How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian or Asian A diet low in calcium and vitamin D Inactive lifestyle (teens should have 60 min. physical activity/day) Smoking Alcohol abuse Take prescribed medications for long periods of time.** Certain diseases or conditions such as Crohn's disease or anorexia nervosa What do all of these things have in common?

How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

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Page 1: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

How many of these 12 characteristics describe you?

• Female• Older age• Family history of osteoporosis • History of Broken bone(s)• Small and thin body• Caucasian or Asian• A diet low in calcium and vitamin D• Inactive lifestyle (teens should have 60 min. physical activity/day)• Smoking• Alcohol abuse• Take prescribed medications for long periods of time.**• Certain diseases or conditions such as Crohn's disease or anorexia nervosa

• What do all of these things have in common?

Page 2: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Osteopenia and Osteoporosis risk factors

• http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/are-you-risk-osteoporosis 5:51

• By 35, you’re already in danger of having brittle bones. Dr. Oz and orthopedic surgeon Dr. Vonda Wright explain how bones weaken over time. Learn your risk for conditions like osteoporosis and what you can do to prevent bone breakdown.

Page 3: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Key bone building years:

• Ages 9-18

• Childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood are the times when we can significantly increase our peak bone mass through diet and exercise.

• Not surprisingly, we can also make choices that decrease peak bone mass, such as smoking, poor nutrition, inactivity, and excessive alcohol intake.

Page 5: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Health benefits of diet rich in calcium:

• http://www.gotmilk.com/#/health-benefits

Page 6: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Dairy Product Facts

Page 7: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Benefits from drinking milk?

Page 8: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

• Milk is a big part of our daily lives.

What other types of foods are made from milk? List all you can think of:

Page 9: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

What if I don’t like milk?

• How can I get my 1300 mg Calcium needed every day?

Page 10: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Other Calcium-Rich foods:

Page 11: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Processing: Pasteurization

• Raw milk is heat-treated to kill enzymes and harmful bacteria.

• Enzymes can make milk spoil quickly.

Page 12: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

UHT Processed milk(Ultra High Temperature)

• The UHT process heats the milk to 280° F for only two seconds,

• eliminates a large percentage of bacteria

• sterile packaging, • milk has a shelf life of 70 days

from the date of processing.

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• Fat is broken down and evenly distributed in milk.

• If it wasn’t homogenized, fat and fluid would separate.

• Vitamin D is also added to help body absorb calcium.

Page 14: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Which type of milk do you drink?% Shows how much fat is in milk:

Whole 2% lowfat 1% skim 0%

150 CAL. 80CAL.• 3.5% MILKFAT

Page 15: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

buttermilk• Bacteria added to make it sour and


• Used in biscuits, pancakes, cakes.

• To substitute: add 1 T vinegar or lemon juice to 1 cup milk. Let stand 5 min.

Page 16: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Dry milk

• Cheaper• Always have on hand• Can be added to

recipes to increase nutrition.

• Just add water, chill.

Page 17: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Canned milks

• Evaporated milk

How is it used?

• Sweetened Condensed Milk

• How is it used?

Page 18: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Lactose-free milk Kefir (Kuh-FEER)

Page 19: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Kefir (Kuh-FEER)• http://www.kefir.net/kefir-benefits/ • Easily digested, it cleanses the

intestines, • provides beneficial bacteria and yeast,

vitamins and minerals, and complete proteins.

• healthy immune system used to help patients suffering from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, and cancer.

• Its tranquilizing effect on the nervous system has benefited many who suffer from sleep disorders, depression, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).


*similar to a drinking-style yogurt

Page 20: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Benefits of eating yogurt

• Probiotics, or "friendly bacteria," that enhance gastrointestinal health and may give the immune system a boost.

• "live and active cultureshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=NwIiT-M_cHQ

Page 21: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

What is Greek Yogurt?

• strained extensively to remove much of the liquid whey, lactose, and sugar,

• thicker consistency—• same amount of calories, • it can pack up to double protein• less sugar content• creamier texture,

• Greek yogurt sales nationwide have skyrocketed, likely because it satisfies consumers' needs for health, convenience, and taste.

• $$$$

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How is Yogurt made?• http://videos.howstuffworks.com/science-channel/30045-how-its-made-yogurt-making-process-


Page 23: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Lab: Hot Cocoa and Cheese balls

• Hot Cocoa• ½ cup sugar• ¼ cup cocoa• Dash salt• 1/3 c. hot water• 4 cups milk• ¾ teaspoon vanilla• 1)Mix sugar, cocoa and salt in large saucepan. Stir in 1/3 cup

water. Mix well. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture boils.• 2) Continue to stir and let mixture boil for 2 minutes. Use timer! • 3) Stir in milk and heat mixture. Do Not Boil! When thoroughly

heated, remove from heat and stir in vanilla. • 4) Pour into mugs, top with whipped cream and enjoy.

Page 24: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Cooking with Milk p. 471

• What problems arise when cooking with milk?

• Curds Whey

• Read text and complete solving problems with milk and yogurt.

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Making whipped cream

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNtKdMLBqFg

Page 26: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Blind Taste test

• 5 types of yogurt.

• Number your plate into 5 wedges.

• Record appearance of each on chart.• Taste• Guess which is which??• Calories: • Fat:• Protein:• Sugar:

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• Whey:

• Curds:

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• How it's Made: Cheese


Page 29: How many of these 12 characteristics describe you? Female Older age Family history of osteoporosis History of Broken bone(s) Small and thin body Caucasian

Foods made from milk