How To Brainwash Anyone By: Ewalds P, PhD of Psychology (Latvian Professor) Introduction Hi! I’m Ewalds P, professor in psychology, when I was young I was tired of being manipulated by people in my environment and I said to myself “Hey, wait a minute here! I don’t have to been treated like this! I can take control whenever I want!”. After I said that to myself I had decided to take control in my life and learn the ability and skills to brainwash or control other people. Definition When it comes to brainwash (it is an abstract word) we have different definition about the word “brainwash”. I would like to describe the word brainwash as metaphor, then I mean that you choose someone’s brain to wash and you wash it until you get the results you want, then I would call it for positive brainwashing. If you fail to wash it and you don’t get the results you want or you get results that will affect you in a negative way then I would call it for negative brainwashing. Brainwashing for me is to implant different ideas (soon I tell you what I mean by that) into a persons mind and if their subconscious accept the ideas and follow them then I would get a positive brainwashing. You can create your own definition about what brainwashing is by using human nature psychology principles and see where you’re going in the long run with it. Shall we start? I guess you want to come to the punch lines and not just reading twenty pages for just one word! Before we start I want to tell you that brainwashing is like hypnosis, whoever you brainwash will be in conscious while you do it. It’s their subconscious you want to wash until the washing in their subconscious mind appears in their conscious mind and behaving. If you understand this you will be more patient

How to Brainwash Anyone

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How To Brainwash AnyoneBy: Ewalds P, PhD of Psychology (Latvian Professor)

IntroductionHi! I’m Ewalds P, professor in psychology, when I was young I was tired of being manipulated by people in my environment and I said to myself “Hey, wait a minute here! I don’t have to been treated like this! I can take control whenever I want!”. After I said that to myself I had decided to take control in my life and learn the ability and skills to brainwash or control other people.

DefinitionWhen it comes to brainwash (it is an abstract word) we have different definition about the word “brainwash”. I would like to describe the word brainwash as metaphor, then I mean that you choose someone’s brain to wash and you wash it until you get the results you want, then I would call it for positive brainwashing. If you fail to wash it and you don’t get the results you want or you get results that will affect you in a negative way then I would call it for negative brainwashing.

Brainwashing for me is to implant different ideas (soon I tell you what I mean by that) into a persons mind and if their subconscious accept the ideas and follow them then I would get a positive brainwashing. You can create your own definition about what brainwashing is by using human nature psychology principles and see where you’re going in the long run with it.

Shall we start?I guess you want to come to the punch lines and not just reading twenty pages for just one word! Before we start I want to tell you that brainwashing is like hypnosis, whoever you brainwash will be in conscious while you do it. It’s their subconscious you want to wash until the washing in their subconscious mind appears in their conscious mind and behaving. If you understand this you will be more patient with your working when you start to learn and practice brainwashing on other people.

And one last thing; don’t tell anyone you are learning brainwashing, then you might lose everything you have gained in your life; family, friends and/or partner.

Human PrinciplesWhat do every human want to achieve in their life? Their first main gaol is to survive as long as possible, and the two best ways to survive as long as possible are these two:

Physical exercises Positive mind stimulation

Physical exercises is about that you exercise your body so your heart-muscle becomes stronger and you can breath better, by doing physical exercises you can stimulate your self-esteem if you feel the “sense of achieving a short-term goal”.

Positive mind stimulation is about that you stimulate your mind with things, activities and/or actions that generates positive feelings and positive stimulation for your mind. You do things

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to generate more serotonin (a chemical which makes us feel happy/satisfied) in your brain and we all find out our own ways to maintain our production of serotonin. When we lose the control of our production we start to feel depressed and we need to find a new strategy to restart the production again.

Why do I talk about these things? Well, if you understand and accept these things, brainwashing will become easier to master, why? Because one first step to learn brainwashing is to learn how you behave and how you can change your behaviour. The way you behave is mostly the way other will behave against you. By changing your behaving you change others behaving towards to you! Remember that, it’s a good thing to know, always.

Never take anything personally, show that you’re dominant. If you do that, people will more likely on a subconsciously level accept your ideas that you will learn to implant and this also increases your personally power and your skill of brainwashing.

How to brainwash anyone1. First you need to find your victim and analyze the person’s behaviour so you know how to act towards the person. Remember also to think through your goal you want to achieve, cause if you have no goal you will never be able to success because you don’t when you succeed!

2. The process of brainwashing depends on how good you are on brainwash your victim and how strong the psyche of your victim is. The stronger their psyches are the harder the brainwashing becomes. Below here is list over tactics to brainwash people and what their use are for:

Positive Signals – This tactic can be used to make people think you are a great person. The implantation you give to their subconscious is “I am a good human, you must like me”. By always sound nice in tone and never take anything personally and always give positive feedback even if you get negative feedback you will show them that you don’t care anything of bad things they say or do to you, your dominance will be viewed. So if you want someone to like you, always be nice to them and always be honest. By sending positive signals when someone is angry at you, you show that you don’t care that they are angry and that they may be that but you will not behave at same bad level as they do towards you.

Silent Power – There is bullshit book you can read (don’t read it) Silent Power, it tells you that being silent you show understanding and mystic. So if someone is angry or acting weird towards you, being silent, have an open posture, communicate only with body language like moving your eyebrows up and down. Whatever you say can be used against you and that is why you don’t say anything, this makes people feel powerless cause if they can’t read your responses or reactions cause you’re silent then they will respond back with confusion or angry. Remember; when people are angry, they have lost control over the situation and they want the power back, angry creates an illusion of power for the one who feels anger.

Harassment – This is the best way to brainwash people, by repeating harassment against people (watch out getting sued!) you’re trying to implant ideas to their subconscious and by time they will accept your ideas and then their subconscious will create your ideas to their reality. This means that you will see your results in their behaving patterns (conscious mind) and how they live their days from that day on. Try to think back in school how a group of people harassed one kid by repeating phrases like “you’re a worthless thing!”. In the long run, the kid accepted these idea that “the

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kid are worthless” and the kid’s subconscious created that believing into the kid’s reality, so the kid feels shit about himself everyday from that day on. So repeat the idea you want your victim to believe and create a part of his reality (your wanted results!).

What do I mean with ideas?I said I would explain what I mean with ideas. With ideas I mean that what you want someone to believe or follow (a command) is your idea you implant. For example, you want someone to hate himself then your idea you want to implant might be “I’m disgusting to people when I live my life!”. You want to your victim to believe that so you use the harassment tactic to repeat the implanting and when your victim tries to defend his ego you respond with the silent tactic and they can’t read you and your victim might know believe that he is wrong and you are right in what you’re saying and you will appear to be more right over what you say the more you repeat these two tactics. The positive signal tactic is only for positive changing in people, example creating love feelings or positive feelings towards you!

What should I do now?Read through the tactics again and everything if needed you become sure that brainwashing needs practice and that you will succeed in the long run with experience and adaptations behind your back. Go out and find a victim you want to brainwash, use the three tactics and you should see results in days or in weeks or longer, you will see results if you’re doing everything correct, cause you must use the tactics in the way so they get into the person’s “reality”. Read my document “The meaning of life is subjective” to understand better what I mean with reality, in short I mean that we all perceive the world different and you must understand how they see the world so they see your tactics as friendly (while they may not be). Good luck with your brainwashing and may your psyche be with you, man!