How to Talk to Girls Take these tips and apply them as a way to get better at knowing how to talk to girls at any event. Take Initiative. As much as it is allowable for girls to approach men, it can still be flattering for a woman when a man approaches her for conversation. This isn't to say that you should come up with a pickup line and use it on all of the girls in the room. Find a girl of interest then start a conversation with her. For example, at a grocery store and she is standing by the box of watermelons in the Produce Section. Start talking to her about the best way to pick out good watermelon. Then find out if she is single. It doesn't have to be smooth or complicated. Take an Interest. Genuinely try to get to know her. Don't make it an interrogation, but ask her what she does for a living or what she does in her spare time. Find out what she likes and then ask her more about it--and listen! Share with her what your interests are, whatever they are. Passion is contagious and if you are excited about something, a girl is likely to find that interesting and attractive. Take a Stand. Don't be afraid to bring up current events, politics, or religion. Don't judge if her opinions are different than yours. Listen carefully to her thoughts and ideas, then offer yours with humility. Don't pretend to agree with her just to make her feel good. If you are kind about it, she will likely respect the fact that you were honest more than if you agreed with her. Often this can lead you to find that you have more in common than you thought--or remind you that opposites attract. Take Care. If you are saying goodnight, let her know that you are interested by more than a simple "See you later". More intimate is something such as "Take care". Then show that you care by offering some kind act if applicable. Back to the grocery store example, offer to pick up the watermelon and put in her shopping cart. Remember being shy is not an option. Men, unfortunately only in the movies, the shy guy usually ends up with the girls.

How to Talk to Girls

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How to Talk to Girls Take these tips and apply them as a way to get better at knowing how to talk to girls at any event. Take Initiative. As much as it is allowable for girls to approach men, it can still be flattering for a woman when a man approaches her for conversation. This isn't to say that you should come up with a pickup line and use it on all of the girls in the room. Find

a girl of interest then start a conversation with her. “For example, at a grocery store and

she is standing by the box of watermelons in the Produce Section. Start talking to her

about the best way to pick out good watermelon.” Then find out if she is single. It

doesn't have to be smooth or complicated. Take an Interest. Genuinely try to get to know her. Don't make it an interrogation, but ask her what she does for a living or what she does in her spare time. Find out what she likes and then ask her more about it--and listen! Share with her what your interests are, whatever they are. Passion is contagious and if you are excited about something, a girl is likely to find that interesting and attractive. Take a Stand. Don't be afraid to bring up current events, politics, or religion. Don't judge if her opinions are different than yours. Listen carefully to her thoughts and ideas, then offer yours with humility. Don't pretend to agree with her just to make her feel good. If you are kind about it, she will likely respect the fact that you were honest more than if you agreed with her. Often this can lead you to find that you have more in common than you thought--or remind you that opposites attract. Take Care. If you are saying goodnight, let her know that you are interested by more than a simple "See you later". More intimate is something such as "Take care". Then show that you care by offering some kind act if applicable. Back to the grocery store example, offer to pick up the watermelon and put in her shopping cart. Remember being shy is not an option. Men, unfortunately only in the movies, the shy guy usually ends up with the girls.