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How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

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Page 1: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

Copyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author.

Page 2: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon

(Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation patterning in flowers

A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Plant Molecular Biology

at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Y ongjin Shang


Page 3: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation


Floral stripes are a common pigmentation pattern in plants. Defining the molecular

mechanisms of the striped pattern formation will aid understanding of how a gene can

be differentially regulated across a population of similar cells. In the venation

phenotype of Antirrhinum majus, the anthocyanin pigment is typically confined to the

adaxial epidermal cells overlaying the petal veins.


To explore how this pattern forms this study focused on the expression and regulation

of Venosa, a Myb regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis. P igment complementation

experiments demonstrated that the lack of a MYB factor caused the lack of pigment in

the cells outside the venation pigmentation domain. An allele of Venosa was isolated

and identified. It was a mutant version of functional Venosa due to the central part being

replaced by a transposon. Phenotype / genotype analysis indicated that the venation

pigmentation patterning was due to the functional Venosa. In situ mRNA hybridisation

showed that Venosa was expressed from the xylem to the adaxial epidermis, and was

controlled spatially and quantitatively by a signal associated with the petal veins.

Venosa expression provided the longitudinal axis for venation pigmentation stripes, and

determined the location and intensity of the p igmented cells. Because another factor

required for pigmentation, a bHLH factor, is specifically expressed in epidermal cells

and it provides the transverse axis. The pigmented stripes are the cross expression

domain of these two kinds of factors.

The transcriptional controlling property of a 2.4 kb (relative to the A TG) promoter

region of the Venosa gene was analysed. The -900 bp fragment was characterised in

detail using 5' -end deletion mutagenesis. A heterologous host, tobacco, was used for

analysis in stable transgenics. The homologous host, Antirrhinum, was used for

transient assays. The efficacy and efficiency of different reporter genes (intron­

containing GUS, GFP, Venosa cDNA and genomic Venosa) and enhancement systems

(transcriptional enhancer, translational enhancer, inhibitor of post transcriptional gene

silencing and a two-step signaIing amplification system) for the detection of low-level

reporter gene expression were also tested. The strength of expression correlated to the

length of the promoter fragment, and expression was detected using deletions down to

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-500 bp, although only weak expression was found. This expression was flower specific

but not vein related in both plant hosts. No expression was detected in petals of either

host with fragments shorter than -500 bp. The results suggest that the fragment from

-380 bp to -900 bp positively affected Venosa expression at the transcriptional level, but

might not be sufficient to define venation. A possibility is that the venation controlling

property is negatively controlled at the epigenetic level, such as DNA methylation

status and / or chromatin structure.

The role of gibberellin and sugar in the pigment and venation patterning formation of

Antirrhinum was studied. The results suggest that gibberellin is not required for

pigmentation or venation patteming. Convincing evidence on the role of sugar signaling

could not be obtained from the experiments, due to the difficulty in separating the

impact on pigmentation from other functions of sugars in petal development.

In addition, the in situ analysis detected the expression of a gene probably related to

aurone biosynthesis that may be a regulatory gene of this biosynthetic pathway.

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This acknowledgement is to the following people who have assisted me with my PhD



To my supervisors Kathy Schwinn, Kevin Davies and Paula Jameson, for giving me the

opportunity to be involved in an interesting and challenging research project; for

training me in many aspects, especially in lab techniques, research strategies,

presentation skills and writing abilities; for supporting and encouraging me to finish this

study, an important step in my life. Your assistance that has been built into my ability

and confidence in scientific research is so precious and valuable, that I always feel so

lucky and cannot thank you enough.

To Cathie Martin (John Innes Centre), for giving me valuable advice during the

research. Cathie initiated the study of venation pigmentation patterning and provided

the opportunity to further explore this phenomenon.

To Huaibi Zhang, for frequently giving me assistance in solving various problems; to

Erin Q'Donohue, for patiently teaching me in situ hybridisation technique; to Liz

Nickless, for providing assistance in confocol microscopy; to Simon Deroles, for

excellent support in computing; to Ian King, for carefully culturing so many transgenic

plants; to Ray Rains, for providing quality plant material; to Steve Arathoon and Jan

Manson, for providing countless chemical solutions; to Tony Corbett, for excellent

photography and poster-design; to Andrew Mullan, Beverley Hoffmann and Margaret

Young, for providing quality media.

To Donald Hunter, David Lewis, Murry Boase, Dave Brummell, Julian Heyes, Marian

Mckenzie, Ross Lill, Jocelyn Eason, Ranjith Pathirana, Keren Neilsen, Lyn Watson,

Sheryl Somerfield, Michael Bennett, Lei Wang, Dacey Ryan, Tatyana Pinkney, John

Javallana, Nady Pathirana, Nicholas Albert, Toni Waugh, Camela Lee, Margaret

Burling, Nigel Gapper, Vern Collette, John Harris, Deepa Patel, Yvonne Dommels,

Philip West, for your supporting and helping in various ways.

Page 6: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

To Alexander lohnson and Mark Tester (Austral ian Centre for Plant Functional

Genomics) for providing plasmid pC-4956:ET 1 5 .

To Crop & Food Research, The Institute of Molecular BioSciences, Massey University

and Marsden Fund, for providing funds and support to my study.

To my son and wife, my parents, my relatives, my friends, for your support and

encouragement during my study.


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Table of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 I ntroduction

1 .1 Overview

Table of Contents

1.2 Anthocyanin pigments in plants


1.2.1 Anthocyanins as plant pigments and their biological functions

in flowers

1.2.2 Anthocyanin b iosynthesis

Gene regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in model plant species












1.3.1 Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in maize 8



1.3.2 Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in petunia and Arabidopsis 10

1.3.3 Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in antirrhinum 11 Spatial and temporal control of anthocyanin production in

antirrhinum Transcription factors contro lling anthocyanin biosynthesis

in antirrhinum flowers

S ignals that might regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis in flowers

1.4.1 Action of gibberellins during petal development

1.4.2 The role of sugar signalling in flower pigmentation

1.4.3 The role of light controlling anthocyanin biosynthesis

1.4.4 Other factors affecting anthocyanin biosynthesis

Pigmentation patterns in flowers

1.5.1 Unstable and stable patterns in flowers

1.5.2 P igmentation patterning during petal development

1.5.3 Striped pigmentation patterning in flowers












1.6 Antirrhinum majus as a model species for the study of

Page 8: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

pigmentation parterning

1.7 The aims & objectives of the project




Chapter 2 Methods and Materials 25





















Plant material

General bacterial growth and plasmid purification methods

2.2.1 Growth of bacterial cultures

2.2.2 Plasmid DNA preparation

2.2.3 Transformation of E. coli by heat shock

2.2.4 Transformation of A. tumefaciens by electroporation

2.2.5 Storage of bacteria

General DNA methods

2.3.1 Quantification of DNA

2.3.2 Electrophoresis of DNA

2.3.3 Amplification of DNA by PCR

2.3.4 DNA purification, digestion and ligation

2.3.5 Sequencing

Plant RNA and DNA extraction protocol

Construct generation

2.5.1 Construct generation for genetic complementation

2.5.2 Preparation of Venosa promoter 5' deletion constructs

2.5.3 Arabidopsis ubiquitin promoter transcriptional enhancer





and Omega translational enhancer constructs 38

2.5.4 Gal4 two-step transcriptional amplification system constructs 38

2.5.5 Construction of constructs to use PTGS inhibitor p19

in transient assay

2.5.6 Construction of binary vectors

Particle bombardment for transient gene expression

2.6.1 Preparation of gold particles

2.6.2 Precipitation of DNA onto gold particles

2.6.3 Particle bombardment

2.6.4 Plant material

Stable tobacco transgenics

2.7.1 Preparation of A. tumefaciens culture










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2 . 1 0

2.7.2 Transformation

Reporter gene assays


In situ hybridi sation of Venosa mRNA

2 . 1 0. 1 Plant material

2. 1 0.2 Precautions to avoid RNase contamination

2 . 1 0 .3 Sectioning

2. 1 0.4 Probe synthesis

2 . 1 0 .5 Pretreatments

2 . 1 0.6 in situ hybridisation and immunological detection


2 . 1 1 Isolation and identification of a mutant Venosa al lele


5 1

5 2







5 8

5 9

2 . 1 1 .1 Isolation and characterisation of two Venosa genomic clones 59

2 . 1 1 .2 Comparison of the promoter structure of two Venosa genomic clones 60

2 . 1 1 . 3 Genotype determination for different phenotypes using PCR 60

2. 1 2 Inhibition of Venosa expression using RNAi

2 . 1 2 . 1 Venosa RN Ai construct



6 1 2.12.2 Plant material

2 .13 Investigation of the role of gibberell in and sugar signal ing in control ling

venation pigmentation patterning 6 1

2 . 1 3 . 1 Emasculation experiments 6 1

2 . 1 3 .2 Experiments testing detached petal response to GA3 supplementation

In vitro 62

2 . 1 3 . 3 Experiments testing detached petal response to different sugar

supplements in vitro

2 .13.4 Girdling experiments



Chapter 3 Venosa controls the venation pigmentation patterning

in the petals of antirrhinum

3 . 1

3 .2



3 . 3 . 1 Floral development and pigmentation

3 .2.2 Non-pigmented cells in the petal epidermis can be

pigmented by Venosa expression

3.2.3 Venosa expression detected by in situ hybridisation






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i s in a vein-specific manner

3.2.4 Venosa RNAi


3.3.1 Cel ls lacking anthocyanin pigment in the non-pigment domain

is due to lack of MYB protein, suggesting that the venation

pigmentation patteming is due to the localised expression





controlled by a myb gene promoter 79

3.3.2 Venation pigmentation patteming was due to Venosa 79

3.3.3 The performance of the controls in the in situ mRNA experiments 81

3.3.4 A possible l ink with a regulator of aurone biosynthesis 82

3.3.5 Particle bombardment was not effective for Venosa RNAi 83

Conclusion 83

Chapter 4 Isolation and identification of a mutant Venosa allele 85

4.1 Introduction 85

4.2 Results 85

4.2.1 Isolation and characteri sation of two different Venosa

genomic clones 85

4.2.2 Structural similarity between GBV promoter and GSV promoter 87

4.2.3 Genotypes of the tested l ines 88

4.3 Discussion 89

4.3.1 GSV and GBV are alleles 89

4.3.2 GSV represents a functional Venosa allele and GBV a

non-functional allele 90

4.3.3 Venosa / venosa genotypes were consi stent with venal / non-venal

phenotype 90

4.4 Conclusion 91

Chapter 5 Transient assay of Venosa promoter 5' deletion constructs 92





I ntroduction


5.2.1 -700 VEN:GFP and -700 VEN:JGUS constructs fai l to give foci in

transient assays with particle bombardment 95

5.2.2 Efficacy of Venosa as reporter gene in particle bombardment 97

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5.2.3 Efficacy of the arabidopsis ubiquitin transcriptional enhancer

and omega translational enhancer

5.2.4 Particle bombardment assays using the Gal4 enhancement system

5.2.5 p 19 as suppressor of gene silencing

5 .2.6 Agro-Infiltration assay

5.3 Discussion

5.3.1 The expression of Venosa promoter deletions was too weak to be

detected using IGUS or GFP as reporters for transient assays

5.3.2 Arabidopsis ubiquitin promoter transcriptional enhancer

and Omega translational enhancer were not effective

for Venosa promoter analysis

5.3.3 The Gal4 system was not effective for Venosa promoter analysis

5.3.4 p 19 is not appropriate for the transient assay of Venosa

promoter activity

5.3.5 The efficacy and efficiency of Agro-infiltration as a method for

promoter analysis

5.4 Conclusion

Chapter6 Venosa promoter analysis in stable transgenics of tobacco

6.1 I ntroduction

6.2 Results

6.2.1 Transgenic lines harboring Rosea cDNA or GFP constructs

6.2.2 Transgenic lines harboring IGUS constructs

6.3 Discussion

6.3.1 Transgenic tobacco plants harboring VEN:Rosea or VEN:GFP

deletion constructs

6.3.2 Transgenic lines harboring VEN:IGUS constructs

6.3.3 Detection efficiency of GFP and GUS as reporters in

stable transgenics

6.4 Conclusion

Chapter 7 Investigation of the role of gibberellin and sugar signaling in

controll ing venation pigmentation patterning

7.1 I ntroduction



















1 20

1 20


1 23


1 24

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7.2 Results



Emasculation experiments

Spontaneously arising variant flowers


1 25

1 25

1 26



Response of detached petals to gibberel l in supplementation in vitro 1 26

Response of detached petals to different sugar supplements in vitro 1 28


7.2.5 Girdl ing experiments


1 28

1 32

7.3.1 Emasculation experiments and naturally mutated individual flowers 1 32

7.3.2 Response of detached petals to gibberell in supplementation in vitro 1 33

7.3.3 Response of detached petals to different sugar supplements in vitro 1 34


7.3.4 Girdl ing experiments


Chapter 8 General discussion

8.1 Summary of the aims and results of the study

8.1 .1 Pigmentation patteming is due to Venosa gene activity

8.1 .2 Analysis of the Venosa promoter transcriptional activity

8.1 .3 The possible role of GA3 and sugar in the formation of the

venation pigmentation patteming of antirrhinum flowers

8.2 A hypothesis for the control of Venosa gene expression and

venation patterning

8.3 Limitations of the study and future experimental directions



Appendix I

Appendix 11

Appendix III

Appendix IV

Appendix V

Appendix VI

List of primers used

The sequence of genomic Venosa allele 1 (GSV)

The sequence of genomic venosa allele 2 (GBV)

The sequence of the transposon allocating in the

central part of venosa allele 2 (GBV)

The sequence of 2.4 kb promoter of Venosa

Identification of potential eis-elements in Venosa

1 35

1 36

1 37

1 37

1 37

1 40

1 41

1 42

1 45

1 47

1 75

1 75

1 81

1 84

1 88

1 91

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Appendix V I I


promoter using the Web Signal Scan Program 193

GUS staining results for the stable tobacco transgenics 198

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List of Figures

Figure 1 . 1

Figure 1 .2

Figure 1 .3

Figure 1 .4

Figure 1 .5

Figure 1 .6

Figure 2. 1

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3

Figure 2.4

Figure 2.5

Figure 2.6

Figure 2.7

Figure 2.8

Figure 2.9

Photographs i l lustrating complexity of floral pigmentation

patterning in orchid.

Floral venation pigmentation patterning is common in nature.

Three selected phenotypes of A.majus.

Anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in Antirrhinum.

The current model of gene regulation of anthocyanin b iosynthesis.

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) flower consists of two d istinct regions,

the tube and l imb, and its p igmentation patterning is related to the

petal structure, in which pigmentation only occurs in the l imb.

Flower developmental stages of A. majus venation phenotype.

The map of the vector used for promoter deletion constructs,


Schematic representation of the structure of deletion constructs.

The main 5' end Venosa promoter deletions.

The constructs developed for strategies to enhance the expression of

weak p romoter deletions.

The strategy for making binary constructs for stable tobacco


Helium particle inflow gun used in the biolistic bombardments in

this study.

The probe for Venosa mRNA in situ hybridisation.

Schematic representation of the structure of pVenosa-RNAi


Figure 2. 1 0 Protocol to test the response o f detached petals to gibberellin and

Figure 3. 1

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3

sugar in vitro.

Anthocyanin p igment patterning in venation phenotype.

Pigmentation complementation.

CHS in situ m RNA expression pattern in sections of flowers of A.


Page 15: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

Figure 3.4

Figure 3.5

Figure 3.6

Figure 3.7

Figure 3.8

Figure 3.9

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.2

Figure 4.3

Figure 4.4

Figure 4.5

Figure 5.1

Figure 5.2

Figure 5.3

Figure 5.4

Figure 5.5

Figure 5.6


Venosa in situ mRNA expression pattern in the petal of A. ma jus.

Variation in the expression pattern of Venosa in the tube region of A.


Venosa in situ mRNA expression pattern in the petal tubes of four

Antirrhinum species.

Venosa in situ mRNA expression pattern in the petal tubes of two

An tirrhinum samples which lack venation pigmentation.

Probing of the aurone pattern in the lobe area of Antirrhinum


Venosa antisense probe signal matches with the two pigmentation

patterns, the anthocyanin venation pattern and the aurone patch

pattern in A. molle (AA128).

Two specific DNA fragments were amplified using venation

phenotype genomic DNA as template in gradient PCR.

Structural comparison of two Venosa alleles.

Functional analysis of two Venosa alleles.

GBV and GSV possibly share same or similar promoter region.

Using Venosa specific primers in PCR to determine the Venosa

genotypes in different phenotype lines.

Transient assay using particle bombardment transformation of

antirrhinum petals of the roseadorsea line. The strategy for making the

Venosa promoter deletion constructs.

Venosa promoter transient assay using particle bombardment with

genomic Venosa.

Transient assay with particle bombardment using Gal4 two-step

transcriptional amplification system.

Transient expression using p19 as inhibitor of PTGS.

Transient assay using 35S:p19 construct.

-900VEN:p19 can enhance VEN:IGUS activity, resulting in low

number of GUS-staining foci when co-introduced into the epidermal

cells of venation phenotype petals with particle bombardment.

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Figure 5.7

Figure 5.8

Figure 5.9

Figure 6.1

Figure 6.2

Figure 6.3

Figure 7.1

Figure 7.2

Figure 7.3

Figure 7.4

Figure 7.5

Figure 8.1


A transient expression system for flowers using Agro-infiltration and


A transient expression system for flowers using Agro-infiltration and


Structure of Gal4 two-step transcriptional amplification system.

Weak venation pigmentation patterning is visible in the limb of

Nicotiana tabacum flowers.

Transgenic plants containing Venosa promoter deletion constructs.

The GUS staining pattern of VEN:IGUS deletion constructs in

transgenic tobacco flowers.

Development of emasculated flowers and mutant flowers.

GA3 supplementation of detached petals in vitro.

Sugar supplementation of detached petals in vitro.

Pigmentation and abnormal patterning could be induced by

culturing the petal in MS media + sucrose when it was at a very

early stage «5mm in bud length).

Response of flower buds to gird ling of the inflorescence stem.

The mechanism of venation pigmentation patterning formation in

antirrhinum is schematically shown in cross section.

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List of Tables

Table 2.1

Table 2.2

Table 2.3

Table 2.4

Table 2.5

Table 3.1

Table 6.1

List of Venosa promoter deletion constructs

The constructs used for enhancement of the expression of Venosa

promoter deletions in particle bombardment

Binary constructs

The number of independent tobacco transgenic lines produced for

each construct

Species and phenotype of plant material used for in situ mRNA

hybridisation of Venosa

Plant material and result of in situ mRNA of Venosa

Fluorescence microscopy observation of stable tobacco transgenic

plants harboring 35S:GFP

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CaMV 35S





















absorbance at 260 run

absorbance at 600 run


anthocyanidin synthase


adenosine triphosphate

6-benzylamino purine


degrees Celsius


cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter

complementary DNA

chalcone synthase



2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate

2'-deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate

dihydroflavonol 4-reductase

2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate

dimethyl sulphoxide

deoxyribonucleic acid

deoxynucleotide triphosphate

2'-deoxythymidine 5'-triphosphate

ethylenediaminetetracetic acid

ethidium bromide

flavanone 3-hydroxylase




gibberellic acid

genomic big venosa


Page 19: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation


GFP green fluorescent protein

GMO genetical ly modified organism

GSV genomic smal l venosa

GUS B-glucuronidase

gVenosa genomic Venosa

h hour

IGUS intron GUS

IPTG isopropyl-B-D-thiogalactoside

Kan kanamycin

kb kilo base-pairs

KV kilo volts

L l i tre

LB Luria-Bertani (media or broth)

M molar, moles per l i tre

mm minute

J-lg mIcro gram

mg mil l igram

mL mi l l i l itre

J-lM micro molar, micro moles per l i tre

MOPS 3-[N-morpholino] propanesulphonic acid

mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid

MS Murashige and Skoog Basal M edium

NaHAc sodium acetate

ng nanogram

NOS nopaline synthase

nptIl neomycin phosphotransferase gene

OCS octopine synthase

PCR polymerase chain reaction

pmol pico-molar, pico moles per l itre

rATP riboxyadenosine triphosphate

rCTP riboxycytidine triphosphate

rGTP riboxyguanosine triphosphate

RNA ribonucleic acid

RNase ribonuclease

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revolutions per minute

riboxyuradine triphosphate

sodium dodecyl suphate

saline sodium citrate buffer


tris borate EDT A buffer

tris-buffered sal ine solution

tris-EDT A buffer

transcription factors


polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate

uraci l


Venosa promoter deletions

Venosalvenosa heterozygous

venosalvenosa homozygous

volume per volume

weight per volume



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1.1 Overview

Chapter 1

Pigmentation patterns in petals are prominent features in many angiosperm plants.

Various pigmentation patterns such as stripes, spots, circles and irregular patches occur

naturally. These patterns, when integrated with different colour and pigment intensity,

can become very complex (Figure 1.1). To achieve such patterns, the plant must control

pigment production not only in a tissue-specific manner, but also to the level of the

individual cel l . The anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway has been elucidated at the level

of the structural gene, and is even partly understood at the level of the regulatory gene.

However, little is known about how such complex petal pigmentation patterns form.

Defining the molecular mechanisms of pigment pattern formation wil l aid

understanding of how a gene can be differentially regulated across a population of

similar cel ls .

Among the various pigmentation patterns that occur, stripes are common in nature

( Figure 1 .2) , and they occur in the model species A nti rrhi num maj us (antirrhinum). I n

the venation phenotype of antirrhinum, anthocyanin pigment is confined to the adaxial

epidermal cel ls overlaying the petal veins ( Figure 1 .3 ). Three myb genes regulate

anthocyanin biosynthesis in this model species (Schwinn et aI., 2006). One of the myb

genes, Venos a, was isolated from a venation phenotype in a Rosea l mutant (ros eadorsea)

background. It has been hypothesised that the venation pigmentation patterning is due

to the localised expression of Venosa.

Based on this, the purpose of this PhD project, which is a component of a Marsden

Fund of New Zealand project, was to investigate the molecular mechanisms controlling

venation pigmentation patterning in the petals of antirrhinum by functionally analysing

Venosa and exploring its upstream regulatory mechanism.

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c D

Figure 1.1 Photographs i l lustrating complexity of floral pigmentat ion patterning in orchid. (A, B and C) Paphi opedi lum hybrids;(D) Ph alaenopsis hybrid. Photos courtesy of Dr Kevin Davies.


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Figure 1 .2 Floral venation pigmentation patteming is common in nature. (A) Petunia hybrida (common name Petunia); (B) VioLa hybrid (common name Pansy); (C) PhaLaenopsis hybrid; (D) Crocus vernus. Photos courtesy of Drs Kevin Davies and Guojun Sun.


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Figure 1 .3 Three selected phenotypes of A . majus. (A) Fully red flower, which is controlled by Rosea I and accepted as the wildtype due to its widespread occunence in nature; (B) Venation phenotype, which is hypothetically controlled by Venosa, and was experimentally characterised its genotype, Venosalvenosa, in this study; (C) roseadorsea

phenotype, a mutant of Roseal (Its genotype is roseallroseal in Rosea locus). It was also experimentally characterised as the genotype venosalvenosa in Venosa locus in this study. Roseal and Venosa are different loci and not alleles. The phenotype of Venosa can't be seen unless Roseal is mutated such as in roseadorsea background. Photos courtesy of Dr Kathy Schwinn.


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1 .2 A nthocyanin pigments i n plants

1 .2 . 1 Aothocyaoins a s plant pigments and their biological functions in flowers

The common plant pigments can be grouped into four classes according to their

chemical structures and biosynthetic pathway: chlorophylls, betalains, carotenoids and

flavonoids. (Davies, 2004). Flavonoids represent a large class of secondary plant

metabolites and play many key functions in plant development (Gould and Lister,

2006). According to chemical structure, they can be sub-grouped into chalcones,

flavones, flavonols, flavandiols, anthocyanins, and condensed tannins (or

proanthocyanidins) (Winkel-Shirley, 2001).

Anthocyanins are the most significant flavonoid plant pigments. They are synthesised in

the cytosol, and then transported into acidic vacuoles by specific transporters for

biological functions (Kitamura, 2006). Robert Boyle (1664, cited from Onslow, 1 925)

provided the idea of anthocyanin as an indicator in acid and alkali reactions. A wide

range of colours result from their synthesis. These include blue, purple, violet, mauve,

magenta, and nearly all the red shades. The colour of anthocyanins is determined by the

structure of molecules, pH value in vacuoles, the concentration of metal ions and

(flavonoid) co-pigment, and the way anthocyan ins are packaged (Quattrocchio et aI. ,

2006). They accumulate in all plant organs including flowers, fruits, leaves, stems,

seeds, tubers and roots, but are especially dominant in petals of flowers. Kay et al.

(1981) examined 201 species from 60 angiosperm families and gave a detailed

description of pigment distribution and cell structure in petals. In flowers, anthocyan ins

are mainly located in the vacuoles of petal epidermal cells, where they can most

effectively contribute to flower colour. Unusually, anthocyanins were found in the

mesophyll cells in most members of the Boraginaceae and a few species of L iliaceae .

I n these instances, their localisation was correlated with morphological differences i n

the shape o f the epidermal cells (Kay e t aI. , 1981).

Anthocyanins play multiple roles as flower pigments: in signalling between plants and

insects; in response related to nutrient availability; in male fertility of some species; i n


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defense as microbial agents and feeding deterrents; in the modulation of auxin transport

and in UV protection (Winkel-Shirley, 2001).

1 .2.2 Anthocyanin biosynthesis

The isolation of the structural genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis has been

achieved by a combination of genetic, biochemical and molecular approaches.

The anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway is well established (Holton and Cornish, 1995;

Davies and Schwinn, 2005). It is summarised in Figure lA. The precursors for the

synthesis of virtually all flavonoids, including anthocyanins, are malonyl-CoA and 4-

coumaroyl-CoA. Chalcone synthase (CH S) catalyses the stepwise condensation of three

acetate units from malonyl-CoA with 4-coumaroyl-CoA to yield naringenin chalcone.

Chalcone isomerase (CHI) then catalyses the stereospecific isomerisation of the yellow­

coloured naringenin chalcone to the colourless naringenin. Naringenin is converted to

dihydrokaempferol (DHK) through a hydroxyl at ion by flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H).

Dihydroflavonols (DHFs) are then converted to flavan-3, 4-cis-diols

(leucoanthocyanidins) through reduction by dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR).

Leucoanthocyanidins are colourless and unstable precursors of coloured

anthocyanidins. Their conversion to anthocyanidins is catalysed by anthocyanidin

synthase (ANS).

The anthocyan id ins can be further modified by glucosylation. This reaction is most

commonly canoied out by the enzyme UDP-glucose:f1avonoid 3-0-glucosyltransferase

(A3GT). In antirrhinum after anthocyanin 3-0-glucoside formation, a rhamnose moiety

may be added to the glucose residue by the UDP-rhamnose:anthocyanidin-3-0-

glucoside rhamnosyltransferase (A3RT). Anthocyanidin 3-0-glucosides may be

modified by further glycosylation, methylation and acylation. The anthocyanin

precursors, such as flavanones and DHFs, are commonly modified by 3' or 3',5'

hydroxylation, carried out by the flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase or flavonoid 3',5'­

hydroxylase. In Antirrhinum, the anthocyanins are either pelargonidin (4'-OH) or

cyanidin (3',4'-OH) based.


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Chalcones and


Flavones and


HO,� O � OH HO � O� OH

yy - yy HO 0 HO 0

--"���s-----�-�-� -"��==�/���'�I -�--------�/� �s OH r OH F3H FJH


DihYdr���vonoIS HO '50 r l ' HO

't � DOH

' HO ........... ,-o,,�-C""�. � HO � Flavonols 0 OH


O 01-1 0

OHO Kaemplerol Ouerceun OIhydrolul� ... oI Oihydroquercelln

"�� -------"�7===�--------� FLS FLS





Figure 1 .4 Anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in Antirrhinum. Names in lower case represent pathway intermediates and products. Upper case letters represent enzymes. PAL, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; C4H, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase; 4CL, 4-coumarate CoA ligase; CHS, chalcone synthase; C4'GT, chalcone 4' glucosyltransferase; AUS, aureusidin synthase; CHI, chalcone isomerase; F3H, flavonone 3-hydroxylase; F3'H, flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase; DFR, dihydroflavonol 4-reductase; ANS, anthocyanidin synthase; A3GT, UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-0-glucosyltransferase; A3RT, UDP­rhamnose:anthocyanidin-3-0-glucoside rhamnosyltransferase; A3M'T, UDP­rhamnose:anthocyanidin-3-0-glucoside methyltransferase; FLS, flavonol synthase; FNS, flavone synthases. The diagram was drawn by Dr Kevin Davies and reproduced with permission.


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1 .3 Gene regu lation of anthocya n i n biosyn thesis in model pla nt

s pecies

1 .3. 1 Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in maize

The regulatory mechanism of anthocyanin biosynthesis was originally studied in maize

(Zea mays) , in which it was found that two families of transcription factors control

anthocyanin biosynthesis. The first is the C JlPl family, which is comprised of two

homologues R2R3-MYB factors (Paz-Ares et al., 1986, 1987; Cone et al., 1993). The

second is the RIB gene family, which includes R, B, Le, Sn and Hop; regulating

pigmentation in different tissues of the plant (Chandler et al. , 1989; Ludwig et al., 1989;

Tonelli et al., 1991; Consonni et al., 1992, 1993; Petroni et al., 2000). The RIB gene

family encodes bHLH proteins, which are highly homologues to each other (Ludwig

and Wessler, 1990).

Genetic studies and transient expression assays revealed that individual family members

alone were not sufficient to induce anthocyanin biosynthetic gene expression.

Activation requires the presence of a member from each family in the cell. The R2R3-

MYB and bHLH factors are believed to act in partnership. They interact directly

through the amino terminus of the bHLH and the R3 repeat of the MYB domain within

the transcription activation complex (Goff et al., 1992; Sainz et al., 1997). The

interaction between MYB and bHLH seems not to be required to increase the DNA­

binding specificity of MYB factors, since Cl alone is able to bind to a specific site

within the promoter of the A 1 (DFR) gene (Sainz et al. 1997). In addi tion, B, a bHLH

partner lacking the bHLH domain can still bind Cl and stimulate anthocyanin synthesis

suggesting that the role of the bHLH partner is by interaction with the MYB partner

(Goff et aI., 1992; Hernandez et aI. , 2004).

In maize, combinatorial interactions between differentially expressed members of the

two distinct classes of factors define developmentally regulated anthocyanin production

profiles, and all of the anthocyanin biosynthetic genes are regulated in a single group.

The combination of eland R induces pigmentation in the kernels, while P I and B

together are responsible for pigmentation in mature tissues. The RIB family members


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are functionally equivalent and highly similar in sequence, so their tissue specificities

appear to be due to differences in their promoters (Ludwig et al., 1989, Ludwig and

Wessler 1990; Goff et al., 1992; Consonni et al., 1993). The C IPI family shows less

allelic diversity than RIB family (Cone et al., 1993). The regulation of pigmentation in

maize also involves inhibitors (Coe, 1985; Styles and Coe, 1986; Franken et al., 1994),

which may decrease the structural gene transcription by heteromerising with activators

(Franken et al. , 1994; Goff et al., 1991). The inhibitory regulators also show tissue

specificity of expression (Coe, 1985; Styles and Coe, 1986).

It is not clear how the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway is controlled at upstream

regulation in maize. Viviparousl (Vpl) is a regulator of Cl . The vpI mutant, which has

an ABA insensitive phenotype (Robichaud and Sussex, 1986), encodes a transcription

factor (McCarty et al. , 1991; McCarty, 1995). VpI is seed specific and required for seed

maturation (in which seed pigmentation is one component) and germination. There are

four prominent conserved domains in VP I, designated AI, 81, 82 and B3 (Giraudat et

al. , 1 992). VP 1 is a direct activator of the Cl gene (Hattori et al. , 1992; Kao et al.,

1996; Suzuki et al. , 1997). Activation of Cl is mediated by the binding of 83 to the Sph

element in the Cl promoter (Hattori et al. , 1992; Kao et al., 1996; Suzuki et al. , 1997).

Maize Vpl complements Arabidopsis thaliana (arabidopsis) abi3 and confers a novel

ABA / auxin interaction in the roots of arabidopsis, but it remains unknown whether

VP I I AB!3 mediated interaction between auxin and A8A signalling also occurs during

normal seed development (Suzuki et al. , 2001). In addition, a novel regulatory gene,

PACI (pale aleurone colourl ), affecting seed pigmentation via B and Cl (Selinger and

Chandler, 1999), is a WD-repeat (WDR) protein (Carey et al .. 2004).

It was found that epigenetic control could also be involved in anthocyanin regulatory

gene expression in maize. The tissue-specific patterns of a maize myb transcription

factor, pericarp colourl (pI), were epigenetically regulated (Cocciolone et al. 2001).

Developmental patterns of chromatin structure and DNA methylation were responsible

for its epigenetic expression (Hoekenga et al. 2000). The maize unstable factor for

orangel is a dominant epigenetic modifier of a tissue-specific silent allele of pi

(Chopra et aI. , 2003). In addition to the myb factors, the bHLH factors such as b I have

been shown to be epigenetically controlled (Stam et aI. , 2002).


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1 .3.2 Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in petunia and Arabidopsis

In petunia (a range of studied species, including Petunia hybrida), the regulation of

pigmentation is well characterised in petals. MYB and bHLH factors are involved in

controlling pigmentation. A n I encodes a bHLH factor that activates the transcription of

structural genes, including DFR, and a regulatory gene, MYB2 7 ( Spelt et al., 2000). The

expression of A n I is regulated by A n2 and A n-l (Spelt et al., 2000). A n2 and An-l are

myb genes with different spatial domains of expression. A n2 is expressed only in the

petal limb (Quattrocchio et al., 1999), while An-l is expressed in anthers (Spelt et al.,

2002). The activity of one or more of these transcription factors seems to be regulated

post-transcriptionally by Anii . which encodes a cytosolic WDR protein, because Ani !

is required for anthocyanin production and expressed independently from A n I and An2

throughout plant development. In addition to regulation of pigmentation, An i , An2 and

Anii control the vacuolar pH in petal cells and the morphology of the seed coat

epidermis (Quattrocchio, 1994; de Vetten et aI. , 1997; Spelt et al, 2002). A gene yet to

be molecularly characterized, AnI2 increases pigmentation in regions of the petal

outside the veins. Mutation at the AnI2 locus result in a flower with a venation pattern:

dark pigmentation in the veins and paler pigmentation throughout the rest of the petal

limb (Gerats et al., 1989).

In arabidopsis, in addition to a MYB factor (encoded by TRANSPA RENT TESTA 2)

( TT2) (Nesi et al . . 2001), a bHLH factor (encoded by TRA NSPARENT TESTA 8) ( TT8)

(Nesi et al. . 2000) and a WDR protein (encoded by TRANSPARENT TESTA

GLABROUS 1) (TTG I ) (Walker et al., 1999; Western et al. 2001, Baudry et aI. , 2004),

two other transcription factors, the homeodomain protein A NTHOCYANINLESS2

(ANL2) (Kubo et aI. , 1999) or TRANSPARENT TESTA i 6 (TTi 6) (Nesi et al., 2002) and

the zinc finger protein TRANSPARENT TESTA i (TT!) ( Sagasser et al., 2002). are

involved in the production of proanthocyanidin polymers in the seed coat. Probably,

these factors regulate seed coat development by acting upstream of the MYB and bHLH

regulators such as TT2 (Oebeaujon et al. , 2003; esi et al. , 2002; Sagasser et al. , 2002),

a myb gene controlling proanthocyanidin accumulation in developing seed (Nesi et aI. ,

2001). Overexpression of the myb genes Production of A nthocyanin Pigment i and 2

(PA P 1 and PAP 2) up-regulates the accumulation of anthocyanin in the whole plant


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(Borevitz et al., 2000). The arabidopsis transcription factor MYBl2 transcriptionally up­

regulated CHS and FLS (Mehrtens et al., 2005).

Hartmann et af. (2005) studied how three factors, MYB, bZIP and bHLH interacted

with eis-acting elements of the promoters of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis genes in

controlling light and tissue-specific activation. In their results, a bHLH and a MYB

factor cooperate to determine the tissue-specific production of flavonoids, and a bZIP

factor and a MYB factor cooperate to determine the light responsiveness. The bZIP,

MYB and bHLH factors can bind to the relevant eis-acting elements of flavonoid

biosynthesis gene promoters respectively (Hartmann et af. , 2005), and the MYB can

form into a homodimer or interact with the bHLH to form into a heterodimer. In

addition, a WDR factor interacts with only a bHLH factor or the bHLH / MYB complex

(Baudry et aI. , 2004).

A model of the controlling mechanism of expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis genes

is presented schematically in Figure 1.5 based on these studies.

1 .3.3 Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in antirrhinum

1 .3.3. 1 Spatial and temporal control of anthocyanin production in antirrhinum

As described in the previous section, regulatory genes that control expression of the

structural genes of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway have been identified in several

plants. These genes influence the intensity and pattern of anthocyanin produced and

generally control expression of many different structural genes. Study of co-regulation

of structural genes can be carried out by either enzyme assays or mRNA expression


The anthocyanins accumulate during petal development in antirrhinum primarily as a

result of increased biosynthesis of the biosynthetic enzymes. The temporal increase of

these enzymes is most likely due to increased transcription of the structural genes

(Jackson et al., 1992). In wild type flowers of antirrhinum, anthocyanin biosynthesis is

restricted to the epidermal cells. The expression of structural genes can be tightly

spatially coordinated with respect to cellular position within the corolla (Jackson et al.,

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Biosynthetic gene promoter

Biosynthetic enzyme


Coding sequence

Figure 1 .5 The current model of gene regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis. Three factors, MYB, bHLH and WDR form into a complex, which binds to the structural gene promoter region with the DNA binding domains in MYB and bHLH, and interacts with the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme via general transcription factors to activate the transcription of the anthocyanin biosynthesis genes.


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1992; Martin and Gerats, 1993). The expression of all the tested biosynthetic genes

including CHS, F3H, DFR, Candi and F3GT varies across flowers, but shows the same

pattern over the epidermis and is spatially co-ordinated; it is highest in the cells of the

inner epidermis of the lobes and the cells of both inner and outer epidermis at the base

of the flower tube; it is lowest in the upper region of the tube. This pattern of expression

correlates with the pattern and intensity of anthocyanin pigmentation (lackson et al. ,


Expression of the anthocyanin biosynthetic genes is also temporally coordinated in

antirrhinum flowers. A detailed time-course analysis of steady state transcript levels for

six of the genes required for anthocyanin production (Jackson et al. , 1992) showed that

the expression of CHS and CHI peaked slightly earlier than the other gene products, and

CHI transcript alone was very high in young buds (0-5 mm). Based on the different

expression profiles and their response to regulatory genes (Almeida et al., 1989;

Bartlett, 1989; Martin et al., 1991; lackson et al. , 1992) the biosynthetic genes were

divided into two groups: early biosynthetic genes encoding CH S and CHI, and late

biosynthetic genes encoding F3H, DFR, ANS and F3GT (Martin et al., 1991; lackson et

al., 1992).

[n petunia petals, there is also a regulatory division between early biosynthetic genes

and late biosynthetic genes, but this division occurs after F3H (Beld et al. , 1989;

Quattrocchio et al., 1 993; Weiss et al., 1993). In arabidopsis, as in petunia, genes for

DFR and A S are regulated differently to those for CH S, CHI and F3H (Kubasek et al.,

1992; Shirley et al., 1995; Pelletier and Shirley, 1996; Pelletier et al. , 1997; Pelletier et

al., 1999). However, in maize, all the biosynthetic genes are simultaneously induced in

the aleurone cell layer in the kernels (Dooner and Nelson, 1977; Dooner, 1983; Cone et

al., 1986; Paz-Ares et aI. , 1986; Chandler et al., 1989; Ludwig et al. , 1989; Ludwig and

Wessler, 1990).

1 .3.3.2 Transcription factors controlling anthocyanin b iosynthesis in antirrhinum


A bHLH gene, Delila (Del), and three myb genes, Roseal , Rosea2 and Venosa have

been cloned and characterised from antirrhinum (Goodrich et al. , 1992; Schwinn et aI. ,


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2006). Together with data for another bHLH factor, Mutabilis (Mut) (P.Piazza, C .

Tonilli, and C. Martin, unpublished data, cited from Schwinn et aI. , 2006), the study of

Schwinn et al. (2006) shows that there are multiple spatial pigmentation domains for

control of anthocyanin pigmentation within the flower, and the controlling mechanism

is complex. All three myb genes are expressed in the tube and lobes of the flower, but

they have different spatial patterns of expression within the flower. Rosea 1 functions in

the tube and lobes, and controls anthocyanin pigmentation through the positive

regulation of late biosynthetic genes ( Schwinn et aI. , 2006). Rosea2 has little if any

effect in the central regions of the lobe and no effect in the other organs of the flower,

and produces a far weaker pigmentation phenotype than Rosea 1 due, at least in part, to

a lower expression level. It was hypothesised that Venosa had a more restricted spatial

expression domain and may only express in the inner epidermis overlaying the petal

veins. The expression domain is different between the two bHLH factors. Del expresses

in the corolla lobe and tube, while Mut functions only in the lobe. Recently, a cDNA for

the antirrhinum WDR factor has also been identified (Kathy Schwinn, personal


The partnership between the three MYB factors and the two bHLH factors was tested

by making double and triple mutants. All three MYB factors can interact with DEL in

the tube. In the lobe, ROSEA l and YE OSA can interact with both MUTABILIS and

DELILA, whereas ROSEA2 can interact only with DELILA (Schwinn et aI. , 2006).

There are other genes identified by mutations and involved in the controlling network of

antirrhinum anthocyanin pigmentation. These genes include Eluta, MUlabilis, Picturata,

Diluta and Vitrix. They may encode bHLH, MYB, WDR, homeodomain protein, or zinc

finger proteins respectively (Martin and Gerats, 1 993) . The phenotypes with variant

anthocyanin patterning reflect the operating domains of anthocyanin regulatory genes,

and some patterns are also due to the mutation of certain regulators such as roseadorsea,

which results from the m utation of the myb gene Rosea (Schwinn et aI. , 2006).

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1 .4 Signals that m ight regulate a nthocyan i n biosynthesis in flowers

1 .4. 1 Action of gibberellins during petal development

Anthocyanin accumulation is an integral part of flower development (Martin and

Gerats, 1 993) . Activation of the anthocyanin pathway during petal development

requires a complex interaction between environmental and developmental signals

(Weiss, 2000) . One of the plant hormones, the gibberellins (GAs), is produced in the

developing anthers (Pharis and King, 1 985 ; Weiss et al., 1995; Itoh et al., 1 999; Rebers

et al. , 1 999; Kaneko et al., 2003) and plays an important role in petal development

(Weiss and Halevy, 1989; Jacobsen and Olszewski, 1 99 1 ; Goto and Pharis, 1 999) . The

role of GAs in petal pigmentation in petunia has been well studied (Weiss and Halevy,

1 989; Weiss et al., 1992, 1 995 ) . Removal of anthers from young green flower buds,

inhibited corolla growth and pigmentation, and application of GA3 replaced the anthers

in their effect on both processes (Weiss and Halevy, 1 989) . At later stages, after the

transition to the phase of rapid elongation, the corolla was no longer dependent on the

anthers or exogenous GA for growth and pigmentation (Weiss et al. , 1 989) . GA may be

required only for the initiation of these processes but not for their maintenance. It was

concluded that GAs are produced in the developing anthers and transported to the

corollas, where they induce growth and pigmentation (Weiss et al. , 1995 ) . In the study

of the "Red Star" phenotype of petunia, treatment with GA3 can completely suppress the

formation of the star pattern (van der Krol et al., 1989) . GAs control anthocyanin

accumulation through the induction of the expression of both late biosynthetic genes

and early biosynthetic genes (Weiss et al. , 1 995) . This control is indirect, in which GA

may first induce the synthesis of trans-acting factors which, in turn, activate the entire

anthocyanin pathway (Weiss et al. , 1992) .

In addition, GA3 has been shown to promote other processes in corolla development,

including respiration and expression of genes from primary metabolic pathways and the

induction of gibberellin-induced gene J (gip J ) expression (Ben-Nissan and Weiss,

1995 ) . GA may induce an entire developmental program via the activation of master

regulatory genes. Myb92, induced by GA in a primary fashion, is such a candidate

(Weiss, 2000) .

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GA3 also promotes anthocyanin accumulation in detached Hyacinthus orientalis

(Hosokawa et al., 1996) and Baccara rose flowers (Zieslin et al. , 1 974), and

p igmentation in expanding cucumber petals (Vainstein et al., 1 994) . However, in Phlox

flowers GA inhibits anthocyanin synthesis in the petals (Weiss, 2000) . In Phlox, unlike

in petunia, anthocyanins accumulate at the early stages of flower development, before

the rapid expansion of the petals. It is possible that GA-controlled p igmentation only

occurs when pigmentation accumulation is directly t ied to cell expansion of the petal

(Weiss, 2000) . The dwarf varieties in pea are due to impaired gibberellin production

(Stoddart, 1 987), and they can have coloured flowers (Mendel, 1 865, cited by Martin

and Gerats, 1 993) . Gibberellins are probably not required for floral pigmentation in pea,

or gibberellin production in pea anthers differs from that in intemodes (Martin and

Gerats, 1 993 ) .

It is not known whether GA3 acts as a signal in petal development and pigmentation of


1 .4.2 The role of sugar signalling in flower pigmentation

The flower is a major sink for assimilates, and a shortage of carbohydrates often inhibits

flower development (Halevy, 1987) . The role of sugars in flower development may be

multifunctional: they can act as an energy source (Moalem-Beno et al., 1997), as

osmotic regulators (Ho and Nicho ls, 1 977; Bieleski, 1 993 ), as precursors for metabolic

processes and as signal l ing molecules (Neta-Sharir et al., 2000). Pulsing the cut flower

with sugar improves flower development and pigmentation in commercial pract ice.

Increased sucrose concentration enhanced petal growth and pigmentation in detached

flowers of rose (Kuiper et al. , 199 1 ), L iatris spicafa (Han, 1992), Eustoma

grandiflorum (Kawabata et aI. , 1995 ) and Hyacinthus orientalis (Hosokawa et al.,

1 996) .

In in vitro condit ions, detached petunia corollas elongated and pigmented only in the

presence of sucrose and GA3 in the l ight (Weiss and Halevy, 1 989) . Sucrose was

required for the transcription of the chs gene and it enhanced the effect of the GA3

(Weiss et al., 1 992; Moalem-Beno et al. , 1997) . Other metabolic sugars such as glucose

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and fructose had the same effect as sucrose (Weiss et al., 1 992). In arabidopsis and

soybean leaves, sugars regulated chs expression directly (Tsukaya et al., 1 99 1 ; Sadka et

al., 1 994) . To act as signal molecules sugar phosphorylation by hexokinase is required

to initiate signal transduction in most cases (Jang and Sheen, 1 997) . Sugars do not act as

signalling molecules via modification of the osmotic potential of petal cells (Moalem­

Beno et al., 1 997), nor are they dependent on their metabolism in glycolysis or on

changes in phosphate level (Neta-Sharir et al., 2000). It has been suggested that sugars

may promote the GA-signal-transduction pathway or induce a specific trans-acting

factor, which in turn, induces various GA-induced genes (Weiss, 2000). Recently, it is

reported that the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway could be specifically induced by

sucrose in arabidopsis (Teng et al. . 2005; Solfanelli et al. . 2006) . MYB 751PAP 1 gene

was required in this induction. Sucrose, in a concentration-dependent way, induces

MYB 751PAP 1 mRNA accumulation (Teng et 01. , 2005 ) .

It is not known whether sugars act as signals in petal pigmentation and patteming of


1 .4.3 The role of light controll ing anthocyanin biosynthesis

Light is one of the most important environmental stimuli regulating anthocyanin

accumulation, and acts both as an essential stimulus and as a factor that modulates the

intensity of pigmentation (Piazza et al., 2002). Under low light intensity plants develop

pale flowers with low levels of anthocyanin (Biran and Halevy, 1 974; Griesbach, 1992) .

When detached petunia flowers were cultured in the dark, corolla growth, anthocyanin

accumulation and chs expression were strongly inhibited (Weiss and Halevy, 1 99 1 ;

Moscovici et al., 1996). However, covering the attached young flowers on illuminated

plants of petunia (Weiss and Halevy, 1 99 1 ; Moscovici et al., 1 996) and rose (Biran and

Halevy, 1 974) did not inhibit petal growth and pigmentation. It appears that the green

leaves perceived the light and transmitted a signal to the corolla (Moscovici et al.,

1 996).

UV -B is required for normal flower pigmentation in apple (Dong et al., 1998), and UV

radiation promotes anthocyanin accumulation in kangaroo paw flowers (Ben-Tal and

King, 1 997) . However, UV radiation has no effect on anthocyanin biosynthesis in the

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flowers of petunia, Geranium, Phlox, /mpatiens, Lobelia (Klein, 1 990) and antirrhinum

(Weiss, 2000) .

In maize, the Myb and bHLH genes regulating pigmentation are light responsive

( Scheffler et al., 1 994; Procissi et al. , 1997; Tonelli et al., 1 99 1 , 1 994; Petroni et al.,

2000; Piazza et al. , 2002). Different light qualities are differentially effective in the

modulation of anthocyanin synthesis and accumulation in maize (Mereghetti et al. ,

1 99 1 ; Galbiati et al., 1994; Piazza et al. , 2002).

In the "Red Star" phenotype of petunia, high light and low temperature can lead to

larger uncoloured areas. However, the period during which pattern formation can be

influenced is very short and takes place early in flower development (Marheineke,

1 936, cited from Martin and Gerats, 1993) .

There are no reports on the role of light in anthocyanin biosynthesis in antirrhinum.

1 .4.4 Other factors affecting anthocyanin biosynthesis

In addition to GAs, other plant hormones can affect anthocyanin biosynthesis during

plant development. Abscisic acid modulates anthocyanin accumulation in maize seeds

by its ability to regulate Cl gene expression (Kao et al., 1 996). Cytokinin treatment also

stimulated anthocyanin accumulation in some plant organs (Deikman and Hammer,

1 995 ; Piazza et al. , 2002).

Other factors affecting anthocyanin biosynthesis include temperature (Dela et al. , 2003;

Wang et al. , 2005), the circadian clock (Deikman and Hammer, 1995), wounding

(Pacholati et al., 1985) and infection (Nicholson et al., 1 987) . However, they may not

be of particular relevance to flowers.

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1 .5 Pigmenta tion patterns in flowers

1 .5. 1 Unstable and stable patterns in flowers

There are many different pigmentation patterns that occur naturally in flowers. Pattern

generally implies the localisation of pigment in specific areas. Flower pigmentation

patterns can generally divided into unstable patterns and programmed 'stable' patterns.

Onslow ( 1 925) reviewed evidence of the diversity and complexity of pigmentation

patterning in flowers. Early inheritance experiments of pigmentation patterning, which

are based on Mendelian genetics, revealed multiple mechanisms of variant pattern

formation. Onslow ( 1 925 ) pointed out that of the patterns (that included spots, lines and

streaks), some (Papaver, Tropaeolum) were inherited independently of the background

colour of the flower, whereas the factors for others were intimately associated in various

ways with the background colour factors (Digitalis, Primula). Some patterns were

thought likely due to mutations.

Unstable mutations may pre ent as unusual mosaic patterns through periclinal or

meric\inal chimeras. The unstable anthocyanin expression is caused by the mobility of

transposable elements (Coen et af. , 1 986; Kho et af. , 1977). In cells in variegated areas,

a transposable element is excised from a gene encoding an enzyme involved in a

pigment biosynthetic pathway or from a gene involved in the transcriptional regulation

of these enzymes. For example, in antirrhinum a mutant with ivory flowers with red

spots, pal/ida recurrens, is unstable because of the insertion of the Tarn 3 transposable

element near the promoter of the pallida (OFR) gene (Coen et al, 1986) . In petunia, a

white flowered mutant of the ani (bHLH) locus contained red spots due to an apparent

back m utation in the epidermal cells of the young corolla (Kho, et af. , 1 977).

The pigmented patterns in petals result primarily from the differential expression of the

pigment biosynthetic genes, and this expression is controlled by regulatory genes

(Martin and Gerats, 1 993; Schwinn et af. , 2006). In antirrhinum, the Del gene product is

required for anthocyanin biosynthesis in the flower tube (see Section 1 .3 . 3 .2) and lack

of this transcriptional regulator results in the lack of pigment in the tube of this mutant

(Almeida et al. , 1989; Martin et al., 1 99 1 ), but the flower lobes are fully pigmented.

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This pattern is produced by the loss of function of Del in conjunction with Mu! having

limited activity in petals compared to the lobes.

In the study of the "Red Star" phenotype of petunia, run-on transcription study shows

that the chs gene transcript does not accumulate in the acyanic areas. This fact suggests

that the star pattern is the result of post-transcriptional control of chs expression (van

der Meer, 1 99 1 , cited by Martin and Gerats, 1 993 ) .

1 .5.2 Pigmentation patterning during petal development

Some patterns of pigmentation can be related to petal structures, such as in antirrhinum

and tobacco where the corolla consists of two distinct regions, the tube and the lobes or

limb (Figure 1 .6 ) . The epidermal cells in the tubes and lobes or limb are structurally

distinct (Drews et aI., 1992) . In some phenotypes, the region of differentiation is

accompanied by a different pigmentation pattern (Martin and Gerats, 1993 ) . The inner

epidermal cells of the limb or lobes develop a specialised conical form compared to the

normal flattened shape of epidermal cells such as in the tube (Kay et al., 198 1 ). These

conica l cells contain the highest concentrations of anthocyanins, and it is believed that

they reflect incident light to enhance the impact of their pigment as a signal (Kay et al.,

1 98 1 ) . Other patterns do not follow clear structural boundaries between pigmented and

unpigmented cells such as in wild type antirrhinum (Stubbe, 1966) and the "Red Star"

phenotype of petunia (Martin and Gerats, 1993 ) . Interestingly, the star pattern of

petunia is variable and depends on environmental conditions (especially light) that do

not affect flower morphology (Martin and Gerats, 1 993 ) . In antirrhinum, the shape of

the pigmented conical cells is under control of the myb gene Mix/a (Noda et al. , 1994) .

I n mix/a recessive lines the cells are flattened and the flower colour is dulled and less

intense (Noda et al. , 1994) .

Considering the relationship between pigmentation and petal morphogenesis, homeotic

genes may play a role in the regulation of pigmentation, because their expression

continues late into organ morphogenesis (Martin and Gerats, 1 993 ) . Although there is

no strong evidence for direct transcriptional control of the anthocyanin biosynthetic

genes in flowers by homeotic genes in vivo, it is possible that deficiens (Dej) and

globosa (Clo) (which determine petal and stamen identity) (Coen and Meyerowitz,


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1991) activate genes such as Del, which in turn activate parts of the anthocyanin

biosynthetic pathway (Martin and Gerats, 1993). This would be analogous to the genes

identified for seed coat formation in arabidopsis (e.g. TT I6) that also regulate the

proanthocyanin regulatory factors (Nesi et al. , _2002).

Figure 1 .6 Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) flower consists of two distinct regions, the

tube and limb, and its pigmentation patterning is related to the petal structure, in which

pigmentation only occurs in the limb.

1 .5.3 Striped p igmentation patterning in flowers

Striping is a common form of pigment variation in many flowers and has been studied

since the early 20th century (Onslow, 1925). Striped pigmentation patterning is the

arrangement of colour in bands, stripes, or elongated patches. Onslow (1925) provided

an early description of this pigmentation patteming :

" these markings may vary in thickness from the narrowest hair-like streaks to

broad bands, or elongated patches, which may then occupy almost the whole of the

flower. It is difficult to define the limits of striping for, on the one hand, among

striped varieties we frequently find sectorial variations in which colour is

definitely and symmetrically confined to a half, a third, or some other fraction of

the flower. On the other hand, striping may pass into spotting or blotching, and it

is questionable whether spotted and blotched flowers should be placed in the same

category, though their genetical behaviour may be similar".

Despite these early studies, there is surprisingly little information on the determinates

and inheritance of flower colour patteming. Apparently, striping is a phenomenon that

occurs in healthy plants. It can also occur when a plant is in an unhealthy condition, but

this is rare (Hildebrand, 1893, 1896, cited by Onslow, 1925). The striping is most usual


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in connection with anthocyanin, and the common form of striping is that of anthocyanin

on an albino background, either white or yellow (Onslow, 1925) . Among striped

patteming plants many are venation patteming ones.

With exception of recent research on transposons, most studies on the inheritance of

striping, in antirrhinum and other striped flowers, are still in the older literature

(Correns, 1 9 1 0; de Vries, 1 9 1 1 : Emerson, 1 9 1 4; Gregory, 1 9 1 1 , cited by Onslow,

1 925) . Researchers attempted to explain this phenomenon using Mendelian principles

and bud sports. However, convincing explanation for the inheritance of striping in

genera such as Antirrhinum and Mirabilis from a classical genetics point of view was

not achieved at that time, perhaps due to unknown transposon activities. However, in

Primula sinensis striping behaves as a simple recessive to a self-coloured form

(Gregory, 1 9 1 1 , cited by Onslow, 1 925) . It was reported more recently that the corolla

striping in Salpiglossis sinuate was controlled by a recessive gene (st) (Conner and

Erickson, 1 99 1 ) .

1 .6 Antirrhinum majus as a model s pecies fo r the study of

pigmentation pattern ing

Antirrhinum is a member of the dicotyledonous family Scrophulariaceae. It is

perennial, simple to cultivate, with a relatively short life cycle, self-fertile and easy to

outcross. These features are advantageous in genetic analysis. The inflorescence is at

the end of the shoot. Flowers are set on a very short stcm and point in al l directions. The

flower shows bilateral symmetry. Bracts are much shorter than the petals, and sepals are

egg shaped and about 5 mm in length. Petals are 2 to 3 cm in length when mature, fused

to form a corolla with a tube and five lobes. The flower is relatively large, which makes

it easy to collect a particular tissue or organ for molecular analysis. Furthermore, a

series of transposable elements has been cloned and characterised (Coen and Carpenter,

1986; Sommer et al., 1988) , contributing to the usefulness of antirrhinum as a model

species for plant development studies.

The bud finishes cell division when about 1 0 mm long and extends to the full mature

length by cell expansion, which takes around 1 2 days in total (Jackson, 199 1 ) .


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Anthocyanins are present at a very early stage of flower development and accumulation

increases as flowers develop from the bud to the mature flower (Bartlett, 1989).

Anthocyanins accumulate during the petal elongation stage, which is after the

establishment of many of the boundaries in petal form (Coen et al., 1986). They are

restricted to the inner and outer epidermal cells of the petals, and are more abundant in

the cells of the inner epidermis of the lobes and the cells of both inner and outer

epidermis at the base of the flower tube (Martin and Gerats, 1993). In wildtype lines the

throat and face of the corolla are pigmented with the yellow aurones. The aurones are

also epidermally located (Asen et al., 1972) and increase in abundance when the flower

develops (Geissman et al. , 1954). Aurone is a type of flavonoid. Its biosynthesis

pathway is shown in Figure 1.4.

As an important subject of scientific research, the floral pigmentation in this species has

been studied for several decades in diverse aspects from genetics and biochemistry to

molecular biology ([Basteson, 1902; Wheldale, 1907, 1909; Baur, 1910; Wheldale,

1913, 19 14], cited by Onslow, 1925; [Scott-Moncrieff, 1930, 1936; Oeissman et ai,

1954; Jorgensen and Geissman, 1954, 1 955; Geissman and Harborne, 1955; Day ton,

1956; Harborne, 1963] , cited by Schwinn, 1999; Harrison and Stickland, 1 974, 1977,

1978; Stickland and Harrison, 1974; Stickland et al. , 1976; Forkmann and Stotz, 1981).

As a result, the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway has been elucidated. The antirrhinum

anthocyanin biosynthetic genes which have been isolated and characterised, include

those for CHS, CHI, F3H, DFR, ANS and A3GT (Wienand et al., 1982; Martin et al.,

1985, 1991: Coen et al., 1986; Sommer and Saedler, 1986; Beld et al. , 1989) (Figure

1.4). Such information provides the basis for further study on the spatial and temporal

control of anthocyanin biosynthesis in antirrhinum flowers. Some regulatory genes

controlling this biosynthetic pathway have also been cloned and characterised (see

Section This makes it possible to further study the mechanism of pigmentation


As a traditional ornamental plant, in addition to the original species phenotypes of the

Antirrhinum genus, many more phenotypes have been developed by breeders.

Obviously, the occurrence of various pigmentation patterns can make these ideal

materials for the study of floral pigmentation patterning. One striking phenotype

identified in a range of Antirrhinum species is venation pigmentation patterning, in


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which the epidermis over the veins is intensely pigmented with anthocyanins. The

hypothesis behind the studies reported in this thesis is that the striped pattern is due to

the spatial expression of Venosa; that this spatial property is transcriptionally

controlled; and that a high level signal such as gibberellin or sugar directs this

pattemjng. As will be apparent from this introductory chapter, this hypothesis was

formed from knowledge on the activity of other regulatory factors in antirrhinum, as

little was known of the control of patteming, and from results on GA and sugar actions

in other species, as their role in antirrhinum flowers was also unknown.

1 . 7 The aims and obj ectives of the proj ect

The overall objective of this project was to determine, at the gene and molecular level,

the regulatory mechanism of venation anthocyanin pigmentation patteming in the

flowers of the model species A ntirrhinum majus.

Based on the isolated myb regulatory gene Venosa, the specific research aims of this

project were:

• To determine the role of Venosa in the formation of pigment venation patteming

in antirrhinum flowers by genetic complementation, mRNA in situ hybridisation

and RNAi inhibition experiments.

• To determine the controlling mechanism of the Venosa promoter by promoter

deletion assays using both transient expression and stable transgenic plants.

• To determine whether gibberellin and/or sugar play a role in the venation

pigmentation patteming of the petals in antirrhinum by emasculation, girdling

and in vitro supplementation experiments.


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Methods a nd M aterials

2 . 1 Plan t material

Chapter 2

Seeds of Antirrhinum majus were germinated in pots, and the plants grown in a

glasshouse at Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North. Environmental conditions in

this glasshouse were variable: it was partially temperature controlled (vents opened and

electric fans switched on when the temperature exceeded 21 QC); lighting was not

controlled. The OMO glasshouse conditions were similar. Plants of A. majus showing

the venation phenotype were usually selected for study. Figure 2.1 A and B show the

full developmental sequence of flowers on an Antirrhinum inflorescence.

The following lines were used in this study: line CT 128 showed the venation phenotyp ;

lines CC 112 and C L l 44 showed the roseadorsea phenotype; line CC 112P showed fully

pigmented except for the inner tube area of the flower; line 522 was fully pigmented

with venation patterning in the inner tube area of the flower. The corresponding

phenotypes are shown in Figure l .3 .

The Antirrhinum species used in this study also included A. graniticum. A . mollissimum,

A. meonanlhemum. A. barrelieri, A. latifolium and A. molle.

Tobacco transgenic lines from Professor Cathie Martin were also analysed. These lines

harboured three Venosa promoter deletion constructs, in which three fragments, -760

bp, -1.6 kbp and -2.4 kbp relevant to A TO start site, drive OUS. They were provided as

F2 seeds.


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50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 12, 9, 7, 5 , 3 , 2, Bud length (mm)

Figure 2 . 1 Flower developmental stages of A . majus venation phenotype (in roseadorsea background ) in inflorescence (A) and determined in bud length (B).


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2 .2 G e n e ral bacterial g rowth a n d plasm id pu rification m ethods

The general p lasmi d i solat ion and bacteria growth methods were used primari ly to

prepare p lasmi d DNA for c loning experiments, DNA ampl ifications, part ic le

bombardment experiments and making stable transgenic tobacco p lants. A l l glassware

used with p lasmi d manipulat ions and for growth of bacteria cultures was autoclaved.

2.2. 1 Growth of bacterial cu ltures

Media used:

• L B - 1 % ( w/v) bacto-tryptone, 0 .5% ( w/v) yeast extract, and 1 % N aC l p H 7 .0 ; for

sol id media 1 . 5% ( w/v) bactoagar was added.

• Y E B - 0 . 1 % ( w/v) yeast extract, 0 .5% ( w/v) beef extract ( Bovri l ), 0 .05% (w/v)

bacto-peptone, 0.05% ( w/v) sucrose, 0 .05 (w/v) MgS04, pH 7 .0 ; for sol id media

1 . 5% ( w/v) bactoagar was added.

L iquid E. coli cultures were grown in L B media at 3 7°C with v igorous shaki ng at 250

rpm. Appropriate antibiot ics were added after autoc lav ing the media. L i quid A.

lumefaciens cultures were grown in Y E B or LB media at 28°C with v igorous shaki ng at

250 rpm.

2.2.2 Plasmid DNA preparation

P lasmids were purified from bacteria (E. cofi) grown in l iquid culture contain ing the

appropriate ant ib iotics. Two methods (I and 11) were used for D A preparat ion:

1. A quick min iprep of plasmid DNA was used for the selection of positive colonies.

Solutions used in this method:

• Solut ion I - 50 mM glucose, 25 mM Tris-HC L, 1 0 m M E DT A pH 8 .0.

• Solut ion I I - 0.2 M NaOH , 1 % S D S ( w/v).

• Solut ion I I I - 3 M potass ium acetate, 1 1 . 5 % (v/v) g lac ia l acetic ac i d .


Page 48: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

A 1 .5 m l L B culture grown overni ght with appropriate ant ib iot ics was harvested by

centr ifugat ion at 1 4 000 rpm for 5 min at room temperature i n a benchtop m icrofuge.

The pel let was re suspended in 1 00 III of Solut ion I. 200 III of freshly prepared Solut ion

I I was added and m ixed by gently i nvert ing the tube 5 t imes. 1 50 II I of Solution I I I was

added and mixed by gentl y i nvert ing the tube 5 t imes. The tube was centrifuged at

1 4000 rpm for 5 min at room temperature. The supernatant was removed i nto a new

tube (care was taken to avoi d inc lud i ng any white preci pi tate with the supernatant). The

D N A was preci p itated with 2 volumes of ice-cold absolute ethanol and was recovered

by centrifugation at 1 4 000 rpm for 1 0 min at room temperature. The pellet was washed

with 70% (v/v) ethanol and air-dried, then resuspended in 50 II I autoclaved dist i l led

water contain ing I III of 1 0mg/ml RNase A.

H . For preparation of plasmi d D N A for sequencing and part ic le bombardment

experiments commercia l kits ( S IGMA GenElute™ P lasmi d M i niprep K it, QIAGEN

Q I A prep® spin m iniprep k it, Q I AGEN P lasmi d Mid i Ki t or Maxi Ki t ) were used. The

protocols were based on the manufacturers ' recommendations. The bacteria were

lysed under alkal ine cond i t ion by adding a given buffer solution, buffer P I . The lysate

was subsequent ly neutral ised by adding buffer P2. The bacterial l ysate was then

purifi ed by centr i fugation and the c lear supernatant was passed through a membrane

column to b ind the DNA. The bound DNA was washed with ethanol solut ion, and

eluted with steri le water. P urified DNA was stored at -20°C .

2.2.3 Transformation of E. coli by heat shock

Frozen competent NovaB lue E. coli cel ls were thawed on ice. An al iquot ( 50 Il l ) was

d ispensed into a steri le 1 . 5 m l microfuge tube. P lasmi d D N A ( l O ng) or l i gation

reaction m ix (about 5 0 - 1 00 ng in total) was added and gently m ixed with the cel ls,

which were then incubated on ice for 1 0 m in. Cel l -DNA m ixture was heat shocked at

3 7°C for 1 min then incubated on ice for 1 0 min for recovery. 300 III of LS was then

added. If SCS 1 1 0 stra in cel ls were used an i ncubation at 3 7°C for 30 min was done

after adding the LB. 50 II I was p lated onto one LS plate containing the appropriate

ant ib iot ic and 300 II I was p lated onto another, then grown overnight at 3 7°C .


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2 .2.4 Transformation of A. tumefaciens by electroporation

Cel l -porator ( L i fe Technologies, INC) was used for electroporation. A l iquots (20 I.d) of

frozen A. tumefaciens strai n L BA4404 competent cel ls ( Invi trogen, L i fe technologies)

were thawed on ice and 1 �l ( 1 00 - 500 ng) p lasmi d DNA added, mixed, then the

samp le was p ipetted into the ch i l led electroporation cel ls between the two rai sed points.

The units were switched on and the Booster was set to the fol lowing parameters: LOW

= n, C A P AC ITANCE = 330, C HARGE RATE = Fast, K n reading = 4 . The ce l l s were

p laced into the electroporation c hamber, which was then closed tight ly and connected

up to the machine. Whi l st on c harge mode the 'up' button was pressed unt i l the desi red

300Y was obtained. Then the unit was switched to A R M mode and the trigger button

was pressed for one second (the booster unit read about i .8Y) . The cel ls were taken out

and p i petted i nto a 50 ml tube containing 1 ml L B medi um . The cel l s were cultured in a

shaki ng incubator at 28°C for 2 h. 50 � l was taken out, spread onto the appropriate p late

and cultured in a 28°C incubator for several days. Colonies were p icked for downstream


2.2.5 Storage of bacteria

Bead stocks were prepared using M icrobank ™ m icrobial storage ( PRO-Lab,

D i agnostics) according to the protocol manual and stored at - 80°C unt i l required.

2 .3 General DNA methods

2.3. 1 Quantification of DNA

DNA was q uanti fied either by spectrophotometry, or by agarose gel electrophoresis and

sta in ing with ethidium bromide. For spectrophotometric quanti fication, a UY - 1 60A

U V-vis ib le Recording S pectrophotometer was used (Shi madzu). D A was d i luted and

d ispensed i nto quartz cuvettes. Absorbance readi ngs at 260 and 280 run wavelength

l i ght were recorded. The quanti ty of D N A was calculated accordi ng to the formula C =

O D260 X 50 x D for doub le stranded DNA. D i s the d i lut ion factor. 260/280 ratios were


Page 50: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

used as an indication of purity with a reading of about 1 . 8 indicating relatively pure

DNA samples.

To quantify DNA by agarose gel e letrophoresis, DNA was run on 0.8-2 .0% (w/v)

agarose gels along with a known concentration of specific molecular weight markers

( High DNA mass ladder or Low DNA mass ladder, I nvitrogen). Gels were stained with

ethidium bromide and the intensity of fluorescence of stained DNA was compared to

the known masses of the molecular weight markers.

2.3.2 E lectrophoresis of DNA

DNA separation by electrophoresis was carried out by loading DNA in 0.8-2.0%

agarose gels in 1 x TAE (40 mM Tris-acetate, 1 mM EDT A pH 8 .0) or 1 x TBE (90

mM Tris-borate, 1 mM EDTA) buffers. Appropriate DNA molecular weight markers

were used, either 1 kb plus DNA ladder or 1 00 bp DNA ladder ( I nvitrogen). Ethidium

bromide staining was done either by incorporating ethidium bromide in the gel or by

staining the gel in ethidium bromide solution. Stained DNA was visual ised with a

digital imaging system ( Multi lmage ™ l ight cabinet, Alphainnotech Corporation).

2.3.3 Amplification of DNA by pe R

Ol igonucleotide primers were synthesised by S igma Genosys and resuspended to a

stock concentration of I mM. The stocks were further di luted to a final concentration of

I 0 �lM for PCR stocks. The PCR reactions were performed in 50 � l final volume

containing 5 �L 1 0x PCR buffer, 1 . 5 �L each primer ( from 1 0 �M stock solution), 1 . 5

�L each deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTPs) ( from 1 0 mM stock solution) (Roche),

and 2 .5 units of polymerase, either Taq (5 uI�L ) ( Roche, QIAGEN), Platinum Pfx ( 5

uI�L ) ( Invitrogen, Life technologies ) or PWO (5 uI�L ) (Roche). The remaining volume

was made up of water, Mg2+ ( final concentration 1 . 5 �M) and template DNA ( 1 -5 ng

plasmid DNA, or 50-350 ng genomic DNA). For colony PCR, colonies were picked

into 20 �L water, then 5 �L of the m ixture were used as temp late . The fol lowing

standard PCR cycle conditions were used in this study: one cycle of 94°C for 5 m in;

fol lowed by 30 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 55°C for 30 s and noc for I minlkb; then one

cycle of noc for 7 min. The PCR program varied s l ightly depending on the primer set


Page 51: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

used. The annealing temperature, for example, depended on the melting temperature of

the primers and the e longation t ime related to the size of the amplification product . PCR

reactions were performed in a Eppendorf Mastercycler gradient or Techne PHC-3

thermal cycler.

2.3.4 DNA purification, digestion and Iigation

DNA was digested with restrict ion enzymes ( Roche). Double digests or partial digests

were used according to experimental requirements. To purify digested DNA or PCR

products MinElute Gel Extraction Kit (QIAGEN) or H igh Pure PCR Product

Purification Kit ( Roche) were used. DNA ligation was carried out using the Rapid 0 A

ligation kit ( Roche) . When necessary DNA fragments were dephosphorylated prior to

l igation by treat ing with Shrimp Alkal ine Phosphatase (Roche) .

2.3.5 Sequencing

All sequenc ing was carried out at either Waikato DNA Sequencing Faci l ity at the

University of Waikato, or the Massey University DNA Sequenc ing Faci l ity. DNA

sequences were analysed using the DNA star software package ( LASERGE E,

Madison Wisconsin) . The sequence data of newly identified genes is suppl ied in

appendix inc luding the attached CD in sequencher fOlmat.

2.4 Pla n t RNA and DNA extraction pro tocol

The extraction of plant RNA and DNA was based on the fol lowing protocol developed

by Or Huaibi Zhang (Crop and Food Research, Palmerston orth, New Zealand). A

CTAB (Cety ltrimethylammonium bromide ) extraction buffer was prepared in SO-mL

Nunc tubes containing:

0.3g CT AB power (2% w/v)

0.3g SOS or 1 . 5 mL 20% SOS (2% w/v final )

O. l Sg PVP (soluble)

1 .5 m L 1 M Tris-HCI (pH 8)

0.75 m L 0.5 M EO TA (PH 8 )

3 1

Page 52: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

6.0 mL S M NaCl

The components were mixed and the solution was made up to the I S ml marker and

autoc laved. The extraction buffer was warmed to SSOC in a water bath. 0.3 m L /3-

mercaptoethanol was added to I S mL extraction buffer before 1 -3 g ground tissue was

added. The material was m ixed completely by inverting the tube and then vortexing for

1 min. An equal volume of chloroform: i soamylalcohol (24: 1 ) was added, then the tube

was vortexed for 1 min and incubated at SSOC for I S m in. The sample was spun at 6S00

rpm (ss-34 rotor) at 4°C for I S min to separate phases, then the supernatant was

removed to a SO-mL Nunc tube and kept on ice. An equal volume of

chloroform: isoamylalcohol was added to the supernatant, then the sample was vortexed

for 30 seconds and spun at 6S00 rpm for I S min . The aqueous supernatant was removed

to a new plastic tube. The volume of supernatant was measured accurately and 1 13

volume of 8 M LiCl (-20°C) was added to the supernatant and mixed. RNA was

precipitated overnight at 4°C and harvested by centrifugation at 1 0000 rpm (ss-34 rotor)

for 20 min at 4°C . The supernatant was transferred carefully into a new unc tube for

DNA extraction. The RNA pel let was dissolved in 400 � l 3 M sodium acetate and

transferred into a 1 . 5 mL tube, then reprecipitated by adding 2 .S volume 1 00% ethanol.

The sample was spun at 1 3000 rpm for 20 m in, the ethanol was discarded and 70%

ethanol was used to wash the RNA pel let. The RNA pel let was then air-dried and

dissolved in 200 �L water. For DNA isolation, 1 volume of room temperature

isopropanol was added to the supernatant contained in a unc tube, then D A was spun

down at 1 000 rpm for 20 min . The DNA pel let was washed with 70% ethanol and then

dried. The DNA was dissolved in 200 �lL water.

A commercial kit, Nuc leon Extraction & Purification (Amersham, Life Sc ience) was

used as an alternative way for DNA extraction. DNA extraction was carried out

according to the manufacturer' s manual . The plant material ( 1 .0 g fresh weight) was

disrupted by grinding in l iquid nitrogen, then cells were lysed with potassium / SDS.

The ce l l debris and salt precipitate were removed by Nucleon PhytoPure resin and

chloroform. DNA was then precipitated and washed.


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2.5 Construct generation

2.5. 1 construct generation for genetic complementation

The p7GSV plasmid was made as follows. A PCR product of the genomic Venosa gene

was cloned into the KpnJ/SmaI digested pART7 vector (Gleave, 1 992; Figure 2 .2) to

generate 3 5 S : genomic Venosa construct. A 35S :Le cDNA construct ( lab stock pLc349)


EcoRl Kpnl Smal Cial


BamHI Xbal

ocs 3' Not!

Notl Sac!

___ �_or;

pART7 5042 bp

f1 or;

Figure 2.2 The map of the vector used for promoter deletion constructs, pART7. A PCR product of genomic Venosa gene was cloned into the Kpn I/SmaI digested vector to generate a 3 5 S :genomic Venosa construct .

served as contro l in this experiment. Le (Leaf colour) is a bHLH gene control l ing

anthocyanin biosynthesis in maize (Goff et al. , 1 992; Sainz et al. , 1 99 7) .


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2.5.2 Preparation of Venosa promoter 5' deletion constructs

The strategy for making the required deletion constructs i s schematically presented in

F igure 2.3. mgfp ( Haseloff et a!. , 1 997) was amplified with PCR using Y05/Y06

( Appendix I ) as primers and plasmid pPN92 (a construct of 35S :GFP) as template, then

c loned downstream of the 35S promoter and into KpnJ/SmaI digested pART7. The

insert was confirmed with sequencing. It was designated as p7GFP.

Cis-acting elements are typical ly short sequences. To he lp retain potential functional eis

elements for the promoter assay of 5' deletion mutagenesis, the 900 bp fragment of the

Venosa promoter was analysed with the PLACE database

(http://www .dna.affrc .go.jpIPLACEQ. a database of plant eis-acting regulatory DNA

elements (Higo et al. , 1 999), so that any predicted elements could be left intact. The

PLACE map is shown in Appendix V I . Seven regions without any element in the

PLACE map were determined to make 5' deletions. Accordingly, six forward primers

were designed (see Appendix J ) . A series of 5' deletions were made at intervals of about

1 00 bp ( Figure 2.4) with PCR using construct pJAM 1 37 1 (-2. � k VEN:GUS, made by

our U K col laborator) as template, and c loned into Sac IlKpnI digested p7GFP, replacing

the 3 5 S promoter. The insert was confirmed by sequenc ing. The deletion constructs

using other repot1ers such as Rosea cDNA, IGUS and genomic Venosa were made in a

s imi lar manner. How many deletion constructs were made using a given reporter gene

depended on the necessity of the experiments. Al l the constructs are summarized in

Table 2 .2 .

The constructs were transformed into E. eoli strains Novablue or SCS 1 1 0 . Midiprep

plasmids prepared using commercial kits were used for transient assay by particle



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SacI KpnI SmaI N otI

pVe deletions reporter gene Toes

Figure 2 .3 Schematic representation of the structure of deletion constructs (not to scale) . The gene encoding OFP, IOUS or Myb Anthocyanin Regulator (MAR) was c loned into KpnI / SmaI digested pART7 (see F igure 2 .2 ) first, then the Venosa promoter deletion fragments were cloned into Sac I/KpnI sites to produce a series of Venosa promoter deletion constructs. pVe deletions, Venosa promoter 5' end deletion fragments; reporter gene, the gene encoding OFP, IOUS or MAR; Tocs, ocs terminator.


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B Reporter Terminator

-900 VEN: Reporler--------------I-----=�t::::l:!:i!!I

-746 VEN: Reporter

-639 VEN:Reporler

-500 VEN:Reporter

-380 VEN: Reporter

-260 VEN: Reporter

- 1 50 VEN: Reporter

Figure 2.4 The main 5' end Venosa promoter deletions. (A)The positions of forward primers are highl ighted in red and indicated by arrow. The position of reverse primer was highl ighted in blue before the start coden TAG. ( B ) The graphic showing the corresponding deletions. The pink bar represents 5 ' end Venosa promoter deletion fragments; the black bar represents reporter genes; the green bar represents ocs terminator.


Page 57: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

Table 2 . 1 List of Venosa promoter deletion constructs

The template and Construct name construct primers of the reporter gene pPN92 (a construct of p7GFP 35S:GFP 35S :mGFP) as template, pVEO l - 7-16 VEN:GFP Y05/Y06 as primers pV E04 -630 VEN: GFP

pVE05 -500 VEN: GFP

pV E06 -380VEN:GFP pV E07 -260 VEN:GFP pVE08 - 150 VEN:GFP

pJA M 1 468 (a construct p7Rosea c DNA 35S:Rosea of 3 5 S : Rosea c DNA) as pVE l l - 7-16 VEN:Rosea template, Y03/Y04 as pVE 1 4 -630VEN:Rosea pnmers pV E 1 5 -500VEN:Rosea

pV E 1 6 -380 VEN:Rosea pV E 1 7 -260 VEN:Rosea pVE 1 8 - 150VEN:Rosea

pMOG4 1 0 (Vancanneyt p7 IGUS 35S:JGUS et aI. , 1 990) as template, pVE40 - 900 VEN:JGUS Y25/Y26 as primers pVE4 1 - 7-I6 VEN:JGUS

pVE44 -630 VEN:JGUS pVE45 -500 VEN:fGUS pVE46 -380 VEN: JG US pVE47 -260 VEN:JG US pVE48 - 150VEN:JG US pVE7 1 - 120VEN:JGUS pVE72 - 1 00 VEN:JGUS pVE73 -90 VEN:JG US pVE40-2 promoterfess:JG US

Venation phenotype p7GSV 35:gVenosa genomic DNA as pVE900GSV -900 VEN:f? Venosa template, Y44/Y45 as pVE500GSV -500 VEN.·f? Venosa pnmers pVE200GSV - 150VEN:gVenosa

pVE 1 20GSV - 1 20 VEN:g Venosa pVE I OOGSV -1 OO VEN:gVenosa pVE90GSV -1 OOVEN:g Venosa pVEOGSV promoterfess:g Venosa

Constructs made by U K pJAM 1 334a - 760VEN:G US col laborator

pJAM 1 367a - 1 . 6kVEN:G US

pJAM 1 37 1 a -2. -IkVEN:G US

a: structure of constructs is based on information from Professor Cathie Martin (John

Innes Centre), and has not been confirmed by sequencing.

3 7

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2.5.3 Arabidopsis ubiquitin promoter transcriptional enhancer and Omega

translational enhancer constructs

A 1 .4 kb fragment of Arabidopsis ubiquitin promoter upstream of the TA TA box was

amplified by PCR using Arabidopsis genomic DNA as template and Y28/Y29 as

primers, and c loned into Sac I d igested p7 IGUS. The sequence of the insert was

confirmed by sequencing. This 1 .4 kb fragment was cut off and cloned into Sac I

digested p27 I GU S, p27VEN900IGUS and p27VEN700IGUS in both directions

(pART27 is a binary vector, which is used to make stable transgenic plants. I ts map is

shown in Figure 2.6. A l l the binary constructs inc luding p27IGUS, p27VEN900IGUS

and p27VEN700IGUS were described in Section 2.5.6) . The schematic structure is

shown in Figure 2 . 5 A. A l l the constructs are summarized in Table 2 .2 . They were

designated as p27UFIGUS ( forward ubiquitin-35S : IGUS in pART27), p27 URIGUS

(reverse ubiquitin-35S : I GUS in pART27 ), p27UF900 lGUS ( forward ubiquit in-900 bp

Venosa promoter: IGUS in pART27), p27UR900IGUS (reverse ubiquitin-900 bp

Venosa promoter: IGUS in pART27), p27UF700IGUS ( forward ubiquitin-700 bp

Venosa promoter : IGUS in pART27) and p27UR700 IGUS (reverse ubiquit in-700 bp

Venosa promoter : IGUS in pART27) respectively.

Q is a 68 bp translational enhancer (Gal l ie et aI. , 1 987) . It was made from two

oligonucleotides, positive and negative strands (Y 4 1 1Y30), and cloned into

Kpnl/Hind I I I digested pART7, then IGUS was inserted into HindU! . This construct

was designated as p7QIGUS. The fragment of -900 bp Veno ·a promoter was cut off

from -900 VEN:JGUS, then c loned into Sac I/Kpnl digested p7QIGUS. It was designated

as pVe900QIGUS. The physical map is shown in Figure 2 .5 B .

2.5.4 Gal4 two-step transcriptional amplification system constructs

Method I

A 0.8 kb fragment upstream of the TA TA box of the Venosa promoter was ampl ified

with PC R using pJAM 1 37 1 as template and Y39/Y 1 3 as primers. This fragment was

designated as 6pVe and c loned into the Sac I/KpnI digested pART7. The corresponding

construct was designated as p6Ve. Plasmid pC-4956 :ET I 5 (Johnson et aI. , 2005 ) was


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digested with KpnI and the small fragment containing the Gal4 trapper was purified. I t

was c loned into the KpnI digested p6 Ye . The plasmid with correct orientation of the

insert was c hecked using restriction fragment analysis and confirmed by sequencing.

The structure is shown in F igure 2 .5 C. This construct is designated as p6 Vetrapper.

The adaxial area of venation phenotype antirrhinum petals was bombarded with

p6 Vetrapper or pC-4956:ET 1 5 .

Method II

pC-4956 : ET I 5 was digested with Kpn I . The smal l fragment was the enhancer trapper

(Figure 2 .5 C ) . It was then digested into two fragments with Hind I I I . One fragment was

gene for Gal4 protein, in which GAL4 was driven by -40 bp of 35S core promoter.

Another was reporter system, in which mgfp was driven by -90 bp of 3 5 S core promoter

combining five tandem repeats of GAL4 binding site (F igure 2 .5 C ). The petals of

venation phenotype antirrhinum were bombarded with each fragment or a mixture of


2.5.5 Construction of constructs to use PTG S inhibitor p 1 9 in transient assay

To test the efficacy and efficiency of p 1 9 (Voinnet et ai. , 2003 ) in transient assays

(Section 2 .6 ) of Venosa promoter activity, four different methods were attempted.

Method I A 35S.pJ 9 construct ( suppl ied by Or Kathy Schwinn and designated

pPN 308) and each VEN:IGUS construct were co-precipitated on gold particles then

bombarded into the adaxial epidermal cel ls of roseadorsea petals, or leaf epidermal cel ls

of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun). The petals were a lso bombarded with a

mixture of - 700 VEN:GUS and pART7.

Method I I 35S:p J 9 and VEN:IG US were constructed into one vector (Figure 2 .5 0 ),

then bombarded into epidermal cel ls . The constructs were made using the fol lowing

strategy: the fragment containing 3 5 S :p 1 9 : terminator was digested from pBfN6 1 -p 1 9

( from Roger Hellens, HortResearch), and the fragment contain ing


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VEN : I GU S :terminator was cut off from pVeIGUS, then both fragments were cloned

into pDAHCROP3E (from Don H unter, Crop & Food Research) .

Method I I I The petal tissue was bombarded with 35S:p 1 9 construct, then with

VEN:IGUS. To test if two different constructs can be introduced into one cel l with

separate bombardments, the adaxial area of roseadorsea petals was bombarded with

35S:GFP then 35S: Venosa.

Method I V A -900VEN:p1 9 construct was made. The fragment of -900 bp Venosa

promoter was amplified with PCR using pJAM 1 367 as template and Y 1 3/Y46 as

primers ( see Appendix [ ), then c loned into Sac IlXhoI digested pPN308, so that it

replaced the 35S promoter. It was designated as pVe900p 1 9. This plasmid was co­

precipitated with VEN:IGUS plasmid onto gold partic les, then bombarded into petal

epidennal cel ls.


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Table 2.2 The constructs used for enhancement of the expression of Venosa

promoter deletions in particle bombardment

Enhancement strategy Construct Structure name

1 .4 kbp fragment upstream p27UFIGUS UF35S:IGUS TAT A box of Arabidopsis 227URIGUS UR35S:IGUS ubiquitin promoter as an p27UF900IGUS UF- VEN900:IG US enhancer p27UR900IGUS UR- VEN900:IG US


Omega fragment as an p7 0IGUS 35S:D.IGUS enhancer pVe9000IGUS -900 VEN:D.IGUS Ga14 enhancement system pt-. V etrapper t-. Ve--IObp35Score:Gal-l trapper

Ga14 trapper pC--I956:ET15 P 1 9 as an inhibitor of pVe900p1 9 -900 VEN:pl 9 PTGS pVe2.4p 1 9 -2. -Ik VEN:IG US and 35S:p 1 9 in one

vector pVe700p 1 9 - 7-16 VEN:IGUS and 35S:p 1 9 in one

vector pVe200p 1 9 - 150VEN:IGUS and 35S:p1 9 in one

vector pVeOp 1 9 Promoterless:lGUS and 35S:p1 9 in

one vector

4 1

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En pVe IGUS Tocs

E n pVe I G U S Tocs

pVe n IGUS Tocs


UAS Tnos -4SCaMV



I ..

gfp-er H indI I I gal-l-vpJ6 KpnI

3Ss p 1 9 TCaMV pVe IGUS Tocs

Figure 2.5 The constructs developed for strategies to enhance the expression of weak promoter deletions. The schematic structures are not to scale. CA) Fusion of the transcriptional enhancer of Arabidopsis ubiquitin promoter upstream

of Venosa promoter deletions. C B ) C loning of the omega translational enhancer upstream of IGUS. C C ) Fusion of L\p Ve upstream of the -4SCaMV fragment of the Gal4 two-step

transcriptional amplification system. CD) Fusion of 35S:pJ 9 and VEN:JGUS into one expression vector. Abbreviations are 3SS, CaMV 3SS promoter; p 1 9, the sequence encoding the p 1 9 protein of tomato bushy stunt virus; IGUS, intron GUS; Tocs, bacterial octopine synthase gene terminator; En, transcriptional enhancer; n, 68 bp sequence of S ' -leader of tobacco mosaic virus; L\p Ye, a 700 bp fragment upstream of Venosa core promoter; -4SCaMV, -4SCaMV 3 S S minimal promoter; gaI4-vp 1 6, gal4-vp 1 6 transcriptional activator fusion gene; Tnos, bacterial nopaline synthase gene terminator sequence; UAS, five tandem repeats of the upstream activation sequence element GAL4 binding site; -90CaMV, -90CaMV 35S minimal promoter TA TA; gfp-er, sequence encoding green fluorescent protein C mgfpS) with a signal to target the protein to the endoplasmic reticulum.


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2.5.6 Construction of binary vectors

B inary vector pART27 ( Gleave, 1 992) was used for making the constructs for stable

transformation described in this section. The c loning strategy used is shown

schematically in F igure 2 .6. The VEN:REPOR TER deletion fusions were c ut out with

Sac! I Notl from the corresponding c loning vector pART7, then cloned into the Sac ! I

Notl sites of pART27. A l l binary constructs are l isted in Table 2 .3 . Empty vector

pART27 was used as a negative control , and 35S:JGUS and 35S:GFP constructs were

the positive controls .

The construct plasmid was purified from E. coli strain Novablue using the procedure

out l ined in Section 2 .3 .4, then used to transform A . lumefaciens strain LBA4404 by

electroporation. A positive colony harboring the correct construct was identified by

checking the DNA using back transformation into E. coli. Plasmid DNA rearrangement

can occur during A. tumefaciens transformation, and back transformation into E. coli

with plasmids puri fied from A. tumefaciens colonies al lowed the construct to be checked

by restriction digestion.


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pART27 11669 b p



Sacl Not!

RB p Ve deletions reporter Toes Pnos nptI I Tnos L B

Figure 2.6 The strategy for making binary constructs for stable tobacco transgenics. (A) Binary vector pART27 used for making binary constructs. ( B ) Schematic representation of the T-DNA region (not to scale) of the binary vector constructs. The pYe promoter fragmentreporter:terminator cassette (see F igure 2 . 3 ) were digested with Sac IlNotI , then cloned into the Sac IlNot I sites of pART27 to produce a series of pVe27 binary constructs. RB, right border; p Ye deletions, venosa promoter deletions; reporter, GFP, rGUS or MYB regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis ; Tocs, ocs terminator; Pnos, nos promoter; npt I l , neomycin phosphotransferase I I gene for kanamycin resistance; Tnos, nos terminator; LB, left border.


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Table 2.3 B inary constructs

Construct Name Construct Description pVE2 1 - 746 VEN:mRfp pVE24 -63 0 VEN: mgfp pVE25 -500 VEN:mgfp pVE26 -380 VEN:mgfp pVE27 -260 VEN:mgfp pVE28 -1 50 VEN:mRfp pVE3 1 - 7-16 VEN:Rosea1 pVE34 -630VEN:Rosea1 pVE35 -500VEN:Rosea1 pVE36 -380VEN:Rosea1 pVE37 -260 VEN:Rosea1 pVE38 - 150 VEN:Rosea1 pVE50 -900 VEN:IGUS pVE5 1 - 7-16 VEN:IGUS pVE54 -630 VEN:IGUS pVE55 -500 VEN:IG US pVE56 -380 VEN:IGUS pVE58 - 150 VEN:IG US pPN92 CaMV35S:mGFP p27IGUS CaMV35S:1GUS pART27 empty vector

2.6 Pa rticle bom ba rdment fo r tra nsient gene expression

2.6. 1 Preparation of gold particles

Gold partic les ( 1 .0 micron) (B IO-RAD LABORATORIES PTY L TD) were weighed

out ( 1 00 mg) in 1 .5 ml microfuge tube and washed briefly in 1 ml isopropanol. They

were then washed three times with sterile water. On the last wash the gold particles

were suspended in the water with sonication, then while pippetting up and down

frequently, 50 III portions were aliquoted out into Eppendorf tubes. They were stored at

4°C for later use.


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2.6.2 Precipitation of DNA onto gold particles

Construct DNA (usually 1 0 Ilg, but sometimes as l ittle as 1 Ilg depending on the

experiments and the amount of DNA avai lable) was added to the gold particle aliquot

(50 ilL) to a total volume of 60 ilL (water was added to reach the final volume) and

m ixed briefly. Then 20 ilL of 0 . 1 M spermidine was added with brief m ixing. 5 0 ilL of

2.5 M CaCh was added and the m ixture vortexed thoroughly. I t was left for at least 3

min, during which it was vortexed three times. The gold was spun down briefly and 90

ilL of supematant was discarded. The gold partic les were resuspended by pipetting up

and down. A 5 ilL aliquot was used for each firing.

2.6.3 Particle bombardment

A modified Hel ium gene gun ( Finer et al. , 1 992) was used for particle bombardment

( Figure 2 .7) . The gun was cleaned and the filters which carry the DNA-coated gold

particles were changed for different 0 A samples. The shooting parameters were as

fol lows : 300 kPa hel ium pressure; 30 micro second solenoid release time; 1 3 cm

shooting distance; - 1 4 kPa vacuum pressure . The material to be shot was petal or young

leaf, steri l ised ( surface steri l ised for 1 0- 1 5 min in 1 0% (v/v) bleach containing 1 -2

drops of 1 00m/L TWEE , and then rinsed thoroughly in steri le water) or unsteri l ised.

Tissue was bombarded once or twice, depending on the experiment. The plant materials

were then cultured on \/2 MS medium under l ight ( 1 6 hours photoperiod) at 25°C .


Page 67: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

Figure 2.7


Hel ium particle inflow gun used in the biol istic bombardments in this

2.6.4 Plant material

The dorsal petals of nearly ful ly opened flowers of either the venation phenotype of

antirrhinum or of roseadorsea were used unless stated otherwise. Both adaxial and abaxial

sides were bombarded depending on the reporter used.

When the petals of roseadorsea were to be used with constructs containing a MYB

anthocyanin regulator (Rosea or Venosa), they were first checked under the microscope

and those without individual pigmented cel ls in the adaxial area were selected.

Two flowers were tested for one construct (tested gene or contro l ) each time, and each

experiment was repeated at least twice. The response of the tissue to the bombardment

was observed using l ight microscopy over the fol lowing five days.


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2.7 Sta ble tobacco transgenics

2.7. 1 Preparation of A. tumefaciens culture

Bead stocks of A. tumefaciens strain L BA4404 containing the binary vectors (Table 2.4)

were inoculated into 40 mL LB broth containing antibiotic(s) . They were cultured in a

shaking incubator at 28°e unti l the bacteria growth reached an A600 > 0 .5 .

2.7.2 Transformation

The fol lowing media were used in the experiments :

• Base medium (MS salts + B5 vitamins +30 g/L sucrose + 0 .8% agar);

• Shooting medium ( Base media + 0 . 1 /-lg/L NAA + 1 .0 /-lglL BAP);

• Shooting selection medium ( S hooting media + 1 50 mg/L Kanamycin + 500 mg/L

Ticarci l l in);

• Rooting selection medium ( Base media + 1 50 mg/L Kanamycin + 250 mg/L

Ticarc i l l in) .

Young healthy leaves from stock in vitro Nicoliana labacum (cv . Samsun) plants or

surface steri l ised leaves from young plants in the glasshouse were cut into

approximately 5 mm2 discs to a total of 50 pieces for each construct, avoiding the

central midrib. 30 discs were transferred into a beaker containing the A. llImefaciens

culture and became thoroughly wetted. The discs were put onto steri l ised Whatman

paper unt i l most of the excess liquid culture had been absorbed. They were then placed

adaxial ( top) side down on each plate with shooting medium . The discs were co­

cultivated with A. tumefaciens in a 24°C culture room under low l ight for 3 days, then

transferred to shooting selection medium. Twenty discs that had not been in contact

with A. tumefaciens were used as controls : ten were transferred to shooting selection

medium to ensure that the selection agent used prevented development of cal l i or

shoots. The other ten leaf discs were kept on shooting medium to make sure that cal lus

tissue did develop under the hormone regime being used. After 2-4 weeks, shoots began

to emerge from the cal lus tissue. The explants were transferred to fresh media regularly.

Once shoots were obviously elongated they were excised and transferred into a fresh


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individual ly labeled media tub containing rooting selection medium. 20-50 independent

l ines were harvested for each construct . When the independent plants had prol iferated

adequately, a stem was cut off for each independent plant and transferred to individual ly

labeled medium tubs containing rooting selection medium for backup purposes. One

p lant was planted into soil in the glasshouse for each independent l ine. The number of

independent l ines for each construct is l isted in Table 2 .4 . Only plants with normal

phenotypes were analysed.

The seeds for transgenic plant l ines containing three other constructs ( - 760 VEN: G US,

- 1 . 6k VEN:G US and -2. -IkVEN:GUS) were obtained from Prof. Cathie Mart in (UK) . The

seeds were steri l ised and screened for rooting in media supplemented with kanamycin.

The rooted p lants were grown to flowering in the GMO greenhouse.


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Table 2.4 The number of independent tobacco transgenic lines p roduced for each construct

Construct Name Construct DescriQtion Number of L ines

pVE2 1 - 7-16 VEN:mgfp 2 1

pVE24 -630VEN:mgfjJ 1 7

pVE25 -500 VEN:mgfp 23

pVE26 -380VEN:mgfp 1 6

pVE27 -260VEN:mgfp 1 3

pVE28 - 150VEN:mgfJ2 22

pVE3 1 - 7-16 VEN:Roseal 24

pVE34 -630VEN:Roseal 29

pVE35 -500 VEN:Roseal 23

pVE36 -380 VEN:Roseal 24

pVE37 -260 VEN:Roseal 24

pVE38 - 1 50VEN: Roseal 22

pVE50 -900 VEN:IGUS 1 8

pVE5 1 - 7-16 VEN:IGUS 29

pVE54 -630VEN:IGUS 1 8

pVE55 -500 VEN:IGUS 27

pVE56 -380 VEN:/GUS 30

pVE58 - 1 50VEN:IGUS 57

pPN92 CaMV35S:mGFP 1 5

p27IGUS CaMV35S: 1GUS 9

pART27 em pty vector 1 5


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2.8 Repo rter gene assays

Light m icroscopy (Olympus BM2) was used for the observation of red pigment in the

l ines harboring Rosea c DNA constructs. To observe GUS reporter activity, the tissue

was stained with X-glue first. F luorescent m icroscopy (Olympus SZX) and confocal

microscopy ( Leica) was used for the observation of GFP in the l ines harboring GFP

constructs. Images were captured and exami ned using a Leica DC 50 digital camera

attached to a microscope.

Two methods were u ed for GUS staining:

Method 1 . H istochemical assay for GUS expression was performed as described by

lefferson et al. (1 987). Flower samples were immersed in staining buffer, then

infi l trated for about one minute, during which time the petal tissue became translucent.

They were then incubated 1 2 - 48 h at 37°C in the original staining buffer. The X-gluc

buffer was then replaced with 70% (v/v) ethanol to remove the chlorophyll and preserve

the sample. Sometimes a brown colour occurred due to tissue necrosis. To remove this

brown colour the samples were transferred into 1 00% (v/v ) ethanol + 5% ( v/v ) acetic

acid solution and bathed at 70°C for 30 minutes.

X-Glue buffer: X-Gluc (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl-B-Dgluconide) was first dissolved

in a small amount of dimethyl forrnamide first, then made up to 0 .5 mg/L X-gluc in 50

mM phosphate buffer pH 7.0, I % (v/v) Triton.

Method 2. The procedure was the same as the method described by Hemerly et al.

( 1 993 ). Flowers were prefixed with cold 90% (v/v ) acetone for 1 h at -20°C, washed

twice with 1 00 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, and immersed in the enzymatic

reaction mixture. rn this method the stain ing buffer was 1 00 m M phosphate buffer pH

7.0, 0 .5 mM K3Fe(CN)6, 0 .5 m M K.Fe(CN)6, 1 0 mM EDTA, 1 mM X-Gluc .

5 1

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GUS stained tissue was observed under a l ight microscope to determ ine the pattern of

staining. For some GUS positive l ines the GUS staining patterning was further

examined using sectioning. Thin sections were made by hand using a razor blade.

2.9 Agro-infiltration

Agro-infiltration was also used for the transient assay o f Venosa promoter deletions.

The Venosa promoter deletion constructs were made using binary vector pART27, then

transformed into Agro strain LBA 4404 (see Table 2.3 for the binary construct detai ls ) .

The main analysis of the deletion constructs with Agro-infiltration used N. labacum (cv .

Samsun) flowers.

Infi ltration of attached tobacco flowers with A . tumefaciens (Agrobaclerium) strain

LBA 4404 harboring 35S: JG US or 35S:GFP constructs was carried out using the

fol lowing protocol :

Agrobacterium cells were cultured in 1 0 m I LB + selection antibiotic overnight. The

cel ls were centrifuged and re-suspended in medium 1 003 (AB media salts + aH2PO-l

240 mg / L+ glucose 1 0 g / L + MES 1 4 .693 g / L ) containing 1 00 f-lM acetosyringone

(AS) and cultured for 4 h . The cel ls were then centri fuged and re-suspended in 1 %

( w/v) glucose solution supplemented with AS. The solution was adj usted pH 5 . 3

beforehand. The density of Agrobacterium cells was adj usted to A600=0.5 with the same

solution. F lower buds or opened flowers in the GMO glasshouse were pierced with a

needle and infiltrated with the Agro culture using a syringe. It was found that the buds

could be treated from about 1 5 mm in length to fully opened flowers. After 2 .5 to 3

days the buds were stained for GUS activity with the standard protocol or observed for

GFP under the fluorescent m icroscope.

Tobacco flowers developed normally after in vivo Agro-infiltration. Staining was

apparent in epidermal cel ls within 1 . 5 days when the IGUS reporter was used. Detailed

observation demonstrated that all k inds of tissue cel ls could be transformed.


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The above protocol was also used to test the efficacy of Agro-infiltration of petunia and

A ntirrhinum flowers.

2 . 1 0 In situ hybridisation o f Venosa m RNA

2. 1 0. 1 Plant material

Seven different species of A ntirrhinum with or without venal pigmentation patterning

were used (Table 2 .5) . Tissue from the roseadorsea phenotype (no venation) was used as

a negative contro l . The plant tissue fixation and embedding was carried out by our U K

collaborator Professor Cathie Martin (John lnnes Centre) . The b locks were mailed to

our lab and all subsequent procedures carried out in Palmerston North.

Table 2.5 Species and phenotype of p lant material used for in situ mRNA hybridisation of Venosa

Species Phenotype Material Bud stage code (mm)

A. majus roseadorsea / No Venation AA 1 04 1 5

A. majus roseadorsea/ Venation AA 1 1 4 I S A. graniticum No venation AA 1 23 1 0

A . mollissimum Venation AA 1 24 5

A. meonanthemum Venation AA 1 25 1 0

A. barrelieri Venation AA 1 26 1 0 A. latifolium Venat ion AA 1 27 1 5

A. molle Venation AA 1 28 5

2. 1 0.2 Precautions to avoid RNase contamination

General precautions to avoid RNAse contamination were observed throughout the

course of the experiment. Gloves were changed when gloved hands touched RNase

contaminated working surfaces. Glassware used for RNA work was autoc laved and

baked at 1 80°C for at least 2 h. P lasticware was either new (plastic pipettes) or treated

overnight in 3% (v/v) decon 90 ( Decon Laboratories Limited) and rinsed with sterile


Page 74: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

water. Solutions for RNA work were prepared with steri le disti l led water, then

autoc laved.

2 . 1 0.3 Sectioning

Tissues were sectioned at 8 /-lm. Sections were cut using a microtome ( Porter-B lum

M icrotome, JB-4, Sorvall) , floated on water at 42°C and captured with precoated

m icroscope sl ides ( Fischer, Scientific, US and / or Esco S uperfrost P lus coated

microscope sl ides, Biolab Sc ientific) . Microscope sl ides were baked at 42°C in an

incubator overnight and stored at room temperature for 3-4 weeks prior to in situ

m RNA hybridisation.

2 . 1 0.4 Probe synthesis

When designing the probe for the detection of Venosa transcription, the aim was to get a

gene specific probe. The b inding domain of myb factors is highly conserved, and

several myb genes are known to express in the antirrhinum flowers (Schwinn et aI. ,

2006). DNA alignment showed that Venosa was highly similar to Roseal and Rosea2 in

the binding domain, but differed in the C-terminal domain. So a portion of the C­

terminal domain was used as the probe for gene specific hybridisation. There is an XhoI

in the middle of the Venosa C-terminal domain. A plasmid containing Venosa cDNA

was provided by Cathie Martin (John Innes Centre) . The D A fragments for

transcription of probes were derived from PCR-amplified cDNA using this plasmid as

template, Venosa cD A was cloned into KpnIlSmaI digested pART7, then the

XhoVSmaI fragment from p7Venosa-cDNA plasmid was c loned into XhoIlSmaI

digested pBluescript KS+ ( Figure 2 . 8 ).

A plasmid containing antirrhinum CHS was provided by Or Kevin Davies. The D A

fragments for transcription of probes were derived from PCR-amplified cDNA using

this plasmid as template. C H S cDNA was c loned into the XbaIlC laI digested

pBluescript K +. The presence of the complete gene was confirmed by sequenc ing. This

construct is recorded as pBSKS+CHS.


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pBluescript KS plus 2 9 5 8 bp


Nael (334)

t'fiL=-:-:-::::--:-:-Dela .. galaClcJsldaSe alpha peptide


br-----------iDt-----------i I I


Figu re 2.8 The probe for Venosa m RNA in situ hybridisation. (A) The map of pBluescript KS+ vector used for making the probe. C ited from Internet : www .rzpd .de/ . . j pBluescript_KSylusyic.shtm l . ( B ) Schematic presentation o f genomic Venosa (not t o scale), in which part of the C-terminal domain, XhoI downstream fragment, is used as probe. Venosa c DNA was c loned into KpnIlSmaI digested pART7 (see F igure 2 .2) , then the XhoIlSmaI fragment from p7Venosa-cDNA plasmid was c loned into XhoIlSmaI digested pBluescript KS+ vector. L ine, intron; box, exon; pink bar, probe region from XhoI to stop coden, T AA.


Page 76: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

The anti-sense probe and sense probe of CHS and Venosa were synthesised with a kit

( Roche Applied Science) according to the manufacturer's instructions . They were

c loned into pBluescript KS+ vector. DNA templates were prepared from plasmid DNA

and l inearised at restriction sites downstream of the c loned insert . After restriction

d igest, the DNA was purified by phenol/chloroform extraction, fol lowed by ethanol

precipitation. Digoxigenin-labe led RNA probes were synthesised with in vitro

transcription using T3 and T7 RNA polymerase according to the manufacturer' s

instructions ( Roche Applied Sc ience). A negative control was set using sense probes.

The transcription reaction was carried out in microfuge tubes consisting of the

fol lowing: I llg purified template DNA and steri le dist i l led water to a final volume of 1 3

Ill , I Ox NTP label ing mixture ( 2 Ill ), 1 0x transcription buffer ( 2 Il l ) , RNase inhibitor ( 1

Il l ), and RNA polymerase T3 or T7 (2 Il l ) .

The reaction solution was m ixed gently and centrifuged briefly, then the mixture was

incubated at 3 7°C for 3 h. RNA-free DNase 2 II I was added to the transcription mixture,

and the mixture incubated for a further 1 5 min to remove template DNA. Transcription

was stopped by adding 2 II I 0.2 M EDTA (pH 8 .0), and the RNA transcript was

precipitated by 2 .5 II I 4 M L iC I and 75 II I ethanol at -80°C for 1 h. After centrifuging for

20 min at 4°C the supematant was removed and the pel let was washed, centrifuged, air­

dried and dissolved in 50 II I steri le dist i l led water. Reaction m ixture (2 Il l ) was loaded

onto a 1 .5% formaldehyde gel to determine if the expected RNA product was present. 1

II I reaction mixture was used for quantification with spectrophotometry :

C ( Ilg / ml , concentration) = R ( the read number under A26o) x D (di lution factor) x 40

( Ilg/ml )

A ( Ilg, amount ) = C x V (ml , sample volume)

Because C H S was 1 .3 kb, the RNA probes were hydrolysed to reduce probe size and

al low better penetration of probes into the tissue. Transcripts for both antisense and

sense probes were hydrolysed into about 0 .2 kb long fragments. These were chemically

degraded to a mean length of 1 50-250 bp by the addition of sodium carbonate buffer

(carbonate buffer 50 II I was added to the 50 II I of transcript solution), pH 1 0.2 at 60°C

using the formula below to calculate the incubation time for each probe:


Page 77: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

t = (Li -Lf) / (K) (L i ) (Lf)

Where t

L i


hydrolysis t ime in minutes

initial length in kb

final length in kb = 0.2 kb

K rate constant for hydrolysis = 0 . 1 1 kb / min

The hydrolysis reaction was stopped by adding 5 II I of 1 0% acetic acid and the

transcripts were precipitated by 1 0 III of 3 M NaHAc and 260 III ethanol and left at -

80°C for 1 h. After centrifugation for 20 min at 4°C and washing / spinning with

ethanol , the pel lets were air-dried and taken up again in 50 III of steri le dist i l led water.

Hydrolysed transcripts (2 Il l ) were run through a 1 . 5% formaldehyde gel to confirm

they were of the expected size. Transcripts were stored in aliquots at -80°C .

The transcripts for the Venosa probe did not need to be hydrolysed due to their

inherently suitable length of 0.2 kb (Figure 2.8 B ).

2 . 10.5 Pretreatments

The microscope slides with the mounted tissue were put into a s l ide rack and passed

through the fol lowing series of solutions for section pretreatments. The slides were

dewaxed firstly by passing through two separate hi stoclear (National Diagnost ics) with

ten minutes per change, then through sequential rehydration steps, one and half minutes

in 1 00% ethanol, a half minute in each solution of 95% ethanol , 75% ethanol + 0 .85%

NaCI , 5 0% ethanol + 0.85% NaCl, 30% ethanol + 0 .85% NaCl , two minutes in 0 .85%

NaC I and PBS (phosphate buffered sal ine solution). The next step was pronase

treatment (0 . 1 24 mg/m l ) in 50 mM Tris-HCI , pH 7 .5 , 5 mM EDTA) for 1 0 minutes.

This step degrades proteinaceous material and al lows cel l permeabil ity for probe

penetration. The tissues were washed with I x PBS solution added 2% glyc ine for two

minutes before post fixation with 4% formaldehyde in PBS for ten minute. The tissues

were washed by passing through two separate PBS solution with two m inutes per wash.

This wash was fol lowed by acetylation reaction (3 m l acetic anhydride in 0 . 1 M

triethanolamine), which reduced background through acetylation of exposed charges.

After washes in 1 x PBS the tissues were dehydrated back through the ethanol solution


Page 78: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

with fresh ethanol solution at the end. The s l ides were air-dried before probe


2. 1 0.6 RNA in situ hybridisation and immunological detection

RNA probes were di luted at the required hybridisation concentrations with

hybridisation buffer (50% formamide, 300 mM NaCl, 1 0 mM Tris (PH 7 .5 ), 1 mM

EOT A, 1 0% dextran sulphate, 1 % denhardts, 1 00 Ilg/ml tRNA), which was made fresh

on the day. The quantity of O IG-labeled probe required for adequate colour

development was determined empirical ly . In an attempt to find the optimal probe

concentration, four concentrations of the anti-sense and sense probes for each gene were

tried with 0.25 Il l , 0.5 Il l , 1 .0 II I and 2 .0 Il l . The cross sections of tube and lobe of

AA 1 1 4 ( Venos /roseadorsea phenotype) were used as plant materia l . When the optimal

concentration of probes were determined, al l species or phenotypes were tested, in

which one sl ide for a tube section and one sl ide for a lobe section for each species or

phenotype were selected according to their position in the flower for maximum l ikely

Venosa expression.

The volume of probe was di luted with 1 0 volumes of 0.5 x TE, heated for 2 min at

80°C, then cooled on ice and hybridisation solution added. A 200 II I aliquot of solution

containing the probe was applied to a sl ide and a second sl ide was lowered onto i t l ike a

cover sl ip. Thus, a set of two microscope sl ides fac ing each other with the probe

between them l ike a sandwich. The sl ides were placed in a covered plastic container

where the sl ides were laid down on an elevated level and the bottom of the container

was l ine with wet paper towel to maintain a humid atmosphere inside the box. The

paper was wet with 2 x SCC in 50% formamide. Hybridisations were set up overnight at

50°C .

After an overnight incubation, low and high stringency washes were done at 50 °C . The

microscope sl ide pairs were separated carefully and incubated in 2 X SSC (SSC: 3 M

NaCI , 0 .3 M sodium citrate, pH 7 ) in 50% formamide at 5 0°C for twice washes . Per

wash was one hour. The tissues were washed in NTE (0. 1 mM NaC L + 0.002 mM Tris­

H C L + 0.0002 m M EDT A (pH 8 .0) autoclaved) for 5 minutes. I t was fol lowed by

RNase treatment (20 Ilg/ml RNase in NTE buffer) for 30 m inutes. After twice passing

5 8

Page 79: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

through ( 5 minutes each time) the NTE buffer, the tissues were incubated in 0.2 x SSC

at 50°C for one hour. A final rinse was done using 1 x PBS at room temperature for 1

min. Immunological detection was done by blocking treatment first. The microscope

sl ides were put into a glass dish containing blocking solution (0. 1 % BM reagent in

buffer 1 ) . The dish was put on shaker for gentle shaking for 45 min. After wash with

buffer 1 for 45 min, antibody reaction was done using 1 :2500 di lution of DIG-AP

conjugate in buffer l . The sl ides were placed in boxes wetted with paper towel and

incubated at room temperature for 90 minutes. The s l ides were separated carefully and

antibody was washed off with buffer 1 for four times. This was followed by further

three times washes with detection buffer ( 1 00 mM Tri s (pH 9 .5 ), 1 00 mM aCl , 50 mM

MgC h ).

The colour reaction was done with Color Reagent solution (40 fl l colour reagent + 2 ml

detection buffer). S l ide sandwiches were made by adding Colour Reagent solut ion 200

fll , then put into a water moistered box and incubated at room temperature in the dark

overnight. The progress of the colour reaction was monitored. S l ides were separated,

rinsed with water, air dried and mounted. Images were captured and examined using a

Leica DC 50 digital camera attached to a microscope.

2 . 1 1 Isolation and identificatio n of a m uta nt Venosa a l lele

2.11.1 I solation and characterisation of two Venosa genomic clones

Based on the Venosa cD A sequence, the primers Y 44/Y 45 ( see Appendix I) were

designed for isolating Venos a (from A TG to stop codon). Genom ic DNA was extracted

from leaf tissue of the venation phenotype l ine CT 1 28 using the method given in section

2 .2 .3 . Gradient PCR was performed, with the annealing temperature ris ing from 54°C to

66°C . Two fragments were amplified and cloned into KpnllSmaI digested pART7.

Representative c lones for each were sequenced three times over their entire length from

both directions ( see Appendix I for the primers used in sequenc ing, Appendix I I and I I I

for the sequence data). The function of these genes was assayed by transient expression,

in which the petals of ros eadorsea were bombarded with the standard biol istic protocol .


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2. 1 1 .2 Comparison of the promoter structure of two Venosa genomic clones

To compare the promoter regions of the two fragments the fol lowing primers were used

for PCR. Y45 was used as reverse primer, whi le YO I , Y 1 4, Y 1 5, Y 1 6, Y 1 7, Y 1 8 and

Y 44 were used as forward primers respectively (see Appendix I for primer detai ls) . The

set of primers used was the same as for the Venosa promoter deletion experiments.

2 . 1 1 .3 Genotype determination for different phenotypes using PCR

Genomic DNA was extracted from l ines with different flower phenotypes, including

CT 1 28 (venation phenotype), CC 1 1 2 and C L l 44 (both show the ro eadorsea phenotype),

CC 1 1 2P (fully red flower without pigment in its inner tube area) and 522 (fully red

flower with venation patteming in i ts inner tube area). The extracted DNA was used as

template for PCR with primers Y 44/Y 45 ( see Appendix I ), which generated fragments

of different sizes characteristic of each allele.

2 . 1 2 I n hibition of Venosa expression usi ng RNAi

2. 1 2. 1 Venosa RNAi construct

A vector to generate hairpin mR A from pRNA69 (contact Or Kevin oavies for this

vector), was used to make an RNAi construct. Venosa cD A was PCR amplified using

p7Venosa template and Y50/Y53 primers (see Appendix I ) . The fragment has four

embedded restriction sites as 5 '--XbaIlEcoRI -- Venosa c D A - - Bcl IlBamHI--3 ', so

that the sense was cloned into EcoRIIBcl I and the anti-sense into XbaIlBam H I digested

pRNA69 vector containing a 3 5 S promoter of cauli flower mosaic virus upstream of the

sense and anti sense multi-cloning site separated by a YABB Y5 intron. Novablue was the

host strain. The structure of the construct was confirmed by sequencing. It is recorded

as pVenosa-RNAi. The structure is schematica l ly shown in Figure 2.9.


Page 81: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

EcoRI Bc l l Bam H I Xbal

3 5 S promoter Venosa cDNA intron (Y5) Venosa cDNA ocs terminator

Figure 2.9 Schematic representation of the structure of p Venosa-RNAi construct (not to scale) .

2. 1 2.2 Plant material

Venation phenotype A . majus flower buds of different developmental stages (7 mm - 1 5

mm in bud length) (Figure 2 .3 B) were used as plant material in this experiment. The

standard part ic le bombardment protocol (see Section 2 .6) was used. The bud was placed

erect in the medium, and then shot from its front. The shot buds were cultured in

medium #2 ( 1 /2 MS medi um) in culture room conditions. Their response was observed

over the fol lowing days.

2 . 1 3 I nvestigation of the role of gib berell in a n d sugar signaling i n

controlling venation pigmen tation patterning

2 . 13. 1 E masculation experiments

Aantirrhinum plants were grown as described in Section 2 . 1 . Among the population of

antirrhinum plants showing the venation phenotype, the intensity of the pigmentat ion

was somewhat variable between different plants. To obtain consistent plant material , 1 5

plants were propagated in the g lasshouse through cuttings from one plant (eT 1 28, 1 /5 ) ,

which had a good venation phenotype in its flowers.

F lowers of varying stages of development could be seen on any individual inflorescence

( Figure 2 . 1 ) . Hence, flowers at different developmental stages could be emasculated on

one inflorescence. Emasculation was performed on buds ranging from 4 mm length to

fully opened flowers. The flowers or young buds were cut longitudinal ly along the

m iddle of the lower petals. The anthers were removed carefully with forceps. A l l the

flowers on three inflorescences were emasculated. F or the controls, the flowers and

young buds were cut in the same way, but the anthers were not disturbed. The control

6 1

Page 82: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

sample contained two inflorescences. Observations were carried out over ten days

fol lowing emasculation, although other flowers would fully senescence within this t ime


2. 13.2 Experiments testing detached petal response to GAJ supplementation in


Young buds were harvested for feeding experiments. The buds were measured with a

ruler, and grouped according to bud length: 3-4 mm, 4-5 mm, 5-6 mm, 6-7 mm and 7-8

mm (measured from the base of the sepal and excluding the pedicel ) . The buds were

steri lised with 1 5% (v/v ) lanola + a few drops of Tween 20, placed under vacuum for 2

min and shaken for 1 5 m in. Buds were then rinsed three times with steri le water. The

buds were dissected under the microscope. The lobes of the two dorsal petals were

cultured face (adaxial side) up on different solid media (0 .7% (w/v) agar, p H 7 .0). 1 2-S0

samples were cultured on each plate, depending on the media and experiments, and

maintained under l ights ( 1 6 h photoperiod) at 2SoC . The appropriate concentration of

appl ied GA3 was first determined by test ing a series of concentrations. The media used

for this purpose were adj usted to pH 7.0 and solidified with 0 .7% (w/v) agar. They


1 . MS without sucrose

2 . MS + 3 % (w/v) sucrose

3 . MS + 3% (w/v) sucrose + 0.03 mg/L GA3

4 . MS + 3% (w/v) sucrose + 0 . 1 mg/L GA3

S . MS + 3 % (w/v) sucrose + 0 . 3 mg/L GA3

6 . MS + 3% (w/v) sucrose + 1 .0 mg/L GA3

7 . MS + 3% (w/v) sucrose + I . S mg/L GA3

8 . MS + 3 % (w/v) sucrose + 3 . 0 mg/L GA3

9 . M S + 3% (w/v) sucrose + I S mg/L GA3

A combined supplementation for sugar supplementation protocol was established after

the determination of the appropriate GA3 concentration in conjunction with other

prel iminary experiments . This protocol is shown in Figure 2 . 1 0 A. In this combined

supplementation approach, the excised petals were pre-cultured in MS media

supplemented with GA3 in the dark at 2SOC for three days. The petals were then


Page 83: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

transferred onto media without GA3 and cultured in the dark for another two days ( the

manipulation of the tissue was rapid and done under weak l ight). Petals of simi lar size

and shape were then selected and transferred onto media with GA3 (tested samples) or

without GA3 (control samples), and cultured under l ight ( 1 6 h photoperiod) at 25°C . The

response of the samples was observed and recorded in the fol lowing five days. The

media used in the GA3 experiments were adj usted to pH 7.0 and solidified with 0 .7%

(w/v) agar. They were :

1 . M S without sucrose

2 . M S + 3 % (w/v) sucrose

3 . M S + 3% (w/v) sucrose + 0. 1 mg/L GA3

2 . 13.3 E xperiments testing detached petal response to different sugar supplements

in vitro

The experimental procedure was simi lar to the one described for the GA3 experiments

above, but the media used were different. The protocol is shown in Figure 7.2 B. The

media used in this experiment were :

1 . M S + 0. 1 mg/L GA3 (no sucrose)

2 . MS + 0. 1 mg/L GA3 + 3% (w/v) sucrose

3 . MS + 0. 1 mg/L GA3 + 3% (w/v) glucose

4. MS + 0. 1 mg/L GA3 + 3% (w/v) mannose

5 . MS + 0. 1 mg/L GA3 + 3% (w/v) xylose

6. MS + 0. 1 mg/L GA3 + 3% (w/v) manitol

7 . MS + 0 . 1 mg/L GA3 + 3% (w/v) 3-0-methylglucose

8 . M S + 0. 1 mg/L GA3 + 3% (w/v) sucrose + 5 0 mM mannoheptulose


Page 84: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation


GA3 + sucrose

Sucrose only

Sucrose only


GA3 + sucrose

GA3 only

GA3 only GA3 + sucrose

Cultured in the dark for 3 d

Cultured in the dark for 2 d

GA3 + sucrose Cultured in l ight

Cultured in the dark for 3 d

Cultured in the dark for 2 d

GA3 + tester Cultured in l ight

Figu re 2 . 1 0 Protocol to test the response of detached petals to (A) gibberel l in and ( B ) sugar in vitro. 'Tester' stands for other s ugars or sugar analogues.


Page 85: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

2 . 1 3.4 Girdliog experiments

The stem of the inflorescence was girdled, rather then the pedicel, because the pedicel

was too short to be girdled. The top younger buds and the lower older buds were

rem oved as were the leaves above the girdl ing area, so that the focus was on one or two

bud stages on one individual inflorescence. The stems were girdled for 1 cm in the

l ignified stem area by removing the outer layer (phloem) using forceps. B uds with the

same treatment but without girdl ing served as contro l . Because the buds � 8 mm in

length were already pigmented at the base of the tube, the effect of girdl ing on buds 4-7

mm in length was tested.


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Chapter 3

Venosa controls the venation pigmentation patterning in the

petals of antirrh inum

3. 1 I n t roduction

P igment patterning in the flowers of venation phenotype is shown in F igure 3 . 1 . One of

the myb genes, Venosa, was ident ified by the venation phenotype in a Rosea 1 mutant

( rosea dorsea) background ( Figure 1 .3 ). Given that Venosa could not be seen in the

wildtype due to the epistat ic expression of Rosea and was seen only in a Rosea mutant

( rosea dorsea ) background ( Figure 1 .3 ), it has been suggested that the expression of the

MYB transcription factor, V ENOSA, controls the venation phenotype (Schwinn et a!. ,

2006). Hence, it has been hypothesised that the venation pigmentation patterning may

be due to the local ised expression of Venosa. The purpose of the work reported in this

chapter was to investigate the function of Venosa in contro l l ing venation pigmentation


Three experiments were carried out in this chapter: ( 1 ) P igment corn plementation in the

venation phenotype of antirrhinum was assessed using particle bombardment; ( 2 ) the

expression pattern of Venosa was determined by mRNA in situ hybridisation and, to

confirm the role of Venosa in contro l l ing the venation pigment patterning in the

A ntirrhinum genus, other species were also subjected to mR A in situ hybridisation;

and ( 3 ) inhibition of Venosa expression, in which an RNAi construct was introduced

into the potential pigment cel ls with particle bombardment.


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A B c


\ G H I


Figure 3.1 Anthocyanin pigment patterning in venation phenotype. (A) Front view of mature flower; ( B ) Pigment only produced in adaxial epidennal cells; (C ) Pigment venation patterning is not c lear at petal edge; ( D ) Pigmentation patterning in adaxial tube; CE) No pigment in abaxial epidermal cel ls; ( F) Anthocyanin pigment patterning in abaxial lower petals . The yel low pigment, aurone is indicated with arrow; Pigment also occurs in sepal (G), filament (H) and style ( 1 ); (1) Pigment occurs in abaxial epidermal cells when bud is in very early developmental stages, and disappears in late development stages; CK) Longitudinal cut of a bud, and pigmentation patterning occurs in adaxial epidennal cells in this early development stage ( L) .


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3.2 Results

3.2 . 1 Floral development and pigmentation

The flowers in anti rrhinum are generated in inflorescences. F l owers of a l l

developmental stages, from very early to ful l y opened, are found on one inflorescence.

F lower developmental stages determined by bud length are shown in F igure 2 . 1 . The

occurrence of venation pigmentation patterning corresponds to the development of

petals . Dissection revealed that pigment venation patterning was present at the tube base

by the time the bud had reached 8 mm in length. From this stage the pigment venation

pattern expands and intensifies accompanying the ce l l division and petal expansion.

3.2.2 N on-pigmented cells in the petal epidermis can be pigmented by Venosa


The results of complementation experiments are shown in F igure 3 . 2 . In the petal tissue

expressing the venation phenotype, ce l ls in the non-pigmented domain could be

complemented by transient expression of Venosa driven by the CaMV 3 5 S promoter,

and the foc i were not correlated with veins. 0 foci were observed in the control

samples containing 3 5 S : Lc. The non-pigmented tissue inc ludes both adaxial and abaxial

epiderm is of tube and lobe.

In the abaxial epidermal cel ls, the pigmented cells induced by particle bombardment

could be observed c learly . However, in the adaxial area, in most cases if not a l l , it was

difficult to distinguish the newly generated pigmented cel ls from the original ones.

M any origina l ly pigmented cel ls were damaged by partic le bombardment, and the

venation pattern was disrupted in the area that had been bombarded. The damage of

cel l s by bombardment was demonstrated v ia pigment as a monitor from this

experiment. A lthough the cells complemented for pigmentation could not always be

dist inguished from the background resulting from the shooting damage in the central

area of the petal , cel ls complemented into pigmentation could be recognized at the edge

area, where the less damage occurred.


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3.2.3 Venosa expression detected by in situ hybrid isation is in a vein-specific


The structure of flower t issue i s revealed in the cross sections. In petals, the vascular

tissue i s arranged with xylem on the adaxial and phloem on the abaxial side.

No s ignificant signal was found from in situ hybridisation with C H S sense probe. In

contrast to this negative control , in situ hybridisation with C H S anti-sense probe

showed an obvious CHS expression pattern in the epidermis of the both adaxial and

abaxial sides of the floral organs, as expected (Figure 3 . 3 ) .

I n the tube area of antirrhinum flowers Venosa mRNA expression was local ised to the

adax ial side of petal tissue in a vein-spec i fic manner ( Figure 3 .4 A, B and C ). A simi l ar

hybrid isation signal was also detected in the lobes (F igure 3 .4 D ). The hybridisation

s ignal varied in strength and location depending on the location of veins. It could occur

in the xylem cel ls , sub-epidermal ce l l s and epidermal ce l l s adjacent to the xylem

( Figure 3 . 5 ) . A simi lar express ion pattern was detected in the tube area of a range of

other A ntirrhinum species (F igure 3 .6 and Table 3 . 1 ), whi le no expression was detected

in the lobe area at the developmental stage used (data not shown).

Table 3 . 1 Plant material and result of in situ mRNA o f Venosa

Species Phenotype Material Bud stage In situ m RNA code (mm) hybridisation


A. majus roseadorsea/ No Venation AA 1 04 1 5 -

A. majus roseadorsea / V enation AA 1 1 4 1 5 +

A. graniticum No venation AA 1 23 1 0 -

A . moflissimum Venation AA 1 24 5 +

A . meonanthemum Venation AA 1 25 1 0 +

A . barrelieri Venation AA 1 26 1 0 +

A . lalifolium Venation AA 1 27 1 5 +

A . molle Venation AA 1 28 5 +


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No simi lar venation patterning of expression was detected in t issue with the non­

venation roseadorsea phenotype (AA 1 04), which served as a negative control ( Figure 3 .7

A and B ) . Nor was i t observed in A. graniticum (AA 1 23 ), which does not have venation

pigment patterning either, and was another possible negative control ( Figure 3 . 7 C ).

In a l l samples the pattern of in situ hybridisation of the Venosa sense probe was s imilar

to the one for the anti-sense probe ( data was not shown).

An unexpected patteming of in situ signal was detected in both the flower tube ( Figure

3 . 7 A and C ) and throat area ( F igure 3 . 8 A and B ) of flowers. Strong expression was

detected in a l im ited area of the adaxial side in epidermal cel l s, sub-epidermal cel ls and

inner tissue (F igure 3 .9) . C learly this pattern was not vein-spec i fic, and it occurred in

both the roseadorsea venation and non-venation phenotypes and in A. graniticum.

Surprisingly, this pattern matches the local i sation of the yel low aurone pigment in the

tube and lobe ( Figure 3 .7 B and F igure 3 . 8 C, 0 and E) .

3.2.4 Venosa RNAi

To test the efficacy of particle bombardment for the Venosa RNAi experiment, buds of

length 7 mm, 1 0 mm, 1 3 mm and 1 5 mm were bombarded with RNAi construct and

cultured under culture room conditions. The gold particle alone was the negat ive

contro l . 0 d ifference occurred in the pigment development between the tested RNAi

samples and negative controls. However, there were problems assoc iated with culture of

the flowers. The buds at length 7 mm and 1 0 mm did not develop normal ly . The buds at

length 1 3 mm developed to ful ly opened, but with poor pigmentation. The buds at

length 1 5 mm developed nom1ally and had normal pigmentation.


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adaxial lobe

abaxial lobe adaxial lobe

abaxial lobe

adaxial tube

abaxial tube adaxial tube

" "��� -.--���ft

abaxial tube

Figure 3.2 Pigmentation complementation. Non-pigmented cel l s in the petal epidermis were pigmented fol lowing transient expression of Venosa. Representative regions of bombarded A. majus Venosa flowers are shown. (A) 3 5 S : genomic Venosa ( construct p7GSV ) induced pigmentation outside the vein areas when biol istical l y introduced. The foc i are indicated with the arrow and c irc les. ( 8) No foc i occurred with the 3 5 S :Lc (construct pLc349) negative control .

7 1

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Antisense probe Sense p robe



Figure 3.3 CHS in situ mRNA expression pattern in sections of flowers 01'£1. majlls. Transverse sections through the tube or lobe were probed with RNA antisense or sense ( contro l ) probes and hybridisation detected using D IG-labeled mRNA generated in in vitro from pBluescript + containing CHS from A. majlls.


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� _�i .. '


c D


Figure 3 .4 Venosa in situ mRNA expression pattern in the petal of A . majus. Venosa in situ mRNA expression pattern in tube area CA, B 400x and C 1 OOOx) and in the lobe area CD). The expression signal can be seen in the adaxial epidermis above the veins and the cel l s immediate ly below these towards the xylem vessels . Al l examples are for the Venosa antisense RNA probe detected using D IG-Iabeled m RNA generated in in vitro from pBluescript+ containing a C-terminal region o f Venosa from A . majus. Arrows indicate veins; CE ) Venation pigmentation patterning in the adaxial tube of a 1 0 mm length bud.


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- .

"' •

Figure 3.5 Variation in the expression pattern of Venosa in the tube region of A. majus. The arrows indicate the location of veins. This pattern was detected using D IG­labeled Venosa anti sense m RNA probe generated in in vitro from pBluescri pt+ containing a C-terminal region of Venosa from A . majus. Arrows indicate veins and positive signal .


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' .

. "



at.· .


.' .

Figure 3.6 Venosa in sitll mRNA expression pattern in the petal tubes of four Antirrhinum species. ( A) A . meonanthemllm (AA 1 25 ): ( B ) A . mollissimllm (AA 1 24) : (C) A. lal[jolillln (AA 1 27) : (D) A. barrelieri (AA 1 26) : (E) A. molle ( AA 1 28) . Al l examples are for the Venosa anti sense probe detected with O I G-Iabeled m RNA generated in in vitro from pBluescript+ containing a C-terminal region of Venosa from A. majlls. Arrows indicate examples of positive signals .


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A c

-+ f


Figure 3.7 Venosa in situ mRNA expression pattern in the petal tubes of two Antirrhinum samples which lack venation pigmentation. (A) rosea dorsea A . majus (AA 1 04); ( B ) The pigmentation patterning in the inner tube of rosea dorsea A . majus. Bud length is 1 0 mm. 0 anthocyanin pigment is seen in the adaxial epidermis. Arrows indicate the sites of occurrence of aurone pigmentation; (C) A . graniticum (AA 1 23 ) . Arrows show the location o f in situ positive signals. Al l examples are for the Venosa antisense probe detected with DIG-labeled mRNA generated in in vitro from pBluescript+ containing a C-terminal region of Venosa from A . majus.


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I Ji


Figure 3 . 8 Probing of the aurone pattern in the lobe area of Antirrhinum flowers . The in situ pattern of hybridisation to the Venosa anti sense probe in the sections of flower lobes of (A) A. latifolium (AA 1 27) and ( B ) A. meonanthemum (AA 1 25) . The probe is D I G-labeled Venosa antisense mRNA generated in in vitro from pBluescript+ containing a C-terminal region of Venosa from A. maius. Arrows indicate the in situ positive signal ; (C) The aurone pigment patterning in the venation phenotype of A . maius mature flower. The aurone pigment patterning in the rOSeadorsea phenotype of A . maius mature flower (D) and i n 1 0 m m bud length ( E ) . Arrows indicate the aurone pattern in the adaxial epidermis of the lobe.


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Figure 3.9 Venosa antisense probe signal matches with the two pigmentation patterns, the anthocyanin venation pattern and the aurone patch pattern in A. molle (AA 1 28) . The probe is D IG-labeled Venosa anti sense mR A generated in in vitro from pBluescript+ containing a C-terminal region of Venosa from A. majus. Pink arrows indicate the anthocyanin venation pattern, and the yel low arrows indicate the aurone patch pattern.


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3.3 Discussion

3.3. 1 Cells lacking anthocyanin pigment in the non-pigment domain is due to

lack of M Y B protein, suggesting that the venation pigmentation patterning is due

to the localised expression controlled by a myb gene promoter

To activate the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway, several factors, such as M Y B , bHLH

and W D R, are required ( see section 1 .3 ). Pigment could be induced by the

3 5 S : VENOSA construct in the cel ls of the non-pigment region of the petal . This

inc luded the whole dorsal area and the areas between the venal pigment ' l ines' in the

facial area ( Figure 3 .2) . This complementation experiment demonstrated that the non­

pigmentation of the epidermal cel ls in the venation phenotype of antirrhinum was due to

the lack of a M Y B factor, whi le other factors such as the bHLH and WDR proteins

were produced endogenously or induced by the M Y B protein. The 3 5 S promoter

driving Venosa activated pigment production in cel ls is not associated with veins,

thereby suggesting that the Venosa promoter is important to the pattern. In addit ion, the

fact that Venosa tissue wa used in the e experiments indicates that there is nothing in

the ti ssue itself that inhibits Venosa from functioning in ce l l s away from veins. Thus,

venation pigmentation patterning is l ikely due to local ized expression of a myb gene.

3.3.2 Venation pigmentation pattern ing was due to Venos(I

When designing the probe for the detection of Venosa transcription, the aim was to get a

gene spec ific probe. The binding domain of myb factors is highly conserved, and

several myb genes are known to express in the antirrhinum flowers (Schwinn et aI. ,

2006). DNA alignment showed that Venosa was highly similar to Roseal and Rosea2 in

the binding domain, but differed in the C-terminal domain. So a portion of the C­

terminal domain was used as the probe for gene specific hybridisation. The location and

intensity of the hybridisation signal reflected the spatial pattern and strength of the

Venosa expression, respectively. In the tube area, in situ mRNA hybrid isation showed

that Venosa expression and strength is selective to the location of the veins. It also

appears related to the maturity of the veins. Although its expression was always related

to the veins with the exception of the aurone region, not a l l the veins induced or


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promoted Venosa expression, perhaps due to these being less developed veins. For

example, no Venosa expression occurred in the veins situated in the front of the tube

(Figure 3 .4 A and B) . In the lobe area of flowers Venosa m RNA expression also

showed similar venation patteming, which m atched the v isual marker, the pigment

venation patterning (Figure 3 .4 D) .

I n summary, as the expression pattern and strength of Venosa (Figure 3 .4 A and B )

c losely matched the pigment venation patteming and strength (Figure 3 .4 E) . I t suggests

that not only venation pigment patterning, but also probably pigment strength, is

control led by Venosa strictly.

Figure 3 . 5 shows the variation of Venosa mRNA expression. It seems that the

expression of Venosa is induced by a signal related to the veins. This signal may be

translocated from the xylem to the adaxial epidermis in a polar manner, and may then

accumulate in the epidermal cel ls . Possibly, this signal is produced accom panying

xylem development and transported in an active and polar manner forming the

longitudinal axis of pigmentation. Epidermal spec ific expression of a bHLH is l ikely to

define the transverse axis, and the pigmented stripes are the cross expression domain of

these two kinds of factors. This conc lusion is supported by work showing D E L I LA or

MUTA B I L I S are required for venation pigmentation patterning with VENOSA

(Schwinn et aI. , 2006), and that DELILA is expressed specifical ly in the petal epidermal

cells (Jackson et aI. , 1 992) .

In situ hybridisation experiments were carried out with six other Antirrhinum species, of

which five have pigment venation and one does not (Table 2 .6). Vein-specific in situ

mRNA express ion was detected in the tube area in al l the five venation species, and no

expression was detected in the non-venation species ( Figure 3 .7 ) . This supports the

concl usion that the pigment venation patterning in the A ntirrhinum genus is contro l led

by VenoSCI.

At the stages sampled (Table 2 .6), Venosa expression was detected in both the tube and

lobe area in A .majus, but only in the tube area of other species. E ither no Venosa

expression occurred in the sampled lobe cross sections, or sampl ing was too early in

development for Venosa to express in the sections of other species. Indeed, in the


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flower of A .majus the pigment occurs at the base of the tube at an early developmental

stage, and expands up to the lobe area during flower development. In some other

species the pigment venation patterning is weak and l imited in petals even in fully

opened flowers (Schwinn et al. , 2006) .

3.3.3 The performance of the controls in the in situ mRNA experiments

Venosa gene transcript level i s thought to be low. I f strong background occurs in in situ

hybridisation, this low expression may result in difficulty in the detection of the m RNA

expression pattern. A good positive control was necessary to be sure of the experimental

procedure and patterning. CHS expressed speci fical ly in the epidermal cel ls of petals of

antirrhinum has been detected in in situ mRNA hybridisation (Jackson et aI. , 1 992), and

therefore, was a suitable control . CHS was selected, based on previous work ( Kevin

Davies, personal communication) as a control not only for the experiment procedure but

also the expression patterning. The results showed, as expected, that CHS is expressed

spec ifical ly in the epidermal cel ls of both tube and lobe area of A. majus. No vein­

spec ific patterning occurred.

The negative control , the sense CHS probe, generated a pattern simi lar to the anti-sense

probe in the in situ Venosa m RNA expression experiments . A much higher

concentration of sense probe than anti-sense probe can result in strong background in in

situ hybridisation ( Erin O' Donoghue, personal communication). In this case, it was not

the concentration that resulted in the background because, to avoid this background,

similar concentrations were used for both kinds of probes. To answer why the sense

probe performed similarly to the anti-sense probe, alignment was carried out with

C lustal W. The result suggested that the sense and anti-sense fragments used as probes

had 48% identity . However, when the sense or anti-sense Venosa probe was aligned

with CHS cDNA with Clustal W, over 40% identity occurred in some area of the C H S

sequence. Clearly, the high sequence similarity between the sense and anti-sense probes

also cannot explain the background presented.

In most cases, if not al l , the sense probe can result in a specific background (Cathie

Martin, personal communication) . I ndeed, a mutant plant l ine lacking expression of the

target gene is a better negative control than a sense probe in in situ hybrid isation

8 1

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experiments. Fortunately, the roseadorsea phenotype (AA 1 04) serves as such a negative

control . As outlined in Chapter 4, the genotype corresponding to this phenotype is

homologous for a mutant Venosa al le le (OBV) in genotype. AA 1 23 also serves as

another negative control, due to the lack of venation phenotype in this species. As

expected, no venation patterning of expression was found for either of these two

negative controls .

3.3.4 A possible link w ith a regulator of aurone biosynthesis

In addition to the vein-specific expression pattern of Venosa, a pattern matching the

yellow colour in the flowers occurred in the in situ mRNA expression experiments

( Figure 3 . 7, 3 . 8 and 3.9) . It is possible that another regulator controll ing the yel low

pigmentation was detected by cross-hybridisation due to the probing of similar C­

terminal domains.

The yellow colour is due to aurone production, which distributes in the epidermal ce l ls

of l imited regions in the petals of the Antirrhinum genus ( Kevin Davies, personal

communication). The aurone biosynthetic pathway has been only partially elucidated

( see Figure 1 .4) . A cDNA has been isolated from A . majus corresponding to a

polyphenol oxidase (PPO) variant (Nakayama et al. , 2000, 200 1 ). It is thought to be the

aureusidin synthase (AU S), which converts chalcones to aurones (Figure 1 .4 ) . It is not

known if other enzymatic steps and regulatory factors are involved in aurone production

( Schwinn and Davies, 2004) . No similarity was found in the alignment of the Venosa

probe and the AUS sequence. AUS is only expressed in the epidermal cel ls ( Davies et

al. . 2006). Compared with this, the pattern tested with the Venosa probe was expressed

in epidermal cel ls , sub-epidermal cells and inner tissue (Figure 3 .8 A and F igure 3 .9) .

However, as with venation, the epidermal specificity of aurone biosynthesis could be

provided by a co-regulator. Venosa itse lf is unl ikely to be the regulator, as only

anthocyanin pigment was induced by the 3 5 S :genomic Venosa construct fol lowing

particle bombardment ( Section 3 .2 .2) and aurones are stil l produced in the homozygous

l ine of the mutant venosa allele ( see Chapter 4 for detai l ) . Thus, the possibi l i ty remains

that a regulatory gene for aurone biosynthesis, which shares high similarity to Venosa,

was being detected by Venosa probe used.


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Aurones are plant flavonoids that provide bright yel low colours in the flowers of

species such as antirrhinum, coreopsis and cosmos (Nakayama et ai. , 2000; Schwinn

and Davies, 2004). Recent advances have been made on the therapeutical potential of

aurones such as anticancer, antihormonal activity and antidiabetes compounds, and for

treating parasitic and microbial infections ( Boumendjel , 2003) . Undoubtedly, isolation

of the gene being detected, whether it functions as a structural or a regulatory gene,

would advance the elucidation of this important pathway.

3.3.5 Particle bombardment was not effective for Venosa RNAi

RNAi is a method widely used to study gene function, and so was attempted in this

study. Particle bombardment was tested as a method to del iver the RNAi owing to the

difficulty of antirrhinum transformation mediated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and

previous success with transient RNAi inhibition of Roseal (Kathy Schwinn, personal

communication). However, the Venosa RNAi results showed that buds at early stages of

development (� 10 mm) might be too young to develop under the culture conditions

used, but buds � 1 5 mm might be too advanced for the RNAi experiment, because the

Venosa gene has already been expressed and the pigment induced at this stage.

Possibly, the optimal bud developmental stage at which the bud would be bombarded

m ight be 1 3 mm. However, the pigment and patterning developed poorly with buds of

this length, and presented discontinuous pigment venation ' l ines' . Any non-pigmented

cells resulting from RNAi, if RNAi did occur, were difficult to distinguish from the

undeveloped pigment cel ls due to use of young, c ultured buds. Thus, RNAi proved an

unsuitable approach in this case.

3.4 Conclusion

The non-pigmented domain in the flowers of venation phenotype A. majus was due to

lack of the expression of a MYB factor, while other required factors for pigmentation

were accessible endogenously. Notably, there was nothing in the Venosa tissue used

that inhibited Venosa from functioning in cells away from veins. This suggested that

venation pigmentation patterning was due to the spatial expression of a myb gene and

the Venosa promoter is important to the pattern. In situ m RNA hybridisat ion showed


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that Venosa transcriptional expression was in a vein-spec ific manner. The spatial ity and

strength of Venosa expression determines the location and intensity of anthocyanin

pigment in the A ntirrhinum genus. In the cross section, Venosa expressed from xylem

cel ls to adaxial epidermal cel ls in a band. It would appears Venosa expression may be

control led by a s ignal that diffuses from the xylem to the adaxial epidermis.

Hybridisation matching the pattern of the yellow colour in the flowers of Antirrhinum

genus was also detected. This is possibly detected a regulator of the aurone biosynthesis



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Chapter 4

Isolation and identification of a mutant Venosa allele

4. 1 I ntrod uction

Gene function can be characterised by genotype - phenotype comparison. I solation and

identification of Venosa alleles improves understanding of venation pigmentation

patteming. Two fragments were amplified when specific primers were used in PCR for

i solat ing genomic Venosa DNA to use as a reporter gene. Sequencing and functional

analysis demonstrated that they were alleles. One fragment represented the functional

Venosa al lele, while the other fragment was non-functional due to mutation. This

chapter describes the isolation and identification of this mutant allele of Venosa. The

work has been published in The P lant Cel l (Schwinn et aI. , 2006).

4.2 Results

4.2 . 1 I solation and characterisation of two different Venosa genomic clones

As was mentioned in Chapter 3 , a genomic Venosa c lone was used for the pigment

complementation experiment. Based on the Venosa cDNA sequence the primers

Y44/Y45 ( see Appendix I ) were designed for isolating Venosa ( from ATG to stop

codon). Genomic DNA was extracted from leaf tissue of the venation phenotype l ine

CT 1 28 . Gradient PCR was performed, with the anneal ing temperature rising from 54°C

to 66°C . Two bands of DNA were amplified clearly with gel analysis of Venosa PCR

products (F igure 4 . 1 ) . One band, at approximately 2 .4 kbp, was designated as GSV

(Genomic Small Venosa) and the other, at about 3 . 2 kbp, was designated as GBV

(Genomic Big Venosa) . The products were c loned into pART7, and the two constructs

were designated as p7GSV and p7GBV.

The GSV sequence al ignment with the Venosa cDNA sequence showed that GSV was

l ikely the functional Venosa allele. The GSV PCR product was 2427 bp with three


Page 106: How the pigment stripes form in snapdragon …...How the Pigment Stripes Form in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) Flowers: a study of the molecular mechanism of venation pigmentation

exons and two introns (Figure 4.2, Appendix I I ), which i s the typical structure of plant

myb genes.

Comparison of GBV sequence (Appendix I l l ) to the GSV and Venosa cDNA sequences

showed that GBV was a mutated version of GSV. The GBV PCR product was 3 1 5 8 bp

3 KB ----+ 2 KB ----+

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 4.1 Two specific DNA fragments were amplified using venation phenotype genomic DNA as template in gradient PCR. Lane 1 : 1 kb+ ladder; lane 2 to lane 7 showing PCR products using anneal ing temperatures of 56, 58 , 60, 62, 64, 66°C respectively in gradient PCR. 1 % (w/v) TBE agarose gel was stained with EtBr.


VefWl'U Ve+

• IOObp

Venusa ve-



Figure 4.2 Structural comparison of two Venosa al leles. The black boxes indicate the exons. The verticle red bars indicate the locations of small differences of nuc leotide. The + 1 958bp horizental red bar indicates the replacement fragment, which seems to be a transposon due to direct repeats at its ends. This figure is taken from Schwinn et ai., (2006).


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long. A 1 958-base fragment in GBV replaces the central part of GSV from the middle

of intron 1 to the m iddle of intron 2 (from +5 1 0 bp to + 1 73 1 bp), which includes the

second exon (Figure 4.2 .A). A direct repeat flanks this fragment. This direct repeat is 40

bp with two nucleotides unmatched (Appendix IV) . A BLAST search with the insert

sequence found no significant matches in the GenBank database. Other differences

between GBV and GSV are m inor and comprise 23 mostly single-nucleotide changes

over the 3 1 58 bp GBV sequence.

To test whether GSV was a functional a l lele and GBV was not, transient assays were

conducted. Many pigment foc i occurred when p7GSV was used for transient assay

(Figure 4.3 .A), while no foci occurred in the p7GBV particle bombardment experiments

(F igure 4.3 .B) . The GFP fluorescent foc i occurred from the internal control p7GFP

(35S:GFP), which was co-precipitated with the tested construct on the gold particle.

This suggested that no pigment foci were due to the non-expression of p7GBV.


.. : �. " . . . ' . . . . . � . � . . . " . . '. . . . .. . . .: .

..... ., .� . . �: . . . . ' .


Figure 4.3 Functional analysis of two Venosa al le les. (A) Pigment was induced in the epidennal cel ls of roseadorsea phenotype by the 35S :GSV construct introduced with particle bombardment. (B ) No pigment was induced by the 35S :GBV construct introduced with partic le bombardment. The foci are the traces of gold particle c lusters, not pigment cel ls . To cover bigger field lower magnification was used in this photo.

4.2.2 Structural similarity between GBV p romoter and GSV promoter

The peR amplified products analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis showed that two

bands always occurred with the primer combinations Y 1 6/Y45, Y 1 7/Y45, Y 1 8/Y45 and

Y 44/Y 45. The pattern of fragments was in a gradient manner, which corresponded to

the primers Y 1 6, Y 1 7, Y 1 8 and Y 44 ( Figure 4.4). This result suggested that in the


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fragment -380 bp relative to the ATG the GBV promoter was l ikely to be s imi lar in

structure to the GSV promoter.

1 2 3 4 5

3 kb

2 kb

Figure 4.4 GBV and GSV possibly share same or simi lar promoter region. Genomi c DNA o f venation phenotype was used a s template, Y45 was used a s reverse primer and the primers for different 5' end promoter deletions were used as forward ones. Lane 1 : Y 1 6 (-380 bp); lane 2 : Y 1 7 (-260 bp) ; lane 3 : Y 1 8 ( - 1 50 bp); lane 4 : Y44 ( 0 bp); lane 5 : 1 kb+ ladder. P C R products were run in 1 % ( w/v) TBE agarose gel, and the gel was stained with EtBr.

4.2.3 Genotypes of the tested lines

PCR results showed that l ines CC 1 1 2 , CL 1 44 (both show the roseadorsea phenotype) and

CC 1 1 2P gave only the GBV fragment and are l ikely homozygous for the GBV allele

(Figure 4 .5 ) . As expected, venation phenotype l ine CT 1 28 gave both GSV and GBV

fragments, so is l i kely to be heterozygous for the two alleles. Strikingly, no band

occun'ed for l ine 522.

3kb ---+'

2 kb

2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 4 .5 Using Venosa specific primers in PCR to determine the Venosa genotypes in different phenotype lines. Lane 1 : 1 kb+ ladder; lane 2 : venation phenotype from C T l 28 ; lane 3 : roseadorsea phenotype from CC 1 1 2; lane 4: roseadorsea

phenotype from C L 1 44 ; lane 5 : ful ly red phenotype l ine CC 1 1 2p; lane 6 : fully red phenotype l ine 5 22 Full Red; lane 7 : negative control of no template. PCR products were run in 1 % ( w/v) TBE agarose gel, and the gel was stained with EtBr.


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4.3 D iscussion

4.3. 1 GSV and G BV are alleles

As wil l be introduced in Chapter 5 , the intention was to use the Venosa gene as a

reporter for the transient assay of promoter deletions. To improve the amplification

speci fic ity of PCR, long primers were designed and a high anneal ing temperature

(66°C) was used in ampl ifying Venosa from genomic DNA. Genomic DNA extracted

from the leaf tissue of venation phenotype line C T 1 2 8 was used as template. This l ine

was thought to be heterozygous at the Venosa locus (Cathie Martin, personal

communication), and its venation phenotype indicated that there was a functional

Venosa al lele present. Two specific fragments were i solated using PCR, and cloned

downstream of the 35S promoter in pART7. Sequencing these two fragments

demonstrated that the Venosa cDNA corresponded to the sequence of GSV, and GBV i s

a mutant version of GSV. A 1 958-base fragment replacing the central part of GSV has

generated the mutant. This fragment is thought a possible transposon because it contains

a 789 bp (263 am ino acids) open reading frame and imperfect 40 bp direct repeat

termini ( see Appendix I V), which is a typical structure in some transposons. For

example, the yeast Ty elements (Hauber et aI. , 1 985) . In addition to the transposon

replacement, there were 23 smal l d ifferences in the remaining areas between GBV and

GSV. This high level of sim ilarity indicates GBV is an allele of GSV. Further PCR

analysis using a set of primers for the promoter region showed that as far as -380 bp

relative to the ATG, the GBV promoter shared high simi larity with the GSV promoter

( Figure 4.4) . Thus, there is strong evidence that GBV is an al le le of GSV, in support of

the genetics that suggest only one Venosa locus (Cathie Martin, personal

communication). The GBV promoter was not isolated due to its non-founction.

Transposable elements are a heterogeneous c lass of genetic e lements that can insert at

new locations on chromosomes. They vary in structure, mechanism of transposition, the

fate of the donor element, and their choice of target s ites. Some transposable elements

can insert into the genome as intronic sequences, a mechanism that has been proposed

for the insertion of introns ( Menssen et al., 1 992). For example, a 743 bp fragment was

found in intron 2 of maize P J -rr and P l -wr, but not in P l -rw and p2 alleles. A 1 0 bp


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direct repeat (S ' -TGATTTTGAC-3 ' ) flanks this fragment ( Athrna et al., 1 992).

Different to the insertion of a genomic locus, the transposon in GBV replaced the

fragment between the two introns. Thereafter, exon 2 and parts of intron 1 and intron 2

were removed. I t is usual that a transposon inserts at a new location, but unusual that it

replaces a fragment when i t moves to this new location. Although several transposons

have been identified from antirrhinum (Coen et aI. , 1 986; Sommer et al., 1 988), the

sequence in GBV had no significant simi larity to any transposon sequence in the

GenBank database. It may be a new transposon, or have lost activity during gene


Because exon 1 and exon 3 were not altered at the DNA level , if GBV is expressed and

splicing occurs in a simi lar manner as GSV, exon 1 + exon 2 could provide a reading

frame and produce a truncated protein. Transposon replacement of an intronic fragment

may be a mechanism of gene development and evolution, by which new proteins could

be produced.

4.3.2 GSV represents a functional Venosa allele and G BV a non-functional allele

Venosa transcript was detected in the venat ion phenotype l ine but not detected in the

roseadorsea l ines (Schwinn et aI. , 2006). This result is consistent with the experiment of

Venosa mR A in situ hybridization (Chapter 3 ). Because the probe used in the

experiment of Venosa m RNA in situ hybridization was also suitable for the detection of

expression of the mutant venosa allele, the results suggest that venosa is not transcribed

or its transcripts are degraded quickly. The transient particle bombardment assay further

showed that GSV was functional and GBV was not functional ( Figure 4 .3 ) , thereby

indicating that GSV is the functional, transcribed Venosa al lele.

4.3.3 Venosa / venosa genotypes were consistent with venal / non-venal phenotype

I dent ification of the mutant venosa allele helps to explain the polymorphisms observed

for the Venosa gene and contributes to the understanding of the evolution of pigment

venation patterning. Genotype - phenotype comparisons showed that the venation

phenotype of l ine CT 1 28 was heterozygous ( Vv), while the non-venation phenotype

(roseadorsea phenotype) of l ines CC 1 1 2 and C L 1 44 were GBV homozygous (vv) . This


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provides evidence not only for the non-functionality of G B V, but also for the function

of Venosa, i. e. the venation phenotype is due to Venosa ( see Chapter 3 ) .

I t i s also consistent with the genotype - phenotype comparison in l ine CC 1 1 2P, in

which the corol la is ful ly pigmented except for the inner tube. Because in A . majus

flowers the fully pigmented phenotype control led by Rosea masks the venation

patterning control led by Venosa, the venation phenotype could not be seen in fully red

flowers. The genotype of CC l 1 2P (vv genotype) i s consistent with its phenotype, in

which there is no pigment venation patterning in the inner tube area.

No fragment was ampl ified using l ine 522 . Because there is a clear venation patterning

in the inner tube area of this fully red l ine, it is not known whether the fai lure of

amplification could be due to the qual ity of genomic DNA template, or due to a

different locus controll ing this patterning, or to other alle les of Venosa.

4.4 Conclusion

A mutant al le le of Venosa was isolated and identified. I ts central part inc luding the

second exon was replaced by a transposon. Probably, its non-functionality was due to

the lack of the second exon. L ines showing the non-venation phenotype are

homozygous for this mutant allele, while l ines showing the venation phenotype are due

to the presence of a functional Venosa allele.

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C hapter 5

Transient assay of Venosa p romoter 5' deletion constructs

5. 1 I ntrod uction

Transient assay is a common method used to analyse gene expression. Compared with

making stable transgenic plants the prominent advantage of this method is that it is

much quicker to get results. As one of the main transient assay methods, particle

bombardment was considered for this project. F urthermore, an efficient Agrobaeterium

mediated transformation system has not been developed to make stable transgenic

antirrhinum plants, whi le particle bombardment can be a practical way to transform

antirrhinum for transient assay. As the zones where Venosa is expressed inc lude the

petal epidermis and the epidermal cel ls, the target cells should be transformed

efficient ly by particle bombardment.

Our UK col laborater (Prof. Cathie Martin) conducted a prel iminary analysis of a 2.4

kbp fragment ( Appendix V) of the Venosa promoter using tobacco transgenics. A -760

bp deletion presented very weak expression, but probably had a venal expression

pattern (Cathie Martin, personal communication). The proximal region of a gene

usual ly plays an important role in transcriptional control . Given this, the -900 bp

fragment was targeted to be analysed in detai l . The aim of this part of the project was to

analyse how Venosa is regulated by eis-elements in this fragment using transient assay.

Unexpectedly, several technical questions were raised during the work. For example,

when the bombardment is foc i negative, what is the reason for undetectable expression.

Is it due to low sensitivity of the detection method? Is gene expression too weak or is

there no expression? When the bombardment is foci positive, how to determine if it i s

vein-related for its cel l specificity? Obtaining convincing evidence and answering such

questions proved challenging. To address these issues, GFP, intron-containing GUS

( I G U S ) and M YB anthocyanin regulators (Rosea cDNA and genomic Venosa) were

used. The reporting mechanism of these three types differs. GFP indication is a simple

physical procedure, in which blue l ight or UV is used to excite the GFP to emit green


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fluorescent l ight . This fluorescence signal cannot be ampl ified. GUS indication is a

chemical procedure, in which blue colour results from reaction of �-Glucuronidase to

the substrate, X-Gluc . The s ignal can be strengthened by the reaction time and the

substrate concentration. The anthocyanin regulator indicates expression via up­

regulation of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway, which may a llow promoter

expression signal to be s ignificantly amplified by signal ing pathway efficiency. GFP

and GUS are common reporters used in molecular biology studies. Their expression

images c losely reflect their spatial transcription due to lack of post-transcriptional and

post-translational modification. The anthocyanin regulator can be used as reporter only

in appropriate tissues in which the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway can be induced. I t s

expression domain should be considered careful ly, because i t m ay be affected by

unknown post transcriptional mechanisms.

Transcription factors are usual ly present at low levels, due to their signaling role, l ikely

reflecting weak promoter activity. Weaker expression than the endogenous gene may

then occur in promoter assays, due to promoter deletions. This may result in difficulty

in detecting the reporter gene signal . In order to overcome this d ifficulty two ways

could be used. One way is to improve the detection method, and another is to

quantitatively improve the expression of the tested promoter.

It has been reported that eis-element strength of the ROL6 promoter was enhanced by

p lacing the maize Ubi 1 flank ing region upstream of the ROL6-SynCore promoter, and

that the enhanced ROL6 promoter retained the root-preferred activity (Lu and Bruce,

2000). This suggested that the flanking region of the ubiquitin promoter might enhance

expression without seriously affecting the expression domain. To improve the

expression of the tested Venosa promoter fragments, a fragment upstream of the TAT A

box of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin promoter was tested as an enhancer.

P lant viral 5 '-UTR region can influence expression of reporter genes in plants (Gal l ie et

ai. , 1 987; Dowson Day et ai. , 1 993 ; Qin et ai. , 2000) . Omega (n) was chosen to test

from among the avai lable leaders. It is a 68 bp sequence of the 5 '- leader of tobacco

mosaic virus (TMV) that has been shown to act as a translational enhancer in transgenic

p lants (Gal l ie et ai. , 1 987 ; Dowson Day et ai. , 1 993; Qin et ai. , 2000), increasing

expression 3-7 fold over the native leader ( Dowson D ay et ai. , 1 993) .


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Two-step transcriptional amplification systems have been reported for enabl ing t issue­

specific over-expression of genes. Bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase (T7 system)

directed inducible and tissue-specific over-expression of foreign genes in transgenic

tobacco and rice. The recombinant protein was expressed at a 3- 1 0 fold higher level

when compared with transgenes expressed directly under the control of unmodified

tissue-specific promoters (N guyen et aI. , 2004). Another two-step transcriptional

ampl ification system is the Ga14 system, in which the target promoter drives an art ificial

transcriptional activator, Ga14-VP 1 6 fusion protein, and it in turn activates the target

transgene expression under the control of Gal4-responsive elements. The level of

transgene expression could be augmented greatly in animal cel ls using this system

(Fang et aI. , 1 998) . It has also been used as a method for enhancing transgene

expression using weak promoters in animals (Segawa et al. , 1 998; Koster and Fraser,

200 1 ; Lyer et aI. , 200 1 ), and for enhancer or tissue specific promoter trapping in stable

transgenic plants ( Wu et aI. , 2003 ; Yang et aI. , 2004; 10hnson et al. , 2005; Nakayama et

aI. , 2005) . Thus it had promise to enable use of GUS or GFP reporter genes with the

Venosa promoter. GFP is a particularly attractive reporter gene for this study, as the

GFP foci can be readily visualised in relation to the vein, due to the distinct vein

background produced by red fluorescence of l ignin under blue or UV light.

The transient assay using particle bombardment is based on the detection of transient

gene expression. It has recently been shown that post-transcriptional gene si lencing

( PTGS ) can stop the ectopic protein expression after 2-3 days, l imiting the efficiency of

this method (Voinnet et aI. , 2003) . Viral suppressors of PTGS can alleviate the host

si lencing response, hence enhancing the transient expression of a broad range of

proteins. The p 1 9 protein encoded by tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) is an effective

suppressor of PTGS, and has been shown to improve protein production by 50-fold in

some instances (Voinnet et aI. , 2003) . Use of p 1 9 may be an approach to enhance

expression of the VEN : IGUS ( Venosa promoter deletions drive IGUS) constructs.

To amplifY expression from the promoter the above four measures - transcriptional

enhancement (Arabidopsis ubiquitin enhancer), trans lational enhancement (omega

element), inhibition of gene s i lencing (P 1 9), and two-step transcriptional ampli fication

system (Ga14 system) - were tested for their efficacy and efficiency. Combined with


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such experimental modification, the promoter fragment of -2.4 kb was tested, with a

detai led analysis of the -900 bp region.

Agro-infiltration is a transient assay mediated by Agrobacterium- infection, which had

been shown to be effective for gene expression ( Yang et al., 2000). This approach

avoids the need for cell culture and growth of stable transgenics generated from cal l i , so

provides a rapid method for assaying the function of some types of gene; transgenes can

be assayed within a few days of Agro-infi ltration. This method has been used for

transgenic complementation ( Bendahmane et al. , 2000; Van der Hoorn et al., 2000;

Johansen and Carrington, 200 1 ; Shao et al. , 2003), promoter analysis (Yang et al.,

2000) and protein production (Vaquero et al., 1 999, 2002). Venosa expresses in petals,

so if petal tissue could be transformed by Agro-infi ltration, the expression pattern could

be observed m uch quicker than flowers from stable transgenics . Agro-infi ltration of the

petal tissue of tobacco, petunia and antirrhinum was tested for the Venosa promoter 5 '

deletions in work reported in this chapter.

5.2 Results

5.2 . 1 - 700 VEN:GFP and - 700 VEN:IGUS constructs fai l to give foci in transient

assays with particle bombardment

The petals from buds from 1 cm length to j ust fully opened flowers of both venation and

roseadorsea phenotypes were bombarded with - 700 VEN:GFP and - 700 VEN:IGUS. No

foc i were observed over five days of examination. In contrast, after 2-4 days many foc i

occurred in the petals bombarded with the 35S:GFP o r 35S:IG US constructs used as

positive controls (Figure 5 . 1 ) .

The petals from j ust fully opened flowers of roseadorsea were bombarded with

pJAM 1 37 1 ( -2. -IkVEN:G US), pJAM 1 367 ( - 1 . 6 VEN: G US) or pJAM 1 334

(- 760 VEN:G US), which were constructed by our UK col laborator. No GUS foci were

seen from these constructs.


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A 8


Figure 5. 1 Transient assay using particle bombardment transformation of antirrhinum petals of the roseadorsea l ine. (A) GFP foci of the 35S: GFP control construct. ( 8 ) Transformation with VEN:GFP constructs. No GFP foc i were apparent. (C) GUS foc i of the 35S:1GUS control construct. ( D ) Transformation with VEN:IGUS constructs. No GUS foci were apparent.


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5.2.2 Efficacy of Venosa as reporter gene in particle bombardment

20-30 weak foc i occurred in both the adaxial and abaxial areas of roseadorsea petals

bombarded with -900VEN:gVenosa (Figure 5.2 A and B) or -1 00 VEN:gVenosa (F igure

5 .2 C) . However, 20-30 weak foc i also occurred in the adaxial area of roseadorsea

phenotype when bombarded with promoterless:gVenosa construct (F igure 5 .2 D) . I n

comparison, over 1 00 strong foci occurred i n the petal s bombarded with the positive

control construct, 35S:g Venosa (data not shown). No foc i occurred in the petals

bombarded with the negative control construct, pART7 empty vector ( Figure 5 .2 E) .

5.2.3 Efficacy of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin transcriptional enhancer and omega

translational enhancer

Many GUS foc i occurred in the petals bombarded with p27UF900IGUS and

p27UF700IGUS, but fewer when bombarded with p27UR900IGUS and

p27UR700IGUS. In contrast, s imi lar amounts of foc i occurred between p27UFIGUS

and p27URIGUS (data not shown).

No GUS foc i were observed in the petals bombarded with pVe900QGU S l . Over one

hundred GUS foc i occurred in the petals bombarded with ei ther 35S:D.IGUS or

35S:IGUS, but no difference in foci number was apparent between these two constructs.

5.2.4 Particle bombardment assays using the Gal4 enhancement system

Many fluorescent foci occurred in the petals bombarded with pL'l Vetrapper. They were

not vein-related (Figure 5 . 3 B and C) . S imi larly, many foc i occurred in a non-vein­

related pattern when using the pC-4956 :ET 1 5 control (F igure 5 .3 A) . A s imilar number

of foci and d istribution pattern occurred with the bombardment of the mixture of the

Gal4 producing fragment and GFP reporter fragment (F igure 5 .3 D) . Several weak GFP

foc i occurred from the bombardment of the GFP reporter fragment alone ( Figure 5 .3 E ).


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Figure 5.2 Venosa promoter transient assay using particle bombardment with genomic Venosa. The petals of roseadorsea were bombarded. Positive expression of the constructs is observed as single pigmented cells (pigmented foc i ) . Expression pattern o f -900 VEN:g Venosa construct i n adaxial area (A) and abaxial area ( B ); ( C ) Expression pattern of -1 00 VEN:g Venosa construct in adaxial area; ( D ) Expression of promoterless :genomic Venosa construct in adaxial area; ( E ) Expression of the pART7 empty vector control.


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c D


Figure 5.3 Transient assay with particle bombardment using Gal4 two-step transcriptional amplification system. The GFP reporter gene was used in al l cases, and the adaxial region of petals from venation phenotype A . majus was the target t issue. (A) Expression pattern of the plasmid pC-4956:ET 1 5 ( Ga14 trapper); (8) Expression pattern of pL1Ve trapper construct. The tissue was water-infiltrated to aid photography; ( C ) Expression pattern of p L1 V e trapper construct; (D) E xpression pattern o f a mixture of -90CaMV : GFP fragment and -40CaMV:GaI4 fragment. ( E ) Expression pattern of -90CaMV :GFP.


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5.2.5 p 1 9 as a suppressor of gene silencing

Method I : When the petals of venation phenotype ( Figure 5.4 C ) or tobacco leaves

( Figure 5 .5 C) were bombarded with the m ixture of 35S:p 1 9 and VEN:IG US constructs,

OUS foci occurred in all combinations, even in the 35S:p 1 9 + promoterless:IGUS

combination, although in this case only a few foci were observed (F igure 5 . 5 A). No

foci occurred in the petals bombarded with VEN:IGUS only (F igure 5 . 5 B and D, and

5 . 1 D) . The number and strength of foci decreased as the promoter fragment became

shorter, based on observation with the naked eye. The foci location was not vein related .

Foci also occurred in the petals bombarded with a mixture of

- 700 VEN:IGUS and pART7 (Figure 5 .4 A ) .

Method I I : Many foci were obtained with 35:p J 9 + VEN:IG US in the same vector,

and using the standard bombardment protocol it was hard to determine if they were

vein-related, due to the high number of foci . A lower amount of plasmid, 400 ng, was

tested to reduce foci number and it could then be seen that the foci were not vein­


Method I l l : Very few foci were ever observed when using sequential bombardment

of the 35S:p J 9 construct and VEN:IG US. Of the foci that did occur, some were seen

with the - 1 50 bp promoter, and they looked vein-related ( Figure 5 .6 D) , but this result

could not be repeated. No foci occurred using shorter promoter fragments. It was

observed that both pigment and OFP fluorescence could occur in the same cel ls when

the petals were bombarded with 35S:GFP first, then subsequently with 35S:Rosea

(F igure 5 . 5 E and F).

Method I V : When the petals of venation phenotype of antirrhinum were bombarded

with the mixture of -900 VEN:p1 9 and - 900 VEN:IGUS, OUS foc i occurred (Figure 5 . 6

A ) . Further bombardment experiments showed that deletion constructs as short as

-500 VEN:G US were positive for OUS staining. The number of foci decreased as the

length of the promoter fragment decreased. The foci occurrence appeared unrelated to

the veins (F igure 5 .6 B) .

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5.2.6 Agro-infiltration assay

When 35S:GUS was used for Agro-infiltration, attached (Figure 5 .7 A) or detached

(F igure 5 .7 C ) tobacco flowers showed c lear OUS staining in epidermal cel ls ( Figure

5 . 7 B ) . S imilar results were achieved when using 35S:GFP ( Figure 5 .8 A and C ) . The

OFP fluorescence intensity was similar to that of stable 35S:GFP transgenics (chapter

6) . No OUS staining (Figure 5 . 8 D ) or OFP (Figure 5 .8 B ) fl uorescence occurred in the

respective negative controls .

D ifferent developmental stages were tested with -900 VEN:IGUS and - 700 VEN:IGUS

using Agro-infiltration. No OUS staining occurred in the Agro-infiltrated attached or

detached tobacco flowers with these constructs (data not shown).

Infiltrating detached petunia flowers with 35S:1GUS and 35S:GFP constructs showed

similar results as for tobacco ( Figure 5 .7 E and F ), with positive signal for samples

ranging from 1 5 mm length buds to ful ly opened flowers.

Infi ltrating detached petals of venation antirrhinum with 35S: IGUS or 35S:GFP

constructs gave no observed OUS staining or OFP fluorescence (data not shown).

5.3 Discussion

5.3. 1 The expression of Venosa promoter deletions was too weak to be detected

using IGUS or GFP as reporters for transient assays

In the transient assays no foci occurred using the VEN: G US, VEN:IG US or VEN:GFP

constructs, suggesting that activity of the Venosa promoter is too weak to give adequate

reporter protein levels. Thus, analysis of the deletion constructs was not possible using

the standard reporter gene approach used with most promoter analyses.

Foci occurred in the bombardment experiment of VEN:g Venosa. However, they

occurred also with the promolerless:gVenosa. That the induced pigmentation was due to

Venosa was demonstrated by the lack of colour foc i when using controls such as gold

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Figure S.4 Transient expression using p 1 9 as i nhibitor of PTGS. Petals from j ust ful ly opened venation phenotype flowers were used as materials. CA) Foci occurred in the petals bombarded with a mix of the constructs - 700 VEN:GUS and pART7. C B ) Foci occurred in the petals bombarded with a mix of - 1 50 VEN:IGUS and 35S:pI 9. CC) Foci occurred in the petals bombarded with - 150 VEN:IGUS and 35S.p1 9 separately.

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A B --�---..



Figure 5.5 Transient assay using 35S:p1 9 construct. (A) Foci occurred in the petals bombarded with a mix of pVe40-2 (promoterless:JG US construct) and 35S:p 1 9. (B) No foci occurred in the petals bombarded with the pVe40-2 construct only. (C) Foci occurred in tobacco leaves bombarded with the mixture of - 700 VEN:JG US and 35S:p 1 9. ( D ) No foci occurred in the tobacco leaves bombarded with - 700 VEN:JGUS construct only. ( E and F ) Two constructs could be introduced into same cel ls separately. GFP ( E ) and pigment (F) occurred in the same cel l (arrow) when first 35S:GFP and then subsequently 35S: Venosa were separately introduced into the epidermal cells of roseadorsea phenotype petals by particle bombardment.

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Figure 5.6 -900 VEN:p 1 9 can enhance VEN:lGUS activity, resulting in a low number of GUS-staining foci when co-introduced into the epidermal cel ls of venation phenotype petals with particle bombardment. C A ) Foci occurred in the petals bombarded with a mix of -900 VEN:p1 9 and -900 VEN:IGUS. C B ) Foci occurred in the petals bombarded with a mix of -900Pro VEN:p1 9 and -500 VEN:/GUS.

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Figure 5.7 A transient expression system for flowers using Agro-infiltration and 35S:IGUS. GUS staining occurred in mature tobacco l imb epidermal cells after either detached (A and B ) or attached (C ) tobacco flowers were Agro-infiltrated. ( D ) No GUS staining occurred in the negative control using pART27 . GUS staining also occurred in petunia l imb ( E ) and tube ( F ) after the detached flower tissue was Agro-infitrated with 35S:IGUS.

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alone or pART7. These results showed that anthocyanin biosynthesis was regulated by

the MYB anthocyanin regulator very sensitively and et1iciently. They also suggested

that low level of MYB protein could be produced in the promoteriess construct under

particle bombardment conditions. Perhaps the backbone of the vector or the

'contamination' (see Section 5 .3 .4 for detai l ) provided the transcription machinery for

this low level production. Therefore, the M YB anthocyanin regulator was also not

appropriate for the promoter analysis using particle bombardment-mediated transient


5.3.2 Arabidopsis ubiquitin promoter transcriptional enhancer and Omega

translational enhancer were not effective for Venosa p romoter analysis

Based on the Ubi 1 flanking region reported to be a gene enhancer, arabidopsis ubiquitin

promoter enhancer was fused upstream of Venosa promoter deletion fragments in two

directions. The shooting results showed that many more foc i occurred using the forward

direction construct than the reverse direction, which suggested that forward direction

was much stronger than reverse direction in transcription enhancement. This does not fit

the definition of an enhancer, which should not show directional preferance . In addition,

the enhancement fragment may have broad promoter activity, which may mask the

speci ficity of the assayed Venos({ promoter deletions.

Sandhu el al. ( 1 998 ) reported that an AIT -rich sequence of the pea plastocyanin gene

(FetE) promoter acted as a quantitative enhancer of gene expression in transgenic

tobacco and potato plants. This was considered for my study, but it was also shown that

this enhancer element required a chromatin context to increase transcription and fai led

to increase reporter gene expression when the same constructs were introduced

transiently into plant cel l s (Chua el al. , 200 1 ) .

The Q enhancer was also tested for improving translational etliciency. I t was fused

between the promoter and reporter gene. Particle bombardment results showed that no

foci occurred using the -900 VEN:D.JG US construct, and no obvious difference could be

recognized in strength between 35S:D.IGUS and 35S:1G US. This suggested that the

enhancement effect of Q might be l imited for transient expression.

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5.3.3 The Gal4 system was not effective for Vellosa promoter analysis

The GAL4 system was thought to be very promising for use in this project and, based

on the plasmid of pC-4956:ET 1 5 (Figure 5.9 A), p� Vetrapper was made. H owever,

particle bombardment results showed that p� Vetrapper expressed in a non-vein related

manner similar to the expression pattern of the control construct, pC-4956 :ET 1 5 ( Figure

5 . 3 A, B , and C) . To c larify which fragment affected the expression, the purified GFP

reporter fragment was used for bombardment. A few foci occurred ( Figure 5 .3 E ) . This

suggested that the -90 bp 35S core promoter could express at detectable levels under

particle bombardment conditions, although it was only at low levels. Probably these

occasional foc i were due to the high copy number of the construct in these cells or the

interaction between the molecules precipitated on the gold particles. When the petals

were bombarded with the mixture of GFP reporter fragment and the Gal4 producing

fragment. many foci occurred ( Figure 5.3 D). This c learly showed that Gal4 protein

could be produced somehow under particle bombardment conditions. I t may result from

the basal transcription of -40 bp 35S core promoter, or the accumulation of the basal

transcription due to high copy number or the " contamination" (see Section 5 . 3 .4 for

detai l ) resulting from the interaction between the molecules. Gal4 protein might be very

low in amount but sti l l able to amplify the signal by its speci fic binding. Due to thi s

strong background, the GAL4 system is not effective for the transient assay of promoter

deletions under partic le bombardment condition. An optimal construct for this assay is

suggested in Figure 5 .9 B . I t is optimal due to the promoter deletion containing its own

core promoter region. However. this has yet to be tested due to the time l imitation of

this study.

5.3.4 p 19 is not appropriate for the transient assay of Venosa promoter activity

35S:p1 9 plasmids were co-prec ipitated with Venosa promoter deletion constructs

plasmids onto gold particles and introduced into the petal epidermal cel ls . The results

showed that foci occurred when using all constructs, even the promoterless construct.

However, the number of the foc i did decrease in accordance with the amount of

promoter deleted. This suggests that 35S:p1 9 did improve the expression of the deletion

constructs but that ' contaminat ion' of expression occurred concurrently. This altered

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Figure 5. 8 A transient expression system for tobacco flowers using Agro-infiltration and 35S:GFP. ( A ) OFP fluorescence occurred in the epidermal ce l ls of the limb of attached (A and 8) or detached (C) tobacco flowers Agro-infiltrated with 35S:GFP. ( D ) No OFP fl uorescence occurred i n the flowers Agro-infiltrated with pART27. ( E ) OFP fluorescence in the limb of tobacco stably transformed with 35S:GFP.

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'a) S4 prom oter -90 Ca MV -45 Ca IV

355 polyA

CAT Actin I ntron En ton







NosT NosT

I I 4



I gal4-vp16

promoter deletion

gal4- vp16

Figu re 5.9 Structure of Gal4 two-step transcriptional amplification system.

(a) The GAL4-based enhancer trap pC-4956:ET 1 5 . Cited from Alexander et al. ( 2005 ). From the right border ( RB ) : -45CaMV, -45CaMV 3 5 S minimal promoter; gal-l-vpJ6, gal-l-vp J 6 transcriptional activator fusion gene; osT, bacterial nopaline synthase terminator sequence; UAS, five tandem repeats o f the upstream activation sequence e lement GAL4 binding site ; -90CaMV, -90CaMV 3 5 S minimal promoter TATA; gfp-er, green fluorescent protein ( mgfp5) targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum; S4, subterranean clover mosaic virus promoter; actin intron, rice actin intron 1 ; CAT intron, castor bean catalase intron 1 ; hpt, hygromycin phosphotransferase gene; 35SpolyA, CaMV 35S 3 'UTR polyA signal ; LB, left border.

(b) A proposed Gal4-based promoter assay system, YJ-8 1 5 . Its design is based on the particle bombardment transient expression assay of pC-4956 :ET 1 5 . It may maintain the specificity of promoter deletions more than pC-4956 :ET I 5 .

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expression pattern possibly resulted from the interaction between the 3 5 S promoter of

the p 1 9 construct and the Venosa promoter deletions during co-precipitation and

co-transformation. To test this possibil ity, tobacco leaves were bombarded with a

m ixture of - 700 VEN:IG US and 35S:p1 9. The positive GUS staining foci (Figure 5 . 5C )

confirmed the effect o n expression pattern, because no G U S staining occurred in the

stable transgenic tobacco leaves harboring VEN:G US or VEN:IGUS (Chapter 6), or in

the leaves bombarded with VEN:IGUS alone (F igure 5 . 5 D) .

Compared with the bombardment of - 700 VEN:IG US / pART7 ( F igure 5 .4 A) , many

more GUS foc i occurred in the bombardment of VEN:IGUS / 35S:p1 9, suggesting that

p 1 9 indeed improved transgene expression by inhibition of PTGS in particle

bombardment. That GUS foc i did also occur in petals bombarded with a mixture of

- 700 VEN:GUS and pART7 (F igure 5 .4 A) suggests that the 3 5 S promoter is also a

factor, not j ust p 1 9 itself.

This effect of the 35S promoter can also be found in the published l i terature. For

example, Figure 5 C in Verdonk et a!. (2005) , in which the authors quantify the

transient gene expression after bombardment with the mixture of tested constructs, and

the error resulting from this effect was decreased with internal and external controls as


Cross-talk between a strong promoter on one gene and expression of another gene on

the same construct is certainly possible, and the results suggest that cross-talk effects

can occur. The separate bombardments of two different constructs may avoid this

problem. To test this, the petals were bombarded with 35S:Rosea and 35S:GFP

separately. As a few cells had both pigment and GFP fluorescence, it seems possible for

two constructs to be successfully introduced and expressed in the same cel ls (F igure 5 . 5

E and F ) , but that the frequency is too low for practical purposes.

To avoid effects of the 3 5 S promoter, -900 VEN:p1 9 was made and tested. This

approach was reasonably successful. When the petals of venation phenotype of

antirrhinum were bombarded with the -900 VEN:p1 9 and the test VEN:IGUS constructs,

GUS foc i occurred for constructs down to -500VEN:IGUS. The foc i appear non-vein

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rel ated. Thus, the promoter region of -380 bp to -900 bp positively affected Venosa

expression at the transcription leveL but may not be solely responsible for venation.

That the foci occurred only in the presence of p 1 9 suggested that the -900 bp fragment

has only weak act ivity, and detection was normally prevented by PTGS. Given the

wounding involved in part ic le bombardment, the high plasmid copy number introduced,

and the need to suppress PTGS, i t is also possible that the expression pattern found by

this method does not accurately ret1ect that of the native Venosa gene.

5.3.5 The efficacy and efficiency of Agro-infiltration as a method for p romoter


The use of floral t issue for transient assays with Agro-infiltration has not been reported

prior to these studies. The petals of three species were tested with Agro-infiltration

using 35S:IGUS and 35S:GFP as reporter constructs. The petals of tobacco and petuni a

could be transformed eniciently. Based o n sectioning, transformed t issue included al l

ce l l layers. Venosa promoter deletion constructs were tested using this establ ished

protocol . but no staining occurred, probably due to the weak promoter activity.

Antirrhinum petals could not be transformed by Agro-infiltration. This negative result

was not a result of fai lure of the infiltration process, as the At{rohacferiwn solution

could be infiltrated into the petal tissue effectively. The fai lure more likely resulted

from a lack of successful At{rohaclerium-plant ce l l interaction. Only the Agrohaclerilfl1l

strain LBA4404 was used. It may be necessary to test other Agrobacterium strains for

antirrhinum Agro-intiltration.

5.4 Concl usion

Compared with making stable transgenics, the transient assay with particle

bombardment is much quicker, and allows large numbers of constructs to be tested

quickly. However, as i l lustrated by these studies, it has a number of disadvantages.

While it works wel l for some analyses, its efficacy and efficiency for promoter analysis


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i s very dependent on the target promoter. Despite attempting many techniques, only

some of the issues could be overcome for the Venosa promoter.

Determining whether the foc i that were obtained were vein-related was another

chal lenge. It was difficult to set an objective standard due to the disappearance of the

natural marker, the pigmentation pattern, during the experimental procedure. In the

adaxial epiderm is, foc i located exactly between the middle of veins were considered

non-vein related. In the abaxial epidermis any foc i present were considered non-vein

related, as no pigment normally occurs in this area in intact flowers .

The expression of the -900 bp fragment could only be detected as GUS foc i in the

presence of p 1 9. These results suggested that the -900 bp fragment could function for

transcription, but weakly. The promoter deletion assay showed that the expression

decreased in accordance to the delet ion and stopped at -380 bp. This suggests that there

are important cis elements in the fragment of -380 bp to -900 bp. I f these data with p 1 9

are valid, i t also suggests that the Venosa promoter region tested i s not the prime

determinant of the vein-related gene expression. However, the low number of foc i

obtained, and the need to use p 1 9, means the re ults are not as robust as those from

stable transgenics.

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Chapter 6

Venosa p romoter analysis in stable transgenics of tobacco

6. 1 I nt rod uction

Making stable transgenics is an alternative to transient assays for promoter analysis. I t

has advantages which inc lude the stable expression and low copy number of the

transgene. I n addition, transgene expression and copy number can be assayed

quantitatively and, unl ike many biol istic transient assays in which the transformed cel ls

are mainly, or exclusively, epidermal cel ls, al l cel l s are transgenic . Overal l , stable

transgenics should show an expression pattern closer to that of the natural gene.

To explore how venation patterning forms in antirrhinum and how the Venosa gene is

control led, making stable transgenic antirrhinum was initial ly considered, because the

homologous host is obviously preferable. However, generation of stable transgenic

antirrhinum is difficult, and an efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system

has not been established in our lab. Tobacco can be effectively transformed via

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Tobacco has an active anthocyanin

biosynthetic pathway in the flowers, in which weak venation patterning can be

recognised ( Figure 6. 1 ), and has been used previously for studying function of

anthocyanin genes . Thus, it was thought it might be suitable for Venosa promoter

analysis as a heterologous host.

As a transcriptional regulatory gene, Venosa expression is very weak (Cathie Martin,

personal communication). Consequently, its promoter deletions may give even weaker

expression. This low level expression may result in difficulty in detecting transgene

expression. Choosing a suitable reporter gene was, therefore, critical . The three reporter

genes (gfp, Rosea and gus) each have advantages and disadvantages ( see C hapter 5 for

detai l s ), thus, a l l of them were used to improve the possibil ity of transgene detection

and the accuracy of observation. In addition, in consideration of the long timeframe

needed for stable transgenic plants, a series of stable transgenic tobacco plants

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Figure 6 . 1 Weak venation pigmentation patterning is visible in the limb of Nicoliana labacum flowers.

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containing promoter deletions driving the three respective reporter genes were

generated concurrently.

This chapter introduces the strategies of Venosa promoter analyses using stable

transgenic tobacco plants and the expression patterns of promoter deletion constructs.

6.2 Resu lts

6.2 . 1 Transgenic l ines harboring Rosea cDNA or GFP constructs

Al l the transgenic plants harboring VEN:Rosea deletion constructs were compared with

tobacco wildtype plants and negative control plants harboring an empty pART27 vector.

No difference was observed in the strength and patterning of flower pigmentation with

e ither the naked eye or l ight microscopy.

For OFP observation, the positive control ( l ines harboring 35S:GFP construct ) and

negative control (non-transgenic wildtype l ines and l ines harboring empty vector) were

observed first. on-transgenic flower tissue emitted green fluorescence which varied

depending on the developmental stage. This auto-fluorescence is l ikely due to l ignin,

which is one of the components of the cell wal l . Venation patterning was observed,

probably reflecting the higher l ignin content in vascular bundles. The auto-fluorescence

decreased when the flower developed to maturity. No auto-fluorescence was observed

in the pigmented l imb of fully opened flowers, and only faint auto-fluorescence was

observed in the tube area. Variation in the strength of the OFP signal in the positive

control plants was observed, and in plants with weak OFP fluorescence the signal was

possibly masked by pigment in the l imb, and by auto-fluorescence in the tube. Fifteen

3 5 S :0FP plants were categorized into four groups according to their strength and

pattern of emitting OFP (Table 6. 1 ) .

Two different developmental stages of flower were examined for the main data set. One

stage was when pigmentation of the flower tip occurred, and the other stage was when

flowers were fully opened. Al l the transgenic plants harboring VEN:GFP deletion

constructs were observed with fluorescent microscopy. No difference of strength and

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patterning of green fluorescence was observed between the tested samples and the

negative controls .

Table 6 . 1


Fluorescence m icroscopy observation of stable tobacco transgenic plants harboring 35S:GFP

Description 1 ,2 ,5 ,6, 1 4 GFP emission was weak and could be recognised only i n the tip of

the flower. Anthocyanin masked the GFP in most areas. 3,9, 1 5 GFP emiss ion could be j ust recognised from the anthocyanin

background in the limb. 4,7, 8 , 1 L 1 2, 1 3 GFP emission masked the anthocyanin. I t could be seen in the

whole petal, and was more obvious in the l imb than in the tube. 1 0 GFP emitted in all petal cells, but was stronger in the vascular


The VEN:GFP constructs may express only weakly in stages prior to flower

pigmentation. S uch weak GFP may be masked by auto-fluorescence at these stages. I f

the constructs expressed in a vein-speci fic manner a s expected, the venation pattern of

auto-fluorescence may impact significantly on the GFP observation. To try to avoid

this, observation was carried out with confocal fluorescence microscopy. which would

al low measurement of the epidelmal cel ls alone. Al l the l ines harboring VD\':GFP

constructs were analysed. No difference of strength and patterning of green

fluorescence was observed between the tested samples and the negative controls .

6.2.2 Transgenic l ines harboring IGUS constructs

Independent l ines were made for each construct after screening for rooting on

kanamycin ( Figure 6.2 A), and transferred into the GMO green house for flowering

(Figure 6.2 B ) . Flowers of four different stages ( Figure 6 .2 C) were stained with GUS

staining sol ution for a l l the l ines harboring the VEN:/GUS deletion constructs. The

staining pattern is shown in Figure 6 .3 . The results are recorded in Appendix VII and

summarized as fol lowing:

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Non-transgenics on MS

Non-transgenics on Kan Transgenics on Kan


Figure 6.2 Transgenic plants containing Venosa promoter deletion constructs. (A) The rooting screen for the transgenics, which generated roots on media supplemented with kanamycin. MS: MS culture media. Kan: kanamycin. (B) Transgenic plants in the

GMO greenhouse. ( C ) The developmental stages of the tobacco flower. The four stages tested for GUS staining are indicated with arrows. The stages presenting GUS staining are highlighted in the rectangle.

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• No GUS signal was detected for the constructs - 1 . 6kVEN:GUS and

-2. -IkVEN:GUS. Positive GUS signal was detected for all the other constructs. In

particular. the ovule was stained in some samples of a l l constructs.

• For each construct there were both positive and negative l ines. The staining

results were not consistent for GUS signal strength and patterning across all

independent l ines from each construct.

• The number of posi tive l ines decreased as the promoter length decreased.

• Al l the flower organs could be stained positive in -900 bp and -700 bp deletions

(F igure 6. 3 A B. C. D. E. F. G and H) . The staining pattern was variable in lines

harbouring ditlerent deletions. For example. the style was stained in one line

whi le it was not stained in another l ine. Petals could be stained in lines of the

-500 bp deletion construct. No staining occurred in the petals of shorter deletion

l ines.

• I n GUS positive petals the GUS staining was not observed in the patterns

expected. such as the venation patterning seen for Venosa mRNA in situ

hybridisation. It occurred in both adaxial and abaxial epidermal cel ls (F igure 6 .3

H. I and J ) . Stronger staining usual ly occurred in vascular bundles rather than

other tissues. giving a venation staining pattern in this situation ( Figure 6.3 .J. K

and L ) .

• No staining was observed in the leaves of any deletion lines. inc luding those in

which the flowers were GUS positive.

• No staining occurred in the flowers or leaves of negative control lines. The

flowers and leaves o f nine positive control l ines were stained. Six l ines were

GUS positive. with strong staining in al l flower organs and the leaves.

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, i ... · ,· ..-- • . , -" \. . . . � , ' / " I ' . . ' . .. �� � � ; "

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Figu re 6.3 The GUS staining pattern of VEN:IGUS deletion constructs in transgenic tobacco flowers. -900 : IGUS construct staining in floral organs : the base of sepal (A), receptacle ( B ), ovule CC ), ovary and style ( D), stigma (E), anther ( F), fi lament (G) and outer area of petal tube (H) . ( I and J) -500: IGUS staining in petal . (K and L ) The stronger staining occurred within the vascular bundle system. Photos were taken from two directions of one hand section.

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6.3 Discussion

6.3 . 1 Transgenic tobacco p lants harboring VEN:Rosea or VEN:GFP deletion


Anthocyanin regulators have been used successful ly as reporters in plant transgenic

studies. For example, cel l autonomous anthocyanin p igmentation, produced by the

anthocyanin regulatory genes B and Cl controlled by the constitutive CaMV35S

promoter, was used to optimize biolistic gene delivery into embryogenic wheat

scute llum cultures (Chawla et al. . 1 999). In addition, tobacco transgenics harboring

35S:Rosea have increased pigmentation of tlowers (Cathie Martin. personal

communication), suggesting ROSEA could be a suitable visual marker for this study.

H owever, compared with the negative control , no difference was observed in the

patterning and strength of anthocyanin pigmentation in transgenic l ines harboring

VEN:Rosea deletion constructs. Probably the amount of ROSEA protein produced was

too low to affect the strength of pigment sufficiently to be observed. due to the

weakness of the promoter deletions.

GFP has been used extensiv'el y as a visible marker for promoter analysis. H owever. it

may not be suitable if i t is expressed too weakly, especially in plant t issues that have a

high background auto-fluorescence. L ignin tluoresces at 580 nm. which is the

wavelength used for GFP observation. GFP could not be detected using fluorescence

m icroscopy or confocal tluorescence microscopy in any of the transgenic l ines

harboring these deletion constructs . Probably the GFP reporter was expressed too

weakly, and the fluorescence emission from low levels ofGFP protein was masked by

the background auto-tluorescence or by anthocyani n pigment.

6.3.2 Transgenic lines harbouring VEN:IGUS constructs

GUS is the most frequently used reporter for promoter analysis i n transgenics. The

advantage of GUS as a reporter i s that the staining s ignal for the detection of gene

expression can be ampl i fied by the c hemical reaction ( Mantis and Tague, 2000).

H owever, in addition to the need for destruct ion of the sample in the GUS assay,

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another disadvantage is that staining may not reflect the real expression pattern of the

tested promoter due to diffusion or poor penetration of substrate (Taylor, 1 997).

Diffusion may over-report promoter activity, whi le poor penetration may under-report

promoter activity. To improve the staining quality some additional staining protocols

have been developed. In this study, the salts and acetone pre-treatment (see section

2.3 .6 .3 method I I ) were used to inhibit diffusion of the stain and to improve chemical

penetration ( Hemerly et af. , 1 993 : Sessions et al., 1 999: Regan et al. , 1 999).

Sectioning was used to observe the expression pattern of the deletion constructs. The

staining occurred in various t issues of the petal. It was stronger in vein tissue than in

any other tissues ( Figure 6.3 1. K and L ). I t is unlikely that this patterning resulted from

diffusion from the epidermis, or from the uneven penetration of the staining solution. If

that was the case. the staining of epidermis should be stronger than that of the veins.

A lthough the expression of the deletion constructs was floral specific . unexpectedly it

was not the pattern shown by in situ mRNA analysis of antirrhinum petals. The cause of

this difference in patterns is not known. It may be due to the heterologus plant host,

tobacco, not having the same signaling pathway to control venation patterning as in

antirrhinum. or it may be that the promoter deletions do not include sequences that

control venation expression.

When staining strength of the GUS positive l ines was compared visual ly. expression

from the -900 and -746 bp promoter fragments was markedly stronger than that from

the -630 bp and -500 bp fragments. This suggests that an enhancer element is located

between -746 bp and -630 bp. A petal ubiquitous transcription factor(s) may interact

with this cis element(s) .

Among 27 l ines harboring -500 VEN:/G US, only two l ines stained weakly in the tip area

of petals. This may reflect the weak expression from this promoter fragment. No

staining occurred in the petals of the l i nes harboring the deletions -380 VEN: /G US.

suggesting that no cis elements capable of driving significant petal gene expression

were present in this fragment.

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There were some transgenic l ines for all deletions with positive staining in ovule tissue.

This occurred even for the - 1 50 bp deletion, but was not seen in the negative control , so

i s not endogenous GUS activity. It may renect basal transcription in undifferentiated

cel ls , or there may be an ovule specific element in the promoter fragment of - 1 50 bp.

In the p lants generated from the seeds harboring GUS constructs, only two l ines

harboring - 76() VEN:GUS presented weak GUS staining, and none of the l ines harboring

- 1 . 6k VEN:GUS or -2. -Ik VEN:GUS showed any staining. The reason for this is unknown.

but it should be noted that only l imited molecular analysis of these plasmid constructs

has been carried out, and no Southern analysis of the transgenics.

Southern blotting to determine transgene copy number was not done for the p lants

generated in this study. The reasons for this are. firstly. the large number of independent

l ines for each construct was thought sufticient to cover for variations due to copy

number ditTerences. Secondly. analysis of stable tobacco Rosea promoter transgenics

produced by the same method suggested the strength of GUS staining was not

positively correlated to transgene copy number (Ni langani Pathirana. personal

communication) .

6.3.3 Detection efficiency of G FP and G US as reporters in stable transgenics

Selecting a suitable reporter and an eftic ient detection approach is critical in promoter

analysis. especial ly for weak promoters such as transcription factors . GFP and GUS are

two important marker proteins used in plant gene expression studies. The transient

assay and stable transgenic analyses showed that Venosa promoter activity detection

was weak when using IGUS constructs. and not detectable when using GFP constructs.

This difference may be due to the different efticiency of the reporters. The ut i l ity of

GFP and GUS was also compared in the analysis of a relatively weak Arahidopsis

promoter ( Mantis and Tague. 2000). They found that, as with the tobacco results, the

background fluorescence ofArabidopsis t issues and organs makes it difticult to detect

weak promoter activity driving GFP, a problem due to the lack of ampl i fication of the

OFP signal . The low or no GUS background, and the enzymatic ampli fication of the

s ignal makes GUS more easily and more accurately detected for weak promoter

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activity. These authors comment that GUS rather than GFP is the choice for preliminary

studies of promoter activity, particular those that have weak activity.

A GUS-GFP fused reporter may be a usefu l alternative for such studies. To combine the

advantage of GUS, its high sensitivity in histochemical staining, with the advantages of

GFP as a visual marker, a bifunctional reporter producing GUS-GFP fused protein was

tested in A rabidopsis and LOIlls japonicus (Quaedvl ieg et al., 1 998) . The fused protei n

could function a s a reporter. Using this bifunctional reporter may improve the

possibil ity of detection of weak promoter activity.

Alternative techniques have been developed to detect weak expression. I t is reported

that vacuole GFP could be easily degraded by l ight. especially b l ue l ight. This l ight

dependent degradation resulted in the fai lure to observe GFP fluorescence in the

vacuoles of p lant organs (Tamura el al. , 2003 ) . Transferring the plants from the l ight

into the dark improved the observation of GFP-tluorescent vacuoles (Tamura et al. .

2003). L uby-phelps et al. (2003 ) developed a procedure for visual izing GFP expression

in fixed tissue after embedding. The antigenicity of the GFP is retained after treatment

so that the GFP localisation can be visual ised after label ing with anti-GFP antibodies .

Rech el al. (2003 ) used tluorescence microscopy to detect weak GUS activity in phenol­

rich tissues.

6.4 Conclusion

To analyse the Venosa promoter. a series of promoter deletion binary constructs were

made. Expression of Rosea and GFP could not be detected in the transgenic l ines. This

was probably due to the weak Venosa promoter and low expression of the reporter

genes used. Hence, they were not suitable in the Venosa promoter analysis . However,

GUS stained positively in transgenics. GUS staining was tloral specific. but did not

show venation patteming. The fragment of -380 bp to -900 bp could drive I GUS for

detectable expression. There is the possibi lity of a eis-element enhancing expression

located between -630 bp and -746 bp upstream of the Venosa.

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Chapter 7

Investigation of the role of gibberellin and sugar signaling in

controlling venation p igmentation patterning

7. 1 I ntroduction

A number of signals might regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis in flowers (Section 1 .4) .

Of these signals, gibberel l in and sugar were considered of particular interest for this

study. Gibberel l ins are required for the development of pigment in petunia flowers

( Section 1 .4 . 1 ), and sugar plays a s ignaling role in pigmentation in some species

( Section 1 .4 .2) . A hierarchy of signals must be involved in determining the venat ion

pigmentation patterning in tlowers. This chapter focuses on the possible role of

gibbere l l in and sugar s ignaling in the formation of the anthocyanin venation patterni ng

in Antirrhinum tlowers. Experiments involving emasculation and gibberel l in acid (GA3 )

supplementation of petals in vitro were conducted to assess whether GA signaling plays

a role in venation patterning. Girdl ing and sugar supplementation of petals in \'itro were

tested to assess whether a s ignaling role could be ascribed to sugars.

Emasculation refers to the removal of anthers. As summarised in the Introduction

( Section 1 .4 . 1 ). at anthesis gibberel l in is produced in the developing anthers (Pharis and

King. 1 985 : Weiss et of.. 1 995: ltoh et of . . 1 999: Rebers et af .. 1 999: Kaneko et of . . 2003 ) and is required for petal development ( Weiss and Halevy. 1 989: Jacobsen and

Olszewski. 1 99 1 : Goto and Pharis. 1 999) . Removing anthers could inhibit gibbere l l in

production and. hence. its effect on the pigmentation and patterning in petals may be


An alternative method to test gibbere l l in signaling is GA3 supplementation of petals

cultured in vitro. GA3 is a biological ly active gibberel l in often used in p lant t issue

culture and physiological studies. The response of in vitro cultured petals to ditTerent

media supplemented or not supplemented with GA3 may indicate the signaling role of

GA3 in pigmentation and patterning.

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Girdl ing removes the phloem in a ring around the int10rescence stem. Mason and

Maskel l ( 1 928) observed that sugar transport in the stem was blocked by gird ling, and

s ince then girdl ing has been used as a method to study the trans location of substances in

p lants . For example, it was used to determine whether or not various substances were

equally accumulated in stems of tomato plants in which transport had been interrupted

by girdling (Bonner, 1 944), or to determine stem xylem as a possible pathway for

mineral retranslocation from senescing leaves to the ear in wheat (Martin, 1 982) . At

anthesis, sugar translocates mainly from the source ( leaves) to the sink ( f10wers) via the

stem and pedicel . The pedicels of antirrhinum flowers are too short and thin to be

g irdled, while the stems of inflorescences can be girdled. Hence, gird l ing may be an

approach to assess the importance of carbohydrate on development of pigmentation


S im ilar to GA3 supplementation of petals cultured in ritro, sugar supplementation is an

alternative approach to test its signaling role. The cultured petals may respond

ditTerential ly to the media supplemented with different sugars, such as metabolic sugars

or non-metabolic sugars. This may indicate not only the importance of sugar but also

the s ignaling path\\/ay, because only metabolisable sugar can act as a signal molecule

via phosphorylation by hexokinase ( Section 1 .4 .2) . Ditferent sugar or substitute

material or sugar metabolic inhibitors were tested: sucrose, glucose and mannose are

metabolic sugars : xylose and manitol are non-metabol ic sugars; 3 -o-methylglucose is a

nearly non-metabolisable g lucose analogue: mannoheptulose is a sugar metabol ic


7.2 Res ults

7.2. 1 E masculation experiments

When the flower bud was between 4 and 7 mm in length. it fai led to develop after

emasculation, and the petals gradually senesced ( Figure 7. 1 A). When the bud length

was between 7 and 1 0 mm, the tlower developed s lowly and was smaller, but it was

pigmented and patterned as normal (F igure 7. 1 B) . When the bud length was greater

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than 1 0 mm, emasculation did not affect the development of the flower, its

pigmentation or i ts patterning (data not shown).

7.2.2 Spontaneously arising variant flowers

Several aberrant flowers developed on plants in the glasshouse during hot weather

(January and February in New Zealand) . The flowers were a l l positioned near the top of

the inflorescence and were a t the earliest developmental stages . Only the two dorsal

petals developed while other organs inc luding pisti l , stamen and lateral and

ventral petals fai led to develop. The 'mutant ' flowers were noticeably smaller than the

normal ones, and had normal venation pigmentation patterning ( Figure 7 . 1 C and D) .

7.2.3 Response of detached petals to gibberellin supplementation in vitro

The experiments initial ly focused on determining the developmental stage at which the

excised petal was sufficiently mature to become pigmented in response to a signal . The

concentration of GAJ and length of exposure to GA , needed to induce pigmentation

were also tested. Pre l iminary experiments were carried out by culturing petals at

different developmental stages on different media (F igure 7.2 A) . The observat ions

shovved that 0. 1 - 1 . 0 mg/l GA3 was sunicient for petal development and pigmentation

( Figure 7.2 B ). However. it was difficult to conclude from these prel iminary

experiments whether GA was playing a role as a signal in patterning, because the petals

of controls (MS without GAd and test samples ( MS with GA3 ) did not develop equal ly .

The latter developed faster and were larger than the f0n11er (F igure 7.2 B ).

Accompanying petal development. which absolute ly needed the GA3 supplement to

occur, venation pigmentation patterning also occurred.

Prel iminary experiments showed that cultured petals from buds 2-8 mm in length

expanded but did not develop pigmentation in the dark (data not shown) , and that l ight

was required for venation pigmentation. Further, petal s at ditTerent developmental

stages were shown to be ditTerential ly sensitive to l ight. Based on the above two

pre l iminary experiments, a combined supplementation procedure was developed

(F igure 2 . 1 0 A), and a series of petals of varying developmental stage were tested. For

petals from buds 4-5 mm, 5-6 mm, 6-7 mm and 7-8 mm in length, equivalent

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Emasculated bud

c D

Wildtype mutant wildtype mutant

Figure 7. 1 Development of emasculated flowers and mutant flowers. (A) Emasculated flower bud shorter than 7 mm in length did not develop. ( B) Emasculated

flower bud 7 mm in length developed normal pigmentation and patterning, but was slower in petal formation development and was smaller in petal size. Aberrant flowers lacking sexual organs and showing pigmentation patterning: intact (C) and dissected ( D).

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development occurred between control samp les ( M S + sucrose) and GA3 supplemented

samples (Figure 7 .2 C) . None of the petals from buds 4-5 mm in length became

pigmented, whereas some petals from other later developmental stages developed

pigment in culture whether or not supplemented with GA3 . Control (without GA3)

petals from buds 5-6 mm, 6-7 mm and 7-8 mm in length showed similar pigmentation

patterning as samples supplemented with GAJ . However, for the petal s pigmented in the

culture either with or without GA3, the venation pigmentation pattern appeared only i n

very l imited areas, and did not occur in the whole sample (Figure 7 . 2 0 and E) .

7.2.4 Response of detached petals to different sugar supplements in vitro

Petals from buds 5 - 8 mm in length developed equally in the media supplemented with

GA3 and either sucrose. glucose. mannose or sucrose plus mannoheptulose. Compared

with the test samples, the control samples (without sugar supplementation at the l ast

culture period) were somewhat smal ler. No pigmentation occurred in either test samples

or control . I n the media supplemented with xylose. mannitol or 3-0-methylglucose. the

petals were wrinkled and senescent (example shown for mannitol in Figure 7 .3) .

Pigmentation occurred in several petals exc ised from buds 4-5 mm in length when t he

media was supplemented with GAJ and either sucrose or glucose. However. the

pigmentation was not venation patterning (Figure 7 .4) .

7.2.5 Gird ling experiments

B uds :S 5 mm in length did not develop fol lowing girdling (Figure 7 .5 A ) . Fol lowing

gird l ing the dorsal petals of buds 5-7 mm in length expanded and developed a weak

venation pattern (Figure 7 . 5 B ) . The petals developed more slowly than those of control

buds and were of a smaller final size (F igure 7.5 C ) . They opened in 7 d and gradual ly

senesced by 10 d. One t10wer developed differently, acquiring a weak but complete

p igmentation pattern occurring on the inner lobes of the upper petals (F igure 7.5 C ) .

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• •

3-4 4-5 5-6 Bud length (mm)

Petals from buds 5-6 mm in length

Petals from buds 4-5 mm in length



MS + sucrose


M S M S+

B M S MS +sucrose

M S+O.05 mglL M S+O. \ mglL GA3+sucrose GA3+sucrose

M S M S+

M S+ \ .O mglL GA3+sucrose

MS+GA3 sucrose sucrose +sucrose




MS+O. l mg/L GA3 + sucrose

Figure 7.2 GA3 supplementation of detached petals in vitro. (A) Bud development stages for petal samples. ( B ) Petals developed unequally in GA3-supplemented and GA3 -free media. (C ) Comparison of petal development in the combined supplementation protocol. Petals developed simi larly in GA3-supplemented and GAJ-free media. Venation pigmentation patteming occurred in both GA3-supplemented ( D ) and GA3-free ( E ) media.

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Figure 7.3 Sugar supplementation of detached petals in vitro. The response of petals excised from 7-8 mm buds after cultme in (A) MS + sucrose, ( B ) MS and (C) MS + manito! . Al l media were supplemented with GA3.


Figure 7.4 Pigmentation and abnormal patteming could be induced by culturing petals, removed from buds <5 mm in bud length, in MS media + sucrose + GA3. Pigmentation occurred in non-vein-specific patterning in some petals excised from the buds 4-5 mm in length and c ul tured in MS + mannose (A) and in M S + sucrose ( B) . (C) Pigmentation occmred in non-vein-specific patterning in some petals excised from the buds 2-3 mm in length and c ultured in MS + sucrose + GA3.

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Non-treatment control

Bud >5 mm in length

Girdl ing


Girdl ing Emasculation

Figure 7.5 Response of flower buds to girdl ing of the i nflorescence stem. ( A ) Girdl ing stopped flower development when the bud was 5 m m long, and decreased flower development when the bud was longer than 5 mm. ( B) Girdl ing inhibited pigmentation patterning in petals. (C ) Girdl ing could induce pigment and abnormal patterning occasionally.

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7.3 Discussion

7.3. 1 Emasculation experiments and naturally mutated individual flowers

In antirrhinum flowers, cell d ivision within the bud is complete when the bud is

approximately 1 0 mm in length, and cell expansion accounts for the rest of the growth

of the bud during development ( Jackson, 1 992). The venation pigmentation pattern first

appears in the adaxial epidermis of the tube base once the buds reach 8 mm in length,

and subsequently spreads to other areas. Emasculating buds 7- 1 0 mm in length delayed

their maturity and caused the developed flowers to be smal ler, but did not affect their

pigmentation and patterning which developed normally. These results suggest that GA

is not required for the production of pigment, the formation of the patterning or for the

maintenance of the patterning. Taken together with the fact that the emasculated buds >

1 0 mm developed normally, it appears that the patterning is defined during the cel l

division stage, at which t ime the anthers are required for petal growth. After the

transition to the phase of rapid elongation, the corol la is no longer dependent on the

anthers (or GA) for growth and pigmentation.

Emasculating buds 4-7 mm in length inhibited their development. The fai lure to

develop probably resulted from removal of the anthers, al though physical damage may

be another factor, but which could not be avoided in emasculating such smal l buds.

From these experiments it is not c lear what role if any the anthers play in patterning at

this early stage of flower development, because patterning had occurred by the time

buds were 8 mm in length, and smal ler emasculated flowers (::S 7 mm) did not develop.

The aberrant flower phenotype detected in the glasshouse may be related to high

temperature. The temperature of the glasshouse was part ial ly control led with vents and

electrical fans, but occasional ly in January and February the temperature was over 35°C,

even though the vents were set to open at 2 1 QC . The developmental phenomenon may

have resulted in somatic m utation related to transposon activity, as several transposons

have been identified in antirrhinum (Coen et aI. , 1 986; Sommer et al. , 1 988 ) . I t was

unlikely that GA could be produced from the malformed flowers, as they lacked

anthers. Probably as a consequence, petal development was reduced. Given that normal

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venation pigment patteming occurred in these mutant flowers, this indicates that GA

was not required for the initiation and maintenance of anthocyanin pigmentation, or for

its patteming, agreeing with the findings from emasculat ion. The aberrant flowers also

overcome one of the short-comings of emasculation - the physical damage of the bud.

Emasculating Roseal wildtype flowers ( the ful ly red phenotype) or flower buds was

also carried out (data not shown) . However, as pigment could be recognized in the

petals of buds 4 mm in length, at a very early stage of petal development, it was

impossible to emasculate without disturbing petal development.

7.3.2 Response of detached petals to gibberellin supplementation in vitro

The relationship between gibbere l l in and venation pigmentation patteming was tested

by culturing detached petals in media supplemented with GA3. The initial experiments

indicated that GA3 was required for petal expansion, during which pigment patteming

occurred. To test GA3 s ignal ing in pigment patteming, by comparing the response of t he

cultured petals to GA3, it was critical to have petals developing equal ly . Therefore, a

combined supplementat ion approach was developed, in which the test petals were

init ial ly cultured in MS + sucrose + GA3 in the dark for three days. This step provided a

set of uniform petals developed to such a stage that they would synthesise pigment

when a l l necessary factors including l ight were provided. The petals were then

transferred onto media without GA3 and cultured in the dark for another two days. The

purpose of this step was to reduce the carry-over of GA3 to the next culture step. The

simi larly developed petals were transferred onto media with GA3 (test samples) or

without GA3 (control samples) , and cultured in l ight . This step was to supply l ight, a

required factor for pigment development of antirrhinum flowers, and compare the petal

response to the different media. This system was successful for al lowing +/- GA3

treatment of wel l developed petals . However, simi lar pigmentation patteming

developed with or without GA3, supporting the conclusion that GA3 is not required for

the initiation or maintenance of venation pigmentation patteming in antirrhinum.

I t was found that light was required for pigment development in antirrhinum flowers,

because no pigmentation occurred or accumulated in petals cultured in the dark, even i f

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the culture period was extended. Light is also required for the accumulation of

anthocyanin in petunia flowers ( Weiss and Halevy, 1 99 1 ; Moscovici et al. , 1 996).

I nterestingly, the venation pigmentation pattern appeared only in very l imited areas of

cultured petals and did not occur across the whole petal (F igure 7 .2) . This may have

been a consequence of the relatively weak l ight levels in the culture rooms or,

al ternatively, the veins of the detached petals may not have fully developed.

P igment in Roseal wildtype (the fully red phenotype ) appeared at an even earlier stage

than the venation phenotype. Unfortunate ly, this made it technically difficult to test the

GAJ signal ing in Roseal wi ldtype using in vitro culture.

7.3.3 Response of detached petals to d ifferent sugar supplements in vitro

Pre l im inary experiments showed that young petals from buds 4-8 mm in length cultured

in media without sucrose did not grow. This suggested that sugar was necessary for

petal development at this stage. S ugar was required for petal expansion, during which

the pigment patterning also occurred. To test sugar signal ing in pigment patterning, by

comparing the response of the cultured petals to sugar, it was critical to have petal s

developing equal ly as for the GA3 experiment. The same system was used a s for GA3

treatment, but lacking sugar to reduce the sugar carry-over between step 1 and step 3 .

After the culture procedure, the samples i n the media supplemented with GA3 and with

the non-metabolic sugars appeared senescent. Possibly sugars or substitute material in

these media could not be assimi lated effectively due to their non-metabol ic property .

Although the samples in the media supplemented with metabolic sugars looked

' healthy' , no pigment was observed. However, i t was not known whether the peta ls

were physiologically normal and able to sense the signal for pigmentat ion given the

extensive in vitro treatments.

Sugar is required in petals both as a carbon source for the anthocyanin and as an energy

resource. In in vitro conditions, detached petals were cultured in the medium without

sugar for two days to decrease the carry-over of sucrose to the fol lowing culture step.

Possibly, petal development was very sensitive to sugar ass imi lation at these stages.

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Shortage of sugar could affect mUltiple pathways, which may not have recovered

fol lowing re-supplementation with sugar. In conc lusion, it is technical ly d ifficult to test

the role of sugar in signaling to venation patteming separately from general flower

development using in vitro supplementation.

Pigmentation did occur in some in vitro cultured petal s that were excised from the buds

4-5 mm in length (Figure 7 .4) . This suggested that pigment could be induced during the

in vitro culture procedure at this early developmental stage, but that the programmed

venation property was di sturbed. As the Venosa l ine lacks a nmctional copy of Roseal ,

this suggests that Venosa gene expression can be induced i n cel ls away from the veins,

at least in these 'extreme ' conditions.

7.3.4 Gird ling experiments

One of the negative factors in the girdl ing experiments was that sugar assimi lation

could not be avoided completely. Although the photosynthetic organs such as leaves

and bracts were removed in the gird led samples, photosynthetic act ivity by stem and

flower buds could produce some assimi lates. If the buds remaining on the girdled

inflorescence were 5-7 mm in length, the petals in the girdled samples sti l l expanded,

possibly because of a weak supply of photosynthates. However, compared with the non­

girdled controls, the petals in the girdled treatment developed more slowly, and were

smal ler and only weakly pigmented. This suggested that girdl ing did affect petal

development and pigmentation but not enough to cause a difference in pigmentat ion

patteming at this stage.

These experiments demonstrated that girdl ing inhibited markedly petal expansion of

buds ::; 5 mm at the time of girdl ing. Because pigment and venation patteming

accompany petal expansion, the influence of carbohydrate signaling on the pigment

venation patteming could not be determined. In addition, gird ling not only prec luded

translocation of photosynthates, but possibly also perturbed translocation of other

important signal l ing molecules.

Pigmentation was also induced in the domain between the veins in one sample (Figure

7 . 5 C) . Because it occurred in a Venosa/roseadorsea phenotype, probably Venosa or

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roseadorsea was induced. The roseadorsea l ine has a mutated but functional rosea l al lele

that is normal ly expressed in the abaxial surface of dorsal petals . As with the in vitro

result, this observation suggested that the pigmentation patterning could be disturbed by

treatments that severely disrupted the normal developmental and environmental signals .

Girdl ing experiments were also attempted with Roseal phenotype plants ( full red wild

type) . However, i t was more technically difficult to achieve information about the role

of sugar signal ing to pigmentation due to pigment biosynthesis occurring at a very early

stage (4 mm bud length).

7.4 Conclusion

A protocol for GA3 and / or sugar supplementation of detached petals cultured in vitro

was developed. The results suggest that GA is not required for venation. The

emasculation results together with the naturally occurring flower mutants confirm ed

that GA was not required for the initiation and maintenance of pigmentation and

venation patterning in antirrhinum flowers. Sugar supplementation of detached petals

cultured in vitro and gird l ing suggested that sugar is required for petal development and

pigmentation. However, conclusive results for a signaling role for sugar could not be

achieved, because it was technically difficult to separate the signaling role, if it has one,

from the general impact on flower development.

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Chapter 8

General discussion

8. 1 S u m m a ry of the aims a n d results of the study

The overal l aim of this thesis was to extend our understanding of how a plant can

differential ly regulate gene act ivity in s imi lar cel ls during development by exploring the

mechanisms control l ing venation pigmentation patterning in antirrhinum flowers. Thi s

natura l ly occurring striped vein-associated patterning provided a visual marker for

investigating gene expression and regulat ion during development. U sing the Venosa

gene from the venation phenotype of antirrhinum, a model plant used for the study of

plant pigment development, the study focused on three questions : Does Venosa control

pigment venation? If so, how is Venosa gene transcription contro l led for the vein

property? Are gibbere l l in or sugar high level signals contro l l ing the venation


8. 1 . 1 Venation pigmentation patterning i s due to Venosa gene activity

To answer the first question three different experimental approaches were taken :

complementation of the non-pigmented cel ls, in silu m RNA analysis and Venosa

expression inhibi tion using RNAi. Except for the Venosa RNAi experiment, in which

convincing information could not be achieved due to the efficacy of the method itsel f,

the experiments were successfu l in demonstrating that Venosa controls pigment

venation patterning.

The abi l ity of 35S :VENOSA to induce pigment in cel ls away from the veins

demonstrated that it is the lack of the MYB factor that causes thc acyanic regions, while

other necessary components such as a bH LH factor or WDR repeat protein are present

in a non-vein related expression pattern. Also, the data indicate that there is nothing in

tissue that stops Venosa from functioning in ce l l s away from veins. This suggests that

the spatial specific expression of Venosa, or a simi lar MYB, is detenn ining the venation

pigmentation due to a vein-associated mechanism.

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Another l ine, roseadorsea, was also used as a target in the complementation experiments.

The ce l ls in its non-pigment regions were also pigmented by 3 5 S : VENOSA. B ecause

this l ine is homozygous for the m utant venosa al lele COB V), and lacks Rosea expression

in the non-pigmented regions, it suggests that it was functional Venosa COSV) that

contro l led the pigment venation patterning in the roseadorsea background.

I n the venation phenotype, the pigment occurs specifical ly in the inner petal epidermal

cel ls overlying the veins, and the anthocyanin regulatory gene m ight be expected to

have a simi lar pattern of expression. To determine the expression domain of Venosa, in

situ hibridisation of Venosa mRNA expression was carried out. A vein-specific

expression pattern was found corresponding to the pigment pattern in a l l sam ples with

venation phenotype, but not in the control samples such as roseadorsea of A. majus and

A . graniticum, which lack venation pigment. These results further suggest that pigment

venation is control led by the ce l l specific expression of Venosa, not only in A . majus but

also in other species of Antirrhinum. In addition to the evidence from these

experimental approaches, a non-functional al le le of venosa (OBV) was identified,

whose presence as the homozygote correlated with lack of pigment venation.

The in situ mRNA hybridisation showed that the expression of Venosa was not only in

the adaxial epidermal cel ls overlying the petal veins, but also in the sub-epidermal cel ls

and xylem cel ls in a band towards the inner epidermis. This suggests a polar s ignal

diffusing from xylem to the adaxial epidermis is inducing the expression of Venosa. I t

also suggested that Venosa expression provided the longitudinal axis for venation

pigmentation stripes, whi le another required factor for pigmentation, a bHLH factor, is

specifical ly expressed in epiderm al cel l s, therefore providing the transversal axis. The

pigmented stripes are the cross expression domain of these two kinds of factors. Such

an idea is shown schematical ly in Figure 8 . 1 .

I n addition, based on the 3 5 S : Venosa complementation experiments and the Venosa

mRNA in situ hybridisation results, it can be determined that p igment venation is at

least partial ly determined at the level of control of Venosa transcript abundance,

probably through transcriptional control of Venosa gene expression.

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adaxial epidermis venation pigmentation patterning


xylem phloem abaxial epidermis

Figure 8. 1 The mechanism of venation pigmentation patterning formation in antirrhinum is schematical ly shown in cross section. The two blue rectangles indicate the expression domain of a bHLH factor, which is D E L I L A in the tube, and DELILA or MUT A B I L I S in the lobe; the yellow trapezoid indicates the expression domain of Venosa, which is induced by a polar signal diffusing from xylem to adaxial epidennis; the red l ines indicate the venation pigment patteming, which is the cross expression domain of the two kinds of factors. The photo of petal cross section was obtained from the internet to aid this explanation (www.uri .edu/artsci/bio/plant).

8. 1 .2 Analysis of the Vellosa promoter transcriptional activity

The part ic le bombardment complementation and in situ analysis suggested

transcriptional regulation of Venosa is l ikely to determine pigment venat ion. To ident ify

some of the s ignals contro l l ing transcription of the Venosa promoter, -2.4 kb (relative to

the A TG) of the promoter region was analysed. The proximal 900 bp of this was

characterised in detail using 5 ' -end deletion mutagenesis. The homologous host, A .

majus, was used i n transient assays with particle bombardment. The results showed that

the expression of this 900 bp fragment was too weak to be detected when IGUS or GFP

was used as the reporter gene. Constructs with V ENOSA as the reporter could induce

pigment in the dorsal epidermal cel ls . However, further testing showed that even the

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promoterless construct could induce pigment. This suggested that the promoterless

construct could be expressed weakly under part ic le bombardment conditions, and

VENOSA was too sensitive to be a suitable reporter for promoter analysis in this case.

I t also demonstrated that Venosa, through its role as a transcription factor, required only

very low expression to perform its regulatory function.

Because of the weak promoter activity, the efficacy and efficiency of different s ignal i ng

enhancement systems was also tested. A PTOS suppressor, p 1 9, was effective in

enhancing the transient assays. Using a p 1 9 system, it was shown that the number of

positive OUS foci decreased with decreasing promoter l ength, with foc i occurring down

to -500 bp. However, the pattern of foci occurrence was non-vein related.

The assay results could be affected by biolistic parameters, the physiological status of

plant material and the copy number of transgene in the transformed individual cel ls . The

consistency of shooting results could be increased by optimizing biol istic parameters

and using consistant plant material, but it is impossible to control and determine the

transgene copy number in the bombarded cel ls . Therefore, it was not possible to

determine the impact of copy number on promoter expression. In stable transgenics

generated via particle bombardment, the integrated transgene copy number can be as

high as 20 ( Powlowski and Somers, 1 996), and the copy number may be m uch higher in

transient expression. Although the copy number effect could not be determined

accurately, the presence of OUS foci only when p 1 9 was co-expressed with VEN:!GUS

constructs suggests that high copy number could not overcome the weak Venosa

promoter activity.

A heterologous host, tobacco, was used for Venosa promoter analysis in stable

transgenic p lants. As with transient assays, the level of GUS reporter activity decreased

as the length of the promoter decreased, and expression was detected down to -500 bp.

Expression was flower specific but not vein re lated.

A weak venation patteming occurs in wildtype tobacco flowers. However, it is not

known if this shares a common control mechanism with antirrhinum . Because

expression of the Venosa promoter deletion constructs was flower spec ific in tobacco

transgenics, the 900 bp pro moter fragment kept at least some, if not all , of its expression

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properties from antirrhinum. This suggests that tobacco may share a s imi lar mechanism

of pigment venation formation with antirrhinum.

Based on the transient assay and stable transgenic plants, i t i s concluded that the

fragment of -380 bp to -900 bp of the Venosa promoter is required to promote Venosa

expression at the transcription level , but may not be suffic ient for the vein-related

occurrence of Venosa transcript.

8. 1 .3 The possible role of GA3 and sugar in the formation of the venation

pigmentation patterning of antirrh inum flowers

Two approaches were taken to study the influence of GA: GA3 supplementation of in

vitro cultured flowers, and removal of the anthers of the flowers, as the predicted organ

for GA production. The combined results suggested that GA was not required for the

formation of venation pigmentation patterning. These findings were supported by the

occurrence of normal venation patterning in aberrant flowers lacking the sexual organs .

This conclusion i s different to the results for petunia, but has s imilarities with those for

Phlox. In petunia, pigmentation occurs at a late stage of flower development and GA is

required for the production of anthocyanin ( Weiss and Halevy, 1 989; Weiss et aI, 1 992,

1 995) . In Phlox, pigmentation occurs at an early stage of flower development, before

the rapid expansion of the petals, and GA appl ication inhibits anthocyanin biosynthesis

in the petals ( Weiss, 2000). In antirrhinum, pigmentation occurs at an early stage of the

flower development, before the cel l division period is complete. This study of

antirrhinum supports the viewpoint that GA is not required for pigment initiation in

flowers that synthesise pigment early in development, but is required in flowers that

pigment later. A wider study of more species would help to confirm whether this is a

consistent pattern of regulation.

Removing the supply of sugar affected the intensity of pigment, suggesting that sugar is

required for pigmentation. However, it was technically d ifficult to test the role of sugar

as signal for venation patterning separately from its impact on general flower

development. Hence, it was difficult to get a convincing conclusion due to the mult iple

roles of sugar in plant development. Because the venation patterning i s due to Venosa,

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the research should be confined to test if the sugar s ignal ing targets Venosa. I t is

reported that sucrose can specifical ly induce the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway in

arabidopsis ( Teng et ai. , 2005 ; Solfanel l i et ai. , 2006) . This induction requires the

MYB751PAP 1 gene. Sucrose, in a concentration-dependent way, induces MYB751PAP 1

m RNA accumulation (Teng et ai. , 2005) . PAP 1 i s a myb gene that up-regulates the

anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway. It would be worth testing further whether Venosa is

induced by sucrose, whose transport is dependent on vein development.

In addition, the results from girdl ing and sugar supplementation experiments show that

non-vein-spec ific pigmentation patterning can occur in the early stages of petal

development. This suggests that the pigment venation patterning is control led strictly by

developmental and environmental factors. Possibly, other components such as auxin,

due to its polarity property, should be tested as a high level s ignal control l ing venation

pigmentation patterning.

8.2 A hypothesis for the control of Venosa gene e xpression a n d

venatio n patterning

This study showed that the pigment venation patteming is control led by the spatial

expression of Venosa. Based on promoter analysis, the 900 bp proximal region of the

Venosa promoter is necessary but may not be sufficient for the expression domain of

venation patterning. Thus, it is worth considering alternative hypotheses for the

venation control mechani sm. Two hypotheses are provided and compared below:

Vein-related suppression of post-transcriptional down-regulation of Venosa

M icroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules encoded in the genomes of plants and

animals. Typical ly about 2 1 -mer in length, these RNAs regulate the expression of genes

by binding to specific target mRNAs. In plants, miRNAs general ly display near-perfect

complementarity to a single site within the target message and direct the c leavage at this

site. The target site is often, but not always, the 3 '-untranslated regions (3 '-UTR) of

mRNAs. MiRNAs have been shown to regulate diverse developmental processes,

including organ separation, polarity and identity, and to modulate their own biogenesis

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and function (for a review see Dugas and Bartel, 2004) . MiRNAs can restrict gene

expression to a spec ific organ or tissue by post-transcriptional down-regulation resulting

from a m iRNA-induced mRNA degradation pathway. For example, in arabidopsis, the

expression of MYB331MYB65 is restricted to anthers by miR1 59 posttranscriptional

down-regulation. Mutation of the miR 1 59 target sequence results in increased

expression of MYB33 in tissues outside the anther and dramatic pleiotropic

developmental defects ( M i l lar and Gubler, 2005) .

Based on this mechanism, a hypothesis involving miRNA is provided. In this

hypothesis Venosa expresses in a flower specific but non-vein related manner at the

transcriptional level , but is down-regulated in the non-vein area at the post­

transcriptional level. If this is the case, the vein-specific regulatory mechanism would

act on miRNA action rather than Venosa transcription.

Epigenetic control of vein-related expression of Venosa

The term 'epigenetic' refers to heritable gene expression patterns determined by how

the DNA of a gene is 'packaged' or further modified (eg. by methylation) rather than its

primary DNA sequence . Within tightly packed DNA, genes are often maintained in an

'off state by repressor protein, and hence are not readily avai lable to the transcription

machinery until signal transduction al leviates the repression. Nucleosomal histones are

the target of a variety of post-translational modification signals, including acetylation,

phosphorylation, ubiquitination and methylation. (Eberharter and Becker, 2002 ;

Schubeler and E lgin, 2005 ; Verdone et al., 2005) .

In this model the venation-control l ing propel1y of Venosa is negatively contro lled, and a

vein-related molecule quenches this inhibition. The vein-re lated signaling molecule

might induce the remodel ing of chromatin structure and/or DNA methylation status, to

al low the remodeled DNA to be accessible to flower-specific TFs to activate

transcription. When the Venosa promoter is introduced via particle bombardment or into

a heterologous host it may not be influenced by these epigenetic signals, and hence not

drive vein-related reporter gene expression.

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There i s some evidence supporting this second hypothesis over that of miRNA. In

particular, the venation phenotype does not segregate in a Mendelian manner in some

experiments (Schwinn et aI. , 2006) .

There is some precedent for control of anthocyanin pigmentation via chromatin

modification. It is reported that the tissue-specific patterns of a maize MYB

transcription factor, pericarp colour (P I), are epigenet ical ly regulated (Cocciolone et

al., 200 1 ). P l -wr (white pericarp / red cob) and p l -rr (red pericarp / red cob) are two

alleles determining two different pigmentation patterns. However the p I -wr promoter /

cDNA directs transgenic plants with a red pericarp / red cob pattern, not the predicted

white / red pattern. It was suggested that the regulatory elements required for t issue­

specific regulation of P l-wr may either be missing from the transgene construct or were

not reproduced in the transgenic experiment . Further analyses found that p I -wr allele

differs considerably from p l -rr with respect to gene structure and the level of DNA

methylation formed. The pl -wr al lele contains six p I gene copies present in a

hypermethylated and multicopy tandem array. The maize Unstable factor for

orange 1 (Ufo 1) modifies p i -wr expression to confer pigmentation in kernal pericarp by

reduc ing the methylation of p l -wr DNA sequence (Chopra et al. , 2003) . The study of

two other pi al leles, pi-Blotched and p l -Rhoades, demonstrated that deve lopmental

patterns of chromatin structure and DNA methylation was responsible for epigenetic

expression of p I , and chromatin structure rather than DNA methylation was the primary

epigenetic determinant for the phenotypic difference between these al leles (Hoekenga et

al. , 2000) .

In situ hybridisat ion showed that Venosa mRNA expression patteming matched the

pigment patterning in the epidermis in the vein-spec ific manner, but was beyond the

epidern1is and extended into the inner t issue. This suggests a signal that diffuses from

xylem to the adaxial epidermis turns on the expression of Venosa. What is this signal?

Is it transported into the petals via the vascular system or is it establi shed during xylem

formation? Is i t transported in a controlled system from xylem to adaxial epidermal

cel ls or does it diffuse passive ly? Does it target Venosa directly or via other trans-acting

elements? One candidate signal molecule is auxin, due to its role in vascular

development and the scope for polar translocation . I hypothesise that auxin enters the

cell by active transport through spatial auxin transporter molecules in the plasma

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membrane, then activates an enzyme molecule by binding to it . This enzyme molecule

releases the 'off state of Venosa by remodeling the chromatin structure or changing the

methylation status of its promoter region, then a floral-specific transcription factor

activates the transcription of Venosa.

8.3 Limitations of the study and futu re experimental directions

The need to rely on transient assays and heterologous systems may have been a major

negative fac tor in the research on the Venosa promoter. Related to this , the lack of an

efficient A . tum�faciens-mediated transformation system is a big l imitation for

antirrhinum as an important model spec ies for the investigation of not only floral

pigmentation, but also other morphological features of floral development. Although a

number of genes related to floral pigmentation and morphogenesis have been isolated

from antirrhinum, most of these genes have not been characterised by analysi s of their

expression in transgenic antirrhinum plants. A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation of

antirrhinum has been reported ( Heidmann et al. 1 998; C ui , et af. 2000, 200 1 , 2003 ) . I n

particular, Cui et af. (2003) reported that efficient A . tumefaciens-mediated

transformation of antirrhinum was achieved via indirect shoot organogenesis from

hypocotyl explants of seedl ings. In their protocol , 8-9% transformation efficiency was

reached based on the recovery of transformed plants after 4-5 months of culture.

However, i t has not been reported that this protocol has been used for any gene function

study or promoter analyses to date. This protocol was not attempted in this study due to

time l imitations, but would be an appropriate future research aim.

The possible role of epigenetic or post-transcriptional mechanisms in defining Venosa

gene expression could be explored further. Cis-acting binding sites for transcription

activators may not explain the patterned expression of genes observed during

development, nor a large range of phenomena that result from gene transplacement

( review, Gasser et al. , 1 998) . Current data suggest that epigenetics play an important

role in regulation of some genes ( reviews, Courey and Jia, 200 1 ; Eberharter and Becker,

2002). However, l ittle is known about how epigenetic modifications are targeted to

specific domains or loci of the genome. There are studies on epigenetic regulation in

maize, as mentioned earl ier for the pi gene. Also it has been reported that histone

acetylation affects expression of cel lu lar patterning genes in the arabidopsis root

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epidermis (Xu et al. , 2005 ). An appropriate approach to study the controll ing

mechanism of Venosa might be to examine the epigenetics further.

In addition to the explorat ion of an epigenetic control mechanism of Venosa, another

experiment should examine whether a regulator of aurone biosynthesis in antirrhinum

has been detected. Because the pattern of yellow colour in antirrhinum was probed

exactly in the in situ mRNA hybridisation experiment, this opens up the possibi l ity of

identifying a gene related to the aurone biosynthetic pathway.

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Appendix I

List of primers used

Primers for Venosa promoter deletions. All primers are 5'--3' direction and restriction

enzyme s ites are h ighlighted.

Forward primers for promoter deletions. Highlighted is SacI .

YO I (-746 bp) ega gag ete gga gat ggg gta m aag ae

Y 1 4 (-630 bp) ege gag ete gta tte eaa tat ate att

Y 1 5 (-500 bp) ege gag ete tgg agg ttt ett tgt taa

Y 1 6 (-380 bp) cge gag ete gga age taa eea att agt

Y 1 7 ( -260 bp) cge gag ete tgg teg tta aat atg cae

Y 1 8 ( - 1 50 bp) cge gag ete eaa gaa tea tta tta gta

Y32 ( - 1 20 bp) th i s primer change mybeore and pal i ndrome eagttaaet into gctetaact.

cge gag ete taa eta gag att eaa tta

Y33 (- 1 00 bp)

Y34 (-90 bp)

th is primer starts from 5 bp upstream TA TA box.

cge gag ete tat tet tat tte tee aea

th i s primer starts from 6 bp downstream of TA TA box .

cge gag ete aea atg tge ata tat gta

Y39 3 ' end deletion I ( from TATA box) (from 3' to 5 ' Kpn l )

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eeg gta eeg ega ata tta att gaa tet eta

Y40 3' end deletion 2 (- 1 9 bp relevant to TATA box) ( from 3' to 5' Kpn l )

eeg gta eet agt taa etg eae ett eet

Reverse primers for venosa promoter deletions. Highlighted is KpnI .

Y02 (0 bp) eeg gta eeg ggt gtt eae ttg att tge eta

5' - KpnI - Roseal - SmaI - 3'



Forward (5 ' - Kpn l - Roseal - 3')

etg gta eea tgg aaa aga att gte gtg gag

Reverse (3 ' - Smal - Roseal - 5 ')

eta eee ggg tta att tee aat ttg ttg g

5' - KpnI - mgfp - SmaI - 3'



Forward (5 ' - Kpn l - mgfp - 3')

gee ggt ace aag gagata taa eaa tg

Reverse (3 ' - SmaI - mgfp - 5 ' )

gat eee ggg tta aag ete ate atg tt

Y07, Y08, OCS and K 1 49 are for sequencing:

Y07 For pART7 Sae llMCS cassette forward (from 5' to 3') sequeneing (upstream

about 30 bp of T7 and upstream about 70 bp of Sac ! )

eae aea gga aae age tat ga

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Y08 For 5 '-mgfp reverse ( from 3 ' to 5 ') sequene ing

gtg aea agt gtt gge cat gg

OCS For pART7 Sac l / MCS cassette reverse ( from 3 ' to 5 ') sequene ing (sequence

i s omitted)

K 1 49 For Roseal 5 ' reverse sequeneing (sequence is omitted)

Y25 forward primer for IGUS with Kpn l embedded

ege ggt ace atg tta egt eet gta gaa ace eea

Y26 reverse primer for IGUS with Smal embedded

ggg tea ttg ttt gee tee etg etg

omega oligo (KpnI / Hind I I I )

Y 3 0 Omega posit ive strand :

egt att ttt aea aea att ace aae aae aae aaa eaa eaa aea aea tta eaa tta eta ttt aea att aea

Y 4 1 Omega negative strand :

age ttg taa ttg taa ata gta att gta atg ttg ttt gtt gtt tgt tgt tgt tgg taa ttg ttg taa aaa tae

ggt ae

Y27 Forward primer IGUS with H ind" l

g eeg aag ett atg tta egt eet gta gaa ace eea

Y28 Arabidopsis ubi promoter fragment upstream TAT A box, forward primer. Sae l i s


eta gag ete aag ett egg att tgg age eaa gte tea taa aeg

Y29 Reverse primer. Sae l is embedded

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ege gag ete eea eat aae aaa aat tgg aga tea gat aeg

Y 44 genomie Venosa forward primer. Kpn I is embedded

gee ggt aee atg gga aat aat eet ett gga gta aga aaa gge

Y 45 genomie venosa reverse primer. Smal is embedded

�tta ate tae gta gte ege aaa ate gag eaa tte

Y46 pVe reverse primer with Xhol

tcg act cga ggg gtg tte aet tga tu gee ta

Primers for making Venosa RNAi construct

The veetor pRNA69 is used. To get peR produet as Xba l - EcoR I --- Venosa---Bel l -Bam H I ,

the Y50 and Y53 primers are used . Senee Venosa is aeh ieved by EeoRI / Be l l d igest and

antisenee Venosa is achieved by Xbal / Bam H I digest

Y53 Forward primer:

get eta gag aat tea tgg gaa ata ate ete ttg gag

Y50 Reverse primer:

egg gat eet gat eat taa tet aeg tag tee gea aaa te

Y54 pVe2.4 kb Sae l forward primer

ege gag ete ega aag aag aaa gtt taa agt tta ttt agt tat ace ae

Y 55 m iddle G B V reverse primer, j ust beh i nd the point d ifferent with GSV

egt atg get etg gtg eea aat tga tag aga teg gga

Y 56 m iddle GSV reverse primer, just behind the point d ifferent with GBV

gea tgt eat ega eet eag aga tag aaa gta gte aag

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Sequencing primers for GBV and GSV

Y47 Sequene ing for both G B V and GSV about forward 420bp re levant start eodon

gaa agg tea ttt ttt agt agt tet tge g

Y 48 Sequeneing for both G B V and GSV about reverse 600bp relevant stop eodon

eea gaa aeg gte ate aae att tte eaa ag

Y 5 1 The second forward primer for G B V about 900bp relevant start eoden

ttg eag eae ege eea age tgt te

Y52 The second reverse primer for G B V about 1 200bp relevant stop eoden

cat gaa ett eet tea aga tea gea g

Y57 G B V forward primer, just before 1 440 bp

gga act tag ate aea aga aag tga g

Y58 GBV reverse primer, j ust before 1 440 bp

ete act tte ttg tga tet aag tte e

Y59 GBV forward pri mer, just after 1 920 bp

etg etg ate ttg aag gaa gtt eat g

Y60 G B V and GSV forward primer, the m idd le of 2580 bp

ett tggaaa atg ttg atg ace gtt tet gg

Y 6 1 G B V reverse primer j ust after 900 bp

gaa e ag ett ggg egg tge tge aa

Y62 G B V and GSV reverse primer, in 420 bp

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ege aag aae tae taa aaa atg aee ttt e

Y63 G S V forward primer in 900 bp

aga gee tet tae att gat ggt

Y64 G S V reverse primer in 900 bp

aee ate aat gta aga gge tet

Y65 G S V forward primer beh ind 1 320 bp

gag tea aag eta gea aea aaa tee

Y66 G S V reverse primer beh ind 1 320 bp

gga ttt tgt tge tag ett tga ete

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Appendix I I

The hard copy of the nucleotide sequence of genomic Venosa allele 1 (GSV). Upper

case i nd icates exon ; lowercase indicates intron ; Start codon and stop codon are h igh l i ghted

i n red. The sequence data is a lso supp l ied on the attached CD in text fi l e and sequencher

format ( * .SPF fi le) .




GTTCCTATTAGAGCAGG t aat c c t t c t t c t c c gga 1 4 0

G a t c t aa a t a t t a t a t aa t aa c a t t t t t t aa a t a a

a t a c t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t a t aaag t t t g gac t t 2 1 0

t t aaagt a g t c aaaag t a t a t a t g t gg t g t t a g c a

a a t gc t t a t t agaaggg t t ag t t gg c t t t t gc a c c 2 8 0

t a c a t aag c a c a t t t t t a c t g t t t g t t aa c t t t t g

c t t c t gt t t g t c t t aaaaaaagt t a gaaaaagc a c 3 5 0

a a a t aaaagaa c a t g t g c t t t t t c a a c t g c t t t t g

a aaa t a t gg t a t t t t aaa t t t t t t t t t aaagaaag 4 2 0

g t c a t t t t t t agtagt t c t t g c ga a c a c c t aat t a

a t ac t t t t ag t agc t t t t t aaaaaga t t t gc a aat 4 9 0

g c t a t t a a c t t t t t g t c aaaat t c a c t t aaaa t ga

c t t t aaa a t t agt aaat t c t c t t ga c t ac t t t c t a 5 6 0

t c t c t ga g g t c gat g a c a t g c aggGCTAAATAGGT




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TTTTGGGGAACAGgt a ag c t t ggag t c g c c a t t a t

t a t t gggat t c aaa t t t a t aat t c a t a c a t a t c c a 7 7 0

agaat t a t t t t a t t aaa t t a t aaaagc t t a c aaat

t c aat t t c g a g t a a t aa c t ag c a a c a a aa t t c c g t 8 4 0

g c t a c aa a a aa c c aac t t t t c t t c a a c a c t aa c ag

c c aaac t c a t c aaaagagc c t c t t a c a t t ga t ggt 9 1 0

t aa a t t t t a aagaga t t t gaagt t c t aa t a a t a t a

a c c aagg c a t aaaagt a c t caaa t a g t g t g t agaa 9 8 0

a t t t aa t a t a t a t aaat t caaat t t t t aa t t c t t t

t at t g t a t ag t t aagag a t aa t g t t a t a t t t a c c a 1 0 5 0

t at agt a t t t t c a ac c t t t t c agt t t t t g g t c a t c

g t t t a a t t t t gt t t t t g t g t c a t a t ga t c a c t t t a 1 1 2 0

c a t t a t t at g t a t t at t t a t t t t a t a a t a t t t t t t

t t c t t gt t gggcagt at t t t c a c t t aa t c t t t t t a 1 1 9 0

t c aag c a t aaagt a t t t t t t t t t c a t ag t c t t c c a

aaaacaa t c g t c gggt c a a c t t t at g c a ga t aa c a 1 2 6 0

gat t gaa t t t c t gaa t a c ac t c t t a t t g c a c gggt

t ggagat t t c t t c a a c c a t t t gaaaa t t c a a t t t t 1 3 3 0

gagt c aa a g c t agcaac aaaat c c t g t g c t a c aaa

c aa t caa a c t c a t c aaaagag t t gc t gg t t aaat t 1 4 0 0

t t aaagaga t t t gaagt t c t a a t aa t a t aa c c aag

gaacaaaag t a c t c a aa t aa t gt g t t gaaa a t t t a 1 4 7 0

a t c t a t a t a a a t t c a t a t t t t t a aa t c t t t t a t t g

t a t agt t aagagataat a t t a t a t t t a c t a t a t a g 1 5 4 0

t a t t t t c a t c t t t t t c a g t t t t t g g t c a t c a t t t a

aa t t t gt t t t c gt g t c g t a t c gt a t c a t c a c t t t t 1 6 1 0

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a t a t t a t t a t gaat t t t t t a t t t t a t a t t a t a t t t

t t t t c t t g g t t ggga t a t aa t t t c a c t t a t t c t t t 1 6 8 0

t t a t c aagc t t aaagt t c t c t t t t t c gt agt c t t c

c aa g a a c aa t c a t c ggg c a a c t c aa t gc a t a t t ga 1 7 5 0

a t t t c t g a a t a c ac a c c t a t t gc a c ggg c t ggaga

t t t c t t t t c aga t t aaa t t t t c ag c c at t t aa a t a 1 8 2 0

t t t ag t t aa a t t c t t t ggaaaa t g t t g a t ga c c g t

t t c t ggc c ga g t t aaagg c t c ggat c ga t c c gggg 1 8 9 0

t t t t g t t a c c gagt gt t c gt t a c a c c ga a t t c t c a

a c aa t c t gt c t aac t t t t t t a c c c t c t aaac t gaa 1 9 6 0

t t a aagagaa c aaacagga c t aa t t aag t g t g t aa

a c aa c c a t g c gg c t aa c a t gt gc a c gc t t a t aaga 2 0 3 0

a g c t aa t g c a t gc c c a c agat ac c a c gaac a t t aa

a t aa t t a t c c t g t c t a c t t t t ga t g c agATGGT CG 2 1 0 0











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Appendix I I I

The hard copy of the nuc leotide sequence o f genomic venosa a l lele 2 (GB V ) . The start and

stop codons are h ighl ighted. The sequence data is also suppl ied on the attached CD in text

fi le and sequencher format (* .SP F fi le). I ts al ignment with GSV is also suppl i ed on the

attached C D in the format with apr extension (* .apr fi le) .





















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TAGATTAA 3 1 5 8

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Appendix IV

The hard copy of the sequence of the possib le transposon located i n the central part of venosa al le le 2 (GBV). The direct repeat at both ends i s marked i n red co lour. Two non­matched nucleotides in this repeat are under l ined. A longest ORF (open reading frame) is marked in green colour. The sequence data is also suppl ied on the attached CD in text fi le.






TGCCGAG����������T CTGAAAACA 2 1 0













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9 1 0

9 8 0

1 0 5 0

1 1 2 0

1 1 9 0

1 2 6 0

1 3 3 0

1 4 0 0

1 4 7 0

1 5 4 0

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1 6 1 0











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Appendix V

The sequence of 2.4 kb fragment upstream of ATG of Venosa. This sequence comes

from Prof. Cathie Martin (UK). The sequence data is also suppl ied on the attached CD in

text fi le .



















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Appendix VI

Identification of potential eis-elements in Venosa promoter using the Web Signal Scan Program Database searched : PLACE



. ./. ./tmp/sigscan//signalseqdone.7 1 20: 88 1 base pairs S ignal database fi le : user.dat

Factor or Site ame


Loc.(Str. ) S ignal Sequence

site 1 (+) GRWAAW site 3 (-) TTATTT site 9 (+) G R WAA W site 1 2 (-) ATATT site 1 3 (+) ATATT site 22 ( -) GATA site 37 (+) YACT site 38 (+) ACTTTG site 39 (-) AAAG site 45 (+) TGAC site 5 1 (+) YACT


SOOO l 98 S000203 SOOO l 98 S000098 S000098 S000039 S000449 S000383 S000265 S000447 S000449

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DOFCOR EZM site 57 (-) AAAG SOO0265 RAV I AAT site 6 1 (-) CAACA SOO03 1 4 R Y R EPEATLEGUMrN BOX site 93 (-) CATGCAY SOOO I OO R Y REPEATBNN A PA site 94 (-) CATGCA SOO0264 R Y REPEATBNNAPA site 96 (+) CATGCA SOO0264 ROOTMOT I FTAPOX 1 site 1 23 (+) ATATT SOOO098 POLA S I G3 site 1 25 (-) AATAAT SOOO088 TATABOX3 site 1 27 (+) TATTAAT SOOO I I O TATABOX3 site 1 28 (-) TATTAAT SOOO I I O ROOTMOTI FTAPOX I site 1 3 1 (-) ATATT SOOO098 GATABOX site 1 33 (-) GATA SOOO039 TATA BOXOSPAL site 1 49 (+) TATTTAA SOO0400 A RR I AT site 1 60 (-) GATT SOO0454 CA RGCW8GAT site 1 63 (+) C W W W W W W WWG S00043 1 CARGCW8GAT site 1 63 (-) C W W W W W W W WG SOO043 1 CAATBOX I site 1 82 (-) CA AT SOOO028 GATABOX site 1 86 (-) GATA SOOO039 M Y BST I site 1 86 ( -) GGATA SOOO 1 80 ROOTMOTI FTA POX I site I 94 (-) AT A TT SOOO098 ROOTMOTI FTAPOX I s ite 1 95 (+) ATATT SOOO098 GATABOX site 2 1 1 (+) GATA SOOO039 GT I CONSE S U S site 2 1 1 (+) GRWAAW SOOO 1 98 I BOXCORE i te 2 1 1 (+) GATAA SOOO 1 99 ROOTMOTI FTAPOX I site 2 1 4 (-) AT A TT SOOO098 TATABOX4 site 2 1 6 (+) TATATAA SOOO I I I IN RNTPSADB site 225 ( -) YTCA TYY SOO0395 CAATBOX I site 227 (-) CAAT SOOO028

ODCO 2GM site 233 (-) CTCTT SOO0462 OSE2ROOTNODULE site 233 (-) CTCTT SOO0468 QELEM ENTZ MZM 1 3 site 236 (+) AGGTCA SOO0254 W BOXNTERF3 site 237 (-) TGACY SOO0457 W R KY7 1 0S si te 238 ( -) TGAC SOO0447 CCAATBOX I site 248 (+) CCAAT SOOO030 CAATBOX I site 249 (+) CA AT SOOO028 ROOTMOT I FTAPOX I site 250 ( -) ATATT SOOO098 GATA BOX site 254 (-) GATA SOOO039 POLA SIG3 site 258 (-) AATAAT SOOO088 TATABOX5 site 259 (+) TTATTT SOO0203 GT I CON S EN S U S site 262 (-) G RWAA W SOOO l 98 I BOXCORE site 263 ( -) GATAA SOOO l 99 GATABOX site 264 ( -) GATA SOOO039 CACTFTPPCA I site 270 (+) Y ACT SOO0449 CACTFTPPCA I site 292 (-) YACT SOO0449 P Y R I M I D I N E BOXOSRAMY I A site 299 (-) CCTTTT SOO0259 DOFCOREZM site 300 (+) AAAG SOO0265 CACTFTPPC A I site 309 (+) YACT SOO0449 DOFCOREZM site 324 (-) AAAG SOO0265

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M Y BCORE s ite 328 (+) CNGTTR SOOO 1 76 M Y B2AT s i te 328 (-) TAACTG SOOO I 77 M YB2CON SENSUSA T s i te 328 (-) YAAC KG SOO0409 H EX A MERATH4 s i te 338 (+) CCGTCG SOOO 1 46 C GACGOSAMY3 s ite 339 (-) CGACG SOO0205 A RR I AT s i te 349 (-) NGATT SOO0454 C AATBOX I s ite 352 (+) CAAT SOOO028 POLASIG3 s ite 354 (-) AATAAT SOOO088 TATABOX5 site 355 (+) TTATTT SOO0203 TATABOXOSPAL s ite 356 (+) TATTTAA SOO0400 M Y B2AT s i te 365 (+) TAACTG SOOO I 77 M Y B2CONSENS USAT s ite 365 (+) Y AACKG SOO0409 M Y BCORE site 365 (-) C GTTR SOOO l 76 POL L E I LE LAT52 s i te 38 1 (-) AGAAA SOO0245 DOFCOREZM s i te 384 (-) AAAG SOO0265 A MYBOX I s i te 385 (-) TAACARA SOOO020 G AREAT s ite 385 (-) TAACAA R SOO0439 M Y BGA HV s ite 385 (-) TAACAAA SOOO l 8 1 TATABOX3 s i te 392 (-) TATTAAT SOOO I I O ROOTMOTI FTAPOX I s i te 395 (-) ATATT SOOO098 GATA BOX s i te 397 (-) GATA SOOO039 C ACTFTPPCA 1 s i te 4 1 2 (-) YACT SOO0449 POLA S I G I si te 4 1 5 (+) AATAAA SOOO080 CACTFTPPCA 1 site 429 (-) Y ACT SOO0449 S E F4MOTIFGM7S site 43 1 (-) RTTTTTR SOOO l 03 A R R I AT site 435 (-) GATT SOO0454 C ACTFTPPCA 1 si te 439 (-) YACT SOO0449 I N RNTPSADB site 444 (-) YTCA TYY SOO0395 R A V I AAT site 466 (+) CAACA SOO03 1 4 C AATBOX I s i te 469 (+) CAAT SOOO028 A R R I AT site 470 (-) NGATT SOO0454 DOFCOREZM s i te 475 (+) AAAG SOO0265

O DCO I GM s i te 475 (+) AAAGAT S00046 1 OSE 1 ROOT ODULE site 475 (+) AAAGA T SOO0467 A RR I AT s i te 477 (+) NGATT SOO0454 CAATBOX I s i te 479 (-) CAAT SOOO028 GTGANTG I O site 482 (+) GTGA SOO0378 M Y BATRD22 site 498 (+) CTAACCA SOOO 1 75 M Y B I AT site 499 (+) WAACCA SOO0408 R EA LPHALGLHCB2 1 s i te 500 (+) AACCAA SOO0362 C CAATBOX I site 502 (+) CCAAT SOOO030 C A ATBOX I site 503 (+) CAAT SOOO028 CACTFTPPCA 1 site 508 ( -) YACT SOO0449 TAAAGSTKST I site 5 1 0 (+) T AAA G SOO0387 DOFCOREZM site 5 1 1 (+) AAAG SOO0265 GT I CONSENSUS site 5 1 4 (+) G R WAA W SOOO l 98 TATABOX5 site 5 1 6 (-) TT A TTT SOO0203

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MARA BOX I s ite 5 1 7 (+) AATAAAYAAA SOOO063 POLA S I G I s i te 5 1 7 (+) AATAAA SOOO080 TATABOX5 site 5 20 (-) TTATTT SOO0203 POLASI G l site 52 1 (+) AATAAA SOOO080 A R R I AT site 527 (+) N GATT SOO0454 POLL EN I LELA T52 s ite 5 3 5 (+) AGAAA SOO0245 GT I CONSE SUS site 542 (+) GRWAAW SOO0 1 98 GATABOX site 548 (+) GATA SOOO039 A RR I AT site 55 1 (+) GATT SOO0454 DOFCOR EZ M site 5 5 7 (+) AAAG SOO0265 POL L EN I L ELAT52 site 559 (+) AGAAA SOO0245 A RR I AT site 562 (-) NGATT SOO0454 CACTFTPPCA I s i te 5 70 ( -) YACT SOO0449 CAATBOX I site 5 80 (+) CAAT SOOO028 GATABOX site 59 1 (+) GATA SOOO039 RAV I AAT site 597 (-) CAACA SOO03 1 4 CACTFTPPCA I s i te 602 (+) YACT SOO0449 ROOTMOT l FTAPOX I s i te 607 (-) ATATT SOOO098 GATA BOX site 6 1 3 (+) GATA SOOO039 ROOTMOTI FTAPOX I site 6 1 4 (+) ATATT SOOO098 POLL EN I L E LAT52 site 6 1 7 (-) AGAAA SOO0245 CACTFTPPCA I site 62 1 (+) YACT SOO0449

TBB F I A RROLB site 622 (+) ACTTTA SOO0273 DOFCOR EZM site 623 (-) AAAG SOO0265 TAAAGSTKST I s i te 623 (-) TAAAG SOO0387 TATABOXOSPA L site 634 (-) TATTTAA SOO0400 ROOTMOT I FTAPOX I site 637 (-) ATATT SOOO098 A S F I MOTI FCA M V site 646 (-) TGACG SOOO024 W R KY7 1 0S si te 647 (-) TGAC SOO0447 A RR I AT site 652 (-) NGATT SOO0454 A RR I AT site 657 (+) NGATT SOO0454 I N RNTPSADB site 657 (-) YTCA TYY SOO0395 CAATBOX I site 659 (-) CAAT SOOO028 CACTFTPPCA I site 663 (-) YACT SOO0449 GTGANTG I O site 664 (+) GTGA SOO0378 I N RNTPSADB site 666 (-) YTCANTYY SOO0395 CAATBOX I site 668 (-) CAAT SOOO028 DOFCOREZ M site 679 (+) AAAG SOO0265 NODCON I GM site 679 (+) AAA GAT S00046 I OSE I ROOTNODU LE site 679 (+) AAA GAT SOO0467 GATABOX site 682 (+) GATA SOOO039 GT I CONSE S U S site 687 (+) G R WAAW SOOO l 98 GTGANTG I O site 708 (+) GTGA SOO0378 ROOTMOT I FTAPOX I site 720 (+) ATATT SOOO098 ARR I AT site 729 (-) GATT SOO0454 POLASIG3 site 733 (-) AATAAT SOOO088 C PBCSPOR site 735 (+) TATTAG S00049 I

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CACTFTPPCA I s i te 739 (-) YACT T AAAGSTKST I site 74 1 (+) TAAAG DOFCOREZM site 742 (+) AAAO M Y BCORE s ite 753 (+) CNGTTR M YB2AT site 753 (-) TAACTO MYB2CONSENSUSAT site 753 (-) Y AACKO A R R I AT site 764 (+) NOATT CAATBOX I s ite 769 (+) CAAT TATABOX3 s ite 77 1 (-) TATTAAT ROOTMOTI FTAPOX I s ite 774 (-) ATATT ROOTMOTI FTA POX I s i te 775 (+) ATATT - I OPEH VPS BD si te 776 (+) TATTer TATABOX5 s i te 78 1 (+) TTATTT POLLE I LELAT52 site 784 (-) AOAAA CAATBOX I s ite 794 (+) CAAT CAROC W80AT s ite 8 1 2 (+) C W W W W WWWWO CAROCW80AT site 8 1 2 (-) C W W W W W W W WO ROOTMOTI FTAPOX I s i te 8 I 5 (-) AT A TT CAATBOX I site 857 (+) CAAT ARR I AT site 866 (-) NGATT EBOXBNNAPA si te 869 (+) CANNTO MYCCON SE S U SAT s ite 869 (+) CANNTG EBOXBNNAPA site 869 (-) CA TO MYCCO SENSUSAT site 869 (-) CA TO CACTFTPPCA I s i te 87 1 (-) YACT OTOA TO I O s i te 872 (+) OTOA

* I f you use this program in published research, please eite:

SOO0449 SOO0387 SOO0265 SOO0 1 76 SOOO I 77 SOO0409 SOO0454 SOOO028 SOO0 1 1 0 SOOO098 SOOO098 SOO0392 SOO0203 SOO0245 SOOO028 S00043 I S00043 I SOOO098 SOOO028 SOO0454 SOOO l 44 SOO0407 SOOO l 44 SOO0407 SOO0449 SOO0378

* Higo, K., Y. Ugawa, M. Iwamoto and T. Korenaga ( 1 999) Plant eis-acting regulatory DNA elements (PLACE) database: 1 999. Nucleic Acids Research Vol.27 No. l pp. 297-300. * Prestridge, D.S. (1 991) SIGNAL SCAN: A computer program that scans DNA sequences for eukaryotic transcriptional elements. CABIOS 7, 203-206.

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Appendix VII G US staining results for the stable tobacco tra nsgenics

independent line G US staining in floral organs GUS staining in petal


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