Here is the FREE REPORT that you requested! How Spinal Decompression And Low Level Pulsed Laser Solves Back and Neck Pain And The Breakthrough Medical Technology That’s Bringing It To You!” Right Here In Stockbridge

How Spinal Decompression And Low Level Pulsed Laser Solves

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Here is the FREE REPORT that you requested!

“How Spinal Decompression

And Low Level Pulsed Laser

Solves Back and Neck Pain

And The

Breakthrough Medical


That’s Bringing It To You!”

Right Here In Stockbridge

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 2

Dear Neck and/or Back Pain Sufferer:

There is a very good reason why thousands of former neck and/or back pain sufferers are

calling non-surgical spinal decompression the “eighth wonder of the world.”

Spinal decompression and low level laser therapy (LLLT) is responsible for cracking the

code of neck and back pain for thousands of FORMER pain sufferers. Many previously

tried everything and were thought to be hopeless cases. So many that were told, “We’ve

done all we can do for you, you’re just gonna have to live with the pain,” are now pain-free.

Know this: This report is more than just how those OTHER people solved their neck and

back pain---much more. It reveals exactly how YOU can too.

Imagine living the rest of your life pain-free.

Imagine waking up tomorrow morning with your neck and/or back pain GONE.

Imagine how much easier your life would be if you could just be pain-free…once

and for all.

There really is an easy way. In this report, I will reveal to you that way and give you a

$185.00 gift so you can see it all absolutely risk-free.

I can personally guarantee that if you are seriously motivated to finally put an end to your

agonizing neck pain without drugs or surgery, this will be the most exciting and important

report you ever read. Why?

Many modern doctors are saying this amazing new technology has revolutionized neck

pain treatments and may make spinal surgery (and other neck and back pain treatments)

much less popular!

Countless failed neck and back surgery patients have finally found relief after surgery

made them worse. With this new technology, it’s obvious they may have never needed

surgery in the first place.

The fact is: Neck and back surgery have had disappointing results and they are very risky.

One possible side effect is…your pain gets WORSE. Another: PARALYSIS. A third:


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Why would you even consider surgery when…

Clinical studies have shown non-surgical spinal decompression, particularly in

combination with low level laser therapy, to be successful with herniated discs

and degenerative joint disease - without the side effects.

Why is that so amazing? Herniated discs were thought to be just about untreatable

without surgery before the introduction of this incredible new technology.

Even better, treatment with this space-age non-surgical technology is painless, drugless

and there are no documented side effects. In fact, many patients report the treatments

are so relaxing…they actually fall asleep.

And best of all…results are much better.

How Would You Like To Check Out This

Amazing New Technology And

See If You Qualify For Treatment…Absolutely Free?

You will get to see everything first-hand and find out if spinal decompression with low

level laser therapy ,will be your neck and back pain solution as like it has been for

thousands of former neck and back pain patients in well-documented studies.

In a minute I’m going to reveal to you exactly how you can do just that…and a whole lot

more. But first, I want to tell you the amazing true story of how spinal decompression

was discovered, how it works…and…why there is an excellent chance it will be the

answer to YOUR neck and/or back pain.

Even if you decide not to take me up on my incredible offer, just reading this story will

give you many of the neck pain answers you have been looking for. Here is how Spinal

Decompression works:

Imagine your spine as a bunch of blocks stacked on top of each other. Twenty-four

blocks to be exact. In between each block is a disc, an object similar to a jelly donut.

The outside of the disc is made up of tough fibers called the annulus fibrosis and the

inside has a soft, jelly-like substance called the nucleus pulposis.

When your disc is injured or torn, the inner jelly-like substance can leak out. This is

called a herniated disc.

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If the outer material is not torn, discs can bulge without herniating. Kind of like if you

step on a balloon and it doesn’t pop. The balloon bulges out to one side or the other

without the rubber breaking.

When a disc bulges or is herniated it is a major cause of neck and back pain. It can also

pinch the delicate nerves that pass by as they come out of the spine.

That’s What Can Cause Radiating Pain…Or…Pain, Tingling and Numbness Down

Your Arm or Leg and Possibly Into Your Hand or Foot.

This is referred to as brachial radiculitis in the arm and sciatica in the leg.

Spinal decompression creates negative pressure and actually sucks the herniated

material back into the disc and allows it to heal (I’ll show you some proof of that in

just a little bit).

By naturally drawing the herniated material back into the disc, pinching of the nerves is

relieved and so is the pain. It takes away the true cause of your pain and symptoms

instead of masking it with drugs or cutting the herniation out with surgery.

One of the major reasons you lose height as you get older is this shrinking of multiple

discs. In one study, astronauts gained height after undergoing spinal decompression.

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How Does Low Level Laser Therapy Work

Low level laser therapy is particularly effective in situations where cell tissue has

become inflamed. The inflammation of cell tissue is caused by reduced

microcirculation, which changes the quantity of blood supply to the cells, resulting in

ischemic injury.

Laser means Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The laser light beam,

unlike regular light, is coherent. Laser light is monochromatic which means it is of one

pure color.

Low level laser therapy allows a healing light to penetrate into soft tissue which assist in

reduction of pain causing inflammation and expedites healing

Through the combination of proven scientific principles, the latest technological

developments, and the brilliant work of a specialized team of physicians and medical

engineers, Spinal Decompression And Low Level Laser Therapy has been proven to

relieve pain by:

* Enlarging The Disc Space.

* Reducing Herniations.

* Strengthening Outer Ligaments to Help Move the Herniated Back into Place.

* Reversing The High Intra-Disc Pressures Through The Application Of Negative


* Reduces Inflammation

* Expedites Healing

* Improves ATP production in the cells

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In simple English…

Spinal Decompression In Combination with Low Level Laser Therapy

Relieves Pain Fast!

Spinal Decompression and low level laser therapy has been cleared

by “The Food and Drug Administration”…

There is documented success with Spinal Decompression in cases of…

* Neck pain

* Back pin

* Arm pain

* Leg pain or sciatica

* Herniated and/or bulging discs (single or multiple)

* Degenerative disc disease

* A relapse or failure following surgery

* Spinal Stenosis

* Facet syndromes

* Numbness

A very important note: Spinal Decompression has been successful with even the most

severe cases…even when NOTHING else has worked. Even after failed surgery.

What Are Treatments Like?

After being fitted with an automatic shoulder support system, the machine slowly lowers

you to the horizontal position. You are lying face up. The automatic shoulder support

system helps to stabilize your upper body. The advanced computer system automatically

adjusts to the proper angle of distraction, a lordotic air bladder system acts as a fulcrum

to the angle of pull, allowing us to target specific discs in your neck and/or back that are

causing your pain and symptoms.

The distractive forces utilize a logarithmic curve to avoid proprioceptor response, which

would create muscle spasm. The split table design decreases friction and allows

separation of the vertebra, minimizing the effect of gravity.

Basically, you lay face up and the Spinal Decompression computer simulates an anti-

gravity effect on your neck and back that helps herniated material return to its normal

position and stop the pain.

People describe the treatment as a gentle, painless, intermittent pulling of your neck.

And like I said before, it can be so relaxing, many patients actually fall asleep during


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How Is Spinal Decompression Different From Other Traction Devices?

Regular traction has been around for along time. Its results with neck pain have been

minimal at best. The big problem with traction is that it pulls both the muscles and the

spine. Our Spinal Decompression system applies specific forces to decrease intradiscal

pressure and enhance fluid exchange within the disc. This expands the space between the

bones and restores nutrients and blood flow to the disc - which enhances healing.

MRI studies comparing regular “old” traction to spinal decompression have shown regular

traction does NOT return herniated material back into the disc while spinal

decompression does. (4)

Patients also say that Spinal Decompressions is extremely comfortable, even

relaxing…while traction can be very uncomfortable.

How Long Are Treatments And

How Many Do You Need?

Patients typically undergo 20 to 24 treatment sessions. Each treatment lasts between 30 to

45 minutes. This, of course, depends on your individual case and is determined by a

thorough evaluation.

Following each session, Col Laser Therapy and electric muscle stimulation are applied to

help pain relief and speed the healing process.

It is important to note that many patients get substantial, immediate relief after just a few

treatments. Some after just one. This really good news is that you needn’t continue this

for the rest of your life—it’s not a huge commitment.

Right About Now There Are Only

Two Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself:

Question #1: How do I find out if I am a candidate for Spinal Decompression?

Question #2: How much is it going to cost me?

Here’s the answer to #1: If you could be here with me right now, I could show you,

through testing and examination procedures, EXACTLY what’s causing your problem and if

you are a candidate for Spinal Decompression. I can also tell you if you have a condition

that requires treatments I do not provide and send you to the appropriate doctor.

I could show you and explain to you in plain and simple English (none of the medical

mumbo-jumbo most doctors give you) what’s going on and how you can get better as fast

as possible. How you can finally start getting your life back.

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 8

Here’s a sampling of what you would discover if you were here with me right now:

1. A consultation with me, Dr. Phillip Paulk, a 36 year practitioner, with extensive

training in Chiropractic Functional Neurology. I have treated literally

thousands of patient’s over the last 3-1/2 decades. I will answer any questions

you may have about neck and back pain and Non-Surgical Spinal

Decompression. You will be taken by the hand and ALL your questions and

concerns will be answered before you leave. I am located in Stockbridge

Georgia. We are directly behind the Bank of America located on N. Henry

Blvd. near the old Walmart.

2. A complete neck pain/spinal decompression qualification case history and

questionnaire to help determine if you are a candidate.

3. A specialized Neck & Back Pain/Spinal Decompression Qualification


4. A “Recommended Action Plan” giving you the results of your examination

and informing you if you qualify for our Spinal Decompression neck and/or

back pain program and what your options are. If at this point our evaluation

reveals a condition that is better treated by other means, we will refer you to

the appropriate Doctor.

5. I could also show you our Spinal Decompression system and demonstrate

how it works. You could “see it for yourself”.

How would you like to take part in that amazing evaluation for yourself? You can…without

spending a single penny.

Here’s the answer to #2:

Since I Can’t Possibly Do That Evaluation and Show You If Spinal Decompression

Will Work For You Without You Actually Being Here… I’m Willing To Give You That

Exact Neck and Back Pain/Spinal Decompression Qualification Evaluation.

Just call my office at 770-474-1421 and mention that you want your “ SPINAL

DECOMPRESSION” Evaluation. It’s at minimal cost with no strings attached. You will NOT

be pressured to become a patient. I don’t need to do that.

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 9

“I Want to Give This To As Many Neck and Back Pain Sufferers

As Possible…Before It’s Too Late.”

The incredible feeling and freedom of knowing what is wrong and how your problem can be

solved. The incredible feeling and freedom of FINALLY living without pain.

Bottom-Line: If you are suffering. If you don’t know what’s going on inside you. If you’re

wondering if you will ever get better. If you are scared you’re gonna get worse and have to get

surgery. If you have already had surgery and it didn’t work or even made you worse. After you

get this free evaluation and see what Spinal Decompression can do for you, you’ll realize that

you may not need to wonder or suffer anymore!

After you get this evaluation and qualify for Spinal Decompression you will be like the one-eyed

man in the valley of the blind! If you don’t know that story, he was king!

Now, I cannot tell you right now if you will qualify for my Spinal Decompression program, but if

you do you have absolutely nothing to lose and possibly…everything to gain.

But you must do this right away. As I mentioned above, I have a very busy practice already.

Once the word got out about my Spinal Decompression program, neck and back pain sufferers

started coming out of the woodwork.

Now that I’ve written this report and started running ads, I honestly don’t know how long this

offer will last. I could literally get swamped with calls overnight and have to shut it down. I can

only accept a very limited amount of new patients every month.

I always want to make sure you get the individual attention your case requires so you get better

as fast as humanly possible. For that reason…this offer could be suspended or cancelled at

any time. Most likely I will be forced to start a waiting list.

But I will guarantee you an immediate appointment if you call within the next 12 days.

After that, your spot will be released to someone else.

So don’t delay. Any “thinking it over” and you could be shut out. It’s scary how fast word about

my program is traveling. If you are even the slightest bit interested in what I’ve said in this

report and finding out if spinal decompression therapy can end your pain and suffering…call

770-474-1421 right now, while it is still on your mind and I still have openings.

You’ve spent so much time suffering already. Why not take 15 minutes of your time and find

out the REAL cause and the REAL solution to your neck and back pain…and make your life so

much easier and better?

This is how you can finally take away the pain and open so many doors in your life that were

slammed shut due to this crippling condition. Finally you can achieve all the things you easily

could have without the pain and suffering of neck and back pain constantly holding you back.

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 10

The 7 Most Dangerous

Words To Your Future

There are 7 simple words that threaten to ruin the rest of your life. Destroy ALL

your future happiness. What are they?

“It will go away all by itself.”

If those words have crossed your mind, here are the disturbing facts:

1. Millions of adults will suffer with neck and/or back pain at some time in

their lives.

2. Neck and Back Pain is one of the leading causes of disability for people

under 45 years of age.

3. Neck and/or Back Pain is a leading cause of visits to doctors’ offices.

4. Statistics indicate that 10 to 15% of the population have Neck and/or

Back Pain in any given year…approximately 30 million cases.

My conclusion….75% of neck and back pain sufferers will have either pain or

disability or pain AND disability one year after their initial consultation to a medical

doctor…It is clear that back pain does NOT get better without PROPER treatment.

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 11

Thirty Year Rule…

The thirty year rule is one of the most dramatic, important & life-changing realities you

can ever discover. Once you understand this harsh fact of life, the decision you have in

front of you right now will become so miniscule - so trivial - so easy to make - like

taking candy from a baby… or Oprah Winfrey retiring early!!

Yet, if you don’t understand this simple reality, you may wake up one day with the

crushing realization that you’ve “let it all slip away” and it is “too late.”

The thirty year rule states that most of you reading this report, according to the average

onset of neck and back pain and the average human life span, have approximately

thirty years left on this planet - some more, some less.

This means you only have approximately thirty years to do EVERYTHING you’ve

always wanted to do…or guess what? You never will. As far as I know, you can never

get any of this precious time back…not even one measly second!

Now, I don’t know about you, but the first thirty years of my life went by in the blink of

an eye - and it seems like the second thirty are speeding by like Speedy Gonzales on


Now, the thirty year rule is not meant to scare you - only to give you a little “wake up

call.” How are you gonna spend the next thirty years? The only thirty years you have

left. Agonizing in pain? Tired? Complaining? Downright miserable? Missing all the

“golden” opportunities and moments in life? Or living life to it’s fullest…without any


Real Life Security…

Most people think about one thing when they think about security…MONEY. Well, the

minute you suffer with a serious health problem such as neck pain, you know that not

to be true. Just ask yourself this question: “If I could plunk down $1 million in your lap

right now, or take away your neck pain, which would you choose?

What would you do with your $1 million, feeling like you do now?

There are many ways to make money and enjoy life if you are healthy and pain-free. I

don’t personally know of one if you are constantly in pain.

The only ultimate security in life is your health. When you have your health, you can do

anything you set your mind to…it removes so many barriers from your life…the world is

your oyster.

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 12

"How Will I Know That My Body Is

Improving? Will This Work For Me?”

It’s ALL about re-testing. That’s how you and I will both know if you are improving

and if our treatment is working. Our action plan is…test, treat and re-test.

We can't spend all of this time and effort getting to the root of your problem and then

just hope that our treatment protocols made the changes. We have to measure, and if

necessary, change our in treatment, and measure again. Not that you won't be feeling

better as we make these changes, but we have to measure our change so we keep

moving toward the goals we set together.

It takes time to make these changes because of the test, treat, re-test scenario. Our

job is to get to the root of your problem and correct it.

The reason you are reading this report and you have not been helped is because no

one was willing to sit down and listen to you, no one was willing to take the time to

understand your problem, no one has done a thorough workup on you, and take the

time necessary to make changes.

"What If It Doesn't Work For Me?”

I will be right up front with you: the number one factor that determines success

and failure with a case, is how closely the patient follows our care

recommendations. If you do the things that I prescribe, then you are going to go down

the road you have been wanting, probably for a long time, which is...moving toward

"normal" again.

You are reading this because you are one of the smart few who wants to take

control of your health, and do what it takes to help your body. Nothing else

matters when you lose your health. I love working with patients like you because you

are willing to sit here and learn about your problem, and listen, and make the changes

necessary to get your health back on track. To get back to the business of living good


The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 13

“What About Cost?”

The cost of our initial review of your case and consultation is $250.00(but if you

schedule your case review within 2 weeks of requesting this report there will be

charge of only, $65.00, and you will receive 2 Free visits.) As we discussed, our

protocols steps out of the "medical box" so we can do what is necessary, and take the

time necessary, to help YOU. Until we know the specifics of your case, what labs we

need to run, and how long we anticipate it taking to make the functional changes we

need, there is no way to say what the cost is going to be.

Just rest assured that I am on your side. My job is to work with YOU, to help you

improve your condition. My job is to deal with all of the specifics of your case, listen to

you, and work with you to make the proper functional changes.

Everything can be done in steps. The first step is a case review and consultation so we

can get to specifics.

We have financing available through our office, and many different payment options to

help out of pocket expenses have a very minimal impact on your financial situation. We

can make it work.

Your main concern should be on getting well and feeling better again. You have the rest

of your life in this body, and you can be energetic, healthy, and enjoy it, or suffer with

your current symptoms. The best choice is to get to the case of your problem!

You can be one of the fortunate few who get the proper support and management and

live well OR you can continue feeling like you do now. The choice is yours...but the

correct option is staring right at you. It's here. I believe you know in your "gut" that this is

what you need to do.

“I'm Ready To Get On Track, and Start

Feeling Good Again, What Do I Do?”

At this point you should realize that your condition has not been managed in the most

optimal way, and your current medication or therapy protocol is not going to get you

where you want to go. You really should be asking how can I get this type of functional

support approach? How can I get the kind of management you describe?

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 14

"How Does Consulting With Your Office


Every new client we work with begins with a case review and consultation like I spoke

of previously for only 250.00 plus two free visits. When you schedule your case review

and consultation, we will send you our comprehensive case history and dietary &

nutritional questionnaire. This will allow us to learn everything about your case and

your history. We will need you to send us all of your lab tests that you have had done

by other doctors.

We will have you fax or mail both the questionnaires and the previous labs to our

office, prior to your scheduled consultation. This allows us to have adequate time to

review your case prior to your scheduled phone appointment. This makes our time

together extremely efficient and productive for you.

During that consultation we are going to thoroughly discuss your case and talk about

the dietary, lifestyle, and supplemental changes we can make immediately to make

a positive impact on your condition.

We are also going to discuss the specific lab tests that will give us the specific

information needed to uncover the mechanisms (causes) of your condition. We will

direct you to the proper labs locally and have the results sent back to us. Most tests

are done via a home collection kit so we will just send you whatever we determine is

needed. For labs that require a blood draw we use a company called Lab Corp.

After we direct you to the appropriate labs we will usually receive your results in 2 to 4

weeks. At that time we will have a follow up consultation to review the results. At that

time we will make very specific lifestyle, nutrition, and supplemental changes

according to the results of YOUR labs, custom tailored to your exact needs.

How we continue our relationship after our initial consultation and follow up

appoint is completely up to you. After we have completed our initial consultation,

and made our initial set of treatment recommendations we will decide on our next step.

Usually we will prescribe to you a series of diet, lifestyle, and supplemental changes,

and then schedule another consultation in the future. This will allow us to review your

progress, review your most recent lab findings, and move onto the next phase of care.

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"What do I mean by the next phase of care?”

When we are working in the functional model (looking at the mechanisms for dysfunction)

there are usually a logical progression of changes that we have to make in order to improve

your condition. We may identify three imbalances, call them A, B, and C. Your particular

case may require an Initial Consultation with Dr. Phillip Paulk, DC

- $250.00(Only $65.00 if you schedule within 2 weeks of requesting this report)

"What Is Included In The Initial Consultation?..."

1. A consultation with me, Dr. Michael L. Johnson, D.C., D.A.C. N.B., to discuss

your problems and concerns.

2. A complete case history and questionnaire.

3. A dietary and nutrition evaluation.

4. A complete analysis of dietary habits.

5. In addition we are going to analyze your current supplements, herbs, natural

medicines, botanicals, and homeopathic's to determine whether they are

beneficial or actually detrimental to your condition.

6. We will also review your medical records and lab tests, and we are going to go

over them with a fine tooth comb.

7. We are going to determine whether you have had the appropriate lab tests

ordered, and make a decision of what further testing is required.

8. Implementation of any immediate beneficial changes we can make based off of

previous labs and your history.

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If you are sick and tired of living with your symptoms and slowly watching it get

worse over time… If you would like to take a natural and functional approach to

help and enhance your health and feel great again… then call us at 770-474-

1421and schedule your Complete Case Review and Consultation. We will get you

scheduled and send out our new patient history and questionnaires. The cost for the

initial consultation will cover the review of your history, review of past medical records,

and our consultation.

DON’T continue feeling bad for another day, when the potential answer to your

SUFFERING is here, right in front of you. How would you feel, finding out years from

now that the answer to your problem was right in front of your face all along...and you

let it slip through your fingers?

You won’t regret it.

Your Clock is Ticking…

Each day that passes while you live in pain and do nothing about it… Each day that

passes while you do not have the answers that this test and evaluation can possibly

give you, is a day you might be getting worse…one day closer to disability or even


That adds up. Time passing without this treatment robs you of a lot of enjoyments of

life, and enjoyment delayed is too often enjoyment lost. Struggling to get out of bed.

Tying your shoes. Playing with your children.

If you’re struggling with neck pain now, what makes you think you’ll get better without

something new. Something different. Something RADICALLY different. That

something new, something radically different is what will be revealed to you when you

get your evaluation. That something radically new and different is SPINAL


So when I said your clock is ticking and I want to give this to you before it’s too late, I’m

talking about a powerful decision you MUST make RIGHT NOW. After all, it’s your

back, not mine…it’s your thirty years, not mine…it’s your life, not mine.

If this does not spur you into picking up the phone right now and scheduling your FREE

test and evaluation and seeing EXACTLY what Spinal Decompression can do for YOU,

I’m at a loss as to what would.

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 17

Here’s Something to Consider:

When you experience my Spinal Decompression system and see how quick and

easy it can be to finally get out of pain…it’s the most wonderful feeling in the world.

If you continue doing what you’re doing and it fails…like most neck or back pain

treatments out there…it can rip your heart out and destroy your life.

It is worth 15 or 20 minutes of your time to see what I have to offer? Are you

kidding me? If my program only works half as well as I know it does…it can mean a

whole new life for you. When you finally get rid of pain that has been holding you

back, success and happiness can come flooding into your life, literally overnight.

Without taking this step, you may struggle forever. And still never discover the

secret solution to your neck pain. You can go to 50 other doctors and read 500

books and listen to all the “experts” in the chat rooms…and still not even come close

to the awesome potential and power I’m about to hand you.

I can’t even begin to understand why anyone (who is serious about solving their

neck and back pain and living a happy pain-free life) would not JUMP on this

opportunity - immediately. So many people have been helped already and are pain-

free today. It makes no sense for you to continue to suffer when you don’t have to.

So what’s it gonna be?

I’ve shouldered ALL the risk and you don’t risk a single penny.

Call now. Don’t get left out. And start a brand new life WITHOUT neck pain in as

little as a couple of treatments.

Dr. Phillip Paulk

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 18

P.S. Please remember, you only have 12 days to call and get your spinal

decompression evaluation ($250.00 value). I have also received hundreds of calls

requesting this report. If you do not act fast, you may have to be placed on a waiting list

and have to pay the full $245.00 fee. I am the only doctor in the Fox Valley using Spinal

Decompression AND oxygen to get you BETTER FAST! If you think this amazing

opportunity might be for you - call right now.

P.P.S. One last warning: I want you to experience Spinal Decompression before it’s

too late. Before you lose your career. Before you become a surgical statistic and end

up in a wheel chair. Before you live your entire life in misery. Before you are beyond


After you come in for your evaluation and experience the Spinal Decompression you will

have the ONE THING so many others around you suffering with neck and back pain do

not have. This is your opportunity to possess a power that so many suffering with neck

pain do not have. Sort of like being the only person with an “S” on your chest who can

run faster than a locomotive and leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Because I suffered with severe sciatica myself in 2001 and I know how neck and back

pain consumes and ruins your life, I am absolutely convinced that it is more important for

you to focus your attention on this ONE THING--the possible solution to your neck pain--

than anything else, regardless of how important you THINK other things are.

When you suffer with neck and/or back pain, NOTHING can make you happy.

When you FINALLY get relief from your neck and back pain, you will hold the key to the

vault…the vault that allows you to do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do in life -

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Conversely, NOT solving your neck and/or back pain problem imprisons you many

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The decision you have in front of you right now is gravely important.

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You can talk to a live person. We are expecting your call. Call now!

The Paulk Clinic | www.thepaulkclinic.com | 770-474-1421 19

Reference List

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