How To Rap With Ease - The Most Effective And Comprehensive "How To Rap" Guide For Aspiring MC's

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How To Rap With Ease

The Most Effective AndComprehensive "How ToRap" Guide For Aspiring


Page 3: How To Rap With Ease - The Most Effective And Comprehensive "How To Rap" Guide For Aspiring MC's

Table of ContentsIntroduction Rapping Basics Easy Ways to Come Up With Rhymes How to Write a Rap Song With Ease Simple Tips & Tricks When Recording a Rap Song How to Get Paid to Write Rap Songs For Other People How to Freestyle Rap With Ease How to Battle Rap Wirh Ease Conclusion Bonus Resources

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First off, I just want to say welcome andcongratulations on your decision topurchase “How To Rap With Ease - TheMost Effective And Comprehensive"How To Rap" Guide For AspiringMC's”! Despite what some may believeand what other more complicated booksmay suggest. Learning how to rap doesnot have to be difficult. In fact, it ispretty easy to be able to go from a rapfan to a legit MC in less time than youmay think. You are about to discoverhow truly simple it is to achieve yourgoal of learning how to rap like the pros.

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There is a lot of information out therewhen it comes to learning how to rap butmost of it makes the whole process waymore complicated than it needs to be.Yes, there are several elements andfundamentals that you need to know to besuccessful at rapping, but you can restassure that the information in this No BSstraight to the point book is all you need!

By the time you get done reading thisbook you will have a clearunderstanding of what it takes to be agreat rapper. Not only that, it will havegiven you the know how when it comes

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to recording your raps, promoting andeven making money from your raps.Everything you need to know to achieveyour rap goals lies within these pages.Be sure to checkout the resource sectionat the end of this book because I'veadded some pretty cool tools andwebsites that you can use to get your rapcareer off to a great start.

Ok, now let's get started!

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Rapping Basics

One thing that you should always keep inmind when it comes to learning how torap is that rap and rapping is a true artform that should be treated as such. Rapcan be serious, fun, motivational, silly,political, educational and at times evencontroversial. But no matter what kind ofrap that you listen to or aspire toperform always remember it is an artfirst. If you were to Google the word“Rapping” you will most likely see aWikipedia result that says “Rapping (oremceeing,[1] MCing,[1] spitting bars,[2]or rhyming)[3] is "spoken or chanted

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rhyming lyrics".[4] The components ofrapping include "content", "flow"(rhythm and rhyme), and "delivery".[5]Rapping is distinct from spoken wordpoetry in that it is performed in time to abeat.[6][7] Rapping is often associatedwith and a primary ingredient of hip hopmusic, but the origins of the phenomenoncan be said to predate hip hop culture bycenturies. It can also be found inalternative rock such as that of Cake andthe Red Hot Chili Peppers. Rapping isalso used in Kwaito music, a genre thatoriginated in Johannesburg, South Africaand is composed of hip hop elements.Since the early 21st century, it has beenpossible to hear rap in every majorlanguage of the world.”

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Although this is a very accurate andclear definition of the word “rapping”, itdoesn't really help those who are seriousabout learning how to actually do it. Andthis is where this guide comes into play.

The point of this book is to show thatyou can learn how to rap with ease andthis is exactly what you are about to do!When it comes to rapping there are someelements of it that needs to be learnedand understood. In the upcoming sectionswe will take a close look at theseelements and teach you how to use themto turn you into the successful rapper that

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you want to be. Like I mentioned earlier,it is very easy to complicate learninghow to rap but why make it complicatedwhen it doesn't have to be. Here are theonly terms that you really need to knowwhen getting started with rapping.Beside each term is an easy tounderstand definition of it.

Bars – Are the sentences in a song thatrhyme together. In most cases in a song 1complete sentence = 1 bar. For example,“All I want to do is be a rap star. Can'tnobody stop me, I have made it this far.”This phrase is made up of 2 bars. “All Iwant to do is be a rap star. (1 bar) Can't

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nobody stop me, I have made it this far.”(1 bar) Usually in a rap song 1 verse has16 bars.

Verse – A group of bars makes up averse. Usually 16 bars = 1 verse.

Rap Chorus – Its the part that comesafter each verse in a rap song. It usuallyrepeats it self for 4-8 bars and is thepart of the song that people know themost in many cases.

Rap Hook – It's the real catchy part of

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the song that people usually know andsing. The hook and the chorus areclosely related and sometimes confusedwith each other. To help you out andmake things easier realize that the hookcan be part of the chorus.

Bridge – It's the high point in a song thatusually connects 2 verses or a verse to achorus. This is where the beat maychange a little to make this part of thesong really stand out.

Writer's Block – A short or long period

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of time where you can't begin orcontinue your writing.

Flow – The ability to rap smoothly overa beat.

Freestyle Rap– Is a form of rapping thatconsist of pre-written or off the top ofthe head rhyming. Freestyle rap is verypopular and there are many who aspireto be great at it.

Battle Rap – Is a form of rap that

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consist of 2 or more rappers battlingeach other with their raps. Usually therapper with the most clever bars wins.Battle rapping has become big over thepast years and is seemingly getting evenbigger with each passing day.

Metaphors – Lines in a song thatdescribes something by comparing it tosomething that is not normally related toit. Many popular rappers, especiallybattle rappers focus a lot on using catchymetaphors.

Sound Engineer – A sound engineer

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handles the recording of your music.Those are the ones in the studio behindthe boards recording, mixing andsometimes mastering the music.

Despite what some may lead you tobelieve, these are the only terms that youtruly need to know and understand tobecome a successful rhyme spitter.

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Easy Ways to Come Up WithRhymes

The most important thing when it comesto rapping is having raps. One of thebiggest problems beginners have whenjust starting out is not being able to comeup with rhymes. To be honest with yousome of today's well known rappers stillhave trouble from time to time comingup with raps. As mentioned in theprevious section this is what is known ashaving writers block. The good news is,there are some simple things you can doto overcome your writer's blockallowing you to be able to come up with

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raps whenever you feel like it.. You cantry all or some of the techniques that wewill be covering in this section, so herewe go!

Watch Some TV – This may seem alittle to easy but this can be so powerfulwhen trying to come up with new raps.Watching TV can be beneficial in 2ways.

1. It can take your mind away from thewhole coming up with rhymesprocess and allow you to regroup and come back to the writing with

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a fresh rebooted mind.

2. You may see something on TV thatmay spark one of the illest rhymesever. Think about it. How manysongs have you heard that had linesin them that came from somethingon TV. TV has endless amounts ofmaterial that can be rapped about.I'm not saying to go watch TVlooking for rhymes, just watch. Thebeauty of just watching is that mosttimes you will see something thatwill just get your juices flowing. Itonly takes one little thing to sparksome raps or even a whole song forthat matter. It might come from asilly commercial or maybe an

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argument that takes place on one ofthe many reality shows that are on.The point here is, just watch!

Think About Your Life – Sometimesyou can be so caught up in being socreative with your rhymes that you goblank and can't think of anything. This isa great time to take a look at your life.You can look at it from a past, present oreven future standpoint. You may be ableto find rhyme inspiration from somethingthat happened in school that day orperhaps an upcoming event that you aregoing to be participating in. Seriouslytake a few minutes and think about these

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things and there is a great chance thatsomething will trigger something to rapabout. This method can also work bythinking about someone else who youmay know life. Use what's going on intheir world to get the ideas going.

Read Something – This method kind ofgoes with the watching TV one but itdefinitely can help. When you arestruggling to come up with bars tryreading something. It really doesn't evenmatter what . It can be a book, magazine,brochure, ebook or an online article.Reading a lot is highly recommended foraspiring MC's because it can help you to

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think more creative and expand yourvocabulary. Reading the dictionary isone of the most powerful things that anyaspiring great rapper can do. Rememberthat last sentence.

Open Your Mind – This is one of myfavorite methods for coming up withsome rhymes. Opening your mind ispretty much where you just let yourimagination run completely wild with norestraints. Literally write down anythingthat comes into your mind no matter whatit is. You might be surprised how thissimple exercise can get the ideasflowing. Many MC's use this technique

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with much success when they are in needof some new material.

These are some excellent ways to get thecreative juices flowing but you maybeasking yourself, “What if I'm writinggood but I keep getting stuck on findingwords that rhyme with other words?”.This as you can imagine could happenwhen writing rap bars. The good news isthere is a great free tool that can helpyou find words that rhyme. There is awebsite that goes by the name “RhymeZone” where once on the site all youneed to do is type a word in the searchbox and click on “search”. Doing this

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will bring up rhyme matches that you canpotentially use in you raps. You will finda link to Rhyme Zone in the resourcesection of this book.

After reading this chapter you shouldnot have any trouble coming up withyour raps. You can officially say bye byeto the chance of writer's block.

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How to Write a Rap Song WithEase

Usually when people are looking tolearn how to rap they want to be able towrite their own rap songs and in thissection I am going to show you how todo this with ease. First you need to knowthe main parts of a rap song. In mostcases a rap song is laid out as follows.

Intro - This is the very beginning of asong and may consist of some talking bythe artist or even may just be the chorus

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or a part of the chorus.

Verse – The verse is usually made up of16 bars. Rap songs are known for having3 verses but over the past few yearshearing songs with 2 verses is notuncommon but try to stick with 3.

Chorus – This is the part of the song thatusually gets the most attention of thesong as mentioned earlier. The verses ofthe songs always leads up to the chorus.

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Hook – Once again, it's the catchy partof the song sometimes found in thechorus or close to it.

Bridge - It's the high point in a song thatusually connects 2 verses or a verse to achorus. This is where the beat maychange a little to make this part of thesong really stand out. (As mentionedearlier)

Outro – The outro usually takes up thelast 4-8 bars at the end of a song. It mayconsist of the artist talking, the chorusplaying again or sometimes the outro is

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no outro and a song just stops after thelast verse or chorus.

These are the main parts of a rap song.Once you have a good understanding ofthese parts you will have a very strongbase for writing rap songs. You do notneed to over complicate this process.

You should know that different artisthave different writing processes. Onerappers writing style may seem strangeto another rappers style. I am going toshow you in my opinion a very simpleprocess for writing good rap songs. You

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can follow these steps to get you goingthen overtime you may start to do thingsdifferent but for now this formula is agreat one for beginners.

Step 1. Pick A Beat - There has alwaysbeen a debate whether or not you shouldwrite to a beat or not. In my opinion it isa lot easier to write to a beat. So find abeat that goes with the type of song youare planning to write or if you don'tknow exactly what kind of song you willbe writing pick a beat based off of whatkind of mood that you're in. In theresource section of this book I am goingto give you a few places where you can

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get some hot beats that will get you inthe mood to spit some fire.

Step 2. Vibe to The Beat – Listen to thebeat that you are using 4-5 times beforeyou even think about writing somethingdown. Really get a good feel of the beat.Sometimes an artist will listen to a beatfor hours even a few days before theywrite one single word. Vibing to the beatcan be very beneficial in fact, somerappers feel that the more and more theylisten to a beat the more the beat istelling them what to write. It may soundweird but it has some truth to it. Reallyfeel the beat before you write.

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Step 3. Come Up With TheChorus/Hook – Write down a few ideasfor what the chorus is going to be. Sinceyou've been vibing to the beat you mayfind it a lot easier to come up with theconcept of your song. Keep the chorussimple. There is no need for you to stopthe rest of the song writing processbecause you want the greatest mostinnovative chorus ever. Just come upwith a few ideas. The same goes for thehook. Keep it simple. Remember thehook can be made up of only a fewwords. Your hook may help you createor finish the chorus. Just get some ideasdown and things will start to fall into

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place. In most cases you will go backand tweak the chorus before your song iscompletely finished.

Step 4. Start Writing Your Verses – Bythis point you should have at least arough idea of what the chorus is. Youshould now start writing your first verse.Your first verse should be the foundationof your whole song. This is where youwill let it be known who you are andwhat this song is going to be about. Thesecond verse should be a continuation ofthe first verse but with a little moreenergy and emotion. Use verse 2 toexpand more on verse 1. In verse 3 you

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really want to bring it! Recently moreand more rappers have been putting abridge here. For example you might startverse 3 with something like “I can't bestopped, no I wont be stopped. Becausethis is what I do, man I love hip-hop.”You can then let that repeat 1 more timethen spit a few more bars or start withmore bars after you say the bridge once.This is a great place to do somethingdifferent with the beat during this timelike take out the drums or bring in somehorns. You really want the 3rd verse tostand out.

Step 5. Rap the Whole Song a Few

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Times – I know this seems like commonsense but you really should rap thewhole song out loud to make sure thesong is consistently on topic and has anoverall good flow to it.. You shoulddefinitely do this several times beforeyou go to the next step of recording it.

Just remember that writing songs shouldbe an expression of you and yourcreativity. The steps in this section is agreat way to get started with writing rapsongs but like I said earlier, in time youmay come up with your own process thatsuits you better.

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Simple Tips & Tricks WhenRecording a Rap Song

In this section we are going to go oversome easy but effective things you cando when recording your rap song.Following theses tips will help yoursong reach new heights creatively andgive it an overall better sound. Now let'sget to it!

Try to Memorize Your Song – If youcan, you really want to have your songlyrics memorized before you go into the

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studio to record. This is a good thing todo for 2 main reasons.

1. It really saves a lot of time in therecording process. In most casesyou have to pay for studio time andthey usually charge by the hour. Soif you're paying $50/hr to recordsomewhere you will not want tospend a lot of time fumbling overyour words. Knowing the song andhow the song should be laid outwill save a ton of time in the studio.

2. Having your song memorized willmake you sound smoother and morenatural on your songs. Sometimes

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when artist are reading from paperor a device they sound robotic. Themore natural flow sounding you arethe better.

Now don't get me wrong, there are manyartist out there that read off the paperwhen they'e in the recording booth. Ifyou want to go that route I highlyrecommend that you go over the entiresong many times before you actually gorecord it so when you read the lyrics itwill still feel natural and sound as if youweren't reading which is a good thing.

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Find a Good Engineer – Having a goodsound engineer is very important whenrecording your music. It sometimes canbe a challenge to find an affordableengineer that also provides great quality.There are good ones out there that won'tbreak the bank and still give you aprofessional sounding product. Thesedays it is much easier to find qualityengineers due to the mass use of theinternet and social media. You can do asimple Google search or just ask aroundon Facebook for sound engineers in yourarea. You will want to make sure thatyour engineer knows what he/she isdoing and that they have a background inrecording rap songs. If possible try to

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find at least 2 good engineers that youcan use. It is always good to have abackup. Before you give any engineer adime or book your first studio session besure to have heard some of their workfirst.

Use Punch Ins – This is a techniqueused by engineers to make the vocalssound as smooth as possible. Usingpunch ins are good when you are havingtrouble catching your breath at a certainpoint or if you are having trouble with acertain line. Your engineer should beable to punch record you in right whereyou need to be so that you can deliver

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each line exactly how you want to. Manyartist use punch ins. They can reallyimprove the sound of your finishedsong.

Use Sound Effects – Many rap artistuse sound effects in their songs. Someuse them more than others but they arebeing used. Feel free to use car starting,women mooning, screams, sirens andany other sound effects that you want.The idea behind using sound effects is tomake sure that the effects that you areusing relates to what you are saying inthe song at that time. Do not over usethem. Just put them in where you most

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see fit. They really can add to a song. Atleast experiment with some whenrecording your song. If you do not likethem or they just do not sound right youcan always take them out. Check theresource section to see where you canget some pretty cool sound effects foryour music.

Stack Your Vocals – Stacking yourvocals is when you record another vocaltrack on top of the original vocal. Youwill want to rap the same on the stack asyou did on the original vocals. Stackingmakes your song sound thicker and moreprofessional. Be sure to stack your

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chorus as well. You might want to add afew stacks to your chorus depending onhow you want it to ultimately sound.Once again, experiment with it becauseyou can always change it.

Use Adlibs – Adlibs are those littlephrases and verbal background noisesthat you hear in a song. Most rap songshave a certain amount of adlibs used inthem. You do not want to over do it withthe adlibs but they can give that littlepositive kick to your song. Have a littlefun with your adlibs. Just let the verseplay and say some things thatcompliment the main vocals. Keep in

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mind that most of the time adlibs are offthe top of the head so just go with theflow. Keep it simple and don't over thinkwhen recording your adlib tracks. If youwant to hear someone who pretty muchperfected the art of using adlibs take alisten to P Diddy. Listen to what is beingsaid in the background as he raps.Eminem is another artist that really usesa lot of adlibs in his songs.

Recording your rap songs in my opinionis where you get the chance to bringthose bars that you wrote to life. Thereis nothing like hearing a finished songthat started from just an idea. Really take

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note of what was talked about in thissection. If you do you will notice thatyour recording process will go a lotsmoother and that your songs soundgreat.

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How to Get Paid to Write RapSongs For Other People

After you develop your song writingskills you may want to venture out andpursue being a ghostwriter for rappers.Believe it or not, there are a lot of bigrap artist out there that use ghostwriters.This can be a great income for thosewho decide to really go after thisprofession. It actually isn't that difficultto put yourself out there as a ghostwriter.In this section I'm going to go over somefairly simple steps that you can follow tohelp create a successful ghostwritingcareer. Ok, let's get into it.

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Create a Catalog – You need to be ableto easily show what you can do and oneof the best ways to do this is by having acatalog of some songs that you havewritten.. You do not need 100 songs inyour catalog when starting out. Having3-5 songs that you've written is goodenough at the beginning. Make sure thatyou copyright all of your lyrics beforeletting anyone see them. There areseveral places you can go online to haveyour songs copyrighted. One well knownsite for doing this is www.Copyright.gov

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One method people like to use to protecttheir music is called “Poor Man'sCopyright”. This is where you mail thewritten lyrics of your songs to yourself.Make sure that the envelope that yourlyrics are in are postdated. This methoddoes legally show that you are theoriginal owner of the music.

You will then need to bring your lyricsto life by putting them to music. You arebasically just recording a demo cd butinstead of shopping it around for arecord deal for yourself you areshopping the actual song. If you do notwant to rap the lyrics yourself you can

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ask someone else to do it or even hire alocal artist to do it for you. The demodoes not need to be mastered or anythinglike that. Just make sure it is decentquality so your talent can be displayedclearly.

Shop Your Catalog – It is a good idea tocontact record labels before sendingthem anything but this is a good place tostart. You want to call or email recordlabels that you want to hear your musicand ask if it's ok to send your music. Ifthey say yes then send it. If the label saysno or they do not reply to your email,don't send it.

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Network With Those In The Industry– Find out where some musicconferences and festivals are and go tothem. You want to always put yourself ina position to meet someone that canpotentially help you or know someonethat can. When your at these events let itbe known who you are and what you do.

Submit Your Songs – There are severalpopular websites out there where youcan submit your songs and reap thefinancial benefits of being the creator.You will want to submit to as many ofthese sites as you can. The more you

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submit the better the chances you have ofbeing seen and most importantly heard.Be sure to check the resources section ofthis book for some places you cansubmit your music to.

Get a Website – Don't be intimidatedby the idea of having your own website.It is easier than ever to have aprofessional looking website up andrunning in hours. A simple 1 pagewebsite that says who you are and whatyou do is all you need. If you could putsome of your work on the site that wouldjust make it that much better. Irecommend some really cool sites you

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can checkout for building simplewebsites.

Get Business Cards – You will want toget the word out about your services inevery way you can and one of the bestways to do this is by having a businesscard. You can get business cards donefor you pretty cheap these days. Makesure to put your name, number and emailas well as what you do on the cards.Always have some cards on you becauseyou never know who you might meet.One of the most popular places to getquality business cards done is VistaPrint.

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Get a Social Media Presence – Even ifyou don't have your own personalwebsite you definitely will still need tohave a social media presence. There areso many out there but at first Irecommend that you stick with the mostpopular ones. Facebook, Twitter andInstagram are the ones that you shouldfocus on. Setup profiles with each oneand start to interact with those involvedwith music. Whether it be artist,producers, managers and even fellowwriters. Make sure that your profiles foreach site shows that you are asongwriter. You might be surprised whenyou see how much attention you can get

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from theses Social Media sites. The keyis to stay active and really network.

The information in this section is all youreally need to get started as a legitghostwriter. The key to being asuccessful ghostwriter is to believe inyourself and to stay persistent.

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How to Freestyle Rap With Ease

There are many aspiring MC's that wantto learn how to rap to be able to do 1thing, and that thing is freestyle. Asexplained earlier freestyle rap is a formof rap that consiste of a MC rapping apre-written or off the top of the headrhyme. Many relate freestyle rappingwith going off the top of the head. Youshould keep in mind that some of the bestfreestyle rappers mix a little pre-writtenwith their off the top flow. In this sectionI am going to explain to you what it takesto be a dope freestyle rapper. Are youready?

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Here are the things that you need to beable to do to be a great freestyle rapper.

Have Confidence – Having confidenceis very important when it comes tofreestyle rapping. When you have realconfidence it shows when you arerapping. When you are confident in yourability to flow on demand you willeliminate any potential nervousness thatmay cause a temporary brain freeze.There are some easy things that you cando to help increase your confidence. Thefirst thing that you should be doing ispracticing. Always be practicing your

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rhymes. Practice your written andpractice going off the top of the head.Find someone that you feel comfortablerapping in front of and rap some of yourwritten then when you feel even morecomfortable try rapping about anythingin front of that same person. This personcan be a little brother, cousin or friend.Just make sure you feel comfortablerapping in front of them.

Another thing that you can do to improveyour confidence is to make a game out ofit. Get a friend or fellow aspiring MC.You will each take a turn pickingsomething in the room or area to rap

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about. The other person must rap aboutthe chosen topic for 30 seconds straight.This can be really fun but even better, itcan really improve your confidence andfreestyling ability.

Rap Clearly – When you are freestylerapping you want to make sure that youare speaking clearly. It doesn't matter ifyou are spittin the hottest bars ever, ifpeople can't understand what you aresaying they will either tune you out orjust say you're wack. A good way tomake sure that you are speaking clearlyis to avoid rapping fast and to enunciateeach word that you say.

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Have Punchlines Ready – Like I saidearlier, there is nothing wrong withhaving a few pre-written bars in yourfreestyle. In fact it is a good idea.Remember punchlines are usually verywitty and funny lines that should getspectators attention. A good punchlineshould get a positive reaction from thecrowd.

Use the People Around You – A goodfreestyle rapper knows how to keeppeoples attention. A great way to do thisis to get the audience involved. Forexample, if you feel like you are not

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keeping the attention of the spectatorspick someone out of the crowd andseamlessly put them into your flow. Itcan be anything from a guy wearing ablue hat to the girl with the orange miniskirt on. This is where that freestylegame we covered earlier comes intoplay. That game will help you be able torap about things in the room. Justremember to use a person for this.

Have Some Backup Closers – Thiskind of goes with the “have punchlinesready” tip. You never want to end afreestyle with nothing. You don't justwant to suddenly stop with out a closing

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rhyme. With practice you should be ableto end with a nice line from the top ofthe head but if not, write someemergency freestyle closer lines that youcan throw in at the end of any freestylesession.

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How to Battle Rap With Ease

Battle rap and freestyle rap go hand andhand. The main difference between thetwo is that battle rapping is more of acompetitive thing where MC's go head tohead to determine a winner. Battlerapping has become huge over the pastfew years and is showing no signs ofslowing down. In fact the battle rapgame is getting more lucrative for thosewho want to take the game serious.There are more and more battle rapleagues popping up where battle rappersare getting more recognition than theywould have ever gotten before. Some of

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these battles have some pretty nice prizemoney. Some battle rappers can makeanywhere between $1,000-$20,000 abattle. So yes, battle rap has come a verylong way. In this section I am going to goover a few things that will help you winevery rap battle that you're in. Do thesethings consistently and you are good togo!

Check Your Appearance – Beforegoing into any rap battle situation youwant to make sure that you give youropponent as little to talk about aspossible. Make sure that your clothes areclean, make sure your outfit matches and

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if you're not wearing a hat make sureyour hair is neat. Actually take a look inthe mirror before any battle. Believe me,any real battle rap opponent will be ableto find anything wrong with yourappearance and use it to their advantage.As of late though, some battle rappershave taken a much care free attitudewhen it comes to their appearancewearing some pretty “out there” outfitsand outrageous hairstyles. These battlersare being known for their unique style. Ifyou feel comfortable being a little crazywith your appearance then go for it.

Speak Clearly – Much like with basic

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freestyle rapping you will want to makesure that you are speaking clearly. It iseven more important to speak clearlywhen battle rapping for the simple factthat they're usually judges that will bedetermining the winner. Sometimes thecrowd itself may be the judges so youdefinitely want to make sure that peoplecan understand every word that you aresaying.

Pre-Write Material – Never go into acompetitive battle rap with no pre-written material. Battle rap is moreabout having a way with words andcreatively belittling your opponent. If

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you know in advance who you are goingto be battling then do some backgroundchecking on them. Find out where theyare from, where they live, who they havebattled before, who their girlfriend isand any other information that you canfind on them and put it into your rhymes.Write as much material as you can andhave it ready to go for the battle. If youdo not know who you are going to battleyou should still have some writtenmaterial but you will need to be able tomix a lot more off the top bars withthem. Bottom line is, successful battlerappers strategically pre-write before abattle.

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Use the Crowd – When battling it is agood idea to interact with the crowd asmuch as you can. What I mean by this is,whenever you're about to say apunchline talking about your opponentpoint at him/her while looking at thecrowd. You can also ask the crowdquestions. You can end one of your lineswith something like “Doesn't this dudelook like (fill in the blank)?” Battle rapaudiences wants to be entertained andreally enjoys feeling like they are a partof the battle in some way. Make themfeel like they are on your team whenbattling.

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Watch and Study Battles – Doing thisis very easy and should be enjoyable forup and coming battle rappers. But don'tjust watch battles as a fan, watch them asa student of the game. The more youwatch the more you will learn and pickup on why some lose and how some win.There are 1000's of rap battles onYouTube. This is a great place to start.

Battle rapping can be fun an profitable ifyou want it to be. You now know what titakes to be a successful battle rapper.

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I really hope you enjoyed this book andnow have a real understanding of how torap. As you can see from this book it'sreally not that hard to learn to rap. Itreally comes down to you and how faryou want to go with it. Everything hasbeen clearly laid out for you. You arenow at the point where you can leavethis book and do nothing or keep thisinformation close to you while you startachieving your rap goals. The bestrappers in the world had to startsomewhere so let this be your startingpoint!

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Get Focused and Stay Determined!

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As a way of saying thanks for reading“How to Rap With Ease” I wanted toshare with you an easy way to earn someextra cash by reviewing rap songs aswell as other types of music. “Slice ThePie” is a site that actually pays people toreview music. All you need to do iswrite short reviews on the songs that youlisten to on the site. You only have tolisten to each song for 90 seconds beforeyou can start writing your review. Youearn anywhere from $.05-$0.20 perreview but this money can add upquickly. Here is what you need to do to

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make the most money with this fun littlesite!

1. Sign up for a free account by goingto Slice The Pie

2. http://howtorapwithease.info/slicethepie

3. When setting up your account besure to pick as many music genresto review as possible.

4. When writing your reviews makesure that you write 5-7 sentencesabout the song you just heard.

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5. Be very descriptive and honest.Talk about the intro, the artistvoice, the instruments, the chorusand even how the song makes youfeel. The more you write and themore descriptive you are the moreyou will earn.

6. Be creative on your reviews. Donot write the same review over andover again. Keep using differentadjectives in your reviews.

I hope you enjoy this little bonus andhope you use it to earn some extra moneythat you can use to further your rapcareer.

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Bonus 2

Easy Way To Get Exposure For YourMusic On YouTube – YouTube iswithout a doubt one of the best places toget exposure for your music. The methodthat I am about to share with you is avery powerful one that can get manypotential fans attention and fast! If youdo not already have a YouTube channelthat promotes your music then you needto get one set up.

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Once you have your channel set up youwill want to make music review videoson the newest music. If you are a rapperthen you will want to review the newestrap mixtapes or albums. Try to stay ontop of this because new music isseemingly coming out everyday whichmeans more opportunity for you.

Make a short but informative videotalking about the new music that justcame out. At the end of the video youwill want to briefly talk about yourmusic and direct viewers to your artistchannel or website.

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When titling your review video be sureto put the artist name and correct albumtitle. You will also want to include thewords “New Review” in the title. In thedescription you will want copy andpaste the title in it. After that put yourinformation whether it be your channellink, Facebook link or website link.After that write a few sentences aboutthe review your doing the video on andif possible put the tracklist of the albumor mixtape you are reviewing.

Next, you will want to make sure that

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you add relevant tags to your videos.Make sure to include the artist name andalbum title as tags. You will also want touse words like “new”, “just released”and “review” in your tags. I also wouldrecommend that you use annotations inyour video with a message directionpeople o your music. Set the annotationto pop up at least 30 seconds into thevideo.

This is a great way to get new fanssupporting you and your music!

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Rap Beats

Beats 365 - http://howtorapwithease.info/beats365

Luger Beats -http://howtorapwithease.info/lugerbeats

Produce Your Own Beats

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BTV - http://howtorapwithease.info/btv

Sound Effects

Sound FX - http://howtorapwithease.info/soundfx

AAA Sound Effects -http://howtorapwithease.info/aaaeffects

Sell Your Music

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CD Baby - http://howtorapwithease.info/cdbaby

Tune Core -http://howtorapwithease.info/tunecore

Submit Your Written Songs

Taxi - http://howtorapwithease.info/taxi

Song Bay - http://howtorapwithease.info/songbay

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Rhyme Dictionary

Rhyme Zone -http://howtorapwithease.info/rhymezone

Build A Website

Wix - http://howtorapwithease.info/wix

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Weebly - http://howtorapwithease.info/weebly

Business Cards

Vista Print - http://howtorapwithease.info/vista

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Page 82: How To Rap With Ease - The Most Effective And Comprehensive "How To Rap" Guide For Aspiring MC's


Rap Beats

Beats 365 - http://howtorapwithease.info/beats365

Luger Beats -http://howtorapwithease.info/lugerbeats

Produce Your Own Beats

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BTV - http://howtorapwithease.info/btv

Sound Effects

Sound FX - http://howtorapwithease.info/soundfx

AAA Sound Effects -http://howtorapwithease.info/aaaeffects

Sell Your Music

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CD Baby - http://howtorapwithease.info/cdbaby

Tune Core -http://howtorapwithease.info/tunecore

Submit Your Written Songs

Taxi - http://howtorapwithease.info/taxi

Song Bay - http://howtorapwithease.info/songbay

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Rhyme Dictionary

Rhyme Zone -http://howtorapwithease.info/rhymezone

Build A Website

Wix - http://howtorapwithease.info/wix

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Weebly - http://howtorapwithease.info/weebly

Business Cards

Vista Print - http://howtorapwithease.info/vista