How to Get Laser Targeted Leads for your Fitness Business in 48 Hours or Less Hey there, this is Dave McGarry - congrats on taking action and investing in “How to Get More Leads for Your Fitness Business in 48 Hours or Less.” I truly hope that after going through the material you will be able to do exactly what the title says! For those of you that don’t know me I want to take just a brief second to introduce myself and tell you why I created this course. When I first got started in the fitness industry the Internet was in its early infancy and social media was not even on the radar. Because of that marketing my fitness business was completely different and really not in any of my control. I had to rely on the owner of the small personal training studio to get me clients and the only marketing he really did was by referral. Now in all fairness he had built up a great reputation and was one of the best trainers in the area so prospects and leads were coming in but still I had no control other than to do my own networking and recruiting, which involved a lot of sweat equity. Stop! Before I go any further let me just be clear that what I am about to teach you is one method and tool to use to grow your business. It is not the end all be all. Ok, just had to get that straight. Let’s proceed. So, after my stent with the personal training studio I moved to Dallas and was hired on to a club that catered to a really great demographic and 1

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How to Get Laser Targeted Leads for your Fitness Business in 48 Hours or Less

Hey there, this is Dave McGarry - congrats on taking action and investing in “How to

Get More Leads for Your Fitness Business in 48 Hours or Less.” I truly hope that

after going through the material you will be able to do exactly what the title says!

For those of you that don’t know me I want to take just a brief second to introduce

myself and tell you why I created this course. When I first got started in the fitness

industry the Internet was in its early infancy and social media was not even on the

radar. Because of that marketing my fitness business was completely different and

really not in any of my control. I had to rely on the owner of the small personal

training studio to get me clients and the only marketing he really did was by

referral. Now in all fairness he had built up a great reputation and was one of the

best trainers in the area so prospects and leads were coming in but still I had no

control other than to do my own networking and recruiting, which involved a lot of

sweat equity.

Stop! Before I go any further let me just be clear that what I am about to teach you is

one method and tool to use to grow your business. It is not the end all be all. Ok, just

had to get that straight.

Let’s proceed. So, after my stent with the personal training studio I moved to Dallas

and was hired on to a club that catered to a really great demographic and


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membership base that fed me business. However, I was still at the mercy of the

traditional marketing that most all clubs did, direct mail. There is nothing wrong

with direct mail as it is still a form of marketing that I think can work well for your

fitness business but it doesn’t have the targeted reach you can get with digital


One other thing just to make clear is you are only going to see me focus on one

digital media property and that is because of its advertising power. It does not mean

that you should ignore the other digital media options available.

Okay, I know your time is limited so let’s get to the point and tell you what this is all


What is going to allow you to get laser targeted leads in 48 hours or less? Facebook

PPC or Facebook Marketing, whatever you prefer to call it is how you are going to

get clients within 48 hours. Facebook Marketing is really powerful and is a great

way to get targeted leads. And when I say targeted I mean it. You can dial down to

the age, location (radius around your gym), sex, married, single, etc.. Shoot if you

wanted to you could dial down to someone who likes “peanut butter and jelly :)” Not

kidding about that!


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What is Facebook Marketing?

If you are familiar with Google Adwords then Facebook marketing is very similar,

however, in my opinion it is more advantageous for the fitness industry to market

with. Here is why:

First, is due to the direct social response marketing aspect. For instance, have you

ever “Liked” a Facebook Fan Page because one of your friends “liked” it? We are

very social in nature and we want to “like” what are friends like. So that is why when

Facebook first launched Fan Pages for business owners small, medium, and large

brands did everything they could to get fans to like their page and then start to

market that page to “friends of friends.”

The second reason why Facebook Marketing is so advantageous is the ability to

create an avatar or “ideal client or member” to send ads directly to. As compared to

the direct mail approach where you send out a mailing to a zipcode of a radius close

to your gym or personal training studio. When you define your ideal client or

member, such as someone who is already interested in “fitness’ or “health and

wellness” or you can market to those that have a household income of 75k plus. The

more you can define your ideal client or member the more effective your facebook

marketing will be and the higher ROI you will get for your marketing investment.


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I hope right now you are starting to see the potential of facebook marketing but

there are still a few more things we need to cover to really make things effective.

Let’s jump right to them:

3 steps to take to create an ongoing lead generation machine for your fitness


A.) Facebook Fan Page for Business

B.) Online Sales Funnel

C.) Facebook targeted ad traffic

A.) Step #1 - you need to have a dedicated fan page for your business. I realize that

as of this writing Facebook has changed their algorithm and the reach of ‘fan pages’

has decreased tremendously but in order to tap into the power behind the

advertising platform you have to have the fan page. Just having a person profile will

not allow you to use all the advertising features. Don’t worry though we will dive

deeper into how to get more traction with your fan page even if the organic reach

has declined.


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How to create a page if you don’t already have one:

1.) Create a Page – located on left hand column of FB desktop view

A.) Choose between Local Business/Company or Public Figure

B.) Fill out additional info (About, Profile Pic, add favorites, etc.

C.) Skip the ad section, as we will go into this into more detail

D.) Post something unique (preferably a photo)

E.) Invite some friends to join your page to give it some love

B.) Step # 2 is to create an online sales funnel – This is the most important step to

be successful with Facebook marketing. This has all to do with converting your paid

traffic and getting them onto your email list. One of the biggest reasons why people

who advertise on FB don’t have success is because they run an ad to their website

that gives them information about their company but fails to capture their

information to market to the them in the future. Remember a buyer is in different

stages. Your ad might hit them at the right time and they take action but research

shows that it takes 7-9 times of a prospect seeing your ad to make a decision.

**FB Marketing Advanced Tip** - Another way to maximize your ad and targeting

is to put a FB retargeting pixel on your website or landing page. If a prospect clicks


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on your ad from FB and lands on your website a pixel will be placed in their browser

and they will continue to see your ad pop up!

How to create an online sales funnel:

1.) Two ways – Website or Landing page (aka- squeeze page)

A.) If you do not have a website you can create a landing page using

Click Funnels or Lead Pages

B.) Optional – you will need an autoresponder ( Aweber, Constant

Contact, Get Response, Mail Chimp) to capture leads and use later to

market to.

C.) Create free report or video series for lead capture

1.) You can use PLR - PLR stand for private label rights.

Essentially, someone creates a special report or video series for you

and you add to it, repackage it, and put it out there with your name on

it. There are pros and cons to this and you should consider them

before you go this route. Also, if you have no idea where to find

someone to do this for you just go to Google and type in Fitness PLR

and you find a ton of options. You can also go to elance.com and have a

ghost writer write something for you. Or check out www.fiverr.com


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2.) Create yourself - The create it your self is always the best

option but it will require your time. It does not have to be some long

report but it needs to have value and speak to your ideal client.

C.) Step #3 – Begin FB Targeted Ad Campaign - This here is the most important

part to your success, so read it over once and then go back through it step by step in

order to maximize your ad campaign.

Ok, so earlier I mentioned to you that you need to define your avatar or your ideal

client/member. If you already have it down great. If not, here is where I want you to

go through the list and write out as much as possible. If you happen to be going after

two different genders then make a list for male and female avatar. This will be

important when you actually create the ads in Facebook.

a.) Gender

b.) Age

c.) Location

d.) Interests

e.) Married/Single/Divorced/Engaged

f.) Mom with or without Kids

g.) Dad

h.) Single guy

i.) Special Populations


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The more specific you can get the better. Now, once you have all this information I

want you to name your avatar. For example it could be Jennifer or Joe. Put a name to

them and from here on out we are going to be targeting your person.

After you define your avatar I want you to know decide your budget. I put this step

second because I know most people don’t like to think about numbers and can get

stuck. However, I want you to think about how much you are willing to spend to

acquire Jennifer or Joe as a member or client. It is important here to also take into

consideration the average lifetime value of that person. You need to know your

retention rate and figure it from there. For example, maybe you charge $50 a month

in membership dues and you know on average they stay with you for six months.

LTV=(6 x $50) = $300

Using this example we see the lifetime value of our client or member is $300, so

spending $100 to get that person is well worth it. I hope that makes sense.

For this exercise let’s assume you decide to spend $100 in ads a month you then

need to set up a budget to get “Likes” for your page. Below I will go into more detail

on how to set up a “like” campaign but you need to set a budget for this. When you

first get started you may want to set it at $75- $100 for a month but you can scale it

back once you have a strong targeted fan base. The final thing you need to budget

for “page post engagement.” We want to get those qualified fans on our page to

engage and also share our content. I would set aside $50 a month for this.


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Alright let’s recap what you are going to budget for. First you need to budget for ads.

Initially, I gave you $100 suggestion. It may need to be more but you will not know

until you get started. A lot of variables are at play such as how good your ad is, how

strong your offer, and how well you are targeting your ideal member. A whole

course could be created just on how to develop a strong compelling ad.

The second are you need to budget for is for your “Like” campaign. Once again you

may spend more or less than want I suggested. I have seen some niches get “Likes”

for under .10.

***Advanced FB Marketing Tip*** (If you are not getting “Likes” for under $.75 I

would disable the campaign and rework your campaign.)

The final part to the budget is to set a dollar amount for “page post engagement.”

Here you will pay to “boost a post” and get your now qualified leads to stay engaged

on your page. If you are thinking that $275 is a lot of money to spend on advertising

to get a client remember that if the lifetime value of that client or member is $300

you still made money just by getting one client. Also, keep in mind you have not

factored in any additional ancillary revenue that client may have given you in the six

months they stayed with you. I added this part in here because I know that

sometimes we have a hard time seeing the bigger picture and payoff your

investment can make. Oh, and if you have a good referral strategy in place you may

have also brought in another member or client from them.

Start a “Like” campaign


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Once the budget is set it is time to start a “Like” campaign to qualify your audience. I

hate saying that one part of this process is more important than any of the others

but the foundation is set right here at the “Like” campaign stage. If you don’t get the

right audience and targeted demo that you want to attract to your fitness business

then the “post engagement” and “ad campaign” will not have great results, so this is

the most important part to focus on at first.

How to start a “Like” campaign?

Step #1 is to go to your ad manager and “Create an ad”


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Step #2


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Step #3 is to then scroll down and select the page you want to create the ad for.

Step #4 - Here is where you can pick the image you want to show up for your ad and

also create your headline.


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Step #5 - This is where you will fill in your target audience info.

Step # 6 - Here is where you will set your ad set name and your budget.

***Advanced FB Marketing Tip*** Use the Lifetime Budget set as opposed to daily

budget to maximize your campaign.


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Once you have completed the steps above “Like Campaign” is underway!

Engage your new Fans with “Promote Post Engagement campaign”

Step #1 - Start off just like you would when creating a like campaign by going to

create ad

Step #2 - You will now choose the “Page Post Engagement”


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Step#3 - Choose which page you want to promote a post from.

Step#4 - Once you have chosen the page you want to promote from you will want to

choose the post to promote.

**Advanced TIp** You will want to pick a post that has already received some good

engagement already from your initial post. Posts with images really do well. One of

the reasons FB marketing is so great for the fitness industry is due to the social

nature. Having a post of people taking a bootcamp class or training with a trainer

gives that human element. Think creative. One thing to keep in mind is Facebook has

it terms and they don’t like irrational claims so be careful with the text you wirte in

your post. Best to be generic and says stuff like, “ Calories melting off as they go

through such and such class!


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Step#5 - Once you have chosen the post to promote you will go through the same

process as you did for the “Page Like” campaign in setting up your audience and



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***Advanced Tip*** - Promote the post for 3-5 days. Try to make sure that you are

reaching close to 1k people. Facebook just gives you an estimate and if it goes viral

and friends like and share you can get more reach!

Put it all together and Create an Ad

Step#1 - Same as the previous two other campaigns.


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Here is where you put it all together. You should have now qualified your

audience through the “Like Campaign” and “Post Page Engagement.”

Before you begin your ad campaign you will want to go and check out your

“Insights” tab to gather all the info you need!

*** There is really valuable info here and if you have not been looking at the reports

to see what your demo is and the reach you are getting with your posts then now is

the time to review it. Don’t start the ad campaign until you know what the targeted

demo is and what posts are getting the most engagement! ***


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How to Create and Start and Ad Campaign

Step #1 - Just Like before you will need to go to the “Create ad” button

Step #2 Choose (Click to Website) from menu:

After you click on the link “Click to Website” you will then proceed to put your

website url into the box ( as shown on the far right arrow).


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Step#3 - Choose image:

Facebook lets you choose up to six different images for your ad. You will want to

make sure that the photos you choose are good quality and represent your fitness

business. Photos of classes or if someone working out are really good to use and will

get higher “click-through-rates.” If you don’t have any photos you can also go to the

“Find Images” tab and use some of the stock photos that FB provides. My sugesstion

though is to use your own photos. Also, you can add up to a total of six photos but FB

will eventually show the one that is getting higher engagement.


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Step#4 - Create compelling Headline, AD Copy, and Call to Action

Ok, once you have your images uploaded the next step is to pick your FB page to

represent the ad. Don’t worry you are not driving them to your fan page it will show

in your newsfeed as being from your Fan page but once they click you are taking

them to your website or landing page.

The next two parts to this step are crucial as you want to have a solid headline and

text for your ad. Be careful with getting overly hypey with this as FB does not like

anything that might seem like false claims. If you are unsure what I am talking about

then don’t worry you probably are not someone who is going to be making crazy


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headlines and ad copy anyway. You don’t have a lot of characters to work with in the

headline so you will have to play around with that. As for the ad copy you can be a

little more descriptive and say something like, “Quick, high intensity workout, that

you will love.” Sign up now!” Or if you are discounting or offering a free class put

that in the text. Get creative!

After you finish the headline and ad copy you have the option of adding a “call to

action button.” At the time of putting this product together we are seeing a really

good CTR with a “call to action” button. This is something you can test and see if you

get better clicks with or without it.

One last thing to add at this step is you have the option of choosing your ad to show

in Desktop News Feed, Mobile News Feed, or Right Hand Side. By default FB sets all

three. My suggestion is to create separate ads for each and not run the same ad on

all three platforms at once. Now we have seen changes recently that mobile is

charging us the most for clicks while the right hand side is cheaper. It makes sense

since over 50% of FB users are on mobile but I like to separate each one to see what

is giving the best performance and highest ROI. You need to test this yourself



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Step #5 - Choose your audience - This is where you will use the data you recovered

from your “Like and Page Post Engagement campaigns.” As I mentioned in the

beginning it will all set up for your “Click to Website” campaign. So if you have not

looked at your insights and know exactly the target demo I suggest you go back and

look at it because in the title of this product I say, “Laser Targeted Leads” and to get

laser targeted leads you need to info from the “Like and Page Post Engagement”

campaign to lock down a highly targeted audience!


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Step #6 - Campaign Ad and Budget Set

Here you will give your ad a name. I like to set my ad set name up like this:

(Area-gender-age-month) - So I set the area it could be 10 mile radius, females, ages

30-45, August 2014 for the month. This helps when I start running different ad


Next you will set up the budget. I like to set it for a “Lifetime Budget” and not run it

daily. This helps with my budgeting and overall testing methods I use.

Finally, you do not need to change anything in the Bidding and Pricing section. You

can now hit the “Place Order” button. Facebook will review your ad and once

approved you are up and running.

So, as I mention in the title you can see how in less than 48 hours you could have the

exact demo and targeted leads inquiring about your fitness business. Remember,

just like working out Facebook Marketing is a science. If for some reason you are not


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getting leads don’t be so quick to jump to the conclusion Facebook Marketing does

not work. There are many other variables that could be at play. For one, your ad

might not be compelling. Two, your landing page does not give them a call to action

or the easy to call you. Setting up the entire sales funnel is a completely different

animal and all this course teaches you is how to get leads to your offer or website.

The other aspects to the equation need to be addressed if you see you are getting

clicks but no calls or inquiries.

D.) Case Study – There are a ton of good examples of gyms and fitness

professionals having success with Facebook Marketing and I just wanted to share

with you one that has their Facebook page optimized well and they are using it to

get new members interested in joining their club.


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D.) Resources - These are some of the resources we use to help us with our

Facebook Marketing and Online Sales Funnels.

1.) Lead Pages - Lead Pages allows you to quickly build out squeeze pages

and landing pages without having to have a web designer or new web site built.

Also, it is really beneficial to use the A/B Split testing to see if one page converts

better than another

2.) Social Media AD Genius - This is a full blown course on how to build and

create Facebook Ads. There is over 2 hours of videos taking you deeper into

Facebook Marketing and giving you more advanced training.


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3.)Aweber- This is to set up your email marketing list and auto-responder


4.) Social Media Examiner - Website that teaches tips and tricks for all

social media channels. I highly encourage you to also follow them on FB.

Closing Thoughts

So, ok. there you have it, “How to Get More Leads for Your Fitness Business in 48

Hours or Less.” I know we have covered a lot of information. So, here is what I

suggest you do next…

1.) Print this off and read through it one more or more times to get an better


2.) Print out the check list that came with this.

3.) Block of an hour or so and do some research on your avatar.

4.) Block off another hour and start working through your campaign.

NOTE: Obviously, there are some additional things that you will

need to do once the campaign is running. You will need to continue to monitor your “Like” Campaign to really

dial into your true avatar. Plus, you will want to make sure that you start writing compelling emails for your

autoresponder campaign.

Thanks for investing in this system. Now, invest in yourself and your business by

putting this system to work. My hope and prayer is that you will use this

information to help grow your business and by doing so help more people get fit and



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