1 Have Fun and Learn Through Social Media 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039 Grant Agreement number 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039 HOW TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE CLASSROOM E- GUIDE This e-guide was designed by teachers in the 1st meeting of project 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039 named “Have Fun and Learn Through Social Media” on January 15th 2019.

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Have Fun and Learn Through Social Media


Grant Agreement number 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039



This e-guide was designed by teachers in the 1st meeting of project 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039

named “Have Fun and Learn Through Social Media” on January 15th 2019.

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Have Fun and Learn Through Social Media


Grant Agreement number 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039

14-19 Januray 2019 Yalova TURKEY

Thank you for the contributions of all the teachers in the project meeting.

Project Coordinator Muhittin AYCAN


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Grant Agreement number 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039

Index Is Social Media Relevant? Take the Quiz ......................................................................................................... 5

The Social Media Answer ....................................................................................................................... 6

Reasons to Use Social Media ........................................................................................................................... 6

Social Media Technology in the Classroom Helps to Increase Student Knowledge.................................... 7

Improves Communication between Parents, Teachers, and Students ....................................................... 7

Allows Students to Get Help from Others ................................................................................................... 7

Can Encourage Student Participation .......................................................................................................... 8

Has a Variety of Engaging Features ............................................................................................................. 8

The Social Media Myth ................................................................................................................................ 8

Some Ways to Use Social Media In The Classrooms ....................................................................................... 9

Set an Example............................................................................................................................................. 9

Facebook .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Create a classroom community ............................................................................................................. 10

Document class adventures ................................................................................................................... 10

Use Facebook Live to provide additional help....................................................................................... 10

Poll your class ........................................................................................................................................ 11

Keep up with the news .......................................................................................................................... 11

Make announcements and post homework ......................................................................................... 11

Teach digital responsibility .................................................................................................................... 11

Share educational content..................................................................................................................... 11

Post events............................................................................................................................................. 11

Provide links to important documents .................................................................................................. 11

Make global connections ....................................................................................................................... 12

Snapchat .................................................................................................................................................... 12

One-way communication....................................................................................................................... 12

Real-life examples .................................................................................................................................. 12

Become a reporter ................................................................................................................................. 12

Vocabulary exercises ............................................................................................................................. 12

#Booksnaps ............................................................................................................................................ 13

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Grant Agreement number 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039

Instagram ................................................................................................................................................... 13

Class-account ......................................................................................................................................... 13

Student of the Week .............................................................................................................................. 13

Progression ............................................................................................................................................ 13

Hunting game......................................................................................................................................... 13

Build a team ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Twitter........................................................................................................................................................ 14

Engage parents ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 14

Join some of these #hashtags ................................................................................................................ 14

Explore and tweet! ................................................................................................................................ 15

Microreviews ......................................................................................................................................... 15

Keep up with trends............................................................................................................................... 15

Get feedback from students .................................................................................................................. 15

Show off your classroom ....................................................................................................................... 15

Connect with other classes .................................................................................................................... 15

Make Twitter the homework ................................................................................................................. 15

Edit tweets ............................................................................................................................................. 16

YouTube ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

EdTech school ........................................................................................................................................ 16

Literature classes ................................................................................................................................... 16

History archive ....................................................................................................................................... 16

Let the student become the creator...................................................................................................... 16

Mister Einstein ....................................................................................................................................... 16

WhatsApp .................................................................................................................................................. 17

Setting the rules ..................................................................................................................................... 18

Encourage collaboration ........................................................................................................................ 18

Extend learning time .............................................................................................................................. 18

Manage large class sizes ........................................................................................................................ 18

Flip the classroom .................................................................................................................................. 19

Build confidence .................................................................................................................................... 19

Skype .......................................................................................................................................................... 19

Use video conferencing to teach your students .................................................................................... 19

Blog ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

Pinterest ..................................................................................................................................................... 20

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Grant Agreement number 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................... 21

Support Outside of the Classroom ............................................................................................................ 21

Networking ................................................................................................................................................ 22

Parents and Social Media .......................................................................................................................... 22

Don't hesitate ............................................................................................................................................ 23


“How to use social media’’ in the classroom along with

the very popular social media tools (Facebook,

Instagram and Twitter) that our students love to log in

every day.

Social media is a big part of many young people’s

lives. Instead of fighting against social media in our

classrooms and schools, we can come alongside our

students and join them on social media! When we

bring the learning into their court, we make school

more engaging and relevant.

Is Social Media Relevant? Take the Quiz

Before we talk social media, let's talk about the relevance of social media by taking a quiz. Which

of the following is most likely to be true?

☐ Should we teach letter-writing in the classroom? Kids need

to write letters and mail them. But what if they become pen pals

with strangers and share private information with them? What if

their letter gets lost in the mail and the wrong person opens it?

Are we opening up a whole dangerous world to our students once

they mail letters to others? Surely students will send thousands

of letters through the mail in their lifetime.

☐ Should we teach email in the classroom? Kids need to email other people and should know

how to title a subject. But what if they email someone bad? What if they accidentally send it to the

wrong person? What will we do? And are we opening up a whole dangerous world to our students

once they email others? Surely students will send thousands of emails in their lifetime.

☐ Should we teach (dare we say it) social media in the classroom? We mean, they don't have to

learn microblogging on Twitter -- you can do that in Edmodo, right? You can have a private blog

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Grant Agreement number 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039

or put them on Kidblogs or Edublogs instead of letting them post long status updates on Facebook,

right? Are we opening up a whole dangerous world to our students once they are writing online and

posting comments to each other? Surely students will post thousands of status updates, pictures, and

blogs in their lifetime.

The Social Media Answer

☑ There's one form of writing that can arguably get someone fired, hired or forced to

retire faster than any other form of writing.

☑ There's one form that will most likely be read by college admissions offices and teams

of student "stalkers" hired to vet students before they receive scholarships.

☑ There's one form that will prevent some people from running for political office and get

others elected.

One form of writing is that powerful. If you guessed social media, you're right.

Reasons to Use Social Media

Social media technology in the classroom sites like Facebook and Twitter have been a prevalent part

of our society for some time now, and it’s no secret that they are here to stay. While some teachers

may frown upon using social media technology in the classroom, others say that it can actually be

useful for educational purposes. Here are a few reasons why teachers like to use social

media technology in the classroom.

Get Social

You have your unit of study and your lesson plans. Add this one

small piece: everyone– including you– pick a social media service

and follow someone who blogs, tweets, tumbls, scoops, or pins

about the topic. If you work with younger students, you can do this

as a class and use it as an opener each day or week throughout the

unit. Students can write a response to the author, which

incorporates what they learn in class or a summary for class that

can be used as a basis for discussion. You can also form small discussion groups based on platforms

or topics. The goals of this strategy are to introduce students to a variety of social media sites, teach

students how to evaluate social media sources, learn the vocabulary of various social media sites

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(i.e. the term is tweeter not “twitterer”), help students to see social media as a source of information,

and demonstrate the “social” in social media for academic purposes.

Social Media Technology in the Classroom Helps to Increase Student Knowledge

Social media has the ability to increase knowledge in a matter of minutes. By simply scrolling

through your newsfeed, you can get updates on the latest current events and news. You can also

easily search for relevant information by using hashtag #news. The ability to get timely updates is

what makes social media so great. Many teachers have found that using social media sites in the

classroom is an effective and quick way for their students to increase their knowledge about current

events. As long as you set some boundaries, and show your students what it can and cannot be used

for in the classroom, it can be an effective way to increase knowledge.

Improves Communication between Parents, Teachers, and Students

Social media has the ability to keep parents, teachers,

and students on the same page about what’s going on

in the classroom. Teachers can easily post homework

assignments, upcoming project dates, and school event

information to their social media page. Long gone are

the days where you have to sit and wait by the phone

to get a reply. Teachers love social media because you

can easily communicate with parents and students in

an instant. Sites like Facebook and Twitter make it

easy to instantly provide feedback, ask a question,

comment, or private message someone.

Allows Students to Get Help from Others

Social media sites can be useful for students to get help from their peers

or other relevant experts. If a student has a question about their homework

assignment, all they have to do is post their question and ask for help.

Students can also ask an expert by tweeting or posting to a Facebook page.

Social media also gives students the ability to private message the teacher

or post a specific question to the teacher on their wall. When students do

that, other classmates can see the question posted on the wall, and chime

in which is a great way to get the discussion started and get feedback from

one another.

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Can Encourage Student Participation

One of the great things about using social media in education is that it encourages students to

participate, especially for those shy students who don’t like to verbally talk in class. Social media

can help make these types of students more confident in speaking their opinions so that when they

are in the classroom they will feel comfortable sharing their ideas. Social media also makes it quite

easy for students to collaborate with one another. Students can work on school projects or group

assignments from home and easily contact one another via social media to work on their task.

Has a Variety of Engaging Features

Ogni social media ha diverse funzionalità che permettono i loro utenti a

fare cose diverse. Ad esempio, Twitter e Instagram sono noti per l'utilizzo

di hashtag. Quando gli studenti utilizzano questi siti e desiderano cercare

qualcosa di specifico, tutto ciò che devono fare è utilizzare un hashtag.

Ad esempio, se gli studenti stavano lavorando a un progetto su Rosa

Parks, possono utilizzare l'hashtag #Rosaparks per scoprire informazioni

specifiche su di lei. Facebook ha ciò che chiamano "Gruppi" o "Pagine"

a cui puoi unirti per trovare maggiori informazioni per il tuo progetto.

Queste caratteristiche uniche sono ciò che rende i social media così divertenti e coinvolgenti per gli


Se sei ancora sul punto di decidere se vuoi introdurre i social media nella tua classe, allora devi

pensare che la tecnologia è destinata a rimanere e sta a te decidere se vuoi utlizzarla. Finché

imposterai filtri che impediscono agli studenti di pubblicare o guardare volgarità, puoi sfruttare gli

aspetti positivi che i social media hanno da offrire ai tuoi studenti.

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Grant Agreement number 2018-1-TR01-KA229-060039

Il mito dei Social media

The myth about social media in the classroom is that if you use it, kids will be Tweeting,

Facebooking and Snapchatting while you're trying to teach. We still have to focus on the task at

hand. Don't mistake social media for socializing. They're different -- just as kids talking as they

work in groups or talking while hanging out are different.

Some Ways to Use Social Media In The


When you try to think of the favorite activity of today’s students, you’ll most probably come up with

the obvious answer: social media. It seems like students of all ages are obsessed by it. These social

media channels have mesmerizing power, so they can often become great distractions in the

classroom. What most teachers don’t realize is that they can use social media to their advantage.

These platforms have the power to enhance the collaboration and healthy competitive spirit in the


In the continuation, We’ll share some great ways to use social media in the educational processes.

Set an Example

Students learn plenty of new things every single day. However, they rarely get precise instructions

on how to use social media platforms. Thus, they rely on their

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intuition and the examples they see from other users, which don’t always lead them in the right

direction. It’s time to set an example. Explain how social media can help them learn and establish a

great online reputation. Be a great example for them and introduce them to the concept of

responsible digital citizenship.


Facebook is so much more than only a social platform where we connect with old

friends or learn about events next week. Teachers can use Facebook in the classroom

for projects, to communicate, and especially to receive more engagement in the

learning process. We’ll give you some tricks and tips to open up the process:

Create a classroom community

Thanks to Facebook groups, students will share more and dare to ask questions in a more easy way.

You can help them or give the opportunity to students to help each other. Keep in mind: set some

rules in the group, such as:

• What does and what doesn’t belong in the group.

• Make some bounderies that can’t be crossed.

It also allows shy students a way to communicate in a more easy way.

Document class adventures

This generation loves to document every part of their lives; therefore, teachers should take

advantage of the ease of documenting and sharing pictures from class activities such as field trips.

Use Facebook Live to provide additional help

Facebook Live is a new feature that is

immensely useful in the classroom. It is a tool

that allows teachers to record videos which

students may view through live streaming or

later. This is a terrific way to record and share

videos of difficult lessons so that students can

watch and learn after school.

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Poll your class

Use polls as an interactive teaching tool in class. It’s a fun way of getting to know one another. Also

an easy way to measure the opinions of the students, and you show value to their opinions.

Keep up with the news

Thanks to Facebook or using social media in teaching in general, you can keep the students posted

of the latest stories, the chance to follow organisations, companies, politicians. This way you both

keep up with the latest changes.

Make announcements and post homework

Students and tutors alike can post relevant articles or websites if they find some

good resources back home. As a lot of the students will have a Facebook account,

it’s easy to give them access to the given homework. Plus it will be written down

very clear what’s expected of them and when it’s due.

Teach digital responsibility

Teach students some digital citizenship. Give them guidelines for responsible and appropriate

behavior when they are using Facebook. In this case, students have to know how to interact with

friends and strangers on their social profile.

Share educational content

Since Facebook makes it extremely easy to share materials, this is the perfect place to share

educational content. For instance, teachers can share videos and articles from reliable news sources

related to the information they are studying in class.

Post events

Students tend to sync their online calendars with Facebook. Therefore, it is helpful for students when

teachers create events for their classes that will register on their calendars like exam days.

Provide links to important documents Facebook groups also allow the users to upload important files that are only accessible to the group.

If a teacher has material that students need to keep up with all year, Facebook offers great online


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Make global connections

Finally, Facebook is a wonderful way to make global connections with other teachers and students

across the world.


Yes indeed, Snapchat! Students love working with Snapchat. They love sharing their

moments together. Thanks to Snapchat videos and pictures, there’s an easy way to do

that! What a fun way to use Snapchat in your classroom!

One-way communication

Snapchat can be used for one-way communication, for example a classroom/school account can be

used to broadcast content but not receive content from others. This way they can follow your account

without unnecessary reactions of students.

Real-life examples

If you’re e.g. a biology teacher, and you were teaching about a special

animal species which youu accidently ran into while doing a hike, you can

instantly show it to your students thanks to the Snapchat account. And what

about learning through social media for math? Show your students real-life

math hacks you come upon outside the classroom. This way, you prove to

your students that math is actually really useful once they’re out in the real


Become a reporter

Schools or organisations can bring news to the entire community. Report on a musical play

organized by your school. Or just show them live images of a high school football play.

Vocabulary exercises

Yes, I’m saying it! Every tutor has a responsibility to teach vocabulary! By using Snapchat, you can

have students …

• … take pictures of their errors, let them mark it with the “pen” function.

• … share good experiences with one another, since they’re looking for confirmation from

each other.

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Students in any subject can easily take a Snapchat picture of what they’re reading, share their

thoughts about it and send it to others. Yes, also back to you! Which offers a lot more engagement

than standard practices?


There are a lot of people out there loving Instagram and using it every time to

highlight the best moments in their lives! How could it be your favorite social media

platform used in your classroom?


There’s no easier way to share the best class-moments together! By using an Instagram class-

account, you can share the best memories of the time your class took a field trip.

Student of the Week

Every new week you introduce your followers to a

new student, let the student have a ‘bio’ post with

the favorite picture of themself. Don’t forget to

give some guidance, such that the content is



You, as the ‘general manager’ of your class, can

post pictures of students' work during the year

(with your students' permission of course).

Hunting game

Let students use ‘Instagram stories’ to hunt down specific things or types of things in the big, big

world around them. This way, without their knowing, you’ll open up the eyes of the students and let

them see more.

Build a team

Last but not least! Build a staff of students who are willing to manage the account correctly and with

passion. Since not everyone of us is a fan of social media, try to include everyone.

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“From breaking news and entertainment to sports and politics, get the full story with

all the live commentary.” Quoted by Twitter. Isn’t this what we need? News flashes,

entertainment, and so on.

Engage parents

Parents interested in daily classes can follow

you. Your way of tweeting will give them

more of an image about what is happening

in the classroom.


To conclude your class, ask the students to

‘tweet’ about the subject in a short summary.

Let them give opinions about the subject.

You’ll see they’ll open up to


Join some of these #hashtags

Connect easily with other teachers and stay tuned to the latest trends regarding education by

subscribing to the #educhat or #edutech hashtag and participate in the community.

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Explore and tweet!

Nothing more fun for the students than to go out there and explore the things

they learn. Let them tweet about their experiences. This way, family

members can follow their journey and you can see the effort the students put

into the fieldtrip.


Give your students the opportunity to react to certain book assignments, and let them express their

thoughts. Maybe even send tweets to the author? Or summarize a book review with only 280

characters? Open up conversation, and let them become more critical readers. Let them become the

wolves, not the sheep.

Keep up with trends

Teachers and administrators talk on twitter. There are tons of education hashtags you can use to

explore what’s trending at the moment. Get new ideas and share with other professionals.

Get feedback from students

Ask students to tweet you their questions, comments, and more. Keep a running

list of what your students are saying or have questions about. You can address their

thoughts in class or on twitter.

Show off your classroom Live tweeting what’s going on is a fun way to keep parents in the loop. It also allows students to

look back on what you’ve done during the school year.

Connect with other classes

Join your classroom with another via Twitter. Let your students use a classroom twitter handle to

tweet back and forth with another class across the country or the world.

Make Twitter the homework Instead of a boring worksheet, have students tweet about assigned readings. Students can tweet a

summary of a chapter or respond to a question via twitter. The best part is, they can do this

homework from anywhere without pencil and paper.

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Edit tweets

Celebrities aren’t always the best writers, and their tweets are often riddled with grammar and

spelling errors. Have students retweet what their favorite celebs say, minus the errors.


Let’s dive into the world of funny videos and crazy animal clips. There has to be more

to it, right? YouTube offers a dozen ways of using it for educational purposes. Let’s

turn this one-dimensional lesson into an interactive discussion that opens up the

imagination of students:

EdTech school

YouTube has lots of videos specifically created for educational purposes, are often concise and

professional in their style.

Literature classes

Play videos of artists showing their own work. There is no better way of showing the work since the

artists are the ones knowing all about it.

History archive

By using YouTube in the classroom, you can easily use some videos to show the generation of

tomorrow what it used to be. They will get a more proper idea about how people were treated differently an how their lives were unalike now.

Let the student become the creator

If your school offers the opportunity to use cameras or tablets, students can be set an assignment to

write and produce. For example, if you have a marketing class, let them create an advertisment


Mister Einstein

Become the crazy science teacher you’ve always wanted to be! Who cares you haven’t got the means

to create large scale experiments, a lot of crazy peeps already have done it for you! Just search down


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Whatever their attitude towards technology, most teachers are at least somewhat familiar with

WhatsApp and its capabilities. Maybe you, like many other teachers, already use it to stay in touch

with your friends and family. This means that it’s only a small step towards using it as a teaching


Students are also familiar with WhatsApp, with many young people actually preferring this type of

communication to face-to-face interaction. This combination of student and teacher familiarity

makes WhatsApp one of the most accessible apps to use in English language learning classrooms,

as well as potentially one of the most collaborative.

WhatsApp can help to improve students’ oral presentations. First of all, by no means will WhatsApp

take over so many tools, strategies and procedures we use to work on oral skills. WhatsApp

recordings of presentations should be just another tool and it will not cover all aspects of an oral

presentation because there will be no way of measuring body language or visual contact. Therefore,

we can incorporate this tool and combine it with the variety of activities we use to foster oral


What are the advantages of incorporating WhatsApp for students’ oral presentations?

Students are enthusiastic about using it because they get engaged very easily and they enjoy listening

to each other’s presentations in silence and the number of times they need to accomplish the task.

Those students who do not like speaking in class overcome their anxiety by being able to prepare

an audio file on their own and send it to the teacher when they feel comfortable about it.

Throughout the 2017 ELT Teacher Award, we noticed teachers around the world are using

WhatsApp in a variety of different ways to solve problems and encourage their learners. The

following are five ways to use WhatsApp in the ELT classroom – and there are many more!

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Setting the rules

It is essential that students know what the teacher wants them to do, the deadline for the different

tasks they will have to carry out and how they are going to be assessed. We recommend handing

out the project rules and assessment criteria in printed form.

Encourage collaboration

Collaborative tasks can be very productive but also very time-consuming. Encouraging students to

work together in groups outside of class time is a good way of

getting around this, but needs careful organizing to ensure they

work together successfully.

WhatsApp groups are good in this respect because they can be

used to create a closed space that is accessible by everyone at any

time, allowing for easier communication and exchange of

materials. Students are used to communicating with each other in

this medium, and are familiar with the idea of sharing messages

via screenshots or forwarding media. When using WhatsApp

students benefit from having their own personal space, and as a

result don’t feel as lost as they otherwise might in a very large


Extend learning time Teachers often find themselves under pressure to cover a large number of tasks in a very short

amount of lesson time. Iranian teacher Mojtaba Jahanshahi came up with a solution for this by using

WhatsApp to extend his classroom. After noticing his learners needed to practice their productive

skills, but without sufficient time in class to address it, he set up a WhatsApp group with regular

tasks that required students to write or record their speech in English. As a result, he found that his

students became more motivated and started communicating more freely. Using WhatsApp gave

them the opportunity to practice writing and speaking in an environment they were familiar with,

and in ways for which the school timetable had not allowed sufficient time.

Manage large class sizes

Yassir El Hajel Sheikh was the winner of the 2017 Pearson ELT Teacher

Award People’s Choice for Africa and the Middle East. Yassir has a large

class of 50 elementary students, which makes it impossible for all of them to

get the same practice time and feedback in class. To try to get around this

difficulty, Yassir started a WhatsApp group where his students record voice

messages, send them to the group, listen to their peers’ messages, and then comment on them. Yassir

reviews the students’ messages himself, giving feedback to help them deal with frequent errors. He

also uses WhatsApp to record his own audio messages, questions and images. As a result, the

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students in Yassir’s class now have a direct channel to access feedback on their work, as well as a

space to receive personal support from Yassir himself.

Flip the classroom WhatsApp is also a great way to help teachers flip their classrooms. Neusa Pretzel, a teacher in

Brazil, shares links to videos via WhatsApp with her students. The students watch the videos before

class and then ask and answer questions about the videos in their WhatsApp group. In this way,

Neusa uses WhatsApp to flip the traditional teaching model on its head and give her class more

quality teaching time in the classroom. By getting her students to engage with texts as self-study,

important classroom time can be used to discuss the content, work on exercises related to it, or

develop concepts in greater detail. For teachers whose students have very limited time available,

this can be a great way to help them make the most of the time they do have.

Build confidence Mauricio Vidal Gheiler, a teacher in Peru, found out that his shyer students often turned out to be

very active communicators when they used WhatsApp and other social media apps. Furthermore,

the confidence they gained by using WhatsApp started to impact on their classroom activity too! As

many students are comfortable with using social media, this type of communication can help build

their confidence and have a positive effect on their attitude to learning in general.


Use video conferencing to teach your students Skype is not just for use with friends and families. Teachers have been using it to connect their

students with other students across the world, in a way pen pals used to connect to each other. But

you can also use it in a larger group project perspective. Matching classes that are studying the

same subject could bring in a whole other realm to studying history or literature or science. You

can also connect students to people who are working in different fields, so they can ask their

questions and get a real life perspective on what working in that field is like.

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Chances are you give students writing assignments. And chances are, you are the only one who

reads them. Yet we all know that one of the most effective

motivators for strong writing is audience. Have students set up a

blog and write for each other. Make sure that for each assignment

they are required to comment meaningfully on two other blog

posts (or else it’s not social, it’s just “media”). To avoid the

inevitable “great post!”, you should give them criteria for

meaningful feedback. In my school, we have internal WordPress

blogs for every student and teacher that are password protected.

This makes for a great sandbox and portfolio where students can

tag and track their work throughout their school years. At any

time, such as when applying for college, they are able to access

these posts and paste them to public sites to share their best work. There are also free platforms such

as Edublogs that are tailored for teachers and students.

Pinterest Pinterest is a way to visually curate your interests by “pinning” them to a virtual board. Used in a

classroom, these boards can curate any unit of study and multiple users can be given permission to

pin to one user’s board (i.e. for small group or whole class). If students are required to write a brief

analysis of each pin, each board can become a visual annotated bibliography (this could also be

achieved in a non-visual way through a social-bookmarking site such as Diigo) In a geography

class, you could have students pin things they would pack when traveling to an assigned country

(or things they would bring home). In an English class, you could have them pin the imagined

treasures of an assigned character from a novel (such as Jane

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Austen’s Emma), along with the textual support for why they chose that item. Science students

could begin with an inventor and invention then pin all the things that have resulted from it, with a

description of the connection. Finally, students in a language class could pin items in a

vocabulary category and put the word (or word in a sentence) in the description.

Tumblr Tumblr is a micro-blogging platform that is a cross between a blog and twitter. As with all social

media, the key with Tumblr is authenticity and content creation. It is very

easy to create an impressive Tumblr through retumbls but creating a tumblr

that creates new content involves more than regurgitating content that already

exists. A solution to this, which can work well for teachers, is the secondary

vs primary feature. If the teacher creates a primary public blog, then

secondary blogs can be set up as part of the primary account that are password

protected. These secondary blogs are not able to follow other blogs, like

posts, ask questions, or submit to other blogs. This limited use forces students

to seek out content to read and to create content of their own. Tumblr could

be a great way for an Activities Director to manage blogging by club

presidents, an elementary teacher to manage updates about ongoing classroom projects, or a

secondary teacher to assign ongoing updates about topics that the class is following throughout the



Support Outside of the Classroom

Increasingly, students are looking for the ability to access answers and feedback outside of the

classroom. As the use of social media and other internet tools changes the immediacy of this contact

and connection, teachers are able to utilize social media tools to support students outside of the

classroom, and students are also able to gain support from one another.

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One social media tool that can help with this is the

incorporation of a private Facebook page for a class

to utilize outside of school. Teachers are able to post

assignments, answer questions, and provide

additional explanation for any questions students

might have, utilizing after school hours and weekends

to continue to learn. Additionally, students have the

ability to get answers and ideas from one other,

improving and increasing the feedback and

brainstorming that can be so essential in gaining

critical and creative thinking skills.

Another tool that teachers can utilize is the use of a private YouTube channel to share instruction

through video. Taping lectures and posting later to YouTube allows students to reference the

material and explanations at other times during the week, which can be particularly helpful when

working on a math problem or editing an English paper outside of normal classroom hours.


For older students, using networking tools such as LinkedIn can also help to begin to build

connections for job positions and post-secondary endeavors. Students can learn valuable tools for

professional communication skills, building a resume and portfolio, and using research skills to find

relevant materials and information for future careers and degree pursuits. Facebook also provides

lessons in networking and learning about professional communication and impressions on

employers and others.

Parents and Social Media

Another benefit of using social media in classes is the ability

for parents to stay involved and informed through every step of

a student’s education. Parents can get real time updates during

field trips, check homework, review grades, and even get

involved in support through sharing their own experiences and

knowledge with a classroom of students.

As social media continues to be an increasingly prevalent part

of society, particularly for younger generations, the use of these

tools in classrooms is advantageous for preparing for the future

of communication. Social media in the classroom is beneficial

for students and parents in various areas of educational support,

positive communication, and relevant career skill building.

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Don't hesitate

Oops… one more thing! You’ll be the expert on your course, but you probably are not an expert

when it comes to social media. Interact with your students; let them show you the way! YES,

students are happy to teach you something in return. Beware that not every student has a social

media account. Make sure to include all of them.

Resources : 1- https://www.english.com/blog/5-ways-use-whatsapp-elt-classroom/ 2- https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/blogs/loli-iglesias/whatsapp-classroom-foster-

listening-speaking 3- http://www.teachhub.com/technology-classroom-reasons-use-social-media 4- https://www.kidsdiscover.com/teacherresources/how-i-use-social-media-in-my-

classroom/ 5- https://www.edutopia.org/blog/guidebook-social-media-in-classroom-vicki-davis 6- https://www.bookwidgets.com/blog/2018/03/25-lesson-ideas-to-use-social-media-in-

the-classroom 7- https://www.teacherswithapps.com/10-great-ways-to-use-social-media-in-classroom/ 8- https://blog.sewickley.org/9-ways-to-use-social-media-in-your-classroom 9- https://www.theedadvocate.org/22-ways-use-social-media-classroom/ 10- https://www.theedadvocate.org/how-to-use-social-media-in-the-classroom/ 11- https://www.topeducationdegrees.org/faq/how-can-teachers-use-social-media-in-the-


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