Ukraine-2014-1 Page 1 How to find a word, words, or a sentence in a Pdf First you need to download the Pdf or the Pdf’s on your computer. Ones you have clicked on a Pdf title, after a while, you will see the Pdf opening. Download-speed depends on your internet speed and your computer. If the Pdf is downloaded and you see it open, save it on your computer in a new folder that you made for it. You can download as many Pdf’s as you want and save them in that a folder. If you downloaded all of them in one folder, then you can also look for a word or more in all that Pdf’s at once. To start a search, you have two possibilities: 1. Searching in one Pdf. Open the Pdf, on the top you have a menu, click on “Edit” and select “Find” for a word in this Pdf. Click on next to see the next place in that Pdf. 2. Searching in one or more Pdf’s. Open one Pdf, click on “Edit”, go to “Advanced search” A window will open. Make your choice “current document” or “All Pdf documents in” If you made the choice “All documents in”, click on the arrow right on the bar below it. There you can look for the place on your computer where you have the Pdf-Folder. If you don’t see the folder click on “Browse for location” and find the folder on your computer, then click on it once. This is the place where the search will be done. Below the definition of the place you can fill in the word, words or even a sentence that you look for in all of the Pdf’s. Below that you can select the format for the search if needed. Click on “Search” button below, another window will open. If you see a Security Warning pop up, click on “Allow” At this point, the computer will do the search, if your word(s) are found in one or more of the Pdf’s you will see the Pdf(‘s) in the “Results:” Near the found results, you see a “+” on the left side, click on it to see all the places in that Pdf where the text is found. You will see part of the sentence where it is located. Click on the sentence you want, the Pdf will open automatic and on the page where the word or sentence is located. Enjoy.

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How to find a word, words, or a sentence in a Pdf

First you need to download the Pdf or the Pdf’s on your computer.

Ones you have clicked on a Pdf title, after a while, you will see the Pdf opening.

Download-speed depends on your internet speed and your computer.

If the Pdf is downloaded and you see it open, save it on your computer in a new folder that you made for it.

You can download as many Pdf’s as you want and save them in that a folder.

If you downloaded all of them in one folder, then you can also look for a word or more in all that Pdf’s at once.

To start a search, you have two possibilities:

1. Searching in one Pdf.

Open the Pdf, on the top you have a menu, click on “Edit” and select “Find” for a word in this Pdf.

Click on next to see the next place in that Pdf.

2. Searching in one or more Pdf’s.

Open one Pdf, click on “Edit”, go to “Advanced search”

A window will open.

Make your choice “current document” or “All Pdf documents in”

If you made the choice “All documents in”, click on the arrow right on the bar below it.

There you can look for the place on your computer where you have the Pdf-Folder.

If you don’t see the folder click on “Browse for location” and find the folder on your computer, then click on it


This is the place where the search will be done.

Below the definition of the place you can fill in the word, words or even a sentence that you look for in all of

the Pdf’s.

Below that you can select the format for the search if needed.

Click on “Search” button below, another window will open.

If you see a Security Warning pop up, click on “Allow”

At this point, the computer will do the search, if your word(s) are found in one or more of the Pdf’s you will see

the Pdf(‘s) in the “Results:”

Near the found results, you see a “+” on the left side, click on it to see all the places in that Pdf where the text

is found.

You will see part of the sentence where it is located.

Click on the sentence you want, the Pdf will open automatic and on the page where the word or sentence is



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UKRAINE-2014-1 (Will be updated to +- 100 pages)

Click on title to go to AH-Page.

END 2014

Political Information

Dec 31, 2014 - The Year that was 2014: The Social Axis versus the Corporatist Axis

Ron: This a fairly reasonable general summary but lacks depth. The most glaring and

misleading inaccuracy is the statement that: after the democratically elected President of

Ukraine was removed in an illegal Putsch: there ensued calls for the deaths of Russians

and Jews on the streets of Kiev, the Chief Rabbi of Kiev advised the city's 100,000

Jews to leave,'

The calls for "the deaths of Jews" and for "Jews to leave Kiev" are sheer BULLSHIT!

JUDAIC propaganda designed to conceal the truth that the Kiev Coup was a Jews' coup

similar (though much smaller in scale) to the Jews' coup mislabelled the Russian Revolution in

Imperial Russia in 1917. See eg: Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real

Surprise) Proud of It - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Right-

Wing-Ukrainian-Leader-Is-Surprise-Jewish-and-Real-Surprise-Proud-of-It.shtml And:

Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine -


Khazaria-in-Ukraine.shtml And: Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’. See:



Also the statement that 'there were anti-Russian edicts issued by the "new Parliament", and

then Fascist massacres' is inadequate and misleading. The article should note that the

massacres were instigated by the Jew controlled Kiev Junta and largely oversighted by Ihor

Kolomoyskyi, (the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and president of the

European Council of Jewish Communities) who is the Kiev Junta appointed Jewish governor of

Dnipropetrovsk oblast. Kolomyskyi offered a bonus of US$ 5,000 for every Novorussian or

other inhabitant of Odessa and South East Ukraine murdered by his private Death Squads.

Political Information

Dec 31, 2014 - 2014 "End of Year" report and a look into what 2015 might bring

The Saker: This is exactly the same propaganda style as used by Hitler against Jews and we

all know how this ended (yet again another proof that to refer to the junta as "Nazi" is

perfectly justified.

Ron: The Kiev Junta's psychopathic, RACIST demonisation of Novorussians and other Kiev

Coup opponents is NOT the propaganda style used by Hitler and the National Socialists

against Jews! The Saker is again showing his prejudice and spreading Judaic propaganda. His

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 3

failure to understand and portray the truth about Hitler and Germany conceals and hence

tacitly supports the Ashkenazis in their COUP in the Ukraine and their onslaught on

Novorussians and others. It also implicitly conceals the truth that Ashkenazis ie Jews,

control Germany and the EU and most of humanity. This sort of delusional paradigm

expression by opinion setters is the reason our world is mired in Jewish propaganda and

bloody dystopia. Every time the Saker states or slyly implies that the Kiev Junta is a "Nazi"

rather than a Jewish enterprise, he misdirects the debate and conceals the real

perpetrators. The Kiev COUP is NOT a Germanic coup; it is identical to the Jews' COUP in

Imperial Russia in 1917 which was also funded by Jews in Amerikka; except that the Jews

are using ignorant Fascist thugs as cannon fodder in Ukraine whereas they used ignorant

Russian peasants as their cannon fodder in Russia. Apart from Jews, namely Poroshenko and

Yatsenyuk, holding the positions of "Junta" President and Prime Minister respectively, Jews

like Ihor Kolomoisky and Borislav Berezaare also control so-called "Nazi" militia units. See

eg: Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud of It.-


Surprise-Jewish-and-Real-Surprise-Proud-of-It.shtml Repeating Judaic propaganda

reinforces the Talmudic conspiracy to genocide and enslave gentiles, not only in Ukraine, but

everywhere. The Saker is doing an excellent job of distracting attention away from the real

perpetrators in Ukraine, a task that hasbara would struggle to perform. Notice also the

righteousness with which these sly RACIST slurs against Germans are regularly injected into

the Saker's essays. Frankly, I often feel I'm pushing shit up hill with a rake when annotating

his ever so moralistic and erudite contributions.

I haven't read the comments

Political Information

Dec 31, 2014 - Ukraine 2015 Budget Starts $4 Billion in the Hole

True US History

Dec 29, 2014 - US Fox in charge of the Ukraine chicken hawk coup bank?

Political Information

Dec 29, 2014 - Self-proclaimed DPR republic nationalizes Ukrainian state companies

Political Information

Dec 29, 2014 - Сoal supplies to Ukraine prove Putin’s goodwill for supporting Ukrainian

people - Peskov

True US History

Dec 28, 2014 - Afghanistan against US plans to transfer military gear to Ukraine - Kabul


Political Information

Dec 27, 2014 - Gazprom confirms Ukraine settled $1.65bn gas debt

… following the agreements reached in Brussels Naftogaz paid $3.1 billion in two tranches to

settle for 11.5 billion cubic meters of gas supplied by Gazprom in November-December 2013

and April – June 2014,” the company said in its press – release.

The first payment of $1.45 billion was made on November 4.- rt.com

Political Information

Dec 27, 2014 - Ukraine suspends all rail services to Crimea

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Political Information

Dec 27, 2014 - Ukraine suspends all rail services to Crimea

Political Information

Dec 26, 2014 - Ukraine PM Insists Kiev Is on a Charm Offensive in Donbass

"For a long time we have been trying to win the hearts of the people in Donetsk and

Luhansk." - Ukraine's prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk

Please? By shelling civilians week after week then into the ceasefire? Maybe by calling them

"subhumans"? Or maybe still by stopping salaries and pensions to them? - http://russia-


Political Information

Dec 26, 2014 - Ukraine Central Bank Conned Into Swapping Its Gold For Lead Bricks

Political Information

Dec 26, 2014 - MH17: Russian investigators claim proof from witness that Ukrainian pilot

involved in downing of flight

Political Information

Dec 25, 2014 - 22.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, Finland,


Political Information

Dec 24, 2014 - Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash:


Political Information

Dec 22, 2014 - Ukraine’s Poroshenko Prepared for ‘Total War’?

Political Information

Dec 17, 2014 - Protesters in Ukraine guard biggest weapons cache in eastern Europe

Ron: I wonder what happened to those guns?

True US History

Dec 17, 2014 - US Lawmakers to Gazprom: Keep Sending Gas to Ukraine or Face Sanctions

The bill primarily targets Russian energy companies and military contractors if they sell

equipment to Syria, or anyone Ukraine, Georgia, or Moldova doesn’t like. It also calls for

sanctions against Gazprom, the largest natural gas company in the world, if it doesn’t send

natural gas to Ukraine, Georgia, or Moldova. Ukraine is the only one for whom that is a

significant issue, as the nation has had repeated problems paying its bills, and owes Gazprom

billions of dollars. - russia-insider.com

True US History

Dec 17, 2014 - U.S. Taxpayers Now Alone in Financing Ukraine’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign.

IMF Says Ukraine Fails to Meet Conditions of $17 Billion Loan

Political Information

Dec 16, 2014 - Poroshenko says ceasefire regime helped Ukrainian army to reinforce its


Political Information

Dec 16, 2014 - Who Will Foot the Bill in Ukraine?

Political Information

Dec 16, 2014 - No pensions, water, electricity: Ukrainian way to the EU

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Political Information

Dec 16, 2014 - Chevron: fuck the Ukraine

The energy giant Chevron has told Ukraine that it will pull out of a $10bn shale gas

exploration project agreed last year, officials said, in a further blow to the country’s war-

torn economy and its hopes for an alternative to Russian gas imports.

The cancellation comes months after Royal Dutch Shell, which also signed a multibillion-dollar

production sharing agreement last year, froze shale gas exploration in eastern Ukraine.

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=51a_1418680966#xX6jSd5bFTfw5BTu.99

Chevron lost interest in the western Ukraine shale exploration project after findings in

nearby Poland and Lithuania with similar geology showed worse than expected reserves, said

a person with knowledge of the situation...

Chevron’s decision is another blow for the present Ukrainian regime, which usurped power

after toppling the democratically elected president in February. - liveleak.com

Political Information

Dec 15, 2014 - Ukraine As Seen Through The Eyes Of A Geologist

Political Information

Dec 15, 2014 - Monday, December 15, 2014 14-15.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news

of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Australia

Political Information

Dec 15, 2014 - Ukraine to call up 40,000 more soldiers in 2015

Political Information

Dec 15, 2014 - Ukrainians inflict a painful defeat on their Russian opponents

Political Information

Dec 15, 2014 - New Ukraine finance minister drafts sweeping welfare cuts

Political Information

Dec 13, 2014 - The EU and the Ukraine stand to lose the most from the current US policies

against Russia

Political Information

Dec 12, 2014 - Thursday, December 11, 2014 10.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news

of Ukraine, Russia, USA, CIA

Political Information

Dec 12, 2014 - Leaked Document: Ukraine's Government Set To Eliminate... Everything

Political Information

Dec 12, 2014 - CrossTalk: Ukraine Wedged in the Middle

Political Information

Dec 11, 2014 - EU Demands Russia Bail Out EU & Ukraine

Political Information

Dec 11, 2014 - Germany, Stuck with Massive Bill for Ukraine, Asks Russia for Help

Western governments are turning to Russia for help since, as has been obvious from the

start, it is only with Russia’s help that Ukraine can be stabilised politically and economically.

At the same time, as Merkel’s most recent comments show, they don’t want to make any

concessions to Russia over Ukraine or modify their policy there.

This is the delusion the West’s Ukrainian policy has suffered from ever since talks about

Ukraine’s association agreement with the EU first got started.

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The West wants Ukraine to follow a pro-West pro-EU anti-Russia line. At the same

time they want and expect Russia to pay the bills. They are then baffled and angry

when Russia says no. - Alexander Mercouris

Political Information

Dec 11, 2014 - Cash-Strapped Russia Won't Support Ukrainian Separatist Regions Of

Donetsk And Luhansk

Political Information

Dec 10, 2014 - Russia notifies Ukraine of intention to dispatch ninth relief convoy to Donbas

— media

Political Information

Dec 10, 2014 - Russian Missiles Shoot Down Ukrainian Surveillance Drones Over Crimea

Political Information

Dec 10, 2014 - Steelworkers in Kremenchug, Ukraine protest layoffs, demand conversion of

their factory complex

Ron: Those Ukrainians who are sooo stupid and alienated that they blame Novorussians

(rather that the Jewish organisers and controllers of the Kiev Junta) for their plight,

deserve what's coming to them.

Political Information

Dec 10, 2014 - Ridiculous NATO Video Claims There Are No Fascists in Ukraine

...And certainly no fascists holding NATO flags. Never!

Political Information

Dec 10, 2014 - Donetsk’s faint hopes for new ceasefire in Ukraine

Ron: The hidden reason for the Jew controlled Kiev Junta's attempt to ethnically cleanse

Novorussia is that the Israeli and Ukrainian Jewish plan is to resettle the Ashkenazis from

the West Bank into the Donbass and the Russian autonomous republic of Crimea after what

they see will be an eventual retrocession of the peninsula to Ukraine. The ultimate plans of

Ukrainian Jews such as oligarch Kolomoisky, and their American allies like Assistant US

Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and U.S. ambassador

to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, is to establish a new Jewish "homeland" in Ukraine. The

justification is apparently that the Jews now admit that they are Khazars and say they wish

to reestablish a Khazarian "homeland" in Ukraine because a Khazarian empire existed there a

thousnad years ago. See eg: Israel’s Secret Plan for a 'Second Israel' in Ukraine -

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Political Information

Dec 10, 2014 - Ukraine's Other "Separatists" (Transcarpathia)

Political Information

Dec 10, 2014 - Ukraine Receives New Weapons

Political Information

Dec 9, 2014 - 08-09.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, USA

Political Information

Dec 9, 2014 - MH17 'was shot down in botched bid to assassinate PUTIN': Pro-Kremlin

media names Ukrainian air force pilot who they allege downed craft

Political Information

Dec 9, 2014 - How Russia Outmaneuvered the West Financially in Ukraine

The only way for Ukraine to rebuild enough economic strength and earned foreign exchange

to avoid the consequent legal and economic mess is to voluntarily impose effective anti-

corruption measures and market-based pricing for energy and other goods that end the

oligarch model of development. [Ron: OH NO! NOT THAT! The whip but not that! That is

just too horrible and totally ANTI-SEMITIC! Humanity cannot allow that! Next Jews like

Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, Borislav Bereza et al might have to actually WORK for a

living!]. In turn, these reforms would need to evoke not just reductions in wasteful and

corrupt use on the demand side, but new production on the supply side. [Ron: Heaven forbid

that as well!!!]. To anyone who has past experience with [Ron: Techma (Jewish oligarch)

dominated] Ukrainian officials, this would appear to require intervention from, say, an

archangel with a flaming sword. [Ron: this is currently being arranged!]. In this miserable

winter, though, there may be enough popular sentiment against past practices to get the job

started. - John Dizard

Political Information

Dec 9, 2014 - 07-08.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, ISIS

Political Information

Dec 9, 2014 - UN Human Rights Report Whitewashes Ukraine

Maybe they shell themselves?

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 8

Political Information

Dec 7, 2014 - International human rights bodies confirm Russia’s White Book reports on

Ukrainian abuse

Political Information

Dec 7, 2014 - Here's Why The Kiev Sniper Massacre Was a False Flag

Political Information

Dec 7, 2014 - Ukraine’s New American Finance Minister Lost $100 Mil of US Taxpayer

Funds, Tagged with Financial Improprieties

Political Information

Dec 7, 2014 - Kiev Regime – a Disaster Awaiting Meltdown

Political Information

Dec 7, 2014 - Ukraine Is Inflicting Horrible Civilian Suffering in the East

Political Information

Dec 7, 2014 - Ukrainian Forces Using Torture Against Captives: Russian Foreign Ministry

Political Information

Dec 7, 2014 - 05.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, DPR, LPR, Novorossia

Political Information

Dec 6, 2014 - Israel’s Secret Plan for a 'Second Israel' in Ukraine

The Times of Israel’s explosive story about the Khazarian roots of the Ashkenazis also

revealed that Israel, knowing that a Palestinian state is inevitable considering the increasing

pressure for it from Europe, is preparing to resettle Ashkenazi settlers in the West Bank to

Ukraine. Israel’s advanced research in genetics resulted in a direct DNA line being

established between Israel’s Ashkenazis and the Khazars who were dispersed across eastern

and central Europe after Russia conquered the Khazarian Empire in the 11th century... The

Times of Israel reporters quoted an unnamed aide to Netanyahu who revealed the plans for

Israeli emigration to Ukraine: 'We first thought that admitting we are really Khazars

was one way to get around [Palestinian President Mahmoud] Abbas’s insistence that no

Jew can remain in a Palestinian state. Maybe we were grasping at straws. But when he

refused to accept that, it forced us to think about more creative solutions. The

Ukrainian invitation for the Jews to return was a godsend. Relocating all the settlers

within Israel in a short time would be difficult for reasons of logistics and economics. We

certainly don’t want another fashlan like the expulsion of the settlers in the Gaza Hitnatkut


Ostropoler and Grosser-Spass also quoted an anonymous Israeli intelligence source as saying:

'We’re not talking about all the Ashkenazi Jews going back to Ukraine. Obviously that is not

practical. The press as usual exaggerates and sensationalizes; this is why we need military


The Israeli and Ukrainian Jewish plan is to resettle the Ashkenazis from the West Bank in

the Russian autonomous republic of Crimea after what they see will be an eventual

retrocession of the peninsula to Ukraine. The ultimate plans of Ukrainian Zionists such as

Kolomoisky, in addition to such American allies as Assistant Secretary of State for

European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine

Geoffrey Pyatt, is to establish an autonomous Jewish region of Crimea and restore to

the peninsula the original Khazarian name of Chazerai. Although the Tatars who live in

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Crimea and elsewhere today are largely Muslims, the plans to create a Khazar nation in

Ukraine will also likely involve global proselytization by Israelis and Ukrainians who are bent

on restoring Khazaria as an alternative to Israel... the current Israeli desire to create a new

nationalist Israeli identity is tied directly to the activities of the Ukrainian [Ron: JEWISH]

leadership of Petro Poroshenko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, and their American

supporters, Nuland and Pyatt, in creating a safe haven, temporary or not, for the Ashkenazi

settlers of the West Bank. Thanks to the Times of Israel exposé of the secret Israeli

report on the Khazars and modern-day Israel, the machinations behind the American and

European Union destabilization of Ukraine becomes all the more apparent. - Wayne MADSEN

Ron: Sooo, although the USraeli and EU's global media narrative is that the Kiev Junta is a

NAZI Junta, the Jews never the less EXPECT that the Ukraine, ie the Kiev Junta, will grant

the Ashkenazi Jews ownership of the Crimea as a second Jewish Homeland! The Jews always

LIE, but why would any rational individual believe that the Jews running the Ukraine are anti-

semitic Nazis?!

Political Information

Dec 6, 2014 - Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud

of It

Ron: Tell me again why you think that the Kiev Junta is run by Nazis? The 'President' and

'Prime Minister', two other ministers and various governors and other officials and leaders

are Jews and even Borislav Bereza the speaker of Right Sector is a Jew. Borislav Bereza


'Look at this country where the governor of Dnipropitrovsk [Kollomoisky] is a Jew, where

numerous heads of administration are Jews, where the speaker of Right Sector is a Jew!

How can one speak of anti-Semitism?

It seems that 13 million Jews have sooo terrified the 7 to 10 billion non-Jews on this planet

that most people dare not even speak the name,"Jew". BUT, it IS the Jews stupid! The Kiev

Coup was a Jews' Coup just like the Russian Revolution was actually a Jews' coup. And both

were funded by Jews in the US. GEDDIT?

Political Information

Dec 5, 2014 - Disgusted, Russia officially gives up any pretense of "dialog" with the

AngloZionist Empire

Russia is fighting to thwart Chabad - Lubavitch's new Zion in Ukraine. The plot by Kolomoyski

and his US backers led by the largest and most influential Chabad community in New York.

This is part of the new Khazaria unleashing all their hatred of Russia and Russians, Persian.

They are talking about a revival of the Khazars, with their centre shifted to Dnepropetrovsk

and, apparently, Ukraine as a contributor to the "city on a hill" - the new Jerusalem. - hans

Ron: See eg: Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine -


Khazaria-in-Ukraine.shtml And: Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’. See:


Land.shtml And: Ukraine rabbi: US Jews helped us beat Russia’s anti-Semitic propaganda -



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Political Information

Dec 4, 2014 - Made in the USA – How the Ukrainian Government is Giving Away Citizenships

so Foreigners Can Run the Country

Ron: Arguably, IF Putin and Russia finally give the Judaic (Anglo-USraeli and NATO) Empire

a belting, MOST of humanity will applaud. Only a few hundred million useful idiots and greedy

gentile enablers will object - because they will finally get their Judaic "money" drip feed cut


Political Information

Dec 4, 2014 - Violent clashes in Grozny

Political Information

Dec 4, 2014 - 04.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Donetsk, Lugansk, Latest news of Ukraine,


Political Information

Dec 4, 2014 - 03.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, DPR, LPR, Novorossia.

Political Information

Dec 4, 2014 - Ukraine, A “Suspect in Crime” involved in the MH17 Criminal Investigation

Political Information

Dec 4, 2014 - Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth'? OSCE lashes out at Kiev’s new ministry amid

journalists’ outcry

Political Information

Dec 4, 2014 - Ukraine, pro-Russia forces declare Dec. 9 as truce date

Political Information

Dec 4, 2014 - 25 Ukrainian radicals arrested in Moscow for teaching on how to overthrow

the government

True US History

Dec 4, 2014 - Arms or Diplomacy: U.S. Foreign Policy Planners Divided over Ukraine


Political Information

Dec 3, 2014 - HRW: Kiev fails to probe cluster bomb use against Donbass civilians, should

invite ICC

Ron: As always, this article quotes UN estimates of deaths bnd casualties in the Ukraine that

grossly underestimate the true figures. For instance the deaths of Ukrainian troops

attacking the Donbass alone, far exceed the UN's stated death count for ALL deaths

attributable to the Jews' Kiev Coup and the Jew Junta's subsequenbt reign of terror. The

failure of Russia Today to qualify the statistics it quotes evidences either complicity by RT

staff in the UN's blatant distortion of the truth on this issue OR absolute incompetence

which amounts to the same thing.

Political Information

Dec 2, 2014 - It's Time to Partition Ukraine - Seriously

Political Information

Dec 2, 2014 - Human Rights Ignored Amid NATO's War in Ukraine

True US History

Dec 2, 2014 - Islamist Dogs of War in Ukraine

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True US History

Dec 2, 2014 - Ukraine War Driven by Gas-Dollar Link

Political Information

Dec 1, 2014 - State Of Emergency In Ukraine As Russia Cuts Off Coal

Political Information

Dec 1, 2014 - Some of the Latest News on Ukraine, from Deutsche Wirtschaft Nachrichten

Political Information

Dec 1, 2014 - Russia dispatches humanitarian aid convoy to eastern Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 30, 2014 - "Panicking" Ukrainians Face Soaring Prices, Warn "Inflation Is War"

Political Information

Nov 30, 2014 - Polish Colonialism and Ukraine’s Neo-Nazism

Political Information

Nov 29, 2014 - How the Israel Lobby Protected Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

Ron: This is not surprising. Why? because global Jewry ALWAYS acts in a co-ordinated

fashion to achieve its Talmudic goals of conquest and enslavement of gentiles. The Jews'

USE of pseudo "Nazi" thugs to achieve control of Ukraine is typical. For instance it mirrors

the Jews' use of ignorant Russian peasants to effectuate its coup and control of Imperial

Russia in 1917 and for decades thereafter. The Kiev COUP was organised by Jews and Jews

now control the Kiev Junta which is terrorising and murdering Russian speaking Ukrainians

and ALL other Ukrainians who disagree with the Jews' FASCIST tyranny and genocidal

ethnic cleansing of Novorussia. Poroschenko, the "President" of Ukraine and Yatsenyuk, its

"prime minister", as well as other key ministers, governors and officials are Jews, despite

the fact that Jews constiutute less than one percent of the Ukrainian population. Moreover,

oligarchic Jews like Ihor Kolomoiskyi fund, arm and maintain private armies consisting of

many thousands of impoverished and ignorant pseudo "anti-semitic" Ukrainians who are used

to harass and murder all opposition to Jewish oligarchic rule. Sooo, of course there is NO

REAL, active anti-semitism in Ukraine and the ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center have no

objection to Svoboda and other pseudo anti-semitic elements in Ukraine. In fact Kolomoiskyi

and Chabad; and organised Jewry, are attempting to ethnically cleanse Novorussia because

they want to establish another Jewish "homeland" in Ukraine on the basis that the Khazarian

Empire controlled part of the Ukraine's current geographical area a thousand years ago. See

eg: Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine -


Khazaria-in-Ukraine.shtml And: Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’. See:


Land.shtml And: Ukraine rabbi: US Jews helped us beat Russia’s anti-Semitic

propaganda - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Ukraine-rabbi-US-


olitical Information

Nov 27, 2014 - West accused of 'sleepwalking' as Ukraine edges towards crisis

Political Information

Nov 27, 2014 - EU chief calls for decentralization and federalization of Ukraine

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Quoting "1,000 deaths" in the country since the cease-fire agreement was reached in Minsk

on September 5, Van Rompuy said he could no longer call the situation a cease-fire. And a

new cessation of conflict, if controlled by the same players, would have the identical

outcome, the politician said in his speech, marking his five years presidency of the European


Urging a "global solution," the EU chief said a way for Ukraine to become a "decentralized

(or federalized) country" must be found. He called for the country's closer ties with the EU.

However, he also said, "Europe has become unpopular among Europeans" in the past five to

six years.

Kiev should "establish a correct relationship with Russia, its neighbor, with which it shares

history, culture and language," Van Rompuy said, adding that the interests of minorities in

Ukraine should be respected. - rt.com - Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European


Political Information

Nov 27, 2014 - Pensioners storm banks, sue president as economic blockade enforced on


Political Information

Nov 27, 2014 - The future of the [Ron: Ashke]Nazi Ukraine in 90 seconds

Political Information

Nov 27, 2014 - 25-26.11.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Donetsk, Lugansk, Latest news of

Ukraine, Novorossia

Political Information

Nov 26, 2014 - If the public only knew – US aid to Ukraine monsters

Political Information

Nov 26, 2014 - Ukraine’s PR “Talking-Points” Focus Now on Stalin, to Justify War Against


True US History

Nov 26, 2014 - On the Pentagon’s Biological Laboratories in Ukraine

True US History

Nov 26, 2014 - NATO top commander vague about 'Russian threat' while pledging more

military aid to Kiev

NATO – and its supreme allied commander in Europe, General Breedlove – has previously

made statements on Russia's military presence in Ukraine, without providing any concrete

proof of such. The Russian Defense Ministry has called NATO's claims "groundless,"

reminding of earlier accusations by the alliance which were not backed up by any evidence...

Speaking about the possibility of sending lethal equipment into Ukraine, the general said that

"nothing at this time is off the table,"...

While Ukraine is not a NATO member, the US Department of Defense intends to increase

its military presence for constant army drills on the territory of the neighboring countries in

Eastern Europe, including Poland and the Baltic states. Russia has warned the bloc that its

progress towards the east and Ukraine will trigger a strong reaction. - rt.com

Political Information

Nov 26, 2014 - France postpones Mistral delivery to Russia over Ukraine 'until further


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President Francois Hollande has decided to suspend delivery of the first Mistral-class ship

to Russia "until further notice," citing the situation in Ukraine as the reason, media reported

an Elysee Palace statement.Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov said it will

patiently wait for the fulfillment of the contract, RIA Novosti reports.However, Russia will

act “strictly according to the contract,” and will sue France should the ship not be delivered

at all, Borisov warned."If [France] won't deliver [Mistral], we’ll sue and impose penalties. The

behavior of the Russian side is strictly regulated by the signed contract," he explained, as

cited by TASS... France already missed a mid-November deadline for handing over the first

of the amphibious assault ships to Russia. - http://rt.com/news

Political Information

Nov 26, 2014 - What is Implied by Weimar Format of Talks on Ukraine?

Political Information

Nov 26, 2014 - US: Ukraine’s Chance to Win the Conflict Not Taken Seriously

Political Information

Nov 26, 2014 - Ukrainian hackers say they have proof US pays Kiev military off the books

Ukrainian hackers claim they have obtained documentary evidence Ukrainian military

receive huge cash transfers from the United States to their personal bank accounts...

“After studying some of the files, we got the impression the Ukrainian army is a subdivision

of the US Armed Forces. The amount of financing is really stunning. So is the degree of

Ukrainian troops’ degradation. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of dollars are

transferred to the personal accounts of Ukrainian military and used by some officers for

their private needs,” a statement published on the Cyber Berkut website runs.- en.itar-


Political Information

Nov 26, 2014 - Ukraine and US Parallel Power

Political Information

Nov 25, 2014 - Five Ways the Ukraine Crisis Changes Things

Political Information

Nov 25, 2014 - Malaysia concerned over Netherlands actions in Boeing crash probe in

Ukraine — source

True US History

Nov 25, 2014 - In Ukraine, US Vice President Biden issues new threats against Russia

Political Information

Nov 25, 2014 - Where has all Ukraine's gold gone?

True US History

Nov 23, 2014 - All-Out War in Ukraine: NATO’s ‘Final Offensive’

Political Information

Nov 23, 2014 - Official - China Recognises Crimean Referendum

Political Information

Nov 23, 2014 - Ukraine’s new coalition plans banning Communist, anti-Ukrainian propaganda

Political Information

Nov 23, 2014 - Why Does the West Allow the Ukrainian Government to Write the Official

Report on the Shoot-Down of MH-17?

Political Information

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Nov 23, 2014 - The US, Canada and the Ukraine refuse to condemn the heroization of


Ron: The Anglo-USraelis & NATO are controlled by Ashkenazis whose values are as

expressed in the Talmud. The Talmud states that gentiles are animals & can be killed by

Jews at any time & for any reason, or none. Since genociding 13 million ethnic German

civilians and POWs after WWI1 (see eg: GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To

Exterminate The People of Germany. -



And: The Deliberate Starvation of Germany -



And: Documentary: Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps – A Deliberate Policy of

Extermination - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Documentary-

Eisenhower-s-Rhine-Meadows-Death-Camps-A-Deliberate-Policy-of-Extermination.shtml )

the Ashkenazi controlled UK, France and US have used Operation Gladio to routinely murder

civilians all over Europe, and East Asia; including Chechnya, and have done that ever since the

end of WWII. For instance Gladio special forces are said to have been the Maidan snipers

and involved in the Death Squads that brutally murdered hundreds of civilians in Odessa and

Novosrussia after the coup.. See eg Ukraine: Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization

Involved in Euromaidan Sniper Shootings -



Blaming so-called "Nazis" for those murders is misleading. The Jewess Victoria Nuland

admitted the US spent five billion USD to foment the Kiev Coup and install the Kiev Junta.

THAT was not organised by Germanic National Socialists (all of whom were genocided after

WWII in any event) or even by Ukrainian "nazi" thugs who are merely the stupid, mercenary

muscle employed by the Kiev Coup organisers; ie the Ashkenazis controlling the US and

NATO; and the Ashkenazi oligarchs who now control the Kiev Junta & most of Ukraine.

Anyone wishing to blame Germanic "nazis" rather than Ashkenazis for the Kiev Coup needs to

explain how the so-called Nazi thugs in western Ukraine acquired five billion USD & got

Ashkenazi Victoria Nuland to pretend that the US produced it & organised the Kiev Coup to

conceal their role as master planners thereof. An explanation is also needed for why the Kiev

Junta is headed and controlled by a number of Ashkenazi oligarchs rather than gentile,

pseudo “nazi” thugs.

An explanation of why the allegedly anti-semitic Ukrainian "nazis" take orders from the

Ashkenazis they allegedly hate and seek to kill would be helpful; Similarly, the reasons the

said thugs accept payments for their "services" from Ashkenazi oligarchs (including alleged

payments by Ihor Kolomoisky of 5,000 USD for every Ukrainian, man, women or child they

kill in Odessa and Novorussia) would also help.

The Ashkenazi controlled UK, France, US & Soviet Union connived at and caused WWII.

Hitler made numerous attempts to avoid war. Those who refuse to KNOW the truth are

bound to repeat it. Victoria Nuland is an Ashkenazi and so are Poroschenko, Yatsenyuk and

Kolomoisky et al, as were Lenin and Stalin.

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Political Information

Nov 22, 2014 - Ukraine: Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization Involved in Euromaidan

Sniper Shootings

Ron: Here is a Blast from the Past which appears to have been very accurate. Note

particularly that Operation GLADIO is still functioning and has an HQ in Ukraine:

'Ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 the crack-para-military UNA-UNSO

members have been behind every revolt against Russian influence. The one connecting thread

in their violent campaigns is always anti-Russia. The organization, according to veteran US

intelligence sources, is part of a secret NATO “GLADIO” organization, and not a

Ukraine nationalist group as portrayed in western media. [6]

According to these sources, UNA-UNSO have been involved (confirmed officially) in the

Lithuanian events in the Winter of 1991: the Soviet Coup d’etat in Summer 1991, the war

for the Pridnister Republic 1992, the anti-Moscow Abkhazia War 1993, the Chechen

War, the US-organized Kosovo Campaign Against the Serbs, and the August 8 2008

war in Georgia.

According to these reports, UNA-UNSO para-military have been involved in every NATO

dirty war in the post-cold war period, always fighting on behalf of NATO. “These people are

the dangerous mercenaries used all over the world to fight NATO’s dirty war, and to

frame Russia because this group pretends to be Russian special forces. THESE ARE THE

BAD GUYS, forget about the window dressing nationalists, these are the men behind the

sniper rifles,” these sources insist.' - F. William Engdahl

Political Information

Nov 22, 2014 - Russia warns US against arms delivery to Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 22, 2014 - Ukraine rabbi: US Jews helped us beat Russia’s anti-Semitic propaganda

5 Votes

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Political Information

Nov 22, 2014 - Meet Ukraine’s Master Mass-Murderer: “Right Sector” Leader Dmitriy


Political Information

Nov 19, 2014 - Fighting words: Lugansk militia leader throws down gauntlet to Ukraine


Kiev recognizes neither the DNR nor LPR... In April, Kiev launched a military operation

against the disgruntled residents of eastern Ukraine. - guerillamedianetwork.com

Ron: "Kiev"?! What the Fuck is "Kiev"?! Stop using meaningless euphemisms! The truth is

that Jewish oligarchs backed by FIVE BILLION USD from the Jew controlled US, violently

usurped power from the democratically elected Ukrainian governmrent and that Jewish Coup

is called the Kiev Junta. "Kiev' is just the name of a city and using it in this way implied some

legitimacy upon the Jewish COUP which it does not have.] Moreover, who gives a shit WHAT

the Jews who seized power in the Kiev Coup "recognise"?! Thay are a bunch of parasitic,

Techma pirates! STOP writing about them as if they have genuine legitimacy. They are not

the 'legal' let alone "lawful" government of Ukraine. And STOP denigrating the legitimate,

lawful objections of Novorussians! They simply refuse to be governed by a pack of lawless,

genocidal Jewish parasites and that is their sovereign, God given right! Failure to be

accurate and precise in considering complex issues results in gross misunderstandings.

Rabbinical Jewish dialogue deliberately creates such confused terminology and the false

memes they create. Whether the authors of this article deliberately mislead the discussion

or are just stuoid and lazy is not apparent. BUT the effects on readers are the same either


Political Information

Nov 19, 2014 - Pepe Escobar Explains Ukrainian Economics in 1 Minute

Political Information

Nov 19, 2014 - Putin stands alone to chaos in Ukraine and US/EU impudence

Political Information

Nov 19, 2014 - Ukraine Admits Its Gold Is Gone: "There Is Almost No Gold Left In The

Central Bank Vault"

Political Information

Nov 18, 2014 - Poroshenko Promises Terror for East Ukraine

“We (Ukraine) will have our jobs – they (Donbas) will not. We will have our pensions – they will

not. We will have care for children, for people and retirees – they will not. Our children will

go to schools and kindergartens… theirs will hole up in the basements. Because they are not

able to do a thing. This is exactly how we will win this war!” - "President" Poroschenko

Political Information

Nov 18, 2014 - Putin: Russia Concerned by Threat of Ethnic Cleansing in Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 17, 2014 - Obama’s Ukrainian War: Viewpoint of President Putin’s Advisor Sergei


Political Information

Nov 17, 2014 - Ukraine's PM says main task is to build army to stop Russia

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 17

Russia warned this week that any resumption of hostilities would be catastrophic for Ukraine

after Kiev said it was redeploying troops to be ready for any rebel offensive. - Alessandra

Prentice and Natalia Zinets

Political Information

Nov 17, 2014 - NATO intensifies threats against Russia over Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 16, 2014 - 'Politics blinded them?' Putin says sanctions against Russia may backfire on


Political Information

Nov 15, 2014 - Media Blackout as U.S. Sponsors Genocide in Southeastern Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 15, 2014 - Jews unite efforts to defend Ukraine from aggression

Political Information


Ron: Robotoids in action, organised and funded by Techma ie Jewish oligarchs and the CIA

with an additional FIVE BILLION US dollars provided by Jewess Victoria Nuland, courtesy

of the US government. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh-VhPr1hNg

Political Information

Nov 15, 2014 - Is This a Satellite Photo of Flight MH17 being Shot Down by a Ukrainian

Fighter Jet?

olitical Information

Nov 15, 2014 - Jews unite efforts to defend Ukraine from aggression

Political Information


Ron: Robotoids in action, organised and funded by Techma ie Jewish oligarchs and the CIA

with an additional FIVE BILLION US dollars provided by Jewess Victoria Nuland, courtesy

of the US government. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh-VhPr1hNg

Political Information

Nov 15, 2014 - Is This a Satellite Photo of Flight MH17 being Shot Down by a Ukrainian

Fighter Jet?

Political Information

Nov 15, 2014 - The failed Ukrainian blitzkrieg that everyone failed to notice

Ron: It seems that the Techma aren't as smart as they think they are. And their Jewish

oligarchic KIEV COUP meisters in Ukraine are particularly DUMBASS, even by Techma


Political Information

Nov 13, 2014 - Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Commander: "The US is Training and Funding Us"

Political Information

Nov 13, 2014 - West ‘pre-staging new Ukraine war’

Political Information

Nov 13, 2014 - Kiev escalates war in eastern Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 13, 2014 - Ukraine mini-SITREP: still expecting an attack

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True US History

Nov 13, 2014 - McCain Continues to Demand That US Provide Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 12, 2014 - Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 11, 2014 - Ukrainian General: "Ukraine is under Zionist occupation." / Генерал:

"Украину оккупировали Сионисты"

Ron: In this video Ukrainian General-Colonel Yan Kazemirovich from Kiev told us on 7 March

2014, that Zionists, ie Jewish oligarchs backed and directed by the US (CIA), organised the

Kiev COUP and then controlled the Kiev Junta. In effect the so-called Nazis involved are

just tools ie brute force - aka orcs, sponsored and used by Jewish oligarchs to implement

their personal goals which, in the case of Ihor Kolomoyskym include ethnically cleansing

Novorussia in ordert to create a Jewish homeland in Ukraine. stateofthenation2012.com


'From the very beginning of the manufactured civil war in the Ukraine, the Western powers

have revealed their intentions of creating a new “European Israel”. Removing the Russian

language and substituting Hebrew as the second official language of the Ukraine is just one

quite obvious move toward the establishment of a new Israeli enclave. All the while the

Anglo-American Axis accuses Russia of having designs to create a new region – Novorossiya

— known literally as New Russia. Such a red herring has accomplished the goal of not

arousing suspicion as to the real plot to take over the Ukraine, just as Palestine was in the

late 1940s. Furthermore, witness Israel’s extraordinary silence regarding the whole AAA

misadventure in the Ukraine before and during the ongoing, fabricated civil war.

Not only would such a “European Israel” provide a highly strategic geopolitical location from

which to continue their efforts to destabilize Russia, the AAA would also use the Ukraine to

run interference throughout the European Union. Just as Israel has been used to disrupt the

entire Middle East for decades, the new Ukraine state being constituted for Israeli

resettlement will serve a similar function throughout a Eurozone that is slowly becoming

hostile to Jewish populations and their interests. See:



On May 6, 2014, the deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk, B. Filatov and Ukrainian oligarch

Kolomoyski announced a plan to build a New Zion: Promised Land in the Zionist liberated

Ukraine. Kolomoyski’s fellow Jewish oligarch Petro Poroshenko is the current president of


The radical Zionist Chabad Jewish sect in the United States wants its community to move to

Ukraine, their original Khazarian homeland.

Jews, who make only 0.2% of Ukraine’s total population, have total monopoly over

country’s government, media and finance. In 2005, professor Vasyl Yaremenko in an

article, entitled ‘Jews in Ukraine today: reality without myths’, wrote: “Ukrainians need

to know that the mass media is completely in the hands of Jews, and everything that

we watch or read is the product of Jewish ideology…”

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When the neofascist leadership in Kiev turned the military loose on the urban and rural

areas of the Eastern Ukraine, it became apparent that a much greater agenda of

ethnic cleansing was at work. Many authoritative reports have indicated the wholesale

slaughter of innocent civilians, as well as the wanton destruction of

infrastructure/places of worship/homes/businesses of the Russian-speaking

populace. Some have even insinuated that a slow motion plan of systematic genocide is

at work. See: Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’ -



On May 6, 2014, the deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk, B. Filatov and Ukrainian oligarch

Kolomoyski announced a plan to build a New Zion: Promised Land in the Zionist liberated

Ukraine. Kolomoyski’s fellow Jewish oligarch Petro Poroshenko is the current president of

Ukraine. The radical Zionist Chabad Jewish sect in the United States wants its community to

move to Ukraine, their original Khazarian homeland. Jews, who make only 0.2% of Ukraine’s

total population, have total monopoly over country’s government, media and finance. In 2005,

professor Vasyl Yaremenko in an article, entitled ‘Jews in Ukraine today: reality without

myths’, wrote: “Ukrainians need to know that the mass media is completely in the hands of

Jews, and everything that we watch or read is the product of Jewish ideology…” See:

Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’ -



Political Information

Nov 11, 2014 - Ukraine accuses intl. observers of disclosing military secrets

Political Information

Nov 11, 2014 - Resumption of All Out War in Ukraine Seems More and More Likely

Political Information

Nov 11, 2014 - USA to train Ukrainians to fight people of Donetsk in cold weather

United States government is getting ready to train Ukrainian military and punitive battalions

in winter combat techniques before the end of the year. The goal is to make Ukrainians more

efficient in killing people of Donetsk and Lugansk in cold weather.

Training will take place in Starichi educational center in western Ukraine – sources say.

Starichi is localted in Yavrov military polygon in Lviv region. - Lviv - uacrisis.com/

Political Information

Nov 10, 2014 - Communists seek Jewish denouncement of oligarch over E. Ukraine raid


Ron: How dare Russian leaders criticise a Jew! Such blatant anti-semitism is unacceptable ...

True US History

Nov 10, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP November 9th, 22:25 UTC/Zulu: A creeping conflict

Political Information

Nov 9, 2014 - Russia to Prepare New Batch of Humanitarian Aid for Eastern Ukraine:

Emergencies Ministry

Political Information

Nov 9, 2014 - US, NATO say no evidence of new 'Russian invasion' of Ukraine

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 20

Political Information

Nov 8, 2014 - US preparing Ukraine for new offensive: Analyst

Political Information

Nov 7, 2014 - Ukraine: New World Odor - Shocking Conspiracy to Hide a Genocide

Ukraine: Hundreds of women have been found with bullets in their skulls, most of them have

been raped. Prisoners falling into the hands of fascist junta forces are tortured, abused and

murdered execution style after suffering beatings and starvation. There is a humanitarian

crisis in Novorossiya but Russian aid is hampered...

There is a humanitarian crisis in Novorossiya as food, water and other materials vital for

human survival are in short supply. Every time Russia tries to send aid and supplies to these

suffering people, the New World Odor lodges loud, rabid, cynical complaints. At least 16

elderly persons have starved to death while hiding in their basements from the constant

barrage of shelling from junta artillery...

The corporate western media has been keeping a lid on these egregious war crimes. There

was supposedly a ceasefire agreement, but this same corporate western media pretends that

it is actually being honored by Kiev. Their narrative has people being "caught in the

crossfire" which is a total distortion of reality. The victims are not in defense forces


The Ukraine Army, backed by both the U.S. and NATO throughout its military campaign

against Novorossiya defense forces, fired cluster munitions on the city of Donetsk earlier

this month, according to a Human Rights Watch investigation and independent reporting by

the New York Times. Citing the HRW report, physical evidence and its own interviews with

both witnesses and victims, the Times reports: "Sites where rockets fell in the city on Oct.

2 and Oct. 5 showed clear signs that cluster munitions had been fired from the direction of

army-held territory, where misfired artillery rockets still containing cluster bomblets were

found by villagers in farm fields. - Lisa Karpova

Political Information

Nov 6, 2014 - Ukraine crisis: Kiev imposes passport control around rebel-held regions

Political Information

Nov 6, 2014 - Donetsk militias thwart Ukraine army attempts to break their defenses —

first vice-premier

Political Information

Nov 5, 2014 - Ukraine’s Rada Elections Bring Society to Brink of All Out War and Economic


I recently spoke with Russian blogger Rozhin Boris, otherwise known as Colonel Cassad, whose

indepth reports from the front lines of Novorossia shed a lot of light on military/political

developments in this war torn region. The United Nations has recently estimated that over

3,660 people have been killed in the fighting in Eastern Ukraine. Could you describe the

extent of the humanitarian crisis facing ordinary people in Novorossia?

This assessment is very far from the reality. The armed forces of the Kiev junta have lost

12 to 18 thousand dead. They are responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians. The

militias of Novorossia have lost 5-6,000 dead. The total number of deaths is approximately

25-30 thousand with of tens of thousands of wounded militia members, civilians and junta

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 21

soldiers. Officially more than 250,000 civilians have fled the Donbass, unofficially its over a

million. The Donbass is facing a humanitarian catastrophe.

It would be more accurate to call this election the ”battle of the [Ron: Judaic] billionaires”.

All of the political parties that got representation in the new Rada are puppets of the

different billionaire oligarchs. It is these people who really call the shots in collaboration

with their masters in Washington... Strategically, the war is being driven by the US, within

the framework of its continuing confrontation with Russia. The Kiev junta needs a war

against Novorossia to distract the Ukrainian people from increasing socio-economic problems

and it will carry on trying to solve the ”problem” of Novorossia by force... Fascist groups are

fighting on behalf of the Ukrainian billionaire oligarchs and are used to implement their

policy objectives to suppress the working class. The billionaire oligarchs openly seized power,

refusing even the shortest period of power sharing with the politicians who are puppets. The

country is now openly managed by the oligarchs who are dependent on American imperialism. -

Dylan Murphy and Jo Murphy

Political Information

Nov 5, 2014 - Tensions rise in east Ukraine amid army build-up

True US History

Nov 4, 2014 - Ukraine: US Military Instructors Preparing Clandestine Terror Groups in

Russian-Speaking Territories

Political Information

Nov 4, 2014 - COLUMNISTS Ukraine Waits for Solutions to Its Problems from Everyone

but Itself True US History

Nov 3, 2014 - Ukrainian battalion leader-turned-MP ready to 'organize blasts in Russia'

Ukraine's volunteer battalion leader, who is now also an MP, said on a Ukrainian television

show that the battalions are ready to "intrude" into Russia. He spoke about intended

terrorist acts before being cut off by the show's host.

"I will speak on behalf of the volunteer battalions, because I have more information...Today

we are ready not just to defend [Ukraine], but to invade the Russian Federation, break into

it with reconnaissance detachments and sabotage groups," the leader of the Dnepr-1

(Dnipro-1) battalion Yury Bereza said on Sunday during the 'Shuster Live' TV show.

Bereza spoke about carrying out bombings inside Russia before he was cut off by the show's

host, who said the comments made "people nervous."

The Ukrainian military commander of the battalion, sponsored by Ukrainian oligarch Igor

Kolomoisky, recently became a lawmaker after being elected to the country's parliament.

Political Information

Nov 3, 2014 - Ukraine soldiers to government: we're coming for you next

Dnipro-1's headquarters are on the ground floor of the Dnipropetrovsk administration

building. Upstairs sits the regional governor, Igor Kolomoisky.

The arrangement is no accident: Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine's most controversial billionaires,

funds the paramilitary, which returns the favour in these troubled times by boosting the

banking and industrial tycoon's personal security and political clout.

[Ron: GOT THAT, Pilgrims?! Note also that "coincidentally" Kolomoisky is a JEW as is

"President" Poroschenko and "Prime Minister" Yatsenyuk, and many other officials in the Kiev

Junta administration.].

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 22

Dnipro-1 members have been in several of the biggest battles in the seven-month conflict,

which has killed more than 3,700 people, including at the fierce, continuing standoff around

Donetsk airport. [Ron: And for an indication of Dnipro-1's prowess see:


or http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Bodies-of-286-women-

discovered-400-listed-missing-in-east-Ukraine---Donetsk-official.shtml ].

Dnipro-1 has 700 men -- "officially," Bereza says with an enigmatic smile.

"Unofficially, it's 7,000." - Sebastian Smith

Political Information

Nov 3, 2014 - Slavery Is Now Being Put into Practice by the Ukrainian Government

Political Information

Nov 3, 2014 - Donetsk, Lugansk authorities aware of Kiev’s planned sabotage on eve of


Political Information

Nov 2, 2014 - Bodies of 286 women discovered, 400 listed missing in east Ukraine - Donetsk


Political Information

Nov 2, 2014 - The 2014 Rada Elections: A Battle of the Billionaires that Has Split Ukraine

Political Information

Nov 2, 2014 - Two subversive groups neutralised in Donetsk

On the whole, 2.2 million people live in the Luhansk Region, and 4.3 million people reside in the

Donetsk Region. The share of Russians in the population reaches 39-40% Both territories are

centers of the coal, metallurgical and mechanical engineering industries. - en.itar-tass.com

Political Information

Nov 1, 2014 - Ukraine’s Elections: Stabilization Through Eradication

Political Information

Nov 1, 2014 - Russian humanitarian convoy returns to Russia after delivering aid to eastern


Political Information

Nov 1, 2014 - NATO hushing up violations of Minsk accords by Ukrainian authorities —

Russian diplomat

Political Information

Nov 1, 2014 - Ukrainian interior minister admits foreign mercenaries fight in eastern


Political Information

Nov 1, 2014 - Donetsk comes under intense artillery fire ahead of elections — Defense


Political Information

Oct 31, 2014 - Ukraine’s Election Results Are Good for the Jews — But What Comes Next?

Political Information

Oct 31, 2014 - Ukraine’s Thieves and Nazis: From ‘Russian Propaganda’ to Parliament

Political Information

Oct 31, 2014 - Ukraine Democracy is a $3 Bill – the US and EU, too

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Political Information

Oct 30, 2014 - Poland to move thousands of troops to border with Ukraine

Political Information

Oct 30, 2014 - Heavy shelling erupts near Ukraine’s Donetsk

Political Information

Oct 26, 2014 - Ukraine's election: Behind the looking glass

In 2001, the Austrian economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe wrote a book titled ‘Democracy: The

God that Failed’, in which he – among other things – compared the process of voting to a

religious ritual. Just as the ancient religious rituals served to confirm the divine right of

ancient kings, the ballot box is used today to bestow the same kind of blessing on the secular

rulers of modernity. In his study, Hoppe actually demonstrated that the supposedly

oppressive monarchies actually safeguarded peoples' lives and liberty far more than

democracy has – before making a case for outright anarchy. Agree with him or not, his

comparison of modern democracy to ancient religious ritual strikes close to home. - Nebojsa


Political Information

Oct 24, 2014 - Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments (follow up)

Political Information

Oct 23, 2014 - A Novorussian doctor speaks: (Eng subs) Новосветловка - "Вот Это Нам

Сделали Европейский Cтандарт!"

This 4' 12" video was published by Луганск область. on Sep 6, 2014:


"My apartment. The glass fell out because of the shelling, there is no roof above the

apartment, but its okay. None of it matters.We are alive and we will rebuild pir land, our

houses and our work places... How could they treat their own people like this? We were

citizens of Ukraine and we are turned into nothing." '

What is your name?

'My name is Ludmila. I am a doctor, dentist. 30 years of work experience. Doctor of the

highest ctegory. I came and now I see my office is ni more. But it's okay, we will rebuild it.

And we will again cure people, teach our children and live well.' - Ludmila

olitical Information

Oct 22, 2014 - Two minutes Hate – Emanuel Goldestein in Eastern Ukraine.

olitical Information

Oct 22, 2014 - Nuland’s Folly: Ukraine Says ‘Yes’ to Russian Winter Discount Gas Offer

Political Information

Oct 22, 2014 - Kiev govt used cluster munitions in populated zones in E. Ukraine – HRW

Political Information

Oct 22, 2014 - Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments

Political Information

Oct 20, 2014 - Blast rocks chemical plant in Donetsk, claims of tactical missile

Ukraine: Huge mushroom cloud over Donetsk as explosion rattles city

This 1' 12" video was published by RuptlyTV on Oct 20, 2014:


The main explosion is from 18 to 25 seconds.

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Political Information

Oct 20, 2014 - Ukrainian troops kill their own soldiers in fighting for Donetsk airport

Political Information

Oct 20, 2014 - No Justice for East Ukrainians (Comment)

I have not heard even one mention of the enforced poverty or the intentionally imposed

financial measures which affect actual people in Novorossiya, either on RT, at the Vineyard

of the Saker, at Slavyan.org, or anywhere else.

It seems as if the politics is their only concern, now that there is a pretended ‘ceasefire’,

and further human suffering is of no consequence... Are we going to see yet more unbearable

and widespread suffering caused by this illegal junta, aimed at families with children, and

with senior citizens and the elderly and the infirm, and the young bearing the brunt of it all,

and being the main ‘beneficiaries’ of even more of Poroshenko’s ‘Christmas cheer.’ this

winter ? - Richard McDonald Brown

Ron: Well, are we?

Political Information

Oct 20, 2014 - No Justice for East Ukrainians

A day after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Kailash Satyarthi, in an interview with RIA News,

urged the Ukrainian government to protect Ukrainian citizens and especially children: “It is

the responsibility of the Ukrainian government to save their citizens, particularly children.

Safety of children will be their utmost priority. I will appeal to the Ukrainian government so

as to ensure that such incidents against children will not occur in future.”

even if Kiev decided to carry out investigations of crimes, they are unlikely to be unbiased

and fair. There was a lot of pressure from Maidan activists to investigate the February

killings of 100 protesters, which the new leaders were quick to blame on Berkut (special

forces) police. They even arrested three suspects. However, Reuters discovered some

remarkable blunders:

“Among the evidence presented against Sadovnyk (one of the arrested suspects) was a

photograph. Prosecutors say it shows him near Kiev’s Independence Square on Feb. 20,

wearing a mask and holding a rifle with two hands, his fingers clearly visible. The problem:

Sadovnyk doesn’t have two hands. His right hand, his wife told Reuters, was blown off by a

grenade in a training accident six years ago.”

Another huge problem uncovered by Reuters was that

“The two prosecutors and a government minister who have led the Maidan shooting probes all

played roles in supporting the uprising. One of these officials told Reuters that the

investigators gathering the evidence are completely independent.”

And also:

“the former acting general prosecutor who oversaw the arrests of the three Berkut officers

declared on television that they “have already been shown to be guilty.” That statement, said

legal experts, could prejudice the cases. Ukraine is a party to the European Convention on

Human Rights, which states that criminal defendants are presumed innocent until proven


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Needless to say, to date no one has been apprehended in the shooting of Berkut

policemen. Between 18th and 20th February, 189 of them suffered gunshot wounds and

13 died.

In such a context, all the 3,360 dead Eastern Ukrainians and their families, including the

victims of the Odessa massacre, can expect similar justice from the Ukrainian government.

It is clear that without pressure from the international community and other organisations,

Kiev’s regime is neither going to stop the Ukrainian Army and other battalions from

committing war crimes, nor is it going to investigate them. - Vera Graziadei

Political Information

Oct 18, 2014 - US dusted off old USSR-break-up strategy for use in Ukraine - former FSB


Political Information

Oct 18, 2014 - CrossTalk: Ukraine's Free Fall

Political Information

Oct 17, 2014 - Putin: If Ukraine siphons gas from pipeline, Russia will reduce Europe


Political Information

Oct 16, 2014 - Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis Demand Respect

Ron:The impoverished and ignorant THUGS being PAID by the Jewish oligarchs running the

Kiev Junta wouldn't recognise a National Socialist if they fell over one. Moreover, as the

Jews had their British, French, Amerikkan and Soviet military GENOCIDE all genuine

National Socialists after WWII, there are NO National Socialists for these THUGS to fall


The THUGS that perpetrated the Kiev Coup on behalf of Jewish oligarchs were nurtured,

trained and PAID by the CIA and US NGOs organised by Jews, notably George Soros and

Victoria Nuland, who publicly stated that the US spent FIVE BILLION US dollars to fund it.

A lot of that money must have been paid to the THUGS who committed the violence.

Moreover, the THUGS continue to be PAID by Jewish oligarchs like Ihor Kolomoisky. The

THUGS do not molest, maim or murder Jews, they molest, maim and murder Christian

Ukrainians who refuse to accept domination and control by the Jewish controlled Kiev Junta.

Pretending that these THUGS are neo-National Socialists is as ludicrous as saying that the

Jewish COUP (mislabelled the Russian Revolution) in Imperial Russia in 1917 was a revolution

by Christian Russian peasants. It wasn't. Five million Jews caused, manned and controlled the

Bolshevik COUP, hiding behind the label "Bolsheviks". Jews like Lenin and Trotsky, and later

Stalin and Kaganovich, calling themselves "Bolsheviks" and "Communists" merely used poor,

stupid Russian peasants as cannon fodder which is exactly what the dual national Junta Jews

who are calling themselves "Ukrainian Nationalists" are using the so-called "neo-Nazi"

THUGS in Ukraine for today. Capiche?

Political Information

Oct 16, 2014 - The Economist: Empty vaults. Will the next country to stiff bondholders be

Ukraine or Venezuela?

Political Information

Oct 15, 2014 - Polish Chasteners in Ukraine

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True US History

Oct 15, 2014 - Destabilization – US weapon in energy war in Ukraine and the Middle East

Political Information

Oct 15, 2014 - The West is ISIL to E. Ukraine and Syria

Franklin Lamb was with the army last week in the aftermath of its clearing Adra al-Omalia,

12-miles northeast of Damascus, of its roughly 1000 al-Nusra and al-Islam Jihadis. In the

five-day fight to retake the city, whenever the Army approached the town, the Jihadis

inside the town would throw women and children off the top of eight story buildings to

“discourage” the army from advancing. But that turned out to be just one chapter of

the horror show.

Witnesses came forward after the battle to tell how this particular group of Jihadis

had all been foreigners, distinguished by their accents. When they took the city, they

began hunting down, torturing and killing anyone who had worked in government jobs.

And they came back around, rounding up the Alawites. These poor souls would have

their hands cut off, so they could never work again, or were just tortured and

beheaded, sometimes in front of their children.

This went on for ten months, all approved of in town after town in Syria by America’s

terrorist allies, who had been employed to take down the Syrian regime. America and its Gulf

allies have supported the ISIL forces, as they slaughtered the people of Syria and East

Ukraine. To give them a free pass on this is to aid and abet in terrorism ourselves - Jim Dean

Political Information

Oct 14, 2014 - Ethnic Cleansing and War Crimes in Donbass: What Obama’s Ukrainian

Stooges Did

Political Information

Oct 14, 2014 - The Ukraine, As We Know It, Is Gone Forever

What influence does Obama have on Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s decision-making?

Is Washington actually running the show? - Mike Whitney

The Saker: Yes, totally. Obama gives the orders and Poroshenko obeys. Just as they do

everywhere, the US uses local oligarchs to colonize a country. Take for example Russia

between 1991 and 1999. It was run by [Ron: Jewish] oligarchs behind a drunken [Ron:

crypto Jewish] figurehead. (Boris Yeltsin) Everyone knew that Russia had become a

American colony and that the US could do whatever it wanted. It’s the same today.

[Ron: ?!?].

Yanukovich was no more pro-Russian than any other Ukrainian President. He’s just an oligarch

who’s been replaced by another oligarch, Poroshenko. The latter is a very intelligent man who

knows that his survival depends on his complete obedience to Uncle Sam. I wouldn’t put it

past the US to dump Poroshenko and install someone else if it suits their purposes.

(Especially if the Right Sector takes power in Kiev.) For now, Poroshenko is Washington’s

man, but that could change in the blink of an eye.

Political Information

Oct 14, 2014 - Kerry: Int'l Community Will Not Recognize Any Independence Referenda in

East Ukraine

Political Information

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Oct 14, 2014 - Dozens hurt and arrested after Ukrainian nationalists attack parliament


Political Information

Oct 14, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP October 14th, 00:45 UTC/Zulu: Dark clouds over


True US History

Oct 13, 2014 - 100s of Ukraine soldiers protest in front of presidential administration

Political Information

Oct 13, 2014 - UN: 3,660 killed, 8,756 wounded in Ukraine conflict since April

Political Information

Oct 13, 2014 - The Junta’s Military Debacle in the Eastern Ukraine

Political Information

Oct 11, 2014 - US Lethal Aid to Ukraine Could Spark Proxy War With Russia: Scholar

Political Information

Oct 11, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP October 11th, 13:05 UTC/Zulu: no Novorussian "sellout"

after all Political Information

Oct 8, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP October 8th, 16:00 UTC/Zulu: The calm before the storm?

Political Information

Oct 8, 2014 - No Mention of Mass Graves Near Donetsk in New UN Report on Human Rights

in Ukraine

Political Information

Oct 8, 2014 - Germany to deploy combat troops in Ukraine

According to von der Leyen, the government plans to send a still unknown number of

reconnaissance drones to the embattled region of eastern Ukraine. The drones are to be

deployed as part of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission

to monitor the ceasefire between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian separatists. The

decision is based on an agreement struck between the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and

the French President François Hollande on the fringes of the last NATO summit in Wales. In

September, the two governments sent a team of observers to clarify details of the

operation. [Ron: Don't the people of donbas get a "say" in the matter?].

According to a report in the Bild newspaper, the team concluded that at least 150 German

soldiers were needed to keep the drones regularly in the air, plus 50 additional armed

soldiers to protect the operation... German troops will not take a neutral position in war-torn

eastern Ukraine. Along with the US, the German government was a driving force behind the

coup in February to overthrow the government of President Viktor Yanukovych. Since then it

has offered strong support to the regime in Kiev, which in turn relies on fascist forces. It

comes as no surprise, therefore, that Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin

enthusiastically welcomed the German offer to deploy drones.

It would not be the first time that Germany has used the OSCE as a cover for its own

military operations in Ukraine. In April, a group of 13 soldiers led by four German officers

were accused of espionage activities by pro-Russian separatists. Germany claimed that the

arrested soldiers were part of a civilian OSCE mission in the country, which the OSCE firmly

denied. - Christoph Dreier

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Political Information

Oct 8, 2014 - Ukrainian government forces still holding about 600 militias captive -


A total of 231 people have been released and one militiaman was reported dead, but neither

his body nor his documents have been returned, said a report posted on the website of the

government press centre in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

It said “the situation with official amnesty for political prisoners remains unclear”.“The

actions of the Ukrainian authorities remain standard - a person is amnestied and set free,

then once again arrested and handed over to the DPR in a prisoner swap as a prisoner of

war,” the commission said, referring to three such cases.

It also said that many prisoners were returning with their hands and ribs broken, many were

emaciated, and almost 80% were returning disabled.

“Captives don’t get back their documents, money and personal belongings, and passports were

returned only to six people out of 231 released prisoners,” the report said.

It said “The Kiev side does not register captives and often there are no documents on their

whereabouts and numbers”. - en.itar-tass.com

Political Information

Oct 8, 2014 - Kiev moves hundreds of armoured vehicles to east of Ukraine amid ceasefire

Political Information

Oct 8, 2014 - 'Regime of Silence' Enforced in East Ukraine War Zone: Kiev

Political Information

Oct 8, 2014 - Up to a dozen Ukraine officials dumped in wheelie bins

Ron: This is a typical example of the presstitution that dominates Western society today. I

suggest you read it any my comments in order to appreciate how the Jews' (the Techma's)

media enablers disseminate Talmudic propaganda while pretending to tell you the news. Be

aware that when you depend on media whores to tell you about what's happening in the world

beyond your immediate experience, you are automatically enabling them to deceive you.

Discernment requires that you make an effort to analyse what you are being told and if

possible check its validity via other sources.

True US History

Oct 7, 2014 - Nuland Arrives to Ukraine to Give Poroshenko Marching Orders Prior to


"Nuland certainly is not over there to promote democracy: there are elections coming up in

Ukraine toward the end of the month, but clearly these are "Potemkin's village" elections

simply to enable the Obama administration to say there is a democratically elected

government and parliament, while no one in Donbas is voting and there's already been

lustration applied to prevent any of the opposition to vote."

"Nuland, who is responsible for the coup d'état against former president Yanukovich and for

bringing Petro Poroshenko in power, is not interested in establishing democracy in Ukraine,

but instead in making Ukraine at least de facto member of NATO and using this as a jumping

off point for destabilization of the Russian Federation", Francis Boyle told RIA Novosti. -


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Political Information

Oct 7, 2014 - From Ukraine to Syria: UN’s Selective Defense of Human Rights

Now that the US is itself bombing Syria, killing Syrians including innocent men, women and

children, as well as vital infrastructure local populations depend on for their survival, the UN

has grown suddenly quiet...

When international law is cited and enforced selectively by certain [Ron: JEW controlled]

member states of the United Nations, using the UN itself as a platform to legitimize

otherwise illegal actions, the world teeters on the edge of global lawlessness leaving the

remaining members of the UN to ponder alternatives in resolving injustices perpetuated

rather than challenged by the UN and its Charter.

Eastern Ukrainians, the Syrians and all their respective allies are left with little other

choice than to act unilaterally themselves to defend their territory and people as well

as their interests in the face of rogue nations that have apparently co-opted and now

control much of the UN. - Ulson Gunnar

Political Information

Oct 7, 2014 - Russian FM urges int’l bodies to join Ukraine probe

Political Information

Oct 6, 2014 - The Jew Behind Ukraine’s Mass Graves

True US History

Oct 4, 2014 - Biden says US 'embarrassed' EU into sanctioning Russia over Ukraine

Political Information

Oct 4, 2014 - What the battle for the Donetsk airport reveals about the Ukrainian and

Novorussian forces

Astonishing video on the Donetsk militia offensive to re-take the Donetsk airport. [7' 07"

video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D8KqW3jXHs Published by - СЕРГЕЙ


Political Information

Oct 3, 2014 - Ukraine recovery in Russia’s national interest - Putin

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Political Information

Oct 3, 2014 - US Intel Dump on Syria, ISIS, Ukraine and Aliens! Updated!

Ron: There is some interesting info in this audio but remember that Gordon Duff has publicly

admitted that 40 % of what he says is false and misleading. Obvious examples in this video

are Duff's throw a way line that Muammar Gaddafi was totally corrupt and his refusal to

acknowledge that the US is bombing Syrian infrastructure on the pretext of trying to

defeat US/ Saudi/Israeli organised, armed and funded ISIS terrorists. Jim Dean also

refuses to admit that the US is destroying Syrian infrastructure rather than ISIS. The

suggestion by Duff and Dean that the US has to bomb Syrian infrastructure to deny it to

the ISIL terrorists implies that ISIL will not be defeated and will retain that infrastucture

which is bullshit. IF the US was genuinely attacking ISIS it would be defeated since the

Syrian Arab Army is defeating it anyway.

Political Information

Oct 1, 2014 - Did The Winter War Just Begin? Russian Gas Supplies To Europe Plunge 15%,

Ukraine Transit Slashed 54%

Political Information

Oct 1, 2014 - Daily life in Banderastan

In Kharkov, a man was found impaled on a church fence, his body attached with electrician's

tape to the fence. Medical gloves were found on the site. According to witnesses, he was

killed by Right Sector activists on suspicion of being a sympathizer of Novorussia. According

to official police reports, this man impaled himself and, presumably, having done that, found

the time and energy to securely attach himself to the fence with tape.

While the Ukraine is rapidly progressing in its "civilizational choice", the EU is keeping up its

sanctions on Russia "judging that Ukraine's peace deal is not fully effective". - The Saker

Political Information

Sep 29, 2014 - Kremlin Vows to Retaliate If Three-Party Agreements on Ukraine’s EU

Association Violated

Political Information

Sep 29, 2014 - Prisoner swaps on shaky ground in Ukraine as Kiev accused of foul play

Political Information

Sep 29, 2014 - ‘Taped hands, gun wounds’: RT witnesses exhumation of mass graves in E.


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Political Information

Sep 29, 2014 - Are the Ukraine talks a NATO ploy?

Political Information

Sep 28, 2014 - Yats The Yid Eats Snow

Ukraine Articles

Political Information

Sep 28, 2014 - Peace March in Ukraine: ‘They Did Not Let Us Speak Against War’

Political Information

Sep 27, 2014 - Crimes Committed by Ukraine’s Military and Chasteners: from Illegal Arms

Trafficking to Human Organs Trade

Ron: The Techma Talmudists (ie Khazar Jews) and their mindless lackeys do this wherever

they can create war and chaos. Please note that the Kiev COUP was organised by Jews like

Victoria Nuland and the Kiev Junta is headed and controlled by Jews like Poroshenko and

Yatsenik. And believe it or not, Jews do not just "happen" to organise COUPs and end up in

control of countries, THEY WORK AT IT ALL THE TIME. Lenin and Stalin WERE Khazars ie

Jews; as was Kaganovich, the butcher who organised the starvation of seven million Ukrainian

Christians during the Holodomor! First they came for the Russians, (66 million not a mythical

6 million) then they came for the Ukrainians, Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese,

Iraqis, Afghanis, Libyans, Syrians et al. Eventually they'll be coming for YOU!

True US History

Sep 27, 2014 - Will Russia and China Hold Their Fire Until War Is the Only Alternative?

The entire world knows that if Russia had territorial ambitions, when the Russian military

defeated the American trained and supplied Georgian army that attacked South Ossetia,

Russia would have kept Georgia and reincorporated it within Russia where it resided for


Notice that it is not aggression when Washington bombs and invades seven countries in 13

years without a declaration of war. Aggression occurs when Russia accepts the petition of

Crimeans who voted 97 percent in favor of reuniting with Russia where Crimea resided for

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centuries before Khrushchev attached it to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine in 1954

when Ukraine and Russia were part of the same country.

And the entire world knows that, as the separatist leader of the Donetsk Republic said, “If

Russian military units were fighting with us, the news would not be the fall of Mariupol but

the fall of Kiev and Lviv.”- Paul craig Roberts

Political Information

Sep 25, 2014 - Is peace in the Ukraine possible?

'... although the political system in Russia is different from the system in our countries and

we wouldn’t be happy to live in such a system, to compare the current Russia with Leonid

Brezhnev’s Soviet Union is stupid.’ Comment by: Hoffnungstirbtzuletzt

Ron: Not entirely. By the time of his death, Leonid Brezhnev’s Soviet Union was actually

secretly controlled by Christian Russians who had ousted the Bolshevik Jews from power

after a 60 year struggle. Arguably, throughout his rule, Brezhnev and his supporters were

moving the Soviet Union towards a Christian, non-Talmudic and hence genuinely positive,

humanitarian, spiritual orientation. In fact the problems faced internally and externally by

Brezhenev may not have been all that different from Putin's situation since both of them

face(d) a hostile, war mongering US dominated Western world and a vicious, anti-Christian,

anti-Russian, Bolshevik Jew infiltrated domestic economic and covertly treasonous political

situation. See eg: Dr Peter Beter's Audio Letters Nos. 35, 36, 37, 53, 55 and 57. For

instance, in No. 57 Peter Beter said: 'In AUDIO LETTER No. 53 last January, I described

how Russia's intervention in Afghanistan was triggered by extensive CIA activity in that

country, and to this day large amounts of aid are being funneled to the rebels in Afghanistan

by the CIA by way of Pakistan and China. As a result, Russia's involvement there has been

extended far longer than intended, distracting Russia's leaders and siphoning off resources.'

See: Audio Letter No 57: http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal57.html

Many years later, Zbigniew Brzezinski publicly admitted that the US used Muslim terrorists

to attack the legitimate, democratically elected Afghan government which thus precipitated

Soviet military assistance at the request of that democratic Afghan government on 24

December 1979. See eg: The CIA's Founding• of Al Qaeda Documented -


Documented.shtml Zbigniew Brzezinsk says that on 3 July 1979 'president Carter signed the

first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in

Kabul. He also boasts that: 'on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the

president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the

Soviets.' In other words the Soviets did not INVADE Afghanistan but were fighting against

a covert, PRIOR US terrorist invasion of Afghanistan.


When you try to make heads or tails out of this seemingly incoherent violence that the US

keeps creating, remember it's a tool to make money. - Robert Miller

Ron: NO it isn't! That's disinformation! Making money is incidental to the main agenda

because the Techma (Jewish) elite already HAVE all the money! The Jews' monopoly on

creating money and charging interest (usury) on it effectively gives them control, over a

period of three generations, of all the wealth in every country that allows them to have that

monopoly. That's why the Jews organise the military of nations they control to invade,

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occupy, despoil and establish totally Rothschilds' controlled Central Banks in nations like

Germany, Japan, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya and Syria et al that did not have

Rothschilds controlled Central Banks OR, in cases like National Socialist Germany, Hitler's

government sought to by-pass the Rothschilds' monopoly on creating money.

The Techma (Jews) created the idea of corporations and organised for them to be given

"personhood" ie all the rights (and more) given by the Creator to sovereign human beings.

They then used corporations as a mechanism to control humanity. As part of that ruse the

Jews have written into their invalid (cosmically unlawful) legal control arrangements (laws) a

requirement that the prime duty of a corporation is to make a profit. That profit mechanism

combined with the "corporate veil" enables Jew banksters to conceal their ownership of the

major corporations that dominate our world and its wealth - including the corporations that

ARE (ie "own") governments and their judiciaries and other agencies. Thus corporations have

enabled the Techma, in the guise of Jew banksters, to covertly operate the global control

matrix that enslaves humanity. Part of the illusory mechanism that constitutes our current

world system is the myth that corporations are rapacious because they MUST seek to make

a profit. That segues into the globally accepted pretence that greedy corporatists run our

world in order to make profits ie "money". The illusion becomes obvious when you realise that

"money" as represented by fiat currencies like the US dollar, are mere DEBT TOKENS which

are conjured up out of thin air by banksters and have ZILCH intrinsic worth. Indeed, most of

the "money" in the world only exists as digits on computer screens and balance sheets. Sooo,

saying that greedy plutocrats and their corporations are the primary cause of our global

dystopia is bullshit! Its the Jews (Techma) Pilgrims! AND their core motivation is their

Talmudic ideology, namely the insane requirement to genocide and despoil most non-Jews and

to enslavef the remnant in what Jews call the New World Order which they intend to


Political Information

Sep 24, 2014 - OSCE Report from Ukraine Mass Graves Site Reveals Civilians Massacred in

Late August

True US History

Sep 24, 2014 - The Lunacy of Sanctions and the Psychosis of US Exceptionalism

Everything the West has done to destroy Ukraine and force it into being another NATO/US

client state has been illegal from the outset. Yet their campaign continues with impunity and

we see it every day with: accusations against Russia based on fantasy and social media posts;

anti-Russian sentiment and war hysteria pummeled onto the masses 24 hours a day 7 days a

week; the continuing US/NATO/EU/CIA support for fascist neo-nazis who were armed,

trained and unleashed on their own people for the sole reasons that they speak Russian and

are pro-Russia; endless false reports of Russian troops and the invasion of an invisible

Russian army led by President Vladimir Putin, when nothing of the sort exists or has existed.

- John Anthony Robles II

Political Information

Sep 24, 2014 - Ukraine PM claims army was not ordered to use weapons against civilians

Ron: If the Jewish Prime Minister appointed by the Kiev Junta is to be believed, the

Ukrainian army is responsible for disaobeying orders and killing thousands of Ukrainian

civilians. Query how the Ukrainian military officer corps are going to feel about that?

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Political Information

Sep 24, 2014 - Mass burial of civilians near Ukraine’s Donetsk military crime — Russian FM

Grave with beheaded bodies found on Ukrainian National Guard positions in eastern


The first exhumation results following the discovery showed that the civilians, mainly young

women, had been raped, tortured, tied up and gunned down. “One of these women was

pregnant,” Nikonov said.

The Russian lawmaker said measures need to be taken to “punish the military crimes for the

sake of those dead, alive and those who are still to be born.” He criticized the international

human rights groups for failing to react to the reports. - en.itar-tass.com

Political Information

Sep 24, 2014 - Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea

Political Information

Sep 22, 2014 - Ukraine Is On The Brink Of Total Economic Collapse

Ukraine is now in recession. Deep economic ties with Russia have resulted in painful

adjustments in recent months. The nation's exports are down some 19% from last year in

dollar terms and expected to fall further. A great example of Ukraine's export challenges is

the Antonov aircraft company known for its Soviet era large transport planes as well as

other types of aircraft.

As the military cooperation with Russia ended, Antonov was in trouble. It had to take a $150

million hit recently by not delivering the medium-range An-148 planes to the Russian Air

Force. The Russians will find a replacement for this aircraft, but in the highly competitive

global aircraft market, it's far less likely that Antonov will find another client - Walter


Political Information

Sep 21, 2014 - Protesters slam Russia policy on Ukraine crisis

Political Information

Sep 21, 2014 - September 21 Ukraine and Russia mini-SITREP

Ron: I haven't read the comments.

Political Information

Sep 21, 2014 - Ukraine: No troops withdrawal without full truce

Political Information

Sep 20, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP September 20, 23:34 UTC/Zulu: War or Peace?

Political Information

Sep 20, 2014 - Ukrainian Special Forces Violate Ceasefire 10 Times in One Day: DPR


Political Information

Sep 18, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP September 18, 17:30 UTC/Zulu: infighting everywhere

Political Information

Sep 18, 2014 - A Reality Check From Russia: Russian Public Opinion regarding Ukraine Crisis

Ron: Either Russia is capable of resisting the military aggression of the Judaic (Anglo-

USraeli) Empire or it isn't. IF it is, there is a good argument for saying the sooner it DOES

so, the better for all concerned. NATO has already engulfed virtually all of the Warsaw Pact

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countries and the Jews (Techma) have just carried out a COUP in Ukraine and are busy

ethnically cleansing and genociding Russians and their sympathisers there. In any event, since

1991 Jewish oligarchs have eviscerated the Ukrainian economy and all but done the same

thing to Russia until Putin staunched the worse of the rot. Talmudists have have been

instigating internal dissension and terrorism in the Soviet Union and Russia since WWII. The

Kremlin actually built the Berlin Wall in an attempt to keep Gladio and other covert Western

terrorists OUT rather than keep East Germans IN. Appeasing the Jews (Techma) merely

confirms their delusion that they ARE g-d's chosen people. IF your nrighbour's children kept

trying to burn down your house with your family inside (Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and

Odessa anyone?) would you keep inviting them in for tea and cake? WHY? The charitable

thing to do would be to confront them with the consequences of their actions, not pretend

that their vandalism is acceptable. The EU and the rest of the world will abandon the Judaic

Empire just as soon as Russia and Iran rip the guts out of their Anglo-Usraeli military and

mercenary Death Squads which act as the enforcer of Jewish global control, BUT NOT

BEFORE! There's nothing like being handed your guts for garters to change the hearts and

minds of Anglo-USraeli military and their mercenary Death Squads. Once the Fuck Wits

terrorising humanity on behalf of the Jews find that THEY are the ones losing their heads

the survivors will cease turning up for "work" and their parasitic Techma overlords will start

to RETHINK their omnipotence, but not before. Geddit? As the saying goes: "If things don't

change they'll stay the same..."

Political Information

Sep 18, 2014 - right on cue, the disinfo on saker blog: novorossia army putch nothing to

worry about, indeed a great boon, etc

Gen. Korsun says all the right things, up to going all the way to Kiev. It’s my bet (judging by

the suddenness of his appearance and supreme confidence) that he is Moscow’s point man.

There is not an ounce of caution or moderation in him. He is a “war until total victory”

character. If Putin is starting to consolidate NAF’s field commanders under one roof, and

the guy in charge says that Novorossians must not limit themselves to just two regions, that

ought to mean three things:

1. Ukrainian Army is close to collapse, if not outright extinction.

2. Army of Novorossia is about to embark on the strategic offensive.

3. Russia is fully in, but every effort will be made to obfuscate its participation.

To those who believe that Putin betrayed Novorossia my advice is that it’s too early to make

such a judgement. What I see is Russia conducting an extremely secretive, complex, publicly

ambiguous operation that is designed to confuse just about everybody, friend and foe alike.

Looks like they succeeded. In short, nothing that is visible is what it seems to be. It’s time

to calm down, stop hyperventilating and let events to sort it all out. Or risk changing your

opinion every few days and look like a fool. I myself will go on record and predict Novorossia

with Kharkov and Odessa – victorious and officially recognized by Kiev – by the end of next

year. PS. Russian strategic bombers practicing runs on USA’s West Coast, or its subs

launching ICBMs during NATO’s meeting doesn’t strike me like even a hint of surrender on

Kremlin’s part. But rather a warning to the West to keep away, or risk a global catastrophe. -


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Political Information

Sep 17, 2014 - Ukrainian Prime Minister Orders to Keep Troops on Full Combat Alert

Political Information

Sep 15, 2014 - Putin, Barroso Call to Strictly Observe Ceasefire in Ukraine: Kremlin

True US History

Sep 15, 2014 - US-led military drill begins in western Ukraine

Political Information

Sep 15, 2014 - Ukraine – Truce or Trojan Horse: Retreat, Re-Armament and Relaunch

Political Information

Sep 14, 2014 - NATO members start supplying weapons to Kiev – Ukrainian Defense


Political Information

Sep 14, 2014 - NATO Loses Ukraine

Political Information

Sep 13, 2014 - Russian Trucks Delivering Aid to Ukraine Without Assistance of Russian Red


Political Information

Sep 13, 2014 - Russia, Ukraine, EU Reach Compromise on Kiev's European Integration

Political Information

Sep 11, 2014 - Amnesty International Diverts Attention Away from Ukrainian Armed Forces

Responsibility for War Crimes

On 05 September, Amnesty International, a non-governmental organisation focused on human

rights, published “Ukraine: Mounting evidence of war crimes and Russian



Analysis of the 738-word Amnesty article reveals clear bias in the NGO’s reporting on the

conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Amnesty makes more than twice the effort to place blame for

human rights abuses and possible war crimes on separatist forces and “Russian troops” (380

words) than on Ukrainian government forces (140 words).

Amnesty explicitly accuses separatists of “torture,” a major criminal offense under

international law. Amnesty makes no mention of “torture” in association with the regular

Ukrainian armed forces or those designated ‘bad apples,’ the Aidar Battalion. - David Garrett

Political Information

Sep 11, 2014 - Analogies between Yugoslavia and the Ukraine

Political Information

Sep 11, 2014 - The IMF’s New Cold War Loan to Ukraine

Political Information

Sep 11, 2014 - War crimes acceptable? Parliament mulls amnesty for Kiev's troops in E.


The Ukrainian parliament is to debate a law on amnesty for Ukrainian troops who have

committed war crimes in the course of military actions in Eastern Ukraine. Earlier, an

Amnesty International report confirmed the facts of large-scale crimes.

A bill on amnesty for military personnel who committed war crimes during the military

crackdown in Eastern Ukraine was introduced in the Rada (the Ukrainian parliament) on

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Wednesday, its website says. The bill assumes the discharge of legal responsibility and

punishment of military staff and “other people” for the actions which “bear the marks of war


Earlier, on 8 September, Amnesty International presented a report in which confirmed that

such actions were committed by the Aidar volunteer battalion. Aidar is one of over 30

volunteer battalions which appeared after Kiev started the military operation in the Donetsk

and Lugansk regions. It is loosely connected with the Ukrainian security structures. -


Political Information

Sep 9, 2014 - President Poroshenko: Ukraine Agrees on Direct Arms Deliveries From NATO


Political Information

Sep 9, 2014 - US, Ukraine launch joint maritime exercises in Black Sea

Political Information

Sep 9, 2014 - Statistics tell the tale: Irreplaceable losses for the Ukrainian economy

Political Information

Sep 8, 2014 - A typical example of Ukie "Christianity" in action

interesting new polls:

57% of all ukranians are against the so called "anti terrorist operation", only 34% support it.

81% of the french, 84 of the germans oppose arming ukraine. of all european countries, only

the population of poland would support ukraine joining NATO or the EU.


Political Information

Sep 8, 2014 - Did Putin Just Bring Peace to Ukraine?

Political Information

Sep 8, 2014 - US Denies Offering Military Assistance to Ukraine: Reports

Political Information

Sep 8, 2014 - MUST READ – Ghaddafis interview on the situation in Ukraine (English

translation) Political Information

Sep 8, 2014 - Ceasefire: President Poroshenko trick to regroup troops – Spanish volunteer

to RT

RIA Novosti / Valeriy Melnikov

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Political Information

Sep 7, 2014 - NATO Sabotage on Order for Ukraine Ceasefire

Political Information

Sep 7, 2014 - BFP Exclusive-Stench of Corruption a Ukraine Oligarch Shale Gas Civil War &

Baby Biden

Political Information

Sep 7, 2014 - Polish Death Squads Fighting in Ukraine. CIA Covert Operation?

Political Information

Sep 7, 2014 - Ukrainian ceasefire Q&A/FAQ and RFC

Ron: i haven't read all the comments.

Political Information

Sep 6, 2014 - Ukraine, Russia, & the Jewish Factor

Ron: Ever notice that apologists for the Jews always assume their conclusions? I have. For

instance this author says:

Greg Johnson: Why the double standard? If there are Jews on both sides of the Russia-

Ukraine conflict, why does the presence of Jews in the Ukrainian government prove that is is

“Jewish” while the presence of Jews in the Russian government apparently means nothing at

all (lest it undermine the false narrative that Russia is “Jew-wise” and working to counter

international Jewry)?

Ron: The short answer is that since the Kiev COUP, the Jews running the Ukraine have come

out of the closet and are OPENLY ATTEMPTING TO ETHNICALLY


in the process. In contrast, Putin and his Christian supporters have managed to muzzle the

Jewish oligarchs in Russia although they have not yet been able to remove them from control

of much of the media and various other positions of power; OR to recover Russian state

owned assets purloined by Jews during crypto Jew Eltsin's traitorous reign of power in the

new Russian Federation during the 1990s.

Political Information

Sep 6, 2014 - NATO steps up anti-Russian moves as ceasefire begins in Ukraine

Political Information

Sep 6, 2014 - Russia Negotiates Ceasefire In Ukraine: NATO Responds With Troops,

Warships, and Sanctions

True US History

Sep 6, 2014 - Putin, not Ukraine, is Vexing America

Political Information

Sep 6, 2014 - Ukraine’s killing fields in 10 stories: RT reporter goes to Lugansk and Donetsk

Lugansk resident: Why are they doing this?

Ron: The short answer is because they are Jews and the non-Jewish Uki military and most of

the 98% of ukrainians who are not Talmudists are too ignorant or chicken shit to refuse the

Jews' orders to genocide their fellow Christians. Don't believe me? Read the Talmud and

Torah and the history of the "RED REVOLUTION" in Imperial Russia in 1917. THEN study

the history of the Holodomor. Those who don't know their history are bound to repeat it,


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True US History

Sep 5, 2014 - Australia Engaged in US-NATO Activities in Ukraine: When “Wheezing

Middle Powers” Get it Wrong

Political Information

Sep 5, 2014 - Are the U.S. and Kiev Junta Planning a “False Flag” Chemical Attack in East

Ukraine? To Place the Blame on Russia?

Political Information

Sep 5, 2014 - Russians at the Gate: The Barbarians Are Coming

According to the US State Department, Russian

self-propelled harvesters are firing at Ukraine

Political Information

Sep 5, 2014 - September 4th 23:53 UTC/ZULU Ukraine SITREP: Maybe, just maybe?

Political Information

Sep 4, 2014 - Demilitarized zone, OSCE monitoring among E.Ukraine militias’ peace


Political Information

Sep 4, 2014 - NATO members to arm Ukraine: Poroshenko

Political Information

Sep 4, 2014 - Ukraine crisis: Russian president Vladimir Putin hopes ceasefire will be

finalised by September 5

According to the US State Department, Russian

self-propelled harvesters are firing at Ukraine

[From: What would real proof look like?- http://orientalreview.org/2014/09/03/what-


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Political Information

Sep 4, 2014 - Australia to open embassy in Kiev and consider 'non-lethal' military assistance

to Ukraine, PM Tony Abbott says

Ron: Ya can't make this stuff up Pilgrims.

According to the US State Department, Russian

self-propelled harvesters are firing at Ukraine [From: What would real proof look like?-


"Australia and Ukraine are geographically distant but we have grown close in responding

to the MH17 atrocity in which 37 Australians were murdered, were murdered by

Russian-backed rebels," Mr Abbott said.... There will be no Australian uranium sales to

Russia until further notice and Australia has no intention of selling uranium to a country

which is so obviously in breach of international law as Russia currently is," Mr Abbott said.

Political Information

Sep 4, 2014 - Ukraine ceasefire: Putin lays out 7-step plan to stop hostilities in E. Ukraine

True US History

Sep 3, 2014 - Remember Iraq? Former US intel officers warn Merkel against NATO images

of Ukraine

Political Information

Sep 3, 2014 - NATO believes Kiev lost military conflict in Ukraine

Political Information

Sep 3, 2014 - Kiev Coup is Collapsing

Political Information

Sep 3, 2014 - Obama’s War on Ukraine. “Permanent Deployments” of NATO Forces on

Russia’s Doorstep?

Political Information

Sep 2, 2014 - Ukrainian Military Targeting Residential Areas, Europe Prefers Not to Notice

- Putin

True US History

Sep 2, 2014 - Monsanto in Ukraine: IMF loan for Ukraine may give GMO giant a backdoor

into EU

Ron: The Judaic (Anglo-USraeli) Empire always uses a "full court press" when attacking any


Political Information

Sep 2, 2014 - NATO's Options in Ukraine

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Ron: So-called "Nazis" in Ukraine are NOT National Socialists. They are essentially ignorant,

largely unemployed, underemployed or poorly paid and impoverished Western Ukrainians who

have been co-opted and PAID to effectuate a Jewish Fascist coup and to make war on

Christian Russians and Eastern Ukrainians and any others who resist such authoritarian rule

by Jewish oligarchs and the Judaic (Anglo-USraeli) Empire that funded the Kiev COUP and

now control the Kiev Junta. Stating that "Nazism" is part of the conflict is assisting Judaic

propaganda which seeks to conceal the fact that the Kiev Junta is a Jew controlled genocidal

regime brought about by a Jew created COUP funded by US Jews just as the BOLSHEVIK

COUP in Imperial Russia in 1917 was. The Bolsheviks used ignorant Russian peasants as their

cannon fodder whereas the Kiev Junta uses ignorant thugs sporting pseudo Germanic insignia

and symbology as their cannon fodder. In neither case was/is their ANY truth in the

suggestion that these COUPS and resultant genocidal regimes were spontaneously generated

by indigenous peoples or "Nazis", let alone that their real perpetrators were National

Socialists. The Jews are bankers, oligarchs and corporatists ie FASCISTS. Accordingly,

Tony Cartalucci's ignorance makes him a serious disinformation agent for the Jews on this


Political Information

Sep 2, 2014 - Moscow ‘Shocked’ by Ukrainian Defense Minister’s Remarks of Looming Bloody


Political Information

Sep 2, 2014 - Poroshenko Wants Donetsk, Luhansk Republics to be Recognized as Terrorist


Political Information

Sep 1, 2014 - Top Novorussian leaders deny reports that either LPR or DPR were prepared

to accept continued political unity with the Ukraine

I forgot to mention the most serious and dangerous actions of using DU. When a tank gets

hit, the DU sandwiched between 2 steel plates releases a cloud of uranium dust into the air.

Any infantry that passes through the area in the next few days has a very high chance of

having kids with 3 eyes.

DU penetration is by the same way, it burns through armor platting. Nothing else even comes

close. But the land around the bullet is contaminated for hundreds of years. See Basra in

Iraq for kids with 4 eyes.

A10's fire DU ammo and so does the M1..

The US and EU cares SHT about the places they destroy. If Russia had done this to gronzy,

it would be uninhabitable. Cases of cancer in Iraq are 50-100 TIMES normal.. Falluja is

radioactive. UN/WHO still says its normal to see kids that look like ogers and one eyes to

show up.

Its very very sad to see such misery..

Whats worse is to see how US servicemen who were in the midst of this are also

affected. Since the US government says DU is safe, you cant get disability. Yet the

proof says otherwise... [Ron: WHY do I not feel special sympathy for the US mercenary

"troops" sooo afflicted?!? Could it be that they and their "loved ones" and society

voluntarilary accepted the risk in return for MONEY from the US government FOR inflicting

such injury and misery on Iraqis?].

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Although Russia does use DU, they have come out and said that it causes environmental

damage. I think they stopped using DU in almost all cases..

And yes a DU based tandem warhead can blow up an M1.. Just like the T72 you see on col

cassad.. The top flies up 50 feet into the air.. But the crew is not harmed at all.. minor

injuries requiring some bandaids.. according centcom.

Oh yea, Russia also has some kind of bullet that can go right through an M1 like high caliber

bullets go through bullet proof glass.. Seems info is classified by both US and Russia..

Iraqwar had a photo of the neat little hole in an M1 tank that went straight through both

sides.But then nothing on it.- Alien Tech

Ron: An interesting very short video: Разбитый батальон Айдар под



Political Information

Sep 1, 2014 - Major news out of the Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - How can you tell whether Russia has invaded Ukraine?

Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - Anti-war protests sweep Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - Obama’s “Catastrophic Defeat” in Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - Ukraine’s Agent Of Suicide:“Winter”

Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - August 30th 21:43 UTC/Zulu Ukraine SITREP

Ron: I haven't read all the comments.

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Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - Are You A Passive Supporter Of Racially-Motivated Killing, Ethnic Cleansing

And War-Crimes?

Ron: This author is obviously "kosher" and it shows. He ostensibly equates the alleged "anti-

Semitism" of the thugs PAID to kill Christian Ukrainians by the Jews running the Kiev Junta,

with the genuine desire of Germans to have Jews who did not want to become genuine

German citizens emigrate. Why is it that humans are sooo easily deceived by WORDS so that

they rarely examine the substance of what those words are supposed to be about? I haven't

read ALL the comments.

Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - Understanding the Astounding Novorossiyan Victories

Ron: This excellent analysis is well worth a read. It puts into perspective the somewhat

emotional Saker reports and emphasises that Putin and Strelhov have allowed Jewmedia

propaganda to assist the US and Kiev Junta to delude themselves during the Ukraine's

military attack on the Donbass.

Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - ‘United Continent’: European volunteers fighting Kiev troops in Eastern


Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - Ukraine reaching point of no return: European Commission

Political Information

Aug 31, 2014 - NATO plans to dispatch 10,000 troops to eastern Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 30, 2014 - Appeal to the mothers of Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 30, 2014 - August 29th 15:35 UTC/ZULU Ukrainian SITREP

Ron: I haven't read all the comments but this one rings a bell:

I do not agree that the regime in Kivew is nazi, both the president and the PM are jews, as

well as the mayor. If anything it is a jewish-oligarch puppet-regime using nazi battalions to

terrorize the general populance. - Anon

Political Information

Aug 29, 2014 - Not confirmed, but maybe?! (+ open thread)

Ron: The people, like Nuland, who created the KieV COUP, are Jews. The people like "Yats"

and Poroshenko, running the Kiev Junta, are Jews. The People, like Kolomoysky, who have

been organising the torturing, holocausting and killing of Ukrainians for the last seven

months are JEWS! GOT THAT Pilgrims?! They aren't National Socialists, they are JEWS!

the Jews genocided 20 million Germans during and after WWII and there are NO National

Socialsts left. THAT was the reason the Jews instigated WWII! Most Jews are atheists

and the rest are rabid pseudo religious nuts who worship "Lucifer" and think they have to

constantly KILL non-Jews as sacrificial offerings to their paranoid, insanely jealous "g-d".

Prove me wrong instead of mouthing bullshit platitutes about "nice" Jews. If Jews are sooo

"nice", and just like non-Jews, WHY do they claim to be Jews?! And why do they accept all

the benefits available to them as Jews which would not be available to them if they were

not? After all, its just a political ideology. How many people who still claim to be "Jews"

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acknowledge that the Holocaust is a gigantic Blood Libel on the German Nation? The short

answer is NONE! Why is that doya think? Are they all just totally stupid? The current COUP

scenario in Ukraine was played out (also with US funding) in incredibly bloody detail in

Imperial Russia in 1917 to 1977. The Kiev Coup is a small carbon copy of the Bolshevik COUP

and it is obvious that the Jews' intentions are just a bloody as they were a century ago. And

of course they hope to segue into another Jews' COUP in Russia. Will humanity ever learn...?

Political Information

Aug 29, 2014 - Invisible Russian Army Invades Ukraine!

Political Information

Aug 29, 2014 - "Manifest" by Andrey Avramenko, Kharkov

Political Information

Aug 29, 2014 - President of Russia Vladimir Putin addressed Novorossiya militia

Political Information

Aug 29, 2014 - Donetsk Prime Minister Vows Humanitarian Corridor for Besieged Ukrainian


The prime minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic Alexander

Zakharchenko said the republic’s militia would set up a humanitarian corridor for the

surrounded Kiev forces provided they give up their weapons.

“We are ready to provide the Ukrainian forces encircled in those traps with humanitarian

corridors, under condition that they give up military hardware and ammunition, so that all

that is not used against us in the future, - en.ria.ru

Political Information

Aug 29, 2014 - As Kiev Tries to Terrorize Donetsk Into Submission, West Fears Russia’s

"Big White Trucks"

Dr. Parenti says that in the West “We hear nothing from Putin. We never see a word of what

he says, we never hear his statements or comments. All we have are these commentators

speaking ironically and with alarm and disparaging tones” asks the question: “What exactly

has Putin done that is so wicked and evil? He is not the one collaborating with Nazi groups.

He isn’t the one who is killing eastern Ukrainians.” Regarding Russian troops Dr. Parenti

makes the point that if Russia was planning to invade there would be huge numbers not

merely what is currently on the Russian border, as any country has the right to have troops

on their own borders. - John Robles

Political Information

Aug 29, 2014 - America's Creeping Into Syria Will Hang Itself in Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 28, 2014 - Number of Ukrainian refugees in Russia close to 1 million

Political Information

Aug 28, 2014 - Kiev's Claims About Russian Troops in Ukraine Groundless – Russian Official

Political Information

Aug 28, 2014 - Maidan-3 brewing in Kiev

Political Information

Aug 28, 2014 - Putin calls on Ukraine militia to let blocked Kiev troops to cross into Russia

Political Information

Aug 27, 2014 - Ukraine’s transition to EU trade will cost €165bn - Putin

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Political Information

Aug 27, 2014 - Russia can’t set ceasefire conditions in Ukraine’s internal conflict – Putin

Political Information

Aug 27, 2014 - E. Ukrainians bury dead in backyards, roads to cemetery dangerous


Aug 27, 2014 - Monsanto and Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 26, 2014 - 83 out of 4'700: Fighters ask, why they were sent «into certain death» –


Ron: The penny is starting to drop in West Ukraine.

Political Information

Aug 26, 2014 - Kiev parade shows aggressive plans to escalate crisis — Russian lawmaker

Political Information

Aug 26, 2014 - Massive Outflow of Refugees from East Ukraine War Zone, Resettled in


Just over the past five days, 22,000 have left Donetsk and Slavyansk. These numbers have

been quoted by the UN. The number of people that leave their homeland due to non-stop

shelling by Ukraine forces is on the rise.

Those who for some reasons were unable to leave (in Lugansk there still are 200,000

residents) ended up in catastrophic conditions – no electricity, no drinking water. According

to the UN, the number of Ukrainians who cross the Russian-Ukrainian border is mounting. In

our country [Russia], there are about 730,000 displaced people from south-eastern Ukraine.

- Elena Makarova

Political Information

Aug 25, 2014 - OSCE Confirms Humanitarian Convoy to Ukraine Crossed Back Into Russia

Political Information

Aug 25, 2014 - Anti-govt forces ‘circle 1000s of Kiev troops, capture 2 tank battalions’ in


“DNR’s army has surrounded the staff headquarters of the 8th army corps, 28th and 30th

mechanized brigades, 95th air mobile brigade of the army of Ukraine, and also punitive

battalions ‘Aidar’, ‘Donbass’ and ‘Shakhtersk’,” the document claims... Over the last two days,

the self-defense forces say they have captured a lot of military hardware. This has

reportedly helped them get 2 tank battalions, 3 multiple launcher rocket system batteries, 2

self-propelled howitzer batteries, 3 cannon battalions of various calibers and 8 mortar


All the new subunits have joined the newly formed fighting force, the rebels said.

Three infantry brigades will be organized from the existing detachments of self-defense

militia, the document reads. A new volunteer regiment has also been formed consisting of

miners from the Donbass region and soldiers and officers from the Ukrainian army, who have

opted to side with the People’s Republic of Donetsk.

Moreover, the DNR army says it has destroyed four ‘Smerch’ multiple rocket launch systems,

12 ‘Grad’ multiple rocket launch systems, 17 tanks, 30 armored vehicles, 50 supply trucks, and

killed over 150 enemy personnel.

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“We have captured 7 military supply depots with large quantities of armaments, munitions,

aids and appliances, food rations and property of the citizens expropriated by the National

Guards during mopping-up operations, including all-terrain vehicles. From now on we intend to

utterly annihilate enemy forces trapped near Olenovskoe and the communities of

Kuteinikovo-Blagodatnoye-Uspenskoye,” HQ said. - rt.com/news

Political Information

Aug 24, 2014 - Reply to a friend: where are the Ukrainian uprising and Novorussian counter-


Political Information

Aug 23, 2014 - Russian Foreign Ministry Statement On The Start Of The Delivery Of

Humanitarian Relief Aid To Southeastern Ukraine

Ron: I haven't read the comments.

Political Information

Aug 23, 2014 - Trucks with Russian aid reach Lugansk, E. Ukraine

Russia’s envoy to NATO, Aleksandr Grushko, said such comments by the bloc’s chief can lead

only to one conclusion: they are “completely indifferent” to the humanitarian disaster in east

Ukraine and are “not interested” in the earliest settlement to the crisis.

“On the contrary, despite everything, indulgence to Kiev’s criminal suppression of its own

people continues,” he told Itar-Tass.

Ukraine agreed to let the convoy pass during an August 20 phone call between the Russian

and Ukrainian foreign ministers. That conversation gave a start to customs procedures for

checking and registering the contents of the trucks comprising the convoy.The next day the

process was halted by Ukraine, citing intensified shelling of Lugansk.- rt.com/news/

Political Information

Aug 23, 2014 - Putin to Merkel: Further delays of aid delivery to Ukraine would have been


Political Information

Aug 21, 2014 - ‘Only’ American fighter within Kiev forces dies in battle in E. Ukraine

Ron: There's a Fuckwit born every minute.

Political Information

Aug 21, 2014 - The Russian embargo and the Ukrainian 'coup from below'

Political Information

Aug 21, 2014 - Putin Would Not Be Lured Into Military Invasion of Ukraine – Expert

True US History

Aug 21, 2014 - What Russia can do about Ukraine

Ron: Arguably there are only two real possibilities for resolution of USraeli and NATO

aggression in Ukraine, Syria Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Venezuela etc. They are a decisive

and unmistakable defeat of US military forces by Russia or the collapse of the US dollar and

with it the Anglo-USraeli and EU economies, which would have the effect of eliminating the

Anglo-USraeli cum NATO military threat of violent destruction of any recalcitrant Anglo-

USraeli allies or others.

Political Information

Aug 21, 2014 - Ukraine Crisis: Donbass. Chronicle of Genocide

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Extensive war crimes in Donbass committed by Poroshenko and his army of murderers from

July 27 to August 14, 2014. Kiev's warmongers/Zionists continue genocide of civilian

population of Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. Most of the footage and interviews

you will see in this documentary film have never been shown on mainstream media of any

country including Russia and Ukraine. - FallenUSSoldiers


Political Information

Aug 20, 2014 - No Weapons Seen Crossing Russian-Ukrainian Border - OSCE

Political Information

Aug 20, 2014 - Ukraine guarantees safety of Russian humanitarian convoy - Foreign Ministry

True US History

Aug 20, 2014 - US Gen. threatens Russia with military response over Ukraine crisis

Political Information

Aug 20, 2014 - Ukraine’s Next Crisis? Economic Disaster

Political Information

Aug 19, 2014 - The real State of the Ukrainian Army in the ATO (with English subtitles)

Political Information

Aug 18, 2014 - Gaza, Ukraine: The War Drums are Sounding the Alarm

Political Information

Aug 18, 2014 - Russia's humanitarian aid to cross into Ukraine in batches

Political Information

Aug 18, 2014 - Ukraine Crisis | Do Ukrainians Want War? - Local Deputy

Political Information

Aug 18, 2014 - What the US is Really Threatening in Ukraine

Ron: This is a silly analysis. Its premises are untenable. It doesn't deserve debunking

although I've wasted some effort to do it. The US will continue to try to undermine and

terrorise Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Iraq and evey other nation that doesn't do exactly what

the Jews in control of the US are TOLD (by Jews in the City of London) to tell them they

must do. The only way that the WAR OF TERRORISM by the Judaic (Anglo-USraeli) Empire

on the rest of the world will ever stop, will be WHEN the financial and military power of

global Jewry is ELIMINATED. Capiche?.

Political Information

Aug 18, 2014 - Kiev’s blocking of Russian aid convoy to east Ukraine escalates risk of war

Political Information

Aug 17, 2014 - US Military Contractor Responsible For Operation Storm Now Working in


Political Information

Aug 17, 2014 - Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’

Ron: The Saker and many commenters on his blog insist that "Nazis" control the Ukraine

today. I wonder why? The truth is obvious is it not?

rehmat1.com: On May 6, 2014, the deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk, B. Filatov and Ukrainian

oligarch Kolomoyski announced a plan to build a New Zion: Promised Land in the Zionist

liberated Ukraine. Kolomoyski’s fellow Jewish oligarch Petro Poroshenko is the current

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 48

president of Ukraine. The radical Zionist Chabad Jewish sect in the United States wants its

community to move to Ukraine, their original Khazarian homeland.

Jews, who make only 0.2% of Ukraine’s total population, have total monopoly over

country’s government, media and finance. In 2005, professor Vasyl Yaremenko in an

article, entitled ‘Jews in Ukraine today: reality without myths’, wrote: “Ukrainians need to

know that the mass media is completely in the hands of Jews, and everything that we

watch or read is the product of Jewish ideology…”

Political Information

Aug 17, 2014 - SIS, UKRAINE, BRICS


Political Information

Aug 17, 2014 - Russia’s aid for Ukraine: 'What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?’

Political Information

Aug 17, 2014 - Kiev's bloody eastern Ukraine campaign

The ultranationalist movement Right Sector has threatened a raid of its armed troops on

Kiev unless the police releases all its members and closes all criminal investigations against

them. The movement has also called on Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire top

police officials involved in the prosecutions.

“Unless our demands are met within 48 hours, we will be forced to call off all our units on the

front line, start a general mobilization of reserve battalions and launch a march on Kiev to

enact a ‘swift reform’ of the Interior Ministry. The columns of the Right Sector will march in

full gear,” the statement said.

The movement called on other volunteer paramilitary groups supporting the government’s

military campaign in the east of Ukraine to support their demands and oust “the helpers of

the terrorists in police uniforms from the Ukrainian land.”...

21:22 GMT:Ukraine Minister of Social Policy Lyudmila Denisova has signed an order officially

recognizing the Russian convoy stuck at the border as humanitarian aid cargo of the

International Committee of the Red Cross.

"In accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Humanitarian Aid'

considering the initiative of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on receiving

humanitarian aid within the framework of international humanitarian missions under the

auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to recognize the cargo as

humanitarian aid,” the document reads.- http://rt.com/news

Political Information

Aug 17, 2014 - ICRC Awaits Kiev to Recognize Russia’s Aid Convoy as Humanitarian Mission

Political Information

Aug 17, 2014 - Ukraine Refuses to Recognize Russia’s Cargo as Humanitarian Aid – Red Cross

Political Information

Aug 15, 2014 - Permission to Steal Everything

When was the last time Russia, or, for that matter, USSR, mount a clandestine invasion? If

you said “Crimea,” then you need to understand that

1. Russian troops have been in Crimea continuously for the past 231 years;

2. they were there under an international treaty; and

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3. their troop levels never exceeded the levels this treaty stipulates.

If Russia wanted to invade Ukraine, it simply would. The Ukrainian troops would surrender or

run away, but then what? Nobody has an answer to that question, not even the Russians.

Aid—yes, invasion—no thanks. The policy of letting Ukraine “stew in its own juices until the

meat falls off the bone” (as I put it back in mid-March) is working quite well, with the added

bonus that the EU and the US are now at each others' throats over their self-imposed

sanctions. But it will take time, and this means that the population of Novorossiya, where

Donetsk and Lugansk are located, and which ended up as part of Ukraine thanks to Lenin,

[Ron: Khruschev?] has to be fed and heated through the next winter. Hence the humanitarian

mission, which will be, if all goes well, the first of many. - Dmitry Orlov

Political Information

Aug 15, 2014 - Ukrainian Uncertainty Over Russian Aid Convoy Sparks Global Discontent

Political Information

Aug 15, 2014 - Ukraine in bloody chaos — Putin

Political Information

Aug 15, 2014 - Novorossiya: Element of Contemporary Geopolitical Pattern

Political Information

Aug 15, 2014 - Ukraine conflict: Separatist leader Igor 'the Terrible' Strelkov resigns

Reuters and ABC.net news are Jew controlled so this report may be disinfo. But if true it

appears to be bad news for the ant-Kiev Junta separatists.

Political Information

Aug 14, 2014 - Ukrainian army captures key town near Lugansk

Political Information

Aug 14, 2014 - Putin vows to end bloodshed in eastern Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 13, 2014 - Death toll in Ukraine conflict doubles in 2 weeks, reaches 2,086 - UN

Political Information

Aug 13, 2014 - Russians back Putin on Ukraine policy — opinion survey

Sixty-three percent of respondents said his policies contributed to a peaceful settlement in

the neighboring nation, state-funded opinion research cener WCIOM said on Wednesday.

Forty-seven percent believed Putin’s main aim was to achieve peace in Ukraine, including in its

war-torn Donbass region...

Returns canvassed from 1,600 people in 42 regions on July 27-28 showed that only nine

percent of respondents thought the president’s remarks were escalating tension, while 18%

said his statements had had no impact on events. “One third, or 36%, said Putin wanted to

keep NATO troops out of Ukraine while 33% believed the president’s mission was to protect

the Russian-speaking population in eastern Ukraine,” WCIOM said. - en.itar-tass.com

Political Information

Aug 13, 2014 - Moscow agrees to all of Kiev’s demands, changes humanitarian convoy route

The convoy will be comprised of 262 vehicles, including 198 truck with material means and

electricity generators with an overall weigh of 1,809.9 tonnes. The humanitarian aid includes:

69 electricity generator, 400 tonnes of cereals, 340 tonnes of canned meat, 30 tonnes of

salt, 100 tonnes of sugar, 60 tonnes of canned milk, 0.8 tonnes of tea, 679.5 tonnes of

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 50

bottled water, 62.4 tonnes of baby foods, 54 tonnes of medical equipment, and 12,300

sleeping bags.

Meanwhile, the Kiev authorities are not planning to stop the force operation in eastern

Ukraine. “The anti-terrorist operation will be continued regardless of the movement of the

humanitarian convoy. But all measures will be taken to ensure its security,” spokesman for

the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council Andrei Lysenko told a briefing on

Tuesday. - en.itar-tass.com

Political Information

Aug 13, 2014 - Kiev Seeks to ‘Raze Southeast to the Ground,’ Expel Russian Speakers –


Political Information

Aug 13, 2014 - Bloodiest Days of Ukraine’s Ethnic Cleansing Expected to Come Now

Political Information

Aug 13, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP August 13, 15:15 UTC/Zulu: A really weird moment in the

Ukrainian civil war

Political Information

Aug 12, 2014 - Donetsk Militia Plans Large-Scale Attack on ‘Demoralized’ Ukrainian Army

Political Information

Aug 12, 2014 - NATO on offensive for Ukraine-Russia war: Analyst

Political Information

Aug 12, 2014 - War threat grows as Russia prepares to intervene in east Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 12, 2014 - Kiev: Russia's humanitarian convoy will not be allowed into Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 12, 2014 - Russia dispatches humanitarian aid convoy to Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 11, 2014 - Russia and Ukraine agree on humanitarian operation - Lavrov

Political Information

Aug 11, 2014 - Emergency appeal - 'Stirol' chemical plant shelled by Ukraine!

Ron: i haven't read all the comments.

Political Information

Aug 11, 2014 - Ukraine and Crimea’s Vanishing Gold

Political Information

Aug 11, 2014 - Malaysia wants the ‘missing’ Ukrainian ATC tapes

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Aug 10, 2014 - (The MUCH awaited) Ukraine SITREP translated by Gleb Bazov

Political Information

Aug 10, 2014 - Russian aid mission in Ukraine illegal: US, UK

Political Information

Aug 9, 2014 - Ukraine’s violent escalation: From Molotov cocktails to ballistic missiles

Political Information

Aug 9, 2014 - Donetsk militia ready for ceasefire to prevent further humanitarian


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Political Information

Aug 9, 2014 - Malaysian press charges Ukraine government shot down MH 17

Political Information

Aug 9, 2014 - Ukraine may block all transit from Russia in sanctions row - PM

Ukraine ready to impose sanctions against any transit via its territory, including air flights

and gas supplies to Europe, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said Friday...

Proposed sanctions include asset freezes, bans on certain enterprises, bans on privatizing

state property, refusing to issue licenses, and a complete or partial ban on transit- both

aviation and gas.

“We simply have no other choice,” the Prime Minister said, adding that Ukraine will use part

of the planned $17 billion IMF aid to achieve energy independence, and may go to the World

Bank for help. The country, which is on the brink of economic default, received the first

$3.2 billion tranche in May.

Ukraine wants to “put a stop” to its gas dependence on Russia, its main source for energy to

heat homes and buildings, but understands it will not be an “easy” process, Yatsenyuk told

reporters. - rt.com

Political Information

Aug 9, 2014 - Over 10,000 killed in Kiev’s punitive op - Ukrainian MPs

More than ten thousand people have been killed in Kiev’s punitive operation in southeastern

Ukraine since April, said a Ukrainian parliamentary group. The MPs addressed the president

urging to declassify information on citizens killed.

The Ukrainian parliamentary group “For peace and stability” said on Friday that the figure

was given by volunteer groups working in the east of the country, ITAR-TASS reported. “We

have estimated that just in the first two weeks of July nearly 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers were

killed in the area of the ‘anti-terrorist operation’,” the group said in a statement in the

Verhovnaya Rada (Ukraine’s parliament). “The number of wounded during the same period was

more than 5,000 people. Thousands of civilians fell victim to military actions. Most of them

died from shrapnel wounds. Thus, the preliminary number of the Ukrainians killed during the

anti-terrorist operation, is more than 10,000 people according to our estimates,” said the co-

chairman of the parliamentary group, Sergey Gorokhov. The MPs also addressed Ukrainian

President Petro Poroshenko and the government, urging to “declassify the official data on

the amount of people - civilians, Ukrainian soldiers, and everyone who took part in the anti-

terrorist operation – who were killed.” - rt.com/news

Political Information

Aug 9, 2014 - Russia arrests Ukrainian officers for 'war crimes'

Investigators in Russia have announced the arrest of five Ukrainian army officers for alleged

war crimes as fighting rages in eastern Ukraine.

The officers from Ukraine's 72nd Mechanised Brigade are apparently among hundreds of

soldiers who crossed into Russia to flee from pro-Russian rebels. It is unclear on what

grounds Russia can prosecute the officers, who reportedly deny the charges...

Battalion commander Ivan Voitenko and four of his subordinates - Vitaliy Dubyniak,

Olexander Poliakov, Olexander Ohrimenko and Dmytro Ustylko- were detained as part of an

investigation into the "use of banned means and methods of conducting war", the SK said.

They are accused of using heavy weapons to bombard two towns in Luhansk region,

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Krasnopartizansk and Krasnodon, between 19 July and 3 August, killing "at least 10 civilians"

and destroying homes...

They are also being investigated for attacks on Russian territory...

Last month, Russian prosecutors charged a captured Ukrainian army pilot, Nadiya Savchenko,

with complicity in the murder of two Russian journalists. - bbc.com/news

Political Information

Aug 9, 2014 - Unique church shelled, burnt to ashes in E. Ukraine (VIDEO)

Political Information

Aug 8, 2014 - Ukraine’s End to Ceasefire Around Malaysian Boeing Crash Site Violates

UNSC Resolution

True US History

Aug 8, 2014 - NY man accused of hiding mother’s death to collect Holocaust benefits

Ron: Nice money if you can get it. What about the fact that ALL Jews receiving

"compensation" for NOT being holocausted in the mythical Holocaust were/are

fraudsters as well as grievious libellers of the good name of the entire German nation?!

Aren't their crimes more heinous?

Political Information

Aug 6, 2014 - Four Million Ukrainians in Combat Area, on Verge of Humanitarian

Catastrophe - Russia

Political Information

Aug 5, 2014 - Kiev ‘gave up on us’: Ukrainian commander tells why 400 troops escaped into


Political Information

Aug 5, 2014 - Conflict in Southeastern Ukraine Sees Over 500 Dead in Donetsk People's


Political Information

Aug 5, 2014 - 'Ukraine a pretext': Russian FM accuses NATO of using conflict to justify its


Political Information

Aug 5, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP by Gleb Bazov

Political Information

Aug 5, 2014 - Malaysian Airlines plane crash: Russian military unveil data on MH17 incident

over Ukraine (FULL)

Political Information

Aug 5, 2014 - Over 400 Ukrainian troops cross into Russia for refuge

Political Information

Aug 5, 2014 - 438 Ukrainian officers, NCOs and soliders have surrended to Russian forces

Political Information

Aug 4, 2014 - Evidence Is Now Conclusive: 2 Ukrainian Government SU-25 Fighter-Jets Did

Shoot Down that Malaysian Airliner. No “Buk” Missile Ground-Shot Was Involved.

Political Information

Aug 4, 2014 - Two Ukrainian SITREPs

Political Information

Aug 3, 2014 - "It’s perfectly simple. You need to kill 1.5 million people in Donbass"

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Political Information

Aug 3, 2014 - EU ‘quietly’ lifts ban on supplying Kiev with weapons and technology – Russia

Political Information

Aug 3, 2014 - Russia’s UN Initiative – Chance for Peace as NATO Mulls Stockpiling in

Eastern Europe

Political Information

Aug 3, 2014 - The Media Ignores the CIA in Ukraine

Political Information

Aug 1, 2014 - Analysis of satellite imagery released on the Internet by the Security Service

of Ukraine on July 30, 2014

Political Information

Aug 1, 2014 - Two Choices to the Ukrainian Conscription - Nikolai Starikov - 26 Jul 2014

Ron: i haven't read the comments.

True US History

Aug 1, 2014 - Thinking the unthinkable

Oh yes they are going to do it.

Read and parse this interview from the UK's PM. From the UK Telegraph. This is a

'near' war speech.



"Britain is not going to start World War Three over Russia’s involvement in Ukraine,

David Cameron has said. "

Firstly and scarily, this is the first time a western leader has mentioned war.

Implication? Note the word 'Start'..... Not 'cause' or 'have' but 'start'.

Implication: But if they could manoeuvre Russia into 'starting' it (or it crosses a 'red

line' set by the west') then that would be ok, they wouldn't be 'starting' war then,

Russia would be.


"The Prime Minister compared Russia’s behaviour in Ukraine to Germany’s before both

break out of the First and Second world wars. ".

Back to Russia = Nazi Germany, does this twice, see below.

"But Mr Cameron said the West had to draw a line...".

Note the implied ultimatum.

"He answered by alluding to the lessons Britain learned about dealing with Germany’s

aggression before the two World Wars. "

Another Russia=Nazi Germany, that's twice in the same speech

This part is very revealing, blaming the Russian people now...an important rhetorical

escalation. To date it has all been Putin;'s fault. Now he is expanding that to all of


"He added: “Yet that is what we are seeing. There is no doubt in my mind that it

is Russian money, it is Russian people, it is Russian weapons that are being sent in

to that country to help the separatists fight their battle against the Ukrainian

government. "

Twice he mentions this part, which could be taken as am implied threat or is revealing

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what they have been thinking about.

"Mr Cameron said then that Britain was “not about to launch a European war, we are

not about to send the fleet to the Black Sea”. "

And this very scary last bit:

“We need to turn up that pressure until Russia decides to behave like any civilised

country and allow Ukraine to choose its own future.

“It will be a tightening of the ratchet unless Mr Putin changes his approach and

there is still time for him to do that.” "

"Time for him to do it"? What happens when he 'runs out of time'?

I'd take that a real threat.

So I think the decision has been made in principal, just they are working out the

details of how and when. - oldskeptic

Political Information

Jul 31, 2014 - The Slow-Motion Collapse of the Ukrainian State and the Rada’s Capitulation

Political Information

Jul 31, 2014 - The Atlantic Axis and the Making of a War in Ukraine

Political Information

Jul 31, 2014 - Who is blocking MH17 probe? Why?

Political Information

Jul 31, 2014 - President Vladimir Putin Speaks: US Sanctions and Ukraine, July 2014

Ron: I haven't read the comments.

Political Information

Jul 31, 2014 - Russia Concerned by Reports of Kiev Using Ballistic Missiles in Eastern


Political Information

Jul 30, 2014 - ‘Yukos judgment marks true divorce between Russia and the West’

I think the timing is extremely suspicious. The entire judgment is rotten. Mr. Khodorkovsky

was found guilty not only in Russian courts, but that guilty sentence for tax evasion and

fraud was upheld by the European Court of Human Rights. It is an outrage that anyone

should imagine that Russia is going to pay 50 billion dollars to these criminals... Yukos was a

zionist Jewish outfit, part of the Jewish mafia crime network and part of the Israeli control

of Russia. The Israelis were planning to use these people to essentially reassert their control

of Russia they had under their Yeltsin quisling. Putin & Co. shut that operation down, cold.

This IAC horseshit is Israeli/zionist Jewish oligarchs, the ZPC controlling half of the

ZPC/NWO, not their Washington tools, and is part of the ZPC's contribution to the "destroy

Russia by any cowardly means possible" campaign.

When the Israeli/zionist Jewish aspect of something is left out of the analysis,

especially when the main players are zionist Jews, then one should suspect somebody is

covering for zionist Jewish/Israeli involvement and influence and not being on the level. As

with all countries, removing the Israeli/zionist Jewish influence from all aspects of the

country and its people is paramount to remaining independent of the ZPC/NWO.- Eric Kraus

Can someone please explain why the overwhelming majority of oligarchs in Russia were

jewish? And why this is also true in regard to Ukrainian oligarchs. Considering they represent

considerable less than 1% of the population of these respective countries, how exactly did

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they manage to seize the assets of these countries?

Statistically, the odds of this happening randomly are incalculable. The so-called jewish

‘cleverness’ myth seems to me to be a canard in this context. So what is it?

Consider the situation in the Ukraine. Kolomoisky, Firtash, Pinchuk, Poroshenko, Taruta,

Boholubov - the list goes on and on - both major and minor oligarchs. Consider also that most

of these major oligarchs were behind the coup that took down Yanukovich. And that they

worked in conjunction with the neo-cons in the U.S. State Department, who just happen to be

rabidly pro-Zionist.(Kolomoisky … is the engine behind what is currently happening in Ukraine.’

-Andrei Fursov ((Director of Russian Studies, Moscow University) 2014/04/14Now we have

a government where the key positions are held by Jews :Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko,

Groysman, (deputy prime minister for regional affairs, close associate of oligarch Petro

Poroshenko), Shlapak, (new finance minister, is a representative of oligarch Ihor

Kolomoyskiy, ), Prodan ( Energy Minister, tied to Privat Group of Kolomoisky) etc, not

to mention many of the regional governorships.

Are we supposed to actually believe this is just some cosmic coincidence??? - Anon

Ron: Well, the Saker and many of his acolytes seem to think so; Moreover, they say that the

Kiev COUP is a "neo-Nazi" coup so presumably they think that "Nazis" have installed JEWS

as controllers of the Kiev Junta.

Political Information

Jul 29, 2014 - NEW MH17 SENSATION: German experts point finger at Ukrainian air-

force jets.

This is the assessment of retired Colonel Bernd Biedermann in an

article for the daily newspaper published in Berlin “new Germany”

(Thursday edition). Had splinters from a surface to air missile hit

the plane, it would have immediately caught fire, argues the NVA

anti-aircraft missile specialist. His reasoning is because of the

“enormous frictional heat that the splinters generate on penetrating

the fuselage. A single splinter contains the same kinetic energy as a

40-ton freight car hitting the buffers at 60 kilometers per hour.” In

the case of the Malaysian Boeing, scattered fires had broken out after

the impact with the ground, because hot debris from the aircraft had

come in contact with combustible materials. - John Ward

Political Information

Jul 29, 2014 - SURPRISE, SURPRISE–Jewish deputy PM to serve as Ukraine’s acting PM

Ron: How FKN stupid are goyem? The fact that Jews INFEST the Ukraine, created the Kiev

COUP and the subsequent Kiev Junta, with immense assistance from Jew controlled

Amerikka (as was also the case with the Bolshevik COUP (mislabelled the "Russian

Revolution") in 1917, is as plain as dog's balls. No? So what's your explanation Shelock?

Looong dead German National Socialists resurrected themselves and suddenly took over the

Ukraine and are forcing Jewish billioniares to do their bidding?! SPARE ME!

Political Information

Jul 28, 2014 - Why Novorussians and Russians are right to treat the Ukie soldiers with

compassion and kindness

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 56

Ron: Let's be candid. The people ruling the Kiev Junta government are JEWS! Got that! Jews

are indoctrinated in the Talmudic ideology which requires them to hate, exploit and,

wherever possible kill or enslvae non-Jews. And that is what they are doing in Ukraine where

they have attained untrammeled power, just as they did in Imperial Russia in 1917. It follows

that the Jewish Kiev COUP leaders do not give a stuff about Ukrainians in general. They

don't care how many Ukrainians are killed or maimed etc, whether they are "Russians" or

"Ukrainians", so long as the Jews gain/retain control of the Ukraine and its territory and


I haven't read the comments.

True US History

Jul 28, 2014 - Washington threatens to intervene in east Ukraine fighting

Political Information

Jul 28, 2014 - Stalking Horse for US-led Military Intervention in East Ukraine? Australia

and Netherlands Push for Stationing of Police and Soldiers at MH17 Crash Site

Political Information

Jul 28, 2014 - Libya's Destruction a Warning to Egypt, Syria, & Ukraine

Political Information

Jul 28, 2014 - Ukraine: The Jewish ‘regime change’

Ron: Tell me again why you think that the Kiev Junta is controlled by neo-Nazis (whatever

that means); and is seething with anti-Semites. Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the governor of

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is also a Jew as are other governors and key officials appointed by

the Junta. Kolomoyskyi has armed and equipped a private Death Squad of 2,000 men who he

used to carry out the holocausting of some 300 Odessites and is now using to ethnically

cleanse Novorossyia. Kolomoyskyi is reported to have offered to pay $5,000 USD for every

dead body his troops produce.

Political Information

Jul 28, 2014 - Ukraine false flag planned? Is NATO preparing for a war against Russia?

True US History

Jul 28, 2014 - Intelligence Insider on Ukraine: The Other Road to World War III

Political Information

Jul 28, 2014 - Dozens of Ukraine soldiers lay down arms, enter Russia

True US History

Jul 28, 2014 - Washington Is Escalating the Orchestrated Ukrainian “Crisis” to War — Paul

Craig Roberts

Political Information

Jul 27, 2014 - Donbass SITREP July 27th 2014

Political Information

Jul 27, 2014 - Warning of Impending Terrorist Acts by the Kiev Junta

Political Information

Jul 26, 2014 - Mystery bombing running over Ukraine

Political Information

Jul 26, 2014 - When lies turn into madness - Ukraine, Gaza and the sewer of Jewish


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the shootdown of the Malaysian jetliner over the Ukraine was nothing but a false flag

operation to take the TV network focus off the newest Israeli atrocities in Gaza — which it

did in spades — but also to further defame Russia for a malicious misdeed that subsequent

investigations are showing to be an act committed by the insane [Ron: Jewish lead and

controlled] Ukrainian junta that takes its orders directly from Washington's Jewish

sponsors.- John Kaminski

Political Information

Jul 25, 2014 - Catastrophic Desertions and Losses in the Ukrainian Army - Official

Ukrainian Reports, July 19, 2014

Political Information

Jul 25, 2014 - Ukrainian SITREP and important statement of the Russian Deputy Defense


Political Information

Jul 25, 2014 - Ukraine May Soon Become NATO Military Partner – Ex-SBU Foreign

Intelligence Chief

Political Information

Jul 25, 2014 - Communist faction at Ukrainian parliament disbanded

Political Information

Jul 25, 2014 - Ukrainian government resigns after PM Yatsenyuk steps down

Political Information

Jul 24, 2014 - Western leadership shot down in Ukraine

Political Information

Jul 23, 2014 - Ukrainian Parliament approves law on partial mobilization

Political Information

Jul 22, 2014 - Ukraine's False Flag Plane Shoot Down

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Ron: IF MH17 was shot down by a ground based missile there should have been a smoke trail

for the missile and Russian, Amerikkan and Ukrainian radars should have complete evidence

of the event. The debris field doesn't evidence a shoot down and much of the wreckage

doesn't indicate damage consistent with an explosion in the air nor is the limited burnt area

around the wreckage consistent with an impact explosion following substantial parts of the

plane allegedly hit the ground.

Political Information

Jul 22, 2014 - Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash -


Ron: IF it transpires that the only explosion occurred on the ground and none occurred in the

air, ALL of the activities with BUK missile systems and planes follwing MH17 are designed to

create the illusion that the plane was shot down when it wasn't. The forensic examination of

the bodies should decide the issue.

Political Information

Jul 20, 2014 - Ukraine: 777 and State – Fabricated Terror

Political Information

Jul 18, 2014 - Ukrainian Buk battery radar was operational when Malaysian plane downed -


Political Information

Jul 18, 2014 - Extensive War Crimes in Eastern Ukraine. The Voices of the Innocent: “We

Haven’t Got Anywhere to Run…”

Political Information

Jul 18, 2014 - July 17th Ukraine Combat SITREP by Juan

Political Information

Jul 17, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP July 17th, 15:55 UTC/Zulu: the complete failure of

Poroshenko's "surprise" (UPDATED)

Ron: Germany and the National Socialists LOST WWII and were genocided by the Jews who

won it! WHY are Amerikkans and others characterising the actions of Jew controlled

Amerikka and its Jew controlled Fascist allies as "Nazis"?!? Not only is that mislabelling

ABSURD, but also it totally misdirectds attention away from the root cause of ALL

humanity's core problems which is Talmudic Judaism! Are the Saker and his acolytes just

stupid or are they CLOSET Jewophiles?

And pleaseee, don't tell me that Jews are mere puppets and that there's some hidden

malovent genius(s) manipulating them and that, for that reason, we should exonerate the

poor, helpless, "put upon" Jews of responsibility for Fuking our world.

Nuland (Nudelman) and the other controllers of the US Administration, along with

Poroshenko, Yats, Kolomoyskyi et al, ARE JEWS! THAT MEANS THEY ARE NOT German

National Socialists OR followers of that ot any similar ideology! Sooo, of course they are

NOT "Nazis" and will not "confess" to being "Nazis". Jews are Talmudists and their ideology

is anti-God and anti-human; and their activities reflect THAT ideology! I assume that the

Saker and his acolytes see themselves as AWAKE and enlightened. But if their perceptions

are reflected in their constant characterisation of our Anglo-USraeli, Judaic dominated

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world as being "Nazi" is any indication, they have a very looong way to go to reach "the

Promised Land".

Political Information

Jul 17, 2014 - Russia World Business Analysis & Opinion Military & Intelligence Society

Sport Radio More World Ukrainian Troops Hurt in Clashes Receive Treatment in Russia

Political Information

Jul 17, 2014 - News » World Canada to supply decommissioned fighter aircraft to Ukraine

Political Information

Jul 17, 2014 - ...to understand Ukraine... Rolandas Paulauskas

Ron: Those wishing to understand the latest Judaic war mongering against non-Jews should

watch this video. The maps and discussion of the ethnic composition of Ukraine are excellent.

As always, the same pod of Jews just "HAPPEN" to have controlled the Ukraine BEFORE and

AFTER the Kiev COUP. Strange isn't it, how Jews always seem to have the misfortune to be

on hand to organise every major effort to kill true Shemites. The Rothschilds funded and

organised the Jacobins who introduced head chopping as a national sport during the

(mislabelled) French Revolution. Then Jews fomented and funded both sides in the American

Civil War which introduced the implementation of Talmudic total warfare including the mass

killing and starvation of civilian populations and complete destruction of civilian

infrastructure; WWI, the Jews' COUP (mislabelled the Russian Revolution) in Imperial

Russia in 1917, which resulted in the genocide of 66 million Russian Christians and 7-10 million

Ukrainian Christians; the Spanish Civil War, WWII (including the genocide of 20 million

ethnic German Christians) and all the rest; up to and including the current holocaust in

Odessa and Novorussia. Not forgetting of course, the fact that Mao Tse Tung was a

Rothschilds' agent who managed to cull 60-80 million non-Jewish Chinese from the face of

the Earth. It's a bit strange that when confronted with evidence of these endless atrocities

and holocausts, most people refuse to believe that Jews are responsible for them. Most

people refuse to accept that Jews are doing these things and label evidence thereof as

hateful anti-Semitism (despite having no problem accepting the global mass media's libelous

daily demonising of 80 million Germans as barbaric "Nazi" "Holocausters" and war mongers,

some 70 years after the Jews genocided 20 million ethnic Germans under cover of WWII

and its aftermath). Most Westerners are squeamish about NAMING Jews as the culprits for

global poverty, misery, starvation and genocide all over the planet. I suppose they will just

havta wait until the Jews come for THEM. OR, to use the Judaic's counterfeit propaganda:

First they came for the Germans but I was not a German so i didn't object. Then they came

for the Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Central and South Americans,

Africans, Iraqis, Afghanis, Libyans, Syrians and Ukrainians, BUT I was not one of them

either, so I didn't object. NOW it will be my turn as the Jews implement their New World

Order, One World Government. Ain't karma a bitch!

Political Information

Jul 16, 2014 - Igor Strelkov and Militia Briefings, July 14-16, 2014

Political Information

Jul 16, 2014 - Press Digest: Ukraine’s economy on brink; Militias face shortage in numbers

Political Information

Jul 16, 2014 - NATO Hopes for Russian Invasion of Ukraine

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Political Information

Jul 15, 2014 - Ukraine denies shelling Russia's Donetsk, says 'army not deployed there'

Political Information

Jul 15, 2014 - Ukraine's Démarche Against Refugees - To Be Interned, Split and Forcibly

Utilized as Soldiers

Ron: i haven't read the comments.

Political Information

Jul 14, 2014 - Ukraine Turf Wars, Kolomoisky vs. Poroshenko

Political Information

Jul 14, 2014 - Ukrainian Nazis crucify a baby and force mother to watch then murder her

Ron: National Socialists were Christians. They did not desecrate Christed symbols nor did

they crucify and torture women and children for pleasure or any other reason. The Kiev

Junta's Death Squads are NOT "Nazis" if by that term is meant German National Socialists.

The torture and deaths of the three year old child and his mother described in these videos

ae the actions of Talmudists who hate and despise Christians and gentiles, and especially

white European Shemites. These horrific barbarous tortures and muders are NOT unique.

They happen all the time ALL OVER THE WORLD but especially wherever the Jews and

their psychopatic and robotic mercenaries have managed to completely control defenceless

populations. Syria and Libya being recent examples. IT HAS TO STOP! And humanity HAS

TO WANT IT TO STOP! But unless global mass media is able to broadcast and publicise

these atrocities and identify their true perpetrators, most humans will not beleive these

actions are happening - unless it happens to them.

Political Information

Jul 14, 2014 - Russia doesn’t rule out "selective" strikes on Ukraine – media reports /

Political Information

Jul 14, 2014 - Meanwhile, back in Kiev, (and elsewhere in Ukraine) - Economics

Political Information

Jul 14, 2014 - Russia vows “tough response” to Ukraine’s military border shelling

Ron: The Kiev Junta's shelling Russian territory is an overt act of war. It appears that the

Junta and their US masters are determined to force Russia to respond militarily.

Political Information

Jul 13, 2014 - Heavy Fighting in Eastern Ukraine: “We will kill hundreds of them for each of

ours” – Poroshenko

Political Information

Jul 12, 2014 - The return of George Orwell and Big Brother’s war on Palestine, Ukraine and

the truth

Ron: Ironically, John Pilger exhibits cognitive dissonant blindness when contemplating the

handiwork of the Judaics. Does he really not see that maintaining that one is GOD'S

CHOSEN is claiming absolute "superiority", something the German National Socialists never

did. Perhaps Leni Riefenstahl was trying to tell Pilger something which he was unable to


Political Information

Jul 12, 2014 - July 11th Ukraine combat SITREP by Juan

Political Information

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Jul 12, 2014 - Russian and Ukrainian sources are reporting a major battle near Lugansk

Political Information

Jul 11, 2014 - July 11th Ukraine SITREP: important developments for the Resistance

Political Information

Jul 9, 2014 - 150 heavy vehicles of Ukrainian army moving towards Lugansk - LPR

spokesperson Political Information

Jul 9, 2014 - CrossTalk: Ukraine, End of Beginning (+ commentary)

Ron: Saker's error is to perceive the Kiev junta to be "Nazi" which amounts to German

bashing. It isn't. It is Judaic; and as the Jews control the US, UK, EU, NATO and much of

the rest of the world, expecting them to condemn themselves is ridiculous. While the level of

debate about Ukraine is maintained at this superficial German bashing level the Saker and

his acolytes will remain mysterfied.

What the Kiev Junta is doing - holocausting Odessites and genociding Novorossyians - is

entirely explicable when seen for what it is, typical Judaic repression and destruction of

non-Jews which they have at their mercy. Ask the Palestinians.

Political Information

Jul 9, 2014 - Brzezinski calls to isolate Russia, urges US to arm Ukrainian military

Political Information

Jul 9, 2014 - Interview with Igor Strelkov, First Republican Channel (DPR), July 8, 2014

True US History

Jul 9, 2014 - NYT Dishes More Ukraine Propaganda

Political Information

Jul 9, 2014 - Organ Harvesting in Ukraine Goes Unreported

Ron: Tony Cartalucci rightly says: Since organ harvesting is undoubtedly taking place in

Ukraine today - since it was taking place on record before the conflict even began - the

BBC's dismissal of this tale of horror may mean Polish snipers supported by NATO may also

be carrying out atrocities, and the regime of Petro Poroshenko may very well be carrying out

campaigns of racially motivated genocide.

However, Cartalucci also peddles Judaic propaganda which conceals the truth which is that

Israel (ie the Jews) is the core perpetrator of organ harvesting. It is unconscionable for a

reputable commentator to repeat Jewish lies about Mengele and to use them to libel National

Socialist Germany and Germans. For the truth about Mengele see eg: Lessons of the Mengele

Affair - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Lessons-of-the-Mengele-


Jews lie about Mengele to cover up the Lubeck Experiment and to reap profits as black

mailers. Incidentally, Jews were expelled from Lubeck Germany around 1845. They went back

to Lubeck in 1931 for revenge, certain no Jewish children could fall prey to their Talmudic

lusts. Worse, Lubeck was bombed just as severely as Dresden at the end of WWII. For

more details see: The Blood Poisoners by Lionel Dole (scroll down to the essay on the BCG


The proof the doctors were Jews is obvious. (1) Jews had complete control of the German

Civil Service system up until 1933. They were at least 50% of the doctors in the public

health system. (2) If the doctors had been Germans and Christians this incident would still

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be making headlines. The very fact the Lubeck Experiment is ‘under the radar’ proves jews

were responsible for this act of genocide.

The Lubeck Experiment is one of the reasons Hitler swept into power in 1933. In 1933 Hitler

passed a set of Nuremberg Laws. These laws expelled jews from civil service jobs (health

care doctors). These laws forbade human experiments not proceeded by animal experiments.

As a result of these laws, Mengele could never have performed any experiments on

jewish children. Never happened - JhM].

Political Information

Jul 8, 2014 - For Russia the issues is tactics, not strategy

Ron: Saker's constant references to "Nazis" is highly misleading. Oligarchic Ashkenazis ie

Khazars, aka JEWS, control the Ukraine's politics, mass media, industry and corporations.

They are NOT National Socialists, they are Talmudic fascists. Pretending that they are

"Nazis" because they employ deaths squads composed of impoverished, ignorant thugs

wearing Germanic insignia and mouthing racist slogans does not mean that the Kiev Junta is

driven by National Socialist ideology. It isn't. Obviously the Kiev Junta's violent usurpation

of political power in the Ukraine and its on-going holocausting and ethnic cleansing of Russian

speakers and other Ukrainian opponents is TYPICALLY Talmudic ie Judaic. The Kiev Junta's

COUP in Ukraine is a carbon copy of the Jews' COUP in Imperial Russia in 1917 but writ small

because Jews are a smaller percentage of the Ukrainian population and consequently they

need much more external Judaic financial and political assistance and large quantities of non

Jewish psychopathic manpower organised by the US and NATO.

Endless brain dead repetition of the Jew created epithet "Nazi" which was designed solely

to fraudulently demonise and denigrate Hitler, National Socialism and Germans, is preventing

most of humanity from seeing and understanding the truth. While that situation persists the

bulk of "Western" humanity will remain unconscious ie unable to ascend to a higher level of

consciousness. Ya can't build truth on false premises, Pilgrims.

The problem in Ukraine and globally is NOT National Socialistm. It is Jews! It has always

been Jews! Stop misdirected the debate. The inappropriatness of demonising and advocating

the eradication of "Nazis" is easily exposed. Just substitute the TRUE culprits namely

"JEWS" and see how everyone resiles from that solution! As Voltaire said: 'The only ones

you cannot criticise in society are its rulers'. Sooo, most commentators rail against wraiths

and straw men, in this case, so-called "NAZIS"! Until a critical mass of people get the balls

to call a spade a spade and to NAME the Jews as humanity's NUMBER ONE ENEMY, nothing

will change. And endless wringing of hands and whinging about misery and death in the world

won't change that. Capiche?

Political Information

Jul 8, 2014 - Kiev's bloody eastern Ukraine campaign LIVE UPDATES

Political Information

Jul 8, 2014 - East Ukraine preparing for siege

Political Information

Jul 8, 2014 - IMF pushes Ukraine to ‘voluntarily commit suicide’

Political Information

Jul 8, 2014 - Polkovnik (Colonel) Strelkov

Ron: I haven't read the comments.

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Political Information

Jul 8, 2014 - Background information on the situation in the Ukraine

Ron:Please watch this video from the 1 hr 16' 45" point to the end IF you want to understand

how the Judaic (anglo-USraeli) Empire operates, not only in Ukraine but

everywhere.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqQCx6RXkY#t=13) The video clearly

shows that the Odessa governor and Police and hence the Kiev Junta, were complicit in the

Odessa holocaust on 2 May 2014. the failure of the Fire Fighting services, to arrive for

about an hour although the station was only 150 metres away also evidences government

complicity. Similarly, ambulances did not arrive as they should have. I understand that Ihor

Kolomoyskyi organised the killers within the Trades Union building and is said to have

undertaken to pay $5,000USD per cadaver to the killers.

i haven't read the comments.

Political Information

Jul 8, 2014 - Bumps and Ruts on Ukraine's «Polish Road» to Europe

True US History

Jul 7, 2014 - NYT Caught Creating Fake War Propaganda in Ukraine Just Like Iraq

Political Information

Jul 7, 2014 - Ukraine: Kiev's Ticking Time Bomb

Political Information

Jul 6, 2014 - On traitors, rebels, terrorist and loyalist

Very shortly, if Russia does not intervene, the EU and USA will name all anti-Nazi

resistance groups in Ukraine as TERRORIST organisations. This act does NOT require

UN agreement, so Russia has no power of veto.

The consequence of this zionist tactic, seen used widely in the Middle East by

friends of the vile, evil, racist state of Israel, is that every Russia with even the

most tenuous link to the resistance in Ukraine can be arrested on site anywhere

across the West. This includes Russians who merely post pro-resistance blogs, or

help provide humanitarian aid to victims of the neo-Nazis.

This last point is essential to understand. Powerful Jewish groups in the USA had

every major Muslim charity helping the Palestinian victims of Israeli atrocities

closed down, and the heads of many of these charities imprisoned, in SUPERMAX

jails, for decades. And I am talking about charities that the US prosecutors

agreed where providing strictly humanitarian aid. The Jewish argument was that

money for children, etc freed the 'terrorist' Palestinians to use the money they

saved for 'terrorism'.

So, once the West declares the Human movements of East Ukraine as 'terrorist', and

sympathy or assistance given to the Humans of that region will be formally considered

as terrorist acts in the West.- Anonymous

olitical Information

Jul 6, 2014 - The important roles of Slavyansk

True US History

Jul 6, 2014 - Jews And Their Lies On Ukraine

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Political Information

Jul 6, 2014 - Slavyansk is out of sight now …

Political Information

Jul 5, 2014 - The Fall of Slaviansk, its meaning and implications

Political Information

Jul 5, 2014 - Document Leaked? US think-tank plan on East Ukraine suggests internment

camps, executions

Political Information

Jul 5, 2014 - Ukraine's Land Agency give land to soldiers in the east for free

Ron: Can you guess why the people of Donbass are resisting the Kiev Junta's invasion of their

oblasts? Here is one obvious reason.

Land parcels will be given out for free to the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and

other military formations, as well as to the employees of Interior Ministry and the Security

Service of Ukraine that are defending territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country in

eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine.- KyivPost

Political Information

Jul 3, 2014 - The behavior of barbarians

The most remarkable — and disgusting — declaration I've heard in the past few weeks was

the statement by the Ukraine's new outlaw Jewish prime minister calling the Russian

speaking residents of the eastern part of the country "subhuman". This not only went

well with the policies of Ukraine's criminal ex-president Iulia Timoshenko, who advised using

nuclear weapons against these same Russian speaking residents of the eastern Ukraine, but

was right in line with the Jewish preference of dealing with non Jews throughout the

world. Kill them, then steal their property and give it all to your friends who helped you do

the killing. - John Kaminski

Political Information

Jul 3, 2014 - The Risk of a Ukraine Bloodbath

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In the first part of his Tuesday speech, Putin was upfront about the possibility of a Russian

intervention to stop any Ukrainian military slaughter of ethnic Russians. He said he “would

like to make clear” to all that Moscow might feel compelled to protect “Russians and Russian-

speaking citizens of the Ukraine. … I am referring to those people who consider themselves

part of the broad Russian community; they may not necessarily be ethnic Russians, but they

consider themselves Russian people.”

Putin said, “This country will continue to actively defend the rights of Russians, our

compatriots abroad, using the entire range of available means – from political and economic

to the right to self-defense envisaged by international humanitarian law.”

Putin’s reference to “international humanitarian law” sounds very much like the

“Responsibility to Protect” so favored by some of President Obama’s foreign policy advisers,

though apparently not when the people doing the killing are being supported by the U.S.

government. - strategic-culture.org

Political Information

Jul 3, 2014 - Genocide on its way: Ukraine may see 'total hell breaking loose' – Law Prof.

Political Information

Jul 3, 2014 - Shelling near Slavyansk in Ukraine: people may be under ruins

Political Information

Jul 3, 2014 - Joint Declaration by the Foreign Ministers of Ukraine, Russia, France and


Ron: I haven't read the comments.

Political Information

Jul 3, 2014 - Shells devastate entire streets in eastern Ukrainian town (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Ron: Tell me again why you are happy to live in a world controlled by the Judaic (Anglo-

USraeli) Empire which does this to ordinary people in dozens of nations around the world.

While you are at it, tell me why you believe the reports of events like this portrayed by

global Jewmedia as people bombing themselves. Perhaps you'll change your mind when it

starts happening in your neighbourhood.

True US History

Jul 3, 2014 - Direct Information from Igor Strelkov & the Militia, July 1, 2014

Political Information

Jul 3, 2014 - A unofficial Russian no-fly zone over Novorussia?

Political Information

Jul 2, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP July 2nd, 12:33 UTC/Zulu: A first evaluation of the latest

Ukie offensive on Novorussia.

True US History

Jul 2, 2014 - U.S. NATO General Calls for Troops in Ukraine

Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO’s Allied

Command Operations, announced Monday the United States will send troops “to help respond

to Russian aggression in Ukraine,” according to McClatchy. - Infowars.com

Ron:Ukraine is NOT in NATO. It was part of the Soviet Union and Kiev is the heartland of

the original RUS nation. Russia has NOT "intervened" in Ukraine. When, as a result of the

violent Jew COUP in Kiev, the population of Crimea seceeded from Ukraine and voted

overwhelmingly to become part of the Russian Federation, their request was granted by

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Russia in accordance with International law.

Victoria Nuland publicly admitted that The US spent five billion USD to create the Jews'

Kiev COUP and the US continues to fund and to supply CIA agents, mercenaries and weapons

etc to Kiev's Jew Coup Junta to enable it to KILL UKRAINIANS in Odessa, Sourth East

Ukraine and elsewhere.

Political Information

Jul 2, 2014 - Russian Investigative Committee Says 2,700 Proven Victims in Ukrainian


The Russian Investigative Committee has recognized 2,700 victims in criminal cases in the

Ukrainian crisis, committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said Wednesday. Criminal cases have

been launched in Russia against Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and Dnipropetrovsk

Region Governor Ihor Kolomoyskyi, believed to be behind the unlawful massacres in Ukraine.

Last week, Russia issued arrest warrants for Avakov and Kolomoyskyi on charges of

organizing murders and abductions, using banned means and methods of warfare, and

preventing legal journalistic activities.

“More than 4,000 individuals have been questioned and 2,700 have been recognized as

victims. Their testimonies confirm the investigators' theory in the participation of

Kolomoyskyi, Avakov, [Aidar Battalion Commander Serhiy] Melnichuk, as well as Ukrainian

military personnel, the armed members of Ukraine’s National Guard, and [members] of the

Right Sector in the aforementioned crimes,” Markin said in a statement. - http://en.ria.ru

True US History

Jul 2, 2014 - America's Nazis in Kiev: "Russians are Subhuman"

Ron: IS Tony Cartalucci ignorant, stupid or a disinformation agent for the Jews? ANYONE

with pretensions to knowledge and understanding of our world KNOWS that the neo-

Pharisees (Jews) hold, as an article of "Talmudic faith", that ALL non-Jews are soulless sub-

humans ie animals. Although, in truth animals have souls sooo, logically the Jews may consider

non-Jews to be lower than ensouled animals. As US Administration Jews and Ukrainian

oligarchic Jews organised, funded, armed and effectuated the Kiev COUP and control the

resulting Kiev Junta, it is logical to characterise the rhetoric and actions emanatiing from

the Junta as being Talmudic, ie Judaic. SOOO, why does Tony Cartalucci persist in distorting

the picture by branding Arseny Yatsenyuk's statement that "Russians are Subhuman" as a

"Nazis" comment? Yatsenyuk is a crypto JEW not a National Socialist. Tony Cartalucci

constantly mislabels Talmudic behaviours as "Nazi", falsely implying that the behaviour is

typically National Socialist ie Germanic, behaviour when it isn't. Amerikka is controlled by

Jews, Victoria Nuland is a Jew, the current Kievan junta's President, Prime Minister, and key

Ukrainian governors are JEWS! GOT THAT! They are not crypto National Socialists! They

are Jews! And their genocidal actions in South-Eastern Ukraine, and the oligarchic Jew,

Kolomoyiskyi's holocaust of 300 Odessians were Talmudic actions, NOT the actions of crypto

National Socialists. Read the Pentateuch or the Talmud if you want to KNOW the truth. IF

commentators want to continue to refer to "Nazis" they need to get it right and label them

accurately as "ASHKENAZIS" ie KHAZARS aka Jews! Constantly referring to "Nazis"

misdirects the debate by concealing the fact that the actions of Anglo-USans, NATO and its

European enablers are controlled and directed by Jews and are Talmudic. Until and unless a

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critical mass of humanity correctly identifies the cause of the war mongering and misery in

our world appropriate remedial action cannot and will not be taken.

Ask yourself: 'WHY is such shitty propaganda still being endlessly pumped out by Jew

propagandists and their lackeys and stupid emulators today, 68 years after Germany was

defeated and genocided by the Jews whose British, French, Amerikkan and Sovirt military

murdered 13 million German POWs and civilians AFTER WWII? Presumably it is designed to

continue to conceal the truth that the real monsters were Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower,

Morganthau, Stalin, Truman, Baruch, Einstein and their henchmen, NOT Hitler and the

German people. Labelling Germans as monsters is also vital to concealment of the fact that

the Holocaust NEVER HAPPENED with all that that implies. Also ask yourself: WHY is

humanity endlessly bombarded with bullshit about "Nazis" while noone even mentions

Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the fire bombing and complete destruction of Dresden and all other

German and Japanese cities; AND the total destruction of Korea, Vietnam, Iraq,

Afghanistan et al with the genocidal toll in each case in the millions, MOST OF THEM

WOMEN CHILDREN AND OLD PEOPLE? How totally stupid is humanity?! Do you care?

The 25 points of National Socialism advocated the people’s right to self-determination,

debt-free currency, strict immigration laws, generous social benefits for the elderly, an

honest press run by devoted nationalists and suppression of destructive and degenerate art.

None of this is present in modern Anglo-US and European society. Elimination of that

political ideology was the Jews' reason for fomenting WWII, destroying Germany and Japan,

and militarily occupying those countries to ensure their enslavement for the benefit of the

Jews until today ... and counting.

Political Information

Jul 1, 2014 - Novorussia - Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and settle for anything

in the middle

Generals from several US nuclear missile facilities convened to share

their information with each other, which they had heretofore been

prohibited from discussing publicly of a decades-long and ongoing

intervention by UFOs of their activities, with the disarming of their weapons

and the interference in their tests, etc. Moreover, we find that officers from

other nations with nuclear arsenals have long been reporting the same

thing. What gives?

(Video: under 5 and a half minutes):

Ret. Air Force Generals Say UFOs Will Stop A Nuclear Holocaust


- Alexandra

Political Information

Jul 1, 2014 - Moscow proposes deploying Kiev, OSCE observers at Russian checkpoints on

border with Ukraine - Lavrov

Political Information

Jul 1, 2014 - Ukraine: When the Lunatics Run the Asylum

Political Information

Jun 30, 2014 - Russia Reveals "Plan B": Gazprom Says Gas Transit Via Ukraine May Be

Stopped Completely

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In other words, as Europe and the US remains still focused on Ukraine, the one place which

now matters most for Europe's energy future is Austria: a country where Gazprom, and Putin

of course, are quietly sowing the seeds of Russia's energy dominance tomorrow. As for the

feeder countries, especially Bulgaria, pay close attention as the US "foreign service" does all

it can to destabilize the local government and financial system as a last ditch attempt to

wrest Russia's trump card out of its hand. Something tells us Putin will hardly let it go easily.

- Tyler Durden

Political Information

Jun 30, 2014 - Ukraine and the Battle for South Stream

Political Information

Jun 26, 2014 - For whom does bell toll in Ukraine?

Political Information

Jun 26, 2014 - On the Issue of Berezin's Account of the Ukrainian Rape and Murder in the

Village of Saurovka

Ron: i haven't read the comments.

Political Information

Jun 26, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP June 24th, 14:33 UTC/Zulu

Ron: I have not read the comments.

Political Information

Jun 25, 2014 - Ukrainian Successors to Hitlerite Wehrmacht Rape and Murder in Saurovka

Ron: This author's statement that "The Ukie army, being a direct successor to Hitlerite

Wehrmacht," is incorrect. The Ukie army is a JEW controlled FASCIST, terrorist cum

Death Squad military, similar to the Jew controlled Jihardist Death Squads used by the

Judaic (Anglo-USraeli) Empire in Syria, Libya and Iraq except that those terrorists pose as

Muslims whereas the Ukie Death Squads pose as National Socialists. BUT both sets of

mercenaries are paid and directed by JEWS and their attitudes and methods are Talmudic.

If you don't believe me, read the Pentateuch. For an indication of what JEW directed

military did to German civilians during WWII see: The Zionist Destruction of Germany -


Germany.shtml The barbarism under Bolshivik commissars in Germany is identical to that on

display by the Ukie military in Donbass.

I haven't read the comments.

Political Information

Jun 25, 2014 - Putin’s Strategy In Ukraine


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Political Information

Jun 25, 2014 - Poroshenko invites Russia to monitor Ukraine ceasefire

Political Information

Jun 25, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP June 24th, 17:10 UTC/Zulu: a watershed moment?

Political Information

Jun 24, 2014 - NATO Killers Readying To Cleanse Russians In Ukraine?

Political Information

Jun 23, 2014 - Update on the Ukrainian refugees by Auslander

Ron: Multiply the costs mentione here by MILLIONS to get a bit of a feel for the minimum

monetary costs of helping MILLIONS of refugees from Jew created warfare and ethnic

cleansing etc in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Mali, the Central

African Republic, Uvory Coast and dozens of other countries around the world that have

been "destabilised" and destroyed by the Judaic (Anglo-USraeli) Empire.Of course these

costs are merely the tip of the iceberg as regards the total costs to humanity of the

injuries, deaths and destruction being wrought on humanity and the planet in furtherance of

the Judaic conspiracy to decimate humanity and enslave the remnant. Next time you criticise

someone for being ANTI-SEMITIC, remember that these refugee problems would not exist

if Jews did not have a monopoly on the creation of money and usurious fractional reserve

banking almost everywhere and are able to use the stolen wealth thus accumulated to create

wars and destruction wherever they choose.

Political Information

Jun 23, 2014 - Ukraine Ceasefire Means WW4

Political Information

Jun 23, 2014 - Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for

reverse migration to Ukraine

Ron: This "story" is not far from the truth... The Jews' currently controlling the Kiev Junta

are violently attempting to ethnicaly cleanse Eastern and Southern Ukraine in a manner

reminiscent of the Nakba. And remember, the Khazars are Gog and Magog.

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True US History

Jun 22, 2014 - US Propaganda Accidentally Exposes Nazi Crimes in Ukraine

Political Information

Jun 22, 2014 - Civil War in Ukraine Heads Toward Genocide – Kremlin

Political Information

Jun 21, 2014 - Ukrainian military declares week-long ceasefire

Political Information

Jun 20, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP June 20th, 13:30 UTC/Zulu: Slaviansk encircled

Political Information

Jun 20, 2014 - Ethnic and cultural cleansing in Ukraine

On the centennial anniversary of “Russophilic” individuals (Rusyns) from modern-day Ukraine

being sent to concentration camps, history appears set to once again repeat itself. The

Ukrainian Defense Minister has publicly voiced his plan to corral the citizens of Donbass into

special “filtration” camps prior to forcibly resettling them in different parts of Ukraine. A

few days later, Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk declared the pro-federalists in the

East to be “subhuman”. This choice of words not only wasn’t condemned by Kiev’s American

patrons, but was actually defended by State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki, who

strangely said that Yatsenyuk “has consistently been in support of a peaceful resolution”.

Raising concerns even higher that a full-fledged cleansing is being planned, Ukraine’s land

agency said that it will be giving “free land” from the east to the military, Interior Ministry,

and Special Services troops battling the federalists. With Ukraine on the verge of large-

scale ethnic and cultural cleansing, it is little wonder at whose expense this Lebenstraum-like

“free land” will be given. - Andrew KORYBKO

True US History

Jun 20, 2014 - Iraq and Ukraine: The End of the American Empire

Ron: This is typical myopic "Western" journalism, or worse. It is instructive only in so far as

it is an example of how commentators and journalistic whores present the bleeding obvious

while salting it with distortions and disinformation that pretends that genocide and

destruction of whole nations is due to US ignorance and mistakes when Blind Freddy can see

that our world is being deliberately sent to hell in a handbasket by psychopathic Anglo-

USraeli Talmudists and their lackeys.

True US History

Jun 19, 2014 - Auslander reports on refugees from the Ukraine and how to help them

Ron: I havb e not read the comments.

True US History

Jun 17, 2014 - Ukraine Neo-Nazis Trained by NATO to Commit Atrocities: NATO’s ‘Gladio’

Army in Ukraine

Ron: This "Truthseeker" video is full of shit! It deliberatly confuses the origins of GLADIO

and all of the genocidal terrorist shit that it and its progenitors, ie the Judaic (Anglo-

USraeli) Empire, have perpetrated in the whole world and recently in Ukraine, since 1945,

with what it calls the "Nazis". It is time that humanity GOT REAL! The derogatory, vilifying

name "Nazis" was coined by Jews in the early 1930s to falsly demonise Hitler and the

National Socialists in Germany AFTER global Jewry had declared war on Germany in March

1933. See eg: Exposing the “Nazi” Epithet – Who started it, why, how, and who

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Ukraine-2014-1 Page 71

benefits. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Exposing-the-

Nazi-Epithet-Who-started-it-why-how-and-who-benefits.shtml And: Exposing the

‘Nazi’ Epithet Part 2 – Anti-Hitlerism: The Rise of Pure BS and Hatred. See:



National Socialism was a very positive, nation oriented ideology focussed on the welfare of

ALL Germans. It was NOT a war mongering, genocidal philosophy aimed at world conquest or

destroying Jews. See eg: Rethinking Hitler & National Socialism -


Socialism.shtml National Socialists rightly wanted all those whose allegiance was to Judaism

and NOT to the German nation, to leave Germany. See eg: Zionism And The Third Reich. See:



Those that didn't leave and refused to be loyal to Germany should have been interned in

1933 but they were not until after the war with the Soviet Union got under way. Even then,

many Jews in occupied Europe were not interned at all during WWII. For example Otto

Frank and his family were only sent to Auschwwitz in mid 1943 because Otto was caught

defrauding the German military. See eg: The Anne Frank Diary Fraud typifies the

HoloHoax fraud. See: http://just-another-inside-job.blogspot.com.au/2006/02/anne-

frank-diary-fraud.html The Red Cross reported that many Jews were not interned in

German concentrartion work camps. See eg: OFFICIAL RECORDS FROM INTERNATIONAL




Hitler accepted that it was not appropriate to seek to regain Germany's colonial possessions

lost through the Versailles Treaty. National Socialism aimed to free Germans from

enslavement by Judaics and to enhance the welfare of all Germans within Germany and

in surrounding lands that had been stolen from Germany by the Treaty of Versailles which

was dominated by Jews who also dominated Germany until the ascension to power of the

National Socialists in 1933. Prior to the UK and France declaring war on Germany in 1939,

Germany's actions were aimed at restoring Germany's lands to their situation prior to the

criminal annexations by the Versailles Treaty; and protection of German ethnic populations

therein. Moreover Hitler repeatly offered to restore Germany's French and Western

European conquests without reservation, until the intransigence of the Jew controlled

British, French, US and Soviet Empires made that impossible.

This video includes Talmudic propaganda by the presenter and Stephen Lendman (who

proclaims that he is a Jew, which necessarily implies that Lendman is a Talmudist with all

that that implies). Keeping in mind the Kol Nidrei and the intensively Talmudic indoctrination

of Jews, it is not rational to accept their word on Germany at any time and especially not as

regards the 1930s, 1940s and since. No doubt there were some German war criminals and

some Germans would have committed crimes against humanity during WWII but tarring

Hitler, National Socialism and Germans with a brush which convicts them as a nation of

criminals as a result is absurd. The real war criminals were Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin,

Truman, Eisenhower, and the various military leaders responsible for the fire bombing of

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Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin and some 60 German cities, AND the fire bombing of Tokyo and all

Japanese cities other than Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were deliberately spared in order

for them to be pristine targets for US atomic bombs. There were many other Allied war

criminals too. See eg: Dachau - The fraudulent stories of "extermination" and "homicidal gas

chambers". See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Dachau And:

Documentary: Eisenhowers Rhine Meadows Death Camps – A Deliberate Policy of

Extermination. - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Documentary-


The Holocaust was a HOAX and a vicious Blood Libel on all Germans and it is still being used

to mind control humanity into accepting Judaic lies about alleged on-going "Nazi" motivation

and involvement in the crimes of GLADIO and the Judaic Empire generally, as. for example,

presented in this video. Think about it! WWII and the resulting genocide of 20 million

Germans occurred 65 years ago YET the global Jewmedia and the commentators in this

video pretend that "Nazis"and National Socialists still exist and are responsible for

atrocities in the Ukraine and elsewhere. Face it Pilgrims! the Jews won WWII and genocided

Germany and have controlled it ever since. See eg: The Federal Republic of Germany, A

Rothschildian Financial Agency See:


Germany-A-Rothschildian-Financial-Agency.shtml And: West German Justice and So-Called

National Socialist Violent Crimes. See:



Sooo, National Socialists ARE NOT THE PROBLEM! The Jews eliminated them and

eradicated that ideology in order to make Germany and the world safe for Jewish banksters

and their usurious Central banking monopoly. GLADIO was established by the covert Judaic

Empire and thus GLADIO atrocities for the last 69 years, including current Ukrainian

holocausts and genocide, are the responsibilty of Judaics and Jew controlled Anglo-

Amerikkans and NATO, NOT "Nazis", whatever that epithet is supposed to connote.

Pretending that just because the US cherry picked a handful of German war criminals and

large numbers of excellent German scientists to work for the Judaic Empire after WWII

does not somehow make today's Judaic conspiracy to enslave and destroy humanity into a

"Nazi" conspiracy. IT IS THE JEWS, Pilgrims, NOT the Germans! GEDDIT?

The so-called neo-Nazis in Ukraine are just a horde of impoverished, psychopathic thugs who

are happy to maim, torture and kill people for money, just as the psychopathic pseudo

Muslims in Al-CIA-DA and similar death squads are just mercenaries who torture, maim and

kill for money and loot. Calling the Jewish Kiev Junta thugs "Nazis" is disinformation

designed to confuse humanity and conceal the true criminals who are the Judaics in the US,

EU and NATO who organise, pay, train and arm them, and tell them what to do. IF the thugs

in Ukraine were truly Jew haters, how is it that they support the Junta which is led by Jews

and has appointed Jewish oligarchs to key governorships? Suggesting that Jews just

HAPPEN to find themselves leading the Junta after this coup is as absurd as suggesting that

Jews just HAPPENED to lead the Bolshevik COUP in Imperial Russia in 1917 which resulted in

the murder of 66 mIillion Russian Christians and some 10 million Ukrainian Christians! It

really is time to WAKE UP. PILGRIMS! Stop beleiving these Jewish gate keepers like

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Lendman, Atzmon, Eisener and Chomsky et al. If humanity keeps allowing Judaics to lead

them by the nose it has NO future.

Political Information

Jun 16, 2014 - Western leadership bankruptcy on display in Ukraine

Political Information

Jun 16, 2014 - Attack on Russian embassy in Kiev spearheaded by Ukrainian tycoon's

henchmen - Lavrov

Political Information

Jun 14, 2014 - Bombardment never stops: E. Ukrainian refugees share horrors of Kiev

military op Political Information

Jun 13, 2014 - Wikileaks exposes dark sides of Ukraine's Poroshenko, Tymoshenko

Political Information

Jun 12, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP June 11th, 16:28 UTC/Zulu: is something changing?

Political Information

Jun 11, 2014 - The Fateful Triangle: Russia, Ukraine and the Jews

Political Information

Jun 11, 2014 - Place of Ukraine in US Military Planning

Political Information

Jun 10, 2014 - Ukrainian army shells Kramatorsk: local population leaves city

Political Information

Jun 10, 2014 - E. Ukraine warzone: Demolished houses, fires after heavy shelling (VIDEOS)

This article has a series of embedded videos about the destruction of Eastern Ukraine by

Kiew Junta military forces. See:http://rt.com/news/164912-ukraine-zone-war-slavyansk/

Political Information

Jun 10, 2014 - Tony Abbott backs Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper's tough rhetoric

on Russia's actions in Ukraine

Ron: Comedy corner.

Political Information

Jun 10, 2014 - Home / News / E. Ukraine warzone: Demolished houses, fires after heavy

shelling (VIDEOS)

Ron: In this article there is a series of embedded videos of the destruction of East

Ukrainain civilian areas by the Kiev Junta's military. See:http://rt.com/news/164912-


Political Information

Jun 8, 2014 - my major interest has always been psychological warfare, and this is a doozy

Ron: this is a very interesting and insightful assessment of the current situation in the

Ukraine and Russia. Knowing that there is a large FIFTH COLUMN in Russia (as in the

Ukraine and in all countries but especially in those countries being targetted for "regime

change" by the Judaic Anglo-USraeli Empire) should help people understand why President

Putin has to move cautiously and carefully in all that he does.

True US History

Jun 8, 2014 - Mayhem In Ukraine: Kiev Regime Commits War Crimes

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Political Information

Jun 8, 2014 - Kiev Regime Abandons Ukraine-Russian Border Checkpoints: Russia Controls

Borders. Parts of East Ukraine Are De Facto “Integrated” into Russian Federation

True US History

Jun 7, 2014 - US sending military advisers to Ukraine

Ron: Apparently the thousand US military sent urgently to Ukraine are not just military

advisers but are highly trained Special Forces troops who will be carrying out special forces

activities of war and not just providing 'advice'. See also: US sending military advisers to

Ukraine - http://rt.com/news/164324-usa-military-advisers-ukraine/ The US seems

determined to force Russia to intervene to protect Ukrainians civilians who are alrady being

slaughtered by the Junta that violently overthrew the legal government in Kiev on behalf of

Jewish oligarchs and the US.

Political Information

Jun 6, 2014 - Mercineries Compensate for Ukrainian Army's Non-Effectiveness - Russian


Political Information

Jun 5, 2014 - Lugansk on Fire: Ukrainian City Becomes Target for Aviation Strikes

One can hear the same stuff as usual. For instance they say around 100 people in Odessa

burnt themselves in an act of self-immolation. Local people fired at their own houses in

Slavyansk. Now in Lugansk they went as far as to explode the local administration building. -


True US History

Jun 5, 2014 - US to Give Ukraine $18 Mln in Military Aid

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Washington hopes for a long-term military cooperation with Kiev, the US military commander

told journalists...

The US envoy also promised to “quell the international outcry” over the possible casualties of

the crackdown in the restive Donetsk and Luhansk regions. - Mikhail Voskresenskiy

Political Information

Jun 5, 2014 - Fake "Feminists" of FEMEN participated in the Odessa massacre.

Ron: Femen's prime funder appears to be an individual named Jed Sunden. Sunden is a

Brooklyn-born American Jew who founded a major Ukrainian newspaper/media company; KP

Media (which owned the Kyiv Post till 2008/2009 for example). He is also an active member

of the Ukrainian Jewish community. Sunden 'discovered' Femen and it was he who began to

give them the oxygen of publicity (and notoriety) for their topless protesting in the Kyiv

Post. Femen reportedly pays double to triple the average wage in the Ukraine. Nice work if

you can get it.

Femen seems picky about the battles it chooses and the countries and targets it bestows its

burlesque-style protests upon. Jews and Israel don't feature although there was a rather

belated announcement in December 2013 of a Femen chapter in Israel... (but) there is none

of the trademark Femen violence against religious symbols: no burning Torah scrolls,

throwing copies of the Babylonian Talmud into pig pens, no bawdy singing and dancing in

synagogues like Pussy Riot in Moscow; or running naked through Hasidic neighbourhoods and

so on...

As for Pussy Riot? Does anyone seriously believe that "The (Pussy Riot) collective had no

income, philosophically rejected salaried employment and the use of money. Its members

lived a DIY scavenging ethic and putatively "made the lifting of food and drink from

supermarkets ...a form of art", as Jew controlled Wikipedia suggests?

Political Information

Jun 5, 2014 - ‘Russian troops in Ukraine? Got any proof?' Putin's best quotes from French

media talk

Ron: This video interrogation of President Vladimir Putin by typical Jew media journalists is

well worth a look and listen. Putin is clear, succinct, straight forward and honest.

Political Information

Jun 4, 2014 - Russia Says West Refuses to Acknowledge Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis

Moscow’s western partners in the UN Security Council do not support the Russian draft

resolution on Ukraine as they believe that Eastern Ukraine does not suffer from

humanitarian issues, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov told RIA Novosti


“Unfortunately, our western partners did not support the Russian initiative, as they consider

that there are no humanitarian problems in Eastern Ukraine,” he said.

On Monday, Russia circulated a draft UN Security Council resolution urging to stop violence

in the east of Ukraine and set up humanitarian corridors to allow the civilians to leave the

territory of the military operation. The draft also contains measures needed to implement

the Geneva communique and the OSCE roadmap on Ukraine. - http://en.ria.ru

Political Information

Jun 4, 2014 - 300 Dead, 500 Injured in Self-Defense on June 3 - Ukraine Special Forces

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Political Information

Jun 4, 2014 - Unveiling "Western" Hypocrisy Russia Connects Syria And Ukraine

Political Information

Jun 3, 2014 - Russians are sub-humans in the eyes of the West

Ron: Please read this statement by "Juan". And spread abroad the facts about what is really

happening in Ukraine.

Political Information

Jun 3, 2014 - East Ukraine militia down fighter plane, helicopter gunship, 4 APCs

Political Information

Jun 3, 2014 - Slavyansk self-defense activists claim to have shot down Ukraine army plane

Political Information



Political Information

Jun 2, 2014 - Lugansk attacked by Ukrainian Air Force

Political Information

Jun 2, 2014 - Elections in Ukraine and Syria, Let the Mass Murder Continue

True US History

Jun 2, 2014 - Translation of the "must read" article of worldcrisis.ru explaining why there

is no Russian intervention in the Ukraine

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Political Information

Jun 2, 2014 - Auslander reports about the Ukrainian refugees situation in Crimea

Political Information

Jun 1, 2014 - Ukraine: New “President” Pays Fighters 16 Times Average Salary

Political Information

Jun 1, 2014 - Right Sector terrorists intended to attack Crimea on Victory Day

True US History

Jun 1, 2014 - Syria militants fighting in southeast Ukraine: Russian source

Political Information

Jun 1, 2014 - Ukraine spends $3 million on criminal military operation daily

Political Information

Jun 1, 2014 - Ukrainian military open fire on buses with children, in Slavyansk

True US History

May 31, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP May 31st, 21:13 UTC/Zulu: why can't the junta take


Political Information

May 31, 2014 - Bloodbath Follows Ukrainian Elections

Political Information

May 30, 2014 - May 30th combat SITREP by "Juan"

5. Sources report that the Donbas Army action at Donetsk Airport was a trap involving

proposed negotiations with certain Ukraine Army units under the auspices of a western

organization in Donetsk at that time. Sources report that shortly after the negotiations

started the Ukraine Army sent in by air strong reinforcements to their unit in airport as the

Ukraine Army units in airport attacked the Donbas Army unit.

6. The transport of the Donbas Army wounded in convoy out of the airport area late Monday

evening was arranged as a truce to succor the wounded. The two Kamaz transport trucks

were each flying a red cross flag and a white flag of truce. They drove in to an ambush set

up by right sector/national guard units. The drivers of both trucks were killed. One truck

overturned after striking a curb. The other truck was hit by an RPG round. The surviving

wounded were killed by right sector on the spot. As the wounded were being killed the two

flags were removed from each truck by right sector operatives. - "Juan"

Political Information

May 30, 2014 - Military op to continue in E. Ukraine until 'stability' restored - defense


True US History

May 30, 2014 - Right Sector militants suspected of plotting terror acts detained in Crimea

- Russia's FSB

Political Information

May 30, 2014 - 1,200 Ukrainian Soldiers Dead in Slaviansk Special Op – People's Mayor

Political Information

May 30, 2014 - Fascist massacres in Ukraine: West nods from the sidelines

Political Information

May 29, 2014 - 80 Ukrainian soldiers surrender to self-defense forces in Lugansk

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Political Information

May 29, 2014 - British Interests in Ukraine

Ron: Arguably there is only one "clan" that matters and it is not mentioned in this article,

excellent though it otherwise is.

Political Information

May 29, 2014 - Mastermind of Odessa Massacre Embarrasses Ukraine’s Jews

Ron: Typically these Ukrainian Jews are not concerned about Ihor Kolomoiskyi's murderous

instructions and the barbaric deaths inflicted on his orders in Odessa (for which he

apparently paid $5,000 dollars per corpse), but merely to ensure that Ukrainians and others

won't get to realise that Kolomoiskyi is a Jew and hence will cause adverse publicity for Jews

as a result of his murderous activities. Presumably the Jews will now also have to pretend

that the new Ukrainian puppet President, Billionaire Petro Poroshenko, isn't a Jew either, or

at least, somehow play down his ordering of the military attacks on civilians in the Donbas. As

always the Jews want to have their cake and eat it too.

Political Information

May 29, 2014 - Kiev Launches Genocide Campaign against Donbass

The use of combat aviation, artillery and armor against self-defense formations that have

only small weapons at their disposal is absolutely ineffective. Those who command the

punitive operation know it well. But it is effective if the mission is to destroy the Donbass

infrastructure and make civilians suffer great casualties. These methods were used by

NATO against Yugoslavia. Back then the aviation destroyed bridges, factories and living

quarters. The very same thing is happening in Donetsk, foreign mercenaries have been seen

near the city’s airport armed with up-to-date Western weapon systems.

They changed tactics from surgery strikes to mass destruction of populated areas the very

day the illegitimate presidential election took place in Ukraine. - Olga SHEDROVA

Political Information

May 29, 2014 - Soros Admits Responsibility for Coup and Mass Murder in Ukraine

“Many of the participants in Kiev’s ‘EuroMaidan’ demonstrations were members of Soros-

funded NGOs and/or were trained by the same NGOs in the many workshops and

conferences sponsored by Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), and his various

Open Society institutes and foundations. The IRF, founded and funded by Soros, boasts that

it has given ‘more than any other donor organization’ to ‘democratic transformation’ of

Ukraine,” writes William F. Jasper.

This transformation led to fascist ultra-nationalists controlling Ukraine’s security services.

In April it was announced Andriy Parubiy and other coup leaders were working with the FBI

and CIA to defeat and murder separatists opposed to the junta government installed by

Victoria Nuland and the State Department. Parubiy is the founder of a national socialist

party in Ukraine and currently the boss of the country’s National Security and Defense

Council...The military response with its overly fascist character, including the terrorist

torching of a trade union building in Odessa by “pro-regime rioters” (i.e., Right Sector

paramilitaries), can be directly attributed to the activism of George Soros and the hands-on

approach of the U.S. State Department, various NGOs (which are, in fact, government and

Wall Street fronts), and USAID, NED, and the malattributed “Freedom House,” etc. - Kurt


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Political Information

May 28, 2014 - Ukrainian nationalism: an image is worth a thousand words

Check out the photo below. It shows a Ukie general standing on his knees to offer a

sword to John F. Tefft, US Ambassador to the Ukraine (now retired... Tefft, whose

name is often mentioned as the next US Ambassador in Russia - The Saker

From the servant to the master

Political Information

May 28, 2014 - Shells hit school, kindergarten in Slavyansk amid Ukraine military op


Political Information

May 28, 2014 - Ukraine and EU Integration… of Popular Revolt against Oligarchs

True US History

May 28, 2014 - Western Media Coverage of the Ukraine Crisis Is as Distorted as Soviet


Political Information

May 28, 2014 - Europe and Ukraine: A tale of two elections

Political Information

May 28, 2014 - Farcical “Elections” in Ukraine: Staging Ground for Escalation of Conflict,


Political Information

May 28, 2014 - Does Russia really need the Ukrainian military-industrial complex?

Political Information

May 27, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP May 27th, 14:54 UTC/Zulu: assault on Donetsk and a look

from above

Ron: I haven't read the comments.

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Political Information

May 27, 2014 - On The Merciful, Shy And Charitable Jew

Ron: Are Jews "merciful, shy and charitable"? Well, apart from murdering 100 million

Christians in Russia and adjacent areas, Jews ordering the burning and boiling alive of

300,000 civilains in Dresden, hundreds of thousands of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

and millions of civilians in a hundred other German and Japanese cities during WWII. Jews

were also the covert controllers responsible for ordering the incineration of three million

North Koreans, millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians, and more millions of Iraqis and

Afghanis. And those are merely the more obvious examples. The latest such torture and

immolation "event" was carried out in Odessa where the Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky,

Governor of Jew-intensive Dnepropetrovsk in East Ukraine, arranged for the premeditated

torture and burning alive of at least 40 and probably over a hundred civilians, mostly women

and old men, and some children. Sooo, what do YOU think?

Political Information

May 26, 2014 - Ukraine in Turmoil: War May Come at any Time — by Israel Shamir

Ron: This article appears on 18 May 2014 posted by the Saker. I've put it up because it has

different comments attached.

Political Information

May 26, 2014 - Russia, Chechnia and the Ukraine - the *choice* to keep hoping for the


Ron: I haven't read the comments.

Political Information

May 26, 2014 - Ukraine Presidential Frontrunner Petro Poroshenko and His Secret Jewish


Ron: Sooo, iterate once more for me the Jewmedia mantra that Ukrainian Jews are worried

about their future under the Kiev Junta. I enjoy a good laugh. But i guess the Jews get the

last laugh as they watch massed choirs of "useful idiot" goys telling the world that the

Ukrainian Coup was anti-Jewish.

Political Information

May 25, 2014 - 'Vote at gunpoint,' anyone? US keen to legitimize 'good' election in Ukraine

Political Information

May 25, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP May 24th, 22:52 UTC/Zulu: escalation across the Donbass

Political Information

May 25, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP May 24th, 22:52 UTC/Zulu: escalation across the Donbass

Political Information

May 24, 2014 - Forbes: Why Everything You’ve Read About Ukraine Is Wrong

Political Information

May 24, 2014 - Kiev uses foreign mercenaries in punitive operation in Ukraine

Political Information

May 24, 2014 - Ukraine and Syria: Elections at Barrels of US-NATO Guns?

Political Information

May 24, 2014 - Self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics form ‘Novorossiya’ union

Political Information

May 24, 2014 - Ukraine: From tragedy to farce

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Ron: Notice that this commentator does not use the pejorative (and derogatory to Germans

and Germany) term "Nazis" when referring to the thugs who violently overturned the

Ukrainian government and seek to control Ukraine. Clearly it is possible to describe events

there without constantly false knee-jerk references to "Nazis". However, that does require

a desire NOT to falsely demonise Germans, and rational mental faculties.

Political Information

May 24, 2014 - Ukraine’s Doomed Elections

Political Information

May 24, 2014 - Donetsk bloodbath: Insider video shows Ukraine helicopters firing at own


Political Information

May 24, 2014 - The conflict in the Ukraine as seen by a professional soldier

Ron: I havent read the comments.

Political Information

May 23, 2014 - Calling things by their proper names in the Ukraine

Ron: To be consistent the Saker needs to find new descriptor terminology when referring to

the Death Squad thugs using National Socilaist slogans and regalia because they are NOT

National Socialists and the vilifying term "Nazi" implies that they are. Identifying murderous

thugs as, by implication, German National Socialists IS being "a perpetrator", albeit

unconsciously. Why? Because, apart from the racist libelling of the German people, it

perpetuates the Judaic LIES that enables Judaics to control our world.

Political Information

May 23, 2014 - Putin vs. Comrade Wolf Showdown in Ukraine

Political Information

May 22, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP May 22th, 19:32 UTC/Zulu: Ukie death squad murders


Political Information

May 22, 2014 - Bridge blows up, buses come under fire in northern part of Lugansk People's

Republic - self-defense forces

Political Information

May 22, 2014 - Ukraine mini-SITREP May 22th, 00:14 UTC/Zulu: "Ukie attack appears

imminent" (UPDATED!)

Political Information

May 22, 2014 - Helicopter May Land Ukraine's Military in Hot Water With U.N.

Ron: Sooo, Helicopters with UN markings are being used by the Kiev coup junta to attack

Ukrainian citizens BUT the UN, Jewmerikka and global Jewmedia keep telling us that Russia

is somehow the culprit for the warfare and killings in Ukraine.

Political Information

May 21, 2014 - Western Cracks appear on Ukraine and Russian Sanctions

Political Information

May 21, 2014 - Ukraine mini-SITREP May 21th, 20:42 UTC/Zulu

Political Information

May 21, 2014 - Ukrainian MPs call for immediate troop withdrawal from country’s east

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Political Information

May 20, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP May 20th, 16:28 UTC/Zulu: deliberate chaos

True US History

May 20, 2014 - Your hiding place

Two weeks later, my mind is still vibrating from the news that an Israeli special operations

squad, doing the bidding of America's faithless leadership, helped to lure Ukrainian citizens

into a building in Odessa, and not only trapped them in there and killed them, but poured a

chemical over their heads and faces, so that they were burned to death while still alive, as

their bodies found later were only burned above the waist. - John Kaminski

Political Information

May 19, 2014 - Ukraine: the Waiting Game

Political Information

May 19, 2014 - Referenda Expose Illegal Western Regime Change in Ukraine

Political Information

May 19, 2014 - Kiev Regime Wages War to Reduce Ukraine’s Population

Political Information

May 19, 2014 - Ukraine: Ihor Kolomoisky offers $ 1 million to murder Oleg Tsarev

Ron: Tell me again WHY you think that the Jews in Ukraine are said to be frightened for

their safety under THIS junta. This self chosen Jew (Igor Kolomoisky), is a self appointed

governor of Dnipropetrovsk. He is offering a bounty of $10,000 for pro-Russians captured

dead or alive and a million dollars for the murder of a Ukrainian opponent, Oleg Tsarev. Yet

Jew-loving "ignorantacenti" would have us believe that the junta is anti-Jewish and that

Ukrainian Jews live in terror of it.

Political Information

May 19, 2014 - Ukraine Crisis Goes Nuclear

Political Information

May 18, 2014 - 650 Ukrainian soldiers killed, wounded in course of special operation -

Slavyansk 'people's mayor'

"People's mayor" of Slavyansk, Vyacheslav Ponomarev, has said that law enforcement

forces controlled by Kiev suffered severe losses during special operations in the South-

East of Ukraine: according to his data, in just ten days, 650 people were killed or

wounded, as stated in a message to RIA Novosti.

"The total losses of the punitive fascist Kiev junta during May 2 -12, 2014, amount to 650

killed and wounded, among whom are 285 Right Sector extremists, who joined the National

Guard, 120 Ukrainian mercenaries <...>, 90 employees of the Security Service of Ukraine <...>,

70 foreign mercenaries," said Ponomarev, whose speech was posted on the Internet by the

press service of the DPR.

From May 2 to 12, losses among the militiamen amounted to 8 people, three more were

wounded, Ponomarev added. - voiceofrussia.com

Political Information

May 18, 2014 - How the conflict in the Ukraine is seen by the rest of the world

Political Information

May 18, 2014 - The Ukraine in Turmoil by Israel Shamir

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(It is being said that this auto-da-fé was organised by the shock troops of Jewish

oligarch and strongman Kolomoysky, who coveted the port of Odessa. Despite his cuddly

bear appearance, he is pugnacious and violent person, who offered ten thousand dollars for a

captive Russian, dead or alive, and proposed a cool million dollars for the head of Mr Tsarev,

a Member of Parliament from Donetsk.) - Israel Shamir

Ron: Tell me again why you reckon the KIEV COUP is not a Jewish concoction and that

Ukrainian Jews fear the COUP perpetrators. While you're at it, explain to me why the global

Jewmedia is supporting the COUP and blaming Russia for fostering dissent to it. Arguably, if

the Jews are really afraid of the so-called "Nazis" supporting the COUP (and killing non-

Jews), the Jewmedia would be screaming about the parlous situation of Jews in Ukraine and

demanding that the COUP regime be terminated, but they aren't. As with the Jews' COUP in

Russia in 1917 (falsely labelled a "Revolution"), this COUP has been organised and

effectuated by the Jew dominated US and EU governments. No surprises there.

True US History

May 17, 2014 - U.S. Media Ignores Putin’s Peace Plan

“Let me repeat again, that in Russia’s view, the blame for the crisis in Ukraine lies with those

who organized the coup d’etat in Kiev on February 22-23… But whatever the case, we must

look for a way to solve the situation as it is today….And, as I said, what is needed is direct,

full-fledged and equal dialogue between the Kiev authorities and the representatives of

people in southeast Ukraine….I don’t know whether a Geneva-2 round of talks.. is realistic.

(But) I believe that if we want to find a long-term solution to the crisis, there must be an

open, honest and equal dialogue . That is our only option.” - Russian President Vladimir Putin,

press statement, OCSE meeting, Moscow, May 7, 2014

Political Information

May 17, 2014 - Ukrainian forces join People's Republic of Donetsk

True US History

May 15, 2014 - Welcome to Nulandistan: A Multimedia Look at What the US and EU Have

Unleashed on Ukraine

True US History

May 15, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP May 14th, 14:14 UTC/Zulu: from tragedy to farce

I haven't read the comments.

Political Information

May 14, 2014 - A look in the long distance: who will have to pay for "Ukraine v2"?

Financially, Russia has been ‘forced’ to do what they’ve wanted to do, and intended to do -

just waiting for that opening - and lots of countries have been working at or towards: de-

fanging US dollar based imperialism...

From Jim Willie, way back in 2013

“…the grand hint to the end-around solution in search for a USDollar alternative has been in

front of the nose for several years, dating back to the China-Brazil bilateral swap deal in

2005. Little attention has been given a long sequence of similar bilateral swap deals that

have centered upon the Chinese Yuan for initiating and settling trade. Nation after nation

have lined up with the Beijing leaders to conduct trade in something akin to a credit card

account based in Yuan currency, which converges toward zero over time on balance. Trade is

initiated by one side delivering goods. The swap facility is tapped. Trade goes in the other

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direction, and the swap facility is credited toward zero. Numerous nations have signed up

with China on such bilateral swap facility deals that enable brisk trade, in essentially a

barter framework. The word barter is never used, since it might upset the powerful banker

groups that shuffle bonds and currencies like so much stained wampum and contaminated salt

at the corrupted trading posts. With Russia, South Korea, Japan, Iran, India, and Australia

onboard with Chinese Yuan swap deals, one must suspect that a critical mass of perhaps half

of global trade is conducted outside the USDollar shadow. This is a growing critical mass…” -

Robert Snefjella

True US History

May 13, 2014 - Son of US VP Joe Biden appointed to board of major Ukrainian gas company

Political Information

May 13, 2014 - North Korea: The Next Ukraine

True US History

May 13, 2014 - America’s Lies On Ukraine

True US History

May 12, 2014 - NEO – The Playing Field after Ukraine

True US History

May 12, 2014 - Putin displays Ukraine chess mastery

Political Information

May 12, 2014 - Claims that Putin initiated conflict in Ukraine after Sochi Olympics make no

sense - Kissinger

Political Information

May 12, 2014 - Referendum results in Donetsk and Lugansk Regions show landslide support

for self-rule

Political Information

May 12, 2014 - Fatalities, injuries in Ukraine's Krasnoarmeysk as national guards open fire

Two civilian were killed and several others wounded in eastern Ukraine as the National Guard

started shooting at protesters and voters, who had gathered around a seized polling station

in Krasnoarmeysk...

The National Guard entered the city in the Donetsk region earlier on Sunday and occupied

several polling stations, the city council building among them...

“I just saw the National Guard kill one and injure several others,” Russian journalist Ilya

Azar wrote in his micro-blog. Later this was confirmed by Denis Pushilin, the co-chairman of

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the self-proclaimed People's Donetsk Republic.

"People were just standing there, unarmed, outside the city council seized by the Guard,"

Azar tweeted commenting on a photo of the dead young man:

... A disturbing video from RT’s Ruptly video agency shows several National Guard

mercenaries blocking the entry to the city council headquarters used as a polling station, and

firing at locals... Following the National Guard's interference, the voting was stopped. Four

schools got seized by masked men; all the people had to be evacuated. Following the National

Guard's interference, the voting was stopped. Four schools got seized by masked men; all the

people had to be evacuated. - RT (Short embedded video)

Political Information

May 12, 2014 - The Donbass referendum - yet another abject failure of US foreign policy

Political Information

May 11, 2014 - 400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op

Political Information

May 11, 2014 - Kiev intensifies military op in Eastern Ukraine LIVE UPDATES

Political Information

May 11, 2014 - Russian deputy PM’s plane forced out of Ukraine

Political Information

May 10, 2014 - On the day of liberation from fascists, the EU fascist junta murdered in

cold blood unarmed citizens in Mariupol Ukraine #

Under loud applause from ARD and ZDF Kievan fascists have now killed more than 20

unarmed anti-fascists in Mariupol. The crime is well documented. Unfortunately, the public

service broadcasters have forgotten 99% of it in the cutting room and show only a burning

building and a covered dead with military cap on it. The collapsing unarmed and ukr. military

shooter shows no. In one video I have seen collapsing civilians in minute 2:30, 3:00 and 4:00,

a boy stands last in a corner and is (fatally?) Taken. To the shooters in the blue jacket with

the revolver or what that is, he fires two times in the direction of a soldier, but makes no

attempt to duck or anything else that pops sound bright as blanks, not dull and with loud Hall

like the shots of the soldiers. I'm assuming that this man with a gas gun firing without live

ammunition. Also, none beside him startled together. - Gunter Permalink

Ron: there are some embedded videos.

Political Information

May 10, 2014 - Мариуполь СМЕРТЕЛЬНЫЙ ИСХОД. 9 мая перестрелка возле ПУМБ II

Ron: Do you ever wonder why the Anglo-US, EU and the global Jewmedia do not show you how

their allies and agents operate in Ukraine? DO YOU CARE? THIS IS HOW Western

governments expect to treat YOU in due course.

Political Information

May 10, 2014 - The Ukrainian Banderastan - as ugly as it is pathetic

True US History

May 10, 2014 - CIA Front, USAID, “Spreading Democracy”, Gearing Up in Ukraine – Suharto


Ron: Given that most of humanity has no knowledge of the truth about life, the universe and

everything, AND the fact that anyone who seeks to even live honestly let alone assist their

neighbours to evolve or know some truth are maimed or murdered along with their friends

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and relaties et al, WHY should we expect anyone to stick their head above the parapet so

that it can be knocked off? Arguably all of humanity faces the dilemma being experienced by

Eastern Ukrainians and residents of Odessa. The choice seems to be: 'Pull your head in,

hunker down and hope that rescuers will appear out of nowhere' OR, go out and stand in

front of the tanks and hope that they won't treat you like a Palestinian, or find out where

you (and your family) live...

Political Information

May 9, 2014 - Nuland has tough time justifying US involvement in Ukraine

Ron: The embedded video is interesting.

True US History

May 9, 2014 - US, NATO absurdity continuing in Ukraine

Political Information

May 8, 2014 - Зачистка горсовета в мариуполе 8 мая 2014г.

Ron: Stand off. Ukraine military versus unarmed pro Russian civilians. It's not necessary to

understand the language to discern what Victoria Nuland's FIVE BILLION US tax dollars

have purchased in Ukraine. How will YOU react if this happens in YOUR neighbourhood?

Political Information

May 8, 2014 - Huge population of CIA agents right now busy in Ukraine - expert

Political Information

May 8, 2014 - Spinning the Odessa Massacre

True US History

May 8, 2014 - Vlad the Contemplator NATO: the Expendables

Informed opinion also knows that were Cold War 2.0 to progress, payback will be handsome –

as in, just for starters, Russia simply killing the Northern Distribution Network, which allows

NATO’s escape route from its sterling performance in Afghanistan... the US is sending

“non-lethal” military aid to Ukraine (as in what? Baseball bats?); US ground forces are

being sent to Poland. And all this to fight “separatists” and “pro-Russian” militants

in Eastern Ukraine. - Pepe Escobar

Political Information

May 8, 2014 - Putin calls for end to Kiev’s military op, postponing referendum in E. Ukraine

Political Information

May 8, 2014 - Boris Kagarlitsky: Fate of Donetsk is being decided in Kharkov

Political Information

May 8, 2014 - The IMF goes to war in Ukraine

True US History

May 7, 2014 - Ukraine Situation Report – Jochen Fürst

Ron: This seems to be a very reasonable and prescient assessment made in mid March.

Jochen Fürst concludes that he hopes Putin will:

'1) Lift the sanctions against Iran;

2) Forbid the transport of American troops over Russian territory;

3) Publicly expose what really happened on 11 September 2001. As a member of the secret

service, he obviously has access to all the relevant information. This last step would be

devastating for the USA: The American System would be completely discredited and would

be unable to indulge in future devastating foreign adventures.

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In response to a widely discussed question, Putin will most certainly not expose the

Holocaust myth. There are a number of reasons why he will not do this, which I will not

discuss at this time.'

No doubt the remarkable Mr Putin is well advised and will surprise everyone on the upside

but my heart goes out to the Ukrainians who must suffer the genocidal activities of the

Darkside brethren and their robots in the meantime.

Political Information

May 7, 2014 - Kiev, OSCE ‘observers’ & character pigs

Eight foreign soldiers, four of them from Germany, were caught in an OSCE vehicle laden

with weapons and explosives and accompanied by Ukrainian soldiers... Four of the eight men

captured in the southeastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk were German soldiers from the

German Federal Defense Forces' Center for Verification Tasks. One of them Axel

Schneider, has the rank of “Oberst” which is equivalent to a Lieutenant. The others were

from, respectively, the armed forces of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland and Czech

Republic... Lieutenant Schneider was caught in civilian attire, behind enemy lines and

spies are libel to being executed. - Christof Lehmann

True US History

May 7, 2014 - How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants in the Trade Unions House - the

details of bloody scenario

Ron: THIS is what the US spent FIVE BILLION US dollare to achieve. Of course they

expect the Kiev Junta's Death Squads to continue this activity until Ukraine looks like Syria,

Libya and Iraq et al. the US also hopes to force Russia to intervene to save Ukrainians from

these atrocities so that the lying global Jewmedia can blame Russia for them.

Political Information

May 7, 2014 - Odessa survivor shares terrifying experience (ENG subs)

Ron: This video interview by a middle aged female Odessa resident gives you a glimpse of the

truth about the Death Squads used by USrael and the EU in Ukraine. You WILL NOT see or

hear anything about this from Western governments or from Western Jewmedia. Face it

Pilgrims. You live and have your existance is a SEA OF LIES. See:


Met Acting - here is a version in english:


Bazza JustBazza -There is footage showing the police allowing guys with rifles to shoot over

their shoulder and they were also seen wearing the red armbands... Is it that these police

support you? Or is it a case of the police being agent provocateurs? I see the police chief

has been sacked, but there were other officials seen talking to the masked men wearing the

red armbands. Sorry I am just trying to understand what happened. Looking in from the

outside it would appear that this whole thing was setup...

the dude from izmit - western people wake the FUCK up and sort your criminal gang

govenments before its too late..what are you waiting for these satanists backed by money

and power elite turning middle east into blood bath for decades and now europe when will you

take action against criminal governments?? when your so important little lives threatened?

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Political Information

May 6, 2014 - Crucial investigation into the role of the junta in the Odessa massacre


Political Information

May 6, 2014 - Up to 30 self-defense activists killed on May 5 in Donetsk region

Political Information

May 6, 2014 - S. Arabia Relocating Takfiri Fighters from Syria to Ukraine

Political Information

May 6, 2014 - USAID Announces New Subsidies for Ukraine Media

The program was initially unveiled during the Yanukovych government, and at the time

focused on “independent media.” Now, USAID openly declares its supports for the interim

Ukrainian government, and is focused instead on pushing to establish the legitimacy of that

new ruling faction. - Jason Ditz

Political Information

May 6, 2014 - POLAND 1939 = UKRAINE 2014 ? II

True US History

May 6, 2014 - Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (this will never be shown

on mainstream media)

Ron: Please watch this video and especially the end whereat the US publicly admits it spent

FIVE BILLION US DOLLARS to produce these results. Moreover, the US, EU and global

Jewmedia continue to publicly, financially and militarily support the coming massacres and

misery to be inflicted on Ukrainians, and especially upon Russians arbitrarily consigned to the

Ukraine by Kruschev (a Ukrainian) in 1956. Incidently, the German military during WWII

DID NOT act in this way and labelling as "Nazis" the thugs being unleashed upon the Ukraine

by the US and EU is a vicious libel on the German military and nation. This defamation is

similar to claiming that the mercenary Death Squads unleashed by USreal and NATO upon

Libya, Syria, Chechyna, Iraq and various African countries like Nigeria, are devout Muslims.

They obviously aren't.

To get a glimpse of the historical background experience of the thugs being used by the US

to destroy Ukraine see eg: The Jew and the Peasant, by Douglas Reed -



Political Information

May 5, 2014 - Kiev conceals deaths in Odessa fire, 116 killed - Ukrainian lawmaker

The interim Ukrainian authorities are hiding from the public the true death toll in

Friday's tragedy in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, which actually claimed 116

lives, a member of the Odessa regional council told RIA Novosti Monday. "According to

our data, there were 116 people killed in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa. Killed,

not just "dead". "We don't use the word "burned" or "suffocated", because autopsies

are not being performed, since the people have bullet wounds to the head," Vadim

Savenko said.

Most of those who died in the House of Trade Unions had burns on their heads and

forearms, he added."It means that the people had been burned by combustible mixtures, so

that it would be impossible to identify the bodies," he said, adding that he obtained the

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information from anti-Kiev activists, "people who were inside the House of Trade Unions." -


Political Information

May 5, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP - May 5th, 17:37 UTC/Zulu: this time the junta means


True US History

May 5, 2014 - Troops on the Ground: U.S. and NATO Plan PSYOPS Teams in Ukraine

Ron: Presumably our world will continue t be drowned in Jewmedia bull dust until it isn't.

Meanwhile most Anglo-USans and Europeans will believe the lies because there's no real


Political Information

May 5, 2014 - Dozens injured, fatalities on both sides as Kiev’s military op continues

Political Information

May 5, 2014 - Radicals shooting at people in Odessa’s burning building caught on tape

Political Information

May 5, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP - May 4nd, 22:29 UTC/Zulu

FARS is reporting that Saudi Arabia has sent fighters from Syria to the Ukraine and that

they have been dispatched to Kramatosk.



Political Information

May 4, 2014 - Putin’s Next Move In Ukraine

FOR THE FIRST TIME in the history of the IMF, it has threatened withdrawal of funds

due to reticence to employ full military action.

The Jew-run IMF—International Jewry’s mechanism for national enslavement—warned

Ukraine’s coup-imposed regime that it will lose the $17 billion dollar bailout if Kiev loses

control of the east.

Political Information

May 4, 2014 - Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security'

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Numerous US agents are helping the coup-appointed government in Ukraine to “fight

organized crime” in the south east of the country, the German newspaper Bild revealed...

US President Barack Obama - “You’ve also seen suggestions or implications that somehow

Americans are responsible for meddling inside Ukraine. I have to say that our only interest is

for Ukraine to be able to make its own decisions. And the last thing we want is disorder and

chaos in the center of Europe,” - RT

Political Information

May 4, 2014 - ‘Go back to Kiev, fascists!’: Outraged locals chase off Ukrainian troops


“What kind of law and order are you bringing here?! We are the f*****g residents of the

Donetsk Region, not you!” one man shouted. Many of the soldiers interviewed by RT stringer

Graham Phillips revealed they had come from western Ukrainian regions, including Lvov and

Ivano-Frankovsk. Kiev has been apparently relying on regional and ethnic differences in

Ukraine while launching the military action, as a large part of eastern Ukrainian armed forces

and police have been unwilling “to fire at our own people.” - RT

Political Information

May 4, 2014 - Ukrainian army attacks eastern cities of Mariupol, Konstantinovka

Political Information

May 4, 2014 - Russia evokes Nazi horrors to bash Ukraine

Who is the jewish Bullshit artist who wrote this article? Let’s call him nameless jew.

He parrots the western line almost perfectly. No mention of the unelected tools in Kiev?

Check. Grudging admittance of pravyi sector and svoboda? Check. Nameless jew failing to

mention israel and Poland in on the training of these thugs? Check.

We might as well be reading CNN.

The Ukraine is as fake a nation as Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia and will eventually

disappear, as they did. - mio

Well, the USA-backed Neo nazis just burned over 30 people alive, blocking up the building.

USA supports Right Sektor, takfiris, Israelis, Saudis–see the pattern? - NLG

Political Information

May 4, 2014 - The Beacon that is East Ukraine: Are you on the right side of history?

Political Information

May 3, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP update - May 3nd, 16:20 UTC/Zulu: "the mysterious Russian


These days the Jew dominated USraeli cum NATO military prefer to subvert and destroy

countries BIT BY BIT using Muslim Jihardist mercenaries and other mercenary thugs. The

Jew banksters have ensured an inexhaustable supply of mercenary gunmen and Death

Squadies by ensuring that unemployement and poverty is rife almost everywhere but

especially in Muslim countries and western Ukraine. The US used Muslim mercenaries in

Chechyna just as they did in Afghanistan against a democratically elected government in

1979. Zbigniew Brzezinski used Muslim terrorists to attack the legitimate, democratically

elected Afghan government which thus precipitated Soviet military assistance at the

request of that democratic Afghan government on 24 December 1979. See eg: The CIA's

Founding• of Al Qaeda Documented -


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Documented.shtml Zbigniew Brzezinsk says that on 3 July 1979 'president Carter signed the

first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in

Kabul. He also says: 'on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president

that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.' In other

words the Soviets did not INVADE Afghanistan but were fighting against a covert, PRIOR

US terrorist invasion of Afghanistan

USraelis and their allies have instigated, organised, funded, trained and armed anti-Russian

Muslim terrorism in Chechyna, Dagastan, South Ossetia, North Ossetia (the Beslan School

massacre), Moscow and Volvograd. That pattern is being continued with the Ukrainian putsch

which was meant to continue the encroachment of NATO through ALL the previous Warsaw

Pact countries up to the borders of Russia so that terrorist destabilisation could be mounted

along Russia's entire western boder; with Ukraine making it possible to renew terrorist

infiltration in Bellorussia, Chechyna, Dagastan and North Ossetia and Western Russia.

USrael also uses Muslim mercenary terrorists in Pakistan (in Baluchistan and the North West

Territories), Iran, Libya, Syria, as well as the Ukraine and other nations. In addition USrael

also organised, armed, funded, trained and participated in the cowardly midnight attack by

Georgia on South Ossetia on 8/8/2008 (using the Olympic Games in China as a distraction

just as this Ukraine COUP was launched during the winter Olympic Games in Russia). See eg:

The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented -


Documented.shtml And: US-Israeli-Muslim Genocide of Russian Orthodox Christians

(Repost) - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Poli].

True US History

May 3, 2014 - Ukrainian leadership to hire US mercenaries to suppress eastern regions

According to a source cited by ITAR-TASS, Ukrainian authorities believe that the Security

Service is not able to suppress the protest mood and neutralize the leaders and activists of

the pro-Russian movement in the eastern regions. In particular, the source said, the acting

president Alexander Turchinov shares this opinion. "Therefore it was decided to attract

foreign mercenaries, who will serve as political police and state security protection, " said

the representative of the Security Service.

He informed that the initiative to attract mercenaries belongs to oligarchs Igor Kolomoisky

and Sergei Taruta, appointed governors of Dnepropetrovsk and Donetsk regions. - Voice of

Russia, TASS

Political Information

May 3, 2014 - Ukraine: Odessa declares three day mourning for 41 people burned alive by

Right Sector fighters

True US History

May 3, 2014 - Odessa Massacre Pushes Ukraine to the Edge

Political Information

May 3, 2014 - Kiev intends to continue active phase of special operations in East - Ukraine's

Interior Ministry

True US History

May 3, 2014 - Obama backs military operation in Ukraine

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Political Information

May 3, 2014 - Ukrainian Crisis Was Always About Containing Russia

Political Information

May 3, 2014 - Ukraine Crisis Accelerating the Restructuring of the World

Political Information

May 2, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP update - May 2nd, 20:14 UTC/Zulu: massacre in Odessa

Political Information

May 2, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP May 2nd, 17:37 UTC/Zulu: "The Mouse that Roared"

Political Information

May 2, 2014 - It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war

Ron: This report from THE GUARDIAN is almost objective! That is amazing! Could this be

the beginning of the breakdown of the Jews' control of the global mainstream media?

Political Information

May 2, 2014 - Western Military “Monitors” Turn Up in Eastern Ukraine


May 2, 2014 - 'Cui Bono' Over Ukraine: Monsanto Setting Up GMO Seed Corn Business in


Political Information

Apr 30, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP-update April 30, 16:12 UTC/Zulu: "US/EU Hedgehog

scaring techniques"

Political Information

Apr 30, 2014 - Lobby: Bomb Syria to save Jews in Ukraine

True US History

Apr 29, 2014 - Putin: Washington behind Ukraine events all along, though flying low

Political Information

Apr 28, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP-update April 28, 1447 UTC/Zulu

Political Information

Apr 28, 2014 - Anti-govt protesters seize TV station in eastern Ukraine, call for own


Political Information

Apr 28, 2014 - Separatists Seize Control of State TV in Eastern Ukraine: Report

Political Information

Apr 28, 2014 - Detained “OSCE Monitors” in Eastern Ukraine Turn out to be NATO Military


People’s mayor of Slavyansk tells about detention of the OSCE monitors: all of them turned

out to be NATO military intelligence officers accompanied by two officers of the Ukrainian

Army High Command.

It was discovered that they were busy collecting and marking locations of all the checkpoints

and defense positions of Slavyansk’s self-defense. They also carried explosive cartridges and

ammunition. - Global Research News

Political Information

Apr 27, 2014 - Ukraine: Russia 3 NATO 0

Political Information

Apr 27, 2014 - Tolstoy’s Remarkable Manifesto on Christian Anarchy and Pacifism

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Ron: Many of the comments are interesting and some give insught into the conflicts in the

Ukraine between 1918 and 1921.

Political Information

Apr 27, 2014 - NATO’s Incremental Absorption of Ukraine

True US History

Apr 27, 2014 - Vice President Joe Biden Promotes U.S. as Fracking Missionary Force On

Ukraine Trip

True US History

Apr 27, 2014 - De-escalation in Ukraine as seen by Joe Biden

True US History

Apr 27, 2014 - Ukrainian special forces team caught near Donetsk

True US History

Apr 27, 2014 - Putin’s Or Jewmerica’s Plan For Ukraine

Political Information

Apr 25, 2014 - Unelected Regime Begins Killing Spree in Eastern Ukraine

Political Information

Apr 24, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP-update April 24, 1506 UTC/Zulu (UPDATED)

Political Information

Apr 24, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP April 24, 1405 UTC/Zulu

Political Information

Apr 24, 2014 - The US plan for the Ukraine - a hypothesis

Ron: i haven't read the comments but include them because usually some are of interest.

Political Information

Apr 24, 2014 - Russia to react if interests attacked in Ukraine: Russia

Political Information

Apr 23, 2014 - Ukrainian Underbelly, the Hidden Combatant

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Political Information

Apr 23, 2014 - Ukraine: A cacophony of paltry frogs

Political Information

Apr 23, 2014 - Ukraine crisis: Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov accuses the US of

being behind political unrest

Ron: Here is a typically false misreport of the situation in Ukraine made by the Australian

Broadcasting Commission which is a bought and paid for Jew controlled corporation as is the

so-called Australian Government and ALL Australian governments, judiciaries and related

corporate entities.

Political Information

Apr 23, 2014 - Alle-Yulia! Redemption of Western Regime Change in Ukraine

True US History

Apr 22, 2014 - How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the AngloZionist Empire

Ron: I haven't read the comments.

True US History

Apr 22, 2014 - Jewmerica’s Fiasco In Ukraine

Political Information

Apr 22, 2014 - Ukraine Jew registration hoax traced

Political Information

Apr 20, 2014 - East Ukraine Babushkas Beat Back Kiev Coup

True US History

Apr 19, 2014 - America's Coup Machine: Destroying Democracy Since 1953

Soon after the 2004 U.S. coup to depose President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti, I heard

Aristide's lawyer Ira Kurzban speaking in Miami. He began his talk with a riddle: "Why has

there never been a coup in Washington D.C.?" The answer: "Because there is no U.S.

Embassy in Washington D.C." This introduction was greeted with wild applause by a mostly

Haitian-American audience who understood it only too well.

Ukraine's former security chief, Aleksandr Yakimenko, has reported that the coup-plotters

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who overthrew the elected government in Ukraine, "basically lived in the (U.S.)

Embassy. They were there every day." We also know from a leaked Russian intercept

that they were in close contact with Ambassador Pyatt and the senior U.S. official in charge

of the coup, former Dick Cheney aide Victoria Nuland, officially the U.S. Assistant

Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. And we can assume that many of

their days in the Embassy were spent in strategy and training sessions with their individual

CIA case officers. To place the coup in Ukraine in historical context, this is at least the

80th time the United States has organized a coup or a failed coup in a foreign country since

1953. That was when President Eisenhower discovered in Iran that the CIA could overthrow

elected governments who refused to sacrifice the future of their people to Western

commercial and geopolitical interests. - Nicolas J. S. Davies

Political Information

Apr 17, 2014 - Proof of Poland’s Participation in the Ukrainian Pandemonium

The ultimate irony is that Poland is training fighters who honor a man that glorified in

ethnically cleansing Poles from Ukraine in the most horrendous ways imaginable during World

War II. - Andrew KORYBKO

Political Information

Apr 17, 2014 - "Ukraine deal"? Maybe. But the instanity sure continues...

rue US History

Apr 16, 2014 - CIA caught red handed in Ukraine

Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - CIA Terror Chief Pulls Rank in Kiev

Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP April 16, 10:50 EST (Ukrainian civil war day 2)

Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - Dozens of Ukrainian troops surrender APCs in Slavyansk, refuse to ‘shoot at

own people’ (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - Ukrainian soldiers surrender armoured personnel carriers to pro-Russian


Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - Kiev military op in eastern Ukraine LIVE UPDATES

Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - Breaking news Dozens of Ukrainian troops surrender APCs, withdraw from

Slavyansk Home / News / Anti-govt protesters seize Ukrainian APCs, army units 'switch

sides' (VIDEO)

One of the six tanks of the Ukranian army that I just saw in #Kramatorsk that switched

sides. Now w Russian flag. pic.twitter.com/Ig0qJQ5jWM

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Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP April 15, 18:30 EST update 1 (Ukrainian civil war day 1)

'... Uncle Satan, operating from Mordor on the Potomac, has always preferred fascist and

other Rightwing butchers as its puppets. Need I mention the Shah, Suharto, Mobutu and

Pinochet, and leave the remaining scores out for brevity's sake. They provided escape and

refuge for eastern European fascists for decades, and employment in death-squad duties in

the Third World. And death-squads, with barbaric torture, the killing of women and children,

'disappearances' and all manner of psychological terror are as American as apple-pie. Not to

forget direct aggressions, carpet-bombing, ecocidal warfare through chemical attacks,

biowarfare in Korea and deadly sanctions targeting medicines, food etc, as in Iraq. We are

speaking here of what I would confidently assert is the greatest force for evil in human

history, one whose elites are psychopathic and live to cause destruction and death. I fear

greatly not just for Ukraine but for us all, because this Moloch will bring down the world

rather than lose its grip on it. - Mulga Mumblebrain

Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - Ukraine and Syria, In Orwellian Times

We live in the times that George Orwell predicted in his groundbreaking novel 1984. A time

of deception, where nothing is what it seems to be. Lost in a deep fog of propaganda that

passes for information, we have to decipher through conflicting narratives, where stories are

planted to hide other ones. In this fictional conundrum, reality has become surreal, and

words have lost their meaning. In our Orwellian lexicon, a pro-capitalist and neo-colonialist

such as French President Francois Hollande is called a socialist; violent

imperialist interventions conducted by the United States and its allies, or even the United

Nations, worldwide are called humanitarian missions or peacekeeping missions; policies of

regime change, already conducted in Iraq and Libya, and underway in Ukraine, Syria,

Venezuela, and even Cuba, are called promoting democracy or strengthening civil society. In

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Orwellian times, a phony revolution in Kiev is concocted by neocons in Washington DC with

help from so-called humanitarian non-g0vernmental organizations (NGO), and USAID takes

on the CIA’s role to promote supposedly spontaneous protests in Cuba. In Orwellian times, a

big lie often repeated becomes the truth. When policymakers are spin masters, truth is the

first casualty. - GILBERT MERCIER

rue US History

Apr 16, 2014 - Ukraine’s Secret Recipe: «Brennan Kiev»

Political Information

Apr 16, 2014 - NATO's Pet Nazis Savage Ukrainian Presidential Candidate

Political Information

Apr 15, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP April 15, 10:54 EST (a sharp turn for the worse)

True US History

Apr 15, 2014 - US Army Training In Ukraine since 2011

Political Information

Apr 15, 2014 - How the Ukraine Crisis Has Drawn Russia and China Closer Together New

Axis in the House?

True US History

Apr 15, 2014 - Venezuela’s Maduro Charges US With Fomenting Ukraine-Style Coup

Ron: Unless President Maduro and his government is receiving assistance and instructions

from Star Fleet I think that accomodating the US and its traitorous plutocratic lackeys in

Venezuela is a mistake. Anyone responsible for killing or injuring police or other officials or

committing terrorist acts such as the decapitation of motor cyclists and setting fire to

buildings, needs to receive similar judicial treatment to that meted out to Muslim

Brotherhood terrorists in Egypt recently. Allowing people to get away with murder and

inciting others to murder and terrorism, is a recipe for disaster as Muammar Gaddafi and

Libyans discovered. DITTO for President Assad's government in Syria and the velvet glove

treatment of the USraeli organised terrorists in Kiev recently. The global Jewmedia will LIE

about whatever the governments targetted by USrael and NATO do, so it is a mistake to

consider the global PR aspects of how terrorist Death Squads et al are handled domestically.

ALSO, agencies such as USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy, and ALL US and

Western NGOs, are covert agents for the Anglo-USraeli Empire and really need to be

excluded from the country. DITTO re the US embassy. The US has been covertly making

war on Venezuela for over a decade, why not acknowledge that fact.

Political Information

Apr 15, 2014 - Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918

Creation of the German General Staff

Ron: Here is some interesting history on Ukraine. Discernment is required. Webster

Tarpley's views on the Holodomor and some other issues need careful scrutiny. Saying that

the "food scarcity" in Ukraine was NOT organised by Stalin and Kaganovich and their Jew

commissars because "food scarcity" 'also hit the northern Caucasus and Kazakhstan,

suggesting weather was a factor' is special pleading of an incredibly biased order, especially

as it INCIDENTALLY implies that the Bolshevik anti-Kulak famines in the early 1930s,

instigated by the Jews controlling the Soviet Union, did not occur at all. To make that case

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Tapley needs a lot more evidence that the research musings of a lone female scholar in Jew

dominated France.

Political Information

Apr 15, 2014 - Ukraine: The Anti-Maidan Begins

Political Information

Apr 14, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP April 14, 13:00 EST

Political Information

Apr 14, 2014 - Ukraine SITREP April 12, 18:06 EST (and some *very* cautious optimism)

Ron: I haven't vetted the comments.

Political Information

Apr 14, 2014 - Press Kit on Human Rights in Ukraine

Ron: This article lists some of the known atrocities and fascist actions of the terrorist

puppets that the US and NATO have foisted upon the Ukrainian people under the guise of

giving them freedom and democracy by removing their legally and democratically elected

government by force..

Political Information

Apr 14, 2014 - Ukraine mini-SITREP April 13, 12:40 EST

Political Information

Apr 12, 2014 - Ukraine’s nationalist party leader calls for Right Sector’s total mobilization

Political Information

Apr 12, 2014 - Putin "This will take more than handing out pies at the Maidan, that’s all not

enough to keep the Ukrainian economy from slipping into total chaos"

Political Information

Apr 12, 2014 - Voices of Ukraine: 'Kiev, people are not cattle!'

Ron: Some insights into conditions on the ground in Southern and Eastern Ukraine.

Political Information

Apr 11, 2014 - Ukraine violates press freedom by denying entry to journalists

Political Information

Apr 11, 2014 - Kiev backpedals on referendums after deadline to stop protest expires

Just after a deadline set by Kiev for protesters in eastern Ukraine to vacate seized

buildings expired, Parliament-appointed PM Arseny Yatsenyuk pledged to push through a law

allowing regional referendums in the country. ... Speaking in Donetsk, one of the regions

engulfed by the anti-Kiev protests, Yatsenyuk said his government wants greater autonomy

for Ukrainian regions, including the abolition of the offices of capital-appointed governors...

The U-turn comes after Ukraine’s elite Alpha unit reportedly refused to obey an order to

besiege protester-held buildings. At a session of law enforcement officials in Donetsk, one

of the Alpha commanders said that he and his men are a force intended for rescuing

hostages and fighting terrorism and will only act in accordance with the law, local media

reported. - Russia Today

True US History

Apr 11, 2014 - While All Eyes Were on Ukraine, the West Hatched a Plan for Yemen

If Al Qaeda never existed, the United States would have had to create it so it could act as a

straw man for every U.S. intervention around the world. In fact, in places like Yemen, North

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Africa, and Syria, Al Qaeda is a total creation of the Central Intelligence Agency and other

clandestine U.S. operators. - Wayne MADSEN

Ron: Zbigniew Brzezinski used Muslim terrorists to attack the legitimate, democratically

elected Afghan government which thus precipitated Soviet military assistance at the request

of that democratic Afghan government on 24 December 1979. See eg: The CIA's Founding•

of Al Qaeda Documented - http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/The-CIA-

s-Founding-of-Al-Qaeda-Documented.shtmlZbigniew Brzezinsk says that on 3 July 1979

'president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against

the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. He also says: 'on the same day I wrote a note, in which I

explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention

by the Soviets.' In other words the Soviets did not INVADE Afghanistan but were fighting

against a covert, PRIOR US terrorist invasion of Afghanistan just as subsequentkly occurred

in Libya, Syria and the Ukraine et al.

Political Information

Apr 10, 2014 - A truly excellent summary of the true nature of the situation in the Ukraine

Ron: This is a very good video talk on the Ukraine. It has excellent sub-title dialogue for

those who do not speak Russian. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfzMnP3ilcI

Political Information

Apr 10, 2014 - Russia not to restore Ukraine’s economy single-handedly - Putin in letter to

EU leaders. FULL TEXT

Political Information

Apr 10, 2014 - Ukraine About To Be Crushed