How Myxobacteria Cooperate Pengbo Cao, Arup Dey, Christopher N. Vassallo and Daniel Wall Department of Molecular Biology University of Wyoming, 1000 East University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071, USA Correspondence to Daniel Wall: [email protected] http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2015.07.022 Edited by N. Stanley-Wall Abstract Prokaryotes often reside in groups where a high degree of relatedness has allowed the evolution of cooperative behaviors. However, very few bacteria or archaea have made the successful transition from unicellular to obligate multicellular life. A notable exception is the myxobacteria, in which cells cooperate to perform group functions highlighted by fruiting body development, an obligate multicellular function. Like all multicellular organisms, myxobacteria face challenges in how to organize and maintain multicellularity. These challenges include maintaining population homeostasis, carrying out tissue repair and regulating the behavior of non-cooperators. Here, we describe the major cooperative behaviors that myxobacteria use: motility, predation and development. In addition, this review emphasizes recent discoveries in the social behavior of outer membrane exchange, wherein kin share outer membrane contents. Finally, we review evidence that outer membrane exchange may be involved in regulating population homeostasis, thus serving as a social tool for myxobacteria to make the cyclic transitions from unicellular to multicellular states. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Transitions from unicellular to multicellular life are classified as major evolutionary events [1]. Within the three kingdoms of life, it has been estimated that unicellular organisms have made successful multi- cellular transitions at least 25 times, with eukaryotes constituting the most complex and spectacular examples [2]. In contrast, for reasons that are unclear, bacteria and archaea have made only limited forays into multicellularity. However, among these latter kingdoms, the myxobacteria have arguably made the most sophisticated transition into multicellularity. In so doing, the myxobacteria have also retained a unicellular life stage. Strikingly, the myxobacteria life cycle is functionally analogous to that of social eukaryotic slime molds (amoebae), in particular, the model organism Dictyostelium discoi- deum. Both of these organisms can exist as single cells or small groups of cells during vegetative growth that transition into obligate multicellular fruiting bodies in response to starvation. It is also striking that these are the only known groups of organisms to share this strategy of building multicellular structures by gathering cells from the environment, which in both cases results in fruiting body formation. Given their evolutionary success [3], the ability to transition from unicellular to multicellular life (fruiting bodies) on a temporal basis offers important fitness advantages for these organisms. For multicellular organisms to succeed, the indi- vidual cells within the collective must cooperate. Such cells need to communicate and coordinate their behaviors to create a functional unita tissue. Challenges in this evolutionary transition include the development of (i) biochemical mechanisms for self-recognition; (ii) a means to communicate, organize and synchronize cell behaviors and (iii) a means for the population to reach homeostasis. These bioengineeringsteps represent significant evolutionary hurdles and likely account, at least in part, for why there have been relatively few successful transitions toward multicellularity in the tree of life. In addition to the bioengineering challenges, there are counter-productive Darwinian forces at play [1]. The multicellular environment, in which cells share their resources or public goods, provides a breeding ground in which cells can 0022-2836/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. J Mol Biol (2015) 427, 37093721 Review

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Pengbo Cao, A

0022-2836/© 2015 Elsevi

How Myxobacteria Cooperate

rup Dey, Christopher N. V

assallo and Daniel Wall

Department of Molecular Biology University of Wyoming, 1000 East University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071, USA

Correspondence to Daniel Wall: [email protected]://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2015.07.022Edited by N. Stanley-Wall


Prokaryotes often reside in groups where a high degree of relatedness has allowed the evolution ofcooperative behaviors. However, very few bacteria or archaea have made the successful transition fromunicellular to obligate multicellular life. A notable exception is the myxobacteria, in which cells cooperate toperform group functions highlighted by fruiting body development, an obligate multicellular function. Like allmulticellular organisms, myxobacteria face challenges in how to organize and maintain multicellularity. Thesechallenges include maintaining population homeostasis, carrying out tissue repair and regulating the behaviorof non-cooperators. Here, we describe the major cooperative behaviors that myxobacteria use: motility,predation and development. In addition, this review emphasizes recent discoveries in the social behavior ofouter membrane exchange, wherein kin share outer membrane contents. Finally, we review evidence thatouter membrane exchange may be involved in regulating population homeostasis, thus serving as a socialtool for myxobacteria to make the cyclic transitions from unicellular to multicellular states.

© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Transitions from unicellular to multicellular life areclassified as major evolutionary events [1]. Withinthe three kingdoms of life, it has been estimated thatunicellular organisms have made successful multi-cellular transitions at least 25 times, with eukaryotesconstituting the most complex and spectacularexamples [2]. In contrast, for reasons that areunclear, bacteria and archaea have made onlylimited forays into multicellularity. However, amongthese latter kingdoms, the myxobacteria havearguably made the most sophisticated transitioninto multicellularity. In so doing, the myxobacteriahave also retained a unicellular life stage. Strikingly,themyxobacteria life cycle is functionally analogous tothat of social eukaryotic slime molds (amoebae), inparticular, the model organism Dictyostelium discoi-deum. Both of these organisms can exist as singlecells or small groups of cells during vegetative growththat transition into obligate multicellular fruiting bodiesin response to starvation. It is also striking that theseare the only known groups of organisms to sharethis strategy of building multicellular structures by

er Ltd. All rights reserved.

gathering cells from the environment, which in bothcases results in fruiting body formation. Given theirevolutionary success [3], the ability to transition fromunicellular to multicellular life (fruiting bodies) on atemporal basis offers important fitness advantages forthese organisms.For multicellular organisms to succeed, the indi-

vidual cells within the collective must cooperate.Such cells need to communicate and coordinatetheir behaviors to create a functional unit—a tissue.Challenges in this evolutionary transition include thedevelopment of (i) biochemical mechanisms forself-recognition; (ii) a means to communicate,organize and synchronize cell behaviors and (iii) ameans for the population to reach homeostasis.These “bioengineering” steps represent significantevolutionary hurdles and likely account, at least inpart, for why there have been relatively fewsuccessful transitions toward multicellularity in thetree of life. In addition to the bioengineeringchallenges, there are counter-productive Darwinianforces at play [1]. The multicellular environment, inwhich cells share their resources or “public goods”,provides a breeding ground in which cells can

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mutate and exploit their clonal environment withselfish and detrimental outcomes. In animals, theseDarwinian forces manifest in the relentless develop-ment of cancerous cells. To counter this pervasivethreat, animals have developed complex immunesystems to recognize and remove detrimentalcancerous cells, as well as foreign cells, from thebody. Multicellular or cooperative microbial commu-nities are also threatened by such exploiter cells. Ifthe population has no mechanism to counteractexploiters, then the demise of the population willlikely ensue by a tragedy of the commonsmechan-ism [4]. In this scenario, the population loses itscooperative fitness advantage. As described below,cooperative cells have evolved mechanisms toregulate selfish behaviors.The transition to multicellularity requires coopera-

tion among individual cells. In the last quartercentury, there has been a greater appreciation forbacterial cooperation within and even across spe-cies. Within the realm of biofilms, diverse mecha-nisms of cell–cell adhesion, public commoditysharing and communication have shown how groupsof bacteria can work together [5]. This is notsurprising when one considers the advantagesinherent in cooperation over individuality [6]. It isplausible that communication and cooperationamong related bacteria is the rule rather than theexception. However, very few bacteria are obligatecooperatorsin which cell autonomy has been lost in acommitment toward multicellularity. In contrast tobiofilms or colonies, obligate cooperators functionexclusively as a multicelled unit, as found in plantsand animal species. In bacteria, a rare example isfilamentous cyanobacteria. Here, vegetative andheterocyst cells must function together as a unit,since the growth of one cell type is dependent on thefixed carbon or nitrogen provided by the other type ofcell [7].Myxobacteria have been studied for over half a

century for their ability to coordinate cells as a unitduring the processes of social motility, predation andthe formation of elaborate developmental structures


Fig. 1. Cell recognition and fruiting body development in myxby M. xanthus cells (yellow). The natural soil environment(depicted by cells of different shapes and colors, left). Upon saggregates. The aggregates increase in size and form a ha(depicted by circles). (b) Micrograph of C. crocatus fruiting bod

(Fig. 1). As individual cells, myxobacteria are thoughtto struggle to survive [8], but as a collective, they arevery successful and even dominant species [3], asevident by their great abundance in a wide range ofsoil and water habitats [8–10]. Their two glidingmotility engines and molecular arsenal of exoen-zymes and secondary metabolites make themmobile predators. When nutrients are exhausted, amyxobacterial swarm will develop into fruiting bodiesthat contain environmentally resistant spores (Fig. 1)[11]. Curiously, many cells lyse during development,while others help form the fruiting body structure,leaving only a fraction of the original population asviable spores [12]. Whether this cell lysis is a productof programmed cell death and altruism or intra-s-warm competition, or both, is still inconclusive [13].Fruiting body formation provides the benefit ofsurvival and dispersal at the expense of the majorityof the cells that initiated the process.As outlined by Hamilton's theory of kin selection

(inclusive fitness) [14,15], the evolution and main-tenance of cooperation are possible only in groupsof closely related individuals. This process requires(i) a mechanism to discriminate kin from non-kinand (ii) the means to keep those kin in closeproximity as a viscous or dense population.Myxobacteria use both strategies to ensure thatcooperative behaviors will most likely benefit cellsthat are highly related. Herein we will review thesestrategies.The success of myxobacteria as a functional

collective is governed by cell–cell communication,coordination and cooperation among individual cells.A fundamental challenge then is how to create alarge, functionally homogeneous collective from adiverse group of cells. That is, in spite of mecha-nisms to maintain genetic relatedness within agroup, cell diversity nevertheless exists withinmyxobacterial populations [16]. Moreover, withinsome microenvironments, genetic diversity canvary and be extremely high [3,17], as spores arestable to environmental stresses and readily dis-perse by wind and water, creating a global microbial


obacteria. (a) A schematic model of fruiting body formationof myxobacteria contains diverse microbial communitiestarvation, M. xanthus cells recognize kin and migrate intoystack-shaped fruiting body, within which cells sporulatey [20] (courtesy of Hans Reichenbach).

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melting pot of species and sub-species. In othercases, heterogeneous nutrient availability in soillimits clonal expansion, and thus, islands of separatepopulations can develop and change, and groupsthat are compatible may eventually merge (Fig. 1)[17]. Of course, mutations within populations willconstantly be introduced, leading to mutants thatmight be defective cooperators. In other cases, cellsmight be genetically identical but physiologicallydistinct due to aging, starvation or cellular wounds.Therefore, the collective functions of a swarm can bethreatened by a multitude of factors includingnon-cooperators, cheaters, incompatible strainsand damaged cells. The ability to maintain coordi-nated behavior in spite of these challenges is likelycrucial to the success of an obligate cooperator.Much research into bacterial cooperation has

focused on the use of public goods. For instance,quorum sensing is a communication strategy in whichchemical signals are produced by a community. Whenthe density of the signal reaches the minimumthreshold concentration, it elicits a response fromsurrounding cells, which coordinate their gene expres-sion in response to the local concentration of the signal(reviewed in Ref. [18]). In another example, side-rophores are secreted to sequester iron for theproducer and its kin [19]. In myxobacteria, one

(b) (c)



Prefusioncell 1 periplasm

cell 2 periplasm


1 2 3

Fig. 2. Model for OME in myxobacteria. (a) (1) TraA–TraA resymbolize different fluorescent markers in the OM. (2) Cells are(3) Prefusion junctions form and cells continue to move. (4) Motafter OME. (b) TraAB overexpression leads to cell–cell prefusioCross-section shows center cell interacting with three neighbfusion dynamics (based on eukaryotic models) during OME. Ucome into close contact and form a prefusion junction. The oucomplex. Subsequently, full fusion of the OM (both outer aperiplasmic proteins have not been found to transfer. Broken acells.

cooperative behavior involves membrane fusion andthe exchange of large amounts of outer membrane(OM) components between cells (reviewed in Ref.[20]). Therefore, in this system, OM componentsincluding lipids, lipoproteins and lipopolysaccharide(LPS) can be viewed as public goods. However, unlikethe conventional sense of a public good, this resourceis guarded from non-kin cells—the homophilic cellsurface receptor TraA both identifies kin and catalyzesthe membrane fusion event (Fig. 2) [21]. Therefore,outermembrane exchange (OME) is a unique platformfor the sharing of cell contents that we proposecontributes to the cooperative behaviors of myxobac-teria. In the following sections, we discuss thesebehaviors and expand on the mentioned concepts.

Cooperative Behaviors Usedby Myxobacteria

Social movement

The intricate myxobacterial lifestyle involves anumber of multicellular behaviors, one of which iscoordinated group movement. Myxococcus xanthuscells typically travel within dynamic multicellular

Hemifusion Full fusion

4 5

cognition occurs between neighboring cells. Green and redbrought into close proximity upon recognition and motility.ility helps trigger fusion to facilitate OME. (5) Cells separaten junctions (arrows) as seen by cryo-electron microscopy.oring cells. Bar, 100 nm [85]. (c) Schematic model of OMpon TraA–TraA interaction, the OMs of two aligned cells

ter leaflets of the two OMs then fuse creating a hemifusionnd inner leaflets) is presumed to occur, though solublerrows indicate lateral diffusion of OM components between

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structures called swarms. Although single cellsmoving at the edges of M. xanthus swarms arefrequently observed, the majority of cells on an agarplate are found within the swarm, where they usecooperative social (S) motility to facilitate swarmexpansion [22]. S-motility requires type IV pili (TFP)and exopolysaccharides (EPSs). TFP are assem-bled at the leading cell pole and bind to EPSspresent on neighboring cells or on the glidingsurface. The retraction of TFP generates a force topropel the cell forward [23–25]. Moreover, S-motilityis a cell-contact-dependent behavior that requires alarge number of cells in close proximity, and amaximum swarm expansion rate is achieved at highcell density [22,26]. One advantage for individualsliving within the high-density swarms might be thatthose cells are able to share the pool of secretedEPSs (public good) contributed by the group, andtherefore, the burden of EPS production on eachindividual is reduced. A recent study showed thatM. xanthus EPSs not only help mediate surfaceadhesion but also exhibit lubricating properties tofacilitate cooperative movement [27]. This findingprovides an explanation for the “stick-slip” move-ment observed in S-motility, where cells move inbursts followed by pauses. Additionally, experimen-tally evolved cooperative motility has been describedin myxobacteria [28]. Here, in the absence offunctional TFP, mutants that develop a de novocooperative swarming phenotype are selected.Mechanistically, this occurs by enhanced productionof an extracellular fibril matrix that co-opts the M.xanthus adventurous (A) motility system to functionsocially by bundling cells together [28]. Despite thecost of fibril overproduction, the resulting cell–cellattachment provides the benefit of achieving mobilityon a specific medium (semi-solid agar) and results ina new pathway to achieve multicellular behavior.M. xanthus cells constantly interact with each other

to coordinate their movements in a swarm. Interest-ingly, cells within a swarm often pause and reversedirections [29,30], and this periodic reversal of glidingdirection helps to coordinate swarm expansion [31].Reversals are controlled by the Frz chemosensorypathway, which drives a small G-protein switch (MglA)to reverse the gliding direction [32–36]. Mutationsin frz genes can cause non-optimal reversal frequen-cies, which lead to defects in swarming, lipidchemotaxis and developmental aggregation[29,31,32,35,37]. A relatively recent study suggestedthat FrzCD, a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein,might play a role in cell–cell interactions [38]. FrzCDprotein clusters transiently realign between adjacentcells upon side-by-side contact to trigger cell reversals[38]. These interactions between side-by-side cellsmay help the population to coordinate and synchro-nize cell movements [39]. Thus, M. xanthus uses avariety of cell–cell interactions to organize themacro-scale movement of the swarm unit.


When prey or other nutrients are present in theenvironment, M. xanthus swarms will feed upon themcollectively. Unlike other predation strategies (e.g.,phagocytosis [40], prey cell invasion [41], far-rangingdiffusible antibiotic secretion [42]), myxobacteria canpenetrate prey colonies and secrete extracellularenzymes and antibiotics to kill and consume preycells (reviewed in Ref. [43]). During predation, popula-tions of M. xanthus cells ripple, a phenomenon wherecells form self-organized and rhythmically travelinghigh-density waves [44]. Rippling is a cooperativebehavior involving cell–cell alignment and periodicreversals [35,45]. The opposite-moving waves of cellsappear to collide and subsequently reverse directionafter contact so that each wave appears to oscillateback and forth [46]. By allowing more frequent prey–predator contacts, this judicious oscillation behavior isthought to help enhance predation efficiency [43,46].Rippling has also been observed during starvation andfruiting body formation [44,47]. Initial studies regardingthis behavior primarily focused on developmentalrippling, whereas predatory rippling was rarely men-tioned [46]. However, it was recently suggested thatrippling inM. xanthus is solely a predatory behavior andthat developmental rippling results from nutrient scav-enging of lysed cells [46]. As for the physiological role ofrippling behavior, both computational simulations andexperimental data suggest that ripples cause fasterpenetration of predators into prey colonies via asignaling mechanism that is dependent on side-by-side contact between M. xanthus cells [38,48]. Also,rippling helps the predators remain on the prey regionfor a longer time, which is likely due to organized cell–cell alignments and periodic cell reversals that preventcells from drifting randomly [48].In addition to rippling, predation efficiency is also

enhanced by a high cell density [43]. M. xanthuspredation is often compared to a “wolf-pack” model[43,49,50], suggesting that cells living in a high densitywork cooperatively as an efficient predatory unit [43].Generally, the high-density predatory swarms secreteincreased concentrations of antibiotics and hydrolyticenzymes (public goods) to their local environment[43,49]. Individual predators thus benefit from thisgroup effort by sharing the pool of hydrolyzed productsfrom the prey cells to promote growth. Recent studiesalso suggested thatM. xanthus producesOM vesicles,containing multiple antibacterial molecules and en-zymes, to assist with predation [51,52]. The packagingof multiple secondary metabolites and enzymes withinone vesicle might be delivered as a lethal cocktail tohelp ensure that predation occurs efficiently [52].


Perhaps the most striking example of cooperationin myxobacteria is fruiting body development (Fig. 1).

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Upon starvation, M. xanthus enters a developmentalprogram and forms multicellular fruiting bodies,within which the cells differentiate into spores [53].Fruiting body morphology ranges from relativelysimple mounds found in M. xanthus to elaboratetree-like structures of Chondromyces crocatus(Fig. 1) [54]. Following starvation, individual cells ofM. xanthus arrange themselves into simple aggre-gates that develop into dome-shaped moundscontaining ~100,000 cooperating cells [55]. Inaddition to mound formation, rippling behaviors canalso be observed in some areas during the earlydevelopmental stage (referred to as the aggregationphase) [44,56]. It has been suggested that thesetraveling waves carry piles of cells that collide witheach other and form “traffic jams” [56,57]. Thesemasses of cells enter the mound from differentdirections and are thought to get caught within thejams, which leads to aggregate formation [56,57].After the aggregation phase, sporulation proceedsand a small fraction of the cells differentiate intospherical dormant spores [12,55]. The remaining cellsin the population differentiate into peripheral rods(persister-like cells) or lyse [12,58,59]. Development isalso a cell-density-dependent behavior in M. xanthus[60]. Cells sporulate less efficiently, or not at all, if theirdensity is below a threshold concentration [61,62].Coordinated cell aggregation into multicellular

fruiting bodies is regulated by cell–cell signaling.During the initiation of development,M. xanthus cellsaccumulate elevated levels of (p)ppGpp in responseto starvation and produce A-signal, an extracellularquorum-like signal that is thought to monitor local celldensity [63,64]. Once the extracellular A-signalexceeds the minimum threshold, ensuring that aminimum population (a quorum) of starving cellsexists, the expression of development-specificgenes regulated by A-signal is initiated [63,65].Cooperative aggregation ensues and further mor-phogenesis is dependent on another signal, theC-signal, which is a morphogen that requires cell–cell contact for its activity [11,66,67]. The nature ofthe C-signal is not clear, although it has beensuggested that the CsgA protein may act as amorphogen itself or as an enzyme to generate theC-signal [68,69]. The transmission of the C-signalseems to rely on end-to-end contacts between cells[70,71], and the frequent cell–cell interactions thatoccur within high-density aggregates increase thelevel of C-signaling [66]. One model suggests thatC-signal transmission provides a positional clue toregulate directional cell movement [69]. Here, duringthe aggregation stage, C-signaling helps recruit cellsinto chains via pole-to-pole interactions [69]. Ac-cording to this model, cells from disordered fields areorganized into streams and move toward theaggregation centers with a higher speed and alower reversal frequency, compared with cells thatare not recruited [66]. The increased cell density

within the aggregates in turn provides positivefeedback that helps raise the level of C-signalinguntil it reaches the threshold required for sporedifferentiation [72,73]. However, a more recent studyproposed a different model, suggesting that thereduction in cell velocity, rather than the suppressionof cell reversal, is responsible for aggregate forma-tion [74]. Here, cells were found to slow down andorient themselves in parallel within high-densityaggregates. It has also been suggested that differentexperimental conditions might account for some ofthe different observations found during development[35,74].

Outer membrane exchange

Previously, we described a novel process wherebyOM proteins and lipids from M. xanthus areexchanged between individual cells [75,76]. Studiesrelating to OME can be traced back to 1977 whenextracellular complementation (stimulation) was firstdiscovered for motility mutants in M. xanthus [77]. Inthose studies, a small subset of nonmotile mutantswas found to be rescued after transient contact withmutants from a different complementation group.Later studies revealed the mechanism of stimulation,in which the functional motility proteins are trans-ferred from a donor strain to restore the motilitydefect of the mutant recipient [78,79]. Stimulationinvolves only transient phenotypic changes uponcell–cell contact, and the “rescued”mutant becomesnonmotile over time if it is physically separated fromthe donor cells, suggesting that only proteins,instead of DNA, are transferred [20,21,63]. By thisgenetic approach, six OM proteins (CglB/C/D/E/Fand Tgl) have been identified as substrates fortransfer by OME [20,80]. One important feature ofthese stimulatable proteins is that they contain eithertype I or type II signal sequence peptides (SS)[20,81–83]. Based on these findings, a heterologousreporter (SSOM-mCherry) was constructed andshown to transfer in live cells. Here, the type II SSfusion directs the mCherry reporter to the OM, whereit then becomes a competent substrate for cell–celltransfer [76]. Lipids were also found to be transferredvia OME by tracking transfer among live cellslabeled with lipophilic fluorescent dyes [75]. Theseobservations, combined with the fact that aninner-membrane-localized mCherry reporter(SSIM-mCherry) is not transferred [76], suggestedthat OME involves the transient fusion of theOMs between cells. Strikingly, both endogenous andheterologous cargo transfer experiments found thatthe donor and recipient cells equally share the amountof exchangeableOMmaterials within a relatively shortperiod of time, indicating that transfer is an efficientprocess [75,76,78] .OME is a mutual or cooperative behavior, as it

requires two or more cells to make direct contact and

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because transfer is bidirectional (Fig. 2). Physically,the cells need to be on a hard surface, as exchangedoes not occur in liquid medium or on semi-solidagar [76,84]. Motility (either A-motility or S-motility),which helps to align and facilitate cell contacts, alsoplays a critical role in OME [76,84]. Among nonmotilecells, transfer is barely detected; instead, for efficienttransfer, at least one partner (either donor orrecipient), or even a third-party cell, needs to bemotile [20]. OM lipoproteins, proteins, lipids [75],LPS [85] and a putative signal have been shown tobe transferred to date [86].Two host genetic determinants, called traA and

traB, are required for OME [75]. OME requires thatthe TraA and TraB proteins be present in bothengaged cells, as disruption of either of the twoproteins blocks OME [75]. Additional analyses foundthat TraA functions as a cell surface receptor,governing the cell–cell interactions involved inOME [21,75]. The TraA protein contains a distantPA14-like domain, Cys-rich tandem repeats and aputative protein sorting tag called MYXO-CTERMthought to facilitate the localization of TraA to the cellsurface [75].Interestingly, TraA has a domain architecture and

sequence that are similar to those of the FLO1 cellsurface receptor, which is required for flocculation inSaccharomyces cerevisiae [87]. The FLO1 se-quence varies across environmental isolates, and itplays a key role in self-recognition and has beendescribed as a “greenbeard” gene that directscooperative interactions toward other cells thatbear the same allele [87]. We have reported thatTraA has an analogous role to FLO1 in myxobac-teria. That is, TraA acts as a molecular specificitydeterminant and exhibits allele-specific interactionsduring OME between different environmental iso-lates [21]. In this case, OME is a cooperativebehavior that involves the sharing of public goodsamong individuals carrying identical or very similartraA alleles. Thus, the TraA receptor represents aperceptible trait that is used to distinguish kin fromnon-kin and governs OME among related individ-uals. In this regard, TraA can be classified as a raregreenbeard gene and, to our knowledge, is the firstgreenbeard gene in bacteria known to be involved inbeneficial or altruistic-like behaviors [21].A further requirement for a greenbeard classifica-

tion is that the gene must be polymorphic to allowspecificity during recognition; that is, the greenbeardfunction allows select individuals in a diversepopulation to benefit from interactions, whereasothers are excluded. Importantly, TraA is polymor-phic within the PA14-like domain, and sequenceconservation within this domain correlates with cell–cell recognition [21]. Based on these and otherexperiments, we propose that the polymorphicdomain serves as the molecular recognition deter-minant through homotypic interactions between

TraA receptors. In support of this model, we haveshown that cell–cell recognition can be repro-grammed by swapping traA alleles from differentstrains [21]. The C-terminal portion of TraA containsCys-rich repeats that likely form disulfide bonds, andwe hypothesize that this region functions as a rigidstalk to display the polymorphic binding domain onthe cell surface, which appears to also function inmembrane fusion (Fig. 2).The role of TraB in OME is not well understood. It

contains an OmpA-like domain at its C-terminus thatis predicted to bind the cell wall [75]. Sequenceanalysis of traB alleles suggests the N-terminalregion contains a β-barrel domain. Therefore, as aputative β-barrel protein in the OM, one possiblefunction of TraB would be to facilitate TraA transportto the cell surface. TraB might also interact with TraAto form a functional complex for OM fusion.The OME mechanism is proposed to involve the

fusion of the OM (Fig. 2) [63]. Although OM-enclosedtubes OMTs are produced in large quantities bymyxobacteria [88], we do not think that OMTs arerequired for OME [89]. Under certain conditions,however, OMTs might be produced as a byproductof OME and motility [90]. According to our currentmodel,M. xanthus cells physically interact with eachother, and TraA–TraA interactions then force theopposing membranes to make contact, effectivelydisplacing water between them, to catalyze OMfusion (Fig. 2b) [91,92]. Fusion is followed by lateraldiffusion and exchange of OM contents betweenaligned cells (Fig. 2a). Supporting the concept of OMfusion, we discovered that TraA/B functions as acell–cell adhesin. Specifically, TraA/B overexpres-sion leads to the formation of tight cell–cell adhesionzones, which based on cryo-electron microscopysuggest that they form “prefusion junctions” [85](Fig. 2b). However, for OM fusion to occur, cellsneed to be placed on a hard surface, and, wepresume, the prefusion junctions are stressedthrough cell movements, which in turn helps todestabilize the OM and trigger fusion as outlined inFig. 2.

How OME benefits the individual and group

TraA is h igh ly conserved across mostMyxococcales, and its function has apparently beenmaintained despite significant phylogenetic diver-gence within the order. In addition, there are noTraA/B orthologs found in sequenced genomesoutside of this order. Given these findings, what thenis the driving force to maintain conservation of TraA/Band why is it unique to the myxobacteria? In otherwords, what is the function of OME and how is itimportant to themyxobacterial lifestyle? Though someinformation has recently come to light [85], the answermay not be straightforward. Here, we discuss what isknown about the utility of OME, including how this

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social behavior can benefit the individual cell and thegroup, as well as the other ways it may contribute tothe behavior of myxobacteria.The Allee effect [93], or the idea that fitness is

positively correlated with population density, figuresprominently in the literature on myxobacteria [61]. Asdescribedabove, the importance of population densityhas been observed during growth [49], social motility[22], feeding [49] and development [62,65] and maybe important for competitive interactions betweenisolates. However, population homogeneity is not agiven. For instance, the prevalence ofmyxobacteria insmall-scale soil patches indicates that encountersamong motile populations may occur frequently[94,95]. Even when stochastic encounters occuramong compatible environmental strains, they maynot be genotypically identical or may have adaptedphenotypic differences because of environmentalcircumstances. Given these plausible scenarios,how can a heterogeneous collection of cells becomea coherent functional unit?One answer to the above mentioned dilemma may

lie with OME. Recently, we used a genetic model ofmembrane damage in which affected cells havedeleterious or even lethal changes to their LPS andshowed that damaged cells were repaired by OMEwith healthy LPS donors [85]. More specifically, LPSmutants with impaired motility and abolished sporu-lation were rescued when mixed with healthy traA+

cells, but not with ΔtraA cells. Furthermore, mutantsunable to synthesize lipid A by a conditionally lethalmutation were maintained in a population of healthycells when OME could occur but perished in theabsence of OME. Therefore, during the merging ofhealthy cells and cells with a damaged OM in nature,OME can enable membrane homeostasis to bereached, which can also rejuvenate or heal woundson ailing cells (Fig. 3).

Populations merge OME Homeo

Fig. 3. A model for the utility of OME in a bacterial communitred, left), and OME catalyzes OMmixing (yellow cells contain cothen transitions toward membrane homeostasis (middle righequally distributed among cells. This integrated population iscooperative behaviors (fruiting body, right). Damage that has ocactive repair (yellow-to-light green transition).

When we simulated the merging of membrane-damaged population (in this case, sporulationdeficient) and healthy wild-type population, wefound that an increase in cell density could alsolead to a significant increase in sporulation out-comes during development as compared withhealthy cells incubated alone [85]. This increase farsurpassed what can be explained by the restorationof sporulation to the damaged cell population,indicating that an increase in cell density above athreshold level along with cell rejuvenation hadsynergistically increased sporulation efficacies.However, when the healthy population was incapa-ble of OME (ΔtraA), the increase in cell density didnot improve the sporulation outcome. Put simply,whereas the ΔtraA strain has no obvious develop-mental phenotype in a pure culture [75], it has a cleardevelopmental phenotype in heterogeneous popu-lations. Therefore, during the merging of damagedand healthy colonies, an increase in cell density(above a threshold level) is beneficial only when thedamaged cells can be healed and contribute togroup behaviors. In this manner, there is a benefit forhealthy cells to temporarily sacrifice their fitness bymerging with damaged cells. In this scenario, boththe donor and recipient cells benefit; this can explainhow OME is evolutionarily maintained by mutualbenefit to donor and recipient cells that bearcompatible TraA alleles.In total, motility, development, antibiotic resistance

and even lethal biosynthetic defects can be pheno-typically complemented by OME in myxobacteria[85]. From an evolutionary standpoint, this finding iscurious because it suggests that deleterious muta-tions to some OM proteins or OM biosynthesisproteins could be maintained in the population byphenotypic complementation. Could this mean thatall cells that contribute to a population are important

Quorum threshold for cooperative behaviors is met

stasis and rejuvenation

y. Two distinct but compatible populations meet (green andmponents from red and green cells). Themixed populationt), in which membrane content from both populations isnow larger, more homogenous and better equipped forcurred to some cells can be repaired by dilution followed by

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regardless of the functional properties of their OMs,and if so, how long will these defective cells bemaintained? During development, the majority ofcells die, apparently to support the sporulation of theminority population [96]. Perhaps this strategypromotes intra-swarm competition to eliminateless-fit cells from the spore or “germ” pool [13].Alternatively, perhaps the maintenance of diverseOM phenotypes within the spore pool contributes tothe phenotypic diversity of strains found within andbetween populations [3,16,97,98]. Last, it cannot beforgotten that myxobacteria transition between sin-gle and multicellular life stages and, consequently,selection against deleterious mutations in a haploidgenome is strong when solitary cells cannot becomplemented by OME. Future research is requiredto resolve these possibilities.Although the benefit of OME to heterogeneous

populations is reasonably clear, there may be otherbenefits to the “shared membrane concept”. Ascell-to-cell interactions are guarded from exploitationby non-kin cells, OME could provide a platform tocommunicate intra-swarm signals. Indeed, we haveobserved that some motility mutants inhibit the motilityand development of their wild-type kin in a Tra-depen-dent manner (see below) [75,86]. In addition, OMEallows phenotypic plasticity, in which the OM pheno-type of a single cell is not completely dictated by itsgenotype. For instance, the LPS of some myxobac-teria are modified during development [99] andperhaps those modified molecules are transferable.In addition, it has long been known that bacteria canmodify their OM in response to antimicrobial com-poundsor stress [100]. Becausemyxobacteria transferlipids, proteins and LPS, it is likely that phenotypicchanges can be relayed to cells that have not yetencountered the forthcoming stimuli in their environ-ment. In this and other scenarios, scout cells mightrelay information in the form of an adapted OMproteome and lipidome to the central group to quicklyrespond to stimuli at the periphery of the swarm.Finally, the TraA cell surface adhesin in its own

right could contribute to cooperation in myxobac-teria. Population viscosity, which involves limiteddispersal of related individuals, is one strategy formaintaining a high degree of relatedness betweennearby cells, which is critical for cooperation toevolve [1]. As an adhesin that discriminates kin fromnon-kin [21], TraA could contribute to populationviscosity in myxobacteria. Indeed, as mentionedabove, when traAB is overexpressed, cells specifi-cally adhere to one another (Fig. 2). Perhaps whensurrounded by both kin and non-kin, TraA can helpparse the populations.


Cooperation benefits individual members of apopulation and also increases the fitness of the

population as a whole [101]. However, cooperationcan be exploited. Although the production of publicgoods benefits the population at a sustainable costto its actor [102], some individuals can exploit thissituation by using public goods without contributingtoward their production. Such individuals have afitness advantage, as they do not devote their ownresources to the behavior yet they enjoy the benefits.This leads to an increase in the number of thesesocial cheaters in the population. As exploiters, theirpopulation outcompetes cells that cooperate, andeventually the entire social structure will collapse asthe critical public good will not be available atsufficient levels. This phenomenon is referred to asthe tragedy of the commons, in which the exploitativenature of a few individuals can lead to the destructionof a cooperative population [103]. For example,increased virulence of a few phages in a populationof phage with low virulence can lead to theabolishment of the host and, consequently, thedestruction of the phage population [104]. In anotherexample, the mixing of myxobacteria cheaters withcooperators results in a scenario where the wholepopulation is destroyed by the exploitative nature ofthe cheaters [105].


Cooperation is subject to exploitation. Onestrategy to help prevent exploitation involves kinrecognition: cooperative behavior is directed towardrelated individuals and excluded from non-kin. Infact, such behavior is found in D. discoideum andM.xanthus natural fruiting bodies, in which individualsare highly related to each other [16,106]. Theevolution of “policing” functions is another way tohelp protect the integrity of cooperating communi-ties. The concept of punishment as a form ofpolicing is found in eukaryotes [107–109]. Thus,both cooperation and policing are important inmaintaining a healthy population [110]. For instance,cell competition and culling occur to allow eukaryotictissues to become more homogenous and fit [111].Additionally, higher eukaryotes have immune sys-tems that provide surveillance and protection againstforeign and cancerous cells across tissues. In soil,there is a large diversity of myxobacteria, based onthe 16S rRNA sequence analysis [97], and thus,cell–cell surveillance and culling may be an impor-tant step to build functional and healthy communitiesfrom diverse populations. Indeed, in the laboratory,myxobacteria can evolve policing capabilities tocontrol cheating associated with a csgA mutant[112]. Here, continuous exploitation by cheaters ofmulticellular development and sporulation leads tothe development of an evolved strain from acooperator strain that can police or control thecsgA cheaters. In this case, the mechanism ofpolicing is unknown but could involve the production

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of an inhibitory agent. Other bacteria police behav-iors, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa can policecheaters through quorum sensing, in which cooper-ators use a regulatory cascade to catalyze cyanidesynthesis and cheaters are unable to synthesize theenzyme that degrades cyanide, thus becomingsusceptible to killing [113].As noted above, OME involves kin recognition and

is highly selective. The polymorphic domain in TraAacts as a molecular identity card to recognizeindividuals that bear identical or very similar TraAreceptors [21]. Because OME involves the bulktransfer of proteins and lipids, and does so efficiently,cells would be at a major disadvantage to exchangewith non-cooperators. Thus, a priori, onemight predictthat there is a mechanism to prevent exploitation.Indeed, this appears to be the case. The fact thatboth partnering cells must express compatible TraAproteins helps to ensure that public goods areguarded: OME occurs among kin and transfer isbidirectional, meaning one cell cannot unilaterallysiphon goods. An advantage of this system is thatthe goods are exchanged only after the involvedparties are verified in a cell-contact-dependentmanner. This system is in contrast to secretedpublic goods that are poorly controlled once theyleave the cell boundary. As outlined below, we areinvesting whether there is another level of policingfunction involved in OME.

Swarm inhibition

OME can regulate the behavior of mixed cellpopulations. In this phenomenon, motile M. xanthuscells are inhibited from swarming when mixed withnonmotile cells [75]. Inhibition is Tra-dependent, as atramutation in either the motile or the nonmotile strainrelieves swarm inhibition. Using swarm inhibition asan assay, we devised a forward genetic screen toinvestigate OME in more detail [86]. The twoquestions we sought to address were (i) whetherother proteins in addition to TraA/B are directlyinvolved in OME and (ii) what downstream pathwayscontrol swarm inhibition. Importantly, from the screen,no other players, besides TraA/B, were found by thiscriteria to be directly involved in OME, as all mutantsisolated (N50)mapped to the traAB locus [86].We did,however, isolate a new mutant class that is notdefective in OME yet can be relieved from swarminhibition. The mutant was named OmrA for OMEresponse. OmrA contains a single domain thatis homologous to the lipid flippase domain found inthe Staphylococcus aureus protein MprF [86]. InS. aureus, MprF controls cytoplasmic membranehomeostasis by flipping modified phospholipid compo-nents from the inner leaflet to the outer leaflet [114].MprF is a bifunctional enzyme in which a seconddomain catalyzes the synthesis of lysyl-phosphatidyl-glycerol from lysyl-tRNA and phosphatidylglycerol

precursors. Thus, once the aminoacylated phosphati-dylglycerol is synthesized, MprF flips it to the outerleaflet [114].In S. aureus, gain-of-function mutations in mprF

confer resistance to cationic antibiotics, such asdaptomycin, by modifying the surface charge on thecytoplasmic membrane [114]. We found a secondgene with homology to the synthase domain of MprFin the M. xanthus genome and constructed a mutantand tested it for a swarm relief phenotype. Aspredicted, this mutant, omrB, exhibits a swarm reliefphenotype (partial) in M. xanthus [86]. From theseresults, we hypothesized that OmrA/B are involvedin modifying and regulating inner membrane homeo-stasis and that inactivating these genes perturbs theinner membrane in such a way that the motileresponder cells are no longer regulated by “signals”transferred from nonmotile cells [86].To understand what causes swarm inhibition and

to gain insight into OME, we labeled motile andnonmotile strains with distinguishable fluorescentproteins to track their fates in a mixed colony.Interestingly, the motile cells disappear by 72 hwhen mixed with nonmotile cells, and their disappear-ance is Tra dependent (Dey et al.). Additionally, themotile cells become filamentous after a 24-h incuba-tion in co-culture. From these results, we concludedthat the nonmotile cells are killing the motile cells by aTra-dependent mechanism. One possible mecha-nism for this is that the nonmotile cells exclusivelyexpress a toxin/antitoxin pair. OME is then presumedto deliver the toxin to the susceptible motile strain.Consistent with our abovementioned findings, whenthe motile strain contains an omrA mutation, killing isblocked (Dey et al.). From these results, we concludedthat, among certain closely related strains, there is asibling killing mechanism. Although it remains unclearwhy there is killing between related myxobacteriastrains, we suspect that it is a form of socialsurveillance or a policing behavior. Thus, in contrastto cooperative and beneficial functions described forOME, there are also adversarial functions.


Surviving in hostile natural environments is aconstant struggle. Like many eukaryotes, myxobac-teria have evolved multicellularity, whereby unity ofnumbers provides advantages over individuality [6].These multicellular-related functions require commu-nication, coordination and cooperation among relatedcells in a diverse population. Because of theseproperties, myxobacteria represent ideal organismsfor the study of complex multicellular behaviors thatare experimentally tractable. We hypothesize thatOMEprovides amechanism that helps individual cellscome together to form a multicellular unit that hastissue-like qualities, involving resource sharing and

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maintaining homeostasis. Myxobacteriamay also useOME to police social interactions and our future workwill explore these possibilities.


This work was supported by the National Institutesof Health grant GM101449 to D.W.

Received 14 June 2015;Received in revised form 29 July 2015;

Accepted 30 July 2015Available online 5 August 2015


outer membrane exchange;cell–cell communication;

Myxococcus xanthus

yP.C., A.D. and C.N.V. contributed equally to this work.

Abbreviations used:OME, outer membrane exchange; OM, outer membrane;

LPS, lipopolysaccharide; TFP, type IV pili; EPS,exopolysaccharide.


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