遊戲化設計如何幫助新創公司行銷-以貓暇村為例 How To Launch A Successful Marketing Startup With Gamification A Case Study of Cat Village

How To Launch A Successful Marketing Startup With Gamification … · 2019-06-24 · Gamification has been used in our daily life for some time now. It is so versatile that it applies

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Page 1: How To Launch A Successful Marketing Startup With Gamification … · 2019-06-24 · Gamification has been used in our daily life for some time now. It is so versatile that it applies


How To Launch A Successful Marketing Startup

With Gamification – A Case Study of Cat Village

Page 2: How To Launch A Successful Marketing Startup With Gamification … · 2019-06-24 · Gamification has been used in our daily life for some time now. It is so versatile that it applies

How To Launch A Successful Marketing Startup With Gamification –

A Case Study of Cat Village

Gamification has been used in our daily life for some time now. It is so

versatile that it applies to almost all kinds of business. It is a business tool that

represents a whole new direction for achieving the goals set for a business.

Using the gamification techniques to boost Cat Village’s business (a cat hotel)

is the main goal of this case study. Gamification is used to make cat owners know

their cats better, strengthen the bond between them. When designed correctly,

gamification has proven to be very successful in engaging customers and

motivating them to change their consuming behaviors. Leveraging some of the

features used in real games, gamification can turn many other types of activities into

games. For instance, each customer will get a Cat Village adventure report when

their cats board in Cat Village and gamification is used to make them gain a sense

of achievement when accomplishing goals and at the same time earn actual

feedbacks (discount, merchandises). This will allure them to shop in Cat Village

regularly and recommend Cat Village to other cat owners.

Gamification is not only applied to customer engagement but also employee

performance, training and education, innovation, personal development, and the list

continues to grow.

Keywords: (Gamification), (Business), (Cat Hotel), (Cat Village), (consumer behavior)

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1. Executive Summary

(1) Background

Cat Village is a Taiwanese start-up company founded by two IMBA, NCCU graduates

who thrive to offer a total solution to all people with cat issues. Every products or service

related to cat can be found here, from cats’ basic needs to knowledge about cats.

Cat Village is founded with a very important vision which is to alleviate the stray cat

problem in Taiwan. Solving the stray cats issue means to solve a social problem. This really

matters to the founders of Cat Village as they are always pursuing to do good deeds and

contribute back to the society. To start, they need to find the right strategies to cope with the

emerging competitors in the market. Outstanding marketing skill is a must.

(2) Goal

The goal of this case study is help Cat Village to grow up successfully. Everyone knows

that, only one of ten startups can operate successfully in average. No revenue, no profit. There

is no company can survive without revenue. Therefore, how to help startup create revenue and

increase their awareness are very important.

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2. About Gamification

(1) Definition and Meaning

What is Gamification? Below is the definition from WIKIPEDIA.

“Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in

non-game contexts. Gamification commonly employs game design elements to improve user

engagement, organizational productivity, flow, learning, crowdsourcing, employee

recruitment and evaluation, ease of use, usefulness of systems, physical exercise, traffic

violations, voter apathy, and more. A collection of research on gamification shows that a

majority of studies on gamification find it has positive effects on individuals. However,

individual and contextual differences exist. Gamification can also improve an individual's

ability to comprehend digital content and understand a certain area of study such as music.”

Gamification is a concept that starts to rise and grow in the 21 centuries. Many renowned

companies such as Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Deloitte, and many others have started using

gamification in various applications and processes. It can promote task engagement, increase

motivation, and enforce desirable learning.

Gamification is a kind of professional knowledge and system design of deriving all the

fun and addicting elements found in games and applying them to the real-world business. It is

a design process that optimizes for the human in the system also known as “Human-Focused

Design”. It can also be defined as a design or management framework that develops solutions

to problems by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process.

On the contrary, a pure efficiency of the system is called the “Function-Focused Design.”

So why does gamification hold such strong potential? Think about this, if a company

gives their employees such interesting works while advising them to not work late at night, it

is believed that they will be so engaging that they will all want to work late with all their

effort without getting paid more.

We can use the following example to explain how gamification can motivates people.

(2) Examples

When speaking of marketing gamification, most people will directly link to some type of

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loyalty program. But it is not that simple. Putting gamification into your marketing strategies

will not automatically solve all the challenges and obstacles. Even with loyalty programs, you

cannot guarantee to have it done right. In the real marketing world, there are many creative

possibilities involved in what is so called marketing gamification. Therefore, below are some

famous and successful examples that is worth discussing.


Starbucks’ philosophy has always focused on customized service for their loyal customers

and their business model is mainly based on luxurious ambiance. People will say that the

consumers that go to Starbucks are actually buying Starbucks’ ambiance instead of the coffee.

The inside of each store is designed with an atmosphere of a heartwarming invitation and an

environment of offering a pleasurable and relaxed customer experience. Thus, customers are

enticed to stay longer so that they can sit and enjoy their coffee. Starbucks has successfully

attracted customers’ attention on the quality and the enjoyable memories that can be woven

together in its stores and not on the pricing of its products.

According to the gamification framework, within the Octalysis model, the core drive of

development & accomplishment is a major source of motivation. Another element is

ownership & possession. Another example will be explained below.

Nike+ Fuelband and Accessories

Nike launched the popular gamified sport application in January 2012 and has since

became a great hit. The company stepped out of their comfort zone as a well-known product

brand which actively fosters lifestyle changes by helping their customer keep themselves fit.

Nike+ Fuelband is by far the most popular accessory. It is a bracelet with a special

technology that can monitor user’s movements. Users must first download the Nike+ App so

they can track their workouts statistics such as the number of calories burned, the distance you

have run and so on are all displayed and recorded to provide feedback.

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3. Gamification Framework

(1) The 8 Core Drives of Gamification

Core Drive 1: Epic Meaning & Calling

For the first core drive comes Epic Meaning & Calling. This core drive describes when a

person believes he is doing something greater than themselves or that he was chosen to take

this certain action. An example of this is when a player devotes a lot of their time to contribute

to projects such as Wikipedia. We are all know that people don’t contribute to Wikipedia to

make money or write it into their resumes. The reason people contribute to Wikipedia is

because they believe they are protecting humanity’s knowledge which is something much

bigger than themselves. This also comes into play when someone has “beginner’s luck”, an

effect where people believe they have some type of gift that others don’t or believe they are

lucky getting that amazing sword at the very beginning of the game. Another example shows

that in recent study, it was discovered that half of millennials would take a pay cut if they

found a job that matched their values. Their mission is to achieve something bigger than

themselves, something bigger than just making money. Thus, the vision and values of the

business should underpin the Epic Meaning, and if the millennials employees can’t agree with

the company’s core, they’ll never fully buy into the mission.

Core Drive 2: Development & Accomplishment

The second core drive, Development & Accomplishment is the internal drive for people to

make progress, developing skills, achieving mastery, and eventually overcoming challenges.

The keyword in this drive is “challenge” since badges, trophies or any kind of prize without

undergoing a challenge is not meaningful at all. This is also the core drive that is the easiest to

design such as points, badges. Take Trip Advisor for example. It is an interactive forum with

various gaming incentives that makes people want to leave reviews or grade a place in order

to get a reward from the Trip Advisor system. You can also get badges or points if other

travelers see your reviews as useful. This exploits the Development & Accomplishment drive.

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Core Drive 3: Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback

The third core drive, Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback is expressed when users

are engaged in a creative process where they repeatedly discover new things when trying out

different combinations. Seeing is believing, thus, people not only need ways to express their

creativity, but also need to see the results of their creativity, to receive feedback, and to adjust

when needed. A very easy to understand example is playing with Legos or making art. You

can try out different combinations and get completely different results with these games.

However, if these techniques are properly designed and integrated to empower users to be

creative, they often become some sort of evergreen mechanics, where a game designer no

longer needs to continuously add additional contents to keep the activity fresh and engaging.

In sum, the players will simply entertain themselves. For instance, supervisors can release

employees’ empowerment by giving them a sense of ownership not direct, control, or manage

them. Furthermore, never fail to recognize employees’ talents by rewarding them with

excellent creative endeavors. It is very important to know that an empowered group of

employees with creativity breeds better company performance. The company will be assured

that employees will be happy and satisfied with their working environment and culture, which

leads to a positive cycle.

Core Drive 4: Ownership & Possession

The fourth, Ownership & Possession is the core drive which users are motivated because

they have a sense of ownership or the power of control over things. When a person feels he

has ownership over something, he will definitely want to increase and improve what he owns.

Besides this fourth core drive being the major of all drives, for the desire to accumulate

wealth, it deals with many virtual goods or virtual currencies within systems. What’s more, if

a person spends a lot of time customizing his profile, he will surely feel more ownership

towards it, too. Finally, this drive is also expressed when the user feels ownership over a

process, project in the organization. Take an example from the workforce, having employees

that have an attitude of ownership is crucial as they will put all of their effort into work to

make their work outstanding because their work represents themselves. Ownership and

possession are something that can be achieved and desired by every professional in a

company that seeks for lasting success. Possessing ownership means not having to wait for

others to act, and care about the outcome as much as an owner of the company would.

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Core Drive 5: Social Influence & Relatedness

The fifth core drive Social Influence & Relatedness incorporates all the social elements

that motivate people. Mentorship, social acceptance, social feedback, companionship, and

even competition and envy are all included in this core drive. When you see a friend on

Facebook that owns something extraordinary or went to some place amazing, you will

become driven to want to have the same thing or go to the same place. This means that we

naturally are drawn closer to people, places, or events that we can relate to. Relatedness, on

the other hand is about when you see a product that reminds you of your childhood, the sense

of nostalgia would likely to increase the odds of you buying that certain product. It is much

like how storylines are crafted to appeal to certain audiences. A well-designed game or

working program can foster genuine motivation and performance in regards to working in

collaborative and competitive environments. This will allow users or employees to embrace

new challenges and experiences strongly together with each other. To sum up, people use

Facebook, Instagram for social interaction to satisfy their need for relatedness and achieve

psychological well-being.

Core Drive 6: Scarcity & Impatience

Next comes Scarcity & Impatience as the sixth core drive. This core describes how

people wants something simply because it is extremely rare, exclusive, or immediately

unattainable. Many games have this kind of feature and it will usually mark a sentence like

“come back in 2 hours later to get your reward”, “wait for 1 hour to get an extra life” and so

on. The fact is that when people can’t get something right away, it will motivate them to think

about it all day long. As a consequence, they will return to the game every chance and time

they get. A famous example that uses this core drive well is Facebook. When Facebook was

first launched, it was just for Harvard students. Then, it opened up to a few prestigious

schools, and finally all colleges. Statistics show that many people wanted to join Facebook

simply because they previously couldn’t get in. Another famous example is the company,

Apple. It masters the creation of demand before the product is even out. Millions of people in

the world over aspire to the next product or next series of its merchandises and happily set up

tents in front of the Apple Store, impatiently waiting for the next product to hit the shelves.

Scarcity is what drives desire, brand power, the entire luxury proposition outside the band of

rationality. However, it needs an entire ecosystem driven by a culture of excellence to grow.

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Core Drive 7: Unpredictability & Curiosity

The one before last is Unpredictability & Curiosity, the core drive which is constantly

being engaged because you don’t know what is going to happen next. When something does

not fall on your regular, usual cycle patterns, your brain kicks into high gear and pays

attention to the unexpected. This is obviously the primary core drive behind the gambling

addictions, but it is also presented in every lottery program that companies run. Another

example is that many people watch movies or read novels because of this particular core drive.

You want to know what happens next, maybe it is a plot that you’ve guessed right, or maybe

the story goes beyond your prediction. Either way, you look forward to knowing what is

coming up next.

Core Drive 8: Loss & Avoidance

The final Core Drive, Loss & Avoidance should come as no surprise. It’s the motivation

to avoid something negative from happening. On a small scale, it can be described as to avoid

losing previous work or changing one’s behavior. On a larger scale, it is said be to avoid

admitting that everything you did up to this point was useless because you are now quitting.

Opportunities that are fading away have a strong utilization of this core Drive. Take season

sales for instance, people will grab the chance to shop at season sales as they will feel if they

didn’t act immediately, they would lose the opportunity to act forever.

In the gaming world, time-dependent risks or rewards are the most commonly and easier

used mechanic. They generally implanted in games as countdown timers for a specific action

or event. The players will feel the urge of the need to take part in the event because time is

literally running out and they need to avoid the chance of losing the great opportunity.

However, you should use it with extra care, because if you use it too frivolously, the players

of your game may develop an unhealthy obsession with the activity and may even burn out

from it. In conclusion, using them sparingly and the benefit is that the players of the game

will stay positive and engaged which result in success of this product.

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4. Design and Execution

(1) Epic Meaning & Calling used in Cat Village

Narrative (Game Technique #10) & Humanity Hero (Game Technique #27)

We have crafted a story, created some content that fulfills the mindset of customers who

want to read or hear good brand story that will make our company more appealing. By doing

so, we are at the same time giving our clients an objective and a strong sense of responsibility

to accomplish our mission with us. The main points of the story are as follow:

1. We will be demonstrating the problems of stray animals in real life situation. Many of

them need help to find a suitable place to live. Furthermore, we will also show some cats’

behavior problems that are actually easy to solve. For instance, the acts that cats scratch

and destroy the furniture can actually be simply solved by giving them enough cat

scratchers for them to scratch and they will less likely to go for the furniture.

2. An invented character- Devil Cat. This is to personify the cats’ behavior problem and the

root causes of animals’ abandonment. By creating this comic, we can make everyone feel

involved in this story and defeat this Devil Cat with us.

3. As the story continues, our customers will also start to appear in this adventurous comic

as one of the characters so they can feel they are part of this mission. It will enhance our

customers’ loyalty and even strongly connect them with Cat Village. By doing so, they

will have a clearer sense of knowing when they make purchase in Cat Village means they

are helping defeating the Devil Cat. In another word, they are actually putting effort in

helping to solve the stray animals’ issue with Cat Village.

(2) Development& Accomplishment in Cat Village

Progress Bars (Game Technique #4)

Progress Bars are seen in many places nowadays and they are often used in the

Onboarding experience. This technique is said to be one of the simplest existing gamification

designs. A simplest and most well-known example of Development & Accomplishment is the

LinkedIn Progress Bar. LinkedIn introduced a little Progress Bar (Game Technique #4) on the

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side of the users’ profiles to show people how complete their data are. According to scientific

survey, our brains hate the situation when incomplete things are dangled in front of us.

Similarly, when we see a progress bar that is taunting us as only being 70% of a human being,

it gives us the extra push to finish the Desired Actions and achieve the Win-State of

completeness. Another example is the questionnaire. There is often a progress bar around the

questionnaire corner showing how much respondents have done and how much more to go.

This is to prevent respondents to easily give up if they don’t know how many more questions

there is left or how many questions they have already done.

We’ve designed a series of Cat Village adventure reports for our customers as shown

below. This shows the statistical data from the skills, food to everything that their cats had

achieved in Cat Village hotel.

Table 4.2 Cat Village Adventure Report Page 2

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Table 4.3 Cat Village Adventure Report Page 3

Table 4.4 Cat Village Adventure Report Page 4

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Every concept within the design will be explained in the following chapter. Here, we will

explain as the table below how we use “Title” as the Progress Bars technique. Each title is

categorized as below and you can progress to a new title by cumulative time and expense.

For instance, if you have accumulated four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter), you

can upgrade to the next title level. Every title has its own merchandise discount. The Progress

Bar will easily let our customers know their current status and how much or how many more

times they have to spend in order to upgrade. By doing so, we can increase our customer

stickiness as well as encourage our customers to board or purchase in Cat Village regularly.

(3) Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback in Cat Village

Plant Picker/Meaningful Choices used in Cat Village.

The rooms in Cat Village are designed under the Lego concept. Every room is carefully

designed to be able to connect to each other. With this kind of design, our customers can

choose to link the rooms to the shape or the amount of space they wish. In a word, our rooms

can be customized. For instance, if our customer has an old cat which is usually low in energy

and cannot jump high, the owner can choose to link the lower rooms to give the old cat more

vertical space to walk around. If it’s a young cat with lots of energy, we can also customize

the rooms to a U-shaped room in order to provide a fun space for the young cat to explore.

Furthermore, we also encourage owners to decorate their cats’ room with the accessories that

are for sell in Cat Village. Cat Village uses the Plant Picker/Meaningful Choices technique to

let owners who know best about their cats’ preferences to design their cats’ boarding rooms

with their own creativity. By doing so will not only satisfy the cats but also the owners. They

can experience different rooms each time they board.

(4) Ownership & Possession in Cat Village

Collection Sets (Game Technique #16)

One of the most powerful and effective ways to utilize Core Drive 4: Ownership and

Possession is through “collection sets.” For instance, you are given a few items, characters, or

badges and you are told that this is only part of a collection set that follows a certain theme.

This will create a desire in yourself to collect all the elements to complete the whole set.

Take the “talents” category in Cat Village adventure report for instance (shown in Table

4.15), most owners wish their pet cats to know as many talents as possible. Also, they will

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think that their cats surely possess the same skills other cat know. Thus, subconsciously, every

owner wishes their cats are smart cats with many talents and outstand within the cats’ group.

By collecting all the talents in the Cat Village adventure report, owners can prove all the

above, so we are sure that they will try their best to collect all talents. Similarly, if it’s some

skills that only owners can achieve like “paying with credit card”, “booking one month

ahead”, we are sure that owners will also try to achieve it in order to collect the badges in the

“talents” category. This will also bring a positive cycle to the daily operation of Cat Village.

Nowadays, many pet shops, online stores sell all sort of products to satisfy the customers’

curiosity mindset of wanting to try all kinds of products and the will to find the best products

at a fair price. In the “props” category of Cat Village adventure report, we have recorded all

the products they have used in Cat Village. Every product represents one badge. Not only the

efforts that owners paid on their pets will be recorded, and at the same time they can collect

the whole collection of the “props” set.

(5) Social Influence & Relatedness in Cat Village

Social Treasures (Game Technique #63)

Social Treasures is a system that is designed to make the rewards or gifts in the games

only able to be given to you by friends or other players. This will push the players to get their

friends to join the game so they can get more opportunities to obtain these Social Treasures.

For instance, people will request items from their friends on Facebook non-stop, badger

friends to give them various items all the time. Though it will become a nuisance and even an

annoyance for many Facebook users, it will still effectively attract more users to the game and

massively advertised the game across millions of pages. There are also many popularity

contests organized by companies that utilize Social Influence by having people compete to get

the most votes on their submissions. To obtain more votes from their social network in order

to win the contest, applicants will blast their friends with links to the submissions which

directly promote the company to thousands of people.

In our Cat Village adventure report, the category “Friends” and “Charisma” used the

concept of Social Treasures. The number in “charisma” is calculated from the number of likes

in social media platform, the more likes you have, the higher your charisma number is.

Furthermore, if you have a higher charisma number, you will get a higher discount when

purchasing in Cat Village. Through this kind of design, owners will think of all ways to attract

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people to like the photos of their cats posted on the social media platform, blast their friends

with links in order to get more discount. This way, Cat Village can also raise more brand

awareness. The “friends” category also uses the concept of Social Treasures. Your cat can

only make friends with other cats in Cat Village through boarding. Thus, the more friends

your cat makes means the more times your cat boards in Cat Village. All these are examples

of Social Treasures used in Cat Village adventure report.

(6) Scarcity & Impatience in Cat Village

Magnetic Caps (Game Technique #68)

Magnetic Caps are limitations placed on how many times a user can commit certain

desired actions which then stimulates more motivation to commit them. Many interesting

studies show that by simply placing a limit on something, people’s interest in it will increase.

For instance, if you introduce a feature that can be used as much as people want, it will often

end up in only few people using it. On the other hand, if you place a use limit on the feature,

then you will find people enthusiastically taking advantage of the opportunity to use it. This

shows that a company should place a limit on an activity or product if he wants to increase a

certain behavior in his customers. One doesn’t necessarily want the Magnetic Cap to limit the

activity so much that will lose more than one can gain. Thus, the best way to set a limit is to

first find the current upper bound of the desired metric and then use that as the cap to create a

perceived sense of scarcity while doesn’t necessarily limit the behavior.

We have designed a series of Cat Village activities with the concept of Magnetic Caps. At

the end of the boarding stay of each cat, we will customize a purchasing plan that is exclusive

for that particular cat. It is customized by its behavior observed during their stay in Cat

Village as well as the information provided by their owners. We will limit the purchasing

amount to make sure our customers feel specially treated. For instance, we will tell our

customers that they can get a special discount on our cat scratching posts and they can only

buy two with this special price. Often, our customers will be more interested in buying the

merchandise and result in raising the total purchasing amount.

(7) Unpredictability & Curiosity in Cat Village

Easter Eggs / Sudden Rewards (Game Technique #30)

We will be using this technique in Cat Village as well. Firstly, we will randomly announce

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one of our boarding cats has found a treasure somewhere in Cat Village. The treasure can

either be a canned food or a toy that can be taken home by its owner. According to our

experience, most cat owners will want their cats to explore the hotel’s environment instead of

just staying in their rooms. Through this game design, it will convey a message to the owners

that their cats are feeling at ease in this cat hotel and they are happily exploring the

surroundings and not just hiding in the rooms. Meanwhile, owners will also be expecting what

treasure their cats will find the next time they board in Cat Village.

Secondly, most owners will board their cats to Cat Village because they are going away to

travel and couldn’t take care of their cats. Thus, we will cooperate with some famous stores

by posting our advertisements in the stores. As long as customers find the posters and upload

a photo of them with the poster, they can get a special prize. This way, our customers can

experience the joy and excitement of treasure hunting and will be willing to share this

extraordinary experience with their friends through word-of-mouth or social media platforms.

(8) Loss & Avoidance in Cat Village

The Sunk Cost Prison (Game Technique #50)

The Cat Village adventure report is The Sunk Cost Prison. On the bright side, the Cat

Village adventure report encourages owners to pay more effort to know more about their cat

and brings them a positive sense of accomplishment. However, if they don’t continue shop to

in Cat Village, means they won’t be refreshing the Cat Village adventure report’s status and

all of the effort they’ve paid previously will be sunk. If they make purchases in places other

than Cat Village, they will never know what new talents their cats had learned. Another sunk

cost our customers will have if they quit making purchase in Cat Village is the free health

check-up that is worth NTD 1,500 if they have accumulated their purchasing to a certain

amount in Cat Village. Free health check-up is very attractive to most cat owners as it is

valuable and owners can have a full screen of their cats’ health status. Thus, if our customers

know the amount of money they have already accumulated and all that would be wasted if

they stop making purchase in Cat Village, all of their previous effort would be lost forever. In

conclusion, most people will avoid this kind of situation from happening.

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5. Results of Implementing Gamification into Cat Village Business

(1) Main Cost

Free Health Check-Up

Boarding for a cumulative of NTD 10,000 and Cat Village will offer the customer one free

health check-up operated by professional veterinarians. The health check-up price is worth

NTD 1,500 and it includes blood test, serum chemistry and physical check-up. Cat Village has

its own veterinarian partner and the cost would be NTD 1,500 times 0.85 equals to NTD

1,275. Thus, 12.75% of the revenue from the boarding fee would be the variable cost for

every boarding cat.

Cat Village Comic Story

To put Epic Meaning & Calling concept into Cat Village, we have created our own story

describing the origin of Cat Village. We cooperate with a cartoonist to draw us a comic story

about it to attract more readers and fans. By doing so, it makes our customers easier to

immerse into our story and business. The fee for the comic story is NTD 14,000.

Cat Village Adventure Report

To create a Cat Village adventure report is mainly converting dull words into images,

graphs and put many gamification concepts in it. This won’t require any extra cost but it will

need detailed and solid employee trainings. We will need to teach our employees how to

observe, record and put it all together into our customized Cat Village adventure report.

(2) Outcomes

Benefit from Health Check-Up

Statistics show a cat’s life expectancy can be prolonged for at least three years with

regular health check-ups. According to survey, the cat owners in Taiwan go abroad for

vacation once a year and each time for more than five days in average. The benefit for Cat

Village is for one free health check-up, a cat has to board at least three times and each time for

five days. By calculating it with the price of our basic room type, an increase in revenue

would be 15 days times NTD 500 equals to NTD 7,500. NTD 7500 divided by the

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veterinarian cost mentioned earlier NTD 1, 275 equals to 5.88, almost six times of the cost

value. Furthermore, cat owners will trust us more since we care about the health condition of

their loving pet cats.

(3) Benefit from Cat Village Comic Story

Speaking of the benefit from the comic story of Cat Village, according to the results from

our social media platform, the exposure rate (post clicks) of our comic story is 10 times higher

comparing to the other posts, the post sharing rate is 4 times higher and we got 8 times more

followers because of this Cat Village comic story. Customers will have a stronger bond with

us with this comic story as they will be anticipated to read the sequel of this story and hope

they can be the protagonist of this comic one day. Furthermore, by creating this comic story,

Cat Village will create an image of a store which is running not only for profit making but one

that really cares about cats and their owners. This is also how we can differentiate ourselves

from other cat hotels.

Category/Average Ordinary Posts Cat Village Comic Story Outcome

Post Clicks 31 256 8

Post Sharing 2 8 4

Number of Increased

Followers 2 20 10

Benefit from Cat Village Adventure Report

By calculating the difference of the revenue of before and after practicing Cat Village

adventure report (for two months), our revenue has increased 2.42 times, the average

consumer expenditure has increase by 15%, the number of customers has increased 2.1 times

and the number of LINE@ friends has increased 3 times. From these operating statistics, we

Table 5.1 Statistics of Benefit from Cat Village Comic Story

Unit: Times / Person

Page 19: How To Launch A Successful Marketing Startup With Gamification … · 2019-06-24 · Gamification has been used in our daily life for some time now. It is so versatile that it applies


can get a significant result with installing the gamification concept into our daily operations.

With gamification design, we have also raised our brand awareness, make our customers

become a loyal member of Cat Village as well as raise their purchase amount.

Category Before After Difference

Revenue 60,940 147,462 2.42

Revenue from Boarding 48,752 117,969 2.42

Revenue from Grooming 9,141 20,644 2.25

Revenue from goods 3,047 8,848 2.9

Average spend 3,047 3,511 1.15

Customers 20 42 2.1

Line@ friends increase 50 150 3

Early booking 30% 50% ↑20%

Leave a comment 10% 30% ↑20%

Table 5.2 Statistics of Benefit from Cat Village Adventure Report

Unit: New Taiwan Dollars/Times

Page 20: How To Launch A Successful Marketing Startup With Gamification … · 2019-06-24 · Gamification has been used in our daily life for some time now. It is so versatile that it applies



⚫ https://www.facebook.com/cathotelpet

⚫ https://www.cat-hotel.com.tw/

⚫ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamification

⚫ https://octalysisgroup.com/

⚫ https://octalysisgroup.com/how-we-work/

⚫ https://yukaichou.com/gamification-examples/octalysis-complete-gamification-framew


⚫ https://yukaichou.com/start-here/

⚫ https://yukaichou.com/gamification-examples/