T ABOVE: © ISTOCK.COM, LEWISTSEPUILUN People should be taking the same precautions that they would anyway during u season. —Elizabeth McGraw, Penn State University How COVID-19 Is Spread Scientists’ latest understanding of the facts, the suspicions, and the discounted rumors of SARS-CoV-2’s transmission from person to person Catherine Oord Feb 21, 2020 he global outbreak of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is approaching the end of its second month amid widespread confusion among members of the public about how the virus is transmitted. “There’s a massive amount of education that clearly hasn’t reached the public about this stu,” says Ian Mackay, a public health virologist at the University of Queensland who helped develop diagnostics for COVID-19 in Australia. As is the case for many aspects of COVID-19 biology, “there are a lot of knowledge gaps out there in the community.” With researchers around the world working to understand the pathology of the disease and slow its spread, The Scientist rounded up the latest on what is and isn’t known about how the virus is transmitted fro person to person. See “Follow the Coronavirus OutbreakThe main route of transmission for COVID-19 Like the u, COVID-19 is spread primarily via respiratory droplets—little blobs of liquid released as someo coughs, sneezes, or talks. Viruses contained in these droplets can infect other people via the eyes, nose, or mouth—either when they land directly on somebody’s face or when they’re transferred there by people touching their face with contaminated hands. Because respiratory droplets are too heavy to remain suspended in the air, direct person-to-person transmission normally only happens when people are in close contact—within about six feet of each other, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It could also occur in a medical setting, if someone has to handle respiratory secretions such as saliva or mucus from an infected person. Home / News & Opinion

How COVID-19 Is Spread COVID-19 Is... · Like the u, COVID-19 is spread primarily via respiratory droplets—little blobs of liquid released as someone coughs, sneezes, or talks

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Page 1: How COVID-19 Is Spread COVID-19 Is... · Like the u, COVID-19 is spread primarily via respiratory droplets—little blobs of liquid released as someone coughs, sneezes, or talks


People should be taking the same precautions that theywould anyway during �u season.

—Elizabeth McGraw, Penn State University

How COVID-19 Is Spread

Scientists’ latest understanding of the facts, the suspicions, and the discounted rumors ofSARS-CoV-2’s transmission from person to person

Catherine O�ordFeb 21, 2020

he global outbreak of COVID-19, the disease caused by the

coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is approaching the end of its second

month amid widespread confusion among members of the public

about how the virus is transmitted.

“There’s a massive amount of education that clearly hasn’t reached the public about this stu�,” says Ian

Mackay, a public health virologist at the University of Queensland who helped develop diagnostics for

COVID-19 in Australia. As is the case for many aspects of COVID-19 biology, “there are a lot of knowledge

gaps out there in the community.”

With researchers around the world working to understand the pathology of the disease and slow its

spread, The Scientist rounded up the latest on what is and isn’t known about how the virus is transmitted from

person to person.

See “Follow the Coronavirus Outbreak”

The main route of transmission for COVID-19

Like the �u, COVID-19 is spread primarily via respiratory droplets—little blobs of liquid released as someone

coughs, sneezes, or talks. Viruses contained in these droplets can infect other people via the eyes, nose, or

mouth—either when they land directly on somebody’s face or when they’re transferred there by people

touching their face with contaminated hands.

Because respiratory droplets are too heavy to remain suspended in the air, direct person-to-person

transmission normally only happens when people are in close contact—within about six feet of each other,

according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It could also occur in a medical

setting, if someone has to handle respiratory secretions such as saliva or mucus from an infected person.

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Page 2: How COVID-19 Is Spread COVID-19 Is... · Like the u, COVID-19 is spread primarily via respiratory droplets—little blobs of liquid released as someone coughs, sneezes, or talks


Initial reports from China state that the majority of transmissions have occurred either among family

members or between patients and health workers, says David Heymann, an infectious disease epidemiologist

at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who led the World Health Organization’s (WHO)

global response to the SARS outbreak in 2003.

It might also be possible for the virus to be transferred via surfaces contaminated by respiratory droplets or

other secretions from an infected person, notes Elizabeth McGraw, director of the Center for Infectious

Disease Dynamics at Penn State University. A paper published in The Journal of Hospital Infection earlier this

month by researchers in Germany concluded that, based on previous studies of viruses such as MERS-CoV

and SARS-CoV, at least some human coronaviruses could remain infective on materials such as metal, glass,

or plastic for up to nine days. Ethanol or hydrogen peroxide solutions disinfected the surfaces within one

minute, the researchers note in their paper.

See “Scientists Compare Novel Coronavirus to SARS and MERS viruses”

McGraw emphasizes that it’s not clear whether SARS-CoV-2 is being transmitted in this way, nor how long the

virus can remain infective outside the body. Researchers who spoke to The Scientist say they expect data on

that very question to be published soon.

The facts on face masks to prevent COVID-19 transmission

Page 3: How COVID-19 Is Spread COVID-19 Is... · Like the u, COVID-19 is spread primarily via respiratory droplets—little blobs of liquid released as someone coughs, sneezes, or talks


Research on other respiratory viruses suggests that theremay be biological reasons that some people seem to transmitdisease more easily.

—James Lloyd-Smith, University of California, Los Angeles

Although the chance of encountering COVID-19 outside China is still very low, global public demand for

face masks has soared in recent weeks, with health-care workers warning of shortages and thieves breaking

into hospitals to steal supplies.

The most commonly worn masks are surgical masks, loose-�tting pieces of cloth that cover the nose and

mouth. These are frequently worn by doctors and dentists, and are designed to help protect other people

and the environment from the mask-wearer by trapping respiratory droplets emitted from the mouth or


The CDC only recommends these masks for people who are already infected with SARS-CoV-2, so as “to

prevent contamination of the surrounding area when a person coughs or sneezes,” according to the

agency’s website.

A 2019 study of health-care workers exposed to the �u suggested that surgical masks may also provide the

wearer with some protection from respiratory illness—probably by reducing the number of times a

person touches their face, according to researchers. However, the CDC notes that frequent incorrect usage

and the slippage of masks when people breathe or talk make them ine�ective as protection from

respiratory pathogens.

Surgical masks are not the same as N95 respirators, tight-�tting face protection that �lters out airborne

particles including viruses and bacteria. N95 respirators are worn by health workers at risk of inhaling

hazardous particles, need to be professionally �tted, and are not recommended by the CDC for members

of the public.

Instead, McGraw says, the best protective measures are the ones recommended for the common cold or

the �u. “People should be taking the same precautions that they would anyway during �u season,” she says,

including washing hands frequently and avoiding touching their faces. And “if you’re not well, self-isolate,

don’t go to work.”

Transmissibility and the mislabeled “superspreader”

Researchers use what’s known as the basic reproduction number, R0, to describe how transmissible a disease

is in the absence of any special quarantining or social distancing measures.

R0 estimates for COVID-19 are currently based on limited data, but most have so far fallen between 2 and 3.

Page 4: How COVID-19 Is Spread COVID-19 Is... · Like the u, COVID-19 is spread primarily via respiratory droplets—little blobs of liquid released as someone coughs, sneezes, or talks

That means that a typical infected person is expected to pass the disease to two or three other people,

McGraw explains.

The R0 is, by de�nition, an average value. “What it misses is the fact that not everybody is average,” says James

Lloyd-Smith, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who researches disease

transmission and adaptation. “There is a lot of variation among individuals in terms of how much they


For instance, one British man who contracted COVID-19 in Singapore was linked to a further 11 cases a�er he

made a trip to a ski resort in France in late January. Earlier this week, a woman in South Korea was linked to as

many as 15 new cases a�er she attended a church and then visited a hospital. These people have been referred

to as “superspreaders” by some epidemiologists and media outlets.

Research on other respiratory viruses suggests that there may be biological reasons that some people seem to

transmit disease more easily , says Lloyd-Smith, who studied the impact of superspreading during the SARS

outbreak. For example, some infected people just make more virus than other people do, he says, “whether

that’s something about the genetics, prior immune status, possible cross-immunity from something else. . . . It

may have to do with their initial infection—whether they had a high-dose or low-dose exposure.”

There’s also variation in the size of respiratory droplets that people, through no fault of their own, produce as

they breathe or talk, says Lloyd-Smith. Size can help determine how a droplet moves through the air, how

likely it is to reach another person, and whether it makes it to that person’s airways. Larger droplets are

heavier and fall out of the air faster, for example, but may last longer than smaller droplets before


Additionally, for many illnesses, “there’s a lot of di�erence in the severity of symptoms people show,” Lloyd-

Smith says. “This has a direct impact on transmission, because how sick versus well you feel will determine

whether you’re out moving around in the world, doing all your normal stu�, contacting lots of people, or

whether you’re at home feeling crappy, or self-isolating because you’re aware you might be an infection risk.”

There are also many non-biological factors that in�uence the probability a disease will spread, from the

number of people at a particular gathering, to their susceptibility of catching the disease, to the types of

interactions those people are having. For instance, during the West African Ebola epidemic, which claimed

more than 11,000 lives between 2013 and 2016, at least some new chains of transmission are thought to have

started at unsafe burials, in which lots of people came into close contact with the body of an infected person

and with one another.

Partly because of these contextual factors, Heymann says, the term “superspreaders” is misleading and

unhelpful. “It’s not the person, it’s the situation.” He adds that, at the moment, there isn’t any evidence to

suggest there is variation in how people spread COVID-19. The current understanding is that “it’s a di�erence

in who is exposed, and what numbers are exposed to a person who’s transmitting.”

McGraw agrees that “superspreaders” fails to capture the complexity of transmission, adding that the term

should not be used to stigmatize people linked to more cases than usual. “It’s better to try and extract the idea

Page 5: How COVID-19 Is Spread COVID-19 Is... · Like the u, COVID-19 is spread primarily via respiratory droplets—little blobs of liquid released as someone coughs, sneezes, or talks

A change in mode of transmission is a big deal for a virus. It’sa bit like growing an extra arm for us, or another eye.

—Ian Mackay, University of Queensland

of this being responsibility of an individual out of that scenario, and think more about [transmission events]

as being context-dependent,” she says. “Because if we think about them as very contextualized, we have a

better chance of trying to shut down transmission.”

Are there other ways COVID-19 could spread?

One proposed alternative route SARS-CoV-2 may take to reach a new host is fecal-oral transmission, which is

thought to have played a role in the spread of SARS. In Hong Kong, for example, “there was a huge outbreak

[of SARS] due to an infected individual who lived on the top of an apartment building whose sewage caused a

blockage,” says Heymann. The blockage is thought to have subsequently contaminated the bathing areas of

people living on the �oors below, leading to many new cases.

Recent reports of a similar situation with COVID-19, in which people on di�erent �oors of an apartment

building in Hong Kong were diagnosed with the disease, led to concerns that fecal-oral transmission might be

occurring for SARS-CoV-2. A couple of studies from researchers in China also recently documented viral

RNA in the feces of infected people.

On their own, these observations don’t show that COVID-19 is spread via feces. Viral RNA can o�en be

present without the virus being infective, Heymann says.

A couple weeks ago, a few news organizations also reported concerns about vertical transmission (in which a

mother passes the virus to her fetus or newborn) a�er a woman in Wuhan with COVID-19 gave birth to a baby

who was later diagnosed with the disease. Some viruses are transmitted vertically: Zika virus, for example, can

infect a fetus via the placenta, while HIV can be passed through breastmilk.

Newborns diagnosed with COVID-19 are more likely to have caught the illness through the usual means—that

is, close contact and exchange of virus-carrying respiratory droplets, says Mackay. “There do seem to be fairly

good indications that those infections were acquired at birth, rather than in utero, because there were infected

people such as a mother or a nanny who were in close proximity.”

One recent study of nine pregnant women with COVID-19 failed to �nd evidence of vertical transmission. In

a paper published in The Lancet, the researchers reported that, in all nine cases, amniotic �uid, cord blood,

breastmilk, and the newborn babies tested negative for the virus. “Findings from this small group of cases

suggest that there is currently no evidence for intrauterine infection caused by vertical transmission in

women who develop COVID-19 pneumonia in late pregnancy,” the authors conclude in their paper.

Another potential mode of viral spread, airborne transmission, was discussed by a Shanghai o�cial in early

February. When airborne, infective virus can dri� through the air as an aerosol. In this form of transmission,

“very small droplets that come out of our mouth very quickly evaporate the water o�, and we’re le� with a gel

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kind of material . . . that forms a bit of a protective environment for those virions to survive for longer,”

Mackay explains. This is distinct from droplet-based spread of the virus.

Viruses such as measles that do show airborne transmission can spread further than viruses transmitted in

respiratory droplets. But Mackay says that there is no evidence to suggest that SARS-CoV-2 is spread through

airborne transmission. Within 24 hours of the Shanghai o�cial’s comments, the Chinese Center for Disease

Control and Prevention had put out a statement emphasizing that there was no indication that SARS-CoV-2 is

spread in this way.

It’s possible, though not very likely for the time being, that SARS-CoV-2 will adopt a new mode of

transmission as it evolves, Mackay says. “A change in mode of transmission is a big deal for a virus,” he says.

“It’s a bit like growing an extra arm for us, or another eye.”

Given the ease with which it’s currently spreading via respiratory droplets, he adds, “at the moment, I don’t

think the virus really needs to adapt too much further to its ability to transmit from human to human. It’s

doing a really good job right now.”

Catherine O�ord is an associate editor at The Scientist. Email her at co�[email protected].


coronavirus, COVID-19, disease & medicine, epidemic, epidemiology, infection, News, news feature, outbreak, public health,SARS-CoV-2, transmission, virology, virus