The David Icke Newsletter, February 28th 2010 How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … ... Hey, Presto Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten' in most countries by a vaccine when all they have done is given the symptoms other names. Staggering, yes, but true. Hey, Rotary International. What are you doing supporting this scam? Get informed. Hello all ... I have written at length over the years about the Big Pharma horror story that has caused so much death and suffering and continues to do so. But sometimes even I shake my head at the breathtaking gall of these people. I was chatting this week to my friend, the Shen Clinic healer and scientific researcher Mike Lambert, and he told me that he was mailing information to members of Rotary International, a worldwide organisation dedicated, it says, to 'bringing together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.'

How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

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Page 1: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

The David Icke Newsletter, February 28th 2010

How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease …

... Hey, Presto – Change its Name

We are told that polio has been 'beaten' in most countries by a vaccine when all they have done is given the symptoms other names. Staggering, yes, but true. Hey, Rotary International. What are you doing supporting this scam? Get informed. Hello all ... I have written at length over the years about the Big Pharma horror story that has caused so much death and suffering and continues to do so. But sometimes even I shake my head at the breathtaking gall of these people. I was chatting this week to my friend, the Shen Clinic healer and scientific researcher Mike Lambert, and he told me that he was mailing information to members of Rotary International, a worldwide organisation dedicated, it says, to 'bringing together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.'

Page 2: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 2 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease That's all well and good, but if you don't research the subject you are dealing with you can cause mayhem.

Rotary International is harnessing its more than 32,000 clubs and 1.2 million members to eradicate polio, or poliomyelitis, through the immunisation of all the world's children. Since the campaign began it is claimed that cases have been cut by 99 per cent. The final one per cent, it is claimed, applies to four countries – India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria where the crippling disease is 'endemic'. Mike Lambert is alerting the Rotary International organisation because all of the above is quite simply bollocks. The symptoms of polio have been given other names to make the vaccine appear effective and to hide the real cause of polio – pesticides and other chemical pollutants. Mike gave me a brilliant article by the medical writer and researcher, film maker and author, Janine Roberts, headed Polio: the virus and the vaccine, and published in the Ecologist magazine. Her research is superb and I'll share some of it with you today. The official story is that polio cases declined dramatically after immunization began in the mid-1950s – I had it myself as a young child – and America was declared 'polio-free' in 1994. The story (for that is all it is) goes on to claim that thanks to a global effort to eradicate polio launched in the 1980s, led by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Rotary Foundation, that the 99 per cent eradication figure I mentioned has been achieved.

Page 3: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 3 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease The truth is rather different. Infantile paralysis was identified in the 19th century and exploded in the first half of the 20th century, but only in the industrialised countries. It was given the name poliomyelitis from the Greek polios ('grey'), myelos ('spinal cord'), and itis, ('inflammation').

At it's worst, polio can cause paralysis that requires an 'iron lung' to breathe.

Originally, poisons like lead, arsenic and mercury were believed to be the cause and the evidence, including laboratory experiments, confirmed the connection. When dogs were subjected to lead in 1878 their motor-neurone cells suffered the same damage found in children with infantile paralysis – polio. The same was found in 1883 with arsenic. It just so happens that the arsenic-based pesticide called Paris Green began to be widely used after 1870 on apple crops and this was replaced by the even more toxic pesticide, lead arsenate, in 1882. Polio cases began to soar. Janine Roberts writes: 'Lead arsenate rapidly became the principal pesticide used on fruit and berries throughout the industrial world. In 1907 calcium arsenate was introduced for use primarily on cotton crops and in cotton mills. A year later 69 healthy children suddenly fell paralytically ill in Massachusetts. They lived in a town with three cotton mills, and in settlements downstream from those mills. Nearby there were also orchards on which lead arsenates were almost certainly in use.' Other epidemics followed, but the authorities never investigated the clear link to pesticides and the

Page 4: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 4 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease children were not checked for poisoning or treated with toxin antidotes to see if they were effective. Instead, the 'system' decided the culprit had to be a virus or bacteria and the response was to find ... a vaccine. All this was being orchestrated by J. D. Rockefeller and his family network which is subordinate in the global web to the House of Rothschild.

John D. Rockefeller – evil beyond words.

The Rothschild-Rockefeller networks created the system of medical associations, like the British Medical Association (BMA) and the American Medical Association (AMA), to control medicine and the medical profession. Many people seem to think that Big Pharma 'medicine', or 'allopathic medicine', came first and alternatives like homeopathy followed later. It was actually the other way around, and the Rothschild-Rockefeller cabal funded the creation of medical associations to replace what we now call 'alternative' medicine with their own.

The AMA was established in 1847 and immediately set about controlling the medical schools and the forms of healing that were taught and administered. They were supported by the Rockefeller family

Page 5: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 5 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease and the Illuminati Carnegie Foundation which employed a man called Abraham Flexner to visit the medical schools and report on their suitability to teach. Flexner just happened to be the brother of Simon Flexner, who directed the 'research' into the cause and prevention of disease for the Rockefeller Institute (now the Rockefeller University) from 1903 to the 1930s.

The Flexner Report, published in 1910, demanded that American medical schools impose higher admission and graduation standards and adhere only to the protocols of mainstream science in their teaching and research. The medical industry that we know today was born.

It was the same Rockefeller frontman, Simon Flexner, and his Rockefeller Institute colleague, Paul Lewis, who were heavily involved in selling the lie that polio is caused by a virus and not poisonous chemicals. In 1908, two scientists in Austria, Karl Landsteiner and Erwin Popper, had taken the 'minced' spinal cord from a nine-year-old victim of infantile paralysis and injected it into the brains of two monkeys, one of which died and the other was paralysed. The monkeys were found to have similar nervous tissue damage to that found in human infantile paralysis. Of course this would happen because the spinal cord contained whatever had caused the paralysis in the children. But what?

Landsteiner and Popper claimed that the cause was an 'invisible virus' – no kidding – that they didn't actually find. Simon Flexner and Paul Lewis at the Rockefeller Institute then repeated the 'experiment' and came to the same conclusion. They said:

Page 6: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 6 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease 'We failed utterly to discover bacteria ... that could account for the disease [paralysis] ... The infecting agent of epidemic poliomyelitis [probably] belongs to the class of the minute and filterable viruses that have not thus far been demonstrated with certainty under the microscope.' Put another way: we have injected a diseased 'soup' into monkeys and the same happened to them that happened to the child that the diseased 'soup' came from.

No single 'ingredient' was isolated, they just injected the lot, so making the whole 'experiment' scientifically irrelevant, but, hey, the song-sheet says that it is caused by a virus and so although we can't find one it must be there. Mr. Rockefeller says so. From this utter nonsense came the 'debate-is-over' 'scientific' 'truth' that poliomyelitis is caused by a virus and the search began for a vaccine. In 1938, the Rockefeller-controlled President Franklin D Roosevelt, a victim of infantile paralysis himself, launched the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (NFIP) that ignored the evidence about the real cause – toxins – and began raising money and using fear to sell the lie about the cause of polio.

The fly-polio connection had been a theme for decades. Illustration from the Newark Evening News, June 12th, 1916

Page 7: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 7 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease In the late 1940s, Jonas Salk, an American medical researcher and virologist from a Russian-Jewish family in New York, claimed to have found the 'polio virus' (he hadn't) and he employed the virus that wasn't the cause of polio to develop a vaccine to protect against it. Er, no, you didn't misread that. The other key figure in the 'search' for a vaccine was Albert Sabin, also born to Jewish parents in what was then Russia, and employed by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Sabin would later develop the oral polio vaccine.

Jonas Salk began testing his vaccine in the mid-1950s and he admitted that he had killed 17,000 monkeys during its development. The vaccine used dead 'poliovirus' which he killed using the poison, formaldehyde. It was a disaster waiting to happen – and it did. What does the system do in such cases? It lies. 400,000 American children were used in the vaccine tests and it was claimed to be a success because 'only' 112 who had received three jabs had contracted polio. What the authorities didn't say is that all cases of children being paralysed after one or two doses, or within two weeks of the third dose, were not counted. Even worse, they were counted as examples of polio occurring in the non-vaccinated. Dr. Bernice Eddy, the scientist in charge of the US government safety-testing laboratory, said in 1954 that the Salk vaccine caused severe paralysis in monkeys, but she was reprimanded and within a year she was prevented from working on polio after the dangers she warned about were confirmed.

Page 8: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 8 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease The Salk vaccine was announced to be safe and to provide complete protection against poliomyelitis when it was launched by the Rockefeller-controlled National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in 1955.

Salk was given the Congressional Medal and church bells rang in celebration that polio was defeated. Except that it wasn't. The medical historian, Dr. M. Beddow Baily, wrote: 'Only 13 days after the vaccine had been acclaimed by the whole of the US press and radio as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the century, and two days after the British ministry of health had announced it would go right ahead with the manufacture of the vaccine, came the first news of disaster. Children inoculated with one brand of the vaccine had developed poliomyelitis. In the following days more and more cases were reported, some of them after inoculation with other brands.'

The numbers continued to increase and the Surgeon General suspended American production of the vaccine. 'New regulations' were introduced to make the vaccine 'safer', but, as Janine Roberts writes: '... four months later more than 2,000 cases of infantile paralysis were recorded in Boston, despite the vaccination of 130,000 children in the city. The previous year it had seen only 273 cases. The number of cases doubled in vaccinated New York State and Connecticut, and tripled in Vermont.

Page 9: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 9 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease They increased by five times in both Rhode Island and Wisconsin. Many were paralysed in the injected arm.' The authorities were in a panic and so they set about artificially reducing the cases of paralytic polio by fixing the figures. Before 1956, a case of paralytic polio was recorded if the child had suffered paralysis for 24 hours. Now they changed the period to 60 days.

Er, or maybe not ...

The subsequent dramatic drop in the official figures was credited to the vaccine and the rules were also changed so that anyone developing polio within 30 days of the vaccine was recorded as having a 'pre-existing' condition that was not connected to the vaccination. This was despite the fact that the New York Times reported in 1957 that half the cases of infantile paralysis in children aged between five and 14 happened after vaccination.

Page 10: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 10 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease These fixing-the-figures techniques are how the truth is hidden throughout the global Big Pharma corruption machine, better known as 'modern medicine'. But the fixers weren't finished yet. They changed the designation of polio so that what had been previously recorded as poliomyelitis became 'aseptic meningitis' and in 1958 doctors were told to record polio cases not on the basis of symptoms, as before, but only when the alleged polio virus was present. Given that the 'polio virus' does not cause infantile paralysis, there were countless cases of what used to be called polio where the alleged virus was not present! Instead, the cases were registered as 'non-poliomyelitis acute flaccid paralysis' and 'Guillain-Barré syndrome'. The same designations continue today.

Same symptoms – different name.

Page 11: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 11 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease All these scams and others caused the official figures for polio to fall dramatically and the credit was given to the vaccine when, in truth, cases of infantile paralysis were actually growing rapidly – doubling between 1957 and 1959. Dr. Bernard Greenberg, head of the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina, told a Congressional hearing in 1962 that infantile paralysis cases had increased after the introduction of the vaccine by 50 per cent from 1957 to 1958, and by 80 per cent from 1958 to 1959. Infantile paralysis is today known as Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) and while America has been declared 'polio free' many thousands every year contract Acute Flaccid Paralysis – polio under another name. Also there are thousands of cases a year in the United States of Guillain-Barré syndrome (re-designated polio) and the same with aseptic meningitis (re-designated polio). Then there are the thousands in America alone every year who contract a condition known as 'West Nile Fever' which can cause 'a polio-like syndrome with paralysis and impaired breathing'. The pre-1957 definition of polio would today be recording many more cases than were seen during the epidemics of the 1950s which were supposed to have been eradicated by a vaccine that doesn't work.

The World Health Organization eventually chose to use the oral vaccine of Albert Sabin which contains a living laboratory-created poliovirus which is passed on to the non-vaccinated. It even contains the genetic coding called RNA which allows the virus to quickly mutate.

There are concerns that the laboratory-created virus is potentially far more dangerous than the natural one because it constantly mutates and goodness knows what problems this can cause.

Page 12: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 12 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease All along, the real cause of polio, or Acute Flaccid Paralysis, has been systematically ignored. That cause is pesticides and other toxins. The polio explosion corresponded with the introduction of lethal poisons widely sprayed on crops and it was unknown in countries which didn't employ chemical farming. So much so that they called polio the 'American disease'. The first epidemic of polio in a tropical country coincided exactly with the introduction of the infamous pesticide DDT in the Philippines near the end of World War Two when American military camps there were sprayed with DDT to combat flies.

Even oral vaccine developer Albert Sabin said that polio was the major cause of death for troops stationed at these camps while people living in the unsprayed areas of the Philippines remained polio-free. It was found in 1944 that DDT damaged the spinal cord in the same way as cases of infantile paralysis. So what did they do? The US military sold its DDT supplies after the war to the public who sprayed it near and far oblivious of its lethal dangers. An even more toxic concoction called DDE was also widely used. Large amounts of DDT were found in cows milk after the cows were washed in the stuff and what followed were outbreaks of child paralysis in which the common source was contaminated milk. Farm and domestic animals went down with the same symptoms caused by the same source.

Page 13: How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … - Spirit of Health · 2014-02-16 · How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease … Hey, Presto – Change its Name We are told that polio has been 'beaten

Page 13 – How to ‘Eradicate’ a Disease Incredibly, people were encouraged to spray their homes, including children's bedrooms, with DDT as a protection against a condition that was wrongly said to be caused by a virus and was actually caused by DDT and similar toxic substances. Even DDT-impregnated children's wallpaper was produced featuring Disney characters. As a result, polio cases increased threefold between 1940 and 1952, but endocrinologist, Dr. Morton Biskind, successfully treated patients by removing pesticide-contaminated food from their diets, especially milk. Other doctors had similar results. Biskind wrote in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases in 1953: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in [their] milk ... Yet, far from admitting a causal relationship [between DDT and polio] so obvious that in any other field of biology it would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite the overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.' Just another day at the office for Big Pharma, then. The evidence was and is overwhelming with children showing polio symptoms immediately after eating sprayed fresh fruit and paralysis epidemics following immediately after spraying begins. When new laws reduced the amount of spraying and banned certain chemicals the number of polio cases plummeted.

But as formerly banned pesticides have been reintroduced and our environment has been soaked in these toxins the cases of infantile paralysis are soaring again – not least in countries that have taken the pesticide route in more recent decades. The polio vaccine is not only useless, it is a cover for the real cause and Big Pharma, Big Biotech and Big Government all know this. Has the Rotary International leadership been had, or do they know the truth? Whichever it is, their global support for mass polio vaccination must stop. If it doesn't, in the light of the evidence, the question above will be answered.