HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES t. SEVENTY-EIGHTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY . ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVENTH LEGISLATIVE DAY . - May l4, 1974 . REPRESENTATIVE ARTHUR A. TELCSER ' IN THE CHAIR , ''*- . e +s% . . . N e . cExER Aj w xssE:1 BL. y ,yrxTg> . , j I SL (* . k., * s'rn' rsoeIuut-ojs . : G . r. . &e ZZ . Xfcr sj o u s so F' a E e a E s E pl 'r n 'r I v E:s A q . ., . k . +.% , l ''.x- . 2*'


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- May l4, 1974 .



, ''*-. e+s%. . . . Ne . c E x E R A jw x s s E : 1 B L. y, y r xTg>. , jI SL(* . k. , * s'rn'rs oe Iuut-ojs .

: G .r . .& e ZZ .Xfcr sj o u s s o F' a E e a E s E pl 'r n 'r I v E: sAq. ., . k . +.%, l ''.x-. 2* '



Rep. A. Telcser: ''O.K. The House will come to Order. Our

paryer today will be by Dr. Johnson.''

Dr. Johnson: ''Ah.. we Pray. The Lord God, our Gracious

Father, make of us a people who are alert and quick'to

translate your own lofty precepts into our daily practices

until your Holy Will shall become the will and pleasure

of this, our State. Make of us a people of steadfast will.

A people who are patient, courageous, strong and true, with

'vision clear and minds equiped your will to learn and your

.work to do. Make of us servants whose hearts are ablaze

to love the truth and hate the wrong . For these are the 1

people our Nation needs. Lord God, these are the bulwarks

of this, our State. We ask it in the name of Christ, our

Lord Amen '? ' ' '

Rep. A. Telcser: ''O.K. Roll Call for Attendancer and this-is lla Regular Session. Gentleman from Whiteside, Representativé

! 'Miller-''iller: ''Mr Speaker I request that the Journal show11 . 4% . :1 . ,

. lthat Representative Jacob Wolf is absent because of a deathI

in the family and also that Representative William Walsh '

is absent because of a death in the family. May those two

gentlemen be excused.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''And itlll be journalized. Genkleman from j'

!Lake, Representative Pierce.'' .

Pierce: ''AH.. Mr. Speaker, ah. . may khe cal.. ah.. may the I

Journal show Representative John Brandt excused because of


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.jr jl svave os juulslolsJ .'Xm . . a !

- ...7 ',y . .r , ' %' . . : sj o u s s o s a c e a s s E pI x' A 'r I v e: s. < .. z .. '' ' >' .z g . . vj,*.V.:. .. 2:.. -- --- .-.-- ... i' . .. .. .. . . . . . .


l .


Rep. A. Telcser: ''O.K., itlll be journalized, also. Gentleman

from Whiteside, Representative Miller. ''

K. W. Miller: ''Mr. Speaker, we should add another name to the

list of those excused. It's my understanding that Repre-

sentative Wash.. Jim Washburnîs father has passed away and

We'd like to have his abs.. his ah.. attendance excused.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Alright: that also will be journalized.

Messages from the Senate-'''$

Fredric B. Selcke: ''Message from the Senate by Mr. Fernandes,

'Secretary. $Mr. Speaker, I am directed to inform the House

of Representatives that the Senate has adopted the followin

Cùnference Committee Reports ah.. Senate Bill No. 89, ahr. -'-

adopted by Senate May 8, 1974, Edward E.' Fernandes, Secye-

tary.' Committee Reports.''

Rep. A. Telcser: nCcmmittee Reporks.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''Ah.. Report from the Committee of the

y !Whole which sat from 9 .. 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, May 8,

1974, through 11:55 A.M., Wednesday, May 8, 1974, 'The

Honorable Members of the House of Representatives, 78th

General Assembly, Committee on the Whole, before which the

Speaker laid House Bills 2128, 2129, 2132, 2133, 2244, 2289

2406, 2407, 2522, 2529 and 2653, 2772, 2773, has considered

. the bills and reports that it has heard a11 these bills,

Respectfully submitted, W. D. Walsh, Chairman-d''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Introductions, First Reading.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''AH.. House Bill 2729, Cataniay Appropriate

$2,300,000 to the Office of the Superintendent of Public

..L' s r.Iw.k7r''r..i'zW* ' * 1 ' '. cr.'z:x s ', G E N E R A L, A S S E 51 B L YI QIVF ,.):x&?1 L' - k .zf,. a ) . s v '. v s o s I u u ' N o 1 s .' . . . 'k/,4. , ' *....3 M, . . . , t - . . - - .. - - .- '



Instruction, First Reading of the Bill.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Whitesidee Representative


K. W. Miller: '%Je11, Mr. Speaker, and Members of the House,

I'd like to call the memberls attention to a group of ladie

from Crawford County. The Crawford County Republican

Women's Organization. I ah.. in the East Gallery. I think

ah.. Roscoe Cunningham, who represents that District, ah..

at least one of them, I assume that he is so bashful this

morning that.. that he doesn't even want to recognize the

ladies are here. Is that right, Roscoe-''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''O.K. now, number of Senate Bills ah.. that

are awaiting House member's indication of who the sponsors' .

- are going to be. Those of you who are gping to be House

S onsors of Senate Bi 1ls would you come up to the Clerk ' s- ' -P

desk and indicate your desire to be a House Sponsor. O,K.

House Bills Third Reading. House Bi11 2274.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''Ah.. Mr. St.. Mr. Stone on the Floorol'

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Yes, he is.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''House Bill 2274, An Act making a certain

appropriation and reappropriations to Board of Trustees of

University of Illinois to the Capitol Development Board,

Third Reading of the Bil1.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Moultrie, Representative


Stone: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the ap-

' propriation bill for the Uhiversity of Illinois. It appro-

. mz 4 z ''Ne PV ' * '''..zo-'>' - 1 ' ' h G E x E R A j- A s s E 5 f B L Y. P ..z 57.w y'IJI 'Yt4 ,'/,,A/r- w -9 ) sv av s o e. ' uuI sl o , s7z. ' , ' T:i/ . . 7' ':: . (' z uouss os Rsesessrqvxrtve;s! 'z z..I. . xe)..e

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' j

' 4

priates a total of $241,956,241. It went through the ah..

Appropriations Ccmmittee without a single No vote and I

move for the adoption of House Bill 2274.'*

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Ts there any discussion. Gentleman. from

McHenry, Representakive Skinner.''

jj ,1 'Sk nner: Mr. Speaker, I have an amendment that has been laid

. on the sponsor's desk as well as Roscoe Cunningham's desk

who has an inordinate amount of interest in this bill, ah.

'as well as the Clerk's desk, and I would ask ah.. this to

be taken out of the Record until it's properly been distri-


Rep. A. Telcser: NWe11, this is on Third Readingr Representati e

Skinner . ''

Skinner: ''I'm sorry. I thought it was on Second Readkng. ' . .

How'd we get past Second Reading.'' *

Rep. A. Telcser: OWe11, it was read a second time apparently

last Ttlesday or Wednesday.l'

Skinner: ''Mr. Speaker, it appears to me that it would be on

Second Reading this week.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Well: Representative.. Representative Stone

ah.. Representative Skinner indicates he has an amendment

Z l'1 * * îî

St6ne: '1Mr. Speaker, I believe that ah.. Representative '

Skinner is talking about anokher bill and not this bill.

This is a bill appropriating the ah.. operating funds for '

the University of Illinois and 1..''

Skinner: ''I'm sorry, Paul.''

WWIV Y ' f' ''..? -.A' ). G E x E R A t, A s s s :1 B t. vwsrro' ; . : gz f.l-zr 1 1 s v . v s o p. ' u u , ,% o , s. L-;a :.u . ''. .m.1= H otl s E o F Fl EP IR ES E NT'AY 1 V Es

.J:..!.e ' '



Stone; ''Yesy and I believe. .''

Skinner: $$It3s' not 2286.''

Stone: ''Yes'sir '' '

Rep. A. Telcser: nThis is 2274, Ca1.''

Skinner: ''O.K., thank you.''

. Rep. A. Telcser: ''Is there further discussion. Gentleman from

Lawrencey Representative Cunningham-''

Cunningham: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House

I would like to say that I do have a great interest in the

'University of Illinois bill, also, Representative Skinner,'and, itp's for that reason that .l urge all of you to voke

Aye on this particular bill. I hope that you won't be mis-

1 lead on the other bill that Representative Stone is handlin

. that will come by in the next day or so/ It's equally im-

portant and.. and despite the confused objections made etthis time it will be deserving of your support. I'm always

proud to suppcrt Representative Bo. . Stone's bil1.''

Rep. A. Telcser: HIs there further discussion. Question is

shall House Bill 2274 pass. All those in favor signify by

voting Aye, the opposed by voting No. Have a11 voted who .

wish. Take the Record. Record Representative Harpstrite

as voting Aye. This question l1l Ayes, 1 Nay and none

answering Present. And this bill having received the con-

stitutional majority is hereby declared Passed. House Bill. 2287.,1

Fredric B. Selcke: ''House Bill 2287, Chapmane''

Rep. A. Telcser: uIs Representative Chapman on the Floor.

krk ï'a':--;- -% .. ,' ikc . ' Tjkn ' IA G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y .' k -4A.lL .gLp 1, svwvs os Iuu,-oIsl 30.0, pov . , .s aseasssavxv,wssL. .. . . H O U S El'. r a ' Y'x.. . *. ..tr e' # .



There she is. You want to read it, Mr. Clerk-''

Eredric B. Sqlcke: ''AH.. House Bill 2287, An Act to Amend

Section 30-15.2 and so forth of School Code, Third Reading

of the Bi1l.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Lady from Cook, Representative Chapmap.''

Chapman: ''Could you take it opt for right now. We don't know

the Could you take it out.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''Talk into the licrophone-''

Chapm'anz ''That's an idea, Fred. Ah.. take it out of the

Record for right now. We have an unresolved question-''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''O.K., take it out of the Record.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''O.K.'' -

- Rep. A. Telcser: HHouse Bill 2357.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''House Bill 2357 ah- Mccormick, An Act to

provide for the ordinary and contingent expenses of Souther

Illinois University, Third Reading of the Bi11.H

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Johnson, Represer.tative

Mccormick. Do you want to go to the next one, C. L.# if

your microphone isn't workingv''

Mccormick: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House,

ah.. Representative Springer had requested last week, I

should say week before last, ah.. an opportunity to present

one amendment to this bill and, as you know, I had to be

absent last week and it was advanced to Third Reading.

Would it be alright to ah.. bring it back ah.. to consider

Representative Springer's amendment.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Are there any objections. Hearing none,

rCJD.'%. .uu., ' G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y!'; - Xor-;f- 1 s'rxvs o'r luudp.ols'k -.4- z -g-.,. . souss oe nseResesmAvlvcs



House Bill 2357 is put on the order of Second Reading for

the purpose of amendment. Will the Clerk please read the


Fredric B. Selcke: ''Ah.. Amendment Number.. Amendment to

House Bill 2357, Springer, Amendment No. 3, Amend House Bil

2357, page 2, by..''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Randolph Representative#


Sprtnger: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House,'Amendment No. 3, I have just conferred with the other side'of the Aisle. The sum appropriated was $50,000 on the

amendment. We have agreed that a $25:000 amount or so much

as there may be necessary is appropriated from the General

Révenue Fund to the Board of Trustees of' Southern Illinois

Univeristy for the ordinary and contingent expenses of -

operations at the Carbondale Campus on the Southern Illinoi

Collegiate Common Market, consisting of Southern Illinois

University at Carbondale, John A. Logan Community College,

Grand Lake Coïmunity College, Kaskaskee Community College,

Shawnee Community College, and the Southeastern Illinois

Community College. I move the adoption of Amendment No. 3

to House Bill 2357.',

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Is there any discussion. Gentleman's oféere

thç adoption of Amendment No. 3 to House Bill 2357. All in

' favor of addption signify by saying Aye, the opposed No.

The amendment is adopted. Are there further amendments.

Third Reading. O.K., the bill has been read a third time.

.&-k-'z' w,:''z .' t; G E N E R A j. A s S E M B L Y. xai. 'f.a .g - svxms os juulslopsL kv 4. . . ' a. , v ss.y- , .. sousx og aeeaxsesvx'. C : '.. ' a ,j y 4

. --.-.1



The Gentleman from Johnson, Representative Mccormick.The Gentleman ah.. from Logan, Representative bauer


Lauer: Q4r. Speakery ah.. I would like to request that this'

bill be held on Third Reading until tomorrow. I've request d

some information from ah.. S.I-U. School of Medicine about

an Accreditation Commission Report and it has not as yet

been forthcoming. I would like to have that bill held

until tomorrow until that ihformation comes in .''

Rep2.A. Telcser: f'Representative Mccormick.''

Mccormick: ''Ah.. Mr. Speaker, and Ladies and Gentlemen, I have

no objection to holding it until tomorrow, but I'd like it

understood that if we have Third Reading tomorrow, I'd like

to clear this out of the House tomorrow. Alright-''

''O K let's taie that out of the Record/ . -Rep. A. Telcser: . .,This bill is on Third Reading with Amendment No. 3 adopted.

House Bills Third Reading. Amendment No . 3's been adopted.

House Bills Third Reading. House Bill 2415.''

Fredrick B. Selcke: ''AH.. House Bill 2415, ah.. Lechowicz, An

Act making certain appropriations to the Board of Higher

Education, Third Reading of the Bil1.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Cooke Representative


Lechowicz: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen of

the House. House Bill 2415 is the ordinary and contingent

expenses for the Board of HighYr Education for fiscal year

1975. The bill has been amended ah. . by a reduction of '

$494,300, so, basically, what webre asking for is approx-

x<-A' . , G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yr' *)pk

-?'y lk '- SYAT C O F 1 L.L 1 N O IS't .t. .!#. -- = .




imately $16,000,000 ah.. within the Board of Higher Education

for grants in conjunction with health services, $912,000

for the éducational grants, and $24,000,000 for the Higher

Education, from the General Revenue Fund.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Is there any discussion . Question is shall

House Bil1.. ah.. Gentleman from Champaign, Representative


Hirschfeld: ''Well, Mr . Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the

kHouse, anybody khat had an opportunity last week to read

'the report from the lllinois Legislative Investigating

Commission on the three president's homes at Eastern,

Western and I.S.U., could not fail but note the deplorable

job that's been done by the Illinois Board of Higher Edu-

cation once again. And as you all know, I introduced a.

bill a yearfago, it's been reintroduced again this year;

and it's going to be reintroduced next year, to abolish the

Board of Higher Education. Now, this particular institutio

has gone from a budget of about $400,000 to several million

of dollars and I've yet to see it justify its existencebefore this General Assembly. I realize that my comments '

are going to go in vain, we're tilting at windmillsg but I

think we need to tell the Illinois Board of Higher Educa-

tion either to do its job or to quit. Frankly, it's a'sad 1lstate of affairs, it was under Governor Olgllvie and it is

' under Governor Walker, when the Governor tells the Board of

Higher Education how much money education can have. The

Board of Higher Education then goes to the various univer-

. ku yjjg J r.g ... ... cr.y:.-o . .-.tïy. l ..-. . . , f. r:v:. v . s v. A x. e o s I u u , ?% o I s. . . % ' ' -.,.%y. . r . - . . , / ' . v , v s sz.t . . .q o k, sc o Fr R spn ess pl'r4. , qwx: z'? a%. .



sities and colleges and tells them how much money they can

have and that's what their stuck with. When we instituted

' the Board of Higher Education: they were instituted in orde

to plead for higher education to this General Assembly.

Instead of that theyRve become the tool and lackey of the

Governor and of the Bureau of the Budget in the State of

Illinois. It was bad enough under Olgilvie when they were

in Chicago. Governor Walker's done even more now . He's

brought them back to Springfield where he can complete..

'keep them completely under his thumb. And I think for once

ke ought ko turn down their budget and go back to the old

system where we fund these universities direct and save the

State of Illinois several millions of dollars that's bping

- wasted by the Board of Higher Education.''

' Rep. A. Telcser: ''Is there further discussionw''

Lechowicz: ''We11, Mr. Speaker, if I may just respond to thatbriefly. If you take a look at the budget request in

House Bill 24?.5, we're talking about 'as amended'. An

appropriation of $1,05$,000 for operations and $23,165,000*for grants. Now, the previous speaker may disaqree with '

' the sqay the higher education budgets are submitted to this

General Assembly, but, in turn, I think there's another

checkpoint and a very valid one, that the various univer-

sities that are covered within this budget do have a

screening agent. And, in turn , the various people from

higher education, the various school teachers, the assessor ,

in turn, have a direct input, and have somebody accountable

, v a r,.-, .-..!JI -,2-... a-a..co..a r . c Ià2 N E jt A Iw A s s E ,,1 B L Y .. q k;.4 . z . '( 1 . à

;x. ):; . ?j! z r..t : : . iu

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L l1â.i .'

l1.'Jj to as far as in their budget preparation. I think that,$! yes

, there are certain areas that should be corrected. I

too concur with the excessive expenses as far as the

universit# homes. But, in turn, if you'd report in tctal

the report shows that there were devious accounting

measures used by this President and I think that the

State should havé retbibution coming back from these

people through law suits. I don't think it's a direct

Ylap at the Board of Higher Education, they should have

been aware of it. Maybe they don't have enough audit'

xpeople to go through and varify the various fouchers

that were submitted. But in timep I still think this

is an appropriate budget a'nd I would hope for your favbrabl'

vote . '' '

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Cook, Represeptative Juckett-''

Juckett: ''Thank you.. thank you, Mr. Speaker.. will the' sponsor yièld to a couple of questions?''

A. Telcser: ''He indicates he wi1l.''

Juckett: ''I understand that ah.. there's a small appropriationk

for the axle operation, but you've got almost $23,000,000

i ld lain what each of tiose grantsn grants. Cou you expare? All we see are fancy titles. What do they actually


Lechowicz: ''The $553,000 is the Higher Education Cooperation

Act èrants. It's $5,000 for ...... Grant Center which

is a non-recurring Eiscal '74 expense again included in

. Fiscal ,75, $140.. $104,000 for Mid-lllinois Computer Cente ,... o ..

.,.,..). A ' &r ,a p . .

x...gx . . - ç . , c E N E R A j. A s S E 5 1 B L Yc )wf C4S 'u 'n l l: r . t ktjk;. . s 'r n 'r E o e 1 u u 1 N o 1 s. Cv. 1. .h. g. w. . ,r s o u s s o s a s e s s s s N 'r A. v I v c sr. . .'sr .f . , +%+ z

. ' T .1r. .




Phase-in Program requirements predicted to slow down

expenditures of Piscal '75, $250,000 for HECA Grants, '

grants are to provide start-up money for programs

not continual support.. that's for the 359,000 in the

Education Corporation Act Grants. We have ah.. the

Higher Education Cooperative Grants have been funded

at $350,000 in Fiscal '73 and '74 with $50,000 going to

the Quad-cities Graduate Study Center. Begun in 1970

'the Center developed institutional cooperation across

state boundaries to provide graduate education. The' xparticipating schools include Augustana College, Northern

Illinois University, Southern Illinois University,

University of Illinois, Western Illinois University, '-

Iowa State University, Maycress College, University of '

Northern Iowa, University of Iowa. The 5,000 was requested

for a non-recurring cost to perform a study of college

tuition for the above universities. This amount was not

to be taken out of the base. This, here, 312,000 is

requested for a 50% start-up funding of the Mid-lllinoisk

Computer Center. This is to provide interactive computer

time sharing, licensing for software packaqes and a central

maintenance point for communal use software packages for

SIU, Edwardsville, Western Illinois University, Eastern

Illinois University, and through.. through staff approve

the consolidation effort. To reduce the funding forIPiscal '75 is recommended in the hopes that overlapping

. computer service maybe avoided and that long range savings

c. .u j; .!)X e L .' Ns''* .--.wh' . G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y ':i7 ?4@44:,' .:k.,. . aq.. 1à ) .' r rw.'-'-.x ' i t. >. J z / s 'r n w c o p- I u u I ?q o 1 sZlz'tuzz ; . r 2 '-w'n . r. v r . g , wj o xj s s o s a s s a s s s w x a. v j w s s.l, ''' . .

w . . w. .. = u. = t ! , a '




will be thoroughly'justified. The Illinois Financial

Assistance Act for Non-public Institutions for Higher'

Higher Education passed in 1971: and this year the

direct program ko Non-public Colleges and Universities.

The Board of Higher Education distributes grants to

the institutions by the following formula: $100 per

Ereshman or Sophomore at the Illinois State Scholarship

Winner, and $200 for a Junior or Senior who is an.lllinois

.resident. Based upon the computation as far as the number'of upper classmen and middle classmen that appropriation'

xis at $6,000,000.''

Juckett: ''Ah.. thank you. I think it's interesting that we

should know what these monies are actually going for .-

rather than just lumping it together for the Board of. Higher Education. I think I would join with my colleague

from Champaign County and indicating that this Board has

been very laxed in the past over the spending of money.

And I don't think it was a mere oversight on their part %

as to the Presidential Home. Because if it was an over-. k

sight, then theydre in worse shape than we think, because

everybody in any town.. every town.. where these homes

were built, knew how they were being built, knew theI

fact that they were using a subterfuge to get around

the State Appropriation Act. And when these Presidents

can have a home built by the foundation, and then obligate

the States for paying hundreds of thousands of dollars

so khat the President can live in kingly splendor. I think

t) Jrq * ' '' '- ''.;.')ec ,12 : -77-- tt G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yz tjg .jt . . . j' 3 r...-...u . , . ù iA. â , s v A. r s o F I u u 1 N o l slj..)'. ' , . . .q ''''*'. . . - . . p st o ju s s o s s s e a p: s s :4 'r A. v I v c s



we ought to take a second look at this Board of Higher

' Education and I think maybe the best vlay is by voting

'no' and letting them realize that we are aware of some

' of their shortcomings. The sponsor is very responsible

but I think the board has been irresponsible and I think

there is only one way we can show our attitude and that's

by voting 'no' on this bill and letting them ccme back

and confess their sins so to speak, but I urge a no vote .

'on this bil1.''

A. Telcser: ''IsQ there further discusslon? If not.. Gentleman

from Kane, Representative Grotbergo''

Grotberg: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House.

- I rise to register what will be my no vote on this and'

several other Higher Education Appropriation Bills.

feeling the complete frustration of the gigantic educationa

system that we have cultivated in Illinois and in many

senses of the word, a fine educational system. But having

missed the roll call and came in and registered a 'no' voteNon the University of Illinois budget, I would like at '

this time to suggest that my negative stand is for the

operation of the department. We have several dozen,

perhaps several hundreds of well-quakified, Illinois

young students who are trying to get in the University of

' Illinois Law School and are not able io get in while yet

we take approximately l0% of the Law School candidates

total from outside the State of Illinoks. And I had though

that we run an Illinois Education S stem and first we takeI . . - ' ' ; ',y .. .'tvvutr* r-.', uLt*ïjjjqi?jj'L/. '' 'qq/)(22!; '''' ''k%. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y

, l t'.;c ' r' Sx'- k l'.;. ; s'F n T E o F 1 t.u I e4 o 1 S'. .V , S, ..- . g. (x . .,y aouss o s s ceasssN.rAv'l v es' ..! t . ..-




care of our own students and those who would like to

expire in our State of Illinois. Don't misinterpret

this, that I'm in love with the 1aw profession, but I

think it's a classical exrmple of our law and our

medicine that we continue to fund constantly and

incessantly the gigantic educational systems of this

state and fail to remnmher that they were designed for

Illinois students by charter. Therefore, Mr. Speaker

and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, anyone that wants

to follow my lead will register a complaint onlyk ' r.

through 'a'red light on this bill and many others like

it. Thank youw''

A. Telcser: ''Is there further discussion? If not, the

Gentleman from Cook, Representative Lechowicz to close.''

Lechowicz: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just very briefly, in

' response to the last speaker. 1, too, show their concern

as far as providing the necessary financial assi.stance

to Illinois residents. And I would just point out the

fact that under the Illinois Financial Assistance Act

which in this bill costs $6,000,000, this is strictly

for Illinois residents. And the second point under the

Hea1th Services Education Grants, which is the largest

increase... now this is to provide the enrollments as

far as medical and dentist schools in b0th the public

and non-public schools providing a dollar am'ount in

grants. Last year in Fiscal '74 %qe appropriated $11,000,00'

and 245,000.. $11,245,000 in Fiscal '74. And this yeare.. ) . '' . .... < 'yggkl ' t e.a. ' ..,z.% ty-p-avr. , c s x E R A j

. x s s E :1 B L v .kxqq g . , jz x. .( j1 l .--x-m : : .x. f a , s .r . ,. s . s. , u u , o, . I s-...h...7' (s zV, ' -


.-. j ju o u s s o s a c e n s s s sj v >. v 1 v e: s*' c . . .% '

' t .....ï- -


( :%


g '. l6.

' much to the credit of this board, this grant hasf

7..' been increased to $16,000,000 knowing the fact that thereF -i is a shortage of doctors throughout the State of Illinois.

And I would hope the membership of this General Assembly

would take a look at this bill and see exactly the dollar

amount that is appropriated for operations of approximately

$1,000,000 and in turn the grant'program which is

$23,000,000. I think it's a very effective board, and .

kit deserves your support.''

A. Telcserz ''Question is shall House Bill 2415 pass? A11'

x .those in favor, signify by voting 'aye' those opposed

. by voting 'no'. Have al1 voted who wish? Take the

record- Telcser 'ayef. Bradley 'aye'.. on this question,

- ll4 'ayes' 14 înays', 4 answering 'present', Fleck 'no'

Stiehl 'aye' Kent 'aye' Schraeder 'aye' Hill 'aye'.#' f #

This bill having received constitutional majority is

hereby declared passed-''

F. B. Selcke: ''House Bill 2426, Chapman. Ah.. Bill for an

Act to provide for the ordinary and contingent expensek

of the Illinois State Scholarship Commission, third reading '

of the bi11.''

A. Telcser: ''Lady from Cook, Representative Chapmanw''

Chapman: ''AH.. Mr. Speaker, ah.. members of the House.

Ah.. House bill 24 ah.. 26 is the bill foi the approp. .

:shkp.. commission.. I urge you to support this proposak

which means so much .to the young people of our state.

A. Telcser: ''Is there any discussion? Gentleman from Cook,

.: ................j0% X ..t x qz : '9C.:2s - ' G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y! C *-? vm-. 11 .'

. J . ï . t Ec,'y.ç. , ? ; s T J& 'r w o F 1 t. u 1 N o 1 s

. .< *7 ) z' y4 o kl S E o F a F: B 14 E s E :4 T /K 'r 1 v Es* ' 't , . % +ï-* '. .! ? -.. -. . , .+a y s , :. +v




Representative R. Hoffman.''

R. Hoffman: ''Thank your Mr. Speaker. Would the sponsor

yield for a question?'' She indicates she

A. Telcser: ''She indic'ates she wil1.''

R. Hoffman: ''Representative Chapman, can you tell me what

the previous appropriation was?''

Chapman: ''Ah.. the.. this represents a total increase over

the previous appropriation of $1,219,700, is that responsiv

Eo your question?nt, R. Hilf fman: ''That is the increase?''1 '

x . .

j . Chapman: ''That is the increase . ''!

R. Hoffman: ''Is this increase indicative of the cost or indica ive

of an additional scholarship?''

Chapman: ''Now, there is another measure which you will be

considering which makes certain ah.. changes. Ah.. so

ah.. there is an additional opportunity for involvment

this year, yes-'' '

R Hoffman: ''These ar@ additional scholarships.s' '

Chapman: ''They ah.. provide for the first time under House

Bill 2287 which ah.. you will be considering later. The

opporkunity for the parttime student whô is financially

needy to qualifr for funding ah.. if he is attending .

at least half time.''

R. Hoffman: ''We11, Representative, are we anticipating increas ng

the scholarships at the time that in many cases *he uni-

versities are experiencing a decrease in ènrollment?''

' Chapman: ''AH.. Mr. Hoffman, we are considering an increase ah.

- . $7a : 'wytaygv G ., ck ''J'.r %h. 'v .=: kt 5..:7$. ! L G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L. u czëx H .y7 ' . ' z f js fA. s J s 'r > 'r e: o F' I u k. j pl o j s: .

. gw .m ..u . . . . y zk. ' ..w' z ' ? . ' o s a s e s s s E: N x' A. x. l v e2 s. . + .. u okl S ?''cc a... +<.. ..''.. . . -.. u- '


' i

l8.at a time when economic need is greater for many

students. And particularly for parttime students who

in.. in this case who ah. . often are parttime students

' simply because they cannot afford to go full timeo''

A. Telcser: ''Is there further.. Gentleman from Cook, Represent tive

Tom Miller.''

T. Miller: ''Thank you, Mr . Speaker. Will the sponsor yield

for one questiona''

A. Telcser: ''She indicates that she will. In awarding

kcholarships, ah.. what is the present standard with

regard to the ah.. upper limits of income, what is the' Q

cut off point with regard to income for awarding state


Chapman: f'There isn't a cut off point for income, Mr. Miller.

There's a formula for need. So, ah. . one person ah..

wikh arn . with an.. identical income ah.. to another

. family might not be eligible. It depends on. . on the need

on such matters as the number of ah.. children in the famil ,

the number of children presently attending college, so

there is ah.. a formula that ah.. provides for this ,so

that the formula determines eligibility. It is not based

on the income as such.''

T. Miller: ''Is it possible for a family 'with an income of

over $12,000 who are in particular trying need, it is

possible for one of their children to get a scholarship

' from the State of Illinois-''

Chapman: ''Not only is it possible but it occurs infrequently.''

) yr..r ' e . v.t'7> u '' G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B k.. 4 ...72-x,...w. . s - s j o .. 't j

v a, x s cj s j u u. j s o j s' 7 W. a j ' s: r'r : :-ï . HV g 'r ' . e * '' T' 5 . / P1 O U S E O F R E PF ES E N TAT ' V ES' 4 , .x* z'es !,....

Nw : ' ' :1 !' Z'' --<*t$''' ' :' 5+ ' ' ' ' e''' ' 7451 ' R.'.. '''=; .


k! . :.I -

19 .

T. Miller : ''Thank you . ''

' A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Christian, Representative


Tipsword: ''Representative Chapman. I wanted you to know,

first of a11 before I make some remarks about this bill,

I am going to vote for it. I think it is a good concept

and I intend to support it. I would also tell you that

unless there is some changes in it, I might not be supporti g

'it in another year. And I say that on a basis of a report

Yhat has beeh ah.. put together and presented to the

ah.. Fiscal and Economic Commission at the State of Illinoi

in regard to the scholarships, the availabilityy and hpw

- they are awarded in the State of Illinois. In the course

pf discussing that study, I ask those who had made the

investigation, if what I hear from time to time and over

and over agàin from people in the area that they have the

feeling that scholarships area awarded by this commission

on the basis of who can do the best job of lying as toNwhether they need the scholarship or not. And after

considerable discussion, they finally wound up with the

propo... the conclusion that this is probably true. And

. we asked what kind of texts there were that were made

available to determine whether or not people were really

' telling the truth on these applications. And they indicate

to us that 5% of thqm were taken at randcm and were checked

against their income taxes. But, that the income tax

.L$. a k o ' .w. ' . N. .ë L;:/)q7z>X. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y. l Q c>. j

.r 'v. 1 ! s v wv s o s , u u , x o


, st . . t A. ,. -:? . c-trs - -- . .;.*j r. , . s .y*' .. lr y-- -..


Ij# .. .; .. 'I .


And they could 1ie to high heaven about what their

assets might be. So, I would certainly hope that

this Scholarship Commission would come up with some

better means of determining the needs of students to

have these scholarships that has been through in the past.

I'm going to support it this year, but I.. I'm also

going to try to did around and see if I can find some

means of amending this bill and praviding some greaker'equity and fairness in providing these scholarships

really on the basis of need, instead of on the basis'

Aof who does the best job of lying about the needs for the


Chapman: 'fMr. Tipsword. I will convey your views to the '

State Scholarship Commission. You perhaps already have.

I.. I share your concern with this ah.. matker. It's

a problem that khe federal government has in a variety

of ways also with ah.. federal income tax. And I1m sure'

it is a matter to which we need to give continuing attentio .''

A. Telcser: ''Gentlemàn from Cook, Representative RobertN

Dtlnne '' '

R. Dunnez ''Mrs. Chapman..î'

A. Telcser: ''She indicates sheell yielde yes- ''

R. Dunne: .%%The ah.. formula you referred to later.. or earlier .

has ah.. has that changed from a year ago or has that

changed recently to recognize the increased cost of


. Chapman: ''Ah.. I cannot answer that question, Representative.Q7 * u %..q :kg . xzc:z C'IDXCQj G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y ..I; C 'R:k'j.a -k5. j .. . , . - zg.k / s'r A. 'r c o v' r u u l N o , s. -' u-f:2- */ jqooss o s acpasseuvx-rjvssf. 6 c z . . .ys...



Dunne- Ah.. I.. I know that it has been changed in

previous years, but this was in relation to the amount

of funds ah.. available.''

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Ogle, Representative Brinkmeier. ''

Brinkmeier: ''Mr. Speaker, would the sponsor yield pleasez''

A. Telcser: ''She indicates that she wi11.''

Brinkmeierz ''First and foremost, I would like to add my ah. .

impression of opinion to that already given by Representati e

Tipsword. As a counselor of several years in the high

school, I was flabergasted many times in trying to determinQ .

how the Scholarship Commission determined who was eligible

who received help, and who didnlt. Prankly, 1'm a little

reluctant to support the appropriations. But the ques'tion

I have is this, ah.. does this proposal now include ah. .

scme scholarship aid for parttime students in junior


Chapman: ''Ah.. this is for parttime students who are financial y

. needy in any of those State colleges including the junior

collegeo'' . k

Brinkmeier: ''Very well: thank you.''

A. Telcser; ''Gentleman from Cook, Representative Juckett.''

Juckettz ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the lady yield

to a questionz''

A. Telcser: l'She indicates that she wi11.''

Juckett: ''A11 right. The two bills which you have on today,

2287 and 2426, companion bills?''

. Chapman: ''Yes, Sir-'' .

..r G ' *...t . . 7x, '

a x- t'Irp:x j. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y' ( u.'K yv . ) o js' ! . 'QX ,, s'r-ms o.r 'uulN: . u zp .. =. . ;'. A*- z. ' H o kl S E o F Fe E P H E $ E: NY A T I V E' S4 ( t; w <., ,. .SN


22.IJuckett: ''Is there any reason why you're not calling them

together so that they can be discussed together? Because

the appropriation would cover new items that are coming in

on 2287 and I think the House ought to be aware that

you are expandins the scholarship Commission and it's

dutiesw'' '

Chapman: ''Mr. Juckett. We ah.. already discussed the

principle:change and that is to authorize payments to

part time students who are financially needed. The ah..

other change which would have ah.. any real impact

financially is one that increases the maximum award

ah.. from a possible 1300 to a possible 1350. In answer ' -.- to your question, ah.. the reason why I .had held this

was that a colleague of yours.. on your sfde of the aisle', '

has a.. an amendment whieh he would like to offer which

I believe you would support which doesn't really relate

to the substance of this bill at all. I held this bill '

i i hat I will be able 'as a courtesy to h m. And I am hop ng t

to consider this today... ah.. later today.''

Juckettz ''We11, could you hold this bill as a courtesy to

me ti1 that bill is ready.''

Chapman: ''We11 I like to be a courteous person, Representativ ,#1

the only ah.. other matter that would relate to this is

the 1350 Grant. So, I believe for al1 practical purposes, Iwe have discussed House Bill 22.. ah. . 87. lt was ah..

given a unanimous, do pass, by the Appropriations Committteq,

' 50th bills were, and I'd like to see this voted with the

.47 '. .-A.--!,7 ' . . . .'s.=...-ax 6, .. c E N E R A j. A s s E 51 B L Yi' Qo:l .. . 1. t..,,,)..yj , ? svavs oe. I us-lsols' 77.j,. . ,. MJ'( :T.:5- . /' r . ' HOtJSE oF REPRESENTATIVCS*:s .. %-%* .'?* .=Xr .- v




other Higher Ed Appropriation Bills so that they could

ah.. ah..' make their way to the Senate and >le could

move our calendar along.''

Juckett: ''You would then not want to honor my request-''

Chapdan: ''Ah.. well, I would be honored to honor your ah..

request, but it isn't clear to me what your.. your ah..

problem is.. You have a question about 2287, that.. that

you might want to answer.. that you might want tb raise

. and I might be able to respond to right now-''

Juckett: ''For that bill is unfortunately not under discussion.

And I would be out of order if I did raise a question

about it. And that's why I'm requesting the delay so *

that the two companion bills could go to'gethero''

' Chapman: ''We1l, ah.. if there is ah.. ah.. considerable -

feeling on the part of legislators, that House Bill 2287

has not been ah.. suitably discussed' in conjunction with

the bill under consideration, House Bill 2426, of course,

I would be willing to wait. In the mean time-.''

Juckett: ''Thank you.'' .

Chapman: ''.. ah I would like us to move ahead if. . if possible

And.. and I would request a vote at'this time-''

A. Telcser: ''Is there further discussion? Gentleman from

,. ICook, Representative Richard Walsh.R. Walsh: ''We11, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the

Housb. I'd like to echo the suggestion of Representative

Juckett. Ah.. the bill under consideration contains

ah.. appropriations for more than just one new program.

415X. % 'c oy ,/'.!.'a '- L c E N E R A t. A s s E :1 B L Yr ;.t' ..'t j7 ' L. , /..z..y ' ; s v n 'v e: o e I u u l sl o 1 slrzzz 'y. g.. . .,.i sj o u s s o s. rx s e a s s s sj v x v , w s s..,

&' ' 'b' z''. r. s..roeA..r



As I see it, there are probably three or four or more

new programs contained ah.. in House Bill 2426. That is

there are appropriations for programs which have not been

authorized by the General Assembly. Now, ah.. I am

a member of the House Committee on Higher Educationy ah..

I don't recall consideration of these ah.. programs in

our committee. Ah.. as Representative Juckett pointed

out, House Bill 2287 has not been called. That would'establish a new program. It would seem to me that we

should consider first the substantive matter ah.. and

. then if it is approved, vote on the appropriation.

The Lady is asking us to ah.. continue the operations .1

of the Scholarship Commission in the manner and form

in which they have existed heretofore. It is also asking '

. us to appropriate money for new programs which have not

been established. It would seem to me that we should

hold this bill until we have acted on the new programs,

the bills contxining those programs, and if they are

approved, vote on the appropriations. I think ah..

Representative Jucketts suggeskion is gocd. Since the

Lady was looking for other support for his position

I would like to indicate, too, would like to hold this

bill until we approve the programs contained in this

appropriation bi1l.''

Chapman: ''Ah.. Mr. Speaker. Perhaps I have not done a good

job of explaining the bills that we are considering at' the present time. There are no new programs.. not a single

, c4 V'C' o'rs'r ' h G E x E R A j. A s s E 5 1 B L Yt Csf. ' x 1 i1 r # ...- ' : x . t a/ii . 7 j s 'r a. 'r E2 o F' 1 t. t. j N o 9 s. :? g. g- ' . y(r .' H ousE o e' IR E:e R esE: - T AT 1 V E s*r G , . . . , ?),''.'' '

. ' .'.' . . . . . . w.. .. . . .. t y.. s... .. '-JTTD


.. '



new program. There is an extension of eligibility to

parttime students who are financially needy.- ''

A. Telcser: ''One moment please. Representative Juckett,

for what purpose do you rise?''

Chapman: ''It is not a new programt''

A. Telcser: ''Representative Katz...H

Juckettz ''Mr. Speaker. I would raise a point of order that

we are not discussing.. or the Lady is not discussing'the bill under question. And I had made the request that

they be carried as companions and I wish s'he would confine

her remarks either to the bill under discussion or to

withdraw it and hold it. Preferably, to withdraw it and -; , -.

- hold it for the actual bill which states the program.''

A Telcser: ''Representative Chapman.'' ' - '

Chapman: I'Ah.. well, Mr. Speaker.. Since I ah.. it is

su'ggested that I not ah.. try to respond to the questions

that have been raised, I perhaps shouldntt speak at

this time, that a bill was approved by.. and considered

not only by the House Higher Education Committee last

year, but also by this House last year and sent over to

the Senate. And with just a couple of votes short on

third reading in the Senate. Last year, the Scholarship

ICommission did not come out in favor of this extension

of eligibility. This year they do, so we have qlready

given consideration to this makter in Higher Education

Committee on khe floor of this House. Ah.. as well as

over in the Senate and ah.. I would ask for approval by

,.,-p.ç'.% e .. G E N E R A L A s s E 51 B L v'i' c',ip.t- aijj svxvs os Iuujjxols, m . : , .k. .k ..%y' g' . = . j. . . . . / sj o u) s s o s a s e a s s s a .r a. x j v s s:t !'. .--


:6. :this House ah. . . . House Bill 2426, the appropriation for

the Illinois State Scholarship Conmission.''

A. Telcser: ''Genkleman from Dupage, Representative Hudson.''

G. Hudson: ''Mr. Speaker, and Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. I don't know what it is that constitutes new pro-

grams, but as I read the digest, it would seem to me that

House Bill 2287 does clearly include in it some ideas that

sare new, some ideas that should be considered by this Body' qs a whole it would seem to me. And ah.... it would there- '

fore seem to be reasonable that we do consider the twobills as companion bills so that they can be properly -

analyzed and assessed and voted one so that webre not

voting on these bills in the dark and I really, truly ' .. -believe that thatls exactly what we will be doing if we

take a vote on this appropriation at this time, I thinkwe#re going to be voting on 2287

, in effect, in the dark.

And it hardly seems to me to be wise. 1 would, too, ah. . . .

add my request to those already amade that the Bills be

' considered Eogether-''

. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Cook, Representative Mann.''

Mann: ''Well, Mr . Speaker and Members of the House, I really

belkeve that ah. .. . this is one of the most important bills j

we will be ah... . voting on during this spring session, and'

I have listened as you have through the years about theimportance of educating cur young people so that they maybe prepared to get into the main stream and not ah.... be

put on welfare and I can't think of a more imporkant billz.

' J.rArk; ' ....;. o. .' J' 0.Vn ' rprs ,6 . ' x G E N E R A L, A s s E 5, I B L Y'' .1 ï , 1 .r ,1 'r, Htl.

...j,j)'. -k lh svxms os Iuu.,xo'su 1t

% . ' z,gv à7. . y. . . / .a ex . . ..0 .. .. ,.. - - - - .. - - . - - - . . . .- -



than this one, which would provide educational opportunity

for Illinois' fine young people, and ah..... the money for

new programs, it seems to me, ought not to be viewed as

a detriment. It ought to be viewed as an additional in-

centive because it means that the scholarship commission

is taking notice of its own limitations perhaps in termsof past programs. I think that ah.... more than ever in

this age in which we live, educaticnal opportunity must be'gïven the highest possible priority

. And if the gentleman

from Cook has a Bill, which deserves our consideration,

certainly ah.... at a later date, bqe may consider it and

get 'it over to the Senake. But of all the Bills that are.

on the Speaker's desk, Mr. Speaker, this Bill which would

provide educational opportunity for Illinois' finest, it ' '

seems to me, ought to have the greatest priori/y . Wedre

not doing a good job of educating our young' people. Wedre

not doing a good job of providing educational opportunity,to those who lack the financial resources necessary to get '

for themselves. And for this reason, I would hope that

every member of the House would support this Bill. It is

not a partisan Bi11. Itfs for Illinois' young people,

whether they be Republican or Democrat. It's a good measur

''jjand I would appreciate your support-''

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Cook, Representakive Peters.P .peters: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and GenLlemen of the House,

1 concur entirely with the comments made b>' the last

speaker, but there does appear and I say this in a1l respec

'L g .. r * s ;' .4.* /s:;;).. ,p' e '.. ,r- ''-'A-):'>*- ' G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

.s 'td v / à >!- ) sv wv s o s , u.u , s o js- . : , t .tA. .. LJk. iz:r' . .' sjowsa os aceaeissavlml v ssnp . v*.z. a.r.. :. v. -! . '

-- ' ' '


. I


to the sponsor of this measure, there does appear to be

some queétion in the minds of certain of the legislators

here in regard to the full meaning of this bill in terms

of new programs that may or may not be contemplated and

' I suggest very respectfully to her that as a courtesy to

the Members here, including myself, that at least we take

this out of the record for a short period of time, until

the half a dozen of us or so can get together and discuss!.

. it privately, rather than in attempting to take the time

'of the House when we do have a pretzy full schedule for

this afternoon-''

A. Telcser: ''Lady from Cook, Representative Chapman.''


h ''Ah I am persuaded by the regislators, and IE. C apman; .... .

ask, Mr. Speaker, that you remove this from the record eh. .

for the present, please.''

A. Telcser; ''O'kay, take House Bills 24, and 26 out of the

record. Representative Kenny Miller, for what purpose do

you rise, Sir?''

K. Miller: ''Wel1, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House: I have two introduckions I have been requested to

make. Representative McAvoy has requested that I intro-

duce MrJ Lee Ducket, a prominent Oak Park citizen and

merchant who is in the west gallery. And also, Representa-

. tive Steel has requested that I introduce kn the Speaker's

gallery students from Belleville from the Zion Lutheran

School kn Belleville, and this is the District represented

by Representatives Steel, Flinn and Krause. The students' ' .. . n, r AJ. . .

3% '-' J'R> rf G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YJ <Tkz tl-.jj,- , ) ' s x . v. c o s I u u 1 x o , s.F u7

L.. ' ' ' . - . ,.?M.-k....... Jr ,7. L. zz pI o u s e2 o F R s e R u: s c N 'r A 'r l v E s



i the Speaker's gallery- ''are n

A Telcser: ''Committee Reports.''

F. S'elcke: ''Mr. Harpstrite. The Committee on Agricultural

and Natural Resources to which House Bills 1115, 2634,

were referred back with the recommendation the Bills do

pass and be re-referred to appropriations. Mr. Harpstrite

from Agricultural and Natural Resources to whkch House

Bill 1114 and 1277 were referred back with amendments there&èo with the recommendation that the amendments be adopted

and the Bill as amended do pass. Mr. Epton from the

Committee on Insurance to which House Bk11 2507 was referre

and sent back with the recommendation the Bill do pass anJ -.

- be re-referred to appropriations. Mr. Epton from Insurance

to which House Bill 2506 was referred and sent back with

amendments thereto with the recommendation amendments be '

adopted and Bill as amended do pass and be re-referred to


A. Telcser: ''Introduction and First Reading.''

' P. Selcke: ''House Bill 2795. Borchers, et al. Appropriates

$3,800,000 to the Comptroller to pay additional auto travel

expense reimbursement to State employees. First Reading of

the Bi11.''

. Telcser: ''Senate Bills. First Reading.

F. Selcke: ''Senate Bill 1265. Appropriation expense for the

Illinois Commerce Commission. First Reading of the Bill.

Senate Bill 1285. Appropriation for Judicial Inquiry

Board. Eirst Reading of the Bill. Senate Bill 1322.. v

'.':, - .. , ; o .. . s' .

''-';Q-- A . . . G p) x jj R A j. A s s E : I B L YL<LP ' 'lu:. V z - - , 1 ïl 2 :--r y t )..A( ' t . 1 s T A 'r K: Ch F i L t- 1 N o t S1

..lz , '-g . ; > . . , ' 7 ' ej o w s s o s a s e a s s c N 'r x + 1 v e: s%. vl . .ft s . q.. )r%'. z' . x


30. '

Appropriation expenses for Supreme Court. First Reading

of the Bi11. Senqte Bill 1377. Appropriation expense

for Illinois Legislative Council. First Reading of the

Bill. Senate Bill 1380. Appropriation payment to awards

made by the Court of Claims. First Reading of the Bill.

Senate Bill 1381. Appropriation expense to the Illinois

Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education Commissio .

First Reading of the Bill. 1401. Transfer between funds

in state Treasury. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill

145..... Or Senate Bill 1451. Transfer appropriations be-

tween Divisions of the Attorney General. First Reading of

the Bill. Senate Bill 1463. Transfers appropriation be- ' -.- tween Division for the Lt. Governor. First Reading of the

Bi l 1 - ''

A. Telcser: ''Ah.... Representative Schlickman, for what pur-

pose do you rise, Sir?''

E. Schlickman: ''Mr. Speaker, Members of the Houie, Two weeks

ago, I introduced three Bills. I introduced House Bills

2637, 2638, and 2639, a11 dealing with the subject of

juvenite detention facilities. Two of these bills are

scheduled for hearing tomorrow in the House Executive

Committee 2637 and 2638. At this time, Mr. Speaker,

Members of the Housey I would ask leave to table a11 three

Bi 11s . ''

A. Telcser: ''Are there any objection? Hearing none, those '

three bills will be tabled. Representative Shea, for '

what purpose do you rise, Sir?''

<éK y.gkj. A P#. e,a (). .z ' '-jö .J' , -.L?> f ' ' , G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L YL :. . . a x, '.1j jt

& k. X . s tjpj;. : . s 'r /. 'r c o v I u u I N o 1 s. ' . .. + ;- 'X 7r ) . H otl s E: o F F? b: B!Z ES E N'F A'F 1 %/ Er;x . : +

'.,. g,. sss..m.y .- -- -'' .



. G. Shea: Q4r. Speaker, I would like to introduce a numher of

peöple in the audience. They're from the 30th District

. and the 10th District. The 30th District with Representa-

tives Maragos, Giglio and Collins. 'The 10th with

Representatives Getty, Arnell and Miller. These people

are from the Highland Park homes, the River Oaks homes,

the Paradise Park homes and the Blue Island homes. They're

mobile homes to come down.in to testify and hear Repre-'

tative Yourell's Bill. Itgs always nice to see friendssen

of Phil Collins come down to Springfield.''

A. Telcserz ''Agreed Resolutions.''

F. Selcke: ''Ah.... House Resolution 893. Juckett. House

Resolution 895. Pierce, et al. House R'esolukion 897. .

Leinenweber, et al. House Resolution 898. Duff, et al-

House Resolution 899. Cataniae et a1. House Resolution

900. Waddell. House Resolution 901. Katz. House

IResolution 902. Katz. House Joint Resolution 100.

Tipsword, et a1. House Joint Resolution ah. . .. . 101.

Fary, et al. 'Whereas the month of May has been proclaimed .

National Tavern month, it is therefore highly appropriate. to pay tribute to the Little jovial tavern keeper, who

runs a little corner tavern; and whereas the little corner

tavern keeper is a valuable bow work of the community's

. social structure, he owns property in the community; his'

children attend the same school as your's; they attend

the same church and he supports al1 neighborhood functions

fn !aF 3 n r! lx S, ' o )y'. r s , a . .t/...m '- '.;si J-,J?', r '. G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YI w

.i.,.s . !,) -. 't- ! s.a xs o s , u u j ,u .,s.-,. ...2 /VZ z .gT. = ' .g '

j4 o kj s s o s s s e n s: s s: N 'r a 'r 1 v e: s' l x:' '' G) . .. v G . -.. ï . . x



little league baàeball team or a girlscouting expedition;

and wheréas he always runs a clean, decent, re'spectful

tavern where you can still lay down a five dollar bill,

have a few drinks with your neighbors, talk a little

politics and still get change back and the house wil'l pop

too; and whereas it is a fitting little corner tavern

keeper and his fine wife, who with their boundless hospi-

talityr have helped so many and to give him the well$

'merited praise and recognition he so richly deserves;

'therefore, be it resoleed by the House of Representatives

of the Seventy-eighth General Assembly, State of Illinois,

the Senate concurring herein, that as an expression of

. our sentiment and thankfulness for a11 t%e good will he.

has fostered among so many people; to a11 the little jovial

tavern owners in the State of Illinois, we offer with a

symbolic lift of our several glasses, a toast to the nation

that have sent their sons and daughters to settle ihis

great land of ours. The Polish will say ''..... .'',

the German will say ''......'', the Bohemian will say '

W '' h Scotsman will say '' '' and the Swede.. . . . . : t e ...... g

will say ''......'', the Norwegian will say ''... . . .$', the

Italian will say '' '' the Jew will say ''. . . . . ..'% theGreek will say ''.....'' the Frenchman will say '' . . . . .'% .

the Spaniard will say ''- ....'', and the U.s- American

who will drink it all, will say ''Cheers, here's mud in your

eye, bottoms up, down the hatch, here goes, to your health'';

and be it further resolved that a suitable copy of this- xvi''

. scc. ur, , c E x E R A L A s s E 5 1 B L Yjzur)y. z .,)i yl C' .4. !. .x> k svwvs os ,uu,s.,sy m .. JK .. 'k n'V'c S. ' Sf.), ' te o kl s s o e' a E e Iq e; s e; hI v /t 'r I v c s



Preamble and Resolution be tossed to the winds of hilarity.'

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Cook, Representative Fary.''

J. Eary: ''Ah, Mr. Speaker. To loosen your tpngue, Mr. Clerk,

I shall have Jake, who runs the little corner tavern, send

you some ....... so you can more fluently exhort to various

toasts. I invite the participation of anybody who wishes

to co-sponsor this Bill hon6ring the little corner tavern

keeper, because May is National Tavern Month.''

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from ..... are there further agreed


F. Selcke: ''House Resclution 9041 Madigan et al. Ah.....

House Resolution 903. Diprima; et a1.'' '

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Whiteside, Representative Miller,' who 'offers to move the adoption of agreed resolutions. .

A1l in favor, signify by saying 'aye', the opposed 'no Rk

and the resolutions are adopted. Another agreed resolu-


F. Selcke: ''House Resolution 905. Diprima, et a1.''

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Kankakee, Representative Ryane

offers to move the adoption of agreed resolution. All '

those in favor signify by saying 'aye', the'opposed 'no'.

The resolution is adopted. Introduction of First Reading.

F. Selcke: HAn Act for the Planning, Establishment or Expan-

sion of the Community Education Programs, for training of

Directors therefore. First Reading of the Bill. House

Bill 2797. Springer', et al. Appropriates Superintendent

of Public Instruction $350,000. First Reading of the Bill.''

' %*.... ? 4 ' z ' .,z / '=v''s: z t ',7D, % ' . G E N E R A L A S S E 5' 1 B t. Yf 4 .q- '- .')j -- iE i3 ;w;. : . t ..yX. * t s T A. 'r c o Fr I L. L 1 11 o l s. -.yg, z=z ;a ' .y..' sj o uj s s o s a s: e a s s s sj x. x w y w c se.: -t . + a

.A1.. 2 = .7 k. . . . q. . . .



A. Telcser: ''On the order of consideration postponed, appears

Senate .Bi11 876. It's been read a third time. The Lady

from Lake, Representative Geo-Karis.''

A. Geo-Karisz ''Ah.... Mr. Speaker, I would like to bring

ah.... to postponed consideration on to third readihg

and then take it to second reading if I may.''

A. Telcser: ''Lady has asked leave to have ah... Senate Bill

876 returned to the order of Second Reading for the purpose'of amendment. Are there any objections? Hearing none,Senate Bill 876 is on the order of second reading. The

Clerk please read the amendment.''

A. Geo-Karis: ''Amendment 1.:' ,

F. Selcke: ''Amendment No. 2. Ah....''

A Geo-Karis: ''Amendment 1 '' ' . '

F. Selcke: ''Matijevich. Huh.....'' ' .A. Telcser: î'Amendment No. 12''

F. Selcke: ''Where is it?''

A. Telcser: ''Alright, while the Clerk is looking for the

Amendment, the gentleman from Cook, Representative Totten.'t

D. Totten: ''For purpose of announcement, Mr. Speaker. The

House Appropriations Committee will meet tomorrow morning

at 9:00 O'Clock in Room 212. 9:00 O'Clock in Room 212.

If there are any sponsors who cannct make it, would they lplease contact a member of the Committee to handle their

Bill. Thank you.''

A. Telcser: ''Alright, Amendment No. 1.

F. Selcke: f'Amendment No. 1. Geo-Karis. Amends Senate Bill

.3.:.7 o' .e- rzzçczae-e . G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L YC-%j , w 't'll ( Iku :... gl.a. ..; ' y s v. . w s o s , u u , '. o I sQèz, '.L . . z . . .j w e: s' * . . el otz s E: o F 1:: cp'a es RN+ /$ .. gt o . .

. % . x..,



876, Pase lr by deleting line 11.. . . .51

A. Telcser: ''Lady from Lake, Representative Geo-Karis.''

A. Geo-Karisi HAmendment No. 1 will amend Senate Bill 876

on Page l by providing that any amount in excess of

eight and three-tenths cent per hundred ah. . . .. desires

to be raised by the Sanitary District cannot be done'

without referendum up to thirty-five cents per hundred.

This amendment provides for referendum for any raising

of taxes up to thirty-five cents per hundred, and I askt.

'respectfully that this amendment be adopted.''

A. Telcser: ''Is there any discussion? Gentleman from Lake,

do you wish to seek recognition? Representative Griesheime .''

D. Griesheimer: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. This amendment that has been off'ered by Repre- .

sentative Geo-Karis, I would urge a1l of you 'to support-

as it makes a Bill which is otherwise holy unpallatable

to the people of my district, somewhat pallatable. The

original Bill called for the increase in Real Estate taxes

in our District on a non-referendum basis and I figured

out on the average home, it would have increased real

estate taxes approximately twenty-five dollars a year acros

the board. The present referendum provision would leave it

to the voters as to whether they wished this increase to

go in in order to give operating expense money to our

' North Shore Sanitary District . I think that this is the

only way that we can fairly deal with the subject of real

estate tax increases and I would urge your support for this

i< !j,2:. ...,. ' ..c'lsuctsaw: . c PJ N E R A t, A s s E 51 B t. Yizt'p .)

.- ..-'t;) svxvs .e, ,uu...,.,s .. 1 .

. . o x%;. . . ' .

7.. - k c ...'t e'': . L , q? . ' '.?K ') ' - ' x. ..- ' '


- . ..-.- . ,.. .e w z.wepm,qymx. a .. . ..: x ax w r cx-crwxe. I

36.clm v, 'amen ent .

A. Telcser: ''Is there further discussion? Lady moves the

adoption of Amendment No. 1 to Senate Bi1l 876. Is there

discussion? Are you going tc hold this on Second Reading

Representative Geo-Karis? She indicates she will. Eady

moves the adoption of Amendment No. 1 to Senate Bill 876.

All those in favor of adoption, signify by saying 'ayel,lthe opposed 'no' and the amendment is adopted. Further. #' amendments . ''

F. Selcke: ''Amendment No. 2. Matijevich. Amend Senate Bil1876 on Page 1.....'9

'A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Lake, Representative Matijevich-''J. Matijevich: f'Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the ' -

House. I1m ready to go, but I think the sponsor would -

rather that I ah.... wait awhile and hold this on Second

Reading. Is that right, Adeline? Hold it on second?''

A. Geo-Karis: ''I have no objection to holding it on second'


J. Matkjevich: ''Wait a minute. I have no objection of going,


A. Geo-Karis: ''Alright, do you want to go ahead? Go ahead, if

you want to go on with your amendmente''

J. Matijevich: ''Alright.''

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Lake: Representative Makijevich,with respect to Amendment No. 2.''

J. Matijevich: ''Mr. Speaker and ah.... ladies and gentlemenof the House. T'm not ordinarily ah. . . . one who ah....

lJ.FT<h'.7i>. - ' G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y.''? c.t:;- ' : . iy ft s-a''l - - 1 l '

z )u : . ..wz .JA. T A g S T A T E o b- 1 L. L l lq o l sVP 27:. '-' * .J ux sx j , . c xx c .. m. a .. =.= ., . . v , . . .. o



presents amendments that the sponsor of a Bill may not

favor, or without going to some discussion with the sponsor

over it. However, this North Shore Sanitary'District

belongs to me and the voters just as much as it belongs

to any one sponsor. Amendment No. 2 to ah.... Senate Bill

876 would provide that any rate increase in the North

Shore Sanitary District, any election holding for such

rate increase shall be at either a county wide primary ori '

.general election. Nowy Ladies and Gentlemen of the Housey

Qet me say that the reason I support this amendment and

frankly the sponsor of the ..... House sponsor of the Bill

ought to really be presenting this Amendment and not 1, -'

l- because when the RTA election was held in Lake County, therewas nobody who spoke louder for the facts that Lhe RTA

referendum shouldn't have even been held in the primarye .

but in the general election when al1 of the voters, or a

good percentage of them will come out. Now, Ladies and

Gentlemen, We have talked very often of tax relief. We

have here before us a Bill that is going to tax people. .

It's going to call for people to go into a referendum .

We've got an election coming up in November. The trustees

of the Sanitary District can put that on our November !

ballots. There would be nothing precluding .them from doing

lit. Eh.... now back in 1968, %le held a 35 million dollarreferendum and we also had a rate ipcrease at that time.

That was held at a special electicn when only ten percent

of the people voted. In our rimar election here on RTA ,. s..f.,...,t..% z I o.t% x'-) A;ég -J7a > . G E N E R A 1- A S S E 51 B L Y' ) w-kj . yyktq , ! ï svwxu o,- , uu,x o.s! z ..: , j. V' , V Y . - ' . g.r:'.C ' H otl SE O F R E PR E Se; NT A T I V ES'r n .. %:x*.<



vle had at least about 34 percent. Now the trustees of

the Sanitary District, they've had two releases. One

said they're going to have election in September. Then

evidently, they must have thought 'wait a minute, that'sl

coming too close ko the general election. Somebody is

going to find out what we are doing. So the next release

I saw, they are going to have it in laie summer. Ladies'and Gentlemen cf the Housey they ought to have it in. k

.November when the people are going to vote. I say thi's

'is a good amendment fcr the people of the.state of

Illinois, for the people of the sanitary district, which

I am a representative, and 1 would ask for your support.'' -'

A. Telcser: ''Is there any discussion? Lady' from Lake, Repre-

sentative Geo-Karis.'' -

A. Geo-Faris: ''First of all, we wouldn't even be here on this

Bill, if there wasn't a real emergency existing in Lake

County. The comparison the prior speaker makes of the

RTA and this Bkll, does not hold water at all, because

it's two different things. It's just comparing apples to

peaches. The..... his Amendment No. 2, I am opposed to

and for this reason. If this Bill is concurred, by the

Senate, with Amendment No. 1, if it's passed by the House

hereg then the sanitary district will be allowed to have

. the election sometime in the summer, in their referendum .

The People will decide whether or not they will accept the

change in tax rates. There is an emergency because the

Attorney General through the North Shore Sanitary District. o.u. .k OX

... * & .c* nua t'g.r f r ' . . G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Yi' c.c''7 f..ir lh svwa.s os 'uu.xo,s'

. o. , . : .. - ..7, y . , /' * - .'t :% ) ' H ou sE o F r4 e: eR E sE N 'r n-r l v e;sNr. x* .'?!* -.%''



Case Number 696C6CH179: brought suit against the North

Shore Sapitary District to abate pollution and required

the District to remove a11 affluents on Lake Michigan.

Alright, now, the Supreme Court said that the Sanitary

District has the power to sell bonds for Capital expendi-

tures. However, we cannot move without having money for

operational expenses. Therefore, we cannot help the people

' in our District if we don't have thak amendmento . . . if We'$do have the amendment on there. Therefore, I speak against

6he amendment, because it's not going to help the cmergency

tha t we need . ''

A. Telcser: ''Is there further dâscussion? Gentleman from ' -

Lake Representative Griesheimer.''

D. Griesheimer: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. I hate to take this House's time on a very limited '

problem of our own District. In fact, this only covers

about half of.Lake County . But this is vitally important .

to our area. We are the only sanitary district in the State

of Illinois that is subject to Court order to stop pollutin

Lake Mtchigan before January 1, 1975. And if we fail to

comply, we will be subject to daiky fines in excess of

$10,0000 a day. Now our sanitary district has received a

great deal of federal funds to proceed with the building,

for capital developments in our areas. But the problems

they have run into is that they don't have the operating

money to run the facilities. Now, we have just had an

amendment presented which would subject the increase in..j.TA rkl'' ..ç+* *. '.z, uz-'j-t.- . gp '< r . G E N E R A 1- A S S E 5 l B L YJ c-ss > q't-hl svavs .,. .u.q.,.o,s' k x .:.stA, ?zcxlze ' g o .7 . ' . c ' . p . s o uj s s o e' a E e a e: s E N T A 'r 1 u E7 S' c s . u- L . '.t: .




tax to voter referendum , which I supported and which

Representative Geo-Karis supported and I believe that

Representative Matijevich doesn't really oppose this, butto delay this particular election until November

, this

referendum, will absolutely defeat the whole meaning and

purpose of khis tax increase if it is Voted in by the

people. I would urge you to defeat this amendment and

allow the people in Lake County, who vitally need this'money, to at least have the opportunity to vote on this

before November. I'm suke the people will be wise enough

to make al1 the elected officials accountable in November

when they go to the polls and you don't hxve to delay the

vote until that time. .

A. Telcser: ''Is there further discussion? If not, then the

gentleman from Lake, Representative Matijevich, to close-''J. Matijevich: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and GentlGmen of the House

1, too, hate to take the time on whak is a problem in Lake

County only. But let me say, you know, whenever, whenever

they find ways to tax the people, it's always an emergency.


I'm sick and tired of any court telling the people in the

North Shore Sanitary District khat they've got to do this -

' or else. Helly the Pederal Government is the one that

caused the problems. They were late with Federal funds. 1j 'You know the sponsor of this Bill has been sending tel

egrams(to the President about this and that. Why didn't you send

him a telegram telling him to release Federal funds. Maybe

Ye wouldn't have been in this bind. The State itself was

. k ; . r .' ' ...%( $' . r... ..'t .f6vrii..xeo'... G p2 x g, jt A L A s s E M 11 L Y: Pikg. , tj j. y . ' :. , f I.x. M , , s w ,. v s o s 1 u u I ,4 o . s

, Cl/ ' -,.:.. . . - . . , : . , .. . . . - - . . .. . . . . . . . .. . - . . . - -



late in sending funds to the Norkh Shore Sanitary Districh.

The taxpayers in the Norkh Shore Sanitary District carry

the burden a1l by themselves. That's why wedre in this

bind and now you want them to carry the further burden.

Pull this Bill. Go back to President Nixon . Go back to

the Federal Government. Get some more dough out of them.

That's where we got to get it from first. We've got some

alternatives and one of them is going to the Federal funds

!to give us the funds that they promised us in the first

place when we passed that referendum . Vote against this

M lendmen*. I stand here for the people of the North .

Shore Sanitary District and I want some support.''

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman has offered to move the adoption of

Amendment No. 2 to Senate Bill 876. Al1 in favor of ' . -

adoption, signify by voting laye', the opposed by voting .

'no'. I'm sure there will be a roll call requested on this

matter- O'kay, have al1 voted who wished? Al1 voted who

. wished? Take the record . Representative Matijevichg forwhat purpose do you rise, Sir?''

J. Matijevich: ''I would like to poll the absentees-''

A. Telcser: ''O'kay. Members please be in their seats. The

gentleman has requested a poll of the absentees. The

Clerk will read the absentees. Fred. O'kay, we've got' .to'wait for this machine now . Representative Choater for

what purpose do you rise, Sir?''

C. Choate: ''My thing don't work. I want to be recorded as


. . . g.,p ,. .; ;J -.. . x.k,();j:;.,,.:: '' .:,. ..:' :7m

rtà G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y; ( *L'... 4. : .,L, x, v) svaxs oe ,uu'xo,s. : kx.x A.F # ; = t '.r' * ..' s o u) s p: o F R u; e R E. s E pl w A 'r 1 Nl E S. .ï* - -



l 42.I

A. Teleser: ''Record Representative Choate as vcting layel.

Alright, .1'11 tell you what. The Clerk is going to poll

the absentees. When we calls your name, you can get on

the roll ca11.''

F. Selcke: ''Borchers. Boyle. Bradley . Brandt. Brinkmeier.


A. Telcser: ''One minute, Mr. Clerk. Representative Borchers,

how do you want to be recorded, Sir? Record Representative

.Borchers as voting 'no' '' '

F.- Selcke: ''Brummet. Caldwell. Caldwell aye. Capparelli.. ICarter. Choate 'aye'. Davis. Davis 'aye'. Day. Day

no . .

- A Telcser: ''Diprima 'aye'.'' '

F. Selcke: ''Ralph Dunn-''

' A Telcser: ''Ralph Dunn îno' ''

F. Selcke: ''Ewe11. Fary.''

A. Telcser: ''Record Representative Eary 'ayeb. 'l

F. Selcke: ''Giglio. Hanahan. Gene... . who? Giglio layef?

Hanahan. Where is he?'' .

A. Telcser: ''Representative Hanahan is not on the floor,

Mr. Clerk-''

F. Selcke: ''Gene Hoffman. Ron Hoffman.''

l'' ffman you wish to be recorded as voting lA. Telcser: Gene Ho y l'

no' Gene Hoffman 'no' '' IF. Selcke: ''Ron Hoffman. D. Houlihan-


A Telcser: ''D Houlihan 'ayelo''

F. Selcke: ''Huskey. Jaffe. Emil Jones- ''. (

. xh.'o. p..:.. ï . v . . . v' z' ;<. : -.i.Dz r ' : G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L/z xvx $ y. x ., 't lj1 : .

xt,#;. . . s m n. 'r c o v 1 u u 1 N o , s7: ê .' . . , tt ..H..z. . ,. j. ow s s o s s s ea sss uv av, u ss



A. Telcser: ''Emil aones 'aye'-''

l F selcke: ''Keller.''

A. Telcser: ''Keller 'ayel n

F. Selcke: ''Kucharski. LaFleur. Laurino.n

A. Telcser: ''Laurino 'aye'. LaFleur. Representative LaFleur,

wish to be recorded? Record Representative LaFleur as

Voting 'no' ''

F. Selcke: ''Lechowicz. Londrigan-''

A. Telcser: NLondrigan 'aye'w''

F. Selcke: ''Madigan. Mahar. Mahar 'nod.''

A. Telcser: ''O'kay, record Representative D'Arco as voting

'aye' Mahar.'no' D'Arco 'aye' Mahar Ino' '1

F. Selcke: HWait a minute, I've got a millfon of them to do

here. Bradley-'' ' -

A. Telcser: NBradley 'aye'. Lechowicz 'aye'.''

F. Selcke: ''Mann.''

A. Telcser; ''Mann 'no' 1,

F. Selcke: ''Maragos. Maragos 'aye'. McAuliffe. McAvoy.

Neff. Palmer. Patrick. Patrick 'aye'. Philip. Randolph ''

A. Telcser: ''Randolph 'no' ''

' F' selcke: ''Ri ney . '' '. t.:l

A. Telcser z ''Representative Rigney . ''l. lF

. Selcke: ''He's already recorded . Thatds.a mistake.''

A. Telcser: That's a mistake . He's voted.''

F. Selcke: ''Redmond. Rose. Ryan. Schisler. Schisler.''

A. Telcser: ''Schisler 'aye' $'

F. Selcke: ''Schlickman.''. ' qr,''... 'r gkr w .x

x *X''I e 'xctju-m '- ' G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yér çcrx . /)-,.'-, i h' 1 r ' c.oyg * / . s 'r n q' E o F 1 L. L. I >1 o I s. :7j : t2 z 7t 'z ' œ ''.. - Q.. '. ' elot'lss o p' F? spaeisslu'rzk'rl u EsY #r. p%* z' 'r. a .. % ... * ..



A. Telcser: ''Schliclœ an 'nof.''

F. Selckez ''Schoeberlein; Sharp. Ike Sims.''

A. Telcser: ''Ike Sims faye' ''

F. Selcke: ''Springer. Springer 'no'. Stedelin.''

. A. Telcser: Hskedelin 'ayel.''

F Selcke: ''Taylor. Taylor.''

. A. Telcser: Taylor aye .

P. Selcke: ''Terzich.''

A. Telcserz ''Terzich fàye'.

F. Selcke: ''Thompson. Thompson-''

A. Telcser: ''Thompson Raye'.

F. Selcke: ''Mike Madigan 'ayel.''

A. Telcser: ''Mike Madigah 'aye'v''

F. Selcke: ''Wall. Is he here? Wall 'aye'. Where is he? .

W. D. Walsh. Washburn. J. J. Wolf. Yourell. What -

about Bryman. Oh, he's on it.''

A. Telcser: ''Representative Kennedy, for what purpose do you irise, Sir?''

L. Kennedy: ''Mr. Speaker, I would like to change my vote from

'no' to 'aye' ''

A. Telcser: ''Record Representative Kennedy as voting 'aye'.

Is Representative Wall on the floor. Mr. Clerkz I think

you recorded Representative Wall. He's not on the floor. '

Take him off the roll ca1l.''

F 'S lcke: ''Alright now then who is. . . . Kennedy.''. e # ,

A. Telcser: ''Kennedy w'ishes to be recorded as voting 'aye'.

Record Representative Yourell as voting 'aye'. Would you

. '-- kx. ( VJ * : , . . .1. ' c'i''db ''!. ' k... zoT-j''b'.:s r G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yj' t-. 't? -js-f- . ,-t li . ' - s a . ..k. ! s 'r A 'r e7 o p' I u t- 1 N o I s. *$8' zz 7..'.n ' e ..t'. 77 ' z *4 o k; S E ç> F a E: !> H E s E e: T A T I V E S. tr . N.Y 'Z. ' 2l' >.

n-'- , ': -.7 'z ' ' -z; '. ! ' f t k


4 5 .

record Representative Beatty as voting ' aye ' . Beatty ' aye '

f rom ' no ' to 1 a e ' ''y .

P. Selcke: ''Ofkay. Are you xeady?''

A. Telcser: ''Representative Philip, for what purpose do you '

rise, Sir?''

J. Philip: ''How am I recorded, Mr. Speaker?''

A Telèser: ''How is the gentleman recorded?''

F. Selcke: ''Gentleman is recorded as being absent.''

J. Philip: ''Please record me as voting 'no'. ''

A. Telcser: ''Record the gentleman as voting 'no'. O'kay,

On this question, there are 73 'ayes', 74 'nays'. Gentle-

. manls motion to adopt Amendment No. 2 to Senate Bill 876 .

failed. Further amendmentsv''

E. Selckez ''Amendment No. 3. Matkjevich. Amend Senate Bilk -

876 on Page 1.....'' .

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Lake, Representative Matijevich.''

J. Matijevich: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. I appreciate that real good vote. I really do.

I'm serious about that amendment and this one too. I'm

sorry I couldn't put on the amendment, but maybe we can

do better with this one.' Amendment No. 3 amends the

North Shore Sanitary District whereby the trustees of this

lDistrict rather than being appointed by the Chairman of thet

Lake County Board Fould be elected by the People. It would'

Mandate an elected board of trustees, and I Ehink that 1this amendment is most appropriate at this time because we

are telling the people that we need a referendum for a rate

. . . :;.J pk >.'e'' . .&%

.%' 4, ..c' ..z'Y J-.7?r, ci'. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y ..k e'' .y:> k ) ,s. a tl , x. s m . v s o s , u u , .' o. vy p ;.- . ,j sjv xv r v sst .v . . yd otzsE o F R E e!v es p;

... 7..-



increase. if we really believe in Representative Govern-

ment that taxes are going to be levied. Then we ought

to put that power directly to the people. A direct length

to the people. Now I think ah.... I hate to mention the

fact that.... to bring up that RTA election again, but I

recall quite vividly the sponsor kept talking about the

fact that that Board was going to be run by Mayor Daley.

And ah.... that vehement voice a11 through that election,

that's al1 I heard, but yet nobody seemed to give a dam

that the Lake County.... the North Shore Sanitary District

for years and years and years and years has been a Repub-

lican controlled sanitary district. Some Republieans are - ..

- even upset over the fact that itls been # small section of

that party, but I think the amendment is a good amendment' -

because it makes no doubt about it. It doesnlt put it in

the hands of the Democratic party. It doesn't put it in th

hands of the Republican party. It puts it right in the .'

Ihands where it belongs. In the hands of the people. An 1 '

elected Board of Trustees, and I again ask for your support

in Amendment No. 3 to Senate Bill 876.''

A. Telcser: ''Is there any discussion? Lady from Lake, Repre-

sentative Geo-Karis. Gentleman from Lake, Representative 'IMurphy.'' 1

. W. Murphy: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House.

Ah.... I don't want this to become a political thing be-

tween two sides of the aisles. Actually, in Lake County

. ;pwe have noww - -once upon a time what my dear f riend . atohn....- - . . . . . - . ... . . . jl :z '% rk ; ... );.k'''1iê.1éij. '''< '.. .''... ik'z' ''-rh#c-igr'zfr ', G E N E R A L A S S E 5! B L Y tQV.,; .- .,1 1 .; '--x

-;.- ..s.k.y'tt . ., sv w v e: o .- . u u . ,% o , s.iv'zf7'fr .,

-.- . L.- .;, s o t, s s o p. R s e a s s s rg w a x I v e: s L '.:. !:!2 '--' li ï 'YIIA';SZ '': VL*& Z 2 ê Z' 2 ' - ' '*' X '''Y 0


)F/! . -1




said, was correct but .that is not correct now. We haveI

a Coalition Board in Lake County made up of b0th parties.

2 And b0th parties appoint and do their business by agreement

in Lake County now. This is a.. this is ah entire new

concept of the bill and that fact is to strike Section 12

which is the bill and puts a substitute bill in there

to divided into wards and to cause elections and every

.thing else and yet in the sense of this General Assembly,

. we have said that the county boards should do the appointin .:' 'This is going to cause a brand new problem because the

men on that board are well acquainted with the problem.

They're qualified, not just anybody is appginted to the -'-

. board. Men are appointed that have a knowledge of thet ' .: problems and would get good qualified members in this4 . -j f ashion. So r this amendment is really a bad amendment .h And I ask you sincerely, with much reluctance, because1,J it's my friend John. But I ask you sincerely to defeati

this amendment.''1't .41 '' 'vg A. Telcser: The Lady frcm Lake, Representative Geo-Karis.?:1 Geo-Karis : ''AH. . Mr . Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the.ïG.7.! House, M endment Nllmher 3 emasculates Senate Bill 876 as

1 amended by amendment one completely, changes it complltely6'

. . jJj around , goes into subject matter we never even went toWN in the original bill. Therefore, I respectfully ask!


Z.:1 that you oppose this amendment and 1: m speaking in oppositi n'4t and I#m asking everyone to oppose Amendment Number 3. .'ij%ti: q.j(.y@- ;: '.'' s.'tj ' ï.x* a. . ..zk cyj), ,.,er.y.r; 5 . . c E x E jt A j. A s s E A. 1 B L Yrt . . . y, . j '.C % . pwr - x. . )y ' . %. ' l ' J 'e. .(,&' r ; l S T A T E7 o F I L L I N o 1 S1 # ' . *r'.z .. %.*..'r' 'I . . ?* ..-'


J ' I


, '

4 8 .

A. Telcser : l'Gentleman f rom Lake, Representative Pierce. ''

. Pierce: ''Ah, Mr . Speaker and Lédies and Gentlemen of the House .

As much as I admire my colleague from Antioch, I must

tell you something about him he didn't reveal. And that is

he doesn't even reside in the North Shore Sanitary District

And neither does the Chairman of the Lake County Board

of Supervisors, because only the east 1/3 of Lake County

is located on the North Shore Sanitary District. He.''does

represent consituents that reside in it. But he doesnpt.

.1 will say tbls about the North Shore Sanitary District 4,

never in thè history of man since it was founded in 1912

was a Democrat every appointed a trustee of the North

Shore Sanitary District. They got a perfect, 100t record

of appointed Republicans. It was 'even worse when the

chief judge of the circuit court did it. And before that,

the county judge. They were the most partisan people

you could ever find. Now the Chairman of the County '

Board and the County Board is acquainted bad, because

wedve elected a few Democrats to it. But, let me tekll .

you that khe Chairman of the Lake County Board doesn't

livelin this district. He makes appointments, we have

wards now. A1l webre asking is that the trustees of this

distbict be elected by the people. It's a good amendmenty

we should support it, it's for democracy. I heard many

people say including the sponsor of this bill that the

that the.. ah.. RTA Directors should be elected by the

. irkg'' .q .k ):U *0 ..z -'.Ra f G E N E R A L A S S E A,1 B L Y1!:9.:: :1è .i ----.- '!k hl ..- ' , :. . t: ,x. . l , y s v /. x. c o e I u u ' s' o I s) .. . yjvc $ '.n' . . p a s s s oj v a x. j v s s' . r bl o tl s E O F R EL.'C ' ' X ''


i .i


people. That's fine but they donlt even impose a real

estate tax. Here we have a body that imposes a very

heavy real estate tax on the people and theylre appointed.

Let's elect them. The two biggest sinitary distrlcts

in the State are elecked by the people. And this is

the third biggest. There's no reason why this sanitary

district shouldn't be elected. It fluted the lake, it

delayed the clean-up 6f the lake, it torn.. it's torn>bp streets throughout my community, it tried to build

à sewer plant, it's been unresponsive to the needs of

the people, it's the biggest flute on Lake Michigan

that we have. Let's elect the trustees and get responsible

- government on the North Shore Sanitary District. I'm

going to support this amendment and vote 'aye'.'' ' -

A. Telcser: ''Is there further discussion? Gentleman from

Lake, Representative Griesheimer.''' Griesheimerz ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House

I think I'm going to have to take exception with some of th

comments made by my colleagues on this side of the aisle.

In that I think that itJ'is a very good idea to elect

the members of the North Shore Sanitary District. I think

it is in a11 fairness of our system, to elect people.

Since in the last year, wedve been asking for the

same authorities that the Metropolitan Sanitary District

has, namely quick take and now special provisions with

regard to special elections for referendum. I think that

we should al1 be aware of the fact that the Metropolitan

u; trrz,'l'pp 'k, c E N E R A t- A s s E :1 B L YJ r it- z k, ,.? - -v. 't h $

' r. z, , ..jjJTA'. . .E ... . 2.. .





Sanitary Distric: does elect their, their representatives.

However, from a different standpoint, and L would say

more procedural questions, I do not think that now is

the time nor the place to add this amendment to this

bill. In other words, what I am saying is that I do not

feel that this amendment is germane to the bill that is

presented before you /or consideration today. What

they're asking you to do at this point in time is to

èompletely change the manner and means that you elect

/eople.. that you have people appointed to.. or elected. )to the North Shore Sanitary District Board when the. whole problem this bill is pointed for, is trying to '

- get it some authority to raise funds so that it can

continue in' existence. I would therefore suggest that ' '

you vote 'no' on this amendment, not because it's a bad '

amendment, but rather because the timing is not good

on this bill and that we allow this bill that would have

give some money app.. ah.. money by way of a referendum

to our district so it can continue in operation-''

A. Telcser: ''Is there further discussion? If not the

Gentleman from Lake, Mr. Matijevich to close.''

Matijevich: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House.!

'm sort of bemused by a1l of this. The first !I.. I

amendment, ah.. it wasnlt supposed to be a good one

because of the emergency involved. Now the second

amendment is bad timing. Ah.. the first amendment, you

know, we haven't passed. Soy we're going to go to the

XI...Y T A ' E 'o .'/.;yFJ 'f ' Q/ . -57a e k, G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yi ? c.1: :;. ..p 'kz 1. l 't< m '.', .@ s'r/tms o s I uuI N o1s. A.sê ,

'r . . . .* ( .:' ' . pl o ta s c o Ir a u7 e a s s a N 'r s. 'r I v c s.v r + . '

. 2: --'


j '

5 l .

referendum of the people. Wefre going to take a1l the

money they've got in taxes. Well, the second Monday,

at least welre going to give them something. Wedre

going to at least 1et the people choose who their '

representatives On the North Shore Sanitary District are.

Who can be against that? Tell me, who can be against

that.. letting the people decide who represents them .'jj

Everyone of you are here because the people chose you.

You're a11 here. You gotta be for that. Who the hell

can be agàinst that? I mean.. let's face it. Who the

hell said letls go back to Russia, not me. Let the - ..

- people decide and you can do it by voting for Amendment

Number Three to Senate Bill 876.'' ' '

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman has moved the adoption of Amendment '

Number Three to House Bil1.. to Senate Bill 876. A11.

in favor.. all in favor of adcption signify by voting

'aye', the opposed by voting îno'. Lady from Lakee

Representative Geo-Karis.''

Geo-Karisz ''Mr. Speaker, to explain my vote. I'd like to

call attention to the Assembly here that that's not

. the only thing heîs asking. He's just completely '

changing bill.. Senate Bi11 876 around completely because

' 876 as amended providing per referendum to raise any

tax rates, is a11 in Section 12 which he is taking out

completely in his amendment. So, please vote 'noî other-

wise 1 don't have a Senate Bill 876 as amended even

- Ja r zn g e n 'F' n ZR # zn + h a' Q.r L c g em b .1 Lë f Y r # h 7* r '.q r zp P C ?' n z-l 1 ' . . -' 3% T * ''' xh (;7é ' r.s ' .ks- '' . ' ''tr '.ups :R.x r G E N E R A L A s s E M B L vf c; &.; , ) -- .. ! l: I rw. h t > L+ J ' ? s 'r n 'r E o F 1 t. $- 1 hl o 1 s. . /' . ''''V . ' . - X'' . , ' . .< .7 . uouss olr I/EF'I



j 'j - .,... E11f 52.1: A. Telcser: MGentleman from Lake, Representative Murphy.''

Murphy: ''Ah., Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House.

Ah.. I just want to say that if this amendment is adopted,

it doesn't destroy .the bill completely and entirely.

And on top of that, it would be discriminating because

if this sanitary district is going to appoint every

sanitary district in the state has to appoint. And

it jus. ssn'. done that way. And you get more qualified.t

' m' en by having the county Board select them andqualify

. ya kg ou hold anthem and appoint them than you wou y'

election and any man can run and win just because

you like the way he combs his hair. This is a bad ' -

- amendment, and I ask you to defeat it.dl.

A. Telcser: NGentleman from Lake, Representative Pierce-'' ' '

i , .I Pierce: ' Mr . Speaker , to explain my vote . This act only

j ' , y' ef f ects the North Shore Sanitary District. There s on yIone sanitary district in the state under this Act.

' In fact a few years ago, we amended the sanitary District '. #

Act of 1912 to rename it the North Shore Sanitary District

Act. So, by voting yes, there's only one district we're

affecting, the North Shore Sanitaxy District in Lake

county that would be required to elect its trustees.

jThose of you who are afraid to vote 'yes' cause you think

it affects your sanitary district, it doesn't. It only

affects the North Shore which is the third largest

sanitary district in the State. The largest two are

already elected... are already elected by the people.:. s 7 . r z r. . .

.z raciyr't'h -. ...' î'f*'.:'T.>-'k- ''. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y. '

k: . t jj' Q.t j: . . .)=' 'l*.. .lV j ST A T EL C; F 1 L L l N O 1 S$: . e % r. .z. . .k ' % . . . :4 o t) s E: o F Iv c r> Iv E s E ê1 T A. 'r I v Es. x r . ..

j a .' : -'..-1.-. -'



And therefore, I am voting 'ayel.'''

A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Cook, Representative Juckettm''

Juckett: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. One cf the previous

speakers on the floor indicated that he felt that this

amendment was probably not germane to the bill. So at

this time I would like to request a ruling of the Chair

as to whether the amendment is germane to the billel' '

A. Telcser: ''Representative Skinner, for what purpose doïyou rise, sir?''

Skinqer: ''A point of personal privilege: Mr. Speaker. I

wonder if it would be possible to turn the television

lights down when theylre not filming?'' ' -

- A. Telcserz ''You wanted the televiàion lights off?''

Skinner: ''Wel1 could you turn them down, please?'' ' -#'

A. Telcser: ''Okay, the Chair will rule that the amendment '

is germane. Have a1l voted who wish? Take the record.

On this question there are 73 'ayes', 79 ïnaysl, one

answering present. The Gentleman's motion to adopt

Amendment Number 3 to Senate Bill 876 fails. Are there

further amendments? Third Reading. Third Reading. .

Further resolutions.''

F. B. Selcke: ''House Resolution 894. Schraeder. Housel

Resolution 899. Catania. House Resolution 896..''

A. Telcser: ''One moment, Mr. Clerk. Representative Yourelly

for what purpose do you rise, Sir?''

Yourell: ''Yes, Mr. Speaker. I'm on my feet to find out what

the Chairs intention is as far as Committee Hearings are-r. 7' .

zk ..-r4. yy V '.j G E N E jj A j. yy g y E M jj j. y( '.:-<.9 -.tt- -) 1. : :. ' t ..k. G s 'r x 'r e: o s j u t. I N o 1 sQ:z 5. ..-. . ,

'* ' ( . H o kj s E o F R E #> F1 E S C 11 T a 'r I V E S.#

r' ' e .'' r; ag. , s?Y..''



concerned today/ Now, last week I had a lot of witnesses

down from Chicago and khe ouklying suburban areas ko

testify in Revenue Ccmmittee relating to a certain bill,

and last week the Chairman indicated to me and the members

of the Committee.. may I have a little attention Mr.'

Speaker?'; The Chairman of the Revenue Cammittee indicated

to me and to the witnesses and tc other members of the

xcommittee that we wguld convene in Revenue Committee at' 1:00 o'clock today and that if we had witnesses they could

return at that time which is two hours past due now

to be heard on this very important piece of legislation-

Now, we#ve.. I sat in this House for eight years and .j *I can t recall the time when this House has every proceeded

in an orderlk fashio/. Aùd I think the people of the -State of Illinois are sick and tired'of being called doln

here to testify on legislation that's important to them

and find that theydve made a trip in vain, not once but

on several occasions. Now, I've Representatives of the

County Clerk's Office and the County Assessor's Office. '

the Board of Appeals and a couple of bus loads of Senior

Citizens from my district and other districts are very

anxious to hear Senate Bill.. or ah.. House Bi1l 2146.

Now, the Chairman of the Revenue Committee has indicated'

as I have indicated to you that that bill would be

' heard today. Now, I understand that committee meeting

has been postponed until 8:30 tomorrow morning. That

ZXAD. r ':6;/5--5: -- d'-''-j'g uy & 'jj G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y((k: - x4 y .'j m ' è . '. 1.1/. .J / s 'r gq 'r c o e' ! u u l r: o I s. J#*. N . - lJ.. ,.''. ,. !* x'wtR ). *'



means that a11 of these witnesses for the third time

will have to mqke a return tkip to Springfield to take

care of the people's business. And I think for once

in the history of the legislature we ought to proceed

in an orderly fashion.. if bills are posted to be

heard at a certain time, they ought to be heard at that

time and not se/en days later. We hear all the time. .

we hear a11 the timez Mr. Speaker and m-mher of the House

that we have a rule that says that a bill has to be posted

a minimum of seven days to be called in committee. Well,

' I think if there's a minkmum ruling for bills to be

; called in committee, we ouqht to some dav set a maximum .

- rule of number of days that these damn bills sit in

Committee before they're heard. Now, I think Mr- Speaker -

and Members of this House that this should come to an

abrupt halt and I move now to adjourn this House and

go into Committee and reconvene the House after the

adjournment of those Committees. I make that motion

Mr. Speaker.''

A. Telcser: 'fWould you restate your motion, Sira''

Yourell: ''I move, Mr. Speaker, to adjourn the House until we

have the Rev.. meeting of the Revenue Committee and theni #

reconvene the House at a time appropriate.''

A. Telcser: ''We11z the Chair would have to rule, Sir, that

your motion at thks time is inappropriate.. ah..

Representative Maragos, what purpose do you rise, sir?''

*): * %. ''.éâv''t A ''r s-x-j'h-zs 't'y , G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yi l i ' 't;.; .J,i..A3 -x ; s w ,. w s o p. I u u I x o , s. L :.y. : . ,,. . p ,:r, :z .. w. .. J uotase opr I4seaEseiNrn'r 1v Es. .'.'? c . . tb..'. . -. !.! ..): ,



Maragos: ''Mr. Speaker, Members of the House, I rise in support

of the motion of Representative Yourell because, again, we

have many, many constituents from these various districts

who have come down here for the second time in two weeks'

and these are people who are not afluent enough .that they

can stay down overnight for hotel rooms and I think/ in a11d'ecency, we should take their point into consideration.

And maybe'l could amend the resolution or the motion that'

.xwe adjourn for one ah.. recess for one hour. A lot of ccm-'mitteçs could meet and then comç back so we could at least

hear a couple of bills that these ones have come down for.

That is my amendment to that resolution and motion.''

Rep. A. Telcser: HRepresentative Davis, for what purposd dp you

rise, sir.'' '

Davis; ''Mr. Speaker, and Ladies and.. Ladies and Gentlemenrbf

the House, on a point of personal privilege. I'd liie to

recognize the 7th Grade students of the Wacker School. The

come from the 28th District. They're in the North Gallery.

Representative Emil Jones, Representative Houlihan and

Representative Dunne. Where's Emil. There they are-''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Death Resolutions.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''House Resolution..'?

Rep. A.bTelcser: NWait one minute. Representative Gettyy for

what purpose do you rise, sir.''

Getty: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. I rise

in support of Representative Yourell's motion, also. Many,

many people have come down at great expense. Most of them

.,. '-v k::, '-

.. , . - eyay.x71P* .fr& 'tt'''$ G E N E R A t. A s s E 51 B L Y. ,c.; î 'k . - 'v- '

x . ' 1. . : t '.x. t 7 ) s v. .% a. .: o s ' u u , ?q o î s

î r.i f / *'x'n z . . , '. . m , J rx . H o tl s e: o F F' E P F4 e: s E pl T A. 'r 1 v E S. . ,, . + /. '' .!t J.L*.SY,


L . % >* F*?'h7 ' ûV: ' ' '* ' .5'W ? ' ' '*. . . ..r ''. ' . . v. . . .v<2 f.. sF e . . . >- (. . ? 41 ..kX . .3 ' . . VI ' ' ..m. .x: . ' ïk . ' .

57.are retired people. They have raised the money to ccme

down to àppear before this House and I think it's mostimportant tha: we give them an opportunity to present theircaseo''

Rep. A. Telcserz ''O .K., House Bills Second Reading. House Bill2264.''

. . .

Fredric B. Selcke: ''House Bill 22. .


Rep. A. Telcser: ''Representative Yourell, for what purpose do

.you rise, sir-''

Yourell: ''Yehe I didn't hear a vote on that motion, Mr. Speaker.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''The motion's ruled out of order, siro''

ourell: ''The motion to adjourn is. .''


e A Telcser: ''We're on the order of Housè Bills Second .

17 . .

Reading. House Bill 2264 has been called.'' -

. redric B. Selcke: ''House Bill 2264. A Bill for an Act. . A Bil

for an Aet making an appropriation to Board of Governorsof State colleges and universities

, Second Reading of the


ep. A. Telcser: ''Representative Choate, for what purpose do '

you rise, sir.''

hoatez ''I woutd ask you to explain to me# Mr. Speaker, under

what rule. The Parlimentarian evidently has advised youthat Representative Yourell's motion is out of

ordero'' (''Representative Hirschfeld , for whak purpose lep. A. Telcser:

do you rise, sir.''

irschfeldi. ''We11, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House, I must say that the Speaker's glass house is gettingt o l c7 ok b e G. r î ra = + ! ' n B lc e !.v. e ':! i ::! n ' t p. u t

N V-:*' 'c' . . c E N E R A j. A s s E 5. 1 B L Y9Jy: 4<J77: s .7 C':'7 'j.) x! ïz ) svw.r e: o e. $ k-t-k e4 o I s: :'st .,K .L. u. .. . .


. .

'j ' ': -

;l .


glass in the balconies. Now , I've gone to Washington andLsat in the Congress of the United States as I'm sure most

of the members have and we do not permit the kind of dis-

plays that are being carried on by the audience here today.

And I think we ought to remind the people down here that

they are guests and they should refrain from applause or

any other comments in the GalleHiesw''

Rep. A. Telcser: DNow, Representative Hirschfeld's pbint is

' kwell taken. The people in the Gallery are our guests and

' 'I. hope they will conduct themselves in that fashion. Rep-

@ resentative Choate, for what purpose do you rise.''


1 Choate: ''I agree with you, Mr. Speakery in your asking thej ' ..

guests to refrain from participating as far as demonstratio sl'

are concerned, whether it's just something they like or' .

h they don't. zoweker.. ùowever, Mr. Speaker: I îtilwhet er

I desire to ascertain from whence the Speaker gathered hisI . '1 information that Representative Yourell's motion was outil 1,of order.t1 11 Iep. A. Telcser: Chair ah.. derived it s ah. . decision ah..l

l Representative choate, based on the fac.t that Representativ

!' ' Yourell sought recognition ah.., in the Chair's interpre-

tation, for an announcement about a committee hearing, not

on a motion to adjourn, sir-'' .

p hoate: ''That was simply a perogative 9f the Chair to ascertain!: .

something thate. he is not able to read Representative)

' Yourell's mind, evidently, because that was in his mind,i! evidently. I would say to you, Mr. Speaker, that if you1k- .

! ' ...*& > ' s ' . ,$ z- f-/):x ' G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y1: t!,. - x ! t/ ( t . k?' .y(,. f . p s v. ,. 'r e: o e' I u u ' ?% o ' sj . C'z ' y.:.-. . , y, .w s s o s s e: e a s s s ,g x. . v . u c s.t. . . .1 '. o .. .s. . ' .


' . j


j 59.keep decorum and you want to preside in the orderly fashion

in which you have become accustomed to doing, that you

should put the motion that Representative Yourell made re-

gardless of whekher you was attempting to read in to your!

.own mind whak Representative Yourell had in his mind. Many

times I have got on the Floor of this House, as well as

other members on the Floor of this House, from both sidesIof the aisle. I never knew it to be a .fact before todaykthat the Speaker would firm up in his mind what the gentle-

man that he recognized, or lady, was gozing to talk about.

I If I interpret the Rules of this House correctly, Repre-

sentative Yourell's motion is entirely in. . in order and, ' .

Mr. Speaker, I would say that you could probably save time

of this House if you put the motion and let it be voted up '

or down. I think it's in order. I think that the member-/

. ship of this House, whether they vote for the motion or

whekher they do not, would agree that the motion is in

r .

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Cook, Representative Randolph.'

Randolph; ''Mr. ah.. Speaker and Members of the House, ah.. I

Will be happy to hold a meeting immediately after we adjour

on House Bill 2146. I don't know what time it will be, but

1111 be very happy to have the members of the Revenue Com- 'jmittee to come to the meeting in D-l. Now, a1l other bills

will be postponed 'til 8:45 tomorrow morning. And %qe will

hear the.. the balance of the bills in Room C-1.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Representative Houlihan, for what purpose dol . . . .. . .

.. .. . ,'' .. x w IJ... . . . k . .ci x'--c-orxk: k G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y1 E> . x . jjE '-z.r:- : c k.L< . i s v #. 'r c o e ' u. u 1 ,% o ' s. ' U>'J ? t . N r -. œ z ' p a s s s sj .y. A, .r l u c sr . , M o tl s E o F F' F' * '> '''

.) v aI . . g%.. . .' ' .




you rise, sik-''

J- M Houlihan: ''Mk. Speaker: I wonder if the Chairman of the Revenue

Committee would answer a question. Last week I had a bill

before the committee, House Bill 2272, and T was assured in

front of the committee that that bill would be the first

bill heard and discussed by the committee today. I think

it's arbitrary and I don't think it's in good form to ex-

empt and just have one bill heard. L think all of thosebills should be heard and I would particularly ask you$


pbout House Bill 2272.''

Randolph: ''Well, 1 would be Very happy to hear all bills this

evening, but it.. I understand it will be very late. Ah..' -.

- hear your bill, Jim, the very first thing tomorrow morning

when the other members will a1l be there and all of their

bills will be heard at that timeo''

ep. A. Telcser: ''Representative Matijevich, for what purpose

do you rise, sir-'' t

atijevich: ''Mr. Speaker, I have a point of order that's really

goes to the heart of some of our new Rules changes. As you

recall, many of us have been fighting to help the public

who come here at their own expense. They're not paid

lobbyists. They can't afford to be here a1l the time.

They don't have an office downtown. Theyfve got to scrape

up and take off from their jobs to come here. Now, Rule 22,

is titled right to the public. This is our rule, the Body's

rules. Let me read it to you. 'If a bill or resolution

has been properly set for a hearing and witnesses are pre-

.. .7 . .

c'/-rrrgy. % '. G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yitk-iiitp wl-) svxxs o e- I uuy-ols, ( . r.w..Su. . Tyv- .' urwq.. s .....' ., .u s s o s a e: v s, c s c pl v ,. v I v e s


61Sent in which to testify, the committee shall hear. . sha'll

hear the witnesses at the scheduled time and place-' I

think we're violàting the rights of these people righthere in the Gallery . They should be heard. What are we

arguing about. They've come here. The 'bills were set.

And evidently somebody said the bills couldn't be héard.What are we arguing about. Let's adjourn if we have to.Recess if we have to. Let the people have their right.

Theydre here, theylre not lobbyists- They're here and!,.

. they ought to have that right under our own House Rule 22.'My point of order is, Mr. Speaker, don't the public have

that right under House Rule 22.'.

4 ''

Rep. A. Telcserz ''Representative ah- . Simms, for what purpose!-

do you rise, sir-'l '

.l .

W. T. Simms: NMr. Speak. . Ah- Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentieme

. of the House, ah.. I rise to concur with the comments of

Representative Yourell and also Representative Matijevich.

I also have bills pertaining to the sènior citizens ah. .

l dealing with tax. relief in the area of disabled and seniorIj citizens and mobile homes and a1l these bills should be 't

heard at the same time. People from Rockford came down her

last week. People that ah.. paid money out of their own

1pocket to travel down and subsequently were denied the op-

portunity to appear before the committee. And all thesè

. bills should be considered at the same time and not con-tinually postponed 'cause I think it lends itself t

o a poorattitude that the people must have the way %qe operate our

' Assembl .t'

/:/F/ *%L%i ' G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L YI7P )1 , .uu'rqo.s

. ,; c4:+.. ?. ,, svxvs o. .. :.t.A. ,; ' 'e ,.4k

.? ss v... :3-:3...i$) .

' 22--




Rep. A. Telcser: ''Representative Matijevich, for what purpose

do you rise ah.. Maragos, for what purpose do you rise.''

Maragos: ''Mr. Speaker, Members of the Housee I#m a member of

the.. Minority member of the Revenue Committee and, if need'

be, will stay up til midnight to hear these people who came

down, and any other bills that be before the cùmmittee.

Because we have a job to do. Unfortunately, last week wehad *he Rules Committee and the Chairman had to go to the

Rules Committee hearing. However, we should not punish

. these people and I would appreciate if the Chair would rule

that we could meet tonight and the Chairman of the Revenue

Committee would hear all bills, especially those ah.. for

the witnesses who came all the way from Chicago and other-

parts of Cook County to be here again with us. Please, in '

a11 decency, allow these people to have their voice to be .

heard on a very vital issue which concerns their livelihood

Mr. Speaker, and Members of the House, I implore you to

please and have the Chairman of this Revenue Committee so

we can stay ti1 midnight if we have to tonight to heark

these bills so these people will be able to get their

justice d.ue and for which they came down.'' '

ep. A. Telcser: ''A)à.. Representative Houlihane for what purposl

do you rise, sir.'' l1. M. Houlihan: ''Mr. Speaker, I appreciate ah. . Sams' suggestio

that we ah.. meet until midnight, but you must remember,

Sam, that some of these people that came down will not be

able to return hcme, if we cannot have the meeting at a

i . - .---. . .. . . . . . -

. --#>'jj)j(.... ' as ...!'- .5'r,E,y> e '. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y.réër . - xr ! !. 1 27 : t jyv. - $ s v x m s o s I u u I 'q o ' s%

. , . . n. . . . . , .' *

.< . '

z H o LJ G E o F * E PR C E;C N T AY I V ES 'f 1 .; sxb . ' ' e. 2 .1 . . s >


i; .

I 6a

time convenient. And we did indicate.and post this meeting

for 1:00. I think it's appropriate that we adjourn or. recess and have the meeting of the Revenue Committee.


r .Rep. A. Telcser: ''Did you want. . ah.. Representative Maragos,

did you want- '' .

Maragosl ''Mr. Speaker, I agree if we can get that sooner Itd

prefer to have it sooner, but I don't know what the Chair's

1 ruling's going to be. I1m just talking to the Chairman of) , .the Revenue Committee. I m still supporting the motion ofl 1.

,Representative Yourell that we adjourn now until a time

'certain . '' rv

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Representative Yourell, did you seek recog-

nition, sir.''IYourell: .''Ah.. yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think it's im-

portant and I appreciate the concession that my good friend

and colleague ah.. Representative Randolph made indicaking

that we would ah.. that we would ah. . hear these bills or

this bill in particular tonight at the end of adjournment.

But I ah.. I think that ah.. that that is not proper and I

think that 1'11 yield now to Representative Murphy.'' '

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman from Lake, Representative Murphy.''

lurphy: ''Mr. Speaker, I ah.. make a substitute motion that this

House do now adjourn until 11:00 tomorrow morning.'' '1Rep. A. Telcser: ''Gentleman's moved the House do stand adjourned

until 11:00 tomorrow morning. A11 in favor Aye. The oppos d

No. House stands adjourned.'' ' ' '

,.;..w$,.y -% '. G E N E R A L A S S E A1 B L Y't )' ; Q). 'A,2.7 - j .c o v. I u. u 1 s .1 s! :-. ' :. t k-XL- ' ' ? s x' z.: . >'z Jrlrz' ., ejouss o Ir asea esss-r-'r lv ss ''k !. g

. '.f6L +X* '.. .....!1.'1 ..


f - MP - 'iI '') 'j-j 'i

E . .





. 1 .

- MAY l4, 1974

3:15 O'CLOCK P. M.



. ;. . . ' .;.$


'''r l'e. ... gujk , ,' 7 ..* ' G'& 1j' j G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y! ; :%; - 'q4 ,. .

. . :. . t tl&. ) s v s v .: o e. , u u 1 sj o I sî . '.'z e' 'r . nn . . i .


j d'


. j


Rep. A. Telcser: ''Now we've got khe First Special Session. The

First Special Session will come to order. Members please

be in their seats. The Gentleman from Whiteside, Repre-

sentative Miller, asks leave to have the Attendance Roll

Call of the Regular Session used as the Attendance Roll' Cal

for the First Special Sessions. Are there any objections.

Hearing none that will be the Attendance Roll Call. Repre-

sentative Randolph, for what purpose do you rise, sir-''

Randolph: ''AH.. Mr. Speaker and Members of ihe House and member

of the Revenue Committee, the Revenue Committee'will meet' ximmediately ah.. immediately after adjournment today. So

will the members please be prompt. In Room D-l. D-l, it's

on the Calendar.'' ' '-

Rep l A Telcser: ''Representative Duff for what purpose do you

rise, sir.'' .

Duff: ''Ah.. Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, the

House Judiciary Committee has some bills posted for this '

afternoon ah.. I don't think that it's going to take very

lpng for the members of the committee, but we will meetk

immediately in 212, right after adjournment. I don't think

we'll be very long, but we do have to get some bills out-''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Representative Neff, for what purpose do you

rise, sir.'' ' '

Neff: ''Ah.. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to confirm that the Senate

Transportation Committee will still meet at 4:00 in C-1.

Hope.. hopefully all members will attend.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Are there any other announcements. Now, welr

.4 q)5cr:;). . .. x.. :z ''r''''oc: . a G.Ra ' r L G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Y .T l --> *-.. û.'-j,'x'. M. t ï sv xw s o e , uu, ,q o 'si & v : ..p . - . .1.. .' ' ' ' H o kl s e: o F F' E e R E: s E ê1 'r Ai 'r I V E S 't :#.zy... ?!....' ,



still in the Special Session. Representative Peters, for' what purpose do you Yise, sir.''

. Peters: ''Point.. point of information, Mr. Speaker.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''State your point.''

Peters: ''Because of some arrangemenks I must make. Now that we

have adjourned today, can we expect to be in session on

Thuçsdayx' Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, now

that we have adjourned today because of some arrangements

1 know I have to make and perhaps cther members of the Hous ,

can we plan to be in session here on Thursday. It's a

meeting thattl have scheduledv''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''Akright, it's the intention ah. . of the

Speaker to adjourn tèmorrow and return next week on Monday.

Adjourn tomorrow and come back next week on Monday. I donl

. have the time riqht now. Maybe noon or 1:00 or 4:00, so

you can get a morning in back hcme before you come down on

Monday. Monday at 4z00. Representative Murphy, for what

purpose do you rise, sir-''

urphy: ''Mr. Speaker, I just wanted to remind the members of

the Rules Committee that the Rules Committee does hake a .

meetinq at 11:00 tonorrow morning in one of khe M Rooms.n

ep. A. Telcserz ''Alright, wait now, wait we. . welre coming in

at 11.''

urphy: ''Oh, one hour before, then. 10:00. I'm sorry. 10:00.',

ep. A. Telcser: HRules Committee at 10. Rules Committee at 10.

What room, Representative Murphyo''

urphyz ''One of the 14 Rooms. ''

. . v ,k ';''4..' +'$' .

î r'v .; jl-gx 'L G E N E R A t. A S S E 5 l B L Yf ; ê'c;. ?. ,!-) svxv.s os tuuIxo's. :).,,: ,i luy. , . .-. . lt''v * 7 ; ,. uow ss o v n E ea E ss slv êk'v 1 v e;s.:.. -- .1 , I

. . ,, .z . . .


j 't !

3.Rep. A. Telcser: ''One of the M Rooms. On the mezzanine floor.

. Messages from the Senate.''

Fredric B. Selcke: ''Message from the Senate by Mr. Fernandes

Secretary. îMr. Speaker, I am directed to inform the House

of Representatives that the Senate has adopted the followin

Senate Joint Resolutions, the adoption of which I am in- '

structed to ask concurrence of the House of Representatives

to wit: Senate Joint Resolution No. 6, Resolved by the'

Senate, 78th General Assembly of the State of Illinois, at

the First Special Session thereof, and the House of Repre- 'Q

sentatives concurring herein, that when the two houses

adjourn on Tuesday, May l4y 1974, they stand adjourned

until Tuesday, May 2l, 1974, at 12:00 Noon, Central Daylight

Savinqs Timee Adopted by the Senate May l4, 1974. Edward

E. Fernandes, Secretary.''

Rep. A. Telcser: ''O.K., Gentleman from Lake, Representative

Murphyp offers to move the adoption of Senate Joint Resolu-t

tion 6. 6. A1l in favor of adoption signify by saying

Ayep Representative.. Opposed No. The resolutionlsk

adopted. Now, 1et ne repeat the announcement on the Rules

meeting. Rules will meet tomorrcw morning, 10:00: in Roon

M-5. M-5, 10:00 tomorrow morning, Rules. Representative

Shea, for what purpose do you rise, sir.'' lIhea: ''AH.. did I understand Rule.. or the Senate Resolution 6.

Was that for the Special or the Regular Session-''

ep. A. Telcser: ''Speciil.''

redric B. Selcke: ''Thates the First Special Session-''

v s-fva 2 .@ ..,@''. c .ry 9 e , G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Y; l . :t !. oqyr- - , s v ,. v E: o .. , u u , s, o 1 s'... ttz k. .... . f.. * .z' ' . .' j4 o t) s E o F IR E. P R E S E N T A T I V E S. 1 j .... o k.. . ' .


' . j

!.,.- JI ''' *

Rep. A. Telcser: ''First Special. Gentleman from Lake, Repre-

h sentative Murphy, now moves that the Eirst Special Session

' do now stand adjourned until 12:00 Noon, Tuesday, May 2lst-J' t1 , ion signify by saying1 A11 in favor of the gentleman s motv .' l . , '' Aye, the opposed No. House stands adlourned.





l 111 I

: 4)' 1 ' %


.kJ '1,; .J. .

Qhlik:1 !J

j ' '

( . )) ' .; l; '.t1

.j * Lj '. ;'Jj '# ::


.i' lj:t:





ij . 4.' Ji

/ .,*j '..? i. 'j . ' zk . js' I i$.jj 'j . .1;1 c;'''J .151 . .jt ..1' i .1i

(' : .

'i.v;r, * < . G E N E R A L A S S E 5 l B L Y, J o: . & r .. , 2- kt 'i L '.ir %c ')y's, z ! svxvs o v , uulNo'sx ' ' . I - œ'?. ' .Q> ' ' -n .' c a v. s.r , u ss. . t =. ..- . H ou s E o F' R EPFI ES

. . . ' 9. &. .'.j; . -cy. ; ' Af t, ' j . . < ï . a j, . a - - .



Paae Time Speaker Information '

1 Speaker Telcser House will come to order

l Dr. Johnson Invocation

l Speaker Telcser Roll Call for attendance

1 Kenny Miller J. Wolf & W. Walsh absent

1 Speaker Telcser

1 Pierce Rep. Brandt absent

2 Speaker Telcser

2 ' K. Mitler Rep. Washburn absent't

. 2 - speaker Telcser Messages from Senate

2 ' clerk Selcke Reads Messages

2 speaker Telcser Committee Reports

2 Clerk Selcke Reads Com. Reports -

2 Speaker Telcser Introduction. First Readings ''

a2 Clerk Selcke H.B. 2729. First Reading - '

3 Speaker Telcser

3 K. Miller Introduction in gallery

3 . Speaker Telcser

3 Speaker Telcser House Bilts Xhird Reading

H.B. 2274 on that order

3 Clerk Selcke Reads H.B. 2274

3 Speaker Telcser

3 stone Move adoption of H.B. 2274

4 Speaker Telcser

4 Skinner Announcement

4 Speaker Telcse r

4 skinner

- ' 4 s eaker Telcser

VXVJ.-3>..r. . ..

'xx.) , ? / ..2VO . j./g.,%. - t c E x E jt A j. x s s E y j B j. Yr , xrygyz jjt i' . a.c: r ....- j s v. .. x e . s. j q. ,. ; ,. . I sï b ue' .x .s. . vp( , 1. ' ' . . . , . '< 2 . w,;,ze. ' H o t; s E o F n' e; p' 1:. E s c el 'r zk 'r , u e s .$ h ' ' %' Q ' * 2..* '

h ' n ' 'et . . t t)trt- '''- yz o -' -' ' ' ' :- - -''i ' 12-- - ': - '' --' - . --- .. t3tzk''-i ea : 1!F . . ' q u 1. :. --.-..-. -. - 24- ' .



Page Time Speaker Information

4 Stone Talking about another Bill

4 Skinner

5 Speaker Telcser'

5 c nningham Urge 'aye t voteu

5 speaker Telcser H.B . 2274 passes

y j j y j jj jjy g g g y .

5 Clerk Selcke Reads H.B. 2287

5 Speaker Telcser'ji

6 . Chapman Take it out of record

6 . Speaker Telcser H.B. 2357 '

6 Clerk Selcke Reads H.B. 2357

6 Speaker Telcser - -

- 6 Mçcormick Take ft hack to 2nd

6 speaker Telcser No objectfons. Moved to 2nd.

7 Clerk Selcke Amendment II3 to 2357 '

7 Speaker Telcser

. 7 Springer Urges adoption of Amendment //3

7 Speaker Telcser Amend ?/3 adopted. Third Readin .

8 Lauer Requests H.B .2357 be held

8 Speaker Telcser

8 Mccormick No objectlons

8 Speaker Telcser T.O.O.R. until tomorrow

a ;; yj u , zyys.

8 Clerk Selcke Reads H.B. 2415

8 speaker Telcser '

8 Lecbowicz Moves adoptton of H.B. 2415'

9 s eaker Telcser Dtscussion?-;--Gx > ... wl . .x(c# kg.7x. w %, c E N E R A j. A g s E > 1 B j. YI ' 1,:.p a tf 1 ...r.1.

.. a svwvc os Iuulso,s! '&. . 'offjcuzzkm .' . - : o H o u s E o F R E B R E S E: N T A T 1 V E s



Paqe Time Speaker Information

9 Hirschfeld Sponsor yield?

10 Speaker Telcser

10 Lechowicz

11 Speaker Telcser

11 Juckett Sponsor yield? '

11 Speaker lelcser

11 Juckett

l1, 12 Lechowicz

13 ' Juckett 'No'

14 speaker Telcser '

14 crotberg îNo'

15 Speaker Telcser

15 Lechowicz To close

16 Speaker Telcser H.B. 2415 passes -

16 Clerk Selcke H.B. 2426

16 Speaker Telcser

16 Chapman Urges support of 2426

16 Speaker Telcsr

17 R. Hoffman '

' 17 speaker Telcserl17 R. Hoffman )I

. )h17 chapman )

18 speaker Telcser

l 18 : Tom Miller

18 Speaker Telcser

$ 18 . Tom Miller )l )I 18 cha man )

,vm:V>. .r' ' '.'S:''.g é.yA..- $' g., fe c E N E R A j. A s s E Aj j; j. Yfl >7.$ 't;. 'ttv...# . svxvc ov- Iuulxo'sv. . xjz , as. .

. x J.'j.,.,..)



Paqe Time speaker Information

19 speaker Telcser e

' 19 'ripsword ' supports '

l 2o chapman ' '20 speaker Telcser)

)30 R. Dunne ) '

20 speàker Telcser

20 Chapman

21 L Speaker Telcser ) .%) .

21. ' Brinkmeie'r )

21 : speaker Telcser

21 chapnaa

21 Speaker Telcser))

- 21 Juckett ) .1

22 , 23 chapman )) .

23 Juckett ) '

' 23 ' Sjeaker Telcser23, 24 R. Walsh

24 Chapman Explafns Btll f urther

24 speaker Telcser ))

25 Juckett )

25 chapman Asks approval of the House

26 speaker Telcser

26 Hudson

26 ' Speaker Telcser

26. 27 Mann

27 Speaker Telcser

I 2 7 P e t e r s..y.-.a-<r/ J.,,lv'j >' X.'r aktu:o >Nj G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y

I I % .. /t ): o ::: .AT s v ,. v c o s 1 u. u , p, o , s! .. . ,p zr, cle. .i ' x q -r : -. . . : o lg o u s E: o F r2 E e 1R E s E sl 'r J$ 'r $ v c s. .'# ' ,; z . xwx.:... 1'.



Paae Tlpe Speaker Information

28 speaker Telcser

' 28 Chapman T.O.O.R.

28 Speaker Telcser H.B. 2426. 0ut of the recordt

28 Kenny Miller Introductions

29 Speaker Telcser Committee Reports

29 Clerk Selcke Reads Committee Reports

29 Speaker Telcser Introduction, First Readfng

29 . Clerk Selcke Reads Intro, lst Readingt. .

29 o Speaker Telcser Senate Bills, First Reading

29 30 Q Clerk Selcke '' ''#

30 Speaker Telcser

30 Schlickman H.B. 2637: 2638, 2639 tabled

- 30 Speaker Telcser

31 Shea Introductions

31 Speaker Telcser Agreed Resolutions

3l, 32 Clerk Selcke' Reads Agreed Resolutions

33 Speaker Telcser '

33 Fary '

ï .33 Speaker Telcser Further Agreed Resolutions

1 33 Clerk Selcke w

33 Soeaker Telcser Resolutions adopted

33 Clerk Selcke H.R. 905

33 Speaker Telcser Adopted. Introduction First Re ings

33 Clerk Selcke Reaàs Introductions, 1st.

34 Speaker Telcser Consideration postponed S.B. 876

34 Geo-Karis Requests take it back to 2nd

34 SReaker Telcser Taken back to 2nd- xsz-'..x-.:::))712 -.-. .....

.-/.r,.4 . 'r 'L G E x E R A j. A s s E :1 B L, y' j. .- < X ?,1P. . 't q j) . .

. r m ''-lttfrz . ; . svavc os , uuI?q o's$.. . zbg' , ?. *e-r.'.. -ù. ..q m' f ' :4 o u s e: o F F4 E y* F. E s E N 'r #q T 1 v' e: sf&. .x+ '. ' m-kb


TRhxscRzpTzox IxoEx DATE: 5-14-74

Page Iime Speaker Information '

34 Clerk Selcke Reads Amendment //l-S.B. 876

34 Speaker Telcser

34 Totten Announcement

35 Speaker Telcser

35 Geo-Karis Explafns Ameadment fl1

35 Speaker Telcser

35 Griesheimer Supports

36 V Speaker Telcser Ameadment #1-S.B. 876 adopted

36 clerk selcue Reads Amendment #1-s.B. 876' :

36 Speaker Telcser

36 èltijevich ))

36 Geo-Karis ) -

36y 37y 38 Matijevich Moves adoption of Amend ?/2-S.B. 876

38 Speaker Telcser Dfscussion?

38 Geo-Karis Against Amendment I1Z

39 Speaker Telcser Further discussion?

39 Griesheimer Against

40 Speaker Telcserk

. 40 Matijevich To close. Moves adoption efAmendment #2-S.B. 876

41 Speaker Telcser

41 èltijevich Poll the absentees

41 Speaker Telcser

41 Choate Switch doesnft work

42 Speaker Telcser Record Chaote 'aye'

42 Clerk Selcke ) Reads the absentees.. )

42 y 43, 44 Speaker Telcser) Borcbers 'no 'Proceeds with Call

CZZQ. 'JJ 7......'A ,'xJ) % .:' z ' X,g .'&%. -k . G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Y( ï 't- ' ''+.4P

..y: 'a ) sx . v c o s , u u I ,u o I s' . . ->. . :F; . s z. . ''' . . x Tey- ' .*.' , oy.Z ' H G U S 17 O F R Z P R E S E :4 T A 'r I V E S .


! ''


Paqe Time Speaker Information

44 Speaker Telcser

64 Kennedy Change from 'no' to 'aye'

44 Speaker Telcser Take Wall off Rolt Call

45 Clerk Selcke Proceeds with Call

45 Speaker Telcser

45 Fhilip How recorded?

45 Speaker Telcser$ *

45 ' clerk selckei '

45 Philip' A

45 Speaker Telcser Motion for Amendment //2 fails

45 Clerk Selcke Amendment I13 to S.B. 876

45 Speaker Telcser

45, 46 Matijevich Asks adoptfon of Amendment //3

46 Speaker Telcser

. 46 Murphy . .

47 Speaker Telcser1

47 ceo-Karis 'Agafnst'(48 S

peaker Telcser v

j ' , #48 Pierce For1)

49 Speaker Telcser

49 Griesheimer Not germane

' 50 Speaker Telcser

50 èhtijevich To close

51 Speakèr Telcser

51 Geo-Karis Explains 'no' vote'

52 Speaker Telcser

52 Mur h Explains 'no' votek w.p. .-v. zj ..,; gp sr yxx' k

.g-%: cirm - ' y c i: x E R A L A s s s M B t. yI jr ' ù. :.4 g, :j(I l

-zrl-pp - ) s v w x s o s , u u , ,. o . st ît.. . ..,., ?J, . .:


. (vuaxscRzpvzox zxosx savs- ,-z,-74

Paqe Time Speaker Information

52 Speaker Telcser

52 Pierce Explains 'yes'

53 Speaker Telcser

53 Juckett Request ruling about germaaenesof S.B. 876

53 Speaker Telcser '

53 Skinner Llghts down

53 Speaker Telcser Chair rules amendment germaneL '' '' Amendment //3 fails

1, u vuird Reading.: .j . 9' 11 y' tjter Resolutionsur, '

tf 53 Clerk Selcke H.R. 894, 899.

t .53 Speaker Telcser Speaker s tablel

.i2 53 Clerk Selcke H.R. 896. -l: - 5a speaker Telcser .'! 53, 54, 55 Yourell Intention of Committee Hearing?!lI 55 Speaker Telcser Re-state motion1I' 55 ' Yourell Motionl


55 Speaker Telcser Motion inappropriate

I 56 Maragos 'Supports' motioni tk '56 . Speaker Telcser)j 56 Davis Personal privilege!i 56 Speaker Telcser Death Resolutions

l , vourellvs motionj 56 Getty . support o

l)' 57 Speaker Telcser House Bills Second Readingi 57 . H.B. 2264

7 .57 ' Yourell Rule on my motion

) '57 Speaker Telcser 0ut of order. H.B. 2264

1 57 Clerk Selcke Reads H.B. 22643 .

t .-. -- - .

it - ,C%'x).:)I. A r 7-r),.. -. . .. ' 'i H'''*. 'i X '$z , c:;jt trB'a ::. G E N E jt A L A s s E M B L Y.; j j - - . qk . w2(. zyqv l., ) m w: o s j u u, j sj o j s1 7 L k , . b' S' 'r A1 h. * JZ . S''*' - ./! '...: 'zJ a u . . +% . .. .. ...... .. . . ..



Paqe Time Speaker Informa tion

57 speaker Telcser

. 57 choate

57 speaker Telcser

57 Hirschfeld People refrain themselves

58 Speaker Telcser

58 chaote Question on motion

58 Speaker Telcser

58 . choate Vote on motion

59 . Speaker Telcser

59 ' x Randolph

59 speaker Telcser

60 J. Houliban

60 Randolph

' 60 Speaker Telcser

60 Matijevich Point of order

60 speaker Telcser State your point

60 Matijevich

61 Speaker Telcser

. N. '61 Simms Concurs with motion

. 62 Speaker Telcser

62 Maragos Wi11 the Chair rule?

62 Speaker Telcser

62 Houlihan Supports

63 . Speaker Telcser .

63 Maragos supports

63 Speaker Telcser

63 Yourell Yfeld to Rep. èlurphyIGQVMN..' ,...:r:j.J,:L. . ' f:. ' ...

'S ':.#'<> k Xy G E N E R A j. x s s E M B L Y...z ,p - :î j1. k :,.t1.,* t svxv.s os luu,slo,sy %,, : z' . . Fk .<.R = e H o u s E o Ir R E F$ y: e; s c r: 'r A. 'r I v e: si ''.q$s .. %*œJJ! ' . ?ë Y'Y


j ''


Page Time Speaker Information '

63 Speaker Telcser

- 63 Murphy Motion to adjourn

63 Speaker Telcser House adjourned.


1 Randolph Announcement

1 % speaker Telcser

1 ' Duff Announcement

l ' Q Speaker Telcser .

l Neff Announcement

1 speaker Telcser .

- 2 Peters Point of information .-

2 S eaker Telcser State your point. . P

2 Peters Sçssion Thursday?

2 speaker Telcser ))

2 . Murphy ). Announcement

3 Speaker Telcser Messages from Senate

3 Clerk Selcke Reads Messages from Senate '

3 Speaker Telcser S.J.R. //6 adopted.

3 Shea Inqufry

3 Speaker Telcser First Special adjourned

4 Speaker Telcser House stands adjourned.

.g'7 ux.rtq..r.l 'x' la .ry.# . tlcgs. . 1 g s G E N E R A j. A s s E : 1 B L Y.' ' j; px y, 'tj. ( - )y: .)t.(...,.A.f- - svavs os Iuulsojs

:. . az/ . v---.jj- jy.t. .t t

u. gp ../1- . oa Pl o Ll S E <) F 1P E P F' P; s E N 'r a 'r 1 V E'S>..J 2-' - . - ..- - .