How To Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind From Almost Drowning Juan Florez / April 19, 2015 / Tags: Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind, by the renewing of your mind, change your brain, create your own destiny, have faith in god, How To Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind To Achieve Success, renewing your mind

How To Change And Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind From Almost Drowning

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Are you looking for a real life story on how to be transformed by the renewing of your mind? Then these real life stories can help you make a decision to transform. Not only are these two stories extraordinary but they make the difference between succeeding or not. Listen carefully. There is more that nature shows us if we are willing to pay attention. The story of these two broke homeless guys can teach you how to be transformed by the renewing of your mind to be successful in anything you undertake.

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How To Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind From Almost DrowningJuan Florez/April 19, 2015 /Tags:Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind,by the renewing of your mind,change your brain,create your own destiny,have faith in god,How To Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind To Achieve Success,renewing your mind

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind Mind TransformationAre you looking for a real life story on how tobe transformed by the renewing of your mind? Then these real life stories can help you make a decision to transform. Not only are these two stories extraordinary but they make the difference between succeeding or not. Listen carefully. There is more that nature shows us if we are willing to pay attention.The story of these two broke homeless guys can teach you how tobe transformed by the renewing of your mindto be successful in anything you undertake.You dont get in life what you want. You get in life what you are Les BrownSpeak The World Into Existence

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind You are what you thinkPeople think that David has always been successful. He started since 2002 in the online marketing business and failed miserably.Up until 2009 when he came back.Davids message is that you can have success right now because you have everything you need right inside of you.One night he crawled under his wife and cried because he had earned the equivalent of 19cents an hour and about 18 hours a day of work equivalent for almost an entire month.PlusHe was not earning 100% commissions back then like the people are doing now following his training program.He was ready to give up.While talking to his wife, he admitted that he was angry because no matter how hard he worked he was not achieving success.she asked him whether it was his dream.He replied, yes.And she told him, then dont ever give up on your dream.The next morning he woke up and made a decision and promised to himself that he was going to sponsor two people a day into his business. From that very moment sponsoring and selling became easy for him.All because he made a decision. The decision that allowed him to go from zero to making over thirty thousanddollars within the next 90 days and subsequently over forty fivethousand dollars the following month.Like David,Justin Verrengia one day while visiting Dave in his house in Costa Rica, saw whatDavid was doing online. Justin could not believe how little David worked and that he actually did what he taught others to do.David recounts the moment when they went on a trip to a waterfall stream and Justin almost drowned. At this time Justin had never made over $5,000 a month. The next month crossed the ten thousand dollars a month by doing the exact same thing he was doing before.But what really changed for both of these guys?Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2Here is a the video I found where David and Justin almost drowned. Justin was fighting the current and David jumped in to save him. It is a bit long though if you stick to the end you can see why Justin was going the opposite way.David Almost Drowned From Trying To Save Justin Fighting The WaterfallFrom this moment Justin had a mindset shift and the very next month made over fortythousand on a single month. Before, Justin had not ever done over $5,000 dollars on a single month.David claims that he does not know what happened during this freighting time when they both drowned. But what he knows is that Justin was never the same again after this episode.What do you think happened to Justin? How do you explain Justinsmindset shift?Shareyour comments below.How David Decided To Look Inside And Transform His Mind For A Major Shift

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind Albert Einstein On The MindDavid got started in 2002 when he got a call from his brother Will. Will called him and said Dave,youre coming over my house on Thursday night, I got something for you and we are going to be rich.Dave explains that he was not a hard sale. He saw numbers and figures and thought that if he could get 5 and 5 could get 5, then he was going to be rich.He had just signed up Amway.When looking for clients and prospects he did not know what to do. He was told he needed to make a list of family and friends. But he did not have any because his friends were back in Alaska.His up-line mentor suggested him to wonder around Walmart. So, the next day, while wearing a suit and tie, he decided to go around Walmart and talk to people.Yes, he got kicked out several times from every store in Phoenix Arizona..David failed miserably for five years.Little did he know he could sponsor over the internet on autopilot even while on vacation while dipping his toes the hot sand.After starting, three and half years later, he had sponsored about 5 people total into his business and he was making about two dollars and fifty cents.He quit and blamed the company for his failure. Then, he and his brother joined a new company from the ground floor. Dave saw how people started joining and went from zero to $20,000 a month while he was not succeeding.But something was different this timeTaking Responsibility For Your Actions

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind Take Responsibility Of Your LifeThis time, he called his brother Ocke and they joined on the ground floor.Dave saw how the company blew up, opening up in fifteen countries and all over the European union and saw how people whohad never done anything in the industry went from zero to over twenty thousand dollarsa month, all while he wasnot succeed.At this point, David said to himself, it is not the company it is not the product, its me.He looked inside and saw something within him that he did not realize he had. That something wasHumilityHe put his ego on the back burner and then called his sponsor and asked him what do I do? Since this point, he was able to sponsor over 1,000 people.Davidadmitted that he was the problem.Until you accept that it is you, then you will not be able to change. People blame everything but themselves. Dont blame yourself but admit that your success and failure is no ones cause but you, sayd David.When you take responsibility then you are able to change. And then your life transforms.You Are What You Think About Most Of The Time

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind Napoleon HillYour beliefs are true. There is a part of your brain that is in charge of waking you up when you go to sleep. David talks about it and so does Rich Dad investor Robert Kiyosaki.So, how tobe transformed by the renewing of your mind?It is called the Reticular Activating System. It is a place in your brain that gives you evidence and makes reality whatever you believe in. So if you belief you can do it then you can do it and if you believe you cannot do it then you cannot do it.When Dave got sick and tired of being sick and tired, he sought out help on how tobe transformed by the renewal of your mind. Hemade a decisionthat he was going to change no matter what.At this point he dropped his ego and called the richest person he knew and asked them, what do I do?By the waywhen I first started in the industry I was resistant to the information taught in the modules of the Inner Circle.I saw me on a pedestal. How am I going to learn from guys who never went to school or did not graduate?My mindset was not right. But when I was started listening to these Inner Circle audio trainings I was blown away by the information they teach.Like David, I had to become teachable to learn what the masses dont learn. Later I learned the meaning of ego.It means edging God out.The Magic Of Believing

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind- Belief And Change

When David decided and believed that he could get two people a day, at that moment his life changed.From this point, it took him like 30 days to sponsor 2 people but at the end of the month he sponsored two people, and the next day he sponsored three and so forth.David explains that the brain can focus on 4 to 7 bits at any single time with plus or minus 2 bits. At any point in time you are absorbing so much information that it would be practically impossible for you to focus on so many things at the same time.So your subconscious mind does the hard work for you and processes over 2 million bits at any single time. And it does this bydeleting,generalizingandmodifyingthe data you receive to suit your beliefs.It does so in order save you time to make things work for you according to your beliefs. He offers the example of when you are on a field or a forest and all of sudden you see a snake and it turns out to be a stick.This has actually happened to me while walking at my finca (farm) on the north part of the Colombia Caribbean, by the waylolYour mindgeneralizes to process the information faster saving you from possible danger. Now, that is how the mind shapes your world according to your beliefs.He further explains that even if you have the easiest way to make money or the easiest company but if you dont believe you can succeed then you will not.David suggests us to follow theeight core commitments.More profoundly, he suggests that whathas made him the most money is all the stuff he learned early in the game and what he had actually learned at the beginning.If you commit andmake a decisionthen you will win.Attending Live Events

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind Live EventsLastly, David talks about attending events and the importance they have on shaping your beliefs. When you attend the events you can actually meet people whom you meet online. These are average day people making extraordinary incomes.We have events every 90 days. People from all over the world come to share what is working for them. It is the best mastermind I have ever experienced in my life. The rooms are full of energy and the people are just awesome. Not only you learn to transform your mindbut also learn marketing skills that you can apply in your business right away.Once you see that they can do it thenit helps you have a mindset shift that you too can do it. It is a powerful way to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.And nowVisit my post to find more information and connect with me andShare if you enjoyed these stories and let me know what you think on my take on be transformed by the renewing of your mind.