How Big Can Your Faith Grow? As Big as the God You Know!

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How Big Can Your Faith Grow?

As Big as the God You Know!

The Shift from Me to God…

A Whole New Perspective on Life and Worship

John 3:30

“He must become greater;

I must become less.”

What is one Seismic Shift that will help you fix your eyes more

on God and less on you?

Seismic Shift Suggestions

Seek to be fully present in worship. Make a

commitment to sing with all your heart, join in

prayer, greet others with joy, and listen

intently to the message. You might even want

to start taking notes during the message.

The Shift from Snacking to Feasting …

Come to the Table of God’s Word

2 Timothy 3:16-17

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful

for teaching, rebuking, correcting and

training in righteousness, so that all God’s

people may be thoroughly equipped for

every good work.” TNIV

What is one way you can consume more of

God’s Word?

Seismic Shift Suggestions

Use the Bible as a prayer guide. Use

one of the passages suggested in

Seismic Shifts to guide your personal

prayers over the coming week.

The Shift from Monologue to Dialogue…

Learn to Listen

John 10:4

“…his sheep follow him because they know his voice.”

What can you do to listen more closely for God’s voice?

Seismic Shift Suggestions

Set aside fifteen minutes for a mini-silent retreat with God. First, read John 10:1-18. Then, invite God to speak to you and wait in silence. Have paper and a pencil to jot down the thoughts and impressions God places on your heart.