IDIOMS IN WRITING How Colours Have Come Into My World The story of colours (English spelling of color) in my life started when there was a blackout in the Second World War. My mother lived in London, England and every time there was an air raid she would spend the blackout in the shelter. During one air raid, my mother didn't hear the sirens as she had fallen asleep. She had left her curtains open and had left the lights on. You were not allowed to leave your curtains open during a blackout because the lights could be used by the bombers to find London more easily. There was no gray area where blackout s were concerned. The local authorities had given her a black mark for having failed to close her windows. That was when all the blackness (bad things) had started to follow my family. After the war my mother had married a Canadian soldier and moved to Canada. The rest of her family in England were very upset that she had left England and she became the black sheep of her family. My dad was a big sports fan and over the years he like to watch his team on the television, but he hated it when his team played home games because there would be a blackout of the game and he would have to read about the results in the newspaper the next day. One Black Friday when he was supposed to be at work he stayed home to watch a playoff game. He told his boss that he got a black eye on the loading dock. When he went to work the next day he forgot about his fake black eye . His boss took one look at him and knew that he had skipped work and said that he would put a black mark on his worksheet. He tried telling his boss that he had said "blacked out " not "black eye " but his boss didn't believe that story either, and told him that he was giving him another black mark for lying and that if he got one more black mark he would be fired. My mom was the black sheep for leaving England and now my dad had a black mark on his work record. Things were looking black for my family. That's when I was born and I began to colour their lives in new ways. When I was born my mom and dad were both tickled pink . I guess I looked pretty cute and I was a very healthy baby and was always in the pink . My mom and dad thought that my birthday was a real red letter day . I couldn't agree with

How Colours Have Come Into My World

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The use of idioms in writing

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How Colours Have Come Into My World

The story of colours (English spelling of color) in my life started when there was a blackout in the Second World War.  My mother lived in London, England and every time there was an air raid she would spend the blackout in the shelter.  During one air raid, my mother didn't hear the sirens as she had fallen asleep.  She had left her curtains open and had left the lights on.  You were not allowed to leave your curtains open during a blackout because the lights could be used by the bombers to find London more easily.  There was no gray area where blackouts were concerned.  The local authorities had given her a black mark for having failed to close her windows.  That was when all the blackness (bad things) had started to follow my family.  After the war my mother had married a Canadian soldier and moved to Canada.  The rest of her family in England were very upset that she had left England and she became the black sheep of her family.  My dad was a big sports fan and over the years he like to watch his team on the television, but he hated it when his team played home games because there would be a blackout of the game and he would have to read about the results in the newspaper the next day.  One Black Friday when he was supposed to be at work he stayed home to watch a playoff game.  He told his boss that he got a black eye on the loading dock.  When he went to work the next day he forgot about his fake black eye.  His boss took one look at him and knew that he had skipped work and said that he would put a black mark on his worksheet.  He tried telling his boss that he had said "blacked out" not "black eye" but his boss didn't believe that story either, and told him that he was giving him another  black mark for lying and that if he got one more black mark he would be fired.   My mom was the black sheep for leaving England and now my dad had a black mark on his work record.  Things were looking black for my family.    

That's when I was born and I began to colour their lives in new ways.  When I was born my mom and dad were both tickled pink.  I guess I looked pretty cute and I was a very healthy baby and was always in the pink.  My mom and dad thought that my birthday was a real red letter day.  I couldn't agree with them more.  My birthday is the best red letter day in the year.  (Christmas is not such a bad day either)  I was a bit of a mischievous child and was always into the cupboard stealing cookies just before dinner.  My mom frequently caught me red handed.  When I was caught red handed, I sometimes ended up with a really red hand (when I got spanked).  Getting caught red handed is what gave my dad the black mark.  I didn't think my mom would put a black mark beside my name, because I was so cute when I was caught red handed, that she couldn't stay mad at me for long.  After I grew up and left home I got a job driving a truck.  My mom and dad had hoped that I would go to university and get a real job.  My mom started calling me a redneck.  Now that hurt even more than being caught in the cookie jar, because being called a redneck made me feel that I had a black mark on my name.  My brother had become a lawyer and made tons of money.  My sister was a nurse and saved people when they came to the Emergency Ward.  I was the black sheep of the family and a redneck to boot!  What made it even worse was that I was having trouble paying the bank for the loan on my truck.  I was in the red with the bank and they were threatening to put a black mark on my credit record.  This would make it hard for me to get a credit card. 

One day I went home and asked my mom if I could borrow some money to help me with my loan which was in the red.  She said that she was not very proud of her red necked black sheep and said that even though I could bat my baby blues all I want, she wasn't going to rescue me from my financial problems.  She said that she was always having to rescue her red

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necked son and she was tired of me batting my baby blues and expecting her to finance his life style.  I put a tear in my baby blues but she still wouldn't part with her money.  I told her that I was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, because if I didn't come up with my next loan payment, I would be so far in the red with the bank that they would put a black mark  on my credit rating.  My only choice was to sell the truck, but if I sold the truck I couldn't make any money to finish paying back the loan to the bank.  I was in a black mood and feeling blue.  I said to my mom that she hadn't helped me out in a blue moon.   Then my mom got really mad at me and the air was blue.  I kept batting my baby blues and telling mom that if I could just get the money for the next payment I would then be able to get a great contract to haul trash for the city and from then on it would be nothing but blue sky, because the garbage would just keep on piling up and I would have a job for life.  She told me that I could plead with her until I was blue in the face, she was not going to give me my loan payment.

My mom really did have heart of gold and after giving me a bad time about being a redneck she finally said that she would give me the money.  She was sorry that I was in the red with the bank and she wanted me to be in the black.  I told her that I thought she had a heart of gold.  I told her that even though I was only a redneck to her, I wasn't too yellow to go to the bank and beg them for money, but that I didn't think they would give it to me anyway.  She said that she always remembered the golden rule and would help her redneck son get out of the red and into the black.  As she put it, "Maybe garbage is going to be your pot of gold!"

Finally I got some of the green stuff.  Garbage did turn into my pot of gold and you might say that I had a real green thumb where garbage was concerned.  Very quickly I was able to turn my one truck into a whole fleet of trucks and after a while I even started hauling garbage for two other cities.  Garbage had turned into my pot of gold.   I had often thought that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence when I looked at how well my brother and sister had done in their jobs.  When I didn't go to university because I was afraid I wasn't smart enough, my brother had called me yellow.  That had hurt me badly and I knew that driving a truck made me the black sheep of the family.  But I didn't envy them any more.  My brother's firm had trouble and had let him go.  My sister finally couldn't take the pressure of her job as a nurse and had quit.  She now worked out of her house and made jewelry that she sold at craft markets.  I gave my brother a job driving one of my trucks.  He was grateful and I was no longer the black sheep of the family.  My brother had run through a Florida Green with a whole load of manure and crashed the truck into a telephone pole.  There was stuff everywhere!  He tried convincing the police that he thought that the light change was sort of a gray area and that he thought that he would beat the red light.  The police said that the traffic camera had caught him red handed and there was no gray area where running a red light was concerned.  They arrested him and threw him in jail for dangerous driving.  Now he was the one with the black mark.  I was in in the black and would never be in the red again, since garbage had turned into my  pot of gold.

The lesson to be learned from this story is that even though you think you're a red necked  black sheep and are in the red you can still be in the black with lots of green stuff and that black marks don't need to ruin your life. 

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Valentine's Day Date

This is a story all about love and kisses and how one's heart can be broken.

One day I was at home and I had butterflies in my stomach.  I couldn't eat or sleep because I was going to go on a blind date with a girl that I had a crush on .  Well it wasn't exactly a blind date, I had seen her at the library, but she didn't know who I was or what I looked like.  So for her it was a blind date.  The date was going to take place on Valentine's Day and I was really feeling the pressure.  I was hoping to fall in love on Valentine's Day!  I hadn't been in love since my old flame and I had parted ways last year.   When I broke up with her, there was certainly no love lost between us.  But right now I was walking on air because the Love Bug had bitten me.  I certainly hoped that this was not just puppy love.  After all I was 14 years old.  Surely I was old enough to fall in love for real.  I also hoped that we might get a chance to neck while we are on the date.  No wonder I had butterflies!  Oh well, they always say that love conquers all and that once I started the date the butterflies would go away.  

When I met the girl at her front door, I almost had a change of heart.  At heart I was really quite a chicken.  cross my heart and hope to die, when I opened the door I almost fell down on my knees.  My date was just as gorgeous as could be and she was actually smiling at me.  I saw her mom standing behind her and suddenly I had a heavy heart.  Was she going to ask me all sorts of questions and make me feel uncomfortable?  Was she going to tell me that the date was off?  I thought to myself, "Have a heart, be nice to me and let me date your daughter."  I was afraid that she was going to be hard hearted.  But I didn't have anything to worry about. My date's mother had a heart of gold and welcomed me into the house.  She said to me, "Take heart, it is obvious that you really like my daughter, because you wear your heart on your sleeve.  I'm very happy to make your acquaintance and I hope that you and my daughter have a pleasant time on your date."  Suddenly I wasn't sick at heart anymore.   I hoped that this date was going to be the best date of my life.  The only thing that she did say to me was that she hoped that I would treat her daughter with respect.  I took that to heart and promised that I would treat her daughter like the queen that I thought that she was.  That made her mom very happy.  She told me that if I needed her to pick us up, or if there were any problems we could call her and she gave me her phone number.  I made a half hearted effort to learn the number by heart,  but I quite honestly couldn't concentrate on phone numbers at a time like this.  Just as we were leaving she asked me if I was a bleeding heart.  I wasn't sure exactly what she meant by that and was afraid to give her an answer which she didn't want to hear.  So I came up with a brilliant response.  I said, "What do you think?"  She gave me a puzzled look and my heart skipped a beat as I closed the door.

 Finally we were on our date on Valentine's Day.  I had decided that I would start the date by taking her to McDonald's. l went up to the counter and blew her a kiss.  I thought I looked so cute, my kiss curls were looking just right.  As I blew her a kiss I saw that she was talking to another guy and laughing.  When I got back with the 6 pack of Chicken McNuggets, she took one look at me and one at the new guy.  I could tell by the look on her face that she was giving me the kiss off.  She turned and walked out of McDonald's arm and arm with this new guy.  Wow, what a short date.  I was heart broken and I went home with a heavy heart.  I had thought Valentine's Day was a perfect day to take out my heart throb.  I guess taking her to McDonald's was not exactly a great idea.  I guess I better kiss that one goodbye! 

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The next day I met a new girl.  I wasn't heart broken any more.  Maybe it had been puppy love after all.

Hwado Middle School

One day Ms. Overbeek said to her class, "Today we are going to learn about English Idioms, they will help you to understand English better, because a lot of things that are said in English can't be translated, and are only expressions that people who grew up speaking the language would understand."  Her class looked at her and then looked at each other and didn't know what to say,  she was their teacher and they would try it, but they all felt like babes in the woods. 

One of the boys turned to a cute girl and smiled at her, wishing that she would smile back at him.  She  gave him the cold shoulder and the boy was very unhappy.  He wanted to make her feel bad for having given him the cold shoulder so he said,  "What's the matter with you?  Do you have a bun in the oven or something?"  She was really mad at him then and said,  "You wait until we get out of class because I  have a bone to pick with you!" 

After class she went up to him and said,  "You're a chip off the old block, my mom says that your dad is not a very nice man."  The boy was very upset, because he didn't really know what a bun in the oven really meant because he was a babe in the woods where idioms were concerned and he didn't really understand the chip and block thing that she called him. 

It just shows that language can be very confusing and sometimes very hurtful. 

End of the Year Report Card Time

 It was the end of a school year and the class were all nail biting over what their report cards would look like.  They were all a bundle of nerves.  Their teacher came in and the students asked her if they could have their report cards right away instead of at the end of the day.  She said, ``You are all barking up the wrong tree if you think I can give you your report cards now.  The principal was very clear that they were not to be handed out until the last minute. I would like you all to quietly clean out your desks.``  The students didn`t want to quietly clean out their desks!  Some of the students in the class,  (Tyra, Sonja, Tajai, Jackie and Zachary) said that they had prepared a collage of pictures as a year-end present and all the class had signed it.  When they brought it out they all needed to  lend a helping hand because it was so large. 

Their teacher was in tears, she was so touched.  All the class were a nail biting bundle of nerves and said they just wanted to know if they had passed and didn`t want to clean out their desks just yet.  She said,  ``Oh, you were barking up the wrong tree asking me to give you your report cards early, but telling you if you have passed is a  horse of a different colour, I can lend you a helping hand  and tell you that you all passed and will be going on to the next grade.  With that the class burst into a loud roar.  Now their teacher was a bundle of nerves, worrying if she had done the right thing and wondering if the principal would find out.  She said to the class, ``You all have to lend me a helping hand now, your nail biting is over so

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please quietly clean out your desks before the principal finds out what I have done because I am now a poor nail biting teacher.`` 

The students found that cleaning out their desks now was a horse of a different colour.