This ebook is provided by Ways To Make Money http://waystomakemoneyfastx.org/ Google Sidewiki Introduction First released in December 2000 and initially available only for Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) web browser, the Google Toolbar is a browser plugin that enables users to perform web searches on Google without having to visit the Google homepage. After nearly five years, in September 2005, Google officially released the Firefox version of the toolbar after two months of being in the beta stage. The Google Toolbar has undergone many changes and has been incorporated with numerous additional features such as a popup-blocker, a spelling checker, a language translator, an auto form-filler, a Google Account login/sign-in facility and, most recently, the Google Sidewiki.

How To Use SideWiki

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This ebook is provided by Ways To Make Money http://waystomakemoneyfastx.org/ The Google Toolbar has undergone many changes and has been incorporated with numerous additional features such as a popup-blocker, a spelling checker, a language translator, an auto form-filler, a Google Account login/sign-in facility and, most recently, the Google Sidewiki. Introduction

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This ebook is provided by Ways To Make Money http://waystomakemoneyfastx.org/

Google Sidewiki Introduction First released in December 2000 and initially available only for Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) web browser, the Google Toolbar is a browser plugin that enables users to perform web searches on Google without having to visit the Google homepage. After nearly five years, in September 2005, Google officially released the Firefox version of the toolbar after two months of being in the beta stage.

The Google Toolbar has undergone many changes and has been incorporated with numerous additional features such as a popup-blocker, a spelling checker, a language translator, an auto form-filler, a Google Account login/sign-in facility and, most recently, the Google Sidewiki.

Google Sidewiki Google Sidewiki, the latest feature to be added to the Google Toolbar, enables just about anybody to easily contribute to any web page, help others, and learn from those who have visited a web page before them. It's basically a commenting system, but with an attitude. Truth be told, Google Sidewiki is MORE THAN just a commenting system. It is a system for annotating pages across the web and is envisioned to become a community where experts can offer/share their expert opinions and high quality comments. Launched on September 23, 2009, the Google Sidewiki enables people, or more specifically those who have the Google Toolbar installed on their IE or Firefox web browsers, to make and share comments about websites and web pages with other people, particularly those who also have the toolbar installed on their browsers. The Google Sidewiki comes in the form of a browser sidebar which, when expanded, shows comments as well as blog posts that Google has deemed appropriate and/or related to a particular web page.

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Yes, you read that right. Although Google Sidewiki enables anyone and everyone to leave their comments on the websites they visit, not all their comments get displayed. Who's In, Who's not? So, which comments get displayed and which do not? Well, Google has yet to release an official and clear-cut guide/statement regarding the factors involved in determining which comments will end up on the Google Sidewiki. What Google did say is that Google Sidewiki uses multiple signals based on the quality of the comments, the authors' reputations, as well as user-contributed signals (i.e., voting and flagging) in determining which comments get displayed and in which order. This selection process, according to Google, ensures that only the highest quality and relevant entries will appear in the Sidewiki.

So, how does Google gauge a comment's quality? Determining a comment's quality is generally based on the language used. Note that "language" here does not pertain to the various languages of nations and people but rather it pertains to how the comments/entries are composed/constructed. It looks like Google has in its disposal a language sophistication detector of some sort that can gauge the degree of sophistication of statement constructions in 14 different languages. And, apparently, Sidewiki gives more weight/credit to entries that use sophisticated language. To illustrate, "This page sucks!" and "This site rulez!" are not considered as sophisticated languages. With regards to author reputation, Google takes into account the consensus about a particular entry based on the votes and flags given to it by other users. In addition, Google also takes into consideration how long a particular author/user has had a Google Profile and how long he/she has been commenting. Google Profile We may not see it, but Google ranks profiles just as it does web pages, as far as Sidewiki is concerned. Simply put, people who has higher profile ranks have better chances of having their comments appear on Sidewiki. Unfortunately, there is very little information available on the topic of how to "improve" one's profile rank. According to Google, there are no hard-and-fast rules (yet) on how to improve one's profile rank as they expect the system's ranking criteria to change (still) over time. Generally, for now, Google ranks profiles on the basis of what Google feels or considers to be "comprehensive". In other words, the more comprehensive a profile is, the higher it is ranked. Page/Site Owner Comments On Sidewiki, site/page owners are given the privilege to claim the first comment slot

for himself/herself. But before a site owner can do that, he/she must first verify his/her ownership of a site through Google Webmaster Central. Once ownership has been verified, a site owner will see a notice on Sidewiki saying: "As the page owner, you can write a special entry that will remain the top entry for this page." right under which is a tick box labeled "Write as the page owner". All a site/page owner has to do is to click on the tickbox and submit his/her comment. No matter if there are already some existing user comments on Sidewiki on his site/page, the site owner's comment will be given top priority and placed on top of the others. (Screenshot courtesy of searchengineland.com)

However, this privilege is only given once, for one comment/entry only. If a site owner were to make another comment, that comment will already be subjected to the selection/ranking process that comments from other users go through. Embeded Links in Comments Google Sidewiki allows links to be embeded in user comments by using HTML code. In addition, it also allows the embeding of YouTube links into comments which is not entirely surprising considering YouTube is under Google's corporate umbrella. By the way, embeding a YouTube link into a comment generates a video embed frame in the comment. How cool is that?

Anyway, links posted on Sidewiki are given the "nofollow" attribute. As such, the links on Sidewiki have no bearing or effect whatsoever on the linked page's PageRank. In the Beginning There Were Blog Entries As can be expected of anything that's fresh and brand new, Google Sidewiki has yet to be filled with a considerable amount of user entries. But, instead of leaving it blank while waiting for entries to come in, Google is currently using blog posts to fill up the void.

According to Google, the algorithm they currently use in determining which blog entries will appear on Sidewiki is the same one they use in ranking user entries. But, in general, Google selects and ranks blog entries based on their relevance to a particular URL. In addition, sites that serve out full text feeds of their stories have greater chances of having their articles/entries displayed on Sidewiki as compared to those that do not. Furthermore, articles that have high user feedback scores are ranked higher than those that have lower scores.

Using Google Sidewiki First, you need to install the Google Toolbar. If you haven't done yet or if yours is an earlier version (one that does not have Sidewiki yet), go to http://www.google.com/sidewiki/intl/en/index.html and click on the button labeled Install Google Toolbar with Sidewiki.

Once you've already installed the toolbar, go to any website and click on the Sidewiki button to see the Sidewiki sidebar and the comments.

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To hide Sidewiki, either click on the Sidewiki button on the toolbar again or the << tab on the Sidewiki sidebar.

To make a comment, click on the Sign in to write an entry link at the bottom of the Sidewiki sidebar.

In the login window that appears, enter your login information and click on the Sign in button.

When you're already logged in, click on the Write an entry link at the bottom of the Sidewiki sidebar.

Enter your entry's title and your comment in the fields provided and click on the Publish button when you're done.

Depending on the number of comments a particular page has, you may or may not see your comment displayed on the Sidewiki sidebar.

Also, due to the Sidewiki comment ranking system, your comment(s) may, over time, either move up the list or move down until it gets knocked off from view. As the author of an entry/comment, you are enabled to edit or delete your comment whenever you deem necessary, even after your comment has already been published.

Additionally, if you have a Google Profile, you will be able to see all the comments you've made on your Google Profile page, under the Sidewiki tab.

Entries on Sidewiki are Indexed As you can in the screenshot below, comments/entries on Sidewiki are indexed by Google.

Clicking on these links will take you to the site/page where a particular comment is made with the Sidewiki sidebar expanded showing the comment you saw on the Google Search result.

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