TOPIC: HOUSES IN BRITAIN, MEDIA, SPORT MEMBERS: LE THI BINH NGUYEN  DOAN THI NHU NA  VUONG THI NGA  LO THI BE HOUSES IN BRITAIN CHOOSING WHERE TO LIVE To wns and citis in B!itain "a# $!own a %ot in si& o#! t" two cnt'!is( Man) *o*% %i# in t" s'+'!+s, a!as on t" d$ o a town( T" o%dst "o'ss a! 's'a%%) t"os c%osst to t" town cnt!( Po*% consid! #i%%a$s to + *%asant *%ac to %i#, +ca's not on%) t") a! -'it! +'t a%so %ss *o%%'td t"an towns and a! c%os! to t" co'nt!)sid( T") 's'a%%) contain a !an$ o "o'ss, inc%'din$ o%d cotta$s and nw "o'ss and  +'n$a%ows( BUNGALO.

House, Media, Sport Group 8

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Towns and citis in B!itain "a# $!own a %ot in si& o#! t" two cnt'!is(

Man) *o*% %i# in t" s'+'!+s, a!as on t" d$ o a town( T" o%dst "o'ss a!

's'a%%) t"os c%osst to t" town cnt!(

Po*% consid! #i%%a$s to + *%asant *%ac to %i#, +ca's not on%) t")

a! -'it! +'t a%so %ss *o%%'td t"an towns and a! c%os! to t" co'nt!)sid( T")

's'a%%) contain a !an$ o "o'ss, inc%'din$ o%d cotta$s and nw "o'ss and



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Rntd "o'ss a! /o! and /o! *o*'%a!( Yo'n$ *o*% and t"os w"o

cannot ao!d to +') a "o's %i# in !ntd acco//odation( So/ !nt a '!nis"d

 +dsit, ot"!s !nt a %at o! "o's(


Ho'ss a! +o'$"t and so%d t"!o'$" stat a$nts(


Most "o'ss a! +'i%t o +!ic0 wit" a ti%d !oo and ston 1s*cia%%) in t"


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Dtac"d "o's: 3t" %a!$st and /ost 4*nsi# t)* o "o's

  3not 5oind to ot"! "o'ss and "a# a $a!dn !o'nd it

  3"a# at %ast 6 +d!oo/s, on o! /o! %i#in$ !oo/, a

s*a!at dinin$ !oo/ and 0itc"n downstai!s

S/i3dtac"d "o's: 34t!/%) co//on

  3+'i%t in *ai!s wit" on "o's 5oind to t" ot"! a%on$ onsid(

  3"a# 7 o! 6 +d!oo/s

  3"a# a s*a!at $a!dn at t" !ont and t" +ac0 o! ac"


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T!!acd "o's: 3dat !o/ Victo!ian and Edwa!dian

  3+'i%t /an%) o! wo!0in$3c%ass *o*%(

  38 o! /o! "o'ss a! 5oind to$t"! in a !ow

  3no !ont $a!dn

  37 +d!oo/s, a sittin$ !oo/, a 0itc"n, an a!!an$/nt ca%%d 97 '*(7 down(

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Cotta$: 3 s/a%%, #!) o%d #i%%a$ "o'ss

  3/an) "a# +n /od!ni&d insid +'t sti%% 0* t" woodn +a/s and

ot"! at'!s t"at a! t"o'$"t to $i# t"/ c"a!act!(

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Hi$"3!is +%oc0s o %ats: 3so/ti/s o#! 7; sto!)s "i$" wit" s#!a% %ats on

ac" %oo!, w! +'i%t in /an) towns in t" /id 7;t" cnt'!)(


Ho'ss in B!itain otn s/ s/a%% o! t" n'/+! o *o*% %i#in$ in t"/(

In so/ citis, "o's *!ics a! too "i$" o! *o*% to ao!d on( Man) a/i%is

s"a! on +at"!oo/ o! t"i! c"i%d!n s"a! on +d!oo/(

In o!d! to o#!co/ t" *!o+%/ o %ac0 o s*ac so/ *o*% "a# a %ot o

con#!sion to /a0 a nw +d!oo/ in t" !oo s*ac( Ot"!s and an 4t!a !oo/ o!

 +at"!oo/ downstai!s(



=inds o nws*a*!:

 Nationa% *a*!: a *a*! t"at is so%d t"!o'$"o't t" co'nt!)

Loca% *a*!: a *a*! *!od'cd in on town

Dai%) *a*!: t" *a*! t"at )o' can +') #!) /o!nin$

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B!oads"t: a s!io's *a*! t"at !*o!ts wo!%d #nts

Ta+%oid: a *a*! containin$ snsationa% sto!is a+o't t" *!i#at %i#s o !ic"

and a/o's *o*%

So/ i/a$s:

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Pa!ts o t" *a*!:

In t" U=, >;? o ad'%t !ad a nationa% nws*a*! and na!%) 7@? !ad a !$iona%

dai%) nws*a*!(

The national pe!!

Consists o /o!nin$ dai%) *a*!s and S'nda) *a*!s(

 Nationa% nws*a*!s a! otn dsc!i+d as +oadss"t o! ta+%oid *a*!s on t"

 +asis o di!ncs in o!/at, st)% and contnt( Man) nws*a*!s "a# co%o'! *a$s and /ost *!od'c 4tnsi# s'**%/nts as *a!t o t"i! Sat'!da) o! S'nda)


Re"ional ne#!pape!

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T"! a! /o! t"an ,6;; !$iona% and %oca% nws*a*! tit%s and > !$iona%

 *!ss *'+%is"!s, t" to* 7; o w"ic" acco'nt o! >? o a%% U= !$iona% and %oca%

nws*a*!s tit%s( Most towns and citis t"!o'$"o't t" U= "a# t"i! own

!$iona% o! %oca% nws*a*!(

The $inoit% ethni& pe!!

T"! a! s#!a% nws*a*!s and /a$a&ins *!od'cd +) /ino!it) t"nic

co//'nitis in t" U=( Most a! *'+%is"d w0%), o!tni$"t%) o! /ont"%)(

T" Asian Ti/s is an En$%is" %an$'a$ w0%) o! *o*% o Asian dcnt(

P'+%ications a%so a**a! in ot"! %an$'a$s(

Ele&toni& ne#!pape!

Most nationa% nws*a*!s "a# st '* w+sits, *!o#idin$ accss to a!tic%s !o/

t"i! *!intd tit%s o! on3%in #!sions o t"i! *a*!s( So/ o! additiona% s*cia%int!st sits(


' A nationa% nws*a*! *'+%is"d dai%) in t" U= 

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' Its co#! *!ic in t" U= is ;* on w0da)s, and (; on Sat'!da)(

' T" ti/s S'nda) sist! *a*! is t" S'nda) ti/s, a +!oads"t( its co#!

 *!ic is (;


3 O#! ;? o B!itis" "o/s "a# a TV and t" a#!a$ *!son watc"s F t"

 +o4 78 "o'!s a w0(

3 T"! a! > TV c"ann%s in B!itain: BBC, BBC7, ITV, C"ann% 8, C"ann%


3 A+o't 7 ? o B!itis" "o/s s'+sc!i+ to sat%%it o! ca+% TV

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3 Soa*s a! *o*'%a! s!ia%s w"ic" d!a/ati& t"i! c"a!act!s dai%) %i#s(

3 T" sto!) %ins a! nt!tainin$, +'t otn 'n+%i#a+%(

3 Soa*s a! +!oadcast it"! t"! o! i# ti/s a w0 and ac" *isod %ast

a+o't "a% an "o'!

3 Na!%) "a% t" *o*'%ation watc"s on o! +ot" o t" two /ost *o*'%a!,

co!onation st!t and Eastnd!s

3 Co!onation st!t "as +n !'nnin$ sinc Dc/+! ; and is st a

wo!0in$ c%ass a!a o Manc"st! 

3 Eastnd!s is st in t" East End o London


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3 T" BBC +!oadcast on i# nationa% and 6 %oca% !adio stations

3 Loca% !adio stations *'t on *!o$!a//!s w"ic" int!st *o*% w"o %i# in

t"at a!a

3 Radio is sti%% t" /ost *o*'%a! !adio station wit" an a#!a$ o ( /i%%ion


3 It 'sd to "a# /an) /o! %istn!, +'t is now not so *o*'%a! +ca's o

co/*tition !o/ >; nw co//!cia% !adio stations


T" /ost *o*'%a! s*o!t is oot+a%% w"ic" "as an no!/o's %ad o#! its !i#a%s

4c*t in .a%s , w"! !'$+) 'nion is $n!a%%) *!ci#d !o/ o'tsid as +in$t" nationa% s*o!t

C!ic0t is *o*'%a! in En$%and , +'t is %ss i/*o!tant in t" ot"! "o/ nations

,!'$+) 'nion and !'$+) %a$' a! t" ot"! /a5o! ta/ s*o!ts (

Ma5o! indi#id'a% s*o!ts inc%'d at"%tics, ncin$ , $o% , /oto!s*o!t ,and


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Tnnis is t" "i$"st *!oi% s*o!t o! t" two w0s o t" .i/+%don

C"a/*ions"i*s (

T" Unitd =in$do/ :

• "as $i#n +i!t" to /o! /a5o! s*o!ts t"an an) ot"! co'nt!) inc%'din$ :

oot+a%% socc! ,tnnis , s-'as" , $o% , +o4in$ , !'$+) 'nion ,!'$+)%a$' ,c!ic0t , snoo0! , +i%%ia!ds ,+ad/inton , and c'!%in$ (

•  *%a) a 0) !o% in t" d#%o*/nt o s*o!t s'c" as +o4in$ and <o!/'%a


• dos not co/*t as a nation in an) /a5o! oot+a%% to'!na/nt(

T"! is ta%0 o a 'nitd ta/ ta0in$ *a!t in t" 7;7 S'//! O%)/*ic Ga/

,w"ic" a! to + "%d in London (

T" En$%is" and No!t"!n I!is" oot+a%% associations "a# coni!/d *a!tici*ation

in t"is ta/ w"i% t" Scottis" <A and t" .%s" <A "a# dc%ind to *a!tici*at

,a!in$ t"at it wo'%d 'nd!/in t"i! ind*ndnt stat's

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T" U= is "o/ to /an) wo!%d !nown oot+a%% c%'+s ,s'c" as Manc"st!

Unitd ,C"%sa ,Li#!*oo% ,and A!sna% in En$%and , and C%tic and Ran$!s in

Scot%and ( C%'+s co/*t in nationa% %a$'s and co/*titions and so/ $o on toco/*t in E'!o*an co/*titions : and /an) B!itis" ta/s "a# +co/

E'!o*an C'* : Li#!*oo% > ti/s , Manc"st! Unitd twic ,Nottin$"a/

<o!st twic ,Aston Vi%%a and C%tic (

C!ic0t was in#ntd in En$%and (T"! a! %a$' c"a/*ions"i*s +'t t" En$%is"

nationa% ta/ do/inats t" $a/ in B!itain (T"! is no U= ta/ ,A%t"o'$"

so/ .%s" and Scottis" *%a)!s "a# *%a)d o! En$%and ,it is in En$%and w"!

c!ic0t !tains its /a5o! an +as in t" U= ,En$%is" c!ic0t $!o'nds inc%'d Lo!ds,

t" B!it O#a% ,Hadin$%) J((How#! ,Ca!dis So*"ia Ga!dns $!o'nd "as +co/ inc!asin$%) *o*'%a! in !cnt )a!s(


Bot" o!/s o !'$+) a! nationa% s*o!ts ( R'$+) %a$' o!i$inats !o/ and is

$n!a%%) *%a)d in t" No!t" on En$%and ,w"i%st R'$+) Union is *%a)d

 *!do/inant%) in .a%s , I!%and and Sot"!n En$%and , it is consid!d t"

nationa% s*o!t in .a%s (R'$+) oot+a%% di!s int!nationa%%) to association

oot+a%% ,as t" En$%and ,Scot%and , .a%s ,and I!%and ta/s do co/ to$t"! to

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!o/ t" B!itis" and I!is" Lions ,t"o'$" t") do a%% co/*t s*a!at%)

int!nationa%%) o! t" /ost *a!t (


T" .i/+%don C"a/*ions"i*s a! int!nationa% tnnis #nts "%d in .i/+%don

in So't" London #!) s'//! and a! sn as t" /ost *!sti$io's o t" tnnis



Racin$ is a%so #!) *o*'%a! in En$%and (It o!i$inatd 'nd! C"a!%s 7 o En$%and as

t" 9 s*o!t o =in$ 9 and is a !o)a% *asti/ to t"is da) (.o!%d3a/o's "o!s !acs

inc%'d t" G!and Nationa% , t" E*so/ D!+) and Ro)a% Ascot

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Go% is on o t" /ost *o*'%a! *a!tici*ation s*o!ts *%a)d in U= ,wit" St

And!ws in Scot%and +in$ t" s*o!ts "o/ co'!s (


Rowin$ is a w%% 3 sta+%is"d s*o!t in t" U= and is st!on$%) associatd wit"

 *'+%ic sc"oo% and O4+!id$ (T" /ost a/o's !owin$ #nts in t" U= a! t"

 +oat !ac +twn O4o!d and Ca/+!id$ Uni#!sitis and t" Hn%) R$atta (


B!itain is t" cnt! o <o/'%a On ,wit" t" /a5o!it) o t" <o/'%a On ta/s

 +asd in En$%and ,and /o# wo!%d tit%s won +) d!i#!s !o/ B!itain t"an !o/

an) ot"! co'nt!) (

S*o!ts "a# t"i! own s*cia% *%ac in t" En$%is" ca%nda!

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T" ann'a% Si43 Nations !'$+) To'!na/nt ,in#o%#in$ En$%and ,Scot%and , .a%s

,I!%and , <!anc ,and Ita%) ,sta!t o t" )a! in Kan'a!) (


<o! "o!s !acin$ ans t"! is t" C"%t"a/ Go%d C'* in Ma!c", t" G!and

 Nationa% at Aint! na! Li#!*oo% and t" D!+) at E*so/ in K'n (

T" O4o!d Ca/+!id$ Uni#!sit) Boat Rac ta0s *%ac on t" T"a/s in t"

s*!in$ in %at Ma!c" o! a!%) A*!i%

T"is is o%%owd +) t" <A oot+a%% Association c'* ina% in Ma)(

T" .i/+%don tnnis c"a/*ions"i*s at t" nd o K'n and t" i# da) %on$

c!ic0t Tst /atc"s t"!o'$"o't t" s'//!

In K'%) t"! is t" B!itis" /oto!3 !acin$ G!and P!i4 at Si%#!ston ci!c'it in

 No!t"a/*tons"i! and t" B!itis" O*n $o% c"a/*ions"i*(