborTo fight the devil with his fireCall at night on hislaborIs the language of a fool

Threaten all that will forChristians will never let their ireTainted tinLead them from the Golden Rule

Burn his house use all your mightIf he says he has no right


Blow him up with dynamiteFull of gin

The Czar by IndirectionMay yet head a collectionAnd have time for reflection

In thePinxx

The Evansville Chautauqua a

The Newest and Best on EarthJULY 4 TI106a

14 Days of Solid Pleasure

Write W G Archer General Superinten-dent


EaB A Building EvansvilleInd for free booklet telling you all

about it

TtrVt ffJf u