How To Become A Mahatma Walk In - Channeled by Caroline Fitzgerald ( [email protected] ) Good Morning my friends, I am El Morya. I have been asked to speak with you this morning, by this aspect, to give advice on the subject of "walk- ins". Many of you will be experiencing in the period shortly to come, if indeed you have not already done so, feelings of disorientation. You are feeling that you don't know who you are any more; that you don't know who the people around you are. You are finding it very difficult to relate to them in the same way that you used to. This is because, if you like, they have been "walked into" by different energies or, in the majority of cases, by different, higher aspects of themselves. It can be a period of great turmoil. If I may give you here a small analogy, in order to assist you with the understanding of what I am trying to explain to you. It is as though you took a beaker of water and are attempting to merge it with a totally different element, something which has quite different properties and qualities to it. In other words, you are pouring a quantity of oil on top of the water. Many of you have already seen and experienced the effects of doing this in your own kitchens, and you will see that the oil and the water do not mix together too easily. If you allow the beaker to be placed on a shelf for a moment or two, and to become static, then the water and the oil separate into two clearly defined bands, one laying upon the top of the other. But if you were to pick up this beaker, and you were to agitate it, then you would find that it becomes harder and harder to define

How to Become a Mahatma Walk in El Morya Through Caroline Fitzgerald Radha

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Page 1: How to Become a Mahatma Walk in El Morya Through Caroline Fitzgerald Radha

How To Become A Mahatma Walk In - Channeled by Caroline Fitzgerald ([email protected])

Good Morning my friends, I am El Morya. I have been asked to speak with you this morning, by this aspect, to give advice on the subject of "walk-ins". Many of you will be experiencing in the period shortly to come, if indeed you have not already done so, feelings of disorientation. You are feeling that you don't know who you are any more; that you don't know who the people around you are. You are finding it very difficult to relate to them in the same way that you used to. This is because, if you like, they have been "walked into" by different energies or, in the majority of cases, by different, higher aspects of themselves. It can be a period of great turmoil. If I may give you here a small analogy, in order to assist you with the understanding of what I am trying to explain to you. It is as though you took a beaker of water and are attempting to merge it with a totally different element, something which has quite different  properties and qualities to it. In other words, you are pouring a quantity of oil on top of the water. Many of you have already seen and experienced the effects of doing this in your own kitchens, and you will see that the oil and the water do not mix together too easily. If you allow the beaker to be placed on a shelf for a moment or two, and to become static, then the water and the oil separate into two clearly defined bands, one laying upon the top of the other. But if you were to pick up this beaker, and you were to agitate it, then you would find that it becomes harder and harder to define two separated bands of oil and water, and what you see instead are the most minute globules of both, held together in suspension. And because of the greater dispersal of the oil within the water now, it becomes more difficult to distinguish one from the other.In a way, this is what is happening to you. You are integrating new levels, new aspects, of yourselves. And if you remain static, and do not move forward in your expansion of consciousness and understanding, and fully integrate the new with the old, then one has the conflict, for some days you are oil, and other days you are water, and it makes it very difficult for the people around you to relate easily to you. They don't quite know who it is that they are dealing with here. They are expecting to be speaking with the water, interacting with the water, because that is who they have known in the past, and that is who they expect to be seeing now. But instead, what they are finding is that they are being asked to interact with a completely different person, the oil if you like. They don't know how to cope with this. They don't know what to expect.

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Well, there are many ways of approaching this, and many points that I would ask you to consider. First of all let us look at that word "expect". What I am asking you all here to do, is to be without expectation. Expectation is working within a preconceived idea of how things ought to be based on the experience of how things were in the past. But the past is gone, and the past can never return, and things will never be the same again.

And by having expectations, you are also limiting the greater potential of how things might be in the future. You are seeing this now most acutely as you are leaving the third dimension, and allowing fourth dimension to become more and more integrated into the experience of life upon earth. You are "on the cusp" as it were, and have reached that critical point where the transition is to be made in the consciousness of all beings upon earth, and the third dimensional experience will no longer be part of their reality. The fourth dimension is the word for today. But you have never experienced fourth dimension within your physical bodies, have you, and you don't quite know how it is going to be? You don't know what to expect! Well, my advice to you is to expect nothing, except the love of the Father, and accept all that comes into your life.Ascended Master Quan Yin would say to you, "Be kind, be compassionate to yourselves. May I, Ascended Master El Morya, take this phrase of hers and use it also. Be kind, be compassionate, be understanding to yourselves, and also, more especially, to each other. Do not have expectations of each other, of how you think they are going to react, of how you think they "ought" to be. Expect of yourselves simply love; and by reflecting to them that love and that understanding, you will assist them in reflecting those qualities back to you.

Let us also look at another very useful tool for the present moment. That tool is the practice of humility. This word humility has so often been misunderstood. If you look in your dictionaries you will often find that the word humility is simply defined as "the practice of being humble". Well, there's not much help there with that, is there? Look at it as a verb - to humiliate. Now, that doesn't have the essence of higher qualities surrounding it, does it? When you humiliate another person, you make them feel "dis-graced". In other words, you disassociate and disempower them from being in a state of grace. Let me suggest to you here that you have been disassociated from a state of grace by others, in the way in which this word today is presented to you. To be humble, to practice humility, is not to be disassociated from grace. To practice  humility is the very opposite, it is to BE grace. And what is grace? Grace is the energy that comes

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from the Holy Spirit, the feminine aspect of the energy of the Source. Grace and humility, in its true sense, is to become the energy of the Mahatma; to allow the vibration of the I Am Presence of Mother/Father God to flow through your being, and integrate it into yourselves to such an extent that all that once was the lower self is dissolved, through love, into this higher energy and this higher state of being.

I have a request to make of you today. I would ask you all to be prepared to be walk- ins. You are already learning what it is like to be walk ins for those aspects of your Higher Self. As you progress along your spiritual paths, many millions of you have already experienced what it is like to integrate the energies of your monad, your Higher Self, and to learn how to live on earth in this new higher state of being. Now I  am asking you to go one stage further. I am asking you to consciously invite and offer yourselves to be open as walk- ins for the Mahatma energy. Allow this energy, this I Am Presence of Mother Father God, to flow through your mind, to flow through your consciousness, and to integrate with your physical body. This process can often be likened to the spiritualisation of matter, the descent of the Shekinah Lightbody, the integration of the Holy Ghost, feminine aspect of God, into oneself. You have already had knowledge and experience of this, but now I am asking you to take it to the next stage. By integrating the Mahatma energy into your beings, you are integrating both the masculine and the feminine energy of the Source.

As you do this, there is a danger that your lower ego will try to take control of you once again. It will do this by making you feel disorientated. It will do this by trying to take over, and reflecting only those lower aspects of yourselves, to such an extent that those around you who have already interacted with you in the past, and think that they know you, might now be saying, "What on earth is happening to this person? Their ego is taking over, they are becoming big headed, they are trying to control everyone else around them and tell them what to do. They are losing sight of the goal, and getting carried away with personal ambition." Do not allow this to happen to you. It is, if you like, the last ditch fight at the OK Corral! For the ego doesn't wish to lose control, for that is where it has always perceived its role to be. But now your ego is also being asked to be "walked-into", by the Higher Self. So apply here the energy of love. Apply here the quality of patience, understanding and tolerance; both to yourselves and to each other, and it will make the transitional period much smoother and easier to experience.

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I hope that these words of mine will be of help and assistance to you. What more can I say to you, except to love each other. If my brother Sananda were here speaking to you now, (and indeed, in many ways, he is also here speaking with you, for in the Oneness there is not so much difference between El Morya and Sananda, as you might think), but if it were my brother Sananda here speaking with you, he would be encouraging you also to love each other as you would be loved yourselves. That is the way forward. That is the way to integrate these new, strange experiences into your daily reality. Never forget that the Father loves you. The Father does not judge you, and now you are learning to become more and more reflections of the Father, in the Oneness and in the Now. So do not judge each other, do not have any preconceived ideas as to how the other one ought to be, or ought to behave. Allow them their freedom of expression. Allow them time and space to explore for themselves their new state of being; for then when it becomes your turn to do the same, you will have assisted them, in allowing you, in just the same way. Hold each other in the love, hold each other in the Oneness, and trust that everything that is happening to you right now, whether it might feel strange and confusing at first, is happening for the higher good, is happening within the Divine Plan. See the hand of Mother/Father God in all that is occurring in your lives, and go forward in that trust, into wisdom and unconditional love. Bless you all my dear brothers and sisters. It is my pleasure to be with you. It is my pleasure to integrate with you, for I have such love for you all. I am one with you. I am El Morya.

Channelled by Radha. 13 March 1997.My dear ones, I am El Morya. I am here to focus my energies through this one, in order that I might once again assist you in your expansion of understanding, through Unconditional Love, in search of clarity and union with the Oneness. It would appear that there has been some misunderstanding in the use of this term "walk-in". You will notice that in my previous words upon this subject, the channel was guided to use inverted commas around the term "walk-in". This was in order to demonstrate to you that whilst we are using this term "walk-in" because it is one that you are familiar with, the way in which you are presently conceiving it is not the entire truth. There is indeed a strong focusing of a particular energy during the period that might be alluded to as a "walk-in". Sometimes this might happen most dramatically. Certain events can bring about a sudden new awareness, an expansion of consciousness, whereby a higher vibrational energy might be focused and integrated into the consciousness of the individualised personality. This is a process which you should all be

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trying to achieve, for if you are all working on your spiritual progression, you are all surely seeking to constantly integrate higher and higher aspects of yourselves. And this was the nature of the term "walk-in" to which I was referring in earlier channellings. It is not necessary that one should seek to integrate energies or beings that are not of ones self, for truly when one fully understands the oneness of all nature, then there is nothing within nature that is not of one's Self. What one is in fact seeking to achieve is a fuller and a greater expansion of consciousness; an expansion of the understanding of the true nature, the limitlessness, of one's Self.

The small child, when it is born, does not yet perceive itself as being separate from the mother. As it takes its first initiations, through the process that is known as Life, it slowly starts to realise that it has sought to take incarnation into a physical body in order that it might experience what it is like to be separate, to be individualised. It knows itself still to be part and one with the Source, and yet it seeks and chooses to explore the experience of separation, in order that it can find out more about its fuller nature. And as this child grows, it starts to perceive itself in different ways. It goes through a period of time in which it sees itself as a small, helpless, individualised being. And then slowly its world begins to expand. There are now family, there are now friends coming into its world, coming into its self. Then there are experiences of going to school, and the child's world is expanded even further to include that also. And then as this beautiful being grows and matures, it goes out into the world, and experiences the work place, experiences travel, during which it takes its self to different locations around the globe, sees different life styles, different religions, different ways of being. And all these experiences are integrated in with its own soul and total consciousness.And now you are simply going through a further expansion upon that journey.

You are seeking out aspects of yourself that have previously only existed within fourth dimension and fifth dimension, and you are expanding your consciousness so that now you become aware of these aspects of yourself, and you integrate them in a daily way into your very being, and into your nature.

As ones start to expand their consciousness in this way, to experience themselves fully as multi-dimensional beings, and realise their true nature, then the element of fear will sometimes creep in. Their fear is what will happen to "them", that something of them will be lost along the way. They are feeling confused, and feel that they no longer know who "they" are anymore. But my dear ones, please

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let me reassure you on this point. Nothing of you is ever lost. You merely grow and expand, ever further. You are eternal beings, so it is not possible that any part of you could be lost within the divine love of the Father. You are merely transmuting your lower energies into your higher energies, and this is not a process of loss. Let me emphasise once again that in order to integrate higher energies, in order to be (and to use your term here) "walked-into" by higher energies, it is not necessary that part of you walks out! What you should be doing, or what you should be seeking to do, is to integrate the both together, so that through the Light and the Love of the higher energies, anything that does not vibrate in harmony with this highest Light may be slowly and gently transmuted into the Light.

This is not the same thing as saying, "My previous personality has now left. I am no longer here, and I am now some strange, different being." If you are feeling that this is what has happened to you, or if you are seeking to achieve this, then let me, El Morya, remind you that you are seeking to run away from yourself, and that is a negation of all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you are responsible for in your life and in the lives of others. Nothing is ever achieved by running away from anything. We should be running towards the Source, running towards the love of the Father. We should be growing and maturing and facing up to our responsibilities, so that they no longer seem to be unacceptable burdens, but are welcomed into our hearts as challenges and as lessons.

I have asked that all of you open yourselves up, and seek to integrate, the Mahatma energy into your beings. Let me caution you here. It is not for any one individualised aspect to integrate the totality of the Mahatma into their personality, and claim that they, and they alone, are the Mahatma. This is to misunderstand both the nature of the process and the nature of the Mahatma energy. The Mahatma is a group consciousness, existing upon the eighth dimension, and its beingness is so vast that it is impossible for any one physical form in the fourth or fifth dimension to hold the totality of it. What you are being encouraged to do, each and every single one of you, is to integrate part of that energy of the Mahatma, through your Higher Selves, through your Monad, through your soul, and into your individualised aspect. It is in this way that every human being upon the planet will start to slowly integrate the totality of the Mahatma into the planet. There is no one chosen special person who will do this. Some will connect with the Mahatma energy before others, but eventually all that are living upon the planet, within the fourth and fifth dimensions, will be connected to this energy, for the energy itself has integrated itself into the etheric body of the Earth, and thereby into

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the consciousness of all beings upon the Earth. It is now simply an awakening of the individualised consciousness into the realisation that this is what has already taken place. For with this grounding of the Mahatma energy into the individual's mental, emotional and physical bodies, so will the Mahatma be grounded into the physical body of the Earth. So I ask you once again, to open your minds, open your hearts, and ask for a full and further integration of the Mahatma energy through your beings, through your I Am Presence, through your Monad, and through your Higher Selves. In this way the energy will always be calibrated in a way that is comfortable for you to cope with. There should be no confusion during this process. There should be no loss of identity or of Self, but merely an ever expanding, growing awareness of the unlimitedness of your greater, higher Self.Received by Radha. 27 March 1997.Caroline Fitzgerald (Radha) can be reached at [email protected].