How Information Technology can be used to develop Bangladesh Agriculture

How Information Technology can be used to develop Bangladesh Agriculture

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Page 1: How Information Technology can be used to develop Bangladesh Agriculture

How Information Technology can be used to develop Bangladesh Agriculture

Page 2: How Information Technology can be used to develop Bangladesh Agriculture


Agriculture is a very important sector in Bangladesh. However development of this sector has been slow

and productivity and output as not been up to standard as Bangladesh has shown immense potential in

the past. This research was carried out to find out whether IT can be used to develop Bangladesh

agriculture. Through this report I have looked at some of the problems that are facing Bangladesh

agriculture today and whether IT can solve those problems. I have also looked in to points that stand in

the way between IT and agricultural development. I have also focused on areas such as the benefits that

farmers can gain by embracing IT. However for my research to be meaningful I have taken into

consideration that it is possible to provide agricultural areas with high speed internet. And also farmers

can gain access to databases that contains necessary information about proper farming.


Page 3: How Information Technology can be used to develop Bangladesh Agriculture

Table of Contents



Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................4



Research Question.......................................................................................................................................9



Data presentation and Analysis.................................................................................................................11

Summery of Research Findings..................................................................................................................21



Works Cited...............................................................................................................................................24


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Agriculture is one of Bangladesh’s most important sectors. It generates 19.6% of national GDP and

employs 63% of total working population. Most rural areas are dependent mostly on agricultural for

food and income. However, even being of such great importance, the sector is highly undermined.

Farmers do not receive necessary assistance to develop crops. Required information for growing and

managing crops, plowing, fertilizers, pest control, and crisis management are scarce.

With the help of information technology, farmers can have access to such information that can help

them grow better crops quickly and cheaply. They can also receive advice on how to prepare for natural

disaster like floods and necessary actions to recover.

IT can support policy-making and evaluation on optimal farm production, disaster management, agro-

environmental resource management etc., using tools such as geographic information systems (GIS). It

can be used to improve farm management and farming technologies by efficient farm management, risk

management, effective information or knowledge transfer etc., realizing competitive and sustainable

farming with safe products. For example, farmers must make critical decisions such as what to and when

to plant, and how to manage pests, while considering off-farm factors such as environmental impacts,

market access, and industry standards. IT-based decision support system (DSS) can surely help their

decisions. Secondly, IT can provide systems and tools to secure food traceability and reliability that has

been an emerging issue concerning farm products since serious contamination such as BSE and chicken

flu was detected. Finally, IT can take an important and key role for industrialization of farming or farm

business enterprises, combining the above roles.

Even though IT seems highly promising for agricultural development several obstacles are present on its

successful application. First, agriculture stands on the very complex interaction between biological,


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climatic and geographical factors in addition to human economic activities. The information under such

a complicated system is unpredictable, unstable, subjective, site-specific and reliant on empirical

decisions given the inherent variability of biological phenomena. Agricultural information with these

features is typically beyond the scope of the information science used in industrial information systems.

We should also consider how to easily collect field data. Though field data are the basis for farm decision

support, few people realize the importance of it in developing several decision support programs.

Information technology (IT) doubtlessly contributes much to agriculture and rural development. Firstly,

it can facilitate rural activities and provide more comfortable and safe rural life with equivalent services

to those in the urban areas, such as provision of distance education, tele-medicine, remote public

services, remote entertainment etc. Secondly, IT can initiate new agricultural and rural business such as

e-commerce, real estate business for satellite offices, rural tourism, and virtual corporation of small-

scale farms. Thirdly, it can support policy-making and evaluation on optimal farm production, disaster

management, agro-environmental resource management etc., using tools such as geographic

information systems (GIS). Fourthly, it can improve farm management and farming technologies by

efficient farm management, risk management, effective information or knowledge transfer etc., realizing

competitive and sustainable farming with safe products. For example, farmers must make critical

decisions such as what to and when to plant, and how to manage pests, while considering off-farm

factors such as environmental impacts, market access, and industry standards. IT-based decision support

system (DSS) can surely help their decisions. Fifthly, IT can provide systems and tools to secure food

traceability and reliability that has been an emerging issue concerning farm products since serious

contamination such as BSE and chicken flu was detected. Finally, IT can take an important and key role

for industrialization of farming or farm business enterprises, combining the above roles.


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Agriculture is the single most important sector of Bangladesh’s economy. Bangladesh is unique

in the fact that it has more than one harvest per year. The agricultural year begins in late February,

when the weather is dryer and warmer. Over a period of several weeks, each field is plowed 3 or 4 times

with a wooden plow and two oxen. The dominant food crop of Bangladesh is rice. Rice production rates

have increased every year, but the production rates have not kept up with the population growth. Food

grains in Bangladesh are cultivated primarily for subsistence. Only a small percentage of those crops

circulate through commercial channels. In places where irrigation is feasible, it is common for fields to

produce two harvests a year. Rice production currently occupies about 70 percent of the cultivated land,

with Bangladesh producing 17.7 million tons in 1996. Between rice growing seasons, farmers will do

everything possible to prevent the land from lying fallow. They will grow vegetables, peanuts, and

oilseeds. Other crops are grown mainly for the domestic market. Some crops are grown mainly for

export. Tea is Bangladesh’s second highest agricultural export. In 1996, 50,000 tons were shipped out of

the country. Jute is the main cash crop. It has strong fibers, which are generally made into carpets,

burlap bags, mats, and upholstery. In 1996, Bangladesh produced 980,000 tons of jute, which was one-

fourth of the world’s supply. However, the development of synthetic fibers has threatened the market

for the country’s jute. Agricultural problems in Bangladesh are becoming more apparent as technology

in other countries improves.

In the context of agriculture, the potential of information technology (IT) can be assessed broadly under

two heads : (a) as a tool for direct contribution to agricultural productivity and (b) as an indirect tool for

empowering farmers to take informed and quality decisions which will have positive impact on the way

agriculture and allied activities are conducted.


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The broad information inputs required by farmers in the new scenario can be classified as (i) Awareness

Databases - those that facilitate proper understanding of the implications of the WTO on agriculture, (ii)

Decision Support Systems - information that facilitates farmers to make a proper SWOT analysis to take

appropriate decisions, (iii) systems that facilitate Indian farmers to forge appropriate alliances for

collective benefit, (iv) information on new opportunities (iv) monitoring systems for corrective


IT is playing an important and vital role in agricultural production and marketing. IT allows farmers to

save time on order and delivery and getting feedback. In the existing competition, there is a need to

rapidly attract new customers as well as retain existing customers. In order to take the real status of

agricultural production and marketing, there is an urgent need to develop the following items:

1. Farmers’ crop database must be managed. The database includes the kinds of crops, the size of

cultivated area, time of harvest and yield. Farmers or the extension personnel transmit those data via

the Internet to database server. Further, information provides the farmer with an important instrument

for decision making and taking action.

2. Crops information service system should be created. This system analyzes the crop data to create

some statistical tables. Farmers can access these statistical data by browsing the homepage and make

their production plan. Changes within the structure of agriculture will probably have an impact on

the selection and types of acquisition of software and other integrated systems made by the farmers.

3. Production techniques and information inquiry system should be created. This system integrates the

production techniques and information, which are developed by experimental agricultural institutes and


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agricultural improvement stations. Farmers can find out relevant production information through this

inquiry service system.

4. Production equipment’s inquiry service system should be created. This system gathers information

from the companies of seeds and crop production equipment to build the production equipment’s

inquiry service system. At the same time, allow relevant companies to access this system and enter their

own data. Therefore, farmers can order the needed items through this system.

Research Question

Through this research I will try to establish a positive relation between agriculture and information

technology (IT); how IT can be used and the benefits that can be attained for agriculture.

How is farming done today?

What are the main problems faced by farmers in relate to farming?

What can IT provide to solve farming problems and how?

What are the possible benefits that can be gained by using IT in agriculture?

To what extent can IT help farmers?


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Two most important components of IT are Internet and a database that consists of the data that can be

accessed. So in my research I am assuming that the agricultural areas have high speed internet that can

support video conference and has exceptional download speeds.

I am also assuming that the necessary database is also available and accessible for the farmers.


For my primary research, I will conduct a survey of a randomly selected sample from the general

population to get their perception on agriculture and the introduction of IT in it. To do this I will develop

a questionnaire with a range of questions to get a useful set of data that will help me answer my

research questions.

For my secondary research I will use the web (Google, Yahoo, Mozilla), magazines, newspapers,

journals, government publications and similar research reports.


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Data presentation and Analysis


The total sample size for the conducted survey was 20. The sample was asked to fill out carefully made

questionnaires that were developed to answer the research questions.

1: What do you think is the current condition of the agricultural sector of Bangladesh?

Excellent; we are really doing well

Good; we are producing enough for ourselves and are exporting as well

Moderate; nothing fancy but we are ok

Not well; we could use some help

Dreadful; we hardly have enough for ourselves

Intention: For my first question I wanted to find out what the general public thought was the current

condition of agriculture in our country.

Result: From my survey I discovered that a half the sample thought that the condition of agriculture in

Bangladesh was in a moderate state. Not much nor less


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2: Do you think the agricultural sector in Bangladesh needs any development?

Absolutely; it is a crucial part of our economy

Yes; our country depends largely on it

No; it is going on pretty fine

Absolutely not; there’s more important things that needs development

Intention: This question was asked to find out if people knew how important agriculture is to


Result: Through my survey I discovered that a majority believes that Bangladesh agriculture lacks some

attributes and needs some development.

3: What do you think is the main problem with agriculture today in Bangladesh?

Farmers lack the knowledge and skill needed to farm.

Improper farming methods

Inefficient technology

Other: _________________________


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Intention: This question was asked to find out how informed the general public was about agriculture.

Result: This question indicated that the major problems with agriculture today are lack of knowledge by

farmers and inefficient technology.

4: Do you agree that Information Technology can be used in agriculture?



Intention: By this question I tried to find out how many people thought it is possible to link agriculture

with Information Technology.

Result: This question revealed that everyone believed that it was possible to link IT and agriculture.


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5: Do you think farmers can gain valuable knowledge from Information Technology?




Intention: This question was asked to find out whether the general public thought IT could provide any

useful information.

Result: The survey showed that 65% of the sample believed that IT could provide valuable information

to farmers.


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6: Do you think information gained from the IT can be put into practical use by farmers?




Intention: This question was asked to find out that even if IT could be linked with and provide useful

information to farmer, can they be put into practical use.

Result: The survey showed a land slide result. 75% believed that information attained can very much be

put into practical use.


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7: What type of knowledge would farmers be willing to gain from Information Technology?

Pest control

Harvesting techniques

Weather updates

Soil information

Others (please specify)__________________________________________________

Intention: This question was asked to find out what type of information was most wanted by farmers

Result: Through my survey I found out that harvesting techniques and pest control methods were most

wanted by farmers. From this we can also come to a decision that these two are the major problems

faced by farmers.


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8: Do you think advance warnings about natural disasters such as flood or draught can help farmers





Intention: This question was asked to find out to what levels IT can be useful in agriculture.

Result: The survey showed that 95% believed that IT could also help farmers during natural disasters.

This showed that the usefulness of IT was not restricted to a given range or limit.


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9: Do you think the farmers would believe all the information they get from IT?

Strongly believe; they will have blind faith on it

Believe; as long as it doesn’t contradict with their existing knowledge

Will not believe; they would simply choose not to implement

Absolutely not; it would completely contradict with their previous knowledge

Intention: This question was asked to find out how much faith the farmers would have on the

information gained from IT.

Result: From the survey it was found out that most believed that farmers would have faith in the

information they received as long as it does not put their existing knowledge on opposite direction. This

would mean if the farmers would rather believe wrong method that a correct one if it does not match

with their current knowledge.


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10: If the answer to 9 is Strongly believe/Believe, do you think farmers would actually apply the

techniques and knowledge they learn from IT?




Intention: This question is related to the previous one. This question was asked to find out if the farmers

did believe the information they get would they actually put it into use.

Result: The survey showed that ¾ of the sample thought that farmer would apply the knowledge they

learnt from IT.


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11: Do you think IT can change the face of agriculture in Bangladesh?




Intention: This question was asked to find out whether the general public thought IT was the solution to

the problems in agriculture.

Result: The survey showed 70% believed IT really could change agriculture. This means people actually

believed IT was the answer to the agricultural problems of Bangladesh.


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Summery of Research Findings

Through my research I was able to find out that the general public did think that it was possible to use

Information Technology to develop the agricultural sector of Bangladesh.100% of the sample surveyed

responded that it was possible to use IT in agriculture.

There are areas where IT can provide valuable information that can change the face of Bangladesh

agriculture.48% of the sample thought that farmers lackon sils and nowlege was the main problem in

agriculture while 43% believed that inefficient technology was the main problem. 70% of the sample

thought that IT could help develop Bangladesh agriculture

How ever a problem lies in persuading farmers about the benefits of IT. 85% of the sample thought

farmers would accept the the information recived from IT give the new ideas did not contradict with the

old ones. For example IT can give out useful ideas about farming that could result in positive results. But

the farmers may not chose to accept the new ideas because they might be quiet different from what

they knew from before. This could be a major challenge in properly fusing IT with agriculture


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To successfully use Information Technology in agriculture much worr is needed to be done to set up IT in

rural areas. And for this the gevernment should take more initiatives to and involvement in this matter.

The government can provide more funding to set up IT. The government can also tae steps to educate

farmers to an extent where the farmers can understand what IT is, what information the IT is giving and

encode the information in ways that can be useful.

Another recommendation would be to set up work shops that could demonstrate the possible

utiization of the information attained and the benefits gained from IT. This could help to persuade the

farmers to change their old methods and accept the new and more productive methods.


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It can be rightly stated that though Information Technology in the agriculture is in growing stage in the

Bangladeshi context. It has just started to spread its shoots, but with its immense potential to

standardize and regulate the agricultural processes and solve the problems, it is sure that IT will be one

of the most important areas in the near future for agricultural development.

It is hoped that Information Technology will bring a highly developed agriculture by its worthwhile

contributions to the society by narrowing down the enormous gap between the researchers and

farmers. It is suggested that the farmers are to be made aware of the utility of the Internet and other

related information regarding Information Technology.


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Works Cited

1. Phougat. S. (2006 August). Role of Information Technology in Agriculture. Retrieved 25 August, 2009, from http://www.techno-preneur.net/information-desk/sciencetech-magazine/2006/aug06/Role_Agri.pdf

2. Mittal. S. C. (ND). Role of Information Technology in agriculture and its scope in India. Retrieved 25 August, 2009, from http://www.iffco.nic.in/applications/Brihaspat.nsf/c75c8a47921f71b0e525656900233970/82f2c15ccd4dd9a065256b37001af3fe/$FILE/it_fai.pdf

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4. Ninomiya. S. (2004, January 9). Successful information technology for Agriculture and Rura development. Retrieved 25 August, 2009, from http://www.agnet.org/library/eb/549/

5. Schmoldt. D.L. (2001). Precision agriculture and information technology. Retrieved 25 August, 2009, from http://www.srs4702.forprod.vt.edu/pubsubj/pdf/01t6.pdf

6. Country Studies. (ND). Agriculture. Retrieved 25 August 2009, from http://country-studies.com/bangladesh/agriculture.html