Hi there, this is Coach Vonnegut. I would love to introduce you to a great article on Domain Flipping. I have a huge passion for this subject, but I am not an expert, so I will leave it to the professionals. Take a look at what this fantastic author has created. Please read through it and let them know what you thought. Spread the word. (This is not sponsored by the author, but you can Learn More through this affiliate program HERE ) ====================================================================== How To Make Money Domain Flipping By Taylor American Daniel If you are looking for a way to supplement your income with an online business, you will want to consider domain flipping. It is an excellent way to make money online while still being able to keep up with a regular job and any other obligations you may have. The economy has made everyone's finances a little tighter than they would like, but it has not seriously affected one's ability to make money using the internet to flip domains. It takes a little time and effort to learn how to do it effectively but it's not rocket science. If you're not sure what domain flipping is exactly, the first thing to understand it's pretty much the same thing as flipping houses. What people do when they flip a house is they buy a piece of real estate for one price and then turn around and sell it for a higher price. Sometimes they fix it up a bit in between and sometimes they just buy smart, knowing they can sell it for more than they paid for it. Flipping domains is essentially the same thing only you're dealing with virtual real estate. When it comes to domain flipping, you buy a domain name, register it and then either sell it again right away, or sit on it and let it generate income for you. If it is a fairly active website, you can just let it sit there and earn money while you're working your regular job.

How to Make Money Domain Flipping

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Coach Vonnegut welcomes you to learn more about the challenging and tricky world of Domain Flipping and the opportunities that they has. I am sure you will find it as valuable as I did. Thanks for reading, and Enjoy! -- Don't Forget, please let the author know you enjoyed the article!

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Page 1: How to Make Money Domain Flipping

Hi there, this is Coach Vonnegut. I would love to introduce you to a

great article on Domain Flipping. I have a huge passion for this subject,

but I am not an expert, so I will leave it to the professionals. Take a

look at what this fantastic author has created. Please read through it

and let them know what you thought. Spread the word. (This is not

sponsored by the author, but you can Learn More through this affiliate

program HERE)


How To Make Money Domain Flipping

By Taylor American Daniel

If you are looking for a way to supplement your income with an

online business, you will want to consider domain flipping. It is an

excellent way to make money online while still being able to keep up with

a regular job and any other obligations you may have.

The economy has made everyone's finances a little tighter than they

would like, but it has not seriously affected one's ability to make money

using the internet to flip domains. It takes a little time and effort to

learn how to do it effectively but it's not rocket science.

If you're not sure what domain flipping is exactly, the first thing

to understand it's pretty much the same thing as flipping houses. What

people do when they flip a house is they buy a piece of real estate for

one price and then turn around and sell it for a higher price. Sometimes

they fix it up a bit in between and sometimes they just buy smart,

knowing they can sell it for more than they paid for it. Flipping domains

is essentially the same thing only you're dealing with virtual real


When it comes to domain flipping, you buy a domain name, register

it and then either sell it again right away, or sit on it and let it

generate income for you. If it is a fairly active website, you can just

let it sit there and earn money while you're working your regular job.

Page 2: How to Make Money Domain Flipping

You may choose to buy a domain and then build a website that

generates income. You may want to add content, pay per click advertising,

an opt in email list and any other enhancements you think it needs. Like

the house flipper remodels home to attract buyers, you may want to create

a site that someone else will be willing to buy from you later at a


If you prefer, you can start from scratch. Purchase a new domain

name and build a web site that can be sold down the road. Or you can look

for expired domains to buy and then sell. People often lose interest in a

site they have been working on and you can pick these up for a decent

price. Then either work on them or sell them at an auction to the highest

bidder. In almost every case, if you buy right and sell right, you can

generate a profit by domain flipping.

What you are able to buy will depend upon your budget. Some

websites and domains can be purchased for next to nothing while others

have a rather steep price tag. How much money you make really has more to

do with the difference between the buy and sell price than how expensive

the initial purchase.

The fact that you can buy inexpensive domains to flip makes it

relatively easy for a newcomer to get started. Flipping domains doesn't

require a huge investment at the beginning. After you have bought and

sold a few inexpensive domains for a profit, you can try your hand at

something more expensive and generate a larger profit.

Domain flipping can not only be profitable, it can be fun! Be

patient as you learn the ins and outs of the process and in time you will

be really grateful for the time and effort and the extra income!

Domainflippingedge.com offers a Proven formula to making money domain and

website flipping! For The Domain Flipping Guide visit


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Taylor_American_Daniel