How to make $100 today online

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Most People in the world today are looking for legit ways to make money online to take care of their family, buy that new house, pay off your bills, go an vacations etc with my how to make $100 today strategy you will start making money.

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$100 TODAY


Page 2: How to make $100 today online

Making money online today is so easy. I want to share with you a great opportunity to make money

online and it is using mlm. Mlm is the best way to make money online because it pays you every

month for what you did once and you have the chance to build your income to any level you want.

Smart marketer online now use mlm because is a lazy way to earn six figure every month. Here I will

share with an ml that you can join and make money online starting from today. You will be given 7

day trail to make money with this system just to show you how effective it is using this system to

make money online.

So what’s the deal with Network Marketing? Can you make money with MLM without all the hassle

and risking your reputation? Well, yes you can and I want to show you a cool strategy that you can

use to make some easy cash with MLM.

There is in fact an opportunity in MLM and people do make money in it. I actually promised myself

that I would never join one after I got burned one time, but I have used a very cool strategy

successfully a while ago that I call the MLM Undercover strategy.

The idea is to promote the company without using your real name.

The biggest problem with Network Marketing is that there are new companies popping up like every

week and everyone claims to have the best product ever created. Most of them are garbage but once

in a while there is a company with a truly great product.

If you spot one of those early in the game you can build a nice residual income from it that will last.

The key is to find a company that offers something unique at a price that isn’t simply designed to pay

out commissions to distributors. There are some really bad MLM products out there with no value

and companies that sell them are purely interested in making money from monthly autoship fees

that distributors pay.

This are the advantages of making money online with mlm

1. everage

Of all the advantages of network marketing, leverage is probably the single most

important. To understand why, consider this...

There are only so many hours in any single day. And in those limited hours you must work

to generate some income, sleep, be with your family or loved ones, and do a host of other

tasks that require your attention.

Let's focus on your work hours.

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Most people work eight hours a day in a job -- a job they don't even like. In exchange for

their time, employers pay a set fee per time spent at work. Some employers pay

employees for units of a product produced.

Either way, if you are the employee, your income is severely limited...

First: by the number of hours you can spent on your work, and

Second: by the number of units you can personally produce in the given time.

Now consider network marketing.

Network marketing companies pay their distributors for work done by other distributors.

So by systematically increasing the number of active distributors in your downline, you can

simultaneously increase your income. And...

You can do this without increasing the number of hours you spent at work. You can

actually reduce your working hours and still see your income going up.

And that's what puts leverage top on the list of advantages of network marketing.

1. Passive Residual Income

Network marketing affords participants the opportunity to build an ever increasing passive

residual income.

Building a passive residual income is the most obvious of the advantages of network

marketing. Almost everyone joining has 'building a passive residual income' as one of their

main objectives.

Note that the passive residual income is made possible by the leverage factor. By

leveraging on other people's effort and time, a large residual income is possible.

2. Low Start Up Costs

You can start a network marketing business with little or no money.

Regardless of how much you are required to pay in as start-up capital, your earning

potential is still high compared to other types of businesses.

Although I list 'low start up costs' as one of the advantages of network marketing, be

aware that even if the company you join does not require you to pay anything to start,

you still need money for your overheads.

You need money for things like stock purchases, advertising, telecommunication, etc.

Without these you are not in business. In fact, you will spend a big chunk of your money

on marketing.

1. International Business

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A network marketing business can be operated globally. This is made possible by the


Many network marketing companies allow their distributors to sponsor people in other

countries around the world.

The only limitation in many companies is that you should not sell your products in those

countries. You are allowed to only recruit other network marketers in those countries.

Some countries have strict work permit regulations. Since selling is 'work', you would need

to have a work permit before selling anything in a country that has strict work permit

regulations. So read through your company's policies before going international.

But if your company has no restrictions, through network marketing you can build a huge

global business from the comfort of your home.

1. Freedom

A major disadvantage of traditional business and the traditional 9 to 5 job is that of lack of

freedom -- time freedom.

In a 9 to 5 job you sell your time for a given income. You are not free to come as and

when you want. Your employer determines when you shall work. Aside from the occasional

one month time off that you can get, you have to be at work as and when your employer


The traditional business model is no different. While you may enjoy the benefits of being

your own boss, you are likely to end up working much longer than you would had you

been an employee. You become a slave to your customers.

Network marketing on the other hand removes these barriers.

I like John Kalench's way of putting it. In his book, Being The Best You Can Be In MLM,

he says...

"No other support system of which I am aware...so completely honors the freedom and responsibility of the individual.

From your very first day in Network Marketing you are free.

You choose with whom you want to work...

You choose when you want to work...

You choose where you work...

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You choose your style of working: person-to-person, through the mail, over the phone, in small groups or huge gatherings of people. Every single aspect of your business is up to you. It's your choice because it's your business."

Yes, with network marketing you have this freedom.

2. Support

There is a saying in network marketing circles which says "you are in business for yourself,

but not by yourself."

As soon as join you become part of a team - your upline. Serious upline members become

committed to your success because without it they will not succeed.

As you start building your own business, you start a team of your own - your downline.

This team will benefit from your personal support and those of your upline.

The network marketing company you have partnered with will also be committed to

helping you because you are their number one source of business. Every customer you

bring in is worth a lot to the company.

Although I list support as one of the advantages of network marketing, in practice, many

distributors never give any form of support to their new recruits. This is sad. It is sad

because if only they knew that by actively supporting new members their businesses will

grow faster.

3. Personal development

Perhaps also at the top of the list of advantages of network marketing is personal

development. Network marketers are prolific readers of personal development material.

In network marketing you can learn such skills as public speaking, mentoring, coaching,

how to relate with others etc.

I've noticed that serious network marketers also grow spiritually regardless of their


4. Training

In network marketing you don't need prior selling experience. You don't need any form of

business background.

While selling experience and business background may come in handy if you have them,

everyone who joins is entitled to some form of training. The training may come from the

mlm company or from your upline.

A word of caution with training...

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Some network marketing companies allow their top distributors to develop and promote

motivational courses and literature and sell these to those in their organisations, especially

new recruits. These materials are sometimes referred to as Business Support Material.

Business Support Material comes in various forms. It may come in the form of books,

tapes, CD's, DVD's, etc.

Most of what I have seen as Business Support Material is essentially motivational talk. It

has nothing or very little to do with training in the true sense of the word. It focuses more

on the 'Why' part of your business, ignoring the 'How'.

The thing is...

Many distributors already know their 'Why'

They need to learn the 'How'

Questions like...

How do I recruit?

How do I generate qualified leads for my business?

How do I train my new recruits?

and many more are the concerns of many distributors.

Despite this ignorance of the ‘How”, training is still one of the major advantages of

network marketing. Other business models rarely provide any form of training. You have

to actively look out for training opportunities, which may come at a huge cost to you.